Chamber Music Unit Plan

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High School Chamber Music Unit Plan 8/12/19-9/6/19

Topic Activities Standards Addressed

Week 1: Monday How to pick a piece Brainstorm MU:Pr4.1.E.8a Select a

characteristics/criteria varied repertoire to
for picking a piece study based on music
reading skills (where
Look at places to find appropriate), an
quality music understanding of formal
design in the music,
context, and the
technical skill of the
individual and the

Week 1: Tuesday Select chamber groups S will decide on their MU:Pr4.1.E.Ia Explain
chamber groups and the criteria used to
research the music select a varied
available to them based repertoire to study
on their based on an
instrumentation. understanding of
theoretical and
characteristics of the
music, the technical
skill of the individual or
ensemble, and the
purpose or context of
the performance.

Week 1: Wednesday Research pieces S will research pieces MU:Pr4.1.E.Ia Explain

they are interested in the criteria used to
performing. select a varied
repertoire to study
based on an
understanding of
theoretical and
characteristics of the
music, the technical
skill of the individual or
ensemble, and the
purpose or context of
the performance.

Week 1: Thursday Select pieces S will choose pieces MU.CN.10.PE.HS3b

they want to perform at b. Explain reasons for
the chamber concert selecting music citing
and determine how connections to interest,
they are going to purpose, and context.
purchase said pieces.

Week 1: Friday Sight Reading Day Sight Reading MU:Pr5.3.E.8a Develop

Scavenger Hunt- strategies to address
Things to Look For! technical challenges in
a varied repertoire of
Sight read pieces of music and evaluate
choice. their success using
feedback from
ensemble peers and
other sources to refine

Week 2: Monday Chamber Rehearsals Group Warmups- MU:Pr5.3.E.8a Develop

Focus: Rhythmic/Pitch Remington, Scales, Lip strategies to address
Accuracy Slurs, Tuning and technical challenges in
Chorale a varied repertoire of
music and evaluate
Rhythm of the Day their success using
feedback from
Break off into chamber ensemble peers and
groups, working on other sources to refine
correct notes and performances.

Week 2: Tuesday Chamber Rehearsals: Group Warmups MU:Pr5.3.E.8a Develop

Focus: Rhythmic/Pitch strategies to address
Accuracy Rhythm of the Day technical challenges in
a varied repertoire of
Break off into chamber music and evaluate
groups, working on their success using
correct notes and feedback from
rhythms. ensemble peers and
other sources to refine

Week 2: Wednesday Chamber Rehearsals Group Warmups MU:Pr5.3.E.8a Develop

Focus: Rhythmic/Pitch strategies to address
Accuracy Rhythm of the Day technical challenges in
a varied repertoire of
Break off into chamber music and evaluate
groups, working on their success using
correct notes and feedback from
rhythms. ensemble peers and
other sources to refine

Week 2: Thursday Chamber Rehearsals Group Warmups MU:Pr5.3.E.8a Develop

Focus: Rhythmic/Pitch strategies to address
Accuracy Rhythm of the Day technical challenges in
a varied repertoire of
Break off into chamber music and evaluate
groups, working on their success using
correct notes and feedback from
rhythms. ensemble peers and
other sources to refine

Week 2: Friday Listening Day S will listen to premier MU.RE.8.PE.HS3a a.

chamber groups to Identify interpretations
have a sound to strive of the expressive intent
for. and meaning of musical
works, referring to the
Today’s groups: Empire elements of music,
Brass and Moanin’ contexts, and (when
Frogs appropriate) the setting
of the text.

Week 3: Monday Chamber Rehearsals Group Warmups MU:Pr6.1.E.Ia

Focus: Balance and Demonstrate attention
Blend Rhythm of the Day to technical accuracy
and expressive
Break off into chamber qualities in prepared
groups, working on and improvised
balance and blend of performances of a
the ensemble. varied repertoire of
music representing
diverse cultures, styles,
and genres.

Week 3: Tuesday Chamber Rehearsals Group Warmups MU:Pr6.1.E.Ia

Focus: Balance and Demonstrate attention
Blend Rhythm of the Day to technical accuracy
and expressive
Break off into chamber qualities in prepared
groups, working on and improvised
balance and blend of performances of a
the ensemble. varied repertoire of
music representing
diverse cultures, styles,
and genres.

Week 3: Wednesday Chamber Rehearsals Group Warmups MU:Pr6.1.E.Ia

Focus: Balance and Demonstrate attention
Blend Rhythm of the Day to technical accuracy
and expressive
Break off into chamber qualities in prepared
groups, working on and improvised
balance and blend of performances of a
the ensemble. varied repertoire of
music representing
diverse cultures, styles,
and genres.

Week 3: Thursday Chamber Rehearsals Group Warmups MU:Pr6.1.E.Ia

Focus: Balance and Demonstrate attention
Blend Rhythm of the Day to technical accuracy
and expressive
Break off into chamber qualities in prepared
groups, working on and improvised
balance and blend of performances of a
the ensemble. varied repertoire of
music representing
diverse cultures, styles,
and genres.

Week 3: Friday Listening Day S will listen to premier MU.RE.8.PE.HS3a a.

chamber groups to Identify interpretations
have a sound to strive of the expressive intent
for. and meaning of musical
works, referring to the
Today’s groups: elements of music,
Emerson String Quartet contexts, and (when
and Imani Winds appropriate) the setting
of the text.

Week 4: Monday Chamber Rehearsals Group Warmups MU:Pr4.3.E.8a

Focus: Expressive Demonstrate
Intent Rhythm of the Day understanding and
application of
Break off into chamber expressive qualities in a
groups, working on varied repertoire of
expressive intent, i.e. music through prepared
phrasing, articulation, and improvised
and dynamics. performances.

Week 4: Tuesday Chamber Rehearsals Group Warmups MU:Pr4.3.E.8a

Focus: Expressive Demonstrate
Intent Rhythm of the Day understanding and
application of
Break off into chamber expressive qualities in a
groups, working on varied repertoire of
expressive intent, i.e. music through prepared
phrasing, articulation, and improvised
and dynamics. performances.

Week 4: Wednesday Chamber Rehearsals Group Warmups MU:Pr4.3.E.8a

Focus: Expressive Demonstrate
Intent Rhythm of the Day understanding and
application of
Break off into chamber expressive qualities in a
groups, working on varied repertoire of
expressive intent, i.e. music through prepared
phrasing, articulation, and improvised
and dynamics. performances.

Week 4: Thursday Listening/Mock We will run through half MU.RE.9.PE.8a a.

Performance Day of our performances. Identify and describe
the effect of interest,
Students will provide experience, analysis,
feedback to each other and context on the
after each performance evaluation of music.
in a masterclass

Week 4: Friday Listening/Mock We will run through the MU.RE.9.PE.8a a.

Performance Day other half of our Identify and describe
performances. the effect of interest,
experience, analysis,
Students will provide and context on the
feedback to each other evaluation of music. a.
after each performance Explain the influence of
in a masterclass experiences, analysis,
fashion. and context on interest
in and evaluation of

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