Manual SeismoSoft
Manual SeismoSoft
Manual SeismoSoft
No part of this technical information sheet may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means,
without the prior explicit written authorization from Seismosoft Ltd.
Seismosoft Ltd.
Piazza Castello, 19
27100 Pavia (PV) - Italy
e-mail: [email protected]
Every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained in this technical information sheet is
accurate. Seismosoft is not responsible for printing or clerical errors.
Finally, mention of third-party products is for informational purposes only and constitutes neither an
engagement nor a recommendation.
table of contents
Table of Contents 2
Summary 3
OOOSystem Requirements 4
SeismoSignal - Overview 5
SeismoSpect - Overview 8
SeismoMatch - Overview 11
SeismoArtif - Overview 14
Why use 16
SeismoApps roadmap - future developments 17
Technical Features 18
Company Overview 27
OOOSeismoBuild 27
OOOSeismoStruct 31
OOOAwards 33
OOOFuture Developments 33
Available Documentation 34
References 35
SeismoSignal, SeismoSpect, SeismoMatch and SeismoArtif constitute a suite of programs that are used to carry
out basic earthquake records operations, such as the processing of strong-motion data, the derivation of elastic
& inelastic response spectra and Power & Fourier spectra, the calculation of a number of commonly used
ground motion parameters, the adjustment of earthquake records to match a specific target response
spectrum, or the generation of artificial earthquake accelerograms.
SeismoSignal constitutes a
simple, yet efficient,
package for the processing
of strong-motion data.
SeismoMatch is an application capable of adjusting earthquake records, through wavelet addition, to match a
specific target response spectrum. Users have the opportunity to simultaneously match a number of
accelerograms, and then obtain a mean matched spectrum whose maximum misfit respects a pre-defined
tolerance. This software can thus be used in combination with records selection tools and records
appropriateness verification algorithms to define adequate suites of records for nonlinear dynamic analysis of
new or existing structures.
SeismoArtif is an application
capable of generating
artificial earthquake
accelerograms matched to a
specific target response
spectrum using different
calculation methods and
varied assumptions.
The structure of the programs follows a very straightforward methodology with a series of input modules (tabs)
from the input definition to the results to be extracted. This rational and intuitive approach makes it extremely
easy to learn and use; neither manuals, nor tutorial examples or videos are required. The programs are fully
integrated with the Windows environment. All the data can be copied into any other Windows application, i.e.
tabled results can be copied into a spreadsheet application like Microsoft Excel, whilst the results plots can be
copied into any word-processing application, like Microsoft Word.
Seismosoft, which has been established as a leading enterprise in the field of earthquake engineering, is
providing the scientific community with access to powerful and state-of-the-art earthquake tools. Ultimately, by
rendering readily available the full spectrum of earthquake engineering stakeholders tools and methods that
feature not only technical excellence but also efficiency and user-friendliness, Seismosoft hopes to somehow
contribute, even if modestly, to the continuous search for higher mitigation of the risks that earthquakes pose to
humankind. The purpose of this document is to provide technical information about the SeismoSignal,
SeismoSpect, SeismoMatch and SeismoArtif packages. This includes information about their capabilities,
their fundamental technical features, as well as the planned future developments.
A PC (or a “virtual machine”) with one of the following operating systems: Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7
or Windows Vista (32-bit and 64-bit); I 4 GB RAM; I Screen resolution set to 1280x768 pixels or higher (based on
web browser statistics, as of 2018 about 95% of computers have a screen resolution of 1280x768 or higher); I An
Internet connection (better if a broadband connection) for the registration of the software.
SeismoSignal - overview
SeismoSignal constitutes an easy and efficient way to process strong-motion data, featuring a user-friendly
visual interface and being capable of deriving a number of earthquake records parameters often required by
engineer seismologists and earthquake engineers. SeismoSignal is capable of opening an accelerogram from
a text file and to process the strong-motion data. Amongst other things, it allows for the derivation of elastic and
constant ductility inelastic response spectra, the computation of the Fourier amplitude spectra, the filtering of
high and low frequency record content and estimation of other important strong-motion parameters, such as the
Arias Intensity and the significant and effective durations. The main characteristics of the program are
described below:
OOUnits: Units for both the metric and the imperial system are supported; for instance the acceleration units
2 2 2 2 2
supported are g, milli-g, micro-g, m/sec , cm/sec , mm/sec , in/sec , and ft/sec .
OOLoading & Pre-processing: The selected record may open from a specially designed window, whereby
the parameters for reading the data are input. The following text file formats are supported: (i) Single-value per
line, (ii) Time & Acceleration values per line, (iii) Multiple-values per line, (iv) SMC format, (v) PEER NGA
format and (vi) Shake (.eq) format. Further, users can take advantage of the Paste command to add additional
acceleration values to the loaded time-history. These added values are appended at the end of the existing
OOModifying input time-history characteristics: Users can change the time-step and/or scale the
accelerogram employing the appropriate SeismoSignal commands. Linear interpolation is employed in the
former case, whereas scaling up or down by a constant factor is done in the latter.
OOBaseline Correction and Filtering: Users are able to choose, through tick boxes, if they wish, or not, to
"correct" the loaded accelerogram, be it through baseline correction and/or frequency filtering. If required, the
original "uncorrected" input motion can be visualised in contemporaneous to its post-processed counterpart on
all the plots with the processed results.
OOVelocity & Displacement time-histories: Once an accelerogram has been defined, the corresponding
velocity and displacement time-histories, as obtained through single and double time-integration, respectively,
are automatically computed (using the trapezoidal rule) and plotted.
OOFourier and Power Spectra: In this module, the Fourier Amplitude Spectrum and the Power Spectrum (or
Power Spectral Density Function) are computed by means of Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT) of the input
time-history. The Fourier amplitude spectrum shows how the amplitude of the ground motion is distributed with
respect to frequency (or period), effectively meaning that the frequency content of the given accelerogram can
be fully determined. The power spectral density function, on the other hand, may be used to estimate the
statistical properties of the input ground motion and to compute stochastic response using random vibration
OOElastic and Inelastic Response Spectra: Elastic and inelastic acceleration, velocity and displacement
response spectra can be easily obtained. In addition, and for the case of elastic spectra only, the pseudo-
velocity and pseudo-acceleration response values are also given. The results are provided in a plot, and in table
format; the Acceleration vs. Displacement spectrum is also available.
Up to six elastic response spectra can be created simultaneously, and users have the possibility of changing the
level of viscous damping associated to them. By defining relatively large values of equivalent viscous damping,
overdamped elastic spectra can also be readily obtained.
Constant-ductility inelastic spectra may also be derived to reproduce the actual nonlinear structural response
by means of an elasto-plastic representation of the system. An iterative process is employed to achieve the
target ductility factor considering the hysteretic behaviour of the system.
In this way, energy dissipated through hysteresis is explicitly modelled, with only a relatively small viscous
damping quantity (usually not more than 5%) is added to the system, to somehow represent non-hysteretic
energy dissipation mechanisms. Up to six levels of displacement ductility can be defined.
OOGround Motion Parameters: A number of commonly computed ground motion parameters are
automatically computed for both the corrected and uncorrected accelerogram.
OOOO-Peak ground values of acceleration (PGA), velocity (PGV) and displacement (PGD)
OOOO-Peak velocity and acceleration ratio (vmax/amax)
OOOO-Root-Mean-Square (RMS) of acceleration, velocity and displacement
OOOO-Arias Intensity (Ia)
OOOO-Characteristic Intensity (Ic)
OOOO-Specific Energy Density (SED)
OOOO-Cumulative Absolute Velocity (CAV)
OOOO-Acceleration (ASI) and Velocity (VSI) Spectrum Intensity
OOOO-Housner Intensity (HI)
OOOO-Sustained Maximum Acceleration (SMA) and Velocity (SMV)
OOOO-Effective Design Acceleration (EDA)
OOOO-A95 parameter
OOOO-Predominant period (Tp)
OOOO-Mean period (Tm)
OOOO-Husid plot
OOOO-Energy Flux plot
OOOO-Number of Effective Cycles
OOOO-Damage Index
OOOO-Maximum incremental Velocity (MIV)
OOOO-Impulsivity Index (IP Index)
OOOO-Average Spectral Acceleration (Sa, avg)
The data points of the Arias Intensity and Energy Flux plots are given only for the corrected accelerogram.
OOFormatting and exporting results: The vast majority of output results (e.g. displacement time-history,
filtered signal, response spectrum, etc.) are made available to the user in both table and graphical formats. The
tabled data can be copied to any spreadsheet application (e.g. Microsoft Excel), and all the plots can be copied
to word processing programs. Alternatively, these plots can also be printed directly from within the program.
Zoom in and out, and formatting of the plot appearance and characteristics (e.g. the background colour, the
thickness/style of the line, the font size of the axes legends and plot titles) are available. In addition, users are
also able to export in text format the displacement, velocity and acceleration time-histories.
SeismoSpect - overview
SeismoSpect is a platform that allows users to create their own library of ground motion records and save them
all in a single file, making it easy to handle and share large numbers of records. Amongst other features, it is
capable of applying baseline correction and filtering, and processing the strong motion data. It derives the
mean response spectra and compares them to reference spectra. It also computes a number of strong-motion
parameters often required by engineer seismologists and earthquake engineers.
OOUnits: Units for both the metric and the imperial system are supported; for instance the acceleration units
supported are g, m/sec2, cm/sec2, mm/sec2, in/sec2, and ft/sec2.
OOLoading acceleration time-histories: SeismoSpect is capable of opening selected records from text files.
The following text file formats are supported: (i) Single-value per line, (ii) Time & Acceleration values per line,
(iii) Multiple-values per line, (iv) SMC format, (v) PEER NGA format and (vi) Shake (.eq) format. Once an
accelerogram has been loaded into SeismoSpect, an entry will be added to the table of records, where
removing, editing, viewing and sorting capabilities are available. After loading the suite of accelerograms, the
group of records can then be saved and retrieved as a SeismoSpect project.
OOBaseline Correction and Filtering: SeismoSpect supports baseline correction and filtering of the records.
The Baseline Correction and Filtering are common to all the records and can be determined by the program
settings window.
OOVelocity & Displacement time-histories: Once the records have been defined, the corresponding velocity
and displacement time-histories, as obtained through single and double time-integration, respectively, are
automatically computed (using the trapezoidal rule) and plotted. If required, both the original "uncorrected"
and the "corrected" input motion may be visualised simultaneously.
OOElastic and Inelastic Response Spectra: Elastic and inelastic acceleration response spectra can be
obtained in SeismoSpect. Apart from the individual spectra for each record, the mean spectrum and the mean
plus/minus one or two standard deviations spectra are also calculated.
The damping and the ductility values for the calculation of the spectra are specified by the user (the latter only
for the inelastic spectra).
OOSimplified Inelastic Response Spectra: Since in SeismoSpect the need to compute hundreds of spectral
responses may arise, the following simplified and faster methods to compute the inelastic spectra have also
been implemented: (i) Newmark and Hall [1982], (ii) Miranda and Bertero [1994] and (iii) Krawinkler and
Nassar [1992].
OOComparing Response Spectra: Ôhe user may indicate a reference spectrum between the following
OOOO(i) current mean spectrum
OOOO(ii) spectrum from a loaded accelerogram
OOOO(iii) spectrum loaded from a file
OOOO(iv) spectrum calculated following the rules from a selection of more than 25 National Building Codes
including Eurocode 8, ASCE 41-13 and various Regulations worldwide.
The differences might be presented in absolute or relative values and in graphical or tabular format.
OOGround Motion Parameters: A number of commonly computed ground motion parameters are
automatically computed for all the accelerograms.
OOOO-Peak ground values of acceleration (PGA), velocity (PGV) and displacement (PGD)
OOOO-Peak velocity and acceleration ratio (vmax/amax)
OOOO-Root-Mean-Square (RMS) of acceleration, velocity and displacement
OOOO-Arias Intensity (Ia)
OOOO-Characteristic Intensity (Ic)
OOOO-Specific Energy Density (SED)
OOOO-Cumulative Absolute Velocity (CAV)
OOOO-Acceleration (ASI) and Velocity (VSI) Spectrum Intensity
OOOO-Housner Intensity (HI)
OOOO-Sustained Maximum Acceleration (SMA) and Velocity (SMV)
OOOO-Effective Design Acceleration (EDA)
OOOO-A95 parameter
OOOO-Predominant period (Tp)
OOOO-Number of Effective Cycles
OOOO-Damage Index
OOOO-Maximum Incremental Velocity (MIV)
OOOO-Impulsivity Index (IP Index)
OOOO-Average Spectral Acceleration (Sa,avg)
OOFormatting and exporting results: The vast majority of output results (e.g. displacement time-history,
filtered signal, response spectrum, etc.) are made available to the user in both table and graphical formats. The
tabled data can be copied to any spreadsheet application (e.g. Microsoft Excel), and all the plots can be copied
to word processing programs. Alternatively, these plots can also be printed directly from within the program.
Zoom in and out, and formatting of the plot appearance and characteristics (e.g. the background colour, the
thickness/style of the line, the font size of the axes legends and plot titles) are available.
In addition, users are able to export in text format the displacement, velocity and acceleration time-histories of
all the loaded records.
SeismoMatch - overview
OOUnits: Units for both the metric and the imperial system are supported; for instance the acceleration units
supported are g, m/sec2, cm/sec2, mm/sec2, in/sec2, and ft/sec2.
OOLoading acceleration time-histories: SeismoMatch is capable of opening selected records from text files.
The following text file formats are supported: (i) Single-value per line, (ii) Time & Acceleration values per line,
(iii) Multiple-values per line, (iv) SMC format, (v) PEER NGA format and (vi) Shake (.eq) format. Further, users
can take advantage of the facility to open simultaneously multiple records of the same format.
OODefining the target spectrum: The user indicate a target spectrum to which the loaded records are to be
scaled, according to the following options: (i) a spectrum calculated following the rules from a selection of more
than 25 National Building Codes including Eurocode 8, ASCE 41-13 and various Regulations worldwide, (ii) a
spectrum from a loaded accelerogram and (iii) a spectrum loaded from a file. After loading the suite of
accelerograms and the target spectrum, the data can then be saved and retrieved as a SeismoMatch project.
OOSpectral matching operation: In order to adjust the loaded ground-motion to the target response
spectrum, the user specifies the matching period range and the required tolerance, amongst other parameters.
Once the matching process is triggered, a pop-up window will be displayed showing the progress of each
accelerogram as well as information on spectral misfit, iterations and tolerance.
OOVelocity & Displacement time-histories: After the spectral matching, the acceleration time-histories are
integrated to derive the velocity & displacement time-histories for both the original and the matched records.
The results are presented either separately for the original and the matched records, or together in plots where
the comparisons between the former and the latter can be made. Further, tables with all the values are also
OOElastic and Inelastic Response Spectra: Similarly to the velocity & displacement time-histories, elastic
and inelastic acceleration response spectra can be obtained for the original and the matched records. The
results are again presented in plots (separately or together) and tables. Further, the program calculates the
mean of selected matched records and compares it with the target spectrum, so that the user can select the
most appropriate sub-group of the generated records.
OOGround Motion Parameters: A number of commonly computed ground motion parameters are
automatically computed for all the accelerograms, both the original and matched.
OOOO-Peak ground values of acceleration (PGA), velocity (PGV) and displacement (PGD)
OOOO-Peak velocity and acceleration ratio (vmax/amax)
OOOO-Root-Mean-Square (RMS) of acceleration, velocity and displacement
OOOO-Arias Intensity (Ia)
OOOO-Characteristic Intensity (Ic)
OOOO-Specific Energy Density (SED)
OOOO-Cumulative Absolute Velocity (CAV)
OOOO-Acceleration (ASI) and Velocity (VSI) Spectrum Intensity
OOOO-Housner Intensity (HI)
OOOO-Sustained Maximum Acceleration (SMA) and Velocity (SMV)
OOOO-Effective Design Acceleration (EDA)
OOOO-A95 parameter
OOOO-Predominant period (Tp)
OOOO-Significant Duration
The results are presented both graphically on charts and on table format.
OOFormatting and exporting results: The vast majority of output results (e.g. displacement time-history,
filtered signal, response spectrum, etc.) are made available to the user in both table and graphical formats. The
tabled data can be copied to any spreadsheet application (e.g. Microsoft Excel), and all the plots can be copied
to word processing programs. Alternatively, these plots can also be printed directly from within the program.
Zoom in and out, and formatting of the plot appearance and characteristics (e.g. the background colour, the
thickness/style of the line, the font size of the axes legends and plot titles) are available.
In addition, users are also able to export in text format the displacement, velocity and acceleration time-histories
of all the loaded records.
SeismoArtif - overview
It is noted that the use of real accelerograms and spectrum matching techniques (see SeismoMatch), together
with specialised records selection tools, tends to be recommended for the derivation of suites of records for use
in nonlinear dynamic analysis of structures. However, in those cases where access to real accelerograms is, for
whatever reason, challenging or inappropriate, then a tool such as SeismoArtif will be of pertinence and
OOUnits: Units for both the metric and the imperial system are supported; for instance the acceleration units
2 2 2 2 2
supported are g, m/sec , cm/sec , mm/sec , in/sec , and ft/sec .
OODefining the target spectrum: The user indicates one or more target spectra, to which the loaded records
are to be scaled, from the following available options: (i) a spectrum calculated following the rules from a
selection of more than 25 National Building Codes including Eurocode 8, ASCE 41-13 and various Regulations
worldwide, (ii) a spectrum from a loaded accelerogram and (iii) a spectrum loaded from a file. After loading the
suite of acceleration response spectra, these can then be saved and retrieved as a SeismoArtif project.
OOCalculation methods: In SeismoArtif, users can choose from four calculation methods for the simulation of
artificial ground motions. These methods are listed below:
The Synthetic Accelerogram Generation & Adjustment method is the default option. Synthetic accelerograms
tend to appear realistic and they can be generated with some basic (or more extended) knowledge of
earthquake history and soil conditions relative to the region/site of interest. This method is able to efficiently
combine simple input data with good results.
Artificial Accelerogram Generation and Artificial Accelerogram Generation & Adjustment methods are based
on the adaptation of a random process to a target spectrum. Apart from the target spectrum, an envelope shape
should also be defined for the generation of an accelerogram in these cases. It is noted however that with these
two methods, engineering judgement and experience is required for the assessment of the appropriateness of
the generated accelerogram, since very often the generated records' characteristics differ significantly from
real records.
With the Real Acceleration Adjustment method, the artificial accelerogram is defined starting from a real one
and adapting its frequency content to match the target spectrum using the Fourier Transformation Method.
OOVelocity & Displacement time-histories: After the accelerogram generation, the time-histories are
integrated to derive the velocity & displacement time-histories. The results are presented in table and graphical
OOElastic Response Spectra: Similarly to the velocity & displacement time-histories, the elastic acceleration
response spectra can be obtained for the generated records. The results are again presented in plots
(separately or together) and tables.
OOFormatting and exporting results: The vast majority of output results (e.g. displacement time-history,
filtered signal, response spectrum, etc.) are made available to the user in both table and graphical formats. The
tabled data can be copied to any spreadsheet application (e.g. Microsoft Excel), and all the plots can be copied
to word processing programs. Alternatively, these plots can also be printed directly from within the program.
Zoom in and out, and formatting of the plot appearance and characteristics (e.g. the background colour, the
thickness/style of the line, the font size of the axes legends and plot titles) are available.
In addition, users are also able to export in text format the displacement, velocity and acceleration time-histories
of all the loaded records.
why use
The algorithms employed by all programs have been developed recently and are accepted to be amongst the
most sophisticated such algorithms worldwide. Further, the extensive use of the applications for more than 10
years by thousands of users, both in the academia and the industry, ensures that these have been thoroughly
quality-checked and are highly reliable. As a result, all programs exhibit great stability, and provide very
accurate results, even in the most intricate and demanding cases of analyses.
Featuring an extremely intuitive graphical environment with a series of input and output modules (tabs) and a
very straightforward methodology from the definition of the input to the exporting of selected results,
Seismosoft's earthquake tools are extremely easy to learn. No manuals or tutorials are needed, and a user may
open the programs and start using them.
Particular emphasis has been put on rendering the programs not only intuitive, but also easy and fast to use.
Loading and displaying of the acceleration records or spectral shapes is done in a very efficient way, and the
calculations are carried out automatically or with the click of a button. Further, the programs are fully integrated
with the Windows environment and the vast majority of output results (e.g. displacement time-history, filtered
signal, response spectrum, etc.) are made available to the user in both table and graphical formats. The tabled
data can be copied quickly to any spreadsheet application (e.g. Microsoft Excel), and all the plots can be
copied to word processing programs.
All these facilities result in an extremely user-friendly environment, whereby any operation (e.g. strong motion
processing, spectral matching or generation of artificial accelerograms) can be done extremely quickly.
SeismoApps roadmap - future developments
A history of the features that have been introduced in previous releases of the packages can be found at
Below the planned directions about the earthquake tools’ future developments are described. It is noted that the
information provided in this list does not constitute a promise or commitment by Seismosoft to develop, market
or deliver any particular feature at the planned timing.
OOVersions of all the packages for the MacOS, iOS and Android operating systems.
OOConnection from within the program to on-line earthquake record databases worldwide to download suites
of selected records, e.g. the European Strong Motion Database.
technical features
Baseline Correction, as implemented in the four packages, consists in (i) determining, through regression
analysis (least-squares-fit method), the polynomial curve that best fits the time-acceleration pairs of values and
then (ii) subtracting from the actual acceleration values their corresponding counterparts as obtained with the
regression-derived equation. In this manner, spurious baseline trends, usually well noticeable in the
displacement time-history obtained from double time-integration of uncorrected acceleration records, are
removed from the input motion.
Polynomials of up to the 3rd degree can be employed, effectively meaning that constant (y=a0), linear
(y=a0+a1*x), quadratic (y=a0+a1*x+a2*x2) and cubic (y=a0+a1*x+a2*x2+a3*x3) baseline correction can be
used. Further information and discussion on baseline correction can be found in the work by Boore [2001],
amongst others.
Filtering is employed to remove unwanted frequency components from a given signal; (i) lowpass filtering
suppresses frequencies that are higher than a user-defined cut-off frequency (Freq1), (ii) highpass filtering
allows frequencies that are higher than the cut-off frequency (Freq1) to pass through, (iii) bandpass filtering
allows signals within a given frequency range (Freq1 to Freq2) bandwidth to pass through and (iv) bandstop
filtering suppresses signals within the given frequency range (Freq1 to Freq2) - note that Freq2 cannot be
higher than 1/2 of the record's time-step frequency.
To create any of the above four filtering configurations, three classical infinite-impulse-response (IIR) filter
types are available: Butterworth, Chebyshev and Bessel filters. The choice of digital IIR filters over their FIR
counterparts is motivated by the fact that the former usually can achieve a given set of filtering characteristics
(e.g. smoothness, roll-off steepness, etc.) with a much lower filter order than a corresponding FIR filter, thus
minimising computing requirements. Evidently, these digital IIR filters are initially designed in analogue form
and then transformed into their digital version through a bilinear transformation, so as to overcome the current
impossibility of directly designing digital IIR filters (please refer to the available literature, e.g. Stearns & David
[1996] and Lynn & Fuerst [1998] for further information and discussion on the topic). It is also noted that filtering
is carried out in the time-domain and that the employed filters described above can be either of causal or
acausal type according to the choice made by the user (e.g. see Boore and Akkar [2003] for further information
on this topic).
In addition to choosing the type of filter to be used and its configuration, users can also define the order and
frequency range to be adopted. It is also highlighted that the pre-defined filtering range corresponds, with
some approximation, to the filtering configuration usually employed by strong-motion databases to obtain
corrected accelerogram records.
Elastic and inelastic acceleration, velocity and displacement response spectra are obtained by means of time-
integration of the equation of motion of a series of single-degree-of-freedom systems, from which the peak
displacement, velocity and acceleration response quantities are then obtained and plotted in period vs.
amplitude graphs, commonly known as response spectra. In addition, and for the case of elastic spectra only,
the pseudo-velocity and pseudo-acceleration response values, obtained through multiplication of the
displacement response values by ù and ù2, respectively, are also given ("ù" stands for angular frequency).
Users are referred to the literature [e.g. Clough and Penzien, 1994; Chopra, 1995] for further details on these
Numerical integration parameters: Determination of elastic and inelastic response spectra requires the
computation of peak response values of SDOF oscillators with varying periods of vibration that are subjected to
the acceleration time-history under consideration. Therefore, linear and nonlinear dynamic analysis needs to
be carried out, and a numerical direct integration scheme is employed in order to solve the system of equations
of motion [e.g. Clough and Penzien, 1994; Chopra, 1995]. Such integration is carried out by means of the
Newmark integration scheme [Newmark, 1959].
The Newmark integration scheme requires the definition of two parameters; beta (â) and gamma (ã).
Unconditional stability, independent of time-step used, can be obtained for values of â>0.25(ã+0.5) . In
addition, if ã = 0.5 is adopted, the integration scheme reduces to the well-known non-dissipative trapezoidal
rule, whereby no amplitude numerical damping is introduced, a scenario that is clearly advantageous within
the scope of the current application. The default values are therefore â = 0.25 and ã = 0.5.
Elastic spectrum: The level of viscous damping associated to an elastic spectrum is defined as a percentage of
the critical damping value, and usually featuring values ranging from 0 to 5% [e.g. Chopra, 1995]. By defining
relatively large values of equivalent viscous damping, overdamped elastic spectra can also be readily
For the computation of constant-ductility inelastic spectra, the post-yield hardening ratio typically needs to be
defined. Further, when carrying out nonlinear dynamic analysis (needed in this case), it is required for a
convergence criterion to be set, in order for the nonlinear analysis to progress from one step to the other. For this
reason, a 'Ductility Tolerance' and an 'Out-of-balance Force Tolerance' are defined, with default values
sufficiently small to warrant very good accuracy (users who wish to speed their analysis may obviously define
larger tolerances).
Newmark and Hall [1982]: The force reduction factor given by this classic method is parameterized as a
function of the yield level and three different formulas are provided depending of the natural period of the
structure. The inelastic spectra computed using this method is similar to the elastic spectra for low periods and
for higher periods.
Miranda and Bertero [1994]: The equation that gives the reduction factor in this method was obtained from a
study of 124 ground motion records on a wide range of soil conditions and therefore, users need to select which
type of soil should be considered (rock site, alluvium site or soft site). The yield level was taken into account to
compute the parameters of each formula whilst a 5% critical damping was assumed.
Krawinkler and Nassar [1992]: This method uses a reduction factor that was obtained from a study of a set of
ground motion records with magnitude varying between 5.7 and 7.7, recorded on alluvium and rock sites. The
yield level and post-yield hardening coefficient were taken into account and a 5% damping value was assumed
to create the formulas that compute the reduction factor.
These simplified methods provide estimates of acceleration response spectra ordinates (Sa), with (very
approximate) displacement response spectra values being then computed through the product of the latter by
the square of the angular frequency (ù ) and a ductility correction factor (ì/(ì+á*ì-á)), whereby "ì" is the
target ductility and "á" the post-yield hardening ratio. Velocity response spectra ordinates, on the other hand,
are estimated through the product of their acceleration counterparts by the angular frequency (ù) - it is noted,
however, that such velocity spectral estimates are very unreliable, and users are advised to use the constant-
ductility method instead, when velocity spectra (and, albeit to a more limited extent, also displacement spectra)
are desired, even at the cost of longer analyses.
A number of commonly computed ground motion parameters are provided in Seismosoft's applications. Users
are referred to the work by Kramer [1996] for a detailed description and discussion on the employment of such
ground motion quantities.
Peak ground values of acceleration (PGA), velocity (PGV) and displacement (PGD)
PGA = maxIa(t)I PGV = maxIv(t)I PGD = maxId(t)I
Peak velocity and acceleration ratio (vmax/amax)
vmax / amax =
Root-mean-square (RMS) of acceleration, velocity and displacement
1 ttot 1 ttot 1 ttot
aRMS = [a(t)]2dt vRMS = [v(t)]2dt dRMS = [d(t)]2dt
ttot 0 ttot 0 ttot 0
Sustained maximum acceleration (SMA) and velocity (SMV) Introduced by Nuttli [1979], this parameter
gives the sustained maximum acceleration/velocity during three cycles, and is defined as the third highest
absolute value of acceleration/velocity in the time-history (note: in order for an absolute value to be considered
as a "maximum", it must be larger than values 20 steps before and 20 steps after).
Effective Design Acceleration (EDA) This parameter corresponds to the peak acceleration value found after
lowpass filtering the input time history with a cut-off frequency of 9 Hz [Benjamin and Associates, 1988].
A95 parameter [Sarma and Yang, 1987] The acceleration level below which 95% of the total Arias intensity is
contained. In other words, if the entire accelerogram yields a value of Ia equal to 100, the A95 parameter is the
threshold of acceleration such that integrating all the values of the accelerogram below it, one gets an Ia=95.
Predominant Period (Tp) The predominant period (Tp) is the period at which the maximum spectral
acceleration occurs in an acceleration response spectrum calculated at 5% damping.
Mean Period (Tm) According to Rathje et al. [1998] the mean period (Tm) is the best simplified frequency
content characterisation parameter, being estimated with the following equation, where Ci are the Fourier
amplitudes, and fi represent the discrete Fourier transform frequencies between 0.25 and 20 Hz.
ÓCi /fi
Tm =
Husid plot [Husid, 1969] The Husid plot represents the build-up of the Arias Intensity.
Energy Flux plot The Energy flux plot represents the build-up of Specific Energy Density. In this module, four
different types of record durations are also computed. Users are referred to the work by Bommer and Martinez-
Pereira [1999] for a thorough and pertinent discussion on the topic.
Bracketed duration The total time elapsed between the first and the last excursions of a specified level of
Uniform duration The total time during which the acceleration is larger than a given threshold value.
Significant duration The interval of time over which a proportion (percentage) of the total Arias Intensity is
Effective duration It is based on the significant duration concept but both the start and end of the strong
shaking phase are identified by absolute criteria.
Number of Effective Cycles The Number of Effective cycles is calculated as the summation of the ratios of
the amplitudes of the cycles in the accelerogram divided by the maximum cycle amplitude and raised to the c
exponent, determining the relative importance of different amplitude cycles, as proposed by Malhotra [2002].
The cycles and the corresponding cycle amplitudes for the accelerogram are identified through a rainflow
counting algorithm as described by ASTM [1985]. The procedure is summarized by Hancock and Bommer
Damage Index The Damage Index is calculated as the summation of the amplitudes of the cycles in the
accelerogram raised to the c exponent, determining the relative importance of different amplitude cycles, and
multiplied by the C linear scale factor as proposed by Malhotra [2002]. The cycles and the corresponding cycle
amplitudes for the accelerogram are identified through a rainflow counting algorithm as described by ASTM
[1985]. The procedure is summarized by Hancock and Bommer [2005].
Impulsivity Index (IP Index) [Panella et al., 2017] The Impulsivity index is an indicator of the impulsive
character of the ground motion and is calculated as the developed length of velocity of the velocity time-series
divided by the Peak Ground Velocity.
Average Spectal Acceleration (Sa,avg) [Bianchini et al. 2009] The Average Spectal Acceleration is
computed as the geometric mean of the spectral pseudo-acceleration ordinates for a 5% damping according to
Bianchini et al. [2009].
Maximum Incremental Velocity [MIV] The Maximum Incremental Velocity (MIV) is defined as the
maximum area under the acceleration curve between two zero crossings of the accelerogram. Users are
referred to the works by Anderson and Bertero [1987] and Guaman [2010] for further information for description
and discussion on the topic.
The Fourier Amplitude Spectrum and the Power Spectrum (or Power Spectral Density Function) are computed
by means of Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT) of the input time-history. The Fourier amplitude spectrum
shows how the amplitude of the ground motion is distributed with respect to frequency (or period), effectively
meaning that the frequency content of the given accelerogram can be fully determined. The power spectral
density function, on the other hand, may be used to estimate the statistical properties of the input ground motion
and to compute stochastic response using random vibration techniques [e.g. Clough & Penzien, 1994;
Vanmarcke, 1976; Yang, 1986].
The Fourier Amplitude is computed as the square root of the sum of the squares of the real and imaginary parts
of the Fourier transform: SQRT(Re2+Im2). The Fourier Phase (given only in table format) is computed as the
angle given by the real and imaginary parts of the Fourier transform: ATAN(Re/Im). The Power Spectral
Amplitude is computed as FourierAmpl2/(Pi*duration*RmsAcc2), where duration is the time length of the
record, RmsAcc is the acceleration RMS and Pi is 3.14159. The computation of the Fourier and Power Spectra
can be carried out only for records featuring not more that 215 data points (i.e. 32768 points).
In order to adjust ground-motion records to match a target response spectrum, SeismoMatch provides two
available methods:
A. The wavelets algorithm proposed by Abrahamson [1992] and Hancock et al. [2006], based on the time-
domain method of Lilhanand and Tseng [1988], with some modifications to conserve non-stationarity at long
periods by using different functional forms for the adjustment time history. The input parameters required by
the algorithm are the following:
Mismatch tolerance: This parameter specifies the tolerance for maximum mismatch which controls the
convergence process.
Maximum iterations: If convergence is not achieved within the number of iterations specified here, the
matching process is stopped (a relatively large default value of 30 is set).
Scale Factor: Factor that can be used to scale the original time-history (e.g. 9.81, if the original accelerogram is
defined in "g" and the target spectrum in m/s ).
Min eigenvalue: Minimum normalized eigenvalue used in singular value decomposition. A smaller value
provides more rapid but less stable convergence (recommended value is 1.0e-4).
Max number of waves: Maximum number of waves for wavelet model. The smaller the value, the poorer the
matching. Typically, a value higher than the default (10) has no significant effect on the results.
Number additional waves: Maximum number of "additional wavelet" iterations/sub-iterations used to prevent
divergence by adding wavelets or reducing correction amplitude (recommended value is 20).
Off diagonal reduction: Reduction in the off diagonal elements provide better convergence, though a value
smaller than 0.7 (default) may corrupt the velocity and displacement time series.
Group size: Further control on convergence can be achieved by splitting the design spectrum into a number of
sub-groups. The recommended default value is 250.
Min and Max period: Lower and upper period bounds within which spectral matching is carried out.
a1, a2, f1, f2: These so-called alpha model parameters are recommended to feature the values 1.25, 0.25, 1.0
and 4.0, since other combinations may change the frequency dependency of the model and render it
inconsistent with the reference time-history, thus resulting in large misfit.
Target PGA, Adjustment frequency, Damping and Cycles number: PGA correction parameters that may be
left unchanged for typical applications.
It is noted that with the exception of the 'Matching period range', the 'Scale factor' and the 'Mismatch
Tolerance' (all of which are also readily available from the main program window), the remaining of the
parameters described above are really intended for expert users that may be very familiar with the algorithm
and the corresponding scientific publications.
B. The wavelets algorithm developed by Al Atik and Abrahamson [2010]. In this algorithm an improved tapered
cosine adjustment function prevents drift in the modified velocity and displacement time series without base
line correction. Dynamic padding of the beginning of the acceleration time series performed when the time of
its peak response at a certain frequency (tj) is small compared to the duration of the record. Pseudo-
acceleration response spectra are calculated by Newmark's integration scheme. The input parameters
required are the fllowing:
Mismatch tolerance: This parameter specifies the tolerance for maximum mismatch which controls the
convergence process.
Maximum iterations: If convergence is not achieved within the number of iterations specified here, the
matching process is stopped (a relatively large default value of 30 is set).
Scale Factor: Factor that can be used to scale the original time-history (e.g. 9.81, if the original accelerogram is
defined in "g" and the target spectrum in m/s ).
Min eigenvalue: Minimum normalized eigenvalue used in singular value decomposition. A smaller value
provides more rapid but less stable convergence (recommended value is 1.0e-4).
Group Size: Number of spectral values to use in matching one subgroup (recommended value is 250).
Min and Max period: Lower and upper period bounds within which spectral matching is carried out.
The user is also able to permit or disable dynamic padding of the begining of the acceleration time series.
SeismoArtif can be used to generate suites of accelerograms for nonlinear dynamic analysis of new or existing
structures, as discussed in several references on the issue of random processes and artificial accelerograms
[e.g. Yang, 1986; Clough and Penzien, 1994; Lynn and Fuerst, 1998], as well as to publications on the topics of
records appropriateness verification algorithms [e.g. Bradley, 2010]. The possible calculation methods are the
Synthetic Accelerogram Generation & Adjustment
Artificial Accelerogram Generation
Artificial Accelerogram Generation & Adjustment
Real Accelerogram Adjustment
Synthetic Accelerogram Generation & Adjustment method is the default option. Synthetic accelerograms tend
to appear realistic and they can be generated with some basic (or more extended) knowledge of earthquake
history and soil conditions relative to the region/site of interest. This method is able to efficiently combine simple
input data with good results.
The Artificial Accelerogram Generation and Artificial Accelerogram Generation & Adjustment methods are
based on the adaptation of a random process to a target spectrum. The target spectrum is the only data
necessary for the generation of an accelerogram in these cases. However, they require experience for the
assessment of the appropriateness of the generated accelerogram. In the Real Acceleration Adjustment
method, the artificial accelerogram is defined starting from a real one and adapting its frequency content to
match the target spectrum using the Fourier Transformation Method. The different methods call for different
input modules, as a function of the parameters required for the artificial accelerograms generation. The Target
Spectra module is common to all of the methods.
Synthetic Accelerogram Generation & Adjustment: Synthetic accelerogram generation [Hallodorson &
Papageorgiou, 2005] and correction in frequency domain. This calculation method is based on Halldorsson &
Papageorgiou [2005] algorithm. The artificial accelerogram is defined starting from a synthetic one (simulated
by the user), compatible with the target spectrum, and adapting its frequency content using the Fourier
Transformation Method.
The correction of the random process is carried on at every iteration using the relationship below [Mucciarelli
et al., 2004]:
0F(f) = F(f) [SRT(f)/SR(f) ]
0 i+1 i i
SRT(f) is the value of the target spectrum and SR(f)i is the value of response spectrum corresponding to the
accelerogram of the current iteration for frequency f. F(f)i+1 and F(f)i are the values of the accelerogram in the
frequency domain for the current and previous iteration respectively. At each iteration a Fourier Transformation
is applied to move from time domain to frequency domain, where the correction to the accelerogram is carried
on. Then an Inverse Fourier Transformation is applied in order to return to the time domain, where the
corresponding spectrum is calculated, convergence is checked, and it is evaluated whether or not further
correction is needed. A schematic summary is given below.
In this calculation method framework, the Envelope Shape module is not required, since the procedure does
not start from a random process, but rather from a synthetic accelerogram.
The generation of the synthetic accelerogram starts from a Gaussian white noise which is multiplied by
Saragoni & Hart [1974] envelope shape and then adapted to a certain source spectrum. The duration of the
ground motion is calculated from the input parameters.
Artificial Accelerogram Generation: Random set of phase angles with amplitudes calculated by power
density function [Gasparini & Vanmarcke,1976].
This method defines each artificial ground motion modifying the starting random process, through the use of a
selected envelope shape and a Power Spectral Density Function (PSDF). The PSDF is calculated from the
velocity target spectrum (Sv), which is selected before the execution.
This calculation method is based on the fact that each periodic function can be expressed as a series of
sinusoidal waves as given in the following formula:
0X(t) = A
0 Ó n
n sin(ùnt+Ön)
where An is the amplitude and Ön is the phase angle of the n sinusoidal wave. Defining a vector of amplitudes
and simulating different arrays of phase angles, it is possible to obtain different processes with the same
general aspect but with different characteristics. Such processes are stationary (or steady-state) and their
characteristics do not change with time.
To simulate the transient nature of the earthquakes, the steady state motions are multiplied by a deterministic
envelope shape (or intensity function) I(t), selected by the user in corresponding Envelope Shapes module.
These amplitudes are calculated using the PSDF. In this calculation method, the phase angles are generated in
the interval [0 2ð], following a Uniform probability distribution. The amplitudes (i.e. An) are related to the (one-
sided) PSDF G(ù) as follows:
0G(ù)Äù = A2n
0 2
G(ù)Äù represents the contribution to the total power of the motion from the sinusoid with frequency ùn. If the
number of sinusoidal waves considered in the motion is very large, the total power will become the area under
the continuous curve G(ù), as given in the formula below:
0 A2n = G(ù)Äù G(ù)dù
0 2
The resulting motion is stationary in frequency content, with a peak acceleration close to the target one. The
response spectra, relative to the generated motion, are then computed and the program will attempt to match
them against the selected target spectrum.
This artificial accelerogram generation method is iterative. For each cycle (i), the response spectrum
generated for the simulated ground motion, is compared with the target (at a set of control frequencies). The
ratio between the desired response and the computed response is defined at each cycle and the
corresponding Power Spectral Density Function (PSDF) is recalculated as a function of the square of the
aforementioned ratio as indicated in the following formula:
0 Sv
Calculation of Modification of
PSDF Accelerogram Amplitude
Generation of Application of Correction
Random Process Envelope Shape ACCELEROGRAM
PGA Correction
of a NEW
random process
The software automatically carries on the entire iterative procedure. N executions with different (Nù) phase
angles are performed until convergence is reached. The default values are N=3 and Nù=100 as can be noted
in the Program Settings module of the software. If convergence cannot be reached, SeismoArtif will output the
best solution.
Artificial Accelerogram Generation & Adjustment: Random process adjustment by correction in frequency
domain .
This method defines the artificial ground motions considering a target spectrum and adapting the frequency
content using the Fourier Transformation Method. It can be considered as an evolved version of the one
described above. Indeed, the generation of the random process and the application of the envelope shape are
common to the Artificial Accelerogram Generation method, with its main distinctive feature being the
correction (at each iteration) of the random process in the frequency domain. A schematic summary is given
Input parameters and output results are the same of the Artificial Accelerogram Generation method, but this is
more stable and one-sided and more likely to lead to a very good convergence (error less than 7-8%), at the
expense of a higher number of iterations, however.
Real Accelerogram Adjustment: Real accelerogram adjustment by correction in frequency domain. The
artificial accelerogram is defined starting from a real one and adapting its frequency content to match the target
spectrum using the Fourier Transformation Method. This method may lead to reasonable results, however the
more the target response spectrum differs from the real accelerogram's spectrum, the less realistic the artificial
accelerogram will be. Indeed, users who wish to employ existing real accelerograms in the derivation of
spectrum-compatible ground motions, something which is certainly recommended, are strongly suggested to
use SeismoMatch instead, a more valid and appropriate tool for this purpose.
company overview
Seismosoft was founded in 2002 with the aim of providing the earthquake engineering community with access
to powerful and state-of-the-art analytical tools, and is now recognised as a leading enterprise in this field.
It has always focused not only on technical advancement but also on ease-of-use, so as to facilitate effective
adoption and employment by both researchers and practitioners. As a result, its software applications are
requested at a rate of 1000 downloads per month, from more than 110 countries, and are employed in hundreds
of international academic/research institutions, practicing companies and governmental bodies.
Ultimately, by rendering readily available to the full spectrum of earthquake engineering stakeholders tools and
methods that feature not only technical excellence but also efficiency and user-friendliness, Seismosoft hopes
to somehow contribute, even if modestly, to the continuous search for higher mitigation of the risks that
earthquakes pose to humankind.
Seismosoft goal in having a place in earthquake engineering field has lead in the development of six programs,
including SeismoSignal, SeismoSpect, SeismoMatch and SeismoArtif. Á brief reference of the other two
programs and their capabilities is exhibited below:
SeismoBuild is an innovative Finite Element package wholly and exclusively dedicated to seismic assessment
and strengthening of reinforced concrete structures. The program is capable of fully carrying out the code
defined assessment methodologies from the structural modelling through to the required analyses and the
corresponding member checks. Currently six Codes are supported including the Eurocodes, the American
Code for Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of Existing Buildings (ASCE 41-13), the Italian National Seismic Codes
(NTC-18 and NTC-08), the Greek Seismic Interventions Code (KANEPE) and the Turkish Seismic Evaluation
Building Code (TBDY). Both metric and imperial units, as well as European and US rebar types are supported.
The rational and intuitive structure of the package, which are mainly attributed to the fact that it is the only
software worldwide that is totally committed to seismic assessment, result in a very smooth learning curve even
for engineers that are not familiar with the Finite Element method. Further, the user-friendly, CAD-based,
graphical user interface may increase the productivity significantly, to the point that the assessment of a multi-
storey RC building can be completed, within a few minutes, including the creation of the report and the CAD
drawings to be submitted to the client.
The structural model is introduced with the so-called Building Modeller, which constitutes a special CAD-
based module that facilitates significantly the input. With the help of 13 predefined built-in sections, columns
and beams of different shapes (rectangular, circular, L-shaped and T-shaped columns, beams and walls, as
well as their jacketed counterparts) can be easily modelled. The reinforcement, the other modelling
parameters (e.g. new or existing member, material strengths, lap splices, members' detailing, cover
thickness) and Code-defined settings (e.g. primary/secondary member, with/without detailing for earthquake
resistance) may be easily introduced with a couple of mouse clicks. Slabs and stairs can be effectively
introduced, whereas inclined slabs and beams are also supported.
Further, a large built-in library of FRP wrapping sheets is available for the strengthening of reinforced concrete
members. It is important to note that the input provided by users is only related to either the structural details
(geometry, materials, and reinforcement), or clearly defined code-based parameters, such as the limit states,
the seismic action, or the knowledge level.
The entire structural model (including the material models parameters, the nodes location and the FE mesh,
the elements geometry and offsets, the mass distribution and the loading patterns) is automatically created by
the program without any intervention by the user.
The Code requirements (limit states, knowledge levels, seismic input, types of checks to be performed, safety
factors, etc.) according to the selected Standard, as well as the analysis parameters, can be easily introduced
from a series of specially designed modules.
Carrying out eigenvalue and pushover analysis, extracting the results and calculating the target displacement
is also straightforward. The nonlinear analysis solver features both geometric nonlinearities and material
inelasticity, and is based on the advanced solution algorithms of SeismoStruct.
Similarly, the results for all the selected checks can be viewed both in tabular format and graphically, where the
members, for which the demand has exceeded the capacity, are displayed in red. The checks currently
available in SeismoBuild pertain to the members' chord rotations, shear and strain capacities, the interstorey
drift levels, as well as the checks for the beam-column joints.
Finally, the technical report of the analysis can be created on-the-fly in PDF, RTF or HTML file formats, whereas
a variety of CAD drawing files of the building structural model (plan views, cross sections and reinforcement
tables) may be quickly created and exported.
SeismoStruct is an award-winning Finite Element package capable of predicting the large displacement
behaviour of space frames under static or dynamic loading, taking into account both geometric nonlinearities
and material inelasticity. Concrete, steel, frp and superelastic shape-memory alloy material models are
available, together with a large library of 3D elements that may be used with a wide variety of pre-defined steel,
concrete and composite section configurations. The program has been extensively quality-checked and
validated, as described in its Verification Report. Some of the more important features of SeismoStruct are
summarised in what follows:
OOCompletely visual interface. No input or configuration files, programming scripts or any other time-
consuming and complex text editing requirements.
OOFull integration with the Windows environment. Input data created in spreadsheet programs, such as
Microsoft Excel, may be pasted to the SeismoStruct input tables, for easier pre-processing. Conversely, all
information visible within the graphical interface of SeismoStruct can be copied to external software
applications (e.g. to word processing programs, such as Microsoft Word), including input and output data,
high quality graphs, the models' deformed and undeformed shapes and much more.
OOWith the Wizard facility users can create regular/irregular 2D or 3D models and run all types of analyses on
the fly. The whole process takes no more than a few seconds.
OOWith the Building Modeller the user can create real regular or irregular 3D reinforced concrete models
within minutes.
OOEight different types of analysis: dynamic and static time-history, conventional and adaptive pushover,
incremental dynamic analysis, eigenvalue, non-variable static loading and response spectrum analysis.
OOThe applied loading may consist of constant or variable forces, displacements and accelerations at the
nodes, as well as distributed element forces. The variable loads can vary proportionally or independently in the
pseudo-time or time domain.
OOThe program accounts for both material inelasticity and geometric nonlinearity.
OOA large variety of reinforced concrete, steel and composite sections are available.
OOThe spread of inelasticity along the member length and across the section depth is explicitly modelled in
SeismoStruct allowing for accurate estimation of damage accumulation.
OONumerical stability and accuracy at very high strain levels enable precise determination of the collapse load
of structures.
OOSeismoStruct possesses the ability to smartly subdivide the loading increment, whenever convergence
problems arise. The level of subdivision depends on the convergence difficulties encountered. When
convergence difficulties are overcome, the program automatically increases the loading increment back to its
original value.
OOSeismoStruct's processor features real-time plotting of displacement curves and deformed shape of the
structure, together with the ability of pausing and re-starting the analysis.
OOFeatures enabling easier convergence and possiblity to display areas with plastic hinges or damage in 3D
OOCapacity checks in chord rotation and shear can be performed, according to the Eurocodes, the American
Code for Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of Existing Buildings (ASCE 41-13), the Italian National Seismic
Codes (NTC-18 and NTC-08), the Greek Seismic Interventions Code (KANEPE) and the Turkish Seismic
Evaluation Building Code (TBDY) and for all the limit states of the specified Codes.
OOPerformance criteria can also be set, allowing the user to identify the instants at which different performance
limit states (e.g. non-structural damage, structural damage, collapse) are reached. The sequence of cracking,
yielding, failure of members throughout the structure can also be, in this manner readily obtained.
OOAdvanced post-processing facilities are available, including the ability to custom-format all derived plots
and deformed shapes, thus increasing productivity of users.
OOAVI movie files can be created to better illustrate the sequence of structural deformation.
OOPossibility to easily create hundreds or thousands of SeismoStruct input files using the SPF creator module.
OOSeismoStruct Batch facility giving the ability to automatically execute numerous analyses in sequence.
OOSpecial feature for immediately sending a model to Seismosoft in cases of convergence or modelling
difficulties in order to receive assistance by our team of specialists.
As mentioned above, the nonlinear analysis solver of SeismoBuild is based on the advanced solution algorithms
of SeismoStruct, a package that has been extensively used and verified by thousands of users for more than ten
The accuracy of the solver in nonlinear analysis of framed structures is well demonstrated by the successes in
Blind Test Prediction Exercises, such as the Concrete Column Blind Prediction Contest 2010 (UCSD, San
Diego, USA), which was sponsored by the Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (NEES) and the
Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (PEER, Berkeley University), the Blind Test Challenge of the
15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (LNEC, Lisbon, Portugal) and the Blind prediction Contest
organized in 2011 by the Earthquake resistance and Disaster Prevention Branch of the Architectural Society of
Based on the advanced nonlinear capabilities of SeismoStruct, and its rich range of features, a series of
packages has been planned to be developed in the next years:
OOVersions of the four earthquake tools (SeismoSignal, SeismoSpect, SeismoArtif and SeismoMatch) for the
iOS and Android operating systems, so that to be used in smart phones and tablets.
OOVersions of all the packages for the MacOS operating system. At first the four earthquake tools will be
considered. At the latter stage the larger packages for nonlinear analysis will also be programmed.
OOA program for progressive collapse analysis, whereby certain members may be removed to study the effect
on a structure. The dynamic effects of progressive collapse are typically evaluated using time-history analysis.
available documentation
Users are provided full documentation for SeismoApps in different formats. The sources of information
currently available are:
Abrahamson N.A. [1992] "Non-stationary spectral matching," Seismological Research Letters, Vol. 63, No. 1, p. 30.
Al Atik L. And Abrahamson N. [2010] “An Improved Method for Nonstationary Spectral Matching”, Earthquake Spectra,
Vol. 26, No. 3, pp. 601-617.
Anderson J.C. and Bertero V.V. [1987]. “Uncertainties in Establishing Design Earthquakes” Journal of Structural
Engineering, Vol. 113(8), pp. 1709 ASTM [1985] Cycle counting in fatigue analysis, Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol.
03.01, Designation E1049-85.
ASCE 41-13 [2013] American Society of Civil Engineers: Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of Existing Buildings.
Benjamin J.R. and Associates [1988] "A criterion for determining exceedance of the Operating Basis Earthquake," EPRI
Report NP-5930, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, California.
Bianchini, M., Diotallevi, P., and Baker, J. W., [2009]. “Prediction of Inelastic Structural Response Using an Average of
Spectral Accelerations” 10th International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability (ICOSSAR09), Osaka, Japan.
Bommer J.J., Martínez-Pereira A. [1999] "The effective duration of earthquake strong motion," Journal of Earthquake
Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 127-172.
Boore D.M. [2001] "Effects of baseline corrections on displacements and response spectra for several recordings of the
1999 Chi-Chi, Tawian, earthquake," Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 92, No. 4, pp. 1199-1211.
Boore D.M., Akkar S. [2003] "Effects of causal and acausal filters on elastic and inelastic response spectra," Earthquake
Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol. 32, pp. 1729–1748.
Bradley B.A. [2010] "A generalized conditional intensity measure approach and holistic ground-motion selection,"
Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol. 39.
Chopra A.K. [1995] "Dynamics of Structures: Theory and Applications to Earthquake Engineering," Prentice-Hall.
Clough R.W., Penzien J. [1994] "Dynamics of Structures," 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill.
Cook R.D., Malkus D.S., Plesha M.E. [1989] "Concepts and Applications of Finite Elements Analysis," John Wiley & Sons.
Crisfield M.A. [1991] "Non-linear Finite Element Analysis of Solids and Structures," John Wiley & Sons.
EN 1998-1 (English) [2004]: Eurocode 8: Design of structures for earthquake resistance – Part 1: General rules, seismic
actions and rules for buildings.
EN 1998-3 (English) [2004]: Eurocode 8: Design of structures for earthquake resistance -Part 3: Assessment and
retrofitting of buildings.
Gasparini D., Vanmarcke E.H. [1976] "Simulated Earthquake Motions Compatible with Prescribed Response Spectra,"
M.I.T. Department of Civil Engineering research report.
Guaman J.W. [2010]. Empirical Ground Motion Relationship for Maximum Incremental Velocity, Master's Thesis,
University of Notre Dam.
Hancock J. and Bommer J. [2005] "The effective number of cycles of earthquake ground motion" Earthquake Engineering
and Structural Dynamics; Vol. 34, pp. 637-664.
Halldorsson B., Papageorgiou A.S. [2005]"Calibration of the specific barrier model to earthquake of different tectonic
regions," Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol.95, No.4, pp.1276-1300.
Hancock J., Watson-Lamprey J., Abrahamson N.A., Bommer J.J., Markatis A., McCoy E., Mendis R. [2006] "An improved
method of matching response spectra of recorded earthquake ground motion using wavelets." Journal of Earthquake
Engineering, Vol. 10 pp. 67–89.
Husid L.R. [1969] "Characteristicas de terremotos. Analisis general," Revista del IDIEM, Vol. 8, pp. 21-42.
KANEPE [2017] Earthquake Planning and Protection Organisation of Greece: Code for Structural Interventions, 2nd
Krawinkler H., Nassar A. A. [1992] "Seismic design based on ductility and cumulative damage demand and capacities,"
Nonlinear Seismic Analysis and Design of Reinforced Concrete Buildings, Elsevier Applied Science, New York, NY, USA.
Lilhanand K., Tseng W.S. [1988] "Development and application of realistic earthquake time histories compatible with
multiple-damping design spectra," Proceedings of the 9th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Tokyo, Japan,
Vol II, 819-824.
Lynn P.A., Fuerst W. [1998] "Introductory Digital Signal Processing with Computer Applications," Wiley & Sons.
Malhotra PK. [2002]. “Cyclic-demand spectrum” Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics; Vol. 31, pp.
Miranda E., Bertero V.V. [1994] "Evaluation of strength reduction factor for earthqauke-resistance design," Earthquake
Spectra, 10(2), 357-379.
Mucciarelli M., Spinelli A., Pacor F. [2004] "Un programma per la generazione di accelerogrammi sintetici “fisici”
adeguati alla nuova normativa," Proceedings of XI Congresso Nazionale “L'Ingegneria Sismica in Italia”, Genova, Italy.
Newmark N.M. [1959] "A method of computation for structural dynamics," Journal of the Engineering Mechanics Division,
ASCE, Vol. 85, No. EM3, pp. 67-94.
Newmark N.M., Hall W.J. [1982] "Earthquake Spectra and Design," EERI Monograph Series, EERI, Oakland, CA, USA.
NTC 2018, D.M. Infrastrutture Trasporti 17 gennaio 2018 (G.U. 20 febbraio 2018 n. 8 - Suppl. Ord.). ”Norme tecniche per le
Costruzioni” (NTC18).
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Seismosoft in brief
Founded in 2002, Seismosoft provides the earthquake engineering community with access to
powerful and state-of-the-art tools for structural analysis (SeismoStruct & SeismoBuild), for
strong-motion data processing (SeismoSignal & SeismoSpect) and for the derivation of generated
and artificial accelerograms (SeismoMatch & SeismoArtif).
With more than 1000 software academic and commercial license requests per month, and users in
thousands of international academic/research institutions and practicing companies in more than
110 countries worldwide, Seismosoft is now recognised as a leading enterprise in the development
of software tools for structural and earthquake engineering.
Ultimately, by rendering readily available the full spectrum of earthquake engineering tools and
methods that feature, not only technical excellence, but also efficiency and user-friendliness,
Seismosoft hopes to somehow contribute, even if modestly, to the continuous search for higher
mitigation of the risks that earthquakes pose to humankind.