Ilovepdf Merged 10
Ilovepdf Merged 10
Ilovepdf Merged 10
II. Prerequisites:
● Students should be able to use familiar word parts including phonograms (-at, -in, -it, -an, -ap, -ot)
to read and spell unfamiliar words.
● Students should be able to segment onset and rime to discover new word parts.
● Students should be able to learn new words (got, went, was).
IV. Instructional Objective: Students will use pipe cleaner lassos to help them focus on the
vowel-consonant combinations that make familiar words parts--including two new ones: -ap and
-ot and complete an -ot word family worksheet.
● Remind students of the work they did making new words using magic words and word parts
● Teaching point: You can take almost any short word, and you can take off the beginning and
make your own word part. Then you can add different consonants to that word part and make so
many words from it.
● Formative Assessment: Observe how students are creating words using the consonant and word
part cards. Take note of those who are having a harder time to follow up with additional support
on the following day.
o While students work in pairs, filter around to offer additional support.
● Formative Assessment: score students on -ot word family worksheet.
● Pick students that may have a harder time, come up and switch the consonants with the -ap
sticky notes to assess their word part ability.
● If students are overwhelmed/struggling with creating words using their magnetic boards, remove
some of the consonants.
● Seat struggling students at one table to offer support while they complete the work sheet
following the lesson.
● If needed, have students use their lassos to help them complete the worksheet.
● For those that finish the work sheet early, direct students to write as many -ot and -ap words that
they can think of.
● If they finish that, have students read from their book bins.
Technology: N/A
● Are students able to construct words on their own or did they need guided instruction?
● Were the magnetic boards helpful or distracting? How did the partnerships go?
● Were students successful in completing the worksheet?
Copyright Early Childhood Educational Resources