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Aabmatica Technologies Pvt Ltd Barco Electronic Systems Pvt Ltd

Matica series ANPR System LED Projection Module
An extremely reliable, accurate and cost effective solution which OverView MVL-721 - an easy to operate, robust 16:9, 70” full HD
supports number plates of various countries. Read number resolution LED-lit projection module which offers typical details,
plates at speed as high as 350kmph. Camera used are megapixel brightness, and features for demanding small and medium-
cameras with customized IR and provides possibility to integrate sized control rooms. Unique cooling system significantly reduces
with various third party systems. Backed by a centralized software. temperature of LEDs. Prolongs lifetime of the LEDs (>80,000 hrs)
Used widely for optimizing traffic solutions, parking applications, and also allows for durable higher brightness levels. Long LED
toll applications and vehicle theft detections. lifetime guarantees great uptime and very low overhead costs.
Latest LED technology ensures 30% lower power consumption than
comparable products. Sense
automatic calibration system
ensures good wall uniformity
of colour and brightness levels.
Has an advanced colour sensor
that continuously measures
primary colour levels of the
entire wall and adjusts white
point and colour when needed.
This results in a significantly
more accurate cube to cube
uniformity, over the complete
runtime. Has 6x redundancy of
AJS Scale International LEDs (per colour).
Automatic Traffic Counter Cum Classifier
Diamond make Automatic Traffic Counter cum Classifier (ATCC) has
high accuracy of more than 98%. Able to use Loops, Piezo-electric
and Tube sensors inputs. Can classify more than 15 categories Transoft Solutions (Australia) Pvt Ltd
of vehicles. Traffic Counting can be done using Loop and Piezo
Sensors or Pneumatic Tubes. Loop and Piezo Sensors are used in AutoTURN
Loop-Piezo-Loop and Piezo-Loop-Piezo configurations. Data from
Vehicle swept path analysis software of choice for transportation
ATCC can be retrieve offsite and onsite data with the related
engineers, architects, and planners worldwide, available in seven
accessories. Weekly and yearly surveys undertaken.
languages. Used to analyse road and site design projects including
intersections, roundabouts, bus terminals, loading bays, parking
lots or any on/off-street assignments involving vehicle access
checks, clearances, and swept path manoeuvres. Has a powerful
visual tool which enables to see first hand how a vehicle traverses
a path in live-animated simulations. Enables to get more work
done in much less time. Interface and editing tools dramatically
reduce the amount of frustrating trial and error efforts. Client
can set design standards –
incorporate guidelines from
accepted standards like the
AASHTO ‘Green Book’ and
IRC 1994. Extra features make
it easy for further designing
and planning work.

82 TrafficInfraTech • October - November ’14 •



Rosmerta Technologies Limited Envoys Electronics Pvt Ltd

Speed Governors Trolley Based Portable Wireless Traffic
Two types of speed governors available: Signal
Variable and Fly by Wire. Patent for VSG Portable traffic signals working on
governor pending. Three Models in each radio communication (RF), With
type: Fuel Type, Cable Type and Electronic Vehicle Detection through Radar or
Pedal Interface. Video vehicle detection multiple timing
Conform to AIS 018 and AIS 037 standards plans and manual operation. The entire
for Indian market and GSO Certificate for intersection signaling communicates
UAE. on wireless media. Specially Designed
for Construction / Traffic Diversion
More than 1100 test certificates have been
Site. Master Controller and up
issued by ICAT / ARAI for fitting on various
to 15 Slave Controllers. No Road
vehicle models and variants.
Cutting required for Hume pipes/
signal cable. Uses unlicensed 2.4GHz
GPS based Auto rickshaw / Taxi Fare Meter Band. Optimized Solar Power. 12V
Model AFM99 – State-of-the-art, Integrated Tracking & Auto DC or 24V DC operation. Centrally
/ Taxi Fare Meter, designed using 32 bit ARM Cortex based Controlled Software monitors inbuilt
Microcontroller. Has a feature of tracking the vehicle as well as hardware conflict. Vehicle Detection
Digital Fare Meter with Thermal Printer. Measures travelled distance / Classification Software. Solar
and computes the fare accurately according to the fare rate Powered or Direct Battery Operation
prescribed by the authority. without Charging up to 7 days. Mode
50 channel GPS receiver of operations: Pre – timed, Vehicle
accurately calculates position Actuated, ATCS (Centrally Controlled),
of the vehicle. Quad band Hurry call , Manual Operation and
GSM Module transmits vehicle Forced flash. Self – diagnosis on Power up and run time. Green
position along with other data Conflict Monitoring, Lamp failure / short circuit monitoring and
to the server. Simultaneously Fallback on secondary frequency in case of wireless signal jam.
displays distance travelled
along with the calculated current fare during the journey on the 4
Line 20 Column Dot Matrix Alphanumeric LCD Display. Magnetic Autocontrol Pvt Ltd
Magnetic Toll Barrier
Shenzhen Dianming Tech Co., Ltd Width of 3m. Opening time 1.3 sec. Power consumption 55W.
MGC control Unit with Roundboom and Swingaway Ranger.
Variable Message Signs
An important equipment for monitoring and controlling system in
both freeway and arterial
road applications. Give
the traffic management
centre a powerful tool
to improve traffic flow
on busy expressways
by playing different,
informative messages.
Available in options of
Character Matrix, Line
matrix and Full Matrix. Product complies with European standard
EN12966 and communication protocol NTCIP & MODBUS. • October - November ’14 • TrafficInfraTech 83



Delta India Electronics Pvt. Ltd Modi Measurement Systems Pvt ltd
DLP Video wall Speed Enforcement Camera: Mobile & Fixed
Delta’s high resolution DLP Video walls are the back bone of PoliScanspeed - A laser-based speed enforcement and
thousands of command and control centers around the globe. documentation system, combining the ability of digital speed
These Video walls have been specifically designed to meet the most detection and recording on the basis of a Light Detection and
demanding control room environments and have become a vital Ranging instrument (LIDAR). LIDAR transmits short pulses of light
tool for collaborative monitoring and decision making. An extensive out to a target. Transmitted light interacts with the target and is
product portfolio with over 40 “off-the-shelf” products to suit every reflected/scattered back. The time for the light to travel out to the
application and installation scenario. target and back to the LIDAR is used to determine the range to the
Video wall cubes are available in a target. Measurements are carried out by internal PC processing unit
range of resolutions including XGA with a high repetition rate, enabling very precise measurement.
(1024 x 768), SXGA+ (1400 x 1050), If average speed exceeds
HD (1920x 1080) and WUXGA speed limit, processing
(1920x 1200). In Cube Sizes of: 50”, unit activates cameras
52”, 67”, 70” 72” and 80”. which capture vehicle
license plate and the
LCD Video wall driver (if required)
pictures at an optimum
Delta’s LCD video wall displays are an ideal solution for demanding
distance for a clear, sharp
space-constrained control rooms. LCD displays can be stacked
photos. Illumination is
together to achieve virtually any screen size, setting a new standard
provided by a specially
for large format, high-impact display solutions. Your message is
adapted flash unit.
as limitless as your imagination. Built with high quality industrial
grade components for demanding applications. LCD video wall
deliver you an unsurpassed image Red Light Enforcement Camera
quality with incredible color depth PoliScanredlight – A laser-based red-light enforcement and
and contrast. LCD displays are documentation system, combining the ability of digital detection
available in High Definition (Full and recording using LIDAR with high-resolution documentation of
HD) Resolution (1920 x 1080) and offences. If a vehicle passes over programed virtual stop line when
in panel sizes of 46” and 55”. the traffic lights are red, a first image is captured. If the vehicle
continues into middle of hazard zone, a second picture is taken.
Optionally the speed enforcement functionality can be added
using PoliScanspeed. As PoliScanred+speed the combined system
provides full red-light enforcement with laser based speed control
ITS during all phases of the traffic light (GREEN, AMBER, RED). If the
average speed of a vehicle at the intersection exceeds the speed
limit, the processing unit activates the cameras and generates a case
Vitaran Electronics (P) Ltd including picture and
claim information (speed,
UHF Long Range Reader
date, time and so on)) of
Robust metal housing for use in industrial environment. Two watt the vehicle.
Output Power. High Receiver Sensitivity. Read Range up to 8 m (26
ft). Antenna ports (internal Multiplexer). 4 Inputs / Outputs suit
industrial needs. Output of RSSI values.
16 LEDs for easy diagnostic and analysis of
the operating state. Areas of application
include Access Control, Automatic
Vehicle Identification, Ticketing, payment
systems, healthcare etc.

84 TrafficInfraTech • October - November ’14 •



FLIR Intelligent Transportation Systems Avantech Engineering

Consortium Pvt Ltd
Cable Guardrail/ wire rope safety barrier
An integrated thermal camera and detector for vehicle and bike
presence detection and counting at signalized intersections. Flexible type longitudinal barriers
Uses thermal video images to analyze for use in median and shoulders
the traffic scene. Detects vehicles CASS Cable Guardrails from Trinity
and bicycles at and nearby the stop have innovative and efficient
bar. Intelligent sensor will transmit its design. Performance tested and
detection information over contact passes EN1317-2 for containment
closures or over IP to the traffic light levels N1, N2, H1 and even H2.
controller and will thus allow a more
Crash Cushions/ Attenuators
dynamic control of traffic lights. Gives
reduced vehicle idling time, improved Placed in front of “black spots”
traffic flow, reduced vehicle emissions on roads such as gore areas,
and improved safety and mobility for approaches to bridges and fly-
bicyclists. Provides traffic light controller overs, toll plazas to absorb
with specific information which the colliding vehicle’s kinetic
allows traffic managers to make more energy and reduce the damage
intelligent decisions and adapt green to the vehicle and occupants.
times according to the specific road user Performance tested to conform
type (bike or other vehicle). to NCHRP-350, MASH orEN1317-3
standards. Available as “Self Restoring”, “restorable” options.
Able to detect vehicles and bikes in the darkest of nights over a
Repairable and have low reusability.
long range and up to four lanes and in difficult weather conditions.
End Terminals
Safety devices attached on the
beginning/ end of W beam
ROAD SAFETY guardrails. Protect a vehicle
and its occupants during an
Noptel Oy impact. Performance tested to
NCHRP-350, MASH or EN1317-4
Speeder X1 laser radar standards.
Exploits dual laser transmitter, providing overlapping vehicle profile
analysis for precise vehicle speed measurement as well as for vehicle Jiangsu Guoqiang Zinc Plating
height and length determination. Accurate and reliable single beam India Co Ltd
laser radar, CMP52 is feasible for a wide variety of traffic control
and law enforcement applications. It enables many demanding Road Crash Barrier (Highway Guardrails)
measurement tasks including vehicle detection and LPR camera Manufacturer and supplier of
triggering as well as vehicle classification and speed measurement. highway guardrails (road crash
barriers) which meet EN1317 and
AASHTO standards. Produced
according to customer’s design.
Noise Barrier
Leading supplier of noise barriers,
both for high speed rail and
highways. • October - November ’14 • TrafficInfraTech 85



Highway Care International Sick India Private Limited

Armorwire The Traffic Information Collector (TIC102)
A high performance and low cost An Integrated traffic measurement system that is based on SICK
cable barrier. Easy to install, tested to laser measurement technology. Especially designed for multi-lane,
NCHRP 350 TL-3 and TL-4 standards. free-flow applications such as tolling enforcement and traffic
Offers exceptionally good vehicle management. Through a highly innovative configuration wizard
control and behaviour. Can be used that includes a live 3D view of the traffic, installation of a multi-
in either edge of road or centre lane gantry is quick and easy. The system auto-calibrates in moving
median application. Quick to repair traffic and can be accessed
after impact and is virtually zero remotely for maintenance.
maintenance. Patented technology A software trigger
includes unique oval shaped line post increases the detection
with a vertical and two side slots. All rate and reading accuracy
posts are hot dip galvanized (powder of third-party systems
coating is optional). Alternative foundation pile size options are such as number plate
also available (Standard Pile Option is 300mm ø by 750mm deep). recognition cameras
BarrierGuard 800 and DSRC antennas. The
detection of vehicle class,
A light weight portable steel barrier trigger, speed and vehicle
at only 90kg / m. Very affordable dimensions facilitates the use in many application fields. Vehicle
to transport up to 216 metres per data can be stored directly in the processing head. This permits
truckload. Rapid to install with unit independent, temporary measurements to be performed easily.
lengths of 6m and 12m using the
BarrierGuard 800 patented “Quick
Link” connection. Has been tested VPS Pro
to international standards NCHRP
– 350, MASH, EN 1317-2 and PAS Vehicle Profiling System profiling system is designed for automatic
68:2010 and has been approved measurement of vehicle dimensions using eye-safe laser scanners.
and deployed in over 20 countries Measures, among other things, height, length, width, speed, start
worldwide. and end times of the measurement process, and 3D measuring
points of the vehicle, including excess dimensions. Step-by-step
configuration wizard for commissioning. 3D model of vehicle
with colored oversize indication. Additional engineering support;
Hill & Smith Infrastructure Products e.g., integration into a higher-level system. High measurement
India Pvt Ltd accuracy. No work required on the road surface. High efficiency
due to short measurement
Brifen Wire Rope Safety Fence/ Barrier (WRSF) time. Low maintenance
A high tension median or road side wire rope barrier system widely requirement saves time.
used around the world. Is flexible and focusses on containment Oversized dimensions
of vehicles as well soft impact. Unique inter-weaving of the wire are detected, even in
ropes used to contain and redirect hard to reach places.
errant vehicles by preventing the Modular design enables
vehicles from crossing the barrier customization based on
or deflecting back into the traffic your application. Ensures
flow. Designed to absorb the energy verification of compliance
of an impact, minimising injury to with vehicle dimension regulations. Roads and traffic infrastructure
passengers and damage to vehicles. are protected due to vehicle dimension measuring before critical
Exhaustively tested and complies sections such as tunnels.
with EN 1317 and NCHRP 350/
MASH international standards.

86 TrafficInfraTech • October - November ’14 •



HIK Vision - Prama Hikvision Divya Industries

India Pvt Ltd
Automatic Multilevel Car Parking System
Mobile Digital Video Recorders Spread over area of 18m X 25m, can accommodate 100 cars in
DS-M7508HNI Series (IP based) 5 floors (20 cars per floor). Allows to park any car of any type.
Has less maintenance,
Has a user-friendly GUI providing easy and flexible operations.
less operating cost, safe,
Pluggable 3G (WCDMA) and 4G module providing flexible data
secure & environment
transmission solutions. pluggable GPS (Global Positioning System)
friendly solutions are the
module and BDS (BeiDou Navigation Satellite System, reserved)
highlight features of our
precisely positioning the vehicle via the satellite and recording
solution. Ideal for shopping
the location information in the video stream. Eight independent
malls, offices, IT parks,
network interfaces connectable to 8 IP cameras; each channel
pay and park, apartments,
supporting up to 1080P resolution with H.264 encoding technology
townships etc.
DS-M5504HMI Series (Analog based)
4 Post Stack Parking System
Standard 1DIN dimensions, supporting embedded and bracket
Doubles the current car
installation. Pluggable 3G (WCDMA), Wi-Fi (optional), and 2G
parking space. A simple
(optional) module providing flexible data transmission solutions.
and affordable parking
Pluggable GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) module
solution based on rope
precisely positions the vehicle via satellite and records location
mechanism. Has 6m X
information in the stream. 4 analog channels of audio & video
3m of platform size which
inputs connectable; each channel supporting up to WD1 resolution
can accommodate cars of
with H.264 encoding technology. One 2.5-inch HDD/SSD and one
any size. Most common
SD/SDHC card pluggable, adopting hard disk vibration damping
application use cases
technology. Information collection interfaces collecting driving
would be underground/
information such as left/right turn, braking, backing up, etc.
roof parking, homes,
offices etc.


Transoft Solutions (Australia) Pvt Ltd

Engineers, architects, and land developers use its advanced
features and parking standards to quickly design multiple parking
sites. Without the need of tedious re-calculations and re-drafting,
parking space is maximised while remaining compliant to set
area dimensions. Parking planning is made easy with real-time
stall counts, parking object editing, quantity take-off costing and
powerful reporting abilities. • October - November ’14 • TrafficInfraTech 87



Ashbee Systems Pvt Ltd Precision Electronic

Instrument Co.
Weigh-in-Motion Systems
Pit Mounted Permanent Weighbridge
UMC+ Digital Weight Indicator: Basic building block of weighbridge
instrumentation indicating weight in easily readable bright digits. Mild Steel platform with 150% overload capacity in traditional
Gives output in RS232C serial format & modular design, painted with high quality paint to prevent
which can be used for connecting corrosion. High Precision Load Cells
to any IBM compatible PC or other with IP-67 & IP-68 Protection Classes.
remote devices. Indicator can also be Rugged Weighbridge terminals with
connected to Ashbee’s Beta Industrial High speed, high resolution A/D &
Intelligent Terminal. Customer can dedicated 8 Bit Microcontroller for
either develop the software in-house signal processing. Additional Jumbo
or choose from the Ashbee library. Display with 57.5 mm red LED. Optional
single line message display (3 Feet X
Composite Pitless Weighbridge:
6inches) with weight display in loaded
Pitless, longer life due to lesser
position. User friendly weighbridge
vibration, no rusting, no re-painting,
software for weight data management
and maintenance-free. Stronger,
with extensive memory. Optional feature for photo capturing of
heavier and more stable. Less
vehicle registration number on weighment slips. Optional thermal
deflection- load cells never get
printer directly attachable with the weighbridge terminal to print
truck number, date, time and weight.
Full Concrete Pit Type Weighbridge:
Economical, maintenance- free
platform. No painting & re-painting Tecsidel India Pvt.Ltd
required. Stronger, heavier and more
stable. Longer Life and higher safety. Conventional Toll System
Other weighbridges offered are Pit Can combine different technologies,
and Pitless Types starting from manual toll, electronic
toll, ATPM (Automatic Toll Payment
Machine) to collection through
Vaaan Infra Private Limited portable terminals.
smartWeigh - Toll by Weight
Most suitable solution for weight based tolling for BOT & OMT
Electronic Toll Collection System
projects. Increase revenues with superior accuracy of 99.5%.
(ETC) system, both for car parks
The India specific build & design has a heavy robust build with
and access to enclosures, provides
2.2 tonnes scale weight. Can
full automation of transactions.
weigh overloaded commercial
Identifies, validates and authorizes
vehicles. Has unique “H“
the user’s OBU when vehicle is
shaped design with Load
entering and exiting using it as
Cells in Traffic Island. Ease of
an electronic ticket and payment
maintenance and enhanced
life expectancy of load cells.
Per Axle capacity of or equal to AUTOMATIC TERMINALS
or greater than 40 tonnes with
Fully-automated and ergonomic
an overload capacity of 400%.
high-performance terminals allow
ISO certified and OIML Certified
various tasks such as: toll fee
for Dynamic Weighing. Has a
collection, entry ticket issuing and
high accuracy with an error of
access point functions.
0.5% @ 5 Km/hr.

88 TrafficInfraTech • October - November ’14 •



Photon Play Kistler Instruments India Pvt Ltd

Variable Message Signs Weigh-In-Motion (WIM) systems
Our variable message signs and LINEAS Quartz Crystal Sensor
traffic systems (UFDs and Traffic
Based on a unique quartz technology. Rugged, reliable,
lights) are ultra bright, low power
maintenance-free quartz sensor, ensuring precision, stability &
LED technology to ensure maximum
long life, covers all speeds from 0-200kmph. Has high accuracy,
visibility in all environmental
uniform sensitivity, negligible temperature influence and modular
conditions. All displays providing
design adaptable to every road width. Can be ground flushed in
roadway information comply with the
case of road rutting or cracking. Elastic properties matching those
European standard UNI CEI EN 12966-
of road surfacing materials. There is no signal drift or fatigue or
1. They are completely designed and
aging problems and no appearance of Ghost Axle. It is quite safe
manufactured in-house to ensure
and can be safely secured to the road without the need for nuts &
long term reliability. We do provide
bolts. Usable on both Manual and ETC lanes.
support for customization at any level from hardware and software
point of view.

UFD (User Fare Displays)

Are a key element of a modern toll booths, displaying fare
information and other instructions. Designed to be visible in day
light as well as to withstand harsh environments. Can work in hot
and sandy environment as well world’s coldest roads. Ready to
integrate and compatible with
all major platform and standard
protocols like NTCIP, XDR/DAP,
5204ACKistler WIM Data Logger
TLC 2002/2009, and any other
on request. Used for dynamic vehicle weighing with Lineas WIM sensors. WIM
equipment consists of WIM sensors (for weight detection), Light
Designed to give maximum
curtain (for vehicle detection and separation), Cabinet (enclosure
output with minimal electricity
with electronic equipment) and an optional sensor for single/double
consumption. Utilizes intelligent
tyre detection. Capable of measuring at any speed (0-200 kmph) of
brightness features with in-built sensors to adjust output brightness
any vehicle class. The sensitivity and accuracy has been stable over
with respect to the environment. 55% efficient than any other
years. Has a measuring range of 30 tonnes with maximum weight
comparable product. Comply with the Euro standard UNI CEI EN
of 50 tonnes. Protected from water intrusion – IP68. Quick & Easy
12966-1. Every part designed, tested and manufactured in-house
installation with lane closure of less than 6hours. Can be ground
for life-long reliability.
flushed if pavement becomes rutted. No maintenance or periodic
calibration required, resulting in faster return of ROI. Same system
OHLS & Traffic Light
can be used in Manual and ETC Lanes. Can be used for several
Full Matrix Monochrome LED applications: traffic data collection, enforcement (pre-selection of
Displays, can be used in all overloaded vehicles), Toll by weight, Overload detection for bridge
types of toll lanes requiring an protection and traffic management.
information display for attention
of users. Allows an installation at
a safe distance from the user and
is ideal for channelled toll lanes
without stopping. Monochrome
display exists in two versions
– with or without traffic light
incorporated. • October - November ’14 • TrafficInfraTech 89

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