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for common ailments

A complete beginner’s guide
to soothing away everyday aches and pains
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for common ailments
for common ailments



If you have a medical condition, or are pregnant, the

massages described in this book should not be followed
without consulting your doctor first. All guidelines,
warnings and massage captions should be read carefully
before embarking on any of the massages.
The publisher cannot accept responsibility for injuries or
damage arising out of a failure to comply with the above.


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This is a Parragon Book

This edition published in 2002

Queen Street House
4 Queen Street
Bath BA1 1HE, UK

Copyright© Pairagon 1994

All rights reserved.

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ISBN 0-75257-753-0

Editorial: Linda Doeser Publishing Services^.

Design and DTP: Kingfisher Design Services, London
Step-by-step photography: Susanna Price

Printed in Spain
The Miracle of Massage


The Miracle of Massage.6

Know Your Strokes.14
The Relaxing Body Massage.19
The Fit for Life Massage.25
The Energizing Body Massage.31
Beautifying Facial Massage.37
The Circulation-Boosting Massage.43
The Anti-Stretch Mark Massage.49
Massage to Soothe PMT & Period Pain.55
Anti-Cellulite Massage.61
Massage to Relieve a Stiff Neck.67
Tension Headache Massage .73
Massage for Sleeplessness.77
Massage for the ‘Morning After’.83
Massage for Backache.87
Massage for Sore Muscles.93
Massage for Sore Feet.99
Massage for Tired and Aching Fegs.105
Massage for Aching Hands or Wrists.Ill
Massage to Soothe a Restless Baby.115
Massage for a Child’s Tummy Ache.119
Massage to Soothe a Chesty Cough.123

The Miracle of Massage

One of the best things about massage is that anyone can do it. It is so easy that
you can learn the basic strokes in a single session. It is the one therapy where you do
not have to be an expert - you can just feel your way as it is based on the natural
human instinct to soothe and comfort someone by touch. It needs no fancy equipment
- just a pair of hands and some oil. Moreover, it is the quickest, simplest, most
pleasurable and inexpensive way to make someone healthier and happier.

Massage is also one of the best ways to treat many of our commonest modern-day
ailments. Problems such as stress, lack of energy, Repetitive Strain Injury, sleeplessness,
fatigue, PMT, cellulite, headache, back ache, tummy ache and, in fact, any aches or
pains anywhere in the body, feel instantly better after the right massage routine.

This is not just wishful thinking from a lot of cranks who like to believe that massage
cures everything. Medical scientists studying massage have proved that it is a
natural tranquillizer. Indeed, stroking the body slows the heartbeat and lowers blood
pressure and this is the fastest and most effective way to relax. As research
now shows that stress and sickness go hand in hand, the more relaxed
you are, the healthier you will be.

Its worth as a natural pain-reliever has been proved throughout time. Ever since Stone
Age man patted his pet mammoth, touch has calmed the savage beast in us all.
In fact, even though you are probably not aware of it, you use it every day
whenever you rub a hurt elbow, stroke tired eyes to stop them aching,
or cuddle a crying baby and pat his back to relieve wind.

(Right) Massage is the quickest, surest way to create a sense of well-being.

The Miracle of Massage

Massage for Common Ailments

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The Miracle of Massage

Touch does more than just get rid of pain - it is also comforting, soothing,
reassuring, pampering and, above all, it makes you feel happy. This is the real miracle
of massage - the fact that it soothes both mind and body in a single stroke - and
that something as simple as rubbing skin against skin can make you feel
better in minutes, rather than days, weeks or months.

Massage can work miracles on a grander scale, too. Used therapeutically, in

physiotherapy for instance, it can help the disabled become stronger. It is an effective
way of getting emotionally disturbed patients to relax and talk to therapists.
Studies in intensive care wards of hospitals show that people in coma recover quicker
if they are touched, stroked and cuddled. Athletes and even race horses recover
from sports injuries faster with massage.

At Home with Massage

Touch is so powerful that it can soothe the mind almost as much as the body. The
bonus of being able to massage your partner, family or friends at home is that you can
treat many of the things for which doctors can only prescribe pills. These include
depression, irritability, tension, tiredness, insomnia, stress and bad moods.

Another bonus of doing it in the privacy of your own home is that many people who
are too shy or too uncomfortable to have a massage with a stranger, find that they can
lie back, relax and enjoy it when it is done by a friend. Not only that, but people of all
ages can benefit - babies will fall asleep during the massage on page 115, and
grandparents will be fitter for life after the massage on page 25.

(Left) We use touch every day to soothe and comfort both children and adults.

Massage for Common Ailments

It is easy to learn massage at home. You might not have been taught at school,
but the good news is that, unlike mathematics or French, it is easier to pick up at a
later stage in life. This is because the first rule of massage is feel rather
than think - and as long as it feels good, you are doing it right.

How to Massage

This book has been designed so that you quickly master all the basic tips, tricks and
techniques for different massages. Learn the simple hand movements on page 14,
read the rules of when not to massage (page 17), study the routine
for the chosen ailment and, from then on, improvise.

The main thing is that you must enjoy massage. If you try to balance the book in one
hand and turn the pages with oily fingers it will not be much fun. Instead,
prop the book up, open on the right page, to remind you of the steps as you go along.
Do not be frightened to use the basic strokes, but add your own special touches.
Even if you follow one of the routines exactly, repeat the strokes that seem
to give the most pleasure - you will soon learn which these are because
your ‘patient’ will grunt, sigh, moan or fall asleep!

Doing the same stroke over and over again is one of the secrets of a really good
massage. You do not need to do hundreds of clever thumb contortions to
make someone feel good. You can even use the same single, rubbing movement
throughout a 30-minute massage and make it feel very different just by varying the

(Right) A soothing massage can be a true gift of love for your partner.

The Miracle of Massage

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Massage for Common Ailments

amount of downward pressure, speed and rhythm, changing direction or making long
or short strokes. The more you experiment and follow your instincts,
the more you and the person you are massaging will enjoy it.

As a general rule, soft and slow strokes are soothing, while firm and brisk ones are
invigorating. So you instantly have the power to relax or energize someone just by
altering the speed of a massage. You can do different strokes one after the other in any
order, as long as you keep the same rhythm going during the changeover.

Lying in Comfort

The best position to do any massage is the most comfortable one. You need a firm, flat
surface: a futon, a 5-8 cm (2-3 inch) thick foam squab placed on the floor or on a
table top, or a bed big enough for you to kneel or sit on. If the person you are
massaging is lying on his back, a folded towel or pillow behind the nape of the neck
and under the knees will relax the body, especially if he has sore muscles,
a bad back or aching legs. If he is lying on his tummy, a rolled towel
under the collar bone will help relax the neck.

You should wear loose, comfortable clothing and, as you are the one who is doing all
the exercise, something short-sleeved is best or you will get too hot. The room
needs to be very warm, as the body temperature will drop once skin is exposed; it
helps if it is dimly lit and quiet. You will find that some people want to doze off
during a massage, and others unburden themselves by talking non-stop
as they start to relax - either way, you should follow their lead.

(Right) By relaxing the body completely, massage can solve many sleeping problems.

The Miracle of Massage
Know Your Strokes

There are only ten simple massage strokes you need to learn before you can do
all 20 of the routines in this book. The easiest way is to practise each one on the
top of your thigh so that when you read it in one of the massage steps,
you already know what to do.

It also helps you to massage someone else if you know what feels best,
so try one of the massages you can do yourself (Massage for Sore Feet, page 99,
The Anti-cellulite Massage, page 61, or Beautifying Facial Massage, page 37)
and experiment with different speeds, touches and
pressures for each stroke.

Stroking Circling

This is the simplest movement, with palms down and The hands are in just the same position as for stroking,
hands flat (on large areas) or curved (round small but they move in circles - one clockwise, the other anti¬
areas). You can do it with your fingers only, or you can clockwise. Alternatively, place one hand on the other,
cat stroke: one hand follows the other and curves so palms down, and make a single circle. You can also use
only your fingertips touch at the end of the stroke. both hands, so each completes half of the same circle.

Know Your Strokes

Kneading Friction Rub

Place your hands flat, fingers together with thumbs With palms down and hands flat, move one hand up
stretched out wide. Then use your thumbs to push into, while the other moves down, in a short, fast sawing
squeeze and pinch the flesh up towards the fingers, movement. You can also do it with the side of your
moving your hands one after the other over the same hands, so that you rub with the little finger and the
area of the body. edge of the palm, or with stiff, straight fingers only.


Imagine your fingertips are the end of a rake - keep Make your hands into fists and keep your fingers
them bent at the joints, but stiff. With your fingertips relaxed. Bounce them in a fast drumming movement,
touching the skin, make firm, pulling movements back one after the other, lightly up and down on the body.
towards you. Use both hands together or one after the You can do it with hands flat, sideways, or palms
other. upwards.

Massage for Common Ailments

Thumbing Pressing

Use the pads and sides of your thumbs to knead into You can use this with almost any stroke, to help relax
the flesh or stroke deeply. You can also make small, and release muscle tension. For large muscles, place one
deep circles with thumb tips, or use them to press palm on top of the other, press down for a count of ten,
down, hold, then release over deep muscle tissue (i.e. then release. Or press using just the heels of your hands
up the back on either side of the spine). or your index fingers in smaller areas.

Stretching Knuckling

This is a downward pressure of hands, palms flat, as Make your hands into loose fists and place them with
you slide them apart in opposite directions to pull and fingertips flat on the skin. Roll them forward and turn
stretch muscles and skin. You can also turn them in them right over, so the knuckles push and slide into the
opposite directions (i.e. around arms or legs) to twist skin. You can also do the stroke with the palms of your
and wring as you stretch. fists up and just rub your knuckles across the skin.

Know Your Strokes

The Well-oiled Skin ■ Always spread oil across the skin with smooth
strokes for several minutes before you start
To ensure that your hands slide and slip and warm skin
during any massage, you need to cover them with oil.
The best types are neither too thin (such as mineral oil),
nor too sticky (such as olive oil). Cold-pressed vegetable
oils are best, although some, such as coconut and
Best Body Oils
peanut, are rather pungent.
sweet almond
When massaging, keep a small, plastic, flip-top
bottle of your chosen oil nearby. Glass bottles easily slip
out of oily hands and break, so use plastic if possible.
Always warm oils before you apply them by standing
sesame seed
the bottle in a basin of hot water for a few minutes.
You need to apply enough oil to make your hands
slip, but not slide. Start with a small amount and warm
Best Facial Oils
and spread it on the skin, stroking all over with the
peach kernel
palms of your hands for several minutes before you do
any steps of the actual massage routine. As you spread
sweet almond
the oil, feel for any tight muscles, knots or tense areas
to come back to later. Add more oil throughout the
evening primrose
massage when you need it.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Massage

Massage is one of the safest leisure activities there is, as

long as you follow a few basic rules. When Not to Massage
When doing any stroke, never put heavy downward
pressure on bony areas or organs (i.e. spine, ribs, Although massage really can work miracles, there are
shoulders, elbows, knees, abdomen, kidneys). occasions when it should not be done. Do not massage
When giving a massage, be aware of your own someone unless you get a go-ahead from a doctor if
posture so that you do not strain or hurt yourself. they have any of the following conditions:
Keep your back flat as you bend forward, do not U Skin infections or any contagious disease.
hunch your shoulders, and lengthen your spine and Any form of cancer.

neck. ■ Recent scar tissue or have had recent surgery.

If any stroke or movement hurts you or the person High temperature or fever.
you are massaging, stop immediately. Assume that 11 Varicose veins, thrombosis or any heart or

even a wince means that it hurts. ■ circulatory problems.

Do not talk, unless the person you are massaging Epilepsy, asthma or any severe respiratory problems.

does. If you have to hold a stroke and count, do not Recurrent or severe back pain, or a long-term injury.

do it aloud. ■ If the person is ill, frail or there is any doubt whether

Always warm your hands and the oil before you he should be massaged, check with a doctor first.


Massage for Common Ailments

The Relaxing Body Massage

It is known that stress is a contributing factor to almost everything that ails

modern man. On its simplest level, a little tension leaves you with butterflies in the
tummy as the only physical sign. At the other end of the scale, when you
suffer from constant, long-term stress and mental anxiety, you can end up with
headaches, insomnia, loss of appetite, high blood pressure, nausea,
loss of libido, low resistance, even a heart attack.

However, stress in itself is not a bad thing - without it, we would not strive quite so
hard or aim quite so high. It is how we react to stress that makes it have a
good or bad effect on our bodies. As even the most serious attack of
stress can be instantly relieved the second we relax, the best way
to react to it is to have a massage.

Massage works by relaxing the muscular tension that builds up to cause more serious
symptoms. The hand stroking simply rubs it away. It also relaxes an over-anxious
mind by slowing the heartbeat and lowering blood pressure the way yoga,
for instance, does. So you feel better both physically and mentally in one go.

As there is less and less time in life for leisure, hobbies and sports, massage is even
more important as a way to relax - it is quick, simple and needs no fancy equipment
or membership fees. Also, it is just about impossible to injure yourself.
If you have regular relaxing massages, you will never be tense and will be
healthier and happier throughout your life.

How to Do a Relaxing Body Massage

To do a full body massage properly takes an hour, but this one can be done in
30 minutes since it concentrates only on the areas where tension hits worse.
It uses a series of presses, stretches and deep strokes, as these are the best instant
tension busters. However, the more you repeat strokes the better it feels,
so extend it as much as time allows.

The massage is meant to relax, so help as much as possible. Keep the room dimly lit,
warm and quiet and use plenty of pillows, blankets and oil.

(Left) Through a variety of aches and pains, your body will alert you to tension.

Massage for Common Ailments

1 -^1 For steps one, two and three, the

person being massaged should lie face
down, and for steps four onwards, she
should lie face up. Start at the feet,
placing your hands, palms down, for a
firm, slow full body stroke up the calves,
thighs, over the buttocks, up each side of
the back to the top of the shoulders, then
stroking down the arms to the palms of
the hands. Repeat. Next make firm
circular strokes in unison up the legs,
with your left hand anti-clockwise and
right hand clockwise. Cover the lower
body with blankets. Move up to the
waist and do side stroking. Tuck your
fingers down under the hip and pull one
hand after the other upwards in a
smooth, flowing motion. Take several
minutes to work up to the top of the
waist, then repeat on the other side.

First stretch the back: place both hands, palms down,

over the spine in the middle of the back and pull your hands
in opposite directions so that one ends on the tailbone and the
other at the nape of the neck. Concentrate on stretching the
body and not pressing down. Repeat. Then spend a long time
kneading all over the back, pinching and squeezing the flesh
between thumb and fingers of both hands, from the buttocks to
shoulder tops, avoiding bony areas.

The Relaxing Body Massage

3 ‘4 Pummel the middle and upper

back, using the base of loose fists for
several minutes. Avoid kidneys and
spine. The person being massaged should
now turn face up. Cover the upper body.
Place the palms over the top of each foot,
fingers pointing upwards, and stroke
firmly several times from ankle to knee.
Repeat the stroke from the upper knee to
thigh top, using a firmer pressure. Then
place the thumbs on one side of the
thigh, fingers on the other and knead. Do
a fast friction rub all over the thigh, then
repeat on the other thigh.

4 W Repeat the full body stroke from

step one, but on the front. This time
end by pressing the heels of your hands
for a count of ten where the arms join
the chest. Push gently for a count of five
over biceps, elbow creases, wrists and
palms. Then, with her palms down, hold
one of her forearms with one hand. Place
the other hand over the wrist, then push
up, pressing lightly, to the shoulder.
Repeat several times on both arms.

Massage for Common Ailments

5 *f Cover the body to keep it warm.

Pick up one hand of the person being
massaged and, supporting it with your
left palm under the wrist, gently push her
fingers up with the palm of your right
hand to stretch the hand backwards.
Hold for a count of six, then relax. Turn
her hand palm up and place it in the
palm of your right hand, using your
straight fingers to support it as you make
firm strokes with your thumb from her
wrist to her fingers. Finish by grasping
each finger between your thumb and
index finger as you pull from the base to
the tip, twisting round in a corkscrew
motion. Repeat all of the strokes on the
other hand.

Now work on the feet. First massage the sole of the left
foot with your thumbs, supporting the foot with your
fingers wrapped round the instep. Make firm strokes (under the
arch and toes) and circles (from heels up to toes) all over the sole
of the foot. Then sandwich the foot between the palms of your
hands at the ankle and pull firmly as you draw your hands back
off the tips of the toes. Repeat this pull several times in a
smooth, flowing stroke. Hold each toe between your thumb and
index finger and twist round as you pull from the base to the tip.
Repeat all strokes on the other foot.

The Relaxing Body Massage

7 Cover the whole body and move

up to stand at the head. Place one
hand, palm up, under the back between
the shoulder blades and draw it firmly
up the neck to the base of the skull,
keeping your fingers outstretched and
slightly arching the neck. Repeat using
the other hand and continue as a flowing
stroke. Then, with palms flat, stroke
from the top of the arm up the side of
the neck, one hand following the other.
Repeat on the other side. With stiff, bent
fingers, rake the same area from arm to
neck, making firm, fast strokes with both
hands working together, one on each

8 |*' Placing your fingers together, use

palms and fingers to ‘cat’ stroke up
the sides of the neck. ‘Cat’ stroke means
stroking with your fingers curved in a
convex direction. Place palms down over
each shoulder top and push down. Hold
for a count of 15, then relax. Use the
sides of your thumbs to make slow circles
in a clockwise direction over each temple
for two minutes. Then lightly press your
fingertips over the eyes for a count of 20.
Use the tips of both index fingers, one
after the other, to do the gentlest stroke
up between the eyebrows for two
minutes. Then use the palms of your
hands, one after the other, to do a firm
stroke from brows to crown. With stiff
fingers, press into the scalp and make
small circles with the fingertips all over
the head. Place your left hand, palm up,
under the nape of the neck across the
skull and your right hand, palm down,
on the forehead. Press in firmly with
both hands for a count of ten. Relax
and repeat.

Massage for Common Ailments

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The Fit for Life Massage

This decade has seen a new approach to ageing and now most of us expect to
look and feel younger than our parents did as we grow older. It is not just wishful
thinking - research shows that from the age of 25 onwards, more than
half of ‘ageing’ is not ageing at all. It is the physical signs of a life
spent eating too much and exercising too little. The most obvious signs of ageing -
middle-aged spread, stiff joints, stooped shoulders, and loss of chest, back and hip
mobility - are not only preventable but, in many instances, are reversible.

Experts now say that ten to 15 minutes gentle daily exercise throughout your life will
delay body ageing by ten to 20 years. To help keep you moving, this massage has been
devised to stretch and rub the muscles that tend to seize up quickest,
so your body is as supple, lithe and flexible as possible. As it should be done every day
of your life, it is simple (two rubs, six stretches) and speedy (ten minutes from start
to finish), so that you can never say you are too busy to do it.

It is never too late or too early to begin. The fit for life massage is perfect to do on
children, who like the vigorous strokes and get bored if they have to lie still for
more than a few minutes. It is equally good for someone over 70,
who may not be comfortable with a slow, hands-on massage or supple
enough to do what they think of as ‘proper’ exercise alone.

How to Do the Fit for Life Massage

The first two steps, an all-over friction rub and light pummel, help boost the
circulation, warm muscles and relax an inflexible body. The six stretches that follow
help increase suppleness and flexibility in the areas that seize up
soonest in an ageing body.

The massage may be done with oil and wearing only underwear or towels, or
without oil and wearing loose, comfortable clothes. It is best done on the floor or a
very firm, low bed so that the body is supported for the stretches. If you are
short of time, you can forego the final friction rub in step eight.

(Left) Suppleness is the key to being fit for life: keep moving to stay younger, longer.

Massage for Common Ailments

1 Steps one to four should be done with

the person being massaged lying face
2 Next do a pummelling stroke,
working in an upwards direction from
3 ^ Cross the legs of the person being
massaged at the ankle and slowly take
down. Start with a circulation-boosting, the soles of feet, calves, thighs, buttocks, both feet up, then bend them gently down
all-over friction rub. Work in an upwards upper back and shoulders. Bounce your towards the buttocks. Stop as soon as you
direction, from feet to legs, buttocks, hands off the skin, firmly on large dense feel resistance, and hold the stretch for a
back, then hands and arms. Do a fast, muscles and with a lighter flick on bony count of 15 before releasing and dropping
sawing back and forwards motion, or sensitive parts. Vary the stroke by using the feet back to the floor. Repeat the
changing the stroke by using palms flat your flat fists, the backs of your knuckles, stretch twice more, but never go so far
down, sides of hands only, heels of hands flicking with loose fingers, or using the that it causes discomfort.
only, or stiff fingertips. base of your fists like hammers.

The Fit for Life Massage

4 !»#i Lightly place your hands, palms

down, in the middle of the back.
Then do a cross-stretch by sliding one
hand to the hip as the other goes to the
opposite shoulder - the skin should
stretch between your hands while you
hold for a count of ten. Relax, then
repeat on the other shoulder and hip.
From the same start position, do another
stretch the length of the back, so that one
hand ends at the neck and the other on
the tailbone. Repeat.

5 The person being massaged

should turn over so she is lying face
up, with her legs straight out. Cross her
legs at the ankle and gently raise the feet
so that the knees bend up to the chest.
Stop as soon as you meet resistance, and
hold the stretch for a count of 15 before
releasing and lowering the feet back to
the floor. Repeat the stretch twice more.

Massage for Common Ailments

6 While the person being massaged is lying straight out,

stand at her feet and grasp firmly around the top of each foot
and toes. Crouch down and extend your arms to lean back and
gently pull her legs away from her body. Hold the stretch for a
count of 15 before releasing. Then repeat once.

The Fit for Life Massage

7 Stand at her head and hold both her hands by grasping

firmly around the wrists and forearms. Crouch down and
extend your arms, keeping her arms raised at a 45° angle
throughout, and lean back to pull her arms gently away from
her body. Hold for a count of 15, relax, then repeat.

8 Slide the fingers of each hand under the nape of her neck
and interlock them across the vertebrae so that your palms
are flat. Gently lift up to stretch and arch the neck, keeping the
top of the head on the floor for support. Hold the stretch for a
count of ten, then relax. Finish off by repeating step one again,
doing the feet, legs, thighs, hands and arms and always working
in an upwards direction.

Massage for Common Ailments

The Energizing Body Massage

These days life is such a rat race that many of us feel like little rodents
spinning round on their wheels - always racing to the next hurdle, but never quite
getting there. If you put in an eight-hour day at work, followed by two hours
with the children and three hours trying to organize everything that needs to be
done, it is often absolutely exhausting. The feeling of low energy is not caused by
physical activity so much as by mental anxiety.

When we encounter the hundreds of things every day and all day that make us tense,
our blood pressure automatically rises and energy reserves fall. This is the
worst kind of tiredness. If you are physically exhausted, you fall asleep, but if you are
mentally exhausted, you keep going - without your sense of humour
and without any patience or pleasure in what you are doing.

Massage really can help energize anyone who is overtired by rubbing away the
physical signs of stress and releasing tension from muscles. The firmer, faster strokes
invigorate both mind and body in the same way that waking up to a cold shower will.

How to Do an Energizing Body Massage

Although, like all massages, this one is more pleasurable done on bare skin, it is
effective done through clothing. Consequently, it is ideal for those times when you get
home exhausted and need an energy-boost before you go out again.

The best positions for the person being massaged are sitting sideways on a straight-
backed chair and bent forward onto a pillow on a desk or table top in front, or sitting
facing the back of a chair and leaning forwards onto a pillow propped against the
chair back. If you are doing it on bare skin, use plenty of oil for the friction or
pummelling strokes to stop your hands dragging.

The main massage movements are done from the waist to head, but you can make it
more invigorating by doing the optional extra energizing body shakes described in the
box at the end of step eight - and you can also do them alone, just to wake yourself
up, clear your head or increase energy at any time during a busy day.

(Left) The energizing massage will leave you raring to go rather than ready for bed.
Massage for Common Ailments

1 4| With the person being massaged leaning forward onto a

pillow, pummel all over the upper back, avoiding the spine.
Place one hand, palm down and flat, make a firm fist with the
other hand and bounce it up and down on top of the flat hand,
moving all over the top of the back for several minutes. This
stroke is meant to simply vibrate the muscles rather than be a
forceful punch.

2 j► Then make a light ‘pinky’ finger

slap all over the same area. This is a
quick up-and-down stroke, as if you are
shaking water off your fingers. Use the
whole of the little finger and just the tips
of the middle and ring fingers to make
contact with the back, keeping them
floppy and loose. One hand should
follow the other, in a light, relaxed flick.

The Energizing Body Massage

3 Knead the muscles across the tops

of the shoulders by squeezing the
flesh between your thumbs and fingers
for several minutes. Then place your
forearms on the shoulders, keeping your
hands relaxed and your fingers hanging
down loosely. Gently lean down, using
your bodyweight to press the muscle
across the shoulder top in a downward
stretch. Only be as firm as is comfortable,
hold the stretch for a count of ten, then
relax. Holding the arm tops, gently push
the shoulders forward, hold, then release
and pull them back to stretch.

4 4$ Roll your knuckles down one side

of the spine from the nape of the
neck to the buttock. Start 5 cm (2 inches)
away from the spine and roll across the
long muscles that run parallel to the
vertebrae. Make a firm fist, then press
the flat part of the fingertips down into
the muscle as you roll your hand
forward, pressing down through the
finger joints and knuckles throughout the
roll. Roll one hand after the other
continuously, gradually working down
the back. Then repeat on the other side.

Massage for Common Ailments

5 §l> Place flat, firm hands, palms

down, on the lower back on either
side of the spine, about 5 cm (2 inches)
away from it. Slide one hand up as one
goes down in a slow, deep, firm stroke
so that the skin is being stretched and
pulled in opposite directions. Gradually
work from the lower back up to the
shoulder tops.

6 Place the palm of your left hand

on the forehead to support the head
as the person being massaged bends
forward. Place your thumb and fingers
on either side of the vertebrae and knead
from the nape of the neck up to the skull
bone. Then, using thumbs only, make
small circles over the same area.

The Energizing Body Massage

7 Next, with stiff, straight fingers, rake and gently scrub all
over the scalp as if shampooing the hair, from the hairline up

1 Sitting in a chair, turn from the waist and look back as far as
to the crown. Finish off with long, smooth stiff-finger strokes all
you can over one shoulder, hold for a count of six, then look
over the head. Then use flat loose fingers to slap and tap the
over the other. Repeat.
head lightly, in a fast up-and-down movement.
2 Keeping arms straight, raise one shoulder up as the other goes
8 Using the little fingers and sides of the hands, do a light
finger chop across the shoulder tops. Keep your fingers
down, and repeat rapidly 20 times.

3 Press down into the seat of the chair with your palms, then
relaxed and bounce them lightly up and down in a flicking
with bent knees, lift up one heel off the floor, followed by the
motion, with both hands working together on the same side
other, as if running on the spot.
of the neck. Keep the rhythm going for several minutes on
each side. 4 With relaxed, loose arms, shake your hands vigorously as if
flicking water from them. Repeat with them above your head.

5 With your shoulders straight, shake your head as if flicking

water from your hair.

Massage for Common Ailments

Beautifying Facial Massage

The good news is that a face massage is one of the best beauty treatments you can
give yourself. The bad news is that, unfortunately, it does not exercise the muscles,
stop the skin sagging, prevent wrinkles or act as a natural facelift. Over 80 per cent of
wrinkles are caused by sun damage, the rest are hereditary; both are impossible
to wipe away with the stroke of a hand. The best two weapons against
premature wrinkling are protecting skin from the sun and making
sure it is always well moisturized.

However, although massage cannot make you look younger, it can definitely make you
look good for your age. As you massage in creams or oils, the warmth of
your hand and the rubbing action ensure that they are better absorbed by the surface
skin. This, in turn, means that skin is better moisturized, plumper, softer, has
that dewy youthful look and is well protected from the environment.

Massage also releases all the tiny, taut, facial expression muscles so that your
complexion immediately looks smoother, more relaxed and less wrinkled. This is the
instant beautifying effect that makes you look as serene as the Mona Lisa,
even after stressful days and sleepless nights.

How to Massage the Face

This is a self-massage, so it is an ideal way for you to apply your daily moisturizer,
morning or night. To give your fingers enough slip, you will need more moisturizer
than usual but you will find it is quickly and thoroughly absorbed.

Alternatively, massage in a fine facial oil, such as peach kernel, apricot kernel, sweet
almond, avocado or wheatgerm. These will not leave a shiny, greasy finish
to the skin and are excellent moisturizers - they seal the surface so effectively that
they keep more natural moisture in the skin than most cosmetic face creams.

Do the massage sitting in front of a mirror until you are familiar with the movements.
Do all strokes with a gentle, light hand - and do step six in private,
unless you want to be laughed at!

(Left) A facial massage ensures that your daily moisturizer is absorbed completely.
Massage for Common Ailments

2 Place your right hand, palm down, on your left shoulder

and pull along the shoulder up the neck to the ear, using the
whole of the hand for the stroke. This should be a strong, slow,
continuous movement to stretch the large shoulder muscles -
bending your head slightly to the right will help increase the
stretch. To help your right arm make a firm stroke, rest your left
arm flat on the table and use it to support your right arm.
Repeat several times, then swap sides and use your left hand on
your right shoulder.

1 Start with a long, slow, heart-shaped stroke around the

whole face. Place your fingertips on the middle of the chin,
then turn them as you run the palms of each hand out along the
jaw bone, up over the cheekbones, pushing into the temples and
across the top of each eyebrow so that your fingertips meet on
the bridge of the nose. Gently press into the eyes for a count of
ten, relax and repeat the entire stroke several times. Finish off by
firmly stroking five times, one palm after the other, from brows
up to the hairline.

Beautifying Facial Massage

4 Place your two index fingers on either side of the bridge

of the nose. Run them lightly down the length of the nose,
around the nostrils and press into the middle of the top lip.
Repeat several times. Then place the first two fingers of one
hand in the centre of your forehead, run them firmly down the
bridge of the nose, open them wide to go around the nostrils and
meet again in the middle of the top lip. Finish off by using the
same two fingers of each hand firmly to stroke from the bridge
of the nose up to the forehead. Repeat.

3 Place your fingertips, palm up, on the side of your neck

level with the collar bone. Pull one hand up after the other
in a smooth, flowing, rhythmic movement from the neck up to
the jaw, working across and back from ear to ear for several
minutes. Then place the backs of both index fingers under your
jaw, with nails touching below the chin. Lightly pat so that one
finger follows the other, in an upward flicking motion, across
the jawline from side to side. Then drop the head back and point
the chin up to stretch the neck for a count of five.

Massage for Common Ailments

5 ^ Using the middle two fingers,

stroke firmly along the line of each
eyebrow from inner to outer corner
several times. Then lightly place a thumb
over each inner eye corner, press gently
in, hold for a count of four, relax and
repeat, following the contours of the eye
socket under the brow to the outer eye.
Repeat from outer to inner corner under
the eye, using index fingers rather than
thumbs. Finish off by gently pressing in
over the tear ducts, so that you have
made a complete circle of little presses
right around each eye.

Leaning forwards on your elbows, place the palm of each

hand on either side of the neck. Keeping your head and chin
dropped forwards throughout, press in deeply with your
fingertips and make small circles all across the shoulder muscles.
Then in the same position, point the chin up, drop the head
back, and pinch, press, squeeze and knead the shoulder muscles.
Finally, press in firmly with your hands in the same position
while you make exaggerated ‘A, E, I, O, U’ vowel sounds out
loud. Do these repeatedly and quickly to relax the jaw and neck.

Beautifying Facial Massage

7 "4f Repeat step one, doing a full-face, heart-shaped stroke

from chin up over cheeks to the temples. This time, when
you reach the brows, finish the stroke by moving palms up the
forehead into the hair four or five times quite firmly. Then place
the first two fingers of each hand over each temple and press
firmly inwards. Move the fingers in slow circles without
releasing the pressure, so that the skin is stretched with the
circular movement. Finish off by pressing firmly into the temples
for a count of ten, then relax.

8 Keeping the fingers of one hand stiff, place it palm down

so that your fingertips rest between the brows. Make figure-
of-eight shapes by stroking out over the left brow, down and
under the left eye, up over the nose, out over the right brow and
under the right eye. Keep the stroke flowing and repeat several
times. Then place both hands, palms flat, over the face and
lightly pat rapidly up and down all over. Finish off by placing
the hands, palms down, parallel with the nose and pressing into
the face for a count of ten, hold, then relax.

Massage for Common Ailments

The Circulation-boosting Massage

Th,s is a massage for arms and legs and feet and hands only. If you have ever
suffered from the mid-winter big chill, you will know why. When you get into bed and
your partner screams ‘Don’t touch me’, when you put your feet on a hot water
bottle and it goes cold, or when your hands are numb even though
you have just stoked the fire, you know you have a problem.

The problem is slow circulation and it affects the unlucky all year round. Even at the
height of summer, there are some of us who turn over in the night and unwittingly
put two blocks of ice in the middle of a loved one’s back. However, this
massage is not just for the cold-handed, warm-hearted types.

Boosting the circulation is a way of making the whole body healthier. First it stimulates
blood flow, so that wastes are swept away and fresh oxygenated blood rushes
to every body cell. Then it brings a warm, rosy glow to the skin, so that you look
healthy and happy. And finally, it wakes you up, makes you tingle
with energy and puts a skip back in your step.

So this massage is equally wonderful, whether you plan to be warmly tucked up in bed
or want to have the energy to go out and dance after a long, hard day. It uses
lots of fast, firm friction rubs to warm the body and stir up the blood, mixed with
firm, slow pushing strokes to make sure that the blood flows rapidly back
to the heart. It is also quick to do, easy to master and very beneficial.

How to Do a Circulation-boosting Massage

When doing friction strokes, always keep the movements short and fast, so that one
hand moves up and works against the other which is moving down. You need lots of
extra oil as the rapid rubbing and heat drives it into skin. Hands can
lose slip and drag on the body very quickly.

As it is important to catch all the body heat being generated, have lots of rowels or
blankets handy to wrap over the parts of the body that you are not working on.
The best position is for the person being massaged to lie on the floor or a firm,
low bed, and for you to kneel beside her. For steps one to five, she should
lie face up, and for steps six to eight, she should lie face down.

(Left) Good circulation brings renewed energy as well as warmer bands and feet!

Massage for Common Ailments

I Do steps one to three on the right

leg, then repeat all steps on the left
leg. Sandwich the foot between the
palms of your hands and do a fast, firm
friction rub, so one hand moves forward
as the other moves back. After several
minutes, change to stroking the foot
from toes up to ankle, still with one
hand on the top and the other on the
sole of the foot.

2 Raise the right leg and support it

by placing your right hand around
the back of the ankle. Place your left
hand palm down, thumb to front and
fingers around the back, and push it
firmly up the leg from ankle to knee.
Repeat and after the sixth stroke, swap
hands so that the right one slides up the
other side from ankle to knee for six
strokes. Swap and repeat twice more.

The CirculatioN'Boosting Massage

3 Kneeling by the knees of the

person being massaged, place both
hands, palms down, on her right thigh.
Keeping hands flat, do a fast, firm
friction rub all over from knee up to the
thigh top for several minutes. Then do
some slow, deep, firm strokes in the
same area, with fingers relaxed and
curved so that you use the heel of your
hand. Now repeat steps one to three on
the left leg.

4 Kneel by the waist of the person being massaged and pick

up her left arm, bending it at the elbow. With palms down,
hold her wrist so that your thumb is over her pulse and your
fingers are wrapped around the forearm. Slide the other hand
down towards the elbow, using light finger/thumb pressure. As
it reaches the bottom, take it back to the start to hold the wrist
while sliding your other hand down to the elbow. Repeat
rhythmically for several minutes. Then do step four on the right

Massage for Common Ailments

5 With her arm down by her side,

place your hands, palms down,
around her left wrist with your fingers
pointing in opposite directions. Push
both hands up the arm, slowly and
deeply, to the shoulder. Curve your top
hand over and back under the shoulder,
then slide both hands lightly down the
sides of the arm from shoulder to
fingers. Repeat rhythmically for several
minutes, then start again, this time
working on the right arm.

6 The person being massaged should

turn over so that she is lying face
down and you should kneel by her toes.
Do a full leg stroke. Start with palms
down, one hand on the sole of each foot,
fingers pointing inwards. Then with a
slow, firm pressure, push up the sole of
the foot, over the heel, up the calf, gently
over the knee, then up the thigh and sides
of buttocks to finish at the hips. Repeat
ten times, moving up the body as you
push slowly and firmly.

The Circulation-Boosting Massage

7 Kneeling by her waist, place her

hands at her sides. Do a full arm
stroke. Start with your palms over hers,
fingers pointing upwards. Using a
medium pressure, slowly push your
hands up her arms, gently over the
elbow, and across the shoulders to finish
at the neck. Repeat ten times, bending so
you move up the body as you push
slowly and firmly, keeping the pressure
even throughout.

8 Pick up one hand, palm upwards,

and sandwich it between yours. Do a
short, fast, firm friction rub from
fingertips to wrist for several minutes.
Finish off by pressing your hands in to
squeeze hers for a count of ten, then
slowly slide your fingers down and off
the tips of hers. Repeat all of step eight
on the other hand.

Massage for Common Ailments

The Anti-stretch Mark Massage

When you put on weight - either during pregnancy or from over-eating - the
skin has to stretch enormously to encompass the enlarged you. This often causes
stretch marks, the fine white lines like snails’ trails across the skin, which are, in fact,
tiny scars in the underlying tissue. They occur most often on the thighs, stomach
and bottom, but can sometimes appear on breasts or upper arms.

Unfortunately, once you have them, they are almost impossible to get rid of. However,
if you gently massage in a rich oil, such as wheatgerm, jojoba or sweet almond,
you can gradually improve the texture and tone of skin, help the white marks
fade quicker and reduce the likelihood of over-stretching occurring again.

The anti-stretch mark massage is ideal to use as a preventative measure. If you do it

every day, it will help skin stretch as far as it needs to and then return to normal.
So steps one to four are specifically designed to be used throughout pregnancy
right up to term. Steps five to eight are to be done as a post-natal massage.
However, the entire routine may be used when you are not pregnant and is also ideal
for anyone who knows she should be dieting but has not quite
got round to doing it yet.

How to Do an Anti-stretch Mark Massage

If you are pregnant, the best position is lying on your back propped up on pillows so
that you are half sitting. However, if you are near term, you will probably find it
uncomfortable to lie on your back for any length of time, so instead turn on your side
and lie with your knees bent. For anyone else, lie stretched out, face up.

The movements in this massage are slow, soothing, with lots of repetitions to push oil
into skin. Use plenty of oil and once it is absorbed, add more - this is the one
massage where you can end up looking like a sardine! Do not press down
into the abdomen during any strokes and keep all movements on the
tummy light and as gentle as possible.

(Left) Prevent stretch marks during and after pregnancy with gentle massage techniques.

Massage for Common Ailments

During pregnancy be gentle with all
massage strokes and never push/press
down into the abdomen.
This anti-stretch mark massage is ideal
to use as a preventative measure. Steps
1-4 are designed to be used throughout
pregnancy right up to term. Steps 5-8 are
to be done as a post-natal massage.

Place your hands, palms down, at

the base of the ribs over the solar
plexus, with your fingers pointing up to
the chest. Draw your hands out to the
sides, then pull them down the waist
more firmly and gently round over the
hips to stop below the navel. Repeat for
several minutes, using the stroke as a
gentle way to warm and spread the oil.

2 ^ Do a firm side stroke up the waist.

With hands, palms down against the
top of one thigh, tuck your fingers as far
as possible down under the bottom. Pull
hands up the sides of the torso, one after
the other, in a smooth, flowing stroke.
Work from the thigh up to the base of
the ribs for several minutes. Then repeat
on the other side of the body.

The Anti-Stretch Mark Massage

3 Bend one leg up at the knee and

then do some firm, sweeping strokes
up the leg. Place the palms of your hands
above the knee and push up to the thigh,
with one hand following the other. Keep
going for several minutes. Then do the
same stroke on the inner and outer sides
of the thigh, taking the outer stroke up
to the hip. Repeat on the other leg.

4 it- Lightly place your right hand,

palm down, at the base of the ribs
over the solar plexus. Make large, gentle,
sweeping circles in a clockwise direction
right around the abdomen for several
minutes. Then repeat the stroke, this time
using both hands so that one follows the
other in a smooth, flowing motion,
clockwise around the tummy.

Massage for Common Ailments

5 <4 Place both hands, palms down,

below the navel, with your thumbs
together and palms slightly raised so that
only the fingers make contact with the
tummy. Gently slide your hands upwards
and let your fingers glide out to the sides
below the ribs and down the sides of the
waist pulling firmly, then lightly round
and back to the start. Continue the
stroke for several minutes.

6 j>> Place one hand, palm down, on

either side of the waist. Then firmly
pull both hands up the sides in unison,
moving them across the tummy to the
opposite side of the waist. Repeat
continuously, so that your hands criss¬
cross back and forth over the abdomen.

The Anti-Stretch Mark Massage

7 Bend the leg at the knee again.

Wrap your right hand, palm up,
around the back of the thigh, thumb to
the outer and fingers to the inner sides.
Start with your hand just behind the
knee, then firmly push in and squeeze
slightly as you slide your hand up the
thigh muscle to the buttock. Repeat the
movement continuously, using only the
right hand, for several minutes.

8 Place both hands, palms down, on

the tummy, one between the base of
the ribs and the other below the navel.
Make a large circle around the abdomen
in a clockwise direction, with one hand
doing one half of the circle and the other
completing it, as a smooth, flowing
stroke. Repeat, with one hand on top of
the other, and make full circles that get
slower and slower.

Massage for Common Ailments

Massage to Soothe PMT &c Period Pain

Premenstrual Tension and period pain are not really ailments that can be cured. They
are just things women have learned to live with, particularly as the symptoms recur
every month, regular as clockwork. If you are unlucky enough to suffer from either
complaint, then you know how easily they can turn you from a pussycat into a tiger.

They affect your mind, so you can burst into tears, be irrational, irritable, depressed,
lethargic or crave sweet foods all in the same day. They make your body bloated and
spotty, with back ache or cramps that feel as if you are wearing an iron girdle.

Unfortunately, massage does not wipe away all of these symptoms. It can certainly
make you feel better, feel pampered and feel more like a pussycat again. It can also
reduce the bloated feeling of your swollen abdomen and soothe cramps and the
nagging lower back ache that seems to drag you down all day.

As everything from the waist down seems to feel tender during a bad period, the
strokes in this massage are all gentle, light and soothing. If you feel you need a firmer
touch, particularly for the lower back pain, try the massage specifically for that
on page 88. Or if it is a month when you have little discomfort but feel
very, very bloated, try the anti-cellulite massage on page 61 instead.

How to Soothe PMT and Period Pain

It is important to soothe the mind as much as the body, so this is a good massage to
have while playing your favourite music and lying in a dimly lit room with the door
locked to keep away the world (which includes children or pets!). If it makes
you feel better, have a box of chocolates close to hand.

Use plenty of oil so your hands slip easily as this is not meant to be a deep or firm
massage. The lighter the strokes, the more soothing they feel and do as
many repeats as possible.

(Left) Lethargy and depression strike some women every month.

Massage for Common Ailments

I !5 Steps one to five are done with the

person being massaged lying face
down. Place your hands, palms down, on
either side of the spine near the tailbone,
5 cm (2 inches) away from it. Push your
hands up and fan them smoothly out to
the sides at the waist, then pull them
down the torso and across the buttocks
to the start position. Repeat for several
minutes, using this stroke to pull and
push flesh up, round and down.

2 4 Place hands, palms down, on

either side of the top of the waist.
Using the heels of your hands and the
little fingers, press firmly in as you slide
your hands down to the hips, then draw
them into either side of the spine. Slide
your hands up the middle of the back,
still using the heels and little fingers for
the stroke, then fan them out to the top
of the waist. Repeat for several minutes.

Massage to Soothe pmt & Period Pain

3 Place the palm of your right hand over the tailbone

(sacrum) and use pressure from the heel of the hand to
stroke around in circles. Then place the heels of your hands on
either side of the tailbone and slowly push up the length of the
spine to the waist, then lightly glide your hands back down.
Repeat the entire stroke for several minutes.

4 Using your thumbs only, make small circles to knead all

the way up the lower back. Start with them 5 cm (2 inches)
out from either side of the tailbone and slowly work up the
spine to the waist. Repeat several times. Then place your hands,
palms down, under each hip and pull the flesh up with your
fingers into the middle of the lower back. Repeat as a smooth,
flowing stroke.

Massage for Common Ailments

5 Knead one side of the torso, from

the top of the thigh up to the waist.
Use the thumb and fingers of both hands
to pinch, twist and squeeze the flesh,
with your hands working in unison.
Repeat on the other side of the torso.
Then, repeat the same kneading stroke
across the top of the buttocks and up the
middle of the lower back to the

6 The person being massaged should

turn so that she is lying face up.
Place your left hand over her solar plexus
at the base of the ribs, and leave it there
throughout the stroke. Place your right
hand, palm down, above the navel and
make large clockwise circles down one
side, across the groin and up to the start
position. Keep the stroke light, gentle
and rhythmic for several minutes.

Massage to Soothe pmt & Period Pain

7 Place both hands, palms down,

over the solar plexus at the base of
the ribs, with your fingers pointing
upwards. Slowly fan your hands out to
the sides, slide them firmly down the
waist, sweep them round under the navel
them gently slide them up the tummy to
the start. Repeat for several minutes,
keeping the stroke smooth and flowing

8 <4 Place your hands, palms down, on

one side of the waist, with your
fingers tucked well under the back. With
one hand following the other, firmly pull
the flesh up towards the navel, working
from the top of the thigh to the top of the
waist. Then gently bend the knees of the
person being massaged up to her chest,
with your hands pressing down at the top
of her shins. Hold for a count of ten,
relax and repeat.

Massage for Common Ailments

The Energizing Body Massage

Anti-Cellulite Massage

Ask almost any doctor about cellulite and he will say that there is no such thing, but
ask 90 per cent of women and they will show you living proof of its existence - mainly
on their upper legs, buttocks or tummy.

Cellulite is a word that the beauty industry uses to explain the dimpled, lumpy areas of
fat that appear just below the skin. Until recently, the experts thought it was exclusive
to women and that female hormones caused the unusual fat deposits. However, the
latest research from cosmetic companies proves that men have cellulite too, only it is
not so near the surface and so does not show as lumps under the skin.

This has led to a new theory on exactly what causes cellulite. It seems likely that toxic
wastes, that are not flushed out of the body due to poor circulation and lack of
exercise, cause a chemical reaction which puts a hard coating around the normally soft
fat cells. This is why they become lumpy and the skin dimples. It is also
why cellulite appears in areas where circulation is slow - such as the
bottom, which we sit on too much!

While the cosmetic industry looks for new ingredients to stop this chemical reaction,
anything that speeds up the circulation in areas of cellulite or helps break up the hard
rim of these fat cells will improve areas of cellulite. Massage can do both - the friction
brings fresh blood to the skin surface, while the warmth and rubbing action help break
down the rims around the fat cells. So this massage is specifically designed to include
lots of vigorous movements which leave skin tingling and rosy with oxygenated blood.


This is a do-it-yourself massage, since few of us willingly expose our cellulite once we
have a good store of it! Steps one to four are best done sitting with your knees bent.
Steps five to eight should be done standing, although you can put your foot up on a
chair or on the side of a bath if it makes it easier.

For best results, do the massage morning and night using lots of oil or a favourite
cream. Always do all strokes in an upwards direction, towards the heart, to help get
the blood flowing and stop body toxins building up.

(Left) Regular anti-cellulite massage will improve the appearance of cellulite within weeks.

Massage for Common Ailments

For steps one to four, sit

comfortably bending the knee of the
leg you are working on. Start with the
right leg and stroke firmly up the thigh
from knee to hip, with one hand
following the other in a flowing motion.
Do the entire thigh - inner, outer, front
and back.

2 i|| Knead the thigh all over, pinching

and squeezing flesh between the
thumbs and fingers of both hands. Again,
start from above the knee and work in an
upwards direction to the top of the thigh.
The hands should work together, with
one pointing down and the other

Anti-Cellulite Massage

3 Bend your fingers stiffly at the

first joint and firmly drag your
hands from the knee up the thigh, rolling
them under so the knuckles also rake the
skin as you pull your hands upwards.
One hand should follow after the other.
Be gentle on the outer thigh as knuckling
can hurt.

4 -^ Make your hands into loose,

relaxed fists and use them to
pummel all over the thigh by tapping
down and bouncing up quickly and
lightly. Use the flat part of your fists
from the first joint to the fingertips, so
your hands are hitting palm down, one
after the other.

Massage for Common Ailments

5 Stand up while doing steps five to eight. Place your right

hand, palm down, on your right buttock and make large,
firm, flowing circles keeping your hand flat. Start on the hip and
move clockwise down to the thigh and back round the cheek of
the buttock to the start.

6 j| Standing and using the same hand, knead the right

buttock muscle, using your thumb and fingers in a pinching,
squeezing movement. Begin where the thigh meets the curve of
the buttock and work upwards to the hip, wherever there is
loose flesh. Try to make firm, fast movements.

Anti-Cellulite Massage

7 Make your right hand into a loose, relaxed fist and use it
to pummel all over the right buttock by tapping down and
bouncing up quickly and lightly. Use the flat part of your fist
from the first joint to the fingertips, so that your hand is hitting
palm down, and work in an upwards direction.

8 Finish off with long, smooth, deep strokes, using one

hand after the other, from mid-thigh up over the buttock to
the hip. Use the flat of your hand, in a friction rub, moving the
hand up and down in short, fast sawing movements. Now
repeat all steps on the left side.

Massage for Common Ailments

Massage to Relieve a Stiff Neck

A. stiff neck can be caused by anything from stress or sitting in a draught, to

sleeping in an odd position or watching too many games of tennis. It is, literally, a
complete pain in the neck and it makes the simplest task, such as reversing
into a car parking space, a slow and excruciating torture. It also makes you realize
how many times you move your head in a normal day. If you have children, you soon
discover how much easier it is to nod a ‘Yes’ than it is to shake a ‘No’!

A stiff neck is also one of the simplest ailments to cure and two things help
tremendously - heat and massage. So the best kind of neck massage uses lots of simple
movements with plenty of warming repetitions, plus some deep kneading strokes
to relax and release any areas with trapped nerves or muscle tension.

This one not only does that, but it is also so simple that you can do it anywhere. As it
is done with the sufferer sitting upright, you can even massage someone
at work, while she leans forward onto her desk, fully clothed.

It brings instant relief, but stiff neck muscles do have a nasty habit of coming back
during the night, so it is best to have a long soak in a warm, deep bath as
soon after the massage (and before bed) as possible. Alternatively, at the end of the
massage, rub a product containing menthol up the sides of the neck so
that it warms the skin and muscles for some time afterwards.

How to Massage a Stiff Neck

The best position for this massage is for the sufferer to be seated on a comfortable,
upright chair. For steps one to four, she should lean forward onto a cushion resting on
a table, or sit facing the back of the chair and prop the cushion
between her and the chair back.

If possible, she should wear a towel and you should use lots of oil so that your hands
really slip over the sore neck muscles. If the sufferer needs to be fully clothed,
keep your movements light over any tender areas.

(Left) Heat and massage are simple ways to bring instant relief to an aching neck.

Massage for Common Ailments

1 Place your hands, palms down, on

either side of the spine in the middle
of the back. With a firm pressure, push
you hands up to the shoulder tops, then
slide one hand out on each side to the
top of the arm, draw them back in across
the top of the shoulders and up either
side of the neck. Repeat the stroke from
start to finish for several minutes, using
it to feel for any tense spots of knotted
muscles as you go.

2 Start with the sufferer bending

forward onto the pillow, so that her
shoulder blades protrude. With flat,
straight hands, place the sides of the
palms and the little fingers across the top
of the shoulder muscle and do a firm,
fast friction rub across the muscle from
arm to neck. Repeat on the other side.
Then using your thumbs only, make
small circles to knead under the shoulder
blades and up the spine to the top of
the neck.

Massage to Relieve a Stiff neck

3 ,;ig With your fingers forward, place

your hands, palms down, over each
shoulder muscle by the sides of the neck.
Push and pull the shoulder top muscle
back and forth. Then working on one
side with both hands, squeeze, pinch and
knead the muscle for several minutes.
Finish by standing on the opposite side,
placing palms over the top of the arm
and sweep the hands up the side of the
neck, one after the other.

4 Piold the base of the sufferer’s

neck with your thumb to the right
and fingers to the left and support her
head as she bends forward. Rub your
hand quickly up and down the neck in a
very light friction stroke for two minutes.
Then roll your hand across the neck from
left to right and back, to push and pull
the muscles against the vertebrae. Make
sure you have plenty of oil for both
strokes and keep the pressure light over
areas of muscle stiffness.

Massage for Common Ailments

5 Place the palm of your left hand on the sufferer’s

forehead and use it to support her head as she bends
forward. Place the thumb of your right hand on one side of the
last vertebrae at the top of the neck, and the index finger on the
other side. Press in with the tips of thumb and finger and hold
for a count of ten, then release and make small circles over the
same area. Repeat, working in a line outwards, across the skull
from ear to ear.

6 Make the sufferer sit upright, with

shoulders straight but relaxed. Place
your hands, palms down, around her arm
tops with your fingers forward. Gently
push her shoulders forwards until you
feel a stretch and hold for a count of ten.
Relax. Then, with your hands in the same
position, gently pull her shoulders back
and hold the stretch for a count of ten.
Repeat both stretches, forwards and

Massage to Relieve a Stiff neck

7 In the same position, place the

palms of your hands down on the
shoulders, on either side of the neck,
with fingers pointing forwards. Push
down firmly with your hands while the
sufferer slowly drops her head back as
far as is comfortable. Hold for a count of
ten, then get her to raise her head to the
upright position and release the
downward pressure of your hands.
Repeat twice more from the beginning.

8 While she is sitting upright, bend her head to the right

side and support it with your right hand, palm up above her
ear. Place your left hand below her other ear, with your thumb
under the jaw and fingers stretched round the nape of the neck.
Slide your hand down the length of the neck and across the
shoulder top to the arm, pressing down to stretch the muscle.
Repeat several times on both sides of the neck.

Massage for Common Ailments

Tension Headache Massage

Every thought you think, every worry, every anxiety, every problem, scowl,
glower or frown ends up on the poor old head. The web of tiny muscles from the
neck take up the strain, knotting and tightening into a full-blown headache.

The best way to take this weight off your shoulders is with a soothing face, neck and
scalp massage. Not only does it instantly relieve the tight, tense, aching muscles,
but it also relaxes the over-tired, overwrought mind. As you massage away the
headache and its source, you also release a lot of stress from the rest of the
body and will feel calm, tranquil and deeply relaxed all over. In fact,
this simple massage has been known to make even a total workaholic
stretch out immediately afterwards for a quiet snooze.

To be effective you need the time for lots of slow, soothing repetitions of all the
strokes. The more you do it, the better it feels. However, you can find out
exactly where the headache seems worse - temples, scalp, eyes,
forehead or neck - and spend extra time in this area.

If you have persistent, recurrent headaches always seek medical advice,

as they may be caused by something other than stress.

How to Massage an Aching Head

The best position is lying on your back, as comfortably as possible, with your head
supported on a flat pillow or folded towel. To keep any strain off your lower
back and to help you relax while lying face up, place another pillow under your knees
so that they are bent. Also, have extra towels or blankets ready for warmth,
and wear something that leaves the shoulders bare.

A dimly lit or darkened room is very soothing, particularly if you have been in bright
light (welding, sunshine, etc.) or flickering light (fluorescent tubes, computer
screens, etc.) for several hours beforehand. To keep everything as quiet as possible,
take the telephone off the hook, throw pets and children outside, close the door firmly
and reach for the oil!

(I.eft) By the end of a busy day it may feel as if you are wearing a hat made from cement.
Massage for Common Ailments

1 A Oil your hands well. Place both palms over the upper arm
near one shoulder and slowly pull one hand up the neck
2 Place your hands under the nape of the neck (between the
shoulders and skull) and gently stretch the neck upwards 3-5
towards the ears, followed by the other hand, gently stretching cm (1-2 inches) to arch it until you feel resistance. Do not lift the
the neck muscles. Repeat several times in a smooth, firm head off the cushion. Hold for a count of five, then gently and
stroking movement. Repeat on the other side. Then slide your slowly release the neck. Repeat, stretching and lowering the neck
hands under the top of the back, low between the shoulder at the same speed three times without any jerky movements. It is
blades and, using a very firm stroke, pull up, sliding one hand important to support the neck across flat fingertips, so that you
after the other up to the nape of the neck. Repeat several times. do not press inwards.

3 With your fingers and hand cupping the chin, gently pull
up the sides of the cheeks, pressing in over the temples until
4 Keeping your fingers stiff, place the pads of your
fingertips on the scalp all around the hairline. Using the
your hands meet above the eyebrows. Pull your palms back, one lightest inwards pressure, make tiny circles with your fingers in
after the other, in a firm stroke up to the top of the head. Finish the same position so that you rotate the scalp for a count of ten.
by pressing the top and sides of the head between your hands The movement is similar to shampooing your hair - but a
and hold for a count of five. Repeat several times, trying to let rubbing, rolling motion rather than scrubbing. Repeat,
all the movements flow in a gentle, soothing, full-face stroke repositioning your fingers farther back until you end up at the
from beginning to end. crown. Then repeat round the hairline at the nape of the neck.

Tension Headache Massage

Now run your fingers through the hair, drawing it away Place your fingertips gently over the eyelids and, using the
from the head in a soothing stroke, for a minute or more. tiniest amount of downward pressure, hold for a count of
Take a small section of hair between finger and thumb, and tug five, then relax for a count of five. Repeat twice. Stroke from the
it repeatedly and firmly for a count of five. If you hold the hair middle to the outer eyebrows firmly, using the tips of your first
section as close to the roots as possible this will not hurt. Repeat two fingers, in a slow, steady movement. Repeat several times.
all over the head - this gives an instant boost to the blood Using the same fingers, make slow circles over the temples so
circulation and relaxes the scalp in one go. Finish by pushing in that the skin rotates, then slide them up into the hairline.
with your hands and squeezing the head all over.

7 To release shoulder and neck tension, place one palm

over the top of the rounded part of each shoulder. Gently
8 Finish off with a deeply relaxing, slow stroke. Place your
left hand palm down on the forehead and your right hand
press down to open up the chest, holding the shoulders back for palm up under the back of the neck. Push inwards gently with
a count of five. Relax and repeat again. Then slide your hands both hands as you draw them slowly up the head until they meet
under and push the shoulders upwards and round them into the at the crown. The lower hand must gently lift and tilt the head
chest to release the upper back and neck support muscles. Hold as part of the stroke. Repeat this stroke as many times as you
for a count of five, relax, then repeat. like, getting slower and gentler each time.

Massage for Common Ailments

Massage for Sleeplessness

-Anyone who has ever had a sleepless night knows that counting sheep is no help at
all. Neither is a hot, milky drink, late-night television or a bad book. Sometimes, even
a sleeping tablet does not work.

As you pace the floor, hour after hour, baggy-eyed but wide awake, the tension mounts
because insomnia is one of the most irritating, frustrating and stressful ailments
known. If your muscles were hanging loose before bedtime, after several hours of
tossing and turning they will be tense, taut and totally uptight. The more frustrated
you are at not being able to sleep, the less likely you are to sleep anyway.

A long soak in a very warm bath, followed by a slow, soothing massage is the one
thing that usually has a Rip van Winkle effect - and even if it does not put
you to sleep, it makes you feel a lot better about being awake! Most insomniacs are
over-stimulated, so it is important to use massage strokes that sweep over large
areas of the body to loosen knotted muscles. This, combined with simple
stretches to release trapped tension, invariably has the desired effect,
and if muscles are relaxed, sleep is possible.

This massage for sleeplessness uses friction rubs and muscle flexes for fast, total
relaxation. It is best to do it after a warm bath and before your usual bedtime so that
you are relaxed and ready for sleep. However, if you must do it in the wee
hours of the night - and you know someone kind enough to stay awake
and massage you - at least it is speedy and simple to do.

How to Massage the Sleepless

You need lots of pillows, soft lighting, layers of snug blankets, warm hands and plenty
of warm oil. Comfort is vital so that the poor insomniac relaxes and, as you
want him to go to sleep, bed is the best place to do the massage.

Keep all movements light and rhythmic to warm and relax the body as quickly as
possible. The more repetitions of strokes the better, so each one can get slower
and gentler towards the end. Do steps one to five with the person being
massaged lying face down, and steps six to eight with him face up.

(Left) Tense muscles are certain to keep sleep at bay, so massage is the answer.
Massage for Common Ailments

1 Start by stroking to feel any tense

areas or tight muscles. Sit or kneel by
the side of the sufferer’s legs and move
up as you stroke. Place your hands,
palms down, over each ankle, with your
fingers across the calf and pointing
inwards. Press and slide your hands all
the way up the legs in one smooth, firm,
fast stroke to the top of the thighs.
Repeat up to 20 times.

2 Cross his feet at the heels, pick

them up and slowly bend them up
and back towards his bottom until you
meet resistance. Hold the stretch for a
count of 15, then release and repeat.
Then do a slow friction rub over calves
and thighs: place your hands, palms
down, across the leg and rub them
backwards and forwards in a sawing

Massage for Sleeplesness

3 Kneel by the sufferer’s hip, covering the lower body if

necessary to keep it warm. Do one firm stroke all the way
up the back, fanning your hands out at the top of the shoulders
and turning them to pull down the arms to feel any tense areas.
Start with your palms down, hands on the lower back with
fingers pointing into the spine. Repeat up to 20 times, as a slow,
firm, flowing stroke.

4 Now go back to any tense or knotted areas on the back

and deep knead them by picking up and squeezing the flesh
between the fingers and thumb of each hand. Spend quite a lot
of time across the tops of the shoulders and the lower back.
Make small circular strokes with your thumbs alone under the
shoulder blades and up the nape of the neck.

Massage for Common Ailments

5 Do a fast, sweeping friction rub

with your hands palms down and
moving vigorously so each stroke is
about 20 cm (8 inches) long. Keeping
your hands parallel, rub up and down
from the lower back to the shoulder tops
on either side of the spine. Keep it going
for several minutes, getting slower
towards the end, hut still rubbing firmly.

6 The person being massaged should

turn over so that he is lying face up.
Cover the upper body to keep it warm.
Hold one foot around the top of the
instep, prop it against your knee or thigh
and flex backwards by gently pushing up
the toes. Hold for a count of five, then
release. In the same position, move the
toes from side to side and make slow
circles with them in the air. Then place
the palm of each hand on the top of the
thighs and stroke slowly and firmly down
to the toes in one movement. Repeat
several times. Finally, hold the feet under
the heels and round the back of the vXN-\\\\V.. ..IP
ankle, take their weight and gently pull
the legs away from the body. Hold for a
count of ten, then repeat.

Massage for Sleeplesness

Hold the sufferer’s hand, palm to palm, and interlock

your fingers, pushing his hand gently back and forwards to
flex and stretch it. Then place the palms of your hands around
his upper arm and lift it, letting his elbow bend and the hand
relax down to the chest. Then push in and squeeze with the
heels and palms of your hands all the way down the arm to the
wrist, avoiding the bony elbow. Finish off by placing your
hands, palms down, around the top of the arm and sliding them
both right down the arm to the wrist, holding the hand and
gently pulling it away from the body. Repeat on the other arm.

8 Kneeling or sitting by the sufferer’s

head, turn it to one side and use one
hand, palm down, followed by the other,
to stroke across the shoulder, up the side
of the neck, over the jaw and cheek, to
the temple, forehead and through the
scalp to the crown of the head. As you
reach the face, lift your palm so that you
use fingers only to continue the stroke up
into the hair. Work on only one side at a
time for up to 20 strokes, getting slower
and gentler to the end. Gently lift and
turn the head to the other side and repeat
the entire step again on the other half of

Massage for Common Ailments

Massage for the ‘Morning After

It does not matter whether you wake up jetlagged or with a hangover, the worst
thing about the ‘morning after’ is that it takes all the pleasure out of the night before.
Too much time in the air or too much alcohol leave you with similar symptoms -
dazed, glassy-eyed, dehydrated, bloated, dry-mouthed, headachy, unable to
concentrate, sometimes even unable to finish a sentence.

Everybody seems to have a pet cure for a hangover, ranging from eating a raw egg to a
three-course meal, or from drinking strong coffee to drinking more alcohol.
Similarly, frequent travellers try everything from turning their clocks forward before
they get on the plane to taking a sleeping tablet as soon as they get off. However,
the only things that really do help cure that morning after misery are
getting as much sleep and drinking as much water as possible.

While you wait for nature to take its course, this soothing massage will help get rid of
the headache and, if you have not fallen asleep by the end, it will leave you in better
condition to cope with the demands of the day. It is a simple series of gentle presses
and slow, relaxing strokes to the nape of the neck, forehead, temples, eyes and
scalp - and these are the areas that jetlag and a hangover seem to hit worse.

How to Do the ‘Morning After’ Massage

To make the massage even more soothing, put some ice in a plastic bag and roll it in a
towel to slip under the back of the sufferer’s neck as a therapeutic pillow.
Dip cotton wool pads in iced water or milk, squeeze them out and place them over
the eyes. Keep the room warm and dimly lit and make sure that the person you
are going to massage is lying, stretched out and as comfortable as possible,
especially if he hopes to go to sleep.

The good thing about this massage is that you can do it anywhere. The movements are
so simple that you do not need oil, and you can adapt the steps and do them while
the sufferer is fully clothed and sitting upright in a low chair at work, if need be.
Remember that the secret of its success is to do all strokes slowly, soothingly and
repeatedly, as if you were trying to pacify a fractious baby - and then, it works!

(Left) Jetlag or a hangover can turn a normal day’s work into an agonizing ordeal.
Massage for Common Ailments

1 <4 Start with a series of head presses. Cup your hands, palms
down, over the forehead. Gently press down for a count of
ten, relax for a count of five and then repeat. Push the lower
hand backwards with the upper hand in a firm forehead stroke.
Then place hands, palms down, on the sides of the head from
the crown down to the ears. Press firmly in for a count of ten,
relax for five, then repeat. Slide your hands, palms up, under the
nape of the neck, then gently lift to stretch the neck without
raising the head. Hold for a count of ten, then relax.

between the brows and pulling back to the hairline. Every sixth
stroke, slide the fingers out to follow the contours of each brow
and end by gently pressing in with your fingertips over the
temples. Finish off by using the palm of one hand, followed by
the other, rhythmically stroking from the brow right up to the
crown of the head for several minutes.

3 Bend your fingers into stiff claws and rake the scalp from
the hairline up to the crown all over the head, including the
nape of the neck. Repeat for several minutes, then gently press
into the head all around the hairline with stiff fingertips and
make circles on the scalp. Next, hold small sections of hair close
to the roots and gently tug, repeating all over the head. Finish
off with long, slow finger strokes through the scalp that end by
gently pulling the hair away from the head.

Massage for the ‘Morning After

4 Start with your palms across the forehead, fingertips

touching above the nose. All movements should be gentle.
Slowly slide your hands down until the middle and ring fingers
are resting lightly over the eyes. Press in, holding for a count of
eight, then lightly slide fingers out across the eyes to the temple:
Press in over each temple with the first two fingers of each hanc
and make circles to rotate the skin. Then repeat several times.
Finally, place an index fingertip over each tear duct and lightly
press into the eye corner. Hold for a count of five, then release.

5 Knead the top of the shoulder muscle, starting close to

the neck and work out towards the arm. After several
minutes, place the palm of one hand over the top of the arm an
pull up, in one smooth stroke, along the shoulder and neck to
the ear. As one hand gets to the end of the stroke, the other
should be starting the next one. Then repeat all of step five on
the other shoulder muscle.

6 Now place your right hand, palm up, under the top of
the neck, with your thumb to one ear and fingers to the
other. Gently knead and press inwards along the base of the
skull bone and the top of the vertebrae. With your right hand i
the same position, place your left hand, palm down, across the
forehead and gently press downwards as you lift up with your
right hand. Hold for a count of five, then relax. Finish off with
soothing forehead strokes, one hand following the other, gettin
slower and slower until you stop.

Massage for Common Ailments


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Massage for Back Ache

jAr some point in their lives, three out of four people will have problems with their
backs. The commonest triggers are lifting a heavy weight (pregnancy, carrying a
washing machine up a flight of stairs), a sudden jerky movement (a sneeze, throwing a
punch), or just regularly resisting the pull of gravity (standing all day, sitting over a
word processor). Once the initial damage is done, almost anything - including
stress - can make the muscles seize up and bring on the agony.

Fortunately, the back is not only the easiest part of the body to massage, being such a
large, smooth area, but it also responds instantly to being rubbed the right way.
Remember that the spine carries nerve fibres that affect the entire body and so the
pleasure of a back massage spreads from top to toe. The back also has more muscles
than any other part of the body and does most of the work of keeping us upright
throughout our waking hours. So it needs all the help it can get.

When using massage to relieve any kind of back pain, feel your way slowly, be gentle
and use light, rhythmic strokes. Always consult your doctor before having back
massage if you have had surgery or are currently undergoing treatment
for any kind of back complaint.

How to Massage the Back

The best position for having a back massage is lying face down. It is important that the
person being massaged is comfortable, so he should lie on a well-padded floor or
firm mattress. Place a rolled towel or small pillow under the upper chest and
neck so that the head can relax in the face-down position and not twist to
one side, which can cause strain.

Cover any areas not being worked on with towels to keep them warm. Make sure the
massage oil is handy before beginning. Here are two back massages shown
step-by-step: the first concentrates on the lower back, the second (see page 90) on the
upper back. However, the two combine quite naturally for an all-over therapeutic and
relaxing routine.

(Left) Back pain may mean that simply picking up a shopping bag results in weeks of agony.

Massage for Common Ailments


1 Remember that all strokes should

be slow, light, gentle and rhythmic,
with lots of repetitions. Stand or kneel at
the top of the thigh throughout. Start
with your palms down on either side of
the base of the spine (the tailbone or
sacrum) about 5 cm (2 inches) away
from the spine. Gently slide your hands
up to the waist, fan them out to each side
and pull down the sides of the torso,
then back across the buttocks to the start
position. Keep repeating the stroke
without pausing. The upward movement
is light, but the out and downward may
be firmer.

2 " Next, place palms down, with one

hand on top of the other. Make slow,
gentle circles all over the buttocks and
lower back muscles from waist to
tailbone. Keep your fingers flat, but
relaxed, so that the light pressure comes
from the heel and palm of the hand as
you make circles, rather than from the „
fingers. Do not massage directly over the
spine at any time - keep the circle
movements on either side of the vertebrae
all around the lower back. This stroke
should be gentle and continuous so that it
is warming and relaxing.

Massage for Back Ache

3 Now do a gentle, light-pressure thumbing stroke. Place

each thumb on either side of the spine about 5 cm (2 inches)
away from it. Make small circles, with the thumbs working
together so that one makes clockwise circles while the other
moves anti-clockwise. Gradually move from the base of the
tailbone up to the waist, keeping your thumbs to the side of the
spine, never directly on it. Repeat the stroke, working further
out towards the hips each time. Keep the stroke light, but it can
be firmer over areas of knotted muscle as long as they are not
tender or sore.

4 Stand or kneel at one side and, reaching across the lower

back, tuck the fingers of one hand, palm down, under the
top of the thigh. Using firm fingers, pull the flesh back up
towards the spine. As the first hand pulls upwards, tuck the
other hand into the start position and repeat the movement, so
one hand follows the other in a smooth, stroking motion. Make
sure the firm upwards pull lasts the length of the stroke from the
side of the torso into the middle of the back. Work up both
sides from hip to waist.

5 Place the first two fingers of one

hand stiffly 5 cm (2 inches) apart on
either side of the spine at the nape of the
neck. Run them gently, slowly, with an
even pressure, from the neck down to
the tailbone. Repeat several times. Finish
off by repeating step 1 again, or any of
the steps that were particularly soothing
to the back ache. If any of the strokes
causes discomfort, stop immediately -
this massage is for pleasure, not pain.

Massage for Common Ailments


Remember that all strokes should

be slow, light, gentle and rhythmic,
with lots of repetitions. Stand or kneel at
the side throughout. Start with your
palms down on either side of the lower
spine about 5 cm (2 inches) away from
it. Gently slide your hands up over the
waist to the shoulders, fan them out to
each side and pull down the sides of the
torso across the hips to the start position.
Keep repeating the stroke without
pausing. The upward movement is light,
but the out and downward may be
firmer to stretch and pull flesh.

2 Using your thumb and fingers in a

light pinching movement and
working with both hands together,
knead the soft tissue from the waist all
up the back, paying particular attention
to any tight or knotty areas around the
tops of the shoulders. Do not knead on
any bony parts, avoid the spine and do
not pinch in too deeply if it causes
discomfort - a light, plucking movement
is just as relaxing on tender muscles as
firmer pressure. Keep kneading
rhythmically for several minutes as
this will help warm and relax any tense,
tight places.

3 To release tension in the shoulders

and relax the upper back, bend the
arm of the person being massaged at the
elbow and place the hand, palm up, on
the lower back - this will make the
shoulder bone jut out so that you can
massage the muscles underneath it. Rest
the elbow on your knee, so that it does
not flop down, and bend over to knead,
using thumbs only, under and around the
projecting shoulder blade. Knead using
deep, flicking, rhythmic thumb
movements, followed by small thumb
circles and finish with long, slow strokes
the length of the shoulder blade using the
sides of the thumbs.

Massage for Back Ache

4 4f Concentrate on the muscles that

run across the top of the shoulders.
Place your hands, palms down, on either
side of the neck so that the fingers curve
over the top of the shoulders and rest on
the collar bone. Pull the flesh firmly
back, one hand after the other in a
rhythmic stroke, keeping your fingers
stiff and using an inward pressure to pull
and stretch the muscles. It should be a
continuous, flowing movement. Then use
both hands to squeeze and knead each
shoulder muscle from the arm across to
the neck on each side.

5 ^ To loosen the back, hold the top

of each arm and gently pull the
shoulders back until they are slightly
raised. Hold for a count of ten, then
lower and repeat. Next, place relaxed
hands, palms down, over the spine in the
middle of the back. Glide hands apart
diagonally, so one goes to the hip and the
other to the opposite shoulder. Do not
press down, but pull crosswise to stretch
the skin and muscles. Hold for a count of
ten, then repeat on the other side. If any
of the steps or strokes in this massage
cause discomfort, stop immediately.

Massage for Common Ailments

Massage for Sore Muscles


A/tuscles ache for all sorts of reasons. Tension or bad posture can make them
ache, running a race or carrying a heavy load can make them sore and a sprain or
sudden jerk can cause agony. However, once again, massage works miracles
with any kind of sore muscles, as it not only soothes them but,
in most cases, it also manages to heal them.

The most frequent muscular aches are usually caused by a build up of lactic acid,
which occurs when muscles are exercised so vigorously that body wastes are
trapped within them. This happens to athletes all the time. Research into sports
medicine has proved that muscles recover five times faster if they are rubbed
rather than rested in between bouts of energetic exercise. This is the reason why you
see athletes being massaged, from Olympic level down to the local team.

To get the same benefits at home, you must massage sore muscles with firm or fast
rhythmic strokes, to warm and relax them, then do some stretches to keep them loose.
This massage concentrates on the largest muscle groups - calves, thighs, buttocks,
biceps, shoulders and back. So do as many repeats as possible of strokes
that go over areas of soreness, and fewer or none of the others.

However, never take any of the stretches farther than is comfortable and keep friction
rubs or kneading strokes light over any areas that are very sore. If the aching
has not gone from muscles after two days, seek medical advice as they
may be injured rather than just over-exerted.

How to Massage Sore Muscles

Try to make all strokes rhythmic and repetitive so that they are as warming as
possible. It helps if you rub in some liniment or eucalyptus essential oil, as well as your
massage oil; the menthol heats skin and soothes muscles even more. If you
have a warm bath beforehand, the sore muscles will respond
better to the massage and hurt less.

If muscles are stiff as well as sore, it is more comfortable to have a pillow under the
knees (to relax leg and back muscles) for the first half of the massage.

(Left) Even gentle forms of exercise can cause aches which benefit from massage.

Massage for Common Ailments

1 Place your hands, palms down,

across the left leg, with fingers
pointing in opposite directions. Then
gently push down and slide your hands
up from the ankle to knee. Move your
hands over the knee lightly, then
continue the stroke with downward
pressure up to the thigh. Slide your
hands back down along the sides of the
leg and repeat for several minutes. Then
do a fast, firm friction rub, with palms
flat, from feet up to the thighs.

2 |* Bend the left leg up at the knee

and prop the foot against your thigh
for support. Place your hands, palms up,
around the back of the calf muscle above
the ankle. Wring the leg by sliding your
hands backwards and forwards in
opposite directions to twist the flesh.
Keep the motion going and gradually
work up the back of the leg from ankle to
knee. Repeat two or three times.

3 -«if In the same position, knead and

stroke the back of the thigh. Place
your right hand, palm up, behind the
knee, with your thumb on the outer thigh
and your fingers to the inner side so that
your hand makes a V shape. Press and
pinch in as you push the hand up the leg
to the top of the thigh, to' give a deep,
kneading stroke. Bring the fingers
together, slide round to the front of the
thigh and back down to the knee. Then
repeat for several minutes.

Massage for Sore Muscles

With the left leg straight again,

start a criss-cross stroke from the
ankle to thigh. Place your hands, palms
down, across the leg with your fingers
pointing to the inner ankle. Then do a
firm stroke from one side of the leg to
the other, so that your hands criss-cross
and one pushes forward as the other
pulls backwards. Make sure your fingers
curve under the leg on the downward
inner stroke and that the heels of your
hands push into the outer leg on the
upward stroke.

5 jJ»< Now the person being massaged

should bend the left leg and keep the
other straight while you stand at his feet.
Bend forward from the waist and pick up
the bent leg, placing the heel on your
shoulder. Keep your own legs apart with
your knees slightly bent to avoid
straining your back, then gently place
one hand behind the knee and one
behind the ankle for support, and
straighten the leg as you push up slightly
with your shoulder. Hold this stretch for
a count of 15, then release your hands so
the knee relaxes. Now do steps one to
five on the other leg.

Massage for Common Ailments

6 Place your hands palm down over

the upper arm and biceps. Do a fast,
firm friction rub so that your hands
make a sawing motion. Place your palms
down around the wrist, with fingers
pointing in opposite directions. Slide
your hands up the arm, moving together
in a slow, firm stroke from wrist to
shoulder, hut being gentle over the elbow
joint. From the shoulder, slowly pull
your hands down the sides of the arm.
Repeat for several minutes.

7 The person being massaged should

turn over to lie face down. Knead the
muscles, pinching the flesh between your
thumbs and fingers, right across the
shoulders, upper arms and middle of the
back. Then do a firm, flat-handed stroke
from below the shoulder blade
diagonally up to the opposite shoulder,
repeating several times on both sides.
Finish with a firm, fast friction rub from
the middle of the back up and over the

Make your hands into loose fists and pummel all over the
upper back, using the base of the fist in an up-and-down
hammer movement, one hand after the other. Keep your fists
relaxed so that your hands bounce off the body and avoid the
spine and bony shoulder blades. Then pummel the buttock
muscles between hips and thighs, using the same fist movement.
Finish by doing firm palm strokes in circles over the buttocks
and the top of the back.

Massage for Sore Muscles

9 >f With your hands, palms down,

between the shoulder blades, press
down and slide your hands diagonally
out to the tops of the arms, then pull
them in across the shoulder tops and up
the sides of the neck, before sliding them
lightly back down either side of the spine
to the start position. Next, with palms
down below one shoulder blade, glide
them upward in a diagonal direction to
the top of the arm, fan them out in a
circle and draw them together at the
start. Repeat as a smooth, flowing

'i /^V Please take special note of

1 vy lifting instructions for this
massage. To stretch and release tension
in the lower back and shoulder muscles,
do a half-body lift. Stand astride the hips
of the person being massaged and slide
your hands under his arms to the front of
his chest. Gently and slowly pull the
torso upwards, bending your knees to
take the strain off your back, and stretch
him up as far as is comfortable. Hold for
a count of 15, then relax back down.
Repeat twice more.

Massage for Common Ailments

Massage for Sore Feet

Nearly 200,000 years ago, people first stood up on two feet and walked.
Since then, those feet have kept on walking and are largely ignored by modern man
and woman. Most of us tend to notice them only when something goes
wrong - a callus, a corn, aches, blisters or bunions usually
get attention, but not the feet themselves.

They get stuffed into shoes that rub or socks that make them sweat. They have to
totter on too-high heels or be squeezed, toes-first, into pointy tipped shoes.
They must run and jump and kick and climb and carry us and all our baggage
everywhere we want to go. Not only are feet ignored and taken for granted,
but nearly everyone thinks they are ugly or smelly.

However, the truth of the matter is that feet can give more pleasure than many of the
body’s more glamorous zones. Almost every nerve ending in the body -
and there are about 72,000 of them - finishes up in each foot, tangled around a
web of 38 muscles and 28 tiny bones. This is why feet are so strong but sensitive.
If you massage them, you send waves of pleasure from toe to top and can relax the
entire body. A good foot massage can get rid of aches, help keep feet flexible,
healthy and happy, lighten your step and improve your mood.

How to Massage Sore Feet

If your feet constantly ache or hurt, you should buy new shoes, see a chiropodist and
have them massaged at the end of every day. This foot massage is most enjoyable
if it is given while you lie on your back and relax. However, life is too cruel to let us
have total enjoyment, so you can easily adapt it to do as a self-massage if you must.
To do it yourself, sit comfortably and rest the ankle of the foot you are working on
across the knee of the other leg, then follow the eight steps in the same way.

You will need lots of oil, as feet have naturally dry, thick skin. Work gently on the top
of the foot because the bones are close to the surface here, but be firmer on the sole.
If feet are ticklish, try making all movements slower and deeper. However,
some people’s feet are so sensitive that massage is impossible.

(Left) There is nothing so enjoyable as a foot massage after a long walk.

Massage for Common Ailments

I Do all the steps on one foot and

then on the other. Start with a
friction rub. Sandwich the entire foot
between the palms of your hands and
rub briskly so that one hand goes
forward as the other moves back. Use
lots of oil to warm and relax the foot. To
do the heel, lift the foot up and prop it
across your leg. Place your hands parallel
to the calf, then rub up and down.

2 Do a series of long, slow strokes

pulling from the ankle to toes. Place
one hand on the back of the heel and the
other over the front of the ankle to
sandwich the foot between your palms.
Pull firmly and press in as you glide your
hands back to the toes, following the
contours of the foot throughout. Repeat
as a smooth, flowing stroke for several

Massage for Sore Feet

Stretch the foot by flexing upwards. Lift the foot by

holding with the left hand behind the ankle. Place the palm
of your right hand flat against the sole of the foot and push, in
to follow the contours closely, then gently push against the toes
of the foot to flex back up towards the leg. Hold for a count of
ten, then relax and repeat four times.

4 Stretch the foot by flexing

downwards. Place the palm of your
left hand around the ankle to support
the foot. Then wrap the right palm over
the toes, with your thumb under the sole
of the foot. Gently push the toes
downwards, hold for a count of ten,
then relax and repeat four times. In the
same position, gently push the foot from
side to side five times.

Massage for Common Ailments

5 Wrap your fingers around the top

of the foot and use your thumbs to
make small circles all over the sole of the
foot from under the toes back to the
heel. Then, keeping your thumbs stiff,
use them to push and stroke, with one
thumb following the other, all over the
sole of the foot from the heel back up to
the toes.

Wrap your fingers under the arch of the foot with your
thumbs on the instep at the front. Use your thumbs to make
small circles all over the top of the foot and all around the ankle
bone. Then, keeping your thumbs stiff, use them lightly to stroke
all over the top of the foot from the toes back up to the ankle,
with one following the other.

Massage for Sore Feet

7 Next massage the toes. Hold the

foot firmly around the arch with
your left hand; take the foot off the
ground and rest it on your bent knee or
thigh. Then do three different strokes on
each toe: a rub, a pull and a twist. Hold
each toe between your right hand thumb
and index finger, using lots of oil, and
working from the foot up towards the
tip of the toe.

8 Place your right hand, palm up,

against the back of the ankle and,
wrapping your fingers to one side and
your thumb to the other, squeeze into the
tendon behind the ankle bone to hold the
foot firmly. With the left hand, palm
down across the instep, firmly stroke the
top of the foot from ankle to toes in a
flowing movement, getting slower and
lighter till you stop.

Massage for Common Ailments

Massage for Tired and Aching Legs

In a single stride, you use more than 100 different muscles. These same muscles
have to carry twice your body weight with the impact of every step you take. Even if
you stand as still as a stork all day, they take the strain and support you so that
you do not fall over. In addition, it is these same muscles that let you do
fancy steps as you dodge the traffic or dance the night away.

The legs take this kind of physical abuse in their stride, since a trip, run, hop and jump
are all in a day’s work. However, after a long day they get tired and affect the
whole body, so you shuffle around in a bad mood rather than tripping about with a
smile and a skip. This is the time for a massage, as it will not only relax
your legs, but also recharge flagging energy levels enough for them
to carry you through a night on the town.

However, if you push it too far - either by over-exercising or standing for long periods
day after day - the leg muscles really do rebel and they ache, stiffen, swell and
knot with pain, which can cause long-term leg problems, such as varicose veins or
oedema. So if you over-exercise frequently, if you stand for long periods every
day, if you are pregnant or very overweight, you should have regular leg massages
as a preventative measure to help relax the muscles and boost the blood circulation.

How to Massage Tired or Aching Legs

For the greatest benefit, you need firm upward massage strokes and fast friction rubs
to relax the large leg muscles and help the blood flow back up against the pull of
gravity. As the legs have few natural oil-producing sebaceous glands, use lots of oil to
keep the skin soft and supple all year round.

A leg massage is most comfortable for someone lying down on a firm surface. If he is
on the floor, you will have to kneel to massage him; otherwise, he should be
lying high enough for you to stand comfortably so you that you do not strain your
back. While you work on one leg, cover the other with towels to keep it warm.
After the massage, he should lie down for ten minutes with feet propped
up on pillows or against a wall, so they are higher than the head.

(Left) Look after your leg muscles, and they will respond with renewed energy.

Massage for Common Ailments

I For steps one to five, the person

being massaged should lie face down.
Starting at the feet, stroke up the sides of
the left leg from ankle to thigh. Place
each hand, palms down, just above the
ankle bone, with your fingers together
pointing forwards. As you push up the
leg, press in firmly with the heel of your
hands and keep your fingers relaxed.
Release the pressure as you glide your
hands over the knee joint, then press in
again to the thigh top. On the downward
stroke, keep the movement gentle, using
your fingers lightly to stretch the skin
back towards the foot.

2 Stretch the back of the left leg by

gently bending the heel up towards
the bottom as far as is comfortable. Hold
for a count of five, then relax and repeat.
Place your thumbs together on the outer
leg above the ankle bone. Press in with
your thumbs and slowly slide them
upwards along the calf muscle to the
knee. Repeat, working in lines upwards
so that you thumb-stroke the entire calf
from outer across to inner leg.

Massage for Tired and Aching Legs

3 :'S| Now work from the upper calf up

to the top of the thigh on the left leg.
Place your hands, palms down,
positioned across the leg so that your
fingers are pointing in opposite
directions. With a firm downward
pressure, slide both hands upwards in
If l one long stroke from the knee to the
thigh top. Fan your hands out in
opposite directions at the top of the
thigh and draw each hand back down
the side of the leg to the knee. It is a firm
■ ,' A'>4'*r'A Th, upwards pressure and a lighter
downward pull to stretch the skin. Keep
the stroke flowing in a smooth, even
rhythm for several minutes.

* Hp-*‘r If

•• «

4 Stretch the back of the left leg

again, by gently bending the heel up
towards the bottom as far as is
comfortable. Hold for a count of five,
then release and repeat. Next, knead the
back of the thigh muscle all over, using
both hands to pinch the flesh between
the thumbs and fingers as you press
deeply into the muscle. Curve your
fingers around the leg to knead the sides
of the thigh; continue for several
minutes. Finish off with two firm knee
to thigh palm strokes, as in step three.

Massage for Common Ailments

5 Still on the left leg, start with your

hands on the calf above the ankle.
Place them so that your wrists are
together, with your fingers pointing
down, wrapped around the leg. Press
down into the heels of the hands with the
fingers relaxed, then slide your hands out
and away from each other around the
leg. The movement is as if you are
pushing the flesh in opposite directions,
around to the front of the leg. Repeat,
working up the calf, and stop just below
the knee. Then continue above the knee,
working up to the top of the thigh.

6 The person being massaged should

turn face up. Bend her leg so that it
is raised and tuck her foot between your
knees. Wrap each hand, one above the
other, around her ankle so that your
thumbs are to the front and your fingers
curve around the back. Push up from the
ankle to the knee with a firm pressure,
one hand following the other. At the top,
fan out your hands and palm stroke
firmly back down each side of the calf.
Then grip round the ankle and repeat
several times in a smooth motion.

Massage for Tired and Aching Legs

7 In the same position, move further

forward so you can do the next
stroke from the knee to the top of the
thigh. With one hand palm up, place
your thumb on the side of the thigh with
your fingers wrapped around the back.
With a firm inward pressure, slide your
hand up the back of the thigh, then fan it
round and do a palm stroke back down
the front of the thigh. The hands should
follow, one after the other, in a smooth,
flowing motion so that each takes a turn
to do the complete up and down stroke.
Repeat for several minutes.

8 Straighten the leg and place one

hand, palm down, on each side just
above the ankle bone. With your hands
working in unison in a backwards and
forwards sawing motion, do a short, fast
friction rub. Gradually move up the sides
of the leg from ankle to thigh. Repeat
from the ankle up again, this time
bending the knee up so that you can rub
the leg with one hand at the front and
one at the back. Then do steps one to
eight on the other leg in exactly the same
way. Finish off by holding the legs firmly
at the ankles and pulling them gently
away from the body to extend them.
Hold for a count of ten, release, then

Massage for Common Ailments

Massage for Aching Hands or Wrists

This massage is a series of very simple stretches and strokes to help bring relief
to hands that ache - whether as a result of tension or manual work. There is little real
manipulation involved, just gentle flexes and finger strokes to release tension and
soothe tender areas. It can, therefore, be used to relieve pain from almost any hand or
wrist complaint, from too much knitting or tennis to rheumatism or arthritis.

The gentle, stretching movements are particularly helpful with Repetitive Strain Injury
(RSI), one of the commonest new ailments of this decade. This affects people whose
hands make the same movements repeatedly several times a minute, day after day -
such as computer operators and factory workers - until the strain causes injury.

This massage is most useful in helping to prevent RSI occurring, so if you do a job that
involves rapid, repeated hand movements, follow the routine once a day. Additionally,
every 20 minutes on the job, try to take a brief break to shake your hands loosely in
the air for a couple of minutes, then do the palm and wrist stretches from the first four
steps of the massage. You can easily adapt them to do on yourself if you hold the side
of the hand against your abdomen while you do the crosswise palm stretches in steps
one and four. However, if you do have a job that you feel may be causing RSI, you
should seek expert advice immediately.

How to Massage Aching Hands or Wrists

As this massage is meant for hands that ache, never take any of the stretches beyond
the point of comfort - stop if the person you are massaging even so much as winces
while you are extending his palms, wrists or fingers and immediately release the
tension. For the same reason, keep the thumb strokes in steps five and six slow, light
and gentle, so they are soothing rather than stimulating.

It helps to use lots of oil with this massage, not only because the skin on hands is
naturally dry, but also because there are so many small bones and tendons close to the
surface you need extra slip for comfort. If there is any inflammation of the hands, it
also helps if you soak them in very warm water for ten minutes to boost circulation
and soothe them before you start the massage.

(Left) Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) can become chronic, forcing the sufferer to change jobs.

Massage for Common Ailments

I Do all steps on the right hand first, then repeat from the
beginning on the left. Start with a simple palm stretch to
release tension. Use the little and ring fingers of your left hand
to grasp the thumb in a scissor-like hold, and those on your
right hand to grasp the little finger. Once they are firmly
interlocked, push down and out to stretch open the palm. Hold

2 Hold the right forearm of the person being massaged in

the palm of one hand to support it, then interlock the stiff
fingers of your other hand through his fingers so that they are
criss-crossed. Gently push your hand up and back to stretch
from wrist to fingertips. Only go as far as is comfortable so that
you do not over extend the stretch, and push back from the tips
of his fingers, not the base. Hold for a count of 15, then release.

3 Hold his right forearm, palm down, with your right hand to
support it. Lay your palm over his knuckles, so that your
fingers are pointing in the opposite direction to his. Gently push
down with the heel of your hand into the first joint of his fingers
close to the knuckles to flex the back of his hand. Hold for a
count of 15, then release.

4 Place your wrists together and

wrap your hands, palms down,
around the back of his right hand with
your fingers curved round to the front.
Using the heels of your hands, slide them
apart in opposite directions to roll his
hand under and stretch it across the back.
Hold for a count of five, then release and

Massage for Aching Hands or Wrists

5 Tuck your fingers under the back of his hand and pick it
up. Using your thumbs only, make small circles all over the
palm of his hand without exerting any downward pressure. It
should be a soothing stroke, not a kneading one, and very light
so that your thumbs just glide over the skin. Finish off by using
the sides of your thumbs to do long, straight palm strokes from
wrist to fingers.

In the same position, slide your hands along until your

thumbs are over the inner wrist. Then do very light strokes
with your thumbs working in unison along each side of the
tendon for about 5 cm (2 inches) before fanning them out to
each side. Next, encircle the wrist with the thumb and first two
fingers of your hands and do a light wringing motion, by
moving one hand clockwise as the other goes anti-clockwise.

7 Hold the forearm of the person being massaged in the

palm of your right hand. Slide the back of your left hand up
under his palm, then push your fingers forward to interlock with
his, and by pulling them back up toward you, lightly stroke
between his fingers up to the nails. Keep repeating the whole
palm to fingertip stroke in a smooth flowing motion. Finish by
sandwiching his hand between your palms and lightly pressing
for a count of ten.

Massage for Common Ailments

Massage to Soothe a Restless Baby

^Nothing is more stressful and irritating to even the most devoted parent than
the constant cry of a baby. Although this massage works miracles, unfortunately it
does not guarantee gurgles and smiles. In fact, it is best to practise this soothing
massage when your baby is happy and relaxed. If you do it regularly from an early
age, then the routine will calm the child before he starts roaring his little lungs out.

To being with, keep each step short and gradually increase the amount of time you
spend on any parts he seems to enjoy. The massage uses slow, rhythmic stroking, with
the emphasis on holding the baby close so he feels safe, snug and secure. It also gives
you the chance to gaze into your baby’s eyes and sing, talk, or just look at each other.

You can start this massage from four weeks old. Always be very careful not to use
downward pressure with any of the movements - they should be light, skin
strokes that hypnotically relax your baby. Remember it is the slip of the oil, the
warmth of your hands, the smell of your skin, the sound of your voice and the rhythm
of the movements themselves that work the magic, rather than the actual strokes.

How to Massage a Restless Baby

To ensure that the baby feels comforted, snug and secure, always keep to the same
routine until he is used to the massage. Straight after the morning or evening bath is an
ideal time to rub in oil, although the stroking will put him to sleep immediately
if he is already tired. Once he recognizes this as a special, cuddly routine -
usually from ten weeks old - you may do it whenever you wish.

Make sure the heating is switched on and the room is cosy so that the baby can be
bare without any harm. Nevertheless, you should also wrap areas of skin that
are not being stroked in a blanket to keep them warm throughout. Have some tissues
or old towels to hand - babies always go to the toilet as soon as you remove a nappy!

Finally, before you first do the massage, try out the most comfortable positions for
steps five to eight - particularly if you have recently given birth and may be stiff or
sore. If it helps, steps five and eight may be done sitting up on your knees, and steps
six and seven may be done lying on your side.

(Left) The more soothing yon are when massaging your hahy, the more soothed baby will be.

Massage for Common Ailments

1 Before you oil your hands, kneel on the floor and bend
forward over the baby, resting your arms on the bed on
A Rub a small amount of oil well into your hands, then
gently place one hand across the top of the baby’s forehead,
either side of the his body. Place your palms above his ears with with thumb on one side, fingers to the other. Gently stroke back
your fingertips touching at the top of the head. Relax in this over the head right to the crown. Repeat several times in a
position so you are comfortable, but leave a gap between you. soothing, slow, light stroke that does not put any pressure on
Gently cup the baby snugly so he feels secure, almost as if he the baby’s head. Place your palms around each side of his face
were in the womb. Look into his eyes, smile or talk quietly. and gently move them upwards to the top of the head. Repeat
After a while, gently stroke from the forehead back to the crown several times.
in a rhythmic movement.

3 With a little more oil, place your hands on the baby’s

shoulders and stroke downwards over the chest, tummy,
4 Place your hand on the baby’s abdomen between the ribs
and, with the gentlest, lightest movement, make sweeping
thighs, legs and feet. Repeat many times in a light, flowing circles in a clockwise direction right around the navel. Use both
rhythmic movement. Then place a cover over the lower half of hands, so that one finishes a circle as the other begins. Do not
the body for warmth and finish with a series of shoulder to place any weight downwards at any time. Finish by stroking up
tummy strokes, one hand after the other, in a continuous and down the tummy with the palm of one hand in a rhythmic,
movement. Most children relax completely when their tummies soothing motion as lightly as possible.
are stroked and become so tranquil they hardly move at all.

Massage to Soothe a Restless Baby

5 Now sit yourself comfortably on the bed and pick up the

baby, cradling him side-on to your chest with one arm so his
Lean back so that you are comfortably propped against
pillows and lay the baby face down against your chest. With
head is resting near your heart. Use your other arm to stroke more oil on your hands if needed, stroke from the shoulders
gently down the side of the baby from head to foot. Start with down the back, over the bottom to the toes. Use a soothing
you hand on his head and as you move down, use your wrist sweep, with one hand starting as the other finishes for a
and inner arm as part of the stroke. Repeat several times, then continuous movement, so that you never lose skin-contact with
swap arms and reverse the baby to stroke the other side. the baby. Keep the same pace and rhythm going throughout and
continue as long as you are both enjoying it.

7 In the same position, place a warm cover over the baby

and cuddle him to your chest with one hand. Use the other
8 Finish off by sitting up slightly, bending your knees, and
as you move the baby away from your chest, wrapping the
hand to cradle and gently stroke the baby’s head from the top cover right around him. Let the lower half of the baby’s body
down to the nape of the neck. Again, keep a slow, soothing slide down into your lap; support his head with one hand and
rhythm going throughout. his back with the other, so he is ‘sitting’ facing you. Enjoy some
quiet time - look into the baby’s eyes, sing, talk, kiss, cuddle or
stroke his head if you wish.

Massage for Common Ailments

Massage for a Child’s Tummy Ache

' J. 'ummy ache is one of the commonest ailments of childhood. Little wonder
when you see the quantities of food children can put away in no time at all, often
without stopping to draw breath, let alone wait for anything to be digested.
Although they seem to have cast iron constitutions, sometimes the average birthday
party mix of lemonade, ice-cream, chocolate, sweets, crisps, cake and biscuits in one
sitting has been known to cause a rebellion. More often than not, the pain starts at
night, and the child cannot sleep, which makes it all seem much worse.

Massage works miracles on tummy ache. It helps soothe the pain, just the way rubbing
a banged elbow or knocked knee does. The warmth, rhythm and touch of skin on skin
have an almost hypnotically soothing effect on children. It is also a close, loving way
to make a child feel better so that he goes back to sleep with sweet dreams.

When you stroke the tummy, always use the lightest, softest, slowest touch because not
only is the abdomen sensitive, but it also responds best to gentle massage. Any strokes
around the navel should always be done in a clockwise direction, as this aids the
digestion of food and elimination of wastes.

If you child has persistent tummy aches, or the pain seems to get very much worse
after three hours from the time it first appeared, seek medical advice as it may be
something other than just an upset tummy.

How to Massage a Child’s Tummy Ache

The secret to curing tummy ache with massage is to keep movements simple, use lots
of oil and do many repetitions. Once you have finished all six steps, put a warm hot
water bottle on the tummy so the heat will keep the muscles relaxed. Do not
massage a child’s tummy immediately after a large meal - wait at least an
hour - and do not do this massage on anyone under the age of two.

The best position for this massage is for you to sit at the child’s side while he lies on a
bed. If the child is very young, you may prefer to stand and bend low over him so that
you can look into his eyes, sing or talk. He should lie comfortably on his back
throughout, keeping his knees bent if the tummy muscles are tight or in spasm.

(Left) Children get tummy ache more than adults because their bodies are still growing.

Massage for Common Ailments

I Sit at the side of the child’s body.

Place your right hand over the solar
plexus and your left below the navel in
the middle of the tummy. Make large,
slow, sweeping circles in a clockwise
direction around the abdomen, with the
right hand moving down to the navel
and the left hand moving up to the ribs.
Repeat, so they do the same half-circle
each, time and time again.

2 From the same start position, place

one hand on top of the other, palms
down, and make large clockwise circles
around the abdomen - from the solar
plexus, follow the ribs, then down across
the groin and up the other side back to
the start. Keep the movement light,
rhythmic and soothing so that your
hands make large, slow circles for several

3 Place your hands, palms down,

over the navel with your fingers
covering the solar plexus at the base of
the ribs. Leave them lightly resting there
for a count of six, then slide them out to
the sides, down the waist and round the
lower abdomen. Then lift your hands and
place them back in the start position and
repeat the entire stroke for several

Massage for a Child’s Tummy Ache

4 Now do some side stroking. Place your hands, palms

down, over one hip with your fingers tucked under the
bottom. Pull one hand after the other firmly up the body toward
the abdomen, using your fingers to pull the flesh up and drag it
back towards the tummy. Keep the stroke smooth, light and
flowing so that it is pulling up and not pressing in. After several
minutes, swap to the other side.

5 Do some cross-stroking over the entire tummy. Start with

the fingers of the right hand tucked down under the back
and the left hand resting across the tummy, both palms down.
Pull up with your right hand, while the left glides across the
tummy; as they cross, the left hand pushes down and the right
glides lightly over the tummy without downward pressure.
Repeat for several minutes.

6 Finish off with some slow, simple

cat stroking. This is a light, flowing
stroke with hands palms down, one
following the other from the base of the
ribs down the tummy to the groin. There
should be minimal pressure, and as the
lower hand reaches the end of the stroke,
curve the palm so only the fingertips
touch the skin. Make the stroke slower
and gentler over several minutes, until
you stop.

Massage for Common Ailments

Massage to Soothe a Chesty Cough

hether germs are getting stronger or we are getting weaker, the fact remains that
hardly a family escapes a winter without at least one bout of sneezing and wheezing.

Although the common cold is relatively harmless, it can make you feel absolutely
awful. This is particularly true when it goes to the chest when it makes you
wheeze, mucus builds up in the nasal passages and you cannot breathe;
then you start coughing and you cannot get a wink of sleep all night.

This massage helps in three ways. First, the slow stroking movements relieve any
muscular aches in the chest caused by a persistent, hacking cough. Second, the tapping
and light pummelling help dislodge congestion so it is more easily expectorated.
Third, the warmth generated by stroking the chest and back help soothe
the entire area and ease breathing.

This massage can be used for anyone of any age. For children, just do all the
movements with much lighter hands than you would on adults. However, it is not
recommended for asthmatics, anyone who suffers from chronic respiratory problems
such as pneumonia, or anyone who has heart problems.

How to Massage to Soothe a Chesty Cough or Cold

You should do this massage after a bath and before bed. It is even more therapeutic if
you mix some eucalyptus oil or a proprietary decongestant with your massage
oil to help ease the breathing and stop the nose blocking in the night.

Warm the oil beforehand by standing the bottle in a basin of very hot water for ten
minutes. If there is a lot of chest congestion, place two pillows under the lower back
and waist so that the sufferer’s head slopes downhill during the massage.
The best positions for this massage are lying on a firm surface, face up
for steps one to six and face down for the last two steps.

(Left) Constant coughs or colds throughout the winter seem to he a common complaint.

Massage for Common Ailments

1 Steps one to six should be done

with the sufferer lying on his back.
Start by opening up the area: cross his
arms over his chest, then lift up each one
straight out to the sides at a 90° angle to
the body. With arms back down at his
sides, gently push down with the palms
of each hand over the top of his
shoulders. Hold for a count of seven,
then relax. Then raise his arms up over
his head and put them down beside each
ear. Return the arms back to the sides.

2 Place your hands, palms down,

across the sufferer’s chest so that
your fingers are touching over the
breastbone. Glide your hands slowly
apart and pull them back towards the
armpits, around the top of the arms and
back up over the shoulders to the start
position. Repeat several times in one
smooth flowing motion, with both hands
working in unison towards each
shoulder. It is a firm, slow, pulling
stroke, but make sure your hands glide
lightly over the collarbone.

Massage to Soothe a Chesty Cough

3 Place both- hands, palms down, on

the middle of the chest just below the
collarbone, with your fingertips pointing
towards the navel. Smoothly slide your
hands down the middle of the chest, then
fan them out, one to each side, over the
bottom of the ribs. Pull back up the sides
of the torso to the start position. Repeat
as a slow, flowing movement for several
minutes. The downward stroke should
be light, with the upward one slightly
firmer on the sides of the torso.

4 Place your left hand, palm down,

flat on the upper chest below the
collarbone. Make your right hand into a
loose fist and use the base of the fist (heel
of hand and little finger) to tap up and
down on the back of the left hand. Use it
like a hammer in a fast up-and-down
bouncing movement that only raises the
fist about 3 cm (1 inch). It should be a
vibrating stroke, not a thump, to help
shift chest congestion. Repeat every
5-10 cm (2-4 inches) all across the upper

Massage for Common Ailments

5 *l| Place your hands, palms down

and one on top of the other, in the
middle of the chest where the ribcage
parts. Use the top hand to guide the
lower one and make large clockwise
circles, working across the upper chest
(the area between the collarbone and
nipples). This is a stroke to push and
sweep the skin - do not press into the
chest. Try to continue long enough to
generate heat between your hands and
the sufferer’s skin.

6 "W Now do a stretch to help open the

chest area. Slide your hands, palms
up, down under the sufferer’s back so
that your elbows are under his shoulders
with one arm on either side of his spine.
Take the strain by pressing down with
your elbows as you turn your arms so
that your hands are parallel, to make his
back rise very slightly off the floor or
bed. Hold for a count of ten, then relax.
Aim to push the back up by an arm’s
width and not actually lift it, so the chest
just spreads open at the front.

Massage to Soothe a Chesty Cough

7 -«i The person being massaged

should turn over to lie face down for
the rest of the massage. Place the palm of
each hand around the top of each arm,
with your fingers wrapped under to the
front and thumbs on the back. Slowly
pull both shoulders back so that they lift
5-10 cm (2-4 inches) off the floor or bed.
Hold for a count of ten, then relax.
Repeat step four, the vibrating palm-tap
stroke, from the waist right up the back,
avoiding both the spine and the bony
shoulder blades.

8 fj> Now do a ‘pinky’ flick all over the

back. With your fingers straight but
relaxed, use only the little fingers and the
sides of your palms to flick the skin as
you lightly bounce your hands up and
down in a chopping movement. It should
be fast, gentle and only 3-5 cm (1-2
inches) up and down, as one hand
follows the other. Finish off by doing
upward palm strokes from the waist to
the tops of shoulders, with your hands
working together on either side of the
spine, and getting slower and lighter with
each stroke.


Aches 6, 73, 93, 99, 111 Irritability 9, 55 Neck 67, 73, 83 53, 57, 58, 64, 70, 74, 88,
Ageing 25 Nerves 67, 87, 99 96, 97, 116, 120, 126
Anxiety 19, 73 Jetlag 83 Friction rub 15, 21 25, 26,
Appetite, loss of 19 Oedema 105 29,31,43,44, 45,47,68,
Arm 43 Lactic acid 93 Oil 13, 17, 19, 25,31,37, 43, 69, 77, 78, 80, 93, 94, 96,
Arthritis 111 Legs 43, 93, 105 49, 55, 61, 67, 69, 73, 74, 100, 103, 105, 109
Asthma 17 Aching 12, 105 77, 83, 87, 93, 99, 100, Kneading 15, 20, 21, 33,
Lethargy see Energy, lack of 103, 105, 111, 115, 116, 34, 40, 58, 62, 64, 67, 69,
Baby 9, 115 Libido, loss of 19 119, 123 79, 85, 90, 91, 93, 94, 96,
Back ache 6, 12, 55, 87 Liniment 93 Apricot kernel 17, 37 107
Blister 99 Avocado 17, 37 Knuckling 16, 33, 63
Blood 43, 61, 75, 105, 111 Massage Coconut 17 Pressing 16, 19, 21, 23, 33,
Blood pressure 6, 19, 31 for Aching Hands or Wrists Evening primrose 17 38,40,41,47,59, 70,71,
Body shakes 31,35 110-13 Grapeseed 17 74, 75, 83, 84, 85, 100,
Bunion 99 Anti-cellulite 14, 55, 60-5 Jojoba 17, 49 106, 108, 113
The Anti-stretch Mark Mineral 17 Pummelling 15, 21, 25, 26,
Callus 99 48-53 Peach kernel 17, 37 31, 32, 63, 65, 96, 123,
Cellulite 6, 61 for Back Ache 86-91 Peanut 17 125, 127
Chest 123 Beautifying Facial 14, 36-41 Safflower 17 Raking 15, 23, 35, 63, 84
Children 119 for a Child’s Tummy Ache Sesame seed 17 Stretching 16, 20, 22, 26,
Circulation, slow/poor 43, 61 118-21 Soya 17 27, 28,29,33,38,65, 70,
Cold 123 The Circulation-boosting Sunflower 17 74, 77, 78, 80, 81, 84, 90,
Corn 99 42-7 Sweet almond 17, 37, 49 91, 93, 95, 97, 101, 106,
Cough 123 Do’s and don’ts 17 Wheatgerm 37, 49 107, 109, 111, 112, 113,
Cramp 55 The Energizing Body 30-5 124, 126, 127
Cream 37, 61 The Fit for Life 24-9 Pain 9, 87, 119 Stroking 14, 20, 21, 22, 23,
for the ‘Morning After’ 82-5 Period pain 55 34,38,39, 40,41,43, 44,
Depression 9, 55 The Relaxing Body 18-23 Physiotherapy 9 45, 46,47, 50,51,52, 56,
Digestion 119 to Relieve a Stiff Neck PMT 6, 55 57, 59, 62, 65, 68, 69, 74,
Disease, contagious 17 66-71 Pregnancy 49, 87 75, 78, 79, 80, 81, 84, 85,
for Sleeplessness 76-81 Premenstrual tension see PMT 88, 89, 90, 94, 95, 97,
Energy, lack of 6, 31, 55 to Soothe a Chesty Cough 100, 102, 103, 106, 107,
Epilepsy 17 122-7 Repetitive Strain Injury 6, 111 108, 109, 113, 116, 117,
Eucalyptus essential oil 93, to Soothe PMT & Period Rheumatism 111 121, 123, 124, 125, 127
123 Pain 54-9 RSI see Repetitive Strain Thumbing 16, 22, 34, 57,
Exhaustion 31 to Soothe a Restless Baby Injury 68, 79, 89, 90, 102, 106,
114-7 113
Feet 43, 99 for Sore Feet 14, 98-103 Scar tissue 17 Surgery 17, 87
Fever 17 for Sore Muscles 92-7 Skin 37, 43, 99, 105, 111,
Tension Headache 72-5 115, 119 Tension 9, 19, 31, 67, 73, 93,
Hands 43, 111 for Tired and Aching Legs Infection 17 111
Hangover 83 104-9 Inflamed 17 Thrombosis 17
Headache 6, 19, 73, 83 When not to 17 Spots 55 Tiredness 9, 73
Heart 17,43, 61 Moisturizer 37 Sprain 93 Tummy ache 6, 119
Heart attack 19 Moods, bad 9 Stress-6, 9, 19, 37, 67, 77, 87,
Heartbeat 6,19 Muscles, sore 12, 93, 123 115 Veins, varicose 17, 105
Strokes 14-6
Insomnia 9, 19, 77 Nausea 19 Circling 14, 20, 40, 41, 51, Weight gain 49
A fully comprehensive guide to soothing away
everyday aches and pains.

Specially photographed full-colour

step-by-step massages.

How to massage yourself and others,


Massages include those for relievi

tension headaches; bad backs; aching joints
sore muscles; stress and anxiety attacks; c
colds; and many, many more.

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ranging from how to soothe a crying baby
through to dealing with cellulite.

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