Performance and Evaluation

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Name at least four (4) characteristics of an ideal Performance Management System

= Thoroughness, Practicality, Meaningfulness and Strategic congruence.

A stage in the Performance Management Process which involves meeting between employees
and the manager

= Performance Review

As Performance Evaluation focuses on employee evaluation, Performance Management centers

on employee______.


Six (6) Factors Reshaping Organizations Today (SHRM Conference, 2015)

=Workforce, Globalization, Increased Competition, Agility/Pace, Collaboration, Macro Economic


A researcher who has created a model to talk about how an individual responds to a
performance conversation

=David Rock

It is defined as benchmarks against which performance is measured

= Performance Standards

The process used to ensure an organization connects its vision/mission to the work of its

=Performance Management

Quiz 2

Five (5) steps to a Performance Evaluation system

=Set guidelines for feedback , Identify performance measures,Set an evaluation schedule

Create disciplinary and termination procedures , Develop an evaluation form

Performance objectives provide employers with an opportunity to assess their employees’

contributions to the organization.

Evaluations should be conducted fairly, consistently and subjectively to protect the employees
and the organization’s practice.


In handling termination procedures, the employee should be validated as a person, perhaps by

giving a negative slant to the employee’s potential in the job market


Developing standard performance measures can be one of the more time-consuming parts of
creating a performance evaluation system.


A performance evaluation system can motivate staff to do their best for themselves and the
practice by promoting staff recognition and improving communication.

= True

Name at least two (2) components of a standard written warning form

= a. A description of the behavior or problem that includes objective findings

c. The support the employer will provide for improvement


Question text

Performance expectations should go beyond the job description and entail a range of expected

= False

By promoting recognition of staff and improving communication, a performance evaluation

system can motivate staff to do their best for themselves and practice.

= True

The information collected by a Performance management system is most frequently used for
identification of employee strengths and weaknesses.

= True

Two important prerequisites before PM system are knowledge of the organization mission and
strategic goals and knowledge of the job which is done through job description.

An iterative process of goal-setting, communication, observation, and evaluation to support,
retain and develop exceptional employees for organizational success

These are defined as benchmarks against which performance is measured

A stage in the Performance Management Process wherein the manager uses the insights and
information gained from other phases to reset performance goals for employees.

Written disciplinary and termination procedures should outline the actions that will be taken
when employee performance deteriorates.


A performance evaluation is a part of performance management.


Five (5) job performance areas that should be included in a performance evaluation form of
most staff positions

=Quality of work , Job knowledge and skills, Quantity of work, Attitude , Work habits.

The primary goals of a performance evaluation system are to provide an equitable measurement
of an employee’s communication to the workforce.


As pointed out by Edie Goldberg during the SHRM Conference 2015, for documentation to occur
employees need to personally commit to the goals that they are trying to achieve.

= False

The meeting between the employees and the manager during the Performance Review stage is

The meeting between the employees and the manager during the Performance Review stage is

=Performance Review, Performance Renewal and Re-contracting,Performance Assessment,

Performance Execution,Performance Planning,Performance Appraisal.
Performance evaluation forms being used should focus only on the essential job performance

= True

Discussions happen when salary increases are awarded or performance problems emerge.

= True

Performance Management forms are designed to evaluate performance and plan for employee


Performance Assessment helps the organization to use the information obtained in a productive
manner for the future requirements.


At the Performance Planning stage, ongoing performance feedback and coaching must be


The method used to ensure that a company relates its vision / mission to its staff's work.

Five (5) steps for a system of performance evaluation

Identify performance measures,Create disciplinary and termination procedures, Set guidelines

for feedback,Set an evaluation schedule.Develop an evaluation form

One of the purposes of Performance Management system is that it facilitates Marketing



A researcher who developed a model to explore how a person reacts to a conversation about

Performance management is a partnership between an employee and his/her supervisor to

optimize performance.


The employee should be validated as a person in the handling of termination procedures,

perhaps by giving a negative slant to the potential of the employee in the job market.


One of the more time-consuming parts of creating a performance evaluation system can be the
development of standard performance measures.

= True

It is known as a benchmark for measuring performance.

Four (4) most influential bodies of research and innovation that are impacting Performance
Management today

=Goal Setting Theory, Social Technologies,Neuroscience, Mindsets

One way to ensure consistency in developing an evaluation form is to use a varied evaluation
form for each evaluation.


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