Problems On Internal Reconstruction
Problems On Internal Reconstruction
Problems On Internal Reconstruction
Corporate Accounting Notes Compiled by Dr. Y. M. Mithare
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Haribhai V. Desai College. Google Classroom. S.Y.B.Com. 2019-20
Corporate Accounting Notes Compiled by Dr. Y. M. Mithare
The company got the following scheme of capital reduction approved by the
Court :
(1) The preference share to be reduced to Rs. 75 per share fully paid up
and Equity shares to Rs. 40 fully paid up.
(2) The debentureholders took over the stock-in-trade and the Book Debts
in full satisfaction of the amount due to them.
(3) The Goodwill A/c is to be eliminated.
(4) The Freehold Property is to be increased by 30%.
(5) The value of Plant and Machinery to be depreciated by 33 1/3 %
(6) The Expenses of Reconstruction amounted to Rs. 3,000.
Give the journal entries to record the above transactions and prepare
the revised Balance Sheet as on 31.3.2006
[ Oct.,2012, 06]
2|P age
Haribhai V. Desai College. Google Classroom. S.Y.B.Com. 2019-20
Corporate Accounting Notes Compiled by Dr. Y. M. Mithare
3|P age
Haribhai V. Desai College. Google Classroom. S.Y.B.Com. 2019-20
Corporate Accounting Notes Compiled by Dr. Y. M. Mithare
The approval of the court was obtained for the following scheme of
reduction of capital :
(1) The Preference shares to be reduced to Rs. 50 per share.
(2) The Equity shares to be reduced to Rs. 12.50 per share.
(3) The Balance in Capital Reserve A/c should not be utilized.
(4) Plant & Machinery to be written down to Rs. 75,000.
(5) The P&L A/c balance and all intangible assets including
preliminary expenses to be written off.
Pass journal entries in the books of Ajantha Ltd. and give its Balance
Sheet after reconstruction
[Oct.,2011,May 98, May 97]
4|P age
Haribhai V. Desai College. Google Classroom. S.Y.B.Com. 2019-20
Corporate Accounting Notes Compiled by Dr. Y. M. Mithare
Problem 5] Onida Ltd presents you with the following Balance Sheet as on
Give necessary Journal entries in the books of Onida Ltd. and prepare the
revised Bal.Sheet.
[March 2011, Mar.2007 Oct. 1999 & 97 ]
5|P age
Haribhai V. Desai College. Google Classroom. S.Y.B.Com. 2019-20
Corporate Accounting Notes Compiled by Dr. Y. M. Mithare
6|P age
Haribhai V. Desai College. Google Classroom. S.Y.B.Com. 2019-20
Corporate Accounting Notes Compiled by Dr. Y. M. Mithare
Problem 7] The following was the Balance Sheet of Nisarg Ltd. as on 31st
March, 2009 :
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Haribhai V. Desai College. Google Classroom. S.Y.B.Com. 2019-20
Corporate Accounting Notes Compiled by Dr. Y. M. Mithare
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Haribhai V. Desai College. Google Classroom. S.Y.B.Com. 2019-20
Corporate Accounting Notes Compiled by Dr. Y. M. Mithare
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Haribhai V. Desai College. Google Classroom. S.Y.B.Com. 2019-20
Corporate Accounting Notes Compiled by Dr. Y. M. Mithare
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Haribhai V. Desai College. Google Classroom. S.Y.B.Com. 2019-20
Corporate Accounting Notes Compiled by Dr. Y. M. Mithare
11 | P a g e
Haribhai V. Desai College. Google Classroom. S.Y.B.Com. 2019-20
Corporate Accounting Notes Compiled by Dr. Y. M. Mithare
12.5 each. As soon as the above resolution had been passed, 5000 equity
shares were issued at par, for cash , payable in full upon application . the
same were fully subscribed and paid.
You are required :
(i) To pass journal entries to record the above transactions in the books of
(ii) To prepare the Balance Sheet of the company after completion of the
(Oct. 2007)
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Haribhai V. Desai College. Google Classroom. S.Y.B.Com. 2019-20
Corporate Accounting Notes Compiled by Dr. Y. M. Mithare
Problem 11] Vanita Ltd. presents you the following Balance Sheet as on
31.3.2005 :
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Haribhai V. Desai College. Google Classroom. S.Y.B.Com. 2019-20
Corporate Accounting Notes Compiled by Dr. Y. M. Mithare
Problem 12] The Balance Sheet of Manish Ltd. as on 31 st March, 2005 was
as follows :
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Haribhai V. Desai College. Google Classroom. S.Y.B.Com. 2019-20
Corporate Accounting Notes Compiled by Dr. Y. M. Mithare
15 | P a g e
Haribhai V. Desai College. Google Classroom. S.Y.B.Com. 2019-20
Corporate Accounting Notes Compiled by Dr. Y. M. Mithare
10,000 6% Cumulative Preference Shares of 1,00,000
Rs. 10 each
16,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each 1,60,000
Share Premium Account 30,000
Goodwill 10,000
Patents and Trade Marks 21,000
Freehold Property at cost 70,000
Depreciation thereon 14,000
Plant and Machinery at cost 1,40,000
Depreciation thereon 30,000
Stock on 31 March, 2002 24,000
Debtors 15,000
Profit and Loss A/c (Dr.) 55,000
Preliminary Expenses 25,000
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Haribhai V. Desai College. Google Classroom. S.Y.B.Com. 2019-20
Corporate Accounting Notes Compiled by Dr. Y. M. Mithare
Problem 15] The following is the Balance sheet of A Ltd. as on 31st March
The company is not getting well due to heavy losses and the following
scheme of reconstruction was accepted by all :
1) Each equity share shall be sub-divided into equity shares of Rs. 10
2) After sub-division each equity shareholder will surrender 50% of his
3) Debentureholders total claim be reduced to Rs. 1,80,000 and this
would be satisfied by issuing them the shares surrendered.
4) The claim of the Sundry Creditors shall be reduced by 20%
5) Out of the balance available, the company decided to write off
goodwill, profit and loss account and Patents completely and Plant and
Machinery by Rs. 2,25,000
6) Shares surrendered and not reissued shall be cancelled.
Pass necessary Journal Entries.
[March 2000 ]
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Haribhai V. Desai College. Google Classroom. S.Y.B.Com. 2019-20
Corporate Accounting Notes Compiled by Dr. Y. M. Mithare
Problem 16) The Balance Sheet of Popular Co. Ltd. as on 31st Dec.1998
was as follows :
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Haribhai V. Desai College. Google Classroom. S.Y.B.Com. 2019-20
Corporate Accounting Notes Compiled by Dr. Y. M. Mithare
Problem 17] The Balance Sheet of Kolhapur Industries Ltd., on 31st Dec. 98
was as follows
The Company got the following scheme of capital reduction approved by the
court :-
i) The Preference shares to be reduced to Rs.75 per share, fully paid-up
and the Equity Shares to Rs. 37.50.
ii) The Debenture holders took over the stock in trade and the book
debts in full satisfaction of the amount due to them.
iii) The Goodwill Account to be eliminated.
iv) Freehold Properties to be depreciated by 50%.
v) The value of the Plant and Machinery to be increased by Rs.50,000.
Give Journal Entries.
19 | P a g e
Haribhai V. Desai College. Google Classroom. S.Y.B.Com. 2019-20
Corporate Accounting Notes Compiled by Dr. Y. M. Mithare
Problem 18] The Balance Sheet of Vishal Ltd., on 31st Mar.1995 was as
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Haribhai V. Desai College. Google Classroom. S.Y.B.Com. 2019-20
Corporate Accounting Notes Compiled by Dr. Y. M. Mithare
21 | P a g e
Haribhai V. Desai College. Google Classroom. S.Y.B.Com. 2019-20
Corporate Accounting Notes Compiled by Dr. Y. M. Mithare
The reconstruction expenses were Rs. 2,250. The available fund from
the scheme is to be utilised in writing off P & L A/c. Reconstruction Exp.&
writing down Goodwill.
Pass journal entries & prepare Revised Balance sheet. ( April
1984 )
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Haribhai V. Desai College. Google Classroom. S.Y.B.Com. 2019-20
Corporate Accounting Notes Compiled by Dr. Y. M. Mithare
23 | P a g e
Haribhai V. Desai College. Google Classroom. S.Y.B.Com. 2019-20
Corporate Accounting Notes Compiled by Dr. Y. M. Mithare
Problem 20] The following is the Balance sheet of X Ltd. as on 31-12- 94.
Balance Sheet of X. Ltd.
Owing to heavy losses, the Co. decided to reduce its capital the following
scheme was sanctioned.
1) Eq. Shares to be reduced to Rs.5 each fully paid.
2) Pref. Share to be reduced to Rs. 50 each but credited with Rs. 25.
3) S. Creditors agreed to waived 10% of their claim.
4) Share Premium should be utilised for the purpose.
5) The amount so made available should be used to write off all intangible
assets and then 20% from Plant & Machinery 15% off Land & Building, 20%
Fixture & Fitting and balance to reduce patent
6) A call of Rs. 25 per share to be made on Pref. Shares & bank overdraft
should be paid off. Call money was received in full with the exception of Rs.
5,000 which was outstanding.
Pass necessary entries & prepare revised Balance Sheet.
( October 1983 )
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