Sophocles Electra1
Sophocles Electra1
Sophocles Electra1
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This edition 6rst published ir penguin Classics zoo8 General Introduction xii
2 Further Reading xxxv
Translation, Prefaces and Notes copyright @ David Raeburn, zoo8 A Note on the Translation xli
General Introduction, Chronology and Further Reading copyright @ pat
Easterling, zooS
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to Women of Tracbis
Preface t
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Preface to Electra r27
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Penguin Books Ltd, 8o Strand, London wczr onl "o--e."" Appendix: The Ancient Greek
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Preface to Electra
The essentials of the myth inherited by Sophocles were derived
from Homer and his epic successors, then developed by the Greek
lyric poets and the dramatist's predecessors in tragedy.
Agamemnon, king of Mycenae, led the expedition to Troy to
recover Helen, the wife of his brother Menelaus, who had eloped
with the Trojan prince Paris. So that his fleet could sail, Agamem-
non was compelled to sacrifice his daughter Iphigenia to the
goddess Artemis. On his return home from the sack of Troy ten
years later, he was murdered by his wife, Clytemnestra, and her
lover Aegisthus, who then became the rulers of Mycenae.
Agamemnon's young son, Orestes, had escaped into exile at
the time of his father's death. Grown to manhood, he returned
to Mycenae on the orders of the Delphic oracle, to take revenge
on his father's murderers, first making contact with his unmarried
sister Electra. After killing his mother and Aegisthus, Orestes was
pursued by the Furies to Delphi, where he was purified by the
god Apollo, and then to Athens, where he was tried and acquitted
by a court of citizens.
Moaning softly behind the doors, my son' All-radiant stars and the daylight,
8o 'So wretched!' - could it be Electra? Ought we to stay Nor cease to keen like the nightingalelT
Where we are and listen while she laments?14 '$7ho
killed her young, crying my sorrow
ORESTES: To the world here by the royal gateway.
No, no! Apollo's orders first. The proper O hear me, all you gods of the dead,
Start must be libations at my father's grave' Hades, Persephone, Hermes below.18
85 That is the way to victory and to success' O hear me, power of my father's curse,
pvLtnBs by one side entrance' the
lExewnt oRESTES atnd And you, the dread Furiesle of vengeance,
oLD sLAvE bY the other-f 'S7ho
spy the shedding of kindred blood
And robbing of beds in secret lust,
Come to me, succour me, punish my father's
Murder most foul,
And home to my arms send me my brother.
Alone I am weak, powerless to shoulder Bird who heralds the springtime, crazily,
r20 The heavy load of mY suffering. Constantly moaning for Itys, for Itys.21
O Niober22 queen of sorrows, I count you immortal in
ENTRY OF THE CHORUS2O Tombed in the frozen rock face,
and weeping.
lEnter the cttoxus of Mycenean women'l
CHORUS: lStrophe tl
CHORUS: [Strophe z]
O child, child of a wretchedlY hard You're not the only one,
Mother, Electra, whY are You still Daughter, to know bereavement's pain.
Chanting these insatiable songs of grief, Others are in your house. Your grief exceeds theirs,
Crying for King Agamemnon, godlessly The ones who share your father's blood, who still live,
Caoght in the trap by your mother's own treachery' Yes, your sisters, Chrysothemis and lphianassa.23
Betrayed to death by a wicked hand? So perish the man He lives who is sheltered from sorrow,
Vho d6alt th6t bl6w, if i maY Pt6Y s6' Happily coming to manhood.
ELECTRA: The famous land of Mycenae
Daughters of noble fathers, Soon will welcome him back to his heritage.
You've come to console me in all my misfortunes, The hand of Zeus will guide him home - Orestes!
I know it, I feel it, I see it so clearly' ELECTRA:
But how could I willingly fail in my duty Orestes, ah! I never tire of waiting,
And cease to bewail my ill-fated father? So wretched and so lost - no child, no husband - r65
No, my friends, whose kindness will always give friendship Drenched in my tears and doomed to perpetual
for friendshiP, Misery. Can he remember the wrongs he has
Leave me to mY distractiont Suffered and what he has heard of me? Ifhich of his
Leave me, I beg You. Messages reach me without disappointing me? f7o
He 6lw6ys l6ngs to c6me,
CHORUS: fAntistroPhe rl
But n6ver thinks fit to 6nd his l6nging.
But how, how will dirges and Prayers
Help to summon Your father back, CHORUS: lAntistropbe zl
Up irom the Lake of Death which none escapes? Courage, you must take heart,
No, in your limitless grief you are fatally Daughter. Zeus is still great in heaven.
Parting from reason for pain without remedy' Nothing escapes his watchful eye and strong rule. 175
This sighing offers no release from suffering's chains' Assign to him the fury of your harsh rage.
So whi, whi c6urt such s6nseless Snguish? Curb your anger with those you hate, you need not forget
ELECTRA: them.
None but a fool forgets their Time is a god of healing.
Parents grievously gone to the underworld' The seaboard pastures of Crisa2a r8o
Closer to my sad heart is the nightingale, Harbour your noble brother,
The shame of your present wretched state,
Son of the great Agamemnon, who cares for you'
Is all of your own making.
So does the god wlo reigns by the river Acheron'2s
Your trials are worse than they need to be.
Your sullen soul keeps breeding wars
No, most of my life has trickled past and left me
Which cannot be won. Don't fight with the strong.
Wiihout any hope. All my strength is ebbing'
H6w can y6u come n6ar them?
Wasting to nothing without any children,
Needing the sheltering love of a husband'
They must be fought! I'm left no choice.
I work as a slave in the house of my father,
Their crimes dictate my actions.
As though I were iust a contemptible foreigner'
I know my passion all too well,
I we6r m6an sh6bbY cl6thes
But I shan't cease
And 6at st6nding bi mys6lf at m6altimes'
Plaguing them while I live.
ll My dearest sisters, what person of sense
cHoRUS: [Stropbe
Would say you were right? How can I now
That cry on the king's homecoming,
Listen to kind, consoling words?
That pitiful crY at the fatal feast,
Leave me, my comforters, leave me alone,
\fhen the bronze axe struck and felled him down
These knots are never to be untied. 230
And the blood ran down the flagstones'
I'll never find any relief from my sorrows,
It was guile that instructed; the killer was lust'
My dirges cannot be reckoned.
In monstrous union they brought to birth
That monstrous shape, whether mortal or god
Brought their scheme to riPeness'
Dear child, I wish you kindly.
Please trust me like a mother.
Of atl the daYs that I ever lived
Your folly's breeding ruin. 235
That was the one most hateful,
That night of horror, night which saw
How can this evil allow moderation?
The monstrous feast
F{ow can it be right to betray the departed?
What did mY father feel
How is it human to be so faithless?
\7hen he saw those two hands looming near -
I want no praise from impious men)
Those hands that have now betrayed me too'
No home with them of quiet ease,
Captured and destroYed mY life?
If noble blood still runs in my veins.
Miy Zeus the great OlYmPian god
Shall I fail my father, stifling my cries,
Exact the punishment they deserve!
Clipping the wings of grief?
Those who committed such wickedness never
Mirst his c6rpse in the grofrnd
Should live to enioy their splendour' 'Wretchedly
waste away,
lAntis*oPhe jl Feebly count for nothing?
Mfist his killers;gl6ar,
Take care' you've said enough now!
Never to pay with blood for blood?
You must see how your ruinous plight,
Then death to conscience, Every month to the gods who preserve the city.
And m6n's of g6d26 is 6ll forg6tten! And I must watch and wretchedly weep in my room,
Pining, lamenting aloud for the feast obscenely
Held in my father's name - all by myself, 285
As I may not even cry to my heart's content.
This'noble'woman is there to bawl me out
CHORUS LEADER: 'lfith taunts like these: 'You god-forsaken bitch!
Electra, I'm as much concerned for your good
Are you the only daughter whose father's died?
As I am for myself. If what I say is wrong'
Are you the only mourner alive on earth?
You have your way.'We're always there to help' I hope you rot, and pray that the gods below
ELECTRA: '!(ill keep you weeping forever!' So much for her insults
all these laments of mine must make -
Except when she hears a rumour saying Orestes
255 Me seem so very embittered. I feel ashamed.
\7ill soon return. That sends her berserk,
I'm forced to do it, though. You must forgive me. And she yells in my face, 'I blame you for this. 295
A woman of noble birth could not act otherwise,
It's all your work. You stole Orestes out of my hands
When she sees the troubles that haunt her father's house
And smuggled him out of Argos. I'll make you pay!'-
Not fading away but growing day and night. Yapping away, and her royal consort is there
Beside her to egg her on in similar vein -
First, there's my mother. For all our natural ties,
'We're That poisonous, gutless coward, who 6ghts his battles
bitter enemies. Next, I have to live
\fith women's help. Oh, I am sick and weary,
In my own house beside my father's murderers.
Weary of waiting for Orestes to come back home
They give me my orders, and it rests with them
And end all this. His never-ending delays
265 Whether I eat or starve. Moreover, what
Have shattered every hope that I might have had.
Do you imagine my days are like when I
In face of this, my friends, what room is there
Can see Aegisthus sitting on my father's throne,
'!(earing the same royal robes and pouring For moderation or respect? With evil all
Around you, nothing but evil is left to do.
270 Libations at the hearth-stone where he killed him?
Lastly, I have to witness this crowning outrage:
Electra, is Aegisthus close enough to hear
My father's murderer sharing my father's bed You talking to us? Or is he away from home?
\fith that brazen mother of mine - if it's still proper ELECTRA:
To call the woman who sleeps with him my mother'
'Who He certainly is. I shouldn't be straying out
L75 has the gall to live with that polluting
Of doors if he were at home. He's now in the country.
Criminal and lacks all fear of avenging Furies.28
In that case I can speak to you more freely.
Indeed, she appears to exult in her behaviour.
She has established the day when she trapped and
He's out. What do you want to know?
My father, and set it apart for dancing and sacrifice 'Well,
then, your brother what about him?
You'd show your hatred towards these people. But when 350
Is he on his way or still delaYing?
I champion our father, so far from lending a hand,
You try to thwart me - cowardice into the bargain!
He says he'll come. But he never does what he says'
Now tell me (or I'll tell you), what good would it do
To abandon all this mourning? I still have my life,
tzo A man may hesitate before a heavy task' Not much of a life, I know, but enough for me.
By annoying them,l show respect to the dead, t55
f never hesitated when I saved his life.
If the dead can enjoy respect. You'd have me think
You hate them, but your hatred's a hollow sham.
He's too noble to let You down.
You're really aiding and abetting your father's murderers.
I'd never submit to them, even if they gave me
I trust so, else I shouldn't have lived so long.
All the lovely presents you now enjoy. 360
Keep your delicious food and life of luxury!
Say no more now. Here is your sister Chrysothemis -
The only sustenance I need is a clear conscience.
325 She's Agamemnon's daughter as much as your mother's -
I wouldn't want your privileges. Nor would you
Coming out of the palace. Her hands are holding
If you had any sense. Very well. Instead of being known
Grave-offerings ritually paid to the dead. 365
As great Agamemnon's child, you can be called
lEnter cHRYsorHEMrs frorn the palace.l Clytemnestra's daughter. Then people will know the truth:
You've betrayed your murdered father and your own family.
Here you are again, holding forth
At the palace gateway! Electra, what are you doing?
Stop wrangling, please! You both have more
330 Haven't you learned by now? Your anger's pointless, 370
To gain from listening to each other.
Don't indulge it for nothing. I must admit
This situation distresses me too. If only
Electra's tirades are nothing new to me.
I had the strength, I'd show them how I feel.
I'd never have opened my lips if I hadn't heard
J)J But things are bad. It's wiser to trim
my sails,
That serious trouble is on its way. They're going
Not pose as a threat without any power to harm'
To put an end to her lengthy lamentations.
I wish you'd do the same. I know full well 375
That right is on your side, but if I want
All right, tell me the worst. If it's more frightful
:.4o To be free, our lords and masters must be obeyed'
Than the trouble I'm in now, I'll hold my tongue.
Chrysothemis! How can you forget the father 'Well,
I'll tell you all that I know myself.
Whose child you are and only think of your mother?
Their plan is this: if you won't stop lamenting,
All the lectures you've been reading to me
They'll send you where you'll never see the sun,
14s Were written by her. They're not words of your own'
Buried alive in a caye across the frontier,
You have to choose: either to be a 'fool' like me'
To chant your miseries there. You'd better think
Or else to be 'wise' and forget your proper family'
About it carefully. Don't blame me when you suffer
You said just now that if you could find the strength'
sensible now' No! I hoPe I'm never so foolish!
Later on. You need to be
to do with me? Very well, I'll go, on the way I was sent'
.Bs ;;;;;;;*theY've Planned
is' As soon as Aegisthus
returns' \r;;;;. you off to? Vho are those offerings
i, ..t,"mfy
"ljfrigt grave'
r, let him come' the sooner
the better' if,.y't.ftntther's libations for our father's
She's sending libations to
her deadliest enemv?
Electra! How can You PraY
for that? il;;;;;
;;;;-;t*e, if that's what he means to do' il;;; th. killed - that's what vou really meant'
told her to do it?
\(hat do you want to happen?
You're mad! \(ho put the idea in her mind? \(ho
I want to escaPe' awaY from You
all' I tbink she was distressed bY a frightening
now - at last!
;j;;;;;;;' care for the life You have? Gods of our fathers, be with us
a sPlendid life that is! #;;;;;r"gtd btt"ose vou know she's frightened?
Ot, *tt"t
It would be so if You knew
any sense' O.r.riU. the dream, and then I'll tell
"o.";ii.".tt me how to betray my
friends! I only know a very little ' ' '
I'm onlY saYing give in when You're
i"tt t.ff me that. One littleuPword
for good'
ELECTRA: Can floor or set a Person
mY way'
You can grovel' That's not CHRYSOTHEMIS:
CHRYSOTHEMIS: ii"y,"y she saw our father beside her again'
At least it's better than falling
through folly' R;;;t;;e life. He then took hold of the staff
;;;;1;.arrY and now Aegisthus wields'
must, for mv father's sake' o"J"f"""a it on the hearth' This sprouted
CHRYSOTHEMIS: ffi;t.*;;; h"t branch whichI overshadowed
4oo F"th., will forgive
us' I know' it, i'nof" of Mycenae' So much revealed ber dream
ELECTRA: From someone present when she
"o1'1;;;t*"rd would talk like that' all l know' except
i;;h. god of the Sun' That's enough to send me out'2e
CHRYSOTHEMIS: That our mother's fttgfttt"ta
g"i *."'t You listen to
mY advtce?
My father, as I've been told, was out on a hunt Escaped your clutches, what an abysmal life
In Artemis' sacred grove, when his footfall startled He leads! You've often accused me of bringing him up
A dappled stag from its covert. After he'd shot it, To be your avenger. Yes, if I'd had the strength,
He accidentally let fall some boastful words. I'd have done it, you can be sure. Denounce me for that 6o5
s70 This made the goddess angry, and so she held To the world. Call me whatever names you choose:
The Greek fleet up, to make my father atone Disloyal, loud-mouthed, totally lacking in shame
For the stag by sacrificing his daughter. Or respect! If such behaviour reflects my nature,
That's how it occurred. It was the only solution. The world can say, 'She takes after her mother'!
The ships couldn't sail back home or across to Troy. cHoRUS LEADER [/o nrrcrne]:
575 He sacrificed Iphigenia36 under compulsion; I see she's fuming with anger. She looks to me
'Sfith great reluctance. It wasn't for Menelaus. No longer concerned whether she's in the right.
Even if it were true, as you maintain, should I feel any concern for her
That he did it to help his brother, did that entitle When she has hurled these insults against her mother?
You to murder him? What was your iustification? She's old enough to know better. Utterly shameless!
580 Blood for blood,37I suppose. But by laying down Don't you believe she'd stoop to anything?
That law, aren't you making a rod for your own back? ELECTRA:
In all fairness, you'd be the next to die. Let me assure you, however it looks to you,
I am ashamed of my actions and very aware
Look now, isn't your pretext entirely specious? Of being untrue to myself. But your hostility
585 Be kind enough to explain the motive behind And cruel treatment force this behaviour on me.
The crowning scandal of your present conduct - Shameful ways are learned by shameful example.3s
Sleeping with the assassin whose help you engaged CLYTEMNESTRA:
To murder my father, and having children by him, You impudent creature! I'm to blame, I suppose.
Ousting the lawful offspring of your previous My words and actions inspire your long tirades.
590 Legitimate union. How could I accept that? ELECTRA:
Or will you agree that this was another way The speeches are yours, not mine. It's you
Of avenging Iphigenia? If that's what you're honestly Who perform the actions, and they discover the words.
Saying, it couldn't be more disgraceful. You don't CLYTEMNESTRA:
Avenge a daughter by marrying one of your enemies. I swear by Artemis,3e you'll pay for this insolence
As soon as Aegisthus comes home.
595 But I'm not even allowed to speak my mind' ELECTRA:
You're constantly sounding off that I'm bad-mouthing You see?
My mother. In fact, I reckon you treat me more You gave me permission to speak my mind
As a mistress would than a mother. I lead such a wretched And are now too furious even to listen.
Life, continually bullied by you and your paramour. CLYTEMNESTRA:
As for your exiled son Orestes, who barely Won't you allow me just to offer sacrifice
r56 EI,ECTRA r57
Panhellenic festival, the Pythian Games. ;;:. orestes came to the turning poinr,al
The first event was the foot-race. As soon as he heard He'd almost graze his axle against it, giving rein
The herald's loud announcement, Orestes made To his right-hand trace horse and checking the one on the
685 A magnificent entrance on to the course and took left.
The spectators' breath away. He finished the race To start with, all the chariots flew safely on.
As well as he started, emerging victorious and bearing But then the Aenian driver's unruly colts
The prize of honour. To cut a long story short' Started to bolt just after they rounded the bend
I've never known a man with such an amazing Between the seventh and eighth laps, and then collided
69o Run of success. One thing's for sure: Head on with the Libyan team. Further disasters
'lfhatever Followed, as one car crashed and smashed into
events the games officials announced,
He walked away with the prizes in every one, Another, until the whole Crisaean racecourse
Receiving the acclamation of the crowd strewn with the debris of shipwrecked chariots.
As his name and city were called: Orestes of Argos,
6gs Son of Agamemnon, Supreme Commander of Greece' Observing this, the Athenian driver craftily
Drew his horses aside and rode at anchor,
So far, so good. But when a god is purposing Allowing the surge of horses to pass him by
Mischief, no man can escape, however strong. As they swirled around in the middle. Orestes was driving
Another day Orestes entered the chariot race, In last position, holding his horses back
Scheduled for sunrise. Of the many other competitors' And pinning his hopes on a final spurr. At last,
One was Achaean, another from Sparta, two were he saw he'd only one competitor left,
Charioteers from Libya. Then came Orestes He sent a sharp yell ringing through rhe ears
As number five with a team of Thessalian horses,ao Of his nimble steeds, and off they shot in pursuit.
Number six an Aetolian with chestnut mares' The drivers drew level, and now they were neck and neck,
Seven a man from Magnesia, eight an Aenian Each taking the lead in turns by the shortesr of heads. 740
I(ith white horses, nine from god-built Athens' I
Lastly a Boeotian to make the full complement of ten. They were on the last lap! Orestes, unlucky man,
Lots were drawn, and they all stationed their chariots Had survived all the others without mishap to himself
'sfhere Or his chariot. But then, as his team was rounding the bend,
7ro the officials ordered. Then, at the sound
Of the bronze trumpet, they were off, with a loud yell He slackened his left-hand rein and accidentally
At the horses and shaking their reins. The whole course Struck the edge of the pillar. The axle-box
rang lfas shattered in two, and he tumbled over the rail.
'S(ith The reins got tangled round him, and as he fell
the din of clattering chariots' The dust flew up
7r5 As all in a confused mass struck their teams To the ground, his colts dashed wildly across the course.
With their goads unsparingly' hoping to overtake When the crowd realized the young Orestes was thrown
The wheels and snorting steeds of the car ahead. From his chariot, a loud cry of horror went up.
They could feel the horses' breath blasting behind To follow such successes with such a disaster!
Their backs, as the foam bespattered their spinning wheels. There he was, now forcibly dashed to the ground,
Now kicking his heels to the sky, until the other
r60 ELECTRA x6r
Charioteers managed at last to bring ;;;;t- and or her. She was the sreater
His runaway horses under control and cut Menace, sharing my home and constantly sucking 785
755 Him free, so covered with blood' that none of his comrades My life-blood.a2 Now, I believe, her threats are empty,
Could have identified his mangled body. And I can enjoy my days in peace.
They burned his corpse on a pyre at once. And now ELECTRA:
A detail of Phocians is bearing that mighty frame, Oh, I am wretched! Now I can well lament,
Reduced to pitiful dust, in a small bronze urn, Orestes, for your sad fate. You're dead, and all
76o So he can be duly interred in his native soil. Your mother can do is gloat. Can this be right?
That is my story, madam, painful enough All's right with him - but not with you!
To hear, but for those of us who were there to see it - ELECTRA:
'Well, Nemesis,a3 hear, and avenge my brother!
l was never witness to such a calamity.
And so the royal house of Argos Nemesis has passed the correct sentence.
Is now, it seems, cut down at the roots. ELECTRA:
CLYTEMNESTRA: Mock on! Enjoy your moment of triumph.
O Zeus! Can I call this happy news CLYTEMNESTRA:
Or sad, though good? It must be sad IThy don't you and Orestes stop me? 795
Vhen I pay so dear to save mY life. ELECTRA:
OLD SLAVE: No stopping you. It's we who are finished.
My lady, you're looking distressed. How so? CLYTEMNESTRA:
CLYTEMNESTRA: Good, sir, if your arrival has really curbed
Motherhood is a strange thing. No wrong Her noisy tongue, you deserve a great reward.
Can make you hate the child you've borne. OLD SLAVE:
OLD SLAVE: If all is in order, I'd like to take my leave.
It seems my journey was all in vain. CLYTEMNESTRA:
CLYTEMNESTRA: I can't let you go like this. I shouldn't be doing
775 No, not in vain. How can you say in vain? My duty by you or the friend who sent you.
You've come to me with proofs that he is dead, Please come indoors. And leave Electra outside
Dead, the son born of my own bodY, To moan away for herself - and her poor lost brother!
'Sfho lExeunt cLYTEMNESTRA, her attendant and the oto SLAVE
tore himself from my nurturing breast for exile
In a foreign land. Once he left this country into the palace.l
He never saw me again. He only accused me ELECTRA:
Of killing his father and sent me terrible threats. You see? There is maternal grief for you! 8o5
78o Sleep never wrapped me up in its soothing mantle, Her son is dead. What pain she shows, how bitterly
Night or day. From moment to endless moment' She weeps and wails for him - the wretched woman!
My life dragged on under the shadow of death. She's gone, laughing in triumph. Oh, Orestes!
But now, today, I am free, free from fear, Belovdd Orestes, your death has destroyed me too.
16z. ELECTRA r63
I thought you'd live and one day come back home at me now w'sting away. 8rs
8ro To avenge your father and champion me. Those were Tr6mple me no firrther!
The only hopes left in my heart, and now
You've wrested them all away. Where can I turn? CHORUS: [Antistrophe r]
IJflithout my father and you I'm quite alone. Lord Amphiarilusa6
It's back to my life as a slave to those I hate, Was ent6ngled through a n6cklace
8r5 Hate the most in the world - my father's murderers! To be br6ught low by a w6man,
Tell me, can it be right? Still, I'll never, But n6w in all his p6wers
Never set foot in that hateful house again. ELECTRA:
Here by the gates, I'll sink to the ground and wither Eeiol 84o
8zo My days away unloved. If that annoys them, CHORUS:
Let them come out and kill me. They'd do me a He rfiles down in H6des.
kindness. ELECTRA:
Life can be only pain. Far better to die. Woe!
S(rrely, for the m(rrderers
CHORUS: [Stophe t]
Oh, whdre is the lightning
Of Zeus? \7h6re now are the bright beams ELECTRA:
8r5 Of the sirn god? Do they s6e this
I kn6w it, be sure. S6on there appeared 8+s
Lnd bide it reglrdless?
One to exact v6ngeance for him.
Mi hope is gone, 6ll that I had
E e aiai!
Sw6pt right away, v6nished!
My child, why this w6eping?
CHORUS: fStrophe z]
'S7oe! Unh6ppy girl: unh6ppy f6tel
I kn6w it w6ll, kn6w it too sfirely. 8Jo
Quiet! No desp6iring. My tirrbid life, month lfter m6nth
Of cr0el pain has ta0ght me.
83o You'll destr6y [ttt"].ot
Y6s, we have s6en your grief.
L6ave me, then, l6ave me, don't
He's g6ne to the dead, g6ne without doubt.
C6mfort me n6w, when lll . . .
Off.r -. no h6pe any more.
r64 ELECTRA 165
ELECTRA: But now that he's gone for good, I'm looking to you. 955
Indoors with Mother - a welcome guest! You mustn't flinch. Your sister needs your help
CHRYSOTHEMIS: To kill Aegisthus - the man who perpetrated
930 Oh god! Then who on earth could have laid Our father's murder. No secrets between us now.
AII those offerings on Father's grave? \7here will inaction get you? What can you still
ELECTRA: Look forward to? Only resentment in being deprived
If you ask me, they're for Orestes. Probably Of your father's heritage. Only the pain of growing
Gifts that someone put there in his memory. Old without the blessings of love or marriage.
CHRYSOTHEMIS: Those joys are nothing more than a forlorn hope.
And there was I, joyfully rushing along Aegisthus isn't foolish enough to allow
935 To break the marvellous news, without the slightest A son of yours - or a son of mine - to grow 96s
Idea of our tragic plight. Now that I've come, To manhood and so to ensure his own destruction.
I find our troubles are even worse than before! No, if you'll fall in with my proposal,
r68 ELECTRA 169
(:ilRYS()1'trliMIS: ELECTRA:
r o ro 'I'hcre's plenty of time to run. We'll wait and see. My mind was made up many moons ago.a8 ro49
You're not prepared to help, so go! !7ell, if you think there's any sense in what ro5 5
CHRYSOTHEMIS: You're doing, you think thatway. V7hen trouble strikes
I am. You're not prepared to learn. And you can't escape, you'll say my advice was right.
[Erit cnnvsorHEMrs into the palace.]
Run off and tell on me to Mother!
I couldn't hate you as much as that. CHORAL SONG 24'
ro3 j You're letting your sister badly down, you know. CHORUS:
CHRYSOTHEMIS: Oh, whdre is wisdom? lStrophe rl
Not letting you down, just thinking for your good. Do but lift your eyes irpward.
ELECTRA: See the birdsso and gaze with w6nder;
Must I adopt your scale of values, then? How they l6ve their own beg6tters,
CHRYSOTHEMIS: With what c6re they tend their 6ffspring.
\fhen you are sensible, you can guide us both. Can we n6t be as wise as th6y are?
ELECTRA: Ztus, O l6rd of the lightning fl6sh,
To speak so plausibly, and be so wrong! Jfistice,sl g6ddess who dw6lls bel6w,
CHRYSOTHEMIS: S6on must sin be requited! ro65
ro4o You've named the illness that you suffer from. Oh,holy v6ice from men to H6des,
ELECTRA: Shout al6ud my cries of s6rrow
I7ill you deny my argument is right? And besiege the kings of Argos
CHRYSOTHEMIS: In the gr6ve with my grim repr6aches.
You can be right and do a lot of harm.
ELECTRA: They mfist take n6tice fAntistrophe r) roTo
These principles of life won't work for me. Of the pl6gue that grips the h6usehold,
CHRYSOTHEMIS: Of the w6r befween their children,
Well, if you do this, you'll agree with me. How El6ctra hates her sister
ELECTRA: And all h6pe of peace is diing;
ao4s Of course, I'11 do it. You won't scare me off. How betr6yed in her l6nely strirggle,
CHRYSOTHEMIS: St6rm-tossed, 6nguished and firll of t6ars, ro7 5
You really mean that? You won't think again? Nighting6le-like, w6rld without 6nd,
ELECTRA: She m6urns the f6te of her f6ther.
'Wrong Dedth shall not dairnt her into shrinking;
thinking's what I hate most in the world.
CHRYSOTHEMIS: She'll forg6 the joy of sfnlight
I might as well be talking to a wall!
172 ELECTRA 17i
Stole you away and, sent you abroad to save You mustn't grieve overmuch.
Your life. You'd have been killed that very day ORESTES:
rr3s And won your rightful place in your father's grave. Oh, what can I say?
But now, such a way to die! Far from home, I'm lost for words, but I have to speak!
Exiled in a foreign land, and I not there. ELECTRA:
My loving hands were never given the chance \fhy are you so distressed? Explain.
To wash or dress your body or lift your poor ORESTES:
rr4o Ashes out of the pyre as you deserved. Are you indeed the princess Electra?
Strangers performed those rites for you, and now ELECTRA:
Your tiny weight has come home in a tiny urn. Wretched as you find me, yes, I am.
Oh, what a waste, the tender care I lavished ORESTES:
Upon you! My labour of love all gone for nothing! Oh, how I feel for your pitiful plight!
You were never your mother's child. You were mine. ELECTRA:
I was your only nurse, not one of the servants, Good sir, you cannot be grieving for me. r r8o
And I was the one you always called your sisrer. ORESTES:
Now your death has blotted my efforts out A life so wrecked! It's vile, barbaric . . .
rr5o In a single day. The storm has swept through the forest ELECTRA:
And left a barren waste. We're all of us gone: Those ugly words fit no one but me.
Father, you, now I. our enemies laugh! ORESTES:
That fraud of a mother of ours is crazy with joy. Without a husband, so cruelly treated!
How often you sent ahead those secret messages, ELECTRA:
rr55 Promising to come yourself to take revenge! '!(hy
are you staring at me so sadly?
But no, the evil spirit that haunts us both ORESTES:
Has taken all that away and sent me back, I never knew how wretched I was myself. r r85
Instead of the living form I loved so much, ELECTRA: !
An urn of ashes, an insubstantial shade. Yourself? W'hat have I said to show you that?
tt6o Ah me, me! ORESTES:
You poor, poor ashes! 'What a way, To see you suffering all this pain and grief!
lfhat a way to come home! How you've destroyed me, ELECTRA:
Yes, destroyed me, Orestes, my darling brother. 'What
you can see is one small part of my pain.
tr65 So let me come into this little house of yours, ORESTES:
Nothingness into nothing, and live with you in the earth. I7hat could be worse to see than I see now?
There was a time when all that we had, we shared. ELECTRA:
So now I long to die and to share your grave. I have to make my home in a murderers'den.
rt1o If I can die, I shall be rid of my pain. ORESTES:
murderers? S7hat are you talking about?
Do remember, Electra, your father was mortal. ELECTRA: :
So was Orestes. Ve all are bound to die. My father's murderers, who force me to be their slave.
( I t{ ti,s't'tis: ORESTES:
Who on earth could treat you like that? Don't use such words! You're wrong to be weeping.
My so-called mother - more like a monster. \Wrong to weep for my brother who's dead?
rres Does she subject you to violence - or hardship? You haven't the right to call him that.
Violence, hardship, every kind of abuse. No right even to mourn for the dead?
Does nobody come to your aid or try to prevent it? Mourn anyone you should. But this isn't yours.
There was only one - and you've just shown me his ashes. It is, if it holds Orestes' body.
Poor woman, how the sight of you stirs my pity! It isn't Orestes - except in fiction.
r2oo No one has ever offered me pity before. Where ls my unhappy brother's grave, then?
Only I can share the pain of your suffering. Nowhere. The living don't belong in a grave.
ITho are you? Surely not some kinsman of mine? My boy, what are you saying?
I'll tell you, if these women can keep a secret. Only the truth. IZ20
They won't give you away. They,re loyal friends. He's alive?
r2-os Let go of this urn, and I'll tell you all. Yes, if f am alive.
No, no, sir, you cannot do this to me! You are Orestes?
It will be all right. Just do as I say. Look at this ring
ELECTRA: lfith our father's seal. Do you believe me now?
He's all I have. Please, please don't take him away. ELECTRA:
ORESTES: The sun's come out!
I must! ORESTES:
ELECTRA: It's shining bright!
Oh god! Orestes, ELECTRA:
r2ro They won't allow me to give you burial. Is this your voice? i
rz3o Yes, my dear, we can see. Your happiness I've h6d to wait so l6ng,
Fills our eyes with tears of joy. And n6w my lips are ft6e.
ELECTRA: [Strophe] Yes, they are free. And so make sure they stay as free.
O r6yal prince!56 ELECTRA:
Orest6s, the s6n of that king I l6ved, Make s(rre? How?
You have at last retirrned. ORESTES:
You've foirnd, you've se6n, you've todched Contain your happiness until the moment comes.
rz1,s The sister wh6m you l6st. ELECTRA:
ORESTES: Orest6s, my pride! You have app6ared at l6st.
Yes, I am here. But do keep silence now and wait. Could I be silent n6w on this gl6rious d6y?
ELECTRA: My 6yes have s6en your d6ar f6ce
'Why Bey6nd th6ught, bey6nd h6pe.
sh6uld I?
It's better so. Someone might hear us from indoors. You only saw me when the call came from the gods.
ELECTRA: I could not show my face until they gave the word.
I swear, y6s, I sw6ar, ArtemissT b6 my str6ngth, ELECTRA:
rz4o I'11 never st6op to fbar my old f6es ag6in, J6y and new j6y you give. tz65
Those st6y-at-h6mes, those sp6re w6ights I am so trirly bl6ssed.
On 6arth's fl6or, those w6menf6lk! are the f6voured n6w.
ORESTES: G6d has brought you h6me and I can cri in triumph,
now. The spirit of war can still be strong
Be careful, 'This is a sign from h6aven!' r27O
Is disastrous. The moment's come to be shot of your task. ;;.-rta I fail to know you all that time,
ORESTES: Here but never giving yourself away?
How does the land lie there indoors? Your words were daggers, however lovely the truth. r360
OLD SLAVE: lfelcome, Father! Father is how I see you.
r34o All's well. No one will know it's you. lfelcome home! There's nobody in the world
ORESTES: I've hated and loved so much in a single day.
You gave them the news of my death, I take it? OLD SLAVE:
OLD SLAVE: Enough for now,I think. There will be plenty
As far as they are concerned, you're finished. Of circling nights and as many days to tell you r165
ORESTEST All that has passed, Electra, since you were parted.
What have they said? Are they pleased about it? Now! Orestes and Pylades, are you ready?
OLD SLAVE: The time for action is now. Clytemnestra's
You'll know in due course. For the moment' everything Alone and none of the men are at home - now!
ry4s There looks good - even what's not so good. Remember, if you delay, you'll have much stronger r370
ELECTRA: Opponents to fight, and there'll be more of them.
Who is this man, Orestes? I beg you to tell me. 0RESTES:
ORESTES: Pylades, the time for talking is over.
Don't you realize? [,et's now salute our ancestral gods61
ELECTRA: lVhose statues guard the palace porch,
I've no idea. And move inside at once. r37 5
cLYrEMNESrne [o/f]:
Io! Aiai!
My house is empty of friends,
And all possessed by destroyers!65 r405
L6ok at the fire sweeping the bush, IStropbe]
1385 The god of w6r and strife whose foul br6ath is bl6od!
Listen, a cry indoors! Did you h6ar, my friends?
They're striding thr6ugh the c6urt and n6w they're 6n the
tr6il, I h6ard a s6und cr0el to hear,
Those Fury d6gs of d6ath who hunt mfrder d6wn
And f6lt a trEmbling c6ldn6ss!
And deal crime for crime.
So n6t for 16ng, not l6ng the dr6am
Oimoi! Aegisthus! Where are you?
r390 In mi divining h6art shall linger p6ised in 6ir.
Another cry, there!
W6tch as he moves p6cing the floor fAntistrophe]
Ifith wily tr6ad, that ch6mpion to av6nge the d6ad.
My son, my son! Have mercy on your mother! r4to
He spies his flther's thr6ne inside the 6ncient hlll.
His fingers grip the sw6rd of new-wh6tted bl6od.
You had no mercy on him,
r3s5 Now look th6re! The g6d Nor on his father before him.
Of lmbush, H6rmes, shr6uds his guile
In night and l6ads him t6 his g6al. The gime's af6ot!
City of Argos, O house of Atreus! Now
The destiny dogging your days is waning fast.
O moil I am struck!
fRe-enter ELEcTRA from tbe palace.l ELECTRA:
ELECTRA: Strike her a second blow, if you have the strength! r4{ 5
With blood from a sacrifice to the god of war. Into j0stice's 6mbfsh.
I cannot condemn it. lEnter AEGISTHUS from a side entrance.]
Orestes, how has it gone? They tell me messengers have arrived from Phocis
ORESTES: \fith news of Orestes' death in a chariot crash.
All is well, indoors, Does anyone know where they are? fPause.l
r4zs If Apollo prophesied well.56 You there, you can tell me. Yes, you! r445
ELECTRA: You used to be so outspoken. You're the person
Is that vile woman dead? Most affected and ought to be able to say.
You've nothing further to fear. Of course I know. I must. I am his next of kin.
Your mother's spite shall never hurt you again. AEGISTHUS:
' CHORUS LEADER: \Where are the messengers, then? Don't waste my time. r450
Stop! I can see Aegisthus coming. ELECTRA:
ELECTRA: lndoors with the mistress. They've won their way to her
Get back, Orestes! heart..6'
'Where '$7as
r43cJ can you see the man? Has he really been killed? that what they actually said?
got him now. There he is, Not only said it. They've brought the proof.
Blithely walking into the city. AEGISTHUS:
CHORUS LEADER: Can I see him, then, with my own eyes?
Back to the inner porchway as fast as you can! ELECTRA:
The first round's won. Make sure of the second. You can indeed - it's hardly a pretty sight. 1455
shall, never fear. Sfhat welcome tidings to give me! Unusual for you.
r4t 5 Off with you, then! You're welcome to them - if they are truly welcome.
I'm gone. Open the doors! I want the whole of the people
ELECTRA: Here in Mycenae and Argos to see for themselves.
f can look after everything here. lf any among them was foolish enough to put t46o
lExeunt oRESTES and pvrtop.s into the palace.l His hopes in Orestes, now he can see his corpse
CHORUS: And learn to strain at the leash no longer. He won't
Cireful n6w! P6ur a f6w Need whipping by me to teach him how to behave.
G6ntle w6rds d6wn his 6ars. T]LECTRA:
That villain m0stn't b6 all6wed to gu6ss Now look, I'm playing my part. I've shown
r44o He's rirshing h6adlong 'Ihe sense at last to oblige my masters. r465
r88 ELECTRA r89
lEnter oRESTES and pvreoys from tbe palace, with Throw out his corpse for the dogs and birdsTl to bury
c LYTEMNES r x{ s b ody couere d.f6t Out of our sight. No other payment
AEGISTHUS: For all I've suffered could be enough for me. r490
O Zeus! This sign portends the anger of heaven. ORESTES:
No gloating, though.6e Remove the shroud from his face. lnside, then, quickly! Move!
Kinship requires some mourning, even of me. The talking's over. Your time is up.
r47o Lift it yourself. This body belongs to you, Inside? If what you're doing is right,
Not me. Take a final look and say your farewells. Why do you have to do it in the dark?
AEGISTHUS: Kill me here now!
Good, I'll do as you say. Electra, ORESTES:
Call Clytemnestra, if she's at home. Don't give orders to me.
oRESTES [as RrcrsrHUS lifts the couer from the body]: Move to where you murdered my father. r49 5
No need to look. She's here aheady. I mean you to die on the very same spot.
Oh god! this? The curse of Pelops' house!72 This palace has seen
ORESTES: Enough destruction already. Must there be more?73
'!fho are you frightened of? ORESTES:
1475 Don't you know who it is? Your destruction at least. Trust me for that.
[onesrns and pvtr^ons draw their swords.f AEGISTHUS:
AEGISTHUS: Your father wasn't so clever at telling the future. r 5oo
I'm caught in a trap. Who are you men? ORESTES:
ORESTES: Stop bandying words. You're wasting time. Now move!
Don't you realize you've been exchanging AEGISTHUS:
while alive with a man who's dead? Lead on.
r48o My god! I read your riddle. You must be Orestes! You first.
Fooled for so long, such a clever prophet as you? Afraid I'll escape?
I'm at your mercy, then. Please! Allow me a word - No, I'd rather you didn't enjoy
Just one! Your execution, but died in agony.
ELECTRA: All who presume to defy the law r 505
No, Orestes, for god's sake, Ought to be punished at once like this -
Don't give him the chance to argue with you. Kill them! Crime would nor be so rife.Ta
1485 $fhen a man's been caught and is doomed to die,
fExewnt AEGTSTHUS, oRESTES and pyt1.ons into the
can he gain by a moment's delay?7o palace.l :
ancient Greece, and locks wcre ttarlitiotr'rlly lffelerl ltt tlte gtcve
1. forum of Apol/o: In the Greek text, Apollo is referred to here as
''Lycean;, mounds of the dead. Conr;xtrr liler''tra'r rlerllrallul rrf d lrreL
as again at 645, 65 5 and 1779. The,meaning of this (qsr).
titie is uncertain, but Sophocles evidently identified itwithluk'os, rz. What harm . . . glorious prize:'l'hc attciettt ( ireehr regcrtletl ths
Greek for 'wolf', in his amplification 'the wolf-killing god'' The report of a person's death as a bad omcn, stt ()rrllrr lr rltnwittg
phrase could have a benign ring, as one of the god's functions
a cynical lack of comPunction over his proptlsetl ltkry lrr tler elvc
was to protect the flocks and herds, but it also sounds rather his intended victims.
menacing. Ambiguity is a characteristic of Apollo (see note 8), 13. r.uith men: Orestes thinks exclusively in male terms - jLrst lrlirrr
who, [kJ the Fuiies, plays a significant tole in Electra. His altar a woman's cry is heard.
and statue are visible on stage throughout the play (Q5, ry78)' 14. Listen .. . she laments: The reaction to Electra's cry offstage'
4. Hera:The wife of Zeus and the patron goddess of Argos' Her raises an interesting point of interpretation. The allocation of
temple there was one of the most celebrated in ancient times' these lines in the manuscript tradition has been: 78-9 to the Old
5. Myienae, The stronghold overlooking the plain of Argos, today Slave, 8o-8r to Orestes and 8z-5 (four lines in the Greek text)
one of the best-known archeological sites in Greece, following to the Old Slave. That arrangement allows Orestes to raise the
the excavations of Schliemann and others. In the lliad, Mycenae question of waiting to listen, only to be recalled to his duty by the
and Argos are t'ffo distinct settlements. Sophocles is here Old Slave. In this translation, a different allocation, advocated by
returning to the Homeric tradition. In the late fifth century rc, some modern critics, has been preferred' (Since speakers were
there was no separate community of Mycenae' and Aeschylus not specified in the earliest texts of Greek plays, there is no
had set his Oresteia firmly in Argos. problim in principle over this.) I find it more compelling and-
6. palace of Atreus: Atreus was Agamemnon's father, who killed
significant if it is the insensitively businesslike Orestes himself
ihe children of his brother Thyestes and served them to him as who decides that the cry issuing from the house should be
meat. 'Atreus' here translates 'Pelopidae', the descendants of ignored. See Preface p.r3r.
Pelops, who was Atreus' own father and is referred to later in r 5. Electra's monody: Electra emerges from the palace to resume her-
the play (5o4ff., 497). The whole house was under a curse' so public lamentations for her dead father and invoke the powers of
the description of the palace as 'rich in blood' has a resonance ihe underworld to avenge his murder and guide her long-absent
beyond the so-called'Thyestean banquet" brother home. In this she is performing what was felt among the
7. Pylades:The son of Strophius, king of Crisa in Phocis and Agam- ancient Greeks to be a woman's duty: to keep the memory of a
brother-inJaw, who had given Orestes refuge and murdered man alive by constant lamentation. In this case, it can
brought him up. Pylades always appears with Orestes in Greek also be seen as an aggressive action against the usurpers' The
tragedy, and the closeness between the cousins was seen as a heroine's opening 'number' is a formal lament in 'melic ana-
prototype of Greek male friendship. paests' and intended for some kind of chanted delivery rather
8. Delphii oracle:The most famous of all the Greek oracles, where than the spoken mode of normal dialogue. The 'aria' reflects
Apollo spoke (often ambiguously) through the priestess, the both the pathos and the splendour of Electra's isolation.
Pythia. t6. Ares:The god of war. Agamemnon had not been killed at Troy,
9. Pythian Games: Like the Olympics, one of the great inter-city but returned home to be murdered by his wife and her lover.
aihletlc festivals, founded in 586 nc and held every four years in 17. nigbtingale: A mythological reference to Procne, who killed her
Sophocles' time. This anachronistic introduction of a contempor- son Itys in revenge for her husband, Tereus', rape of her sister
uri into the heroic world would not have worried the poet Philomela and was subsequently transformed to a nightingale'
or his audience.
Procne is an often-quoted exemplar of undying grief in Greek
ro. libationsz Drink-offerings of wine or milk' poured on the earth, poetry.
were believed to reach the dead and were one way of ensuring 18. Hadeis, Persephone, Hermes below: Hades is the god of the
their support. underworld, who'avenges the dead; Persephone is his queen'
II. cwiling-locks: Cutting one's hair was a token of mourning in
r 28z NOTES rll.l
Hermes is the messenger of the Olympian gods, but also the god rtr,rlted shot all her children dead. In her grief she was turned
of cunning (rlg6) and associated with the underworld since he into a rock on Mt Sipylus in Lydia, with a perpetually flowing
conducts the souls of the dead there. spring, which was supposed to consist of her tears.
19. dread Furies: Erinyes, or avenging spirits, represented in art as zj. Chrysothemis and lphiana.ssa: The names are derived from
feminine deities, usually winged and carrying snakes or with Homer llliad 9t45, 2871. The former appears in this play,
snakes in their hair. They feature prominently in the myth of though not in Aeschylus or Euripides, as a telling foil to Electra.
Orestes, who was hounded by them for the murder of his mother, hear no more of the latter, though her name may remind us
an aspect of the traditional aftermath which Sophocles appears of the sacrificed sister, Iphigenia.
in thii play to exclude. However, the Furies are mentionid ot 24. Crisa:ln Phocis, where Orestes had grown up.
implied several times in the imagery of Electra (276, 49o, ro8o, 25. Acheron: One of the rivers in the underworld.
also 785-6, ry87) and personify the whole retaliatory and 26. conscience . . . fear of god: An attempt to translate two Greek
retributive process in a peculiarly sinister way, not least because moral abstracts, aid6s and eusebeia. The first is a sense of shame
of the association with Aeschylus' trilogy. which derives from respect for other human beings; the other is
20. Entry of the Chorus: Instead of the usual entrance song for the piety or reverence for the gods, which includes the notion of
Chorus, Sophocles has his Argive women engage in a lyric dia- familial duty.
logue with Electra. They remonstrate with her for her continued L7. Scene z: Electra amplifies her self-iustification and describes her
lamentations, using various conventional arguments of conso- treatment as a slave by the usurpers with great vividness and force
lation and reminding her that Orestes is still alive. But Electra is in her first long speech in normal dialogue form. A transitional
not to be consoled: Orestes has failed to appear, and she must interchange with the Chorus Leader on the subiect of Orestes'
go on chanting lamentations in her resistance to Clytemnestra prolonged absence leads to the entrance of Chrysothemis'
and Aegisthus. In this long passage, many of the play's ideas are Electra's uncompromising stance is shown up in even harsher
explored in the imagery, not least the theme of retaliation, the relief by her sister's willingness to settle for a comfortable life
tragic implications of which had been explored par excellence in and comply with the usurpers' wishes; the motif of conflicting
Aeschylus' Oresteia. The exchange also poses Electra's moral moralities is further dramatized in the contrast befween Chryso-
dilemma in a disturbing way: fidelity to fundamental duties may themis' utilitarianism and Electra's obedience to a categorical
preclude the moderation the Greeks admired and necessitate the imperative. Each of the sisters, according to her own lights, is
excess they abhorred. The balanced strophic construction is part the'wiser' or'more sensible'. A number in Sophocles' audience
of the beauty of this movement, as would have been the contrast would have been reminded of a very similar conflict and contrast
between the solo voice of the mourner and the chorus of her in Antigone between the heroine and her sister Ismene. During
comforters. The translation has aimed to reflect the varied rhyth- the discussion, Chrysothemis warns Electra of Clytemnestra's
mical phrasing of the original, though syllabic correspondence is and Aegisthus'plan to imprison her in a cave as a way of sup-
less exact than elsewhere in this volume. There is a specially pressing her embarrassing outcries. In terms of the plot, this
effective change to a brisker tempo in Strophe 3 ft93-zoo),when comes to nothing, but the news has the effect of heightening the
the Chorus stops counselling Electra for a moment to recall the tension and may, once again, have reminded some in the original
night of Agamemnon's murder, the crime that is to be punished audience of Antigone, who ls walled up in a cave as a punishment
in the play's main action. (see note 53). The plot receives a genuine nudge forward when
LI. nightingale ... Itys; See note r7. Chrysothemis discloses that she is about to take offerings from
Niobe: Like Procne, a paradigm of perpetual grieving. She was Clytemnestra to Agamemnon's tomb, to avert the danger fore-
the wife of Amphion, king of Thebes, and boasted that, with her shadowed in a sinister dream the queen has had about Agamem-
six sons and daughters, she was superior to the goddess Leto, non returning to life. Electra excitedly hails the dream as a good
who had only produced two children, Apollo and Artemis. She omen and persuades her sister to dispose of their mother's
was punished for her presumption when the younger gods she libations and to dedicate other offerings from them both.
?-84 N OTES
as well as the taut, exciting rhythms. The opening phrase consists devouring by the dogs and birds, as Homer makes Nestor say
of two 5/8 bars in the form Menelaus should have done if he had returned from Troy to find
Aegisthus still alive (Odyssey 3'255-6t)' The echo of Sophocles'
J-l )J I own Antigone is even more striking. If Electra was like Antigone
in ro9 5-7 (see note 5 3 ), the Fury of vengeance she now embodies
Thereafter the irregular 'dochmiac' (slanting) metre,
has turned her into a Creon. Her parting shot in these lines could
)Jl.[] not be more sinister or terrible.
or 72. Tbe curse of Pelops' house: See notes 6, 3 3.
73. Must there be more: This is the only possible hint of an aftermath
.l)IJJ)l to the matricidal act as dramatized by Sophocles. When. (in the
is contrast with phrases in steady iambic pulse. Greek text) Aegisthus refers to 'future evils', he must certainly
6+. Closing scene:The physical action, which has been so long sus- be thinking of his own imminent death. There might perhaps be
pended in the drama's concentration on Electra and her intense an ironical reference to Orestes' subsequent pursuit by the Furies
emotions, now follows thick and fast. As Clytemnestra's death in the traditional myth, but Sophocles' tragedy of Electra is
cries ring out offstage, we hear Electra savagely call to Orestes already complete. See note 75.
to strike his mother a second time. The murderers emerge from 74. No, I'd rather . . . so rife: Orestes' final speech is extraordinarily
the palace to report the deed done, only to withdraw again unpleasant, loathsome as Aegisthus may have appeared. It typi-
rapidly when Aegisthus' long-awaited return is announced. The fies the ruthlessness of his character.
moment when the odious bully of an usurper is confronted with 7 5. O seed of Atreus . . . ending: I take the Chorus' closing anapaests,
his wife's corpse is a superlatively chilling coup de thddtre. No perhaps spoken only by the Leader, to be addressed to Electra
less horrible is Electra's demand that the villain's corpse should hercelf. If so, she remains briefly on stage after Orestes and
be thrown to the dogs and the birds. The victory has been won, Pylades have driven Aegisthus indoors, possibly while the
but it has left her morally destroyed. ekkyklAma with her mother's corpse is withdrawn. In my view,
65. destroyerst The Greek word here, apollunt6n, could be an ironi- these lines do not lend an unambivalently positive note to the
cal pun on the name of Apollo. play's conclusion, but are packed with irony. Electra is called
;thi seed of Areus', whose palace inherited from the cursed
66. lf Apollo prophesied well: Sophocles is not implying any possible
misgiving or revulsion on Orestes'part. On his lips,'if'means'as Pelops (5rr) was 'rich in blood' (ro). After that, the emphasis
sure as'. But there may be some dramatic irony in the ambiguity. falls on her suffering and on the strain of the process that has
67. their uay to her heart: The deliberate irony here (as at 1457, resulted in her 'freedom" As for the 'ending', the consummation
1464-5, t47r, r4741 is magnificent. of revenge has been achieved, but it has also marked the end of
68. Enter . , , couered: For the display of Clytemnestra's covered Electra as a morally conscious human being.
body see Preface p. r33. How the rest of the scene, including the
removal of the corpse, was managed is a matter for further
speculation. PHILOCTETES
69. No gloating, thougb: Aegisthus' triumph might provoke the
wrath of the gods. Given his bullying characterization so far, his r . Scene t:Odysseus and Neoptolemus arrive on Lemnos, presented
piety is almost certainly hypocritical. as a desert island. Odysseus outlines the background and purpose
delay; These two lines may be spurious. The
a rnan's of their mission, which is to Practise a deception on Philoctetes
dramatic pace is certainly better without them. (see Preface p. r9il. The action portrays Odysseus' moral
dogs and birds:The Greek text here says, 'Throw him out to the seduction of Neoptolemus' whose inherited nature finds decep-
buriers it is appropriate for him to get.'The translation takes tion repugnant. Apart from the compelling interplay of personali-
Electra to be asking for Aegisthus' body to be left exposed for ties, the realistic ddtails in the description of Philoctetes'cave and