Enterprise Agreement True-Up Guide
Enterprise Agreement True-Up Guide
Enterprise Agreement True-Up Guide
True-up guide
Enterprise Agreement True-up guide
Table of contents
True up on-premises and online services licenses ........................................................................................................... 2
This guide is designed to help you simplify and streamline the true-up process. If you have questions at any time, you can
contact your reseller or Microsoft account team for assistance.
Review your software, Contact your reseller Your reseller or Your reseller or Microsoft account
hardware, and Online or Microsoft account Microsoft account Microsoft account team will process
Services purchases. team to review the team will complete a team will review your your True-up order
How many licenses licensing changes standard True-up finalized True-up and record any
have you added? you have found. Your order reflecting order and place it changes to your
Your reseller or reseller or Microsoft changes to your with Microsoft Microsoft license
Microsoft account account team may Enterprise Agreement between 60 and 30 counts. As always,
team may call you to call you to review and provide it for days prior to each you may view your
discuss your new products and your review. enrollment current licensing
upcoming True-up. services that may anniversary. information using the
make sense for your Volume Licensing
business. Service Center (VLSC).
The true-up process provides a simple, effective way to account for any increase in licensed products and helps ensure your
licensing is current and accurate. We suggest that you ask the following kinds of questions to help identify possible areas of
growth and change:
* License Reservation is a process available to Enterprise Agreement customers. It makes licenses for Online Services available without requiring a formal purchase
order. At anniversary, you report any license reservations made during the prior agreement period and place a purchase order as part of the true-up process.
Enrollment true-ups
With the Enterprise Agreement, you purchase your software licenses through enrollments. Each enrollment includes certain
categories of products and Online Services, and each has its own true-up timeline(s) and terminology.
Enterprise Enrollment
With the Enterprise Enrollment, you can choose to run a mix of device software and cloud services across your organization. As
part of this three-year enrollment, your company is required to perform an annual true-up inventory to identify the number of
qualified devices and users, license transitions, Online Services reservations, and decreases in subscription licenses (as
permitted), as well as additional usage of previously ordered products that may have taken place during the previous 12
Enterprise products
This is the core product set under your Enterprise Agreement’s Enterprise Enrollment, which is licensed according to the total
Qualified User or Qualified Device count for your organization.
• To prepare for your true-up order, count the current number of Qualified Devices and Users for all Affiliates included in
the Enterprise.
• Calculate the difference between the last reported true-up count and the current count of Qualified Devices and/or Users.
• Determine which licenses are required for the new users and devices based on your chosen Platform option and
accounting for users and devices covered by Enterprise Online Services as described in Online Services (refer to your
enrollment details for licenses required).
Online Services
For Online Services eligible for true-up (see the Microsoft Product List), you must account for any License Reservations that
have not yet been reconciled in a prior true-up order (confirm your prior reconciliations via the Volume Licensing Service
Center). These include Enterprise Online Services that complement Microsoft Enterprise products and a subset of additional
product Online Services eligible for true-up.
• Deduct the 60 new Office 365 Plan E3 users from the total 100 new users, leaving 40 Office Professional Plus and
40 Core CAL licenses to be accounted for.
• Add 60 Core CAL Bridge SKUs* to cover the Office 365 users.
Additional products
This includes any product other than Enterprise products, Enterprise Online Services, Server, and Cloud products that you have
chosen to license under your Enterprise Agreement’s Enrollments. Product licensing requirements vary according to the
product. For all additional product licenses not including Online Services, account for any licenses required for any products
used/installed since the last true-up. Submit the order for the difference between those used/installed and the last reported
count. This includes licenses for which the Product was used or installed at any time since the last true-up, even if the licenses
are not in active use at the time of your true-up.
• For the period of time following the anniversary, the order would include 30 Office 365 (Plan E3) licenses,
replacement of 30 Core CAL licenses with Core CAL Bridge, and a reduction of 30 Office Professional Plus
licenses from the original order.
Note: If you are transitioning back from a Subscription license to a license covered by Software Assurance, your
Account Manager should assist with the Transition because validation of the underlying licenses with Software
Assurance is a step in this process.
License Reductions
For licenses eligible for License Reduction, you may report these as part of the true-up order process. These reductions will be
reflected as a quantity reduction on a prior purchase order, and will reduce the annual invoices associated with the purchase
order for the remainder of the enrollment.
Subscription option
If you are using the Enterprise Agreement’s subscription option, you will place an Annual Order instead of a true-up. With the
Annual Order, you will report total license counts instead of differences since the prior reported count, accounting for both
Additionally, Microsoft has hundreds of accredited SAM partners that are able to provide cost-effective true-up assistance. To
learn more or find a SAM partner near you, go to www.microsoft.com/sam and click the Partner tab.
For more information on Software Asset Management, please visit www.microsoft.com/sam to download a SAM Optimization
Kit or find an accredited SAM partner.
Need help?
Contact your reseller or Microsoft account team or check the Microsoft Volume Licensing Services website at
Consulting with a Microsoft SAM partner can help you assess your software environment and build a
customized process to conduct true-ups quickly, accurately, and in a repeatable way. Microsoft SAM
partners are experts in Software Asset Management processes, discovery tools, and Microsoft licensing.
A cost-effective SAM engagement gives you the data you need to complete your true-up and a
customized plan for managing software assets and future true-up reviews. Your Microsoft account team
Get help from
can help connect you with a SAM partner and get you started with a SAM engagement for your true-up.
a SAM partner
You may already use a software inventory tool to help manage your software assets, and this tool is
useful during the true-up process. A SAM partner can work with your existing tools, or help you identify
new ones that can help you streamline your true-up inventory.
Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager includes inventory and asset intelligence capabilities
Use automated tools
that provide administrators with continuous visibility into hardware and software assets and usage.
Configuration Manager collects software and hardware inventory for servers, clients, and mobile devices,
and processes
then translates that data into rich reports that help administrators with software purchasing decisions,
upgrade plans, and license reporting.
The Microsoft Assessment Planning (MAP) Toolkit features an IT-based Software Usage Tracker
functionality that provides usage reports for the following server products: Microsoft Windows Server,
Microsoft Exchange Server, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft SharePoint Server, and Microsoft System
Center Configuration Manager. Learn more about MAP Toolkit at http://www.microsoft.com/map.
Your reseller or Microsoft account team should work with you to review the results of your inventory
report and adjust Enterprise Agreement licenses as necessary. Consider both your hardware purchases
and overall licensing usage throughout the true-up time frame.
Enlist your staff in helping you take an inventory of your environment, and to document all servers,
computers (desktops, laptops, and terminals), and mobile devices that use Microsoft-licensed software.
If you are participating in a SAM engagement, your SAM partner can help you identify ways to
streamline this process, depending on your unique setup and needs.
Take a manual
After your true-up is complete, consider Microsoft Financing to structure a payment plan for any true-up
expenses you may be facing. Microsoft payment solutions provide commercial and public sector
customers with flexible payment options to structure technology spend to meet business and financial
needs. You can align your payments to your budget, cash flow, or deployment schedules by creating a
Consider Microsoft customized payment plan that fits your company’s needs. For additional information and to learn
payment solutions whether payment solutions are available in your country/region, visit www.microsoft.com/financing.