Hotel Vocabulary

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Hotel Vocabulary

Word Meaning Example sentence

part of speech

adjoining rooms two hotel rooms with a door in If you want we can book your parents
noun the centre in an adjoining room.

amenities local facilities such as stores We are located downtown, so we are

noun and restaurants close to all of the amenities.

attractions things for tourists to see and The zoo is our city's most
noun do popularattraction for kids.

baggage bags and suitcases packed If you need help with your baggage we
noun with personal belongings have a cart you can use.

Bed and Breakfast a home that offers a place to I can book you into a beautiful Bed and
noun stay and a place to eat Breakfast on the lake.

bellboy a staff member who helps The bellboy will take your bags to your
noun guests with their luggage room for you.

book arrange to stay in a hotel I can book your family in for the
verb weekend of the seventh.

booked full, no vacancies I'm afraid the hotel is booked tonight.


brochures small booklets that provide Feel free to take some brochures to
noun information on the local sites your room to look at.
and attractions

check-in go to the front desk to receive You can check-in anytime after four
verb keys o'clock.

check-out return the keys and pay for Please return your parking pass when
noun the bill youcheck-out.

complimentary free of charge All of our rooms

breakfast have complimentarysoap, shampoo,
noun and coffee.

cot, rollaway bed a single bed on wheels that If you need an extra bed, we
noun folds up have cotsavailable.

damage charge money a guest owes for We will have to add a damage
noun repairs to hotel property charge for the hole you put in the wall.
(when caused by violent or
careless acts)

deposit amount paid ahead of time to You will not receive your deposit back
noun secure a reservation if you cancel.

double bed a bed large enough for two They are a family of four, so give them
noun people a room with two double beds.

floor a level of the building The swimming pool is on the

noun main floor.

front desk, the place where guests go to Towels are available at the front desk.
reception check in and out and to get
noun information

guest a person that is staying at the Our washrooms are for guests only.
noun hotel

hostel a very inexpensive place for In the hostel you probably won't get
noun backbackers and travelers on your own room.
a budget

hotel manager person in charge at the hotel I'll let you make your complaint to
noun thehotel manager.

housekeeping, staff members that clean the Put a sign on the door if you
maid noun rooms and linen wanthousekeeping to come in and
change the sheets on the bed.

ice machine a machine that automatically There is an ice machine by the

noun makes ice that guests can use elevator on all of the even numbered
to keep drinks cold floors.

indoor pool place for guests to swim The heated indoor pool is open until
noun inside the hotel 10 pm.

inn another word for "hotel" There's an inn on the other side of
noun town that has a vacancy.

Jacuzzi, hot tub, a small hot pool for relaxation Our honeymoon room has a
whirl pool personal hot tub.

king-size bed extra large bed A room with a king size bed costs an
noun extra ten dollars a night.

kitchenette a small fridge and cooking Your room has a kitchenette so you
noun area can prepare your own breakfasts and

late charge a fee for staying past the You will be charged a ten dollar late
noun check-out time charge for checking out after 11 am.

linen sheets, blankets, pillow cases We will come in and change

noun the linenswhile you are out of your

lobby large open area at the front of You can stand in the lobby and wait for
noun the hotel your bus.

luggage cart a device on wheels that Please return the luggage cart to the
noun guests can push their luggage lobby when you are finshed with it.

maximum the most amount of people The maximum capacity in the hot tub
capacity allowed is ten people.

motels accommodations that are Our motel is very clean and is close to
noun slightly cheaper than hotels the beach.

noisy loud The guests next to you have

adj complained that you are being
too noisy.

parking pass a piece of paper that guests Display this parking pass in your
noun display in the car window window to show that you are a hotel
while in the hotel parking lot guest.

pay-per-view extra charge for movies and If you order a pay-per-view movie,
movie special television features the charge will appear on your bill.

pillow case the covering that goes over a Room 201 doesn't need their sheets
noun pillow changed, but they requested one
newpillow case.

queen size bed bed with plenty of space for They have a queen size bed so the
noun two people (bigger than a small child can eaily fit in the middle.

rate cost of renting a room for a Our rates change depending on the
noun certain time period season.

reservation a request to save a specific They say they made a reservation but
noun room for a future date it doesn't show on the computer.

room service delivery of food or other If you would like a bottle of wine, just
noun services requested by guests callroom service.

sauna a hot room for relaxation, We don't recommend bringing young

noun filled with steam children into the sauna.

single bed a bed for one person The economy priced room includes
noun onesingle bed.

sofa bed, pull-out a bed built into a sofa or The room contains a sofa bed so the
couch couch room actually sleeps five.

towels used to cover and dry the You can get your swimming
noun body after swimming or pool towelsat the front desk.

vacancy available rooms We only have one vacancy left, and it

noun is for a single room.

valet staff that parks the guests' If you leave your car keys with us,
noun vehicles thevalet will park your car

vending machine a machine that distributes The vending machine on the fifth floor
noun snacks and beverages when has chocolate bars and chips.
you insert coins

view a window that offers a nice The room is more expensive because it
noun image for guests has a spectacular view of the beach.

wake up call a morning phone call from the What time would you like your wake
noun front desk, acts as an alarm up call?

weight room, a room that guests can use Our weight room has a stair climber
workout room, for exercise and fitness and a stationary bicycle.

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