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Payment Procedure of BUP

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The Guardian/Students of BUP can pay their tuition fees by following ways:

1. TBL Branch Counter and t-cash Agent Point

2. Online Payment (Web Portal)
3. ‘t-cash’ account using USSD & SMS

Payment through Over The Counter (OTC) at TBL Branch/ t-cash Agent Point:
 The Guardian/Students will go to nearby TBL Branch and submit pay slip with their Registration
ID, Invoice No and Notification Mobile Number
 The Guardian/Students of BUP will pay the money to the counter
 Bank personnel will input the payment information into the system and get back copy of pay slip
to the Guardian/Students with Seal & Sign
 The Guardian/Students will get payment confirmation SMS to their respective notification Mobile

Payment through Online (BUP Website):

1. The Guardian/ Student will visit the link: http://www.bup.edu.bd/
2. The BUP website will appears and then The Guardian/ Student will click UCAM Button at the right top
corner of the page.
3. A Log in Page will appears where the Guardian/ Student will put their User ID and Password which has
been provided from BUP.
4. After providing correct USER ID and Password the Guardian/ Student will be able to login into their
5. The Guardian/ Student will select Financial Menu to view his/her monthly due invoice
6. After selecting invoice the Guardian/ Student will find 2 options in Top of the right corner.
 View Option- By clicking View Option the Guardian/ Student will be able to view his/her invoice.
In invoice page they will also get pay now Option in the below corner by clicking which they can
pay their Dues by using Trust Bank Card and t-cash account.
 Pay Option: By clicking Pay option in financial menu the Guardian/ Student will able to make
payment his/her dues by using Trust Bank Card and t-cash account.

7. By clicking payment option the Guardian/ Student will be in Trust bank payment page where 2 options
will be available such as Trust bank Card and t-cash the Guardian/ Student may select desire payment
 Payment With t-cash: To make payment through t-cash, the Guardian/ Student will have to select
t-cash option. In t-cash payment page the Guardian/ Student will need to provide their registered
t-cash account number and PIN. After that an authorization code will be sent to his/her mobile.
The Guardian/ Student will then enter that code and click on ‘Process Transaction’ button. After
that transaction will complete and the Guardian/ Student will get Confirmation SMS.

 Card Payment: To make payments through the card, the Guardian/ Student will have to select
the card option. By clicking Trust Bank Card option the Guardian/ Student will be in card payment
page. In this page the Guardian/ Student will need to provide his/her card number, expiration
date, name, e-pin number. After that an OTP will be sent to his/her mobile. The Guardian/ Student
will then enter that OTP and click on ‘Ok’ button. The transaction will complete and the Guardian/
Student will get Confirmation SMS on screen or mobile.

8. Then the Guardian/Student can follow the table to see his/her paid payment slips. To see Paid
Payment Slip the Guardian/Student will click view button and can see an invoice with Paid Icon.

Service Charge :
1) No charges for depositing money into ‘t-cash’ account at any branch of Trust Bank Limited.
2) 0.6% Service Charge will be applicable for depositing the money into ‘t-cash’ account at Nominated
‘t-cash’ Agent Point .
3) For Online payment of Tuition fees through ‘t-cash’ account or Trust Bank card, Tk. 10.00 will be
Charged/deducted for each transaction.

For any information regarding Tuition fees payment through ‘t-cash’ account and Trust Bank Card,
Please contact Trust Bank Call Center
To know more details, please visit: www.tcashbd.com, https://www.facebook.com/bd.tcash/

Bangladesh University of Professional (BUP) tuition fees payment
procedure from BUP web portal through t-cash and Card
Enter Student Id

Enter Student Id

Enter Password
Click Student
Bill History

Click Pay
Select Payment Method

1. Enter Your Account No.

2. Enter Your PIN

3. Click here. you will

get an OTP through

4. Input authorization code

5. Click here to
complete the fees
An Amount of TK.
200 has been paid payment process
to BUP for
Number EV101010
Ref ID: 345DS9087S

SMS confirmation to
customer from TBL
Bangladesh University of Professional (BUP) tuition fees payment procedure
through t-cash USSD

Welcome to t-cash
t-cash Tuition Fees Registration No
1. Cash Out
2. P2P 1. RCPSC
3. Top Up 2. CPSCR

*201# 4. Utility 3. DCGPSC

5. Tuition Fees 4. NCPSC EVXXXXXXX
6. Fund Transfer 5. BISC
7. Account Info
15. BUP
Cancel Send/Reply
Cancel Send/Reply Cancel Send/Reply Cancel Send/Reply

Step 1- Dial *201# Step 2- Reply with Step 3- Reply Step 4- Enter Registration
to get the menu 5 for Tuition Fees with 15 for BUP. No and reply.

Invoice Number Notification Number PIN

An amount of Tk. ****
has been Paid to BUP
for Registration
XXXXXXXX 8801XXXXXXXXX XXXX Number xxxxxxxx.
Your current balance
is Tk. *********.

Cancel Send/Reply Cancel Send/Reply Cancel Send/Reply Cancel Send/Reply

Step 5- Enter Invoice Step 6- Enter 13 digit Step 7- Enter 4 digit Step 8- Payment
Number and send Mobile Number and send. PIN and send. successful notification

* GP, Robi & Airtel subscriber will get the menu by dialing *201#
* Other Subscriber will send SMS

For any query and support https://www.tblbd.com/Helpdesk/

Bangladesh University of Professional (BUP) tuition fees payment
procedure through t-cash SMS


* Other then GP, Robi & Airtel Subscribers will send SMS as below

Trustmm BUP<Space>Registration number<Space>Invoice number<Space>
Notification number<Space>PIN<Send to 03590016201>

Trustmm bup EVXXXXXXX 20xxxxxxx 8801XXXXXXXXX xxxx
<Send to 03590016201>

For any query and support https://www.tblbd.com/Helpdesk/

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