BS3 &amp BS4 Finance and Ops MGMT

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Name - 08 December 2021

Theory and Key Terms Covered as of 30th November 2010

Guidance on Revision:
Little and often is the key. Revision can be boring and you can find yourself being distracted. You
should never plan to revise for more than one hour at a time and you should make sure that you
are DOING something active to revise.

The best way to revise is to:

1. Summarise notes
2. Review and test yourself on key terms
3. Plan associated past paper questions
4. Write full answers to past paper questions
5. Review your responses against the mark scheme / your previous response done in class
6. Teacher somebody else the theory you have learnt

How you should use this key terms summary:

 Look at the details from the specification
 Organise your notes in your folder to ensure you have materials which cover all of the
 If you have gaps, look if there are support materials on the P drive or the blog
 Summarise key themes for each section
 Ensure your summaries include definitions of the key terms
 The revise as per the guidance above

DO NOT just learn the key terms. Details from the specification tell you what you should be able to
do with this knowledge.

I am available to help you, but you must try to solve your own problems first. You must also ask me
specific questions, which demonstrate you have tried to help yourself.

Exam Dates:
BS3 - Friday 10th June 2011
BS4 - Monday 20th June 2011

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Name - 08 December 2021

BS3 – Business Analysis

Details from the Specification Associated Key Terms

Profit and loss accounts and balance sheets of 1. Sales revenue
limited companies. 2. Variable costs
3. Gross profit
4. Fixed costs
5. Operating profit
6. Non-operating income
7. Finance income
8. Finance cost
9. Profit before tax
10. Corporation tax
11. Profit after tax
12. Dividends
13. Retained profit
14. Fixed assets
15. Current assets
16. Current liabilities
17. Net current assets / working capital
18. Net assets
19. Long term liabilities
20. Share capital
21. Reserves / Retained profit
22. Capital employed

Profitability ratios: the calculation, 23. Gross profit margin

interpretation and importance of these ratios. 24. Net profit margin
25. Return on capital employed (ROCE)
Liquidity ratios: the calculation, interpretation 26. Current ratio
and importance of these ratios. 27. Acid test ratio

The distinction between profitability and

liquidity and their relative importance.

Gearing ratio: the calculation, interpretation and 28. Gearing ratio

importance of this ratio.

Limitations of ratio analysis and the importance 29. Quantitative data

of inter-business and historical comparisons. 30. Qualitative data

Window dressing – the ability of firms to make 31. Window dressing

decisions which affect their apparent 32. Methods of window dressing
performance in their published accounts.

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Name - 08 December 2021

Details from the Specification Associated Key Terms

Non-financial methods of judging business 33. Market share
performance. 34. Sales targets
35. Productivity
36. Environmental impact
37. Quality
38. Customer satisfaction.

BS4 – Finance and Accounting

Details from the Specification Associated Key Terms

Budgetary control: preparing budgets, reviewing 39. Budget
performance against budgets. Budgets as an aid 40. Expenditure budget
to decision making. 41. Income budget
42. Capital budget
43. Profit budget
44. Variance
45. Favourable variance
46. Adverse variance
47. Sources of information for budget setting
48. Zero-budgeting

Costing methods 49. Absorption costing

50. Methods of apportioning direct costs
51. Contribution costing
52. Standard costing
53. Special orders

Cost and profit centres: nature and purpose of 54. Cost centre
cost and profit centres. Impact on 55. Profit centre
accountability and use for benchmarking. 56. Methods used to divide up the business into
cost or profit centres

Investment appraisal: quantitative and 57. Net cash inflows from an investment
qualitative factors effecting business decisions. 58. Payback period
59. Average rate of return
60. Net present value
61. Discount factor
62. Qualitative factors influencing investment
63. Impact on workforce – redundancies /
64. Impact on customer service
65. Competitive advantage
66. Environmental impact

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Name - 08 December 2021

Details from the Specification Associated Key Terms

Depreciation: its relevance and calculation. 67. Depreciation
68. Historic cost
69. Residual value
70. Resale value
71. Straight line method of depreciation
72. Purpose of depreciation

BS4 – Operations Management

Details from the Specification Associated Key Terms

Decision trees: purpose, construction, 73. Decision point
interpretation, benefits and limitations. 74. Chance node
75. Probability
76. Predicted profit or loss

Critical path analysis: purpose, construction of 77. Network diagram

networks, interpretation, benefits and 78. Node number
limitations. 79. Earliest start time
80. Latest finish time
81. Identifying the critical path
82. Total float
83. Free float

Cost benefit analysis: strengths and weaknesses 84. Private costs

of CBA in practice. 85. Private benefits
86. External costs
87. External benefits
88. Intangible factors
89. Value judgement

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Name - 08 December 2021

Details from the Specification Associated Key Terms

Waste management: methods, costs, benefits, 90. Social costs
problems and ethical issues. 91. Social benefits
92. Pollution
93. Congestion
94. Noise
95. Destruction of the environment
96. Waste disposal
97. Government regulation
98. Taxation
99. Subsidies
100. Pollution permits
101. Consumer pressure
102. Environmental audit
103. Conservation
104. Private costs of being more
environmentally friendly as a business
105. Private benefits of being more
environmentally friendly as a business

Out-sourcing: nature, benefits and problems. 106. Outsourcing

107. Off-shoring

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