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PRE Ch. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 Ch.

2 7 8

Express 9 10 Ch. 3 11 12

Pre Express
Pre-Express was developed with early and pre-readers in mind. Tailored to a novice reading level, this course also
assumes limited knowledge of shapes and numbers.

Pre-Express closely parallels Courses A and B in a single course. Students will learn the basics of programming,
collaboration techniques, investigation and critical thinking skills, persistence in the face of difficulty, and internet safety. At
the end of this course students will create their very own custom game from Play Lab that they can share with a link.

Chapter 1: Sequencing
Lesson 1: Learn to Drag and Drop

Lesson 2: Sequencing with Scrat


Lesson 3: Programming with Scrat


Lesson 4: Programming with Rey and BB-8


Lesson 5: Programming with Harvester


Lesson 6: Spelling Bee


Chapter Commentary

Chapter 2: Loops
Lesson 7: Loops with Scrat
Lesson 8: Loops with Laurel

Lesson 9: Ocean Scene with Loops


Lesson 10: Drawing Gardens with Loops


Chapter Commentary

Chapter 3: Events
Lesson 11: On the Move with Events

Lesson 12: A Royal Battle with Events


Chapter Commentary
If you are interested in licensing materials for commercial purposes,contact us.
PRE Ch. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 Ch. 2 7 8

Express 9 10 Ch. 3 11 12

Lesson 1: Learn to Drag and Drop


Overview View on Code Studio

This lesson will give students an idea of what to expect when they Objectives
head to the computer lab. It begins with a brief discussion introducing
Students will be able to:
them to computer lab manners, then they will progress into using a
computer to complete online puzzles. Recognize what is expected when students
transition into the computer lab.
Purpose Use appropriate terminology when referring to
a computer mouse, trackpad, or touchscreen.
The main goal of this lesson is to build students' experience with
computers. By covering the most basic computer functions such as Preparation
clicking, dragging, and dropping, we are creating a more equal
playing field in the class for future puzzles. This lesson also provides Create your own class section on
a great opportunity to introduce basic computer hardware and make sure every student has a card with
terminology, potentially including "mouse", "trackpad" or their passcode on it.
"touchscreen", depending on your devices. Make sure students will be able to access
Lesson 2 from their devices. Consider
Agenda whether you want to hide future lessons to
prevent students from moving ahead too
Warm Up (10 min) quickly.
Teaching this course as a class? Have the school IT person add a quick link
Behaving in the Computer Lab
for your class section to the computer
Preview Online Puzzles (5 min)
Review the Common Sense Education
Main Activity (20 - 30 min)
website for more online safety content.
Learn to Drag and Drop
Wrap Up (5 - 10 min) Links
Extension Activities Heads Up! Please make a copy of any
documents you plan to share with students.

For the Teacher

How to Make a Class Section on - Teacher Video

For the Students

Think Spot Journal - Reflection Journal
Pair Programming - Student Video
Feeling Faces - Emotion Images
Make a Copy
Teaching Guide
Warm Up (10 min)
 Behaving in the Computer Lab  Content Corner
Goal: This discussion will teach students what to expect
and how to behave when they enter the computer lab.
Teaching this course as a class?
Discuss Our grade-aligned CS Fundamentals courses use
unplugged lessons to build community and introduce tricky
Have a good discussion around the computer lab computer science concepts, including digital
expectations to make sure that students understand the citizenship. Check out the lesson Going Places Safely
rules. Some topics of discussion might include: from Course A!

Is running in the computer lab okay?

How loudly should we walk when we are in the
 Discussion Goals:
computer lab?
What should you do if you get stuck on a puzzle? Use calm bodies in the lab
If you get frustrated, will it help to hit the computer? Remember not to chew gum or candy
When we're about to go to the computer lab, how Sanitize your hands
should we get ready? Sit with your partner at one computer
Make sure that the first "driver" can reach the mouse
When you get frustrated, don't hit or shake the
Preview Online Puzzles (5 computer or monitor
min) Follow the 20/20/20 - Website rule
How to deal with the Wiggles every 20-30 minutes
(requires a free login on GoNoodle)
Project a puzzle from lesson 1. Show the class how to
Ask your partner before you ask the teacher
click on the picture and place it in the correct spot by
Keep volume down so everyone else can hear their
dragging and dropping. Purposely make mistakes such
as clicking the background or dropping the image before
Use your journal for keeping track of feelings and
it's at the right spot. Ask for help from volunteers in the
class when you run into these problems.

Main Activity (20 - 30 min)

Learn to Drag and Drop
Goal: This will teach students how to use to complete online puzzles.

This stage was designed to give students the opportunity to practice hand-eye coordination, clicking, and drag & drop skills.
Students will also play with sequence.

 Take some time to explicitly teach how to click, drag, and drop. Take time to introduce the language around the devices
students will be using when they work on the puzzles. If you have tablets, students will be using a touch screen. If you
have laptops, they will likely be using a trackpad. Desktop computers like you might find in a lab will rely on the use of the

Place kids in pairs and have them watch the pair programming video as a class or at their stations. This should help
students start off in the right direction.

Teachers play a vital role in computer science education and supporting a collaborative and vibrant classroom environment.
During online puzzles, the role of the teacher is primarily one of encouragement and support. Online puzzles are meant to
be student-centered, so teachers should avoid stepping in when students get stuck. Some ideas on how to do this are:
 Utilize pair programming whenever possible during the
 Content Corner
Encourage students with questions/challenges to start Considering having students break down the steps of
by asking their partner. dragging and dropping and record them on the board. For
Unanswered questions can be escalated to a nearby example:
group, who might already know the solution. 1. Move the arrow to the block.
Remind students to use the debugging process before 2. Click and hold the mouse button.
you approach. 3. Move the mouse.
Have students describe the problem that they’re 4. Let go of the button.
seeing. What is it supposed to do? What does it do? Doing this will give students practice with creating an
What does that tell you? algorithm, which is a concept that will be explored in
Remind frustrated students that frustration is a step on upcoming lessons.
the path to learning, and that persistence will pay off.
If a student is still stuck after all of this, ask leading
questions to get the student to spot an error on their  Teacher Tip
Show the students the right way to help classmates:
Don’t sit in the classmate’s chair
Wrap Up (5 - 10 min) Don’t use the classmate’s keyboard
Don’t touch the classmate’s mouse
Make sure the classmate can describe the solution to
you out loud before you walk away
Goal: Help students reflect on the things they learned in
this lesson

Give the students a journal prompt to help them process some of the things that they encountered during the day.

Journal prompts could include:

Draw one of the feeling faces that shows how you felt about today's lesson in the corner of your journal page.
Can you draw a sequence for getting ready to go to the computer lab?
Draw a computer lab "Do" and a "Don't"
Draw and label the name of the computer part you used when clicking and dragging during the puzzles. (mouse
button, touch screen, trackpad)

Extension Activities
If students complete the puzzles from Stage 4 early, have them spend some time trying to come up with their own puzzles
in their Think Spot Journal - Reflection Journal.

Standards Alignment
CSTA K-12 Computer Science Standards (2017)
AP - Algorithms & Programming
CS - Computing Systems

If you are interested in licensing materials for commercial purposes,contact us.
PRE Ch. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 Ch. 2 7 8

Express 9 10 Ch. 3 11 12

Lesson 2: Sequencing with Scrat


Overview View on Code Studio

This lesson will give students an idea of what to expect when they Objectives
head to the computer lab. It begins with a brief discussion introducing
Students will be able to:
them to computer lab manners, then they will progress into using a
computer to complete online puzzles. Model proper computer lab behaviors
Experiment with standard block-based
Purpose programming actions such as: clicking, drag
and drop, etc.
The main goal of this lesson is to build experience with computers. By
covering the most basic computer functions such as clicking, Preparation
dragging, and dropping, we are creating a more equal playing field in
the class for future puzzles. This lesson also provides a great Watch the How to Make a Class
opportunity to introduce appropriate computer lab behavior. Section on - Teacher Video.
Create a class section and make sure every
Agenda student has a card with their passcode on it
Have the school IT person add a quick link
Warm Up (10 min) for your class section to the computer
Behaving in the Computer Lab desktop
Previewing Online Puzzles as a Class (10 - 15 min) Make sure each student has a Think Spot
Teaching this course as a class? Journal - Reflection Journal
Main Activity (20 - 30 min)
Online Puzzles
Wrap Up (5 - 10 min)
Heads Up! Please make a copy of any
Journaling documents you plan to share with students.
Extension Activities
For the Students
Feeling Faces - Emotion Images
Make a Copy
Pair Programming - Student Video
Think Spot Journal - Reflection Journal

Click - Press the mouse button
Double-Click - Press the mouse button very
Drag - Click your mouse button and hold as
you move the mouse pointer to a new location
Drop - Release your mouse button to "let go"
of an item that you are dragging
Teaching Guide
Warm Up (10 min)
Behaving in the Computer Lab  Some possible things to cover:
This discussion will teach students what to expect and
Use calm bodies in the lab
how to behave when they enter the computer lab.
Remember not to chew gum or candy
Discuss: Sanitize your hands
Have a good discussion around your computer lab Sit with your partner at one computer
expectations to make sure that students understand the Make sure that the first "driver" can reach the mouse
rules. Some topics of discussion might include: When you get frustrated, don't hit or shake the
computer or monitor
Is running in the computer lab okay?
Follow the 20/20/20 - Website rule
How loudly should we walk when we are in the
How to deal with the Wiggles every 20-30 minutes
computer lab?
(requires a free login on GoNoodle)
What should you do if you get stuck on a puzzle?
Ask your partner before you ask the teacher
If you get frustrated, will it help to hit the computer?
Keep volume down so everyone else can hear their
When we're about to go to the computer lab, how
should we get ready?
Use your journal for keeping track of feelings and
Previewing Online
Puzzles as a Class (10 - 15
 Project a puzzle from the lesson. Show the class how to
 Content Corner
click on a block and place it in the correct spot by
dragging and dropping. Purposely make mistakes such
as clicking the background or dropping the image before Teaching this course as a class?
it's at the right spot. Ask for help from volunteers in the
Our grade-aligned CS Fundamentals courses use
class when you run into these problems, and help them
unplugged lessons to build community and introduce tricky
use the skills that they developed in the last unplugged computer science concepts, including sequencing.
lesson to make things right. Check out the lesson Happy Maps from Course A or
Move It, Move It! from Course B!

Main Activity (20 - 30

Online Puzzles
This will teach students how to use to complete
 Teacher Tip
online puzzles.

This stage was designed to give students the opportunity Show the students the right way to help classmates:
to practice hand-eye coordination, clicking, and drag & Don’t sit in the classmate’s chair
drop skills. Students will also play with sequence. Don’t use the classmate’s keyboard
Don’t touch the classmate’s mouse
The vocabulary introduced in this lesson becomes
Make sure the classmate can describe the solution to
relevant during this activity. Take some time to explicitly
you out loud before you walk away
teach how to click, double-click, drag, and drop. It might
work better for you to cover these words in the classroom
environment where you can lead by example -- or it might make more sense to teach the words individually as students
work on their puzzles in the lab. You will need to decide what you believe is best for your class.

Watch the Pair Programming - Student Video with your students, then assign them to pairs. This should help students
start off in the right direction.

Teachers play a vital role in computer science education and supporting a collaborative and vibrant classroom environment.
During online activities, the role of the teacher is primarily one of encouragement and support. Online lessons are meant to
be student-centered, so teachers should avoid stepping in when students get stuck. Some ideas on how to do this are:

Utilize pair programming whenever possible during the activity.

Encourage students with questions/challenges to start by asking their partner.
Unanswered questions can be escalated to a nearby group, who might already know the solution.
Remind students to use the debugging process before you approach.
Have students describe the problem that they’re seeing. What is it supposed to do? What does it do? What does that tell
Remind frustrated students that frustration is a step on the path to learning, and that persistence will pay off.
If a student is still stuck after all of this, ask leading questions to get the student to spot an error on their own.

Wrap Up (5 - 10 min)
Give the students a journal prompt to help them process some of the things that they encountered during the day.
Journal Prompts:

Can you draw a sequence for getting ready to go to the computer lab?
Draw a computer lab "Do" and a "Don't"
Draw one of the Feeling Faces - Emotion Images that shows how you felt about today's lesson in the corner of your
journal page.

Extension Activities
If students complete the puzzles from this lesson early, have them spend some time trying to come up with their own
puzzles in their Think Spot Journal - Reflection Journal.

Standards Alignment
CSTA K-12 Computer Science Standards (2017)
AP - Algorithms & Programming

If you are interested in licensing materials for commercial purposes,contact us.
PRE Ch. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 Ch. 2 7 8

Express 9 10 Ch. 3 11 12

Lesson 3: Programming with Scrat


Overview View on Code Studio

Using characters from the Ice Age, students will develop sequential Objectives
algorithms to move Scrat from one side of a maze to the acorn at the
Students will be able to:
other side. To do this they will stack code blocks together in a linear
sequence, making them move straight, turn left, or turn right. Construct a program by reorganizing
sequential movements
Purpose Build a computer program from a set of
written instructions
In this lesson, students will develop programming and debugging skills Choose appropriate debugging practices
on a computer platform. The block-based format of these puzzles help when solving problems
students learn about sequence and concepts, without having to worry
about perfecting syntax. Preparation
Agenda Play through the lesson to find any
potential problem areas for your class.
Warm Up: Preview Programming in Maze (3 min) (Optional) Pick a couple of puzzles to do as
Main Activity (30 min) a group with your class.
Online Puzzles Make sure each student has a Think Spot
Wrap Up (5 - 10 min) Journal - Reflection Journal.
Extended Learning Links
Heads Up! Please make a copy of any
documents you plan to share with students.

For the Students

Feeling Faces - Emotion Images
Make a Copy
Think Spot Journal - Reflection Journal

Algorithm - A list of steps to finish a task.
Bug - Part of a program that does not work
Debugging - Finding and fixing problems in
an algorithm or program.
Program - An algorithm that has been coded
into something that can be run by a machine.
Programming - The art of creating a
Teaching Guide
Warm Up: Preview Programming in Maze (3 min)
To finish the connection, preview an online puzzle (or two) as a class.

Model: Reveal an entire online puzzle from the progression to come. We recommend Puzzle 5. Point out the "Play Area"
with Scrat, as well as the "Work Space" with the Blockly code. Explain that this Blockly code is now the language that
students will be using to get Scrat to the acorn. Do they see any similarities to the exercise that they just did? What are the
big differences?

Work with your class to drag code into the workspace in such a way that Scrat (eventually) gets to the acorn.

Transition: Students should now be ready to transition to computers to complete online puzzles on their own.

Main Activity (30 min)

If you are looking for some extra puzzles to cover with your class, here are some "prediction" puzzles that will allow you to
walk through existing code with your students to predict what Scrat will do. It is a good idea to cover them together before
letting students loose on their own machines.

Prediction Levels:

Programming in Maze #1
Programming in Maze #2

Online Puzzles
Circulate: Teachers play a vital role in computer science
 Teacher Tip:
education and supporting a collaborative and vibrant
classroom environment. During online activities, the role Show the students the right way to help classmates by:
of the teacher is primarily one of encouragement and
Don’t sit in the classmate’s chair
support. Online lessons are meant to be student- Don’t use the classmate’s keyboard
centered, so teachers should avoid stepping in when Don’t touch the classmate’s mouse
students get stuck. Some ideas on how to do this are:
Make sure the classmate can describe the solution to
Utilize Pair Programming - Student Video you out loud before you walk away
whenever possible
Encourage students with questions/challenges to start
by asking their partner
Unanswered questions can be escalated to a nearby group, who might already know the solution
Remind students to use the debugging process before you approach
Have students describe the problem that they’re seeing. What is it supposed to do? What does it do? What does that tell
Remind frustrated students that frustration is a step on the path to learning, and that persistence will pay off
If a student is still stuck after all of this, ask leading questions to get the student to spot an error on their own

Wrap Up (5 - 10 min)
Having students write about what they learned, why it’s useful, and how they feel about it can help solidify any knowledge
they obtained today and build a review sheet for them to look to in the future.
Journal Prompts:
Draw one of the Feeling Faces - Emotion Images that shows how you felt about today's lesson in the corner of your
journal page.
Draw Scrat and an acorn somewhere on your paper. Can you write a program to get to get Scrat to the acorn?

Extended Learning
In small groups, let students design their own mazes on paper and challenge other students or groups to write programs to
solve them. For added fun, make life-size mazes with students as Scrat and the acorn.

Standards Alignment
CSTA K-12 Computer Science Standards (2017)
AP - Algorithms & Programming

If you are interested in licensing materials for commercial purposes,contact us.
PRE Ch. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 Ch. 2 7 8

Express 9 10 Ch. 3 11 12

Lesson 4: Programming with Rey and BB-8


Overview View on Code Studio

In this lesson, students will use their newfound programming skills in Objectives
more complicated ways to navigate a tricky course with BB-8.
Students will be able to:
Purpose Sequence commands in a logical order.
Recognize problems or "bugs" in a program
With transfer of knowledge in mind, this lesson gives students a new and develop a plan to resolve the issues.
environment to practice the skills that they have been cultivating. Star
Wars fans will jump for joy when they see these puzzles. Each puzzle Preparation
in this series has been added to provide a deeper understanding of
the basic concepts that they will be using throughout the rest of this Play through the lesson to find any
course. potential problem areas for your class.
Make sure every student has a journal.
Warm Up (15 min)
Introduction Heads Up! Please make a copy of any
Main Activity (30 min) documents you plan to share with students.
Online Puzzles
For the Students
Wrap Up (15 min)
Feeling Faces - Emotion Images
Make a Copy
Think Spot Journal - Reflection Journal

Algorithm - A list of steps to finish a task.
Bug - Part of a program that does not work
Debugging - Finding and fixing problems in
an algorithm or program.
Program - An algorithm that has been coded
into something that can be run by a machine.
Programming - The art of creating a
Teaching Guide
Warm Up (15 min)
Ask the students how they felt about the last lesson.

Which puzzles were too hard or too easy?

Which puzzles were frustrating or a lot of fun?
If they were to teach the lesson to a friend, which part of the lesson would they want to review?

Use these questions to form a brief review of programming and debugging. If you think the class could benefit from it, you
can go over the vocabulary words and definitions from the last lesson.

If you feel comfortable, also give a brief introduction to BB-8 from Star Wars. Many students may already be familiar with
the lovable robot, but the introduction will surely build excitement.

Main Activity (30 min)

Online Puzzles
As we mentioned in the last lesson, we highly recommend viewing and usingPair Programming - Student Video as a
class. Pair programming stimulates a discussion that can answer questions, review basic concepts, and build confidence
with the subject.

Wrap Up (15 min)

Having students write about what they learned, why it’s useful, and how they feel about it can help solidify any knowledge
they obtained today and build a review sheet for them to look to in the future.
Journal Prompts:

What was today’s lesson about?

Draw one of the Feeling Faces - Emotion Images that shows how you felt about today's lesson in the corner of your
journal page.
Draw a picture of BB-8 you guided through the maze today and add a list of the commands that you used.

Standards Alignment
CSTA K-12 Computer Science Standards (2017)
AP - Algorithms & Programming

If you are interested in licensing materials for commercial purposes,contact us.
PRE Ch. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 Ch. 2 7 8

Express 9 10 Ch. 3 11 12

Lesson 5: Programming with Harvester


Overview View on Code Studio

Students will apply the programming concepts that they have learned Objectives
to the Harvester environment. Now, instead of just getting the
Students will be able to:
character to a goal, students have to collect corn using a new block.
Students will continue to develop sequential algorithm skills and start Translate movements into a series of
using the debugging process. commands.
Identify and locate bugs in a program.
In this lesson, students will develop debugging skills and will continue
developing their programming skills. Play through the puzzles to find any
potential problem areas for your class
Agenda Locate or reprint supplies for Happy Maps
Make sure each student has a Think Spot
Main Activity (30 min)
Journal - Reflection Journal
Online Puzzles
Wrap Up (5 - 10 min) Links
Heads Up! Please make a copy of any
documents you plan to share with students.

For the Students

Feeling Faces - Emotion Images
Make a Copy
Think Spot Journal - Reflection Journal

Algorithm - A list of steps to finish a task.
Bug - Part of a program that does not work
Debugging - Finding and fixing problems in
an algorithm or program.
Program - An algorithm that has been coded
into something that can be run by a machine.
Programming - The art of creating a
Teaching Guide
Main Activity (30 min)
Online Puzzles
At this point, students should already be familiar with the programming environment. Some new things to look out for in this
lesson are confusion about the debugging process or not remembering to use the pick corn block when the harvester
reaches corn.

Circulate: During online activities, the role of the teacher

 Teacher Tip:
is primarily one of encouragement and support. In
addition to the ideas listed in the last lesson, some more Show the students the right way to help classmates by:
ideas on how to do this are:
Don't sit in their chair
Remind students to use the debugging process before Don't use their keyboard
you approach. Don't touch their mouse
Have students describe the problem that they’re Make sure the classmate can describe the solution
seeing. What is it supposed to do? What does it do? before you walk away
What does that tell you?
Remind frustrated students that frustration is a step on
the path to learning, and that persistence will pay off.
If a student is still stuck after all of this, ask leading questions to get the student to spot an error on their own.

Transition: Have students grab their Thinkspot Journals and take a moment to leave lessons for themselves.

Wrap Up (5 - 10 min)
Having students write about what they learned, why it’s useful, and how they feel about it can help solidify any knowledge
they obtained today and build a review sheet for them to look to in the future.
Journal Prompts:

What was today’s lesson about?

Draw one of the Feeling Faces - Emotion Images that shows how you felt about today's lesson in the corner of your
journal page.
Draw a time you found a bug in your code.

Standards Alignment
CSTA K-12 Computer Science Standards (2017)
AP - Algorithms & Programming

If you are interested in licensing materials for commercial purposes,contact us.
PRE Ch. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 Ch. 2 7 8

Express 9 10 Ch. 3 11 12

Lesson 6: Spelling Bee


Overview View on Code Studio

Part puzzle, part word search, the Spelling Bee asks students to Objectives
program a bee to find common words in a grid.
Students will be able to:
Agenda Arrange sequential movement commands to
search for and identify target words within a
Getting Started
grid of letters.
Introduction Practice spelling age-appropriate words
Extended Learning
Teaching Guide
Getting Started
Students should be able to read and identify the following words for this activity:

Spelling Bee

Very young students or struggling readers may need additional support finding the words - using manipulatives (like
Scrabble tiles) can help students see what words look like in different directions.

Extended Learning
Use these activities to enhance student learning. They can be used as outside of class activities or other enrichment.

Vocab Hop Scotch

Using class vocab words, create a floor-sized word search. The whole class can then "program" a student, or teacher, to
spell out words by creating sequences of cardinal directions.

Standards Alignment
CSTA K-12 Computer Science Standards (2017)
AP - Algorithms & Programming

If you are interested in licensing materials for commercial purposes,contact us.
PRE Ch. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 Ch. 2 7 8

Express 9 10 Ch. 3 11 12

Lesson 7: Loops with Scrat


Overview View on Code Studio

Building on the concept of repeating instructions from "My Loopy Objectives

Robotic Friends," this stage will have students using loops to get to
Students will be able to:
the acorn more efficiently on
Construct a program using structures that
Purpose repeat areas of code
Improve existing code by finding areas of
In this lesson, students will be learning more about loops and how to repetition and moving them into looping
implement them in Blockly code. Using loops is an important skill in structures
programming because manually repeating commands is tedious and
inefficient. With these puzzles, students will learn to add Preparation
instructions to existing loops, gather repeated code into loops, and
recognize patterns that need to be repeated. (Optional) Pick a couple of puzzles to do as
a group with your class.
Agenda Make sure each student has a journal.

Online Foundation: Preview Loops in Ice Age Links

Teaching this course as a class?
Main Activity (30 min) Heads Up! Please make a copy of any
Online Puzzles documents you plan to share with students.

Wrap Up (5 - 10 min)
For the Students
Feeling Faces - Emotion Images
Extended Learning
Make a Copy
Think Spot Journal - Reflection Journal

Loop - The action of doing something over
and over again.
Repeat - Do something again
Teaching Guide
Online Foundation: Preview Loops in Ice Age
To finish the connection, preview an online puzzle (or two) as a class.

 Model: Reveal an entire online puzzle from the

 Content Corner
progression to come. Work with your class to drag code
into the workspace in such a way that Scrat (eventually)
gets to the acorn. Make sure to highlight the use of Teaching this course as a class?
repeat blocks.
Our grade-aligned CS Fundamentals courses use
Transition: Students should now be ready to transition unplugged lessons to build community and introduce tricky
to computers to complete online puzzles on their own. computer science concepts, including loops. Check out
the lesson Happy Loops from Course A and Getting
Loopy from Course B!
Main Activity (30 min)
As students work through the puzzles, see if they can figure out how many blocks they use with a loop vs. without a loop.

Online Puzzles
Circulate: Teachers play a vital role in computer science
 Teacher Tip:
education and supporting a collaborative and vibrant
classroom environment. During online activities, the role Show the students the right way to help classmates by:
of the teacher is primarily one of encouragement and Don’t sit in the classmate’s chair
support. Online lessons are meant to be student- Don’t use the classmate’s keyboard
centered, so teachers should avoid stepping in when Don’t touch the classmate’s mouse
students get stuck. Some ideas on how to do this are: Make sure the classmate can describe the solution to
Utilize Pair Programming - Student Video you out loud before you walk away
whenever possible
Encourage students with questions/challenges to start
by asking their partner
Unanswered questions can be escalated to a nearby group, who might already know the solution
Remind students to use the debugging process before you approach
Have students describe the problem that they’re seeing. What is it supposed to do? What does it do? What does that tell
Remind frustrated students that frustration is a step on the path to learning, and that persistence will pay off.
If a student is still stuck after all of this, ask leading questions to get the student to spot an error on their own.

Wrap Up (5 - 10 min)
Having students write about what they learned, why it’s useful, and how they feel about it can help solidify any knowledge
they obtained today and build a review sheet for them to look to in the future.
Journal Prompts:
What was today’s lesson about?
Draw one of the Feeling Faces - Emotion Images that shows how you felt about today's lesson in the corner of your
journal page.
Draw Scrat and an acorn.
Draw yourself using a loop to do an everyday activity, like brushing your teeth.

Extended Learning
So Moving

Give the students pictures of actions or dance moves that they can do.
Have students arrange moves and add loops to choreograph their own dance.
Share the dances with the rest of the class.

Connect It Back

Find some YouTube videos of popular dances that repeat themselves.

Can your class find the loops?
Try the same thing with songs!

Standards Alignment
CSTA K-12 Computer Science Standards (2017)
AP - Algorithms & Programming

If you are interested in licensing materials for commercial purposes,contact us.
PRE Ch. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 Ch. 2 7 8

Express 9 10 Ch. 3 11 12

Lesson 8: Loops with Laurel


Overview View on Code Studio

In this lesson, students continue learning the concept of loops. Here, Objectives
Laurel the Adventurer uses loops to collect treasure in open cave
Students will be able to:
spaces. A new get treasure block is introduced to help her on her
journey. Identify the benefits of using a loop structure
instead of manual repetition.
Purpose Break down a long sequence of instructions
into the smallest repeatable sequence
This lesson gives students more practice with loops and encourages possible.
them to put multiple blocks inside of a repeat as they try to collect as
much treasure as possible. Preparation
Agenda Play through the puzzles to find any
potential problem areas for your class.
Warm Up (10 min) (Optional) Pick a couple of puzzles to do as
Introduction a group with your class.
Online Foundation: Preview Loops in Collector Make sure each student has a journal.
Main Activity (30 min)
Teacher Demonstration Links
Online Puzzles
Heads Up! Please make a copy of any
Wrap Up (5 - 10 min)
documents you plan to share with students.

For the Students

Feeling Faces - Emotion Images
Make a Copy
Think Spot Journal - Reflection Journal

Loop - The action of doing something over
and over again.
Repeat - Do something again
Teaching Guide
Warm Up (10 min)
Quickly review the definition of a loop, the action of doing something over and over again.

What are loops?

Why do we use them?

Online Foundation: Preview Loops in Collector

To introduce Laurel the Collector, preview an online puzzle (or two) as a class.

Model: Reveal an entire online puzzle from the progression to come. We recommend Lesson 9, Puzzle 8. Do students see
any similarities to the last set of exercises that they did? What are the big differences? When should the get treasure block
be used?

Work with your class to drag code into the workspace in such a way that Laurel (eventually) collects all of the treasure.

Transition: Students should now be ready to transition to computers to complete online puzzles on their own.

Main Activity (30 min)

Teacher Demonstration
We've included some multiple choice prediction levels that are difficult for non-readers. These levels are optional for you to
review with your class to help prepare for the puzzles to come. Alternatively, these could be used after finishing the stage
as a review for the class.

Prediction Levels:

Loops in Collector

Online Puzzles
As students work through the puzzles, see if they can figure out how many blocks they use with a loop vs. without a loop.

Wrap Up (5 - 10 min)
Having students write about what they learned, why it’s useful, and how they feel about it can help solidify any knowledge
they obtained today and build a review sheet for them to look to in the future.
Journal Prompts:

What was today’s lesson about?

Draw one of the Feeling Faces - Emotion Images that shows how you felt about today's lesson in the corner of your
journal page.
Draw a line of treasure that Laurel could collect.
Draw something that uses loops.

Standards Alignment
Standards Alignment
CSTA K-12 Computer Science Standards (2017)
AP - Algorithms & Programming

If you are interested in licensing materials for commercial purposes,contact us.
PRE Ch. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 Ch. 2 7 8

Express 9 10 Ch. 3 11 12

Lesson 9: Ocean Scene with Loops


Overview View on Code Studio

Returning to loops, students learn to draw images by looping simple Objectives

sequences of instructions. In the previous plugged lesson, loops were
Students will be able to:
used to traverse a maze and collect treasure. Here, loops are creating
patterns. At the end of this stage, students will be given the Count the number of times an action should
opportunity to create their own images using loops. be repeated and represent it as a loop.
Decompose a shape into its largest
Purpose repeatable sequence.
Create a program that draws complex shapes
This lesson gives a different perspective on how loops can create by repeating simple sequences.
things in programming. Students can also reflect on the inefficiency of
programming without loops here because of how many blocks the Preparation
program would require without the help of repeat loops.
Play through the puzzles to find any
Agenda potential problem areas for your class.
Make sure each student has a Think Spot
Warm Up (10 min) Journal - Reflection Journal.
Main Activity (30 min) Links
Online Puzzles
Heads Up! Please make a copy of any
Wrap Up (5 - 10 min)
documents you plan to share with students.

For the Teacher

Pause and Think Online - Video

For the Students

Feeling Faces - Emotion Images
Make a Copy
Think Spot Journal - Reflection Journal

Loop - The action of doing something over
and over again.
Repeat - Do something again
Teaching Guide
Warm Up (10 min)
Quickly review the definition of a loop, the action of doing something over and over again.
Discuss different patterns like zigzags and stairsteps.
How would you explain to someone how to draw that pattern?
How could you draw this using a loop?

In the artist levels students will be using 45 degree angles described as northwest, northeast, southwest, southeast. We
recommend briefly discussing these directions with the class and drawing an image for students to refer back to.

Main Activity (30 min)

Online Puzzles
Teacher Demonstration

We've included some multiple choice prediction levels

 Teacher Tip
that are difficult for non-readers. These levels are
optional for you to review with your class to help prepare Remind the students to only share their work with their
for the puzzles to come. Alternatively, these could be close friends or family. For more information watch or
used after finishing the stage as a review for the class. show the class Pause and Think Online - Video .

Prediction Levels:

Loops in Artist

Wrap Up (5 - 10 min)
Having students write about what they learned, why it’s useful, and how they feel about it can help solidify any knowledge
they obtained today and build a review sheet for them to look to in the future.
Journal Prompts:

What was today’s lesson about?

Draw one of the Feeling Faces - Emotion Images that shows how you felt about today's lesson in the corner of your
journal page.
Draw some stairs. Imagine the loop needed to draw this.
Draw something else in your life that uses loops.

Standards Alignment
CSTA K-12 Computer Science Standards (2017)
AP - Algorithms & Programming

If you are interested in licensing materials for commercial purposes,contact us.
PRE Ch. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 Ch. 2 7 8

Express 9 10 Ch. 3 11 12

Lesson 10: Drawing Gardens with Loops


Overview View on Code Studio

Returning to loops, students learn to draw images by looping simple Objectives

sequences of instructions. In the previous online lesson, loops were
Students will be able to:
used to traverse a maze and collect treasure. Here, students use
loops to create patterns. At the end of this stage, students will be Count the number of times an action should
given the opportunity to create their own images using loops. be repeated and represent it as a loop.
Decompose a shape into its largest
Purpose repeatable sequence.
Create a program that draws complex shapes
This lesson gives a different perspective on how loops can create by repeating simple sequences.
things in programming. Students will test their critical thinking skills by
evaluating given code and determining what needs to be added in Preparation
order to solve the puzzle. Students can also reflect on the inefficiency
of programming without loops here because of how many blocks the Play through the lesson to find any
program would require without the help of repeat loops. potential problem areas for your class.
Make sure each student has a journal.
Warm Up (10 min)
Introduction Heads Up! Please make a copy of any
Main Activity (30 min) documents you plan to share with students.
Online Puzzles
For the Students
Wrap Up (5 - 10 min)
Feeling Faces - Emotion Images
Make a Copy
Think Spot Journal - Reflection Journal

Loop - The action of doing something over
and over again.
Teaching Guide
Warm Up (10 min)
Quickly review the definition of a loop, the action of doing something over and over again.
Discuss different patterns like zigzags and stairsteps.
How would you explain to someone how to draw that pattern?
How could you draw this using a loop?

In the artist levels, students will be using 45 degree angles described as northwest, northeast, southwest, southeast. We
recommend briefly discussing these directions with the class and drawing an image for students to refer back to.

Main Activity (30 min)

Online Puzzles
Teacher Demonstration

We've included some multiple choice prediction levels

 Teacher Tip
that are difficult for non-readers. These levels are
optional for you to review with your class to help prepare Remind the students to only share their work with their
for the puzzles to come. Alternatively, these could be close friends or family. For more information watch or
used after finishing the stage as a review for the class. show the class Pause and Think Online - Video .

Prediction Levels:

Loops in Artist

Wrap Up (5 - 10 min)
Having students write about what they learned, why it’s useful, and how they feel about it can help solidify any knowledge
they obtained today and build a review sheet for them to look to in the future.
Journal Prompts:

What was today’s lesson about?

Draw one of the Feeling Faces - Emotion Images that shows how you felt about today's lesson in the corner of your
journal page.
Draw the patterns you made with a loop.
Draw a pattern that you would like to make with a loop.

Standards Alignment
CSTA K-12 Computer Science Standards (2017)
AP - Algorithms & Programming

If you are interested in licensing materials for commercial purposes,contact us.
PRE Ch. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 Ch. 2 7 8

Express 9 10 Ch. 3 11 12

Lesson 11: On the Move with Events


Overview View on Code Studio

In this online activity, students will have the opportunity to learn how to Objectives
use events in Play Lab and to apply all of the coding skills they've
Students will be able to:
learned to create an animated game. It's time to get creative and
make a story in the Play Lab! Identify actions that correlate to input events.
Create an animated, interactive story using
Purpose sequence and event-handlers.
Share a creative artifact with other students.
Students will further develop their understanding of events using Play
Lab today. Events are very common in most computer programs. In Preparation
this activity, students will use events to make a character move
around the screen, make noises, and change backgrounds based on Play through the puzzles to find any
user-initiated events. potential problem areas for your class.
(Optional) Pick a couple of puzzles to do as
Agenda a group with your class.
Review CS Fundamentals Main Activity
Warm Up (10 min)
Tips - Lesson Recommendations.
Teaching this course as a class? Make sure every student has aThink
Spot Journal - Reflection Journal.
Bridging Activity - Events (10 min)
Previewing Online Puzzles as a Class Links
Main Activity (30 min)
Heads Up! Please make a copy of any
Online Puzzles and Free Play
documents you plan to share with students.
Wrap Up (5 - 10 min)
For the Students
Extended Learning
Feeling Faces - Emotion Images
Make a Copy
Think Spot Journal - Reflection Journal

Event - An action that causes something to
Teaching Guide
Warm Up (10 min)
 Introduction  Content Corner
Now we're going to add events to our code. Specifically,
we're going to have an event for when two characters
touch each other. Teaching this course as a class?
When have you seen two characters touch each other Our grade-aligned CS Fundamentals courses use
unplugged lessons to build community and introduce tricky
as an event in games? computer science concepts, including events. Check out
the lesson The Big Event Jr. from Course A!

Bridging Activity - Events

(10 min)
Previewing Online Puzzles as a Class
Pull a puzzle from the corresponding puzzles online. We recommend puzzle 7. Call on different students to make a funny
noise when you click on Jorge. Explain this is an event that they are reacting to and Jorge can be coded to make noise
when you click on him.

Main Activity (30 min)

Online Puzzles and Free Play
At the final level students have the freedom to create a story of their own. You may want to provide structured guidelines
around what kind of story to write, particularly for students who are overwhelmed by too many options.

Wrap Up (5 - 10 min)
Having students write about what they learned, why it’s useful, and how they feel about it can help solidify any knowledge
they obtained today and build a review sheet for them to look to in the future.
Journal Prompts:

What was today’s lesson about?

Draw one of the Feeling Faces - Emotion Images that shows how you felt about today's lesson in the corner of your
journal page.
Draw an event you used in your program today.
Imagine that you have a remote controlled robot. What would the remote look like? Draw a picture of what you think you
could make the robot do.

Extended Learning
Use these activities to enhance student learning. They can be used as outside of class activities or other enrichment.

Look Under the Hood

When you share a link to your story, you also share all of the code that goes behind it. This is a great way for students to
learn from each other.

Post links to completed stories online.

Make a story of your own to share as well!
When students load up a link, have them click the "How it Works" button to see the code behind the story.
Discuss as a group the different ways your classmates coded their stories.
What surprised you?
What would you like to try?
Choose someone else's story and click Remix to build on it. (Don't worry, the original story will be safe.)

Standards Alignment
CSTA K-12 Computer Science Standards (2017)
AP - Algorithms & Programming

If you are interested in licensing materials for commercial purposes,contact us.
PRE Ch. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 Ch. 2 7 8

Express 9 10 Ch. 3 11 12

Lesson 12: A Royal Battle with Events


Overview View on Code Studio

In this online activity, students will have the opportunity to learn how to Objectives
use events in Play Lab and apply all of the coding skills that they've
Students will be able to:
learned to create an animated game. It's time to get creative and
make a game in Play Lab! Identify actions that correlate to input events.
Create an animated, interactive story using
Purpose sequences and event-handlers.
Share a creative artifact with other students.
In this online activity, students will learn how to use events in Play
Lab. They will start by training the knight to move when an arrow key Preparation
is pressed, then end with the opportunity to showcase the rest of the
skills that they learned throughout this course, including sequence Play through the puzzles to find any
and looping, as part of the final freeplay puzzle. potential problem areas for your class.
(Optional) Pick a couple of puzzles to do as
Agenda a group with your class.
Make sure every student has a journal.
Warm Up (10 min)
Introduction Links
Bridging Activity - Events (10 min)
Previewing Online Puzzles as a Class Heads Up! Please make a copy of any
documents you plan to share with students.
Main Activity (30 min)
Online Puzzles and Free Play
For the Students
Wrap Up (5 - 10 min)
Feeling Faces - Emotion Images
Make a Copy
Extended Learning Think Spot Journal - Reflection Journal

Event - An action that causes something to
Teaching Guide
Warm Up (10 min)
Review "The Big Event" activity with students:

What did we "program" the button events to do?

Now we're going to add events to our code. Specifically, we're going to have an event for when two characters touch each

When have you seen two characters touch each other as an event in games?

Bridging Activity - Events (10 min)

Previewing Online Puzzles as a  Lesson Tip
Students will have the opportunity to share their final
Pull a puzzle from the corresponding online puzzles. We
product with a link. This is a great opportunity to show
recommend puzzle 4 of this stage. Call on different your school community the great things your students are
students to make a funny face representing a mood when doing. Collect all of the links and keep them on your class
you click on Daisy. Explain this is an event that they are website for all to see!
reacting to and Daisy can be coded to change moods Remind the students to only share their work with their
when you click on her. close friends or family. For more information watch or
show the class Pause and Think Online - Video .

Main Activity (30 min)

Online Puzzles and Free Play
At the final level students have the freedom to create a story of their own. You may want to provide structured guidelines
around what kind of story to write, particularly for students who are overwhelmed by too many options.

Wrap Up (5 - 10 min)
Having students write about what they learned, why it’s useful, and how they feel about it can help solidify any knowledge
they obtained today and build a review sheet for them to look to in the future.
Journal Prompts:

What was today’s lesson about?

Draw one of the Feeling Faces - Emotion Images that shows how you felt about today's lesson in the corner of your
journal page.
Draw an event you used in your program today.
Imagine that you have a remote controlled robot. What would the remote look like? Draw a picture of what you think you
could make the robot do.

Extended Learning
Use these activities to enhance student learning. They can be used as outside of class activities or other enrichment.
Look Under the Hood

When you share a link to your story, you also share all of the code that goes behind it. This is a great way for students to
learn from each other.

Post links to completed stories online

Make a story of your own to share as well!
When students load up a link, have them click the "How it Works" button to see the code behind the story.
Discuss as a group the different ways your classmates coded their stories.
What surprised you?
What would you like to try?
Choose someone else's story and click Remix to build on it. (Don't worry, the original story will be safe.)

Standards Alignment
CSTA K-12 Computer Science Standards (2017)
AP - Algorithms & Programming

If you are interested in licensing materials for commercial purposes,contact us.

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