CNPA GeneralExcellence 2.15.19

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Making arrangements Bruins boys roar
for your furry friend in 1st round


Vote to close
Nevada City
Charter School

By Sam Corey For our kids,
Staff Writer we know that
Nevada City Charter they will go on and do
School is closing.
The Nevada City School
District Board of Trustees
great things.

— Michael Pettengill
unanimously voted to not
renew the charter, there- the crowd that “none of
by closing the 24-year-old (the students) have done
school after the end of the anything wrong,” and
school year. that they were not to be
The meeting at the blamed. Many of those
school’s district office was students, as well as their
packed. A huddled mass parents, sported Neva-
of people leaked out of da City Charter School
the open back door, trying T-shirts, with the sig-
ELIAS FUNEZ/[email protected] to catch a glimpse of the nature owl on the front.
A tall pine tree crashed through this Nevada City home during Thursday morning’s torrential wind and downpour. The superintendent and board Others held signs saying
tree sliced this home in half and damaged another home behind it. members sitting up front. “We Love Nevada City

What a mess
Parents and kids, await- Charter.”
ing the meeting planned For those aspiring to
six days prior, mostly save the school, howev-
stood behind the 12 chairs er, their worst fears were
made available for attend- affirmed.
ees, hoping for the best
and dreading the worst. LOW TEST SCORES
Superintendent and Nevada City Charter
Principal Trisha Del-
Power outages, downed trees and traffic hazards hit Nevada County lis made sure to inform CHARTER, A6

“ Pump skimmers
By Elias Funez The really low
Multimedia Reporter snow levels look

to come in Sunday.
estern Ne-
vada County
dodged a
— Cory Mueller
National Weather Service
found at Nevada
City gas station
forecast- Meteorologist
ing of low snow Thursday,
though meteorologists with through Sunday.

the National Weather Service “We could see white-out
are still seeing snow on the conditions over I-80 in the By Liz Kellar From now on, I
radar for Grass Valley over mountains. Dangerous travel

Staff Writer will use cash.
the weekend as a passing could be expected from time
atmospheric river transitions to time,” Mueller said. “It will At least two incidents of — William Scarff
into a colder weather system. stay breezy through Friday debit card fraud have been
“The really low snow levels afternoon and then shouldn’t linked to pump skimmers The other victim report-
look to come in Sunday,” Na- be too bad into the weekend.” found at a Nevada City gas ed an attempted fraud in
tional Weather Service Me- This is the third weekend in station. And there poten- the amount of $980, said
teorologist Cory Mueller said a row that the Sierra Nevada tially are dozens of victims, Nevada City Police Officer
Thursday afternoon. “The will see in excess of 5 feet of police said. Antonio Virga, adding
precipitation will be some- snow. Two reports were made that Visa gift cards were
what winding down though SUBMITTED BY ANITA KASPARIAN late last week but until purchased to launder the
and we’re not expecting a ton IN THE WAKE OF THE Falling boulders flattened the port-a-potty in the parking Wednesday, it was not money.
of accumulation.” ATMOSPHERIC RIVER lot of the South Yuba River State Park parking lot at the clear where the fraud had On Wednesday, an
“Sunday (snow levels) Winter storm Nadia blew old Highway 49 bridge Thursday morning. occurred. employee of the Express
could fall to 1,500 feet or so, through Northern California One of the victims, Wil- Mart, at 301 Sacramento
not quite to 1,000 anymore,” leaving in its wake flooded liam Scarff, got a call when St., reported that approxi-
Mueller said. “We could roadways, downed trees and the fraudster tried to use mately 30 victims had lost
maybe see a real light accu- power lines, and thousands his information at a Sacra- an estimated $30,000,
mulation Saturday night into of Nevada County residents mento Walmart. possibly due to a skimmer
Sunday.” without power. “The bank alerted on the pumps.
Previous snowfall forecasts Wind gusts nearly reached me, which was great,” “The employee went
of 18 to 24 inches in Grass 40 miles per hour Thurs- Scarff said. “They caught out of his way to help,”
Valley have now been scaled day morning toppling trees something that looked Virga said. “He was very
down to 2 to 4 inches. into homes, power lines and suspicious.” cooperative.”
Snowfall accumulations are roadways. The bank told him A technician from
expected be higher above the One Nevada City resident someone had tried to use Chevron came out Thurs-
2,500 to 3,000 foot elevation decided to stay in bed a little his card to the tune of day and met with Virga,
mark. longer during Thursday $850, and asked him to eventually finding three
Donner Summit snow ac- morning’s storm, a deci- confirm it was a fraud- skimmers installed on two
cumulations could reach 60 sion that likely saved her life ELIAS FUNEZ/[email protected] ulent charge. The bank pumps.
to 80 inches through Friday before a large pine tree came Portions of a large pine tree sit on Banner Lava Cap Road then canceled his card and Skimmers are a small
night, with the possibility of a after taking out a power pole, electrical transformer and asked him to make a police
couple more feet of snowfall STORM, A6 power lines during Thursday morning’s precipitation event. report, he said. SKIMMERS, A6

Caltrans announces Auburn. Community

H: 39˚
Highway 49 project
members can view project
displays, learn about the
L: 31˚ AUBURN — Caltrans is
hosting a community open
anticipated schedule,
ask questions and give
Friday, Feb. 15 through Monday, Feb. 18
See full house on Feb. 20 to discuss comments. ★ Polish pottery 20% off
forecast, plans for safety improve- Caltrans is proposing a AND
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LOTS ★ All food 20% off
north of Auburn, according improve motorist safety
Rain and
to a release. and reduce cross centerline MORE! ★ Beer – buy two get one FREE
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The event is scheduled collisions in the area. Plans
Storewide ★ Paper goods (plates, napkins etc)
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OBITUARIES Cypress and Planning tion of a median barrier Sale
CeCelia (CeCe) King Commission Rooms at the and roundabouts at the ★ Select Staub bakeware up to 75% off
Joseph Linhares Community Development Lorenson Road and Lone ★ Zwilling 4 star block sets 75% off
Robert ‘Bob’ Meyers Resource Center, 3091 Star Road intersections.
Clifford ‘Lead-Foot’ Nibbelin County Center Drive in Source: Caltrans ★ Kitchenaid stand mixers and
Page A5 attachments 20% off
VOLUME 154 ISSUE 96 Advice C4 Opinion A4
Blotter A2 Photo Page B2
Comics C3 Pets B1
Cryptoquote C4 Sports C1
Lottery C4 Sudoku C4
115 Mill St, Downtown Grass Valley 273-6997
The Union Circulation: 530-273-9565 Mon-Sat 9:30-6 ★ Sun 10-5
A2 | Friday, February 15, 2019 | The Union


Police Blotter
Editor’s note: The Police Blotter consists of excerpts from dispatch
reports by area law enforcement agencies. These reports are public record.

GRASS VALLEY POLICE 5:08 p.m. — A caller from 11:25 a.m. — A caller
Tell us what’s going on around town so we can talk about it. To submit items, email DEPARTMENT the 600 block of Pelton Way from West Hacienda Drive
[email protected], call 530-477-4249, or fax 530-477-4292. TownTalk highlights Wednesday reported a vehicle spinning reported possible identity
Nevada County life and happenings. We welcome photos and items of community interest. 7:19 a.m. — A caller from doughnuts and speeding. theft.
the 100 block of Harris The driver was admonished. 11:29 a.m. — A caller from

Tickets remain for

Street reported a person 7:08 p.m. — A caller Maidu Avenue reported a
trying to get into houses. from the hospital reported woman trying to get into
Another caller reported the a patient kept throwing a random cars.
person was trying to kick urine bottle at a nurse. No 12:48 p.m. — A caller

20th Red Light Ball

in a door. A woman was charges were requested. from Dog Bar Road report-
arrested on suspicion of 7:28 p.m. — A caller from ed an abandoned rooster.
trespass into a residence. the hospital reported a man 1:03 p.m. — A caller from
At 9:07 p.m., a caller from in a wheelchair refusing to broken Oak Court reported
a business in the 900 block leave. At 8:23 p.m., a caller a theft from a vehicle.
of Sutton Way reported reported he had returned. 3:24 p.m. — A caller from
the woman was harassing He was wheeled off the Long Valley Road reported
people, asking them about site. At 9:57 p.m., a caller credit card fraud.
Jesus, and “randomly con- reported he was back. He 3:36 p.m. — A caller from
vulsing.” She was arrested was arrested on suspicion of La Barr Meadows Road and
on suspicion of trespass- Crestview Drive reported
ing and resisting arrest. the theft of a generator.
8:29 a.m. — A caller 4:51 p.m. — A caller
from a business in the 600 from Magnolia Road and
block of Maltman Drive Kingston Lane reported
reported a theft. The the theft of a Bluetooth
suspect agreed to pay for speaker.
the item. 4:56 p.m. — A caller
9:05 a.m. — A caller from Bitney Springs Road
from South Auburn and trespassing, as well as on an and Starduster Drive report-
Whiting streets reported outstanding warrant. ed a tree down across the
a vehicle all over the road, 8:49 p.m. — A caller road.
running stop signs and from the 100 block of Neal 6:31 p.m. — A caller from
making multiple U-turns. Street reported a dog bite. Pleasant Valley Road report-
11:21 a.m. — A caller No medical attention was ed a mud slide blocking the
PHOTO BY JOHN HART from the 700 block of needed. road between Bridgeport
Lt. Col. Shaw Walrath, U.S. Air Force, Beale Air Force Base, right, talks to Grass Valley Police Freeman Lane reported the Thursday and Rices Crossing.
Officers Steve Johnson (left), and Alex Gammelgard (middle) at the 2016 Red Light Ball. theft of a wallet. 4:21 a.m. — A caller 10:10 p.m. — A caller
11:43 a.m. — A caller from Highway 20 and from Rex Reservoir Road
Submitted to The Union dinner at 7 p.m. Tickets p.m. Owner Melissa Bry- from the 300 block of Sacramento Street reported and Rough and Ready
are $100 and are available ant will donate 10 percent Crown Point Circle report- running over a tree in the Highway reported someone
Tickets for the 20th by calling 530-477-4503 of the day’s sales to United ed someone trying to cash roadway. set off a box of 16 M80s in
Annual Red Light Ball are or on the council’s website Way of Nevada County. a fraudulent check in Chico 5:51 a.m. — A caller from the intersection.
selling quickly and there at http://www.ncLawFire. United Way encourages from that business. La Barr Meadows Road and 10:42 p.m. — A man
are only several dozen org. All proceeds benefit the community to come 12:45 p.m. — A caller East McKnight Way report- from Lark Street reported a
remaining. The event, local law enforcement and have fun and savor some from the 800 block of ed a tree blocking the road. drunken woman ripped the
a fundraiser hosted by fire protection agencies. wonderful food at Bistro Sutton Way reported a ve- 6:57 a.m. — A caller doors off a shed while he
the Nevada County Law Over the past 20 year, the 221, located at 221 Broad hicle hit a pedestrian, with from East Main Street and was locked inside.
Enforcement and Fire council had donated more St. in Nevada City. The medics on the scene. Hughes Road reported a
Protection Council, honors than $800,000 to those menu offers a vast selec- 1:41 p.m. — A caller from man hitting another man. NEVADA CITY POLICE
local first responders. The agencies. tion of items from spicy the 600 block of Sutton They could not be located. DEPARTMENT
Feb. 23 event features an chicken wings to vegetar- Way reported removing a Wednesday
honor guard, presentation ‘Dine 4 a Cause’ ian fare. Call 530-265- woman from a bus due to NEVADA COUNTY 10:57 a.m. — A caller
of Nevada County’s Public benefits United Way 0221 for more information intoxication. SHERIFF’S OFFICE from the 500 block of Main
Safety Award, dinner, a of Nevada County or to make a reservation 3:33 p.m. — A caller from Wednesday Street reported a battery.
no-host bar and dancing United Way of Neva- or visit www.bistro221ne- the 400 block of French 5:23 a.m. — A caller from 3:14 p.m. — A caller
to live music performed da County will be host- All proceeds Avenue reported a truck Moody Ridge and Casa from a business in the 300
by Rewind Press Play. Fes- ing a fundraiser, “Dine of this event go to United took out a fence and kept Loma Road reported a tree block of Sacramento Street
tivities will be held at the 4 a Cause,” during lunch Way of Nevada County. going. down in the road. reported a skimmer on the
Alta Sierra Country Club, and dinner on March 3 at For more information call 4:02 p.m. — A caller from 6:31 a.m. — A caller from gas pumps.
with cocktails and appe- Bistro 221 in Nevada City. United Way at 530-274- a business in the 100 block Newtown Road reported a Thursday
tizers at 6 p.m. and the Hours will be 11:30 a.m. 8111 or visit http://www. of Neal Street reported a man was extremely drunk 8:11 a.m. — A caller from
program and grand buffet to 2:30 p.m. and 5 to 8:30 theft. and assaulting himself. He Sacramento Street and
agreed to go to bed. Searls Avenue reported a
FR 8:50 a.m. — A caller blown transformer.
EE from Highway 174 and 8:11 a.m. — A caller from

T H I S AY ! AD Newtonian Way reported a South Pine and Clark streets

MI tree down across the road, reported a downed power
SS blocking both lanes. pole.
SA N 9:22 a.m. — A caller from
Rattlesnake Road reported
8:11 a.m. — A caller from
Sacramento and Nevada
a juvenile broke into a staff streets reported lines down
room and broke into the across the road.
medicine cabinet and was 8:16 a.m. — A caller from
threatening to take multiple the 300 block of Nevada
meds. He returned them Street reported a tree block-
and was cooperating with ing the road that crushed
staff. some sheds.
9:32 a.m. — A caller from 8:17 a.m. — A caller from
East Bennett Road reported Martin and Long streets
small trees leaning into reported a tree blocking
power lines. both lanes.
A D AY A B O U T H E A LT H F O R A L L A G E S 11:18 a.m. — A caller from
Broken Oak Court reported
8:23 a.m. — A caller from
Galena Way reported a tree
gas had been siphoned down into a residence with
from a vehicle, and a the occupants trying to
propane tank and propane evacuate.
S A T U R D AY heater had been stolen. — Liz Kellar

FEB. 16
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The Union | Friday, February 15, 2019 | A3


A duel in words Plea entered in

kidnapping case
Lions Club hosts first round of annual Student Speaker’s Contest
By Alan Riquelmy to eight
By Sam Corey Staff Writer years in
Staff Writer prison on

Layla Callahan, facing the kid-
he rules of the kidnapping accusations napping
game were sim- for two years, ended her charge,
ple. No prompts, case this week with a plea. Walsh
no manuscripts, Callahan, 24, was Layla Callahan added.
no wearing watches or scheduled Wednesday for Author-
clocks, no use of anything a hearing about evidence ities had accused Callahan
more than a three-by-five she wanted withheld from and David Munoz, 27, of
notecard, no speaking less a jury. Instead she plead- holding a former boy-
than five minutes or more ed no contest to a felony friend of Callahan’s over a
than 10, and, no identifying count of kidnapping less drug debt. Munoz pleaded
your name or the school you than a week before her no contest in October to
attend. trial. Prosecutors in turn second-degree robbery,
For the audience: no noise dismissed charges of kidnapping and false im-
whatsoever while the contes- SAM COREY/[email protected] false imprisonment and prisonment. Heidelberger
tants speak. Left to right: Bern Taylor, Bailey Ham, Nikolena Coonen and Michael Hill. robbery, Nevada County sentenced him the follow-
Three judges, all unaffili- Superior Court records ing month to five years’
ated with the host organiza- and public speaking,” as an- institutions and players. Her speaking,” she said. “I like state. probation.
tion, had their pencils and nounced by club chairperson talk even included how per- talking to people, I like re- Callahan’s sentencing Gilg, who represents
blue pamphlets prepared. Bern Taylor. sonal this topic had been to searching topics.” is scheduled for March Callahan, said her client is
The clock struck 7 p.m., Besides the several rows Coonen, as she aspires to be In the process of writing 22. Judge Candace Hei- relieved to have the case
which meant the doors were of chairs in which 16 people a journalist. her speech, Coonen said delberger has said she’d resolved.
locked, and no one was sat, there was not much to Speaker No. 2, or Bailey she learned a lot, including likely sentence Callahan Gilg said she was pre-
allowed to enter or leave the distract the student speakers Ham, spoke of the power of the ability to recite the First to probation, regardless pared to take the case to
modern day cabin. The duel at the lodge, with its open words, and the importance Amendment by memory. of whether she pleaded or trial. However, trials bring
between Speaker No. 1 and space, wooden floors, and of a free press, especially But this win may be only was convicted at trial. risk.
Speaker No. 2, as they were crisscrossing beams that ran today, when it is often under the beginning for Coonen. Both Walsh and defense “There’s always a risk,”
referred to during the com- below the ceiling. attack. As Ham said, refer- Winners of the Club Level attorney Zenia Gilg, who Gilg said. “Who would
petition, was set to begin. Speaker No. 1, better ring to 2018 statistics, 251 around California receive represents Callahan, said have said what at trial?”
The prompt was clear, known as Nikolena Coonen, journalists were imprisoned $100 and move on to Zone. they expect Callahan will Callahan’s attorney said
yet open for interpretation: talked about the indepen- around the world, over 50 After that, there are three receive probation. she hopes Nevada County
Freedom of the press, what dence a free press affords a died in action, and many more stages: Region, Dis- “It’s not completely starts to look at her client
does it mean? nation, referring to relevance have gone missing. Ham trict, Area and the State unusual,” said Assis- as a productive member of
This was the scene in America’s fight to remain emphasized the significance Finals. The winner of each tant District Attorney the community.
Wednesday night at Sea- free from British colonial- of journalism when she said, level will earn over $21,000 Chris Walsh of the judge “I do hope that people
man’s Lodge. It was the first ism. She also highlighted the “Knowing empowers us, in aggregated money. The signalling the expected will give her a chance,”
round of the 82nd Student importance of journalists knowing helps us,” quoting next local contest will be sentence. “I don’t person- Gilg added.
Speaker Contest, hosted by in our more recent history, the Washington Post. held on March 3. ally like it because I would
the Nevada City Lions Club. including work around the In the end, Coonen, a rather the judge hear all To contact Staff Writer
The annual public speaking Pentagon Papers and Wa- sophomore at Ghidotti High You can contact Sam Corey the evidence.” Alan Riquelmy, email
competition was intended tergate, which unveiled crit- School, won over the judges. at 530-477-4219 or scorey@ Callahan faces a sen- ariquelmy@theunion.
“to stimulate self-expression ical truths about powerful “I’ve always enjoyed public tence range of probation com or call 530-477-4239.

Nevada City OKs Home invasion, robbery trial begins

wireless ordinance By Alan Riquelmy
Staff Writer
loading it into
their vehicle. The
knew his cousin
had a safe inside
At some point the
tenant saw a chance to
By Liz Kellar by the attorneys, city staff told tenant escaped the home because escape. He ran, his hands
Staff Writer the council the ordinance Michael Diaz’s cous- and authorities he’d lived there now tied in front of him,
effectively protects the city to in looked quickly at captured all three for a few months and reached a neigh-
Nevada City’s city council the extent permitted by federal his relative Thursday men that day. that year. bor’s home. They called
has approved an ordinance regulations and establishes a morning as he began Berry wasn’t at Two of the men authorities, waiting 20 to
that will regulate wireless workable framework that can be testifying in the home his home at the spoke twice with 30 minutes until officers
telecommunication facilities amended if needed. invasion trial. time, he said. Michael Diaz a tenant living in reached the remote area,
in town after a multi-year During Wednesday’s meet- Micah Diaz Berry Convicted the house before the prosecutor said.
battle with Verizon. ing, the council opted not to cried briefly when around 30 years ago in all three entered the log “That same morning all
The ordinance propos- host a workshop proposed to asked to identify the Colorado of second-de- cabin, tied up the tenant three men were caught,”
al has been in the works clarify some of the confusion 48-year-old Diaz, gree murder and kid- and found the safe, Ayer Ayer said.
since last fall, with city staff surrounding the ordinance who faces robbery napping, Diaz could face said. Authorities have iden-
working with city-contract- language. and burglary charges. a harsher sentence if “They drove all the way tified the other two men
ed attorney Scott Porter and The council also passed a Diaz teared up as well convicted of the home in- out Greenhorn (Road) as Steve Ray Rhodes and
Rusty Monroe of Center schedule for fees to cover staff and wiped his eyes. vasion, prosecutors have and down about a mile- Shawn Turnage. Reports
for Municipal Solutions, a costs for reviewing and process- “We grew up in a said. and-a-half dirt road,” Ayer state both accepted plea
nonprofit organization that ing wireless telecommunication very close family,” Jurors heard Thurs- said during her opening deals last year and were
assists local municipalities in facility permits, and established Berry testified in Ne- day from Deputy District statement. sentenced to six years in
their dealings with telecom- a fee deposit for any permits vada County Superior Attorney Casey Ayer, who Attempts to open the prison.
munications service provid- that require extraordinary hours Court. “I’ve known delivered her opening safe proved unsuccessful.
ers and applicants. or that require use of a con- him my whole life.” statement on the first day The men grew nervous To contact Staff Writer
It was prompted by a sultant. The fees are $500 for Prosecutors claim of trial. Deputy Public and started taking items Alan Riquelmy, email
move from Verizon to poten- a ministerial or minor permit, Diaz and two other Defender Micah Pierce, from the home, using the [email protected]
tially install “small cell facil- and $2,000 for a major permit. men on Dec. 11, 2017, who represents Diaz, tenant to help them carry or call 530-477-4239.
ities” on existing power or The required deposits start at broke into Berry’s opted against speaking to possessions to their ve-
telephone poles downtown, $250 and go up to $9,450. Grizzly Trail home. jurors that morning. hicle that was out of gas,
after it lost a bid to install a They tied up a tenant Ayer told jurors that stuck or both, Ayer said.
wireless array downtown in Contact reporter Liz Kellar at and tried to break Diaz and two other men “Bags of clothing,” she
2015. That prompted Vice 530-477-4236 or by email at into a safe before tak- drove from Texas to the added. “Cash. Bags of
Mayor Reinette Senum to [email protected]. ing other items and Grizzly Lane home. Diaz marijuana. Televisions.”
propose the telecommuni- 401 Broad St.

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A4 | Friday, February 15, 2019 | The Union


DON ROGERS, Publisher | [email protected] 530-477-4299

BRIAN HAMILTON, Editor | [email protected] 530-477-4249

The opinions expressed on this page are those of the individual

authors who express them and do not necessarily reflect the views of
The Union. If you would like to share your thoughts with The Union,
email [email protected]. See policies below for information.

A community approach to
homelessness, housing

omelessness OTHER VOICES
is a pervasive Dan Miller and
problem that Lisa Swarthout
affects every-
one in our community. In of the humanitarian ef-

News throes just progress

addition to the personal fects. Simply put, it saves
toll homelessness takes money.
on those experiencing it, That’s why Nevada
homelessness can strain County has adopted a

public safety resources, Housing First approach
increase fire danger, and to homelessness. This t’s not Google or the marketing types put much opinion has leaked
disrupt commerce and strategy prioritizes per- Facebook’s fault it, yet always there’s the into their programming.
tourism. manent housing without they’re killing jour- impetus to break through Public broadcasting’s
Our community can’t preconditions or barri- nalism while pundit- the clutter. fiscal health is more prom-
successfully address ers to entry. Where the ry disguised as news over- The economists have ising, both nationally and
homelessness unless local Housing First approach takes disturbed ground. come to understand con- regionally. Donations have
governments, organiza- has been implemented in This simply is progress, sumers, never mind ner- grown, and PBS and NPR
tions, and residents team other communities, law which in its turn produced vous advertisers, as some- have been able to invest
together and try inno- enforcement, jail, hospital, the printing press and a DON ROGERS thing other than rational modestly in their news
vative ideas. The Bruns- and other costs decreased revolution in communica- Publisher actors. But facts don’t have resources. Famously “Min-
wick Commons Resource dramatically, resulting in tion, not to mention reli- to make sense to us to be nesota nice,” their brand of
Center project is one such tax savings of $10,000 gion, science and literature. professionalization of facts, and for whatever rea- journalism is fair-minded
idea. to $20,000 per year per Progress, like the stock the craft, a lot of swagger son Google and Facebook and decidedly unsensation-
The project is a com- homeless individual. market, shoots up and for no good reason, as it have taken the lion’s share al, if tinged liberal.
munity and collabora- In rural communities down. You have to step turned out. of advertising that used to Bloggers occasional-
tive approach to connect like ours, many residents back to see the larger trend No doubt there’s a go to news media. ly break news, though
homeless residents with – not just the homeless – upward. healthy middle ground, This is progress, of that’s rare, buried well in
services to reach their goal struggle financially to keep Now we’re hurtling to- though it’s unlikely we’ll course. The way things go. commentary, and tangy
of permanent housing and a roof over their heads. ward a sort of Wild West see that anytime soon. Out with Gutenberg at long with their opinions, hardly
The Brunswick Commons before 1900. We were less For news media today, last. In with the web and consistent journalism.
Brunswick project will help ease the
local shortage of afford-
civilized then: Fistfights
broke out in legislatures.
it’s mostly a riches to rags
whatever comes next. Only,
for now anyway, they’re
Advocates and aggregators
dominate as the number of
Commons able housing.
Nevada County’s Point-
Editors were horsewhipped
and occasionally shot.
Even online-only opera-
tions are troubled, unable
siphoning away what funds
the Fourth Estate, baby as
practicing journalists de-
clines — half the newspa-
represents in-Time January count of Lynching was normal in to get off the investment well as bath water. per journalists of a dozen
the community’s homeless parts of America. teat. Larger enterprises like This is the essential years ago. No wonder we’re
a proactive population revealed that Journalism as we know BuzzFeed, the Huffington problem as news enter- confused.
most people who were it today grew out of boiling Digging up news is hard,
approach, rather homeless had jobs, but pots of opinion. Every Digging up news is hard, and expensive. and expensive. Punditry is
had nowhere to live. It’s town had several papers, cheap. Kurt Vonnegut drew
than a reactive impressive to consider all biased in the extreme Punditry is cheap. asterisks in “Breakfast in
these resilient individuals and plenty proud of it, too. America” to emphasize a
one. are holding down a job The current path leads Post and Vice are going prises large and small hunt point about opinions, ev-
while living outdoors or in back into this stew, only through the same layoff for business to replace eryone having one.
a vehicle, with infrequent stir in a poisonous helping grinder as Gannett and what no longer supports Suggesting it would be
self-sufficiency. It is a pro- access to a shower, sound of instant commenting and McClatchy. journalism. in Facebook and Goo-
posed development in the night’s sleep, or food. an electrified grapevine, as This is not for lack of Something remains. gle’s business interests to
Brunswick Basin that will Data from our counts well. readers/viewers or even the The New York Times and contract local news media
boast 40 permanent hous- also indicates our home- This hardly looks like effectiveness of print adver- The Washington Post for coverage only follows a
ing units on 5 acres, with less population is local, an improvement. Society tising, ironically enough, have gone lean — The simple, hallowed journal-
wrap-around services on or “homegrown.” They are wasn’t better in this gauzy at least not in Truckee or Times eliminating its istic approach: Follow the
site. The Regional Hous- our friends and neighbors golden age, even if Mark western Nevada County. copy desk in one stunning money.
ing Authority will be the who have fallen on hard Twain was funny as hell Advertisers still need the move — and figured out Yes, I know this is highly
developer and Hospitality times. In 2018, only 3 per- at the National and the right creative, offer, call to how to make themselves unlikely, complete fantasy.
House will be the operator cent of the 271 homeless Holbrooke in his time. The action and to sell some- profitable through online Progress doesn’t work this
of the resource center. individuals surveyed said low quality of journalism thing people want at the subscriptions. way. Generally, there need
Brunswick Commons they had been living some- didn’t help. The evolution right price, of course. But National television is to be ashes from which the
will be unlike anything where else and moved to since then to a pale science the newspapers here still still hanging in there, too. new or reborn can arise.
currently available in Nevada County. seeking truth through attract the greatest audi- But there’s a tenuous feel It’s just hard to watch the
western Nevada County. We realize Nevada vetting facts and accurate ence of people with higher to this. Streaming video is house burn, knowing what
As a community we need County doesn’t just need quoting was a big part of income, education and civ- chipping away at the net- doesn’t need to be lost and
to give our homeless popu- more housing. We need civic progress. ic interest — lifeblood for works, and we’ll see how how easy, really, it would
lation the opportunity to smart housing develop- Modern journalism has local businesses. And their much President Trump has be to preserve in everyone’s
overcome the substance ments. A lack of exten- had its issues, too, for sure: print advertising done well bumped up interest in The best interests.
abuse and mental illness sive infrastructure is an Corporations hopping in … works. Times and The Post.
that control their lives. obstacle for rural counties when newspapers, radio Advertising remains The cost in credibility to Don Rogers is the publisher
The project includes a like ours. Fortunately, and TV grew into healthy abstract, an art, even these journalistic para- of The Union, Lake
welcoming day center for economic hubs such as businesses worthy of “busi- counting clicks and time gons joining the resistance Wildwood Independent
homeless residents to help Grass Valley have ade- ness decisions.” Celebri- on site or collecting data against the president seems and Sierra Sun. He can
fill the service gap during quate infrastructure. Grass ty journalists, a growing for future targeting. The high, though. The cable be reached at drogers@
daylight hours, when Hos- Valley and the Brunswick craving for sensation, an choices are many, options news networks hardly mer- or
pitality House guests typ- Basin also have convenient elite sprouting from the cheap. Commoditized, as it recognition as news, so 530-477-4299.
ically leave with nowhere access to our hospital,
to go. clinics, jobs, and public
The day center will in-
clude mental and physi-
cal health care, drug and
transportation. These are
all essential components
that will make Brunswick
Letters to the editor LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
Letters are limited to 200 words.
The Union accepts one submission per
author, per 30-day period, although
alcohol use prevention Commons functional and Commercial Street be the exception to this Kudos must be 100 words or less. an opportunity for rebuttal will be
services, housing retention successful. in Nevada City trend and preserve our Please include your name, address granted on a case-by-case basis. Due
skills programs, plus edu- If you have questions or A recent article in The history. and phone number. to length, letters to the editor are
cational and employment concerns, we encourage Union discussed pro- Once modifications often able to be published sooner
services. Many community you to get involved and posed changes to Com- are made, we can never OTHER VOICES than Other Voices submissions. In
partners that currently learn about the Bruns- mercial Street in Nevada recover the 150-plus years “Other Voices” may be 500 to 750 the interest of clarity, The Union
work together to provide wick Commons Resource City. of history over which words in length. Please include only accepts electronic submissions.
homeless services, includ- Center. Come to Grass This section of Com- we’ve poured concrete. your name, address, daytime phone Selection of letters and Other Voices
ing Hospitality House and Valley City Council meet- mercial Street has always The artist’s drawing in number and a paragraph at the end for publication is at the discretion
Nevada County Behavioral ings on Tuesday evenings been a quaint, gas-lit the article made Com- describing yourself. of the editor. The Union reserves
Health, will provide these or to Board of Supervi- throughway in our histor- mercial Street look like the right to edit for length, clarity
services in one coordi- sors meetings on Tuesday ical district and was part Disneyland. EMAIL TO and content on all submissions. All
nated and easily-accessi- mornings. of the Chinese Quarter Nevada City provides a [email protected] submissions become the property of
ble location. Brunswick Homelessness is a com- during the Gold Rush quality of life, a history, The Union.
Commons is our chance munity problem, and we era. It pays homage to and the small-town flavor
to help homeless residents must work together as a the contributions of our we’re fortunate to enjoy
restore their dignity and community to solve it. Asian community and here. This is already a ELECTED OFFICIALS
self-esteem, find purpose contributes to the town’s pedestrian friendly place. SENATORS
in their lives and become Dan Miller is the Nevada historical significance. A Commercial Street Kamala Harris GOV. GAVIN NEWSOM
contributing members of County supervisor It’s become common makeover is not going to 202-224-3553 916-445-2841;
our community. representing the Third practice across the coun- improve the situation for
Brunswick Commons District, and Lisa try for cities to create our residents. Dianne Feinstein NEVADA COUNTY BOARD
represents a proactive Swarthout is Grass artificial town squares I urge city officials to 202-224-3841 OF SUPERVISORS
approach, rather than a Valley mayor. Brunswick and pedestrian/tourist carefully consider the ad- 530-265-1480
reactive one. Providing Commons is slated to be friendly streets in an verse affects any modifi- HOUSE OF District 1: Heidi Hall
services to our homeless developed in the Grass effort to upgrade their ap- cations would have on the REPRESENTATIVES District 2: Ed Scofield
community is an import- Valley city limits and pearance. We should not character of Nevada City. District 1 — Doug LaMalfa District 3: Dan Miller
ant investment of tax dol- within Nevada County’s strive to be like everyone Don Joy 202-225-3076 District 4: Hank Weston
lars, and not just because Third District. else; we should strive to Nevada City District 5: Richard Anderson
The Union | Friday, February 15, 2019 | A5


seniors get
discount at
thrift store
Submitted to The Union We’re delighted to
honor the Armed
Bread & Roses Thrift Forces with discounts at
and More is now giving a
10 percent discount every the store.
Tuesday to servicemen and — Miranda Stuart
servicewoman, including Store Manager
veterans, as well as seniors
ages 55 and older, according now be dropped off at the
to a release. backdoor of Bread & Roses,
“We’re delighted to honor located at 840 E Main
the Armed Forces with Street, directly next door to
discounts at the store,” said Sierra Cinemas, between
SUBMITTED PHOTO BY TIM O’BRIEN store manager Miranda 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. Tuesday
Buzz Elliott performs a flyby in his vintage 1940 Waco UPF-7. Stuart. “Seniors also largely through Saturday.

A chance to take flight

support our store, and our “When someone donates
store is only in the business an item that isn’t readily
to support Utah’s Place, so needed for shelter guests,
we are greatly appreciative it goes for sale at Bread
to them as well.” & Roses to support the
Additionally, everyone will shelter’s operations,” said
Chance to be treated to 30 percent off
their entire purchase from
Stuart. “Guests at the shelter
are also regularly invited
attend aviation noon to 6 p.m. on Saturday
to shop at Bread & Roses
as well. We give them free
camp available Utah’s Place is Hospitality
House’s emergency home-
clothing vouchers to buy
anything they may need,
for area youth less shelter, providing assis-
tance to up to 69 homeless
such as business attire for a
job interview. People who
individuals on any given day. donate to our store and shop
Submitted to The Union All sales from Bread & Roses to support our store make

support those in need. this possible.”
evada County’s Previously, donations Discounts require prop-
chapter of the were accepted at both Utah’s er identification and are
Experimental Place and Bread & Roses, not valid toward already
Aircraft Asso- but in an effort stream- marked-down merchandise.
ciation is looking for a 14- line donations, Hospitality
or 15-year-old interested House asks all donations Source: Hospitality House
in attending this year’s Air
Academy Camp in Osh-
kosh, Wisconsin, accord- WINTER SAVINGS
ing to a release. ON INSTALLATION OF
The camp is a weeklong CENTRAL VAC SYSTEM IN
program that introduc-
es self-motivated young
people to flying and a
broad array of careers in UP TO $300
aviation. The students are IN SAVINGS!
engaged through profes-
sional instructors, while
working with other youths
422 Henderson St • Grass Valley
on a thorough variety of 530-273-5166
hands-on activities, which
includes aviation history, SUBMITTED PHOTO BY NICK MEYER
flight simulation, aircraft James Jacobson with his agile Decathlon aerobatic plane. He flew for his first time at the LONG TERM CARE
construction, air traffic Nevada County Airport at age 11 as an Experimental Aircraft Association Chapter 1175
control, career qualifica- Young Eagle. Anthony &
tions and more.
The local Chapter 1175 a sponsorship to attend his grandparents bought cutting machine.
Mark Halby
Over 45 Years of Experience
is based at the Nevada the camp in Oshkosh. His him his first flying lesson, The EAA Air Academy
County Airport and has earned a pilot’s license he was awarded a flight Camp Sponsorships are 265-2400
awarded a number of past on his 17th birthday and training scholarship from available to youths ages
CA Ins. Lic #0432049
Air Academy Camp spon- enrolled at the University the Golden Empire Flying 14 to 15 for a full week
sorships. The group has of North Dakota, a well- Association. of aviation immersion at
also conducted hundreds know school for aviation. Upon graduating from Oshkosh. Interested teens
of Young Eagle flights for Jacobson began flying Kansas State University may learn more, and
kids ages 8 to 17. and eventually instructing Professional Pilot Pro- download the sponsorship
Many of the local camp in competition aerobat- gram, Davenport began application by visiting the
scholarship recipients ics before his graduation. flying as an instructor be- website www.EAA1175. 18 Affordable
have moved into aviation
careers, including James
He qualified among the
top three positions in the
fore becoming a corporate
pilot in a Cessna Citation
Interviews will begin
Public Cemeteries
Jacobson of Grass Valley. highly competitive sports- Jet. Another of his corpo- Saturday followed by The Nevada Cemetery
At age 11, Jacobson flew man category of the 2016 rate jobs included piloting candidate selection in the District offers a wide variety
for his first time at the U.S. National Aerobatic an advanced composite following week. of interment and service
Nevada County Airport Championships. Cirrus aircraft, which fea-
options in the 18 open and
as a Young Eagle with Grass Valley’s Aria tures components manu- Source: Experimental
a Chapter 1175 pilot. At Davenport is another factured on a Grass Valley Aircraft Association
active cemeteries that it
age 14 he was awarded local success story. After designed Autometrix Chapter 1175 operates. Please contact our
friendly, understanding and
knowledgeable staff to find out
OBITUARIES more about our options.

CeCelia (CeCe) King Foothills or a charity of your Prentice Nibbelin, of the Sacramento Valley District Office: (530) 265-3461
10523 Willow Valley Road, Nevada City, CA 95959
choice are requested. Grass Valley, passed away National Cemetery in
CeCelia (CeCe) King on November 17, 2018 af- Dixon. In lieu of flowers,
passed away peacefully on ter suffering from a short friends may contribute
Wednes- Clifford ‘Lead- illness. He was 91. in his name to Abundant
day, Feb 13
2019. She
Foot’ Nibbelin Clifford’s memorial
service will be at 10 a.m.,
Life Church of Grass Val-
ley, CA.
was 75. Clifford “Lead-Foot” on February 21, 2019, at
She was
born in Up-
land Cal- JOSEPH DAVID LINHARES IV Trusted for
ifornia in
1943 retiring from a career
“ PA PA J O E ” Generations
in nursing. Joseph David Linhares IV, (Papa Joe) of Grass Valley, Ca
She is survived by her transitioned on January 25, 2019 at the age of 56 years,
husband Clyde; his two sons after a long and painful battle with liver cancer. "Papa Celebrating and honoring the lives of loved ones
Jim and Gary; her sister Joe," was a beloved father, son, brother, uncle and a for more than 75 years. It’s our privilege to provide
Connie and extended fam- true friend to many. Never fearing heights he turned
ily including thirteen great thoughtful funeral, burial and cremation services
his childhood antics for climbing into a career as an
grandchildren. CeCe loved to accomplished ironworker. He became a CNA and opened to our Nevada County community. Call us to learn
travel, have friends over for
Casa Loma Care Home for the Elderly. Papa Joe loved how pre-need arrangements can help ease the
a meal, and spend time with
and cared for many elderly during the last 25 years. He was never afraid to help burden of funeral planning.
the family. She will be deeply
missed by all who loved her. someone in need. His sense of adventure let him enjoy hunting, boating and
riding motorcycles, however, his biggest skill and passion was fishing, and many
family and friends enjoyed his smoked salmon. Although at times, Joe could
Robert ‘Bob’ Meyers appear to be stubborn and tough on the outside, he had a heart of gold, fun
Family and friends will sense of humor and was a true "Giver." Joe is survived by his parents, Joe and
celebrate the life of Robert Judy Linhares, sisters Shari, Carrie, Jim (brother-in-law), Cindy, Lora (sister-
“Bob” Meyers at Nevada City in-law), & sons, Nicholas, Christopher, and David, along with many nieces and 459 Hollow Way, Nevada City
United Methodist Church, 530.265.2429 |
nephews. Joe was a very special man to all that knew and loved him. He will
433 Broad Street at 2 p.m.,
be deeply missed. A Celebration of life will be held Saturday, February 23rd @ Debbie Prisk Olsen, General Manager: FDR 2247
on Saturday, February 16,
2019. In lieu of flowers, The Nevada City Elks Lodge from 3 – 8. Please refer to the Memorial page on Kay Lott Baker, Owner: FDR 2228
donations to Hospice of the facebook@JoLinhares. Lic FD411, CR142
A6 | Friday, February 15, 2019 | The Union


Researchers: Depression may speed brain aging
By Lauran Neergaard a new technique to scan the see if and how it fluctuates over
AP Medical Writer brains of living people — and time in those with and without
discovered that patients with depression, cautioned Jovier Ev-
WASHINGTON — Memory depression had a lower density of ans, a staff scientist at the National
and thinking skills naturally slow synapses than healthy people the Institute on Mental Health.
with age but now scientists are same age. Esterlis is planning a larg-
peeking inside living brains to tell The lower the density, the more er study to do that. It’s delicate
if depression might worsen that severe the depression symp- research. Volunteers are injected
decline — and finding some wor- toms, particularly problems with with a radioactive substance that
risome clues. attention and loss of interest in binds to a protein in the vesicles,
Depression has long been previously pleasurable activities, or storage bins, used by synapses.
linked to certain cognitive prob- Yale neuroscientist Irina Ester- Then during a PET scan, areas
lems, and depression late in life lis said Thursday at a meeting with synapses light up, allowing
even may be a risk factor for the of the American Association for researchers to see how many are
development of Alzheimer’s. Yet the Advancement of Science. She in different regions of the brain.
how depression might harm cog- wasn’t studying just seniors but a Esterlis said there are no medi-
nition isn’t clear. range of ages including people too cations that specifically target the
One possibility: Brain cells young for any cognitive changes underlying synapse damage. ASSOCIATED PRESS FILE PHOTO
communicate by firing messages to be obvious outside of a brain But other brain experts said A nuclear medicine technologist makes a PET scan of a patient at
across connections called syn- scan — on the theory that early the preliminary findings are a Georgetown University Hospital in Washington, May 2015.
apses. Generally, good cognition damage can build up. reminder of how important it is to
is linked to more and stronger “We think depression might be treat depression promptly, so peo- and wasn’t involved in the new rather than worsening synaptic
synapses. With cognitive impair- accelerating the normal aging,” ple don’t spend years suffering. research. decline, just makes it more obvi-
ment, those junctions gradual- she said. “If your mood isn’t enough to Still, she cautioned that normal ous, Sano noted.
ly shrink and die off. But until Her studies so far are small. To make you go and get treated, then cognitive aging is a complicated With depression “at any age,
recently, scientists could count prove if depression really worsens hopefully your cognition is,” said process that involves other health there’s a hit on the brain. At an
synapses only in brain tissue col- that decline would require track- Dr. Mary Sano, who directs the problems, such as heart disease older age the hit may be more vis-
lected after death. ing synaptic density in larger num- Mount Sinai Alzheimer’s Disease that slows blood flow in the brain. ible because there may already be
Yale University scientists used bers of people as they get older, to Research Center in New York It might be that depression, some loss,” she explained.

From page A1 From page A1

crashing through her home. device used to steal cred-

“If I was taking a shower, I would it card information in an
have been dead,” the resident who otherwise legitimate credit
wished to remain anonymous said. or debit card transaction.
The large tree cut her two story When a credit or debit card
home in half and even struck her is swiped through a skim-
neighbors’ home behind her resi- mer, the device captures and
dence. Neighbors quickly came to stores all the details stored
the scene to console the home owner, in the card’s magnetic stripe.
offering her and her daughter shelter According to Virga, the
until their home can be repaired. skimmers found at Express
No one was hurt in the incident. Mart use “rudimentary”
Downed trees blocked Banner technology and are easy to
Lava Cap Road at Pittsburg Mine install.
Road for much of the day Thursday, “This type is a download-
destroying an electrical transformer er,” he said. “They plug it
and bringing down power lines con- in and then came back and
tributing to the thousands of electri- pull it out to download the
cal customers in Nevada County who information.”
lost power during the storm. The skimmers have been
The Eric Rood Government removed and the technician
Center was among Thursday’s was installing reinforced
power outages and closed for the locks on the pumps, Virga
day though were still able to fit in a said.
Valentine’s Day wedding ceremony PHOTOS BY ELIAS FUNEZ/[email protected] Nevada City Police of-
beforehand. Nevada County Consolidated and PG&E personnel assess the situation at Banner Lava Cap and Pittsburg ficers currently are inves-
Rain totals for the 24-hour period Mine roads where a large pine tree fell, taking out power lines and destroying an electrical transformer. tigating to determine if a
Thursday reached 2.56 inches near suspect can be identified.
the Nevada County Airport, 2.27 Virga urged anyone who
inches near Empire Mine State Park, suspects they have been a
and 2.64 inches on the San Juan victim of identity theft after
Ridge. using the gas station to
contact the department at
To contact Multimedia Reporter 530-265-4700.
Elias Funez email, efunez@ Scarff said he always has or call 530-477-4230. appreciated the convenience
of paying at the pump.
RIGHT: A Dodge Charger sits “From now on, I will use
damaged in the center turn lane of cash,” he said.
Brunswick Road near Sutton Way
where signal lights at the intersec- The South Yuba River flows high with rain and Contact reporter Liz Kellar
tion were not working due to area snow runoff during Thursday’s precipitation event at 530-477-4236 or by email
power outages. in Nevada County. at [email protected].

CHARTER said Hakala at the meeting. this charter.’ And (the response) March 2010 to take a look at the school.
From page A1 “Those students who opt out of was, ‘Well, we need to put (that) the viability of both Nevada City As the meeting progressed,
testing and receive a zero do not on hold because there are other Elementary and Gold Run School tears could be seen and muffled
School was voted to not be re- bring down the average.” things going on.’” schools. Two months later, in cries could be heard around the
newed because of low test scores, But November’s charter meet- May, Nevada City Elementary room.
specifically those related to the ‘WHERE WAS THE ing was not the first time Petten- school had shut its doors. Many “Choosing to close the only
math portion of the California ACCOUNTABILITY?’ gill and teachers brought up the of the students from Nevada City charter school in the district
Assessment of Student Perfor- While it was no surprise the su- immanent issue of the school’s Elementary went to Gold Run would be a disservice to the
mance and Progress. Those re- perintendent and board members renewal. School. community,” said parent Stacey
sults, in addition to results from were focusing on low test scores “We had mentioned this two About one year later, though, Smith, who has two kids that at-
the slightly lower English Lan- at the meeting, there was shock years ago, that charter renewal in April of 2011, Gold Run School tend the school.
guage Arts/Literacy section, were as to why parents and teachers will come up, and we should do was voted to be shut down, too. “We’re heartbroken for students
well below that of Nevada County were not informed about the something about it,” he said. “We The issues faced by the schools and families,” Pettengill added.
and California schools. issue prior to last week, and that just didn’t get the direction that included an unbalanced bud- While the solemnity has re-
The decline of math scores at they didn’t have more time to try we needed.” get and dwindling enrollment mained, a few days later, Petten-
the charter school slightly pre- to remedy the problem. Dellis said she has no memory numbers. gill added a bit of optimism, at
cedes the arrival of Common Core “One question that keeps com- of Pettengill’s November remarks. least with regards to the future of
Math, a new strategy for learning ing to mind,” said parent Dawn “My recollection is that the re- ‘THE GREATEST EDUCATIONAL the school’s students. The tests,
math, which became mandated Simmons at the meeting. “Where newal was not agendized and he EXPERIENCE’ he said, are not the things that
by California schools in the fall of was the accountability? There is the president of the charter While some test scores are will define them.
2014, and was tested statewide by has been no communication of council, and it was not on the low today, Nevada City Charter “For our kids, we know that
the spring of 2015. concern to the charter school that agenda.” School’s test results used to aug- they will go on and do great
In 2016, 2017 and 2018, the it would not be renewed.” Dellis and the board mem- ment a district that was once on things.”

percentage of students who met Austin Wilson, par with some of Cali-
or exceeded the standard of parent to a former Where was the accountability? There has fornia’s top schools, WHAT’S NEXT?
achievement on the California student at the Nevada been no communication of concern to the according to Hakala. There are a lot of questions as

Assessment of Student Perfor- City Charter School, “I am aware that to what will potentially fill the
mance and Progress in math was highlighted the col- charter school that it would not be renewed. at one time, (Nevada space that was Nevada City Char-
9, 16 and 18 percent, respectively. lective anguish at the — Dawn Simmons City School Dis- ter School. Dellis makes clear
These low scores, according to sudden push to close Parent trict) was competing that since the charter school was
the superintendent, were cause the school. with Marin County voted to not be renewed, rath-
for closing the school. “I think it can be repaired,” said bers knew nothing of a potential schools, which were considered er than be revoked, it cannot be
“The board is required to con- Wilson at the meeting, “as soon vote to close the school until last the best in California,” she said at appealed. However, parents do
sider academic performance as as there’s a conversation about month, according to Hakala. the meeting. have another option, as it was
the most important factor when repairing the problem. (Instead), In an email to The Union, Nevada City Charter School has suggested after Tuesday’s public
reviewing renewal,” said Dellis at it’s, ‘Oh, everything’s fine until we Hakala wrote that the board did a non-traditional model, where- meeting.
the meeting. The charter school, cut your head off.’” not begin discussing the possi- by parents homeschool their “(Parents) can bring forth a
she added, has not been keeping Distress was not shared by par- bility of the school closing “until children for part of the week, in- new charter,” said Dellis, essen-
up with state standards, which is ents and students alone, howev- the January 2019 meeting when vesting more in their educational tially, starting the school over
why she advocated its closure. er, but also by teachers. Michael Dellis shared her concerns with lives than typical. Matriculated again from scratch. This time,
The school’s closing was not Pettengill, a teacher at the school, the Board in open session regard- students of this educational style she said, there would have to be a
related to students who had not known fondly as “Mr. Mike,” said ing the Charter School’s academic at Nevada City Charter School greater emphasis on teaching and
taken the California Assessment the teachers were not aware the performance.” attended the meeting, in addition practicing Common Core Math.
of Student Performance and closing of the school was an ur- to the current students and their “If (the charter) were a home
Progress, according to Board gent issue, and when he brought A LITTLE HISTORY parents. study, you would have to find
President Sandy Hakala. The up the opportunity to petition Within the last decade, two “I attended Nevada City Char- ways to mitigate the Common
academic performance of Nevada against the school’s closing, his other schools have closed in the ter in eighth grade, and it was Core standards needed to be
City Charter School students only sentiment was dismissed. Nevada City School District. the greatest educational experi- covered.”
included those who participated “At our last charter meeting (in First, there was Nevada City Ele- ence of my school career,” said
in taking the statewide test. November),” said Pettengill on mentary in 2010. alumnus Lindy Oliver. Oliver’s You can reach Sam Corey at 530-
“I want to correct what appears Tuesday night, “we sat down and Before the school closure, a sentiment was repeated by many 477-4219 or at scorey@theunion.
to be a common misconception,” said, ‘We need to take a look at committee was constructed in current students and parents at com.
The Union | Friday, February 15, 2019 | A7

Today: 35 (Good) Today Today
City Hi/Lo Wx City Hi/Lo Wx 49/39
Good Moderate Sensitive Unhealthy Alturas 34/25 ss Oakland 55/46 sh
Bakersfield 58/42 ra Oxnard 59/44 sh
0 50 100 150 200
Bishop 47/25 rs Palm Springs 61/47 sh
Blue Canyon 33/25 ss Rancho Bernardo 57/43 sh
Today: Saturday: Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: INFORMATION Blythe
Rain & Snow Rain & Snow Few Snow Sunny Partly Cloudy Burn Day: Crescent City 47/39 sh Sacramento 52/43 sh 52/43
Likely Likely Showers Death Valley 70/43 pc San Diego 61/51 sh
Precip Chance: 95% Precip Chance: 95% Precip Chance: 60% Precip Chance: 15% Precip Chance: 10%
268­1023 or 274­7928 San Francisco
Road Conditions: Edwards AFB 51/34 ra San Francisco 54/48 sh
Eureka 49/39 sh San Jose 53/44 sh
39 / 31 40 / 32 38 / 30 44 / 32 43 / 34 (800)
427­7263 Fort Bragg 56/48 sh San Luis Obispo 56/42 sh Monterey
Fresno 55/41 ra Santa Ana 59/47 sh 55/46
Long Beach
Santa Barbara
Santa Cruz
Los Angeles 59/45 sh Santa Rosa 52/41 sh
Mother Lode North San Juan Marysville 52/42 sh S. Lake Tahoe 30/24 sn
Washington Modesto 54/43 sh Stockton 53/43 sh Santa Barbara
Cloudy skies today with a 95% chance of showers, 45/34/1.16” Palm
41/34/2.35” Monterey 55/46 sh Ukiah 49/38 sh 59/45
highs in the upper 40s. South wind 8 to 17 mph. Morro Bay 56/45 sh Vacaville 52/43 sh Springs
Expect cloudy skies tonight with a 90% chance of Mount Shasta 33/25 ss Ventura 58/45 sh 61/47
showers, overnight lows in the low 40s. South Weather (Wx): cl/cloudy; fl/flurries; hz/haze; pc/partly cloudy; Los Angeles 59/45
Nevada City mc/mostly cloudy; ra/rain; rs/rain & snow; s/sunny; sh/showers;
southeast wind 8 to 11 mph. sm/smoke; sn/snow; ss/snow showers; t/thunderstorms; San Diego 61/51
Sacramento Region Wildwood
47/40/--” Grass Valley NATIONAL WEATHER
Mostly cloudy skies today with an 80% chance of 40/53/1.61”
Cedar Ridge Today Saturday
showers, highs in the low 50s. South wind 13 to 19 40/33/1.67” City Hi/Lo Wx Hi/Lo Wx
mph. Expect mostly cloudy skies tonight with a 70% Albuquerque 59/37 mc 55/27 pc
chance of showers, overnight lows in the mid­40s. Peardale Anchorage 18/10 s 24/14 sn
& Ready 50/43/2.10”
South southeast wind 13 mph. Penn 54/45/2.03” Atlanta 62/55 sh 65/51 sh
Chicago Park Austin 86/52 pc 72/56 pc
Valley 42/34/1.42” Baltimore
Sierra Nevada 47/40/2.94” Alta Sierra Bismarck
56/35 mc 38/28 sn
2/­6 mc 10/2 sn
Mostly cloudy skies today with an 85% chance of 45/38/--” Boise 43/30 rs 40/28 ss
Lake of the Pines Boston 50/33 sh 39/23 pc
snow, highs in the upper 20s. South southwest wind 47/40/--” Buffalo 39/21 ss 27/17 mc
14 to 17 mph. New snow accumulation of around two Charleston, S.C. 69/56 pc 67/55 sh
inches possible. Charlotte, N.C. 63/52 ra 60/39 sh

23/16 pc 29/23 mc
37/21 ss 28/22 mc
Bay Area Grass Valley Columbia, S.C. 68/54 mc 70/45 sh
Columbus, Ga. 68/59 cl 72/58 sh
Mostly cloudy skies today with an 85% chance of . . . . . . . .high
Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74. . .(1971)
. . . . . . . . Columbus,
. . . . . . . . . . Ohio
. . . . . . 39/22
. . . . . . .mc. . . . 34/23
. . . . . . pc
showers, highs in the mid­50s. Southwest wind 19 to . . . . . . . .low
Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23. . .(1990)
. . . . . . . . Dallas-Ft.
. . . . . . . . . Worth
. . . . . . . 70/37
. . . . . . .mc. . . . 49/39
. . . . . . mc
. . . . . . . .high
Normal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
. . . . . Denver
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58/26
. . . . . . .s. . . . 45/18
. . . . . . mc
23 mph. Expect mostly cloudy skies tonight with an
. . . . . . . .low
Normal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
. . . . . Des
. . . .Moines
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .14/4
. . . . .mc. . . . . 19/9
. . . . . pc
80% chance of showers, overnight lows in the upper . . . . . . . .Precip
Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4.17" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32/18
. . . . . . . . Detroit
. . . . .(2000) . . . . . . .ss. . . . 28/17
. . . . . . pc
40s. West southwest wind 18 to 23 mph. . . . . . . . 7/1/17-2/14/18
Precip . . . . . . . . El
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25.16" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70/48
. . Paso . . . . . . .mc. . . . 64/40
. . . . . . pc
. . . . . . . July
Precip . . . . .1. .to. .date
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38.83" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ­2/­15
. . . . . . . . Fairbanks . . . . . . .s. . . . . 13/2
. . . . . sn
THE SKY . . . . . . . .precip
Normal . . . . . . .to. . date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32/17
. . . . . . . . Helena
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34.83"
. . . . . . .sn. . . . . 24/2
76/66 t
. . . . . sn
77/68 t
Hi/Lo Wx
Hi/Lo Wx City
Hi/Lo Wx
Hi/Lo Wx
Sunrise 6:55 a.m. Moonrise 1:26 p.m.
Nevada City Houston 79/62 pc 75/64 pc Miami Beach 78/69 pc 79/71 pc Pittsburgh 45/23 sh 34/24 mc
Sunset 5:40 p.m. Moonset 3:28 a.m. . . . . . . . .high
Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74. . .(1943)
. . . . . . . . Indianapolis
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32/20
. . . . . . .mc. . . . 36/26
. . . . . . pc
. . . . .Milwaukee
. 18/8 s 25/15 pc Portland, Ore. 46/35 sh 43/37 sh
. . . . . . . .low
Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 . . . . . . . . Jackson,
. . .(1949) . . . . . . . 71/53
. . . . . . . . .Miss. . . . . . . .cl. . . . 64/58
. . . . . . sh
. . . . .Mpls-St.
. Paul 13/­1 s 19/11 mc Providence 53/32 sh 40/22 ss
. . . . . . . .high
Normal . . . . . Jacksonville
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 22/11 sn 29/22 mc
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Nashville
. 50/35 ra 44/34 mc Reno 34/25 sn 35/26 sn
. . . . . . . .low
Normal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Juneau 23/17
............................................ pc 28/19 s New Orleans 75/62 cl 74/64 mc St. Louis 28/18 sn 35/29 pc
. . . . . . . .Precip
Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4.27" . . . . . . . . Kansas
. . . . .(2000) . . . . . . . . . 22/11
. . . . . . . City . . . . . . .sn. . . . 29/22
. . . . . . mc
. . . . .New
. York City 51/37 sh 40/29 mc Salt Lake City 47/30 ra 38/28 sn
59/39 mc 53/41 pc 35/24 mc 33/25 mc 43/33 sh 40/30 sh
Full Last
New First . . . . . . . 7/1/17-2/14/18
Precip . . . . . . . . Las
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22.06" . . . .Vegas
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Oklahoma
. City Seattle
Little Rock 51/35 ra 45/39 mc Omaha 15/4 sn 19/9 mc Sioux Falls 10/1 mc 15/9 sn
2/19 2/26
3/6 3/14 . . . . . . . July
Precip . . . . .1. .to. .date
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32.29"
Louisville 42/27 ra 40/30 mc Philadelphia 58/33 mc 38/27 sn Washington, D.C. 60/36 mc 38/28 sn
. . . . . . . .precip
Normal . . . . . . .to. . date
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35.08"
. . . . . . . . Memphis
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48/33
. . . . . . .sh. . . . 44/34
. . . . . . mc
. . . . .Phoenix
. 66/48 mc 61/44 pc Wichita 28/16 sn 32/22 mc
For latest weather updates:

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A8 | Friday, February 15, 2019 | The Union


Parkland shooting victims

are remembered in silence
By Kelli Kennedy, Adriana
Gomez Licon and
Terry Spencer
Associated Press


dents at Marjory Stoneman When California voters broadly legalized marijuana in
Douglas High and other 2016, they were promised that part of the tax revenue
schools across the U.S. from pot sales would be devoted to programs to teach
bowed their heads in a youth how to avoid substance abuse and “prevent
moment of silence and took harm” from marijuana use.
part in volunteer projects
Thursday to mark the an-
niversary of the shooting
rampage that claimed 17
Youth programs
lives. But for many Park-
land students, the trag-
edy was still so raw they
left wanting
by California
couldn’t bring themselves
to set foot in the building.
Fewer than 300 of the ASSOCIATED PRESS

marijuana law
3,200 students at the high Emma Rothenberg, left to right, with her mother Cheryl Rothenberg and sister, Marjory
school showed up for what Stoneman Douglas High School student Sophia Rothenberg embrace at a memorial
was only a half-day, with marking the one-year anniversary of a mass shooting at the school in Parkland, Fla.

classes cut short so that
the teenagers would not be gave rise to some of the big- There’s all this emotion and it’s all being
there around 2:20 p.m., the
traumatic moment last year
when gunfire erupted.
gest youth demonstrations
since the Vietnam era.
Many Stoneman Douglas
concentrated back on one day.

— Spencer Bloom
By Michael R. Blood
Associated Press
November 2016 and
legalized pot sales for
adults 21 and over, in-
Senior Spencer Bloom students arrived wear- Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Senior LOS ANGELES — cluded a section requiring
skipped school to spend ing the burgundy (hash) When California voters a slice of the tax revenue
the day with students from MSDStrong T-shirts that as part of a number of vol- names over the public ad- legalized marijuana, they go toward youth educa-
the history class he was in have become an emblem of unteer projects undertaken dress system. were promised that part tion to prevent “substance
during the shooting. He the tragedy. Outside, clear to try to make something Sophomore Julia Brigh- of the tax revenue from use disorders” and “harm
said he struggles with panic plastic figurines of angels good come out of the ton, who suffered night- pot sales and cultivation from substance use.”
attacks and feared he might were erected for each of the tragedy. mares for months after the would be devoted to pro- The absence of dollars
have one if he went in to 14 students and three staff Grief counselors and gunman killed three people grams to teach youth how so far can be explained
school. members killed. therapy dogs were made in her classroom, placed to avoid substance abuse. by two factors: The effect
“There’s all this emotion A moment of silence was available along with mas- flowers at the memorial But more than a year of rigid rules that came
and it’s all being concen- observed there and at other sages and pedicures. An outdoors instead of going after the start of sales, with Proposition 64 and
trated back on one day,” schools across Florida and interfaith service occurred inside and “putting myself there’s no money for those the slow start to sales that
Bloom said. beyond at 10:17 a.m., a later in the day at a nearby through that.” programs and questions have brought in far less
The massacre on Feb. time selected to denote the park. Victims’ families said are looming about how tax money than initially
14, 2018 — Valentine’s Day 17 slain. Freshman Jayden Jaus, they would spend the day they might operate in the expected.
— inflamed the nation’s Reporters were not al- 14, said the moment of quietly, visiting their loved future. The law established a
debate over guns, turned lowed inside the school, but silence was “a bit emotional ones’ graves or participat- The absence of funding long list of requirements
some Parkland students students packed lunches and a little intense” as the ing in low-key events like a is “really sad and disap- for how to spend cannabis
into political activists and for poor children in Haiti principal read the victims’ community walk. pointing,” said Robert tax money — basically,
Harris, a policy adviser who gets it, in what order
and lobbyist for the Cal- and how much.

California considers insurance ifornia Society of Addic-

tion Medicine.
Equally troubling, he
Under those rules, most
of the $150 million in tax
money that has come in

to help with wildfire costs

added, is the lack of clear so far has been devoted to
guidelines for how that start-up costs and oper-
funding would be div- ations for state regulation.
vied up, and how pro- A second tier of fund-

grams would be run and ing, about $25 million
By Don Thompson It works just evaluated. of the total, is slated for
Associated Press like your home A report this week university research, the
from the state Legislative California Highway Pa-
insurance, but for our Analyst’s Office suggested trol and local grants that
ifornia should get insur-
ance to help cover taxpay-
ers’ costs in bad wildfire
actual state.

— Ricardo Lara
California Insurance Commissioner
that the Legislature might
have to address gaps in
the law, even pointing out
could include such things
such as mental health
treatment and legal
seasons, a solution that that the term “youth” isn’t services.
could help stem losses as defined. Funding for youth-ed-
climate change contributes California has experi- More needs to be done ucation programs would
to more destructive blazes, enced 11 of the top 20 most “so we don’t roll it out be included in a third tier
two state officials said destructive fires in its his- and throw it away,” Harris of spending, and so far
Thursday. tory since 2007. said. there hasn’t been enough
The most populous state The two statewide office- ASSOCIATED PRESS Proposition 64, which tax money to provide that
should follow the lead of holders teamed with Dem- Democratic state Sen. Bill Dodd of Napa, left, and voters approved in share, officials say.
Oregon, the World Bank ocratic state Sen. Bill Dodd Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara, right, want
and the Federal Emergency of Napa to propose that California to take out insurance to help cover taxpayers’
Management Agency after
outspending its emergency
fund in seven of the last 10
California lawmakers allow
the governor, treasurer and
insurance commissioner to
costs in bad wildfire seasons.

40 years but recouped climate change, Lara said.

Attorney general
years, California Insurance
Commissioner Ricardo
Lara and Treasurer Fiona
negotiate insurance cover-
age with private providers,
instead of self-insuring.
$102 million in insurance
FEMA began buying $1
The state also is consider-
ing taking out bonds to pay
for wildfire costs to lessen
sued over police
Ma said.
California spent nearly
$950 million two years
“It works just like your
home insurance, but for
our actual state,” Lara told
billion in flood insurance
in 2017, Lara said, with
a payout triggered by $4
the growing effect on the
budget, he said.
The state’s private insur-
records access
ago, about $450 million reporters. If the premiums, billion in losses. The gov- ance potentially could be
more than was budget- terms and coverage aren’t ernment received the full used for other disasters like By Don Thompson Superior Court, when a
ed and by far the highest favorable, he said the state benefits in 2018. earthquakes and tsunamis, Associated Press judge denied a prelimi-
annual amount. It spent can walk away. Buying insurance is depending how it’s written, nary injunction sought by
about $677 million last The gamble paid off for part of an urgent larger Dodd said. He represents SACRAMENTO — A police unions.
year, as wildfires again Oregon, he said, where discussion on how Califor- the wine country area hit nonprofit organization Similar efforts are un-
swept through cities, sub- the state paid $61 million nia can better respond to hard by wildfires two years that advocates for free der way in several other
urbs and more rural areas. in premiums over nearly wildfires worsening with ago. speech sued California’s counties, including Los
attorney general Thurs- Angeles.
day over his refusal to “Given the ongoing pro-

Judge critical of PG&E’s wildfire release police misconduct

The First Amendment
ceedings, at this time, we
are prepared to disclose
only records beginning

role demands more answers

Coalition filed suit against January 1, 2019,” Becer-
Attorney General Xavier ra said in a statement.
Becerra alleging the chief “When it comes to dis-
law enforcement officer is closing a person’s private
By Sudhin Thanawala breaking a state law that information, you don’t get
Associated Press more than 10 years to clear the utility’s probation in and could cost as much as took effect Jan. 1. a second chance to get it
potentially dangerous vege- that case, the judge has $150 billion to implement. Becerra, like some other right.”
SAN FRANCISCO — A tation where the fire threat proposed requiring it to At a hearing last month, law enforcement officials, He earlier warned
U.S. judge who has berated is high. He asked PG&E if remove or trim all trees that Alsup accused PG&E of is balking at providing agencies to retain the
Pacific Gas & Electric Co. that timeline was correct. could fall onto its power enriching shareholders in- records involving police records.
for its role in California PG&E spokesman James lines in high-wind condi- stead of clearing trees and misconduct that occurred The new law was passed
wildfires demanded Thurs- Noonan said in a statement tions and ordering it to shut said the company was mak- before the law took effect. in response to national
day that the utility answer that the company would off power when fire is a risk ing excuses to avoid turning He and others say they distress over a series of
more questions about its respond to Alsup’s order by regardless of the inconve- off electricity when fire risk are awaiting a clear judi- fatal police shootings of
efforts to clear trees and Feb. 22, the deadline the nience to customers or loss is high. cial decision on whether unarmed minority men,
branches that can fall on its judge set. of profit. But he held off on im- the law is retroactive. but it applies only when
power lines and start fires. “PG&E shares the court’s Alsup said his goal was to mediately ordering PG&E The California Supreme officers are found to have
Judge William Alsup commitment to safety and prevent PG&E equipment to take any of the dramatic Court last month denied improperly used force or
asked the utility in a court agrees that we all have to from causing any wildfires measures he had proposed, a last-minute challenge discharged firearms, com-
filing if it was in compliance work together with urgency during the 2019 fire season. saying he would wait to see to the law, which eases mitted sexual assaults on
with a state law requiring to address the risk of wild- The company sought the company’s wildfire miti- some of the nation’s most the job, or have been dis-
it to clear vegetation within fire throughout Northern bankruptcy protection in gation plan. secretive police privacy honest in official duties.
certain distances of electric and Central California,” he January in the face of bil- In the plan submitted last policies. By denying public ac-
lines. said. lions of dollars in poten- week, PG&E promised to Lower courts have cess to the files, Becerra
The judge also ques- Alsup is overseeing a tial liability from wildfires spend more than $2 billion ruled both ways in recent “has given a green light
tioned a part of the utility’s criminal conviction against in California in 2017 and this year to improve wild- weeks. The First Amend- to other departments to
recently submitted wild- PG&E stemming from a 2018. fire prevention. The utility ment Coalition and sev- disregard the new law,”
fire mitigation plan. Alsup deadly 2010 gas line ex- PG&E shot back in a said it would step up its tree eral media organizations coalition executive direc-
said it appears under the plosion in the San Fran- court filing that Alsup’s pro- cutting and trimming and won a battle last week tor David Snyder said in a
plan that PG&E would take cisco Bay Area. As part of posals would endanger lives expand its use of blackouts. in Contra Costa County statement.
B1 | Friday, February 15, 2019 | The Union
Jennifer Nobles, Features Editor,
530-477-4231, [email protected]

Love or labor?
hope lovers young and
old had a wonderful
Valentine’s Day and en-
joyed special time with
those they love and those
they are loved by. This a
fun holiday with lots of
hugs and kisses and cards
and chocolates and flow- CHERYL WICKS
ers and dinners out. Columnist
Unfortunately, in the
animal kingdom it’s not so Sammie’s Friends
loving. About this time the
female cats and dogs go wishes for lots of
into heat and the mating
begins, resulting in lots
love and a happy
of unwanted births and life for all beings,
overcrowded shelters. Too
few people try to solve the two and four
problem while others irre-
sponsibly allow these mat- legged, finned
ings to take place. Rarely
do these people care for
and feathered.
the unwanted young.
Last year Sammie’s that child and being there
SUBMITTED PHOTO Friends took in approxi- for the grandchildren
Pet owners should have the difficult but necessary conversation with a chosen friend or loved one regarding the fate of mately 400 kittens, while and making a lifetime of
his or her animal(s) in the event of the owner’s death or illness. AnimalSave and the Grass family memories. In the
Valley Shelter took in cat and dog world you

Planning for the future

quite a number as well. get pregnant because you
That’s a lot of kittens for are in estrus (commonly
a few good Samaritans to referred to as being “in
take care of. We get them heat”) and any available

spayed/neutered and male within a mile who
t’s not a subject most of KNOW WHO CAN rescue organization in your vaccinated before they are can get to you will likely
us like to think about: TAKE YOUR DOG region that could foster your adopted. decide to mate with you,
What happens if I die, Talk to friends and family dog while they look for a per- If we think of ourselves, whether you like it or not.
or become terminally ill about who could adopt your manent home. Some of these we think of the joys of
or so seriously handicapped dog if something happens groups have specific guide- a new baby and raising WICKS, B2
that I can no longer live to you. Sometimes you can’t lines you need to follow, so
independently? find anyone to commit to talk to them beforehand.
Many people have a will, caring for your dog per- Make sure your dog’s care-
codicil or trust that specifies JOAN MERRIAM manently, so find someone taker or adoption organiza-
their wishes, which is great, Casey’s Corner to act as an emergency tion has the contact infor-
but what about planning for caretaker until a permanent mation for your veterinarian,
your companion animals in you’re hit with something guardian takes over—and and access to your dog’s
the event of your death or life-changing or life-end- make sure your friends, fam- health records. It’s not a bad
incapacity? ing. Some people include ily, and neighbors have that idea to include notes about
Most of us expect to out- instructions for the care of person’s contact information. your pup’s likes and dislikes,
live our dogs, simply because their pets in their will, while You might want to carry a personality traits, favorite
their lifespans are so much others make less formal wallet “alert card” that lists foods and treats, daily rou-
shorter than ours. At the tine and diet. Don’t forget
same time, most of us can’t ... as the caretakers of our animals, we to specify the type of food
imagine becoming so ill or you feed your dog; abrupt-
debilitated that we can’t care need to make sure they’re provided for ly switching from one food
for our dogs. But this hap- to another can often cause
pens more often than you
if we can’t be there for them. stomach distress.
think. While we often joke, “I
could get hit by a bus on my arrangements with friends or what pets you have at home IF YOU LIVE ALONE
way home,” the fact is that relatives. and who your emergency What if you live by yourself
accidents and unforeseen As we all know, caring for caretaker is, in the event you and either die or get hurt?
events do happen, and as the a dog can be an expensive can’t communicate. Your dog will be left alone,
caretakers of our animals, proposition, so if you’re able, No matter what, stay in with potentially tragic con-
we need to make sure they’re establish a special account or touch with your designated sequences. Again, plan in
provided for if we can’t be a trust setting aside funds to caretaker: over time, people’s advance. Talk with family,
there for them. care for your animals. This circumstances change, and friends or neighbors about
could make the difference you want to make sure the what to do if they haven’t
SET UP A PLAN between someone being able person you’ve asked to adopt heard from you in a certain
The time to make these to adopt your dog, or having your dog is still able and will- period of time, and make sure COURTESY SAMMIE’S FRIENDS
sorts of decisions, whether to give her up because of ing to do so. they have a key to your home. Mojo the cat is currently up for adoption at Sammie’s
they involve your physical financial constraints. Another option is to find Friends in Grass Valley. She is house trained and likes to
possessions or pets, is before a general or breed-specific MERRIAM, B2 cuddle.

New app lets dog

lovers swipe right for
perfect pet match
By Liudas Dapkus
Associated Press

VILNIUS, Lithuania —
If the pooch melts your
heart, swipe right.
Animal lovers in Lithu-
ania have created a mobile
application inspired by the
popular dating app Tinder
to match up dogs in local
shelters with new owners.
SUBMITTED PHOTO Called GetPet, the app
The Tibetan monks have performed their animal blessing ceremony before; this photo was launched last month
finds them doing so at AnimalSave in 2018. and is getting hundreds
of new users daily and

What a blessing
already has made a few
“It is like Tinder, but Vaidas Gecevicius, who developed an app helping to
with dogs,” said Vaidas match stray dogs with potential owners, poses for a
Tibetan monks to visit, bless area animals Gecevicius, one of app’s
creators. “You can arrange
picture with a dog and shows this dog’s profile on the
app in Vilnius, Lithuania. A group of enthusiasts have
a meeting with the dog — launched an app that helps match aspiring dog owners
Submitted to The Union housed in the Cat Adoption or harnesses and leash- a date.” with stray dogs.

Room and Penny’s Place — es. Cats, rabbits and birds The app fea-
AnimalSave is pleased to the Cat Sanctuary. must be in very secure car- tures profiles of I really welcome this new app as it gives us
be part of the Sacred Arts AnimalSave will again riers. There is no exception furry four-legged more chances to find our pets new owners and
of Tibet Tour featuring the host the monks for an ex- to this requirement. creatures look-
visiting monks from the tended blessing of com- For more information, ing up with soft a new home, and that means we can then help other

Gaden Shartse monastery munity pets beginning at 3 contact Carolyn Niehaus yearning eyes.
in the Tibetan Refugee Set- p.m. The monks will per- at carolyn@animalsave. Scrolling down
dogs still on the streets.
tlement in Southern India. form individual blessings org or 530-271-7071 x 201. reveals more in- — Ilona Reklaityte
We will again have the for your furry or feathered Please contact Carolyn if formation about
honor of being the recipient pets. A $10.00 suggested you would like to attend the the pup, and those inter- profile appears. dogs for now but the plan
of a ceremonial blessing donation will help the mon- community pet blessing so ested can then swipe right. Gecevicius said the idea is to eventually include
by the monks here at the astery with education, med- we know how many folks But there are limits to came to creators when cats and other animals.
AnimalSave Center. The ical needs, housing, food and pets to expect. You can the Tinder comparison. It’s they saw a stray dog on Two friends, Emily and
blessing for prosperity, and building maintenance. obtain more information a one-sided situation and the street through the Elena, recently scanned the
healing and happiness will To ensure the safety of about the Sacred Arts of the dogs don’t get to have window during a computer app and then visited the
include the buildings, staff the animals, dogs must Tibet Tour at www.sierraf- a swiping experience. If workshop.
and volunteers, and the cats be on well-fitting collars you swipe left, another dog The app only features APP, B2
B2 | Friday, February 15, 2019 | The Union

WICKS old. That is like your 10 or shelter or rescue workers or
From page B1 11-year-old daughter being the animals.
pregnant. I don’t think Please people, spay and/
You carry those babies for most people would approve or neuter your pets. It’s ur-
around two months, give of that. Dogs get pregnant gent now before the mating
birth, get suckled until as young as 8 months old. begins. There are two low
everything has been sucked These young bodies are income spay/neuter clinics
out of you and then your not well-developed enough to utilize: Animal Spay
babies are given away. to have babies. It is very and Neuter Clinic 530-
What fun! Many times the hard on these poor ani- 889-8800 and AnimalSave
babies go to less than desir- mals, to have so little time 530-477-1706.
able homes and the whole to be kitties and puppies Sammie’s Friends pro-
thing starts over. What a themselves. vides vouchers for cats and
life, eh? Although we are in the dogs except Chihuahuas,
Each year at Sammie’s beginning stages of the Pitbulls, Huskies, Mala-
Friends we receive kit- mating season for cats, mutes. Those four breeds
tens that have been found they can have repeated will be paid for by Pound
in someone’s mail box, heat cycles throughout the Puppy Rescue. Call 530-
puppies in boxes and sacks year. Dogs can go into heat 272-1716 to arrange.
along the road, animals left as many as three times Sammie’s Friends wishes
in other people’s garages. per year. We do not see as for lots of love and a happy
Who are these cowardly many puppies as we do kit- life for all beings, two and
people that think an ani- tens, but there are way too four legged, finned and
mal’s life is no more valu- many. You can know that feathered.
able than a sack of garbage anytime you see puppies
to be thrown out? and kittens in a shelter, Cheryl Wicks is the Co-
ASSOCIATED PRESS PHOTOS Cats can go into heat as someone has been irre- Founder and President of
Ilona Reklaityte, founder of a dog shelter, copes with two of her charges in Vilnius, early as four to five months sponsible, and it’s not the Sammie’s Friends
Lithuania. A group of enthusiasts have launched an app that helps match aspiring
dog owners with stray dogs.
MERRIAM ... remember that the care of
APP From page B1 your beloved companions is
From page B1
SOS Gyvunai shelter in Vil- You also need to plan for the guard-
your responsibility: you owe
nius to meet Piff, a medium ianship of your dogs in the event you de- it to them to make sure their
black-and-gray mongrel. velop a life-impairing physical or mental
They took him for a walk disability that leaves you unable to care future is happy, safe, and
in a snow-covered park for them.
and said they would return One avenue is to set up a power of filled with love.
soon to take him home. attorney to take effect upon your phys-
“I think it’s actually a ical or mental incapacity. This autho- remember that the care of your beloved
very great idea because in rizes your attorney-in-fact—someone companions is your responsibility: you
Lithuania we have a lot you designate to handle your affairs—to owe it to them to make sure their future
of stray dogs and a lot of take care of your pets, expend money to is happy, safe, and filled with love.
people who want to adopt,” A man looks at a mobile phone app that helps people do so, and place them with permanent
24-year-old Elena said as find dogs in animal shelters in Vilnius, Lithuania. caregivers. Joan Merriam lives in Nevada County
dogs nearby ran around in with her Golden Retriever Joey, her Maine
outdoor cages barking. new app as it gives us “We have 140 dogs right IT’S YOUR RESPONSIBILITY Coon cat Indy, and the abiding spirit of
Ilona Reklaityte, the more chances to find our now. Sometimes we give In the end, however, remember that her beloved Golden Retriever Casey in
shelter’s founder, said she pets new owners and a away one or two of them any legal device can’t ensure that your whose memory this column is named. You
is very happy about the new home, and that means every day, but now we dog is fed, walked, medicated or loved. can reach Joan at joan@joanmerriam.
innovative approach to an we can then help other receive (many) more calls As difficult as it may be to think about com. And if you’re looking for a Golden,
old problem. dogs still on the streets,” and people are coming the possibility of something happening be sure to check out Homeward Bound
“I really welcome this Reklaityte said. more often.” that ends or drastically alters your life, Golden Retriever Rescue.

Paws & Claws

Hi Dr. Janeway,
I recently started feeding a stray cat that has
been coming around my property, I have named
it Maple and I guess I am going to keep it. I
would like to bring it in for shots and to see if it
needs to be spayed or neutered. Can you please
give me an idea of what he will need and what I
can expect at the appointment?
Reluctant cat owner

Hi Reluctant,
Thank you for giving this stray cat a home and
for reaching out to me. There are a few things
that we will likely accomplish at your first ap-
First, we will need to perform a complete phys-
ical exam – listen to the heart, lungs, evaluate the
teeth and determine if it is male or female. We
will be able to give you a ball park of how old the
cat is and we will check it for a microchip in case
it is a cat that has been lost by its owners. SHUTTERSTOCK
We will get Maple started on some vaccines
and he/she should also be tested for feline The FELV vaccine protects against Feline generously offered to Nevada County residents a
leukemia and feline immunodeficiency virus. If Leukemia Virus which can cause feline leuke- free spay or neuter of any cat, so you won’t even
she has either of those diseases it would be good mia or predispose cats to developing lymphoma have to pay for the surgery!
information for you to know what to expect (especially important for younger outdoor cats). I hope this information is helpful to you, I
for her management and especially if you ever The Rabies vaccine protects against the always definitely recommend you bring Maple in to see
decide to adopt another cat. fatal devastating rabies virus which is spread by us ASAP.
Cats in our area should all be vaccinated with wild animals and is present here in our county.
the FVRCP, FELV and Rabies vaccines. FVRCP Also, all outdoor cats in our county should be
vaccine protects against Feline Viral Rhino- treated with flea/tick preventative and heart- Dr. Robin Janeway is a veterinarian and owner of
tracheitis (causes upper respiratory signs and worm preventative. If any other treatment or Brighton Greens Veterinary Hospital in Grass Valley.
ulcerations, aka herpes), Calicivirus (causes care is found to be needed, it can be discussed Brighton Greens is located right by the fairgrounds!
severe upper respiratory signs and ulcerations) at the exam appointment.
If we determine Maple is a candidate for Your question can be the topic of next
and panleukopenia (causes severe depression
of white blood cells, diarrhea, vomiting and can surgery, we can also schedule surgery to spay or month’s article. Submit your questions after
cause death). neuter her/him if not already done. Good news! you like us on Facebook at www.facebook.
Our local animal shelter (Sammie’s Friends) has com/brightongreensvet.

February Do you have a pet in need February is

Dental of spay or neuter? DOGGIE DENTAL MONTH
RECEIVE AnimalSave’s low-cost
Special $199 Physical Exam
Full Dental Exam
IV Catheter & Fluids
EXPIRES 2/28/19
$70 00
off Mobile Spay and Neuter Clinic Ultrasonic Cleaning
& Polishing
any dentistry Cats
is available to help!
(extractions &
scheduled in the too! medications extra)

month of February 521 Searls Ave., Nevada City • Dr. Susan Murphy, DVM
265-3722 Compassionate Care for Cherished Companions

Dr. Amber Murphy Dr. Robin Janeway

Veterinary Hospital For more info or to make an appointment call or visit HOTTEST NEWS!
If you would like to know what’s
Near the Nevada County Fairgrounds
996 McCourtney Rd in Grass Valley 530-477-1706 . happening as it happens
text: UnionNews to: 86677
Animal Save
No cost to opt in. Msg & data rates may apply.

530-477-6863 Mon- Fri.

8am-5:30pm Saturday 9am-2pm 520 East Main Street, Grass Valley, CA 95945
Great People Connecting Communities
The Union | Friday, February 15, 2019 | B3


S a pet Ten million dogs, puppies, cats and kittens are
put down every year in the United States.
He will shower you Boarding • Daycare
Grooming Care for Your
with love and devotin SUSAN MACKLEY Treasured
OWNER 12736 McCourtney Road
PAWL for saving his life. OCTAVIA Companions
SADIE Beginning Obedience Classes NOODLES Grass Valley
German Shepherd, 1.5 years old,
Agility Classes
Boarding • Grooming • Training
Torbie, spayed (530) 272-4670
8 months old, Pleasant Valley
Sponsored By: spayed female.
neutered male, 4 yrs Shar Pei/German German Shepherds female, 3 years Monday-Saturday 8-5:30
CLOSED 12:00-2:00
Veterinary Center
old. NO CATS. Donna Specht old.
Shepherd X,
spayed female.
11377 Amsel Way
Grass Valley 272-6971
Sunday 2:00-3:00
HERE! IMPORT AUTO & TRUCK PARTS Sponsored 273-1336 x 126
Interested in sponsoring
a pet on the Save A Pet By: 277-7992 cell
page? Support a wonderful
animal that needs a home
German Shepherd
by calling or emailing
8 months old,
8 months old, neutered
Hansen Chihuahua/Pug-
cross, neutered
Valerie Costa at:
spayed female. 272-3477 male. gle X, spayed CalBRE Lic #01256678
male, 2 years old. (530) 477-4237 10028 Joerschke Dr. female, 1.5 yrs. 901 La Barr Meadows
[email protected] Grass Valley
Super friendly. Grass Valley, CA 95949

Hart FRIENDS • 471-5041 SAMMIE’S FRIENDS • 471-5041 SAMMIE’S FRIENDS • 471-5041
FRENCHIE (Client responsible for medical PAWL 11509 LaBarr Meadows Rd.
Spayed female, and records cost only) Grass Valley RYLEE BUBBA
Pitbull X, 2 yrs, Elizabeth L. Gade German Shepherd, Day or Night Call Spayed female, 10 Neutered male, 2 Spayed female, 1 y, Spayed female, 6 yrs, Neutered male,
prefers women. 113 Presley Way, Ste 8, GV mos. old, Tabico, yrs, Corgi/Chihua- Border/Terrier, shy Chihuahua, gentle & Pitbull X, 5 yrs,
4 yrs, no cats. 272-6651
273-1331 Obedient & social. very social. hua, happy & fun. & sweet. friendly. good natured.


• 471-5041 SAMMIE’S FRIENDS • 471-5041 SAMMIE’S FRIENDS • 471-5041
Providing Compassionate
Travel Trends Care for your
Cherished Companions
–Sponsored by–
Kind, Professional
Veterinary Team! Tom Strolle, DVM
When it’s time to Melanie Curtis, DVM
JADE GIO Rob Avery, DVM Susan Klopfer, DVM MAX
get away... Inger Avery LOKI 521 Searls Ave., Nevada City Dr.
Spayed female, Neutered male, 13895 Colfax Hwy • GV Neutered male,
We’ll take you there! Neutered male, Chi- Susan Murphy, DVM
Tabico, 2 years tuxedo, 1.5 years Call 477-5683 huahua mix, 4 years
(Just past the Cedar Ridge Y) Catahoula X, 7 mos. 265-3722
Call 272-2817
old, no other cats. 913-5856 old, loving, good with
Hours: M-F 9-5
561 Idaho Maryland Rd., Grass Valley, old, tiny & cute. Vaccine Clinic 1 Saturdays st
old, housetrained,
good w/kids.


2 yrs old chi mx, gets along Male 8 yrs old, Mastiff Mx, Male, under 2 yrs. Gorgeous 6 months old, male, long 3 yrs old, Min Pin mix, very, 2 years old, mixed 1 yr Shep /Aussie mx poss
with other dogs, perfect lap dog, great dog, couch potato, sweet boy. Shepherd/Great haired Chi, gets along with very shy. Gets along with tiny breed. border collie, small dog in a lg
sweet temperament housebro- human friendly, should be Dane mix, has received other dogs, loves humans mellow, sweet dogs. Needs a body, loves her human, loves
ken. Fenced yard required. the only dog. basic training. once bonded. secure fenced yard. her toys, crate trained.


Saturday, Feb. 23
11am – 2pm
Petco WILLOW 2.5 months old, Shepherd/ 2 year old Chihuahua, tiny, 4-5 ELVIS, PAMIE, & 6 months old, male, long Female, 6 yrs old, 4-5 lbs.,
darling Chiweenie/Doxie mix.
672 Freeman Lane Grass Valley, CA Joyful, young female
cattle dog mix. Needs a se- lbs. Housebroken, loves her TEDDIE haired Chi, gets along with
cure fenced yard, gets along human. Needs a secure fenced German/Shepherd/cattle Dog other dogs, loves humans Housebroken, needs a secure
530-274-7547 Medium sized with other dogs. yard. Loves her lap. mixes, 12 weeks old. once bonded. fenced yard.

SCOOTER’S PALS • 350-2099


Beautiful Nova Scotia Sweet long-haired Chihua- 3 yr. old, 17 lbs Chi- Perfect medium size, 2 yr oldTerrier mix, friendly, 5 yr. old female Pitbull AKA EMBER Small Chihuahua, 3 yrs
mix. 3 yrs old, 18 lbs. hua, only7 6a lbs 2 yrs old. huahua mix, confident, shiny red coat. 3 years loving 17 lb bundle of Terrier mix. Good with Petite 9 lb. Chi-Terrier mix. old. Takes a bit of time to
Affectionate, loves attetion. Good with dogs and cats handsome, and super old, calm & polite. He has energy. His life is all about other dogs. A real sweetie, good with relax, but a real lover, fun-
Prefers to be only dog in and a total lap dog. Cute cool with other dogs. poor vision in his right play, play play! Great with other dogs, could use a ny, likes to chat with you!
the home. and irresistible! other dogs. little more leash training. Great little companion.
Loves to take walks. eye, but does just fine.    

SCOOTER’S PALS • 350-2099 ANIMALSAVE • 271-7071

Smart, easy-going 9 yr old 1-2 yr. old Chi cuddle-bug. Sweet 2 yr. Old Terrier/Chi Little 7 lb. Terrier/Chi girl Well behaved Chi mix, Female, 3 years, Male, 4 years. His Male, 2 years. Has a Female, 7 years.
female Chow mix. Excel- Shy, bonds to one person, mix. Confident, affection- who was abandoned. Loves knows some basic gentle & beautiful. adorable curled spunky personality. Quiet & gentle. Loves
lent house manners. Loves takes some time to trust. ate. Good with cats, dogs, all dogs, follows foster commands. Affectionate, Good with other tailed and love for to have her head &
walks and dances. Loves other dogs and but not confined spaces. mom around. Calm, sweet love bug. LOVES car rides young kittens will Would do weill with a
cats. Would like a family. shoulders scratched.
cats. lap dog! and people. win your heart.
quiet home.

ANIMALSAVE • 271-7071

Female, 3 years. Female, 1 year. Male, 4 years. Shy Male, 8 years. Male, 2 years. Loves MISTOFOLEES THORIN
Female, 6 years. Female, 10 years. Female, 5 years. Male, 1 year. This
Gorgeous and full A little shy, she’d Mellow and loving, petting and belly Male, 4 years. A Male, 2 years.
at first, he’ll soon Sweet girl. Very Beautiful girl w/lots Wonderful cat who beautiful boy adores
of energy, she loves be happiest with he would love to rubs. Gets along gentle giant who of energy for play. Potential mouser
be your best friend. affectionate and has spent her entire attention.
to play. another cat to spend time with you well with other cats. loves people and Loves people, good who could become
Indoors only. talkative. live in shelters. your best friend.
cuddle with. indoors and out. other cats. with cats.
B4 | Friday, February 15, 2019 | The Union



This tree was the cause of a power outage in Lake Wildwood and Penn Valley Thursday morning. PG&E restored power around 11 a.m.

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Banner Lava Cap Road, just above Highway 49 Thursday morning.


Tom turkey enduring the storm.


A downed tree on Nevada Street in Nevada City.

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Deer Creek rising — view from Lefty’s on Broad Street
Nevada City
The Union | Friday, February 15, 2019 | B5

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Business Bureau The Publisher’s history/cultural/religious practices Math Teacher
before you send any liability, if any, for
errors, shall not Available Now • Part time. Hours, salary TBD F/T $48,411-
money for fees or s exceed the space Tri Counties Bank in Grass Valley Professional References / Security Clearance Req $82,839/year (185
ervices. Read and occupied by the error.
understand any Credit for error will
is hiring a Banker days), DOE, plus
contracts before you Cover Letter, Detailed Skills and Work Hx To:
sign. Shop for rates. not be given after the President: 111 Bank Street Suite 204 Grass Valley, degree stipend,
first insertion on Tri Counties Bank is looking for a talented,
career-focused, experienced sales individual with CA 95945 and/or email: [email protected]
multiple insertions. valid CA Single
Claims for the a passion for helping customers. We offer
Protecting fantastic benefits and a great work culture. Subject Math
adjustments must be Help Wanted: Grass Valley United Methodist
Yourself From made within seven Sound like a fit? If so we may want to talk to you. credential
Church has 2 Positions Available. 1) Organist/Choir
Fraud & Scam Ads days of publication. Accompanist. 2) Choir Director. E-Mail resume to required, start
The publisher will not For immediate consideration email your
It is important to be resume to [email protected] [email protected] to request job descriptions. 8/12/2019, STRS,
be liable for any Positions begin on March 1, 2019.
aware that fraudulent omission of an and reference job # 1962111902.
ads are out there. We benes, sick leave
advertisement or Apply online at
try to screen all ads, but portion of an Automotive For a job description and to apply visit
sometimes an ad will . Tri Counties Packin’ up

advertisement by 3/29/2019
make it through thatis a ordered to be Bank is an equal opportunity employer including
scam. Remember,there published. In no case veterans and individuals with disabilities. 530-273-3351
are steps you can take to will the Publisher be Auto Mechanic
protect yourself.
Please visit this link
responsible for any Plaza Tire & Auto Service ,
Nevada County’s Administrative Assistant
Movin’ out?
general or con- largest Auto Repair, has We are looking for a professional administrative Health Care
for more information: sequential damages. call 530-273-9567
http://classifieds. an opening for an Auto assistant to perform routine administrative, Mechanic. Established, clerical and word processing office functions.
All ads are non- busy shop, since 1950. Apply online at: Medical Receptionist
Still Making
refundable. Great benefits, Full-time , jobs/2737/administrative-assistant/job Automotive Position available
Slipcovers That Fit! year round work. Paid F/T M-F. Must have
Free Ads available Vacation/Holidays/Health medical & EMR exper.
Was Tapestry of NC online if selling items Insurance, 401k. APPLY
Tire Installer Email resume with
Call 265-2999 under $1,000.00 or CUSTODIAN
Classifieds can place IN PERSON or email
Union Hill School District
Apply at Plaza professional references
Look at Us! Resume. Plaza Tire & [email protected]
Call 530-273-9567 them for a charge of Auto Service, 531 Searls Details on UHSD Website: Tire & Auto Svc Fax 530 272-1205
$8.00. Av, Nevada City, Ca 95959
[email protected]


Located close to the main part of
Penn Valley. This property is in a great
neighborhood close enough to Penn Valley
Drive to enjoy convenient access while far
5 OFFICE LOCATIONS enough away to enjoy a serene, peaceful
- 40+ Local Professionals to Serve You
setting. This well maintained 3/2 has a
new roof as of 2017. There is a large
14372 Knobcone Dr, Penn Valley - 75 Intero Real Estate Offices Worldwide newer deck and an outbuilding that has
17460 Dog Bar Rd, Grass Valley
Charming 4 Bedroom, 2 Bath Home with room for a large For Instant No-Obligation Sit back, relax and listen to the creek off the rear deck. This a wide range of possibilities - car repair/
family. Spacious Open Floor plan, Large Living Room with remodeled one story country home has it all. 3 skylights, restoration garage, shop, storage - bring
Home Evaluation:
enameled gas stove for cozy evenings. Upstairs 700~ sf whole house fan, a Dutch door to the rear deck, master $335,000 your ideas. The great room features a
Bonus or Family Room with multiple possibilities. Large back
yard for family to enjoy plus two decks offering great outdoor bedroom on one side of the home with French doors to
the rear deck, additional bedrooms on the far side of the
fireplace for cozy winter evenings.
MLS 20183359
entertainment. The home is nicely appointed and move in
ready! Kitchen has granite tile counters with good appliances Call for More Information or home off the family room. Beautifully remodeled kitchen
with reclaimed redwood accents. Restored 50ft rear deck
Richard & Suzie Nolle OPEN HOUSE 2/16/19
and lays out nicely for large parties.Large grassy back yard to Schedule a Viewing CalDRE #01419558 11-2PM. Call for details!
with painted pressure treated lumber and custom wire rails.
for family to enjoy plus two decks offering great outdoor DRE#0149559
530-615-4321 Property is beautifully landscaped, approx. 2 usable acres.
entertainment. Attractive setting on a quiet street. 530-205-6201
MLS# 20190181 $389,000 CalBRE#01973543 MLS# 20190132 $439,000

AFFORDABLE MOBILE HOMES IN PARKS Grass Valley Grass Valley Grass Valley
530-265-0800 • WWW.AMHSALES.NET
SR PK 1560+ SQFT.
Lots of Remodeling, 3bd 2bth,
new vinyl, enclosed porch, 14X17
storage, yard, AC, pellet, so much
more. S#1212/13 Viking
2br, 1bath. Comfortable Country split Country home with 3br, 2 bath, 20+ Dive into Country Living. 3 minutes
Priced at $96,000 level home on one acre, with a small acres, multi level, open concept with from Downtown with 4 Bedrooms, 2.5
NID stream running thru the property. formal dining and spacious family room. Baths. 1/2 Miner Inch w/NID is available.
$315,000 $899,000 $439,500
MLS# 20182854 MLS# 20182475 MLS# 20183024
Want to Sell or Buy a Mobile/ Affordable Mobile 530-273-1336 530-273-1336 530-273-1336
Home Sales
Manufactured Home in Park? Rebecca Young,
32 years local experience Owner/Dealer

Grass Valley Grass Valley Grass Valley Grass Valley Nevada City

Located in the highly desired Union Hill Must sell! Bring all offers! This home Private 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath home on Unique split level home on a level 3/4 1br, 1ba, Secluded cabin in the woods
School District. Clean, well maintained located in a neighborhood across from over 1 acre nestled among the trees ac. lot in Alta Sierra. Open floor plan on just over forty-five acres of heavily
2bd 1ba home just under 1 1/2 acre. popular Union Hill School was is now available! home has been nicely remodeled. forested land. 2 tranquil waterfalls.
$175,000 damaged in a fire. $385,500 $229,000
MLS# 20182315 $79,000 MLS#20183549 $469,000 MLS#20173414
530-273-1336 MLS# 20183669 530-273-1336 MLS#20183546 530-273-1336
530-273-1336 530-273-1336


B6 | Friday, February 15, 2019 | The Union
Furniture Pets - Dogs Autos


Daily Jumble
Home Furnishings
It has recently been
brought to our atten-
tion that a puppy
scam is targeting
animal lovers. Read-
ers are asked to wire
money to a seller who 2001 Ford Taurus 2001
Sofa sleeper, oversized is either out of the Ford Taurus SES 4-Door
love seat with ottoman country or out of Station Wagon Auto.V6
with storage. Lazy Boy state, with the FWD 96500miles passed
Excellent condition promise that the sell- smog 1.24.19. Very
$700. 530 798-0087 Sirra er will ship the animal clean inside and out.
[email protected] Rarely once the wire transfer 530 802-6173
used. has been received.We
at The Union Classi-
fieds take every pre-
Miscellaneous caution to protect our
Merchandise readers and ask that
they look for red flags
and consider the fol-
canopy be 4/0 lowing when purchas-
white,dresser,mirror, ing an animal:
n/s, desk/chair. Good *Purchase locally
condition $150. (530) *Be wary of ads that The Bargain Barn
477-5516, dwright505@ do not list a telephone We buy, sell or trade
number but an E-mail merchandise, new/used.
address only. Tools, sports, knives,
Couch/Hide-a-Bed. *Never wire money or DVD’s, tarps,collectibles
Good condition Free
272-2751 art_andersen
send a check Autos and more!1491 E Main
*Be sure to obtain the Firearm St Grass Valley 273-2052
pet at the time of pur-
chase. Supplies 1993 Ford Taurus
Auto, Motor runs good Abigail Weissman
dock floats-
6’wx3’dx32"h used. Drive it away today! Estate/Art Sale
Good condition (3) @ 101,500mi $500 OBO 10174 Forest Springs Dr
$175.00 ea. (1) NEW Please note: Call 530 274-8639 10-4pm Sat GV
$225.00 (530) 477-5516, All sales of firearms
[email protected] between private
parties must be
Door-30’ wide with conducted through
hardware. Good condi- an FFL dealer.

need an
tion $30. (530) 477- The Union Classifieds
5516, dwright505@yaho
photo printer-Canon-N-
EW-Pixma ip3500. Su-
perb condition $25.
(530) 477-5516, dwright CHeCk OUt
Health Care Rentals

[email protected] OUR aUtO PHOtOs! Go to and click on the Employment category.

Office Space solar panels-4 x 8

morning star collec-
tors-for water heater--
inc. frame.. Good condi-
tion $400.00 each 530-
477-5516 dwright505@y

Medical Office
Wellness Professionals 3 Treatment Rooms Double Bass Pedal.
We are recruiting for 1 Procedure Room Tama HP 900 Tama Iron
locations in $2,700 per month Cobra HP900 Double
Placer/Nevada 590 Searls Ave. NC Bass Pedal. New in Hard

Counties. (530) 477-7999 to see . Case.$250. jim @530-265
* Residential Support -3644 message or jimge
* AOD Counselors [email protected]

Salary DOE + benefits.

Email resumes to: EMPIRE MUSIC
[email protected] I buy used gear.
Top $.
Human Services
& Resources


TORO Power Curve
Snow Blower. 18 inch
Clearing Width, Electric,
Seeking a competent Di-
rect Service Worker for Apartments/ $75. (530) 263-9051,
Saturday & Sunday day Presented by
shifts & possible on-call
Condos for Rent Want to Buy
to work with adult men-
tal health clients. Must
Nevada City Motel & Apts
Furnished 1Bd & Studios
be patient/friendly to w/kitchens. Wkly units

“Calling All Employers!”

assist clients with de- no kitchen. Quiet. Walk BUYING/SELLING COINS
velopment of social & to downtown. Extended & Currency Collections.
living skills, etc. Prior stay only. Gold-Silver Dollars. Rare
experience not necessa- 728 Nevada St. Contact: Coins. Appraisals. Beryl

Connect with your next hire

ry, but a plus. Will 530-265-4727 Robinson
train. Must pass a DOJ Nev City. 530-477-2255
background clearance,
good driving record & Rentals to Share
March 28, 2019
valid driver’s Gas or Electric $0-$2000
license.Tana Castillo
(530) 265-7222 tana.cast
[email protected]
Female Roommate
Any Condition
Call Pete 916-969-8639 10am-2pm
Grass Valley Veterans Hall
Wanted Lake WW/ PV
pets,, livestock
& animals

$700 Mo. (530) 802-5087

Other Electronics
255 S. Auburn St. Grass Valley
Go to,
and click on the
Employment category! Recruiting Tips & Tools
Highlight your business, meet potential employees
Part-Time Barn Cleaner Employers/vendors: Sliding scale. Includes one table, covering, skirt and
38" Westinghouse TV.
Help care for 500 farm two chairs, unless otherwise noted. Snacks provided for vendors.
animals.20 hrs/wk
$12/hrSend cover
Rentals Used. In good condition.
No remote. $50
letter/resume to human Office Space Call 530-466-1858
for more info.
0-25 $50 Space is limited.
Look no further!
Call 530-273-9567
26-50 $100
CaLL today 530-273-9567

51-150 $150 March 12, 2019
151+ $200 (2 tables, 4 chairs)

2 Profess. Office Suite
Bathroom, $850 per mo.
590 Searls Ave. NC
Oak $325 per cord
Soft Wood $150 cord
ask about our specials* 20% discount
for Chamber members or NCAOR OR
2 cords mix - $425
(530) 477-7999 to see. 2 cords soft wood $200
work for Commercial.
Kubich Forest Products
(530) 272-3226/277-2111
**Free Local Delivery** Pet Supplies 15% discount for early registration (prior to

& Services February 28, 2019)
$160 for 1/2 CORD
(530) 265-2641
AnimalSave offers
Low-Cost Spay & Call Laci Lund for more
Neuter Services
Also Wood Pellets
Call 530-477-1706 for an
apt or go online
Call today 0 BD 1 BA Seeking
Call (530) 273-1678
M-F 9:30-5pm Delivery
Presented by Nevada County Association (NCAOR) of Realtors,
(530) 477-4208
therapist to share of- or Pick Up Available
Pets - Dogs Nevada County Regional Chambers of Commerce and Nevada
to advertise fice. $350/ half
week. Nevada City.
County Business & Career Network/Alliance for Workplace
Development, Inc. in partnership with The Union
and get the Roomy and clean.
Contact Jay @ 760-
Great People Connecting Communities

results you’re
looking for! % OFF
For Lease Grass Valley
looking for! Office or Retail Space
Real Estate, Massage,
’Flying W Ranch’
16-18in seasoned spilt Border Collie Puppies
any recruitment packages which
softwood $249/cord
Attorney, Florist,
GV (530) 432-3619 delivered incl tax $400 - $600 each in GV
(707) 479-6707
include the Grass Valley Union print and web
530 470-9016
ediåons ù Hob ¥oardsÄ pOne åme oOerm

Nevada City Nevada City Penn Valley Penn Valley Penn Valley

A charming gated & private entry deck Unique property 2.95 usable acres. 4br, 4.5ba three on-suite bedrooms on Beautiful contemporary home located This Modern 4br, 2.5ba farm style home
greets you as you enter your home. Could be a family compound offering a main level and a guest suite upstairs as in Lake Wildwood! Home features 4 bed- is spacious with an open floor plan. A
Main Floor features Great Room. 2/2 mfg. home plus a Quonset hut with well as a den/office/media room.
1200 sf 3/3 living space. rooms, 2 bathrooms, and 1980 sq. ft. 4th beautiful remodeled kitchen.
$399,000 $1,369,000 bedroom downstairs, separate entrance.
$300,000 $689,000
MLS#20183436 MLS# 20172975 $351,500
MLS# 20183941 MLS# 20183717
530-273-1336 530-273-1336 MLS# 20182999 530-273-1336
The Union | Friday, February 15, 2019 | B7


Donald J. Nader, aka

Donald Jacob Nader and Donald Nader

To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may
otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of
Donald J. Nader, aka Donald Jacob Nader and Donald Nader
A PETITION FOR PROBATE has been filed by Mary Lou Xenos in the
Superior Court of California, County of Nevada.
THE PETITION FOR PROBATE requests that Mary Lou Xenos be appointed
as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent.
THE PETITION requests the decedent’s will and codicils, if any, be admitted to
probate. The will and any codicils are available for examination in the file kept
by the court.
THE PETITION requests authority to administer the estate under the Independ-
ent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal repre-
sentative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking
certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be re-
quired to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or
consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority
will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and
shows good cause why the court should not grant the
A HEARING on the petition will be held on March 1, 2019 at 9:00 a.m. Dept.
6, 201 Church Street, Nevada City, CA 95959
IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hear-
ing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the
hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney.
IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a contingent creditor of the deceased, you must
file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representa-
tive appointed by the court within four months from the date of first issuance of
letters as provided in Probate Code section 9100. The time for filing claims will
not expire before four months from the hearing date noticed above.
YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in
the estate, you may file with the court a formal Request for Special Notice
(Form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of
any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request
for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk.
Attorney for Petitioner:
Penelope A. Changaris
474 Century Park Dr., Suite 300
Yuba City, CA 95991 530-674-9841

Publish: February 12, 15, 19, 2019

Ad #379618

Board Vacancy
A vacancy occurred on the Clear Creek Elementa- 530-273-9567

call todaY!
ry School District Board of Trustees upon the res-
ignation of Tania Fisher effective 01/15/2019.
Jerliy McCormick has been appointed as the pro-
visional appointee to the Board at the February FICTITIOUS BUSINESS
12, 2019 board meeting. Jerliy resides in the NAME STATEMENT
Clear Creek community. The Name(s) of the
Unless a petition calling for a special election pur- Apex Electric
suant to Education Code 5091, is filed in the of- 19432 Tall Timbers Lane
fice of the Nevada County Superintendent of Grass Valley, CA 95945
Schools within 30 days of the date of the provi- County of Nevada
sional appointment, it shall become an effective is (are) hereby registered
appointment. by the following
Publish: February 15, 2019 Electratec, Inc.
Ad#381819 19432 Tall Timbers Lane
Grass Valley, CA 95945
This business is
conducted by:
A Corporation
“I declare that all infor-
mation in this statement
is true and correct. (A
registrant who declares
as true information
which he or she knows
to be false is guilty of a
/s/ Robbe Onufer
This statement was filed
with the Clerk-Recorder
of Nevada County on
February 5, 2019
Assigned File
Pub: February 8, 15, 22
& March 1, 2019
Ad #379231

Automotive Cleaning Electrical Flowers, Plants Hauling Landscaping & Sand & Gravel Tree Service
Service & Repair Services & Gardens Lawn Services
Building Confidence
& Trust for over 15yrs
McEvoy Electric
Full Service I
Electricians nstalls and Repairs
Overgrown Brush Clearing
Hauling, Weedeating,
Maintenance and Clean-up 530-265-3535
FREE Estimates! Prepare Now For Fire
SCL# C10 840994 Trimming, Brush Chipping Delivery or Pick-Up
Lic#104479 530 368-4193 Road Rock, Drain Rock Season
**A Full Service 530-432-2525 Delivery or Pick-Up Angel 530-368-4675 Decomposed Granite Environment Friendly
Garden Soil,Compost Brush & Tree Removal
Gas Station*** Fertilizers,Bark Noe 530-210-1110 Legal Services Rock, Sand, & Gravel
Propane,Tires,Brakes Lic/Ins. Free Estimates.
Rock, Sand, & Gravel
*Star SMOG Check* Mv Custom Cleaning CALL: 530)432-9906
*30/60/90K Service* Heating,
Receive $25 off with
Call 273-8791 for Appt CALL: (530)432-9906
*Mention this ad for
purchase of three or
more hours. One offer
$10 off Smog Check* & Plumbing • Fire Safe Clearing
per customer.530-575-
6903 Garages • Hazard Tree Removal
• Chipping & Brush Removal
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Concrete LTO#A11780 530 277-5758
Free Est. Senior Discount Delivery or Pick-Up
Felix Concrete Road Rock, Drain Rock
(530) 315-8282 SCL# 764767 530-477-6927 Law Office of Christo- Decomposed Granite
Free Estimates Service & Repair Since 1987
pher Dort Camp Fire Rock, Sand, & Gravel
Autos 2000 & Newer
Retaining Walls
Custom Patios, Stamped Firewood 530-274-2810 *Residential*
*Custom Homes*
losses? Talk to a Li-
censed Trial Attorney.
Sidewalks, Foundations, SCL#976503 Reduced contingency CALL: 530)432-9906
Diesels 1998 & Newer Curb&Gutters Lic899898 *Bath and Kitchen*
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Includes Certificate!!!!!! Well-Seasoned Oak
Softwood Mix $285 cord Handyman Tank & Tankless Water
10141 Evening Star Dr#9 Contractors DELIVERED 265-6675 Heaters (530) 263-1348
Happy’s Wood
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Misc. Services Splitting Service
Junk Car
REP Contracting Inc
Decks, Remodels, Additions, Etc .
Cannon’s Cut, Split, Stack,
Remove 913-8258
Over 40yrs Exp. Excellent Handyman Services
Prices Vary Local Refs. CSL #870406. One Call Does It All! Landscaping & High Sierra Tree Service
530-477-5400 Call Robert 530 320-4622 Senior Discounts Lawn Services Specializing in the care
Lic# 14214 “WE DELIVER” of large trees.
530-798-3412 North Star Trucking, Inc. Lic’d, Bonded, Ins’
Carpentry Decks RAIN OR SHINE! BILL’S BOBCAT Linda @ 530-273-1182 Workmen’s Comp.
Road Base / Sand George Basso 265-6804
’Flying W Ranch’ Gravel / Drain Rock
Carpenter, Tiny Houses Confidential Local Services
CUSTOM DECK 16-18in seasoned spilt HANDYMAN SERVICES
Handyman, Plumbing,
Tile. Unlicensed Hourly
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Rate 530-575-6367 delivered incl tax Repairs, ConsultingOdd Always the best pricing Snow Removal FIRE! FIRE! FIRE!
Wood, Composite, or 530 470-9016 Jobs, Junk RemovalCall Call Judy 530 470-8881 Defensible space? brush
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Flowers, Plants Home Improvements
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New Construction, Willco Builders Stump Grinding, Weed/
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Call Jeff & Gardens and Repairs Lite
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Brush Mowing, Rototilling 530-265-3535 Ins,BBB,Free Consultation
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Est 1984 Dave 432-7755
Dennis 913-3580
Defensible Space incl. Water
Cleaning Driveways Brush Clearing, Weed Foster & Son Tractor Services
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Yard, hshld, metal,
Sierra Sun Landscaping
CALL **(530) 274-2001**
Find Water
Before You Drill
707 354-4618
& DRIVEWAY Delivery or Pick-Up
Garden Soil,Compost
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780 Whispering Pines Lane
Water Surveys
Donald McEdwards, Ph.D.
!A+ AFFORDABLE A+! leaves & weedeating. The McEdwards Group
Gravel Roads & Fertilizers,Bark Free est. Credit cards •Environmental Studies Certified Hydrogeologist No.153
Driveways Rock, Sand, & Gravel ok. Dependable, even •Hydrogeology A-1 TRACTOR PLUS Web Site:
Made or Repaired likable! 530-308-1224 •Civil Engineering
Quick & Pretty! 14054 Sugar Loaf Road
CALL: (530)432-9906 •Drone Surveys
Personalized House Cleaning Grading, Excavation, Git-R-Dumped Donald G McEdwards Driveway & Road Grass Valley, CA 95949
to Fit Your Needs Since 1999 Pads, Landscape Prep, For All of Your Cleanup Needs CE 288088, RG 3872, HY 153, EG 1208
• Weekly • Bi-weekly Culverts, Etc. +++ Little ads... 14 Yard Dumpsters 14054 Sugar Loaf Road
• Monthly • One Time
• Lic/Bonded • Organic
Products Upon Request
Clean-Up & Hauling.
FREE est. SCL#742152
Larry T. Weeden
Call for Pricing 559-2211
Grass Valley, CA 95949
[email protected] REPAIR
CSL# 1031405
• Move Ins/Outs (530) 273-3922 MARK’S HAULING One time clean up 707 354-4618
530 274-9507 And Home Maintenance Landscaping, Hauling,
Property & Construction •Mowing
NOTICE TO READERS: Clean-Up. Estate & Yard
Brush Clearing,
Retaining Walls
Painting •Backhoe
Waste. Dependable & •Postholes
The Union does not verify or require license V. B. Landscaping •Clearing
Honest! Free Estimate Ty 530-559-1384 LANCE
numbers from all of our advertisers. Before hir- PAINTING •$65/hr
Erin’s Cleaning ing a service provider, you should verify their sta- Mark Davis 530-798-3063
Several biweekly Quality with
tus or check for any complaints by calling the Tree & Brush Removal, Great Rates Ready to work
spaces available for California Contractor’s State Licensing Board The more you look... Landscaping, Hauling, Shower Doors•Mirrors
housecleaning. 20 years Weedeating & Handyman
Senior Discount. with you! Windows•Dual Pane Glass
1-800-321-CSLB (2752). or check online at The more you save! Free Estimates. Screens•Patio Door Repair
in business with excel- $22/hr Free Estimates SCL#339134
lent references. 530-
Call 530-273-9567 Michael 916 889-4192
or 916 889-4192
530-477-8877 530-558-5233 CSL# 926284
B8 | Friday, February 15, 2019 | The Union

Notice is hereby given that on Thursday, February 28, 2019, at 2:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the Diamond Enterprises
matter may be heard, in the Supervisors’ Chambers, First Floor, Eric Rood Administrative Center, 950 Petition of: Benjamin Burch 11854 Paradise Lane
Maidu Avenue, Nevada City, California, the Nevada County Planning Commission will hold public hear- _________________________________________ Grass Valley, CA 95945
ings for the following projects: PO Box 3479
ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE Grass Valley, CA 95945
2:00 p.m. PLN18-0086; RZN18-0001: Recommendation to the Board of Supervisors to amend the FOR CHANGE OF NAME County of Nevada
zoning designation of a 54.38-acre parcel (APN: 065-280-001) for timberland preservation CASE # CU19-083421 is (are) hereby registered
(RZN18-0001). This would result in an amendment to Zoning District Map #97 to change the _____________________ ____________________ by the following
parcel’s zoning from Forest with the Subdivision Limitation Combining District (FR-X) to owner(s):
Timberland Production Zone with the Subdivision Limitation Combining District (TPZ-X). The TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Sean Michael
project is a rezone legislative action only and does not include any development or disturbance. Higginbotham
PROJECT LOCATION: 14122 Headwaters Road, Nevada City, California. ASSESSOR’S 1. Petitioner; Jeaninne Taylor filed a petition with this court for a decree chang- 18644 River Ranch
PARCEL NUMBER: 065-280-001 RECOMMENDED ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: ing names as follows: Road Grass Valley,
Recommend that the Board of Supervisors find that the adoption of timberland preserve zones CA 95949
Present name: Christopher Darryl
is statutorily exempt from the requirement to prepare an EIR or Negative Declaration pursuant
to Section 15264 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines. Benjamin Alexander Burch Gomes
RECOMMENDED PROJECT ACTION: Recommend that the Board of Supervisors adopt the 11854 Paradise Lane
Proposed name: Grass Valley, CA 95945
Ordinance amending Zoning District Map (ZDM) #97 to rezone APN: 065-280-001 from Forest
with the Subdivision Limitation Combining District (FR-X) to Timberland Production Zone with Benjamin Alexander Taylor This business is
the Subdivision Limitation Combining District (TPZ-X), based on the findings contained with the conducted by:
Ordinance. PLANNER: Janeane Martin, Associate Planner 2. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear Copartners
before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the THE REGISTRANT
2:05 p.m.PLN18-0104; DRP18-0002; VAR19-0001. Project Design Review for a 31-unit senior petition for change of name should not be granted. COMMENCED TO
apartment complex as required by Land Use and Development Code Section L-II 2.7.11.C.5 TRANSACT BUSINESS
and mitigation measure MM 4.3-3 of the approved project Environmental Impact Report NOTICE OF HEARING UNDER THE
(Housing Element Rezone Program Implementation Project: EIR12-002). This design review DATE: March 22, 2019 AT 9:30 a.m., Dept: 6 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS
component of the hearing is limited to design and layout issues only and no further NAMES(S) LISTED
discretionary approval is required for the density or the use of the site. The proposed project al The address of the court is: ABOVE ON:
so includes the consideration of a Variance requesting to exceed the maximum height limit of 201 Church Street, Nevada City, California 95959 10-24-18
35-feet in the R3 zoning district to provide exterior roof fire access via an exterior enclosed stair “I declare that all infor-
well with a maximum height of 38-feet 10 3/8 inches. LOCATION: 10584 Broken Oak Court, 3. A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each mation in this statement
Penn Valley, CA. APN: 051-151-066.RECOMMENDED ENVIRONMENTAL week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition is true and correct. (A
DETERMINATION: Prior Environmental Review (EIR12-002) is adequate for the project. in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: The registrant who declares
Variance is categorically exempt pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15305: Minor Union Newspaper as true information
Alternation to Land Use Limitations. RECOMMENDED PROJECT ACTION : Approve Design which he or she knows
Review Project DRP18-0002 and Variance VAR19-0001. PLANNER: Tyler Barrington, Date: Jan uary 24, 2019 / s/ Robert Tice-Raskin to be false is guilty of a
Principal Planner Judge of the Superior Court crime).
2:10 p.m. PLN18-0023; CUP18-0009; MGT18-0018 & -0019; AAM18-0002; EIS18-0012: The project is a Published: February 8, 15, 22, & March 1, 2019 REGISTRANT:
combined application to the Planning Commission for a Conditional Use Permit, a Seasonal Ad #379527 /s/ Sean Higginbotham
and Ephemeral Stream Management Plan, an Oak Resources Management Plan, and an This statement was filed
Amendment to an Approved Tentative Parcel Map. The Use Permit is to allow up to twenty (20) with the Clerk-Recorder
special events per year with up to 125 guests at a 15-acre parcel with a single-family residence of Nevada County on
and an accessory dwelling unit. All event activities would be outdoors only. The project January 30, 2019
proposes a 350-square-foot restroom facility for event use, and the installation of a new septic SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA Assigned File
system. An Oak Management Plan is proposed to allow the leach field for the new restroom THE COUNTY OF NEVADA 2019-0128
facility to be installed near and within a landmark oak grove. A Seasonal and Ephemeral Stream Pub: February 2, 8, 15,
Management Plan is proposed to allow disturbance within the setbacks of a seasonal stream, in Petition of: Breeanna Burch 22, 2019
order to widen an existing driveway. Other proposed improvements include the installation of a _________________________________________ Ad #376409
10,000-gallon water tank for fire suppression, an ADA compliant pathway, a curtain drain, an
additional driveway off Cattle Drive, and the construction of a gravel parking area with fifty-nine ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS
(59) spaces and landscaping. Two ADA compliant parking spaces are proposed near the FOR CHANGE OF NAME NAME STATEMENT
accessory dwelling unit and would connect to the pathway. The Amendment to the Approved CASE # CU19-083421 The Name(s) of the
Tentative Parcel Map (PM16-002) is proposed to expand the area of the building envelope to _____________________ ____________________ Business(es):
include the proposed 59-space gravel parking area. PROJECT LOCATION: 17860 Cattle King RV
Drive, Rough and Ready, California 95975. ASSESSOR’S PARCEL NUMBER: 051-110-004 TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: 10428 Robin Avenue
RECOMMENDED ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: Recommended approval of a Grass Valley, CA 95945
Mitigated Negative Declaration (EIS18-0012). RECOMMENDED PROJECT ACTION : 1. Petitioner; Jeaninne Taylor filed a petition with this court for a decree chang- County of Nevada
Recommend approval of the proposed Conditional Use Permit (CUP18-0009), Management ing names as follows: is (are) hereby registered
Plans (MGT18-0018 & -0019), and Amendment to the Approved Map (AAM18-0012). by the following
PLANNER: Sadie Caldas, Associate Planner Present name: owner(s):
Breeanna Lyn Burch Dayne King
2:15 p.m. NEVADA COUNTY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN : The Nevada County Capital 10428 Robin Avenue
Improvement Plan (CIP) is a five-year plan identifying road maintenance and capital Proposed name: Grass Valley, CA 95945
improvement expenditures and revenue projections for the County Public Works Department. Breeanna Lyn Taylor This business is
This year’s CIP represents a five-year, $100 million program for the Fiscal Years ending in 2019 conducted by:
to 2023. PROJECT LOCATION: Countywide. RECOMMENDED ENVIRONMENTAL 2. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear An Individual
DETERMINATION: Exempt pursuant to Section 15378(b)(4) of the State CEQA Guidelines. before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the THE REGISTRANT
ECOMMENDED PROJECT ACTION: Find that the Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan for petition for change of name should not be granted. COMMENCED TO
Fiscal Years Ending 2019-2023 is in conformity with the adopted Nevada County General Plan. TRANSACT BUSINESS
STAFF: Trisha Tillotson, Director of Public Works NOTICE OF HEARING UNDER THE
DATE: March 22, 2019 AT 9:30 a.m., Dept: 6 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS
All documents pertaining to the proposed actions, Staff Reports and other supporting documents are avail- NAMES(S) LISTED
able for public review and consideration at the Nevada County Community Development Agency, 950 The address of the court is: ABOVE ON:
Maidu Avenue, Suite 170, Nevada City, CA 95959. Seven days prior to the hearing, Staff Reports can be 201 Church Street, Nevada City, California 95959 02-13-19
found online at: “I declare that all infor-
3. A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each mation in this statement
You have the right to attend the Planning Commission meeting and public hearing to provide oral testimo- week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition is true and correct. (A
ny and comment, and/or to submit written materials regarding the potential actions. Any person wishing to in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: The registrant who declares
offer testimony on this matter should appear at the public hearing or may submit written comments (an Union Newspaper as true information
original and 8 copies) to the Clerk of the Planning Commission at or prior to the scheduled meeting. The which he or she knows
Planning Commission Chair may place reasonable restrictions on the time allowed to any person to Date: January 24, 2019 /s/ Robert Tice-Raskin to be false is guilty of a
speak on these matters. Any person speaking on behalf of an organization or group who wishes addition- Judge of the Superior Court crime).
al time must have a written statement signed by an officer of that organization stating that she/he is au- SIGNATURE OF
thorized to speak on behalf of that body, and that she/he is relaying the majority thinking thereof. Published: February 8, 15, 22 & March 1, 2019 REGISTRANT:
Ad #379462 /s/ Dayne King
If you challenge the Planning Commission’s determinations or decisions in court, you may be limited to This statement was filed
raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in with the Clerk-Recorder
written correspondence delivered to the Planning Commission at or prior to the public hearing. of Nevada County on
February 13, 2019
Brian Foss, Ex-Officio Secretary 2019-0206
Lawrence Lucian Legge, aka Pub: February 15, 22 &
By: Tine Mathiasen, Clerk to the Planning Commission Lawrence L. Legge March 1, 8, 2019
Ad #382588
Publish: February 15, 2019 Ad#381461 CASE NUMBER:
To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may NAME STATEMENT
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of The Name(s) of the
NAME STATEMENT Lawrence Lucian Legge, aka Lawrence L. Legge Business(es):
SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA The Name(s) of the A PETITION FOR PROBATE has been filed by Elizabeth Fernandes in the Bloomfield
THE COUNTY OF NEVADA Business(es): Superior Court of California, County of Nevada. 138 New Mohawk Road,
9 Miller Court THE PETITION FOR PROBATE requests that Elizabeth Fernandes be ap- Suite 175 Nevada City,
Petition of: Isabella Ann Burch-Roach Properties pointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. CA 95959
_________________________________________ 944 McCourtney Road, THE PETITION requests the decedent’s will and codicils, if any, be admitted to County of Nevada
Suite J Grass Valley, probate. The will and any codicils are available for examination in the file kept is (are) hereby registered
ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE CA 95949 by the court. by the following
FOR CHANGE OF NAME County of Nevada THE PETITION requests authority to administer the estate under the Independ- owner(s):
CASE # CU19-083420 is (are) hereby registered ent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal repre- SGBE
_____________________ ____________________ by the following sentative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking 138 New Mohawk Road,
owner(s): certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be re- Suite 175 Nevada City,
TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: 9 Miller Court, LLC quired to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or CA 95959
13436 Swaps Court consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority This business is
1. Petitioner; Jeaninne Taylor filed a petition with this court for a decree chang- Grass Valley, CA 95949 will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and conducted by:
ing names as follows: This business is shows good cause why the court should not grant the A Corporation
conducted by: authority. THE REGISTRANT
Present name: A Limited Liability A HEARING on the petition will be held on March 8, 2019 at 9:00 Dept. 6, 201 COMMENCED TO
Isabella Ann Burch-Roach Company Church Street, Nevada City, CA 95959 TRANSACT BUSINESS
THE REGISTRANT IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hear- UNDER THE
Proposed name: COMMENCED TO ing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the FICTITIOUS BUSINESS
Isabella Ann Taylor TRANSACT BUSINESS hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. NAMES(S) LISTED
UNDER THE IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a contingent creditor of the deceased, you must ABOVE ON:
2. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear FICTITIOUS BUSINESS file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative ap- N/A
before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the NAMES(S) LISTED pointed by the court within four months from the date of first issuance of letters “I declare that all infor-
petition for change of name should not be granted. ABOVE ON: as provided in Probate Code section 9100. The time for filing claims will not ex- mation in this statement
01-22-19 pire before four months from the hearing date noticed above. is true and correct. (A
NOTICE OF HEARING “I declare that all infor- YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in registrant who declares
DATE: March 22, 2019 AT 9:00 a.m. Dept: 6 mation in this statement the estate, you may file with the court a formal Request for Special Notice as true information
is true and correct. (A (Form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of which he or she knows
The address of the court is: registrant who declares any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request to be false is guilty of a
201 Church Street, Nevada City, California 95959 as true information for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. crime).
which he or she knows Attorney for Petitioner: SIGNATURE OF
3. A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each to be false is guilty of a Dennis W. Del Ponte REGISTRANT:
week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition crime). 75 East Santa Clara Street, Suite 275 /s/ Peter Laidlaw
in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: The SIGNATURE OF San Jose, CA 95113 408-294-4525 This statement was filed
Union Newspaper REGISTRANT: with the Clerk-Recorder
/s/ Marilyn M. Scholl Publish: February 8, 11, 15, 2019 of Nevada County on
Date: January 24, 2019 /s/ Robert Tice-Raskin This statement was filed Ad #378327 February 5, 2019
Judge of the Superior Court with the Clerk-Recorder Assigned File
of Nevada County on 2019-0168
Published: February 8, 15, 22, & March 1, 2019 January 22, 2019 Pub: February 8, 15, 22
Ad #379567 Assigned File & March 1, 2019
2019-0077 Ad #379236
Pub: January 25 &
February 1, 8, 15, 2019
The Name(s) of the The Name(s) of the The Name(s) of the The Name(s) of the
Business(es): Business(es): Business(es): FICTITIOUS BUSINESS Business(es):
The Love Story Culture House Emerald Outdoor NAME STATEMENT Green Heron RMD, LLC
Boutique Collective Adventures The Name(s) of the 138 New Mohawk, Suite
11961 Lakeshore South 342 Idaho Maryland 21717 McDaniel Road Business(es): 150 Nevada City,
Auburn, CA 95602 Road Grass Valley, Smartsville, CA 95977 Yellow Dog Family CA 95959
DIY Craft Shoppe CA 95945 County of Nevada Farms 13579 Idaho Maryland
11961 Lakeshore South County of Nevada is (are) hereby registered 22244 Keller Road NOTICE OF LIEN SALE Road Nevada City,
Auburn, CA 95602 is (are) hereby registered by the following Smartsville, CA 95977 CA 95959
County of Nevada by the following owner(s): County of Nevada Notice is hereby given that an online lien sale of the following described per- County of Nevada
is (are) hereby registered owner(s): Edmond Dumuk is (are) hereby registered sonal property will be held at with an auction is (are) hereby registered
by the following Space 3Four2, LLC 21717 McDaniel Road by the following close date of by the following
owner(s): 342 Idaho Maryland Smartsville, CA 95977 owner(s): owner(s):
Tamar Legacy Inc. Road Grass Valley, PO Box 1023 Big Oak Industries, Inc. February 22, 2019 at 12:00 pm. The property is stored at Grass Valley Self Green Heron RMD, LLC
11961 Lakeshore South CA 95945 Penn Valley, CA 95946 22244 Keller Road Storage, 946 Golden Gate Terrace, Grass Valley, CA 95945. The items to be 13579 Idaho Maryland
Auburn, CA 95602 This business is County of Nevada Smartsville, CA 95977 sold are generally described as follows: Road Nevada City,
This business is conducted by: This business is This business is CA 95959
conducted by: A Limited Liability conducted by: conducted by: Margaret Wardle Electronics, Totes, Speakers, Shelves, Dragon statue This business is
A Corporation Company An Individual A Corporation Sean Leonard Computer, Table, Chairs, Weights, Gravity machine conducted by:
THE REGISTRANT THE REGISTRANT THE REGISTRANT THE REGISTRANT Margaret Wardle Furniture, Lamp, Compost Bin, Racks A Limited Liability
TRANSACT BUSINESS TRANSACT BUSINESS TRANSACT BUSINESS TRANSACT BUSINESS This notice is given in accordance with the provisions of Section 21700 et seq THE REGISTRANT
UNDER THE UNDER THE UNDER THE UNDER THE of the Business & Professions Code of the State of California. Auctioneer: COMMENCED TO
ABOVE ON: ABOVE ON: ABOVE ON: ABOVE ON: Publish: February 8, 15, 2019 Ad#379122 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS
01-17-19 01-09-19 01-01-19 01-25-19 NAMES(S) LISTED
“I declare that all infor- “I declare that all infor- “I declare that all infor- “I declare that all infor- ABOVE ON:
mation in this statement mation in this statement mation in this statement mation in this statement N/A
is true and correct. (A is true and correct. (A is true and correct. (A is true and correct. (A “I declare that all infor-
registrant who declares registrant who declares NOTICE OF LIEN SALE mation in this statement
registrant who declares registrant who declares
as true information as true information as true information as true information is true and correct. (A
which he or she knows which he or she knows Notice is hereby given that an online lien sale of the following described per- registrant who declares
which he or she knows which he or she knows sonal property will be held at with an auction
to be false is guilty of a to be false is guilty of a to be false is guilty of a to be false is guilty of a as true information
crime). crime). close date of February 22, 2019 at 11:00 am. The property is stored at which he or she knows
crime). crime). Springhill Storage,150 Spring Hill Drive Grass Valley, CA 95945. The items
REGISTRANT: REGISTRANT: to be sold are generally described as follows: crime).
/s/ Mary L. Shine /s/ Shani Harris /s/ Edmond Dumuk /s/ John Foley SIGNATURE OF
This statement was filed This statement was filed Zachary Fisher Tools, Artwork, Boxes, Shelving, Christmas Décor, REGISTRANT:
This statement was filed This statement was filed Furniture, Washing Machine, Monitor, Electronics,
with the Clerk-Recorder with the Clerk-Recorder with the Clerk-Recorder with the Clerk-Recorder /s/ Wade V. Laughter
of Nevada County on of Nevada County on Dishes This statement was filed
of Nevada County on of Nevada County on
January 22, 2019 January 23, 2019 February 5, 2019 January 25, 2019 with the Clerk-Recorder
Assigned File Assigned File This notice is given in accordance with the provisions of Section 21700 et seq of Nevada County on
Assigned File Assigned File of the Business & Professions Code of the State of California. Auctioneer:
2019-0078 2019-0083 2019-0166 2019-0109 January 28, 2019
Pub: January 25 & Pub: January 25 & Assigned File
Pub: February 8, 15, 22 Pub: February 1, 8, 15,
February 1, 8, 15, 2019 February 1, 8, 15, 2019 & March 1, 2019 22, 2019 2019-0121
Ad #372030 Ad #372306 Publish: February 8, 15, 2019 Ad#378736 Pub: February 1, 8, 15,
Ad #379394 Ad #376217
22, 2019
Ad #376272
The Union | Friday, February 15, 2019 | B9

T H I S AY !



FEB. 16
W H AT I S I T ?
I N S P I R AT I O N A L S P E A K E R S !
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Tracy Pepper of Community Beyond Violence

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Behind the Fasting Mimicking Diet
Linda Foshagen, DO & Rachel Kramer,
NP-C of St. Moritz Medical Center

1:00 The Harmony of Health & Wellness SPECIAL GUEST

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Kayle Martin will speak about
2:00 Brains Just Want to Have Fun her cancer experience and how
Cristina Smith, Award-winning Author she has used a vegan lifestyle
to remain cancer-free!
3:00 Mindful Caregiving 10:15AM
Barbara Larsen, M.A., Ed., Elder Care/
Memory Loss Professional


B10 | Friday, February 15, 2019 | The Union


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C1 | Friday, February 15, 2019 | The Union
Walter Ford, Sports Editor
530-477-4232, [email protected]


Spieth tied for lead
after 12 holes at
Falcons open playoffs
rainy Riviera
Jordan Spieth made the
most out of his chance
to start over Thursday
with blowout win
at rain-soaked Riviera By Kael Newton FALCONS 84, EAGLES 65
and was tied for the lead Special to The Union Team 1 2 3 4 F
at 5-under par through Freedom Christian 12 18 16 19 65
12 holes in the Genesis The Forest Lake Christian boys bas- Forest Lake Christian 17 32 20 15 84
Open. ketball team cruised to a decisive 84-65 FLC: Luke Gilliland - 29 points, 8 3-pointers
Tiger Woods never victory over Freedom Christian Wednesday FLC: J.R. Molloy - 18 points, six rebounds
made it to the golf to advance into the second round of the FLC: Simon Blackburn - 15 points, 11 assists
course. He was to play in Sac-Joaquin Section Division VI playoffs.
the afternoon, but a sev- The No. 5 seed Falcons (14-13) played up Junior forward J.R. Molloy was a force in
en-hour delay because tempo throughout the game, out-rebound- the paint all night en route to six rebounds
of heavy rain meant not ing No. 12 Freedom Christian and main- and 18 points. And, junior point guard Si-
starting his first round taining a high half court press for much of mon Blackburn proved to be an unanswer-
until Friday morning. the game. The win was fueled largely by able question for Freedom, putting up a
Spieth hit his opening an incredibly hot shooting night for junior double-double with 15 points and 11 assists
tee shot on the short par- guard Luke Gilliland, who drained eight along with four steals.
4 10th off a cart path and 3-pointers on his way to 29 points on 10- The game started out relatively close, as ELIAS FUNEZ/[email protected]
into thick, shin-high grass of-12 shooting. He also added four assists FLC struggled to capitalize on a handful of Forest Lake Christian’s Luke Gilliland scored a game-high
that made it tough to and four rebounds to cap off a spectacular 29 points, including eight 3-pointers during Wednesday’s
even see his golf ball. night. FALCONS, C2 playoff win over Freedom Christian.
But with increasing rain,
along with low visibility
decided to scrap the

Bruins roar in 1st round Cueto

round and start over once
the course dried out.

pitched with
Sung Kang also was at 5
under through 14 holes.

Kerr fined $25,000 for

tirade against referee
Bear River cruises past severe pain
Golden State coach Calaveras, next up
Steve Kerr has been fined
$25,000 by the NBA for No. 1 Liberty Ranch for nearly 3
verbally abusing and
confronting a referee.
The penalty an-
By Walter Ford
Sports Editor
nounced Thursday by Kiki

By Janie McCauley
VanDeWeghe, the NBA’s or a program that hasn’t AP Baseball Writer
executive vice president been in the postseason since
of basketball operations, 2012, the Bear River boys SCOTTSDALE, Ariz.
was for Kerr’s actions in a basketball team looked — For nearly three years,
127-107 loss at Portland on awfully comfortable in its first round Johnny Cueto pitched with
Wednesday night. playoff victory Wednesday night. a stabbing pain in his right
Kerr screamed at referee “We just came out and landed elbow. He won 18 games for
Ken Mauer, smashed his the first punch, and made sure they San Francisco in 2016 and
clipboard , and was given didn’t come back after that,” said started the All-Star game
two technical fouls and junior point guard Caleb Lowry, that year dealing with the
ejected with 3:54 remain- who played a big role in the No. 8 discomfort.
ing in the fourth quarter. seed Bruins topping No. 9 Calav- How he did so, Cueto
eras, 66-39, in the opening round of isn’t sure. And the animat-
AP Source: Alliance the Sac-Joaquin Section Division IV ed right-hander can now
had conversation playoffs. envision how great it will be
with Kaepernick once he’s back on the mound
A person with knowl- BEAR RIVER 66, and pain-free following
edge of the conversation Tommy John reconstructive
tells The Associated Press CALAVERAS 39 surgery.
that the new Alliance of Team 1 2 3 4 F “It was a lot for me to deal
American Football spoke Calaveras 9 6 12 12 39 with. It was almost three
with Colin Kaepernick Bear River 15 16 19 16 66 years with pain in the elbow,
during its development BR: Caleb Lowry – 22 points and strong pain,” said Cueto,
about joining the league. BR: Brekyn Vasquez – 15 points who turns 33 on Friday. “It’s
But Kaepernick wanted BR: Adam Malik – 14 points not easy. Last year I started
$20 million or more to C: Tyler Adams – 18 points well, but it’s a mental pain,
consider playing with the it’s a pain that felt like some-
league that had its debut Bear River (16-11) didn’t wait long one stuck a knife in my el-
last weekend. to get the home crowd at Jack R. Mc- bow and stabbed it over and
The person spoke on Crory Gymnasium to its feet as the over again. It was unbear-
condition of anonymity Bruins opened the game on an 8-0 able and I don’t know how I
Thursday because neither run, including 3-point buckets from was able to pitch and block
side has publicly ac- Lowry and Adam Malik. the pain.”
knowledged such talks. Lowry did a good job of running Cueto arrived in Arizo-
The Alliance says its the Bruins offense all night and fin- na a couple of days behind
mission is to provide ished with a game-high 22 points. PHOTO BY BRIAN O’BRIEN the Giants pitchers and
opportunities for players “Lowry is just a stud,” said Bear Bear River’s Caleb Lowry scored a game-high 22 points during the Bruins’ catchers because of personal
not in the NFL to con- River co-head coach Jeff Bickmore. 66-39 first round playoff victory over Calaveras Wednesday night at Jack R. reasons and had his physical
tinue their careers, with “He’s the most unassuming guy. You McCroy Gymnasium. Thursday. He is scheduled
a possibility they could would think he’s just a normal kid to throw next week for the
entice NFL teams to sign walking around Bear River, but he’s do some things they weren’t real in the fourth, outscoring Calaveras first time since his August
them once the AAF sea- a player. He’s been our point guard comfortable with. And, when the 16-12 down the stretch. operation.
son concludes at the end the whole year, and he’s gotten better ball went inside, we were able to Vasquez, an undersized post player, The Giants’ rotation was
of April. The league also and better as the season has gone on, get hands on it and get deflections. scored eight of his 15 points in the plagued by injuries for a
approached Tim Tebow, and I thought tonight was one of his What we really did a great job of was fourth quarter. Malik finished with second straight year in 2018
who said he wanted to better games.” weakside rebounding. Justin Powell 14. Smith added eight points and with Cueto, ace lefty Mad-
continue pursuing his The Bruins led 15-9 after one did a great job, especially in that first pulled down eight rebounds. Powell ison Bumgarner and right-
baseball career. Tebow quarter, and were up 18-13 midway quarter. Holding them to one shot rounded out the scoring with seven hander Jeff Samardzija all
currently is in the New through the second quarter before was really important for us.” points to go with six rebounds. missing significant time.
York Mets’ spring training closing the half on 13-2 run to grab a The Bruins came out of the break The Bruins were impressive from Cueto is down about 20
camp. 31-15 advantage. strong, getting solid all around play beyond the arc, hitting nine 3-point- pounds to 226 thanks to
“I thought we did a real good from Lowry, Malik, Powell, Brad ers in the game, and getting at least regular meals of salad and
Vitale to receive job defensively,” said Bickmore. “I Smith and Brekyn Vasquez to extend one from each of the five starters. fish. Yet he expects to be
Sports Emmys lifetime thought we trapped in the cor- its advantage to 50-27.
achievement award ner pretty well. We forced them to Bear River then put the game away BRUINS, C2 CUETO, C2
ESPN college basketball
commentator Dick Vitale
will receive the Lifetime AUTO RACING
Achievement Award for
Sports during this year’s
Sports Emmy Awards Logano, Harvick lead Ford sweeps in Daytona qualifying
Vitale joined ESPN By Jenna Fryer for Ford, which this year in his second wreck of
shortly after its launch AP Auto Racing Writer is racing the Mustang in Speedweeks.
in 1979. He called the NASCAR’s top series. The Logano, meanwhile, was
network’s first significant DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. qualifying races set the fourth on the final lap when
college basketball game — Kevin Harvick and Joey starting lineup for Sunday’s he pulled out of line to try
on Dec. 5, 1979, when Logano won the Daytona season-opening Dayto- for the win. The reigning
DePaul hosted Wisconsin. 500 qualifying races in a na 500, and Ford drivers NASCAR champion got
Vitale was inducted pair of Ford sweeps that locked down the second a solid push from Team
into the National Sports have the new Mustang po- through fourth rows. Penske teammate Ryan
Broadcasting Hall of Fame sitioned for a strong show- William Byron and Alex Blaney to move to the front
last year. ing in “The Great American Bowman, in Chevrolets and earn his spot alongside
Vitale also serves on the Race.” for Hendrick Motorsports, Harvick in Sunday’s race.
board of directors of The Harvick won the first swept the top two spots in “Cool to see a couple of
V Foundation, which was of the 150-mile qualifying time trials last week and Mustangs in victory lane
founded by ESPN and the races Thursday night that represent the youngest already,” Logano said. “The
late Jim Valvano in 1993 set the field for NASCAR’s starting row in Daytona big one’s still Sunday. It’s
to find a cure for cancer. showcase event. Logano 500 history. Byron is 21 and a confidence builder for ASSOCIATED PRESS
The 40th Sports Emmy used a last-lap pass for the Bowman is 25. everyone.” Kevin Harvick crosses the finish line to win the first of
Awards are scheduled for lead in the second one. Harvick’s victory was Logano was followed by two qualifying auto races for the NASCAR Daytona 500
May 20 in New York. Both Harvick and Lo- uneventful beyond Jim- at Daytona International Speedway, Thursday in Daytona
— Associated Press gano led podium sweeps mie Johnson’s involvement DAYTONA, C2 Beach, Fla.
C2 | Friday, February 15, 2019 | The Union

PRO BASEBALL BRUINS Bickmore.”They’re load-

Blevins feels at home returning to A’s

From page C1 ed. We played them last
year, so I know some of
Bear River also did a nice their personnel, but they
job of moving the ball are really, really good.
By Carrie Muskat around and finding the And, to go into Liberty
Associated Press open man for easy buck- Ranch, it’s going to be a
ets inside. tough game.
MESA, Ariz. — Jerry Leading Calaveras “But, for us, we’re going
Blevins didn’t know many (16-13) was senior Tyler to be happy for a little
of his new Oakland Ath- Adams with 18 points. while getting this home
letics teammates yet the Next up for Bear River playoff win. It’s huge for
left-handed reliever said is a road playoff game at our program.”
he has felt right at home No. 1 seed Liberty Ranch
returning to the team with (27-2) at 7 p.m. today. To contact Sports Editor
which he broke into the big “We’re going to have Walter Ford, call 530-477-
leagues back in 2007. to play extremely well to 4232 or email wford@
The 35-year-old Blevins beat Liberty Ranch,” said
rejoined Oakland when
he signed a minor league
contract earlier this month. FALCONS comfortable margin of vic-
The A’s have a talented From page C1 tory, Gordon typically aims
bullpen but right now to allow just 45 points to
Ryan Buchter is the only Freedom turnovers. After the opposition, and said
left-handed option current- ASSOCIATED PRESS a sluggish first quarter defense efficiency would
ly on the 40-man roster. Oakland Athletics pitcher Jerry Blevins throws at their baseball spring training facility in ended 17-12 in favor of the continue to be a focus as
“I’ve always had a soft Mesa, Ariz., Tuesday. Falcons, Gilliland caught the Falcons continue their
spot for Blev,” Oakland fire, the tempo markedly playoff campaign.
manager Bob Melvin said. them, check up on them from 2007 to 2013 with the compiled a 3.35 ERA, sec- increased and head coach Forest Lake’s tempo
“He was a guy I had to send on Facebook, that kind of Athletics. But he’s coming ond-lowest in the league LaRon Gordon’s squad proved to be a deciding
up and down for a while, thing.” off a rough season with last season, was one of pulled out to a 49-30 lead factor, particularly in the
which is difficult to do, and He celebrated his return the Mets in which he had the reasons the team won going into halftime. second quarter, where
he’s made a nice career for by posting a handwritten a 4.85 ERA over 42 2/3 97 games and secured an Gilliland stayed hot, the FLC outscored Freedom
himself. He has a really note to Oakland fans on innings in 64 games. American League Wild Falcons dominated the 32-18 and ran away with
good understanding of Twitter: “Oakland! Back “Up and down, incon- Card spot. boards and clamped down the game. Gordon said the
what he needs to do and is to where my big league sistent,” Blevins said when “This is a great team and on defense, and by the end Falcons conditioning is
impactful in the clubhouse, career began. It’s difficult asked to describe last year. you’ve got a lot of young of the third quarter the what allows them to out-
too. He’s a smart guy and to describe how it feels to “I never had a clear role. I talent, some good leader- game was all but decided run and out-hustle other
gets it. It’s nice to have as return. I’m coming home. started slow, got hot, got ship,” Blevins said. “I’m just at 69-46. teams and create those
many of those guys in your That’s it. To the familiar cold, didn’t get traded. Just trying to fit in and do my “He’s one of the best sorts of sustained runs in
clubhouse as you can have.” faces by the bullpen and inconsistent and that’s out part. I don’t want to try to three point shooters I’ve key moments.
Blevins has pitched the tunnel, right field and left of character for me. I just lead. I’m just going to fit in. ever coached, and when “Our conditioning is bar
last four seasons with the field, I’ll see you soon. I want to get back to know- That’s been the gist of what he’s on he’s not even hit- none,” said Gordon, “we’re
Mets but he’s kept an eye can’t wait to start Chapter 2 ing what you get when I want to do. I just want ting the rim,” said Gordon built to play all game, so
on his former team. of my A’s story. Let’s make it you put me on the mound. to be a left-handed pitcher of Gilliland’s shooting we try to push the pace
“It’s like your first love a World Series story.” That’s been my entire goal and contribute as much as night. when we can to test the
kind of thing,” Blevins said. Blevins compiled a 13-6 this offseason. I feel great.” I can to a great team mov- By the time the clock hit other team’s conditioning.”
“You always keep an eye on record with a 3.30 ERA Oakland’s bullpen, which ing forward already.” zero Gordon had rotated With hot shooting, ag-
in several younger mem- gressive rebounding and
bers of the team who had high tempo play the Fal-
CUETO successful workout after one timeline and taking each He begins the fourth been called up to the var- cons figure to be a force as
From page C1 rainstorm, before it began important step along the season of a $130 million, sity squad for the playoff they continue their playoff
pouring again. “But we’re way to come back. six-year contract he signed run and the Falcons had run.
back at 230 or more once not going to do something “Right now I feel like I’m before the 2016 season. secured their first playoff Next up for the Falcons
he’s ready to return — hope- that doesn’t make sense ready but I know I’m not,” Cueto did his offseason win of the season. is a road playoff game at
fully before season’s end with our medical staff and he said. “My frustration rehab back home in the “It was a hard fought No. 4 Big Valley Christian
around Sept. 1, to which where he’s at. Because you was at the beginning when Dominican Republic, where game. They’re a really well (16-9) at 7 p.m. today.
Cueto noted, “If that’s the get through that then you I couldn’t move the arm to one of his half-dozen horses, coached team and they
case I’ll be very happy.” have another offseason to take a shower, but right now Popeye, just died. fought really hard,” said Kael Newton is a Nevada
“We would love to see really heal up. We’ll see I feel normal and like any He made 25 starts in Gordon after the game, County native and
Johnny start. That means where he’s at when we get to other pitcher. I know what 2017 then just nine with 53 but added, “I’m not very freelance journalist for
we probably are sitting in August.” my problem is. The only innings last year before sur- happy with our defense to- The Union. He can be
a pretty good position,” Cueto acknowledged he thing I have to do is take it gery. On Friday, he plans to night, to give up 65 points reached at kaelnewton@
manager Bruce Bochy will let the experts guide easy and continue with my throw a plastic ball against is not what we want to do.” or @
said Thursday following a him when it comes to a rehab.” a trampoline-like screen. Despite a relatively KaelNewton on Twitter.

DAYTONA Roger Penske and Menard Toyota has so far been Harvick, meanwhile, criticism for another on- Johnson used an aggres-
From page C1 for the Wood Brothers. shut out of Speedweeks as wrecked in the first practice track incident. sive move in the Sunday
All have been ordered by Johnson won last weekend’s of the season at Daytona The seven-time champi- exhibition Clash to get past
Clint Bowyer and Aric Al- Ford leaders to work togeth- exhibition race in a Hen- International Speedway. He on went three-wide 25 laps Menard for the lead, and
mirola as Mustang drivers er and win the Daytona 500. drick Chevrolet. was collected the next day into the race, causing Kyle while it gave Johnson his
went 1-2-3 in both races. “Everybody at Ford Per- The highest-starting Toy- in a 16-car crash triggered Busch to spin and bring- first victory in more than
Harvick led Ricky Sten- formance always makes it ota drivers will be Denny by Jimmie Johnson in the ing out a caution. Johnson a year, it wiped out most
house Jr. and Paul Menard well known that they expect Hamlin and Matt DiBened- first race of Speedweeks. sent an apology through of the field. His incident
in the first race for the ini- us to work together, do etto in the fifth row. It took his third time out his team, but Busch was with Busch was different
tial Ford sweep. everything we can to get a Parker Kligerman earned for Harvick to finally get it unforgiving. circumstances, but Johnson
The tally represents four blue oval in victory lane, the transfer spot into the right. “Tell him I don’t want to was far more contrite than
different teams, with Stew- especially the Mustang now 500 during the first quali- “We tore up so many of hear it. Tell him to use his he was in the exhibition
art-Haas Racing flexing its that we’re running it,” Sten- fying race, while Brendan these superspeedway cars, eyeballs. That’s twice in two victory.
power to put Harvick, Bow- house said. “We’re getting, Gaughan earned the final it’s just good to finally bring races he’s done the same “I just got it wrong, clear-
yer and Almirola up front in I would say, pretty good at slot in the 40-car field. one to victory lane,” Harvick thing,” Busch said, using ly,” Johnson said. “I just
the Daytona 500. Stenhouse it. This is a race that they’re Joey Gase and Ryan Truex said. expletives to note that John- misjudged that situation.
represents Roush Fenway all circling every year for us both missed qualifying for Johnson, meanwhile, son also caused a 16-car That was a mistake, for
Racing, Logano drives for to win.” their first Daytona 500. ended the event facing accident Sunday. sure.”

What’s next BIATHLON

10 a.m. — NBCSN — IBU World Cup: men’s
11:20 a.m. — FS2 — Bundesliga: Bayern Munich
Orlando 127, Charlotte 89
New York 106, Atlanta 91
Anaheim 1, Vancouver 0
Thursday’s Games
Lead Changes 2 among 3 drivers.
Lap Leaders: W. Byron 1-15L. Cassill 16 K.
NEVADA UNION MINERS 10km sprint, Salt Lake City, Utah vs. Augsburg New Orleans 131, Oklahoma City 122 N.Y. Islanders 3, Columbus 0 Harvick 17-60.
TODAY BOBSLEDDING/SKELETON 7 p.m. — FS2 — Liga MX: Veracruz vs. Tijuana Friday’s Games Florida 3, Calgary 2, SO Leaders Summary (Driver, Times Lead,
Girls wrestling — at Masters (Lincoln- 7 a.m. — NBCSN — IBSF World Cup: women’s TeamWorldvs.TeamUSAatCharlotte,N.C.,6p.m. Detroit 3, Ottawa 2 Laps Led): Kevin Harvick 1 time for 44 laps;
Stockton HS), all day
Boys wrestling — at Masters (Delta
skeleton competition, Lake Placid, N.Y. Basketball Saturday’s Games Tampa Bay 6, Dallas 0 William Byron 1 time for 15 laps; Landon
6:30 p.m. — NBCSN — IBSF World Cup: Lake NBA No games scheduled. Colorado 4, Winnipeg 1 Cassill 1 time for 1 lap.
College), all day Placid, N.Y. (taped) Sunday’s Games Nashville 3, Montreal 1
SATURDAY BOXING 2019 NBA All-Star Game Chicago 5, New Jersey 2
Girls wrestling — at Masters (Lincoln- 6 p.m. — ESPN — Top Rank Boxing: Main Event, Team LeBron West vs. Team Giannis East at St. Louis at Arizona (n)
Stockton HS), all day Baysangurov-Brant, Hinckley, Minn. Charlotte, N.C., 5 p.m. Toronto at Vegas (n)
Denver 39 18 .684 — Thursday
Boys wrestling — at Masters (Delta 7 p.m. — SHO — The Next Generation: Erga- Monday’s Games Vancouver at Los Angeles (n)
Oklahoma City 37 20 .649 2 At Daytona International Speedway
College), all day shev-Fox and Hernandez-Ward, Mulvane, Kan. No games scheduled. Washington at San Jose (n)
Portland 34 23 .596 5 Daytona Beach, Fla.
Utah 32 25 .561 7 Starting position in parentheses
TODAY 4 p.m. — ESPN2 — St. Joseph’s at Davidson No games scheduled. N.Y. Rangers at Buffalo, 4 p.m.
Minnesota 27 30 .474 12 1. (3) Joey Logano, Ford, 60.
Girls wrestling — at Masters (Lincoln- ESPNEWS — Harvard at Princeton Edmonton at Carolina, 4:30 p.m.
Stockton HS), all day
Boys wrestling — at Masters (Delta
ESPNU — Buffalo at Toledo
W L Pct GB Hockey New Jersey at Minnesota, 5:30 p.m.
2. (4) Clint Bowyer, Ford, 60.
3. (9) Aric Almirola, Ford, 60.
6 p.m. — ESPN2 — Troy at Georgia Southern Houston 33 24 .579 — NHL Boston at Anaheim, 7 p.m.
College), all day 4. (6) Denny Hamlin, Toyota, 60.
ESPNU — Northern Kentucky at Wright State San Antonio 33 26 .559 1 EASTERN CONFERENCE Saturday’s Games
Boys basketball — at Liberty Ranch (SJS 5. (10) Kurt Busch, Chevrolet, 60.
COLLEGE BASKETBALL (WOMEN’S) Dallas 26 31 .456 7 Atlantic Calgary at Pittsburgh, 10 a.m.
playoffs), 7 p.m. 6. (8) Ryan Blaney, Ford, 60.
4 p.m. — FS2 — Providence at Xavier New Orleans 26 33 .441 8 GP W L OT Pts GF GA Detroit at Philadelphia, 10 a.m.
SATURDAY 7. (14) Jamie McMurray, Chevrolet, 60.
COLLEGE GYMNASTICS (WOMEN’S) Memphis 23 36 .390 11 Tampa Bay 58 43 11 4 90 229 159 St. Louis at Colorado, Noon
Girls wrestling — at Masters (Lincoln- 8. (2) Chase Elliott, Chevrolet, 60.
4 p.m. — SEC — Kentucky at Georgia Pacific Toronto 56 35 18 3 73 200 159 Toronto at Arizona, 4 p.m.
Stockton HS), all day 9. (5) Austin Dillon, Chevrolet, 60.
5:30 p.m. — BTN — Maryland at Minnesota W L Pct GB Boston 57 32 17 8 72 168 148 Ottawa at Winnipeg, 4 p.m.
Boys wrestling — at Masters (Delta 10. (17) Ty Dillon, Chevrolet, 60.
SEC — Florida at Alabama Golden State 41 16 .719 — Montreal 57 31 19 7 69 173 165 Edmonton at N.Y. Islanders, 4 p.m.
College), all day 11. (11) David Ragan, Ford, 60.
COLLEGE HOCKEY (MEN’S) L.A. Clippers 32 27 .542 10 Buffalo 56 28 21 7 63 165 171 Montreal at Tampa Bay, 4 p.m.
FOREST LAKE CHRISTIAN 12. (16) Kyle Larson, Chevrolet, 60.
3 p.m. — BTN — Minnesota at Ohio State Sacramento 30 27 .526 11 Florida 56 24 24 8 56 171 194 Dallas at Carolina, 5 p.m.
TODAY 13. (1) Alex Bowman, Chevrolet, 59.
3:30 p.m. — CBSSN — North Dakota at West- L.A. Lakers 28 29 .491 13 Detroit 58 23 28 7 53 162 190 Columbus at Chicago, 5:30 p.m.
Boys basketball — at Big Valley Christian 14. (7) Erik Jones, Toyota, 59.
ern Michigan Phoenix 11 48 .186 31 Ottawa 57 21 31 5 47 175 208 Vancouver at San Jose, 7 p.m.
(SJS playoffs), 7 p.m. 15. (15) Brendan Gaughan, Chevrolet, 59.
4 p.m. — NBCSN — Wisconsin at Notre Dame EASTERN CONFERENCE Metropolitan Nashville at Vegas, 7 p.m.
TUESDAY 16. (19) Corey LaJoie, Ford, 59.
6 p.m. — CBSSN — Denver at Minnesota-Du- Atlantic GP W L OT Pts GF GA Boston at Los Angeles, 7:30 p.m.
Girls basketball — vs. TBD (SJS playoffs), 17. (13) Casey Mears, Chevrolet, 59.
luth N.Y. Islanders 57 34 17 6 74 164 136
7 p.m.
W L Pct GB
43 16 .729 — Washington 57 31 19 7 69 192 183 Auto racing 18. (12) Michael McDowell, Ford, 58.
19. (18) Ross Chastain, Chevrolet, 57.
7 a.m. — ESPNU — St. Pete/Clearwater Elite Boston 37 21 .638 5½ Columbus 56 32 21 3 67 180 170 NASCAR CUP - GANDER RV DUEL 1
THURSDAY 20. (21) Joey Gase, Toyota, 57.
Invitational: Notre Dame vs. Tennessee, Clear- Philadelphia 37 21 .638 5½ Pittsburgh 57 30 20 7 67 196 174 RESULTS
at Warriors, 7:30 p.m.; TV: NBCSCA 21. (20) BJ McLeod, Chevrolet, 57.
water, Fla. Brooklyn 30 29 .508 13 Carolina 57 29 22 6 64 167 164 Thursday
SATURDAY, FEB. 23 Average Speed of Race Winner 193.133 mph.
9:30 a.m. — SEC — St. Pete/Clearwater Elite New York 11 47 .190 31½ Philadelphia 57 26 24 7 59 167 190 At Daytona International Speedway
at Thunder, 5 p.m.; TV: NBCSCA Time of Race 0 Hrs, 46 Mins, 36 Secs.
Invitational: LSU vs. Oregon, Clearwater, Fla. Southeast N.Y. Rangers 56 24 24 8 56 159 186 Daytona Beach, Fla.
GOLDEN STATE WARRIORS Margin of Victory: .126 Seconds.
10 a.m. — ESPNU — St. Pete/Clearwater Elite W L Pct GB New Jersey 57 21 28 8 50 164 199 Car number in parentheses
THURSDAY Caution Flags 0 for laps.
Invitational: Florida State vs. Oklahoma, Clear- Charlotte 27 30 .474 — WESTERN CONFERENCE 1. (8) Kevin Harvick, Ford, 60.
vs. Kings, 7:30 p.m.; TV: NBCSCA Lead Changes 4 among 4 drivers.
water, Fla. Miami 26 30 .464 ½ Central GP W L OT Pts GF GA 2. (10) Ricky Stenhouse Jr., Ford, 60.
SATURDAY, FEB. 23 Lap Leaders A. Bowman 1-11
1 p.m. — ESPNU — St. Pete/Clearwater Elite Orlando 27 32 .458 1 Winnipeg 58 36 19 3 75 199 167 3. (6) Paul Menard, Ford, 60.
vs. Rockets, 5:30 p.m.; TV: NBCSCA, ABC C. Bowyer 12-13; Gaughan 14-20
Invitational: Texas vs. LSU, Clearwater, Fla. Washington 24 34 .414 3½ Nashville 60 34 21 5 73 185 155 4. (16) Matt DiBenedetto, Toyota, 60.
SAN JOSE SHARKS C. Bowyer 21-59; J. Logano 60.
GOLF Atlanta 19 39 .328 8½ Dallas 57 29 23 5 63 145 146 5. (4) Martin Truex Jr., Toyota, 60.
SATURDAY Leaders Summary (Driver, Times Lead,
12 p.m. — GOLF — PGA Tour Champions Golf: Central St. Louis 55 28 22 5 61 163 162 6. (17) Bubba Wallace, Chevrolet, 60.
at Canucks, 7 p.m.; TV: NBCSCA Laps Led): Clint Bowyer 2 times for 41 laps;
Chubb Classic, first round, Naples, Fla. W L Pct GB Minnesota 57 27 25 5 59 160 167 7. (12) Chris Buescher, Chevrolet, 60.
MONDAY Alex Bowman 1 time for 11 laps; Brendan
11 a.m. — GOLF — PGA Tour Golf: Genesis Open, Milwaukee 43 14 .754 — Colorado 57 23 23 11 57 186 189 8. (2) Jimmie Johnson, Chevrolet, 60.
vs. Bruins, 7 p.m.; TV: NBCSCA Gaughan 1 time for 7 laps; Joey Logano 1
second round, Pacific Palisades, Calif. Indiana 38 20 .655 5½ Chicago 58 24 25 9 57 190 211 9. (13) Ryan Newman, Ford, 60. time for 1 lap.
Sports on TV 8 p.m. — GOLF — LPGA Tour Golf: ISPS Handa
Women’s Australian Open, third round, Aus-
26 30 .464 16½
14 44 .241 29½
10. (15) Ryan Preece, Chevrolet, 60.
11. (11) Daniel Suarez, Ford, 60. Transactions
TODAY tralia Cleveland 12 46 .207 31½ Calgary 57 34 16 7 75 207 170 12. (19) Parker Kligerman, Toyota, 60. THURSDAY
AUTO RACING MIXED MARTIAL ARTS Wednesday’s Games San Jose 57 34 16 7 75 210 177 13. (9) Tyler Reddick, Chevrolet, 60. BASKETBALL
12 p.m. — FS1 — NASCAR Xfinity Series, prac- 6 p.m. — PARAMOUNT — Bellator 215: Mitri- Brooklyn 148, Cleveland 139, 3OT Vegas 58 31 23 4 66 172 162 14. (14) Ryan Truex, Chevrolet, 60. National Basketball Association
tice, Daytona Beach, Fla. one-Kharitonov, Uncasville, Conn. Milwaukee 106, Indiana 97 Vancouver 58 25 26 7 57 164 182 15. (20) Landon Cassill, Chevrolet, 60. NBA — Fined Golden State Warriors
10 a.m. — FS1 — NASCAR Monster Energy Cup NBA BASKETBALL Boston 118, Detroit 110 Arizona 56 25 26 5 55 150 163 16. (1) William Byron, Chevrolet, 60. coach Steve Kerr $25,000 for verbally
Series, practice, Daytona Beach, Fla. 4 p.m. — ESPN — NBA All-Star Celebrity Game: Philadelphia 126, New York 111 Edmonton 56 24 27 5 53 160 187 17. (3) Daniel Hemric, Chevrolet, 59. abusing and confronting a game official.
11 a.m. — FS1 — NASCAR Xfinity Series, final From Charlotte, N.C. Toronto 129, Washington 120 Anaheim 57 22 26 9 53 128 182 18. (7) Kyle Busch, Toyota, 59. FOOTBALL
practice, Daytona Beach, Fla. 6 p.m. — TNT — NBA All-Star Rising Stars Chicago 122, Memphis 110 Los Angeles 56 23 28 5 51 136 171 19. (18) Matt Tifft, Ford, 59. National Football League.
Noon — FS1 — NASCAR Monster Energy Cup Game: Team USA vs. Team World, Charlotte, Minnesota 121, Houston 111 Note: Two points for a win, one point for 20. (5) Brad Keselowski, Ford, 58. OAKLAND RAIDERS — Named Brentson
Series, practice, Daytona Beach, Fla. N.C. Miami 112, Dallas 101 overtime loss. Top three teams in each di- 21. (21) Cody Ware, Chevrolet, 58. Buckner defensive line coach, Taver Johnson
1:30 p.m. — FS1 — NASCAR Gander Outdoors NHL HOCKEY Denver 120, Sacramento 118 vision and two wild cards per conference Average Speed of Race Winner 177.749 mph. assistant defensive backs coach, John
Truck Series, qualifying, Daytona Beach, Fla. 4 p.m. — NHL — NY Rangers at Buffalo L.A. Clippers 134, Phoenix 107 advance to playoffs. Time of Race 0 Hrs, 50 Mins, 38 Secs. Morton senior offensive assistant coach, A.J.
4:30 p.m. — FS1 — NASCAR Gander Outdoors SKIING Portland 129, Golden State 107 Wednesday’s Games Margin of Victory: .165 Seconds. Neibel strength and conditioning coach and
Truck Series: NextEra Energy 250, Daytona 8 a.m. — NBCSN — FIS World Alpine Champi- Thursday’s Games Pittsburgh 3, Edmonton 1 Caution Flags 1 for 3 laps. Kirby Wilson running backs coach.
Beach, Fla. onships: men’s giant slalom (run 2), Sweden
The Union | Friday, February 15, 2019 | C3







DON’T GIVE IT AWAY ON might have been done with a slightly
weaker hand in high-card terms.
A PARTY PLATTER But discounting the club queen was
Amy Sedaris, an actress and sensible. Four hearts rated to be the
comedian, said, “I want witchcraft so right contract, and potentially made
bad that I can’t stand it. I have wands life harder for the opponents. (With
in my apartment. And I use them a few more points, South would have
sometimes. I walk into the kitchen started with a two-club cue-bid.)
with my wand, and I come out with If East had bid one spade, finding
something on a platter and I say, ‘See, the only winning line would have
magic happens.’ Works every time.” been easier. After playing a diamond
SALLY FORTH GREG HOWARD & CRAIG MACINTOSH Sometimes making a bridge con- to dummy’s jack, declarer must lead
tract requires magic -- as in this deal. specifically the spade jack from the
South is in four hearts. West board to pin West’s singleton 10.
cashes his two top clubs and the heart Suppose East covers with the
ace, then exits with a heart. How can queen. South wins with the king,
South get home from there? cashes the nine, crosses to the board
If I had been East, I would have in, say, diamonds and discards his
The New York Times Syndication
responded Sales
one spade. Corporation
Obviously, that third diamond on the spade ace.
620 Eighth Avenue,
would notNew York, N.Y.
be without danger,10018
but the Wizardry!
For Information Call:club
three-card 1-800-972-3550
support and side void Now to come clean. When this
For Release add
Phillip Alder Friday,
a littleFebruary
security. 15, 2019 deal was played in a social game, the
South’s jump to four hearts opening lead against four hearts was
showed at least a six-card suit, and ... the spade 10!


Edited by Will Shortz No. 0111
ACROSS 33 One quick to 55 Character in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

1 Afraid of getting pass judgment “All’s Well That

shot Ends Well” and 14 15
34 Music style “A Midsummer
10 Send a bunch associated with Night’s Dream” 16 17
of messages to, George Clinton,
say informally 57 Viking king of
note 18 19 20
14 Sob stories 36 Put on 58 NASA’s InSight 21 22 23
15 Keep in check 37 “There is no probe, for one
16 Slanted writing literature and 59 Org. that rings 24 25 26 27 28 29
17 Creature with art without a bell
a 17-month ___”: Thomas 30 31 32
Pynchon 60 Acted
gestation period omnipotent 33 34 35 36
18 Eject 39 Dirty or daily
19 “The way I see DOWN 37 38 39
it …” 40 Checker of
Crime boss
vitals, for short 1
20 Many P.S.A.T. 40 41 42 43

takers, for short 2 Public house

41 ___ Lady (Virgin
options 44 45 46
21 That’s a wrap! Mary’s title)
3 Contents of
22 Drew attention
42 23andMesome childproof 47 48 49 50 51 52 53
to servicecontainers, for 54 55 56
24 Aloof 44 short
28 Something 4 “Exit full 57 58
shared by 46 Like Chianti
screen” button
churchgoers 47 Clearheaded
5 Cheer for 59 60
29 Layer of dark
48 6 Financially O.K.
Works toward
green eggs one’s passion?
30 It gets typed Olympic races
50 Effuse 24 Scattering of 49 Cartoon pal of
31 Rapidly cooled, 35 Brilliantly
8 Folksy things the monkey
as metal 54 About colored
9 Kyoto cash gemstone Boots
25 Theoretically,
ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 10 Skedaddle but not actually 38 Film ___ 50 Bit of
11 #2 on Rolling percussion
V E S P A L E G S S P O T S Stone’s “100 26 Supports for 39 Stereotypical
A S K E W A V O N A R N I E Greatest Guitar some athletes teller of a
groan-worthy 51 Prom coif
N S Y N C R A T E N O B E L Songs of All
Time” 27 Big brass joke
C A P T O R I N H A N D U R L 52 Take off
E Y E M I A K A R A T 12 Pioneer in 31 Acting as 42 Black-tie
B E A T T H E R A P T O R hydrostatics 53 “I’m with ___”
32 Curdle 43 Company that
R A T I O N W A R Y P O L O 13 Many an makes Coffee-
A L I G N B I T S S E N D S aspiring exec, 34 Something 55 Product from
academically mate
C O M A E A C H O C A S E Y you shouldn’t Fender
14 Young ’un do around 45 Cause of
Christmas irritation 56 “Sick, dude!”
B E N T O A T F G I G 20 Planted
T H O C A N T O R O F C O R N 21 Card holding? Online subscriptions: Today’s puzzle and more than 7,000 past
O O M P H E A S Y S O F I A 23 Something puzzles, ($39.95 a year).
A B B I E S C A N A M E N S you shouldn’t
do around Read about and comment on each puzzle:
D O S E D S T Y X T O R A H Christmas
C4 | Friday, February 15, 2019 | The Union

California Lottery

ANNIE’S MAILBOX Feb. 14: Feb. 14: Feb. 13: 2-8-14-24-69

Stuff, stuff and more stuff

Midday: 7-6-6 1st: 9 Winning Spirit Powerball: 26
Evening: 3-5-7 2nd: 6 Whirl Win Jackpot: $260 million
3rd: 2 Lucky Star
Time: 1:43.41
Dear Annie: Can hoarding has to cross. Build up her DAILY 4 SUPER LOTTO
be cured? If not, I’ve reached self-esteem.
the end of my rope. You feel that her shopping
Feb. 14: 6-5-9-3
My dear wife of more than and stuff are more important Feb. 12: 15-32-39-50-65 Feb. 13: 8-26-33-40-46
Mega number: 13
30 years, who does not work than you, while the reality is FANTASY 5 Mega number: 7
Jackpot: $19 million
outside the home, has filled that she feels a void within Feb. 14: 20-27-28-29-34 Jackpot: $190 million
up our attic, two rented stor- herself that she is trying to
age spaces and one bedroom fill with stuff — a void that
with so much useless stuff ANNIE LANE can be filled, at least partially,
that you cannot walk into
any of them. Our own bed-
Columnist with your love and support.
Try to encourage small
room has stacks of papers, marriage. If her shopping and victories. Perhaps she cleans Fill in the grid so that every
books and clothes all around. her stuff are more important out one closet. Really praise row, every column, and
And now she has started to than I am, then I’m done with her for that. In addition, try every 3x3 box contains the
fill yet another bedroom with the marriage. — Husband of to give your wife a feeling digits 1 through 9. Tips and
stuff. She shops every day a Hoarder of control. Ask her how you computer program at:
— online and on TV in the Dear Husband of a Hoard- could help in the decluttering
morning and then in stores er: In short, the answer to process as a partner. The last
in the afternoon. I don’t your question is yes, hoarding and probably most important Solution to previous puzzle
even want to think about can be “cured” — or at least point is to seek professional
how much money she has reduced — but it is going to help together. Your wife is
spent on all this stuff. And take some effort on your part, not alone in this. Therapy has
she won’t give away or throw as well. Your wife’s hoarding been known to really help
away anything. is less about the accumulation marriages in which hoarding
I can’t handle it any longer. of things and more about an is an issue.
The clutter is unbearable. emotional meaning that they You could also try reading
When I ask her how we could give her. Before you throw in a book by Marie Kondo, “The
reduce it, she shrieks back at the towel and say goodbye to Life-Changing Magic of Tidy-
me with excuses about how your “dear wife” (that word- ing Up: The Japanese Art of
she has had such a hard day ing leads me to believe that Decluttering and Organizing.”
and she can’t deal with it you do care deeply about her), Sometimes, focusing on the
because of other things she is there are some clear action benefits of fixing a problem Our business is to
thinking about or doing. She steps you can take. serves as great motivation
help your business

literally yells at me. Try to help her focus on to take the steps necessary
So it comes to this. If there the underlying needs that are to solve the problem. In
is any way to help her and not being met and leading other words, living in a clean,
help us get back to a normal her to hoard. You might be uncluttered house improves We understand the need
to target your advertising
household without piles of surprised at how you can help people’s overall joy and message very specifically
junk and two rented store- her fill some of those needs. happiness. in the age of information
rooms, then I want to give Tell her that though you are overload. We offer a suite of
our marriage a shot. But if annoyed with the hoarding, Send your questions for services, from web to print
to direct mail. We want to
experts say hoarding is incur- there is so much more to Annie Lane to dearannie@ help you reach your clients.
able, then I’m done with this her than this one hurdle she The combined net reach of
The Union and TheUnion.
com is 75% of Western
ASK THE DOCTORS Nevada County households.

Minimize risk by not ingesting raw oysters

Let’s work together
toward your success.
Dear Doctor: My wife and from coastal waters or estu-
I love raw oysters. Whenev- aries. Lemon juice and hot
er they’re on the menu, we sauce have no effect on Vibrio
always order a dozen or even vulnificus.
two. But I recently read that For those cooking seafood
someone died from some at home, always throw away
Follow the latest news at TheUnionNOW
kind of bacterial infection any oysters, clams or mussels
livestream at
after eating them. Just how
risky are they? ELIZABETH KO AND
with shells that have opened
prior to cooking or shucking.
NOW Sign up for The Union’s FREE*
Dear Reader: We are aware EVE GLAZIER In addition: breaking news text alerts,
of at least two instances in Columnists — Boil in the shell for at by texting UnionNews to 86677
2018 when someone died least three minutes in order to *Cellphone carrier fees may apply
after eating raw oysters. The kill the bacterium.
cause was infection with a among individuals who ingest — When steaming, cook GET IN THE KNOW NOW!
bacterium known as Vibrio it in raw shellfish is a systemic for at least four minutes.

vulnificus, which lives in same blood infection known as Any oysters that do not open
marine environments that primary septicemia. This in- during cooking should go into
support oysters. fection can be life-threatening the trash.
Infection with Vibrio and must be treated in a hos- — When frying or broiling,

vulnificus is the leading pital as quickly as possible. set the timer for at least three
cause of death in the United Also, Vibrio vulnificus is a minutes. Broiled oysters need
States associated with eating so-called “flesh eating” bacte- to be no more than three
seafood. Symptoms typical- rium that can cause necrotiz- inches away from the heat

ly begin between 24 and 48 ing fasciitis if it enters an open source.
hours after eating something wound. This is a fast-moving — Baked oysters need at
contaminated with the bac- infection that causes wide- least 10 minutes in a 450-de-
terium. These symptoms in- spread tissue death. Treat- gree oven.
clude nausea, vomiting, fever, ment includes antibiotics and Always keep cooked and
chills, diarrhea, skin lesions
and shock. If anyone who has
eaten raw shellfish experienc-
supportive care. For those
who develop necrotizing fasci-
itis, aggressive wound therapy
raw seafood separate to avoid
cross-contamination. And, as
with all cooking, wash your
es any of these symptoms, he may include amputation. hands often.
Presented by
or she should seek immediate People with weakened im-
medical care. Be sure to tell mune systems are at greater Eve Glazier, M.D., MBA, is an
the physician or health care risk from Vibrio vulnificus internist and associate professor
professional what was eaten infection. of medicine at UCLA Health.
and when. If you want to protect your- Elizabeth Ko, M.D., is an
The bacterium can attack self, don’t eat raw oysters or internist and assistant professor
on two fronts. Most common raw or undercooked seafood of medicine at UCLA Health.

HOROSCOPE/ASTROGRAPH “Calling All Employers!”

IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTH- for you to tackle. Connect with your next hire
DAY: Spread your wings
and try something new this
year. Getting involved in
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22):
You need to explore and ex-
perience life. If you take part
March 28, 2019 10am-2pm
events, activities or pro- in interesting events, you Grass Valley Veterans Hall
grams that will enhance will meet someone who in-
your life mentally, physi- spires you to be more active 255 S. Auburn St. Grass Valley
cally or financially should in your community.
be your intent. Stay on top EUGENIA LAST LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23):
Recruiting Tips & Tools
of what’s going on around Columnist Don’t get into a senseless
you and take advantage of argument. If something is Highlight your business, meet potential employees
a chance to make a positive get you moving. Physical bothering you, engage in an Employers/vendors: Sliding scale. Includes one table, covering, skirt and
change. improvements will lead to enjoyable activity and give two chairs, unless otherwise noted. Snacks provided for vendors.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. compliments, romance and yourself a chance to rethink
19): Plan to have fun. Sur- a healthier lifestyle. your options.
round yourself with people GEMINI (May 21-June 20): SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 0-25 $50 Space is limited.
who make you smile. So- Don’t trust everyone you 22): Taking a day trip or get- 26-50 $100 Deadline:
cializing will ease stress and encounter. Someone will say ting together with someone 51-150 $150 March 12, 2019
lead to valuable connections. whatever it takes to per- you haven’t seen for some
151+ $200 (2 tables, 4 chairs)
A financial opportunity is suade you to do something time will revive old dreams Call Laci Lund
within reach. you should avoid. Be smart, and promote new possibili- for more information
PISCES (Feb. 20-March
20): Put your imagination
moderate and prepared to
say no.
ties. Love and romance are
in the stars. 20% discount (530) 477-4208
to work to come up with a CANCER (June 21-July 22): SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23- for Chamber members or NCAOR
great plan. Lend a helping Share your thoughts and Dec. 21): Stick to the truth
hand, but don’t let anyone feelings with someone you and only offer what you can. OR 15% discount
take you for granted. care about. Getting along If you want positive change for early registration
ARIES (March 21-April 19): and finding solutions that to take place, you must begin (prior to February 28, 2019)
A change will do you good, will benefit everyone will en- with facts and have a solid
but don’t make it so obvious courage greater stability and plan in place. Presented by Nevada County Association (NCAOR) of Realtors, Nevada County
Regional Chambers of Commerce and Nevada County Business & Career Network/
that it also causes problems security at home and work. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. Alliance for Workplace Development, Inc. in partnership with The Union
Great People Connecting Communities
for you. Balance, integrity LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): 19): Don’t feel that you must
and fair play should be in- A change is only good if it make a change just because
JobFair % OFF
corporated into your plans. doesn’t lead to debt and someone else does. If you
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): stress. Weigh the pros and follow your instincts and do
Do something exhilarating. cons before you plunge into what’s best for you, you’ll Participant any recruitment packages which include
Participate in activities that something that needs ad- achieve peace of mind and the Grass Valley Union print and web editions & Job
will test your stamina and justments before it’s suitable personal success. Boards. (One time offer)

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