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International Journal of Science and Modern Engineering (IJISME)

ISSN: 2319-6386, Volume-2, Issue-1, December 2013

Evaluation of the Compressive strength of Concrete

for partial replacement of Over Burnt Brick Ballast
Tariq Ali, Nouman Iqbal, Md Zeeshan, Md Zulfiqar Ali Khan

Abstract- Regional conditions enforced engineers to generate a The bricks which are near the fire in the kiln subjected to
study on concrete which incorporate Over Burnt Brick Ballast high heat more than 1000 degree centigrade [2] ultimately
Aggregate partially due to their abundance. 5%, 10%, 15%, and shrink and loose its shape, color becomes redish and its
20% (M05, M10, M15, M20) incorporation was used as partial appearance like redish to blackish gradient stone. This over
replacement of natural coarse aggregate in concrete. Analysis of
burnt brick serves as waste in the construction industry and
incorporated concrete was done in fresh state as well in hardened
state to evaluate different properties of concrete i.e. slump , has to accumulate some where in the process of recycling.
compaction factor test, unit weight, and compressive strength are Concrete is a solid, hard material produced by combining
evaluated. From all the results and experimental approach it is Portland cement, coarse and fine aggregate (sand & stone),
concluded that Concrete formed with over burnt brick ballast water and sometimes admixtures in proper proportions. It is
aggregate showed beneficial performance as compared with the one of the most widely used construction material and has a
concrete made up of natural aggregate obtained from local long history of use. Its constituent ingredients derive from a
resources. The over burnt brick ballast aggregate showed 14.75% wide variety of naturally occuring materials that are readily
increase in Compressive strength for 20% replacement. It available in the most parts of the world. Approximately 60
reduces the cost of concrete by reducing the aggregate cost and
to 80 percents of concrete is made up of aggregates [3]. The
produces economical infrastructure system..
cost of concrete and its properties are directly related to the
Keywords: Over Burnt brick Ballast Aggregate, Kiln, aggregates used. In aggregates, the major portion is of
Compressive strength. coarse aggregate i.e. stone or gravel which are obtained
naturally either from river bed or by crushing rocks
I. INTRODUCTION mechanically up to the required size.
As the time is passing, the constrution industry is growing
rapidly and in the last decade we are seeing relatively huge
constructions. With this rapid growth, a concern of its waste
management also growing with the same speed every
annum. This problem is not of some speicific region but it is
a global problem and raising his head high very fast. Dozens
of materials are common in the construction industry and
one of the materials is brick. Regular bricks are used in the
construction of buildings either as main walls, partition
walls or some other purposes. When we see the prespective
of its manufacting we find a lot of waste in the form of over
burnt bircks. In every batch of brick manufacturing, a high
number of over burnt bricks are produced which acts as a In plain areas of Pakistan like centeral Punjab, there are
waste. (Recycling is a process to change materials (waste) very less deposits of rocks. The construction cost increases
into new products to prevent waste of potentially useful in those regions due to transportation cost of coarse
materials, reduce the consumption of fresh raw materials, aggregates, ultimately it will become very difficult for most
of the regionals to construct low cost houses or buildings.
reduce energy usage, reduce air pollution(from incineration)
An advantage is that, bricks manufacturing kilns are
and water pollution (from landfilling) by reducing the need
for "conventional" waste disposal, and lower greenhouse abundant in those regions and as we discussed earlier its
gas emissions as compared to plastic production)[1]. exempts its waste in the form of over burnt bricks.
According to general definition ―concrete is a
composite material‖[4] so by taking advantage of the
situation for the people, this paper presents the overview and
research that is carried out on the concrete when natural
coarse aggregate is partially replaced by over burnt brick
Manuscript received December, 2013.
Tariq Ali, Civil Engineering Department, the University of LahoreUOL II. RESEARCH PROJECT
Nouman Iqbal, Civil Engineering Department, the University of The main objective of the research project is to
LahoreUOL Lahore determine the properties of concrete by replacing natural
Mohammad Zeeshan, Civil Engineering Department, the University of coarse aggregate with over burnt brick ballast aggregate.
LahoreUOL Lahore
Dr. Muhammad Zulfiqar Ali Khan, Civil Engineering Department, the Different tests were carried out on fresh concrete as well as
University of LahoreUOL Lahore on hardened concrete. Four batches of concrete

Evaluation of the Compressive strength of Concrete for partial replacement of Over Burnt Brick Ballast Aggregate

incorporating over burnt brick ballast aggregate were 1.5. Mix Casting
prepared. The replacement was 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% and Fresh prepared mix were casted in nine standard cube
represented as M05, M10, M15 and M20 respectively. Here M moulds of dimension 150mm, three cylinderical moulds of
denotes the concrete mix and subscript designates the dimension 150mm x 300mm and 3 beams of dimension
percentage replacement by natural coarse aggregate to over 100mm x 150mm x 1200mm in three equivalent layers.
burnt brick ballast aggregate. After pouring a single layer, 25 strokes were forced with a
standard tamping rod with each layer rodded one stroke for
III. MATERIALS AND MIX approximately 1280mm2, after that moulds were vibrated on
1.1. Materials a vibrating table to force out the entrapped layer in the mix.
The top surface of the fresh concrete was levelled with the
All the materials were obtained from local resources. Table help of a trowel and was lefted for 24 hours allowed the
01 demonstate the properities of consitituents which were
fresh concrete to set. Note that over burnt brick ballast
used for the preparation of designed mix. Ordinary Portland
aggregate concrete didn’t pose any difficulties in terms of
Cement ASTM C-50 Type-1was used as a binding material finishing. The specimens were demoulded after 24 hours.
throughout the investigation. All the moulds were cured by immersing in a curing tank in
Lawrencepur sand as a fine aggregate were used in the the lab. The specimens were brought out from water
preparation of mix. 20mm and 10mm crushed gravel of approximately 24 hours before testing and kept at room
irregular shape sourced from Sargodha were used partially
temperature till testing.
as a coarse aggregate.
Long, irregular in configuration, over burnt brick ballast
aggregate of 20mm maximum sized is illustrated in Figure
01 which was sourced from Niazi Kiln; Manga Mandi used 1.6. Fresh Concrete Analysis
as partial replacement of natural coarse aggregate. Slump test and compaction factor test were performed on
the Control Mix (M0) concrete and concrete incorporating
over burnt brick ballast aggregate to analyze the workability
of concrete.
1.6.1. Slump Test
The workability of fresh concrete was measured with
standard slump cone. The test was carried out in accordance
with ASTM-C-143/143-M-03. The test was perfomed
immediately after mixing. Table 02 shows the slump values
of concrete mix at defined replacements. Graphical
representation of the slump test values illustrated in Figure
02. Facts revealed that the slump value deceases with the
Figure 01 — Over Burnt Brick Ballast Aggregates increase in the quantity of recycled over burnt brick ballast
aggregate. This decreasing pattern of slump directly affects
Local tap water was used in prepration of all concrete mixes. the workability of concrete and ultimately reduces the
1.2. Proportioning Ratio workability of concrete wit increase in the over burnt brick
ballast aggregate.
The mix designed was prepared according to the ACI
recommendation for concret mix design. 1:2:2.4 mix
proportioning ratio was determined for targeted strength of
21 MPa For all cases 0.57 water/cement (w/c) ratio (by
weight) was used.
1.3. Test Specimens
To carry out the experimental investigation a total of nine
150mm (3 for 7 days, 3 for 14 dyas and 3 for 28 days)
standered cubes were casted and tested in compression after
3, 7 and 28 days of curing in the portable water. Similarly
three standard cylinders of size 150mm x 300mm and three
standard beams of size 100mm x 150mm x 1200mm were
also casted and tested for splitting tensile test and flexural
strength test respectively after 28 days of its curing.
1.4. Mix Preparation
The batching of all the ingredients was performed by
weight. The sand was air dried in the laboratory before
mixing. First the surface of the mixer was damped with
water then all the aggregates were added into the mixer till
the aggregates mingle with each other. After thorough
mixing of aggregates cement was introduced into the mixer
and water were added slowly as per W/C ratio. The concrete
was mixed for approximately three (3) minutes after the
water was added. Figure 02 — SlumpValue Vs Replacement

International Journal of Science and Modern Engineering (IJISME)
ISSN: 2319-6386, Volume-2, Issue-1, December 2013

1.6.2. Compaction Factor Test

Table 03 shows the compaction factor values of the concrete
mix at defined replacements. Graphical representations of
the compaction factor values illustrated in Figure 03.Trend
clearly revealed that as the percentage of over bornt brick
ballast aggregate in the concrete increases, compaction
factor values decreases ultimately lessen the workability of

Figure 05—Reduction in unit weight Vs Replacement

The percentage decrease in the unit weight at M05, M10, M15

and M20 was 2.4, 6.17, 7.00 and 7.43 percent respectively.
Figure 05 illustrate the decreasing pattern of the concrete
incorporating over burnt brick ballast aggregate.
1.7.2.Compressive Strength Test
Figure 06 illustrates the compressive strength test results at
different ages of control mix and mix incorporating over
burnt brick ballast aggregate. The result demonstrated that
as the percentage of over burnt brick ballast aggregate
increase, compressive strength relative to control mix (M0)
also shows significant increment. The percentage increase in
the compressive strength of M05, M10, M15 and M20 concrete
relative to control mix are found to be 9.82, 10.49, 14.70
and 14.75 percent respectively. The Figure 07 shows the
graphical representaion of the percentage increase in the
compressive strength.
Figure 03—Compaction Factor Vs Replacement


Compressive strength test, splitting tensile strength test,
flexural strength test and Los Angeles Abrasion Test were
performed on the hardened concrete {control mix (M0) and
mix incorporating over burnt brick ballast aggregate} to
analyze the properties of concrete.
1.7.1. Unit Weight
Specific gravity is directly related to the weighing property
of the materials. Table 01 demonstrates lower specific
gravity of the over burnt brick ballast aggregate which
Figure 07—Gain in Compressive Strength Vs Replacement
ultimately implies lower unit weight of the prepared
concrete from over burnt brick ballast aggregate. The
Figure 08 is of the test samples are shown below. It can be
recorded unit weight of control mix M0 was 2542 and as the
observed that, as for the compressive strength test, the over
replacement introduced the unit weight showed decreasing
burnt brick ballast concrete does not exhibits typical
pattern. At M05, M10, M15 and M20 the recorded unit weight
compression failure behaviour.
was 2481, 2385, 2364 and 2353 respectively. These results
are illustrated in the Figure 04

Figure 08—Samples Under Compressive Loading

Figure 04—Unit Weight Vs Replacement

Evaluation of the Compressive strength of Concrete for partial replacement of Over Burnt Brick Ballast Aggregate


The core objective of the research was to investigate the
effects of over burnt brick ballast aggregate on the
properties of concrete. The investigation discovered decline
in the unit weight, adequate gain in Compressive Strength.
Therefore Split Tensile strength and Flexural Strength of
concrete incorporating over burnt brick ballast aggregate
need to be evaluated.
The incorporated concrete does not require any
particular attention regarding mixing, placing, and finishing.
It serve economical to the constructor without
compromising on the strength and behave light in weight
because of less unit weight. After the thorough study it will
be recommended to use incorporated concrete to such
structures where compressive strength up-to 21Mpa is

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Vol. 114, No. 9, Sept. 1971, p 82-85.
2. Barra, M and Vazquez, E, ―Properties of Concrete with Recycled
Aggregates : Influence of the Properties of the Aggregates and Their
Interpretation‖, Proceedings of the International Symposium
organized by the Concrete Technology Unit, London, 1998
3. Ghosh, S. N., ―Progress in Cement and Concrete‖, Science &
Technology, Thomas Telford, Pt. I, Vol. I, 1992
4. Rao, Akash; K.N Jha, and Sudhir Misra; ―A framework for use of
construction and demolition waste as recycled aggregate in India‖,
The Indian Concrete Journal, January, 2006.


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