The Seven Sacraments
The Seven Sacraments
The Seven Sacraments
"The Sacraments are outward signs instituted by Christ to give grace. Signs, there are all kinds
of signs around us but sacraments are unique as signs because they are signs of the presence
and love of God for us and of our desire to come in contact or encounter God. Sacraments are
living signs. They are dynamic signs. They involve the action of the church. Sacraments are of
the church and for the church. They are truly the action of God. ...
The sacraments celebrated by the Church are signs of grace that make a deeper reality present
to us. One reality we encounter through the sacraments is Christ’s presence in the Church
community, His Body. This recognition of Christ’s presence in the community should lead to a
stronger awareness of being sent on mission to engage in love-inspired action in the world.
As Pope Benedict XVI notes in Deus Caritas Est (God Is Love), the celebration of the
sacraments and the ministry of love are “inseparable.” Love in action, he says, is “an
indispensable expression” of the Church’s being (no. 25). This guide focuses on the Sacrament
of Baptism, the rite of initiation into the Christian community. As you read, consider the meaning
of your own Baptism, your membership in the community, and the mission on which you are
To baptize an infant, parents must be practicing Roman Catholics registered at St. Ephrem.
Baptisms are celebrated either during the Sunday Mass or after.
Parents should call to arrange an interview with the Pastor or Mr. Rob Leonardi.
Parents must attend 2 baptism preparation sessions and Godparents must attend the first.
Those candidates preparing for the celebration of First Reconciliation (Grade 2); First Eucharist
(Grade 2) and Confirmation (Grade 8) will be instructed with age appropriate materials by our
It is to be noted that it has been and continues to be the policy of the parish that candidates for
these sacraments will be in religious formation sessions for two years prior to the celebration of
the sacrament. Celebration of these sacraments will depend on the candidate's preparation,
practice of the faith, and readiness to celebrate the sacraments.
Confirmation enriches the baptized with the strength of the Holy Spirit so that they can better
witness to Christ in word and deed (Catechism of the Catholic Church [CCC], no. 1285).
Anointed by the Holy Spirit at Confirmation, Christians strengthen their bond with the Church
and become better equipped to carry out the Church’s mission of love and service.
Those candidates preparing for the celebration of First Reconciliation (Grade 2); First Eucharist
(Grade 2) and Confirmation (Grade 8) will be instructed with age appropriate materials by our
It is to be noted that it has been and continues to be the policy of the parish that candidates for
these sacraments will be in religious formation sessions for two years prior to the celebration of
the sacrament. Celebration of these sacraments will depend on the candidate's preparation,
practice of the faith, and readiness to celebrate the sacraments.
Marriage / Matrimony
In Christian marriage, spouses model the love and self-gift of Christ. By giving of themselves
and serving one another, their family, and community, they help one another live out Christ’s
call to discipleship, love, and service. Marriage provides a foundation for a family committed to
community, solidarity, and Jesus’ mission in the world.
Any couple wishing to enter the sacrament of Matrimony must first be a member of
the Parish and meet with the Pastor before a date is confirmed. Archdiocesan policy requires a
period of six months from the initial interview until the wedding date. If there no prior
relationship with St. Ephrem, such as growing up in the parish or membership of parents, then
an additional six month period is added to form a relationship with us before a date is
confirmed. Special circumstances will be considered, such as military deployment.
Holy Orders
Through the Sacrament of Holy Orders, bishops and priests are given a special role in carrying
out the mission of the Church. They exercise the ministerial priesthood of Jesus Christ as head
of the Church. Through many of the Sacraments they act In Persona Christi (In the Person of
Christ). The share in the one priesthood of Jesus Christ. Deacons also receive a special grace
through ordination and are called to assist the ministry of bishops and priests (Catechism of the
Catholic Church [CCC], nos. 1547, 1554). Pope Benedict XVI writes, “The priest is above all a
servant of others” (Sacramentum Caritatis [Sacrament of Charity], no. 23). In gathering the
community, modeling Christ’s love for the poor, presiding at Eucharist, and evangelizing social
realities, ordained ministers help Christians imitate Christ’s mission of love and justice.