Personify360 7.7.0 Release Notes
Personify360 7.7.0 Release Notes
Personify360 7.7.0 Release Notes
Version 7.7.0
October 2018
Table of Contents
Introduction ............................................................................. 4
Features .................................................................................. 4
National Change of Address ................................................................................ 4
Questionnaires Everywhere ................................................................................. 5
Payment Schedules Online .................................................................................. 6
Pricing By World Bank Region ............................................................................ 7
Populate Purchasing Groups ............................................................................... 8
Coupons in CRM360 ............................................................................................. 8
Membership Join/Renew Enhancements............................................................ 9
Additional Enhancements .................................................................................. 10
Architecture and Third-Party Support Upgrades ............................................. 15
Marketing ............................................................................................................. 26
Meetings .............................................................................................................. 27
Membership ......................................................................................................... 27
Moves Management ............................................................................................ 28
Notifications ........................................................................................................ 28
Orders .................................................................................................................. 28
Packages ............................................................................................................. 30
Products .............................................................................................................. 30
SSO/IMS ............................................................................................................... 31
Subscriptions ...................................................................................................... 31
Third-Party Integrations ..................................................................................... 32
The Personify360 7.7.0 release includes new features, as well as resolved issues. This
document describes the features added and provides general explanations of the resolved
issues. It also includes technical changes and upgrade instructions.
Questionnaires Everywhere
Prior to Personify360 version 7.7.0, questionnaires could only be defined for Meeting
products. As of 7.7.0, that functionality has been expanded to allow questionnaires to be
added to all subsystems, giving organizations not only the opportunity to personalize the
member experience and deliver greater value, but also greater opportunities for members to
self-serve and manage their own data updates.
For membership products, there is also a new, configurable Demographics control to allow
population of those answers to write back to the constituent record.
Looking to add flexibility to your annual membership? Want to attract members who may be
unable to pay for an annual membership up front? In Personify360 version 7.7.0, Personify
has added an enhancement to eBusiness to allow users to select a monthly payment
schedule for their membership products.
The user can choose to pay for the full year all at once (defined from a 1-year rate code) or
pay in monthly installments while paying the first installment upfront (defined from the 1-year
installment rate code).
As of Personify360 version 7.7.0, pricing can be defined based on World Bank Region.
Membership and other products can be made more affordable depending on the customer’s
location. This feature allows organizations to serve emerging or upcoming markets, and
provides opportunities to share and expand on research, driving non-dues revenue.
Enhancements include a new System Type for World Bank Region and codes for Low,
Medium, and High, as well as the ability to associate a country with a particular World Bank
Region. This feature is available from the Personify360 back office client, PersonifyGO,
Personify eBusiness, and when using the ORD650 TRS process.
As of Personify360 version 7.7.0, a new TRS process called PGR100 has been created to
populate purchasing groups. Organizations can use the new process to pull a list from Data
Analyzer to populate the purchasing groups, making purchases more accessible to more
Using Data Analyzer, organizations will be able to generate a simple or complex list to
populate a purchasing group in bulk.
Coupons in CRM360
As of Personify360 version 7.7.0, coupons earned and used by a customer now display on a
new task in CRM360. This features provides insight into constituent engagement by
providing more accessible constituent data. Information displayed includes what coupons
are available versus used, expiration dates for each coupon, and quick links to the order the
coupon was earned or used on.
Enhancements have been made to the online membership join and renew workflows,
allowing users to change or add a chapter membership, associated subscriptions, and
Special Interest Groups during the workflow.
Additional Enhancements
ORD650 now has a new parameter added to renew payment schedules. This feature will
save staff time and improve the order renewals process.
ZIP100 now has a new parameter added to allow inclusion or exclusion of USPS approved
city misspellings. This features allows organizations to manage their own city data and
prevent confusion when selecting cities when entering a constituent’s address.
A new, configurable web control has been added for Personify360 version 7.7.0 allowing
your organization to add reCAPTCHA security across several areas of your website,
including when adding a new credit card, checking out, during membership join, one click
donation, and guest checkout. This feature improves security across your eBusiness site.
As of Personify360 version 7.7.0, the launch screens within the Personify360 back office
client have been redesigned to have a more modern and clean look and feel. The launch
screens that have redesigned include the Product Launch, Marketing Launch,
Communication Launch, Accounting Central Launch, Advertising Central Launch, FND
Launch, and Volunteer Central Launch screens, as well as the Constituent Header,
Constituent Placeholder Avatars, and the Personify360 Home Screen.
For Personify360 version 7.7.0, many customer-facing reports have been redesigned to
have a more modern and clean look and feel. Reports that have been redesigned include
the Customer Profile Report (CRM1000), Donor Profile Reports (FND1210, FND1211),
Committee Rosters, Meeting Rosters, Acknowledgement Letters, Pledge Reminder Letters,
and Order Invoices (ORD660).
Notification Enhancements
Updates to Notifications include the ability to resend a notification using a Resend Email
button, allowing your organization to quickly remediate member satisfaction issues.
Additionally, organizations now have the ability to add an ICS calendar file directly within a
notification. Recipients of the notification email will be able to click an Add to Calendar link to
add meetings and events to their default email client calendar.
In Personify360 version 7.7.0 clients now have the ability to render their eBusiness site in
the language of their choosing. This version includes a resource file that allows someone
with technical experience to customize the labels of eBusiness controls without the need to
modify source code or recompile.
Meeting Attendance
Personify360 version 7.7.0 includes the ability to hide or show meeting attendees on the
web, allowing your organization to maintain meeting attendee privacy where necessary or
desired. This feature includes a new web control configuration on the Meeting Detail page
that allows for hiding meeting attendees.
French addresses are able to be entered correctly when the ‘Include a Standard
Address’ check box is not checked. However, when it is checked French addresses
are not entered correctly. This is a PBBI issue.
Rural to Urban address conversion takes place correctly when ‘Include a Standard
Address’ check box is checked. However, it does not work correctly when the check
box is unchecked.
Thycotic DLL
Resolved Issues
When the user attempted to run EFT680 for a product with the short pay rule set
to ADJUST, the process did not activate the order and the transaction entries
were not distributed.
(TFS: 10857; SFDC: 1045)
When the user attempted to perform an advanced adjustment for an FND
product when no default accounts were set for the FND subsystem, they
received an error and were unable to perform the adjustment.
(TFS: 10859; SFDC: 1064)
When the Allow Price Update flag was checked on a membership product with
dues basis defined, upon renewal the renewed order was not recalculated when
the dues basis changed.
(TFS: 10914; SFDC: 1043)
When a user with a preferred currency that was not USD attempted to check out
on the web, non-USD receipt types were not available for payment.
(TFS: 12276; SFDC: 1571)
When the user adjusted the price of an order with a 100% discount, the revenue
was not adjusted when selecting the Adjust the Revenue or Adjust Revenue to
Zero option.
(TFS: 13480; SFDC: 1981)
When the user checked the Automatically Renew checkbox on an order with no
Auto-Pay method defined, the auto-pay was automatically set to Credit Card,
which when saved displayed an error message.
(TFS: 14067; SFDC: 2367)
When the user renewed a membership order with the Block Tax checkbox
checked, the renewal order did not have the Block Tax checkbox checked and
tax was charged on the renewal order.
(TFS: 14085; SFDC: 2379)
When the user attempted to write off an order line balance on a cancelled order
with a refund, they received an error message and were unable to perform the
(TFS: 14182; SFDC: 2435)
When the user ran FAR680 for an order in a foreign currency where the
exchange rate was different for different order lines, the exchange rate was not
calculated correctly.
(TFS: 14321; SFDC: 2539)
When the user clicked the Calculate Discount and Shipping button to recalculate
the order pricing on an order with a Manual Override discount, the order amounts
changed and a Debit/Credit memo was created for the order.
(TFS: 14372; SFDC: 2564)
When the user selected Line Receipt as the Transfer Mode for a receipt transfer,
the number zero did not display by default in the Line drop-down.
(TFS: 14386; SFDC: 2570)
When the user attempted to post a batch with a very large number of receipts,
the action timed out and the batch was not posted.
(TFS: 14409; SFDC: 2586)
When the user applied an overpayment to an order line with a MBR or MTG
product with the Short Pay set to Adjust and the Max Adjusted Price set to zero,
the overpayment was not applied correctly.
(TFS: 14447; SFDC: 2620)
When the user ran FAR610 with the Include Unapplied Receipts parameter set to
Y, the Customer Minimum Debit and Customer Minimum Credit amount
parameter fields were ignored for unapplied receipts.
(TFS: 14479; SFDC: 2637)
When the user reversed a write off transaction, the system did not reverse the
original account used for the write off, causing incorrect financials on the order.
(TFS: 14563; SFDC: 2708)
When the user attempted to save EFT information on an order where the bank
information already existed on the customer's record, an error message
(TFS: 14571; SFDC: 2714)
When the user attempted to select Asset accounts for the Fundraising
subsystem, only Revenue and Expense accounts were displayed in the chooser.
(TFS: 14620; SFDC: 2761)
When the user adjusted an order amount after revenue recognition, incorrect
credit/debit memo entries were created when the product was defined with two
revenue account pairs.
(TFS:14688, SFDC: 2821)
When the user ran the FAR695 process for an unapplied receipt with a write off,
the write off created did not match the balance.
(TFS: 27531; SFDC: 3012)
When the user attempted to only show certain report setups by checking the
Public checkbox on the default parameter setup screen, the checkbox did not
(TFS: 10883; SFDC: 1066)
When the user attempted to make changes to the report details for any online
report, the application type automatically changed from Online Report to Batch
(TFS: 12366; SFDC: 1594)
When a user who was not a Super User attempted to view the Submission
Status (TRS200) screen, the Mark Selected for Deletion button was not available
for selection.
(TFS: 12688; SFDC: 1687)
When the user attempted to use the scroll bar in a text box that was read-only,
they were unable to use the scroll bar or read the rest of the text within the box.
(TFS: 14209; SFDC: 2447)
When the user attempted to add a new Type to system types and codes, the
system opened the New Code screen, not allowing the user to select the
(TFS: 14458; SFDC: 2624)
When the system attempted to run a scheduled job where Org and Org Unit were
parameters, the default parameters were not retained and the job failed.
(TFS: 14483; SFDC: 2640)
When the user attempted to access the ORD660 Invoice report from the Print
Invoice task on the ORD001 screen, the company logo did not display on the
(TFS: 14493; SFDC: 2648)
When the user attempted to add new questions to the Question Definition Screen
(APP020), the Default Answer drop-down options always came from the APP
subsystem, regardless of the subsystem selected.
(TFS: 14582; SFDC: 2722)
When the user worked with large number of orders and receipts for extended
period of time, the application lags and had to be restarted.
(TFS: 27381; SFDC: 2900)
When two different constituents nominated the same nominee for an award, the
attachment provided by the first constituent was overwritten by the attachment
provided by the second constituent.
(TFS: 14172; SFDC: 2417)
When the user attempted to run the CRT500 process for a customer, the
credential description was not updated and credentials were only removed from
the Primary address.
(TFS: 12367; SFDC: 1595)
When the user attempted to cancel an order with a certifiation, the certification
remained as Pending on the customer's record.
(TFS: 13263; SFDC: 1827)
When a requirement was completed for a certification, the system updated the
CE credit value but did not mark the requirment option as completed.
(TFS: 14099; SFDC: 2384)
When the user entered Ad hoc CE credits without specifying the credit type and
then later entered additional CE credits with the type specified, the credits were
recorded but the option never moved to completed.
(TFS: 14134; SFDC: 2389)
When the user marked a requirement as completed on the CRT002 screen, the
Add to Transcript checkbox defaulted to checked.
(TFS: 14430; SFDC: 2607)
When the user attempted to view the ASCII Upload for Ad Hoc Transcript screen
(TRN005B) when a large number of records existed in the TRN_UPLOAD table,
the screen did not load.
(TFS: 14543; SFDC: 2690)
When adding a required exam to a transcript program, the grade code
autopopulated, but on save, the system displayed the Missing Property Viewer
window and prompted the user to enter a grade code value.
(TFS: 14718; SFDC: 2847)
When the user attempted to create a renewal for a certification with no expiration
date set, an error message displayed stating "Recertification program to be used
for renewal must not be expired" and the renewal was not created.
(TFS: 27332; SFDC: 2865)
When the user attempted to open a document saved to a committee under the
Maintain Minutes task in Committee Central, an error was displayed and the
document was not opened.
(TFS: 12621; SFDC: 1654)
When the user attempted to add a new committee member to a committee, the
end date and voting status were not auto-populated from committee structure.
(TFS: 13255; SFDC: 1822)
When the user returned multiple of the same product and ran CCP610 to settle
the refunds, only the first order line was refunded.
(TFS: 27488; SFDC: 2974)
When the user changed the type of customer being created during customer
creation from Individual to Company, fields that did not apply to company records
were not cleared, creating faulty data on the company record.
(TFS: 11003; SFDC: 1185)
When the user attempted to delete a customer alert, a confusing message
displayed in the pop-up confirmation box.
(TFS: 11086; SFDC: 1260)
When the user attempted to convert a prospect to a customer, the duplicate
check process prevented the prospect from being converted and no customer
record was created.
(TFS: 11179; SFDC: 1325)
When the user added a new list demographic for a customer in CRM360, the
cursor focus did not change to the correct input field.
(TFS: 11229; SFDC: 1402)
When the user attempted to select the "Mark as Bad and Add New" option for an
address in the FormattedAddressChooser window, the application crashed.
(TFS: 11313; SFDC: 1440)
When an address containing an ampersand was linked to a constituent and the
address was changed, the address was incorrectly truncated.
(TFS: 12238; SFDC: 1545)
by default.
(TFS: 14345; SFDC: 2547)
When the user attempted to merge two customers, the retained customer record
contained the primary email, phone, and fax of the merged customer.
(TFS: 14394; SFDC: 2577)
When the user added different credentials to a customer record, the
NAME_CREDENTIALS and LABEL_NAME columns in the Customer table did
not have spaces after the commas.
(TFS: 14437; SFDC: 2615)
When the user ran CUS530, the Latitude and Longitude values were not updated
on the Voter and Other Information screen for an address.
(TFS: 14547; SFDC: 2697)
When the user updated an address, the ADDRESS_STATUS_CODE was not
updated in both tables CUS_ADDRESS and CUS_ADDRESS_DETAIL, causing
the ADDRESS_STATUS_CODE to not be in sync.
(TFS: 14570; SFDC: 2585)
When the user attempted to add a new address to the customer record in
CRM360, they were able to leave the Address Line 1 field blank even though it
was set to required.
(TFS: 27366; SFDC: 2895)
When the user attempted to update the file for an ECD/DCD product with a new
file, the old file was not overwritten and was not updated.
(TFS: 10942; SFDC: 1113)
When the user attempted to use a specific address setup with the Country field
blank, the eBusiness My Account page did not function.
(TFS: 11068; SFDC: 1263)
When the user applied a market code that was not associated with any discount
to their Shopping Cart on the web, the text "Free" displayed after the market
code was applied.
(TFS: 13550; SFDC: 2031)
When the user attempted to view their certification status in the Certification
History control, the status did not display correctly.
(TFS: 13802; SFDC: 2202)
When the user attempted to add a Middle Name from the Name and
Demographics control on the web, the middle name was not updated in
Personfy360 Operations.
(TFS: 14204; SFDC: 2405)
When the user attempted to register for a multi-day meeting with a daily rate
setup defined, when the user changed the price from Standard to One Day and
then back to Standard without choosing a Daily rate, the user is unable to
proceed to the next step.
(TFS: 14206; SFDC: 2444)
When the user applied a 100% discount coupon during checkout on the web and
then removed the coupon, the order totals updated correctly but the user was
unable to process their payment and complete the order.
(TFS: 14214; SFDC: 2452)
When the user viewed an umbrella product with a preorder/backorder INV and
ECD product as linked products on the web, the Add to Cart button did not
(TFS: 14303; SFDC: 2529)
When the user attempted to register for a meeting on the web and had to reset
their password, they were not returned to the workflow correctly after completing
the password reset.
(TFS: 14331; SFDC: 2545)
When a meeting product was linked to a Transcript program, the CE credits
defined in the transcript program did not appear on the Product Listing, Product
Detail, Event Calendar, or Event Detail pages on the web.
(TFS: 14361; SFDC: 2555)
When the user attempted to make a donation on the web and used an already
existing email address, the email validation did not display and a duplicate
customer was created.
(TFS: 14370; SFDC: 2562)
When the user attempted to use the photo control to upload images on the web,
if they were not PNG files then they did not display.
(TFS: 14377; SFDC: 2566)
When a constituent had the Include Profile in Web/Mobile Directory flag
unchecked within CRM360, they still displayed within the Member Directory on
the web.
(TFS: 14378; SFDC: 2567)
When a new constituent record was created, the Include Profile in Web/Mobile
Directory flag defaulted to being unchecked.
(TFS: 14379; SFDC: 2568)
When a record was selected wihtin the online Member Directory, the Country
code displayed within the address on the details page instead of the Country
(TFS: 14380; SFDC: 2569)
When the user attempted to select the specific size/color combination under an
umbrella product on the web, the star rating of the umbrella product did not
(TFS: 14392; SFDC: 2576)
When the user attempted to use the Pay Open Orders control to pay for their
renewal membership order, after using a promo code that took the balance to
zero, no Complete Order button displayed.
(TFS: 14434; SFDC: 2613)
When an anonymous user attempted to donate on the web and the
corresponding FND donation product had a component that was out of stock, an
error message displayed and duplicate addresses were created for the donor.
(TFS: 14481; SFDC: 2639)
When the user attempted to go through the checkout process on the web, the
process incorrectly passed the primary address instead of the billing address to
the CCP_REQ_ANS table.
(TFS: 14610; SFDC: 2747)
When the user attempted to view the Pay Open Balances screen on the web, if
more than 60 orders existed for the customer then all orders did not display.
(TFS: 14626; SFDC: 2768)
When the user attempted to edit and change the product type of an umbrella
product in their Shopping Cart online, the system did now allow them to make
any changes.
(TFS: 27344; SFDC: 2876)
When the user attempted to add an HTML module to a page on the web, the
DNN Rich Text Editor did not work.
(TFS: 27351; SFDC: 2884)
When the user attempted to select their membership subscription benefits during
membership join on the web, the benefits displayed incorrectly.
(TFS: 27382; SFDC: 2901)
When the user attempted to add more than one of the same donation product to
their cart on the web, they received a duplicate product message in the cart.
(TFS: 27403; SFDC: 2917)
When the user attempted to purchase a BPA audited Subscription product on the
web and entered invalid credit card information, no validation message
(TFS: 27432; SFDC: 2940)
When the user purchased a zero-dollar product on the web, the order line for the
product was not updated to Active in the back office.
(TFS: 27502; SFDC: 2985)
When a new customer was created from the web, the Demographics Source
drop-down in the back office did not populate.
(TFS: 27536; SFDC: 3017)
When the user added a product to their cart on the web and then the product
became unavailable to view because the web display dates had ended, the price
displayed as FREE.
(TFS: 27547; SFDC: 3024)
When a company name had a prefix, the Company field on the meeting badge
was populated incorrectly online.
(TFS: 27560; SFDC: 3035)
When the user attempted to add a phone number with spaces on the web, an
error message displayed and the number was not saved.
(TFS: 27561; SFDC: 3036)
When the user ran EFT681, the Prenote Status was changed to
PRENOTE_FAILED and the Prenote Status date was removed.
(TFS: 14266; SFDC: 2510)
Group Management
When the user attempted to add a new individual in group management on the
web, after adding the individual's details and email address and moving to the
membership join workflow, the email address was not passed.
(TFS: 14211; SFDC: 2449)
When the user added a new employee with an address type of Home using
Company Group Management on the web, the new address did not display on
the employee's online profile.
(TFS: 14212; SFDC: 2450)
Inventoried Products
When the user attempted to run the INV2006 online report for a specific
Warehouse and Product Class, the generated report displayed products having
the specified Product Class but not belonging to the specified warehouse.
(TFS: 10941; SFDC: 1123)
When the user performed a price adjustment on a backordered product so that
the order balance was brought to 0, the line status for the product changed from
Backordered to Active.
(TFS: 10978; SFDC: 1156)
When the user attempted to select a product code that containted an ampersand
for the INV635 process, only the portion of the code prior to the ampersand was
(TFS: 13569; SFDC: 2043)
When the user attempted to purchase an INV product online where partial
inventory was available, the order line with quantity available was back-ordered
and the order line with the quantity not available was active.
(TFS: 13986; SFDC: 2331)
After the user returned an inventoried product, the FAR003a screen no longer
displayed the Warehouse Info fields.
(TFS: 14665; SFDC: 2795)
When the user attempted to submit the LCK100 process, when arriving at the
LCK001 screen, the user was able to enter an amount that was greater than
what was provided on the File Upload.
(TFS: 11163; SFDC: 1322)
When the user attempted to run the MKT500 process with the "Load Records for"
parameter set to Both, the system was unable to handle apostrophes in data
(TFS: 10875; SFDC: 1052)
When the user attempted to create a List Communication from the MKT006
screen, the selected Send Mode was not retained upon moving to the second
(TFS: 13316; SFDC: 1865)
When the user ran the MKT800 process, non-active customers were not
considered skipped records and were included in the processed list.
(TFS: 13583; SFDC: 2055)
When the user attempted to search for a Prospect customer list on the MKT003
screen, an error displayed and the ProspectChooser did not display.
(TFS: 13835; SFDC: 2223)
When the user attempted to create a list code on the MKT002 screen after
changing the Org Unit, an error was displayed.
(TFS: 14593; SFDC: 2727)
When the user clicked the Show Meetings Dashboard link on the MTGCentral
screen, the dashboard was not displayed.
(TFS: 12266; SFDC: 1565)
When the user attempted to view a meeting session product, the meeting
location was incorrect when the product was first opened.
(TFS: 12606; SFDC: 1648)
When the user attempted to run the MTG510 process, the job completed
successfully but no output report was generated.
(TFS: 14183; SFDC: 2436)
When the user renewed a membership order with components, the component
products did not renew with the correct cycle end dates.
(TFS: 14165; SFDC: 2412)
When the user attempted to renew a membership order with ECD components,
the ECD components were not populated on the renewal order.
(TFS: 14330; SFDC: 2544)
When the user ran MBR900, the process did not update the Cycle Begin Date in
the CUS_Current_Membership_Info table.
(TFS: 14436; SFDC: 2614)
When the user transferred a membership order and changed the Transfer Date,
the proration did not update.
(TFS: 27368; SFDC: 2897)
When the user attempted to apply a 100% discount in the back office to a
renewal order where the order method code was "Web", an error displayed and
the order was not activated.
(TFS: 27379; SFDC: 2898)
Moves Management
When the user attempted to end the Current Solicitor relationship, upon setting
the end date and saving, the Previous Solicitor record was not updated.
(TFS: 13847; SFDC: 2233)
When the user attempted to assign a solicitor to a prospect, two relationships
with the solicitor were created for the same date.
(TFS: 13857; SFDC: 2238)
When the user attempted to add more than one prospect for a solicitor with the
same Donor name, the system saved the duplicate prospects with no validation.
(TFS: 13860; SFDC: 2241)
When the uset attempted to convert a prospect to a customer and a potential
duplicate was found, the system did not allow the prospect to be converted.
(TFS: 14246; SFDC: 2492)
When the user attempted to view the Prospect Moves Plan Management scree,
the Primary Search Group did not match with the corresponding field value on
CRM360 under Demographics.
(TFS: 14530; SFDC: 2677)
When the user attempted to locate the Notify Service User Expiration base
notification on the Notification Maintenance screen, the stored procedure and
email template were missing.
(TFS: 14431; SFDC: 2610)
When the Meeting Order Created notification was sent, the template displayed
the salutation field label as Bill-To Customer instead of Line Level Ship-To
(TFS: 14505; SFDC: 2657)
When the user attempted to run the ORD650 process with the Default Value as
THREEMONTHSOUT, the date mask defaulted to the first of the month.
(TFS: 10921; SFDC: 1104)
When the user attempted to renew an order with component order lines with
different Ship-to customers, the Ship-to customers of the additional order lines
were copied from the third component line.
(TFS: 10994; SFDC: 1161)
When the number of rows in the Quick Pick product sidebar on Order Entry was
greater than the DEFAULT_MAX_QUERY_SIZE set in the application
parameter, the correct number of quick pick products did not display.
(TFS: 11044; SFDC: 1220)
When the user attempted to change the primary address for a customer and the
Address Propagation screen propagated the new address to all orders, coupon
discounts were removed from the orders, resulting in faulty order balances.
(TFS: 11156; SFDC: 1356)
When the user created a dues basis schedule and limited associates, then
changed the maximum associates and renewed a MBR order, no error message
was thrown for the renewal order even though the number of max associates
was exceeded.
(TFS: 11178; SFDC: 1316)
When the user attempted to change the ship-to address on a paid and invoiced
order to a non-taxable state, the tax was recalculated on the order resulting in a
credit balance.
(TFS: 11195; SFDC: 1363)
When the user attempted to create a renewal order in a batch with a future date,
the order date incorrectly defaulted to today's date.
(TFS: 12209; SFDC: 1527)
When the user attempted to input a status change reason for an order
cancellation, upon saving the cancellation the status change reason was not
(TFS: 12664; SFDC: 1673)
When the user attempted to renew a non-INV order with a shipping surcharge at
the product level using the ORD650 process, the shipping was not calculated
correctly on the renewed order.
(TFS: 13343; SFDC: 1886)
When the user attempted to change the Ship-to or Bill-to address on a past
order, the rate structure was updated for that order based on past date, causing
current members to not receive member pricing.
(TFS: 14224; SFDC: 2470)
When the user changed the component quantity on a membership order and
then renewed the order, the updated component quantity was not reflected on
the renewal order.
(TFS: 14249; SFDC: 2495)
When the user ran ORD660, the generated output report included inactive and
not accepted receipt types.
(TFS: 14280; SFDC: 2518)
When the user created an order for a member and then changed ship to to a
non-member, a member rate structure was incorrectly applied to components in
a select package.
(TFS: 14287; SFDC: 2523)
When the user changed the Available From Date value to a new date while
copying a product, the Pre-order Available Date value was updated, but the user
was unable to save the dates.
(TFS: 11007; SFDC: 1203)
When the user attempted to create an order for a product with a component with
a different rate code than the main product, the component rate code was
(TFS: 11153; SFDC: 1310)
When the user attempted to copy a product, the system allowed the user to enter
more than 12 characters in the level 2 and level 3 fields.
(TFS: 14022; SFDC: 2343)
When the user added a new rate code to a product and checked the Default Rate
checkbox after selecting the Rate Structure and before selecting the Rate Code,
the check was not removed from the previous default rate code.
(TFS: 14659; SFDC: 2791)
When the user attempted to modify the Issue Date for a subscription product, the
field was read-only and uneditable.
(TFS:14239; SFDC: 2486)
When the user ran SUB670, the process skipped records if the prefix of the
customer was NULL.
(TFS: 14662; SFDC: 2794)
Third-Party Integrations
When Business Objects Enterprise went down, it caused the Application service
to crash.
(TFS: 14506; SFDC: 2658)
When the user attempted to validate an address using PBBI Spectrum, the user
received an error message "Geocoded Postal Code Only" and no System
Generated Address was available for the entered address.
(TFS: 14510; SFDC: 2663)
Upgrading to 7.7.0
Use the information below to upgrade the Personify360 database from 7.6.2 to 7.7.0. You
must install the 7.6.2 release before you can upgrade to the 7.7.0 release. If you are
performing a fresh installation, please refer to the Personify360 7.7.0 Installation and
Configuration Guide in the Documentation folder in the 7.7.0 package.
Personify360 7.7.0 has been developed and tested on the following platform:
Please refer to the following location for more information on how to back up
databases in SQL Server:
5. Back up all files and folders for the Application Service, Notification Service, TRS
Service, Web Services, and e-Business websites. This should also include all
*.config, config.xml, and * default.
6. Stop the Application Service, Notification Service, TRS Service, and Web Server
until the upgrade is complete.
Upgrading to 7.7.0 from a previous release involves upgrading all or some of the servers
and interfaces, including the following:
Application Server
Back Office Client
Data Services
Unified Search
Notification Service
Third-Party Interfaces
Home Page
Image Services
Online Help
Custom Components
The following sections detail how to upgrade each of these items.
Do not modify any of the installation database values when performing the
upgrade. Those values include Version Number, Association Name, Environment Name,
Application Type, and Database Connection. If you modify any of these values, then you
cannot log in as Host to the e-Business site. You need to update in all locations including
Before you can install and configure the Online Store and App Data Cache on the system,
please ensure the following steps have been completed:
Please see the Personify360 7.7.0 Installation Guide for more information on
these specific steps.
If you are already using the SQL Server 2016, please skip the first 2 steps below and start
with step 3:
1. Upgrade to SQL 2016 of SQL Server.
2. Configure SQL Server service to run using a Domain User Account.
3. Start SQL Server Agent Service on SQL Server.
To create a user defined data type for Personify360 database:
1. The Modify_DataType_Script.sql script must be executed where Personify360
databases reside within the instance of the SQL Server:
a. Open SQL and login using SQL Login for the "SA" account.
b. Start a new query with the "Master" database selected.
c. Double-click the file.
2. Press F5 on your keyboard to run the script.
Please login to SQL Server with the SA account to execute this script. The
Personify360 application does not require SysAdmin permissions and should not be granted
SysAdmin permissions just to allow this script to execute.
If the Personify360 Installation database entry contains "7.6.2", then please change it to
To upgrade the Personify360 databases:
<SQL Server The name of your SQL Server. In most installations, this will be the
Name> name of your workstation or laptop.
<Database The name of the SQL Server database that you want to upgrade.
<SQL User The SQL Server User ID you use to log on to your Personify database.
ID> In most instances, this User ID will be either "TIMSS" or "Personify".
<SQL The password you have assigned to the SQL User ID. If you do not
Password> know this password, please contact a system administrator or enter a
Helpdesk ticket with Personify to assist you in recovering your
<SQL Server Name> The name of your SQL Server. In most installations, this will be
the name of your workstation or laptop.
<Database Name> The name of the SQL Server database that you want to
<SQL User ID> The SQL Server User ID you use to log on to your Personify
database. In most instances, this User ID will be either "TIMSS"
or "Personify".
<SQL Password> The password you have assigned to the SQL User ID. If you do
not know this password, please contact a system administrator
or enter a Helpdesk ticket with Personify to assist you in
recovering your password.
There is only one SQL Job script listed and one readme file in this folder:
Read me file - ReadMe_FIRST.txt
Please read the instructions in readme file before creating the SQL Jobs.
SQL job – [DatabaseName] _GDPR_CLEANUP_DATA_JOB
o This SQL Job will be used to delete the history data from the
the value of the application parameter
"GDPR_DEFAULT_EXPIRATION_DAYS". The default schedule for this SQL
job is to run at every 10 minutes daily. This schedule can be modified as
required for each Personify360 installation.
Script Execution Instructions:
This script must be executed by a user that has sysAdmin privileges on SQL
Please specify the SQL User that will be used to run the SQL Job. Replace value
‘sa’ with SQL User name in line 110.
Please specify the Database Name by doing a global replace of keyword
"DatabaseName" with the name of the Personify360 database. There should be
5 instances of this keyword that will be updated.
PopulateBOEReports SQL Job Creation
This step involves executing SQL scripts available in release package sub-folder
The scripts in this folder must be executed in the Personify360 database only.
There is only one SQL Job script listed and one readme file in this folder:
Read me file - ReadMe_FIRST.txt
SQL Job - Populate_BOE_DATA_JOB.sql
Please read the instructions in readme file before creating the SQL Jobs.
SQL job – [DatabaseName]_POPULATE_BOE_DATA_JOB
o This SQL job will call usp_Populate_RPT_DATA Stored Procedure populate
BOE reports data "GDPR_DEFAULT_EXPIRATION_DAYS". The default
schedule for this SQL job is to run at every 10 minutes daily. This schedule
can be modified as required for each Personify360 installation.
Script Execution Instructions:
This script must be executed by a user that has sysAdmin privileges on SQL
Please specify the SQL User that will be used to run the SQL Job. Replace value
‘sa’ with SQL User name in line 110.
Please specify the Database Name by doing a global replace of keyword
"DatabaseName" with the name of the Personify360 database. There should be
5 instances of this keyword that will be updated.
Application Server
Make sure your Application Server Service is still set up with a user who can
send emails AND the Personify.Server.Application.Server.exe has the correct email
server updated in the <!-- SMTP Server Settings --> section.
If the Application Service does not start, you can troubleshoot by enabling the
diagnostics in the Personify.Server.ApplicationServer.exe.config file.
Please refer to Database Changes before you deploy any .xml, .config,
or .isl files.
7. Launch Personify Enterprise using Auto Updater and ensure that the application
works as expected.
Do NOT run the TIMSS.exe directly from the server folder as it may wipe out the
screen XML and TASK files.
With the 7.7.0 release, Personify is supporting Business Objects 4.2 SP5 version.
2. Make sure all the universes have a valid connection before running the synchronizer
to assign Webi’s to universes.
Make sure the Identity Management Roles universe has a valid universe
connection pointing to the SSO database.
3. Make sure that webi reports are having valid universe connection by running
Synchronizer and update "Webi Universe Connection" for the Webi reports.
4. Upload the Online and TRS Reports using synchronizer to your current environment.
The Promotion Management Wizard is a tool that aims to ease the task of CMS content
copy. Instead of using the Command Line Interface (CLI), the Promotion Management
Wizard offers a Graphic User Interface (GUI) for performing a full copy or a selective copy.
LCMBIAR files are the same compared to the CMC or CLI versions of Promotion
If you are upgrading from BI 4.2 SP4 to SP5, once the install is done you wouldn’t notice
Promotion Management Wizard by default. Perform the below steps to install promotion
management wizard (These instructions are only of upgrading for SP4 or lower version to
SP5, Full Install should be fine).
1. After installation of SP5 upgrade package, navigate to control Panel Programs
and Features
2. Right click on your base install (i.e., SAP BusinessObjects BI Platform 4.2 SP4) and
click on uninstall
3. In the resultant screen select Modify option
1. Before upgrading, please take a backup of SSO website and database, IMS Web
Service, and IMS Windows Service.
2. Database upgrade scripts are available in the following location:
3. Modify the Runner.cmd file to provide the valid SSO database credentials.
4. After you update the Runner.cmd file, double-click the command file to execute the
scripts on SSO database.
c. By default, the email reminder for Forgot Password, Forgot User Name are sent
to the user entered email addresses. If the email addresses are shared between
different customers and the email is found to be duplicate, the customer has to
enter some more information to identify the correct account to reset. The
“resetUserNameOrPassword” is set to True by default.
The following section has to be added to the SSOSetting.xml.
<ResetUserNameOrPassword Enable="True"
<add key="LastName" text="Last Name"
CaseSensitive="false" />
<add key="FirstName" text="First Name"
CaseSensitive="false" />
services URL. SSO calls this page to make Personify calls for identifying the
correct customer.
The keys last name and first name represent the information the user has to
enter to identify the correct account. These keys are configurable and can be
any field in the Customer table.
d. Save and close the SSOSetting.xml file.
9. Open the Web.config file in a text editor, such as Notepad.
10. Add the following entries in Web.config file, as shown below:
a. Update Connection string for DNN and SSO databases.
<!-- Connection String for SQL Server 2008/2012 -->
<add name="SiteSqlServer"
providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
<!-- IMS -->
<add name="SSO.ConnectionString"
providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
11. Please cross verify web.config changes in your web server once with the web.config
file delivered with the package.
a. Add the following keys in the <SSOSettings><LoginTemplates> section to
support mobile:
<add key="MOBILE_CD"
b. Add the following <> node at the end of the web.config file before the
</configuration> node closure to send emails for reset password/username.
<!-- Added below SMTP configuration to send reset
password/username mails -->
<smtp from="[From EmailAddress]">
12. The following settings were added with the 7.7.0 release. Add the following entries in
the web.config file if you are already on the 7.6.2 release.
i. Go to <configuration> / <Configuration
type="Generic.Foundation.Configuration, Generic.Foundation"> / <Custom> /
<Values> section.
ii. Add following two entries for User Name strength and Auto Login link expiry
<KeyValue Key="UserNameRegularExpression" Value="^[^,]+$" />
<KeyValue Key="AutoLoginLinkExpiryInSeconds" Value="60" />
1. Before upgrading, please take a backup of IMS Web Service and IMS Windows
Service, including the configuration files.
2. Deploy all of the files, excluding the web.config file, from the following location to the
IMS Web Service installed folder:
3. Delete Thycotic.Data.dll file from IMS Web Service environment BIN folder.
4. Deploy all of the files, excluding the IMSWinService.exe.config and Install.config
files, from the following location to the IMS Windows Service installed folder:
5. Delete Thycotic.Data.dll file from IMS Windows service environment folder.
6. Start the IMS Windows Service.
Data Services
To upgrade the Personify360 Data Services to be compatible with the 7.7.0 e-Business site
default web controls setup, please refer the upgrade/fresh installation guide of Personify360
Data Services available at the following location:
“..\SeparatelyPackagedComponents\PersonifyDataServices\2.0.0\Personify Web Services
Designer Release Notes.pdf”.
Configuration Changes
The following configuration files have to be modified in order to support the new features.
If you are upgrading from an earlier version of Personify360 Data Services, update the
Web.Config.XML with the following, make sure you take a copy of the existing
Web.config.XML file before you start the upgrade:
A template of the Web.Config.XML is also available at the following location:
Any entry in your existing Web.Config not included in this template may be
commented or removed.
1. Add the following new entries in the <system.webServer> section, if they are not
already available:
<!--Below parameters added to allow maximum querystring length-->
<requestLimits maxUrl="4194304" maxQueryString="4194304" />
2. Add the following new entries in the <system.web> section, if they are not already
<!--Below parameters added to allow maximum querystring length-->
<httpRuntime maxUrlLength="2097151" maxRequestLength="4194304"
If you have not already installed SSO, please follow the instructions in the
"Installing SSO and IMS" section of the Personify360 7.7.0 Installation Guide.
2. If you are already using the PersonifySkin, which was part of the 7.4.1 e-Business
site installation, update/install the skin using following instructions:
a. Copy the file to Personify e-Business root folder > Install >
Module directory.
b. Copy the file to Personify e-Business root folder > Install >
Container directory.
3. Open your Personify e-Business site and go to:
www.[YourDomain]]/ [DNNWebSiteURL]/install/install.aspx?mode=installresources
4. Check for any errors.
5. If you like to use Personify-Branded skin, which is part of 7.7.0 e-business site
installation, update/install the skin using following instructions:
a. Copy the file to your local temporary folder.
b. Unzip the file.
c. Copy all the files to Personify e-Business root folder > Portals > _default >
Skins > Personify-Branded directory.
d. Copy the file to Personify e-Business root folder >
Install > Module directory.
6. Delete Thycotic.Data.dll file from Personify e-Business root folder > BIN folder.
<add name="DNNConnect.CKE"
itorConfigManager.ascx" />
5. Telerik version is changed. So please update the version bindings accordingly.
<assemblyIdentity name="Telerik.Web.UI"
publicKeyToken="121fae78165ba3d4" />
<!--Upgraded Telerik.Web.UI patch - Date: 7/16/2018-->
<bindingRedirect oldVersion=""
newVersion="2014.3.1209.40" />
6. “Telerik.Web.Design” library is used in this version. So please add the following
reference if already not exists. If this library reference is already exists please make
sure that version number matches with the library version.
<assemblyIdentity name="Telerik.Web.Design"
publicKeyToken="121fae78165ba3d4" />
<bindingRedirect oldVersion=""
newVersion="2013.02.717.40" />
7. Save the web.config file.
Step 4: Update Alternate Preview Page Path Changes in the Web Server
1. Go to your server where the site is hosted. Explore to site folder and in the following
2. Open the personify-skin.js file in a text editor, such as Notepad.
3. Search for AlternatePreview.aspx and replace /[YOUR_e-BUSINESS_WEBSITE]/
with your sites virtual directory name.
4. Click Save.
5. Update the following PersonifySkin files (i.e., *.ascx extension) for responsive
design setup:
a. Replace [EBUSINESS_WEBSERVER_NAME] with your web server name (e.g.,
b. Replace [EBUSINESS_WEBSITE_NAME] with your virtual directory name (e.g.,
6. Reset IIS.
Step 5: Update Alternate Preview Page Path Changes in the Web Server for the
new Theme called Personify-Branded
1. With 7.7.0 release, we have changed the default theme to Personify-Branded.
2. Go to your server where the site is hosted. Explore to site folder and in the following
3. Open the personify-skin.js file in a text editor, such as Notepad.
4. Search for AlternatePreview.aspx and replace /[YOUR_e-BUSINESS_WEBSITE]/
with your sites virtual directory name.
5. Click Save.
6. Update the following Personify-Branded files (i.e., *.ascx extension) for responsive
design setup:
a. Replace [EBUSINESS_WEBSERVER_NAME] with your web server name
(e.g., “”).
Step 6: Update the Default DNN files of DNN Framework and Fixes for DNN
Framework Database
You can also find the DNN 9.0.1 upgrade instructions in detail from the following
path …\WebApplications\E-Business\DNNUpgrade\Personify - DNN 9.0.1 Upgrade
Document.doc [on page 17, step 5 for fixing the possible home page setting issue]. Please
read the script file instructions for details.
1. To update the default DNN source files, which come from the DNN framework, copy
the contents from the below folder to the e-Business root folder in the web server:
<SQL Server The name of your SQL Server where DNN (EBusiness) database
Name> exists.
<Database The name of the DNN (EBusiness) database that you want to
Name> upgrade.
<SQL User ID> The SQL Server User ID you use to log on to your Personify360
database. In most instances, this User ID will be either “TIMSS” or
<SQL The password you have assigned to the SQL User ID. If you do not
Password> know this password, please contact a system administrator or enter a
Helpdesk ticket with Personify to assist you in recovering your
If you are using web controls in your site, after the DNN (e-Business) site is
upgraded to 7.6.0, you must upgrade to the latest version Data Services and Web Controls
packages from release area.
There are no changes in functionality. If you are performing a fresh installation of PADSS
Audit Logging Service, please see to the Personify360 7.7.0 Installation Guide.
Unified Search
There are no changes in functionality. If you are performing a fresh installation of Unified
Search, please see to the Personify360 7.7.0 Installation Guide.
Notification Service
If you are performing a fresh installation of notification services, please see to the
Personify360 7.7.0 Installation Guide. If you already have notification services, then please
follow the upgrade steps below.
To upgrade the Notification Service:
1. Stop the Notification Services, if already running.
2. Copy all of the files from the
...\7.7.0\Package\Services\NotificationServer\Upgrade folder to the Notification
Service folder.
3. Copy all of the SQL files from the
edures folder to the same folder for the new server.
This must be taken from the upgrade package.
4. If you are using Windows Server 2012, right-click the ConfigureNotificationService
file and select the “Run as Administrator” option.
Verify the configuration parameters as appropriate for the new environment, such as
5. Execute all modified SQL files on the Personify database by replacing the QUEUE
name with the queue name already installed in your production server. SQL files are
available in Base Procedures and Event Procedures tabs. Execute all SQL scripts.
This is will add the newly created notifications. Modified notification SQL files
information can be found in the Technical Changes > Notification Server
Changes section.
6. As of 7.6.2, the following SQL scripts in the
…\Databases\Notification_Event_Procedures From 7.6.2 folder need to be run
against the Personify360 database.
7. Open the Windows Service Management Console by clicking Start > Control Panel
> Administrative Tools > Services.
8. Restart the Notification Service.
Third-Party Interfaces
For information and instructions on upgrading each third-party interface application, please
refer to the related document. The following table lists the related document for upgrading
each third-party interface application.
ApexSQL Audit 2008 "APEXSQL Audit Logging" section of the 7.7.0 Online Help
The 7.7.0 Online Help can be accessed directly from your Personify360
application or via the Customer Support site. Please contact a Personify Business Analyst
for more information.
The TRS services should be reinstalled and the complete package should be deployed,
except for the customized processes. The customized process must be upgraded and
To upgrade TRS:
1. Stop the TRS Daemon Service, the Interface Service, and the TRS Cache Service.
2. Deploy all of the files from the ...7.7.0\Package\TRS\APPL folder in your upgrade
package to the TRS\APPL folder on your TRS Server.
See TRS Changes for more information on the changed executables.
3. Copy the TRSDaemonService.exe file and other files from the
...7.7.0\Package\Services\TRSServer folder to the TRSDaemon Service root folder.
4. Copy the TRSCacheService.exe file and other files from the
...7.7.0\Package\Services\CacheServer folder to the TRSCacheService root folder.
5. Copy the TimssInterfaceService.exe file and other files from the
...7.7.0\Package\Services\InterfaceServer folder to the TRSInterface Service root
6. Restart the following services:
TRS Caching
TRS Interface Service
TRS Daemon Service
7. Rename TEMPLATE_Config.xml in the following folder to “Config.xml”:
8. Open the Config.xml file.
9. Modify seat information and remoting entries for your organization, if changed.
Image Services
If your organization allows mobile users to upload customer profile images or you include
product images on your product listing page, you should consider installing the Windows
Image Service. This service creates a Customer Images folder and helps you to standardize
the size of all uploaded images, ensuring that all customer profile images displayed in the
same size, as well as all product images. This way, your mobile users can upload an image
of any size and the application will not distort the image when it displays in the image space.
Additionally, if the back office Application Parameter is set in step 11 below, pictures will
display in Donor360® and CRM360®.
From the 7.4.1 release and onwards, Image Service is made mandatory
If you have already configured Image service, proceed to step 15 (to upgrade
Image Service).
CustomerImagePath (enter Web service will point to this directory for customer
the image URL.
ProductImagePath (enter Web service will point to this directory for product
the image URL.
EnableEventLogs False For Production
These are the recommended values for the image sizes. The Profile
Height and width can go to 200 X 200 max. The image size should be < 100 K for
the best performance.
For clients using Mobile this would be more secure Web server with
Public IP. For others, this can be any secure Intranet server.
Online Help
With the 7.7.0 release, the Online Help files have been changed.
By default, the Help menu in Personify360 will open the local online help files
installed on the application server. Because these files are only the latest as of your
upgrade, the online help content will soon become out-of-date, as Personify is constantly
making improvements. Therefore, you have the option of configuring Personify360 to open a
centrally available Online Help:
NOTE: This site requires a Single Sign-On (SSO) login. If some of your users do NOT have
a SSO login, it is recommended that you do NOT change the default configuration. You DO
have the option of providing BOTH links in the Help menu (see below for more information).
1. Delete all files and folders in your current Online Help folder configured under a
2. Copy all files and folders from the following location to the Online Help website
3. It is recommended that you verify the following setting in the Config.xml and
a. Open the Config.xml file in a text editor, such as Notepad.
b. Verify the values highlighted below:
<Item Name="HelpViewer"
f. Customize your Help Desk to point to your organization’s help desk site by
changing the values as explained below and replacing contents highlighted:
<Tool Name="PersonifyCare" Caption="_PersonifyCare" Tooltip
Tooltip: the name of the tooltip that will display when users hover over the
menu item.
Command: the support URL you want to open when the user clicks the
support menu item.
g. If you would like to provide a menu option to open the centrally located online
help (SSO login required), perform the following:
i. Enter the following code after the code shown in step 3f:
<Tool Name="OnlineHelp" Caption="_Online Help" Tooltip
="Online Help"
Command="cmd://App/Shell?FileName=https://resource1.personifyc" BeginGroup="True"
Please note that the context-sensitive help will still open the local online help
files when the user presses F1 on his/her keyboard. If you would rather have the centrally
located online help function as the context-sensitive help, you can enter
Custom Components
Do not run TIMSS.exe directly from the Server folder, as it would wipe out the
XML and TASK files for the screens.
5. Personify recommends that you rebuild/recompile the Customer Layer and deploy it
to the following locations:
Back Office Client Folder on the File Server
e-Business Bin Folder (perform after upgrading the e-Business website)
e-Business Web Service bin folder (perform after upgrading the e-Business web
6. If you have customized any base screens, identify the screen changes listed in Form
Changes and merge your changes using the Personify Application Designer.
Compile and publish all of the custom screens to the file server using the Personify
Application Designer.
7. Though publishing the screens is seamless using Personify Application Designer,
customer layer assemblies should be manually deployed.
If your organization has multiple org units, you must create separate folders for
standard letters belonging to the different org units within your organization.
Technical Changes
The following API base files were added or modified in this release:
File Location
AccountingValidationIssues. //API/Base/Namespaces/AccountingInfo/ValidationIssues/Ac
vb countingValidationIssues.vb
ApplicaitonProductQuestion. //API/Base/Namespaces/ApplicationInfo/Items/ApplicaitonPr
vb oductQuestion.vb
ApplicationGdprMasterCons //API/Base/Namespaces/ApplicationInfo/Items/ApplicationGd
entOptInOptOut.vb prMasterConsentOptInOptOut.vb
ApplicationOrganizationUnit. //API/Base/Namespaces/ApplicationInfo/Items/ApplicationOr
vb ganizationUnit.vb
ApplicationProductQuestion //API/Base/Namespaces/ApplicationInfo/Collections/Applicati
s.vb onProductQuestions.vb
ApplicationQuestionAnswer. //API/Base/Namespaces/ApplicationInfo/Items/ApplicationQu
vb estionAnswer.vb
ApplicationValidationIssues. //API/Base/Namespaces/ApplicationInfo/ValidationIssues/Ap
vb plicationValidationIssues.vb
ARReceipt.vb //API/Base/Namespaces/AccountingInfo/Items/ARReceipt.vb
ARReceipts.vb //API/Base/Namespaces/AccountingInfo/Collections/ARRece
ARVouchers.vb //API/Base/Namespaces/AccountingInfo/Collections/ARVouc
Cancellation.vb //API/Base/Namespaces/OrderInfo/Helper/Cancellation.vb
CertificationCustomerCertifi //API/Base/Namespaces/CertificationInfo/Items/Certification
cation.vb CustomerCertification.vb
CertificationCustomerRequir //API/Base/Namespaces/CertificationInfo/Items/Certification
ementDetail.vb CustomerRequirementDetail.vb
CommitteeMember.vb //API/Base/Namespaces/Committee
CommonHelper.vb //API/Base/Miscellaneous/CommonHelper.vb
Customer.vb //API/Base/Namespaces/CustomerInfo/Items/Customer.vb
CustomerActivities.vb //API/Base/Namespaces/CustomerInfo/Collections/Customer
CustomerActivityDocument. //API/Base/Namespaces/CustomerInfo/Items/CustomerActivi
vb tyDocument.vb
CustomerActivityViewList.vb //API/Base/Namespaces/CustomerInfo/Collections/Customer
CustomerAddress.vb //API/Base/Namespaces/CustomerInfo/Items/CustomerAddr
CustomerAddressDetail.vb //API/Base/Namespaces/CustomerInfo/Items/CustomerAddr
CustomerCommunication.vb //API/Base/Namespaces/CustomerInfo/Items/CustomerCom
CustomerCouponWithAmou //API/Base/Namespaces/CustomerInfo/Items/CustomerCoup
ntView.vb onWithAmountView.vb
CustomerDuplicateMergeTa //API/Base/Namespaces/CustomerInfo/Collections/Customer
bles.vb DuplicateMergeTables.vb
CustomerGdprActivities.vb //API/Base/Namespaces/CustomerInfo/Collections/Customer
CustomerGdprActivity.vb //API/Base/Namespaces/CustomerInfo/Items/CustomerGdpr
CustomerHousehold.vb //API/Base/Namespaces/CustomerInfo/Items/CustomerHous
CustomerRelatedDocument. //API/Base/Namespaces/CustomerInfo/Items/CustomerRelat
vb edDocument.vb
CustomerRelationship.vb //API/Base/Namespaces/CustomerInfo/Items/CustomerRelat
Customers.vb //API/Base/Namespaces/CustomerInfo/Collections/Customer
CustomerValidationIssues.v //API/Base/Namespaces/CustomerInfo/ValidationIssues/Cus
b tomerValidationIssues.vb
ExhibitionProductBooth.vb //API/Base/Namespaces/ExhibitionInfo/Items/ExhibitionProd
FundRaisingCustomerSolicit //API/Base/Namespaces/FundRaisingInfo/Items/FundRaisin
orTeam.vb gCustomerSolicitorTeam.vb
FundRaisingProspectMoves //API/Base/Namespaces/FundRaisingInfo/Items/FundRaisin
Plan.vb gProspectMovesPlan.vb
LockBoxReceiptDist.vb //API/Base/Namespaces/LockboxInfo/Items/LockBoxReceipt
MarketingMailMaster.vb //API/Base/Namespaces/MarketingInfo/Items/MarketingMail
MarketingProspect.vb //API/Base/Namespaces/MarketingInfo/Items/MarketingPros
NotificationserviceNotificatio //API/Base/Namespaces/NotificationServiceInfo/Items/Notific
nSentMessage.vb ationserviceNotificationSentMessage.vb
OrderAdvancedAdjustments //API/Base/Namespaces/AccountingInfo/Helper/OrderAdvan
.vb cedAdjustments.vb
OrderBalanceWriteoff.vb //API/Base/Namespaces/AccountingInfo/Helper/OrderBalanc
OrderDetail.vb //API/Base/Namespaces/OrderInfo/Items/OrderDetail.vb
OrderDiscounts.vb //API/Base/Namespaces/OrderInfo/Helper/OrderDiscounts.v
OrderMaster.vb //API/Base/Namespaces/OrderInfo/Items/OrderMaster.vb
OrderMasters.vb //API/Base/Namespaces/OrderInfo/Collections/OrderMasters
OrderPurchasingGroup.vb //API/Base/Namespaces/OrderInfo/Items/OrderPurchasingG
OrderTransfer.vb //API/Base/Namespaces/OrderInfo/Helper/OrderTransfer.vb
OrderValidationIssues.vb //API/Base/Namespaces/OrderInfo/ValidationIssues/OrderVa
PersonaSecurityOrganizatio //API/Base/Namespaces/PersonaSecurityInfo/Items/Persona
nMember.vb SecurityOrganizationMember.vb
Product.vb //API/Base/Namespaces/ProductInfo/Items/Product.vb
ProductAccount.vb //API/Base/Namespaces/ProductInfo/Items/ProductAccount.
ProductCancelFee.vb //API/Base/Namespaces/ProductInfo/Items/ProductCancelFe
ProductRateCode.vb //API/Base/Namespaces/ProductInfo/Items/ProductRateCod
ProductRelation.vb //API/Base/Namespaces/ProductInfo/Items/ProductRelation.
Products.vb //API/Base/Namespaces/ProductInfo/Collections/Products.vb
ReportingApplication.vb //API/Base/Namespaces/ReportingInfo/Items/ReportingAppli
Returns.vb //API/Base/Namespaces/OrderInfo/Helper/Returns.vb
Shipping.vb //API/Base/Namespaces/OrderInfo/Helper/Shipping.vb
SubscriptionIssue.vb //API/Base/Namespaces/SubscriptionInfo/Items/Subscription
TranscriptProgramExam.vb //API/Base/Namespaces/TranscriptInfo/Items/TranscriptProg
WebShoppingCartItem.vb //API/Base/Namespaces/WebInfo/Items/WebShoppingCartIt
The following API core files were added or modified in this release:
File Location
ApplicationRuntimeParam /API/Core/Application/ApplicationRuntimeParameters.vb
Functions.vb /API/Core/Helper/Classes/Functions.vb
ISearchObject.vb /API/Core/Search/ISearchObject.vb
SearchObject.vb /API/Core/Search/SearchObject.vb
ApplicationRuntimeParam /API/Core/Application/ApplicationRuntimeParameters.vb
BusinessObject.vb /API/Core/BusinessObjects/BusinessObject.vb
CacheLoader.vb /API/Core/Application/CacheLoader.vb
The following configuration template files were added or modified in this release:
Database Changes
Table Changes
The following tables were modified:
Trigger Changes
View Changes
Form Changes
The following notification server files were added or modified in this release:
File Location
usp_NOTIFIY_RESEND_NOTI /Server/Personify.Server.Notification.Service/NTS_Event
usp_NOTIFY_NEW_MEETING /Server/Personify.Server.Notification.Service/NTS_Event
usp_NOTIFY_NEW_MEETING /Server/Personify.Server.Notification.Service/NTS_Event
usp_NOTIFY_RESEND_CHR /Server/Personify.Server.Notification.Service/NTS_Event
ONICLE.sql _Procedures/Chronicles/usp_NOTIFY_RESEND_CHRO
usp_NTS_NOTIFICATION_AD /Server/Personify.Server.Notification.Service/NTS_Event
D_BASE_NOTIFY_EVENTS.s _Procedures/Base
usp_NTS_NOTIFICATION_SA /Server/Personify.Server.Notification.Service/NTS_Event
VE_MESSAGE.sql _Procedures/Base
SSO/IMS Changes
File Location
Association.vb /SSO_IMS/SSO.Base/TIMSSSSO.Business/Association.vb
AutoLogin.aspx.vb /SSO_IMS/SSO.Base/TIMSSSSO.Web/AutoLogin.aspx.vb
Customer.vb /SSO_IMS/IdentityManagementSolution/IMSObjects/Custom
Customer.vb /SSO_IMS/SSO.Base/TIMSSSSO.Business/Customer.vb
DeleteAnonymizedCustom /SSO_IMS/SSO.Base/TIMSSSSO.Common/Database/TMAR
er.sql /DeleteAnonymizedCustomer.sql
ExceptionMessages.vb /SSO_IMS/SSO.Base/TIMSSSSO.Business/ExceptionMessa
ForgotPasswordResetUser /SSO_IMS/SSO.Base/TIMSSSSO.Web/usercontrols/ForgotP
Control.ascx.vb asswordResetUserControl.ascx.vb
IMSRole.vb /SSO_IMS/IdentityManagementSolution/IMSObjects/IMSRole
LogHandler.vb /SSO_IMS/SSO.Base/TIMSSSSO.Business/LogHandler.vb
LoginUserBase.vb /SSO_IMS/SSO.Base/TIMSSSSO.Web/LoginUserBase.vb
RegisterUserControl.ascx.v /SSO_IMS/SSO.Base/TIMSSSSO.Web/usercontrols/Register
b UserControl.ascx.vb
service.asmx.vb /SSO_IMS/SSO.Base/TIMSSSSO.Web/webservice/service.a
Session.vb /SSO_IMS/SSO.Base/TIMSSSSO.Business/Session.vb
SSODeleteAnonymizedCu /SSO_IMS/SSO.Base/TIMSSSSO.Web/webservice/SSODele
stomer.vb teAnonymizedCustomer.vb
UserControlBase.vb /SSO_IMS/SSO.Base/TIMSSSSO.Web/usercontrols/UserCo
UserNameResetUserContr /SSO_IMS/SSO.Base/TIMSSSSO.Web/usercontrols/UserNa
ol.ascx.vb meResetUserControl.ascx.vb
Vendor.vb /SSO_IMS/IdentityManagementSolution/IMSObjects/Vendor.
Vendor.vb /SSO_IMS/SSO.Base/TIMSSSSO.Business/Vendor.vb
WebServiceSecurity.sql /SSO_IMS/SSO.Base/TIMSSSSO.Common/Database/TMAR
WebServiceSecurity.sql /SSO_IMS/SSO.Base/TIMSSSSO.Common/Database/TMAR
TRS Changes
File Location
clsAccountingCommon.vb /TRS/Source/DataAccessLayer/TimssDB/Classes/Subsystems
clsReceiptTransaction.vb /TRS/Source/DataAccessLayer/TimssDB/Classes/Subsystems
clsSaleTransaction.vb /TRS/Source/DataAccessLayer/TimssDB/Classes/Subsystems
clsTRS.vb /TRS/Source/DataAccessLayer/TimssDB/Classes/Subsystems
/Reporting System/clsTRS.vb
File Location
clsCDQPSetup.vb /TRS/Source/Interfaces/TimssInterface_PABP/Classes/
clsTimssADRInterface.vb /TRS/Source/Interfaces/TimssInterface_PABP/Classes/
clsVantivInterface.vb /TRS/Source/Interfaces/TimssInterface_PABP/Classes/
File Location
clsBusinessObjects.vb /TRS/Source/TRS_CrystalXI/TRSLibrary/Classes/clsBusinessObj
clsCCP610.vb /TRS/Source/TRS_CrystalXI/CCP610/Classes/clsCCP610.vb
clsCUS595.vb /TRS/Source/TRS_CrystalXI/CUS595/Classes/clsCUS595.vb
clsEFT680.vb /TRS/Source/TRS_CrystalXI/EFT680/Classes/clsEFT680.vb
clsFAR680.vb /TRS/Source/TRS_CrystalXI/FAR680/Classes/clsFAR680.vb
clsFAR681.vb /TRS/Source/TRS_CrystalXI/FAR681/Classes/clsFAR681.vb
clsFND681E.vb /TRS/Source/TRS_CrystalXI/FND681/Classes/clsFND681E.vb
clsFND681I.vb /TRS/Source/TRS_CrystalXI/FND681/Classes/clsFND681I.vb
clsLCK100.vb /TRS/Source/TRS_CrystalXI/LCK100/Classes/clsLCK100.vb
clsMKT500.vb /TRS/Source/TRS_CrystalXI/MKT500/Classes/clsMKT500.vb
clsORD650.vb /TRS/Source/TRS_CrystalXI/ORD650/Classes/clsORD650.vb
clsPayment.vb /TRS/Source/TRS_CrystalXI/EFT680/Classes/clsPayment.vb
clsPayment.vb /TRS/Source/TRS_CrystalXI/FAR680/Classes/clsPayment.vb
clsPGR100.vb /TRS/Source/TRS_CrystalXI/PGR100/Classes/clsPGR100.vb
clsSUB670.vb /TRS/Source/TRS_CrystalXI/SUB670/Classes/clsSUB670.vb
clsSub671.vb /TRS/Source/TRS_CrystalXI/SUB671/Classes/clsSub671.vb
modCUS595.vb /TRS/Source/TRS_CrystalXI/CUS595/Modules/modCUS595.vb
modMain.vb /TRS/Source/TRS_CrystalXI/EFT680/Modules/modMain.vb
modMain.vb /TRS/Source/TRS_CrystalXI/FAR681/Modules/modMain.vb
modMain.vb /TRS/Source/TRS_CrystalXI/FND681/Modules/modMain.vb
modMain.vb /TRS/Source/TRS_CrystalXI/INV620/Modules/modMain.vb
modMain.vb /TRS/Source/TRS_CrystalXI/LCK100/Modules/modMain.vb
modMain.vb /TRS/Source/TRS_CrystalXI/PGR100/Modules/modMain.vb
modMain.vb /TRS/Source/TRS_CrystalXI/ZIP100/Modules/modMain.vb
modORD650Main.vb /TRS/Source/TRS_CrystalXI/ORD650/Modules/modORD650Mai
clsCUS595.vb /TRS/Source/TRS_CrystalXI/CUS595/Classes/clsCUS595.vb
clsMKT800_V2.vb /TRS/Source/TRS_CrystalXI/MKT800/Classes/clsMKT800_V2.vb
modCUS595.vb /TRS/Source/TRS_CrystalXI/CUS595/Modules/modCUS595.vb
modMain.vb /TRS/Source/TRS_CrystalXI/LCK100/Modules/modMain.vb
modMain.vb /TRS/Source/TRS_CrystalXI/MTG510/Modules/modMain.vb
File Location
ADV620_Invoice.rpt /TRS/Source/TRS_CrystalXI/ADV620/Reports/ADV620_Invo
COM1200CE.rpt /TRS/Source/OLR_CrystalXI/COM/COM1200CE.rpt
COM1200CI.rpt /TRS/Source/OLR_CrystalXI/COM/COM1200CI.rpt
COM1200PE.rpt /TRS/Source/OLR_CrystalXI/COM/COM1200PE.rpt
COM1200PI.rpt /TRS/Source/OLR_CrystalXI/COM/COM1200PI.rpt
COM1201CI.rpt /TRS/Source/OLR_CrystalXI/COM/COM1201CI.rpt
COM1201PI.rpt /TRS/Source/OLR_CrystalXI/COM/COM1201PI.rpt
COM1203PE.rpt /TRS/Source/OLR_CrystalXI/COM/COM1203PE.rpt
CRM1000.rpt /TRS/Source/OLR_CrystalXI/CRM/CRM1000.rpt
CUS_GDPR_Data_Inquiry.r /TRS/Source/OLR_CrystalXI/CUS/CUS_GDPR_Data_Inquir
pt y.rpt
CUS_GDPR_Request_Rec /TRS/Source/OLR_CrystalXI/CUS/CUS_GDPR_Request_R
eived_List.rpt eceived_List.rpt
SS.rpt ESS.rpt
.rpt US.rpt
FND1210.rpt /TRS/Source/OLR_CrystalXI/FND/FND1210.rpt
FND1211.rpt /TRS/Source/OLR_CrystalXI/FND/FND1211.rpt
FND630_Letter.rpt /TRS/Source/TRS_CrystalXI/FND630/Reports/FND630_Lett
FND630_LISTING.rpt /TRS/Source/TRS_CrystalXI/FND630/Reports/FND630_LIS
FND660_Letter.rpt /TRS/Source/TRS_CrystalXI/FND660/Reports/FND660_Lett
FND660_Listing.rpt /TRS/Source/TRS_CrystalXI/FND660/Reports/FND660_Listi
INV2006.rpt /TRS/Source/OLR_CrystalXI/INV/INV2006.rpt
MTG1200CE.rpt /TRS/Source/OLR_CrystalXI/MTG/MTG1200CE.rpt
MTG1200CI.rpt /TRS/Source/OLR_CrystalXI/MTG/MTG1200CI.rpt
MTG1200PE.rpt /TRS/Source/OLR_CrystalXI/MTG/MTG1200PE.rpt
MTG1200PI.rpt /TRS/Source/OLR_CrystalXI/MTG/MTG1200PI.rpt
MTG1201C.rpt /TRS/Source/OLR_CrystalXI/MTG/MTG1201C.rpt
MTG1201P.rpt /TRS/Source/OLR_CrystalXI/MTG/MTG1201P.rpt
MTG1202C.rpt /TRS/Source/OLR_CrystalXI/MTG/MTG1202C.rpt
MTG1202P.rpt /TRS/Source/OLR_CrystalXI/MTG/MTG1202P.rpt
MTG1203C.rpt /TRS/Source/OLR_CrystalXI/MTG/MTG1203C.rpt
MTG1203P.rpt /TRS/Source/OLR_CrystalXI/MTG/MTG1203P.rpt
MTG1204CE.rpt /TRS/Source/OLR_CrystalXI/MTG/MTG1204CE.rpt
MTG1204CI.rpt /TRS/Source/OLR_CrystalXI/MTG/MTG1204CI.rpt
MTG1204PE.rpt /TRS/Source/OLR_CrystalXI/MTG/MTG1204PE.rpt
MTG1204PI.rpt /TRS/Source/OLR_CrystalXI/MTG/MTG1204PI.rpt
MTG1205CE.rpt /TRS/Source/OLR_CrystalXI/MTG/MTG1205CE.rpt
MTG1205CI.rpt /TRS/Source/OLR_CrystalXI/MTG/MTG1205CI.rpt
MTG1210C.rpt /TRS/Source/OLR_CrystalXI/MTG/MTG1210C.rpt
MTG1210P.rpt /TRS/Source/OLR_CrystalXI/MTG/MTG1210P.rpt
ORD660.rpt /TRS/Source/TRS_CrystalXI/ORD660/Reports/ORD660.rpt
ORD660_BadAdd.rpt /TRS/Source/TRS_CrystalXI/ORD660/Reports/ORD660_Ba
ORD660_BadAddress.rpt /TRS/Source/TRS_CrystalXI/ORD660/Reports/ORD660_Ba
ORD660_BadEmailAddress /TRS/Source/TRS_CrystalXI/ORD660/Reports/ORD660_Ba
.rpt dEmailAddress.rpt
ORD660_Confirmation.rpt /TRS/Source/TRS_CrystalXI/ORD660/DBScripts/92a/ORD6
ORD660_notify.rpt /TRS/Source/TRS_CrystalXI/ORD660/Reports/ORD660_noti
PGR100_EXCEPTION.rpt /TRS/Source/TRS_CrystalXI/PGR100/Reports/PGR100_EX
PGR100_PROCESSED.rpt /TRS/Source/TRS_CrystalXI/PGR100/Reports/PGR100_PR
PGR100_PROCESSED_SU /TRS/Source/TRS_CrystalXI/PGR100/Reports/PGR100_PR
Universe Changes
Web Changes
File Location
SSOAuthentication. /Library/Components/Personify.SSOAuthentication/SSOAuthenticati
vb on.vb
File Location
Login.ascx.vb /WebParts/Login/Login.ascx.vb
SubmissionEntryContent. /WebParts/Abstract/Abstract/Screens/Author/SubmissionEntry
ascx.vb Content.ascx.vb