CSE101L Cyclesheets
CSE101L Cyclesheets
CSE101L Cyclesheets
(Estd. u/s 3 of UGC Act 1956)
Vellore - 632 014, Tamil Nadu, India
(Date of Completion 20-8-2010)
Unit -II
1. Write a ‘C’ program to compute simple interest using various function prototypes.
2. Write a ‘C’ program for swapping of two numbers.
a. Call by value
b. Call by reference
3. Write a ‘C’ program to compute factorial of n numbers using recursive function.
Any program in the cycle sheet I & II can be implemented using function.
[Note * it is not compulsory for other school (SBST ,SELECT,SENSE)]
Unit –V
1. Write a ‘C’ program to store ‘n’ different book details using structures. Write the code to
search for the given author or book.
a. Write a C program to store ‘n’ of student using structures.
b. Read three subject marks (M1.M2, M3) for the student, then calculate total mark and
average mark of each student.
c. Display the details of student who scored highest average mark (Hint : Details should have
following fields Reg No, Name, M1, M2, M3, Total and Average )
d. Display the details of student who scored highest mark in M2 (Hint : Details should have
following fields Reg No, Name, M1, M2, M3, Total and Average )
e. Display the details of student who scored lowest mark in M3 (Hint : Details should have
following fields Reg No, Name, M1, M2, M3, Total and Average )
f. Display the class average mark of each subject(Hint : Display the subject name and class
average mark)