CylancePROTECT Install Guide
CylancePROTECT Install Guide
CylancePROTECT Install Guide
Windows Agent Requirements
Supported Operating Systems
• Windows XP SP3 through Windows 10 (excluding Windows RT)
• Windows XP Embedded OS and newer
• Windows Server 2003 SP2 through Windows Server 2012R2
System Memory & Local Storage
• 1 GB+ RAM
• Approximately 300 MB of local disk storage not including quarantined items
Additional Software
• .NET 3.5 (SP1) or newer is required on all Windows versions
• Server 2003 SP2 also requires .NET 3.5 SP1 and the patch referenced in KB2868626 to update crypt32.dll. Up-to-
date root certificates.
• Windows embedded systems sometimes lack .NET and up-to-date root certificates. These should be added.
What if the cloud isn’t reachable?
• If the Windows agent cannot reach the cloud, the endpoint is still protected since the agent is able to evaluate
dangerous files locally using the local math model. The agent also protects against memory-based attacks using
its memory protection features.
How to install CylanceProtect
Main Location
Windows : \\\Helpdesk\Applications\Cylance
Mac: smb://
• A token is required during the Cylance installation which can be obtained by logging into the Cylance portal. The
below installation methods do not require this as the autoinstall.bat contains this token.
• When installing from the network drive and prompted for admin credentials use a network account password
that has admin access to the machine.
Navigate to the 32bit or 64bit Cylance installer location and click on autoinstall.bat to begin the installation. You will be
prompted to enter admin credentials after doing so a progress bar will display and disappear once installation has been
Navigate to the Cylance install location click on Cylanceprotect.dmg this will mount the installer to the users desktop.
Click on Cylanceprotect.pkg to begin installation.
1. Users machine has UAC turned off. Remediation - Turn on UAC or hold down shift right click and select “Run as
different User”.
2. When installing from the network local admin credentials were entered. Remediation – Use a network account.
3. Network credentials were entered but the computer was not part of "helpdesk ad rights" group on local
computer. Remediation - Add computer to the required group.
4. Installation was successful but token is still required.
• Token has been deleted and/or changed.
• Cylance portal is down for maintenance.
• Number of licenses has been exceeded.
How to Uninstall CylancePROTECT
To uninstall the CylancePROTECT Agent on a Windows-based system, use the Add/Remove Programs feature or use the
Command Line (CMD).
Uninstalling the Agent on the device does not remove the device from the Console. You must manually remove the
device from the Device tab in the Console.
Command Line
• CylancePROTECTSetup.exe /uninstall
The following commands are optional:
Organizations can set a password to uninstall the Agent from a device. This prevents uninstalling the Agent unless the
password is provided during the uninstall process. Password protecting the Agent uninstall is set in the Console (Settings >
Application > Require Password to Uninstall Agent).
Note: If you installed the Agent using the EXE and the Agent uninstall is password protected, then you must use the
Command Line to uninstall the Agent. Include the password in the command using UNINSTALLKEY=<password>.
Organizations can enable Prevent service shutdown from device in a policy that protects the Cylance Service from being
shutdown either manually or from another process. (Settings > Device Policy > [select a policy] > Protection Settings)
Note: If Prevent service shutdown from device is enabled, the Agent cannot be uninstalled.