Himesh Nuance
Himesh Nuance
Himesh Nuance
Phone: +919858585404
Em ail: [email protected]
Software Engineer with experience in all aspects of the software development life cycle, including requirements analysis, design,
development and quality analysis.
Domain knowledge in PLM , TELECOM and IVR sectors.
Good understanding of Algorithms, Data Structures and Design Patterns.
Good analytical and programming capabilities coupled with excellent decision making skills.
Fair ability to handle contingent situations as and when they occur.
Jun. 2019 – P resent Associate softw are engineer, Nuance com m unications
Pune, M ah arashtra
Work with VXML and related technologies to support the AI based IVR system for
Delta Dental Project.
Implement backend using web-services with SpringBoot and SpringREST.
Use SOAPUI for creating and testing SOAP stubs and mock responses.
Write test cases using JUnit to review and enhance the quality of code.
Dec. 2016 – Jun. 2019 RnD Softw are Eng ineer, Dassault System s
Pune, M ah arashtra
P erform ance P ro file r and Code Coverag e to ol for Java based code
Led a 3 person team to create a mechanism for profiling of Java byte-code on on-
premise and cloud servers.
Used the ASM framework to build the java agent to change the bytecode at the JVM
instance level.
Used REST to create web-services to rally the data between agent and GUI.
Used JavaFX to create a platform independent UI.
REST web-service testin g pla tfo rm
Use Jersey to build a platform to allow testing of REST based web-service with
minimal intrusion.
Supported features like partial comparison, symbol support for dynamic values
within web-services, order s h u ffl e , and sample response comparison.
Handle Enhancement requests on the 3DEPXERIENCE PLATFORM product.
Participate in daily SCRUM.
Development of back-end services for the Customer Account and Statistic Generation
using the Faccade Pattern in Spring MVC to customize the SAP HYBRIS.
Used JIRA to track and solve the bugs.
Participate in daily SCRUM.
Follow the Test Driven Development Approach