Hakim Bey - TAZ
Hakim Bey - TAZ
Hakim Bey - TAZ
T. A. Z.
The Temporary Autonomous Zone, Ontological Anarchy, Poetic
Hakim Bey
Autonomedia Anti-copyright, 1985, 1991. May be freely pirated & quoted-- the author & publisher, however, would like to be
informed at:
P. O. Box 568
Williamsburgh Station
Brooklyn, NY 11211-0568
Book design & typesetting: Dave Mandl
This HTML version is based heavily on an original conversion by Mike Morrison, with minor corrections and compilation into one
single file done by Marius Watz
Printed in the United States of America
● Chaos
● Poetic Terrorism
● Amour Fou
● Wild Children
● Paganism
● Art Sabotage
● The Assassins
● Pyrotechnics
● Chaos Myths
● Pornography
● Crime
● Sorcery
● Advertisement
● Communique #1:
❍ I. Slogans & Mottos for Subway Graffiti & Other Purposes
❍ II. Some Poetic-Terrorist Ideas Still Sadly Languishing in the Realm of "Conceptual Art,"
● Communique #2: The Kallikak Memorial Bolo & Chaos Ashram: A Proposal
● Communique #3: Haymarket Issue
● Communique #4: The End of the World
● Pirate Utopias
● Waiting for the Revolution
● The Psychotopology of Everyday Life
● The Net and the Web
● "Gone to Croatan"
● Music as an Organizational Principle
● The Will To Power as Disappearance
● Ratholes in the Babylon of Information
CHAOS: THE BROADSHEETS OF ONTOLOGICAL ANARCHISM was first published in 1985 by Grim Reaper Press of
Weehawken, New Jersey; a later re-issue was published in Providence, Rhode Island, and this edition was pirated in Boulder,
Colorado. Another edition was released by Verlag Golem of Providence in 1990, and pirated in Santa Cruz, California, by We Press.
"The Temporary Autonomous Zone" was performed at the Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics in Boulder, and on
WBAI-FM in New York City, in 1990.
CHAOS NEVER DIED. Primordial uncarved block, sole worshipful monster, inert & spontaneous, more ultraviolet than any
mythology (like the shadows before Babylon), the original undifferentiated oneness-of-being still radiates serene as the black
pennants of Assassins, random & perpetually intoxicated.
Chaos comes before all principles of order & entropy, it's neither a god nor a maggot, its idiotic desires encompass & define every
possible choreography, all meaningless aethers & phlogistons: its masks are crystallizations of its own facelessness, like clouds.
Everything in nature is perfectly real including consciousness, there's absolutely nothing to worry about. Not only have the chains of
the Law been broken, they never existed; demons never guarded the stars, the Empire never got started, Eros never grew a beard.
No, listen, what happened was this: they lied to you, sold you ideas of good & evil, gave you distrust of your body & shame for your
prophethood of chaos, invented words of disgust for your molecular love, mesmerized you with inattention, bored you with
civilization & all its usurious emotions.
There is no becoming, no revolution, no struggle, no path; already you're the monarch of your own skin--your inviolable freedom
waits to be completed only by the love of other monarchs: a politics of dream, urgent as the blueness of sky.
To shed all the illusory rights & hesitations of history demands the economy of some legendary Stone Age--shamans not priests,
bards not lords, hunters not police, gatherers of paleolithic laziness, gentle as blood, going naked for a sign or painted as birds, poised
on the wave of explicit presence, the clockless nowever.
Agents of chaos cast burning glances at anything or anyone capable of bearing witness to their condition, their fever of lux et
voluptas. I am awake only in what I love & desire to the point of terror--everything else is just shrouded furniture, quotidian
anaesthesia, shit-for-brains, sub-reptilian ennui of totalitarian regimes, banal censorship & useless pain.
Avatars of chaos act as spies, saboteurs, criminals of amour fou, neither selfless nor selfish, accessible as children, mannered as
barbarians, chafed with obsessions, unemployed, sensually deranged, wolfangels, mirrors for contemplation, eyes like flowers,
pirates of all signs & meanings.
Here we are crawling the cracks between walls of church state school & factory, all the paranoid monoliths. Cut off from the tribe by
feral nostalgia we tunnel after lost words, imaginary bombs.
The last possible deed is that which defines perception itself, an invisible golden cord that connects us: illegal dancing in the
courthouse corridors. If I were to kiss you here they'd call it an act of terrorism--so let's take our pistols to bed & wake up the city at
midnight like drunken bandits celebrating with a fusillade, the message of the taste of chaos.
Poetic Terrorism
WEIRD DANCING IN ALL-NIGHT computer-banking lobbies. Unauthorized pyrotechnic displays. Land-art, earth-works as bizarre
alien artifacts strewn in State Parks. Burglarize houses but instead of stealing, leave Poetic-Terrorist objects. Kidnap someone &
make them happy. Pick someone at random & convince them they're the heir to an enormous, useless & amazing fortune--say 5000
square miles of Antarctica, or an aging circus elephant, or an orphanage in Bombay, or a collection of alchemical mss. Later they will
come to realize that for a few moments they believed in something extraordinary, & will perhaps be driven as a result to seek out
some more intense mode of existence.
Bolt up brass commemorative plaques in places (public or private) where you have experienced a revelation or had a particularly
fulfilling sexual experience, etc.
Go naked for a sign.
Organize a strike in your school or workplace on the grounds that it does not satisfy your need for indolence & spiritual beauty.
Grafitti-art loaned some grace to ugly subways & rigid public momuments--PT-art can also be created for public places: poems
scrawled in courthouse lavatories, small fetishes abandoned in parks & restaurants, xerox-art under windshield-wipers of parked cars,
Big Character Slogans pasted on playground walls, anonymous letters mailed to random or chosen recipients (mail fraud), pirate
radio transmissions, wet cement...
The audience reaction or aesthetic-shock produced by PT ought to be at least as strong as the emotion of terror-- powerful disgust,
sexual arousal, superstitious awe, sudden intuitive breakthrough, dada-esque angst--no matter whether the PT is aimed at one person
or many, no matter whether it is "signed" or anonymous, if it does not change someone's life (aside from the artist) it fails.
PT is an act in a Theater of Cruelty which has no stage, no rows of seats, no tickets & no walls. In order to work at all, PT must
categorically be divorced from all conventional structures for art consumption (galleries, publications, media). Even the guerilla
Situationist tactics of street theater are perhaps too well known & expected now.
An exquisite seduction carried out not only in the cause of mutual satisfaction but also as a conscious act in a deliberately beautiful
life--may be the ultimate PT. The PTerrorist behaves like a confidence-trickster whose aim is not money but CHANGE.
Don't do PT for other artists, do it for people who will not realize (at least for a few moments) that what you have done is art. Avoid
recognizable art-categories, avoid politics, don't stick around to argue, don't be sentimental; be ruthless, take risks, vandalize only
what must be defaced, do something children will remember all their lives--but don't be spontaneous unless the PT Muse has
possessed you.
Dress up. Leave a false name. Be legendary. The best PT is against the law, but don't get caught. Art as crime; crime as art.
Amour Fou
AMOUR FOU IS NOT a Social Democracy, it is not a Parliament of Two. The minutes of its secret meetings deal with meanings too
enormous but too precise for prose. Not this, not that--its Book of Emblems trembles in your hand.
Naturally it shits on schoolmasters & police, but it sneers at liberationists & ideologues as well--it is not a clean well-lit room. A
topological charlatan laid out its corridors & abandoned parks, its ambush-decor of luminous black & membranous maniacal red.
Each of us owns half the map--like two renaissance potentates we define a new culture with our anathematized mingling of bodies,
merging of liquids--the Imaginal seams of our City-state blur in our sweat.
Ontological anarchism never came back from its last fishing trip. So long as no one squeals to the FBI, CHAOS cares nothing for the
future of civilization. Amour fou breeds only by accident--its primary goal is ingestion of the Galaxy. A conspiracy of transmutation.
Its only concern for the Family lies in the possibility of incest ("Grow your own!" "Every human a Pharoah!")--O most sincere of
readers, my semblance, my brother/sister!--& in the masturbation of a child it finds concealed (like a japanese-paper-flower-pill) the
image of the crumbling of the State.
Words belong to those who use them only till someone else steals them back. The Surrealists disgraced themselves by selling amour
fou to the ghost-machine of Abstraction--they sought in their unconsciousness only power over others, & in this they followed de
Sade (who wanted "freedom" only for grown-up whitemen to eviscerate women & children).
Amour fou is saturated with its own aesthetic, it fills itself to the borders of itself with the trajectories of its own gestures, it runs on
angels' clocks, it is not a fit fate for commissars & shopkeepers. Its ego evaporates in the mutability of desire, its communal spirit
withers in the selfishness of obsession.
Amour fou involves non-ordinary sexuality the way sorcery demands non-ordinary consciousness. The anglo-saxon post- Protestant
world channels all its suppressed sensuality into advertising & splits itself into clashing mobs: hysterical prudes vs promiscuous
clones & former-ex-singles. AF doesn't want to join anyone's army, it takes no part in the Gender Wars, it is bored by equal
opportunity employment (in fact it refuses to work for a living), it doesn't complain, doesn't explain, never votes & never pays taxes.
AF would like to see every bastard ("lovechild") come to term & birthed--AF thrives on anti-entropic devices--AF loves to be
molested by children--AF is better than prayer, better than sinsemilla--AF takes its own palmtrees & moon wherever it goes. AF
admires tropicalismo, sabotage, break- dancing, Layla & Majnun, the smells of gunpowder & sperm.
AF is always illegal, whether it's disguised as a marriage or a boyscout troop--always drunk, whether on the wine of its own
secretions or the smoke of its own polymorphous virtues. It is not the derangement of the senses but rather their apotheosis--not the
result of freedom but rather its precondition. Lux et voluptas.
Wild Children
THE FULL MOON'S UNFATHOMABLE light-path--mid-May midnight in some State that starts with "I," so two-dimensional it
can scarcely be said to possess any geography at all--the beams so urgent & tangible you must draw the shades in order to think in
No question of writing to Wild Children. They think in images--prose is for them a code not yet fully digested & ossified, just as for
us never fully trusted.
You may write about them, so that others who have lost the silver chain may follow. Or write for them, making of STORY &
EMBLEM a process of seduction into your own paleolithic memories, a barbaric enticement to liberty (chaos as CHAOS understands
For this otherworld species or "third sex," les enfants sauvages, fancy & Imagination are still undifferentiated. Unbridled PLAY: at
one & the same time the source of our Art & of all the race's rarest eros.
To embrace disorder both as wellspring of style & voluptuous storehouse, a fundamental of our alien & occult civilization, our
conspiratorial esthetic, our lunatic espionage--this is the action (let's face it) either of an artist of some sort, or of a ten- or
Children whose clarified senses betray them into a brilliant sorcery of beautiful pleasure reflect something feral & smutty in the
nature of reality itself: natural ontological anarchists, angels of chaos--their gestures & body odors broadcast around them a jungle of
presence, a forest of prescience complete with snakes, ninja weapons, turtles, futuristic shamanism, incredible mess, piss, ghosts,
sunlight, jerking off, birds' nests & eggs--gleeful aggression against the groan-ups of those Lower Planes so powerless to englobe
either destructive epiphanies or creation in the form of antics fragile but sharp enough to slice moonlight.
And yet the denizens of these inferior jerkwater dimensions truly believe they control the destinies of Wild Children--& down here,
such vicious beliefs actually sculpt most of the substance of happenstance.
The only ones who actually wish to share the mischievous destiny of those savage runaways or minor guerillas rather than dictate it,
the only ones who can understand that cherishing & unleashing are the same act--these are mostly artists, anarchists, perverts,
heretics, a band apart (as much from each other as from the world) or able to meet only as wild children might, locking gazes across a
dinnertable while adults gibber from behind their masks.
Too young for Harley choppers--flunk-outs, break-dancers, scarcely pubescent poets of flat lost railroad towns--a million sparks
falling from the skyrockets of Rimbaud & Mowgli--slender terrorists whose gaudy bombs are compacted of polymorphous love &
the precious shards of popular culture--punk gunslingers dreaming of piercing their ears, animist bicyclists gliding in the pewter dusk
through Welfare streets of accidental flowers--out-of-season gypsy skinny-dippers, smiling sideways-glancing thieves of power-
totems, small change & panther-bladed knives--we sense them everywhere--we publish this offer to trade the corruption of our own
lux et gaudium for their perfect gentle filth.
So get this: our realization, our liberation depends on theirs--not because we ape the Family, those "misers of love" who hold
hostages for a banal future, nor the State which schools us all to sink beneath the event-horizon of a tedious "usefulness"--no--but
because we & they, the wild ones, are images of each other, linked & bordered by that silver chain which defines the pale of
sensuality, transgression & vision.
We share the same enemies & our means of triumphant escape are also the same: a delirious & obsessive play, powered by the
spectral brilliance of the wolves & their children.
CONSTELLATIONS BY WHICH TO steer the barque of the soul. "If the moslem understood Islam he would become an idol-
worshipper."--Mahmud Shabestari Eleggua, ugly opener of doors with a hook in his head & cowrie shells for eyes, black santeria
cigar & glass of rum- -same as Ganesh, elephant-head fat boy of Beginnings who rides a mouse. The organ which senses the
numinous atrophies with the senses. Those who cannot feel baraka cannot know the caress of the world.
Hermes Poimandres taught the animation of eidolons, the magic in-dwelling of icons by spirits--but those who cannot perform this
rite on themselves & on the whole palpable fabric of material being will inherit only blues, rubbish, decay.
The pagan body becomes a Court of Angels who all perceive this place--this very grove--as paradise ("If there is a paradise, surely it
is here!"--inscription on a Mughal garden gate)..
But ontological anarchism is too paleolithic for eschatology- -things are real, sorcery works, bush-spirits one with the Imagination,
death an unpleasant vagueness--the plot of Ovid's Metamorphoses--an epic of mutability. The personal mythscape.
Paganism has not yet invented laws--only virtues. No priestcraft, no theology or metaphysics or morality--but a universal shamanism
in which no one attains real humanity without a vision.
Food money sex sleep sun sand & sinsemilla--love truth peace freedom & justice. Beauty. Dionysus the drunk boy on a panther--rank
adolescent sweat--Pan goatman slogs through the solid earth up to his waist as if it were the sea, his skin crusted with moss &
lichen--Eros multiplies himself into a dozen pastoral naked Iowa farm boys with muddy feet & pond-scum on their thighs.
Raven, the potlatch trickster, sometimes a boy, old woman, bird who stole the Moon, pine needles floating on a pond, Heckle/Jeckle
totempole-head, chorus-line of crows with silver eyes dancing on the woodpile--same as Semar the hunchback albino hermaphrodite
shadow-puppet patron of the Javanese revolution.
Yemaya, bluestar sea-goddess & patroness of queers--same as Tara, bluegrey aspect of Kali, necklace of skulls, dancing on Shiva's
stiff lingam, licking monsoon clouds with her yard-long tongue--same as Loro Kidul, jasper-green Javanese sea-goddess who
bestows the power of invulnerability on sultans by tantrik intercourse in magic towers & caves.
>From one point of view ontological anarchism is extremely bare, stripped of all qualities & possessions, poor as CHAOS itself--but
from another point of view it pullulates with baroqueness like the Fucking-Temples of Kathmandu or an alchemical emblem book--it
sprawls on its divan eating loukoum & entertaining heretical notions, one hand inside its baggy trousers.
The hulls of its pirate ships are lacquered black, the lateen sails are red, black banners with the device of a winged hourglass.
A South China Sea of the mind, off a jungle-flat coast of palms, rotten gold temples to unknown bestiary gods, island after island, the
breeze like wet yellow silk on naked skin, navigating by pantheistic stars, hierophany on hierophany, light upon light against the
luminous & chaotic dark.
Art Sabotage
ART SABOTAGE STRIVES TO be perfectly exemplary but at the same time retain an element of opacity--not propaganda but
aesthetic shock--apallingly direct yet also subtly angled-- action-as-metaphor.
Art Sabotage is the dark side of Poetic Terrorism--creation- through-destruction--but it cannot serve any Party, nor any nihilism, nor
even art itself. Just as the banishment of illusion enhances awareness, so the demolition of aesthetic blight sweetens the air of the
world of discourse, of the Other. Art Sabotage serves only consciousness, attentiveness, awakeness.
A-S goes beyond paranoia, beyond deconstruction--the ultimate criticism--physical attack on offensive art-- aesthetic jihad. The
slightest taint of petty ego-icity or even of personal taste spoils its purity & vitiates its force. A-S can never seek power--only release
Individual artworks (even the worst) are largely irrelevant- -A-S seeks to damage institutions which use art to diminish consciousness
& profit by delusion. This or that poet or painter cannot be condemned for lack of vision--but malign Ideas can be assaulted through
The Assassins
ACROSS THE LUSTER OF the desert & into the polychrome hills, hairless & ochre violet dun & umber, at the top of a dessicate
blue valley travelers find an artificial oasis, a fortified castle in saracenic style enclosing a hidden garden.
As guests of the Old Man of the Mountain Hassan-i Sabbah they climb rock-cut steps to the castle. Here the Day of Resurrection has
already come & gone--those within live outside profane Time, which they hold at bay with daggers & poisons.
Behind crenellations & slit-windowed towers scholars & fedayeen wake in narrow monolithic cells. Star-maps, astrolabes, alembics
& retorts, piles of open books in a shaft of morning sunlight--an unsheathed scimitar.
Each of those who enter the realm of the Imam-of-one's-own- being becomes a sultan of inverted revelation, a monarch of abrogation
& apostasy. In a central chamber scalloped with light and hung with tapestried arabesques they lean on bolsters & smoke long
chibouks of haschisch scented with opium & amber.
For them the hierarchy of being has compacted to a dimensionless punctum of the real--for them the chains of Law have been
broken--they end their fasting with wine. For them the outside of everything is its inside, its true face shines through direct. But the
garden gates are camouflaged with terrorism, mirrors, rumors of assassination, trompe l'oeil, legends.
Pomegranate, mulberry, persimmon, the erotic melancholy of cypresses, membrane-pink shirazi roses, braziers of meccan aloes &
benzoin, stiff shafts of ottoman tulips, carpets spread like make-believe gardens on actual lawns--a pavilion set with a mosaic of
calligrammes--a willow, a stream with watercress--a fountain crystalled underneath with geometry-- the metaphysical scandal of
bathing odalisques, of wet brown cupbearers hide-&-seeking in the foliage--"water, greenery, beautiful faces."
By night Hassan-i Sabbah like a civilized wolf in a turban stretches out on a parapet above the garden & glares at the sky, conning
the asterisms of heresy in the mindless cool desert air. True, in this myth some aspirant disciples may be ordered to fling themselves
off the ramparts into the black--but also true that some of them will learn to fly like sorcerers.
The emblem of Alamut holds in the mind, a mandals or magic circle lost to history but embedded or imprinted in consciousness. The
Old Man flits like a ghost into tents of kings & bedrooms of theologians, past all locks & guards with forgotten moslem/ninja
techniques, leaves behind bad dreams, stilettos on pillows, puissant bribes.
The attar of his propaganda seeps into the criminal dreams of ontological anarchism, the heraldry of our obsessions displays the
luminous black outlaw banners of the Assassins...all of them pretenders to the throne of an Imaginal Egypt, an occult space/light
continuum consumed by still-unimagined liberties.
INVENTED BY THE CHINESE but never developed for war--a fine example of Poetic Terrorism--a weapon used to trigger
aesthetic shock rather than kill--the Chinese hated war & used to go into mourning when armies were raised--gunpowder more useful
to frighten malign demons, delight children, fill the air with brave & risky-smelling haze.
Class C Thunder Bombs from Kwantung, bottlerockets, butterflies, M-80's, sunflowers, "A Forest In Springtime"-- revolution
weather--light your cigarette from the sizzling fuse of a Haymarket-black bomb--imagine the air full of lamiae & succubi, oppressive
spirits, police-ghosts. Call some kid with a smouldering punk or kitchen match-- shaman-apostle of summer gunpowder plots--shatter
the heavy night with pinched stars & pumped stars, arsenic & antimony, sodium & calomel, a blitz of magnesium & shrill picrate of
Spur-fire (lampblack & saltpetre) portfire & iron filings-- attack your local bank or ugly church with roman candles & purple-gold
skyrockets, impromptu & anonymous (perhaps launch from back of pick-up truck..)
Build frame-lattice lancework set-pieces on the roofs of insurance buildings or schools--a kundalini-snake or Chaos- dragon coiled
barium-green against a background of sodium- oxalate yellow--Don't Tread On Me--or copulating monsters shooting wads of
jizm-fire at a Baptists old folks home.
Cloud-sculpture, smoke sculpture & flags = Air Art. Earthworks. Fountains = Water Art. And Fireworks. Don't perform with
Rockefeller grants & police permits for audiences of culture-lovers. Evanescent incendiary mind-bombs, scary mandalas flaring up
on smug suburban nights, alien green thunderheads of emotional plague blasted by orgone-blue vajra-rays of lasered feux d'artifice.
Comets that explode with the odor of hashish & radioactive charcoal--swampghouls & will-o'-the-wisps haunting public parks--fake
St. Elmo's fire flickering over the architecture of the bourgeoisie--strings of lady-fingers falling on the Legislature
floor--salamander-elementals attack well-known moral reformers.
Blazing shellac, sugar of milk, strontium, pitch, gum water, gerbs of chinese fire--for a few moments the air is ozone- sharp--drifting
opal cloud of pungent dragon/phoenix smoke. For an instant the Empire falls, its princes & governors flee to their stygian muck,
plumes of sulphur from elf- flamethrowers burning their pinched asses as they retreat. The Assassin-child, psyche of fire, holds sway
for one brief dogstar-hot night.
Chaos Myths
Unseen Chaos (po-te-kitea)
Unpossessed, Unpassing
Chaos of utter darkness
Untouched & untouchable
--Maori Chant
Chaos perches on a sky-mountain: a huge bird like a yellow bag or red fireball, with six feet & four wings--has no face but dances &
Or Chaos is a black longhaired dog, blind & deaf, lacking the five viscera.
Chaos the Abyss comes first, then Earth/Gaia, then Desire/Eros. From these three proceed two pairs--Erebus & old Night, Aether &
Daylight. Neither Being nor Non-being
neither air nor earth nor space:
what was enclosed? where? under whose protection?
What was water, deep, unfathomable?
Neither death nor immortality, day nor night--
but ONE breathed by itself with no wind.
Nothing else. Darkness swathed in darkness,
unmanifest water.
The ONE, hidden by void,
felt the generation of heat, came into being
as Desire, first seed of Mind...
Was there an up or down?
There were casters of seed, there were powers:
energy underneath, impulse above.
But who knows for sure?
--Rg Veda
Tiamat the Chaos-Ocean slowly drops from her womb Silt & Slime, the Horizons, Sky and watery Wisdom. These offspring grow
noisy & bumptious--she considers their destruction.
But Marduk the wargod of Babylon rises in rebellion against the Old Hag & her Chaos-monsters, chthonic totems--Worm, Female
Ogre, Great Lion, Mad Dog, Scorpion Man, Howling Storm--dragons wearing their glory like gods--& Tiamat herself a great
Marduk accuses her of causing sons to rebel against fathers- -she loves Mist & Cloud, principles of disorder. Marduk will be the first
to rule, to invent government. In battle he slays Tiamat & from her body orders the material universe. He inaugurates the Babylonian
Empire--then from gibbets & bloody entrails of Tiamat's incestuous son he creates the human race to serve forever the comfort of
gods--& their high priests & anointed kings.
Father Zeus & the Olympians wage war against Mother Gaia & the Titans, those partisans of Chaos, the old ways of hunting &
gathering, of aimless wandering, androgyny & the license of beasts.
Amon-Ra (Being) sits alone in the primordial Chaos-Ocean of NUN creating all the other gods by jerking off--but Chaos also
manifests as the dragon Apophis whom Ra must destroy (along with his state of glory, his shadow & his magic) in order that the
Pharoah may safely rule--a victory ritually re-created daily in Imperial temples to confound the enemies of the State, of cosmic
Chaos is Hun Tun, Emperor of the Center. One day the South Sea, Emperor Shu, & the North Sea, Emperor Hu (shu hu = lightning)
paid a visit to Hun Tun, who always treated them well. Wishing to repay his kindness they said, "All beings have seven orifices for
seeing, hearing, eating, shitting, etc.--but poor old Hun Tun has none! Let's drill some into him!" So they did--one orifice a day--till
on the seventh day, Chaos died.
But...Chaos is also an enormous chicken's egg. Inside it P'an-Ku is born & grows for 18,000 years--at last the egg opens up, splits
into sky & earth, yang & yin. Now P'an-Ku grows into a column that holds up the universe--or else he becomes the universe
(breath-->wind, eyes-->sun & moon, blood & humors-->rivers & seas, hair & lashes-->stars & planets, sperm-->pearls,
marrow-->jade, his fleas-->human beings, etc.)
Or else he becomes the man/monster Yellow Emperor. Or else he becomes Lao Tzu, prophet of Tao. In fact, poor old Hun Tun is the
Tao itself.
"Nature's music has no existence outside things. The various apertures, pipes, flutes, all living beings together make up
nature. The "I" cannot produce things & things cannot produce the "I," which is self-existent. Things are what they are
spontaneously, not caused by something else. Everything is natural & does not know why it is so. The 10,000 things
have 10,000 different states, all in motion as if there were a True Lord to move them--but if we search for evidence of
this Lord we fail to find any." (Kuo Hsiang)
Every realized consciousness is an "emperor" whose sole form of rule is to do nothing to disturb the spontaneity of nature, the Tao.
The "sage" is not Chaos itself, but rather a loyal child of Chaos--one of P'an-Ku's fleas, a fragment of flesh of Tiamat's monstrous
son. "Heaven and Earth," says Chuang Tzu, "were born at the same time I was, & the 10,000 things are one with me."
Ontological Anarchism tends to disagree only with the Taoists' total quietism. In our world Chaos has been overthrown by younger
gods, moralists, phallocrats, banker- priests, fit lords for serfs. If rebellion proves impossible then at least a kind of clandestine
spiritual jihad might be launched. Let it follow the war-banners of the anarchist black dragon, Tiamat, Hun Tun.
Chaos never died.
IN PERSIA I SAW that poetry is meant to be set to music & chanted or sung--for one reason alone--because it works.
A right combination of image & tune plunges the audience into a hal (something between emotional/aesthetic mood & trance of
hyperawareness), outbursts of weeping, fits of dancing--measurable physical response to art. For us the link between poetry & body
died with the bardic era--we read under the influence of a cartesian anaesthetic gas.
In N. India even non-musical recitation provokes noise & motion, each good couplet applauded, "Wa! Wa!" with elegant hand-jive,
tossing of rupees--whereas we listen to poetry like some SciFi brain in a jar--at best a wry chuckle or grimace, vestige of simian
rictus--the rest of the body off on some other planet.
In the East poets are sometimes thrown in prison--a sort of compliment, since it suggests the author has done something at least as
JUSTICE CANNOT BE OBTAINED under any Law--action in accord with spontaneous nature, action which is just, cannot be
defined by dogma. The crimes advocated in these broadsheets cannot be committed against self or other but only against the mordant
crystallization of Ideas into structures of poisonous Thrones & Dominations.
That is, not crimes against nature or humanity but crimes by legal fiat. Sooner or later the uncovering & unveiling of self/nature
transmogrifies a person into a brigand--like stepping into another world then returning to this one to discover you've been declared a
traitor, heretic, exile. The Law waits for you to stumble on a mode of being, a soul different from the FDA-approved purple-stamped
standard dead meat--& as soon as you begin to act in harmony with nature the Law garottes & strangles you--so don't play the
blessed liberal middleclass martyr--accept the fact that you're a criminal & be prepared to act like one.
Paradox: to embrace Chaos is not to slide toward entropy but to emerge into an energy like stars, a pattern of instantaneous grace--a
spontaneous organic order completely different from the carrion pyramids of sultans, muftis, cadis & grinning executioners.
After Chaos comes Eros--the principle of order implicit in the nothingness of the unqualified One. Love is structure, system, the only
code untainted by slavery & drugged sleep. We must become crooks & con-men to protect its spiritual beauty in a bezel of
clandestinity, a hidden garden of espionage.
Don't just survive while waiting for someone's revolution to clear your head, don't sign up for the armies of anorexia or bulimia--act
as if you were already free, calculate the odds, step out, remember the Code Duello--Smoke Pot/Eat Chicken/Drink Tea. Every man
his own vine & figtree (Circle Seven Koran, Noble Drew Ali)--carry your Moorish passport with pride, don't get caught in the
crossfire, keep your back covered--but take the risk, dance before you calcify.
THE UNIVERSE WANTS TO PLAY. Those who refuse out of dry spiritual greed & choose pure contemplation forfeit their
humanity--those who refuse out of dull anguish, those who hesitate, lose their chance at divinity--those who mold themselves blind
masks of Ideas & thrash around seeking some proof of their own solidity end by seeing out of dead men's eyes.
Sorcery: the systematic cultivation of enhanced consciousness or non-ordinary awareness & its deployment in the world of deeds &
objects to bring about desired results.
The incremental openings of perception gradually banish the false selves, our cacophonous ghosts--the "black magic" of envy &
vendetta backfires because Desire cannot be forced. Where our knowledge of beauty harmonizes with the ludus naturae, sorcery
No, not spoon-bending or horoscopy, not the Golden Dawn or make-believe shamanism, astral projection or the Satanic Mass--if it's
mumbo jumbo you want go for the real stuff, banking, politics, social science--not that weak blavatskian crap.
Sorcery works at creating around itself a psychic/physical space or openings into a space of untrammeled expression-- the
metamorphosis of quotidian place into angelic sphere. This involves the manipulation of symbols (which are also things) & of people
(who are also symbolic)--the archetypes supply a vocabulary for this process & therefore are treated as if they were both real &
unreal, like words. Imaginal Yoga.
The sorcerer is a Simple Realist: the world is real--but then so must consciousness be real since its effects are so tangible. The dullard
finds even wine tasteless but the sorcerer can be intoxicated by the mere sight of water. Quality of perception defines the world of
intoxication--but to sustain it & expand it to include others demands activity of a certain kind--sorcery. Sorcery breaks no law of
nature because there is no Natural Law, only the spontaneity of natura naturans, the tao. Sorcery violates laws which seek to chain
this flow-- priests, kings, hierophants, mystics, scientists & shopkeepers all brand the sorcerer enemy for threatening the power of
their charade, the tensile strength of their illusory web.
A poem can act as a spell & vice versa--but sorcery refuses to be a metaphor for mere literature--it insists that symbols must cause
events as well as private epiphanies. It is not a critique but a re-making. It rejects all eschatology & metaphysics of removal, all
bleary nostalgia & strident futurismo, in favor of a paroxysm or seizure of presence.
Incense & crystal, dagger & sword, wand, robes, rum, cigars, candles, herbs like dried dreams--the virgin boy staring into a bowl of
ink--wine & ganja, meat, yantras & gestures-- rituals of pleasure, the garden of houris & sakis--the sorcerer climbs these snakes &
ladders to a moment which is fully saturated with its own color, where mountains are mountains & trees are trees, where the body
becomes all time, the beloved all space.
The tactics of ontological anarchism are rooted in this secret Art--the goals of ontological anarchism appear in its flowering. Chaos
hexes its enemies & rewards its devotees...this strange yellowing pamphlet, pseudonymous & dust-stained, reveals all...send away for
one split second of eternity.
WHAT THIS TELLS YOU is not prose. It may be pinned to the board but it's still alive & wriggling. It does not want to seduce you
unless you're extremely young & good-looking (enclose recent photo).
Hakim Bey lives in a seedy Chinese hotel where the proprietor nods out over newspaper & scratchy broadcasts of Peking Opera. The
ceiling fan turns like a sluggish dervish- -sweat falls on the page--the poet's kaftan is rusty, his ovals spill ash on the rug--his
monologues seem disjointed & slightly sinister--outside shuttered windows the barrio fades into palmtrees, the naive blue ocean, the
philosophy of tropicalismo.
II. Some Poetic-Terrorist Ideas Still Sadly Languishing in the Realm of "Conceptual Art"
1. Walk into Citibank or Chembank computer customer service area during busy period, take a shit on the floor, & leave.
2. Chicago May Day '86: organize "religious" procession for Haymarket "Martyrs"--huge banners with sentimental portraits,
wreathed in flowers & streaming with tinsel & ribbon, borne by penitenti in black KKKatholic-style hooded gowns--outrageous
campy TV acolytes with incense & holy water sprinkle the crowd--anarchists w/ash-smeared faces beat themselves with little flails &
whips--a "Pope" in black robes blesses tiny symbolic coffins reverently carried to Cemetery by weeping punks. Such a spectacle
ought to offend nearly everyone.
3. Paste up in public places a xerox flyer, photo of a beautiful twelve-year-old boy, naked and masturbating, clearly titled: THE
4. Mail elaborate & exquisite magickal "blessings" anonymously to people or groups you admire, e.g. for their politics or spirituality
or physical beauty or success in crime, etc. Follow the same general procedure as outlined in Section 5 below, but utilize an aesthetic
of good fortune, bliss or love, as appropriate.
5. Invoke a terrible curse on a malign institution, such as the New York Post or the MUZAK company. A technique adapted from
Malaysian sorcerers: send the Company a package containing a bottle, corked and sealed with black wax. Inside: dead insects,
scorpions, lizards or the like; a bag containing graveyard dirt ("gris-gris" in American HooDoo terminology) along with other
noxious substances; an egg, pierced with iron nails and pins; and a scroll on which an emblem is drawn (see p. 57).
(This yantra or veve invokes the Black Djinn, the Self's dark shadow. Full details obtainable from the A.O.A.) An accompanying
note explains that the hex is sent against the institution & not against individuals--but unless the institution itself ceases to be malign,
the curse (like a mirror) will begin to infect the premises with noxious fortune, a miasma of negativity. Prepare a "news release"
explaining the curse & taking credit for it in the name of the American Poetry Society. Mail copies of this text to all employees of the
institution & to selected media. The night before these letters arrive, wheatpaste the institutional premises with xerox copies of the
Black Djinn's emblem, where they will be seen by all employees arriving for work next morning.
(Thanx to Abu Jehad again, & to Sri Anamananda--the Moorish Castellan of Belvedere Weather Tower--& other comrades of the
Central Park Autonomous Zone, & Brooklyn Temple Number 1)
The Kallikak Memorial Bolo & Chaos Ashram: A Proposal
NURSING AN OBSESSION FOR Airstream trailers--those classic miniature dirigibles on wheels--& also the New Jersey Pine
Barrens, huge lost backlands of sandy creeks & tar pines, cranberry bogs & ghost towns, population around 14 per sq. mile, dirt roads
overgrown with fern, brokenspine cabins & isolated rusty mobile homes with burnt-out cars in the front yards
land of the mythical Kallikaks--Piney families studied by eugenicists in the 1920's to justify sterilization of rural poor. Some
Kallikaks married well, prospered, & waxed bourgeois thanx to good genes--others however never worked real jobs but lived off the
woods--incest, sodomy, mental deficiencies galore--photos touched up to make them look vacant & morose--descended from rogue
Indians, Hessian mercenaries, rum smugglers, deserters--Lovecraftian degenerates
come to think of it the Kallikaks might well have produced secret Chaotes, precursor sex radicals, Zerowork prophets. Like other
monotone landscapes (desert, sea, swamp), the Barrens seem infused with erotic power--not vril or orgone so much as a languid
disorder, almost a sluttishness of Nature, as if the very ground & water were formed of sexual flesh, membranes, spongy erectile
tissue. We want to squat there, maybe an abandoned hunting/fishing lodge with old woodstove & privy--or decaying Vacation Cabins
on some disused County Highway--or just a woodlot where we park 2 or 3 Airstreams hidden back in the pines near creek or
swimming hole. Were the Kallikaks onto something good? We'll find out
somewhere boys dream that extraterrestrials will come to rescue them from their families, perhaps vaporizing the parents with some
alien ray in the process. Oh well. Space Pirate Kidnap Plot Uncovered--"Alien" Unmasked As Shiite Fanatic Queer Poet--UFOs Seen
Over Pine Barrens--"Lost Boys Will Leave Earth," Claims So-Called Prophet Of Chaos Hakim Bey
runaway boys, mess & disorder, ecstasy & sloth, skinny- dipping, childhood as permanent insurrection--collections of frogs, snails,
leaves--pissing in the moonlight--11, 12, 13--old enough to seize back control of one's own history from parents, school, Welfare,
TV--Come live with us in the Barrens--we'll cultivate a local brand of seedless rope to finance our luxuries & contemplation of
summer's alchemy--& otherwise produce nothing but artifacts of Poetic Terrorism & mementos of our pleasures
going for aimless rides in the old pickup, fishing & gathering, lying around in the shade reading comics & eating grapes--this is our
economy. The suchness of things when unchained from the Law, each molecule an orchid, each atom a pearl to the attentive
consciousness--this is our cult. The Airstream is draped with Persian rugs, the lawn is profuse with satisfied weeds
the treehouse becomes a wooden spaceship in the nakedness of July & midnight, half-open to the stars, warm with epicurean sweat,
rushed & then hushed by the breathing of the Pines. (Dear Bolo Log: You asked for a practical & feasible utopia--here it is, no mere
post-holocaust fantasy, no castles on the moon of Jupiter--a scheme we could start up tomorrow--except that every single aspect of it
breaks some law, reveals some absolute taboo in U.S. society, threatens the very fabric of etc., etc. Too bad. This is our true desire, &
to attain it we must contemplate not only a life of pure art but also pure crime, pure insurrection. Amen.)
(Thanx to the Grim Reaper & other members of the Si Fan Temple of Providence for YALU, GANO, SILA, & ideas)
Haymarket Issue
"I NEED ONLY MENTION in passing that there is a curious reappearance of the Catfish tradition in the popular
Godzilla cycle of films which arose after the nuclear chaos unleashed upon Japan. In fact, the symbolic details in the
evolution of Godzilla filmic poplore parallel in a quite surprising way the traditional Japanese and Chinese mythological
and folkloric themes of combat with an ambivalent chaos creature (some of the films, like Mothra, directly recalling the
ancient motifs of the cosmic egg/gourd/cocoon) that is usually tamed, after the failure of the civilizational order, through
the special and indirect agency of children."--Girardot, Myth & Meaning in Early Taoism: The Theme of Chaos (hun-
In some old Moorish Science Temple (in Chicago or Baltimore) a friend claimed to have seen a secret altar on which rested a
matched pair of six shooters (in velvet-lined case) & a black fez. Supposedly initiation to the inner circle required the neophyte Moor
to assassinate at least one cop. /// What about Louis Lingg? Was he a precursor of Ontological Anarchism? "I despise you"--one can't
help but admiring such sentiments. But the man dynamited himself aged 22 to cheat the gallows...this is not exactly our chosen path.
/// The IDEA of the POLICE like hydra grows 100 new heads for each one cut off--and all these heads are live cops. Slicing off heads
gains us nothing, but only enhances the beast's power till it swallows us. /// First murder the IDEA--blow up the monument inside
us--& then perhaps...the balance of power will shift. When the last cop in our brain is gunned down by the last unfulfilled desire--
perhaps even the landscape around us will begin to change.../// Poetic Terrorism proposes this sabotage of archetypes as the only
practical insurrectionary tactic for the present. But as Shiite Extremists eager for the overthrow (by any means) of all police,
ayatollahs, bankers, executioners, priests, etc., we reserve the option of venerating even the "failures" of radical excess. /// A few
days unchained from the Empire of Lies might well be worth considerable sacrifice; a moment of exalted realization may outweigh a
lifetime of microcephalic boredom & work. /// But this moment must become ours--and our ownership of it is seriously compromised
if we must commit suicide to preserve its integrity. So we mix our veneration with irony--it's not martyrdom itself we propose, but
the courage of the dynamiter, the self-possession of a Chaos-monster, the attainment of criminal & illegal pleasures.
The End of the World
THE A.O.A. DECLARES ITSELF officially bored with the End of the World. The canonical version has been used since 1945 to
keep us cowering in fear of Mutual Assured Destruction & in snivelling servitude to our super-hero politicians (the only ones capable
of handling deadly Green Kryptonite)...
What does it mean that we have invented a way to destroy all life on Earth? Nothing much. We have dreamed this as an escape from
the contemplation of our own individual deaths. We have made an emblem to serve as the mirror-image of a discarded immortality.
Like demented dictators we swoon at the thought of taking it all down with us into the Abyss.
The unofficial version of the Apocalypse involves a lascivious yearning for the End, & for a post-Holocaust Eden where the
Survivalists (or the 144,000 Elect of Revelations) can indulge themselves in orgies of Dualist hysteria, endless final confrontations
with a seductive evil...
We have seen the ghost of Rene Guenon, cadaverous & topped with a fez (like Boris Karloff as Ardis Bey in The Mummy) leading a
funereal No Wave Industrial-Noise rock band in loud buzzing blackfly-chants for the death of Culture & Cosmos: the elitist fetishism
of pathetic nihilists, the Gnostic self-disgust of "post-sexual" intellectoids.
Are these dreary ballads not simply mirror-images of all those lies & platitudes about Progress & the Future, beamed from every
loudspeaker, zapped like paranoid brain-waves from every schoolbook & TV in the world of the Consensus? The thanatosis of the
Hip Millenarians extrudes itself like pus from the false health of the Consumers' & Workers' Paradises.
Anyone who can read history with both hemispheres of the brain knows that a world comes to an end every instant--the waves of
time leave washed up behind themselves only dry memories of a closed & petrified past--imperfect memory, itself already dying &
autumnal. And every instant also gives birth to a world--despite the cavillings of philosophers & scientists whose bodies have grown
numb--a present in which all impossibilities are renewed, where regret & premonition fade to nothing in one presential
hologrammatical psychomantric gesture.
The "normative" past or the future heat-death of the universe mean as little to us as last year's GNP or the withering away of the
State. All Ideal pasts, all futures which have not yet come to pass, simply obstruct our consciousness of total vivid presence.
Certain sects believe that the world (or "a" world) has already come to an end. For Jehovah's Witnesses it happened in 1914 (yes
folks, we are living in the Book of Revelations now). For certain oriental occultists, it occurred during the Major Conjunction of the
Planets in 1962. Joachim of Fiore proclaimed the Third Age, that of the Holy Spirit, which replaced those of Father & Son. Hassan II
of Alamut proclaimed the Great Resurrection, the immanentization of the eschaton, paradise on earth. Profane time came to an end
somewhere in the late Middle Ages. Since then we've been living angelic time--only most of us don't know it.
Or to take an even more Radical Monist stance: Time never started at all. Chaos never died. The Empire was never founded. We are
not now & never have been slaves to the past or hostages to the future.
We suggest that the End of the World be declared a fait accompli; the exact date is unimportant. The ranters in 1650 knew that the
Millenium comes now into each soul that wakes to itself, to its own centrality & divinity. "Rejoice, fellow creature," was their
greeting. "All is ours!"
I want no part of any other End of the World. A boy smiles at me in the street. A black crow sits in a pink magnolia tree, cawing as
orgone accumulates & discharges in a split second over the city...summer begins. I may be your lover...but I spit on your Millenium.
"Intellectual S/M Is the Fascism of the Eighties--The Avant-Garde Eats Shit and Likes It"
Recently some confusion about "Chaos" has plagued the A.O.A. from certain revanchist quarters, forcing us (who despise polemics)
at last to indulge in a Plenary Session devoted to denunciations ex cathedra, portentous as hell; our faces burn red with rhetoric, spit
flies from our lips, neck veins bulge with pulpit fervor. We must at last descend to flying banners with angry slogans (in 1930's type
faces) declaring what Ontological Anarchy is not.
Remember, only in Classical Physics does Chaos have anything to do with entropy, heat-death, or decay. In our physics (Chaos
Theory), Chaos identifies with tao, beyond both yin- as-entropy & yang-as-energy, more a principle of continual creation than of any
nihil, void in the sense of potentia, not exhaustion. (Chaos as the "sum of all orders.")
From this alchemy we quintessentialize an aesthetic theory. Chaote art may act terrifying, it may even act grand guignol, but it can
never allow itself to be drenched in putrid negativity, thanatosis, schadenfreude (delight in the misery of others), crooning over Nazi
memorabilia & serial murders. Ontological Anarchy collects no snuff films & is bored to tears with dominatrices who spout french
philosophy. ("Everything is hopeless & I knew it before you did, asshole. Nyahh!")
Wilhelm Reich was driven half mad & killed by agents of the Emotional Plague; maybe half his work derived from sheer paranoia
(UFO conspiracies, homophobia, even his orgasm theory), BUT on one point we agree wholeheartedly--sexpol: sexual repression
breeds death obsession, which leads to bad politics. A great deal of avant-garde Art is saturated with Deadly Orgone Rays (DOR).
Ontological Anarchy aims to build aesthetic cloud-busters (OR-guns) to disperse the miasma of cerebral sado-masochism which now
passes for slick, hip, new, fashionable. Self-mutilating "performance" artists strike us as banal & stupid--their art makes everyone
more unhappy. What kind of two-bit conniving horseshit...what kind of cockroach-brained Art creeps cooked up this apocalypse
Of course the avant-garde seems "smart"--so did Marinetti & the Futurists, so did Pound & Celine. Compared to that kind of
intelligence we'd choose real stupidity, bucolic New Age blissed-out inanity--we'd rather be pinheads than queer for death. But
luckily we don't have to scoop out our brains to attain our own queer brand of satori. All the faculties, all the senses belong to us as
our property--both heart & head, intellect & spirit, body & soul. Ours is no art of mutilation but of excess, superabundance,
The purveyors of pointless gloom are the Death Squads of contemporary aesthetics--& we are the "disappeared ones." Their
I. Salon Apocalypse: "Secret Theater"
AS LONG AS NO Stalin breathes down our necks, why not make some art in the service of...an insurrection?
Never mind if it's "impossible." What else can we hope to attain but the "impossible"? Should we wait for someone else to reveal our
true desires?
If art has died, or the audience has withered away, then we find ourselves free of two dead weights. Potentially, everyone is now
some kind of artist--& potentially every audience has regained its innocence, its ability to become the art that it experiences.
Provided we can escape from the museums we carry around inside us, provided we can stop selling ourselves tickets to the galleries
in our own skulls, we can begin to contemplate an art which re-creates the goal of the sorcerer: changing the structure of reality by
the manipulation of living symbols (in this case, the images we've been "given" by the organizers of this salon--murder, war, famine,
& greed).
We might now contemplate aesthetic actions which possess some of the resonance of terrorism (or "cruelty," as Artaud put it) aimed
at the destruction of abstractions rather than people, at liberation rather than power, pleasure rather than profit, joy rather than fear.
"Poetic Terrorism." Our chosen images have the potency of darkness--but all images are masks, & behind these masks lie energies
we can turn toward light & pleasure.
For example, the man who invented aikido was a samurai who became a pacifist & refused to fight for Japanese imperialism. He
became a hermit, lived on a mountain sitting under a tree..
One day a former fellow-officer came to visit him & accused him of betrayal, cowardice, etc. The hermit said nothing, but kept on
sitting--& the officer fell into a rage, drew his sword, & struck. Spontaneously the unarmed master disarmed the officer & returned
II. Murder--War--Famine--Greed
THE MANICHEES & CATHARS believed that the body can be spiritualized--or rather, that the body merely contaminates pure
spirit & must be utterly rejected. The Gnostic perfecti (radical dualists) starved themselves to death to escape the body & return to the
pleroma of pure light. So: to evade the evils of the flesh--murder, war, famine, greed--paradoxically only one path remains: murder of
one's own body, war on the flesh, famine unto death, greed for salvation.
The radical monists however (Ismailis, Ranters, Antinomians) consider that body & spirit are one, that the same spirit which
pervades a black stone also infuses the flesh with its light; that all lives & all is life.
"Things are what they are spontaneously...everything is natural...all in motion as if there were a True Lord to move
them--but if we seek for evidence of this lord we fail to find any." (Kuo Hsiang)
Paradoxically, the monist path also cannot be followed without some sort of "murder, war, famine, greed": the transformation of
death into life (food, negentropy)--war against the Empire of Lies--"fasting of the soul," or renunciation of the Lie, of all that is not
life--& greed for life itself, the absolute power of desire.
Even more: without knowledge of the darkness ("carnal knowledge") there can exist no knowledge of the light ("gnosis"). The two
knowledges are not merely complementary: say rather identical, like the same note played in different octaves. Heraclitus claims that
reality persists in a state of "war." Only clashing notes can make harmony. ("Chaos is the sum of all orders.") Give each of these four
terms a different mask of language (to call the Furies "The Kindly Ones" is not mere euphemism but a way of uncovering yet more
meaning). Masked, ritualized, realized as art, the terms take on their dark beauty, their "Black Light."
Instead of murder say the hunt, the pure paleolithic economy of all archaic and non-authoritarian tribal society--"venery," both the
killing & eating of flesh & the way of Venus, of desire. Instead of war say insurrection, not the revolution of classes & powers but of
the eternal rebel, the dark one who uncovers light. Instead of greed say yearning, unconquerable desire, mad love. And then instead
of famine, which is a kind of mutilation, speak of wholeness, plenty, superabundance, generosity of the self which spirals outward
toward the Other.
Without this dance of masks, nothing will be created. The oldest mythology makes Eros the firstborn of Chaos. Eros, the wild one
who tames, is the door through which the artist returns to Chaos, the One, and then re-returns, comes back again, bearing one of the
patterns of beauty. The artist, the hunter, the warrior: one who is both passionate and balanced, both greedy & altruistic to the utmost
extreme. We must be saved from all salvations which save us from ourselves, from our animal which is also our anima, our very
lifeforce, as well as our animus, our animating self-empowerment, which may even manifest as anger & greed. BABYLON has told
us that our flesh is filth--with this device & the promise of salvation it enslaved us. But--if the flesh is already "saved," already
light--if even consciousness itself is a kind of flesh, a palpable & simultaneous living aether--then we need no power to intercede for
us. The wilderness, as Omar says, is paradise even now.
The true proprietorship of murder lies with the Empire, for only freedom is complete life. War is Babylonian as well--no free person
will die for another's aggrandizement. Famine comes into existence only with the civilization of the saviors, the priest-kings--wasn't
it Joseph who taught Pharaoh to speculate in grain futures? Greed--for land, for symbolic wealth, for power to deform others' souls &
bodies for their own salvation--greed too arises not from "Nature nature-ing," but from the damming up & canalization of all energies
for the Empire's Glory. Against all this, the artist possesses the dance of masks, the total radicalization of language, the invention of a
"Poetic Terrorism" which will strike not at living beings but at malign ideas, dead-weights on the coffin-lid of our desires. The
Psychic Paleolithism & High Technology: A Position Paper
JUST BECAUSE THE A.O.A. talks about "Paleolithism" all the time, don't get the idea we intend to bomb ourselves back to the
Stone Age.
We have no interest in going "back to the land" if the deal includes the boring life of a shit-kicking peasant--nor do we want
"tribalism" if it comes with taboos, fetishes & malnutrition. We have no quarrel with the concept of culture--including technology;
for us the problem begins with civilization.
What we like about Paleolithic life has been summed up by the Peoples-Without-Authority School of anthropology: the elegant
laziness of hunter/gatherer society, the 2-hour workday, the obsession with art, dance, poetry & amorousness, the "democratization of
shamanism," the cultivation of perception--in short, culture.
What we dislike about civilization can be deduced from the following progression: the "Agricultural Revolution"; the emergence of
caste; the City & its cult of hieratic control ("Babylon"); slavery; dogma; imperialism ("Rome"). The suppression of sexuality in
"work" under the aegis of "authority." "The Empire never ended."
A psychic paleolithism based on High-Tech--post- agricultural, post-industrial, "Zerowork," nomadic (or "Rootless
Cosmopolitan")--a Quantum Paradigm Society--this constitutes the ideal vision of the future according to Chaos Theory as well as
"Futurology" (in the Robert Anton Wilson-T. Leary sense of the term).
As for the present: we reject all collaboration with the Civilization of Anorexia & Bulimia, with people so ashamed of never
suffering that they invent hair shirts for themselves & others--or those who gorge without compassion & then spew the vomit of their
suppressed guilt in great masochistic bouts of jogging & dieting. All our pleasures & self-disciplines belong to us by Nature--we
never deny ourselves, we never give up anything; but some things have given up on us & left us, because we are too large for them. I
am both caveman & starfaring mutant, con-man & free prince. Once an Indian Chief was invited to the White House for a banquet.
As the food passed round, the Chief heaped his plate to the max, not once but three times. At last the honky sitting next to him says,
"Chief, heh-heh, don't you think that's a little too much?" "Ugh," the Chief replies, "little too much just right for Chief!"
Nevertheless, certain doctrines of "Futurology" remain problematic. For example, even if we accept the liberatory potential of such
new technologies as TV, computers, robotics, Space exploration, etc., we still see a gap between potentiality & actualization. The
banalization of TV, the yuppification of computers & the militarization of Space suggest that these technologies in themselves
provide no "determined" guarantee of their liberatory use.
Even if we reject the Nuclear Holocaust as just another Spectacular Diversion orchestrated to distract our attention from real
problems, we must still admit that "Mutual Assured Destruction" & "Pure War" tend to dampen our enthusiasm for certain aspects of
the High-Tech Adventure. Ontological Anarchy retains its affection for Luddism as a tactic: if a given technology, no matter how
admirable in potentia (in the future), is used to oppress me here & now, then I must either wield the weapon of sabotage or else seize
the means of production (or perhaps more importantly the means of communication). There is no humanity without techne--but there
is no techne worth more than my humanity.
We spurn knee-jerk anti-Tech anarchism--for ourselves, at least (there exist some who enjoy farming, or so one hears)--and we reject
the concept of the Technological Fix as well. For us all forms of determinism appear equally vapid--we're slaves of neither our genes
nor our machines. What is "natural" is what we imagine & create. "Nature has no Laws--only habits."
Life for us belongs neither to the Past--that land of famous ghosts hoarding their tarnished grave- goods--nor to the Future, whose
bulbbrained mutant citizens guard so jealously the secrets of immortality, faster-than- light flight, designer genes & the withering of
the State. Aut nunc aut nihil. Each moment contains an eternity to be penetrated--yet we lose ourselves in visions seen through
corpses' eyes, or in nostalgia for unborn perfections.
The attainments of my ancestors & descendants are nothing more to me than an instructive or amusing tale--I will never call them my
betters, even to excuse my own smallness. I print for myself a license to steal from them whatever I need--psychic paleolithism or
high-tech--or for that matter the gorgeous detritus of civilization itself, secrets of the Hidden Masters, pleasures of frivolous nobility
& la vie boheme.
La decadence, Nietzsche to the contrary notwithstanding, plays as deep a role in Ontological Anarchy as health--we take what we
want of each. Decadent aesthetes do not wage stupid wars nor submerge their consciousness in microcephalic greed & resentment.
They seek adventure in artistic innovation & non-ordinary sexuality rather than in the misery of others. The A.O.A. admires &
emulates their sloth, their disdain for the stupidity of normalcy, their expropriation of aristocratic sensibilities. For us these qualities
harmonize paradoxically with those of the Old Stone Age & its overflowing health, ignorance of hierarchy, cultivation of virtu rather
than Law. We demand decadence without sickness, & health without boredom!
Thus the A.O.A. gives unqualified support to all indigenous & tribal peoples in their struggle for complete autonomy--& at the same
time, to the wildest, most Spaced-out speculations & demands of the Futurologists. The paleolithism of the future (which for us, as
mutants, already exists) will be achieved on a grand scale only through a massive technology of the Imagination, and a scientific
paradigm which reaches beyond Quantum Mechanics into the realm of Chaos Theory & the hallucinations of Speculative Fiction.
As Rootless Cosmopolitans we lay claim to all the beauties of the past, of the orient, of tribal societies--all this must & can be ours,
even the treasuries of the Empire: ours to share. And at the same time we demand a technology which transcends agriculture,
industry, even the simultaneity of electricity, a hardware that intersects with the wetware of consciousness, that embraces the power
of quarks, of particles travelling backward in time, of quasars & parallel universes.
The squabbling ideologues of anarchism & libertarianism each prescribe some utopia congenial to their various brands of
tunnel-vision, ranging from the peasant commune to the L-5 Space City. We say, let a thousand flowers bloom--with no gardener to
lop off weeds & sports according to some moralizing or eugenical scheme. The only true conflict is that between the authority of the
tyrant & the authority of the realized self--all else is illusion, psychological projection, wasted verbiage.
In one sense the sons & daughters of Gaia have never left the paleolithic; in another sense, all the perfections of the future are already
ours. Only insurrection will "solve" this paradox--only the uprising against false consciousness in both ourselves & others will sweep
away the technology of oppression & the poverty of the Spectacle. In this battle a painted mask or shaman's rattle may prove as vital
as the seizing of a communications satellite or secret computer network.
Our sole criterion for judging a weapon or a tool is its beauty. The means already are the end, in a certain sense; the insurrection
already is our adventure; Becoming IS Being. Past & future exist within us & for us, alpha & omega. There are no other gods before
or after us. We are free in TIME--and will be free in SPACE as well.
(Thanx to Hagbard Celine the Sage of Howth & Environs)
Chaos Theory & the Nuclear Family
SUNDAY IN RIVERSIDE PARK the Fathers fix their sons in place, nailing them magically to the grass with baleful ensorcelling
stares of milky camaraderie, & force them to throw baseballs back & forth for hours. The boys almost appear to be small St
Sebastians pierced by arrows of boredom.
The smug rituals of family fun turn each humid Summer meadow into a Theme Park, each son an unwitting allegory of Father's
wealth, a pale representation 2 or 3 times removed from reality: the Child as metaphor of Something-or-other.
And here I come as dusk gathers, stoned on mushroom dust, half convinced that these hundreds of fireflies arise from my own
consciousness--Where have they been all these years? why so many so suddenly?--each rising in the moment of its incandescence,
describing quick arcs like abstract graphs of the energy in sperm.
"Families! misers of love! How I hate them!" Baseballs fly aimlessly in vesper light, catches are missed, voices rise in peevish
exhaustion. The children feel sunset encrusting the last few hours of doled-out freedom, but still the Fathers insist on stretching the
tepid postlude of their patriarchal sacrifice till dinnertime, till shadows eat the grass.
Among these sons of the gentry one locks gazes with me for a moment--I transmit telepathically the image of sweet license, the smell
of TIME unlocked from all grids of school, music lessons, summer camps, family evenings round the tube, Sundays in the Park with
Dad--authentic time, chaotic time.
Now the family is leaving the Park, a little platoon of dissatisfaction. But that one turns & smiles back at me in complicity--"Message
Received"--& dances away after a firefly, buoyed up by my desire. The Father barks a mantra which dissipates my power.
The moment passes. The boy is swallowed up in the pattern of the week--vanishes like a bare-legged pirate or Indian taken prisoner
Double-Dip Denunciations
I. Xtianity
AGAIN & AGAIN WE hope that attitudinizing corpse has finally breathed its last rancorous sigh & floated off to its final
pumpkinification. Again & again we imagine the defeat of that obscene flayed death-trip bogey nailed to the walls of all our waiting
rooms, never again to whine at us for our sins...
but again & again it resurrects itself & comes creeping back to haunt us like the villain of some nth rate snuff-porn splatter film--the
thousandth re-make of Night of the Living Dead--trailing its snail-track of whimpering humiliation...just when you thought it was
safe in the unconscious...it's JAWS for JESUS. Look out! Hardcore Chainsaw Baptists!
and the Leftists, nostalgic for the Omega Point of their dialectical paradise, welcome each galvanized revival of the putrescent creed
with coos of delight: Let's dance the tango with all those marxist bishops from Latin America--croon a ballad for the pious Polish
dockworkers--hum spirituals for the latest afro-Methodist presidential hopeful from the Bible Belt...
The A.O.A. denounces Liberation Theology as a conspiracy of stalinist nuns--the Whore of Babylon's secret scarlet deal with red
fascism in the tropics. Solidarnosc? The Pope's Own Labor Union--backed by the AFL/CIO, the Vatican Bank, the Freemason Lodge
Propaganda Due, and the Mafia. And if we ever voted we'd never waste that empty gesture on some Xtian dog, no matter what its
breed or color.
As for the real Xtians, those bored-again self-lobotomized bigots, those Mormon babykillers, those Star Warriors of the Slave
Morality, televangelist blackshirts, zombie squads of the Blessed Virgin Mary (who hovers in a pink cloud over the Bronx spewing
hatred, anathema, roses of vomit on the sexuality of children, pregnant teenagers & queers)...
As for the genuine death-cultists, ritual cannibals, Armageddon-freaks--the Xtian Right--we can only pray that the RAPTURE WILL
COME & snatch them all up from behind the steering wheels of their cars, from their lukewarm game shows & chaste beds, take
them all up into heaven & let us get on with human life.
Plenary Session Issues New Denunciations--Purges Expected
Special Holiday Season Food Issue Rant: Turn Off the Lite!
THE ASSOCIATION FOR ONTOLOGICAL ANARCHY calls for a boycott of all products marketed under the Shibboleth of
LITE--beer, meat, lo-cal candy, cosmetics, music, pre-packaged "lifestyles," whatever.
The concept of LITE (in Situ-jargon) unfolds a complex of symbolism by which the Spectacle hopes to recuperate all revulsion
against its commodification of desire. "Natural," "organic," "healthy" produce is designed for a market sector of mildly dissatisfied
consumers with mild cases of future- shock & mild yearnings for a tepid authenticity. A niche has been prepared for you, softly
illumined with the illusions of simplicity, cleanliness, thinness, a dash of asceticism & self-denial. Of course, it costs a little
more...after all, LITEness was not designed for poor hungry primitivos who still think of food as nourishment rather than decor. It
has to cost more--otherwise you wouldn't buy it.
The American Middle Class (don't quibble; you know what I mean) falls naturally into opposite but complementary factions: the
Armies of Anorexia & Bulimia. Clinical cases of these diseases represent only the psychosomatic froth on a wave of cultural
pathology, deep, diffused & largely unconscious. The Bulimics are those yupped-out gentry who gorge on margharitas & VCRs, then
purge on LITE food, jogging, or (an)aerobic jiggling. The Anorexics are the "lifestyle" rebels, ultra-food-faddists, eaters of algae,
joyless, dispirited & wan--but smug in their puritanical zeal & their designer hair-shirts. Grotesque junk food simply represents the
flip-side of ghoulish "health food":--nothing tastes like anything but woodchips or additives--it's all either boring or carcinogenic--or
These premises have been cursed by black sorcery. The curse has been activated according to correct rituals. This institution is
cursed because it has oppressed the Imagination & defiled the Intellect, degraded the arts toward stupefaction, spiritual slavery,
propaganda for State & Capital, puritanical reaction, unjust profits, lies & aesthetic blight. The employees of this institution are now
in danger. No ind ividual has been cursed, but the place itself has been infec ted with ill fortune & malignancy. Those who do not
wake up & quit, or begin sabotaging the workplace, will gradually fa ll under the effect of this sorcery. Removing or destroying the
implement of sorcery will do no good. It has been seen i n this place, & this place is cursed. Reclaim your humanity & revolt in the
name of the Imagination-- or else be judged (in the mirror of this charm) an enemy of the human race.
We suggest "taking credit" for this action in the name of some other offensive cultural institution, such as the American Poetry
Society or the Women's Anti-Porn Crusade (give full address).
We also suggest, in order to counter-balance the effect on yourself of calling up the personal black djinn, that you send a magical
blessing to someone or some group you love &/or admire. Do this anonymously, & make the gift beautiful. No precise ritual need be
followed, but the imagery should be allowed to spring from the well of consciousness in an intuitive/spontaneous meditational state.
Use sweet incense, red & white candles, hard candy, wine, flowers, etc. If possible include real silver, gold, or jewels in the gift.
This how-to-do-it manual on the Malay Black Djinn Curse has been prepared according to authentic & complete ritual by the
Cultural Terrorism Committee of the inner Adept Chamber of the HMOCA ("Third Paradise"). We are Nizari-Ismaili Esotericists;
that is, Shiite heretics & fanatics who trace our spiritual line to Hassan-i Sabbah through Aladdin Mohammad III "the Madman,"
A.O.A. Announces Purges in Chaos Movement
CHAOS THEORY MUST OF course flow impurely. "Lazy yokel plows a crooked furrow." Any attempt to precipitate a crystal of
ideology would result in flawed rigidities, fossilizations, armorings & drynesses which we would like to renounce, along with all
"purity." Yes, Chaos revels in a certain abandoned formlessness not unlike the erotic messiness of those we love for their shattering
of habit & their unveiling of mutability. Nevertheless this looseness does not imply that Chaos Theory must accept every leech that
attempts to attach itself to our sacred membranes. Certain definitions or deformations of Chaos deserve denunciation, & our
dedication to divine disorder need not deter us from trashing the traitors & rip-off artists & psychic vampires now buzzing around
Chaos under the impression that it's trendy. We propose not an Inquisition in the name of our definitions, but rather a duel, a brawl,
an act of violence or emotional repugnance, an exorcism. First we'd like to define & even name our enemies. (1) All those
death-heads & mutilation artists who associate Chaos exclusively with misery, negativity & a joyless pseudo- libertinism--those who
think "beyond good & evil" means doing evil--the S/M intellectuals, crooners of the apocalypse--the new Gnostic Dualists,
world-haters & ugly nihilists. (2) All those scientists selling Chaos either as a force for destruction (e.g. particle-beam weapons) or as
a mechanism for enforcing order, as in the use of Chaos math in statistical sociology and mob control. An attempt will be made to
discover names and addresses in this category. (3) All those who appropriate Chaos in the cause of some New Age scam. Of course
we have no objection to your giving us all your money, but we'll tell you up front: we'll use it to buy dope or fly to Morocco. You
can't sell water by the river; Chaos is that materia of which the alchemists spoke, which fools value more highly than gold even tho it
may be found on any dungheap. The chief enemy in this category is Werner Erhardt, founder of est, who is now bottling "Chaos" &
trying to franchise it to the Yuppoids. Second, we will list some of our friends, in order to give an idea of the disparate trends in
Chaos Theory we enjoy: Chaotica, the imaginal autonomous zone discovered by Feral Faun (a.k.a. Feral Ranter); the Academy of
Chaotic Arts of Tundra Wind; Joel Birnoco's magazine KAOS; Chaos Inc., a newsletter connected to the work of Ralph Abraham, a
leading Chaos scientist; the Church of Eris; Discordian Zen; the Moorish Orthodox Church; certain clenches of the Church of the
SubGenius; the Sacred Jihad of Our Lady of Perpetual Chaos; the writers associated with "type-3 anarchism" & journals like Popular
Reality; etc. The battle lines are drawn. Chaos is not entropy, Chaos is not death, Chaos is not a commodity. Chaos is continual
creation. Chaos never died.
THE ASSOCIATION FOR ONTOLOGICAL ANARCHY gathers in conclave, black turbans & shimmering robes, sprawled on
shirazi carpets sipping bitter coffee, smoking long chibouk & sibsi. QUESTION: What's our position on all these recent defections &
desertions from anarchism (esp. in California-Land): condemn or condone? Purge them or hail them as advance- guard? Gnostic
elite...or traitors?
Actually, we have a lot of sympathy for the deserters & their various critiques of anarchISM. Like Sinbad & the Horrible Old Man,
anarchism staggers around with the corpse of a Martyr magically stuck to its shoulders--haunted by the legacy of failure &
revolutionary masochism--stagnant backwater of lost history.
Between tragic Past & impossible Future, anarchism seems to lack a Present--as if afraid to ask itself, here & now, WHAT ARE MY
TRUE DESIRES?--& what can I DO before it's too late?...Yes, imagine yourself confronted by a sorcerer who stares you down
balefully & demands, "What is your True Desire?" Do you hem & haw, stammer, take refuge in ideological platitudes? Do you
possess both Imagination & Will, can you both dream & dare--or are you the dupe of an impotent fantasy?
Look in the mirror & try it...(for one of your masks is the face of a sorcerer)...
The anarchist "movement" today contains virtually no Blacks, Hispanics, Native Americans or children...even tho in theory such
1. Work on the realization that psychic racism has replaced overt discrimination as one of the most disgusting aspects of our
society. Imaginative participation in other cultures, esp. those we live with.
2. Abandon all ideological purity. Embrace "Type-3" anarchism (to use Bob Black's pro-tem slogan): neither collectivist nor
individualist. Cleanse the temple of vain idols, get rid of the Horrible Old Men, the relics & martyrologies.
3. Anti-work or "Zerowork" movement extremely important, including a radical & perhaps violent attack on Education & the
serfdom of children.
4. Develop american samizdat network, replace outdated publishing/propaganda tactics. Pornography & popular entertainment as
vehicles for radical re-education.
5. In music the hegemony of the 2/4 & 4/4 beat must be overthrown. We need a new music, totally insane but life- affirming,
rhythmically subtle yet powerful, & we need it NOW.
6. Anarchism must wean itself away from evangelical materialism & banal 2-dimensional 19th century scientism. "Higher states
of consciousness" are not mere SPOOKS invented by evil priests. The orient, the occult, the tribal cultures possess techniques
which can be "appropriated" in true anarchist fashion. Without "higher states of consciousness," anarchism ends & dries itself
up into a form of misery, a whining complaint. We need a practical kind of "mystical anarchism," devoid of all New Age
shit-&-shinola, & inexorably heretical & anti-clerical; avid for all new technologies of consciousness & metanoia--a
democratization of shamanism, intoxicated & serene.
7. Sexuality is under assault, obviously from the Right, more subtly from the avant-pseud "post-sexuality" movement, & even
more subtly by Spectacular Recuperation in media & advertising. Time for a major step forward in SexPol awareness, an
explosive reaffirmation of the polymorphic eros--(even & especially in the face of plague & gloom)--a literal glorification of
the senses, a doctrine of delight. Abandon all world-hatred & shame.
8. Experiment with new tactics to replace the outdated baggage of Leftism. Emphasize practical, material & personal benefits of
radical networking. The times do not appear propitious for violence or militancy, but surely a bit of sabotage & imaginative
disruption is never out of place. Plot & conspire, don't bitch & moan. The Art World in particular deserves a dose of "Poetic
9. The despatialization of post-Industrial society provides some benefits (e.g. computer networking) but can also manifest as a
form of oppression (homelessness, gentrification, architectural depersonalization, the erasure of Nature, etc.) The communes of
the sixties tried to circumvent these forces but failed. The question of land refuses to go away. How can we separate the
concept of space from the mechanisms of control? The territorial gangsters, the Nation/States, have hogged the entire map.
Who can invent for us a cartography of autonomy, who can draw a map that includes our desires?
AnarchISM ultimately implies anarchy--& anarchy is chaos. Chaos is the principle of continual creation...& Chaos never died.
--A.O.A. Plenary Session
March '87, NYC
Individualism seems somehow shaped by a certain coldness toward the other. In part they cultivated a bracing, cleansing chilliness
against the warm suffocation of 19th century sentimentality & altruism; in part they simply despised what someone (Mencken?)
called "Homo Boobensis."
And yet, reading behind & beneath the layer of ice, we uncover traces of a fiery doctrine--what Gaston Bachelard might have called
"a Poetics of the Other." The Einzige's relation with the Other cannot be defined or limited by any institution or idea. And yet clearly,
however paradoxically, the Unique depends for completeness on the Other, & cannot & will not be realized in any bitter isolation.
The examples of "wolf children" or enfants sauvages suggest that a human infant deprived of human company for too long will never
attain conscious humanity--will never acquire language. The Wild Child perhaps provides a poetic metaphor for the Unique-one--and
yet simultaneously marks the precise point where Unique & Other must meet, coalesce, unify--or else fail to attain & possess all of
which they are capable.
The Other mirrors the Self--the Other is our witness. The Other completes the Self--the Other gives us the key to the perception of
oneness-of-being. When we speak of being & consciousness, we point to the Self; when we speak of bliss we implicate the Other.
The acquisition of language falls under the sign of Eros-- all communication is essentially erotic, all relations are erotic. Avicenna &
Dante claimed that love moves the very stars & planets in their courses--the Rg Veda & Hesiod's Theogony both proclaim Love the
first god born after Chaos. Affections, affinities, aesthetic perceptions, beautiful creations, conviviality--all the most precious
possessions of the Unique-one arise from the conjunction of Self & Other in the constellation of Desire.
Here again the project begun by Individualism can be evolved & revivified by a graft with mysticism--specifically with tantra. As an
esoteric technique divorced from orthodox Hinduism, tantra provides a symbolic framework ("Net of Jewels") for the identification
of sexual pleasure & non- ordinary consciousness. All antinomian sects have contained some "tantrik" aspect, from the families of
Love & Free Brethren & Adamites of Europe to the pederast sufis of Persia to the Taoist alchemists of China. Even classical
anarchism has enjoyed its tantrik moments: Fourier's Phalansteries; the "Mystical Anarchism" of G. Ivanov & other fin-de-siÉcle
Russian symbolists; the incestuous erotism of Arzibashaev's Sanine; the weird combination of Nihilism & Kali-worship which
inspired the Bengali Terrorist Party (to which my tantrik guru Sri Kamanaransan Biswas had the honor of belonging)...
We, however, propose a much deeper syncretism of anarchy & tantra than any of these. In fact, we simply suggest that Individual
Anarchism & Radical Monism are to be considered henceforth one and the same movement.
This hybrid has been called "spiritual materialism," a term which burns up all metaphysics in the fire of oneness of spirit & matter.
We also like "Ontological Anarchy" because it suggests that being itself remains in a state of "divine Chaos," of all-potentiality, of
continual creation.
In this flux only the jiva mukti, or "liberated individual," is self-realized, and thus monarch or owner of his perceptions and relations.
In this ceaseless flow only desire offers any principle of order, and thus the only possible society (as Fourier understood) is that of
Anarchism is dead, long live anarchy! We no longer need the baggage of revolutionary masochism or idealist self- sacrifice--or the
frigidity of Individualism with its disdain for conviviality, of living together--or the vulgar superstitions of 19th century atheism,
scientism, and progressism. All that dead weight! Frowsy proletarian suitcases, heavy bourgeois steamer-trunks, boring philosophical
portmanteaux--over the side with them!
We want from these systems only their vitality, their life- forces, daring, intransigence, anger, heedlessness--their power, their shakti.
Before we jettison the rubbish and the carpetbags, we'll rifle the luggage for billfolds, revolvers, jewels, drugs and other useful
items--keep what we like and trash the rest. Why not? Are we priests of a cult, to croon over relics and mumble our martyrologies?
Monarchism too has something we want--a grace, an ease, a pride, a superabundance. We'll take these, and dump the woes of
authority & torture in history's garbage bin. Mysticism has something we need--"self-overcoming," exalted awareness, reservoirs of
psychic potency. These we will expropriate in the name of our insurrection--and leave the woes of morality & religion to rot &
As the Ranters used to say when greeting any "fellow creature"--from king to cut-purse--"Rejoice! All is ours!"
I knew Darjeeling hid something for me soon as I heard the name--dorje ling--Thunderbolt City. In 1969 I arrived just before the
monsoons. Old British hill station, summer hdqrs for Govt. of Bengal--streets in the form of winding wood staircases, the Mall with a
View of Sikkim & Mt Katchenhunga- -Tibetan temples & refugees--beautiful yellow-porcelain people called Lepchas (the real
abo's)--Hindus, Moslems, Nepalese & Bhutanese Buddhists, & decaying Brits who lost their way home in '47, still running musty
banks & tea- shoppes.
Met Ganesh Baba, fat white-bearded saddhu with overly- impeccable Oxford accent--never saw anyone smoke so much ganja,
chillam after chillam full, then we'd wander the streets while he played ball with shrieking kids or picked fights in the bazaar, chasing
after terrified clerks with his umbrella, then roaring with laughter.
He introduced me to Sri Kamanaransan Biswas, a tiny wispy middleage Bengali government clerk in a shabby suit, who offered to
teach me Tantra. Mr Biswas lived in a tiny bungalow perched on a steep pine-tree misty hillside, where I visited him daily with pints
of cheap brandy for puja & tippling--he encouraged me to smoke while we talked, since ganja too is sacred to Kali.
Mr Biswas in his wild youth was a member of the Bengali Terrorist Party, which included both Kali worshippers & heretic Moslem
mystics as well as anarchists & extreme leftists. Ganesh Baba seemed to approve of this secret past, as if it were a sign of Mr
Biswas's hidden tantrika strength, despite his outward seedy mild appearance.
We discussed my readings in Sir John Woodruffe ("Arthur Avalon") each afternoon, I walked there thru cold summer fogs, Tibetan
spirit-traps flapping in the soaked breeze loomed out of the mist & cedars. We practiced the Tara- mantra and Tara-mudra (or
Yoni-mudra), and studied the Tara- yantra diagram for magical purposes. Once we visited a temple to the Hindu Mars (like ours,
both planet & war-god) where he bought a finger-ring made from an iron horseshoe nail & gave it to me. More brandy & ganja.
Tara: one of the forms of Kali, very similar in attributes: dwarfish, naked, four-armed with weapons, dancing on dead Shiva, necklace
of skulls or severed heads, tongue dripping blood, skin a deep blue-grey the precise color of monsoon clouds. Every day more
rain--mud-slides blocking roads. My Border Area Permit expires. Mr Biswas & I descend the slick wet Himalayas by jeep & train
down to his ancestral city, Siliguri in the flat Bengali plains where the Ganges fingers into a sodden viridescent delta.
We visit his wife in the hospital. Last year a flood drowned Siliguri killing tens of thousands. Cholera broke out, the city's a wreck,
algae-stained & ruined, the hospital's halls still caked with slime, blood, vomit, the liquids of death. She sits silent on her bed glaring
unblinking at hideous fates. Dark side of the goddess. He gives me a colored lithograph of Tara which miraculously floated above the
water & was saved.
That night we attend some ceremony at the local Kali-temple, a modest half-ruined little roadside shrine--torchlight the only
illumination--chanting & drums with strange, almost African syncopation, totally unclassical, primordial & yet insanely complex.
We drink, we smoke. Alone in the cemetery, next to a half-burnt corpse, I'm initiated into Tara Tantra. Next day, feverish &
spaced-out, I say farewell & set out for Assam, to the great temple of Shakti's yoni in Gauhati, just in time for the annual festival.
Assam is forbidden territory & I have no permit. Midnight in Gauhati I sneak off the train, back down the tracks thru rain & mud up
to my knees & total darkness, blunder at last into the city & find a bug-ridden hotel. Sick as a dog by this time. No sleep.
In the morning, bus up to the temple on a nearby mountain. Huge towers, pullulating deities, courtyards, outbuildings-- hundreds of
thousands of pilgrims--weird saddhus down from their ice-caves squatting on tiger skins & chanting. Sheep & doves are being
slaughtered by the thousands, a real hecatomb--(not another white sahib in sight)--gutters running inch-deep in blood--curve-bladed
Kali-swords chop chop chop, dead heads plocking onto the slippery cobblestones.
When Shiva chopped Shakti into 53 pieces & scattered them over the whole Ganges basin, her cunt fell here. Some friendly priests
speak English & help me find the cave where Yoni's on display. By this time I know I'm seriously sick, but determined to finish the
ritual. A herd of pilgrims (all at least one head shorter than me) literally engulfs me like an undertow-wave at the beach, & hurls me
suspended down suffocating winding troglodyte stairs into claustrophobic womb-cave where I swirl nauseated & hallucinating
toward a shapeless cone meteorite smeared in centuries of ghee & ochre. The herd parts for me, allows me to throw a garland of
jasmine over the yoni.
A week later in Kathmandu I enter the German Missionary Hospital (for a month) with hepatitis. A small price to pay for all that
knowledge--the liver of some retired colonel from a Kipling story!--but I know her, I know Kali. Yes absolutely the archetype of all
that horror, yet for those who know, she becomes the generous mother. Later in a cave in the jungle above Rishikish I meditated on
Tara for several days (with mantra, yantra, mudra, incense, & flowers) & returned to the serenity of Darjeeling, its beneficent visions.
Her age must contain horrors, for most of us cannot understand her or reach beyond the necklace of skulls to the garland of jasmine,
knowing in what sense they are the same. To go thru CHAOS, to ride it like a tiger, to embrace it (even sexually) & absorb some of
its shakti, its life-juice--this is the Path of Kali Yuga. Creative nihilism. For those who follow it she promises enlightenment & even
wealth, a share of her temporal power.
SUBTERRANEAN REGIONS OF THE continent excavated in cyclopaean caverns, cathedralspace fractal networks, labyrinthine
gargantuan tunnels, slow black underground rivers, unmoving stygian lakes, pure & slightly luminiferous, slim waterfalls plunging
down watersmooth rock, cataracting round petrified forests of stalactites & stalagmites in spelunker-bewildering blind-fish
complexity & unfathomable vastness...Who dug this hollow earth beneath the ice foreseen by Poe, by certain paranoid German
occultists, Shaverian UFO freaks? Was Earth once colonized in the time of Gondwana or MU by some Elder Race? their reptilian
skeletons still mouldering in the farthest secret mazes of the cavern system? Sluggish backwaters, dead-end canals, stagnant pools far
from the centers of civilization like Little America, Transport City, or Nan Chi Han, down in the dark recesses and boondocks of the
Antarctic caves, fungus & albino fern. We suspect them of mutations, amphibian webbed fingers and toes, degenerate habits--
Kallikaks of the Hollow Earth, Lovecraftian renegades, hermits, skulking incestuous smugglers, runaway criminals, anarchists forced
into hiding after the Entropy Wars, fugitives from Genetic Puritanism, dissident Chinese Tongs & Yellow Turban fanatics, lascar
cave-pirates, pale shiftless whitetrash from the prolewarrens of the industrial domes along Thwait's Tongue & the Walgreen Coast &
Edsel-Ford-Land- -the Trogs have kept alive for over 200 years the folk- memory of the Autonomous Zone, the myth that someday it
will appear again...Taoism, libertine philosophy, Indonesian sorcery, cult of the Cave Mother (or Mothers), identified by some
scholars with the Javanese sea/moon goddess Loro Kidul, by others with a minor deity of the South Pole Star Sect, the "Jade
Goddess"...manuscripts (written in Bahasa Ingliss the pidgin dialect of the deep caves) contain mangled quotations from Nietzsche &
Chuang Tzu...Trade consists of occasional precious gems and cultivation of white poppy, fungus, over a dozen different species of
"magic" mushrooms...Shallow Lake Erebus, 5 miles across, dotted with stalagmitic islets choked with fern & kudzu & black dwarf
pine, held in a cave so vast it sometimes creates its own weather...The town belongs officially to Little America but most of the
inhabitants are Trogs living off the Shiftless Dole--& the deep-cave tribal country lies just across the Lake. Riffraff, artists, drug
addicts, sorcerers, smugglers, remittance-men & perverts live in crumbling basalt-&- synthplast hotels half-encrusted with pale green
vines, along the lakefront, an avenue of squalid cafes, gem emporia guarded by armed ninjas, chinese krill-noodle shops, the
crystal-tinselled hall for slow fusion-gamelan dancers, boys practicing their mudras on sleepy electronic dark blue afternoons to the
rippling of synthgongs and metallophones...& below the pier perhaps a few desultory bathers along the black beach, genuine
low-budget tourists gawking at the shrine behind the bazaar where pallid old Trog pamongs tranced out on fungus drool & roll up
their eyes, breathe in the fumes of heavy incense, everything seems suddenly menacingly bright, flickering with significance...a few
cases of webbed fingers but the rumors of ritual promiscuity are true enough. I was living in a Trog fishing village across the lake
from Erebus in a rented room above the baitshop...rural sloth & degenerate superstitious rites of sensual abandon, the larval &
unhealthy mysteries of the chthonic mutant downtrodden Trogs, lazy shiftless no-count hicks...Little America, so christian & free of
mutation, eugenic & orderly, where ev- eryone lives jacked into the fleshless realm of ancient software & holography, so euclidean,
"...this time however I come as the victorious Dionysus, who will turn the world into a holiday...Not that I have much
Pirate Utopias
THE SEA-ROVERS AND CORSAIRS of the 18th century created an "information network" that spanned the globe: primitive and
devoted primarily to grim business, the net nevertheless functioned admirably. Scattered throughout the net were islands, remote
hideouts where ships could be watered and provisioned, booty traded for luxuries and necessities. Some of these islands supported
"intentional communities," whole mini-societies living consciously outside the law and determined to keep it up, even if only for a
short but merry life.
Some years ago I looked through a lot of secondary material on piracy hoping to find a study of these enclaves--but it appeared as if
no historian has yet found them worthy of analysis. (William Burroughs has mentioned the subject, as did the late British anarchist
Larry Law--but no systematic research has been carried out.) I retreated to primary sources and constructed my own theory, some
aspects of which will be discussed in this essay. I called the settlements "Pirate Utopias."
"Gone to Croatan"
WE HAVE NO DESIRE to define the TAZ or to elaborate dogmas about how it must be created. Our contention is rather that it has
been created, will be created, and is being created. Therefore it would prove more valuable and interesting to look at some TAZs past
and present, and to speculate about future manifestations; by evoking a few prototypes we may be able to gauge the potential scope
of the complex, and perhaps even get a glimpse of an "archetype." Rather than attempt any sort of encyclopaedism we'll adopt a
scatter-shot technique, a mosaic of glimpses, beginning quite arbitrarily with the 16th-17th centuries and the settlement of the New
The opening of the "new" world was conceived from the start as an occultist operation. The magus John Dee, spiritual advisor to
Elizabeth I, seems to have invented the concept of "magical imperialism" and infected an entire generation with it. Halkyut and
Raleigh fell under his spell, and Raleigh used his connections with the "School of Night"--a cabal of advanced thinkers, aristocrats,
and adepts--to further the causes of exploration, colonization and mapmaking. The Tempest was a propaganda-piece for the new
ideology, and the Roanoke Colony was its first showcase experiment.
The alchemical view of the New World associated it with materia prima or hyle, the "state of Nature," innocence and all-possibility
("Virgin-ia"), a chaos or inchoateness which the adept would transmute into "gold," that is, into spiritual perfection as well as
material abundance. But this alchemical vision is also informed in part by an actual fascination with the inchoate, a sneaking
sympathy for it, a feeling of yearning for its formless form which took the symbol of the "Indian" for its focus: "Man" in the state of
nature, uncorrupted by "government." Caliban, the Wild Man, is lodged like a virus in the very machine of Occult Imperialism; the
forest/animal/humans are invested from the very start with the magic power of the marginal, despised and outcaste. On the one hand
Caliban is ugly, and Nature a "howling wilderness"--on the other, Caliban is noble and unchained, and Nature an Eden. This split in
European consciousness predates the Romantic/Classical dichotomy; it's rooted in Renaissance High Magic. The discovery of
America (Eldorado, the Fountain of Youth) crystallized it; and it precipitated in actual schemes for colonization.
We were taught in elementary school that the first settlements in Roanoke failed; the colonists disappeared, leaving behind them only
the cryptic message "Gone To Croatan." Later reports of "grey-eyed Indians" were dismissed as legend. What really happened, the
textbook implied, was that the Indians massacred the defenseless settlers. However, "Croatan" was not some Eldorado; it was the
name of a neighboring tribe of friendly Indians. Apparently the settlement was simply moved back from the coast into the Great
Dismal Swamp and absorbed into the tribe. And the grey-eyed Indians were real--they're still there, and they still call themselves
So--the very first colony in the New World chose to renounce its contract with Prospero (Dee/Raleigh/Empire) and go over to the
Wild Men with Caliban. They dropped out. They became "Indians," "went native," opted for chaos over the appalling miseries of
serfing for the plutocrats and intellectuals of London.
As America came into being where once there had been "Turtle Island," Croatan remained embedded in its collective psyche. Out
beyond the frontier, the state of Nature (i.e. no State) still prevailed--and within the consciousness of the settlers the option of
1. Psychological liberation. That is, we must realize (make real) the moments and spaces in which freedom is not only possible
but actual. We must know in what ways we are genuinely oppressed, and also in what ways we are self- repressed or ensnared
in a fantasy in which ideas oppress us. WORK, for example, is a far more actual source of misery for most of us than
legislative politics. Alienation is far more dangerous for us than toothless outdated dying ideologies. Mental addiction to
"ideals"--which in fact turn out to be mere projections of our resentment and sensations of victimization--will never further our
project. The TAZ is not a harbinger of some pie-in-the-sky Social Utopia to which we must sacrifice our lives that our
children's children may breathe a bit of free air. The TAZ must be the scene of our present autonomy, but it can only exist on
the condition that we already know ourselves as free beings.
2. The counter-Net must expand. At present it reflects more abstraction than actuality. Zines and BBSs exchange information,
which is part of the necessary groundwork of the TAZ, but very little of this information relates to concrete goods and services
necessary for the autonomous life. We do not live in CyberSpace; to dream that we do is to fall into CyberGnosis, the false
transcendence of the body. The TAZ is a physical place and we are either in it or not. All the senses must be involved. The
Web is like a new sense in some ways, but it must be added to the others-- the others must not be subtracted from it, as in some
horrible parody of the mystic trance. Without the Web, the full realization of the TAZ-complex would be impossible. But the
Web is not the end in itself. It's a weapon.
3. The apparatus of Control--the "State"--must (or so we must assume) continue to deliquesce and petrify simultaneously, must
progress on its present course in which hysterical rigidity comes more and more to mask a vacuity, an abyss of power. As
power "disappears," our will to power must be disappearance.
We've already dealt with the question of whether the TAZ can be viewed "merely" as a work of art. But you will also demand to
know whether it is more than a poor rat-hole in the Babylon of Information, or rather a maze of tunnels, more and more connected,
but devoted only to the economic dead-end of piratical parasitism? I'll answer that I'd rather be a rat in the wall than a rat in the
cage--but I'll also insist that the TAZ transcends these categories.
A world in which the TAZ succeeded in putting down roots might resemble the world envisioned by "P.M." in his fantasy novel
bolo'bolo. Perhaps the TAZ is a "proto-bolo." But inasmuch as the TAZ exists now, it stands for much more than the mundanity of
negativity or countercultural drop-out- ism. We've mentioned the festal aspect of the moment which is unControlled, and which
adheres in spontaneous self- ordering, however brief. It is "epiphanic"--a peak experience on the social as well as individual scale.
Liberation is realized struggle--this is the essence of Nietzsche's "self-overcoming." The present thesis might also take for a sign
Nietzsche's wandering. It is the precursor of the drift, in the Situ sense of the derive and Lyotard's definition of driftwork. We can
foresee a whole new geography, a kind of pilgrimage-map in which holy sites are replaced by peak experiences and TAZs: a real
science of psychotopography, perhaps to be called "geo-autonomy" or "anarchomancy."
The TAZ involves a kind of ferality, a growth from tameness to wild(er)ness, a "return" which is also a step forward. It also demands
a "yoga" of chaos, a project of "higher" orderings (of consciousness or simply of life) which are approached by "surfing the
wave-front of chaos," of complex dynamism. The TAZ is an art of life in continual rising up, wild but gentle--a seducer not a rapist, a
smuggler rather than a bloody pirate, a dancer not an eschatologist.
Let us admit that we have attended parties where for one brief night a republic of gratified desires was attained. Shall we not confess
that the politics of that night have more reality and force for us than those of, say, the entire U.S. Government? Some of the "parties"
we've mentioned lasted for two or three years. Is this something worth imagining, worth fighting for? Let us study invisibility,
webworking, psychic nomadism--and who knows what we might attain?
--Spring Equinox, 1990
Captain Bellamy
Daniel Defoe, writing under the pen name Captain Charles Johnson, wrote what became the first standard historical text on pirates, A
General History of the Robberies and Murders of the Most Notorious Pirates. According to Patrick Pringle's Jolly Roger, pirate
recruitment was most effective among the unemployed, escaped bondsmen, and transported criminals. The high seas made for an