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REVIEW Effect of compost on growth performance of bread wheat

(Triticumaestivum L) In Case Of wolaita Sodo University




ID No: A/G/R/R/ 354/10

January, 2020
Wolaita Sodo, Ethiopia

First and foremost, I would like to thank God for directing us with his true spirit all the time with
success. Secondly, all my profound gratitude goes to my family for their unreserved effort in
giving me constructive and helpful supports to reach this stage. Thirdly, I would like to thank my
adviser Serawit Handesen (PHD) for his advice in conducting, editing this senior proposal paper
. Lastly I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to my classmate and fourthly I would also
grateful to Wolaita sodo University plant science department for preparing this opportunity.

Table of content

FAO Food and Agricultural Organization

CSA Central Statistics Agency

1. Introduction
1.1Back ground
Wheat (Triticumaestivum L.) is one of the three cereals which has the most cultivated land in the
world and dedicated to itself about one-third of the world’s arable land (Emam, 2007). This plant
has an important role in feeding people around the world (Ying Li et al., 2016).Wheat is one of
the major staple and strategic food security cropping in Ethiopia. It is cultivated on 1,627,647.16
hectares of land and has the production of 34,347,061.22 quintals with productivity of 21.10
kg/ha in Ethiopia (CSA, 2013).

Ethiopia is the second largest wheat producing country in Africa next to South Africa. Studies
revealed that, currently bread wheat covers about 60% of the total wheat area from a15% in 1967
and a 40% in 1991, while durum wheat covers about 40% from an 85% in 1967 and a 60% in
1991 (Hailu et al., 1991 and Alemayehu et al., 2011).However, wheat and other cereal crops
production is becoming low due to poor soil fertility and soil degradation. Thus, there are some
practices used to enhance this low soil fertility thereby increase crop production.

Compost is defined as stable aerobically decomposed organic matter which is result of a

managed decomposition process. During this process, a succession of aerobic microorganism
break down and transform organic material into a range of increasingly complex organic
substance (Bastida et al.,2010;CIWMB,2004; Epstein,1997; Paulin and O’Malley,2008).
According to Wiley et al.(1955) and Epstein (1997), microorganism use organic matter (feed
stocks) as a food source and then produce heat, carbon dioxide, water vapor and range of organic
compounds. Mature composts are stable and have pleasant smell, but if the composting process
is ended prematurely, the resulting immature compost may have negative effects on soils and
plants and have a bad odor. (Epstein, 1997; Farrell and jones,2009).Composts one of the
biological processes for recycling of organic waste and can be defined as a method of biological
decomposition, where organic material decomposed to a stage that can be handled, stored and
applied toland without any environmental impact (Rynk, 1992; Millneret al., 1998; Eghballet
al.,2004). During composting, organic residues are decomposed under controlled conditions
(temperature, moisture and aeration). In addition, extensive microbiological and chemical
transformations are involved in the composting process. Composted organic material can be used
as a source of important nutrients for sustainable crop productivity. The composted organic

wastes cannot only act as supplement to chemical fertilizers but may also improve the organic
matter status and physio-chemical properties of soil (Harmsenet al., 1994).

Biologically active substances or plant growth regulators (PGRs) are organic compounds, which
have shown far-reaching impacts on growth of plants even at low concentration
(Frankenberger&Arshad, 1995;Arshad&Frankenberger, 1998; Khalid etal.,2006). L-Tryptophan
(L-TRP) is a common precursor of plant hormone auxin, and affects the physiological processes
of plants after uptake from soil directly or indirectly after transforming into auxins (IAA) in the
soil. It is likely that enrichment of composted material with nutrient (N) and/or PGRs can convert
an organic waste material into value added organic fertilizer, which may increase per acre crop
yields. Keeping this in view, a study was planned to recycle fruits and vegetables organic wastes
for improving growth and yield of wheat.

Many scientists suggested that the use of organic matter along with chemical fertilizers can give
the higher grains yield than obtained with synthetic chemical fertilizers alone (Sarwar et al.,
2007; Sarwaret al., 2008).

Higher soil organic matter concentrations have been proved to enhance the yield and yield
components of cereals (Sarwar, 2005) as well as soil aeration, soil density and maximizing water
holding capacity of soil for seed germination and plant root development (Zia et al., 1998).

1.2 Statement of problem

However, wheat and other cereal crops production is becoming low due to poor soil fertility due
to non or inadequate application of fertilizers.

They mainly use in organic fertilizers in order to improve soil fertility, crop production but they
are quickly absorbed and utilized by the crop. Moreover they destroy the soil structure, and soil
quality and increase the costs of production resulting in a reduction of profit in crop production.

Although compost provides beneficial nutrients to crops, highest priority is nevertheless given to
the optimum amount of compost for maximum production of wheat. Even though Ethiopia is the
largest wheat producer in sub Saharan Africa, next to South Africa, its productivity is low and
not more than 1.3 t ha-1.This is due to constraints posed by both bio-tic and a bio tic factors such
as poor agronomic practice and soil management, inadequate level of technology generation and
dissemination. Moreover; depleted soil fertility, low level of chemical fertilizer usage, limited
knowledge on time and rate of application and unavailability of other modern crop management
in puts are the most significant constraints to this production. No research has been done so far
on the effect of compost performance on the growth of bread wheat.

Therefore, solving such problems and creating awareness on compost performance on the growth
of bread wheat in the study area, can improve productivity of the wheat. Therefore, the study will
be proposed with the objective to evaluate the effect of compost performance on the growth of
bread wheat

1.3 Research question
The research question includes the following:

1. What is the best compost performance on the growth of bread wheat?

2. How can determine the optimum amount of compost performance for bread wheat production?

3. What is his efficacy of giving high bread wheat production?

1.4 objectives

1.4.1 General objectives

 The main objective of this study is to review the effect of compost on growth
performance of bread wheat
1.4.2 Specific objectives
 To describe the best compost performance on the growth of bread wheat.
 To determine the optimum amount of compost performance for bread wheat production.
 To assess the efficacy of giving high bread wheat production. Among the compost.

2. Literature Review
2.1. Wheat production in Ethiopia
Ethiopia is one of the largest grain producers in Africa, and the second largest wheat producer in
Sub-Saharan Africa, next to South Africa. Wheat production in Sub-Saharan Africa is at 10 to
25% of its potential and the region could easily grow more to improve food security. Farmers in
Sub-Saharan Africa produce 44% of the wheat consumed locally and import the rest from
international markets, making the region highly vulnerable to global market and supply shocks
(AC, 2009).

Wheat plays a leading role in both the diet and the economy of Ethiopia. According to research
conducted by IFPRI for the Ethiopian Agricultural Transformation Agency (ATA), wheat is the
fourth most widely grown crop in the country (after teff, maize, and sorghum) and ranks fourth
(tied with teff) in terms of the gross value of production. In addition, wheat and wheat products
make up 14 percent of the country’s total caloric intake. Ethiopia also imports a significant
amount of wheat for domestic consumption between 25 and 35 percent.

In Ethiopia, both the bread and durum wheat are widely cultivated in the high lands of the
country largely in the areas like South East, Central and North West parts. According to MoARD
(2005), it is estimated that 1.4 million hectare of land is covered with wheat and more than 2.18
million tons are produced annually. In terms of area cultivated and annual production, wheat is
the third most important cereal crop in Ethiopia following maize and teff (CSA, 2012).Existing
literatures have also shown that the trend of wheat production and areas covered under wheat has
been increasing from time to time.

The Ethiopian Commodity Exchange reported that farm households consume about 60% of
wheat produced; 20% is sold; and the remainder is used for seed, in-kind payment for labor and
animal feed. As indicated above the gap between domestic wheat production and consumption
has grown significantly which resulted in higher wheat price. Hence, commercial and subsidized
wheat imports have become an option to offset the shortfall in domestic production as well as to
stabilize the exorbitant increase in wheat price. For example, in this year 2015/16, EGTE

imported 750,000 MT of wheat mainly from Russia and Argentina and around 300,000 MT
through food aid mainly from the United States (CSA, 2014).

Despite the significant acreage of wheat production in Ethiopia, the mean national yield of the
crop was a little higher than 2t/ha (CSA, 2014). This relatively low mean national yield for wheat
is primarily attributed to poor access for improved varieties, depleted soil fertility, low fertilizer
usage, and the unavailability of other improved crop management inputs (Asnakew et al.,1991).
The production and productivity of this crop has also been constrained by lack of continuous
supply of high yielding and disease resistant varieties.

2.2. Cultural Wheat

Wheat is one of the major cereal crops in the northern Tigray. Both local and improved wheat
varieties are being planted in the area. Group management and collective action for weeding,
harvesting and threshing is practiced by the community. Wheat is consumed in the form of bread
and injera by the community. The wheat grain is roasted in to Kollo for consumption. Grains and
seeds of wheat are sold at local and regional markets. They are sold both by men and women
farmers. Women are the main actors in the processing of wheat. There is no cultural barrier to
the production and consumption of wheat in Northern Tigray.

2.3. The composting process

Composting is the biological decomposition and stabilization of organic substrates by a mixed microbial
population under optimum moisture, temperature and aeration conditions (Dalzell et al., 1987; Sunaret
al., 2009). The process requires mostly aerobic conditions for the mineralization and mummification of
organic matter (OM) (Martínez-Blanco et al., 2013). Anaerobic composting occurs, but is less rapid and
odor less than aerobic composting (Gardiner & Miller, 2008).
The composting process is characterized by a period of rapid decomposition and temperature
accumulation followed by a cooler, slower decline of the remaining organic substrates. Temperature will
rise due to enhanced microbial heat production, resulting from heterotrophic oxidation and the slow heat
release to the environment (Savalaet al., 2003). To destroy pathogens effectively, temperatures of 71°C
inside the composting heap for one hour or more need to be attained. The complete destruction of plant
pathogens is almost impossible because the outside layers of the heap are cooler than the required killing
temperature (Gardiner & Miller, 2008). During the composting process, carbonaceous and nitrogenous
compounds are transformed through the activity of micro-organisms into more stable complex organic
forms, which chemically resemble soil humic matter (Diacono&Montemurro, 2010; Stan et al., 2009).
There is an order of decomposition rate for the different plant parts: carbohydrates, sugars, proteins and
fats decompose the quickest, followed by hemicelluloses, cellulose and finally lignin (Mohee, 2007).

The composting process is divided into different phases characterized by temperature and the bacterial
and fungal populations, as shown in Figure 1.4The psychrophilic stage is the first stage in the composting
process with temperatures below 25°C.Psychrophilic bacteria only give off a small amount of heat in
comparison to other types of bacteria. Nevertheless, the heat they produce is enough to help build up the
compost heap temperature to the point where mesophilic bacteria and fungi take over. The mesophilic
stage initiates the decomposition process with temperatures ranging from 25 to 40°C, allowing bacteria
and fungi to grow. Micro-organisms in this stage break down effectively biomaterials. The third stage is
the thermophilic stage, which is necessary to ensure stabilization and to pasteurize the compost. Harmful
organisms are eliminated and the compost heap is detoxified. In this stage, temperatures can rise up to
75°C but are normally around 50 to 60°C. Bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes breakdown cellulose, lignin
and other resistant materials. The thermophilic stage may last a few days depending on how well oxygen
(O2) is supplied and on the quality and quantity of the substrate. Inside the compost heap, temperatures
are much higher than outside, so to obtain even decomposition and better aeration, periodic turning is
necessary. During the final stage, the maturation stage, the temperature will stabilize because substrate
becomes a limit to micro-organisms (Savalaet al., 2003; Hubbeet al., 2010; Sunaret al., 2009; Dalzell et
al., 1987).

2.4. Determining factors of the composting process

The most important factor of the composting process is the diverse population of predominantly aerobic
micro-organisms. Their activity depends on the C/N ratio, O2 supply, moisture content, temperature,
particle size and pH of the compost heap (Mohee, 2007).
Micro-organisms need 30 parts of C for each part of N, where 20 parts are oxidized to carbon dioxide
(CO2) for energy and 10 parts are used in the syntheses of protoplasm (Sunaret al., 2009). N is used as a
source of protein for cell production and population growth. A C/N ratio between 20:1 to 35:1 leads to an
efficient process, but a ratio of 30:1 is optimal. When the C/N ratio rises above this level, meaning there is
an inadequate N supply, heat production drops and the rate of composting slows down. On the other hand,
when the C/N ratio drops below 20:1, excess N is lost as ammonia gas (NH3) or nitrate (NO3-) and there is
a rise in pH, which may be toxic to some micro-organisms. During the composting process, the C/N ratio
of the initial material typically declines because the C is oxidized and the N is mineralized by micro-
organisms (Mohee, 2007; Hubbeet al., 2010; Dalzell et al., 1987).
Bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes prefer different types of organic material and when these organic
molecules are no longer available, they become dormant or die. Microbial activity is optimal when pH
ranges between 6.5 and 8. However, bacteria need a pH between 6 and 7.5 whereas fungi need a pH
between 5.5 and 8.9 for their activity. The pH varies with the raw material used in the compost and the
production of various products (lactic and acetic acids) during the composting period. During the

thermophilic stage, pH can rise up to 9 and thereby releasing NH3. In the maturation stage, pH will drop
to neutral (Mohee, 2007; Hubbeet al., 2010).
As mentioned above, composting is an aerobic process, so micro-organisms require O2 to break down the
organic materials. Therefore, there should be enough void space to allow movement of O 2 from the
atmosphere into the heap and allowing CO2 and other gases to go out. The O2 concentration is related to
the different microbial populations and gasses in the compost heap, like O2, NH3, hydrogen sulfide (H2S)
and CO2 (Sunaret al., 2009). Micro-13.

Organisms can only digest organic material if the compost heap has a moisture content between 50 and
60%. This will provide a thin layer of moisture around the organic material, while still allowing free air
movement. Water is produced during the compost process by the micro-organisms and is lost by
evaporation. In the tropics, temperatures are high and compost can quickly dry out. Therefore, farmers
need to ensure an adequate moisture content at all times by wetting the mixture initially and if necessary
during the process as well (Dalzell et al., 1987). Recommended conditions for rapid composting are
summarized in Table 1.3 (Mohee, 2007).

2.5. Effects of compost on soil

The Effects of compost on soil According to De Bertoldi et al. (1983) and Bemal et al. (2009),
composts have several advantages compared to plant residues. When applied to soils, such
as reduced volume, slower mineralization rates and recycling of municipal bio solid wastes.
Compost has two main effects on soils, particularly nutrient-poor soils:replenish soil organic
matter and supply plant nutrients (Sanchez-Mondero et al.,2004; Tejada et al., 2009b).
Organic matter plays a crucial role in improving physical, chemical and biological properties
of soils. Soil structure can be improved by the binding between soil organic matter and clay
particles via cation bridges and through stimulation of microbial activity and root growth
(Farrell and-7-Compost effects on soil properties and plant growth Jones, 2009; Gao et a1.,
2010). According to Tisdall and Oades (1982), organic matter can indirectly improve soil
structure by increasing microbial activity and thus production of microbial slimes, fungal
hyphae and/or roots bind aggregates together.

Organic matter is a significant reservoir of nutrients and can retain nutrients in a plant available
form @aldock, 2007). other beneficial effects of composts include increasing water holding
capacity and plant water availability (CIWMB, 2004; Curtis and Claassen, 2005; Fanell and
Jones, 2009),decreasing leaching of nutrients (Gale et al., 2006; HepperlyetaI., 2009), reducing
erosion and evaporation and prevention of plant diseases(Arthur et a1., 2010; Gershuny, 1994).

Further, compost cart act as a long term slow release fertilizer.However, the application of
immature compost can have negative effects on plant growth due to its unpleasant or nuisance
odor production, potential to inhibit plant growth and reduce N availability in the soil.
The beneficial effects of compost are only achieved when mature compost is added to soil.

Compost increases SOM, improving physical, chemical and biological functions of the soil
(Savala et al., 2003; Abdel-Mawgoud, 2006).

2.5.1. Chemical functions

OM is a source of plant nutrients, especially in the direct supply of N, P, S and K. Organic inputs
also enhance CEC particularly in sandy soils and reduce Al toxicity and P-fixation in strongly
acid soils with oxide mineralogy (Savala et al., 2003; Negassa et al., 2007).
Diacono&Montemurro (2010) and MwitiMutegi et al. (2012) both reported a significant increase
of organic C with the application of compost as compared to inorganic fertilizers. Compost has
an impact on mineralization rate by increasing soil C directly, where as inorganic fertilizers
Increase C only indirectly by improving plant growth.

2.5.2. Biological functions

SOM stimulates the activity of macro fauna and micro-organisms in the soil and contributes to
the nutrient release. The micro-organisms require N for their growth, so they break down the
organic materials and release nutrients. This process involves immobilization of N from the soil
by the micro-organisms (Savalaet al., 2003; Diacono&Montemurro, 2010).181.3.2 Source of
macro and micro nutrients Compost provides macronutrients, like N, P and K which are
immediately plant available, but also micro nutrients. Depending on the feedstock of the
compost, a wide range of micro nutrients may be added, including Fe, copper(Cu), zinc (Zn) and
B. These elements are necessary for plant growth and not easily obtained since most inorganic
fertilizers contain only macronutrients (Gardiner & Miller, 2008).


Wheat has accompanied humans since remote times (as far back as 3000 to 4000 BC) in their
evolution and development, evolving itself (in part by nature and in part by manipulation) from
its primitive form (emmer wheat) into the presently cultivated species. The more important
modern wheat species are hexaploid bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and tetraploid durum
wheat (T. turgidum L. var. durum), which are different from one another in genomic make-up, in
grain composition and in food end-use quality attributes. Except for the very warm tropics, wheat
adapts to all diverse climatic conditions prevailing in agricultural lands and, therefore, it is
harvested in the world all year around. Its wide adaptation to diverse environmental conditions,
along with its unique characteristic of possessing a viscoelastic storage protein complex called
gluten, are the main factors making wheat the most important food crop in the world. Wheat, in
the form of bread, provides more nutrients to the world population than any other single food
source. Bread is particularly important as a source of carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins B and
E (Pomeranz, 1987).

Rut-Duga et al (2019) conclude that; The results of growth and yield attribute investigations
showed that NPSB fertilizer for the number of productive tillers, above ground biomass yield
and grain yield had good performances at 300 kg ha-1NPSB fertilizer treatment with
supplementary urea on; but at 200 kg NPSB fertilizer applied with supplementary urea.
Therefore, application of NPSB at the rate of 300 kg NPSB ha-1 in the production of Wane and
200 NPSB kg ha-1 in the production of Kingbird varieties was economically beneficial and
recommended for around Kulumsa area. In the future for keeping the soil health and improve the
production of the yield, use of balanced nutrient application (macro and micro) for the farmer
land is so important. Since this study was conducted in one location for one season, it should be
repeated in more location and season for further recommendation in similar agro ecologies.

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