STS Notes Chapter 7 10
STS Notes Chapter 7 10
STS Notes Chapter 7 10
DIFFERENT ERAS (that paved the way for the ACCESS TO INFORMATION
Information Age)
Renaissance Era o Achieved the flow of information
o Create the idea of inventions, which o First developed by the US Department of
were used to develop modern the Defense
inventions o To ensure that information could still be
Scientific Revolution disseminated in case of attack during a war
o Introduce important scientists such as ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency
Galileo, Copernicus, and Isaac Newton Network)
o Their discoveries led to the o The network that ultimately evolved into
development of modern tools, what we know as the internet
inventions, and innovations o Used mainly by scientists to communicate
Industrial Revolution with other scientists
o Brought major changes in agriculture, o Remained under government control until
manufacturing, mining, transportation, 1984
most especially in communication & World Wide Web (WWW)
information technology o Led to more access to information
o Simply referred as the Web
TIMELINE OF THE IMPORTANT DEVELOPMENTS OF o Aug. 23, 1991, users accessed the WWW
INFORMATION AGE for the first time
o Paving the way for the dependence on
ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and internet
Computer) o Web – “combination of all resources and
o First electronic general-purpose computer users on the internet that are using the
o Start date for the modern era of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP); and
information age the universe of network-accessible
o February 15, 1946 information, and embodiment of human
o Built by John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert knowledge.” (Rouse, 2017)
o Used by the US Army to compute World
War II ballistic firing tablets INTERNET
o ENIAC’s field of application: weather
prediction, atomic-energy calculations, A global network of networks
cosmic-ray studies, thermal ignition, To illustrate, an infrastructure
random-number studies, wind-tunnel A big bookstore
design, and other scientific uses.
o Became obsolete because of the need for WEB
faster computing speeds
o Computers were very bulky A collection of information which is accessed via
o ENIAC used panel-to-panel wiring and internet
switches for programming To illustrate, web is service on top of that
o Occupied 1,000+ sq. ft., used 18k vacuum infrastructure
tubes, weighed 30 tons A collection of books on that bookstore
Invention and development of computers and mobile Fastest and most powerful type of computer
phones provided a major defining event that Very expensive
accelerated the advent of Information Age Employed for specialized applications that
require immense amounts of mathematical
8.2.1 Computers calculations
Technopedia – defines a computer as “a machine or Channels all its power into executing a few
device that performs processes, calculations and programs as fast as possible
operations based on instructions provided by a Can execute a single program faster than a
software or hardware program. It is designed to execute mainframe
applications and provides a variety of solutions by Ex. application: weather forecasting, animated
combining integrated hardware and software graphics, fluid dynamic calculations, nuclear
components.” energy research, petroleum exploration
Inskip et al. – examined temporal trends in Figure 8.7 What Data Privacy Act of 2012 entails
brain cancer incidence rates using data 8.4.4 Cybercrime
collected by Surveillance, Epidemiology and
End Results Program, found out the incidence Techopedia defines cybercrime as – “a crime in which a
do not support that cellular phone use causes computer is the object of the crime (hacking, phishing,
brain cancer spamming) or is used as a tool to commit an offense
Hardell et al. –investigates the use of mobile (child pornography, hate crimes).”
phone and the risk of malignant brain tumors,
confirmed the results of an association between Cybercrime Prevention Act of the Philippines
RA Act No. 10175 Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 Depression
penalizes offenses against the confidentiality, integrity
Elison et al. – social media users may and availability of computer data and system, such as
experience decreased depression due to illegal access, illegal interference, data interference,
perceived social support, and life satisfaction. system interference, misuse of devices, and
Figure 8.8 Effect of Social Media to the User Accidents
8.4.5 Fake News
RA Act No. 10913 Anti-Distracted Driving Act of 2016 –
“bans the use of a mobile communications devices to
Fake news – aka junk news or pseudo-news, as a “type o Encompasses all kinds of life forms,
of yellow journalism or propaganda that consists of from single-celled to the largest multi-
deliberate disinformation of hoaxes. celled organisms
o Includes variety of organisms & all
Species richness – variety is commonly
9.1 Overview of Biodiversity
measured by counting all species in an area
Biodiversity (Biological Diversity) o Species count is weighted differently for
each species
Encompasses the variety of all life on earth o Number of species in a region, and their
The biodiversity that makes up the earth today abundance relative in that area (species
is the outcome of over 3 billion years of evenness)
evolutionary history Another way of weighing species diversity is to
Continuously shaped by natural processes and recognize the unique biodiversity in
greatly by the influence of humans environments that contain few species but
It forms the web of life in which we greatly unusual ones
depend Biodiversity plays a major role in the dynamics
of the relationship between biotics and abiotics
Figure 9.1 the Biodiversity of the Earth Understanding biodiversity within the concept
of ecosystem is important in order to predict
bacteria, fungi, animals, the sustainability of life in a certain area
5000protists, 63665 280000
o Ex.
Biodiversity encompasses: living organisms are
numerous and interacts with one another and
plants, with non-living things
insects, 240000 These organisms are: abundant in habitats that
900000 contains the food and other requirements they
need in order to live
o They have different metabolic
characteristics, growth, and
reproductive patterns and that
Global importance is reflected in the: biodiversity is essential to human
o Frequent usage of the term not just in survival
the academe, also by politicians,
advocates conservationists, scientists
Difficulties in coming up with a universal,
objective, and scientific definition:
o Hard to exclude something from such a
broad term Biotic – all living organisms within an ecosystem
o Hard to aggregate all the definitions of (plants, animals, fungi, and other living things)
biodiversity because its definition o Abiotic – all non-living things in an
depends on what values are important ecosystem
to the one defining it Ecology – study of organisms in their house or
1992 Convention on Biological Diversity – the place they live in.
defined biodiversity as “the variability among o Derived from the Greek word: oikos
living organisms from all sources including, inter which means house
alia, terrestrial, marine and other aquatic o A study of living things, their interaction
ecosystems and the ecological complexes of with one another, and their
which they are part: this includes diversity environment.
within species, between species, and of o A discipline which attempts to
ecosystems.” understand the complex web of
linkages, relationships and
interdependencies in the ecosystem or Biological Community – an ecosystem houses a
environment. population of a wide range of species that
Ecosystem – life forms of plants, animals, and interacts with one another
non-living things that belong in an organized o Interaction and survival is greatly
unit. affected by abiotic factors such as
o Encompasses the biotic and abiotic temperature, air, pH, water and light
component in an environment , as well
as their relationship and interactions 9.2.4 Functional Diversity
o Provides habitats for various organisms
The range of things an organism does in
Fauna – all of the animal life within a specified
communities and ecosystems.
region, time period, or both
The manner by which species behave, obtain
o Flora – groups of indigenous plants in
food, and use natural resources in an
an ecosystem of a geographical region |
derived from floral which means fowers
Generally, ecosystem with high species diversity
Relative Abundance – relative proportions of
is more functionally diverse because there are
different species in an ecosystem
more species with differing traits
Trophic Structure – answers the question of
Useful for ecologists trying to conserve or
who eats who? The feeding relations of the
restore its damages because knowing
species in a community or an ecosystem
determine the flow of energy and nutrient 9.3 Importance of Biodiversity
cycles. | determines the biological organization
of a community It is the source of our food, shelter, medicine,
and clothes
9.2 Types of Biodiversity It is where we derive raw materials for various
activities that sustain us (industrial and
commercial activities)
Forests Fish Disease
Central importance to and largely determines
economies, health, culture, food security, and
Wetlands Crab Varied diet
environmental conditions
Savannahs Snail Body size
It is the life support system of all living beings
Rivers Frog Climate
Figure 10.1 5 Principal Groups of Modern Figure 10.4 Illustration of the 5 most commonly
Biotechnology approved GMO traits for food and crops