The Nomads of Faerun Campaign Rules and Information PDF
The Nomads of Faerun Campaign Rules and Information PDF
The Nomads of Faerun Campaign Rules and Information PDF
The Nomads of Faerûn is a D&D community where GMs run daily FREE Encounters of 1-2 hours and
weekly scheduled PAID Sidequests of 3-4 hours. Our aim is to support the D&D Community with a
place to hang out and roleplay on Discord. We run free games whenever a GM is online at their own
discretion and offer paid scheduled one-shot adventures within the Nomads world.
Campaign rules
This campaign is a D&D 5e campaign. With Player Handbook (PHB), Xanathar's Guide to Everything
(XGE) and Volo's Guide to Monsters (VGM).
• No flanking
• No PVP between Nomads
• No stealing between Nomads
• No evil characters
• No mounted combat
• No raping, bestiality, slavery or cannibalism (I should not even have to mention this)
When do we play?
Free encounters will be run whenever a GM has the time to do so, there is no schedule. They will
announce an encounter will start on Discord, you sign up and we play on Roll20. In no way do we
encourage players to sit around and stare at Discord for something to happen as GMs are online at
random times. We all have jobs and families.
Paid Sidequests will be scheduled and you can sign up (and pay) for them in advanced on Discord.
Making a character
To get a sheet type !charsheet in the Roll20 gamechat. Players are only allowed to have one
character. A second sheet will be removed by a GM.
All Nomads have the same xp and level. Type !xp in #the-elders to find out at which level you can
make a character.
Magic items list:
Outlander background
Skill proficiencies in Athletics and Survival, one language of your choice, one instrument or tool
proficiency of choice, equipment: staff, hunting trap, a trophy from an animal you killed, a set of
travellers clothes and a pouch containing 10gp.
Feature: Wanderer
You have an excellent memory for maps and geography, and you can always recall the general layout
of terrain, settlements, and other features around you. In addition, you can find food and fresh water
for yourself and up to five other people each day, provided that the land offers berries, small game,
water, and so forth.
Once you are done. Post your bought gear in #trade for approval.
When you are a Nomad change your name accordingly on Discord in Nomad name (Roll20 name)
Earn Experience
This campaign works with pool xp, that means every Nomad has the same xp and level. Experience
earned in the free encounters will count for every player within the campaign. When the xp hits a
level cap you all level up together after a long rest.
Want to roll a new character? Make a post in #the-dead on how your character left and request a
new sheet in #ask-a-sheet. Same rules as when you die, you lose your character, base class and all
gear and money associated with it.
Game-time is different than Real life-time. Only when a GM is online Game-time will pass by. For
every Game-hour to pass by a 1d4 will be rolled and on a rolled 1 a free encounter occurs. Check
#journal for the current Game-time and location of the Nomads.
The Nomads are constantly on the move. Most of the day the Nomads are walking at normal pace
making a good 20 miles. Then they set up camp and sleep for the night. The next day they pack
things up again and continue walking.
The price for playing a one-shot is 5 euro and can be transferred to paypal account
[email protected] with a mention of your Nomad name and Sidequest. The payment should
be done at least 24 hours before the start. There are no refunds if you don’t show up or cancel within
24 hours of the Sidequest. If you cancel earlier than 24 hours or a GM needs to cancel due to
personal reasons your payment will be valid for another Sidequest at a later date.
Your HP/dmg and spent spellslots are persistent between encounters unless you get healed or there
was a short/long rest. Only after a short rest (1PM and 6PM Game-time) can you roll hitdice for HP
and after the long rest (6AM Game-time) do you get full HP and spellslots back.
Downtime are the hours the camp is set up (5PM-10PM Game-Time). During this period Nomads can
choose to support the tribe by hunting for rations (roll a survival check in #the-elders and @mention
the GMs). To feed the Nomads the tribe needs 200 rations a day. If rations drop under the amount
needed to feed the tribe the Nomads will gain one level of exhaustion for each day without enough
Nomads can also choose to use the downtime to craft or gather components. Consult a GM on how
to do so.
Trading between players is allowed. Sometimes the Nomads come across Merchants and during this
time trades are open between the Nomads and the Merchants.
Merchants sell all armor from PHB page 145, all weapons from PHB page 149 and all adventure gear
on PHB page 150 for the prices listed. They also sell Magic Items from this list:
Merchants buy back armor, weapons and adventure gear for 50% of selling value.
All trades and transactions should be logged in #trade in the following format:
This can be done without running it by a GM. If you didn’t post the transaction it did not happen. A
GM will approve your transaction when he comes online by adding a thumbs up reaction.
Want to make nice deal with the Merchants? Try roleplaying it in #the-merchants-rp with a
Merchants (GM). Sometimes the Merchants sell magical items.
There are several RP-channels on Discord to hang out in and roleplay. While roleplaying try to keep
track of the time and place we are to keep it real.
Discord channels
#become-a-nomad Rules and info
#announcements Announcements about the campaign
#donate Details for donating to The Nomads of Faerûn
#welcome The channel you first arrive in.
#introduce-your-nomad Introduce your character to get Nomad status and access to all channels
#the-nomads General chat
#the-elders Location of the Discord bots to roll dices
#journal The log of the time, location and events of the Nomads ingame
#trade The log of all transactions in the format posted in rules. No chatting
#downtime The log of out of session actions, like healing, attuning, ect. No chatting
#the-dead To post dead or leaving Nomads with a token picture and reason. No chatting
#guardsbell To sign up to an encounter by posting "On Duty". No chatting
#guards-on-duty For Guards on Duty to talk during encounter
#travel-rp To roleplay while we are walking (open 8AM-5PM)
#the-camp-rp To roleplay while we are in camp (open 5PM-8AM)
#the-elders-tent-rp To roleplay with the Elders (GMs)
#the-merchants-rp To roleplay with the Merchants (GMs, open when Merchants are near)
#sign-up Sign up for paid Sidequests
#sidequesters For Sidequesters to talk during Sidequests
#phb-talk To discuss all things concerning D&D 5e rules
#questions-to-dm To ask a question to the GMs
#feedback Give feedback or suggestions for the campaign
#friends Roll20 campaigns of Friends of the Nomads are posted here