932 1-97
932 1-97
932 1-97
932-1 : 1997
Tests for general |
properties of aggregates |
Part 1. Methods for sampling |
The European Standard EN 932-1 : 1996 has the status of a |
British Standard |
ICS 91.100.20 |
BS EN 932-1 : 1997
The following bodies were also represented in the drafting of the standard, through
subcommittees and panels:
Committees responsible Inside front cover
National foreword ii
Foreword 2
Text of EN 932-1 3
BSI 1997 i
BS EN 932-1 : 1997
National foreword
This British Standard has been prepared by Technical Committee B/502. It is the
English language version of EN 932-1 : 1996 Tests for general properties of
aggregates Ð Part 1: Methods for sampling published by the European Committee for
Standardization (CEN).
It forms part of a group of European Standards dealing with test methods for
aggregates which are being developed by CEN/TC 154 to verify requirements which
will be specified in European product standards for aggregates for various end uses.
It is intention that this standard will be included in a `package' of European Standards
to be declared by CEN/TC 154 and when all the associated European test methods for
aggregates are available, this Part of this European Standard will supersede BS 812 :
Part 102 : 1989 Testing aggregates Part 102. Methods for sampling.
Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i and ii, the EN
title page, pages 2 to 18, an inside back cover and a back cover.
ii BSI 1997
ICS 91.100.21
English version
Essais pour deÂterminer les proprieÂteÂs geÂneÂrales des PruÈfverfahren fuÈr allgemeine Eigenschaften von
granulats Ð GesteinskoÈrnungen Ð
Partie 1: MeÂthodes d'eÂchantillonnage Teil 1: Probenahmeverfahren
This European Standard was approved by CEN on 1996-07-26. CEN members are
bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the
conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard
without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards
may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any CEN member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German).
A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a
CEN member into its own language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the
same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Denmark,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands,
Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.
European Committee for Standardization
Comite EuropeÂen de Normalisation
EuropaÈisches Komitee fuÈr Normung
1996 All rights of reproduction and communication in any form and by any means reserved in all countries to
CEN and its members.
Ref. No. EN 932-1 : 1996 E
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EN 932-1 : 1996
1) In course of preparation.
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EN 932-1 : 1996
Whenever possible random selection of packs shall be In other situations, proper sampling from railway
achieved by selecting packs at random times as they wagons, lorries or ships may not be possible. Sampling
pass a chosen sampling point during loading or shall therefore be carried out wherever possible during
unloading, or by numbering all the packs and using loading or discharge according to 8.2, 8.3 or 8.6. Only
random numbers (see annexes D and E). when this is not possible, the aggregate shall be
discharged to form a stockpile and sampled according
8.6 Sampling of material in bucket conveyors,
to 8.8.
bucket loaders, or grabs
Each sampling increment shall consist of the entire
contents of a grab or bucket. 9 Sample reduction
NOTE. When this gives too large a sampling increment, it should 9.1 General
be reduced by one of the methods described in clause 9, or
discharged to form a small stockpile and sampled according The procedure described in 9.2 shall preferably be
to 8.8. used for the preparation of laboratory samples from
bulk samples of aggregates. The procedures described
8.7 Sampling from a silo
in 9.4, 9.5 and 9.6 may be used when the other
Sampling at an outlet shall be carried out in methods are not suitable or the devices are not
accordance with 8.3. available. All the procedures may also be used in
The silo shall be opened sufficiently to ensure a combination, for example by using quartering for the
uniform material flow without segregation; this first few reduction stages followed by riffling.
requires an aperture at least three times the diameter NOTE. For all-in aggregates with an upper aggregate size of more
of the maximum grain diameter. For aggregates with a than 63 mm, it may be suitable to remove aggregates coarser
lower size above 32 mm an aperture of at least 200 mm than 63 mm and treat them separately.
is required. If necessary, the bulk sample shall be brought to a
condition in which it is free-flowing but not so dry that
8.8 Sampling from stockpiles fines will be lost or accretion occurs.
Sampling increments of approximately equal size shall For mixing, and other operations that require a
be taken from different points at different heights or working surface, use a clean, flat, hard surface such as
depths, distributed over the complete stockpile (see a sampling tray (see A.9) or a glass plate (for fillers). If
figure 1). The location and number of sampling a shovel is required it shall be in accordance with
increments shall take into account the way in which clause 7.
the stockpile was built, its shape and the possibility of
segregation within the stockpile. A sampling increment If a rotatory sample divider is available it is preferred
shall be taken using a scoop (see A.1), a shovel for sample reduction.
(see A.2) or a grab (A.7) from the deepest point of 9.2 Reduction of a bulk sample using a riffle
each hole. box
Put the bulk sample into one of the riffle box
(see A.10) receptacles and place the other two in
position. Pour the aggregate from the long side of the
receptacle down the centre line of the riffle box.
Discard the aggregate that falls into one of the other
two receptacles. Repeat as many times as are needed
Figure 1. Sampling from flat stockpiles to arrive at the required size of laboratory sample.
If the bulk sample is too large to go into the riffle box
receptacle, divide up the bulk sample into subsamples
NOTE. Conical stockpiles present special problems. Further that are small enough, reduce each by the same
guidance on sampling from such stockpiles is given in annex C.
number of riffling stages, then combine the reduced
8.9 Sampling from railway wagons, lorries and subsamples.
9.3 Reduction of sampling increments using a
Sampling of single-sized aggregates and of free flowing riffle box
fine aggregate from lorries may be carried out as
described in 8.8. When the sampling increments have been kept
separate, use the procedure described in 9.2 to reduce
Sampling of fine aggregate from lorries may also be each increment by the same number of riffling stages.
carried out by using the sampling tube (see A.5); each If required, combine the reduced sampling increments
sampling increment shall be taken by inserting the tube to form the laboratory sample.
vertically down through the full depth of the aggregate.
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EN 932-1 : 1996
9.4 Reduction of a bulk sample by quartering Take shovelfuls from the bulk sample and add them to
Place the bulk sample on the working surface and each of the n subsamples in turn, until the whole of
mix it thoroughly by heaping it up to form a cone, and the bulk sample has been used.
turning it over with the shovel to form a new cone. NOTE. For fractional shovelling, a shovel can be any item of
equipment that can be used to pick the aggregate off the working
Repeat this operation three times. When forming the surface, for example, a chemist's spatula or a mechanical shovel.
cones, deposit each shovelful on the peak of the new Using random numbers (see annexes D and E),
cone in such a way that the aggregate runs down all randomly select the subsample, or subsamples, that are
sides of the cone and is evenly distributed so that the to be retained.
different sizes become well-mixed.
Flatten the third cone, by inserting the shovel
repeatedly and vertically into the peak of the cone, 10 Marking, packaging and dispatch of
to form a flat heap which has a uniform thickness and the samples
diameter. The samples or containers shall be clearly and durably
Quarter the flat heap along two diagonals intersecting marked.
at right angles (see figure 2). Discard one pair of Marking shall include:
opposite quarters and shovel the remainder into a
stockpile. a) a unique code, or
b) identification of the laboratory samples, place of
sampling, date of sampling, and designation of the
The laboratory samples shall be packed and
transported in such a way that their condition at the
time of sampling is preserved; e.g. all-in aggregate shall
be packed in clean containers such that fines cannot
be lost during transportation. If necessary, e.g. in order
to preserve the moisture or volatiles content of the
laboratory samples, the containers shall be given an
air-tight closure.
Figure 2. Reduction of a sample by
11 Sampling report
The sampler shall prepare a sampling report for each
Repeat the process of mixing and quartering until the laboratory sample or for each group of laboratory
required size of laboratory sample is obtained. samples from a single source. The sampling report
NOTE. The use of a plate or a quartering cross of wood or sheet shall refer to this European Standard and state:
metal which can be forced down through the heap, often a) the sampling report identification (serial number);
facilitates quartering in cases where the material tends to
segregate. b) the laboratory sample identification mark(s);
9.5 Reduction of sampling increments by c) the date and place of sampling;
quartering d) the grading type and size of the batch;
When the sampling increments have been kept e) sampling point or identification of the batch
separate, use the procedure described in 9.4 to reduce sampled;
each increment by the same number of quartering and f) a reference to the sampling plan prepared
mixing stages. If required, combine the reduced according to clause 6;
sampling increments to form the laboratory sample. g) the name of sampler(s).
9.6 Sample reduction by fractional shovelling NOTE. Depending on the circumstances other information can
be relevant. Figure 3 shows an example of a comprehensive
Fractional shovelling is a method of sample reduction sampling report.
in which a bulk sample is divided into a number of
subsamples of approximately equal mass, one (or
more) of which is then retained as the laboratory
Determine the approximate mass m (in kilograms) of
the bulk sample, and the number n of subsamples to
which it is to be reduced. Use a shovel that can hold
at most a mass (in kilograms) of m/(30n) of the
BSI 1997
BSI 1997
EN 932-1 Sampling report identification (serial number): Sampling procedure used (see clause 8):
Apparatus used: box/frame/spear/tube/scoop/shovel/mechanical
Laboratory sample identification mark: Number of packages: Mass of sampling increments:
Description of aggregate sampled Number of sampling increments:
Name of pit or quarry or production plant: Other comments:
Name of producer: Method of sampling reduction:
Type: Crushed rock/sand/gravel/... inland/marine Dispatch of the samples:
Uppper aggregate size: Sampler - Print name:
Nature of batch: Stockpile/Silo/Railway wagon/... Contract details
Purpose for which the aggregate is to be used: Contract identification:
Location of sampling point(s): Name and address of party requesting the sampling:
Identification of batch:
Size of batch: Names of persons present at sampling: ................................................
Other comments (e.g warnings if appropriate):
Description of the sampling method
Date and time of sampling: Signatures: ................................................................................................
Reference to sampling plan used, if written:
Weather condition at the time of sampling:
EN 932-1 : 1996
Figure 3. Example of a sampling report
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A.6 Sampling spear (see figure A.7) ± the width of the cutting aperture complies with the
The sampling spear is a long, smooth tube with an requirements for w in clause 7.
obliquely cut front end. ± the speed of the cutter does not exceed
For sampling from stockpiles, the length l of the 0,3(1 + w0/w) m/s where w is the actual width of the
sampling spear is between 1000 mm and 2000 mm. The cutting aperture, and w0 is the minimum value
internal diameter w of the sampling spear conforms to allowed in clause 7.
clause 7. For sampling from packs the sampling spear NOTE 1. ISO 1988 and ISO 3082 (see annex E) give advice on
should be long enough to reach all the material in the the design and checking of machines suitable for the work and
give figures showing the principles of mechanical sampling
pack. apparatus.
NOTE 2. In connection with automated sampling, riffling
devices other than the riffle box are acceptable, provided the
recommendations of A.10 are followed.
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dAi is the difference between the two test results base that is approximately circular), in which no
from sample A occasion i. regular patterns of segregation occur, the quantities
will be as shown in figure C.1, so take nineteen times
dBi is the difference between the two test results
as many sampling increments from the bottom
from sample B occasion i.
one-third of the stockpile, and seven times as many
from the middle one-third, as from the top one-third.
In a prismatic stockpile of fine aggregates (in which
Overall mean: x = ∑ (mAi + mBi)/(2n) the base is much longer in one direction than the
Repeatability Vr = ∑ (d2Ai + d2Bi)/(4n) other), in which no regular patterns of segregation
variance: occur, the quantities will be as shown in figure C.2, so
that five times as many sampling increments are taken
Variance between Vs = ∑ (mAi 2 mBi)2/(2n)
from the bottom one-third of the stockpile, and three
times as many from the middle one-third, as from the
Repeatability sr = √Vr top one-third.
standard deviation:
Sample standard ss = √(Vs 2 0,5Vr)
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Driving a board or metal plate into the stockpile at the Annex D (informative)
appropriate point and then taking the sampling
increment immediately below it, prevents surface The use of random numbers for random
material falling into the hole. (See figure C.3, selection
arrangement a). The surface of the stockpile should be
removed to a depth of at least twice the upper D.1 General principles
aggregate size before taking a sampling increment. A random sample of n elements are taken from a
This procedure may not be possible with coarse batch which consists of N elements.
material. The elements of the batch are numbered with
1, 2, ..., N.
If N consists of K figures, K-digit random numbers are
taken from table D.1.
An arbitrary starting figure is chosen in table D.1.
A series of K-digit random numbers is read from left to
right, beginning with the starting figure.
A K-digit number is disregarded, if there is no element
with this number.
Figure C.3 Sampling from conical stockpiles A K-digit number is disregarded if this number is
using board or metal plate (arrangement a) already noted.
and using a spear with oblique end The elements with the first n numbers not disregarded
(arrangement b) are all sampled.
D.2 Example for the use of random numbers for
Sampling spears (see A.6) can also be suitable for random selection
sampling sand; the sampling spear is driven n = 7 bags are chosen at random out of a palette
horizontally or sloping slightly upwards into the of 70 bags.
stockpile at the sampling point (see figure C.3, The bags are numbered with 1, 2, ..., 70.
arrangement b).
N = 70 has K = 2 figures; hence 2-digit numbers are
C.3 Sampling stockpiles of coarse aggregates by taken from table D.1.
hand The arbitrary starting figure could be e.g. the figure 9 in
When sampling a stockpile of coarse aggregate in the 14th row and the 31st column of table D.1.
deciding where to take the sampling increments the Starting from this figure the following 2-digit numbers
way the stockpile was built and the resulting are read from left to right:
segregation are considered. An example of the
segregation in a stockpile built by allowing material to (93) (00) 57 (00)
fall from the end of a fixed conveyor is shown in
figure C.4. The sampling should be done according to 29 49 (73) 56
the actual segregation. 66 65 (89) (80)
[49] (77) 45 {73...}
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Annex E (informative)
prEN 1097-3 Tests for mechanical and physical
properties of aggregates
Part 3: Determination of loose bulk
density and voids
ISO 1988 : 1975 Hard coal Ð Sampling
ISO 3082 : 1987 Iron ores Ð Increment sampling and
sample preparation Ð Mechanical
BSI 1997
BS EN 932-1 : 1997
List of references
BSI 1997
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