The United Nations Exposed Jasper 2001
The United Nations Exposed Jasper 2001
The United Nations Exposed Jasper 2001
been working for decades to build the United Nations into an allpowerful
world government. In this carefully documented study,
William F. Jasper shows that, with the United Nations, the
American people are being offered what amounts to poison
disguised as candy.
Introduction ......................................................................
... ix
Prologue ..........................................................................
Part I: Foundations
1. The
Threat ....................................................................13
6. Enviromania ............................................................. 93
tion, they have been working for decades to disarm America and
build the United Nations into an all-powerful world government.
We are now facing the culmination of their subversive schemes. In
this carefully documented study, Mr. Jasper shows that with the
United Nations the American people are being offered what
amounts to poison disguised as candy. From all directions we are
being propagandized that "global problems require global solutions."
And we are told this means that we have to give more
power to the UN. Mr. Jasper exposes that power grab � one of the
greatest "trust me" schemes in all of history � as totally corrupt.
Terrorists R Us
In The United Nations Exposed, William Jasper helps us all confront
fundamental facts so we can step back and question the
received wisdom. For example, why should we expect that justice
can be served by giving supreme power to an organization that
warmly embraces the most murderous regimes in all history?
Mr. Jasper also shows that those who are working to empower
the UN fully realize that they cannot sell their desired "revolution
in political arrangements" on its merits. They have to deceive and
are quite willing to do so to obtain the power they seek. The
evidence of such arrogant duplicity alone should inspire any
prudent American to withdraw all trust and seek different
Unique Contribution
In this major expose, William Jasper has accomplished something
truly unique and important. Throughout his book, he demonstrates
that it is American elitists � in particular members of the New
York-based Council on Foreign Relations � who are pulling the
strings and orchestrating the "consensus" for empowering the
United Nations. In that work, they are amply supported by
associated think tanks and foundations.
The heart of the book � Part II, "Stealth Strategies for Building
the Superstate" � provides the most important new insights. In
this series of chapters, Mr. Jasper shows how, through breathtaking
pretexts and deceptions and elaborate networks, the globalist
architects are building their house of world order. Creating much
wider understanding of these deceptions is the key to countering
the attempted public manipulation.
Part III, "Bringing It Home," shows what the dishonest drive for
world government will mean to the individual and his family.
Chapter 12, "The UN's One-World Religion," exposes the efforts
to undermine Christianity and other traditional faith-based religions.
The goal is to replace them with a strange new mix that is
more compatible with universal worship of the Almighty State as
the object deserving our supreme loyalty. Chapter 13, "The UN
Declares Total War on the Family," lays bare the Orwellian
dimension of the drive to empower the UN.
The last chapter, one of the best in the book, examines not only
the necessity for action, but also the principles of effective action.
A Realistic Solution
It is our hope that after reading this book you will want to help stop
the drive to destroy American freedom and independence that Mr.
Jasper describes. There are a number of steps we recommend.
The first is to take the time to understand the message in this
book and convince yourself of its accuracy. Check out the references.
Visit the websites cited herein for more information. Order
additional literature. Talk to members and staff of The John Birch
Society. Satisfy yourself that our information is reliable and that
our long-range goal � "less government, more responsibility, and,
with God's help, a better world" � is something you too can
recommend with pride.
Tom Gow
April 7, 2001
For I dipt into the future, far as human eye could see,
Saw the Vision of the world, and all the wonder that would
be... Heard the heavens fill with shouting, and there rain'd a
ghastly dew From the nations' airy navies grappling in the central blue...
Till the war-drum throbb'd no longer, and the battle-flags
were furl'd In the Parliament of man, the Federation of the world. There
the common sense of most shall hold a fretful realm in
awe, And the kindly earth shall slumber, lapt in universal law.1 � Alfred
Lord Tennyson, "Locksley Hall," 1842
A chilling insight into the kind of future we might expect under the
global regime of an omnipotent, omni-benevolent United Nations is
provided in a presentation on "world order" given by a high UN official to
the American Association of Systems Analysts. The official, Robert
Muller, held many top UN posts over a 35-year career at the UN,
including that of Secretary of the UN's Economic and Social Council
(ECOSOC). In his book New Genesis: Shaping a Global Spirituality,
Muller recounts how he explained to the systems analysts the myriad
activities in which the UN was even at that time (the 1970s) deeply
Yes, the UN is dealing with the human person, that alpha and omega of our
efforts.... The person's basic rights, justice, health, progress and peace are
Yes, the UN is dealing with the atom in the International Atomic Energy
Yes, the UN is dealing with art, folklore, nature, the preservation of species,
worldwide cooperation, the aspirations of East and West, North and South,
Muller then records: "I went on like this for more than an hour.
When I finished, I still had a bagful to say, but I was exhausted by
my exaltation at the vastness of the cooperation I had seen
develop.... Something gigantic was going on, a real turning point in
evolution ... glorious and beautiful like Aphrodite emerging from
the sea. This was the beginning of a new age.... The great hour of
truth had arrived for the human race."5 (Emphasis added.)
Muller fumed that "political men were still dragging their feet in
antiquated, obsolete quarrels which prevented them from seeing
the vast new universal scheme of evolution which was dawning
upon the world."7 Indeed. Parochial politicians were stifling the
messianic mission of Mr. Muller and his fellow UN savants, whose
only desire is to "transform" the world.
* At the beginning of his World Core Curriculum Muller states that his underlying
philosophy "is based on the teachings set forth in the books of Alice A. Bailey by
the Tibetan teacher Djwhal Khul and the teachings of M. Morya." This is quite an
admission considering that Mrs. Bailey's exalted position in the occult
Theosophical firmament is second only to that of Theosophy founder and high
priestess Madame Blavatsky. Bailey, who alleged that Khul and Morya communicated
with her telepathically, was a rabid Luciferian and founded the Lucifer
Publishing Company and the Theosophical journal Lucifer.
Renewed Revolution
The UN's Robert Muller fully recognizes the revolutionary nature
of his mission. "As on the eve of the French Revolution," he
exclaims, "... we must outgrow the increasingly erroneous notion
of good and bad as seen by a particular group ... and define new
concepts of what is good or bad for the entire human family. This
is absolutely essential."13 Muller and other enthusiasts for a "new
world order" under UN hegemonic rule invariably share this
sympathetic fascination and fixation with the abominations and
terror of the French Revolution.
So, too, have the greatest mass murderers of this century. One of
the most notorious is Cambodia's Communist butcher Pol Pot, who
was steeped in the French Revolution while a student in Paris. He
was inspired, no doubt, by Jean-Baptiste Carrier, the French
Revolution's bloodthirsty beast of the Committee of Public Safety,
who pledged: "We shall turn France into a cemetery rather than fail
in her regeneration."14 In his powerful 1994 study Death by
Government, Professor R. J. Rummel writes that "no other
megamurderer comes even close to the lethality of the Communist
Khmer Rouge in Cambodia during their 1975 through 1978 rule."15
As advocated by Muller, Pol Pot and his Angka Loeu comrades
"defined new concepts of what is good or bad." And, notes
Rummel, "in less than four years of governing they exterminated
over 31 percent of their men, women, and children...."16 Over two
million souls � slaughtered in the most inhuman ways imaginable.
After the desolation of the cities, the early massacres, and in the midst of the
first famine, one of the Angka Loeu leaders, Ieng Sary, in his incarnation as
foreign minister, flew to a special session of the United Nations General
Assembly. Upon landing in New York, he boasted, "We have cleansed the
cities," and when he appeared at the United Nations, the delegates from around
the world warmly applauded.17
And why not applaud? They were merely welcoming one of their
own. Butchers, terrorists, and dictators have always received
favored treatment at the UN: Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Gorbachev,
Fidel Castro, Idi Amin, Yasir Arafat, Colonel Qaddafi, Teng Hsiaoping,
Jiang Zemin, Hafez al-Assad, Nelson Mandela, Sam Nujoma,
and dozens of other murderous thugs � all have received
rapturous greetings, as well as concrete political and economic
support, at and from the United Nations. The hard facts are that
many of the "honored" members of the United Nations are
themselves practitioners of what Professor Rummel calls
democide, the intentional murder, by government, of noncombatants
� by the millions. Just the top 15 democide regimes,
he notes, "have wiped out over 151 million people, almost four
times the almost 38,500,000 battle dead from all this century's
international and civil wars up to 1987."18
A Grim Reality
As this study will demonstrate, the primary movers in the ongoing
drive to "transform" the United Nations, and to transfer the powers
of sovereign governments to this global monstrosity, are not
misguided, well-intentioned Utopians. We will not dissuade them
with facts, arguments, and debates pointing out the errors and
dangers inherent in their tyrannical proposals. They are not
interested in facts, arguments, and debates � except as it serves as
a cover for their totalitarian agenda. We are dealing with a self-
perpetuating conspiracy of immensely wealthy, utterly wicked,
power-mad megalomaniacs who want to rule the world. It is that
Yes, these are very serious charges, but they reflect a very grim
reality. They are, unfortunately, more than sustained by mountains
of evidence. We have attempted here to clear away some of the
haze that has long hidden these mountains, so that you, the reader,
may make some very serious decisions based upon historical facts,
perspective, and truth that previously have been denied to you.
History is a very bloody and unforgiving crucible that we ignore at
our own great peril. However, history need not fatalistically repeat
itself. Informed, courageous, responsible individuals can and do
change the course of history. We pray that you, dear reader, and
many others like you, will rise to the challenge in this hour of
deadly peril.
Part I
Chapter 1
The Threat
The New American magazine, of which this author is a senior editor, can claim the
if not singular, distinction of having called the shots correctly on Y2K. In two
major articles
by Dennis Behreandt � "Millennium Mayhem" (September 14, 1998), and "Y2K Is Here!"
(April 26, 1999) � and in smaller articles, TNA repeatedly challenged, with calm
and careful research, the widespread doomsday scenarios and "head for the hills"
alarms that
were leading many otherwise responsible citizens to give up the battle against
and immorality. See
And you would be right � except for one very important thing:
All the armies of Europe, Asia and Africa combined ... could not by force,
take a drink from the Ohio, or make a track on the Blue Ridge, in a trial of a
thousand years.
and who have taken oaths to defend our nation, our Constitution,
and our laws, are now committed to a "new world order" which
does not allow for a free, independent, sovereign United States of
America. They are joined by prominent individuals holding
influential positions of trust in many of our private institutions. In
the new "interdependent" world order they envision, a U.S.A. with
continuing superpower status is viewed as a "threat" to global
peace and security.
Millennium Meetings
In September 2000, some 150 presidents, premiers, dictators, and
potentates converged on New York City for the UN Millennium
Summit, the most spectacular UN gathering ever. Serving as cochairman
of the week-long political gala was Sam Nujoma, the
Communist terrorist who was installed as "President" of Namibia
in 1990 by the United Nations, the Soviet Union, and the U.S.
State Department. The Summit attendees all received a copy of We
the Peoples: The Role of the United Nations in the 21st Century, a
report "authored" by Kofi Annan to guide the UN's "reform
agenda" at the event.
� without pretending that we can cut all cords that bind us to the
rest of humanity....' The President claimed that'... we become more
of a federalist world when the United Nations takes a more active
role in stopping genocide ... and we recognize mutual
responsibilities to contribute and pay for those things.'"
President Clinton's speech was delivered at the Forum of Global
Federation Conference in Mont-Tremblant, Canada. Both the
group he addressed and the WFA, which placed his words in their
newspaper ad, recognized the importance and true meaning of his
speech when he predicted that there will be "more federalism
rather than less in the years ahead."
The WFA's New York Times ad noted that in the same month
that Clinton was making his above-mentioned federalism speech,
former CBS anchorman Walter Cronkite received the WFA's
"Norman Cousins Global Governance Award for his promotion of
world government in his autobiography A Reporter's Life." In
accepting the award, Cronkite said: "Those of us who are living
today can influence the future of civilization. We can influence
whether our planet will drift into chaos and violence, or whether
through monumental educational and political effort we will
achieve a world of peace under a system of law where individual
violators of that law are brought to justice.... We need a system of
enforceable world law � a democratic federal world government
� In
1998, while the United Nations was holding a summit in
Rome to establish an International Criminal Court, three U.S.
Supreme Court Justices traveled to Europe to visit the European
Court of Justice (ECJ), which is now running roughshod over the
national governments of the EU. In several frightening
admissions, these justices (Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Sandra Day
O'Connor, and Stephen Breyer � all CFR members) expressed
their admiration for the ECJ and stated that they anticipate using
and citing judgments from the ECJ and other jurisdictions in the
� In 1999 the International Academy of Humanism published the
Humanist Manifesto 2000, signed by an impressive lineup of
educators, authors, scientists, diplomats, philosophers, and
political figures, including 10 Nobel Laureates. It includes this
appeal: "We believe that there is a need to develop new global
institutions.... These include the call for a bicameral legislature
in the United Nations, with a World Parliament elected by the
people, an income tax to help the underdeveloped countries, the
end of the veto in the Security Council, an environmental
agency, and a World Court with powers of enforcement."20
These are but a few of the numerous examples in an accelerating
campaign of elite opinion molders and government officials who
favor this new world order. The mere fact that so many prominent
citizens are promoting such an obviously subversive and harmful
agenda should be alarming in and of itself, even if they were taking
no concrete actions to implement it.
*The full text of the Bloomfield study is available electronically from our Get US
out! of the United Nations website:
A Strange Alliance
On October 19, 1994, former Soviet dictator Mikhail Gorbachev
released the Final Report of the Global Security Project at the
CFR's Pratt House headquarters in New York City.18 The Global
Security Project (GSP) is a joint effort of the Gorbachev
Foundation and the CFR. Besides our same Dr. Bloomfield, other
CFR "security experts" on the project include Richard Falk, Saul
Mendlovitz, Jonathan Dean, Jeremy J. Stone, and the arch-subversive
Daniel Ellsberg (of the Pentagon Papers infamy). They
were joined by the late Senator Alan Cranston, a longtime proCommunist,
19 a past president of the World Federalists, and a
member of the Trilateral Commission.
For those who still can't recognize the obvious, James Garrison, cofounder
and president of the Gorbachev Foundation/USA, candidly
admitted the game plan in a 1995 newspaper interview. "Over the next 20
to 30 years, we are going to end up with world government," he said. "It's
inevitable," Garrison continued, "... through this turbulence is the recognition
that we have to empower the United Nations and that we have to
govern and regulate human interaction...."23
An "Independent" Commission?
In the spring of 1995, shortly after the release of the GSP Final Report,
another one-world volley pushing the same global disarmament program
came in the form of Our Global Neighborhood, the report of the
"independent" Commission on Global Governance (CGG). The CGG
includes among its august membership former presidents and prime
ministers, many of whom are also leaders of the Socialist International,
the principal global organization of Marxist parties promoting world
government and East-West convergence.24 Our Global Neighborhood was
released on the eve of the United Nations Social Summit in Copenhagen,
Denmark. The influential CGG report insists that the UN and other
international institutions must be vested with ever greater legislative,
executive, and judicial powers � including new regulatory, taxing,
police, and military capabilities including a standing UN "peace force."
Harlan Cleveland
Also serving with Bloomfield as consultants to the CGG were CFR
members Michael Clough, Peter Haas, and Harlan Cleveland,25 a
notorious pro-Communist security risk in the Kennedy
administration who helped draft the Freedom From War program
for U.S. disarmament.26 Mr. Cleveland was one of the early UN
"founders" at the 1945 San Francisco Conference. In the student
yearbook at Princeton University, he listed himself as a
"Socialist."27 Later, he wrote articles for Pacific Affairs, the journal
of the Institute of Pacific Relations (IPR), an infamous Soviet
espionage operation that played a critical role in delivering China
to the Communist forces of Mao Tse-tung. The IPR was described
by the Senate Judiciary Committee as "an instrument of
Communist policy, propaganda and military intelligence."28
versives who have penetrated and infested the top levels of the
federal government for several decades.
In that book, Cleveland laments that the first try at "world order"
collapsed with the failure to secure U.S. entry into the League of
Nations and that the second failure resulted from a United Nations
that was not invested with sufficient authority and power to enact
and enforce world law.30 According to Cleveland, the third try,
now underway, is an attempt to arrive at world governance
piecemeal, by strengthening the UN to deal with various global
crises involving, for instance, the global environment, food
reserve[s], energy supplies, fertility rates, military stalemate, and
conflict in a world of proliferating weapons.31
That naked admission should strike terror into the heart of every
taxpayer familiar with the imaginative capabilities of one-world
socialists like Cleveland. In typical socialist fashion, these
globalists see every productive human effort as a taxable activity, a
potential "revenue stream" for the UN.
The global tax proposal that has won the most support is the so-
called Tobin Tax (after Nobel Laureate economist and CFR
member James Tobin), which would raise hundreds of billions of
dollars annually by taxing international financial transactions. The
Tobin Tax and other proposed global taxes would radically
rearrange the entire international system, transferring one of the
most important elements of national sovereignty to global
institutions and providing the UN with independent and unaccountable
revenue sources that would enable its constant
In the past decade, these proposals have gone from the purely
theoretical to near practical reality. Yet most Americans have no
idea that such schemes are even in the offing. How can it be that
something so imminent and monumentally important could be so
You see, in the elite circles of power in which Cleveland and his
CFR associates operate, the internationalists have been discussing
and refining these one-world schemes for many years. They do not
spring it on the general public, though, until they have lined up
winning support for it. It's called getting your ducks in a row.
A May 2000 report prepared for the Joint Chiefs of Staff notes:
"Since 1990, the United States military has participated in more than 90
'named' operations around the world." "Of these," it states, "more than 55
involved the deployment of a substantial number of forces to combat
operations, peacekeeping missions or humanitarian endeavors."38 Such
missions have been costly. According to the General Accounting Office,
these missions, which it calls "Operations Other Than War" (OOTW),
will cost taxpayers $4.7 billion for Fiscal Year 2000. These wars that are
no longer called wars have cost $21.3 billion since 1991.39
These costly "operations" rob dollars from our defense budget, which
should be reserved for protecting America's national interests. In fact,
there is no constitutional authority for our military to be used for any
other purpose than national defense. Besides consuming scarce defense
dollars, the UN OOTW capers have greatly strained our weapons and
personnel resources. In July 1999, Congressman Floyd Spence, chairman
of the House Armed Services Committee, warned:
Over the last nine months, the Joint Chiefs of Staff have concluded
that the ability of the U.S. armed forces to meet the requirements of the
National Military Strategy entails "moderate to high risk." This
disturbing assessment was made even before Operation Allied Force
commenced in the Balkans. As a "major theater war," Operation Allied
Force overextended the U.S. Air Force, placing heavy demands on aerial
refueling, reconnaissance and electronic warfare units.... This "high-risk"
strategy is unacceptable.... Unless our nation fields the forces and provides the
resources necessary to execute the National Military Strategy, we will surely
inherit a more dangerous world in which America's credibility and resolve are
put to the test with alarming frequency.40
"An Air Force that is today forty percent smaller than it was in 1990,"
noted Chairman Spence, "committed over 40% of its assets to Operation
Allied Force, a higher percentage than was committed during Operation
Desert Storm."41 Rep. Spence quoted General Michael Hawley, who was
Commander of the Air
� Arnold Toynbee,
Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1931
We shall have world government, whether or not we like it.
The question is only whether world government will be achieved
by consent or by conquest.2
James P. Warburg (CFR), testimony before the Senate
Foreign Relations Subcommittee, 1950
I know of the operations of this network [the international
Round Table groups, including the Council on Foreign
Relations] because I have studied it for twenty years and was
permitted for two years, in the early 1960's, to examine its papers
and secret records.3
� Jim Garrison,
President of the Gorbachev Foundation/USA, 1995
In Jonathan Swift's adventure parable, the giant Gulliver is bound
by the tiny Lilliputians in a single night. Their ropes were mere
threads to him, and he could have easily snapped them
The strands that are multiplying about the American people and
gradually being forged into steel manacles are the work not of a
single night but of decades. The network of individuals and
organizations leading this effort for global conquest has worked
patiently and assiduously to build a worldwide "movement" which,
on the surface, appears to be a completely absurd mixture of
incongruous and opposing parts. It is a fusion of radical socialists,
feminists, pacifists, environmentalists, and communists together
with international bankers, industrialists, and corporate CEOs,
including some of the world's wealthiest capitalists. Yet the
disparate members of this odd alliance chant the one-world mantra
in unison: "Global problems require global solutions." And global
solutions, they assure us, can only be provided by a world
government � one with ever-increasing powers.
The plans for the United Nations were drafted in 1943 by the
Informal Agenda Group (IAG), a secret steering committee set up
by FDR's Secretary of State Cordell Hull. Besides Hull himself, the
IAG was composed of Leo Pasvolsky, Isaiah Bowman, Sumner
Welles, Norman Davis, and Morton Taylor. As Professors
Lawrence Shoup and William Mintner point out in their critical
study of the CFR, with the exception of Hull, all of the secret IAG
participants were CFR members. "They saw Hull regularly to plan,
select, and guide the labors of the [State] Department's Advisory
Committee. It [the CFR] was, in effect, the coordinating agency for
all the State Department postwar planning."5
matically. The CFR has become in effect the secret shadow government
of the United States; its members have dominated every
administration since World War II. Presidents Eisenhower, Nixon,
Ford, Carter, Bush, and Clinton were members, as were hundreds
of their appointments. (President George W. Bush is not a
member, but his vice president, Dick Cheney, is, as are many of
the top Bush cabinet picks. See Chapter 9.) No other organization
even comes close to exercising this kind of political power in the
United States.
*The Harold Pratt House in New York City is the headquarters for the Council on
Foreign Relations.
Ditto for the other media giants: the New York Times, Wall
Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, Newsweek, Time, US News &
World Report, NBC, CBS, ABC, et al. CFR members Tom
Brokaw, Dan Rather, Ted Koppel, Diane Sawyer, James Lehrer,
Bernard Kalb, Irving R. Levine, David Brinkley, Barbara Walters,
and Morton Kondracke, along with hundreds of other influential
"journalists" and media executives, serve as propagandists for the
Pratt House thought cartel.* In the words of Harlan Cleveland,
they make sure the CFR's subversive operations stay "mostly
below the surface of public attention."
U.S. media? An amazing, stunning mouthful, that's what. We'll let you
judge for yourself. This is part of Rockefeller's greeting to his Bilderberg
boon companions:
We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time
magazine, and other great publications whose directors have attended
our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty
years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the
world if we had been subject to the bright
*The CFR's 2000 Annual Report states that 386 of its members are "Journalists,
Correspondents, and Communications Executives." As in past Annual Reports, it also
under the heading, "Rules, Guidelines, and Practices": "Full freedom of expression
encouraged at Council meetings. Participants are assured that they may speak
openly, as it is
the tradition of the Council that others will not attribute or characterize their
statements in
public media or forums or knowingly transmit them to persons who will. All
participants are
expected to honor that commitment." This is the Pratt House equivalent of Omerta,
Mafia "oath of silence."
lights of publicity during these years. But the world is now more sophisticated
and prepared to march towards a world government which will never again
know war but only peace and prosperity for the whole of humanity. The
supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely
preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in the past centuries. It is
also our duty to inform the press of our convictions as to the historic future of
the century.20
Incredible, no? Well, what else would you expect from a cabal of
power-mad elitists who consider the whole world to be their own
private oyster? These "enlightened ones," these illuminati, have
been busily redesigning, reshaping, and "transforming" the world
according to their own desires throughout the past century. They
intend to be the planetary overlords in the new world order. As Mr.
Rockefeller said, it would have been "impossible" for them to have
come so far with their super-subversive plot except that their coconspirators
in the media kept "the bright lights of publicity" off
their dark schemes.
How did the CFR claque come to acquire so much power? In this
compressed study, we can only briefly attempt to answer that
And what are the "aims" of this network? According to Dr. Quigley:
"[N]othing less than to create a world system of financial control in
private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and
the economy of the world as a whole." 23
The network to which Quigley referred had provided the "brain trust"
and the financial impetus behind the drive for the League of Nations, the
effort Mr. Cleveland referred to as the "First Try" at world order. Leading
that drive for the network was Col. Edward Mandell House, the key
advisor and "alter ego" of President Woodrow Wilson. When the League
of Nations was thwarted by the U.S. Senate, Col. House and his
colleagues determined to continue their struggle by other means. House
was part of a cabal called "The Inquiry," a group of 100 "forwardlooking"
social engineers who created the Versailles Peace Treaty at the
close of World War I.24 This group formed the American nucleus
*The development of this conspiratorial power network has been extensively examined
such studies as: The Shadows of Power: The Council on Foreign Relations and The
American Decline by James Perloff (Western Islands, 1988); Global Tyranny ... Step
Step by William F. Jasper (Western Islands, 1992); None Dare Call It Conspiracy by
Allen (Concord Press, 1971); The Insiders, 4th Edition, by John F. McManus (The
Birch Society, 1995); The Wise Men by Walter Isaacson and Evan Thomas (Simon &
Schuster, 1986); among others.
The apex of the system was the Bank for International Settlements in
Basle, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the worlds'
central banks which were themselves private corporations. Each central
bank, in the hands of men like Montagu Norman of the Bank of England,
Benjamin Strong of the New York Federal Reserve Bank, Charles Rist of the
Bank of France, and Hjalmar Schacht of the Reichsbank, sought to dominate its
government by its ability to control Treasury loans, to manipulate foreign
exchanges, to influence the level of economic activity in the country, and to
influence cooperative politicians by subsequent economic rewards in the
business world.28
A Higher Power
But as Professor Quigley points out, Norman answered to powers who
stood in the shadows. "It must not be felt that these heads of the world's
chief central banks were themselves substantive powers in world
finance," writes Quigley. "They were not. Rather, they were the
technicians and agents of the dominant investment bankers of their own
countries, who had raised them up and were perfectly capable of throwing
them down."31 Those bankers to whom Quigley refers were members of
the Rhodes-Milner network. Their immense power and influence were
exercised through the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the CFR,
and their many other levers of control in the government, the major
political parties, academe, business, and the media.
The picture is terrifying because such power, whatever the goals at which it may be
*Other American "Rhodies" who have been boosted to pinnacles of power in the fields
politics, business, media, and academia include Harlan Cleveland, George
Strobe Talbott, Ira Magaziner, Robert Reich, Nicholas Katzenbach, Lloyd Cutler,
Canham, Dean Rusk, Richard N. Gardner, James Hester, Representative Carl Albert,
Senator J. William Fulbright, Senator Richard Lugar, Senator Bill Bradley, Senator
David L.
Boren, Justice Byron White, Justice David Souter, Hedley Donovan, Howard K. Smith,
Walt Rostow, Stringfellow Barr, General Bernard Rogers, Admiral Stansfield Turner,
Woolsey, and Joseph Nye.
the Milner Group accomplished in Britain � that is, that a small number of
men should be able to wield such power in administration and politics, should
be given almost complete control over the publication of the documents
relating to their actions, should be able to exercise such influence over the
avenues of information that create public opinion, and should be able to
monopolize so completely the writing and the teaching of the history of their
own period.37
� V.I. Lenin,
1920 Congress of the Communist International
[A] World Union of Soviet Socialist Republics uniting the whole
of mankind under the hegemony of the international proletariat
organized as a state.3
� "Program of the Communist International," 1928
The ultimate object of the parties of the Socialist International is
nothing less than world government. As a first step towards it, they
seek to strengthen the United Nations....4
We saw in the last chapter that, like the Communists (see above
quotes) the American one-world Insiders, operating primarily through
their CFR front, "worked energetically and tirelessly to lay the
foundations for the United Nations."6 We saw also that from start to finish
the UN has been wholly a CFR-conceived and driven operation. This is a
fact that the historical record overwhelmingly and indisputably proves.*
The historical record also proves with super-abundant documentation that
these globalist architects intended that the United Nations and its related
international institutions would be gradually enlarged and strengthened
until, ultimately, it would subsume all nations under an all-powerful, one-
world government.7
It is also beyond dispute that the leaders of the world Communist
conspiracy were solidly behind the formation of the UN and have
supported every effort to enlarge, strengthen, and empower it over the
past half century. This is plainly evident from the official speeches,
writings, and actions of top Soviet leaders and Communist leaders
worldwide, as well as from official documents of the Communist Party of
the Soviet Union (CPSU). We have also very extensive testimony to this
effect from numerous top Soviet defectors and former American
Communist officials.
That the Communists would support an institution for world
government is no mystery; the essence and substance of the whole
Communist program has been the pursuit of that very object. As long ago
as 1915, before the Bolshevik Revolution, Vladimir Lenin himself
proposed a "United States of the World."9 Soviet dictator and mass
murderer Joseph Stalin, as far back as 1922, stated: "Let us hope that by
forming our confederate republic we shall be creating a reliable bulwark
against international capitalism and that the new confederate state will
*Robert W. Lee writes in his 1981 expose, The United Nations Conspiracy, "When the
Francisco Conference convened on April 25 of that year [1945] to finalize and
approve the
UN Charter, more than forty members of the United States delegation had been, were,
would later become members of the CFR."8 Mr. Lee lists the CFR founding fathers of
the UN
in Appendix C to his book. (Or see:
between our nation and the Soviet Union are an unconditional requirement for
The United Nations is the instrument for victory. Victory is required for the
survival of our nation. The Soviet Union is an essential part of the United
Nations. Mutual confidence between our country and the Soviet Union and
joint work in the leadership of the United Nations are absolutely necessary.12
In his 1932 book Toward Soviet America, William Z. Foster, national chairman of the
Communist Party USA (CPUSA), wrote: "The American Soviet government will join with
the other Soviet governments in a world Soviet Union.... A Communist world will be
a unified,
organized world. The economic system will be one great organization, based upon the
principle of planning now dawning in the U.S.S.R. The American Soviet government
will be
an important section in this world organization."13
ized a corps of speakers and we took to the street corners and held open-
air meetings in the millinery and clothing sections of New York where
thousands of people congregate at the lunch hour. We spoke of the need
for world unity and in support of the Yalta decisions."15
"noble" endeavor, Stalin's secret agent Hiss and Stalin's open agent
Foreign Policy Preparation, 1939-45.... This and similar official records reveal
that the following men were key government figures in UN planning within the
U.S. State Department and Treasury Department: Alger Hiss, Harry Dexter
White, Virginius Frank Coe, Dean Acheson, Noel Field, Lawrence Duggan,
Henry Julian Wadleigh, John Carter Vincent, David Weintraub, Nathan
Gregory Silvermaster, Harold Glasser, Victor Perlo, Irving Kaplan, Solomon
Adler, Abraham George Silverman, William L. Ullman and William H. Taylor.
With the single exception of Dean Acheson, all of these men have since been
identified in sworn testimony as secret Communist agents!20 [Emphasis in
UN Charter: A Marxist-Leninist Blueprint
With the pedigrees of these designers in mind, it should come as
There you have it, and from an unimpeachable source: The aims of the
UN Charter are "in line" with the "ideals of peace" of Lenin, the
Communist dictator and butcher. On this one point, at
Over the ensuing years, numerous investigations and reports have exposed the
terrorism, and espionage activities of many foreign nationals operating through the
UN as
well, especially those from Russia, China, Cuba, and the Soviet bloc states. "Oh,
but that is
ancient history and no longer a concern, now that the Cold War is over," warble the
defenders. Not true; the UN continued to be a nest of spies. On October 24, 1991,
the Wall
Street Journal's deputy features editor Amity Shlaes (CFR) commented on evidence
that the UN Secretariat headquartered in New York City was still under the
domination of
old-line Communists, noting that following the supposed collapse of the Soviet
Westerners who worked at the U.N. ... found themselves surrounded by what many have
"It was this group of people," said Quigley, "whose wealth and
influence ... provided much of the framework of influence which
Congressional Investigations
The treasonous workings of this elite were partially revealed, the
professor noted, by congressional investigators in the 1950s who,
"following backward to their source the threads which led from
admitted Communists like Whittaker Chambers, through Alger
Hiss and the Carnegie Endowment to Thomas Lamont and the
Morgan Bank, fell into the whole complicated network of the
interlocking tax-exempt foundations." 33
"It soon became clear," Quigley observed, "that people of immense
wealth would be unhappy if the investigation went too far and that
the 'most respected' newspapers in the country, closely allied with
these men of wealth, would not get excited enough about any
revelations to make the publicity worth while...."34 Here the
professor sins by gross understatement and distortion. These
"people of immense wealth" and their "closely allied" media did
indeed get "excited," so much so that they went to incredible
lengths to sabotage and stop the inves-tigation, smear its principal
players, and smother the facts it had uncovered.
their heads in bewilderment. "I don't get it," they say. "Why
If you are among the bewildered head scratchers, don't feel bad.
The confusion is understandable; the idea of wealthy capitalists
scheming with bloody Bolsheviks does challenge some long-
accepted and basic assumptions and definitions most of us hold
concerning socio-economic-political relationships and the way the
world works. We agree that all capitalists should oppose
collectivism in all its forms (i.e., communism, socialism, fascism),
but it is a fact that many do not. Many "capitalists," while paying
lip service to "free enterprise" and "market economics," actually
abhor the competition of the marketplace. They would much rather
use government force (laws and regulations) to beat their
competition than try to produce better widgets more efficiently and
constantly have to come up with improvements, innovations, and
better management, marketing, and production.
The vast majority of these wealthy Insiders were not (and are
not) themselves Communists � although some definitely were
(and are). Armand Hammer (CFR), Frederick Vanderbilt Field
(CFR), and Corliss Lamont, for instance, were all immensely rich
Communists. The non-Communist Insiders see the Communists
(and their various Marxist brethren) as indispensable "partners" in
the pursuit of "world order." The Communists are brutally blunt
instruments, but adequately efficient, for destroying the old order
and constructing the new. The Insiders, of course, periodically
condemn their Communist partners and have frequently initiated
massive military and intelligence operations ostensibly to oppose
Communism. In fact, they repeatedly sold the United Nations and
many of its programs to the American public as a means of
opposing and/or taming the Communist threat.
Perhaps the reader has already perceived that since the rise of
Mikhail Gorbachev and "perestroika," and the subsequent "col
During World War II, a Soviet spy network in Nazi-occupied Europe kept
Stalin supplied with first-rate intelligence on German military plans and
political developments. It came to be known as the Red Orchestra (Rote
Kapelle). The network sent its information to its Moscow superiors via
secret radio transmitters that operated only for short bursts and moved
constantly to avoid detection by the Gestapo. Nazi intelligence referred to
the transmitters as "music boxes" and assigned the names of musical
instruments to the distinctive, but elusive, operators.
ment. They were performing a more critical role for the Kremlin as
"agents of influence": misinforming and misdirecting America's
leaders and actually influencing and formulating U.S. policies
concerning the most sensitive areas of our national security.
The Art of War by Sun Tzu has long served as a primary textbook
for Soviet military and intelligence strategists. Written over
2,000 years ago, it is one of the most famous studies of strategy
ever written. The Communists have especially focused on Sun
Tzu's lessons on strategic deception and the supreme importance of
espionage and intelligence. They are completely familiar with what
Sun Tzu described as the "five sorts of spies": Native spies;
internal spies; double spies; doomed spies; and surviving spies.
"Native spies are those from the enemy country's people whom we
employ," explained Sun Tzu. "Internal spies are enemy officials
whom we employ. Double spies are enemy spies whom we
employ. Doomed spies are those of our own spies who are deliberately
given false information and told to report it to the enemy.
Surviving spies are those who return from the enemy camp to
report information."6
"When all these five types of spies are at work and their operations
are clandestine, it is called the 'divine manipulation of
threads' and is the treasure of a sovereign,"7 continued China's
master strategist. The Communists adapted and greatly expanded
on the ancient sage's doctrines, creating a global apparatus
*On February 14 and 15, 1957, former Soviet NKVD agent Alexander Orlov testified
the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee ("Scope of Soviet Activity In The United
Part 51). Orlov claimed knowledge of 38 espionage rings in the U.S., with only two
as a result of the revelations of Whittaker Chambers and Elizabeth Bentley. Decades
later, in
the 1990s, evidence was still seeping out to confirm those charges of penetration
of the U.S.,
including some of our most sensitive institutions and high-level positions. The
released "Venona intercepts" � decoded secret Soviet transmissions collected in the
� verified that Harry Hopkins, top adviser to President Franklin Roosevelt, was a
agent. Ditto for atomic bomb scientists Robert Oppenheimer and Theodore Hall. But
identities of many of the Venona agents are still unknown.
During the 1940s, '50s, and '60s, the U.S. Congress and many
state legislatures held extensive investigative hearings into
Communist penetration and subversion in the United States. These
official inquiries produced a large number of important reports that
included testimony from top military and intelligence authorities,
as well as Communist defectors. Reports by the Committee on Un-
American Activities of the House of Representatives, such as "The
Communist Infiltration of the Motion Picture Industry" (1947),
"Communist Political Subversion" (1956), "Soviet Total War"
(1956), and "Communist Target � Youth" (1960) provided
explosive, detailed information about the Soviet attack on
America. As did reports of the Senate Internal Security
Subcommittee (SISS), such as "The Institute of Pacific Relations"
(1951), "Expose of Soviet Espionage" (1960), and "The Soviet
Empire" (1965). The voluminous 1953 SISS report entitled
"Interlocking Subversion in Government Departments" labeled the
Communist operations in our government "a conspiracy" and
Policies and programs laid down by members of this Soviet conspiracy are
still in effect within our government and constitute a continuing hazard to our
national security.11
*Some of the most clear-sighted analysts of global affairs predicted this decades
ago. Soviet
defector Anatoliy Golitsyn and John Birch Society founder Robert Welch were
ridiculed by
both liberals and conservatives for contending that the so-called "Sino-Soviet
Split" was
entirely a strategic deception from the start, aimed at playing the West for
suckers. Their
careful research, reasoned analysis, and alarming predictions have proven true.
books, New Lies for Old and The Perestroika Deception, are immensely important for
understanding of this deception. Robert Welch's printed expose of the phony Sino-
split began in the August 1971 Bulletin of The John Birch Society and was developed
subsequent Bulletins. For example, in the December 1971 Bulletin, he observed: "If
have any doubt that these wars or threats of wars are all arranged by the
Communists, with
the actual fighting subject to being turned off or on by the Communists at will,
then you are
a long way from recognizing the kind of world you are living in. You might even
the now increasing rumor of some kind of border military conflict being produced by
bitterness between Red China and Soviet Russia. Of course they could no more be
enemies than could the two hands of one human body directed by one brain. But
Moscow nor Peking would have the slightest hesitation about getting a few hundred
thousand of their respective subjects killed in such a 'war,' in order to make
their 'feud' look
real, if the Insiders who write the script for this worldwide show decided that
such an act
would be worth the trouble."
adores (and with whom he traveled the world), the book repeatedly
indicts the U.S. for its miserly refusals to surrender more of our
sovereignty, money, and military to the noble UN. Glowing reviews
followed in the CFR media choir.
The CFR's Foreign Affairs (which Time has dubbed "the most
influential journal in print" and Newsweek has called the "preeminent"
journal of its kind) and the Carnegie Endowment's Foreign Policy both
provided several issues running of globalist disarmament forensics. In the
September/October 2000 issue of Foreign Affairs, timed for the
Millennium Summit, Jonathan Schell led off with "The Folly of Arms
Control," in which he argued for complete nuclear disarmament as
envisioned in the 1946 Baruch Plan.34 And he reminded "the great and
good" that the U.S. is obligated under Article VT of the Nonproliferation
Treaty (NPT) to "pursue negotiations ... [for] nuclear disarmament, and
on a treaty on general and complete disarmament under strict and
effective international control."35 The same issue of Foreign Affairs
featured an article by Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Igor Ivanov
warning that any U.S. move toward deploying a missile defense system
would jeopardize NPT, ABM, CTBT � the whole edifice of arms control
treaties.36 Also in the same issue, General Andrew J. Goodpaster (CFR)
offered boilerplate Pratt House "Advice for the Next President," echoing
the Schell and Ivanov appeals for disarmament, and urging the use of
NGOs to "mobilize understanding."37
Once the ruling members of CFR have decided that the U.S.
Government should adopt a particular policy, the very substantial
research facilities of CFR are put to work to develop arguments,
intellectual and emotional, to support the new policy, and to confound
and discredit, intellectually and politically, any opposition. The most
articulate theoreticians and ideologists prepare related articles, aided by
the research, to sell the new policy and to make
Sustainable Development.39
Independence Sham
MPI's primary spokesperson is New Zealand Prime Minister Helen
Clark, whose Labour Party is affiliated with the Socialist
International. The eloquent Mrs. Clark championed the MPI disarmament
campaign both at the UN Summit and at the Gorbachev
Foundation-sponsored "State of the World Forum," which ran
concomitantly with the UN affair, a few blocks away at the Hilton
Towers. Many UN leaders and heads of state jockeyed back and
forth between the UN and the Gorbachev confab, where they
shmoozed and "brainstormed" with corporate titans, academics,
NGO rabble-rousers, and New Age gurus. As it turns out,
Gorbachev's State of the World Forum is also one of the original
eight co-sponsors of the MPI, as well as a funder of the group.
And we see the same repetitious pattern emerge in the MPI case:
funding for the Initiative comes from the Rockefeller Foundation,
Samuel Rubin Foundation, and the W Alton Jones Foundation.
MPI's International Steering Committee includes Comrade Peter
Weiss, and it included the late Senator Alan Cranston (TC, WFA),
a veteran one-worlder. Other "Establishment" activists at the
Initiative include General Lee Butler, General Andrew J.
Goodpaster, and former Secretary of Defense Robert Strange
McNamara (all CFR). The "anti-Establishment"
*One of the most informative studies on the WPC, The War Called Peace: The Soviet
Offensive, was published in 1982 by the Western Goals Foundation. The study
notes: "Since 1950, when it launched the Stockholm Peace Appeal, the World Peace
(WPC) has been the Soviet Union's single most important international front
During the 1960s and '70s, the WPC played a crucial role in organizing the anti-
War protests throughout the U.S. and stirring up anti-American demonstrations
the world. It has led, albeit often from the background, most of the "popular"
campaigns, such as those supporting the ABM, SALT, INF, and CWC treaties, and the
crusades against building a U.S. missile defense system. The WPC has supported,
financial aid and propaganda, terrorist organizations such as the PLO, ANC, UDT,
SWAPO. In fact, the WPC has included leaders of terrorist groups among its top
Which is hardly surprising considering that the WPC's longtime president, Romesh
was a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of India. The Soviet
"control agent" over Chandra for many years was KGB officer Aleksandr Berkov, who
later replaced by fellow KGB officer Igor Belyayev. Although Chandra was the WPC's
man, Berkov and Belyayev actually called the shots � as directed by Moscow. WPC
national affiliates, such as the U.S. Peace Council (USPC), were and are controlled
national Communist parties. The WPC and USPC closely coordinate their activities
other KGB-connected groups, such as the Institute for Policy Studies, Women's
League for Peace and Freedom, the Women's Strike for Peace, the Center for
Policy, the Center for Defense Information, Citizens Committee for a Sane World,
national control."42 They prattled that the nuclear weapon states are
"flouting the World Court" and the rule of law by not disarming.
They cited "eminent" scholars who argued that the U.S. and the
other nuclear states risk running afoul of "the Nuremberg
Principles" and "international humanitarian law."43 They posed as
the moral voice of the majority of the world's non-nuclear powers
while rebuking the major powers for endangering the planet
because of chauvinistic adherence to narrow national and
ideological interests.
Of course, the MPI does not represent the "middle power" states
at all; its whole purpose (and the reason that it has been so
bountifully funded and promoted) is to provide orchestrated
pressure from below so that the Insiders of the "weapons states"
will have the excuse to do what they have wanted to do all along.
Our home-grown internationalists realize that by having the
disarmament pressure appear to come from an independent citizens
network, the motives and agendas of those who must implement
the changes will not be seriously challenged.
World Federalists believe that the environmental crisis facing planet earth
is a global problem and therefore calls for a "global" solution � a
worldwide United Nations Environmental Agency with the power to
make its decisions stick.1 � World Association of World Federalists,
[T]he great enemy is not the Soviet Union but the rapid deterioration of
our planet as a supporting structure for civilized life.2
In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that
pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the
like would fit the bill.... All these dangers are caused by human
intervention.... The real
The Big Green agenda is about power and control, not clean air
and saving whales. While the vast majority of pedestrian-level
environmentalists may genuinely care about local ecology issues
and really believe in the apocalyptic scenarios regarding the so-
called "ozone hole" and the alleged dangers from greenhouse
gases, clearly the elites guiding these concerned cadres know such
evidence does not support the charges that these alleged "crises"
deplaned from another aircraft. Dr. Ray, who died in 1993, was
one of my heroes: a genuine, eminent scientist who boldly challenged
the absurd claims and dangerous proposals of the environmental
fanatics and calmly disregarded the vicious, personal
attacks that she received in return.
Daily Lives, by Michael Fumento (New York: W. Morrow, 1996); Polluted Science: The
EPA's Campaign to Expand Clean Air Regulations, by Michael Fumento (Washington,
D.C.: AEI Press, 1998); Sound And Fury: The Science and Politics of Global Warming,
Patrick J. Michaels (Cato Institute, 1992); The Satanic Gases: Clearing the Air
About Global
Warming, by Patrick J. Michaels and Robert C. Balling (Washington, D.C.: Cato
2000); The Heated Debate: Greenhouse Predictions Versus Climate Reality, by Robert
Balling (San Francisco: Pacific Research Institute for Public Policy, 1992); Hot
Talk, Cold
Science: Global Warming's Unfinished Debate, by S. Fred Singer (The Independent
Institute, 1997); The Ultimate Resource 2, by Julian L. Simon (Princeton University
1998); Hoodwinking the Nation, by Julian L. Simon (Transaction Publishers, 1999);
Market Environmentalism, by Terry L. Anderson and Donald R. Leal (St. Martin's
2001); Ecocide In the USSR: Health and Nature Under Siege, by Murray Feshbach and
Alfred Friendly, Jr. (Basic Books, 1992); "East Europe's Dark Dawn," National
June 1991; Environmental Politics: Public Costs, Private Rewards, by Michael S.
Greve and
Fred L. Smith, Jr. (Praeger, 1992); and Undue Influence, by Ron Arnold (The Free
Enterprise Press, 1999)
But the "ruling class journalists" are more than willing to play
the scientist numbers game when it suits the one-world agenda.
Before, during, and after Rio, the media mavens trumpeted the
supposed findings of the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC).12 Then-Senator Al Gore, who led the U.S. Senate
delegation to Rio, repeatedly cited the "authoritative" IPCC report
in his fervent pleas of support for the global warming treaty. At his
major press conference at the Rio Hilton, this writer challenged his
citation of the IPCC report and his repeated ludicrous claim that 98
percent of the scientific community endorsed the global warming
idea as fact. The IPCC report had been fraudulently altered, I
pointed out, and many of the scientists who had worked on the
project had publicly disavowed its political agenda disguised as
science. This easily verified fact had been reported (albeit in "small
print") in the "mainstream" press. Gore evaded the tough question
like a true politician, stating: "I don't want to open a debate on this,
but let me say that I will stay after [the press conference] if you
But to the U.S. media, Dr. Miranda and his fellow scientists
didn't exist. Small wonder: His data did not support the apocalyptic
paradigm the Insider-managed media were selling. In fact,
Dr. Bonilla was angry and disturbed over the usurpation of science
by those who would use it for purely political purposes. "We
have many poor people with very substandard living conditions,"
he explained. "They need jobs, decent housing, clothes, food,
drinkable water, things that can be provided in a manner compatible
with sound economic and ecological practices."17 But the
environmental leftists, he said, want to stop all economic development,
in the name of environmental protection. This will consign
many people to lives of grinding poverty, sickness, illiteracy,
and early death. "The knowledge and technology is available to
The line adopted by the CFR Establishment press was that the
Report From Iron Mountain was a hoax, a "brilliant satire." But
was it? At the very time that they were dismissing the report as
*The available evidence indicates that Herman Kahn and his CFR-laden Hudson
may have formed the core of the SSG, or that the SSG may have been entirely a
Kahn/Hudson operation. See Gary Allen's articles "Think Tanks: Where the Revolution
Being Planned" and "Making Plans: For a Dictatorship in America" in American
magazine, March and April 1971, respectively.
In the same vein, New Age futurist and best-selling author Alvin
Toffler approvingly notes that the "Third Wave" era, in which we
are now living, "gives rise to groups with larger than nationalist
interests. These form the base of the emerging glob-alist ideology
sometimes called 'planetary consciousness.'"37 Fellow globalists
Jessica Lipnack and Jeffrey Stamps develop this thesis in their
book Networking. In this emerging world view, they say, "nature's
ecological orchestra is revered as one unified instrument, inner
development is valued as a correlate to social involvement, and the
planet is understood to be an interconnected whole."38 But this is
not "nature's" orchestra we are hearing; it's the same Pratt House-
orchestrated choir singing the same anti-national sovereignty, pro-
world government refrain � with a decidedly neo-pagan spiritual
twist added. (This "spiritual" dimension of the globalist agenda
will be more closely examined in Chapter 12).
the groups and individuals singing this tune comes from the usual
sources: the big CFR-dominated tax-exempt foundations and
corporations.39 The tune is amplified in the political realm by CFR
politicians like Senators John Kerry, Charles Schumer, John D.
Rockefeller, John Chafee, and Joseph Lieberman, and
Representatives Richard Gephardt, Lee Hamilton, Barney Frank,
Jim Leach, Sam Gejdenson, and Charles Rangel. Newt Gingrich,
the CFR's prize "conservative," invites Alvin Toffler (repeatedly)
to address the House of Representatives and even pens a glowing
introduction to one of the futurist's works of Marxoid flummery.40
1972 was also the year of the first "Earth Summit," the United
Nations Conference on the Human Environment, held in
That same year, Dubos came out with the celebrated book Only
One Earth, which was co-authored with the British Fabian Socialist
Barbara Ward (Lady Jackson).50
In his 1992 book Voting Green, Rifkin wrote: "[T]he new Green
vision places the environment at the center of public life, making it
the context for both the formulation of economic policies and
political decisions."52 That was penned to coincide with the UN's
Earth Summit. And the CFR media orchestra made sure that that
message was delivered repeatedly to the American public, to
opinion molders, and to policy makers and legislators by a gaggle
of different messengers. This kind of orchestrated saturation is
essential if you are going to effect a real "cultural shift" or
"paradigm shift."
One of the most celebrated books to come out at the time of the
Summit was produced by then-Senator Al Gore. In Earth In The
Balance: Ecology and the Human Spirit, Gore insisted that "the
effort to save the global environment" must become the "single
shared goal [and] the central organizing principle for every institution
in society." 58 The book is a perfervid piece of socialist ecopropaganda
larded with an incredible number of errors, ludicrous
claims, and blatant misrepresentations. But it was exactly what the
Pratt House globalists wanted, and it was a relatively easy matter
for them to provide the hype necessary to turn it into a bestseller.
Gore, a protege of Communist billionaire Armand Hammer,59 led
the U.S. Senate delegation to Rio and was launched on his way to
becoming Vice President of the United States.
lution - is tragic but convincing proof that the world we all live
in is interrelated and interdependent."73
But what are these "new values" and "moral principles" that Mr.
Gorbachev insists that all humanity must embrace? That is an
important question to answer, since he is playing such a key
leadership role in this process. Besides heading up his Gorbachev
Foundation and State of the World Forum, Mr. Gorbachev (Nobel
Laureate, Time magazine's "Man of the Decade" 77) is also head of
Green Cross International, of which Global Green USA is the
American affiliate. And he was chosen at Rio by his good buddy
Maurice Strong to lead the drafting of the Earth Charter.
*In his famous book Perestroika, he plainly admitted: "We are not going to change
power, of course, or abandon its fundamental principles, but we acknowledge the
need for
changes that will strengthen socialism." 82 (Emphasis added.) In the same revered
text he
explained that "according to Lenin, socialism and democracy are indivisible," and
"essence of perestroika lies in the fact that it unites socialism with democracy
and revives
the Leninist concept of socialist construction both in theory and in practice." 83
(Emphasis in
original.) Thus, when he declares for "democracy," he means "democracy" within the
Leninist conception and definition of the term, something quite the opposite of
that which
most Americans assume he is talking about.
The next few years should see a continued strengthening of the new
global and regional agencies charged with protecting the world's
environment. In addition to comprehensive monitoring of the earth's
air, water and soil and of the effects of pollutants on human health, we
can look forward to new procedures to implement the principle of state
responsibility for national actions that have transnational environmental
consequences, probably including some kind of "international
environmental impact statement"....89 [Emphasis in original.]
*Gardner also tutored then-Governor Jimmy Carter in foreign policy "issues" for two
to prepare him for the presidency.90
Chapter 7
In our own day, this same powerful truth was expounded clearly
by the great economist Friedrich A. Hayek. "What our generation
has forgotten," he said in his 1944 Nobel Prize-winning classic,
The Road to Serfdom, "is that the system of private property is the
most important guaranty of freedom, not only for those who own
property, but scarcely less for those who do not. It is only because
the control of the means of production is divided among many
people acting independently that nobody has complete power over
us, that we as individuals can decide what to do with ourselves." 11
So whom do you think the folks at the United Nations and their
Insider sponsors choose to follow: Adams, Webster, Leo XIII, and
Hayek? Or Marx, Mao, Lenin, and Stalin? You guessed it: Time
after time after time, they've chosen the path of power, slaughter,
tyranny, and destruction, rather than liberty, morality, and justice.
As we will see next, with an examination of a few of the UN's eco-
Marxist programs.
The main body of the text then proposes the following Marxist policies,
among others:
erty will not adversely impact the flora and fauna which constitute the
"biodiversity" in that "ecosystem."
Two other alien entities spawned at the Earth Summit were the UN
Commission on Sustainable Development and an international NGO with
quasi-official functions known as the Earth Council. These organizations
coordinate the activities of national councils on biodiversity, which have
been established to implement Agenda 21. The Earth Council is presided
over by Maurice Strong, Secretary-General of the Rio Earth Summit, a
director of the World Economic Forum, a member of the Commission on
Global Governance, and a director of the Gorbachev Foundation.
Reilly's contempt for private property was evident not only from
the EPA policies he promulgated, but also from his own words. In
his introduction to the 1985 book National Parks for a New
Generation, for example, he advocated "greenline parks." Under
this concept, closely akin to the UN schemes, privately owned land
adjacent to federal or state parks could be declared part of the park
system by executive fiat and its use restricted to conform to park
purposes � in blatant disregard and violation of constitutional
protections against such abuse.
the middle class. As Marx pointed out in his Manifesto, his immediate
target was "not the abolition of property generally, but the
abolition of bourgeois property." 28
Ask yourself: Did you see the development of the ICC covered
on the evening news on NBC, ABC, CBS, and CNN? Did you see
the supposed merits and real dangers debated on Face the Nation,
Nightline, The Capital Gang, Hardball, 60 Minutes, Larry King
Live, or 20/20? Of course you didn't, because those debates never
happened. At the time that President Clinton announced the U.S.
signing of the Rome Treaty, probably not one U.S. citizen in 100
had heard of the document, and not one in a thousand had any
inkling of what it entailed.
*As Defense Secretary under both JFK and LBJ, Mr. McNamara (CFR, TC) was a
architect of the insane doctrine of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) and the
U.S. debacle in Vietnam. Following those efforts, which were fiascoes for America,
bonanzas for the Insiders, McNamara went on to serve the CFR cabal as head of the
Bank, where he lavished billions of dollars taken from U.S. taxpayers on Communist
socialist regimes throughout the world.
Professor Ferencz of Pace University, an inveterate one-worlder and author of many
books promoting disarmament and world government, is one of the early architects
proponents of the ICC. His books Defining International Aggression (1975), An
International Criminal Court � A Step Toward World Peace (two volumes, 1980),
Enforcing International Law (two volumes, 1983), and PlanetHood: The Key to Your
(1991) greatly influenced the development of the ICC Statute, as did he personally.
Professor Ferencz was the recognized eminence griese at the UN's ICC Summit in
and it was due to his personal, vigorous lobbying that the undefined crime of
was included in the ICC Statute.
tional order springing from the federal judiciary has been catastrophic.
The federal courts, especially since the New Deal, have
been running amok, acting as a super-legislature in matters as
diverse as abortion, education, the environment, pornography, race
relations, sexual conduct, sedition, employer-employee relations,
religious practice, local police, state prisons, housing, etc.
As one who was in Rome "at the creation," this reporter can
attest firsthand to the fact that the long-standing hatred toward the
United States by the vast majority of the pathetic regimes that
comprise the UN menagerie is still alive and well. Day after day,
throughout the ICC conference, the U.S. was subjected to tirades
and condemnations � by official delegates as well as by NGOs �
for supposed past and present sins. In fact, from the nonstop anti-
Government will show the way to other countries which have been
resistant to United Nations mechanisms," he said.7
We don't mean to imply that all of the U.S. bashing at Rome was
emanating from Third World countries, Communist satrapies, or
UN agencies. Canada, Norway, Britain, Germany, Italy, and other
U.S. "allies" vied for top anti-U.S. honors, too. On the final day of
the conference, when the very minimal objections of the U.S. to
the ICC were soundly defeated, the assembled delegations erupted
in a tumultuous and defiant display of anti-American jubilation �
which was joined by much of the press corps, including
"American" reporters.
Naturally, the U.S. NGOs topped all others in attacking their
homeland. As Reuters reported, "the American NGOs were the
scourge of the United States,"11 at the conference. On July 8th,
Terra Viva, one of the major NGO newspapers that has become
"must reading" at UN summits, carried this headline in large print:
"Police Brutality Deeply Rooted in US" The story announced the
release of a Human Rights Watch report charging a national
epidemic of police brutality.12 The 440-page report, entitled
Shielded From Justice: Police Brutality and Accountability in the
United States,13 was time-released for maximum effect on the
conference. Human Rights Watch spokesman Richard Dicker, who
was one of the top NGO strategists at Rome, seemed never to be
satisfied if not hurling vitriol at the U.S. But that has not hindered
him or his group from receiving hundreds
NGO Evolution-Revolution
The revolutionary role of the NGOs at the Rome summit is one of
the biggest untold stories of that event. As CFR staffer Jessica T.
Mathews approvingly noted in Foreign Affairs, ever since the 1992
Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, NGOs have been exercising more
and more influence at UN conferences.15 But the Rome experience
marked a watershed in the incredible evolution of NGO power. At
the ICC Conference, the NGOs were given unprecedented access
and privileges and accorded a status almost on a par with official
state delegations. NGO experts and officials, inflamed with their
own self-importance, regularly addressed the ICC Plenary Session
as though they were official heads of state. They remonstrated,
cajoled, and chastised the assembled plenipotentiaries to adopt
NGO positions, which always argued for larger jurisdiction and
more power for the Court. NGO briefing papers, reports,
resolutions, press releases, and legal opinions flooded the
conference. The NGO Coalition for an International Criminal
Court (CICC) was given a large suite of offices within the FAO
(the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization) conference building
itself, just down the hall from the main meeting room, so that the
NGO activists � who outnumbered the official delegates � could
overwhelm the conferees with "good cop-bad cop" lobbying
*In Rome, Halperin and Goldstone joined one-worlders Ben Ferencz, John Roper (Royal
If you wish to take the time to do so, you can research the individual
NGOs and the grants they received. But there is no need to
do so, since these "anti-Establishment" rabble-rousers admit their
dependence on the globalist Establishment "sugar daddies."
According to the Coalition for an ICC website home page,
"Substantial funding for the CICC communications project has
been received from private foundations, progressive governments,
participating organizations of the Coalition, and private
individuals, including major grants from the European Union, the
Ford Foundation, and the MacArthur Foundation."19
Shaping a Consensus
The enormity of the deception and the immense resources and
coordination of this global network are amazing to behold. But
even the astounding NGO-Insider spectacle at Rome fails to provide
a full appreciation of the fact that it was but a part of a much
larger scheme. The Rome gathering was the culmination of a
multi-year program of PrepComs (Preparatory Committee
meetings) that had been carefully orchestrated to arrive at the
contrived global "consensus" that is now being celebrated by the
votaries of "world order." The final PrepCom meeting, held from
March 16th through April 3rd, 1998 in New York, was a mini-
preview of the Rome summit, with all the major actors, from UN
officials and pro-ICC national delegates, to NGO activists, honing
their skills, practicing their parts, and coordinating their activities
with their Insider media allies.
are screened from the glare of the media in order to find common
interests, shape a consensus, and persuade those with power to change."20
They bring together people at the top of the corporate and financial
institutions, the universities, the foundations, the mass media, the
powerful law firms, the top intellectuals, and influential figures in the
government. They review the relevant university-and foundation-
supported research on topics of interest, and more importantly they try
to reach a consensus about what action should be taken on national
problems under study. Their goal is to develop action recommendations
is binding only upon those who are party to the treaty. Yet the ICC
zealots had no qualms of conscience in repeatedly and piously invoking
"the rule of law" to advance their totally lawless proposal.
By December 31, 2000, when President Clinton signed the ICC treaty,
27 nations had ratified the document, and the court's advocates were
predicting that the requisite 60 ratifications would be obtained by 2002.
The new court is to be headquartered in The Hague, Netherlands, which
is already host to the World Court, the UN tribunal that was set up in
1945 to try cases between nations. The new ICC would try individuals
who are accused of violating international laws.
The 166-page Rome Statute claims universal jurisdiction for the ICC to
try individuals charged with genocide, war crimes, crimes against
humanity, and aggression, anywhere on earth. In the first place, these four
"core" crimes are so vaguely defined and were so contentiously debated at
the Rome summit that no reasonable claim to consensus can be made
concerning even the definition of these crimes, which is the most basic
for just laws. Which means the definition of the crimes will be left
completely to the arbitrary interpretation of the ICC judges. (In the
case of the crime of "aggression," no definition was even included
in the statute.)24
Every American should take note of the fact that the primary
Just as there can be no national justice without a police force, there can be no
effective international justice without arrests, subpoenas, investigations, and a
reliable enforcement mechanism. The international community's inability to
create such a mechanism, whether for ad hoc criminal tribunals or for the
proposed international criminal court, threatens all efforts to create a system of
international criminal justice. But we must not give up in despair.30
Mr. Arlacchi, the UN's top globocop and the driving force
behind the gathering, has been lionized by the Establishment media
as "the world's mafia buster." Reputedly a top expert on the
Sicilian Mafia, Arlacchi has been criticized by others who dispute
his exaggerated and premature claims of victory over the mob. "To
talk of the death of the Mafia is unwise � it is just sleeping,"31
said Maria Falcone, in a report by The Daily Telegraph of London.
Miss Falcone, sister of famed anti-Mafia investigator Giovanni
Falcone, who was assassinated by a Mafia bomb in 1992, says,
"How can you say that the Mafia is over when some of the biggest
bosses, including the biggest, Bernardo Provenzano, are still at
large?" 32
*See the following articles from The New American: "Crime Fighters Converge,"
August 22, 1994; "G-Men Going Global?" January 23, 1995; "Enemy Within the
Gates" and "Russian Mafia: Organized Crime is Big Business for the KGB,"
February 19, 1996; "Russia's Global Crime Cartel," May 27, 1996; "Drug War on
the West," April 10, 2000 at
Mr. Arlacchi, as the UN's head of drug control and crime prevention,
has been a key player in providing this cover to the
criminal regimes involved. Now, according to Arlacchi, the UN
must be empowered to deal with the global crime "crisis." One of
the UN's Palermo proposals calls for the creation of a UN fund to
help poorer states fight the crime syndicates. "This is the new UN,"
said Arlacchi, "We are trying to create the UN of the future."33
See: Joseph Douglass, Red Cocaine: The Drugging of America and the West (1999).
the following articles from The New American: "Danger! KLA in the USA," May 24,
"Narco-Terrorism: Drug War on the West," and "Narco-Dollarization," April 10, 2000,
1990s. Foreign Affairs has been the lead conduit, as usual. Typical
is this offering from CFR factotum Jessica T. Mathews in the
journal's January/February 1997 issue: "Globalized crime is a
security threat that neither police nor the military � the state's
traditional responses � can meet. Controlling it will require states
to pool their efforts and to establish unprecedented cooperation ...
thereby compromising two cherished sovereign roles. If states fail,
if criminal groups can continue to take advantage of porous
borders and transnational financial spaces while governments are
limited to acting within their own territory, crime will have the
winning edge."35
Organized crime isn't the only excuse the one-worlders have for
grabbing global police powers; terrorism is another. Writing in the
Summer 2000 issue of Foreign Policy (the Carnegie Endowment's
sister journal to the CFR's Foreign Affairs), Robert Wright opined:
"The most compelling incentive for broader and deeper
supranational governance may come from terrorism and crime....
Policing will increasingly need to be a cooperative international
venture, and increments of national sovereignty will have to be
surrendered." 36
control not only the judges and the courts but also the prosecutors
and the police. If we allow them to succeed, we will soon be
shackled in a state of affairs too horrible to imagine: a global gulag
in which the most vicious criminals are the jailers.
But now that Bill Clinton is out of the White House, we don't
have to worry on this score, right? We wish that were so; unfortunately
it isn't. The Bush administration has been less than
comforting on this issue. In an October 12, 2000 meeting hosted by
the Council on Foreign Relations, CFR member Condoleezza Rice
... it is proper to take alarm at the first experiment on our liberties. We hold
this prudent jealousy to be the first duty of citizens, and one of [the] noblest
characteristics of the late Revolution. The freemen of America did not wait till
usurped power had strengthened itself by exercise and entangled the question in
precedents. They saw all the consequences in the principle, and they avoided
the consequences by denying the principle. We revere this lesson too much,
soon to forget it.
Civilian Disarmament
U.S. government.2
� from a "Combat Arms Survey" given to members of the
United States Marine Corps, 1994
It's high time to gun down the 2nd Amendment... America will
continue to have its own versions of the killing fields as long as
there are millions of handguns floating around waiting for another
psychopath with a grudge.3
This represents the most gigantic, naked grab for power this
world has ever seen. No previous world power or dictator has ever
enjoyed such vast, unchecked power. Not Napoleon or Queen
Elizabeth; not Stalin, Mao, or Hitler.
We are, almost literally, at that very point today. Not only are the
one-world Insiders pushing relentlessly for national disarmament,
but for individual disarmament as well. For many decades the same
globalists who have lobbied ceaselessly for empowering the UN �
the Ford, Rockefeller, and Carnegie foundations, the CFR, etc. �
have carried on a continuous campaign against personal ownership
of firearms.
Who is really calling the tunes and setting the agenda for the gun
control "citizens network"? As usual, if you really want to know,
follow the money. Handgun Control Incorporated, the National
Council for a Responsible Firearms Policy, the Center to Prevent
Handgun Violence, the ACLU, the National Council of Churches,
and other groups that have led this campaign have been dependent
upon these Insider feed troughs for funding. And they have
depended on the CFR-dominated media cartel to disseminate their
disinformation, while demonizing guns, gun owners, and all
organized resistance to personal disarmament.
still oblivious to � is the fact that the program for disarming the
individual private citizen, depriving him of his means of self-
defense, is directly tied to the United Nations and the program for
national disarmament. The Second Amendment to the U.S.
Constitution, which guarantees "the right of the people to keep and
bear arms, shall not be infringed," has to go. Free people with the
means to defend themselves are viewed by the United Nations as a
threat to "peace."
For those familiar with the UN's record over the past several
years in promoting an increasingly hostile attitude toward individual
private ownership of firearms, this is a clear call for accelerated
pressure on national governments to ratchet up their gun
control efforts at all levels. Well aware of Mao Zedong's dictum
that "political power grows out of the barrel of a gun," the one-
world revolutionaries are accelerating their pressure from above
*Some of the most rabid anti-gun propagandists have occasionally vindicated the
fears of
freedom-loving Americans by admitting that their attacks on handguns or "assault
are merely incremental steps in a piecemeal onslaught on all private firearm
ownership. The
Washington Post, for example, in an August 19, 1965 editorial, stated: "We are
inclined to
think that every firearm in the hands of anyone who is not a law enforcement
constitutes an incitement to violence."6 The Post has given no evidence of having
this totalitarian bent in the years since. Likewise, Joyner Sims, deputy
commissioner for the
Florida State Health Department, offered this gem, as quoted by the Chicago
Tribune, on
October 31, 1993: "The goal is an ultimate ban on all guns, but we also have to
take a step at
a time and go for limited access first. Lawmakers are scared to death of this
issue. If we
create anger and outrage on a national level, it would really help the local
Nelson T. Shields, who preceded Sarah Brady as chairman of Handgun Control, Inc.,
quoted in The New Yorker, July 26, 1976, as saying: "We're going to have to take
one step
at a time, and the first step is necessarily ... going to be very modest.... And
the final
problem is to make the possession of all handguns and all handgun ammunition �
for the military, policemen, licensed security guards, licensed sporting clubs, and
gun collectors � totally illegal." (Emphasis in original.) The Los Angeles Times
opined, in
an editorial for November 8, 1993, that "we must severely constrict if not
virtually end the
private possession of guns.... This country does not need one more gun in
circulation; in
fact, it needs about 200 million less."9 Michael K. Beard, president of the
Coalition to Stop
Gun Violence, made this admission in an interview: "Our goal is to not allow
anybody to
buy a handgun.... The stated goal of the most active supporters of restrictions,
aside from the
'moderate' goals they often espouse in the heat of legislative battle, is to
abolish gun
ownership totally."10 The campaign to disarm American citizens has intensified in
years, rising to near hysteria following the Columbine school shootings. The
objective of this media-driven campaign was given full voice by "comedienne" Rosie
O'Donnell, who declared on her nationally televised talk show of April 21, 1999: "I
care if you want to hunt, I don't care if you think it's your right. I say,
"Sorry.' It is 1999. We
have had enough as a nation. You are not allowed to own a gun, and if you do own a
gun I
think you should go to prison."11
The first notice most Americans received concerning the UN plan for
targeting firearms came on May 24, 1994, when they opened their
newspapers to a story by Associated Press reporter Charles J. Hanley on a
new UN stealth gun control initiative for the whole world. The AP article
So quietly that even the gun lobby hasn't noticed, the United Nations
is beginning to set its sights on global gun control.
That same day, the Washington Times, in an article entitled "U.S. OKs
study of U.N. gun control," reported:
This represents the first U.N. effort to foster regulation of the multibillion-
dollar trade in small arms....
The U.N. working paper declares that governments individually
"The arms permitted for civilian use ... should be subject to controls
at all points in the chain, from production and/or acquisition up to the
time they are sold to an individual. From then on they should remain
subject to monitoring and control," the paper says.
Concerning the above story, we should note, first of all, the ploy
commonly used in selling UN schemes, which invariably involves
portraying the current U.S. Insider administration (whether Republican or
Democrat) as the coy and reluctant lover. Thus it is reported that "the
Clinton administration has agreed to participate" in the UN gun grab
conference, implying that Clinton and his one-world CFR crew running
the executive branch of the most powerful country in the world are
yielding to reason and the entreaties of the "world community."
Behind-the-Scenes Leadership
In truth, the Clinton administration was working furiously behind the
scenes leading the UN effort. This has been standard procedure, in both
Republican and Democrat administrations, since World War II. The
Insider-chosen occupant of the White House feigns opposition to the UN
treaty, or at least expresses "grave concern" about some clause or
provision (as, for instance, in the case of the Genocide Convention, the
Law of the Sea Treaty, or the treaty for an International Criminal Court),
so that when the administration embraces the treaty during the final push
for ratification, we are supposed to be satisfied that all of our concerns
have been addressed by a president who is looking out for American
U.S. involvement in the UN gun control plot came long before the
Clinton administration, but, in the words of Harlan Cleveland, that
involvement has been carried out "mostly below
the surface of public attention."* Recall that the 1961 Freedom From War
plan is a three-stage program for the complete disarming of nation states
and the simultaneous arming of the United Nations. In its own words,
Freedom From War states:
*It quickly became apparent that the Insiders intended that the UN gun-grab
conference not
rise above "the surface of public attention." Considering this campaign's brazen
assault on
the U.S. Constitution, American national sovereignty, and the fundamental human
right to
self-defense, it is understandable that both the UN and the Clinton administration
want to keep this subversive initiative as quiet as possible and would be reluctant
to discuss
it. Officials at the U.S. State Department and the UN rebuffed repeated attempts by
writer to obtain a copy of the working paper or to discuss it in detail. First we
were told that
the AP and Washington Times reports were erroneous and exaggerated, and that
was overblown. Unconvinced, we insisted we would like to judge for ourselves by
examining the document.
At the State Department, after several office transfers, we were informed that
Stephen Ledogar, the U.S. representative on the Disarmament Commission, was out of
country and no one else knew how to obtain a copy of the document. At the UN, after
departmental transfers, we reached the director of the UN Disarmament Commission, a
Sohrab Kheradi, who informed us that the report would not be released until mid-
(1994). However, under our persistent entreaties, Mr. Kheradi agreed that he would
for The New American to receive a pre-release copy forthwith. Days passed, but
still no
working paper. More calls to the UN and more promises to send the report. Weeks
Finally, we reached the Secretary of the Disarmament Commission himself, Mr. Kuo-
Lin, who had been away on vacation. Mr. Lin assured us that the concerns stirred by
news coverage of the working paper were "based on a misunderstanding" of the nature
significance of the report. "This is only the report of the chairman of the Working
Group for
discussion over the next two years," he explained. "It doesn't establish any policy
or have
any binding effect." But is it not true, we asked, that its purpose is to bring
about the
establishment of policy that will have "binding effect"?
No, no, he laughed. Its purpose is simply to encourage "debate and discussion."17
Of course, as a UN official from Communist China, where debate and discussion can
you in prison, and where unarmed dissenters are unceremoniously squashed beneath
tracks of army tanks, Mr. Lin's cavalier attitude toward attacks on the Second
Amendment is
understandable, even expected. It is the attitudes and actions of American
officials, who
collude with the likes of Comrade Lin, that are far more troubling.
ceed to a point where no state would have the military power to challenge the
types and quantities to be used by the U.N. Peace Force and those required to
This diagram appeared in the 1963 "Second Annual Report to Congress" of the
Street law firm of Cravath, Swaine and Moore, and later became
So, let us summarize some of the ground we've just covered: The
Freedom From War scheme for disarming the U.S. (nationally and
individually) can be traced back directly to a Russian Communist
(Valerian Zorin) and two top Pratt House one-worlders with extensive ties
to Communist intelligence operations, one of whom cavorted in a
swimming pool with the "Butcher of Budapest," the Communist dictator
who bellowed at the U.S., "We will bury you."
Yet Dean and McCloy, with the help of their CFR associates in the
media, passed themselves off as Republicans, and conservative, anti-
Communist Republicans at that!
"It has been well said," according to Mr. Clark, "that in our
modern age the obdurate adherence to national sovereignty and
national armed forces represents a form of insanity which may,
however, be cured by a species of shock treatment."37 He spelled
out that "shock treatment" in World Peace Through World Law, a
detailed plan for socialist world government through a revised UN
It also provides that "no nation shall produce or allow the pro
In order to provide means for the trial of individuals accused of violating the
disarmament provisions of the revised Charter or of other offenses against the
Charter or laws enacted by the General Assembly ... provision is also made for
regional United Nations
courts, inferior to the International Court of Justice, and for the review by the
International Court of decisions of these regional courts.
Yes, in the view of these globalists, the man defending his family
and his home against robbers and gangsters, or the woman
defending her person and her virtue against a rapist, have no more
right to a firearm than do the rapists, robbers, gang bangers, and
other vicious predators causing the "widespread criminalization"
the CGG is decrying. Accordingly, the CGG statists "strongly
endorse community initiatives ... to encourage the disarming of
civilians." 57
public focus on small arms, which has helped us gain the public
support necessary for success."66 IANSA is intended to "provide a
transnational framework" for the mobilization of a broad citizen
movement in favor of gun control, according to the organizational
goals posted on its website.67 The services IANSA intends to
provide the UN-led global gun control movement include
"campaigning and advocacy strategies," "developing culturally
appropriate 'message' strategies," "information sharing" among
NGOs, and "constituency building." 68
And where will the funding for this propaganda campaign come
from? IANSA notes on its website that its eight most significant
financial donors include five government agencies: the Belgian
Ministry for Development Cooperation; the Swedish Ministry of
Foreign Affairs; the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs; the
United Kingdom Department for International Development; and
the Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In other words, this "nongovernmental"
organization is purely a front for the disarmament-
obsessed totalitarians in the increasingly militant socialist regimes
of the European Union.
murder indiscriminately. Men and women, young and old, rich and poor."
Amidst Hollywood-style edits of sound effects and images of gore and
violence, comes the message: "Humankind is beginning a new
millennium under the sign of the gun, and small arms are like uninvited
guests who won't leave. Once they take over a country they are virtually
impossible to get rid of."
One reason is that they intend to so vilify "small arms" and associate
them with everything evil that people will have an automatic emotional
aversion to firearms and agree to civilian disarmament. Another reason
for the conscious failure of the UN videographers to mention the
responsibility of human agency is to divert attention from the UN's role in
the very crimes it is denouncing. In virtually all of the examples shown in
Armed to the Teeth, the UN and its institutions (particularly the IMF and
World Bank) played major roles in creating chaos and revolution that
produced the bloody scenes.
Rwandan Genocide
The UN's video treatment of Rwanda is especially noteworthy. Rwanda's
1994 genocide is one of the strongest examples imaginable proving the
case against civilian disarmament. The slaughter of some 800,000
Rwandans in just 103 days makes it the most concentrated genocide in the
bloody 20th century. This
Most of the Rwandan victims were not shot; they were brutally
hacked to death with machetes or speared and clubbed to death.
According to survivors and eyewitnesses, many of the victims did
not meekly submit to slaughter; they tried to defend themselves
with stones, sticks, and their bare hands. In the few instances
where the victims were able to obtain firearms they succeeded in
delaying or limiting the carnage and saving lives. The most
detailed and enlightening analysis of the Rwandan genocide we
have seen is published by Jews for the Preservation of Firearm
Ownership (JPFO). Their heavily documented 1997 study,
Rwanda's Genocide, 1994, authoritatively states: "The careful
planning of this genocide � and the near-total disarmed state of its
victims � explains the speed and intensity of the murder process."
The hard lesson of Rwanda is that the only potential saviors for
the intended targets of a genocidal government are the intended
victims themselves. No one else is likely to care enough to do anything
beyond protest, or to be able to provide direct help fast
and the financial and military backing of the U.S.S.R. and Red
China, Lumumba dropped all pretenses of "democratic rule" and
began an orgy of rape, pillage, torture, and terror.
opposition.... I sent the National Army to arrest Tshombe and Kalonji and even
Imprison the ministers, deputies and senators.... Arrest them all without pity
and treat them with ten times more severity than ordinary individuals.
and desirable, the truth should not be divulged but it should be announced, for
mets engaged in the very war crimes that the UN now demands
controlled radio that any civilians found in illegal possession of arms will be
What very few Americans ever learned was that the basis for
Congress, such as Newt Gingrich (CFR) and Bob Dole (who might
as well be CFR), made sure that GOP members wouldn't raise a
fuss over this UN outrage � even after the Republicans took
control of Congress in 1994.
More recently, U.S. forces were sent into Kosovo � again, initially,
with the task of restoring order and providing support for
"humanitarian assistance." Soon, however, they were ordered to
disarm the Serbs, while concomitantly helping to arm the narcoterrorist
Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA). The KLA is a vicious
Albanian Communist mafia that is flooding heroin and other drugs
into Europe and the U.S.92 It is also closely allied with the terror
regime in Iran and Osama bin Laden, the notorious financier of
anti-American terrorism.93 The KLA's well-documented, sordid
record, however, did not sour the CFR coterie in the State
Department or in the Establishment media on the terrorist group's
� "Do you feel that U.S. combat troops should be used within the
United States for any of the following missions? Drug enforcement;
Disaster relief...; Federal and state prison guards; National
emergency police force; Advisors to S.W.A.T. units, the FBI, or
the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (B.A.T.F.)...."
� "U.S. combat troops should be commanded by U.N. officers and
non-commissioned officers (NCOs) at battalion and company
levels while performing U.N. missions."
� "I feel there is no conflict between my oath of office and serving
as a U.N. soldier."
� "I feel a designated unit of U.S. combat soldiers should be permanently
assigned to the command and control of the United
� "I would like U.N. member countries, including the U.S., to give
the U.N. all the soldiers necessary to maintain world peace."
� "I would swear to the following code: T am a United Nations
fighting person. I serve in the forces which maintain world peace
and every nation's way of life. I am prepared to give my life in
their defense.'"94
The final statement of the "Combat Arms Survey" posed this
shocking scenario:
Consider the following statement: I would fire upon U.S. citizens who refuse
or resist confiscation of firearms banned by the U.S. government.95
But most of those things happened during the nasty old Clinton
regime; now that we have George W. Bush in the Oval Office, we
can breathe a lot easier. Right?
shock over that deadly terrorist act, and the CFR media mavens
were fastening blame for that vile deed on the NRA, "gun fanatics,"
"right-wing extremists," and "anti-government" Repub-icans.
George Bush, as the immediate past president of the United States
and the most prominent and well-known Republican, greatly aided
that vicious smear campaign of the whole Political Right by very
dramatically resigning from the NRA and denouncing the
organization with the false claim that an NRA fund-raising letter
harshly critical of ATF excesses was a slander against law
*The prototype for these operations was first put into operation by the secret
network in South Africa in the late 19th Century. Carroll Quigley, in The Anglo-
Establishment (pp. 44-47 and 107-112) and Tragedy and Hope (pp. 136-144), provides
important inside look at the high-level conspiracy involved in the Jameson Raid
(1895) and
the instigation of the Boer War (1899-1902). James Perloff, in The Shadows of
shows the CFR-RIIA machinations in bringing about U.S. entry into World War I and
That story is also powerfully told, in far greater detail, in America's Second
Crusade, by
William Henry Chamberlain (Chicago: Henry Regnery, 1950). The Insider-Communist
collaboration in turning Poland into a Soviet satellite is told in: 7 Saw Poland
Betrayed, by
Ambassador Arthur Bliss Lane, The Rape of Poland, by Stanislaw Mikolajczyk, and
Wartime Diplomacy, by Edward J. Rozek. David Martin tells the brutal story of the
betrayal of Yugoslavia into Communist hands in Ally Betrayed. Hilaire du
Berrier's Background to Betrayal: The Tragedy of Vietnam is essential reading for
understanding of Insider treachery in undermining America's allies and supporting
Communist enemies in Southeast Asia. Nicaraguan President Anastasio Somoza tells
story of Insider perfidy and support for Communist revolution in Latin American in
Nicaragua Betrayed. The Betrayal of Southern Africa: The Tragic Story of Rhodesia
South Africa by Warren McFerran details the Insider treachery in the repeated
betrayal of
America's allies in southern Africa and the handing over of that region to
terrorists and corrupt thugs.
**We cannot examine all of these groups here, but we especially direct the readers
to the
following articles from The New American for important exposes on the more recently
launched APEC and MENA regional organizations. "The Free Trade Charade" (December
27, 1993) reveals the CFR-TC hands and machinations in the formation and control of
APEC. "Play It Again, Uncle Sam" (December 12, 1994) tells the amazing story of the
controlling role of the CFR in sponsoring (together with the World Economic Forum
and the
Socialist International!) the 1994 Casablanca conference that launched MENA. Both
are available at
This world dictatorship can be established only when the victory of socialism
has been achieved in certain countries or groups of countries, when the newly
established proletarian republics enter into a federative union with the already
existing proletarian republics ... [and] when these federations of republics have
finally grown into a World Union of Soviet Socialist Republics uniting the
whole of mankind under the hegemony of the international proletariat
organized as a state.6
The Communists and the Insiders were (and still are) working
from the same page: They are building regional blocs with structures
that override national sovereignty and can later be merged
into a global superstructure.
Two of the main regional IGOs that currently present a real and
increasing danger to the United States are NAFTA and NATO, the
former being a fairly recent creation formed for economic pretexts
(trade, principally), and the latter of considerably older vintage
established as a military alliance under a pretext of "collective
security." Each of these IGOs is serving, in the words of a top
globalist operative, as an "end run around national sovereignty,
eroding it bit by bit." 7
with a single currency (the U.S. dollar is being proposed, for now),
a hemispheric central bank, and an entire hemispheric regime of
regulations to "harmonize" business, industry, labor, agriculture,
transportation, immigration, environment, health, trade, and other
policies "from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego." NAFTA is not, and
never was, about "free trade." Free trade � real free trade � is a
voluntary exchange between two parties, unhampered by
government intervention.
The CFR journal Foreign Affairs led the way, with a continuous
fusillade of pro-NAFTA articles. Some even conceded, in essence,
a key point made by this author and other NAFTA opponents at the
time, to wit, that NAFTA was, in reality, a stealth plan to foist an
EU-type regional government scheme upon Americans. "The
creation of trinational dispute-resolution mechanisms and rule-
making bodies on border and environmental issues may also be
embryonic forms of more comprehensive structures"9 (emphasis
added), M. Delal Baer approvingly wrote in the Fall 1991 Foreign
Affairs. "After all, international organizations and agreements like
GATT and NAFTA by definition mini
Dr. Baer was not telling anything new to the CFR's top political
operatives; they were already lined up behind the internationalist
program. Republican President George Bush (the elder) (CFR),
Democrat House Majority Leader Richard Gephardt (CFR), and
Republican House Minority Leader Newt Gingrich (CFR)* played
the pivotal political roles in pushing "fast track" authority for
NAFTA through Congress � with massive help from their CFR
confreres in the worlds of business, banking, media, and academia.
And the same players campaigned furiously and continuously for
final approval of the deceitful agreement.
European Union
Because it is the internationalists' template for NAFTA/WHFTA,
Gingrich expressed concern about the transfer of U.S. authority to GATT, declaring
"we need to be honest about the fact that we are transferring from the United
States, at a
practical level, significant authority to a new organization. This is a
moment. I would feel better if the people who favor this would just be honest about
the scale
of change." He declared that GATT was very similar to the 1991 Maastricht Treaty,
which the European Union's member nations had ceded a good deal of their economic
political sovereignty, "and twenty years from now we will look back on this as a
important defining moment. This is not just another trade agreement. This is
something which twice, once in the 1940s and once in the 1950s, the U.S. Congress
I am not even saying we should reject it; I, in fact, lean toward it. But I think
we have to be
very careful, because it is a very big transfer of power."
Nevertheless, Gingrich subsequently joined then-Senate Minority Leader Bob Dole (R-
Kan.) in not only promoting and voting for the GATT pact, but urging that it be
during a lame-duck session of Congress when its prospects for passage would be
For a more detailed examination of the history of the Common Market/EC, please see
author's book Global Tyranny12 and the following articles from The New American,
available online at "United States of Europe," April 10,
1989 ;
"A European Suprastate," May 7, 1991; "From the Atlantic to the Urals (and
January 27, 1992; "Forcing a United Europe," November 16, 1992; "European
March 1, 1999.
which more and more nations would be added until the world
government which the UN had failed to bring about would be
realized. At a favorable point in the Common Market's development,
America would be brought in. But the American public had
to be softened first and leaders groomed for the change-over."13
The next stage involved bringing the rest of Western Europe into
the fold. In 1973 the United Kingdom, after more than two decades
of resisting, came in, as did Ireland and Denmark-Greece joined in
1981, bringing the number of member states to
ten. Spain and Portugal became the 11th and 12th members in
1986. The year 1986 also marked passage of the Single European
Act, which mandated the establishment of "an area without nternal
frontiers, in which the free movement of goods, persons, services,
and capital is ensured."
who was born there 250 years ago. The Lamfalussy-BIS connection is also
inasmuch as the BIS has long
to raise funds for its own use by taxing each ton produced made it independent
of governments. Moreover, its decisions were binding, and could be reached by
majority vote without the unanimity required in most international
organizations of sovereign states.16
The proposal for the ECSC was introduced, amidst great fanfare,
in May 1950 as the "Schuman Plan." Although Jean Monnet, a
consummate Insider and at that time head of France's General
Planning Commission, was the real author of the plan, he thought it
expedient to name it for his comrade, Robert Schuman, the
Socialist French Foreign Minister who later became Prime
Actually, the founders of the Coal and Steel Community would have to
obtain from the various national governments �justifiably reputed to be
incapable of making sacrifices for the sake of a federation � a whole series of
concessions in regard to their sovereign rights until, having been finally
stripped, they committed hara-kiri by accepting the merger.22
At that time, it was usual that if Monnet thought that a particular country
made difficulties in the negotiations, the American diplomatic representative in
that country approached the Foreign Ministry in order to communicate the
opinion of the American Government which, in practically all cases, coincided
with Monnet's point of view.23
Retinger and Duncan Sandys, the British Eurocrat, went to see John J.
McCloy, who in 1947 was American High Commissioner to Germany.
McCloy, we learn from Retinger's diary, embraced the idea at once. Sheppard
Stone, who was on McCloy's staff, and Robert Murphy, the U.S. ambassador to
Belgium, whom Retinger called one of the European Movement's best
supporters, joined McCloy in raiding the huge reserve of European currencies
called 'counterpart funds' which had piled up as a result of Marshall Plan aid....
McCloy, Stone and Murphy "promptly and unhesitatingly put ample funds at
the disposal of Paul Henri Spaak [to lobby for the European merger]," Retinger
Washington's main tool for shaping the European agenda was the American
Committee for a United Europe [ACUE], created in 1948. The chairman was
The vice-chairman was Allen Dulles, the CIA director in the Fifties. The
board included Walter Bedell Smith, the CIA's first director, and a roster of ex-
OSS figures and officials who moved in and out of the CIA. The documents
show that ACUE financed the European Movement, the most important
"Twenty years ago, when the process began, there was no question
of losing sovereignty," Sir Peregrine Worsthorne wrote in
London's Sunday Telegraph in 1991. "That was a lie, or at any rate,
a dishonest obfuscation." Further, said Worsthorne, "For the past
twenty years or so anybody wanting to have a career in the public
service, in the higher reaches of the city, or the media has had to be
pro-European. In the privacy of the closet or among close friends,
even many federalists would admit as much. But such is the
momentum behind the European movement that none of these
individual doubts, expressed separately, will be remotely sufficient
to stop the juggernaut."31
gence schemes for four decades, was likewise given the media
blackout treatment. In a 1962 speech he cited Maulding's warn-ing
that the Common Market was really aimed at eventual polit-ical
unification. "This, of course, is not how the issue has been
presented by the government to the people of this country," Lord
Bruce cautioned. "The matter has been put forward in terms of the
economic advantages which would accrue to Britain if we joined
'the Six' in a Customs Union ... allowing our industries to thrive in
what appears to be a lush 'home' market of 214 million people."32
Western Hemisphere EU
With this knowledge in mind, the first thing an observant onlooker
should have noticed when proposals for NAFTA and WHFTA
began floating about was the Pratt House imprint. It wasn't difficult
to spot; the CFR logo was all over these schemes, as we have
already seen in the case of NAFTA.34
In short, the "house of world order" will have to be built from the
bottom up rather than from the top down. It will look like a great "booming,
buzzing confusion," to use William James' famous description of reality, but an
end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish
much more than the old-fashioned frontal assault.35
The main problem with this scheme, Cooper realized, is that "a
single currency is possible only if there is in effect a single monetary
policy, and a single authority issuing the currency and
directing the monetary policy." "How can independent states
accomplish that?" he asked rhetorically. Naturally, he had the
answer: "They need to turn over the determination of monetary
policy to a supranational body"37
Time magazine cover story for February 15, 1999. Along with the
headline, "The Committee to Save the World," the cover featured
the beaming visages of Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan
(CFR), then-Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin (CFR), and Deputy
Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers (CFR), who followed
Rubin in the top Treasury post. The article bore this riveting
subtitle: "The inside story of how the Three Marketeers have
prevented a global economic meltdown � so far."40
5]."46 Not satisfied with the EU model, the authors proposed going
far beyond it. They asserted that "integration between NAFTA and
Latin America should be legally open-ended; potentially the
WHFTA should include countries outside the hemisphere."
Indeed, presaging Beddoes, they asserted: "Economic logic suggests
that the expansion of NAFTA in an Asian direction is just as
desirable as its expansion in a Latin American direction." 47
"free markets and private enterprise" probably also believe that the
Social Security Administration has set up a bank account with their
name on it, awaiting their retirement!) Among the CFR
brotherhood joining Mr. Rockefeller in the COA's leadership are
COA chairman Robert A. Mosbacher, Sr., vice-chairman Robert E.
Wilhelm, treasurer Richard de J. Osborne, and general counsel
Sergio J. Galvis.
Indeed, a brief survey of the daily faxes sent out by the IDB,
IMF, and their sister institutions makes very plain the completely
corrupt process by which the Insiders form their convergence
"consensus." Each day brings announcements of tens of millions
(sometimes hundreds of millions) of dollars in IDB "loans" for
natural gas pipelines in Mexico, electric power plants in Argentina,
highways in Bolivia, coffee plantations in El Salvador, etc. IDB
cooperation can lift a Latin American politician by financing the
programs that make him look good, or help his opposition by
pulling funds and destroying confidence in his economic program.
Of course, what the new world order architects have in mind for
the Americas is exactly what they are foisting on Europe in the
form of the European Union and the new euro currency. That
evolving supranational monstrosity was also presented to unwary
Europeans as a "spontaneous" movement aimed at "free trade" and
"free markets." But Europeans are belatedly waking up to the fact
that it is no accident that the centralized, socialist bureaucracy of
the EU is strangling their freedoms and national sovereignty. As
we have seen, it was planned to develop into exactly that from the
Like the slime trail that leads to a slug, virtually every trail of
American policy disasters leads back to the Council on Foreign
Relations. There is no longer reason for any sensible American to
doubt that the CFR coterie intends to take us down the same suicidal
path that Europe is now traveling. The one-world architects
of the European Monetary Union (EMU) are openly advocating an
American Monetary Union (AMU), as we have already seen from
the pages of Foreign Affairs.
monetary control ... would be in the hands of a new Bank of Issue, not
in the hands of any national government....5
trol. Power to exercise total control over all human activity. Any
private, independent initiative is seen as a threat to this monopoly
control and, therefore, cannot be allowed.
Cecil Rhodes' "simple desire" was nothing less than "the government
of the world." The one-world banksters, like their Bolsheviki
brethren, want to control the world. And these sup. posed "mortal
enemies" have worked hand in hand throughout much of the past
century to bring about this totalitarian, global control. As Ford
Foundation President H. Rowan Gaither (CFR) put it (see Chapter
4), he and his one-world associates were making "every effort to so
alter life in the United States as to make possible a comfortable
merger with the Soviet Union."10
During the entire "Cold War" (and for decades before), the
Rockefellers served as the primary banker for the Reds. As
Congressman Louis McFadden, chairman of the House Banking
Committee, noted in 1933:
transacted for the State bank of Soviet Russia by its correspondent, the
Chase Bank of New York....12
*Lord Keynes, who was lionized by the Insider opinion cartel as a towering
intellect and the
"greatest economist of our age," was, in fact, a notorious pervert and pederast. He
was a
member of England's infamous "Bloomsbury Group," founded by Eleanor Marx (Karl
Marx's lesbian, drug-addict daughter) to mix sexual depravity, drugs, and socialist
He also was a member of the infamous homosexual nest of "Apostles" at Cambridge
University that produced the notorious British traitors Guy Burgess, Donald
Maclean, and
Anthony Blunt, all of whom spied for Stalin.21 It is quite likely that Keynes was
himself a
conscious Soviet agent. Besides his "intimate" association with many Reds, he was
to Russian ballerina Lydia Lopokova (a common ploy among the Bloomsbury set to
respectable "cover"). The unconventional couple were among the protected few
allowed to
travel freely throughout Soviet Russia even during the Red Terror. Although Keynes'
hagiographers and promoters rigorously censored any Public mention of his sexual
or his socialist-communist connections, these were well known to most of his
associates. In
1967, 21 years after Keynes' death, his perverse life was laid bare with the
publication of
Michael Holroyd's detailed, two-volume biography of Lytton Strachey, one of Keynes'
[S]ix nations, Chile, Egypt, India, Sudan, Turkey, and Yugoslavia, had been
relying on IMF aid for more than 30 years; 24 countries had been borrowers for
between 20 and 29 years. And 47,
almost one-third of all the states in the world, had been using IMF credit for
between 10 and 19 years.... Since 1947, Egypt has never left the IMF dole.
Yugoslavia took its first loan in 1949 and was a borrower in all but three of the
succeeding 41 years....
and Zambia all started borrowing in the early 1970s and have yet to stop two
decades later.26
None of the above should surprise us, since the IMF was
designed, as we've shown, by Communists, socialists and oneworlders.
The Socialist International has acknowledged that the
IMF is "in essence a Socialist conception." 28 Free market economist
Henry Hazlitt, who stood virtually alone in exposing and
opposing the IMF at its inception in 1944, clearly recognized its
socialist essence. Forty years later, in his book From Bretton
Woods to World Inflation, he warned: "The world cannot get back
to economic sanctity until the IMF is abolished.... We will not stop
the growth of world inflation and world socialism until the
institutions and policies adopted to promote them have been
abolished."29 The warnings of this wise economist were absolutely
correct in 1944. They were just as correct in 1984. And they are
still correct today.
The World Bank, of course, has also played a central role in the
global socialist revolution. India, one of the most pathetic socialist
examples, has been the WB's biggest recipient. From the bank's
creation in 1946 until the late 1960s, the WB funneled billions of
dollars into socialist regimes, but by today's standards,
Institute of Foreign Affairs moves into its next phase at a critical time in
the U.S.-China relationship. This trip was immediately
preceded by an all-day discussion with our distinguished International
Advisory Board, chaired by David Rockefeller, and
capped off with an intensive dinner discussion with James D.
Wolfensohn, president of the World Bank." 33
Each year, he [Strong] explains as background to the telling of the novel's plot,
the World Economic Forum convenes in Davos, Switzerland. Over a thousand
CEO's, prime ministers, finance ministers, and leading academics gather in
February to attend meetings and set economic agendas for the year ahead. With
this as a setting, he then says: "What if a small group of these world leaders
were to conclude that the principal risk to the earth comes from the actions of
the rich countries? And if the world is to survive, those rich countries would
have to sign an agreement reducing their impact on the environment. Will they
do it?... The group's conclusion is 'no.' The rich countries won't do it. They
won't change. So, in order to save the planet, the group decides: Isn't the only
hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our
responsibility to bring that about?"...
It's February. They're all at Davos. These aren't terrorists. They're world
leaders. They have positioned themselves in the world's commodity and stock
markets. They've engineered, using their access to stock exchanges and
computers and gold supplies, a panic. Then, they prevent the world's stock
markets from closing. They jam the gears. They hire mercenaries who hold the
rest of the world leaders at Davos as hostages. The markets can't close. The rich
countries....40 [Emphasis in original.]
Wood wrote that at that point the tycoon cum novelist "makes a
slight motion with his fingers as if he were flicking a cigarette butt
out the window."41 Pffffft! The fates of hundreds of millions, even
billions, of people callously sealed with the flick of a finger
*Strong is also a mover and shaker in such Insider circles of power as the Club of
Rome, the
Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, the World Federation of United Nations
Associations, the World Economic Forum, the World Future Society, the Lindisfarne
Association, Planetary Citizens, the World Wilderness Congress, the Business
Council for
Sustainable Development, the Trilateral Commission, the World Resources Institute,
Gorbachev Foundation, the World Bank, and the Commission on Global Governance.
Mr. Strong has remained very much in the thick of all things
green and global. In 1995, he addressed the Royal Institute of
International Affairs, Britain's premier one-world organization, on
his progress in organizing National Councils for Sustainable
Development throughout the world to lobby for Agenda 21, the
UN's mammoth blueprint for global eco-socialism. He has joined
the globalist glitterati at the Gorbachev Foundation's annual State
of the World Forum. In 1997, he hosted the global Rio+5
As the Washington Post put it: "The real point is that a common
currency means one common country, and all else is details to be
filled in later."51 (Emphasis in original.) Precisely! And the CFRTC
ueberlords are more than willing to provide those details. Mr.
Cooper realized that selling this flagrantly totalitar-ian idea to the
public would not be an easy, overnight job. "This one-currency
regime is much too radical to envisage in the near future," he
admitted. "But it is not too radical to envisage 25 years from
now.... [I]t will require many years of consideration before people
become accustomed to the idea." 52
Creating Convergence
Cooper and his confreres in the CFR-dominated media, think
tanks, and academia went to work to create that "convergence of
political values" in the public mind. A flood of articles and op-eds
in the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post,
Wall Street Journal, Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, Christian
Science Monitor, The Economist, etc. soon began hammering
home the theme that the United States and Western Europe must
help Gorbachev's "perestroika" transform the Soviet Union in the
direction of "democracy" and a market economy. After the purported
"collapse of Communism" in 1989, they stepped up the
convergence drum beat, asserting that the taxpayers of the West
must provide Russia and all the nations of her "former" satellite
empire more billions of dollars in credits and aid to help them
make the transition to freedom and stability.
Bringing It Home
Chapter 12
The UN's One-World Religion
The histories and symbols that served our fathers encumber and
divide us. Sacraments and rituals harbor disputes and waste our
scanty emotions.... The modernization of the religious impulse
leads us straight to the effort for the establishment of the world
state as a duty....1
means that the prophetic dimension in the symbol of the Great Goddess
... is the key to salvation from servitude....5 [Emphasis in original.]
What very few of these Americans realize is that this hideous "spiritual
transformation" is tied directly to the United Nations, where the one-
world architects intend to enthrone their planned New World Religion.
And as this Satanic enthronement progresses (yes, we mean, literally,
Satanic), Christians � and Orthodox Jews and Muslims as well � will
find themselves increasingly in the crosshairs of the new world order,
singled out as "bigoted," "dogmatic," and "intolerant" for insisting on
clinging to their "archaic" and "divisive" religious beliefs.
sheep's clothing!
Occult Connections
The global religion envisioned by Wells was a secular, socialist
one, but some of his fellow Fabians had migrated from atheism to
the occult. Two of the most important pilgrims of that variety were
radical feminist Annie Besant and British journalist and newspaper
publisher William Stead.
And what does all this signify? Theosophist authors Eunice and
Felix Layton connect the room's symbolism to "the story of the
descent of the divine into every human life, its apparent death and
burial in the material world and its inevitable final triumphant
resurrection."16 Keep in mind that it is Lucifer, the "light-bearer,"
who is the "divine" one in Blavatsky's twisted theosophist
theology, and you'll understand why this bizarre temple is entirely
apropos for the Tower of Babel on New York's East River.*
The Temple of Understanding works closely with the UN Secretariat, the World
of Churches, the World Conference on Religion and Peace, the UN's Society for
Enlightenment and Transformation, and other "spiritual leaders" to sponsor
convocations for
"global spirituality." These conferences, which have burgeoned in size and
frequency over
the past decade, invariably turn out to be workshops for religious syncretism,
which aims at
melding and blending the world's disparate faiths into one global, neo-pagan,
occult religion
or "Earth Ethic."
learning does not (or should not) end with the completion of for-mal
schooling; wise people (of all socio-economic and educational
backgrounds) throughout the ages have recognized the need for (as well
as the pleasure to be derived from) continuous lifelong education. In
today's fast-changing, technology-driven world, it is more important than
ever to be constantly updating skills and learning new ones.
However, in using the same terms, we do not all mean the same thing.
We should be very familiar with this phenomenon by now. "Tolerance"
no longer means "live and let live" civility; it means using the power of
government to force majority acceptance of the perverse practices of a
militant minority. "Peacekeeping" means carpet-bombing and/or invading
and militarily subjugating whomever the UN has designated as villain du
jour. "Multiculturalism" means demonizing Christian and European
civilization for genocide, exploitation, and raping Mother Earth.
"Investing" doesn't mean private individuals freely deciding what to do
with their own capital assets; it means politicians and bureaucrats
plundering your savings through taxation, and then spending it on
socialist boondoggles.
The FCC (which later changed its name to the National Council
Ultimately, "a world government of delegated powers."
Strong immediate limitations on national sovereignty.
International control of all armies and navies.
"A universal system of money...."
Progressive elimination of all tariff and quota restrictions on world
According to Time, the conference "held that 'a new order of
economic life is both imminent and imperative' � a new order that
is sure to come either 'through voluntary cooperation ... or through
explosive political revolution.'" " 'Collectivism is coming whether
we like it or not,' the delegates were told by no less a churchman
than England's Dr. William Paton, co-secretary of the World
Council of Churches." 25 The problem is that Dr. Paton and his
comrades did want collectivism, and they were doing everything in
their power to fasten it upon the peoples of the world, through both
patient gradualism and "explosive political revolution." The Time
story finished on this note:
The outrages began even before the Peace Summit began, when the UN
organizers announced that the Dalai Lama would not be invited because
his attendance would offend Communist China!27 So, while more than a
thousand religious leaders and gurus representing every conceivable
"faith tradition" gathered in New York under banners of "tolerance,"
"peace," and "brotherhood," one of the world's best-known religious
figures, the revered leader of millions of Buddhists, and a man who
exemplifies those virtues the UN summit extolled, was barred from
attendance � because the totalitarian, genocidal butchers who have been
brutally occupying his tiny kingdom of Tibet for half a century would get
The hypocrisy and outrage multiplied as the Summit got underway. Not
only was the Dalai Lama excluded, but Red China was given a platform
to denounce him and the many other vic
Many other Christians in China share this same fate. A few days
before the start of the Summit, three American evangelists were
arrested in China in the tyrannical regime's crackdown on
Evangelical Protestant "house churches." The Americans were
among 130 Christians netted in the Communist sweep of wor
� in recent years, with each new concession from the U.S. and the
West. At the same time, the Beijing regime has also been engaged
in an ongoing brutal suppression of the Falun Gong spiritual
exercise and meditation sect, as well as a continuing persecution of
Chinese Muslims.34
In his address to the UN's "spiritual" Peace Summit, Bishop Fu
Tieshan, the puppet-stooge of these Red Chinese persecutors, said:
Let us pray for the wisdom of the Holy Spirit, respect the purposes
and principles of the U.N. Charter, and from now on, guard against
and put an end to anything that taint and desecrate religious purity...
Today in China, facts and other practice genuinely reflect the harmony
between different religions. And under the protection of the Constitution and
For those who like their theology dished up from the likes of Ted
Turner and Bishop Fu Tieshan � which appears to be most of the
globalist folk who populate the UN diplomatic corps and
delegations to UN conferences � Hans Kung was a perfect choice.
In his 1991 book Global Responsibility: In Search of a New World
Ethic, Kung declared:
The award was named for U Thant, the Burmese Marxist who served as
the UN's third Secretary-General and who, in 1970, brazenly declared:
"Lenin was a man with a mind of great clarity and incisiveness."45
Maurice Strong, who apparently shares Lenin's "great clarity and
incisiveness," has been a driving force in bringing the most extreme
enviro-Leninism and far-out reli-gio-Leninism into the social, political,
economic, religious mainstream.
Other vaunted "spiritual leaders" who are guiding humanity into the
developing "global ethic" of the new millennium include:
� Apostate
theologian Matthew Fox, whose radical New Age
spirituality embraces Wicca, homosexuality, abortion, and one-
world socialism. An apostle of the Gaia (Earth Goddess) Gospel,
Fox says, "I believe the appropriate symbol of the Cosmic
Christ... is that of Jesus as Mother Earth crucified yet rising
daily... [T]he symbol of which I speak holds the capacity to
launch a global spirituality of untold dimensions appropriate for
the third millennium." 46
� Gerald Barney, founder and executive director of the Millennium
Institute and a co-chair of the 1993 Parliament of World
Religions. In his keynote address at that summit, he said that "an
internationally famous, highly influential author on sustainable
development told me bluntly, 'Religion must die. It is the
fundamental cause of virtually all social, economic, and
ecological problems and much of the violence in the world.'"47
The only alternative to the destruction of religion, Barney
asserted, is the "reinterpretation and even rejection of ancient
traditions and assumptions" and the creation of a "'sustainable'
faith tradition on earth...."48 "Every person," Barney said, "must
learn to think like Earth, to act like Earth, to be Earth."49 Barney
was the lead author of the enviro-Leninist Global 2000 report for
the Carter administration and was a national program director for
the Rockefeller Brothers Fund.
� William
Irwin Thompson, founder of the (Luciferian)
Lindisfarne Association. "We have now a new spirituality, what
has been called the New Age movement," Thompson says. "This
is now beginning to influence concepts of politics and
community in ecology.... This is the Gaia [Mother Earth]
politique ... planetary culture."50
Eliminate discrimination in all its forms, such as that based on race, color,
sex, sexual orientation, religion, language, and national, ethnic or social
[Emphasis added.]
This is very clearly aimed at expanding the socialist state into all
spheres of life and especially to undermine the legal codes of
nations based upon the moral precepts of the monotheistic religions,
all of which proscribe homosexuality. The Charter, like the
many "human rights" conventions it promotes, seeks to give
homosexual activists a pretext to claim legal footing to challenge
in the courts and legislatures national, state, and local laws against
sexual perversion.
Christian-Marxist "Unity*'
Following the conclusion of the State of the World Forum 2000
(September 4th-10th) in New York, Mr. Gorbachev was off on a
multi-week evangelistic crusade that took him to some surprising
venues. He was received with apparent enthusiasm at churches in
Florida and Tennessee.
God had used Gorbachev "in a mighty way." And he hoped that
one day the former Communist dictator would become "a man of
*Thanks to a celebrity status that has been bestowed on him by the Insiders,
Gorbachev is
received like a rock star by politicians, journalists, business and religious
leaders, educators,
and entertainers worldwide. He is, reportedly, the highest-paid name for hire in
the world,
commanding $100,000 for a half-hour talk. Gunter Kunkel, president of the Phoenix
Club in
Anaheim, California, felt his group had gotten a "bargain" because they only had to
$75,000 for 50 minutes of the Gorbachev wisdom and charm. "Can you think of anybody
bigger?" the awestruck Kunkel asked the Los Angeles Times' Mike Anton. "It will
be the greatest night we have seen here."58 Prior to the Millennium Summit,
scored one of his biggest coups to date, when, on June 27, 2000, he was given a
place of
honor between Cardinals Sodano and Silvestrini at a Vatican press conference in
Christianity's Epitaph?
Where is this leading? It is worthwhile noting what the militant
paganists themselves say about this. In the Fall 1995 issue of the
occult journal Gnosis we find a very sobering report entitled "State
of the Hidden Arts: An Overview of Esotericism Today," which
offers analyses by a variety of pagan activists.64 Christopher
Bamford, head of Lindisfarne Press, exults that the last 10 years
"have seen a fundamental revision in our understanding of
Christianity, not in essence, but in application.... [A] dead monolith
has been demolished, and in its place we can sense the presence of
a living being...."65 The creation of a "living" Christianity,
according to Bamford, reflects the growing influence in
"mainstream" Christianity of such thinkers as theosophist Rudolf
Steiner, occultist/psychologist Carl Jung, and Pierre Teilhard de
Not entirely into the open, however. The controlled U.S. media
never gave the American public at large an accurate view of this
clamorous chorus. Most frequently, the media presented them as
noble, if sometimes eccentric, idealists. The viewing and reading
public had no way of knowing the extent and depth of the specifically
and rabidly anti-American, anti-Christian animus of the vast
majority of the official delegates and NGO radicals. Nor were they
made aware of the overtly pagan and communistic emphasis of the
entire Earth Summit program and the conventions, declarations,
and treaties that came out of it.
ply shrug his shoulders at each new offense, and figure there is
nothing that can be done. It's all just part of our inevitable,
downward moral spiral, he sadly reasons. But there is something
that can be done about this. The American taxpayers and voters
have it within their power to change that. We will explain that in
detail in our final chapter.
Chapter 13
Matt Cvetic, who for nine years was an undercover agent in the
Communist Party USA for the FBI, attended a secret meeting of
top-level Communists in 1948, at which a Soviet agent relayed a
speech that Stalin had given directing the American Communists to
put new emphasis on the recruitment of youth. Here is part of
Stalin's speech:
I suppose you could say my political education began during my boyhood in the
little village of Kalinovka where I was born. My schoolteacher there was a
woman named Lydia Shchevchenko. She was a revolutionary. She was also an
atheist. She instilled in me my first political consciousness and began to
counteract the effects of my strict religious upbringing. My mother was very
religious, likewise her father � my grandfather.... When I think back to my
childhood, I can remember vividly the saints on the icons against the wall of
our wooden hut, their faces darkened by fumes from the
oil lamps. I remember being taught to kneel and pray in front of the
icons with the grown-ups in church. When we were taught to read, we
read the scriptures. But Lydia Shchevchenko set me on a path which
took me away from all that." 8
State-of-Mind Marxists
How many would-be and wanna-be Khrushchevs have been created
by Lydia Shchevchenko's myriad counterparts in America?
The thought is frightening; the number is certainly far greater than
most Americans would ever imagine. Khrushchev was born in
1894 and the time period of his revolutionary formation referred to
above was probably around 1900-1910, before the Czar was
overthrown and Lenin came to power. Khrushchev did not say
whether Lydia was actually a member of one of the Communist
organizations in Czarist Russia.
The Pratt House thought cartel has been doing all within its power
to speed this "seizure of cultural power." Like their Fascist and
Communist brethren, the CFR one-worlders realize full well that
for their global totalitarian vision to succeed, they must
*For the most complete exposition of the Gramsci strategy for "the seizure of
power" in America, see the special "Gramsci issue" of The New American, "Prisoners
of the
Total State," July 5, 1999.
take control of the children and youth. For their New World Order
to triumph they must have obedient, subservient masses � an
unthinking, goose-stepping lumpen proletariat. In order to achieve
this goal they know they must destroy, or "Reconstruct," what they
refer to as "mass thought patterns" and "consciousness" � most
especially in children and youth � so they can "reconstruct" and
"reshape" the thought patterns and consciousness according to their
own designs.
*For one of the most informative exposes of this scheme to intellectually cripple
and subvert
American children and youth, see: The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America by
Iserbyt (Ravenna, Ohio: Conscience Press, 1999). This 750-page, telephone book-size
is a masterpiece of research and educational detective work by one of America's top
education experts. Other important works along these lines are Educating for the
New World
Order by Beverly K. Eakman (Portland, Ore.: Halcyon House, 1991) and America 2000 /
Goals 2000 � Moving the Nation Educationally to a "New World Order," compiled and
edited by James R. Patrick (Moline, 111.: Citizens for Academic Excellence, 1994).
Deliberate Dumbing Down is available from American Opinion Book Services, P.O. Box
8040, Appleton, WI 54912.
The statement is both true and false at the same time. While it is
true that no foreign nation has "imposed" (in the military sense,
that is) our educational disaster upon us, it is not alto-gether true
**Some of the most important works exposing this war on America's moral foundations
Judith A. Reisman, Kinsey: Crimes and Consequences (Arlington, Va.: Institute for
Education, 1998); Samuel Blumenfeld, Is Public Education Necessary? (Boise, Idaho:
Paradigm Co., 1991); Balint Vazsonyi, America's Thirty Years War (Washington, D.C.:
Regnery Publishing, 1998); Berit Kjos, Brave New Schools (Eugene, Ore.: Harvest
Publishers, 1995); Barbara Morris, The Great American Con Game (Escondido, CaL:
FX, 1997); Paul C. Vitz, Faith of the Fatherless: The Psychology of Atheism
(Dallas, Texas:
Spence Publishing Company, 1999); Brenda Scott, Children No More (Lafayette, La.:
Huntington House Publishers, 1995); and Claire Chambers, The SIECUS Circle: A
Humanist Revolution (Belmont, Mass.: Western Islands, 1977).
screed quoted at the head of this chapter, charging the family with
"infecting" the child with bad attitudes, is taken from a UNESCO
program for teachers, published in 1949 under the heading
Towards World Understanding. In this 10-part series, UNESCO
(United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization)
complained that "before the child enters school his mind has
already been profoundly marked, and often injuriously, by early
influences" � most particularly by parents, of course, who are
deemed hopelessly ignorant and insufficiently "world-minded." 18
Parents are seen by UNESCO as retrograde influences who tend to
teach their children love for God and country, which UNESCO
condemned as "infecting" the minds of children with
"nationalism," "chauvinism," and "sclerosis of the mind."19
For the NEA, the United Nations became the hope of the world.
In January 1946, Joy Elmer Morgan wrote in the NEA Journal:
The NEA's ardor for the UN and a global school board has
intensified over the years. In 1993, the militant teachers union took
a major step in its push for one-worldism by launching Education
International (EI), a worldwide federation of teachers unions.22
Mary Hatwood Futrell, the NEA's radical-left former
The NEA and EI support increased funding for the UN, increased
authority for the World Court, creation of the International Criminal
Court, ratification of most UN treaties, and expansion of UN power in
virtually all areas.26 The NEA-EI education mafia is tailor-made for the
Insiders' one-world purposes. With tens of millions of dollars in dues
forcibly taken from members' paychecks, the union is a cash cow for
revolution. With tens of millions of teachers worldwide as members, it
can exert enormous influence in classrooms, as well as local, state and
national elections.27
� The Rule
of Law. The militant shock troops first lobby for
ratification of UN treaties, such as the Convention on the Rights
of the Child. Once ratified (or even before ratification), they
fraudulently assign these treaties the exalted status of
"international law," which, they assert, overrides all federal,
state, and local authority. In order to show our respect for the
"rule of law," they and their prostitute "legal scholars" say, we
must "harmonize" our laws and policies with those of the
"international community." They know that most local officials,
school board members, state legislators, and congressmen are
unfamiliar with, and unable to muster an effective defense
against, the supposed authority of "international law." Thus the
UN treaties provide the homegrown revolutionaries with the
weapons to undermine our laws and transform our government
and institutions into subservient instruments of the UN to
enforce global political correctness.
� The Global School Board. Through UNESCO, NEA, EI, and
hundreds of other organizations and think tanks, the global
structure bureaucracy is already being established for a worldwide
socialist system that is intended to provide school teachers
with indoctrination and certification, schools with accreditation,
and students with the subversive materials and programs they
"need" for graduation.
� The New Faith. In our "interdependent" world, the UN provides
the new focal point to teach children about our global "oneness."
Loyalty will be transferred from the family to the state and from
the nation to the UN. Children will be (or are already being)
taught to be "citizens of the world." They are being programmed
to reject "narrow," "divisive," "bigoted," "dogmatic" Christianity
and to adopt pagan and occult beliefs.
UNESCO Subversion
How many of you Senators know what the UN is doing to change the
teaching of the children in your own home town? The UN is at work there,
every day and night, changing the teachers, changing the teaching materials,
changing the very words and tones � changing all the essential ideas which we
imagine our schools are teaching to our young folks.
How in the name of Heaven are we to sit here, approve these programs,
appropriate our own people's money � for such outrageous "orientation" of
our own children, and of the men and women who teach our children, in this
nation's schools?34
More astute Insiders realized, however, that the time was not yet
ripe for open confrontation on such fundamental and emotionally
charged issues. The wiser course was to ease up and drop back for
awhile, and cloak their true aims in more noble-sounding and less
threatening verbiage about "world peace," "collective security,"
"ending world hunger," etc. Which is what they did.
*For a more detailed analysis of the dangers posed to families, parents, and
children by the
CROC and other related UN schemes, see: this author's book, Global Tyranny, Chapter
William Norman Grigg, Freedom on the Altar: The UN's Crusade Against God and
and the following articles posted on our Internet website: "Your Child, the Global
July 21, 1997; "A Higher Warfare," April 17, 1995; and "UN Takeover of the Child,"
August 8, 1994. For a complete text of the UNCROC, see
� Forced abortion;47
� Proliferation of chemical abortions (RU486);48
� Coercive population control and eugenics programs;49
� Forced mass population relocation;
� Mandatory school "sexual orientation" programs promoting
� Outlawing of independent home schooling and independent
private and religious schools;
� Euthanasia and assisted suicide.
The piecemeal Marxist abolition of the family is a fact, and the
UN is the instrument through which the one-world Insiders intend
to carry out their abolition program worldwide.
Chapter 14
When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they
will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible
� Samuel Adams
If we wish to be free ...we must fight! I repeat it, sir, we must
fight!! 3
[I]t is proper to take alarm at the first experiment on our liberties. We hold
this prudent jealousy to be the first duty of citizens and one of [the] noblest
characteristics of the late Revolution. The freemen of America did not wait till
usurped power had strengthened itself by exercise and entangled the question in
precedents. They saw all the consequences in the principle, and they avoided
the consequences by denying the principle. We revere this lesson too much,
soon to forget it.4
Some will say that our concerns are wildly exaggerated, that the
UN, while often obnoxious and corrupt, is toothless and can
present no real danger to the mighty United States. And besides,
they will aver, it still represents mankind's noblest aspirations for
peace. We can reform it and use it to good purpose. We can trust
our president and Congress to watch out for our interests.
Let us take a lesson from the patriots who founded our nation. In
the summer of 1775, these courageous souls faced a situation not
dissimilar from our own. Some argued that, in spite of the Crown's
tyrannical acts, things were not all that bad and that the prudent
course was to continue entreating England for fairness and justice.
Others warned that it would be futile and foolhardy to dare to
challenge the British military might.
[I]t is natural for a man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt
to shut our eyes against a painful truth � and listen to the song of that siren
she transforms us into beasts. Is this the part of wise men, engaged in a great
and arduous struggle for liberty? Are we disposed to be of the number of those
who, having eyes, see not, and having ears, hear not, the things which so nearly
concern their temporal salvation? For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it
might cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst and to
provide for it.5
Mr. Henry then spoke words that are as relevant today (if not more so)
as they were in that desperate time:
They tell us, sir, that we are weak � unable to cope with so formidable an
adversary. But when shall we be stronger? Will it be the next week, or the next
year? Will it be when we are totally disarmed, and when a British [or a UN]
guard shall be stationed in every house? Shall we gather strength by irresolution
and inaction? Shall we acquire the means of effectual resistance by lying
supinely on our backs, and hugging the delusive phantom of hope, until our
enemies shall have bound us hand and foot? Sir, we are not weak, if we make a
proper use of those means which the God of nature hath placed in our power.
Three millions of people, armed in the holy cause of liberty, and in such a
country as that which we possess, are invincible by any force which our enemy
can send against us. Besides, sir, we shall not fight our battles alone. There is a
just God who presides over the destinies of nations, and who will raise up
friends to fight our battles for us. The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone;
it is
to the vigilant, the active, the brave. Besides, sir, we have no election. If we
were base enough to desire it, it is now too late to retire from the contest. There
is no retreat, but in submission and slavery! Our chains are forged, their clanking
John Locke warned centuries ago that "he that thinks absolute
power purifies men's blood, and corrects the baseness of human
nature, need read but the history of this, or any other age, to be
convinced of the contrary."9 The history of the spectacularly
bloody 20th century offers a definitive rebuke to those who believe
that a world government would be a blessing.
If this has been the record of death and desolation caused by the
exercise of unrestrained power by totalitarian governments of
nation-states, can we expect the horrors of unrestrained world
government to be less? Remember, it is the same perpetrators of
these unspeakable crimes (or their totalitarian successors) whom
the one-world Insiders insist we must join in common cause for
"peace." The "respectable" CFR elites have always been comfort
What has there been in the conduct of the CFR-UN cabal in the
last fifty years to justify any hopes of benign intent on their part?
Patrick Henry's exhortation is echoed today by the FBI's famous
profiling pioneer John Douglas, who has written extensively on the
criminal mind and obstacles to criminal rehabilitation.17 From his
extensive studies, Douglas maintains that the best predictor of
human conduct is previous conduct.18 While many violent
criminals may perform well and give indications of rehabilitation
under the restraints of prison, when they are released and confront
the same opportunities and pressures that gave rise to their original
offenses, they repeat their crimes. What would be the crimes of
such men if they attained sufficient power that they did not have to
fear being caught or brought to justice? That is the near reality we
face today.
Although now largely forgotten, during the 1970s and '80s Pablo
Escobar Gaviria was one of the most feared organized crime bosses
in the world. As head of Colombia's infamous Medellin drug cartel,
he was also touted as one of the world's richest men. His thugs
unleashed a reign of terror that included the assassination of dozens
of judges, prosecutors, presidential candidates, governors, police
officials, and journalists. Many
more were bribed into complicity with his criminal operation. Yet he
showered millions of dollars on churches, clinics, hospitals, and schools;
provided college scholarships to many students; and funded many public
works and charitable institutions.23 Was this "bad guy" just
misunderstood? Did he really have a heart of gold underneath a rough
exterior? That's what his defenders claimed, including some members of
the press. Of course that was a lie. Escobar was just doing what all smart
bad guys do: buy protection in the form of public relations. He bought the
loyalty of thousands of people, and was elected to the Colombian
Congress, in spite of his murderous record.
It is also true that they willingly sent U.S. sons to die in no-win wars to
build their new world order. They betrayed friendly, anti-Communist
allies into Communist tyranny. They used U.S. foreign aid to further
communize and socialize nations under petty despots.25 They supported
brutal terrorist groups and Communist-directed wars of "national
liberation." 26 They have facilitated the Communist drug offensive against
the United States and frustrated all genuine efforts to expose and oppose
it.27 They have then turned around and offered dangerous, total
Obedience is not enough. Unless he is suffering, how can you be sure that he is
obeying your will and not his own? Power is in inflicting pain and humiliation.
Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in
new shapes of your own choosing. Do you begin to see, then, what kind of
world we are creating? It is the exact opposite of the stupid hedonistic Utopias
that the old reformers imagined. A world of fear and treachery and torment, a
world of trampling and being trampled upon, a world which will grow not less
but more merciless as it refines itself. [Emphasis in original.] Progress in our
world will be progress toward more pain. The old civilizations claimed that
they were founded on love and justice. Ours is founded upon hatred. In our
world there will be no emotions except fear, rage, triumph, and self-abasement.
Everything else we shall destroy � everything. Already we are breaking down
the habits of thought which have survived from before the Revolution. We have
cut the links between child
and parent, and between man and man, and between man and woman. No one
dares trust a wife or a child or a friend any longer. But in the future there will
be no wives and no friends. Children will be taken from their mothers at birth,
as one takes eggs from a hen.... There will be no loyalty, except loyalty toward
the Party. There will be no love, except the love of Big Brother. There will be
no laughter, except the laugh of triumph over a defeated enemy.28
A Call to Action
A ruthless, tyrannical, Orwellian world state is precisely what the
top Insiders plan to have. Like Orwell's O'Brien, they are
intoxicated with power. They crave absolute power. And if they
should ever attain it, we will experience a murderous "plague of
power" such as this planet has not seen before. We will know
democide on a scale not previously imagined.
But how does one go about such a daunting task? Those committed
to this UN world-government goal enjoy, as we have
shown, enormous influence and prominent positions throughout
our institutions, especially in the media. They are able to create the
appearance of universal support for their agenda. As the late
A Commensurate Response
What needs to be done commensurate with the seriousness of the
danger? Our answer: Enlist many more citizens to follow a sound
program to get the United States out of the United Nations completely.
The architects of the new world order have not yet been able to
entirely erode the republican form of government that our
Founding Fathers established and that has been passed on to us
through the sacrifices of so many dedicated Americans who have
gone before us. Concerned Americans just need to inform themselves
and use the rights, freedoms, and blessings we enjoy in
order to reverse our course.
And the Society has the plan and organization to get the job
done. In countless battles great and small, in cities and rural areas,
the challenge comes down to reaching enough Americans with the
problem and a workable solution in time. This book is part of that
plan. But success requires the wise and committed help of many
more like yourself. We encourage readers to contact the Society for
more information or the individual from whom the reader got this
book. *
*The John Birch Society, P.O. Box 8040, Appleton, WI 54912. Phone: (800) JBS-USA1
[(800) 527-8721]. Or contact us through our website:
For more than four decades, members of The John Birch Society
have been educating their fellow citizens concerning the dangers of
the United Nations. Their work has been largely responsible for the
disfavor that befell the UN for many years. It took major deception
and planning by the new world order advocates, including new
"threats" and the "collapse" of Communism, to dust off the UN and
put their plans on a fast track. We now face the looming threat of
world tyranny � a danger greater than our nation has faced at any
previous time in its history. The danger is great because it is
neither seen nor understood by most of our citizens. And so The
John Birch Society has created a new drive to meet this challenge.
We are all fueled by the urgency to capture the attention of our
fellow citizens and finally put an end to the creature on the East
River. We respectfully ask for your help.34
for today's problems a call to arms would only serve the cause of our
enemy most powerfully and help him consolidate and acquire the
unrestrained power he seeks.
Our enemy's success all stems from the ignorance, delusion, and lack of
understanding of the American people. If good Americans gain a proper
understanding of what is happening, our problems can be resolved within
the institutions that George Washington and others fought to give us.
If the people don't gain the understanding to choose better leaders and
hold their politicians accountable to the Constitution, they cannot expect
to improve their government through revolution. In fact, just the opposite
would happen. What is needed instead is to use the resources and the
freedoms we have to inform our fellow citizens and put the government
our Founding Fathers gave us back on track.
But for success in the educational battle ahead, we do need to find the
same spirit of patriotism and determination that Patrick Henry captured so
well in his previously mentioned "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death"
Alfred Lord Tennyson, "Locksley Hall,"
Poems (Boston: W.D. Ticknor, 1842).
Thomas Molnar, Utopia: The Perennial
Heresy (New York: Sheed and Ward, 1967),
p. 215.
Attributed to George Washington by G.
Edward Griffin, The Fearful Master
(Appleton, Wis.: Western Islands, 1964), p.
Robert Muller, New Genesis: Shaping a
Global Spirituality (Garden City, N.Y.:
Doubleday, 1984), pp. 27-28.
5. Ibid., pp. 28-29.
6. Ibid., pp. 29-30.
7. Ibid., p. 30.
Daniel Sitarz (ed.), Agenda 21: The Earth
Summit Strategy to Save Our Planet
(Boulder, Colo.: EarthPress, 1993), p. 6.
9. Robert Muller,
My Testament to the UN
(World Happiness and Cooperation, U.S.A.,
1994), p. 172.
10. Muller, New Genesis, p. 30.
11. Molnar, p. 227.
12. Ibid.
13. Muller, New Genesis, p. 35.
Nesta H. Webster, The French Revolution:
A Study in Democracy, Second Edition
(Hawthorne, Calif.: Christian Book Club of
America, 1969), p. 427. Note: Author used
different translation for text.
R.J. Rummel, Death by Government, (New
Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publishers,
1994), p. 5.
16. Ibid.
John Barron and Anthony Paul, Murder of a
Gentle Land, (New York: Reader's Digest
Press, Thomas Y Crowell Co., 1977), p.
18. Rummel, Death by Government, p. 3.
19. Ibid., p. 25.
20. Ibid., p. 27.
21. John Emerich Edward Dalberg-Acton (Lord
Acton) (1834-1902), quoted in John
Bartlett, Familiar Quotations
16th ed. (Boston: Little, Brown, and
Company, 1992), p. 521.
Richard Falk and Andrew Strauss, "Toward
Global Parliament," Foreign Affairs,
January/February 2001, pp. 212-220.
Robert Wright, "Continental Drift," The
New Republic, January 17, 2000, p. 18.
13. Jim Leach, "A Republican Looks at Foreign
Policy," Foreign Affairs, Summer 1992, pp.
Henry Grunwald, "A World Without a
Country?" Wall Street Journal, January 1,
1999, p. R44.
15. Lead editorial, "A Supply-Side Nobel," Wall
Street Journal, October 14, 1999, p.A26.
Robert A. Mundell, "Mundell on Supply-
Side Economics," Wall Street Journal,
October 14, 1999, p. A26.
Rashmi Mayur, "World Government," The
War & Peace Digest, March/April 2000, p.
18. Sean
Scully, "Armed Troops Sought for
UN," Washington Times, June 1, 2000, as
posted on Global Policy Forum -UN
Security Council webpage: www.globalpolicy.
mcgovern.htm on 03/13/01.
19. Elizabeth
Greathouse, "Justices See Joint
Issues With the EU," Washington Post, July
9, 1998, p. A24.
20. Quoted
by Paul Kurtz (International
Academy of Humanism, USA) in "Humanist
Manifesto 2000," The War and Peace Digest,
March/April 2000, p. 4.
Chapter 2 * Disarmament and Submission
Lincoln P. Bloomfield, A World Effectively
Controlled By the United Nations
(Washington, D.C.: Institute for Defense
Analyses, 1962), p. iv.
2. Ibid., pp. 23, 25.
Freedom From War: The United States
Program for General and Complete
Disarmament in a Peaceful World,
(Washington, D.C.: Department of State
Publication 7277, 1961), pp. 18-19.
Paul H. Nitze, op-ed: "A Threat Mostly to
Ourselves," New York Times October 28,
5. Charles
P. Howland, Survey of American
Foreign Relations 1928 (New Haven: For
Council on Foreign Relations by Yale
University Press 1928), p. 237.
6. Bloomfield, p. iv.
7. Ibid.
8. Ibid., p. 1.
9. Ibid., p. 3.
10. Ibid., p. 23.
11. Ibid., p. 22.
12. Freedom From War, p. 18.
13. Ibid.
14. Ibid., pp. 18-19.
15. Lewis C.
Henry (ed.), Best Quotations for
All Occasions (Greenwich, Conn.: Fawcett
Publications, 1964), p. 45.
16. U.S. Constitution, Article III, Section 3.
17. Blueprint
for the Peace Race: Outline of
Basic Provisions of a Treaty on General and
Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World,
(United States Arms Control and
Disarmament Agency Publication 4, General
Series 3, Released May 1962), p. 33.
"Remarks by Mikhail Gorbachev on the
Release of the Global Security Programme
Findings on October 19, 1994 at the New
York Council on Foreign Relations," Global
Security Programme: Final Report of the
Global Security Project (The Gorbachev
Foundation/Moscow; The Gorbachev
Foundation/USA; Rajiv Gandhi Foundation,
October 1994), p. 3.
"Investigation of Un-American Activities in
the United States, ("Hearings before a
Special Committee on UN-American
Activities, House of Representatives,
Seventy-eighth Congress, First Session, on
H. Res. 282") (Washington, D.C.: United
States Government Printing Office, 1943), p.
3386; Frank A. Capell, "Alan M. Cranston,"
The Review Of The News, February 17,
1971; Gary Allen, "Alan Cranston: The
Shadow In The Senate," American Opinion,
June 1974, pp.
Professor Arnold Toynbee in a June 1931
speech before the Institute for the Study of
International Affairs in Copenhagen, quoted
in Tony Pearce, "Is there really a New World
Order?" posted on
"Revision of the United Nations Charter:
Hearings before a Subcommittee of the
Committee on Foreign Relations, United
States Senate, Eighty-First Congress, Second
Session, on Resolutions relative to revision
of the United Nations Charter, Atlantic
Union, World Federation, etc.," February 2,
3, 6, 8, 9, 13, 15, 17, and 20,1950, p. 494.
Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope: A
History of the World in Our Time (New
York: Macmillan, 1966), p. 950.
George Cothran, "One World, Under
Gorby," SF Weekly, Vol. 14, No. 16, May
31-June 6, 1995, pp. 11-12.
5. Lawrence
Shoup and William Mintner,
Shaping a New World Order: The Council
on Foreign Relations' Blueprint for World
Hegemony, excerpted from Holly Sklar
(ed.), Trilateralism (South End Press, 1980),
posted on
6. Robert
W. Lee, The. United Nations
Conspiracy (Appleton, Wis.: Western
Islands, 1981), p. 243.
7. William F.
Jasper, Global Tyranny ... Step
By Step (Appleton, Wis.: Western Islands,
1992), p. 68. (Reference: Time magazine,
April 16, 1945).
8. Richard
Rovere, "The American
Establishment," Esquire, May 1962, p. 107.
Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., A Thousand
Days (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1965), p.
10. Newsweek, September 6, 1971, p. 74.
Lawrence Shoup and William Mintner,
Imperial Brain Trust: The Council on
Foreign Relations and U.S. Foreign Policy
(New York: Monthly Review Press, 1977),
p. 16.
Richard J. Barnet, Roots of War (New York:
Atheneum, 1972), p. 46.
13. Barry M.
Goldwater, With No Apologies
(New York: William Morrow and Co., Inc.,
1979), p. 279.
14. Richard
Harwood, "Ruling Class
Journalists," Washington Post, October 30,
1993, p. A21.
15. Ibid.
16. Ibid.
17. Minute,
June 19, 1991 and Lectures
Francoises, July/August 1991, quoted in
HduB Reports, September 1991, p. 2.
Hilaire du Berrier, HduB Reports,
September 1991, p. 2.
William F. Jasper, "Europe: Meeting Ground
of East and West," The New American,
February 24, 1992, pp. 19-25.
20. du Berrier, pp. 1-2.
21. Harwood, op. cit.
22. Quigley, p. 950.
23. Ibid., p. 324.
24. George J. A. O'Toole, Honorable Treachery,
A History of U.S. Intelligence,
Espionage, and Covert Action from
the American Revolution to the CIA (New
York: The Atlantic Monthly Press, 1991), p.
25. Peter
Grose, Continuing the Inquiry: The
Council on Foreign Relations from 1921 to
1996 (New York: Council on Foreign
Relations Press, 1996), Quigley, Tragedy
and Hope, pp. 950-952.
26. Quigley, p. 131.
27. Ibid., p. 324.
28. Ibid.
29. Ibid., p. 325.
30. Ibid.
31. Ibid., p. 326-27.
32. Sarah Gertrude Millin, Cecil Rhodes (New
York: Harper & Brothers, 1933), p. 8.
33. Herbert
Baker and W T. Stead, Cecil
Rhodes: The Man and His Dream,
(Bulawayo, Rhodesia: Books of Rhodesia,
1977. Includes: W T. Stead (ed.), The Last
Will and Testament of Cecil John Rhodes
(London: "Review of Reviews" Office,
1902)), pp. 39-40, 44, 52.
34. Ibid., pp. 39-40, 44.
35. William F. Jasper, "A 'Rhodie' In the White
House," The New American, January 25,
1993, pp. 37-39.
36. Carroll
Quigley, The Anglo-American
Establishment: From Rhodes to Cliveden
(New York: Books in Focus, 1981), p. 197.
37. Ibid.
38. Chester
Ward, Kissinger on the Couch,
(New Rochelle, N.Y.: Arlington House
Publishers, 1975), p. 150.
39. Ibid, p. 146.
Chapter 4 � "Capitalists" and the Communist
Earl Browder, Victory and After (New York:
International Publishers, 1942), p. 110.
V.I. Lenin, quoted in "Target: World
Government," The New American,
September 16, 1996, p. 23.
3. Program
of the Communist International
(New York: Workers Library
Socialist International 1962 Conference,
Oslo, Norway, quoted in Rose L. Martin,
The Selling of America (Santa Monica,
Calif.: Fidelis Publishers Inc., 1973), p. 17.
Mortimer J. Adler, Haves Without Have-
Nots (New York: Macmillan Publishing
Company, 1991), p. 251.
6. Browder, p. 110.
See Global Tyranny ... Step By Step,
chapters 3 and 5 (Appleton, Wis.: Western
Islands, 1992); Shadows of Power
(Appleton, Wis.: Western Islands, 1992);
The Insiders, 4th edition (Appleton, Wis.:
The John Birch Society, 1996); Financial
Terrorism, (Appleton, Wis.: The John Birch
Society, 1993).
Robert W Lee, The United Nations
Conspiracy (Appleton, Wis.: Western
Islands, 1981), p. 11.
Gary Allen with Larry Abraham, None Dare
Call It Conspiracy (Rossmoor, Calif.:
Concord Press, 1971), p. 138.
Soviet World Outlook: A Handbook of
Communist Statements, U.S. Department of
State Publication 6836 (Washington, D.C.:
U.S. Government Printing Office, 1959), p.
11. Browder, p. 110.
12. Ibid., pp. 160, 169.
William Z. Foster, Toward Soviet America
(Balboa Island, Calif: Elgin Publications,
1961), pp. 272, 326.
Official 1936 program of the Communist
International, recorded in hearings before the
Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, July
11, 1956, p. 196, quoted in G. Edward
Griffin, The Fearful Master: A Second Look
at the United Nations (Appleton, Wis.:
Western Islands, 1964), pp. 69-70.
Bella V. Dodd, School of Darkness (New
York: Devin-Adair, 1963), p. 179.
Pravda, March 23, 1946, quoted in Robert W
Lee, The United Nations Conspiracy
(Appleton, Wis.: Western Islands, 1981), p
"Organized Communism in the United
States," U.S. House of Representatives,
Committee on Un-
American Activities, May 1958, p. 130.
Jessica T. Mathews, "Power Shift," Foreign
Affairs, January-February 1997, pp. 50, 53.
3. Robert
Hormats, "Non-Governmental
Organizations at the Table," a presentation
of Edelman Public Relations Worldwide at
Atlanta, Singapore, and Sydney, October
2000, www.edelman.
01.htm on 3/10/01.
4. Kofi
Annan, address to the (NGO)
Millennium Forum, New York, May 22,
2000. (See:
5. Steven
C. Rockefeller address, UN
Millennium Forum, May 2000, as
videotaped by The John Birch Society.
6. Sun
Tzu, The Art of War (Ware,
Hertfordshire: Wordsworth Editions, Ltd,
Cumberland House, 1995), pp. 132-133.
7. Ibid., p. 133.
8. E.
H. Cookridge, The Net That Covers the
World (New York: Henry Holt & Co.,
1955), pp. 15,16.
9. Ibid., p. 16.
Martin Malia, foreword to Stephane Courtois
et al., The Black Book of Communism:
Crimes, Terror, Repression (Cambridge,
Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1999), pp.
xi, xvi.
"Interlocking Subversion in Government
Departments," Senate Internal Security
Subcommittee report (Washington, D.C.:
U.S. Government Printing Office), July 30,
1953, p. 49.
J. Edgar Hoover, The Elks Magazine,
August 1956, quoted by Jerreld L. Newquist
in Prophets Principles and National Survival
(Salt Lake City: Publishers Press, 1964), p.
13. Interview with author.
Dennis L. Bark and Owen Harries (ed.), The
Red Orchestra, Volume 3: The Case of the
Southwest Pacific (Stanford University,
Stanford, Calif., Hoover Institution Press,
1989), pp. xix, xx.
15. Anatoliy Golitsyn, New Lies for Old (New
York: Dodd, Mead, and Company, 1984.)
16. Anatoliy
Golitsyn, The Perestroika
Deception: Memoranda to the Central
Intelligence Agency (London & New York:
Edward Harle, 1995).
17. Jan
Kozak, And Not A Shot Is Fired
(Appleton, Wis.: Robert Welch University
Press, 1999).
18. Kofi
Annan, address to the World Civil
Society Conference, Montreal, December 8,
ngolink/sgmontre.htm on March 29, 2001.
Freedom From War: The United States
Program for General and Complete
Disarmament in a Peaceful World
(Washington, D.C.: Department of State
Publication 7277, 1961); Lincoln P.
Bloomfield, A World Effectively Controlled
By the United Nations (Washington, D.C.:
Institute for Defense Analyses, 1962).
20. Kofi
Annan, address to the Millennium
"The Hague Agenda for Peace and Justice
for the 21st Century," UN Ref A/54/98
(Hague Appeal for Peace).
22. Cora Weiss remarks at Forum videotaped by
JBS staff.
23. William
Norman Grigg, "Building World
Order," The New American, July 3, 2000, p.
24. S.
Steven Powell, Covert Cadre: Inside the
Institute for Policy Studies (Ottawa, 111.:
Green Hill Publishers, 1987), pp. 38-39.
25. Grigg, pp. 6-7.
26. UN Charter, Chapter VII, Article 42.
27. "The Hague Agenda," p. 4.
28. Ibid., pp. 34, 44.
29. Ibid., p. 44.
30. Peace
Matters, Newsletter of the Hague
Appeal for Peace, May 2000.
31. James
Kunen, The Strawberry Statement:
Notes of a College Revolutionary (New
York: Avon, 1969), pp. 130-131.
32. Gary Allen, "Who is Paying: For the Student
Revolutionary Movement," American
Opinion magazine,
November 1970, p. 4. (Note: Kirk was also
interviewed by House and Senate
investigative committees. See: "Investigations
of Students for a
World Association of World Federalists, The
Humanist, January-February 1972, quoted in
Global Tyranny ... Step By Step (Appleton,
Wis.: Western Islands, 1992), p. 123.
2. George F. Kennan, "The Wall Falls:
This is No Time for Talk of German
Reunification," Washington Post, November
12, 1989.
Michael Oppenheimer, "From Red Menace
to Green Threat," New York Times, March
27, 1990, p. 19B.
Quoted in Robert James Bidinotto "What is
the Truth about Global Warming?," Reader's
Digest, February 1990, page 97.
Alexander King and Bertrand Schneider,
The First Global Revolution, A Report by
the Council of the Club of Rome (New
York: Pantheon Books, 1991), p. 115.
"The New World Army," New York Times,
March 6, 1992, p. A14.
William Norman Grigg, "Insider Report,"
The New American, October 4, 1993, p. 12.
Dixy Lee Ray, Environmental Overkill
(Washington, D.C.: Regnery Gateway,
1993), p. 205.
Heidelberg Appeal to Heads of States and
Governments, publicly released at the 1992
Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro. See:
10. Ibid.
11. Ibid.
The UN's Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change (IPCC) approved the IPCC
WG III Third Assessment Report at the 6th
session of WG III, held at Accra, Ghana,
from February 28th through March 3rd,
1991 Gallup Poll cited in Kelly Stewart,
"Global Warming and the Kyoto Protocol,"
April 24, 1998,
/Periscop/1998/0402498.cfm on 3/19/01.
Same poll also cited in "Myths of Global
Warming Cited as Kyoto Approaches,"
Environment News, August 1997,
aug97/myths.htm on 3/19/01.
See the author's interview with Dr. Miranda,
"The Amazing Amazon," in The New
American, August 10, 1992, pp. 16-17.
15. Ibid.
16. William F. Jasper, "Earth Summit
17. Ibid.
18. Ibid.
Lincoln P. Bloomfield, A World Effectively
Controlled by the United Nations, Institute
for Defense Analyses, March 10, 1962, p.
12. Prepared for IDA in support of a study
submitted to the Department of State under
contract No. SCC 28270, February 24, 1961.
20. Ibid., p. 12.
21. Herman
Kahn and Anthony J. Wiener,
"World Federal Government," essay in
Uniting the Peoples and Nations: Readings
in World Federalism, compiled by Barbara
Walker (Washington, D.C.: World Federalist
Association, 1993), p. 306.
22. Ibid.
23. Ibid.
24. Benjamin
B. Ferencz and Ken Keyes, Jr.,
Planethood: The Key to Your Future (Coos
Bay, Ore.: Love Line Books, 1991), pp. 9091.
25. Report
From Iron Mountain on the
Possibility and Desirability of Peace, (New
York: The Dial Press, 1967).
26. Ibid.
27. Ibid., p. 66.
28. Ibid., p. 71.
29. Ibid., p. 66.
30. Ibid., p. 70.
31. Bloomfield, p. 22.
32. Iron Mountain, p. 71.
33. Mikhail Gorbachev
speech, "The River of
Time and the Necessity of Action," delivered
at Fulton, Missouri, May 6, 1992.
34. Jeremy Rifkin, Entropy: Into the Greenhouse
World (New York: Bantam Books, 1989), p.
35. Benjamin Ferencz, quoted by the author in
"Courting Global Tyranny," The New
American, August 31, 1998, p. 8.
36. Corinne McLaughlin and Gordon Davidson,
Spiritual Politics: Changing the World From
the Inside Out (New York: Ballantine
Books, 1994).
37. Alvin Toffler, The Third Wave (New York:
William Morrow and Company, Inc., 1980),
p. 342.
38. Jessica
Lipnack and Jeffrey Stamps,
Networking: The First Report and Directory
(New York: Doubleday, 1982), quoted in
Kirk Kidwell, "Network Difficulty," The
New American, October 12, 1987, p. 6.
"Foundations Pay the Way," The New
American special report: "Conspiracy for
Global Control," 1997 expanded edition, pp.
56, 57.
40. Alvin and Heidi Toffler, Foreword by Newt
Gingrich, Creating a New Civilization: The
Politics of the Third Wave (Atlanta: Turner
Publishing, 1995).
41. McLaughlin and Davidson, p. 29.
42. Donnela H. and Dennis L. Meadows, et al.,
The Limits to Growth: A Report for the Club
of Rome's Project on the Predicament of
Mankind (New York: Universe Books,
1972), p. 196.
43. Ibid., p. 197.
44. Ibid.
45. Gus
Hall, Ecology, quoted in Holly
Swanson, Set Up & Sold Out: Find Out
What Green Really Means (White City,
Ore.: CIN, 1995), p. 30.
46. Ibid.
47. Ibid., p. 272.
48. See the author's report: "Socializing at Rio,"
The New American, August 10, 1992, p. 18.
49. Ibid.
50. Rene
Dubos and Barbara Ward (Lady
Jackson), Only One Earth: The Care and
Maintenance of a Small Planet (New York:
WW Norton, 1972).
51. Richard
A. Falk, "Toward a New World
Order: Modest Methods and Drastic
Visions," in Saul H. Mendlovitz (ed.), On
the Creation of a Just World Order: Preferred
Worlds for the 1990's (New York: The Free
Press, 1975).
52. Jeremy
Rifkin, Voting Green, quoted in
Swanson, op. cit., p. 40.
53. The State of the World, annual WorldWatch
Institute report. See the Worldwatch Institute
website (3/14/01):
54. Ibid.,
55. Ibid.
56. From "Acknowledgements," State of
57. Stephen
Schmidheiny and the Business
Council for Sustainable Development,
Changing Course (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT
Press Books, 1992).
58. Al Gore, Earth In The Balance: Ecology and
the Human Spirit (New York: Plume, 1993),
p. 269.
59. William
Norman Grigg, "Al Gore's Red
Connections," The New American, March
31, 1997, pp. 15-17.
60. Jim
MacNeill, Pieter Winsemius, Taizo
Yakushiji, Beyond Interdependence: The
Meshing of the World's Economy and the
Earth's Ecology (New York: Oxford
University Press, 1991).
61. Maurice Strong in ibid., p. ix.
62. Ibid.
63. Ibid.
64. Ibid.,p.x.
65. Ibid.
66. Ibid.
67. MacNeill, Winsemius, and Yakushiji, p. 128.
68. Ibid.
69. Ronald I. Spiers, "Keep the U.N. on a Roll,"
New York Times, March 13, 1992, p.A31.
70. George F. Kennan, "The Wall Falls: This is
No Time for Talk of German Reunification,"
Washington Post, November 12, 1989.
71. Jessica
Tuchman Mathews, "Two Views,"
EPA Journal, July/August 1990, p. 27.
72. Ibid.
"Global Commentary" "We must 'ecolo-gize'
our society before it's too late," Birmingham
(Ala.) News, April 22, 1990.
74. Ibid.
"From Red to Green," Audubon, November-
December 1994, quoted in Swanson, p. 272.
76. Grassroots, quoted in Swanson, p. 277.
"Man of the Decade: Mikhail Gorbachev"
and "The Unlikely Patron of Change," Time,
January 1, 1990, cover and pp. 42-72.
78. Mikhail
S. Gorbachev, speech delivered
November 2, 1987 at the Kremlin
Palace of Congresses in Moscow before a
gathering of party officials and foreign
visitors. Translated into English by Tass, as
reported by Facts on File November 6,
1987, p. 820.
79. Mikhail
Gorbachev, Perestroika: New
Thinking for Our Country and the World,
Hungarian edition (1st para.), quoted in The
New Republic, December 21, 1987, p. 9.
80. Francis X. Clines, "Gorbachev: 'Enough' for
Glasnost?" New York Times International,
December 26,
1989, p. 11.
"Gorbachev Interview," Time, June 4,
1990, p. 31.
82. Mikhail
Gorbachev, Perestroika: New
Thinking for Our Country and the World
(New York: Harper & Row, 1987), p. 51.
83. Ibid., pp. 32, 35.
84. Daniel Sitarz (ed.), Agenda 21: The Earth
Summit Strategy to Save the Planet
(Boulder, Colo.: EarthPress, 1993), pp. 6970.
85. Ibid., p. 70.
86. Gail Sheehy,
The Man Who Changed the
World: The Lives of Mikhail S. Gorbachev
(New York: HarperCollins Publishers,
1990), second page of section: "Quick Turn
87. See
the following articles from The New
American: John F McManus, "A CFR Visit
to Moscow," March 16, 1987, p. 21; William
F. Jasper, "Global Gorby," October 30,
1995, p. 23. Also, State of the World Forum
reports for 1995-2000, Gorbachev
88. Richard N.
Gardner, "The Hard Road to
World Order," Foreign Affairs, April 1974,
p. 558.
89. Ibid., p. 560.
90. See for example: Leslie H.
Gelb, "Carter's
Foreign Policies In Liberal Democratic
Vein," New York Times, July 7, 1976, pp. 1,
Chapter 7 � The UN's War on Private
1. Preamble to
"The Vancouver Action Plan:
64 Recommendations for
Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, The
Communist Manifesto, 1848. American
Opinion edition with introduction by William
P. Fall (Appleton, Wis.: 1974), p. 20.
3. Pierre Joseph Proudhon (1809-1865) quoted
in John Bartlett, Familiar Quotations (15th
and 125th anniv. edition) (Boston: Little,
Brown, and Company, 1980), p. 527.
4. Abbe Augustin Barruel, Memoirs Illustrating
the History of Jacobinism (Fraser, Michigan:
American Council on Economics and
Society, 1995), p. 410. This 1995 single-
volume (846 pp.) edition is a reprint of a
four-volume English translation published in
1798 by T. Burton, London.
5. Marx and Engels, p. 19.
Noah Webster, "Examination of the Leading
Principles of the Federal Constitution, 1787,"
October 10, 1787, p. 48, quoted on the
Potomac Institute web site: www.potomacinc.
Joseph Story, Wilkerson v. Leland, (2 Peters,
657), quoted in Russell, American Legal
History, White vs. White, 5 Barbour 474
(NY, 1849) at
"The Boston Gazette," April 4, 1768, quoted
in Verna M. Hall (compiler), The Christian
History of the Constitution of the United
States of America: Christian Self-
Government With Union, American
Revolution Bicentennial Edition (San
Francisco: Foundation for American
Christian Education, 1985), p. 453.
9. Verna M. Hall (compiler), Christian History
of the Constitution of the United States of
America (San Francisco: The American
Christian Constitution Press, 1960), p. 248A.
10. Rerum Novarum: On Capital and
Labor (May 15, 1891), in The Great
Encyclical Letters of Pope Leo XIII (New
York: Benziger Brothers, 1903), pp. 237
Friedrich A. Hayek, The Road to Serfdom,
(Chicago: University of Chicago Press,
1969), pp. 103, 104.
12. Preamble
to "The Vancouver Action Plan,
op. cit., May 31 to June 11, 1976.
Ibid., "Recommendation D.1 Land resource
14. Daniel Sitarz
(ed.), Agenda 21: The Earth
Summit Strategy to Save Our Planet
(Boulder, Colo.: EarthPress, 1993), p. 63.
15. Ibid., p. 65.
16. Ibid., p. 180.
17. Ibid.
V. H. Heywood (exec. ed.), Global Biodiversity
Assessment, published for the
United Nations Environment Programme
(Cambridge, England: Cambridge University
Press, 1995), p. 767.
19. Ibid., p. 787.
20. Ibid.
21. William
Norman Grigg, "Sunset on the
West?" The New American, February 5,
1996, p. 30.
22. Sustainable
America, A New Consensus,
President's Council on Sustainable
Development report, 1995, p. 113.
William Reilly, National Parks for a New
Generation, (Conservation Foundation,
1985), quoted in "Environmental Activist to
Head EPA," Human Events, January 14,
1989, pp. 23-24.
24. Jeremy Rifkin, Entropy: Into the Greenhouse
World, (New York: Bantam Books, 1989) p.
25. Ibid., p. 245.
26. Turner
Foundation website: www. on
March 15, 2001.
27. Ibid.
28. Marx and Engels, p. 19.
Chapter 8 � UN's International Court of Criminals
Charles Rice interviewed by William F.
Jasper, "Courting Global Tyranny," The
Robert S. McNamara and Benjamin B.
Ferencz, "For Clinton's Last Act" [op
ed], New York Times, December 12,
2000, p. A3.
Statement of President Bill Clinton,
quoted in "Clinton's Words: The Right
Action,'" New York Times, January 1,
2001, p. 6.
4. Albert Ellery Bergh (ed.), The Writings of
Thomas Jefferson, Vol. 15 (Washington,
D.C.: The Thomas Jefferson Memorial
Association, 1907), p. 331, quoted in The
American Freedom Library (CD-rom)
(Western Standard Publishing Co., 1997).
Anne Swardson, "Pinochet Case Tries
Spanish Legal Establishment; Pinochet Case
Tries Legal System," Washington Post,
October 22, 1998, p. A27 f.
"A Litany of the Big Powers' 'Sins,'" Terra
Viva, June 17, 1998, p. 4.
Barbara Crossette, "U.N. Monitor to
Investigate U.S. Use of Death Penalty," New
York Times, September 30, 1997, p. A-8.
Craig Turner, "U.S. death penalty called
violation of international law," Arizona
Republic, April 4, 1998, p. A16.
"Report of the Special Rapporteur on
extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary
executions, Mr. Bacre Waly Ndiaye," UN
Economic and Social Council, Commission
on Human Rights document
E/CN.4/1998/68/Add.3, January 22, 1998,
paragraphs 145, 156 (a) and (b).
"Report of the Independent Inquiry Into the
Actions of the United Nations During the
1994 Genocide in Rwanda," December
15,1999, paragraph 2 under II. Description
of Key Events, Arusha Peace Agreement.
Report posted at m
on 3/17/01.
William F. Jasper, "Courting Global
Tyranny," The New American, August 31,
1998, p. 14.
"Police Brutality Deeply Rooted in US,"
Terra Viva, July 8, 1998, p. 7.
13. Shielded From Justice: Police Brutality
and Accountability in the United States,
(Human Rights Watch, 1998), as referenced
in ibid.
The Ford Foundation website (www. lists grant information
in the amount of $7,200,000 for Human
Rights Watch for 1999.
15. Jessica T. Mathews, "Power Shift," Foreign
Affairs, January/February 1997, p. 55.
For Emma Bonino (now Member of the
European Parliament and Secretary of the
Transnational Radical Party): The 'Who's
Who' of the Transnational Radical Party," member/emm.htm on
3/17/01. For Francesco Rutelli (Mayor of
Rome): "The 'Who's Who' of the
Transnational Radical Party," member/bio_r.htm on
"Goldstone: US Stance Contradictory," Terra
Viva, June 17, 1998, p. 7. Released report:
"Making Justice Work."
CFR press release, "Morton Halperin Rejoins
Council," January 25, 2001.
Coalition for the ICC web page
20. George
C. Lodge, Managing Globalization
in the Age of Interdependence, (San Diego,
Calif.: Pfeiffer, 1995).
21. Thomas R.
Dye, Who's Running America?
(Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, Inc.,
1976), pp. 193-94.
22. Charles Rice interviewed by author, William
F. Jasper, "Courting Global Tyranny," The
New American, August 31, 1998, p. 17.
23. Ibid.
24. For
a more in-depth examination of the
serious problems with the definitions of
these "core crimes," see the following
articles in The New American: "Court of
International Criminals," May 30, 1994;
"International Injustice," April 13, 1998;
"The ICC: Courting Global Tyranny,"
August 31, 1998; and "International Court of
Criminals," July 3, 2000 at
25. S.J.
Res. 32 (introduced by Senator
Christopher Dodd on January 28, 1993
26. William F.
Jasper, "International Injustice,"
The New American, April 13, 1998, p. 23.
27. Betsy Pisik,
"U.S. seeks changes to accept
international criminal court," Washington
Times, February 26, 1999, p. A17.
28. William F. Jasper, "Black-Robed Globalists,"
The New American, September 28, 1998, p.
29. Jim
Henderson, "Albright joins effort to
spare Canadian's life," Houston Chronicle,
December 2, 1998, pp. 1A, 16A.
30. Theodor
Meron, "Answering for War
Crimes," Foreign Affairs, January/ February
1997, p. 8.
31. Robert Fox, "Balkans provide new riches for
the Mafia," The (London) Daily Telegraph,
December 15, 2000, p. 22.
32. Ibid.
33. James Blitz, "Mafia-buster charts course 'for
UN of the future,'" Financial Times,
December 12, 2000.
34. Ibid.
35. Mathews, op. cit., p. 58.
36. Robert
Wright, "Pax Kapital," Foreign
Policy, Summer 2000, p. 68.
37. Transcript
of the October 12, 2000 CFR-
sponsored meeting in New York,
"Condoleezza Rice on Governor George W.
Bush's Foreign Policy," posted on the CFR
website: Rice_10-1200_
Transcript.html, page 12 of 17, on
38. James
Madison, quoted in Charles S.
Hyneman and Donald S. Lutz, American
Political Writing during the Founding Era:
1760 -1805, Vol I. (Indianapolis: Liberty
Press, 1983), p. 633.
Chapter 9 � Civilian Disarmament
Rudyard Kipling, "The Gods of the
Copybook Headings," Rudyard Kipling's
Verse, Inclusive Ed.: 1885-1932 (Garden
City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran, and Co., Inc.,
1934), p. 886.
2. "Combat Arms Survey," administered to
several hundred Marines on May 10, 1994 at
the Twentynine Palms, California Marine
base. For more information, see note #94,
3. Walter Shapiro, "It's high time to gun down
the 2nd Amendment," USA Today,
September 17, 1999, p. 14A.
4. Roger Rosenblatt, "Get Rid of the Damned
Things," Time, August 9, 1999, p. 38.
5. UN
Backgrounder: "Millennium Forum
Action Plan Adds People's Voice to Summit
Debate" (Published by the United Nations
Department of Public Information, DPI/2143
�August 2000,
plan.htm viewed on 4/01/01.)
6. "High Noon," Washington Post, August 19,
1965, p. A20.
Jean Latz Griffin and William Recktenwald,
"Warning: Health Risk � Guns Under
Attack on New Front," Chicago Tribune,
October 31, 1993, section "Perspective," p.
1f. See:
8. Richard Harris, "A Reporter At Large," The
New Yorker, July 26, 1976, pp. 57-58.
9. Editorial, "America's Gun Epidemic: What is
the Best Medicine?," Los Angeles Times,
November 8, 1993, p. 6f.
10. Editorial,
"Gun Prohibition, Phase II,"
Washington Times, December 9, 1993,
Rosie O'Donnell, TV show of April 21,
1999, quoted by Greg Pierce, Washington
Times, April 26, 1999, section "Nation
Inside Politics," p. A7.
Kofi Annan, We the Peoples: The Role of
the United Nations in the 21st Century (New
York: United Nations Department of Public
Information, 2000), p. 52.
13. Ibid., pp. 52-53.
14. Ibid., p. 53.
15. Charles J. Hanley, "World gun control is
U.N. body's aim," Washington Times, May
24, 1994, p. A1.
From combined dispatches, "U.S. OKS
Study of U.N. Gun Control," Washington
Times, May 24, 1994, p. Al.
28. Albin
Krebs, "Arthur H. Dean, Envoy to
Korea Talks, Dies at 89," New York Times,
December 1, 1987, p. D28.
29. Joseph Keeley, The China Lobby Man: The
Story of Alfred Kohlberg (New Rochelle,
New York: Arlington House, 1969), p. 92.
30. Ibid., pp. 92-93.
"Institute of Pacific Relations," Report of the
(Senate) Committee on the Judiciary,
Eighty-Second Congress, Second Session,
Hearings held July 25, 1951 -June 20, 1952
by the Internal Security Subcommittee
(Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government
Printing Office, 1952: ordered to be printed:
July 2 [legislative day June 27]), p. 223.
32. Ibid., pp. 223-225.
33. Isaacson and Thomas, The Wise Men.
34. Bird,
The Chairman, pp. 41-45. Also:
"Grenville Clark, Lawyer, 84, Dies," New
York Times, January 14, 1967.
35. World
Government Highlights: Facts,
Opinions, & Personalities, revised edition
(New York: United World Federalists, May
1953), p.8. Also: "Announce Major Editorial
Awards: Contest Honors Grenville Clark,"
The Federalist, vol. 9, no. 5, January 1963
(published by United World Federalists), p.
"Grenville Clark, Lawyer, 84, Dies," New
York Times, January 14, 1967. See also:
William F. Jasper, "Hardselling the New
World Order," The New American,
September 7, 1992, p. 19", and: "Promoting
World Government," The Herald of
Freedom, Zarephath, N.J., Vol. XVIII, No.
13, October 25, 1974, pp. 3-4.
"Correction, Please!" American Opinion
magazine, Vol. VI, No. 4, April 1963.
38. Grenville Clark and Louis B.
Sohn, World
Peace Through World Law,
95. Ibid., p. 6.
"Insider Report," The New American, July
11, 1994, p. 10.
"Survey of Marines On the Use of Military
Forces in Non-Traditional Missions," news
release of Naval Postgraduate School,
Monterey, Calif., Dept. of the Navy, undated
circa July-Sept. 1994. See also: William F.
Jasper, "I Am a United Nations Fighting
Person," The New American, September 19,
1994, sidebar, p. 6.
Robert W. Lee, "Gun Report," The New
American, July 13, 1992, p. 38.
See respectively: "Bush triggers petition to
oust him from NRA," USA Today, July 12,
1989, p. 4A; and Weekly Compilation of
Presidential Documents, March 18, 1991, pp.
100. Interviewed
on The Joe Redburn Show,
radio station KTKK in Salt Lake City, on
April 26, 1991.
Armando Villafranca, "Former President
Bush angrily resigns from NRA," Houston
Chronicle, May 11, 1995, pp. 1A, 21A.
Steve Bonta, "The Power Elite & George
W.," The New American, July 17, 2000, pp.
Steve Mufson, "Secretary of State Gets
Hero's Welcome to Work," Washington
Post, January 23, 2001, p. A3. Also see:
"Reviving the State Department,"
Washington Post, January 31, 2001, p A20.
4. Barbara
Crossette, "Powell Vows
Strong Support for Many U.N.
Activities: Reassures Annan on Bush
Administration," New York Times,
February 15, 2001, p. A10.
James M. Lindsay, The New Apathy:
How an Uninterested Public Is
Reshaping Foreign Policy," Foreign
Affairs, Vol. 79, Number 5,
September/October 2000, p. 8.
Chapter 10 � Regionalism
Barry Goldwater, With No Apologies (New
York: William Morrow and Co. Inc., 1979),
p. 285.
2. C. Fred Bergsten (co-author), "Future of the
International Economic Order," (paper
distributed at April 1989 TC meeting in
Tokyo), quoted in Financial Terrorism
(Appleton, Wis.: The John Birch Society,
1993), p. 82.
David Rockefeller, "Why We Need the
IMF," Wall Street Journal, May 1, 1998, p.
Hilary Marquand, "The Theory and Practice
of Planning," Economic Development and
Social Change (London: Socialist
International Publications, undated circa
1962-63), p. 28, as quoted in Rose L.
Martin, Fabian Freeway (Belmont, Mass.:
Western Islands, 1966), p. 109.
Richard N. Cooper, "A Monetary System
for the Future," Foreign Affairs, Fall 1984,
pp. 177, 179.
Robert A. Mundell, "Mundell on Supply-
Side Economics," Wall Street Journal,
October 14, 1999, p. A26.
Lead editorial, "A Supply-Side Nobel,"
Wall Street Journal, October 14, 1999,
8. Karl
Marx, The Communist Manifesto
(Appleton, Wis.: American Opinion Book
Services, 1974), p. 25.
9. Frank
Vanderlip, "From Farm Boy to
Financier," Saturday Evening Post,
February 9, 1935, p. 25.
10. William H.
McIlhany II, The Tax-Exempt
Foundations (Westport, Conn.: Arlington
House, 1980), p. 63. As recorded in note
number 30 (p. 235) to Chapter 3, Mcllhany
interviewed Norman Dodd in 1976 and
recorded that conversation as the "Dodd
Interview Transcript." Mcllhany also
compared Mr. Dodd's memory of the
conversation in 1976 "with his description
of it years earlier in a letter he wrote to
Howard E. Kershner on December 29,
1962." "Where there are
Robert Lenzner, "A Wealth of Names,"
Forbes magazine, January 10, 2000.
12. Collective Speeches of Congressman Louis
T. McFadden: As Compiled from the
Congressional Record (Hawthorne, Calif.:
Omni Publications, 1970), p. 398.
Gary Allen, The Rockefeller File (Seal
Beach, Calif.: '76 Press, 1976), p. 119.
14. See collection of articles on the World Bank
and the IMF at: www.thenewamerican.
Zygmund Dobbs, Keynes At Harvard:
Economic Deception as a Political Credo
(West Sayville, N.Y.: Probe Research, Inc.,
1969 edition), pp. 90, 138. Dobbs also
references: Bruce Page, David Leitch,
Phillip Knightley, The Philby Conspiracy
(New York: New American Library, 1969),
pp. 80, 174.
16. Richard
L. Strout, "White Case Stuns
Washington," The Christian Science
Monitor, November 12, 1953.
William P. Hoar, "Harry Truman," American
Opinion, Vol. XXII, No. 4, April 1979, p.
18. Strout.
Whittaker Chambers, "The Herring and
..."Look, December 29, 1953, Vol. 17, No.
26, p. 14.
20. Allen
Weinstein, Perjury: The Hiss-
Chambers Case (New York: Alfred A.
Knopf, 1978), p. 230.
Dobbs, Keynes At Harvard, pp. 117122,133;
Yuri Modin, My Five Cambridge
Friends: Burgess, Mac-Lean, Philby, Blunt,
and Cairncross by their KGB controller
(New York: Farrar Straus Giroux, 1994), pp.
49, 67; Michael Straight, After Long Silence
(New York: WW. Norton, 1983), p. 80;
Page, Leitch, Knightley, The Philby
Conspiracy, pp. 43�47.
22. Michael
Holroyd, Lytton Strachey: A
Critical Biography (London: Heine-mann,
23. Dobbs.
24. U.S. News and World Report, June 29,
1959, p. 73, quoted in Anthony Kubek, How
the Far East Was Lost: American Policy and
the Creation of Communist China, 19411949
(Chicago: Henry Regnery Company,
1963), pp. 201-202.
25. James
Burnham, The Web of Subversion,
Americanist Library Edition (Boston:
Western Islands, 1965), pp. 113-115, 128129.
26. Doug
Bandow, "The IMF: A Record of
Addition and Failure" in Doug Bandow and
Ian Vasquez (eds.), Perpetuating Poverty:
The World Bank, the IMF, and the
Developing World (Washington, D.C.: Cato
Institute, 1994), p. 19.
27. Richard C.
Paddock (Los Angeles Times),
"Yeltsin crony says Russia 'conned' lenders
in West," Seattle Times, (On-line edition),
September 9, 1998; Christopher Story,
"Folly of Lending to the Russians is Exposed
as Scandals Multiply," Soviet Analyst, Vol.
25, No. 2, April 1999.
28. Marquand, p. 28.
29. Henry
Hazlitt, From Bretton Woods to
World Inflation (Chicago: Regnery Gateway,
1984), pp. 26-27.
30. Bovard,
"The World Bank and the
Impoverishment of Nations," in Perpetuating
Poverty, op. cit., p. 59.
31. rbid.
32. Edith
Kermit Roosevelt, "The United
Nations' Spiritual Companion," Long Island
Press, March 31, 1962. Also: Edith Kermit
Roosevelt, "A Temple of Propaganda," The
Wanderer, July 14, 1966.
33. Peter G. Peterson, 1996 Annual Report (New
York: Council on Foreign Relations, 1996),
p. 7.
34. Goldwater, p. 278.
35. David Rockefeller, "From a China Traveler,"
New York Times, August 10, 1973.
"The Human Cost of Communism in China,"
report of the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on
Internal Security (Washington, D.C.: U.S.
Government Printing Office, 1971), pp. iv,
37. Joseph Finder, Red Carpet (New York: Holt,
Rinehart and Winston, 1983), p. 297.
38. Jay
Ross, "Rockefeller: US business
unhampered in Angola," Boston Globe,
March 3, 1982, p. 36.
39. Ibid.
40. Daniel
Wood, "The Wizard of Baca
Grande," West, May 1990, p. 35.
41. Ibid.
42. Ibid., p. 33.
43. Paul Raeburn,
"Ecology Remedy Costly,"
Sacramento [Calif.] Bee, March 12, 1992.
44. Maurice
F. Strong, "The relationship
between demographics trends, economic
growth, unsustainable consumption patterns
and environmental degradation," an UNCED
PrepCom report, August 1991, quoted by
GreenTrack International, Report 26, August
15, 1991, Libertytown, Md., p. 3.
45. Maurice
F. Strong, Introduction to Jim
MacNeil, Pieter Winsemius, and Taizo
Yakushiji, Beyond Interdependence: The
Meshing of the World's Economy and the
Earth's Ecology (New York: Oxford
University Press, 1991), pp. ix-x.
46. Ibid., p. 128.
47. The
Earth Charter, Principle No. 10. See:
48. Cooper,
"A Monetary System for the
Future," p. 166.
49. Ibid., p. 179.
50. Ibid., p. 177.
51. Editorial,
"Mr. Kohl's Common Currency,"
Washington Post, February 8, 1990, p. A24.
52. Cooper, pp. 181-82.
53. Ibid., p. 184
Chapter 12 � One-World Religion
H. G. Wells, The Open Conspiracy: Blue
Prints For a World Revolution (London:
Victor Gollancz Ltd., 1928), pp. 24, 33.
See Chinmoy quote in speech by Donald
Keys, President of Planetary Citizens
(consultative status at UN), November 11,
1984, cited in Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D., Now
is the Dawning of the New Age New World
Order (Oklahoma City, Okla.: Hearthstone
Publishing Ltd., 1991), p. 269.
"The Declaration of the Sacred Earth
Gathering, Rio 92," Earth Summit Times,
June 3, 1992; William F. Jasper, "ECO '92:
Launching Pad for Inter' national Global
Governance" (a report from the Rio Earth
Summit), The New American, July 13,
1992, p. 5.
In Our Hands: Earth Summit '92: A
Reference Booklet About the United
Nations Conference on Environment and
Development [UNCED]," (UNCED
Publications), p. 23.
Mary Daly, Beyond God the Father: Toward
a Philosophy of Women's Liberation
(Boston: Beacon Press, 1973), p. 96.
Gloria Steinem, "Words and Change," Ms.,
September/October 1995, p. 94.
H.G. Wells, The Open Conspiracy: Blue
Prints For a World Revolution (Garden
City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran, and
Company, Inc., 1928), p. 33.
8. Ibid., pp. 18, 19.
9. Ibid., p. ix.
10. Ibid., p. 163.
Steve Bonta, "Creating the New World
Religions," The New American, July 3,
2000, p. 40. (Includes photo of Lucis Trust
Library plaque by William Norman Grigg.)
"The Lucis Trust," a pamphlet distributed by
the Lucis Trust.
The New Group of World Servers, a
pamphlet distributed by World Goodwill, an
activity of the Lucis Trust, p. 3. For current
information see the Radio For Peace
International website:
Claire Chambers, The SIECUS Circle: A
Humanist Revolution (Appleton, Wis.:
Western Islands, 1977), p. 34.
Don Shannon, " 'Silent' Room: Tranquil
Center at U.N.'s Heart," Los Angeles Times,
May 15, 1974, p.1.
Eunice S. Layton and Felix Layton,
Theosophy: Key to Understanding
(Wheaton, 111.: The Theosophical Publishing
House, 1967), pp. 12,13.
Facsimile reproduction of The Last Will and
Testament of Cecil John Rhodes, with
additional chapters by W. T. Stead (1902
edition), in Herbert
Frank Aydelotte (American Secretary
to the Rhodes Trustees), The American
Rhodes Scholarships: A review of the
First Forty Years (Princeton, N.J.:
Princeton University Press, 1946), p. 5.
See: Edith Kermit Roosevelt, "Temple
of Understanding," The Freedom Press,
November 5, 1962, pp. 1-2; Claire
Chambers, The SIECUS Circle: A
Humanist Revolution (Belmont, Mass.:
Western Islands, 1977), pp. 32-35.
20. H. G. Wells, "How a
Federal World Government
May Come About," reprinted
from his The Outline of
History in Barbara Walker
(compiler), Uniting the
Peoples and Nations: Readings in
World Federalism (World Federalist
Movement & World Federalist
Association, 1993), p. 106.
21. Ibid.
22. Ibid.
23. Wells, p. 29.
"American Malvern," Time magazine,
March 16, 1942, p. 44 f, quoted on on
25. Ibid.
26. Ibid.
Benjamin J. Hubbard, The Los Angeles
Times (On-line Record Edition) September
10, 2000, Start Page: 13.
"John Paul canonizes 87 Chinese...,"
(Minneapolis) Star Tribune (On-line
Metro Edition) October 2, 2000, Start
Page: 05A
29. "Cardinal Ignatius Kung, 98, Long
Jailed by China, Dies," New York
Times, (On-line Late Edition) March 14,
2000, p. C.30 f. 30. Associated Press,
"Archbishop Arrested,"
February 14, 2000. 31. "Chinese
authorities arrest two bishops, priests,"
New Briefs by Catholic News Services,
September 19, 2000. Also: "Catholic
'Criminals' in China," Washington Post
(On-line Final
49. Barney, Global 2000 Revisited, p. 13.
50. Cuddy, Now is the Dawning of the New
Age New World Order, op. cit., p. 312.
51. Mikhail Gorbachev,
interview in Los
Angeles Times, May 8, 1997.
52. The
Earth Charter, March 2000 English
53. "Major gay law reform
in Tasmania,
Australia," IGLHRC (International
Gay & Lesbian Human Rights
Commission) News & Events (On-line),
May 2,1997.
54. Brice
Wallace, "Gorbachev laments
delays in creating new world order,"
Deseret News, September 28, 2000.
55. "Gorbachev Takes Southland Stage...,"
Los Angeles Times (On-line Record
Edition), October 8, 2000, Start Page:
56. Jeremy Bransten,
"USSR: The Year
1989 Foreshadowed The Fall," Radio
Free Europe/Radio Liberty report,
October 6, 1999.
57. Gail Sheehy, The Man Who Changed
the World: The Lives of Mikhail S.
Gorbachev (New York: Harper Collins,
1990), pp. 76-77.
58. "Gorbachev Takes Southland Stage...,"
op. cit.
59. Vatican Information Service, June 20,
60. Sheehy, p. 77.
61. Li Wei Han, The Catholic Church and
Cuba: A Program of Action (Peking,
Foreign Language Press, 1959), cited
by Fatima Network: Our Lady's
Library Online:
library/cr19pg06.html on March 23,
62. Raimundo
Garcia Franco, Christian-
Marxist Unity: A Miraculous, Explosive
Prescription (New York: Circus
Publications, Inc., 1989), p.58.
63. "New
World Order Revisited," San
Francisco Chronicle (Online Sunday
Edition), September 24, 1995, Start
Page: 6.
64. "State of the Hidden Arts: An Overview
of Esotericism Today," Gnosis, Fall
1995 pp. 14-21.
65. Christopher
Bamford, "Esoteric
Christianity: The Recovery of a Lost
Tradition?," Gnosis, p. 15.
66. Diane Conn Darling, "Neopaganism: In
Diversity There is Unity," Gnosis, p.
67. Ibid.
Maurice F. Strong, "Statement at
Opening of United Nations Conference
on Environment and Development,"
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 3 June 1992, pp.
"The Declaration of the Sacred Earth
Gathering, Rio 92," Earth Summit
Times, June 3, 1992.
Author's notes: The outdoor exhibit
featuring life-size photographs of fully
nude men engaged in various homosexual
acts was sponsored by Atoba, a
Brazilian homosexual organization. An
informational plaque at the exhibit
explained that this "art" was supported
by a grant from the Ford Foundation,
Chapter 13 � War On Family
Jasper, "U.S.-Soviet Educational Exchanges,"
The New American, March
13,1989, p. 12.
Edward Crankshaw, Khrushchev Remembers
(Boston: Little Brown, 1970), p.
"The Crimes of Khrushchev," Parts 1-7,
Committee on Un-American Activities,
House of Represenatives (Washington, D.C.:
U.S. Government Printing Office, 1959-60).
Ibid., Part 1, "Consultation with Mr. Eugene
Lyons," p. 7.
11. Ibid.
""Butcher of Budapest,'" Honolulu Star-
Bulletin, September 15, 1971, p. A-23.
13. Congressional
Record, "Extension of
Remarks of Hon. John H. Rousselot of
California," September 20, 1961.
14. Bernard Moran, "Race Relations, Churches,
Peace Movement," in Dennis L. Bark and
Owen Harries (eds.), The Red Orchestra,
Volume 3: "The Case of the Southwest
Pacific" (Stanford University, Stanford,
Calif.: Hoover Institution Press, 1989), p.
15. Ibid.
16. A Nation at Risk (The National Commission
on Excellence in Education, 1983), p. 5.
Report posted on U. S. Department of
Education website: html on
3/29/01. See p.1 of web page.
17. Ibid.
"Towards World Understanding: In the
Classroom With Children Under Thirteen
Years of Age," Part V, UNESCO Publication
356 (Paris: Georges Lang, 1949), pp. 7, 53.
19. Ibid., pp. 54-55.
20. Samuel L. Blumenfeld, NEA: Trojan Horse
in American Education (Boise, Idaho: The
Paradigm Company, 1984), pp. 193-197.
21. Joy Elmer Morgan, "The Teacher and World
Government," [NEAJ Journal, January 1946,
quoted in Blumenfeld, op. cit., p. 194.
22. See Education International website, "A few
words about EI,": www.ei-ie.
org/ei/english/eeiabout.htm viewed on
"Executive Board of EI," Education
International website:
ei/eiexbo.htm viewed on 03/27/01.
24. For
EI status with UNESCO, see:
"EI/UNESCO Partnership," www.ei-ie.
org/ei/english/eeipartnership_unesco. html
viewed on 3/27/2001.
"NEA 2000-2001 Resolutions": 1-1. Peace
and International Relations.
26. Ibid.
For Education International see its
website:, viewed on 04/01/01.
27. "A few words about EI," Education
International website: www.eiie.
org/english/eeiabout.htm, viewed on
28. William
F. Jasper, "Outcome-Based
Education: Skinnerian Conditioning in the
Classroom," The New American, August 23,
1993, p. 8.
29. Ibid.
30. Jasper,
"Communist 'Scholars'; Teacher
Training; and a 'New Age' Hero," The New
American, January 13, 1986, p. 36.
31. Ibid.
32. Robert
Muller, World Core Curriculum
Manual (Arlington, Texas: Robert Muller
School, 1986), Preface.
33. Douglas R. Groothuis, Unmasking the New
Age (Downers Grove, 111.: InterVarsity
Press, 1986), p. 119; Alice A. Bailey, The
Externalisation of the Hiercharcky (New
York: Lucis Publishing Company, 1989).
Lucifer is on file at the Harvard University
34. Congressional Record, March 20, 1953.
"The Climate of Freedom," Editorial,
Saturday Review, July 19, 1952.
36. Julian Huxley, UNESCO: Its Purpose and Its
Philosophy (Washington, D.C.: Public
Affairs Press, 1947), p. 33.
37. Ibid.
38. Samuel L.
Blumenfeld, "It Takes a Global
Village," The New American, July 3, 2000,
p. 31.
"World Conference on Education for all
(EFA) Jomtien, Thailand, 5-9 March 1990."
conf/EFA/brief.htm on 3/27/01.
40. Ibid.
41. Six goal areas arrived at in Jomtien,
"Learning for All:..." Conference Report, op.
cit., p. 1.
43. Jasper,
"Outcome-Based Education:
Skinnerian Conditioning in the Classroom,"
p. 11.
44. Ibid.
45. Jack C. Westman, M.D., Licensing Parents:
Can We Prevent Child Abuse and Neglect?
(New York: Plenum Press, 1994), p. 153.
46. Charles D. Gill, "Essay on the Status of the
American Child, 2000 A.D.: Chattel or
Constitutionally Protected Child-Citizen?,"
Ohio Northern University Law Review, Vol.
XVII, No. 3, 1991, p. 578.
47. See,
for example, the following articles in
The New American: William F. Jasper,
"Death March to Cairo," June 27, 1994, p. 5;
Julie Makimaa,"Wolf in 'Humanitarian'
Clothing," July 3, 2000, pp. 35-37.
48. See,
for example, the following articles in
The New American: Makimaa,"Wolf in
'Humanitarian' Clothing," July 3, 2000, pp.
35-37; Jasper, "Unleashing the Killer Pill,"
November 6, 2000, pp. 12-17; Steve Bonta,
"Exporting Infanticide," December 4, 2000,
p. 19.
49. See,
for example, the following articles in
The New American: William Norman Grigg,
"Anti-Natalist Assault," April 3, 1995, pp.
35-36; Grigg, "Gender Politics in Beijing,"
October 30, 1995, p. 5; Jasper, "Unleashing
the Killer Pill," November 6, 2000, pp. 1217.
Chapter 14 � What Must Be Done
W. Burgess).
18. Douglas,
Mindhunter, p. 350; Douglas,
Journey Into Darkness, p. 19.
Paul Hollander, Political Pilgrims (New
York: Oxford University Press, 1981), pp.
57-59, 169; Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn,
Leftism: From de Sade and Marx to Hitler
and Marcuse (New Rochelle, N.Y.:
Arlington House, 1974), chapters 14, 16;
Eugene Lyons, The Red Decade (New
Rochelle, N.Y.: Arlington House, 1970),
chapter 29; James J. Martin, Revisionist
Viewpoints: Essays in a Dissident Historical
Tradition (Colorado Springs, Colo.: Ralph
Myles Publisher, 1971), pp. 60-61; George
T. Eggleston, Roosevelt, Churchill, and the
World War II Opposition (Old Greenwich,
Conn.: Devin-Adair, 1979), p. 70; Friedrich
A. Hayek, The Road to Serfdom (Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 1944), pp. 186189.
20. Jay Robert
Nash, World Encyclopedia of
Organized Crime (New York: Da Capo
Press, 1993), p. 78.
21. Ibid.
22. Ibid., pp. 81-82, 93.
23. Ibid. pp. 154-155
24. Antony C. Sutton, The Best Enemy Money
Can Buy (Billings, Mont.: Liberty House
Press, 1986); Senator William Armstrong
(R-Colo.), Technology Transfer: Selling the
Soviets the Rope, Speech to U.S. Senate,
Congressional Record, April 13, 1982, pp.
S3386-89; Graham Hancock, Lords of
Poverty: The Power, Prestige and Corruption
of International Aid (New York: Atlantic
Monthly, 1989); Staff, Perpetuating Poverty:
The World Bank, the IMF and the
Developing World (Washington, D.C.:
Heritage Foundation, 1994).
25. John Stormer,
None Dare Call It Treason
(Florissant, Mo.: Liberty Bell
Press, 1964); Hilaire du Berrier, Background
to Betrayal: The Tragedy of Vietnam
(Belmont, Mass., Western Islands, 1965);
John F. McManus, Changing Commands:
The Betrayal of America's Military
(Appleton, Wis.: The John Birch Society,
34. For information about The John Birch Society's drive to get the United States
out of the United
Nations, contact: The John Birch Society, P.O. Box 8040, Appleton, WI 54912. Phone:
(800) JBSUSA1
[(800) 527-8721]. Or contact us through our website: For information
to the Society's campaign to Get US out! of the United Nations, also see:
35. Campbell, Patrick Henry, pp. 129-130.
About the Author
For the past decade, William F. Jasper has served as a senior editor
of The New American magazine, published by an affiliate of The
John Birch Society.
During the late 1970s and early 1980s, Mr. Jasper attended, as an
undercover reporter, numerous meetings of revolutionary, terrorist,
and/or subversive groups. He also worked as a research adviser for
the video documentary No Place to Hide: The Strategy and Tactics
of Terrorism, produced by Congressman Larry McDonald's
Western Goals Foundation.
In 1988, Mr. Jasper scripted and produced his own video documentary,
Out of Control: The Immigration Invasion, based on a
decade of research, which included numerous trips to our southern
border riding alongside members of our border patrol. That
documentary was perhaps the first effort to thoroughly expose the
revolutionary agendas at work in creating the immigration
crisis � a crisis that didn't gain widespread public recognition until
several years later.