Resignation Keisha

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To: Mr. Raymond M.


CC: Engr. Edwin Juit

Chief Operating Officer

Mrs. Ana Maria Chan, RN, MN

HR Director

Mrs. Sahlee Tapel, RN

Assistant Chief Nurse


I am writing to formally notify you that I am resigning from my position as staff nurse effectively
on December 25, 2019.

Working in this institution was a very worthwhile experience that has allowed me to develop
professional and personal development such as practicing clinical skills, refreshing or learning
new study skills, or developing new skills to meet a career goal and also self-confidence, of which,
will help me as I face new challenge. It has indeed been a great learning opportunity for that has
enhanced my knowledge and abilities as a nurse.

I wish to thank the staff and administration for enabling me to learn as much as I did and for their
kind attitude towards me. This period in my life will surely be treasured and greatly missed.

I’ve enjoyed working for you, and appreciate the provision provided to me during my time at the
institution. Thank you again for this wonderful experience. May the Lord bless you and
Catanduanes Doctors Hospital Incorporated.

Sincerely yours,

Keisha Ferreze Ann A. Quiñones

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