Tableau Rubric

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Tableau Rubric

Group Members: __________________________________________________________________________ Period: __________________

2 3 4 5

IMAGINATION Group does not agree to Group needs outside support; Group usually is able to Group consistently and
MIND pretend; does not react to is rarely able to pretend and pretend and react to imaginary imaginatively agrees to
imaginary sights, sounds, reacts to imaginary sights, sights, sounds, smells, tastes, pretend and reacts to
smells tastes, and textures sounds, smells, tastes, and and textures imaginary sights, sounds,
textures smells, tastes, and textures

BODY MOVEMENT Group does not: Group is rarely able to: Group is usually able to: Group is consistently able to:
FACIAL EXPRESSION - Pose with audience -Pose with an audience’s -Pose with an audience’s -Pose with audience’s
perspective in mind perspective in mind perspective in mind perspective in mind
-Vary body movement beyond -Use dramatic facial expression -Use dramatic facial expression -Use dramatic facial expression
neutral appropriate to thoughts and appropriate to thoughts and appropriate to thoughts and
-Use any facial expression feelings of the character feelings of the character feelings of the character
-Communicate meaning (the -Exaggerate expression for -Exaggerate expression for - Exaggerate expression for
thoughts and feelings of the audience to see audience to see audience to see
character) using body/face -Communicate consistent -Communicate consistent -Communicate consistent
meaning meaning meaning

FOCUS Group: Group is rarely able to: Group is usually able to: Group is consistently able to:
-Looks outside freeze frame -Keep focus inside freeze -Keep focus inside freeze -Keep focus inside freeze
-Remains out of character frame frame frame
-Moves -Remain in character -Remain in character -Remain in character
-Speaks -Remain frozen when cued -Remain frozen when cued -Remain frozen when cued
-Remain silent when cued -Remain silent when cued -Remain silent when cued

COOPERATION Group members don’t know Outside direction needed; Group is usually able to work -All group members are
what to do, are unable to work group is rarely able to work as as an ensemble/team actively involved in the
as an ensemble/team, do not an ensemble/team ensemble/team
share ideas, and are unwilling -Share roles equitably
to resolve disagreements -Share leadership
-Embrace new ideas
-Value all members

Total: ______/20

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