ELEN E6771 Final Assignment Spring2018
ELEN E6771 Final Assignment Spring2018
ELEN E6771 Final Assignment Spring2018
How: Please use appropriate editors (MS word, pdf …) to present your work (no
hand writing please).
Note: Feel free to make assumptions that are consistent with 5G spectrum,
architecture, bandwidth, subframe, slot, symbols, etc. Due to the diversity of
assumptions allowed to be made, the expectation is that the essay will be student
For Case 2, desired signal, radio channel and noise are subject to the same
assumption as in “OFDMA Fundamentals 1”. The only difference with respect to
“OFDM Fundamentals 1” is the presence of interferers in the channel. In formal
mathematical terms, I(t) is the resulting signal from all interferers, which gets
added to the AWGN noise, as illustrated in Figure 1.
I(t) n(t)
Radio channel response
τ max
z(t ) = h(τ , t ) * s(t ) + I (t ) + n(t ) = ∫ h(τ , t)s(t −τ )dτ + I (t) + n(t)
h(τ , t ) = hm (τ )
- the maximum excess delay, τmax, is smaller than the cyclic prefix
τ max < Tguard
1.a: Find the expression of the output demodulated signal represented by the m-th
symbol on the k-th OFDM subcarrier, noted by zk,m.
1.b: Find the CINRk,m, which is the subcarrier to noise and interference ratio for
the k-th OFDM subcarrier during the m-th symbol.
Hint: Assume a limited number of interferers, N. Assuming that the j-th interferer
transmits its m-th symbol on the k-th OFDM subcarrier, resulting in the complex
symbol denoted as d ( j ) k , m , the resulting m-th OFDM symbol for the j-th interferer is
represented mathematically as following:
j 2π f c +
( t − mTs )
Re ∑ d k , me
( j) TFFT mT − T ≤ t ≤ mT + T
d m (t − mTs ) = k = M
( j)
s g s FFT
0 otherwise
This signal from the j-th interferer propagates through its own radio channel
g ( j ) (τ , t ) . Note that each interferer is characterized by its own channel with
specific amplitude and phase components. However, since the transmissions occur
on the same type of environment, the delay profile is the same for desired signal
and interferers, and all channels experience the same delay spread.
The generic channel impulse response for the j-th interferer is represented as:
g ( j ) (τ , t ) = ∑ β ( j )i (t )e − jθ δ (τ − τ i (t ))
( j)
i (t )