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School: Bataan Peninsula State University

Teacher: Shamille B. Manlapaz

Grade Level: V
Learner Area: Mathematics
Quarter: 3rd Quarter
Teaching Dates:


I. Objectives
A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of time and circumference.
B. Performance Standard The learner is able to apply knowledge of time and circumference in
mathematical problems and real-life situations.
C. Learning Competencies 1. Measure time using a 24-hour clock.
2. Appreciate the application of time in mathematical problems and real life
3. Solve problem involving time using 24-hour clock.
II. Content Measuring using a 24-hour clock
III Learning Resources
A. References
1.Teacher’s Guide Page DLL_Mathematics 5_Q3_W7
2.Learner’s Material Page st
21 Century MATHletes 5 Textbook, https:/www.math-only-math.com/word
3.Textbook Page 21st Century MATHletes 5 280-282
4.Additional Materials from DepEd Learning Portal Math 5
Learning Resource (LR) Module – Measuring 24-hour clock
5. Other Learning Manila Paper with strips and activity, Cartolina with activity, Loptop and
Resources Projector with video presentation.
IV. Procedure Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Reviewing previous Prayer
lesson or presenting the Greetings
new lesson Checking of Attendance
Checking of the Assignment

- Answer the following:

1. How many minutes are there
in four and a half hour? Answers
- 1 hour equivalent 60 minutes.
And a half hour equivalent 30
60+60+60+60= 240+30= 270

270 minutes

2. After jogging my wristwatch

is showing after quarter to 4.
What time is it?
- 3:45 a.m. before the 4:00 a.m.

Review of the past lesson

- Before we proceed to our next

lesson, what was are lesson last - (The student will raise their
meeting all about? hands)

- Measuring using a 12-hour

- Very Good!
- So, what time is it on a 12-hour
- The 12-hour clock runs from
1am to 12 noon and then
from 1pm to 12 midnight.
- What is the meaning of A.M in
- A.M stands in short for Ante
Meridiem, de Latin name for
“Before Midday” or “Before
- How about the P.M?

- P.M stands in short for Post

Meridiem, de Latin name for
“After Midday” or “After
- Can you give example of 12-hour
- 8 hours after midnight is
written as 8:00 AM.
- 3 hours and 30 minutes after
midday is written as 3:30
- Very Good!

B. Establishing a purpose
for the lesson - Okay class, for our lesson for
today I prepared a video
presentation. All you need to do
is to observe carefully and guest
what the video is all about. Do
you understand class?

- Yes, Ma’am.
- (Play the video)

- What did you observe about the


- I t is all about time Ma’am.

- Very Good!
- How many seconds are there in
1 minute?

- How about the hour in 60 - 60 seconds Ma’am.


- 1 hour Ma’am.
- How about the hours in 1 day?

- 24 hours Ma’am.

- Why 24-hour?

- Because in the morning we

have 12 hour which means
A.M and in the evening we
have 12 hour which means
- 12-hour+12-hour=24-hour
- Very Good!

- Do you have any idea on what

will discuss today?
- Yes ma’am. It’s all about
Measuring using a 24-hour
- Okay class correct. And this are
the objectives to be considered
in this lesson. Will you please
- Objectives:
1. Measure time using a 24-
hour clock.
2. Appreciate the application
of time in mathematical
problems and real life
3. Solve problem involving
time using 24-hour clock.

- Very Good Class!

C. Presenting examples/
instances of the new lesson - Class, do you know how to
measure the time you spend
every day?
- Yes Ma’am

- Okay let’s see. Get one piece of

paper and estimate the time you
will spend in doing the

1. Eating
2. Taking a bath
3. Going to
4. Doing
5. Doing
- Answers

1. Eating 6:00 A.M
2. Taking a bath 6:30 A.M
3. Going to 7:15 A.M
4. Doing 3:00 P.M
5. Doing 4:00 P.M

- Who wants to answer? Please

- (The student will raise their
- (The student will explain
his/her answer)

- Very Good!

- Let’s see if you know how to

measure time using 24-hour

- I prepared a situation. I want

you to understand and read it
carefully. Do you understand

- Julie Ann made a delicious

spaghetti. If she started cooking
the spaghetti at 11:05 a.m. and
ended at 2:45 p.m., how many
hours did Julie Ann cook the

D. Discussing new concepts

and practicing new skills #1 - Who knows the military time?
- (The student will raise their
- Why the military time is one of hands)
the best example on how to
measure time using 24-hour?

- Any idea?
- Because, for them the time is
equivalent as a gold. Because
they said that every seconds,
minutes and hours are
important for their action in
their training.
- Very Good!
- So, this problem would be easy
if we apply our knowledge of
the 24-hour time.

Since subtracting 11:05 from

2:45 p.m. is not possible, we
need to change or convert 2:45
pm to 24 hour time.
- Ma’am (student raise his/her
- Yes? (Name of student)

- How to convert 12-hour to

- To convert 12 hour to 24 hour
time format we follow the steps:
1. If the time is between 12:00
am and 12:59 am, we subtract
12 hours.
2. If the time between 1:00 pm
and 11:59 pm, we add 12 hours
to input time.
Solution: 11:05 a.m.= 11:05 (24
hour clock time)
2:45 p.m.= 14:45 (24 hour clock

So, 2:05 pm is equivalent in

14:05. Do you think 14:05 can
we subtract in 11:45?
- Yes Ma’am.
How? Please volunteer ?
- (The student will raise their

- 14:45
3: 40
- So, Julie Ann spend 3 hours
and 40 minutes to cook
- Very Good!
- Why is it important of being
always on time to every
commitment we have made?
- Being on time helps you be
cool, calm, and collected, and
you make a great impression
by showing the other person
you respect their valuable
time. By arriving early, you
allow yourself a few extra
minutes to think through your
argument, and you appear
more confident, poised, and
in control.

- Very Good!
E. Discussing new concepts
and practicing new skills #2 - Okay class, I prepared some
example. Who wants to answer
in number 1?

1. What time is 3 hours after

13:30 ?
- 13:30
+ 3:00

Add 13-hour and 30 minutes

to 3-hour= 16 hours and 30
minutes. In 12-hour is
equivalent 4:30 pm.
2. A plane landed in Miami at
4:15 a.m.. It departed from New
York at 2:47 p.m.. How long did
it take the plane to fly from New
York to Miami?

- 4:15 a.m.= 4:15 a.m.

2:47 p.m. covert in 24-hour.
Therefore, 2:47 p.m. = 14:47
- 4:15
10 : 32

- The long did it take the

plane to fly from New York
to Miami is 10 hours and 32
- Very Good!

E. Discussing new concepts - For the group activity I will

and practicing new skills #2 divide into 2 groups every
group will do a task. Read and
answer the following
problems. Do you understand
- Yes Ma’am!
- Group 1:
A train is leaving Divisoria on
Monday late afternoon and is
supposed to arrive in Naga at
10:33 a.m. on Tuesday. If the
estimated journey time is 16
hours and 45 minutes, at what
time should the train leave

What is asked in the problem?

- At what time should the train
leave Divisoria?

What are the given facts?

- A train is leaving Divisoria on
Monday late afternoon and is
supposed to arrive in Naga at
10:33 a.m. on Tuesday. If the
estimated journey time is 16
hours and 45 minutes.

- Plan: Subtract 16 hours and 45

minutes from 10:33 a.m. of

- Solve
10:33 a.m. (Tuesday)
To subtract 45 minutes from
33 minutes, we borrow 1 hour
from 10 and add 60 (since
1hour = 60 minutes) to 33.
so, 93 minutes – 45 minutes =
48 minutes.

To subtract 16 hours from

9:00, we borrow 1 day from
Tuesday for it to become
Monday and add 24 (since 1
day = 24 hours) to 9.
So, 33 hours – 16 hours = 17

We now have 17:48 H,

Monday or 5:48 p.m.,

Therefore, the train should

leave Divisoria at 5:48 p.m. of
Monday to arrive in Naga at
10:33 a.m. of Tuesday.

- Check: Add 16 hours and 45

minutes to 5:48 p.m. Monday.
If the answer is 10:33 a.m. of
Tuesday, your answer us

- Group 2:
The time in Manila is 6 hours
ahead of Rome. The flight
from Manila to Rome takes 9
hours. If an airplane leaves
Manila by 9:00 a.m., at what
time in Rome will the plane

What is asked?
- At what time will the airplane
from Manila arrive in Rome
(referring to Rome time)?

What are the given facts?

- The time in Manila is 6 hours
ahead of Rome. The flight
from Manila to Rome tales 9
hours. The airplane left
Manila at 9:00 a.m.

- Plan:
Add 9 hours to 9:00 a.m., then
subtract 6 hours since Manila
time is 6 hours ahead of Rome

We will just add 9 hours to
9:00 a.m.

There cannot be 18 hours in a

12-hour clock, so we subtract
12 from 18. Since we
subtracted 12, it means that
a.m. has passed already and it
is already p.m. of the same
6 p.m.

The plane will arrive at 6:00

p.m., PST, and since PST is 6
hours ahead of Rome, 6:00
p.m. – 6 hours = 12:00 noon
Therefore, 6:00 p.m. in Manila
is 12:00 noon in Rome.

- Check
From 6:00 p.m., you go back 9
hours. Is the answer 9:00 a.m.?
If so, your answer is correct.
F. Developing mastery
(leads to formative - Now based on our activity for
assessment 3) today, how did you measure
time using 24-hour?
- Using step by step procedures,
which is converting 12-hour to
24-hours that we need to
follow Ma’am.

- How do we convert 12-hour to

- To convert 12 hour to 24
hour time format we follow
the steps below:
1. If the time is between 12:00
am and 12:59 am, we subtract
12 hours.
2. If the time between 1:00 pm
and 11:59 pm, we add 12
hours to input time.
- Very Good!
G. Finding Practical - For your individual activity get
Application of concept and one whole sheet of paper and
skill. answer the following

- Direction: Solve the following


1. A train leaves Delhi for

Tundla at 7:30 a.m.. It takes 5
hours at Tundla. At what time
it reach at Tundla?

What is asked?
- What time it reach at Tundla?

What are the given facts? - A train leaves Delhi for

Tundla at 7:30 a.m.. It takes 5
hours at Tundla.

Add 7:30 a.m. from 5 hours.
7:30 a.m
+ 5:00 hours

12:30 p.m.

Therefore, the train will reach

Tundla at 12:30 p.m.
2. Ken left his home 11:25
a.m. to play cricket. He came
at 3:50 p.m. How long was he
away from his home?

What is asked? - Length of time he was away

from his home.
What are the given facts? - Ken left his home 11:25 p.m.
to play cricket. He came at
7:50 p.m.

11:25 a.m.= 11:25 a.m.
3:50 p.m. = 13:50 p.m.
Ken was away from home 11
hr. 25 minutes – 13 hr. 50
minutes = 2 hr. 25 minutes

- 11:25

- Therefore, he was away from

his home for 2 hours and 45
- Very Good!
H. Generalization/
Abstraction. - How do you measure time
using the 24-hour clock?
- We use conversion. For
example, seconds-minutes,
minutes-hours, etc. depending
on what is asked.
- How do we solve problems
involving time?

- We follow the steps in

problem-solving. We convert
units like second, minutes,
hours, etc. We sometimes use
addition and/or subtraction.
- What are the steps to be
considered that we need to
follow to convert 12-hour time
to 24-hour time format?
- 1. If the time is between 12:00
am and 12:59 am, we subtract
12 hours.
2. If the time between 1:00 pm
and 11:59 pm, we add 12
hours to input time.

I. Evaluation
Encircle the correct answer.
1. Mary reached her school at 7:30
a.m. and left for home at 12:45 p.m..
How long did she stay in school?
a. 3 hours and 15 minutes
b. 4 hours and 15 minutes
c. 5 hours and 15 minutes
d. 6 hours and 15 minutes - C. 5 hours and 15 minutes

2. A circus show started at 9:15 a.m.

and ended at 4:30 p.m. What was the
duration of the show?
a. 7 hours and 15 minutes
b. 7 hours and 16 minutes
c. 7 hours and 17 minutes
d. 7 hours and 18 minutes
- A. a. 7 hours and 15 minutes
3. The duration of a film show is 3
hours and 15 minutes. It starts at 6:30
p.m. When will it end?
a.10:00 a.m.
b. 10:00 p.m.
c. 9:45 a.m.
d. 9:45 p.m. - D. 9:45 p.m.

4. Max travelled 2 hours and 45

minutes by bus and 5 hours and 45
0minutes by train. Calculate the time
spent in travelling.
a. 7 hours and 30 minutes
b. 8hours and 30 minutes
c. 9 hours and 30 minutes
d. 10 hours and 30 minutes - B. 8hours and 30 minutes

5. Shelly started playing at 12:35

A.M.. She played till 4:15 p.m.. How
long did she play?
a. 4 hours and 45 minutes
b. 4 hour and 10 minutes
c. 4 hours and 20 minutes
b. 4 hours and 50 minutes
- 4 hours and 20 minutes

J. Additional Activity for Assignment:

Applications or - Directions: Solve these
Remediation. problems.
1. Cora studied her lessons in
preparation for the incoming
periodical test. She began
reading the lessons at 8:30 pm.
If she’s up at 2:00 am, how
long did she study?

- 2. Kenzrae starts his

badminton practice at 9:35 am.
If the practice ends at 1:40 pm,
how long did Kenzrae practice
V. Remarks

VI. Reflection

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