Skrip LI
Skrip LI
Skrip LI
As a result, taxpayers must have sufficient In this case, the advantages of the
tax knowledge in order to assess their tax allowance will be summoned and they
liability correctly and to file tax return forms need to pay back the allowance that has
on time in order to avoid the penalty. been given.
By the planning for their tax, they can take First, this training helps me a lot in
advantage of the avoidable schemes building my confidence so that I get to
avoidable in the Income Tax Act 1967. see how the real working life works.
Based to the Choong Kwai Fatt in Tax On the other hand, it sharpens my
Planning for Malaysian Employees, tax communication skills as I get to expose
planning is a series of measures taken by myself communicating with variety of
taxpayer to manage his or her income people from various managerial levels,
sources with the objective of eliminating, from managers to normal colleagues and
minimizing or defer tax, but within the ambit team members.
of the legislation.
Other than that, it helps to improve my
By the tax planning system, the business can understanding of fields that I had learned
claim the deduction of expenses, tax relief, when degree studies such as accounting,
rebate and many other deductions to taxation and secretarial.
decrease tax charges by the rules and
regulation provided by IRB. This training also helps to enhance my
problem-solving skills. Throughout the
If the tax planning system which is based on taxation process, I can think critically,
the company’s budget is effective, the logically, creatively and analytically in the
company will have benefit and the can application of knowledge and suggest
manage their finance. possible solutions to taxation issues.