EM3 - Unit1
EM3 - Unit1
EM3 - Unit1
(2) Full pitch winding and short pitch winding: Pole pitch = No. of slots on the armature/ No. of poles. If the two coil sides
of a coil are located in two slots one pole pitch apart, the winding is a full pitch winding and the coil is a full pitch coil. In case
the coil span is less than a pole pitch, the coil is called short pitched coil or fractional pitched coil and that winding is short pitch
winding or fractional pitch winding. For short pitched coil, chording = slots in pole pitch – slots in coil span.
α= chording of coil in elect deg. =( slots in pole pitch – slots in coil span) 180⁰/ slots in pole pitch
Coil side 1 180⁰ elect Coil side 2 Coil side 1 180⁰ - α α Coil side2 , E1 = E /α volts
E volts E volts E volts
Chord angle, elect
E E E cosα/2 A1
E cos α/2 α/2 E Chording factor = OA1/2OB
O E +E = 2 E A α/2 α = [2E cos α/2 ]/2E
O E B = cos α/2
Ex. 4 pole, 3 ph, 24 slots alternator. Pole pitch = 24/4 =6 slots/pole (= 180⁰ elect). If the two coil sides of a coil are kept in two
slots 6 slots apart, it is a full pitched coil of full pitch winding and Coil span = pole pitch (= 180⁰ elect).
If the two coil sides of a coil are kept in two slots 5 slots apart, it is a short pitched coil of short pitch winding and coil span =5.
Chording = 6 -5=1 slot and chord angle in ⁰ Elect = α = (6-5)180⁰/6 = 30⁰elect . Coil span = ( 180⁰ - α ) elect. deg
Chording factor ( kc ) = Voltage generated in short pitch coil / Voltage generated in full pitch coil = cos (α/2),
The chording factor = kc < 1 for short pitched coil, k c = 1 for full pitch coil as α =0
Advantages of a fractional pitch or short pitched winding : (a)The length of overhang is less, so economical and also copper
loss is less. (b) High frequency harmonics are eliminated and consequently core losses are reduced (c) Mechanical strength of
coil is more, (d) Improved wave form of induced emf (e) Tooth ripples are less and so iron loss is reduced.
(3) Concentrated winding and distributed winding : In a concentrated windings, all coil sides belonging to a phase are placed in
one slot under every pole and some slots may be kept vacant. Heat dissipation is poor. In a distributed winding the coil sides
belonging to a phase under a pole are not placed in one slot but distributed over several slots to get better sinusoidal
Ex. In above ex, S= Total slots, q = number of phases, slots per pole per phase =m = S/(Pq) =24/(4x3)=2. So, there are 2 slots
per phase under each pole. If each of these two slots have the coil sides of a phase, it is a distributed winding. But if all the coil
sides of a phase are kept in only one slot under a pole, the other slot is kept vacant and it is a concentrated winding.
Distribution factor or Breadth factor(k d ) = Phasor sum of coil voltages per phase / Arithmetic sum of coil voltages per phase.
kd = [sin (mβ/2) ] /[m sin (β/2) ], where m = slots/pole/phase = S/ Pq,
β = slot pitch angle in ⁰Elect = P x 180⁰ / Total slots on armature = 180P/S ⁰Electrical.
Phasor diagram of coil emfs to get phase voltage and expression for breadth factor, k d : Fig. shows a 2-pole, 3-phase machine
with m =3. Let the winding of phase R in the machine have 3 coils which are placed in 3 slot pairs distributed in space with an
angular separation of β ⁰ elect. The total angle σ = m β (= 60⁰) occupied by the phase winding along the armature periphery is
called the PHASE SPREAD. The sinusoidal emfs induced in the three coils have the same rms value of voltage, E, but have a
progressive time phase difference of β because coils are uniformly distributed in space. These coils are connected in series to
yield the phase voltage ER (AD) which is the phasor sum of the coil emfs , E1(AB), E2(BC), E3(CD). The rms phase voltage is less
than the algebraic sum of the rms coil voltages. This reduction indicated as a ratio called DISRIBUTION FACTOR , k d = AD/ mAB =
AD/ 3AB. The coil emf phasors form the sides of a regular polygon, the centre of whose circumscribing circle is O.
(4) Integral slot winding : Slots / pole/ phase = m = integer. In above example, m= 2 = integer, so it is integral slot winding.
Fractional slot winding : m is not an integer, but a fraction.
Advantages of fractional slot winding : (a)The number of slots need not be an integral multiple on the number of poles.
(b)High frequency harmonics are reduced.(c) The voltage waveform is sinusoidal. (d) Easy to manufacture.
(5) Lap or wave winding
(6) 60⁰ or 120⁰ phase spread winding
Ex. Full pitch, Integral slot, Single layer distributed lap winding : Draw the developed diagram for full pitch armature winding
of a three phase, 4 pole, 24 slots armature. Assume single layer winding and of distributed type.
Soln. P= 4, S = 24, Coil span = Pole pitch = 24/4 =6. i.e., coil side no.1 is in slot 1 and other coil side of the same coil is in slot no.
1+6 =7 = front pitch. In this lap winding, back pitch = 5 slots. So 7-5 =2. So the coil side 7 is connected back to coil side 2.
m = slots/ pole / phase = 24/4/3 = 2,
β = Slot angle = angle between adjacent slots= P x 180⁰/ slots = 4x 180⁰/24 = 30⁰
21 22 3 4
22 3
R Y B N Star point
Winding layout
Slots 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Coil sides r r b’ b’ y y r’ r’ b b y’ y’ r r b’ b’ y y r’ r’ b b y’ y’
β= 30⁰elect.
Ex. Fractional pitch , Integral slot, Double layer winding :A 4 pole, 3ph, alternator’s stator has 36 slots. The winding uses coils
chorded (shot pitched) by one slot. Show the winding layout. Find the distribution factor and the pitch factor of the winding.
No. of coils = No. of slots = 36. Double layer winding is used.
Soln. The winding in the fig. shows the layout of the winding distribution for two poles. After that the winding repeats itself.
Pole pitch = 36/4 =9 slots/pole. m = 36/4/3 = 3. Angle between adjacent slots = slot angle = P X 180/ S = 4X180/36 = 20⁰= β
The coils are chorded (shot pitched) by one slot. So, Coil span = (pole pitch in slots −1) = (9 − 1) = 8 slots. Chording = 1 slot and
so chording angle = α = one slot angle = 20⁰elect. As it is a two layer winding, if one coil side of a coil is in the bottom of slot
no.2, its other coil side is in the top of slot no. 10 (= 2+ coil span =2+8) and so on.
Pole N S
Slots 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 REPEATS
Coil side (TOP) r r r b’ b’ b’ y y y r’ r’ r’ b b b y’ y’ y’ r
Coil side(Bottom) r r b’ b’ b’ y y y r‘ r’ r’ b b b y’ y’ y’ r r
β= 20⁰elect. α= 20⁰elect. =chording angle
The pitch factor of the winding = kc = cos (α/2) = cos 10⁰ = 0.9848
The distribution factor of the winding = k d = { sin (m β/2)}/ { m sin(β/2)} = {sin (3 x 20/2) } /{ 3 x sin (20/2) } = 0.9697
Ex. Fractional slot winding : A 3 ph synchronous machine with 8 poles has 90 slots. Determine the winding layout.
Soln. The no. of slots/ pole/ phase = m = S/(Pq) = 90/(8x3) = 15/4 ≠ an integer. So it is a fractional slot winding.
Now, m = S/(Pq) = 90/ (8x3) = 45/ (4x3) = S1/ (P1 q) .
There are 15 slots /phase for every 4 poles. So, there are 45 slots over a basic repeatable section of 4 poles. The arrangement of
coils will be repeated in the next sections of 4 poles each. The slot pitch in electrical degrees, β = 180P/S = [ 8 x 180 ]/ 90 = 16⁰
Slot No. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Elect. Deg 12 28 44 60 76 92 108 124 140 156 172
Coil side r’ r’ r’ b b b b y’ y’ y’ y’
Slot No. 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34
Elect. Deg. 8 24 40 56 72 88 104 120 136 152 168
Coil side r r r r b’ b’ b’ y y y y
Slot NO. 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
Elect. Deg. 4 20 36 52 68 84 100 116 132 148 164
Coil side r’ r’ r’ r’ b b b b y’ y’ y’
Zph = the number of conductors (coil sides) in series per phase of the alternator
Tph = the number of turns per phase, and with two coil sides per turn T ph = Zph /2
P = Number of poles. Ø = useful flux per pole, webers N = Rotational speed of rotor, RPM f = frequency = PN/120 Hz
kd = distribution factor of winding, k p = pitch (chording) factor of the winding, k w = winding factor = kd x kp
kC =1 for full pitch winding, kD=1 for concentrated winding
(a) Lagging Power Factor load in 2- pole single coil concentrated winding alternator :
FR = Resultant mmf
Current 90⁰ lag elect. F M = Main field mmf
+ F A = Armature mmf
N emf + + S FA FM
FM v FR = FM −FA
Here the lagging PF causes the armature mmf oppose the main field mmf. So resultant mmf reduced(demagnetizing effect).
( b) Leading Power Factor load Current 90⁰ lead elect. Here the leading PF causes the armature mmf aid the main field
mmf. So resultant mmf increased(magnetising effect). .
N emf + + S FA FM
FM v + FR = FM + FA
v +
( c) Unity Power Factor load
N emf + S FA FR
FM & currentv FM
Here the unity PF causes the armature mmf is at 90⁰ with the main field mmf. So resultant mmf distorts the air gap flux
because of its cross magnetizing component. But the average field strength is constant.
The effect of the armature reaction flux can be simulated by a voltage drop proportional to the armature current, and added to
the drop due to armature leakage reactance as is done in the synchronous impedance method (or emf method). That is, the
armature reaction effect is represented by an armature reaction reactance, X A in series with the armature leakage reactance X L.
The combined reactance (XA +XL ) is called the synchronous reactance, XS, of the machine.
Constant watt-load = P watts, V = T.V.(fixed, INF bus) M HOW LOAD CAN BE KEPT CONST ON INF BUS?
E IX S A P/V E4 E1 E2 E3 B
δ 90+Ø
I 90⁰
O I1 F V D C
;; I2 ,Ø2
XS I normal excitation (unity pf)
V(Inf. Bus) I3 ,Ø3 IXS is perpendicular to I
E Alternator N
Under excitation over excitation
(Lagging pf ) (leading pf)
In above diagrams, OD = V = terminal voltage, δ = power angle or load angle (between E &V), Ø = power factor angle ( wrt V).
We have from geometry, IXS / sinδ = E / sin (90⁰ +Ø) or IXS / sinδ = E / cosØ or I = E sinδ / (X S cosØ)
So, the real- power output P = VI cosØ = VE sinδ cosØ / (X s cos Ø) = VE sinδ / Xs = P ---------------------(1)
In the figure, when the load current is I 1 (at Ø1 = 0 ), the active power is V I1 cos Ø1 = VI1 and similarly,
when the load current is I2 (at Ø2 ), the active power is V I2 cos Ø2
when the load current is I3 (at Ø3 ), the active power is V I3 cos Ø3
when the load current is I4 (at Ø4 ), the active power is V I4 cos Ø4
Now, since the load on the alternator P is constant, P = VI 1 = V I2 cos Ø2 = V I3 cos Ø3 = V I4 cos Ø4
Or I1 = I2 cos Ø2 = I3 cos Ø3 = I4 cos Ø4 = OF = P/V ---------------------------------------------(2)
So, the locus of the tip of the load current vector is the vertical line MN which is perpendicular to the X-axis or phasor V.
Again as P is constant, from (1), VE1 sinδ1 / Xs = VE2 sinδ2 / Xs = VE3 sinδ3 / Xs = VE4 sinδ4 / Xs = P OR
E1 sinδ1 = E2 sinδ2 = E3 sinδ3 = E4 sinδ4 = BC = PXS /V = constant
Hence the locus of the tip of the excitation vectors (E 1 etc) is the line AB parallel to the X-axis or the terminal voltage V.
So, for the alternator, for a given constant load, as the field current of the alternator is varied to change the excitation emf E ,
the power angle δ changes in such a way as to maintain E sinδ = constant.
The excitation required to obtain unit power factor is called the normal excitation(point D). The excitation above the normal
excitation is called over excitation(DB range) and the generator supplies a lagging power factor load currrent. The excitation
below the normal excitation is called under excitation (OD range) and the generator supplies a leading power factor load
When the power factor is lagging more and more, the current keeps on increasing, the excitation voltage(E) keeps on increasing
& when the power factor is leading more and more, the current keeps on increasing, the excitation voltage (E)
keeps on decreasing and the armature current is minimum ( = I 1 ) at unity power factor.
The armature current keeps on increasing for both lagging and leading conditions.
From the Phasor diagram and eqn (1) above, we have P = ( EV/XS )sinδ
This relationship between P and δ is known as the power angle characteristics of the machine. The maximum power transfer
from alternator to the bus occurs at δ = 90⁰ elect. For δ >90⁰, the alternator falls out of step and loses synchronism. The
machine can taken up to PMAX only by gradually increasing the load without causing large hunting. P MAX is known as the
steady state stability limit of the machine. The machine is normally operated at δ value much less than 90⁰.
O 90⁰ 180⁰ δ
NOTE : Depending on the relative positions between the rotating stator poles and rotor poles, powerful forces of
attraction and repulsion are set up between them. When the generator floats on the infinite bus, the stator current is
zero and so no forces are developed. The only flux is that created by the poles on rotor and it induces the voltage E.
If a mechanical torque is applied to the generator, by admitting more steam to the turbine, the rotor accelerates and
gradually advances by a mechanical angle α, compared to its original position. The stator currents immediately begin to
flow, owing to the electrical phase difference δ between induced emf E and terminal voltage V. these stator currents
produce a revolving magnetic field in the stator with corresponding N and S poles. Now forces of attraction and
repulsion are developed between stator poles and rotor poles. These magnetic forces produce a torque that opposes
the mechanical torque exerted by the turbine. When the electromagnetic torque is equal to the mechanical torque, the
mechanical angle will no longer increase but will remain a constant value, γ.
There is a direct relationship between the mechanical angle γ and the torque angle δ in electrical degrees given by
δ = P γ/2 , where P = the number of poles on the alternator.
Active power delivered by the generator(alternator) to infinite bus : is given by the equation :
P = ( EV/XS ) sin δ in watts, where δ = torque angle, E = voltage induced / phase in alternator,
V= terminal voltage / phase at bus and X S = synchronous reactance per phase in ohms
For a given fixed excitation, E = constant. So, the term EV/X S is fixed and so the active power delivered by the
alternator to the bus will vary directly with the sin δ. So as we increase the steam input, δ will increase and so, the
active power too increases. This is shown graphically in the above power angle curve. Note that between zero and 30⁰
the power increases almost linearly with the torque angle. Rated power is typically attained at a torque angle of 30⁰.
However, the upper limit to the active power the generator can deliver is when δ = 90⁰. The peak power output is then
PMAX = EV/XS watts. If we try to exceed this limit, by admitting more steam to the turbine, the rotor will accelerate and
lose synchronism with the infinite bus. The rotor will turn faster than the rotating magnetic field of the stator, and large
pulsating currents will flow in the stator and the circuit breakers will trip to avoid this situation as soon as synchronism
is lost.
Control of active power : Due to load demand on the infinite bus changes, the speed of the alternator connected to it
tries to change, but its speed is kept constant by an extremely sensitive governor. This device can detect speed changes
as small as 0.01%. an automatic control system sensitive to such small changes immediately modifies the steam valve
opening of the turbine so as to maintain a constant speed .
X δ Ψ IX
Let power input to the alternator be raised using its governor. The increase input would tend to accelerate the rotor of
alternator and so E would move ahead of V (Fig.2 below). However the speed of rotor is fixed by the system frequency. So the
speed change is temporary. The angle δ assumes such value that the current has a component corresponding to the input and a
steady state condition would be restored. The alternator is operating at a leading pf. The magnitude of E depends on the field
(1) By adjusting the field current, pf can be adjusted to any value(fig.3 : lagging current). When the excitation is changed,
the active power remains unchanged. Thus the excitation controls the reactive power output, while the governor speed
setting controls the active power output.
(2) An alternator working on an infinite bus bar will become a motor if its excitation is maintained, but the prime mover is
replaced by a mechanical load. When the operation alters from generator to motor, δ changes from positive to
(3) After synchronizing, the alternator is loaded by adjusting the governor setting to admit more steam. This tends to
advance the rotor and load current flows from alternator to the bus bars, maintaining an exact balance between the
mechanical input and the electrical output.
(4) Excitation is adjusted to provide the necessary reactive power output and hence the pf.
. Ø δ V IR A δ IXA
General : Expression for Complex power : Let for a given load, E = E /θ = E e j θ and I = I /Ø = I e j Ø
The average real power absorbed by the load = P = EI cos (θ - Ø ) = E I Re { e j ( θ – Ø ) } = Re { E e j θ I e j – Ø } = Re ( E I* )
Complex power = S = E I* = P + j Q , where P = real power = Re ( E I* ) and Q = reactive power = Im ( E I* )
Im E = E ejθ
I cos (θ - Ø ) = In phase component of current
I cos (θ - Ø ) I sin (θ - Ø ) I sin (θ - Ø ) = Quadrature component of current
Stray load loss : Additional variable losses that vary with load but cannot be related to current in a simple manner. They occur
in windings ( skin effect and increase in the resistance value) and core ( an increase in core loss due to uneven distribution of
flux waveform ) .
The stator produces a flux when a ferromagnetic material is placed in its magnetic field. The rotor will immediately experience
a counter clockwise torque because the magnetic flux has a tendency to follow a minimum reluctance path. The torque so
produced is called RELUCTANCE TORQUE. The reluctance torque will be zero when the rotor axis coincides with the stator axis.
Excitation system for field current supply: An ac generator called pilot exciter with permanent magnetic poles and another
ac generator called exciter are mounted on the same shaft as the main alternator. The pilot exciter’s ac voltage is rectified and
supplied to the exciter’s field. The exciter’s ac output is again rectified and supplied to the field winding of the alternator.
Brushless exciters do not require slip rings and brushes.