Hamza Khan CV

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Room 201/M-2,LUMS Boys Hostel,LUMS,Opposite Sector U,DHA,Lahore,Pakistan

[email protected]
Date Of Birth: November 7,1993


Lahore University Of Management Sciences(LUMS)

BSc. Accounting and Finance(ACF)


USAID (ASP-LUMS) 01 July2014 to 31st Aug 2014

-Got selected for the USAID (ASP-LUMS) internship program and worked at KBL
Microfinance bank in the Finance dept. as per the deployment orders from USAID to work on
MSME loans project. Prepared case studies related to Loan appraisal for SME .Project was
worth PKR 3.0 million.
Kansai Paints 01 June 2014 to 30 June 2014
-Interned for Sales and Marketing dept. at Kansai Paints and managed sales in the
Islamabad & KPK region. Won the biddings for certain organizations & institutions like NUST ,
M. Wali Khan University Mardan& Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission.
RSMi Audit firm 22 June 2013 to 06 Aug 2013
-Worked as an Audit intern in RSMi Audit firm and conducted project audit of USAID
funded project ( Regional Financial integration of Stock exchanges in the SAARC region) which
was being executed by SAFE (South Asian Federation of Exchanges) and was worth PKR 5
Askari bank limited 15 June 2012 to 15 Aug 2012
-Worked as an intern in Askari bank ltd. for a period of 2 months in the Customer
relations and Operations department. Customer complaints and queries were handled as per
the bank guidelines.
United bank limited 20 Dec 2012 to 20 Jan 2013
-Joined United bank limited as an intern for 1 month where I learned how to manage
customer accounts, e-state e ts a d the o erall use of the a ki g soft are sig ature used
in UBL.
WWF Pakistan 2012
-Worked as an eco-intern with WWF Pakistan in the summer of 2012 to work on
environmentally sustainable projects ,CSR and Green economy.
Islamabad Stock Exchange 2013
-Worked as an intern in the Islamabad Stock Exchange in the investor relations ,
compliance , listings and billings department.Matters relating to investor queries were handled
in accordance with the ISE Charter and SECP Rules and Regulations.

-Relevant Course Works:

Brand Management-Social Media Marketing-HRM-Marketing-Strategic Business Management-

Corporate Financial Reporting-Calculus-Writing and Communication-Auditing-BusinessLaw-
Organizational Behavior-Advanced Dispute Resolution Methods-Commercial Banking -Financial
Information Systems-Applied Corporate Finance.

-Research Work:

Financial Information Systems 2014

-E aluated Mit hell’s Foods “ales Pro ess i relatio to the IT Go er a e stru ture a d
identified the flaws in the process that might lead to inefficiencies or fraudulent activities in the
sales process.
Finance 2012
-Made a complete business plan ranging from enterprise to financial level matters regarding a
hypothetical new startup namely Green Roof Toppings .
Macroeconomics 2012
-Resear h ork o Brazil’s real i terest rates a d reaso ’s for their flu tuatio s i the past.
Marketing 2013
-Research paper on Consumer Behavior towards bottled waters.
-Business research report on Entrepreneurial concept of online virtual shopping stores covering
all aspects ranging from Enterprise, Operations & Strategic level issues.
Human Resource Management 2013
-Research paper on Effectiveness of interviews in the HR management processes ranging from
recruitments to job appraisals.
-Evaluation of HR policies of SchazooZaka Pharmaceuticals Lahore and improvement
Organizational Behavior 2013
Research report on Group dynamics and the Big five personality traits (OCEAN) influence on the
members in a group setting and their impact on the group creativity as a whole.
Auditing 2013
-Conducted Mock Audit of a hypothetical firm named Kaynes foods Limited in my Auditing
course. The Audit o ered all topi s ra gi g fro Fi a ial “tate e t’s audit to asi le el IT
processes audit.
Commercial Banking 2014
-Research work on the Pros and Cons of Advanced technology (such as mobiles , internet) in the
modern banking industry.
Brand Management 2014
Conducted Brand Audit of La udi.pk ; A o li e real estate tradi g platfor .
-Skills and Experience:

-Good Interpersonal and presentation skills

-Good Communication skills.
-Proficient knowledge of spreadsheets and Word processors
-Basic Coral Draw & Adobe Photoshop.

-HONORS AND AWARDS/ Extracurricular:

PKR 50000 Scholarship 2014

Got selected for a USAID funded internship worth PKR 50,000. Later permanent placement
Jo as offered as ell i Khushhali Mi rofi a e Ba k’s Risk Ma age e t
Department.Khushhali bank is a partner of USAID in the microfinance sector in Pakistan.
Gold Medalist 2009,2011
Was among the Top five students throughout Pakistan in the intermediate HSSC-1 exam taken
under FBISE.Got1st Position in District Mianwali in the Matriculation and 2nd position in the
Intermediate examinations throughout my district (Mianwali) held under FBISE.
Punjab Boys Scouts Association 2010
Member Of the Punjab Boys Scouts Association since 2006 and won 2nd Prize through Punjab
District in Hun-e-Qira’at competition. Actively participated in the PKR 1 million Fund Raising
a ti ities for Mia ali distri t’s Flood Affectees.
Member Security & Registrations 2012
Member Security & RegistrationsDepartment for 2012 Sports Festival of SLUMS(SPORTS AT
LUMS).Ensured successful execution of the event.
Assistant Director 2013
Assistant DirectorAccommodations in the SPADES (Society for Promotion , Advancement &
Development of Engineering & Sciences) society at LUMS.Arranged Rooms and logistics relating
to stay of the visiting students for the event at LUMS.
Member host team 2013
Member of the host team LUMS Business Initiative event held under Managerial Society at
LUMS.Mainly managed the Registrations activities before and during the event.
Certificate of recognition-Class Participation 2013
Got the certificate of recognition for best score in class participation in the Marketing class at
Marketing , Sales , Finance , Risk Management , Corporate Social Responsibility, Current Affairs ,

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