Gear Measuring Machines
Gear Measuring Machines
Gear Measuring Machines
o one is quite sure when The first descriptions of gears were
gears were invented. found around 300 B.C. In the begin-
Archaeologists believe the ning, gears for basic industrial purposes
wheel was invented around were made out of wood. By around
5,000 B.C. Gears came some time after 100 B.C., intricate gears made of soft
that, when lazy human beings in dif- metals such as bronze were well devel-
ferent parts of the world had the idea oped, as evidenced by the Antikythera
of not lifting water from the ground device, which dates to around 80 B.C.
themselves, but letting animals do it. Many different uses for gears had been
They needed to transfer the rotation developed in ancient times. Although
of the axis of rotating buckets from the iron had been used for weapons and
horizontal to vertical direction. Animals tools for a long time, it wasn’t until the
can drive a horizontal toothed wheel industrial revolution that methods for
and, if this is connected to a toothed forming or cutting gear teeth became
vertical wheel, buckets will lift water prevalent. Cast iron gears provided a
by a geared mechanism (Fig. 1). This huge improvement over wooden gears,
is one of numerous examples of lazy but these early cast iron gears were of
people being very helpful. low accuracy and not worth measuring.
Figure 1—Water lifting gearing mechanism in Egypt. Figure 2—Steam activated locomotive with gear drive,
circa 1803.
October 2006 Gear Product News 21
Figure 8— Maag PH 60 involute and lead tester, around 1962. Figure 9—Maag SP 60 variable involute and lead gear tester,
Figure 10—Mechanical solution for sine bar mechanics of lead Figure 11—Involute reference artifact.
and variable involute diameter.
Figure 12—National involute artifact measuring system (PTB Figure 13—Lead reference artifact.
Figure 16— Klingelnberg P35 NC Gear measuring machine, 2000. Figure 17— Zeiss Gagemax universal 3-D coordinate measuring
machine with rotary table for gear measuring.
system compared the difference in size on them after 1960. National arti- gear testing machines entered the plat-
of the used base circle to the correct facts were developed to allow the most form of general use.
size. In industry, complete measuring accurate measurement and comparison
machines for variable base circles and between the different national institutes The development of computers changed
helical lead measurements were com- (Figs. 12–14). the world of machine tools. In industry,
monly used after 1960 (Figs. 8–10). the normal use of numerical-controlled
Solutions for pitch and runout inspec- (NC) machine tools began around 1975.
Like the setting problems of the mech- tion by special machines started around Beginning in 1980, CNC was integrat-
anism for the helical lead measurement, 1935, and special machines for these ed in gear measuring machines as well.
the same problem occurred for the features have since been built. Pitch The well-known artifacts for profile and
variable base circle mechanisms. A real artifacts have been developed which are lead were used to prove the accuracy of
involute artifact with known contour useful for direct comparison measure- an inspection machine’s mechanism,
was necessary (Fig. 11). These involute ments and calibration of measuring electronics and evaluation software. The
artifacts had a large module to enable an machines. combination of these three items work-
accurate setting of the mechanism over ing together made the artifacts more
the total travel of variation. Together Electronics were evolving rapidly. important than ever. Since 1980, CNC
with the lead artifact, these artifacts Developments of measuring index measuring machines for gears and
became the unique base for accuracy of and runout variations were integrat- 3-D coordinate measurement machines
gears. A number of different designs for ed into involute and lead measuring (CMM) have superseded all the old
the artifacts was created and used for machines. These complete gear mea- mechanical solutions (Figs. 16–17).
calibration from those days until today. suring machines started to conquer CMMs with rotary tables work like
the market in 1975 (Fig. 15). The gear measuring machines.
The national governments and their direct graphing methods were changed
national metrology institutes started to to plotted solutions using electronic The old fashioned use of measurements
take care of gear artifacts from 1920– connection from the stylus to the graph- with “high” or “low” accuracy is not
1930. Greater importance was placed ing instruments. These machines were good enough any longer. Measuring
on these artifacts when the calibration difficult to operate and represent the results now have to show the actual
of gear measuring machines depended last step of development before CNC measurement uncertainty. But how do
we quantify measurement uncertainties? The measuring uncertainty found by With these artifacts it is possible, for
Several methods were created and found comparison measurements is based on the first time, to determine uncertainty
their way into standards and guidelines four fundamental conditions: in gear and spline measurements in an
(ISO, VDI, VDA). See Figure 18 for A. The variation and the measuring easy and quick way. Figure 23 shows
a timeline of the development of gear uncertainty of the artifact itself have to how IC artifacts relate to industrial
measurement capabilities. be known for sure. metrology and the world traceability of
B. The size and geometry of specimen gear measurement uncertainty.
The most attractive method that sim- and artifact have to be similar.
plifies the uncertainty evaluation is the C. Comparison of the results must be IC artifacts are possible in any imag-
experimental technique using compari- made under different environmental inable design. They can be manufac-
son measurement with calibrated and, conditions. tured for gears and splines and for
thus, well-known artifacts. It can be D. All kinds of measured features have internal teeth and external teeth of
applied to gear measurements if arti- to exist on the artifact. different modules and different pitch
facts similar to workpieces exist. circle diameters. The geometric
The equipment of gear measurement size can be adapted to small plastic
This sounds rather easy, but completely machines changed step-by-step during gears or large industrial gearboxes.
new gear artifacts had to be designed the last 80 years. Now, the time has
to assess and quantify the uncertainty come to tailor the artifacts to modern For more information:
of measurements. Artifacts represent, demands. A new concept of gear arti- Frenco GmbH
in near ideal form, the geometric facts developed by Frenco is named IC Jakob-Baier-Strasse 3
characteristics of gearing. These char- artifacts (Figs. 19–22).
Phone: (49) (9187) 8090
acteristics are calibrated and traceable E-mail: [email protected]
to national artifacts. Artifacts are the The IC gear artifacts contain all impor- Internet:
highest authority. They are used to set tant gear characteristics and have a
up and carry out final acceptance tests, similar profile to that of the work-
and to trace gear and spline measuring pieces to be tested. Thereby they meet
machines. There are different artifacts the identity condition (IC) as defined Rudolf Och is general
depending on the measuring task and in ISO 15530 for the determination manager of Frenco
the spectrum of the gearing to be mea- of measurement uncertainty of coordi- GmbH and inventor
sured. The closer the artifact is to the nate measuring machines (CMMs) and of IC artifacts. He has
measuring task, the more certain is the form an important part of an extensive been with the compa-
traceability of the measurement. package to determine the measurement
ny since 1978.
Figure 21—IC artifacts (m=2) for internal gears. Figure 22—IC artifacts (m=1) for involute splines.
Bureau International des Polds at Mesures
University SETIM SIT
of Newcastle
upon Tyne France Italia
Industrial artifacts = profile, lead, index, runout, size over balls or IC artifacts