Personal Finance Rubric

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Unacceptable Above
Description Improvement Average (3) Excellent (5)
(1) Average (4)
Shows little Shows some Shows adequate Shows superior
Fills out a W-4
understanding, knowledge, knowledge, knowledge, given
form correctly Shows no
given directions, given directions, given directions, directions, of
upon acceptance evidence.
of how to fill out of how to fill out of how to fill out how to fill out the
of specific job
the form. the form. the form. form.
fixed weekly and
Shows little Shows some Shows adequate Shows superior
monthly living
understanding of knowledge of knowledge of knowledge of
expenses once
Shows no how to figure how to figure how to figure how to figure
salary is known
evidence. expenses using expenses using expenses using expenses using
percentages and percentages and percentages and percentages and
net income. net income. net income. net income.
Chart for
Shows some Shows adequate
knowledge of knowledge of Shows superior
Determines Shows little
how to how to knowledge of
monthly flexible understanding of
determine total determine total how to determine
purchase how to determine
amount for amount for total amount for
expenses using total amount for
flexible flexible flexible expenses
Percentage Shows no flexible expenses
expenses and expenses and and how to
Chart for evidence. and how to
how to how to determine
Expenses and determine specific
determine determine specific amounts
after fixed amounts using
specific specific amounts using
expenses percentages and
amounts using using percentages and
determined net income.
percentages and percentages and net income.
net income. net income.
Shows some Shows adequate
Shows little knowledge of knowledge of Shows superior
understanding of how to how to knowledge of
Produces a
how to determine determine what determine what how to determine
weekly and
what goes into a goes into a goes into a what goes into a
monthly budget Shows no
budget, how to budget, how to budget, how to budget, how to
using Personal evidence.
determine determine determine determine
Finance Chart
percentages, and percentages, percentages, percentages, and
and Excel.
how to formulate and how to and how to how to formulate
budget in Excel. formulate formulate budget in Excel.
budget in Excel. budget in Excel.
Shows little Shows some Shows adequate Shows superior
Endorses and understanding of knowledge of knowledge of knowledge of
deposits how to correctly how to correctly how to correctly how to correctly
monthly Shows no endorse a endorse a endorse a endorse a
paycheck with evidence. paycheck, fill out a paycheck, fill paycheck, fill paycheck, fill out
branch bank deposit slip, and out a deposit out a deposit a deposit slip,
manager. deposit both with slip, and deposit slip, and deposit and deposit both
branch bank both with both with with branch bank
manager. branch bank branch bank manager.
manager. manager.
Writes monthly
fixed living
expenses check
Shows some Shows adequate Shows superior
by 10th of each Shows little
knowledge of knowledge of knowledge of
month and gives understanding of
how to pay how to pay how to pay
checks to Shows no how to pay
monthly fixed monthly fixed monthly fixed
branch bank evidence. monthly fixed
living expenses living expenses living expenses
manager. Pays living expenses by
by check and by check and by check and
monthly fixed check and online.
online. online. online.
living expenses
online by 10th
of each month.
Writes weekly
fixed living
expenses checks
at the end of Shows some Shows adequate Shows superior
Shows little
each week and knowledge of knowledge of knowledge of
understanding of
gives checks to how to pay how to pay how to pay
Shows no how to pay weekly
branch bank weekly fixed weekly fixed weekly fixed
evidence. fixed living
manager. Pays living expenses living expenses living expenses
expenses by check
weekly fixed by check and by check and by check and
and online.
living expenses online. online. online.
online by the
end of each
Shows some Shows adequate
Orders flexible Shows little Shows superior
knowledge of knowledge of
personal understanding of knowledge of
how to order 4- how to order 4-
purchases from how to order 4-6 how to order 4-6
Shows no 6 purchases 6 purchases
a minimum of 4 purchases using purchases using
evidence. using order using order
to 6 different VE order forms order forms
forms and/or forms and/or
companies and/or online and/or online
online order online order
monthly. order forms. order forms.
forms. forms.
Writes checks
for flexible
Shows some Shows adequate
purchases upon Shows little Shows superior
knowledge of knowledge of
receipt of understanding of knowledge of
how to pay for how to pay for
invoice and Shows no how to pay for how to pay for
personal personal
gives checks to evidence. personal personal
purchases by purchases by
branch bank purchases by purchases by
check and check and
manager. Pays check and online. check and online.
online. online.
for purchases
Records all fixed
Shows little Shows some Shows adequate Shows superior
and flexible
understanding of knowledge of knowledge of knowledge of
weekly and
how to record how to record how to record how to record
monthly Shows no
expenses in check expenses in expenses in expenses in
expenses in evidence.
register and check register check register check register
check register
balance and balance and balance and balance
and balances
checkbook. checkbook. checkbook. checkbook.
Reconciles Shows little Shows some Shows adequate Shows superior
personal check understanding of knowledge of knowledge of knowledge of
Shows no
register with how to reconcile how to reconcile how to reconcile how to reconcile
personal bank balances in check balances in balances in balances in check
statement register and bank check register check register register and bank
issued each statement(s). and bank and bank statements(s).
month. statement(s). statement(s).
Receives and
reviews W-2
Shows little Shows some Shows adequate Shows superior
understanding of knowledge of knowledge of knowledge of
Shows no what a W-2 form what a W-2 what a W-2 what a W-2 form
what totals on
evidence. means and how form means and form means and means and how
form mean for
used to fill out tax how used to fill how used to fill used to fill out
filing federal and
forms. out tax forms. out tax forms. tax forms.
state income tax
Shows little Shows some Shows adequate Shows superior
Fills out federal understanding of knowledge of knowledge of knowledge of
Shows no
1040 EZ income how to fill out a how to fill out a how to fill out a how to fill out a
tax form. 1040 EZ form 1040 EZ form 1040 EZ form 1040 EZ form
correctly. correctly. correctly. correctly.
Shows little Shows some Shows adequate Shows superior
Fills out understanding of knowledge of knowledge of knowledge of
Shows no
California 540EZ how to fill out a how to fill out a how to fill out a how to fill out a
state tax form. 540 EZ form 540 EZ form 540 EZ form 540 EZ form
correctly. correctly. correctly. correctly.
Files both tax
Shows little Shows some Shows adequate Shows superior
forms with
understanding knowledge of knowledge of knowledge of
branch bank Shows no
how to file tax how to file tax how to file tax how to file tax
manager by no evidence.
forms by April forms by April forms by April forms by April
later than April
15th. 15th. 15th. 15th.
Turns in all Shows little Shows some Shows adequate Shows superior
written checks understanding of knowledge of knowledge of knowledge of
Shows no
each month to what to do with what to do with what to do with what to do with
branch bank written checks written checks written checks written checks
manager. each month. each month. each month. each month.
Maintains Shows little Shows some Shows adequate Show superior
cancelled checks understanding of knowledge of knowledge of knowledge of
and updates Shows no how to maintain how to maintain how to maintain how to maintain
personal finance evidence. and update and update and update and update
files/folder each personal finance personal finance personal finance personal finance
month. files monthly. files monthly. files monthly. files monthly.

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