Dodo Pizza - Monthly Update - December 2019
Dodo Pizza - Monthly Update - December 2019
Dodo Pizza - Monthly Update - December 2019
new opened
2019 in system sales
Monthly Update
System-wide Sales December: 2 012 MM RUB / 32,5 MM USD
2 100 2 012 40
Russia CIS EMEA Other Total in USD
1 801 1 799
1 800 1 761 1 751
1 687 1 701
1 634 1 623
1 522 1 534
1 449 1 481 32,5
1 500 30
28,2 28,1
1 200 27,2
26,1 26,1 25,9 26,5
23,2 22,9
900 21,9 22,0 20
300 10
Dec-18 Jan-19 Feb-19 Mar-19 Apr-19 May-19 Jun-19 Jul-19 Aug-19 Sep-19 Oct-19 Nov-19 Dec-19
Note: system-wide sales - gross sales (incl. VAT where applicable but excluding sales tax) of all Dodo Pizza stores including both franchised and company-
owned. Converted from local currencies at end-of-month FX rates as per the Central Bank of Russia. Link: sales and traffic of each store since inception.
Store Count December: 24 new stores, 576 total
Dec-18 Jan-19 Feb-19 Mar-19 Apr-19 May-19 Jun-19 Jul-19 Aug-19 Sep-19 Oct-19 Nov-19 Dec-19
Chain Growth Pipeline
+ 319 =
+ 68
Existing stores Stores under construction Remaining committed Total existing and pipeline
Note: as of 31 December 2019.
Russia Sales Evolution December: MoM +12.1%, YoY +31%
1 300 400
Nov-19 LFL New stores Dec-19 Dec-18 LFL New stores Dec-19
Traffic Av. ticket LfL MoM Traffic Av. ticket LfL YoY
Note: gross sales including VAT where applicable. Traffic stand for order count. LFL stands for like-for-like.
Like for Like Sales and Traffic (Russia)
YoY LFL – Detailed Review of December 2019
Store age
Count Dine-in Delivery T-away Total Dine-in Delivery T-away Total Dine-in Delivery T-away Total
1-2 yrs old 130 34.7% 37.9% 63.8% 37.9% 43.9% 34.3% 85.6% 41.8% -6.4% 2.6% -11.8% -2.7%
2-3 yrs old 113 -2.0% 4.0% 13.0% 2.6% 2.3% 3.5% 22.7% 3.6% -4.2% 0.5% -7.9% -1.0%
>3 yrs old 138 -7.6% 0.2% 7.5% -1.8% -1.3% 0.2% 17.7% 0.1% -6.4% 0.0% -8.6% -1.9%
Jan-19 Feb-19 Mar-19 Apr-19 May-19 Jun-19 Jul-19 Aug-19 Sep-19 Oct-19 Nov-19 Dec-19
CIS Sales Evolution December: MoM +13.7%, YoY +47%
90 50
60 0
Nov-19 LFL New stores Dec-19 Dec-18 LFL New stores Dec-19
Traffic Av. ticket LfL MoM Traffic Av. ticket LfL YoY
Note: gross sales including VAT where applicable. Traffic stand for order count. LFL stands for like-for-like.
Like for Like Sales and Traffic (CIS)
YoY LFL – Detailed Review of December 2019
Store age
Count Dine-in Delivery T-away Total Dine-in Delivery T-away Total Dine-in Delivery T-away Total
1-2 yrs old 21 5.3% 30.0% 54.7% 17.2% 1.8% 39.6% 48.7% 12.0% 3.4% -6.9% 4.1% 4.7%
>2 yrs old 19 3.1% 24.1% 14.5% 13.9% 18.4% 32.1% 33.5% 24.0% -12.9% -6.0% -14.2% -8.2%
Jan-19 Feb-19 Mar-19 Apr-19 May-19 Jun-19 Jul-19 Aug-19 Sep-19 Oct-19 Nov-19 Dec-19
EMEA Sales Evolution December: MoM +5.2%, YoY +44%
100 100
80 4 76 80 16 76
60 60 53
40 40
20 20
Nov-19 LFL New stores Dec-19 Dec-18 LFL New stores Dec-19
Traffic Av. ticket LfL MoM Traffic Av. ticket LfL YoY
Note: gross sales including VAT where applicable. Traffic stand for order count. LFL stands for like-for-like.
Like for Like Sales and Traffic (EMEA)
YoY LFL – Detailed Review of December 2019
Store age
Count Dine-in Delivery T-away Total Dine-in Delivery T-away Total Dine-in Delivery T-away Total
1-2 yrs old 5 5.6% 31.2% 45.7% 24.0% 50.3% 42.4% 76.2% 48.7% -29.8% -7.8% -17.3% -16.6%
>2 yrs old 7 -3.3% 18.8% 2.5% 9.8% 14.1% 26.7% 29.7% 19.7% -15.3% -6.2% -21.0% -8.3%
Sales Traffic
24% 24%
18% 17% 19% 18% 20%
16% 13% 12%
10% 7% 10% 11% 11% 8% 9% 10%
6% 5%
2% 1%
-2% -3%
Jan-19 Feb-19 Mar-19 Apr-19 May-19 Jun-19 Jul-19 Aug-19 Sep-19 Oct-19 Nov-19 Dec-19
Franchising – Consolidated Results
(RUB thousands) Dec-18 Jan-19 Feb-19 Mar-19 Apr-19 May-19 Jun-19 Jul-19 Aug-19 Sep-19* Oct-19* Nov-19 LTM
Number of stores 439 447 455 467 480 491 498 510 521 526 538 552 552
Sales of stores 1,521,540 1,533,471 1,449,373 1,687,185 1,481,056 1,700,719 1,634,392 1,622,504 1,760,864 1,750,777 1,800,744 1,799,212 19,741,837
Concession payments (494) 4,194 4,283 4,117 4,019 4,200 4,296 6,246 4,426 5,336 1,913 2,538 45,074
Royalties 63,675 64,528 61,487 71,655 63,575 73,247 70,315 70,041 76,045 75,773 78,851 79,557 848,749
as % of system sales (adj. for
4.2% 4.2% 4.2% 4.2% 4.3% 4.3% 4.3% 4.3% 4.3% 4.3% 4.4% 4.4% 4.3%
per franchised store 145.0 144.4 135.1 153.4 132.4 149.2 141.2 137.3 146.0 144.1 146.6 144.1 143.3
Franchising revenue 63,181 68,722 65,770 75,772 67,594 77,447 74,611 76,287 80,471 81,109 80,764 82,095 893,823
Salaries and related expenses (32,066) (40,659) (42,434) (46,433) (49,691) (48,676) (49,957) (52,345) (50,520) (49,083) (48,850) (50,278) (560,992)
Business travel (1,450) (1,612) (2,166) (2,892) (2,725) (2,916) (2,390) (2,672) (1,144) (1,467) (2,245) (1,911) (25,590)
Services and outsourcing (6,120) (5,109) (5,224) (6,017) (6,743) (5,166) (7,045) (7,536) (4,950) (6,446) (10,047) (3,941) (74,344)
Hosting & software (7,544) (7,684) (7,909) (8,035) (9,029) (8,812) (8,514) (8,680) (9,281) (9,009) (9,311) (8,771) (102,579)
Rent and utilities (3,013) (2,825) (3,003) (3,413) (3,864) (4,098) (4,053) (4,328) (4,014) (3,798) (3,846) (3,996) (44,251)
Other operating expenses (3,230) (1,018) (1,156) (3,627) (1,868) (1,450) (1,153) (1,591) (5,146) (6,105) (11,259) (3,009) (40,612)
EBITDA 9,758 9,815 3,878 5,355 (6,326) 6,329 1,499 (865) 5,416 5,201 (4,794) 10,189 45,455
Capex (3,120) (2,713) (6,696) (2,717) (2,029) (2,156) (552) (570) (816) (38) (968) (367) (22,742)
Note: franchising results net of VAT; sales of franchised stores includes VAT where applicable.
• The amounts have been updated since previous monthly presentation.
Source: management accounts.
Corporate Chain – Consolidated Results
(RUB thousands) Dec-18 Jan-19** Feb-19 Mar-19 Apr-19 May-19 Jun-19 Jul-19** Aug-19** Sep-19** Oct-19** Nov-19 LTM
Food cost (24,116) 32.6% (24,084) 34.6% (22,249) 32.9% (24,915) 32.4% (22,015) 32.7% (22,630) 31.1% (21,133) 30.9% (20,646) 30.9% (21,490) 30.0% (21,706) 29.3% (24,205) 29.6% (23,911) 29.7% (273,101) 31.3%
Labour cost (22,263) 30.1% (23,155) 33.3% (20,396) 30.2% (23,048) 29.9% (20,083) 29.8% (20,724) 28.5% (19,936) 29.1% (19,071) 28.5% (19,697) 27.5% (20,530) 27.7% (21,690) 26.5% (23,026) 28.6% (253,620) 29.1%
delivery cost (8,087) 18.0%* (7,709) 17.8%* (7,361) 16.2%* (8,295) 17.3%* (6,969) 17.3%* (6,813) 16.0%* (6,753) 17.0%* (6,220) 16.7%* (6,360) 16.2%* (6,761) 16.2%* (7,472) 16.2%* (7,919) 16.6%* (86,720) 16.9%*
Rent (6,111) 8.3% (6,238) 9.0% (6,223) 9.2% (6,139) 8.0% (6,492) 9.6% (6,615) 9.1% (6,670) 9.7% (7,348) 11.0% (8,019) 11.2% (8,226) 11.1% (8,558) 10.5% (8,704) 10.8% (85,344) 9.8%
Utilities (2,953) 4.0% (2,604) 3.7% (3,055) 4.5% (3,133) 4.1% (2,998) 4.4% (2,499) 3.4% (2,603) 3.8% (2,485) 3.7% (2,664) 3.7% (2,516) 3.4% (2,806) 3.4% (3,513) 4.4% (33,828) 3.9%
Marketing (2,010) 2.7% (2,280) 3.3% (2,631) 3.9% (3,434) 4.5% (3,859) 5.7% (3,633) 5.0% (3,444) 5.0% (4,370) 6.5% (4,640) 6.5% (4,558) 6.2% (5,510) 6.7% (5,230) 6.5% (45,598) 5.2%
Royalties (2,875) 3.9% (2,619) 3.8% (2,559) 3.8% (2,905) 3.8% (3,294) 4.9% (3,548) 4.9% (3,331) 4.9% (3,273) 4.9% (3,538) 4.9% (3,785) 5.1% (4,159) 5.1% (4,185) 5.2% (31,727) 3.6%
Other (7,017) 9.5% (6,247) 9.0% (6,117) 9.1% (5,990) 7.8% (5,145) 7.6% (4,863) 6.7% (4,778) 7.0% (5,721) 8.6% (4,586) 6.4% (4,864) 6.6% (5,300) 6.5% (5,167) 6.4% (65,796) 7.5%
Distribution centre expenses (443) 0.6% (531) 0.8% (453) 0.7% (492) 0.6% (415) 0.6% (391) 0.5% (403) 0.6% (424) 0.6% (411) 0.6% (463) 0.6% (413) 0.5% (411) 0.5% (5,249) 0.6%
Store-level EBITDA 6,130 8.3% 1,785 2.6% 3,909 10.0% 6,957 9.0% 3,095 4.6% 7,798 10.7% 6,199 9.0% 3,502 5.2% 6,589 9.2% 7,369 10.0% 9,240 11.3% 6,404 8.0% 68,977 7.9%
Chain overhead (4,132) 5.6% (4,767) 6.9% (4,660) 6.9% (5,090) 6.6% (5,412) 8.0% (5,014) 6.9% (5,355) 7.8% (5,430) 8.1% (5,248) 7.3% (5,270) 7.1% (5,688) 6.9% (5,244) 6.5% (61,310) 7.0%
EBITDA 1,997 2.7% (2,982) (4.3%) (751) (1.1%) 1,867 2.4% (2,317) (3.4%) 2,783 3.8% 844 1.2% (1,927) (2.9%) 1,341 1.9% 2,100 2.8% 3,552 4.3% 1,160 1.4% 7,667 0.9%
Capex (4,318) (1,221) (5,201) (5,299) (7,488) (11,208) (6,976) (10,661) (11,841) (11,300) (13,667) (16,004) (105,184)
SCW-1 SCW-2 SCW-3 SCW-4 Khimki-1 SCW-5 StP 0-1 MSK 0-1 MSK 0-11 StP 0-2
Format Full Full Full Express Full Express Full Full Full Full
LfL YoY (sales) 22.1% 10.1% (15.2%) (11.1%) 14.7% (13.2%) (22.0%) 0.4% 10.0% (34.8%)
LfL YoY (traffic) 16.5% 16.2% (8.6%) (11.8%) 13.5% (4.4%) (19.8%) 4.3% 8.0% (26.1%)
Note: all results net of VAT. Store-level EBITDA does not include chain administrative expenses.
Source: management accounts - Syktyvkar, Moscow, St Petersburg.
Corporate Chain – Stores Review (2/3)
11% 8% 1% 11% 7% (4%) 9% (9%) 8% (2%)
November 2019
3 934
3 566 3 621 3 459
3 048 3 203 2 973 3 059
2 239 2 465
MSK 0-7 MSK 0-12 MSK 0-13 MSK 0-10 MSK 0-9 MSK 0-16 MSK 0-3 MSK 0-8 MSK 0-17 MSK 0-15
Format Full Full Full Full Full Full Full Full Full Full
LfL YoY (sales) 2.0% (11.8%) 20.6% 3.3% 3.5% 1.4% 56.7% 53.1% 117.4% n.a
LfL YoY (traffic) (3.2%) (14.8%) 34.3% 3.2% 1.1% (21.4%) 40.8% 99.6% 163.3% n.a
Note: all results net of VAT. Store-level EBITDA does not include chain administrative expenses.
Source: management accounts - Syktyvkar, Moscow, St Petersburg.
Corporate Chain – Stores Review (3/3)
(2%) 2% 7% (82%) % % % % % %
November 2019
4 095
Margin 3 537 3 626
59 238
MSK 0-19 StP 0-3 MSK 0-4 StP 0-4
Note: all results net of VAT. Store-level EBITDA does not include chain administrative expenses.
Source: management accounts - Syktyvkar, Moscow, St Petersburg.