Java JavaScript123uo00es0270 PDF
Java JavaScript123uo00es0270 PDF
Java JavaScript123uo00es0270 PDF
In the pages set out below we introduce Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), Cascading Style Sheets
(CSS) and JavaScript, the three core components of most web pages.
In these pages, text used within HTML, CSS or JavaScript files is generally shown in courier new
(i.e. a fixed space) font. The pages contain links to an extensive body of reference material explaining
HTML, CSS and JavaScript in detail. We also provide a wide range of examples, which can help you
understand better how HTML, CSS and JavaScript work. See below for further details on how to
access these examples.
1. Introduction
2. Variables
3. Statements
4. Functions
5. Event handling
6. The Document Object Model (DOM)
7. Miscellaneous
E. CSS Animatable Properties
F. CSS Keywords (inherit and initial)
G. CSS Pseudo-Properties (content, counter-increment and counter-reset)
H. CSS Rules (@font-face, @keyframes, @media)
I. CSS Selectors
J. CSS Units: Times, Lengths, Angles and Colours
K. Miscellaneous CSS Property Values (Border Styles and Edge Multi-Value Formats)
L. Default CSS Styles Applied to HTML Elements
M. HTML Special Characters
N. Markup languages
O. JavaScript Statements: Reserved Words
P. JavaScript String Variables
Q. JavaScript Regular Expressions
R. JavaScript Numbers and Mathematical Functions
S. JavaScript Dates
T. JavaScript Booleans
U. JavaScript Arrays
V. JavaScript Objects
W. JavaScript Error Objects
X. JavaScript Operators
Y. The JavaScript Document Object Model (DOM)
Z. Further JavaScript Properties and Methods
Disclaimer: Whilst we have made efforts to check the accuracy of the material in these pages, you
should note that HTML, CSS and JavaScript are evolving languages. Information contained in this
document may therefore be inaccurate or out-of-date. You should not rely on the accuracy or
fitness for purpose of any material that you obtain from the Nematrian website (or from its
associated web services). If you need these results to be accurate or fit for purpose then you
should seek independent corroboration of whatever you extract from the Nematrian website.
Whilst using the site, users may be directed to the websites of other organisations, over which
Nematrian may have no control and for which it takes no responsibility. A copy of the current
Nematrian Web Services License Agreement can be viewed here.
HTML Tutorial
1. Introduction
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is one of the three main components of modern webpages,
along with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and JavaScript. HTML indicates to the browser what
elements should be included in the webpage (and in what order). CSS indicates how each element
should be styled. JavaScript provides a means for webpage authors to manipulate these elements
programmatically and in response to actions by the end user. Tutorials and reference material
covering all three components are available here.
In these pages, we describe HTML further. Text used within HTML, CSS or JavaScript files is generally
shown in courier new (i.e. a fixed space) font. The pages contain links to an extensive body of
reference material explaining HTML, CSS and JavaScript in detail. We also provide a wide range of
examples, which can help you understand better how HTML, CSS and JavaScript work. See below for
further details on how to access these examples.
The concept of a markup language is explained further here. A document written in a markup
language like HTML has parts that get rendered in the eventual output, but also parts that inform
the rendering software how to interpret the remaining text. ‘Rendering’ here refers to the process of
transforming the text document containing the HTML text into e.g. its visual representation on a
The markup used by HTML includes tags, like <p>…</p>, to demarcate different HTML elements
within the same webpage. In this case the <p> tag opens the relevant element and the </p> closes
it. <p> elements are typically used to delimit paragraphs in HTML. HTML elements can be nested
within other elements. Most elements can also be qualified by a range of attributes. For example, if
we want to make the text within a <p> element appear red we can ascribe it a CSS style, along the
lines of <p style="color:red;">.
Over time HTML has been refined. At the time of writing the latest version is HTML 5. Some aspects
of earlier versions of HTML are no longer recognised in HTML 5 and some of these are noted where
Tutorial contents:
Disclaimer: Whilst we have made efforts to check the accuracy of the material in these pages, you
should note that HTML, CSS and JavaScript are evolving languages. Information contained in this
document may therefore be inaccurate or out-of-date. You should not rely on the accuracy or
fitness for purpose of any material that you obtain from the Nematrian website (or from its
associated web services). If you need these results to be accurate or fit for purpose then you
should seek independent corroboration of whatever you extract from the Nematrian website.
Whilst using the site, users may be directed to the websites of other organisations, over which
Nematrian may have no control and for which it takes no responsibility. A copy of the current
Nematrian Web Services License Agreement can be viewed here.
As explained in HTML and other markup languages, there are various ‘dialects’ of HTML. This me ans
that some examples of HTML may be understood by some browsers but rejected by others. The
following text, when put into a text editor and saved with a .htm file extension, will usually
successfully render a web page that says “Hello World (usi ng HTML)” if the file is viewed in Microsoft
Edge. Note that HTML largely ignores page breaks; if you want to include a page break in the text
shown to the user then you need to add a <br> element (or a <br /> element if you are using
XHTML, which is a modern variant of HTML that involves a cross between classic HTML and XML).
Hello World (using HTML)
However, strictly speaking an HTML document is supposed to start with a document type
declaration, along the lines of e.g. <!DOCTYPE html> and a header along the lines of e.g.
<head><title>Document title</title></head>. So, a better way to create the page shown
above is as follows. We’ve added a comment into the document, using HTML comment tags.
Comments are not displayed by the browser but can help to document the HTML source text.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>My Document</title>
<!-- Only the text in the body will appear in the browser -->
Hello World (Using HTML)
Often, the <html> element also includes a lang attribute, as this can be important for accessibility
applications (such as screen readers) and for search engines. With the lang attribute, the first two
letters specify the language. If the language comes in various dialects then two more letters specify
the dialect, e.g.:
<html lang="en-US">
HTML markup largely ignores carriage returns (i.e. line breaks) within marked up files. Instead, if you
want to insert a carriage return you need to insert a <br> tag.
By ‘largely ignores’ we mean that browsers do not render carriage returns as line break s as such
(except if certain styles apply to the element within which they appear, see e.g. the default
formatting of the <pre> element). However, carriage returns do affect how HTML handles spaces at
the end of the line and at the start of the following line. Leading spaces (i.e. ones on a line before
any non-space characters) are typically ignored, as are trailing spaces (i.e. ones on a line after the
last non-space character). However, browsers typically insert a 'breaking space' at the end of each
line, which often then shows up as a single space. Multiple spaces one after the other are
interpreted as a single space. To include more than one space in such instances you need to include
a ‘non-breaking space’ as a special character, see here.
Webpage authors typically put a lot of effort into creating visually appealing material. One way of
breaking up text is to insert a thematic break line or horizontal rule, i.e. a <hr> tag, which places a
line across the window like:
4. Commenting
It can be helpful to include comments in HTML documents that are not displayed but help readers of
the underlying markup text you to understand what the HTML is trying to do. Comments in HTML
take the form <!-- comment --> and ignore line breaks within the opening and closing tags of
the comment element.
5. Special characters
The underlying markup of a webpage typically contains many more ampersand characters (i.e. &)
than appear in the rendered output. This is because the & character is part of the way in which
HTML marks up 'special' characters, i.e. ones that would otherwise be understood by HTML to relate
to markup. In HTML, each special character is preceded by an ampersand, followed by the HTML
markup name for that character followed by a semicolon. Perhaps the most common special
characters are:
6. Hyperlinks
Many people associate web pages with hyperlinks, i.e. the ability to navigate from one page to
another page. In HTML, hyperlinks (also called ‘anchors’) typically have the following sort of
<a href="Pages/AboutNematrian.pdf";>text</a>
The text is what the user sees, the value of href is where the link points to. Points to note include:
(a) The ‘text’ material seen by the user can contain HTML, so can include e.g. images and
formatted text
(b) The href value used here, i.e. “Pages/AboutNematrian.pdf” means that the link
points to a webpage (or other resource) called “AboutNematrian.pdf” in the directory
“Pages” (strictly speaking a subdirectory of the directory in which the source webpage
resides, unless it e.g. starts with http:// or https:// or unless the document’s <base>
element, if any, defines a different base address to be used by relative uniform resource
locators, i.e. ‘URLs’).
Groups of hyperlinks can be included in a <nav> element. For example, markup as follows:
<a href="Introduction.aspx">Introduction</a> |
<a href="IntroductionSoftware.aspx">Software</a>
Introduction | Software
The basic building blocks of HTML are elements (also called tags). A list of recognised elements is
shown here. Some HTML elements, like the hyperlinks in HTMLTutorialHyperlinks, are by default
differentiated from the text around them. The most general way of formatting text (capable of
altering any of the default formatting of any visible HTML element) involves use of Cascading Style
Sheets (CSS) or in-file or in-line equivalents, see Nematrian's CSS Tutorial. In-line CSS involves
assigning a specific style attribute to a given element. Other sorts of attributes can also be assigned
to different sorts of elements. A list of recognised attributes is shown here. The exact range of
attributes valid for a specific element type does vary; see individual elements or attributes for
further details.
Many other elements are also by default differentiated from the text around them or exist primarily
to facilitate this sort of differentiation. Examples include:
Header 1
Header 2
<h1>, <h2>, <h3>,
<h4>, <h5>, <h6>
HTML headings Header 3
Header 4
Header 5
Header 6
1, George Street,
<small> Smaller text
Defines more important text, commonly used as Mary had a little
another way of highlighting text or making it bold lamb
<sub> Subscripted text A1
<summary> Heading for a <details> element Heading
<sup> Superscripted text A1
Date / time (N.B. isn't normally differentiated from
<time> 10:00
standard text in most modern browsers)
Text that should be stylistically different from normal
<u> abc
text, commonly used for underlining
<var> Variable Param1
Posible line-break, the Word Break Opportunity tag
<wbr> specifies where in a text it would be ok to add a line-
Some HTML elements are no longer supported in HTML5. Although they often work in browsers you
should ideally use CSS instead. These include:
Some HTML tags differentiate content, but primarily to assist the browser's understanding of that
content, e.g.:
Some HTML tags demarcate content so that the material can be segmented up more effectively, or
assigned different formatting styles, e.g.:
<article> Article
<aside> Content aside from the page content
<details> Additional details that a user can view or hide
a single piece of
<div> Section in a document
<main> Main content of a document main text
Paragraph (by default has space added above and below
<p> a paragraph
the text)
<section> Section in a document a section
<span> Section in a document a section (span)
A summary of the default styles applied to each HTML element is set out here.
8. Browser feature detection
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and JavaScript form the main
elements of modern webpages. However, different browsers do not always interpret these webpage
components in entirely consistent ways.
(a) HTML, CSS and JavaScript are evolving through time, particularly as new ways of interacti ng
with webpages are developed. Most of their core components are understood by essentially
all browsers. However, some newer features may only work on some browsers. Some may
be released in ‘beta’ or ‘test’ form, but may eventually be dropped in any finalised updates.
(b) Webpages are nowadays accessed across a wide range of formats. These formats can take
different physical forms. Even when they involve a ‘traditional’ screen-based format, the
screens can come in many different sizes and resolutions (e.g. a PC-based screen is typi cal ly
larger, and easier to resize, than a mobile phone-based screen). This makes it desirable to
alter the way in which material is displayed depending on the format involved.
Historically, webpage developers solved this problem using ‘browser detection’. In thi s approach,
the developer would include in the webpage (or on the server delivering the webpage to the use r)
some means of detecting which browser was being used to access the webpage. This had two mai n
weaknesses. First, there are now many different browser providers most of whom al so have many
versions of their browsers available. This made it very difficult for developers to ke e p up wi th the
changing browser scene. Second, a ‘browser detection’ approach fails to address (b) above. The
same browser can run on multiple devices; if the devices themselves have different characte ri stics
then these won’t be captured merely by identifying the browser being used.
Nowadays, the trend is to use ‘feature detection’. In this approach, the developer includes elements
or other components in the webpage that identify if the browser and device being used to access
the webpage supports a specific feature. The output is then optimised bearing in mind whether the
feature is available.
Sometimes this type of functionality is explicitly built into HTML. For example, the media file formats
recognised by HTML <audio> and <video> elements vary by browser. These HTML elements
specifically allow developers to refer to more than one media source, depending on the format
involved. The browser being used can then select whichever source it recognises. If it doesn’t
recognise any (or if it is not new enough to recognise <audio> or <video> elements), fallback text will
be displayed. The CSS @media rule can also be used in a way that allows the developer to al te r the
style used by an element to reflect the media in which the page is being viewed (e .g. the wi dth or
height of the device).
At other times, feature detection needs to be coded using JavaScript. The typical approach is to
identify whether a feature is supported by the browser and then to adjust output formatting
accordingly. However, it is not always easy to identify whether a specific feature is supported by the
browser. Possible methods include:
- Use the hasFeature method to determine whether the JavaScript Document Object
Model (DOM) implementation supports the relevant feature
- Search for DOM objects, properties or methods associated with the feature
- Attempt to create an object that should have the feature and if creation is successful then
test whether it does support the feature
Unfortunately, the hasFeature method is not well supported by several browsers and i ts use i s
often not recommended. The Nematrian website includes functions for many JavaScript features
that can assist in checking whether the feature is being supported by the browser being used at th e
time. See pages on individual features for further details.
CSS Tutorial
1. Introduction
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is one of the three main components of modern webpages, along with
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) and JavaScript. HTML indicates to the browser what elements
should be included on the page (and in what order). CSS indicates how each should be styled.
JavaScript provides a means for webpage authors to manipulate these elements programmatically
and in response to actions by the end user. Tutorials and reference material covering all three
components are available here.
In these pages, we describe CSS further. Text used within HTML, CSS or JavaScript files is generally
shown in courier new (i.e. a fixed space) font. The pages contain links to an extensive body of
reference material explaining HTML, CSS and JavaScript in detail. We also provide a wide range of
examples, which can help you understand better how HTML, CSS and JavaScript work. See below for
further details on how to access these examples.
(a) included within an individual HTML element (as part of the mark-up relating to that
element), i.e. as ‘in-line’ CSS
(b) included in the HTML file where the relevant element(s) are located, but not directly within
the elements concerned, i.e. as ‘in-file’ CSS
(c) included in external CSS files, i.e. as ‘external’ CSS, with a HTML <link> element used to
indicate where any such CSS files applicable to a given HTML file are located.
The style attributes of an HTML element can also be altered by JavaScript ‘on the fly’, e.g. after the
page has initially loaded or in response to specific user actions such as clicking a button.
CSS styles typically operate according to a hierarchy, with any JavaScript overrides taking precedence
over any CSS styles present when the page is initially loaded but otherwise i n-line CSS taking
precedence over in-file CSS and in-file CSS taking precedence over external CSS (unless the
‘important’ characteristic is included in the style statement). In-file CSS is contained in a <style>
element. If there is more than one such element then later ones take prece dence over earlier ones.
Older versions of HTML (e.g. HTML 4) require <style> elements to be in the <head> of the HTML
file, although most browsers currently seem to accept them even if they appear in the <body>. In
theory, the latest HTML version at the time of writing (HTML 5) has the concept of a ‘scoped’
attribute (e.g. <style scoped>) which should allow you to apply different <style> elements
to different parts of the webpage (which could then legitimately appear in the <body> element),
but not all browsers currently seem to cater for this aspect of HTML 5.
External style sheets are referenced using a <link> element, which goes inside the <head> section.
This type of link element has a form such as:
External style sheets can be created in any text editor, should not contain any HTML tags (elements)
and should be saved with a .css extension.
In-file and external CSS are typically set out in the form of ‘rule-sets’. A rule set involves a selector
and a declaration block. The selector points to the type of HTML element to which the style applies,
whilst the declaration block contains one or more style declarations separated by semicolons. Each
declaration involves a CSS property name, followed by a colon, followed by the value assigned to the
has a selector which is h3 and a declaration block which is {color: blue; text-align:
center;}. It tells the browser that any <h3> element (to which the rule applies) should be centre-
aligned and appear in blue. As with HTML, line breaks and multiple spaces are ignored.
Other types of selectors are introduced here and covered in more detail here.
In-line CSS rule-sets involve the style attribute (and do not include a selector or the curly brackets /
braces included in in-file or external CSS), e.g. they involve setting the element’s style attribute along
the lines of: style = "color: red";.
Comments in CSS start with /* and end with */ and can span multiple lines.
Over time CSS has been refined. At the time of writing the latest version is CSS3. Features in CSS1
and CSS2 can typically still be used in CSS3.
Tutorial content
Disclaimer: Whilst we have made efforts to check the accuracy of the material in these pages, you
should note that HTML, CSS and JavaScript are evolving languages. Information contained in this
document may therefore be inaccurate or out-of-date. You should not rely on the accuracy or
fitness for purpose of any material that you obtain from the Nematrian website (or from its
associated web services). If you need these results to be accurate or fit for purpose then you
should seek independent corroboration of whatever you extract from the Nematrian website.
Whilst using the site, users may be directed to the websites of other organisations, over which
Nematrian may have no control and for which it takes no responsibility. A copy of the current
Nematrian Web Services License Agreement can be viewed here.
2. Selectors
CSS is typically set out in the form of ‘rule-sets’, which involve a selector and a declaration block.
Usually CSS is applied to types of elements. For example, the style rule
h3 {color: blue; text-align: center;}
has a selector which is h3 and a declaration block which is {color: blue; text-align:
center;}. It tells the browser that any <h3> element (to which the rule applies) should be centre-
aligned and appear in blue. As with HTML, line breaks and multiple spaces are ignored.
However, within HTML you can also define classes of elements with common formatting styles using
the element’s class attribute. For example, the style rule
would indicate that any element with a class attribute equal to center should be centre-aligned
and appear in red.
You can also apply CSS to elements of a specific type and class. For example, the style rule
would indicate that <h3> elements that have their class attribute equal to center should be
In-file CSS can also be applied to individual elements, if the id attribute of the HTML element has
been set (the id attribute should be unique within any given page). If you want to use this type of
CSS then precede the id value by a hash (#) character.
would be applied to the HTML element with id equal to para1 (provided there is such an element)
and it would appear yellow (unless overridden by a later style rule).
You can also group together rules for elements with the same style definitions, separating each
selector with a comma. For example,
h1 {color: red;}
h2 {color: red;}
h3 {color: red;}
can be grouped together as follows to minimise code and make it easier to follow:
More general ways of identifying CSS selectors are set out here.
CSS Values
In CSS, if you are using values that have units, e.g. applying values that are to be interpreted as CSS
lengths (e.g. setting the size of an element’s left margin using e.g. margin-left: 20px) then
you should not include a space between the value (here 20) and the unit (here px) as otherwise the
style may be ignored.
There are several ways of defining lengths in CSS. There are also specific conventions used when
defining CSS times, CSS angles and CSS colours.
If you have two or more style rules that would otherwise apply to a specific attribute of a specific
element then the hierarchy rules are that:
- More specific rules override more general ones. Specificity is defined based on how many
IDs, classes and element names are involved as well as by whether there is an !important
- When even these do not differentiate between styles then whichever one appears last is the
one that is applied.
For example, without the !important flag, <h3> elements using the following styles would
appear green (as the green style rule is after the red one), but with the !important flag it is the
red one that applies in this instance:
The style of the whole page can be set by a style rule such as:
Some CSS properties take several values. For example, many HTML elements are deemed to have 4
sides (top, right, bottom and left) and there are conventions on how to define properties that
encompass all four sides simultaneously, see here.
More generally, some CSS properties are shorthand properties that set several other more granular
properties at the same time.
CSS has developed over the years and it is now possible to create relatively sophisticated animation
effects using the CSS @keyframes rule, without needing to implement these animations using
JavaScript. It is also possible to apply different styles depending on the device being used to render
the material, using the CSS @media rule. Material can be automatically added before or after HTML
elements using CSS ‘pseudo-properties’, such as the content pseudo-property.
Styling of hyperlinks
Link state Description
a:link Normal, unvisited link
a:visited Link that user has visited
a:hover Link when the user moves a mouse over it
a:active Link at the moment it is clicked
To make a table responsive (i.e. to display a horizontal scroll bar if the screen is too small to display
in full) you can add a container element with overflow-x:auto, e.g.:
JavaScript Tutorial
1. Introduction
JavaScript is one of the three main components of modern webpages, along with Hypertext Markup
Language (HTML) and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). HTML indicates to the browser what elements
should be included on the page (and in what order). CSS indicates how each should be styled.
JavaScript provides a means for webpage authors to manipulate these elements programmatically
and in response to actions by the end user. Tutorials and reference material covering all three
components are available here.
In these pages, we describe JavaScript further. Text used within HTML, CSS or JavaScript files is
generally shown in courier new (i.e. a fixed space) font. The pages contain links to an extensive
body of reference material explaining HTML, CSS and JavaScript in detail. We also provide a wide
range of examples, which can help you understand better how HTML, CSS and JavaScript work. See
below for further details on how to access these examples.
JavaScript can be added to a webpage in one of three ways (somewhat akin to how CSS can be
added to a webpage):
(a) By including it within an individual HTML event attribute. This typically involves only very
small JavaScript statements.
(b) Within separate <script> elements in the HTML
(c) In external script files (these involve including in the HTML a <script> element with its src
attribute set to the relevant script file name).
A simple example of JavaScript involves the use of the document.write method. For example,
the following HTML text would return a web page the first line of which says “Hello World (using
HTML)” followed by a line break and a second line saying “Hello World (using HTML)”. Script
elements are typically executed in the order in which they appear when the page is first loaded. In
this case the script cause the browser to add some more text to the web page.
Hello World (using HTML)<br>
document.write("<br>Hello World (using Javascript)")
More sophisticated approaches can alter individual HTML elements rather than merely adding to the
end of the document or can react to events such as the clicking of a button. For example, the
following HTML text returns a web page with two lines, the first being “Hello World (using HTML)”
and the second line being “and using JavaScript”.
<!DOCTYPE html>
Hello World (using HTML)<br>
<em id="Added"></em>
document.getElementById("Added").innerHTML="and using JavaScript"
// Adds text to the element with id="Added"
Note: we are here taking advantage of the execution of script commands when the page first loads.
A more complicated (but more general way) of achieving the same result would be to ad d an ‘event
listener’ that is triggered when the page loads and to have a function associated with this event
listener that alters (here adds) the text in the desired manner when the event happens. By attaching
the function to a different event, e.g. one triggered when the user clicks on an element then the a
more responsive webpage can be created.
JavaScript comments
When writing computer software, it often helps to add explanatory comments. In JavaScript, a single
line comment is indicated by “code // text” where the code is still executed, but the text is ignored
by the Browser.
Any text between “/*” and “*/” (not in quotes) including line breaks is also ignored, allowing
authors to create multi-line comments. These tend to be used for formal documentation, e.g.
material at the start of each function that describes what the function does.
Tutorial contents:
Disclaimer: Whilst we have made efforts to check the accuracy of the material in these pages, you
should note that HTML, CSS and JavaScript are evolving languages. Information contained in this
document may therefore be inaccurate or out-of-date. You should not rely on the accuracy or
fitness for purpose of any material that you obtain from the Nematrian website (or from its
associated web services). If you need these results to be accurate or fit for purpose then you
should seek independent corroboration of whatever you extract from the Nematrian website.
Whilst using the site, users may be directed to the websites of other organisations, over which
Nematrian may have no control and for which it takes no responsibility. A copy of the current
Nematrian Web Services License Agreement can be viewed here.
2. Variables
var x;
If you want to set a variable to a value when it is first defined then you generally use the assignment
operator within this definition, e.g.:
var x = 10;
- String variables
- Number variables
- Date variables
- Boolean variables
Variables can also be objects and arrays (and for some string manipulation purposes, regular
expressions). In JavaScript, an array is a special type of object that is indexed along the lines of
a[0], a[1]…. Arrays can consist of other objects, including other arrays.
Several variables can be defined in the same statement, with each one separated by a comma, e.g.:
Variables that have not yet been defined a value have their value as undefined.
If you redefine a variable, it retains its previous value. For example, after the statements
var x = 10;
var x;
Variables are manipulated using operators and functions. For example, numbers can be added
together using the addition operator or functions can be applied to them, e.g.:
- They can contain only letters, digits, underscores and dollar signs
- They must typically begin with a letter (in some cases they can also begin with a $ or an _
- The names are case sensitive (i.e. a and A are different names)
- They cannot be reserved words, such as those used in JavaScript statement construction)
An important concept in programming is the scope of a variable (or more precisely of its name). This
is the part of the code within which the relevant variable is accessible via its name. If code is
segmented into blocks then it is often desirable to use a similar variable name in different blocks but
for the names to then be associated with different variables depending on the block in question. The
scope of a JavaScript can be local or global. Variables defined inside functions are local to that
function, whilst those defined outside functions are global in scope. Local variables are deleted when
the function completes, while global variables remain available until the user closes the browser
window or tab within which the page has been loaded. This means that they are available to new
pages loaded into the same browser window. Function arguments work in the same man ner as local
variables inside a function.
String variables
var x = "Cat";
A string technically consists of a series (an ‘array’, except that a JavaScript array is a specific type of
variable) of characters, which is zero-indexed. So, if we assigned x the value of "Cat" then x[0]
would be "C", x[1] would be "a", etc.
Further details on the methods and properties supported by string variables are set out in JavaScript
Tutorial: Strings.
Regular expressions
Some string methods and properties involve ‘regular expressions’. These take the form:
var x = /nematrian/i;
Further details on the methods and properties supported by regular expressions variables are set
out in JavaScript Tutorial: Regular Expressions.
JavaScript has only one type of number (in contrast to, e.g. Visual Basic, which differentiates
between e.g. integers, floating point numbers and double precision numbers). Numbers can be
written with or without decimal points and/or with or without (scientific) exponents), e.g.
var p = 135e6 // Means 135000000
var q = 13.5e-3 // Means 0.0135
Further details on the methods and properties supported by numbers and by the Math object (which
can be used to carry out mathematical manipulations) are set out in JavaScript Tutorial: Number
variables and mathematical functions.
Date variables are objects and contain dates and times. They can be instantiated in 4 ways:
Here milliseconds refers to the number of milliseconds since 1 January 1970 00:00:00. A dateString is
a piece of text that the browser can recognise as representing a date.
Further details on the methods and properties supported by numbers and by the Math object (which
can be used to carry out mathematical manipulations) are set out in JavaScript Tutorial: Dates.
Boolean variables take one of two values, true or false. They are instantiated by a statement
such as:
var b = true;
You can use the Boolean() function to identify whether an expression is true or false, although it
is simpler just to use operators that return Boolean outputs, e.g. Boolean(2 > 1), (2 > 1) or
even 2 > 1 all return true.
Further details on the methods and properties supported by Boolean variables are shown in
JavaScript Tutorial: Booleans.
Arrays contain multiple (indexed) values in a single variable. Array indices are zero-based, i.e. the
first element of the array has as its index 0, the second 1 etc. They are instantiated by statements
such as:
It is worth noting that elements of arrays can themselves be arrays since technically an array is a
specific type of object.
Further details on the methods and properties supported by arrays (and some of the subtleties that
arise if you want to copy them) are set out in JavaScript Tutorial: Arrays.
JavaScript objects are containers that contain properties and methods. For example, a statement
such as:
creates an object that has three properties, i.e. name-value, pairs that in this instance characterise
(some of the features of) a person.
Object properties can be accessed in two ways, either here e.g. person.title or
person["title"] (both of which in this instance would return a value of "Mr"). An array is a
specific type of object with the property names indexed from 0 up to the length of the array less 1
(and hence elements of arrays can themselves be arrays or other sorts of objects).
Object methods are functions that can be applied to objects. They are technically also property -like
in nature, i.e. again come in name-value pairs, but with the ‘name’ being a function name (with
parameter definitions if necessary) and the ‘value’ being the JavaScript function script associated
with that function, see JavaScript Tutorial: Objects.
A special type of object is the Error object, which is used for error handling.
3. Statements
JavaScript statements identify instructions that are executed by the web browser. For example, the
following statement tells the browser to write “Hello World” inside an HTML statement with the id
attribute = "element":
The same result can be achieved using several separate statements, e.g.:
var d = document.getElementById("element");
var x = "Hello";
var y = " World";
var z = x + y;
d.innerHTML = z;
Statements are separated by semicolons and multiple statements are allowed on one line. JavaScript
ignores multiple spaces (except in strings, i.e. within quotation marks). A common good practice is to
put spaces around operators (e.g. =, + , …). Very long lines of code are also often frowned upon, and
are usually broken after an operator.
Statements can (and often are) grouped together in code blocks, inside curly brackets, i.e. { … }. A
particularly important example of the use of code blocks involves functions, which provide a means
of executing on demand one or more statements, e.g.:
function func() {
document.getElementById("element").innerHTML = "Hello";
Statements often start with a statement identifier. These are reserved words which cannot be used
as variable names or for other purposes. A list of statement reserved words recognised by JavaScript
is shown here. They include: break, continue, do, for, if, return, switch, throw, try,
catch, var and while.
Most JavaScript programs contain many statements, which are executed one by one in the order in
which they are written except when statement flow control is adjusted using statements such as
for, if or while.
4. Functions
A JavaScript function is a block of JavaScript code that can be executed as a discrete unit. It involves
a function statement along the lines of e.g.:
function func() {
document.getElementById("element").innerHTML = "Hello";
Function definitions can include parameters (separated by a comma if more than one parameter),
e.g. the following (if passed a string variable) would allow any text to be inserted in the relevant
element’s innerHTML.
function func2(x) {
document.getElementById("element").innerHTML = x;
Functions are much like procedures or subroutines in other programming languages. The code inside
the curly brackets executes when the function is invoked. This can happen when an event occurs,
when the function is called from JavaScript code or sometimes when it is self-invoked. If a function
includes a return statement then the function will stop executing and will return the value identified
by the function’s return statement. The function (technically, a special type of object) can be
distinguished from the act of invoking it. The () operator invokes the function, e.g. in the above
func refers to the function object, but func() will invoke the function itself.
The function parameters are the names listed in the function definition (i.e. the x in the definition of
func2). Function arguments are the values received by the function (i.e. assigned to the function
parameters) when it is invoked.
Function names can contain letters, digits, underscores and dollar signs (the same rules as apply to
variable naming applies to function naming). Wherever a variable can be used, a valid function call
evaluating to the same value can also be used.
5. Event handling
A responsive website needs to respond to users when the users act in specific ways, e.g. loading a
page, clicking on a button, moving a mouse around a document window etc. JavaScript, like many
other modern more sophisticated general-purpose programming languages, includes the concept of
events. These assign specific functions to specific events, with the functions being invoked if/when
the event occurs.
Event handling linked to individual elements, such as what happens when someone clicks on an
element, is often implemented by assigning a specific function to the event attribute of that
element, see here.
Global events (not linked to specific HTML elements), such as those triggered by loading the page,
are typically implemented by using e.g. the document.addEventListener method, e.g.:
document.addEventListener('load', addtext());
The JavaScript HTML Document Object Model (‘DOM’) provides a way for JavaScript to access all
elements of an HTML webpage. Fuller details of the DOM are given here. There is an associated
Browser Object Model (BOM), details of which are given here.
The browser creates a DOM (i.e. a document object) for a page when the page is first loaded. This
has a tree structure, with the root element (or ‘node’) being the page’s <html> element. The root
element then has two sub-elements (or ‘nodes’), i.e. the <head> element and the <body> element.
The <head> element will in turn often include as one of its ‘child’ nodes a <title> element. The
<body> element contains the main body of the webpage and will typi cally contain many different
elements, some nested within others. JavaScript can change all the elements (including all their
attributes), can add new elements or remove existing ones, can react to all existing events and
create new ones.
Formally, the DOM is a W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) standard. It has the following aim,
according to W3C: “The W3C Document Object Model (DOM) is a platform and language-neutral
interface that allows programs and scripts to dynamically access and update the content, structure
and style of a document.” It is formally subdivided into three parts: (a) the Core DOM for all
document types, (b) the XML DOM for XML documents, and (c) the HTML DOM for HTML
documents. It adopts an object-orientated programming approach, with the HTML elements being
objects which have properties and to which can be applied methods. The elements can also trigger
A common way of accessing an element is to assign it an id (i.e. set its id attribute object to a
prespecified value). The element can then be identified in Javascript by applying the
getElementById method to the document object, returning an object corresponding to the
element. Its properties (e.g. its innerHTML property, which is the text within an element) can be set
by assigning values to the relevant property of the element object. For example, the following
example returns a web page that says “hello”.
<div id="example"></div>
<script>document.getElementById("example").innerHTML =
(a) The DOM uses the idea of nodes and a node tree. This involves a tree structure where each
branching point is a separate node. So, nodes belong to (are children of) just one other node
(their parent) back to the root node (which in the DOM is the document object)
(b) HTML elements are ‘element’ nodes, the attributes of these elements are ‘attribute’ nodes,
the text within HTML elements are ‘text’ nodes and comments are ‘comment’ nodes
(c) A NodeList object represents a set of nodes, e.g. an HTML element’s collection of child
nodes. These will be indexed and each node within the NodeList can then be associated with
another NodeList (its children)
(d) The HTML document, once it has been loaded into the web browser, is formally part of the
corresponding Window object and can therefore be accessed via window.document
(e) The DOM supports a range of (own) methods and properties, see here.
(f) HTML elements (‘nodes’) within the DOM also support a range of more generic methods and
properties, see here. These also apply to the document object itself but do not always
make much sense when applied in this manner.
(g) HTML element attributes are represented by an Attr object. These are always children of a
specific HTML element. The properties and methods that apply to Attr objects are shown
(h) A NamedNodeMap object represents an unordered collection of nodes, e.g. the set of
attributes assigned to a given HTML element. Properties and methods that apply to
NamedNodeMap objects are shown here.
(i) The DOM object and its components can be thought of as an example of an XML document.
XML documents have several methods and properties not otherwise covered in the above
(such as XMLHTTPRequest, which can be used to send, request and receive data from the
server once a webpage has loaded), see here.
Further details are set out in the following pages and in links within them:
7. Miscellaneous
We set out below some further comments on JavaScript that may help developers.
JavaScript syntax:
- An expression is a combination of values, variables and operators
- String concatenation is achieved by +, e.g. "a" + " " + "b" evaluates to "a b"
- Comments are noted by text after double slashes “//” or between /* and */
- Identifiers are used to name variables. The first character must be a letter, an underscore
character (“_”) or a dollar sign (“$”)
- JavaScript is case sensitive, e.g. firstName, FirstName and firstname wil l be thre e
different variables
- JavaScript typically uses ‘lower camel case’ when joining multiple words together, i .e . first
letter of first word is lower case, first letter of each subsequent word is upper case, e.g.
“firstName”. Some methods and properties specifically use this convention, and because
JavaScript is case sensitive it means that using a different convention will result in an
incorrect (or failed) evaluation. Developers often adopt the same convention when nami ng
- JavaScript uses the Unicode character set
- Text and values can be inserted into an HTML element, using e.g. the innerHTML property
- We can write to the browser output stream, using e.g. document.write() (this is useful
for testing purposes)
- We can write to an alert box, using e.g. window.alert()
- We can write into the browser console, using e.g. console.log()
JavaScript has some global properties and functions that can be used with all built-in JavaScript
objects. These include:
Global properties:
Global methods:
These are perhaps best referred to as global ‘functions’ since they are called globally.
encodeURI() Encodes URI Here
encodeURIComponent() Encodes URI component Here
escape() Depreciated. Use encodeURI() or Here
encodeURIComponent() instead
eval() Evaluates a string as if it were script code Here
isFinite() Returns true if finite, otherwise false Here
isNaN() Returns true if NaN, otherwise false Here
Number() Converts an object’s value to a number Here
parseFloat() Parses a string and returns a floating-point number Here
parseInt() Parses a string and returns an integer Here
String() Converts an object’s value to a string Here
unescape() Depreciated. Use decodeURI() or Here
decodeURIComponent() instead
JavaScript includes some properties that can be applied to any object and can allow the user to alter
the methods and properties applicable to the object. These include:
An area of JavaScript that can be confusing (and hence can lead to errors) is the handling of
conversions between different variable types. JavaScript is ‘weakly typed’, i.e. variables can change
type in some circumstances. Examples of what happens when variables are explicitly converted
using global type conversion functions are set out below. It is important to bear in mind that type
conversion can also happen implicitly, e.g. if we try to concatenate a number with a string then the
number will be converted to a string beforehand.
[5,10] "5,10" NaN True
["ten"] "ten" NaN True
["five","ten"] "five","ten" NaN True
function(){} "function(){}" NaN True
{ } "[object NaN True
null "null" 0 False
undefined "undefined" NaN False
It is worth noting that some of the global type conversion functions are mimicked by type conversion
functions attached to specific object types. The behaviours of the two apparently similar functions
are not always identical, as the ones attached to specific object types will include a conversion into
the relevant type before there is an attempt to convert the variable into its eventual output type.
Recent developments:
In recent years, the capabilities and therefore sophistication of the JavaScript language has grown
considerably. Browser developers have put a considerable amount of effort into arranging for
JavaScript code to run as quickly as possible within browsers. For example, they have developed ‘just
in time’ compilation techniques to supplant older purely interpreted ways of executing the
JavaScript statements. JavaScript as a language has been standardised and object-orientated
programming tools such as error trapping have been added. Event handling (which is particularly
important for browser based programs) has been further refined. Its DOM has continued to e vol ve
and become more sophisticated as website usage has expanded and evolved.
Appendix A: HTML Elements
Conventionally in HTML, everything between the start of a start tag and the end of its corresponding
end tag is called an element. The element content is the material between the start and end tag. In
HTML, some tags are automatically empty, such as <br> and hence don’t have any element content
or end tag. For example:
The following is a list of HTML elements / tags. HTML 5 is the latest available version of HTML as at
the time of writing. Some elements allowable in previous HTML versions have been discontinued in
it and it is advisable not to use these elements anymore. Conventions used to open and close
elements in XHTML are not quite the same as those used in HTML.
<canvas> Used to draw graphics via scripting Here New in HTML 5
(usually via JavaScript)
<caption> Table caption Here
<center> Centred text Here Not supported in HTML 5
(instead use CSS)
<cite> Title of a work Here
<code> A piece of computer code Here
<col> Indicates column properties assigned Here
to each column within a <colgroup>
<colgroup> Specifies a group of one or more Here
columns in a table
<data> Links content with a machine-readable Here New in HTML 5
<datalist> A list of pre-defined options for an Here New in HTML 5
<input> control
<dd> Description or value of an entry in a Here
description list
<del> Indicates text deleted from a Here
<details> Additional details that a user can view Here New in HTML 5
or hide
<dfn> Defining instance of a term Here
<dialog> Dialog box or window Here
<dir> Directory list Here Not supported in HTML 5
(instead use <ul>)
<div> Section in a document Here Usually assigned its own
<dl> Description list Here
<dt> Term or name in a description list Here
<em> Emphasised text Here Often used to italicise
text, but ideally this
should be done using CSS
<embed> A container for an external (non- Here New in HTML 5
HTML) application
<fieldset> Groups related elements in a form Here
<figcaption> A caption for a <figure> element Here New in HTML 5
<figure> Self-contained content Here New in HTML 5
<font> Font, colour and size of text Here Not supported in HTML 5
(instead use CSS)
<footer> Footer for a document or section Here New in HTML 5
<form> An HTML form for user input Here
<frame> A window (frame) within a frameset Here Not supported in HTML 5
<frameset> A set of <frame> elements Here Not supported in HTML 5
<h1>, <h2>, HTML headings Here Provides a hierarchy of
<h3>, <h4>, headings
<h5>, <h6>
<head> Provides information about the Here
<header> Header for a document or section Here New in HTML 5
<hr> Indicates a thematic change in the Here Often rendered as a line
content across the window
<html> Is the root node of an HTML document Here Only <!DOCTYPE>
elements should appear
outside the <html>
<i> A part of text in an alternate voice or Here
<iframe> An inline frame Here
<img> An image Here
<input> A (single-line) input control Here
<ins> Indicates text added to a document Here
<kbd> Keyboard input Here
<keygen> A key-pair generator field (for forms) Here New in HTML 5
<label> A label for an <input> element Here
<legend> Caption for a <fieldset> element Here
<li> A list item Here
<link> Defines the relationship between a Here Most commonly used to
document and an external resource link to style sheets
<main> Main content of a document Here New in HTML 5
<map> A client-side image-map Here
<mark> Marked/highlighted text Here New in HTML 5
<menu> Menu or list of commands Here
<menuitem> A menu item/command that a user Here New in HTML 5
can invoke from a popup menu
<meta> Metadata about an HTML document Here
<meter> A scalar measurement within a specific Here New in HTML 5
range (a gauge)
<nav> Navigation links Here New in HTML 5
<noframes> Alternate content for users whose Here Not supported in HTML 5
browsers do not support frames
<noscript> Alternate content for users whose Here
browsers do not support client-side
<object> Embedded object Here
<ol> Ordered list Here
<optgroup> Group of related options in a drop- Here
down list
<option> An option in a drop-down list Here
<output> The result of a calculation Here New in HTML 5
<p> Paragraph Here
<param> Parameter for an object Here
<picture> A container for multiple image Here New in HTML 5
<pre> Preformatted text Here
<progress> Represents the progress of a task Here New in HTML 5
<q> Short quotation Here
<rp> Indicates what to show in browsers Here New in HTML 5
that do not support ruby annotations
<rt> Explanation / pronunciation of Here New in HTML 5. For East
characters Asian typography
<ruby> Ruby annotation Here New in HTML 5. For East
Asian typography
<s> Text that is no longer correct Here
<samp> Sample output from a computer Here
<script> Client-side script Here Usually written in
<section> Section in a document Here New in HTML 5
<select> A drop-down list Here
<small> Smaller text Here
<source> Allows multiple media resources for Here New in HTML 5. Links
media elements together associated
<video> and <audio>
<span> Section in a document Here Usually defined with its
own style
<strike> Strikethrough text Here Not supported in HTML 5
(instead use <del> or <s>)
<strong> Defines more important text Here Commonly used as a way
of highlighting text or
making it bold
<style> Style information for a document Here
<sub> Subscripted text Here
<summary> Heading for a <details> element Here New in HTML 5
<sup> Superscripted text Here
<table> Table Here
<tbody> Body of a table Here
<td> Table cell (within a table row) Here
<textarea> Multiline input control Here
<tfoot> Footer content of a table Here
<th> Table header cell Here
<thead> Header content of a table Here
<time> Date / time Here New in HTML 5
<title> Title for document Here Appears in <head>
<tr> Table row (within a table) Here
<track> Text track for a media element Here New in HTML 5 for
<video> and <audio>
<tt> Teletype text Here Not supported in HTML 5
(instead use CSS)
<u> Text that should be stylistically Here Commonly used for
different from normal text underlining
<ul> Unordered list Here
<var> Variable Here
<video> Video or movie Here New in HTML 5
<wbr> Possible line-break Here New in HTML 5
(c) Formatting
(d) Forms and inputs
(e) Frames
(f) Images
(g) Links
(h) Lists
(i) Metadata
(j) Programming (i.e. scripting)
(k) Tables
(l) Styles (and other miscellaneous elements)
Some of the formatting elements are called phrase elements, as they are typically used primarily to
delineate specific types of text.
The following is a list of HTML basic elements that every HTML page is supposed to contain
(although if a <!DOCTYPE> element is not present then essentially all modern browsers will
assume that the page is an HTML page, and, as explained in HTML Getting Started, you can often
also dispense with the <title> element (and potentially also the <html>, <head> and <body>
The <head> element can also be deemed a metadata element, as it forms part of the way in which
metadata is included in such a document.
Three other elements are also typically considered ‘basic’, either because they don’t contain
anything or because they comment out other material:
Audio / video elements
Formatting elements
<i> A part of text in an alternate voice or Here
<ins> Indicates text added to a document Here
<kbd> Keyboard input Here
<mark> Marked/highlighted text Here New in HTML 5
<meter> A scalar measurement within a Here New in HTML 5
specific range (a gauge)
<p> Paragraph Here
<pre> Preformatted text Here
<progress> Represents the progress of a task Here New in HTML 5
<q> Short quotation Here
<rp> Indicates what to show in browsers Here New in HTML 5
that do not support ruby annotations
<rt> Explanation / pronunciation of Here New in HTML 5. For East
characters Asian typography
<ruby> Ruby annotation Here New in HTML 5. For East
Asian typography
<s> Text that is no longer correct Here
<samp> Sample output from a computer Here
<small> Smaller text Here
<strike> Strikethrough text Here Not supported in HTML 5
(instead use <del> or <s>)
<strong> Defines more important text Here Commonly used as
another way of
highlighting text or
making it bold
<sub> Subscripted text Here
<sup> Superscripted text Here
<time> Date / time Here New in HTML 5
<tt> Teletype text Here Not supported in HTML 5
(instead use CSS)
<u> Text that should be stylistically Here Commonly used for
different from normal text underlining
<var> Variable Here
<wbr> Posible line-break Here New in HTML 5
The default styles applicable to these elements are shown here. The behaviour of most formatting
elements can be replicated using CSS.
<form> An HTML form for user input Here
<input> A (single-line) input control Here
<keygen> A key-pair generator field (for forms) Here New in HTML 5
<label> A label for an <input> element Here
<legend> Caption for a <fieldset> element Here
<optgroup> Group of related options in a drop- Here
down list
<option> An option in a drop-down list Here
<output> The result of a calculation Here New in HTML 5
<select> A drop-down list Here
<textarea> Multiline input control Here
Frame elements
Image elements
Link elements
List elements
Metadata elements
Programming elements
Table elements
<article> Article Here New in HTML 5
<aside> Content aside from the page content Here New in HTML 5
<data> Links content with a machine-readable Here New in HTML 5
<details> Additional details that a user can vi e w Here New in HTML 5
or hide
<dialog> Dialog box or window Here
<div> Section in a document Here Usually assigned its own
<footer> Footer for a document or section Here New in HTML 5
<header> Header for a document or section Here New in HTML 5
<main> Main content of a document Here New in HTML 5
<section> Section in a document Here New in HTML 5
<span> Section in a document Here Usually defined its own
<style> Style information for a document Here
<summary> Heading for a <details> element Here New in HTML 5
Phrase elements
Some HTML formatting elements are typically used to delineate text of specific types. These HTML
elements are called ‘phrase’ elements:
XHTML stands for eXtensible Hypertext Markup Langauge. It is designed to be very like HTML but
structured in a fashion that also adheres to the rules of XML.
Typically, most browsers accept some types of ‘badly formed’ HTML, e.g. HTML in which a
document’s <head> element is not properly closed before its <body> element is opened. This is
despite such markup text failing to adhere to the rules that HTML is supposed to fol l ow. Howe ver,
such pages may not work well or consistently on some devices. A processing overhead is incurred
when a browser tries to interpret badly-formed HTML, which may not be practical for some smal l e r
devices. There may also be several possible ways of interpreting badly-formed HTML. XML i s more
rigidly structured than HTML (and it is easier to test that its rules are being adhered to), making it an
easier vehicle through which to introduce disciplines that aim to ensure all markup text is ‘well -
1. The XHTML DOCTYPE element (which takes the form <!DOCTYPE attributes>) must be
present at the start of the document.
2. <html>, <head>, <title> and <body> elements must also be present, and the xmlns
attribute of the <html> element must be defined appropriately.
3. All XHTML elements must be properly closed (and properly nested), e.g. using </p> to close
a paragraph (<p>) element and not just starting a new one with a new <p>. Note, usually
browsers would interpret <p> text1 <p> text2 </p> as two consecutive paragraphs even
though this involves badly-formed HTML.
4. A corollary of 3. is that HTML empty elements such as the <br>, <hr> and <img> element
must also be properly closed in XHTML, i.e. they should be written as <br />, <hr /> and
<img src="filename" /> respectively.
5. XHTML element and attribute names must use lower case, e.g. the XHTML <p> element
must be written as <p> text </p> rather than <P> text </P>.
6. All XHTML attribute values must be included in quotes. So, HTML such as <p
width=100px> is wrong in XHTML and should be replaced by <p width="100px">.
7. Attribute minimisation is forbidden. Attribute minimisation in HTML involves incl uding just
the attribute name rather than both the name and its value if its value is the same as its
name. For example, HTML of the form <input type="checkbox" name="fruit"
value="apple" checked /> should be replaced in HTML by <input
type="checkbox" name="fruit" value="apple" checked="checked"
In practice, it is usually quite easy (if possibly laborious) to convert HTML to XHTML by:
(a) Adding a suitable XHTML <!DOCTYPE> statement to the first line of the page and adding
an xmlns attribute to the html element of the page
(b) Changing all element names and attribute names to lower case
(c) Closing all empty elements
(d) Putting all attribute values in quotes (and eliminating any attribute minimisation that is
The HTML <a> or anchor element represents a hyperlink. It typically takes the form:
<a href="url">text</a>
The attributes it can take (other than HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes) include:
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods, and additional properties with the same name and
meaning as the attributes of the underlying HTML element referred to above (except perhaps the
media attribute). It also has a text property which sets or returns the text content of the object. It
also supports the hash, host, hostname, origin, password, pathname, port, protocol,
search and username variants of the href attribute, see here for more details.
By default, an unvisited link is underlined and is usually blue, a visited link is underlined and purple
and an active link is underlined and is usually purple, see here. However, it is possible to change
these defaults by setting relevant CSS attributes.
The HTML <abbr> element indicates an abbreviation or acronym. The full text which is being
abbreviated can be included in the element’s title attribute and it will then typically appear as tooltip
text if the mouse is moved over the element.
The attributes it can take are HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods. The default style applicable to this element is
shown here.
The HTML <acronym> element was used to indicate an acronym. It is not supported in HTML 5.
Instead, use the <del> or <s> element.
The HTML <address> element is usually used to define contact information for the author or
owner of a document or file. If it is inside an <article> element then it typically represents contact
information for that article. If it is outside an article element but inside a <body> element then it
typically represents contact information for the document or page.
The attributes it can take are HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods. The default style applicable to this element is
shown here.
The HTML <applet> element was used to indicate an embedded applet. It is not supported in
HTML 5. Instead, use the <embed> or <object> element.
The attributes it can take (other than HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes) include:
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods, and additional properties with the same name and
meaning as the attributes of the underlying HTML element referred to above (except the
download, hreflang, media, rel and type attribute). The corresponding HTML DOM object
also typically supports the hash, host, hostname, origin, password, pathname, port,
protocol, search and username variants of the href attribute, see here for more details. The
default style applicable to this element is shown here.
The HTML <article> element indicates a self-contained piece of content, such as a blog or forum
post, a specific news story or some self-contained comment on a specific piece of text. It is new in
The attributes it can take are HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods. The default style applicable to this element is
shown here.
The HTML <aside> element indicates some content separate from but related to surrounding
context. It is new in HTML 5.
The attributes it can take are HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods. The default style applicable to this element is
shown here.
The HTML <audio> element is used to define and play sound, such as music or other audio
streams. Supported file formats include MP3 (nearly all browsers), Wav (not Internet Explorer) and
Ogg (some browsers). It is new in HTML 5.
If the browser does not support <audio> elements then any text between the <audio> and
</audio> tags will be displayed.
The attributes it can take (in addition to HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes) include:
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods, and additional properties with the same name and
meaning as the attributes of the underlying HTML element referred to above. It also supports DOM
generic media properties and methods and the following additional properties and methods.
Additional methods:
The HTML <b> element indicates bold text. According to the HTML 5 specification it should be used
as a last resort when no other elements such as <strong>, <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5> or <h6> are
The attributes it can take are HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods. The default style applicable to this element is
shown here.
The HTML <base> element specifies the base URL for all relative URLs in a document. There can be
at most one <base> element in any specific document (and it should be inside the relevant <head>
The attributes it can take (other than HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes) include:
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods, and additional properties with the same name and
meaning as the attributes of the underlying HTML element referred to above. It also typically
supports the hash, host, hostname, origin, password, pathname, port, protocol,
search and username variants of the href attribute, see here for more details. The default style
applicable to this element is shown here.
The HTML <basefont> element was used to indicate the default font, colour and size of all text i n
a document. It is not supported in HTML 5. Instead, use CSS.
The HTML <bdi> element indicates material that might be formatted in a different direction from
other material surrounding the element. ‘bdi’ stands for ‘bi-directional isolation’. It is new in HTML
5. A similar effect can usually be achieved using the unicode-bidi style applied to e.g. a span element,
but the semantic meaning is only conveyed by the <bdi> element and in some cases browsers may
ignore CSS, but not a <bdi> element.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods. The default style applicable to this element is
shown here.
The HTML <bdo> element makes it possible to override the current text direction.
The attributes it can take (other than HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes) include:
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods, and additional properties with the same name and
meaning as the attributes of the underlying HTML element referred to above. The default style
applicable to this element is shown here.
The HTML <big> element was used to indicate big text. It is not supported in HTML 5. Instead, use
The HTML <blockquote> element indicates a section that is quoted from another source.
Browsers often indent text in such elements (typically a <q> element is used for an in-line quotation
and isn’t indented).
The attributes it can take (other than HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes) include:
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods, and additional properties with the same name and
meaning as the attributes of the underlying HTML element referred to above. The default style
applicable to this element is shown here.
The HTML <body> element identifies the body of the document and contains all the visible
contents of the document, such as text, hyperlinks, tables and images etc.
The attributes it can take are HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes.
It used to support the alink, background, bgcolor, link, text and vlink attributes, but
these are no longer supported in HTML 5.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods. The default style applicable to this element is
shown here.
The HTML <br> element indicates a single line break (c.f. a carriage return). In XHTML, it needs to
be ‘properly’ closed as per <br />.
The attributes it can take are HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods. The default style applicable to this element is
shown here.
The HTML <button> element indicates a clickable button. Inside a <button> element (unlike an
<input> element) you can put content such as text or images. You should typically specify the type
attribute for <button> element as different browsers do not necessarily default to the same type.
Within a <form> element you should also bear in mind that different browsers may submit different
The attributes it can take (other than HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes) include:
formnovalidate Specifies that form-data should not be validated on Here. Only
submission for type =
formtarget Specifies where to display the response that is received Here. Only
after submitting form for type =
name Name of element Here
type Type of element Here
value Value of element Here
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods, and additional properties with the same name and
meaning as the attributes of the underlying HTML element referred to above . However, the DOM
versions of formaction, formenctype, formmethod, formnovalidate and formtarget need to adopt
the JavaScript name capitalisation convention, i.e. need to be: formAction, formEnctype,
formMethod, formNoValidate and formTarget respectively. The default style applicable to
this element is shown here.
The HTML <canvas> element is used to draw graphics via scripting (usually via JavaScript) . It is
new in HTML 5. Such an element isn’t directly endowed with its own drawing abilities. Instead it is
necessary to apply the getContext() method to the corresponding DOM object to return
another object that does have drawing abilities.
The attributes it can take (other than HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes) include:
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods, as well as the following additional methods:
Older versions of getContext focus on getContext("2d") which allows drawing of many types
of two-dimensional material (e.g. text, lines, boxes, circles etc.). Newer versions support draw ing of
hardware-supported three-dimensional objects via getContext("WebGL") or
The object returned by the getContext("2d") method provides the following properties and
Property Description More
Styles etc.
fillStyle Sets / returns style (colour, gradient, pattern Here
etc.) used to fill element
strokeStyle Sets / returns style used for strokes Here
shadowBlur Sets / returns shadow blur level, see CSS text- Here
shadow property
shadowColor Sets / returns shadow colour, see CSS text- Here
shadow property
shadowOffsetX Sets / returns shadow horizontal offset, see Here
CSS text-shadow property
shadowOffsetY Sets / returns shadow vertical offset, see CSS Here
text-shadow property
Line styles
lineCap Sets / returns style used for line ends Here
lineJoin Sets / returns type of corner between two Here
lines where they join
lineWidth Sets / returns line width Here
miterLimit Sets / returns maximum mitre limit Here
font Sets / returns CSS font property for current Here
textAlign Sets / returns CSS text-align property for Here
current text
textBaseline Sets / returns text baseline for current text Here
Sizing and manipulation of
individual pixels
data Returns object containing image data for Here
specific ImageData object
height Returns height of an ImageData object Here
width Returns width of an ImageData object Here
globalAlpha Sets / returns current alpha, i.e. transparency Here
value, of drawing
globalCompositeOperation Sets / returns how new images are drawn onto Here
existing images
rect() Creates a rectangle Here
strokeRect() Draws a rectangle that is not ‘filled’ Here
arc() Creates a circular arc Here
arcTo() Creates a circular arc between two tangents Here
beginPath() Begins / resets a path Here
bezierCurveTo() Creates cubic Bézier curve Here
clip() Clips region from canvas Here
closePath() Completes path back to its original starting point Here
fill() Fills current path Here
isPointInPath() Returns true if point is in current path, otherwise Here
lineTo() Moves path to a specified point in the canvas, Here
creating a line from the previous point
moveTo() Moves path to a specified point in the canvas Here
without creating a line
quadraticCurveTo() Creates quadratic Bézier curve Here
stroke() Draws path in the canvas Here
rotate() Rotates current drawing Here
scale() Scales current drawing Here
setTransform() Defines a transform matrix and then applies Here
transform() method
transform() Applies a transformation to current drawing Here
translate() Applies a translation to current drawing (i.e. Here
adjusts the position of its origin)
fillText() Draws ‘filled’ text Here
measureText() Returns object indicating width of specified text Here
strokeText() Draws text that is not ‘filled’ Here
Drawing images
drawImage() Draws an image, canvas or video onto canvas Here
Sizing and manipulation of
individual pixels
createImageData() Creates a new blank ImageData object Here
getImageData() Returns ImageData object characterised by pixel Here
data for specific rectangle in canvas
putImageData() Puts image data included in an ImageData object Here
onto canvas
The HTML <caption> element indicates a table caption. It should be inserted immediately after
opening <table> tag of the <table> element.
The attributes it can take are HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes. It used to support
the align attribute, but this is no longer supported in HTML 5.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods. The default style applicable to this element is
shown here.
The HTML <center> element was used to indicate centred text. It is not supported in HTML 5.
Instead, use CSS.
The HTML <cite> element indicates the title of a work (e.g. a book or movie). It is not typically
used for the author of the work.
The attributes it can take are HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods. The default style applicable to this element is
shown here.
The HTML <code> element is a phrase element indicating a piece of computer code. It is not
depreciated, but typically a richer effect can be achieved using CSS.
The attributes it can take are HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods. The default style applicable to this element is
shown here.
The HTML <col> element indicates the column properties assigned to each column within a
<colgroup> element. It can be used to apply styles to entire columns in a table.
The attributes it can take (other than HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes) include:
It also used to support the align, char, charoff, valign and width attributes, but these are
no longer supported in HTML 5.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods, and additional properties with the same name and
meaning as the attributes of the underlying HTML element referred to above. The default style
applicable to this element is shown here.
The HTML <colgroup> element specifies a group of one or more columns in a table. It can be
used to apply styles to entire columns in a table. It must be a child of a <table> element, positioned
after any <caption> elements and before any <tbody>, <tfoot>, <thead> and <tr> elements. If you
want to define different styles to column within the column group then use the <col> element.
The attributes it can take (other than HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes) include:
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods, and additional properties with the same name and
meaning as the attributes of the underlying HTML element referred to above . The default style
applicable to this element is shown here.
<!-- … -->
The HTML <data> element links content with a machine-readable translation. It is new in HTML 5.
If the content is date or time based then an alternative is to use a <time> element.
The attributes it can take (other than HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes) include:
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods, and additional properties with the same name and
meaning as the attributes of the underlying HTML element referred to above. The default style
applicable to this element is shown here.
The HTML <datalist> element identifies a list of pre-defined options for an <input> element. It is
new in HTML 5. The <input> element’s list attribute should be set to the id of the <datalist> in
order to bind the two together and within the <datalist> should be some <option> elements.
Users will then see a dropdown list of choices (defined by the <option> elements) that they can
select for the <input> element, e.g.:
<input list="fruit">
<datalist id="fruit">
<option value="apple">
<option value="banana">
<option value="orange">
The attributes it can take are HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods. It also supports the following additional property:
The HTML <dd> element indicates a description or value of an entry in a description list, i.e. a <dl>
element, typically with each <dd> element linked to an associated <dt> element, that defines the
term which the <dd> element describes, e.g.:
<dt>UK</dt><dd>United Kingdom</dd>
<dt>USA</dt><dd>United States of America</dd>
Text, paragraphs, images etc. can be placed inside <dd> and <dt> elements.
The attributes it can take are HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods. The default style applicable to this element is
shown here.
The HTML <del> element indicates text deleted from a document. It is often used in association
with the <ins> element to highlight modifications to text.
The attributes it can take (other than HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes) include:
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods, and additional properties with the same name and
meaning as the attributes of the underlying HTML element referred to above (with the datetime
property of the underlying element corresponding to the dateTime property of the DOM object).
The default style applicable to this element is shown here.
The HTML <details> element indicates additional details that a user can view or hide . It is new in
The attributes it can take (other than HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes) include:
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods, and additional properties with the same name and
meaning as the attributes of the underlying HTML element referred to above. The default style
applicable to this element is shown here.
The HTML <dfn> element indicates the defining instance of a term, usually its first use. In research
papers, books and other documents such instances may be italicised. The nearest parent of a <dfn>
element should typically contain a short definition or explanation for the term included in the
<dfn> element.
The attributes it can take are HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods. The default style applicable to this element is
shown here.
The HTML <dialog> element indicates a dialog box or window. It simplifies the creation of popup
dialogs, but is not currently supported by all major browsers.
The attributes it can take (other than HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes) include:
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods. The default style applicable to this element is
shown here.
The HTML <dir> element was used to indicate a directory list. It is not supported in HTML 5.
Instead, use the <ul> element or CSS style lists.
The HTML <div> element indicates a section (i.e. division) in a document. It is usually assigned its
own style, differentiating it from other elements next to it in the document.
The attributes it can take are HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes. It used to support
the align attribute but this is no longer supported in HTML 5.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods. The default style applicable to this element is
shown here.
The HTML <dl> element indicates a description list. It is used in conjunction with <dd> and <dt>
elements. A <dt> element identifies a term and the associated <dd> element provides the
description for that term, e.g.:
<dt>UK</dt><dd>United Kingdom</dd>
<dt>USA</dt><dd>United States of America</dd>
Text, paragraphs, images etc. can be placed inside <dd> and <dt> elements.
The attributes it can take are HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods. The default style applicable to this element is
shown here.
document type
<!DOCTYPE attributes>
Declaration Meaning
<!DOCTYPE html> HTML 5
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML HTML 4.01 Strict (excludes
4.01//EN" depreciated elements)
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 HTML 4.01 Transitional
Transitional//EN" ""> (includes depreciated
elements but not framesets)
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN" HTML 4.01 Frameset (as per
""> Transitional, but also allows
use of framesets)
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" XHTML 1.0 Strict (excludes
""> depreciated elements)
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" XHTML 1.0 Transitional
""> (includes depreciated
elements but not framesets)
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Frameset//EN" XHTML 1.0 Frameset (as per
""> Transitional, but also allows
use of framesets)
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" XHTML 1.1, as XHTML 1.0
""> but allows additional
modules, e.g. to provide
ruby support for East Asian
The HTML <dt> element indicates a term or name in a description list, i.e. a <dl> element, typically
with each <dd> element linked to an associated <dt> element, that defines the term which the
<dd> element describes, e.g.:
<dt>UK</dt><dd>United Kingdom</dd>
<dt>USA</dt><dd>United States of America</dd>
Text, paragraphs, images etc. can be placed inside <dd> and <dt> elements.
The attributes it can take are HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods. The default style applicable to this element is
shown here.
The HTML <em> element is a phrase element indicating emphasised text. Often it is used to italicise
text, but ideally this should be done using CSS.
The attributes it can take are HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods. The default style applicable to this element is
shown here.
The HTML <embed> element indicates a container for an external (non-HTML) application, e.g. a
plug-in. It is new in HTML 5.
The attributes it can take (other than HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes) include:
height Height of element Here
src URL of resource Here
type Type of element Here
width Width of element Here
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods, and additional properties with the same name and
meaning as the attributes of the underlying HTML element referred to above. The default style
applicable to this element is shown here.
The HTML <fieldset> element groups related elements in a form, and typically draws a box
around them.
The attributes it can take (other than HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes) include:
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods, and additional properties with the same name and
meaning as the attributes of the underlying HTML element referred to above .
The HTML <figcaption> element indicates a caption for a <figure> element. It is new in HTML 5.
It can be the first or the last child element of the <figure> element.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods. The default style applicable to this element is
shown here.
The HTML <figure> element indicates a piece of self-contained content, like an illustration,
diagram or piece of computer code. It is new in HTML 5. Ideally, the content of a <figure>
element should not specifically link to its exact position within the text (e.g. in a research paper
figures will be referred to in the text, but can be positioned in a variety of places without altering the
meaning of the text). A <figcaption> element is used to add a caption to a <figure> element
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods. The default style applicable to this element is
shown here.
The HTML <font> element was used to indicate the font, colour and size of text. It is not supported
in HTML 5. Instead, use CSS.
The HTML <footer> element indicates a footer for a document or section. It is new in HTML 5.
Typically, a <footer> element might contain authorship or copyright information. A document can
contain several <footer> elements.
The attributes it can take are HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods. The default style applicable to this element is
shown here.
The HTML <form> element indicates an HTML form for user input. Typically, a <form> element
will contain one or more of the following form elements:
- <button>
- <fieldset>
- <input>
- <label>
- <optgroup>
- <option>
- <select>
- <textarea>
The attributes it can take (other than HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes) include:
Attribute Description More
accept-charset Specifies character encodings used for form submission Here
action Where to send form-data when form submitted Here
autocomplete Specifies whether element has autocomplete enabled Here
enctype How form-data to be encoded when submitted to server Here. Only
for method
= post
method Specifies HTTP method used when sending form-data Here
name Name of element Here
novalidate Form should not be validated when submitted Here
target Specifies where / how to open the linked document (or Here
where to submit the form)
It also used to take the accept attribute, but this is no longer supported in HTML 5.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods, and additional properties with the same name and
meaning as the attributes of the underlying HTML element referred to above (with the
novalidate property of the underlying element corresponding to the noValidate property of
the DOM object). It also supports the following additional properties and methods:
Additional properties:
Additional properties:
The HTML <frame> element was used to indicate a window (frame) within a frameset. It is not
supported in HTML 5.
The HTML <frameset> element was used to indicate a set of <frame> elements. It is not
supported in HTML 5.
The attributes it can take are HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes.
It used to support the align attribute, but this is no longer supported in HTML 5.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods. The default style applicable to this element is
shown here.
The attributes it can take are HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes.
It used to support the align attribute, but this is no longer supported in HTML 5.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods. The default style applicable to this element is
shown here.
The attributes it can take are HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes.
It used to support the align attribute, but this is no longer supported in HTML 5.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods. The default style applicable to this element is
shown here.
The attributes it can take are HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes.
It used to support the align attribute, but this is no longer supported in HTML 5.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods. The default style applicable to this element is
shown here.
The attributes it can take are HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes.
It used to support the align attribute, but this is no longer supported in HTML 5.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods. The default style applicable to this element is
shown here.
The attributes it can take are HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes.
It used to support the align attribute, but this is no longer supported in HTML 5.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods. The default style applicable to this element is
shown here.
The HTML <head> element provides information about the document. The <head> element can
contain the following sorts of elements (it is always supposed to include a <title> element, but HTML
that does not do so may not be rejected by browsers):
- <base>
- <link>
- <meta>
- <noscript>
- <script>
- <style>
- <title>
The attributes it can take are HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes.
It used to support the profile attribute, but this is no longer supported in HTML 5.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods. The default style applicable to this element is
shown here.
The HTML <header> element indicates a header for a document or section. It is new in HTML 5.
Typically, a <header> element might contain introductory content, navigational links, one or more
heading elements (i.e. <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5> or <h6>), a logo and perhaps also some
authorship information. A document can contain several <header> elements.
The attributes it can take are HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods. The default style applicable to this element is
shown here.
The HTML <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5> and <h6> elements provide a hierarchy of headings (with
the <h1> element by default having the largest size and the <h6> element the smallest size).
The HTML <hr> element indicates a thematic change in the content. Often it is rendered as a line
across the window.
The attributes it can take are HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes.
It used to support the align, noshade, size and width attributes, but these are no longer
supported in HTML 5.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods. The default style applicable to this element is
shown here.
The HTML <html> element is the root node of an HTML document. Only <!DOCTYPE> elements
should appear outside it. It tells the browser that the document is an HTML document.
The attributes it can take (other than HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes) include:
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods. The default style applicable to this element is
shown here.
The HTML <i> element indicates a part of text in an alternate voice or mood. Typically it is rendered
as italicised text. Convention recommends using the <i> element only when there isn’t a more
appropriate element, such as <cite>, <dfn>, <em>, <mark> or <strong>.
The attributes it can take are HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods. The default style applicable to this element is
shown here.
The HTML <iframe> element indicates an inline frame. It can also be used to embed another
document within the current HTML document.
The attributes it can take (other than HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes) include:
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods, and additional properties with the same name and
meaning as the attributes of the underlying HTML element referred to above. It also supports the
following additional properties:
The HTML <img> element indicates an image. It technically has two required attributes, namely
src (the source of the image) and alt (the alternative text displayed if the image cannot be found
or cannot be displayed by the browser), although the alt attribute can typically be dispensed with.
Images are not technically inserted into an HTML page but instead are linked to the page. The
<img> element therefore creates a placeholder that will include the image once the page is
rendered (and the image retrieved by the rendering process from its source location).
The attributes it can take (other than HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes) include:
It used to support the align, border, hspace, longDesc and vspace attributes, but these
are no longer supported in HTML 5.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods, and additional properties with the same name and
meaning as the attributes of the underlying HTML element referred to above (with the
crossorigin, ismap and usemap properties of the underlying element corresponding to the
crossOrigin, isMap and useMap properties of the DOM object). It also supports the following
additional properties:
naturalWidth Returns original width of image Here
The HTML <input> element indicates a (single-line) input control into which the user can enter
data. It is used within a <form> element. There are many different types of <input> element that
vary depending on the type attribute of the element, including:
- button, checkbox, color, date, datetime, datetime-local, email, file, hidden, image, month,
number, password, radio, range, reset, search, submit, tel , text, time, url, week
In HTML markup <input> elements are empty (they only involve attributes). Labels for input
elements can be defined using the <label> element.
The attributes it can take (other than HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes) include:
list Refers to <datalist> that contains pre-defined Here
max Maximum value Here
maxlength Maximum number of characters allowed in an Here
min Minimum value Here
multiple Indicates that a user can enter more than one Here
name Name of element Here
pattern Regular expression that value of element is Here
checked against
placeholder Short hint describing expected value of element Here
readonly Whether element is read-only Here
required Whether the element must be filled out before Here
submitting form
size Specifies width in characters of element Here
src URL of resource Here
step Accepted number intervals Here
type Type of element Here
value Value of element Here
width Width of element Here
Some of these attributes are valid for only some <input> element types:
text autocomplete, list, maxlength, pattern, placeholder,
readonly, required, size
time autocomplete, list, max, min, readonly, required, step
url autocomplete, list, maxlength, pattern, placeholder,
readonly, required, size
week autocomplete, list, max, min, readonly, required, step
It used to accept the align attribute, but this is no longer supported in HTML 5.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods, and additional properties with the same name and
meaning as the attributes of the underlying HTML element referred to above (with the
formaction, formenctype, formmethod, formnovalidate, formtarget, maxlength
and readonly properties of the underlying element corresponding to the formAction,
formEnctype, formMethod, formNoValidate, formTarget, maxLength and
readOnly properties of the DOM object). It also supports the following additional properties and
Additional properties:
Additional methods:
The HTML <ins> element indicates text added to a document. It is often used in association with
the <del> element to highlight modifications to text.
The attributes it can take (other than HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes) include:
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods, and additional properties with the same name and
meaning as the attributes of the underlying HTML element referred to above (with the datetime
property of the underlying element corresponding to the dateTime property of the DOM object).
The default style applicable to this element is shown here.
The HTML <kbd> element is a phrase element indicating keyboard input. It is not depreciated, but
typically a richer effect can be achieved using CSS.
The attributes it can take are HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods. The default style applicable to this element is
shown here.
The HTML <keygen> element indicates a key-pair generator field (for forms). It is positioned within
a form element. When the form is submitted, the private key is stored locally and the public key (of
the key-pair) is sent to the server.
The attributes it can take (other than HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes) include:
Note: it appears likely that <keygen> elements will be dropped from future versions of HTML so it
may be desirable not to use <keygen> elements.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods, and additional properties with the same name and
meaning as the attributes of the underlying HTML element referred to above . It also supports the
following additional properties:
The HTML <label> element indicates a label for an <input> element. It does not appear special as
far as the user is concerned, but does improve the usability of the <input> element, as it means that
if the user clicks on the text within <label> element then it toggles the control.
The attributes it can take (other than HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes) include:
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods, and additional properties with the same name and
meaning as the attributes of the underlying HTML element referred to above (with the for property
of the underlying element corresponding to the htmlFor property of the DOM object). It used to
support the control property, but this was removed from the HTML specification in 2016.
The attributes it can take are HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes.
It used to accept the align attribute, but this is no longer supported in HTML 5.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods. It also supports the following additional
Property Description More
form Returns form that contains element Here
The HTML <li> element indicates a list item. It is used in <ol> elements (ordered lists), <ul>
elements (unordered lists) and <menu> elements (menu lists).
The attributes it can take (other than HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes) include:
It used to support the type attribute (which specified what kind of bullet point should be used with
the list element), but this is no longer supported in HTML 5 (similar effects can be achieved using
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods, and additional properties with the same name and
meaning as the attributes of the underlying HTML element referred to above. The default style
applicable to this element is shown here.
The HTML <link> element defines the relationship between a document and an external resource.
It is most commonly used to link to CSS style sheets. It is an empty element (i.e. it only contains
attributes) and should only appear in the <head> element of an HTML document (but can appear
any number of times there).
The attributes it can take (other than HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes) include:
It used to support the charset, rev and target attributes, but these are no longer supported in
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods, and additional properties with the same name and
meaning as the attributes of the underlying HTML element referred to above (with the
crossorigin property of the underlying element corresponding to the crossOrigin property
of the DOM object). The default style applicable to this element is shown here.
The HTML <main> element indicates the main content of a document. It is new in HTML 5. Content
within the element should ideally be unique to the document and hence should not include material
such as sidebars, copyright information, logos and search forms.
There shouldn’t be more than one <main> element in a document and it shouldn’t be a descendent
of an <article>, <aside>, <footer>, <header> or <nav> element.
The attributes it can take are HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods. The default style applicable to this element is
shown here.
The HTML <map> element indicates a client-side image-map (i.e. an image with clickable areas). It
needs a name attribute, which creates a relationship between the image and the map. It typically
contains one or more <area> elements that indicate which parts of the image map are clickable. In
HTML 5, if the id attribute of the <map> element is specified then it needs to have the same value as
the name attribute.
The attributes it can take (other than HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes) include:
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods, and additional properties with the same name and
meaning as the attributes of the underlying HTML element referred to above. It also supports the
following additional properties:
linked to the <map> element
The attributes it can take are HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods. The default style applicable to this element is
shown here.
The HTML <menu> element indicates a menu or list of commands. In theory, it can be used for
toolbars, context menus, listing form controls and commands. However, at the time of writing it was
not supported by many browsers.
The attributes it can take (other than HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes) include:
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods, and additional properties with the same name and
meaning as the attributes of the underlying HTML element referred to above . The default style
applicable to this element is shown here.
The HTML <menuitem> element indicates a menu item/command that a user can invoke from a
popup menu. It is new in HTML 5. In theory, it can be used for toolbars, context menus, listing form
controls and commands. However, at the time of writing it was not supported by many browsers.
The attributes it can take (other than HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes) include:
icon Icon for a command / menu item Here
label Title / label command Here
radiogroup Name of group of commands when menu item toggled Here
type Type of element Here
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods, and additional properties with the same name and
meaning as the attributes of the underlying HTML element referred to above. It also supports the
following additional properties:
The HTML <meta> element indicates metadata about an HTML document. Metadata is not
displayed on the page but is machine readable. The <meta> element always goes within the <head>
element. Metadata within a <meta> element are always passed in pairs, one part describing what
type of metadata is involved, the other indicating the value to ascribe to the metadata.
In HTML 5 a viewport metadata component was introduced (see above), allowing webpage
designers greater control over the user’s viewing experience, i.e. how the browser handles the
browser window within which the page is viewed.
The attributes it can take (other than HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes) include:
The element used to support the scheme attribute, but this is no longer supported in HTML 5.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods, and additional properties with the same name and
meaning as the attributes of the underlying HTML element referred to above (with the http-
equiv property of the underlying element corresponding to the httpEquiv property of the DOM
object). The default style applicable to this element is shown here.
The HTML <meter> element indicates a scalar measurement within a specific range (otherwise
called a gauge). It can also take fractional values. It is new in HTML 5. It is not designed to be used to
show task progress, for which the preferred element is the <progress> element.
The attributes it can take (other than HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes) include:
The high, low, max and min attributes should satisfy: 𝑚𝑖𝑛 < 𝑙𝑜𝑤 < ℎ𝑖𝑔ℎ < 𝑚𝑎𝑥. Not all major
browsers currently support the high and low attributes.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods. It also supports the following additional properties
and methods:
The HTML <nav> element indicates navigation links. It is new in HTML 5. It is usual not to put all
navigation links inside a <nav> element. Instead this element is intended only for major blocks of
such links (so that browsers such as for disabled users can use this element to determine when to
omit initial rendering of content).
The attributes it can take are HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods. The default style applicable to this element is
shown here.
The HTML <noframes> element was used to indicate alternate content for users whose browsers
do not support frames. It is not supported in HTML 5.
The HTML <noscript> element indicates the alternate content to be used for users whose
browsers do not support client-side scripts (either because the browser doesn’t support them, which
is rare these days, or because users have disabled their use). It can be used inside both <head> and
<body> elements. With the former, it can only contain <link>, <style> and <meta> elements.
The attributes it can take are HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods. The default style applicable to this element is
shown here.
The HTML <object> element indicates an embedded object, such as a Java applet, ActiveX or
Flash plugin. It can also be used to embed another webpage into the HTML document. <param>
elements can be used to pass parameters to plugins embedded within <object> elements.
<object> elements must appear inside the <body> element of the webpage. Text between the
opening <object> and the closing </object> tags is interpreted as alternative text that is
displayed for browsers that do not support the <object> element. At least one of element’s data
or type attributes needs to be defined.
The attributes it can take (other than HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes) include:
It used to support the align, archive, border, classid, codebase, codetype, declare,
hspace, standby and vspace attributes, but these are no longer supported by HTML 5.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods, and additional properties with the same name and
meaning as the attributes of the underlying HTML element referred to above (with the usemap
property of the underlying element corresponding to the useMap property of the DOM object).
The HTML <ol> element indicates an ordered list. The list can be numerical or alphabetical.
Individual items within the list are identified using <li> elements. Lists can be styled using CSS.
The attributes it can take (other than HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes) include:
It used to support the compact attribute, but this is no longer supported by HTML 5.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods, and additional properties with the same name and
meaning as the attributes of the underlying HTML element referred to above. The default style
applicable to this element is shown here.
The HTML <optgroup> element indicates a group of related options in a drop-down list.
The attributes it can take (other than HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes) include:
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods, and additional properties with the same name and
meaning as the attributes of the underlying HTML element referred to above). The default style
applicable to this element is shown here.
The attributes it can take (other than HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes) include:
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods, and additional properties with the same name and
meaning as the attributes of the underlying HTML element referred to above. It also supports the
following additional properties:
The HTML <output> element indicates the result of a calculation (e.g. one performed by a script).
It is new in HTML 5.
The attributes it can take (other than HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes) include:
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods, and additional properties with the same name and
meaning as the attributes of the underlying HTML element referred to above (with the for property
of the underlying element corresponding to the htmlFor property of the DOM object). It also
supports the following additional properties:
The attributes it can take are HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes.
It used to support the align attribute, but this is no longer supported in HTML 5.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods. The default style applicable to this element is
shown here.
The attributes it can take (other than HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes) include:
It used to support the type and valuetype attributes, but these are no longer supported in
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods, and additional properties with the same name and
meaning as the attributes of the underlying HTML element referred to above). The default style
applicable to this element is shown here.
The HTML <picture> element indicates a container for multiple image resources. A <picture>
element contains zero or more <source> elements followed by one <img> element. The source
element(s) will be differentiated by different srcset attributes (required, defines the URL of the
image to be shown by the <picture> element) and by the media attribute (optional, a CSS media
query that identifies which media relates to that URL). The browser uses the first matching <source>
element, and if none match then it defaults to the <img> element.
The attributes it can take are HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods. The default style applicable to this element is
shown here.
The HTML <pre> element indicates a piece of preformatted text. Typically the text is displayed in a
fixed-width font (usually Courier), preserving both spaces and line breaks.
The attributes it can take are HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes. It used to support
the width attribute, but this is no longer supported by HTML 5.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods. The default style applicable to this element is
shown here.
The HTML <progress> element is most commonly used to show the progress of some task. It is
new in HTML 5. It is not very suitable for representing a gauge (like a fuel tank), for which better
usually is to use a <meter> element.
creates output that involves a progress bar showing that 40% of the task has been completed:
If you want the bar to be narrower than it is by default then you need to use the width attribute
within the style of the element, e.g. markup as follows:
Usually a progress bar will be updated as time progresses, often using JavaScript.
The attributes it can take (other than HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes) include:
Attribute Description More
max Maximum value Here
value Value of element Here
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods, and additional properties with the same name and
meaning as the attributes of the underlying HTML element referred to above. It also supports the
following additional properties:
The attributes it can take (other than HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes) include:
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods, and additional properties with the same name and
meaning as the attributes of the underlying HTML element referred to above. The default style
applicable to this element is shown here.
The HTML <rp> element indicates what to show in browsers that do not support ruby annotations
(for East Asian typography). It is new in HTML 5.
It is used in conjunction with <rt> and <ruby> elements (the <ruby> element includes one or more
characters that need an explanation / pronunciation, the <rt> element gives that information and
the optional <rp> element indicates what to show for browsers that do not support such
The attributes it can take are HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods. The default style applicable to this element is
shown here.
The HTML <rt> element indicates an explanation / pronunciation of characters (typically for East
Asian typography). It is new in HTML 5.
It is used in conjunction with <rp> and <ruby> elements (the <ruby> element includes one or more
characters that need an explanation / pronunciation, the <rt> element gives that information and
the optional <rp> element indicates what to show for browsers that do not support such characters.
The attributes it can take are HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods. The default style applicable to this element is
shown here.
The HTML <ruby> element indicates ruby annotation (for East Asian typography). It is new in HTML
It is used in conjunction with <rp> and <rt> elements (the <ruby> element includes one or more
characters that need an explanation / pronunciation, the <rt> element gives that information and
the optional <rp> element indicates what to show for browsers that do not support such characters.
The attributes it can take are HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods. The default style applicable to this element is
shown here.
The HTML <s> element indicates text that is no longer correct. Conventionally, the <s> element
should not be used for replaced or deleted text (instead use a <del> element).
The attributes it can take are HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods. The default style applicable to this element is
shown here.
The HTML <samp> element is a phrase element indicating sample output from a computer
program. It is not depreciated, but typically a richer effect can be achieved using CSS.
The attributes it can take are HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods. The default style applicable to this element is
shown here.
The HTML <script> element indicates client-side script / programming code. Usually this is
written in JavaScript. The <script> element either contains this code or points to an external file
via its src attribute (if the src attribute is present then the <script> element must be empty). The
contents of an noscript element indicates what happens for users who have disabled scripts in their
browser or whose browser does not support client-side scripting.
The way in which a script executes is driven by the async and defer attributes. If neither are present
then the script is fetched and executed immediately the browser reaches the element (before the
browser continues parsing the page).
The attributes it can take (other than HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes) include:
It used to support the xml:space attribute, but this is no longer supported by HTML 5.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods, and additional properties with the same name and
meaning as the attributes of the underlying HTML element referred to above. It also supports the
following additional properties:
The HTML <section> element indicates a section in a document (e.g. a discrete chapter / heading
/ footer etc>. It is new in HTML 5.
The attributes it can take are HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods. The default style applicable to this element is
shown here.
The HTML <select> element indicates a drop-down list. The option elements within the
<select> element identify the available options within the drop-down list
The attributes it can take (other than HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes) include:
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods, and additional properties with the same name and
meaning as the attributes of the underlying HTML element referred to above . It also supports the
following additional properties and methods:
Additional properties:
Additional methods:
Method Description More
add() Adds an option to drop-down list Here
remove() Removes an option from drop-down list Here
The attributes it can take are HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods. The default style applicable to this element is
shown here.
The HTML <source> element allows multiple media resources for media elements. It links
together associated <video> and <audio>. It is new in HTML 5. The srcset attribute is required if the
<source> element is used in a picture element, whilst the src attribute is required when the
<source> element is used in an <audio> or <video> element.
The attributes it can take (other than HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes) include:
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods, and additional properties with the same name and
meaning as the attributes of the underlying HTML element referred to above). The default style
applicable to this element is shown here.
The HTML <span> element indicates a section in a document. It is usually defined with its own
The attributes it can take are HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods. The default style applicable to this element is
shown here.
The HTML <strike> element was used to indicate strikethrough text. It is not supported in HTML
5. Instead, use the <del> or <s> element.
The HTML <strong> element is a phrase element indicating more important text. It is commonly
used as a way of highlighting text or making it bold.
The attributes it can take are HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods. The default style applicable to this element is
shown here.
The HTML <style> element indicates style information for a document. HTML documents can
contain multiple <style> elements. See CSS Tutorial for further details.
The attributes it can take (other than HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes) include:
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
(typically the style property of an element) supports standard DOM properties and methods, and
additional properties with the same name and meaning as the attributes of the underlying HTML
element referred to above. It also supports the following additional properties, see also CSS
animationDelay animation-delay Here
animationDirection animation-direction Here
animationDuration animation-duration Here
animationFillMode animation-fill-mode Here
animationIterationCount animation-iteration-count Here
animationName animationName Here
animationPlayState animationPlayState Here
animationTimingFunction animationTimingFunction Here
backfaceVisibility backface-visibility Here
background background Here
backgroundAttachment background-attachment Here
backgroundClip background-clip Here
backgroundColor background-color Here
backgroundImage background-image Here
backgroundOrigin background-origin Here
backgroundPosition background-position Here
backgroundRepeat background-repeat Here
backgroundSize background-size Here
border border Here
borderBottom border-bottom Here
borderBottomColor border-bottom-color Here
borderBottomLeftRadius border-bottom-left-radius Here
borderBottomRightRadius border-bottom-right-radius Here
borderBottomStyle border-bottom-style Here
borderBottomWidth border-bottom-width Here
borderCollapse border-collapse Here
borderColor border-color Here
borderImage border-image Here
borderImageOutset border-image-outset Here
borderImageRepeat border-image-repeat Here
borderImageSlice border-image-slice Here
borderImageSource border-image-source Here
borderImageWidth border-image-width Here
borderLeft border-left Here
borderLeftColor border-left-color Here
borderLeftStyle border-left-style Here
borderLeftWidth border-left-width Here
borderRadius border-radius Here
borderRight border-right Here
borderRightColor border-right-color Here
borderRightStyle border-right-style Here
borderRightWidth border-right-width Here
borderSpacing border-spacing Here
borderStyle border-style Here
borderTop border-top Here
borderTopColor border-top-color Here
borderTopLeftRadius border-top-left-radius Here
borderTopRightRadius border-top-right-radius Here
borderTopStyle border-top-style Here
borderTopWidth border-top-width Here
borderWidth border-width Here
bottom bottom Here
boxShadow box-shadow Here
boxSizing box-sizing Here
captionSide caption-side Here
clear clear Here
clip clip Here
color color Here
columnCount column-count Here
columnFill column-fill Here
columnGap column-gap Here
columnRule column-rule Here
columnRuleColor column-rule-color Here
columnRuleStyle column-rule-style Here
columnRuleWidth column-rule-width Here
columnSpan column-span Here
columnWidth column-width Here
columns columns Here
content content Here
counterIncrement counter-increment Here
counterReset counter-reset Here
cursor cursor Here
direction direction Here
display display Here
emptyCells empty-cells Here
filter filter Here
flex flex Here
flexBasis flex-basis Here
flexDirection flex-direction Here
flexFlow flex-flow Here
flexGrow flex-grow Here
flexShrink flex-shrink Here
flexWrap flex-wrap Here
cssFloat float Here
font font Here
fontFamily font-family Here
fontSize font-size Here
fontSizeAdjust font-size-adjust Here
fontStretch font-stretch Here
fontStyle font-style Here
fontVariant font-variant Here
fontWeight font-weight Here
hangingPunctuation hanging-punctuation Here
height height Here
justifyContent justify-content Here
left left Here
letterSpacing letter-spacing Here
lineHeight line-height Here
listStyle list-style Here
listStyleImage list-style-image Here
listStylePosition list-style-position Here
listStyleType list-style-type Here
margin margin Here
marginBottom margin-bottom Here
marginLeft margin-left Here
marginRight margin-right Here
marginTop margin-top Here
maxHeight max-height Here
maxWidth max-width Here
minHeight min-height Here
minWidth min-width Here
navDown nav-down Here
navIndex nav-index Here
navLeft nav-left Here
navRight nav-right Here
navUp nav-up Here
opacity opacity Here
order order Here
orphans orphans Here
outline outline Here
outlineColor outline-color Here
outlineOffset outline-offset Here
outlineStyle outline-style Here
outlineWidth outline-width Here
overflow overflow Here
overflowX overflow-x Here
overflowY overflow-y Here
Padding padding Here
paddingBottom padding-bottom Here
paddingLeft padding-left Here
paddingRight padding-right Here
paddingTop padding-top Here
pageBreakAfter page-break-after Here
pageBreakBefore page-break-before Here
pageBreakInside page-break-inside Here
perspective perspective Here
perspectiveOrigin perspective-origin Here
position position Here
quotes quotes Here
resize resize Here
right right Here
tabSize tab-size Here
tableLayout table-layout Here
textAlign text-align Here
textAlignLast text-align-last Here
textDecoration text-decoration Here
textDecorationColor text-decoration-color Here
textDecorationLine text-decoration-line Here
textDecorationStyle text-decoration-style Here
textIndent text-indent Here
textJustify text-justify Here
textOverflow text-overflow Here
textShadow text-shadow Here
textTransform text-transform Here
top top Here
transform transform Here
transformOrigin transform-origin Here
transformStyle transform-style Here
transition transition Here
transitionDelay transition-delay Here
transitionDuration transition-duration Here
transitionProperty transition-property Here
transitionTimingFunction transition-timing-function Here
unicodeBidi unicode-bidi Here
userSelect user-select Here
verticalAlign vertical-align Here
visibility visibility Here
whiteSpace white-space Here
widows widows Here
width width Here
wordBreak word-break Here
wordSpacing word-spacing Here
wordWrap word-wrap Here
zIndex z-index Here
The attributes it can take are HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods. The default style applicable to this element is
shown here.
The HTML <summary> element indicates a heading for a <details> element. It is new in HTML 5.
The attributes it can take are HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods. The default style applicable to this element is
shown here.
The attributes it can take are HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods. The default style applicable to this element is
shown here.
The HTML <table> element indicates a table. It typically includes one or more <tr> elements and,
within them, <td> and/or <th> elements. More complicated table layouts can also include <caption>,
<col>, <colgroup>, <tbody>, <tfoot> and <thead> elements.
The attributes it can take are HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods. It also supports the following additional properties
and methods:
Additional properties:
Additional methods:
deleteTHead() Removes <thead> element from table Here
insertRow() Creates empty <tr> element and adds to table Here
The HTML <tbody> element indicates the body of a table. It appears inside a <table> element and
is used in conjunction with <tfoot> and <thead> elements to differentiate between different parts of
the table. This can allow browsers to scroll the table body independently of the header and footer,
or to allow printing of the header and footer at the top and bottom of each page. A <tbody>
element needs to come after any <caption>, <colgroup> and <thead> elements. It needs to contain
one or more <tr> elements.
The attributes it can take are HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes.
It used to support the align, char, charoff and valign attributes, but these are no longer
supported by HTML 5.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods. The default style applicable to this element is
shown here.
The HTML <td> element indicates a table cell (within a table row). They appear inside <tr>
elements. HTML tables contain two types of cells, i.e. header cells ( <th> elements) and standard cells
(<td> elements), and the two are by default formatted differently.
The attributes it can take (in addition to HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes) are:
It used to support the abbr, align, axis, bgcolor, char, charoff, height, nowrap,
scope, valign and width attributes, but these are no longer supported by HTML 5.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods. The default style applicable to this element is
shown here.
The HTML <textarea> element indicates a multiline input control. It can hold an unlimited
number of characters, and the text used is typically rendered in a fixed-width font. The size of the
text area can be specified using the element’s cols and rows attributes or using corresponding
CSS attributes.
The attributes it can take (other than HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes) include:
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods, and additional properties with the same name and
meaning as the attributes of the underlying HTML element referred to above (with the maxlength
and readonly properties of the underlying element corresponding to the maxLength and
readOnly properties of the DOM object). It also supports the following additional properties and
Additional properties:
Additional methods:
The HTML <tfoot> element indicates the footer content in a table. It appears inside a <table>
element and is used in conjunction with <tbody> and <thead> elements to differentiate between
different parts of the table. This can allow browsers to scroll the table body independently of the
header and footer, or to allow printing of the header and footer at the top and bottom of each page.
A <tfoot> element needs to come after any <caption>, <colgroup> and <thead> elements and
before any <tbody> and <tr> elements.
The attributes it can take are HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes.
It used to support the align, char, charoff and valign attributes, but these are no longer
supported by HTML 5.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods. The default style applicable to this element is
shown here.
The HTML <th> element indicates a table header cell (within a table row). They appear inside <tr>
elements. HTML tables contain two types of cells, i.e. header cells ( <th> element) and standard
cells (<td> elements), and the two are by default formatted differently.
The attributes it can take (in addition to HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes) are:
It used to support the abbr, align, axis, bgcolor, char, charoff, height, nowrap,
scope, valign and width attributes, but these are no longer supported by HTML 5.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods. The default style applicable to this element is
shown here.
The HTML <thead> element indicates the header content of a table. It appears inside a <table>
element and is used in conjunction with <tbody> and <tfoot> elements to differentiate between
different parts of the table. This can allow browsers to scroll the table body independently of the
header and footer, or to allow printing of the header and footer at the top and bottom of each page.
A <thead> element needs to come after any <caption> and <colgroup> elements and before any
<tbody>, <tfoot> and <tr> elements.
The attributes it can take are HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes.
It used to support the align, char, charoff and valign attributes, but these are no longer
supported by HTML 5.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods. The default style applicable to this element is
shown here.
The HTML <time> element indicates a (human-readable) date / time. It can be used to encode
dates and times in a machine-readable fashion.
The attributes it can take (in addition to HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes) are:
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods, and additional properties with the same name and
meaning as the attributes of the underlying HTML element referred to above . The default style
applicable to this element is shown here.
The HTML <title> element indicates the title for the document. It appears in the <head> part of
the document. It typically identifies the page title that appears in a browser toolbar, the page title
that is by default added to a user’s list of favourite pages within a browser and usually is the title
shown for the page in search engine results.
The attributes it can take are HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods. It also supports the following additional
The HTML <tr> element indicates a table row (within a table). It appears inside a <table> element
and contains <td> and <th> elements representing individual cells within the table row.
The attributes it can take are HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes.
It used to support the align, bgcolor, char, charoff and valign attributes, but these are
no longer supported in HTML5.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods. It also supports the following additional properties
and methods:
Additional properties:
Additional methods:
The HTML <track> element indicates a text track for a media element, i.e. a <video> or <audio>. It
is new in HTML 5. It is used to specify subtitles, captions or other files containing text that should be
visible when the media is playing.
The attributes it can take (in addition to HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes) are:
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods, and additional properties with the same name and
meaning as the attributes of the underlying HTML element referred to above. It also supports the
following additional properties and methods:
Property Description More
readyState Returns current state of track resource Here
track Returns TextTrack object representing the text track Here
data of the track element
The HTML <tt> element indicates teletype text. It is not supported in HTML 5. Instead, use CSS.
The HTML <u> element indicates text that should be stylistically different from normal text. It is
commonly used for underlining, even though the HTML 5 specification reminds developers that
there are almost always other more appropriate ways of achieving a similar effect.
The attributes it can take are HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods. The default style applicable to this element is
shown here.
The HTML <ul> element indicates an unordered list. Inside the <ul> element should be one or
more <li> elements identifying each entry in the unordered list.
The attributes it can take are HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes.
It used to support the compact and type attributes, but these are no longer supported by HTML
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods. The default style applicable to this element is
shown here.
The HTML <var> element is a phrase element indicating a variable in computer code. It is not
depreciated, but typically a richer effect can be achieved using CSS.
The attributes it can take are HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods. The default style applicable to this element is
shown here.
The HTML <video> element indicates a video or movie. It is new in HTML 5. Currently there are 3
supported video formats across most browsers: MP4 (i.e. MPEG 4 files with H264 video co dec and
AAC audio codec, MIME-type is video/mp4), WebM (i.e. WebM files with V8 video codec and Vorbis
audio codec, MIME-type is video/webm) and Ogg (Ogg files with Theora video codec and Vorbis
audio codec, MIME-type is video/ogg).
If the browser does not support <video> elements then any text between the <video> and
</video> tags will be displayed.
The attributes it can take (in addition to HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes) are:
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods, and additional properties with the same name and
meaning as the attributes of the underlying HTML element referred to above. It also supports DOM
generic media properties and methods and the following additional properties and methods.
Additional properties:
The HTML <wbr> element indicates a possible line-break (i.e. ‘word break opportunity’). It is new in
HTML 5. When a word is long and the browser might break text lines in wrong places then <wbr>
elements offer scope to add word break opportunities.
The attributes it can take are HTML global attributes and HTML event attributes.
To create or access such an element in JavaScript see here. The corresponding HTML DOM object
supports standard DOM properties and methods. The default style applicable to this element is
shown here.
Appendix B: HTML Attributes
Different HTML elements can have attributes that specify how they should be formatted or
interpreted or allow further characterisation of the element. Attributes come in two basic types:
(a) Standard attributes, which describe or characterise the element further, and
(b) Event attributes, almost all of which begin with on…. These indicate what scripts shoul d be
run if an event occurs (e.g. the mouse button is clicked, an element is dragge d, dropped or
copied, etc.)
HTML attributes can also be set programmatically using JavaScript by modifying the properties of the
corresponding HTML DOM elements. Listed here are the JavaScript DOM properties that correspond
to most of the HTML attributes recognised in HTML 5.
Standard attributes
Different HTML elements can have attributes that specify how they should be formatted or
interpreted or allow further characterisation of the element, which can be either standard attributes
or event attributes. Standard attributes describe or characterise the element further and include:
bgcolor Specifies background colour Here. Not
supported in HTML
5 (instead use CSS)
border Specifies width of border Here. Not
supported in HTML
5 (instead use CSS)
challenge Indicates value of element <keygen> Here
should be challenged when
charset Specifies character encoding <meta>, <script> Here
checked Specifies that the element <input>, Here
should be pre-selected <menuitem>
cite URL which explains the <blockquote>, Here
quote / deleted / inserted <del>, <ins>, <q>
class One or more class names for All Here. Refers to a
the element class in a CSS style
color Text colour of element All text elements Here. Not
supported in HTML
5 (instead use CSS)
cols Width of text area (in <textarea>
colspan Number of columns a table <td>, <th> Here
cell should span
content Value associated with the <meta> Here
http-equiv or name attribute
contenteditable Indicates whether content is All Here
contextmenu Specifies context menu (i.e. All Here
what appears when right-
controls Whether <audio> and <audio>, <video> Here
<video> controls (such as
play and pause buttons)
should be displayed
coords Specifies the coordinates of <area> Here
an <area>
crossorigin Specifies how element <img>, <link> Here
handles cross-origin
data URL of resource to be used <object> Here
by object
data-* Custom data private to page All Here
of application
datetime Date and time of element <del>, <ins>, Here
default Default track / command to <menuitem>, Here
be enabled unless user <track>
preferences specify
defer Script to be executed only <script> Here. Only for
when page has finished external scripts
dir Text direction for element All Here
dirname Specifies text direction will <input>, <textarea> Here
be submitted
disabled Specified element(s) to be Various Here
download Target will be downloaded <a>, <area> Here
when user clicks on
draggable Whether element is All Here
dropzone Whether dragged data is All Here
copied, moved or linked
when dropped
enctype How form-data to be <form> Here. Only for
encoded when submitted to method = post
for Specifies which form <label>, <output> Here
element(s) a label
calculation is bound to
form Name of the form that Various Here
element belongs to
formaction Where to send form-data to <button>, <input> Here. Only for type
when form submitted = submit
formenctype How form-data should be <button>, <input> Here. Only for type
encoded before sending it to = submit
a server
formmethod How to send form-data (i.e. <button>, <input> Here. Only for type
which HTTP method to use) = submit
formnovalidate Specifies that form-data <button>, <input> Here. Only for type
should not be validated on = submit
formtarget Specifies where to display <button>, <input> Here. Only for type
the response that is received = submit
after submitting form
headers One or more header cells a <td>, <th> Here
cell is related to
height Height of element Various (not all) Here
hidden Whether element is not All Here
high Value above which is <meter> Here
considered a high value
href URL of page the link goes to <a>, <area>, Here
<base>, <link>
hreflang Language of linked <a>, <area>, <link> Here
http-equiv HTTP header for <meta> Here
information/value of
icon Icon for a command / menu <menuitem> Here
id Unique id for an element All Here
(for e.g. JavaScript)
ismap Image is a server-side <img> Here
keytype Specifies security algorithm <keygen> Here
of key
kind Kind of text track <track> Here
label Title / label of track or <menu>, Here
command or group of <menuitem>,
commands <option>,
lang Language of an element’s All Here
list Refers to <datalist> that <input> Here
contains pre-defined options
loop Audio / video to start over <audio>, <video> Here
again when it finishes
low Value below which is <meter> Here
considered a low value
manifest Specifies address of <html> Here
document’s cache manifest
(for offline browsing)
max Maximum value <input>, <meter>, Here
maxlength Maximum number of <input>, <textarea> Here
characters allowed in an
media Specifies media / device <a>, <area>, <link>, Here
linked document is <source>, <style>
optimised for
method Specifies HTTP method used <form> Here
when sending form-data
min Minimum value <input>, <meter> Here
multiple Indicates that a user can <input>, <select> Here
enter more than one value
muted Audio output should be <audio>, <video> Here
name Name of element (or of a Various Here
piece of metadata for a
<meta> element)
novalidate Form should not be <form> Here
validated when submitted
open Whether details should be <details> Here
visible (i.e. open) to user
optimum Value deemed optimal for <meter> Here
pattern Regular expression that <input> Here
value of element is checked
placeholder Short hint describing <input>, <textarea> Here
expected value of element
poster Image to be shown while <video> Here
video is downloading (or
until user hits play)
preload If / how author thinks audio <audio>, <video> Here
/ video should be loaded
when page loads
radiogroup Name of group of <menuitem> Here
commands when menu item
readonly Whether element is read- <input>, <textarea> Here
rel Relationship between <a>, <area>, <link> Here
current document and
linked document
required Whether the element must <input>, <select>, Here
be filled out before <textarea>
submitting form
reversed List order should be <ol> Here
descending (3, 2, 1) not
ascending (1, 2, 3)
rows Visible number of lines in a <textarea> Here
<textarea> element
rowspan Number of rows a table cell <td>, <th> Here
should span
sandbox Allows an extra set of <iframe> Here
restrictions for the content
of an <iframe> element
scope Indicates whether a header <th> Here
cell is a header for a column,
row or groups of these
scoped Indicates styles only apply to <style> Here
the element’s parent
element and that element’s
child elements
selected Indicates that an <option> <option> Here
element should be pre-
selected when the page
shape Specifies shape of an <area> <area> Here
size Specifies width in characters <input>, <select> Here
for <input> or number of
visible options for <select>
sizes Specifies size of linked <img>, <link>, Here
resource <source>
span Number of columns to span <col>, <colgroup> Here
spellcheck Indicates whether element All Here
is to have its spelling and
grammar checked
src URL of resource Various Here
srcdoc HTML content of page to <iframe> Here
show in an <iframe>
srclang Language of track text data <track> Here. New in
HTML 5, for kind
= subtitles
srcset URL of image to use in <img>, <source> Here
different situations
start Start value of an ordered list <ol> Here
step Accepted number intervals <input> Here
for an <input> element
style Inline CSS style for an All Here
tabindex Tab order of an element All Here
target Specifies where / how to <a>, <area>, Here
open the linked document <base>, <form>
(or where to submit the
title Extra information about All Here
translate Whether content of an All Here
element should be
type Type of element Various Here
usemap Specifies an image as a <img>, <object> Here
client-side image-map
value Value of element Various Here
width Width of element Various (not all) Here
wrap How text in a <textarea> <textarea> Here
element is to be wrapped
when submitted in a form
xmlns XML namespace attribute <html> Here
applicable to the webpage
(if it needs to conform to
Some standard attributes can apply to essentially all HTML elements. These are called global
Event attributes
Different HTML elements can have attributes that specify how they should be formatted or
interpreted or allow further characterisation of the element, which can be either standard attributes
or event attributes. Event attributes indicate what scripts should be run if an event occurs (e .g. the
mouse button is clicked, an element is dragged, dropped or copied, etc). HTML5 adde d many more
possible event attributes that can be assigned to HTML elements. In each case the value of the
attribute is a script to be run when an event occurs.
HTML event attributes include:
ondrop When dragged element is All visible elements Here
being dropped
ondurationchang When length of media <audio>, <video> Here
e changes
onemptied When media unexpectedly <audio>, <video> Here
becomes unavailable
onended When media has reached <audio>, <video> Here
onerror When an error occurs <audio>, <body>, Here
<embed>, <img>,
<object>, <script>,
<style>, <video>,
onfocus When element gets focus All visible elements Here
onfocusin When element is about to All visible elements Here
get focus (similar to
onfocus except also
onfocusout When element is about to All visible elements Here
lose focus (similar to
onblur except also
onhashchange When there has been <body> Here
changes to the anchor part
of the URL
oninput When element gets user All visible elements Here
oninvalid When element is invalid All visible elements Here
onkeydown When user is pressing key All visible elements Here
onkeypress When user presses a key All visible elements Here
onkeyup When user releases a key All visible elements Here
onload When element finishes <body>, <iframe>, Here
loading <img>, <input>,
<link>, <script>,
onloadeddata When media data is loaded <audio>, <video> Here
onloadedmetadat When metadata <audio>, <video> Here
a (dimensions, duration, …)
onloadstart Just before loading starts <audio>, <video> Here
onmessage When message is triggered For handling errors Here
onmousedown When mouse button is All visible elements Here
pressed down on an element
onmouseenter When mouse pointer moves All visible elements Here
over an element
onmouseleave When mouse pointer moves All visible elements Here
out of an element
onmousemove For as long as mouse pointer All visible elements Here
is moving over an element
onmouseout When mouse pointer moves All visible elements Here
out of an element
onmouseover When mouse pointer moves All visible elements Here
over an element
onmouseup When mouse button is All visible elements Here
released over an element
onmousewheel When mouse wheel is being All visible elements Here
scrolled over an element
(depreciated: use onwheel
onoffline When browser starts to work <body> Here
ononline When browser starts to work <body> Here
onopen When a connection to an An EventSource Here
event source is opened object
onpagehide When user navigates away <body> Here
from a page
onpageshow When user navigates to a <body> Here
onpaste When user pastes content in All visible elements Here
an element
onpause When media is paused <audio>, <video> Here
onplay When media is ready to start <audio>, <video> Here
onplaying When media has actually <audio>, <video> Here
started playing
onpopstate When window’s history <body> Here
onprogress When browser is in process <audio>, <video> Here
of getting media data
onratechange When playback rate changes <audio>, <video> Here
(e.g. user switches to fast
onreset When reset button in a form <form> Here
is clicked
onresize When browser window is <body> Here
being resized
onscroll When element’s scrollbar is All visible elements Here
being scrolled
onsearch When user writes something <input> Here
in search field (for an
<input> element of type =
onseeked When seeking attribute is set <audio>, <video> Here
to false (i.e. seeking finished)
onseeking When seeking attribute is set <audio>, <video> Here
to true (i.e. seeking is active)
onselect When element gets selected All visible elements Here
onshow When <menu> element is <menu> Here
shown as a context menu
onstalled When browser is unable to <audio>, <video> Here
fetch media data (for
whatever reason)
onstorage When web storage area is <body> Here
onsubmit When a form is submitted <form> Here
onsuspend When fetching media data is <audio>, <video> Here
stopped before completely
loaded (for whatever reason)
ontimeupdate When playing position has <audio>, <video> Here
changed (e.g. user fast
forwards to new position in
ontoggle When user opens or closes <details> Here
<details> element
ontouchcancel When touch is interrupted Touch-sensitive Here
ontouchend When finger is removed Touch-sensitive Here
from touch screen elements
ontouchmove When finger is dragged Touch-sensitive Here
across touch screen elements
ontouchstart When finger is placed on Touch-sensitive Here
touch screen elements
onunload When page has unloaded (or <body> Here
browser window closed)
onvolumechange When volume changed (or <audio>, <video> Here
onwaiting When media has paused but <audio>, <video> Here
is expected to resume (e.g.
media has paused to buffer
more data)
onwheel When mouse wheel rolls up All visible elements Here
or down over an element
transitionend When CSS transition ends Any element with a Here
CSS transition
Most of these event attributes are new in HTML 5. The ones that are not are: onabort, onblur,
onchange, onclick, oncopy, oncut, ondblclick, onfocus, onkeydown, onkeypress, onke yup, onload,
onmousedown, onmousemove, onmouseout, onmouseover, onmouseup, onmousewheel, onpaste ,
onsearch, onselect, onsubmit and onunload.
Global attributes
Different HTML elements can have attributes that specify how they should be formatted or
interpreted or allow further characterisation of the element, which can be either standard attributes
or event attributes. Some standard attributes can apply to essentially all HTML elements. These
‘global’ attributes include:
Attribute Description Applicable to More
The HTML accept attribute specifies the types of file accepted by the server. It applies to <i nput>
elements but only if type = file (and, prior to HTML 5, to <area> elements).
Value Description
file_type Not supported in HTML 5. Alternative text to display
Value Description
file_extension A file extension starting with a full stop, e.g. .png, .jpg, .pdf, .doc
media_type A valid media type, see e.g.
audio/* Indicates any audio (sound) file is acceptable
image/* Indicates any image file is acceptable
video/* Indicates any video file is acceptable
[Nematrian website page: HTMLAttributeAcceptCharset, © Nematrian 2017]
The HTML accept-charset attribute specifies the character encodings used for submissi on of a
<form> element.
Value Description
character_set Character encodings to be used when submitting the form
- UTF-8: Unicode
- ISO-8859-1: character encoding for Latin alphabet
Multiple character_sets are acceptable and in HTML 5 need to be delimited (separated) by spaces.
The default value is the reserved string UNKNOWN, which indicates that the encoding is the same as
that for the document containing the <form> element.
The HTML accesskey attribute indicates the shortcut key used to activate / focus an e l e me nt. In
HTML 5 it can in principle be used with any element, although in practice it may not be of much use
with some elements. Different browsers use different ways of accessing shortcut ke ys (someti me s
using the Alt key (or Alt and Shift keys simultaneously) or the Control key, in combination with a
specified character.
Value Description
character The shortcut key character used to activate / focus the element
The HTML action attribute indicates where to send form-data for a <form> element when the
form is submitted.
Value Description
URL Where to send the form-data when form is submitted
The HTML align attribute indicates the alignment of the element versus surrounding eleme nts. It
is not supported in HTML 5 (instead use CSS, e.g. <div style="text-align:center"> …
The HTML alt attribute indicates the alternative text to show when original content (e.g. an image)
fails to display. It applies to <area>, <img> and <input> elements.
There are several possible reasons why an image might not display, e.g. there might be a slow
connection, the content location might be wrongly specified or the user might be using a screen
reader because he or she is partly sighted). Some old browsers sho wed the value of the alt
attribute as a tooltip, but modern browsers use the title attribute instead for this purpose.
Valid attribute values (when used with <area>, <img> and <input> elements) include:
Value Description
text Alternative text to display
The HTML aminationend attribute specifies the event that is triggered when a CSS animation
ends. It applies to HTML elements that have CSS animatable elements. It seems to be necessary to
set it using JavaScript.
The HTML aminationiteration attribute specifies the event that is triggered when a CSS
animation is repeated. It applies to HTML elements that have CSS animatable elements. It seems to
be necessary to set it using JavaScript.
The HTML aminationstart attribute specifies the event that is triggered when a CSS animation
starts. It applies to HTML elements that have CSS animatable elements. It seems to be necessary to
set it using JavaScript.
The HTML async attribute indicates if a script is to be executed asyncronously. It applies to <script>
elements. It only in practice applies to external scripts, so should only be used if the src attribute i s
also present.
- If async is present then the (external) script is executed asynchronously with the rest of the
page (with the script being executed while the page continues to be parsed)
- If async is not present but defer is present then the (external) script is executed when
the page has finished parsing
- If neither async or defer is present then the (external) script is fetched and executed
immediately, before further parsing of the page
Value Description
async Script should be executed asyncronously
The HTML autocomplete attribute indicates whether an element has autocomplete capability
enabled. This enables the browser to display options to fill in the field, based on pre vi ousl y typed
characters. It applies to <form> and <input> elements (if the <input> element is type: text,
search, url, tel, email, password, datepickers, range or color). Sometimes an
autocomplete function needs to be enabled within the browser for autocomplete to work.
Valid attribute values (when used with <form> and <input> elements) include:
Value Description
on Form should have autocomplete on
off Form should have autocomplete off
The HTML autofocus attribute indicates whether an element should automatically get focus
when the page loads. It applies to <button>, <input>, <keygen>, <select> and <textarea> elements.
Valid attribute values (when used with <button>, <input>, <keygen>, <select> and <textarea>
elements) include:
Value Description
autofocus Element should automatically get focus when page loads
The HTML autoplay attribute indicates whether an audio or video should start playing as soon as
it is ready. It applies to <audio> and <video> elements.
Valid attribute values (when used with an <audio> and <video> element) include:
Value Description
autoplay Media to start playing as soon as ready
The HTML bgcolor attribute indicates the background colour of an element. It is no longer
supported in HTML 5 (instead use CSS, e.g. <div style="background-
The HTML border attribute indicates the width of the border of an element. It is no longer
supported in HTML 5 (instead use CSS).
The HTML challenge attribute indicates that the value of an element should be challenged when
submitted. It applies to <keygen> elements. Note: it appears likely that <keygen> el e ments wi ll be
dropped from future versions of HTML so it may be desirable not to use <keygen> elements.
Value Description
challenge Value of element should be challenged when submitted
The HTML charset attribute specifies the character encoding to use. It applies to <meta> and
<script> elements.
It can be overridden for a specific element by setting the lang attribute of that element. The
charset attribute is new in HTML 5 and replaces the need to set the content type via HTML such
as: <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-
8"> (although using the http-equiv approach is still allowed).
Valid attribute values (when used with <meta> and <script> elements) include:
Value Description
character_set The character encoding for the document
The HTML checked attribute specifies that the (sub)-element should be pre-selected (i.e.
‘checked’) when the page first loads. It applies to <input> elements (if type = checkbox or type =
radio). It also applies to <menuitem> elements (but these are not currently supported by many
Value Description
checked Sub-element should be pre-selected
Value Description
checked Indicates that command/menu item should be checked when page loads.
Only applies to type = radio or type = checkbox
The HTML cite attribute provides a URL which explains a quote, deleted text or inserted text. It
applies to <blockquote>, <del>, <ins> and <q> elements. It has no visual effect in typical web
browsers but can be used by screen readers.
Valid attribute values (when used with <blockquote>, <del>, <ins> elements) include:
Value Description
URL Source of quote, deletion or insertion
The HTML class attribute indicates one or more style class names (as per CSS) that apply to the
element. If more than one class is to be applied to the same element then they should be separated
by a space.
Value Description
CSSclass CSS style class
The HTML color attribute indicates the colour of the text of an element. It is no longer supporte d
in HTML 5 (instead use CSS).
The HTML cols attribute indicates the visible width of a <textarea> element (in number of
Value Description
integer Visible width (in characters) of text area
The visible height of a <textarea> element can be set using the rows attribute. The size of a
<textarea> element can also be set using CSS height and width properties.
The HTML colspan attribute indicates the number of columns a table cell should span. It applies to
<td> and <th> elements.
A value of zero, i.e. using colspan="0", in theory has a special meaning, namely that the cell should
be spanned to the last column of the column group, but this is not recognised by some browsers.
Valid attribute values (when used with <td> and <th> element) include:
Value Description
integer Number of columns a cell should span
The HTML content attribute indicates the value associated with the http-equiv or name attribute
within a <meta> element.
Value Description
text Value associated with the relevant http-equiv or name attribute
Value Description
contenteditable Content of element is editable
The HTML contextmenu attribute indicates the context menu (i.e. what appears when the mouse
is right-clicked). At the time of writing (early 2018) it did not appear to be supported by many
Value Description
text Text to display when mouse is right-clicked
The HTML controls attribute indicates whether <audio> and <video> controls (such as play and
pause buttons) should be displayed.
Valid attribute values (when used with <audio> and <video> elements) include:
Value Description
controls Controls should be displayed (e.g. play / pause button, fast forward
The HTML coords attribute indicates the coordinates of an <area>. It, together with the shape
attribute specify the size, shape and position of the area.
Value Description
x1, y1, x2, y2 Coordinates of the left, top (x1, y1) and right, bottom (x2, y2)
corners of a rectangle, if shape = "rect"
x, y, r Coordinates of the circle centre (x, y) and circle radius (r), if shape
= "circle"
x1, y1, x2, y2,…, xn, yn Coordinates of corners of polygon. If the first and last coordinate
pairs are not the same then the browser will add another
coordinate pair to complete the polygon, if shape = "poly"
The HTML crossorigin attribute indicates how the element handles cross-origin requests. It can
apply to <img> and <link> elements (and some other elements for some browsers).
Valid attribute values (when used with <img> and <link> elements) include:
Value Description
(default), i.e. blank. CORS will not be used at all.
anonymous CORS requests for element will not have credentials flag set, i.e. no
user credentials will be exchanged via e.g. cookies, client-side SSL
certificates or HTTP authentication
use-credentials CORS requests for element will have credentials flag set, i.e.
request will provide credentials
The HTML data attribute specifies the URL of a resource to be used by an <object> element.
Valid attribute values (when used with <object> elements) include:
Value Description
URL URL of resource used by element
The HTML data-* attribute provides a means of storing custom data specific to a page. It can be
applied to all HTML elements and can be accessed by JavaScript embedded within the page.
(a) The name, which is the * part of the overall attribute name, which should not contain any
uppercase letters
(b) The attribute value, which can be any string
<li data-continent="Europe">Spain</li>
<li data-continent="Asia">Japan</li>
The HTML datetime attribute specifies the date and time of a <del>, <ins> or <time> element.
Valid attribute values (when used with <del>, <ins> elements) include:
Value Description
YYYY-MM- A date
Value Description
datetime A machine-readable date/time for the <time> element
The HTML default attribute specifies the default <menuitem> or <track> element that will be
enabled unless user preferences specify otherwise.
Valid attribute values (when used with <menuitem> and <track> elements) include:
Value Description
default Marks relevant element as default
The HTML defer attribute specifies that JavaScript within (or refenced by) a <script> should only be
executed once the page has finished being parsed by the browser. It only in practice applies to
external scripts.
- If async is present then the (external) script is executed asynchronously with the rest of the
page (with the script being executed while the page continues to be parsed)
- If async is not present but defer is present then the (external) script is executed when
the page has finished parsing
- If neither async or defer is present then the (external) script is fetched and executed
immediately, before further parsing of the page
Value Description
defer Script should be deferred until page has finished being parsed by the
The HTML dir attribute specifies the direction of the text content of an element.
Value Description
ltr Left-to-right
rtl Right-to-left
The HTML dirname attribute indicates that the text direction for the content of an element will be
submitted. It applies to <input> and <textarea> elements. Currently, not all major browsers support
this attribute.
The value of the dirname attribute is always the name of the input field, followed by .dir, i.e.
valid attribute values (when used with <input> and <textarea> elements) are:
Value Description
inputfieldname.dir Indicates that the text direction of the input field with name
inputfieldname will be specified
The HTML disabled attribute indicates that the element or group of elements should be disabled.
It applies to <button>, <fieldset>, <input>, <keygen>, <menuitem>, <optgroup>, <option>, <select>
and <textarea> elements.
Valid attribute values (when used with <button>, <fieldset>, <input>, <keygen>, <menuitem>,
<optgroup>, <option>, <select> and <textarea> elements) include:
Value Description
disabled Element (button, group of related form elements etc.) should be disabled
The HTML download attribute indicates that the target resource will be downloaded when the
user clicks on the hyperlink. It applies to <a> and <area> elements.
Valid attribute values (when used with <a> and <area> elements) include:
Value Description
filename Resource to be downloaded
Value Description
draggable Element is draggable
The HTML dropzone attribute indicates whether dragged material is copied, moved or linked to
when it is dropped. It does not seem currently to be supported by many browsers
Value Description
copy Dropping will create a copy of the element that was dragged
move Dropping will result in the element that was dragged being moved to this
new location
link Dropping will create a link to the dragged data
The HTML enctype attribute indicates how form-data should be encoded when submitted to the
server. It applies to <form> elements and then only for method = post.
Value Description
application/x- (Default). Input control names and values are URL encoded. Each name
www-form- value pair is separated by a ‘&’ and the name is separated from the value
urlencoded by ‘=’ (as per a usual HTML query string)
multipart/form- Used for submitting forms that contain files, binary data and other non-
data ASCII data
text/plain Obsolete. No encoding is applied (is only retained for old browser
The HTML for attribute indicates which form element(s) a label calculation is linked to. It applies to
<label> and <output> elements.
Value Description
elementID Indicates to which form element the <label> belongs
Value Description
elementID Indicates relationship between calculation result and elements used
The HTML form attribute indicates the name of the form to which the element belongs. It applies to
<button>, <fieldset>, <input>, <keygen>, <label>, <meter>, <object>, <output>, <select> and
<textarea> elements.
Valid attribute values (when used with <button>, <fieldset>, <input>, <keygen>, <label>, <meter>,
<object>, <output>, <select> and <textarea> elements) include:
Value Description
formID One or more forms to which element belongs
The HTML formaction attribute indicates where to send form-data to when a form is submitted.
It applies to <button> and <input> elements and then only for type = submit.
Valid attribute values (when used with <button> and <input> elements) include:
Value Description
URL Where form-data is sent to when a form is submitted. For <button>
elements it only applies if the button type = "submit"
The HTML formenctype attribute indicates how form-data should be encoded before sending it
to a server. It applies to <button> and <input> elements and then only for type = submit or type =
image. It overrides the enctype attribute of the <form> element containing the element.
Valid attribute values (when used with <button> and <input> elements include:
Value Description
application/x- (Default). All characters are URL encoded before being sent (with spaces
www-form- converted to + characters and special characters converted to ASCII Hex
urlencoded values
multipart/form- No characters encoded
text/plain Spaces converted to + characters but no conversion applied to (other)
special characters
The HTML formmethod attribute indicates how to send form-data (i.e. which HTTP method to
use). It applies to <button> and <input> elements and then only for type = submit.
Valid attribute values (when used with <button> and <input> elements) include:
Value Description
HTTPmethod HTTP method (get or post). See here for more details
The HTML formnovalidate attribute indicates that form-data should not be validated prior to
submission to server. It applies to <button> and <input> elements and then only for type = submit.
Valid attribute values (when used with <button> and <input> elements) include:
Value Description
formnovalidate Do not validate form
The HTML formtarget attribute indicates where to display the response that is received after
submitting form. It applies to <button> and <input> elements and then only for type = submit.
Valid attribute values (when used with <button> and <input> elements) include:
Value Description
_blank Opens linked document in a new window or tab
_self Opens linked document in parent frame
_parent (default value). Opens linked document in the same window or tab as
was clicked
_top Opens linked document in full body of the window
framename Opens linked document in named frame
The HTML headers attribute identifies one or more header cells that a specific cell is related to. It
applies to <td> and <th> elements.
Valid attribute values (when used with <td> and <th> element) include:
Value Description
header_id One or more header cells a cell is related to
The HTML height attribute indicates the height of an element. It applies to <canvas>, <embed>,
<iframe>, <img>, <input>, <object> and <video> elements.
Valid attribute values (when used with <canvas>, <embed>, <iframe>, <img>, <input>, <object> and
<video> elements) include:
Value Description
number Width of element or embedded content in pixels, e.g. width="20"
percentage Width as a percentage of surrounding element, e.g. width="30%"
Value Description
hidden Element is hidden
The HTML high attribute indicates a range that is considered to constitute a high value for a
<meter> element.
Value Description
number (Floating point) number defining number above which value is deemed
‘high’. Should be lower than the max attribute and higher than the low
The HTML href attribute indicates the URL of the page that link goes to (or for the <base> element
the URL that forms the base for relative URLS). It applies to <a>, <area>, <base> and <link> elements.
Valid attribute values (when used with <a>, <area>, <base>, <link> elements) include:
Value Description
URL URL location of linked document
If an element has an href attribute then the corresponding DOM object usually supports the
following additional properties which can be thought of as variants of the href attribute:
Value Description
hash Anchor part of href attribute
host Hostname and port part of href attribute
hostname Hostname part of href attribute
origin Returns protocol, hostname and port part of href attribute
password Password part of href attribute
pathname Pathname part of href attribute
port Port part of href attribute
protocol Protocol part of href attribute
search Querystring part of href attribute
username Username part of href attribute
The HTML hreflang attribute indicates the language of the linked document. It applies to <a>,
<area> and <link> elements.
Valid attribute values (when used with <a>, <area>, <link> elements) include:
Value Description
language-code Language of text in linked document
The HTML http-equiv attribute provides the HTTP header for the information / value of an
attribute within a <meta> element.
Value Description
content-type The character encoding for the document, e.g.:
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;
Note that using HTML 5 it is now possible to set the character set more
directly, using e.g.:
<meta charset="UTF-8">
default-style The preferred style sheet to use for the page, e.g.:
<meta http-equiv="default-style" content="preferred
The value of the relevant content attribute must either match the value of
the title attribute of a link element (linked to an external style sheet) or a
style element in the same document
refresh The time interval for the document to refresh itself, e.g.
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="60">
It is recommended that this option is used sparingly, since it takes control
of the page away from the user. Often better will be to achieve a similar
effect using JavaScript
The HTML icon attribute indicates the icon that should be used for a <menuitem> element.
Value Description
URL Location of icon
Value Description
text Unique id (identifier)
Value Description
ismap Specifies whether the <img> element is part of a server-side image-map,
i.e. has clickable areas. The click coordinates are then sent to the server as
part of the URL query string. It is only allowed if the <img> element is a
descendant of an <a> element with a valid href attribute.
The HTML keytype attribute specifies the security algorithm of a key. It applies to <keygen>
Value Description
rsa (Default). Use RSA security algorithm (user may be given choice of key
dsa Use DSA security algorithm (user may be given choice of key strength)
ec Use EC security algorithm (user may be given choice of key strength)
The HTML kind attribute specifies the kind of a text track (e.g. whether a subtitle). It applies to
<track> elements.
Value Description
captions Track relates to translation of dialogue
chapters Track relates to chapter titles (helps when navigating the media resource)
descriptions Track relates to text description of video content
metadata Track defines content used by scripts
subtitles Track defines subtitles
The HTML label attribute specifies the title of the track or group (for <optgroup>, <option> and
<track> elements) or the visible label to give to a menu (for <menu> elements).
Valid attribute values (when used with <menu>, <optgroup>, <option> and <track>elements)
Value Description
text Visible label
Value Description
language-code Language of content
The HTML list attribute specifies the <datalist> element that contains pre-defined options for an
<input> element.
Value Description
datalist_id ID of relevant <datalist> element
The HTML loop attribute specifies whether an <audio> or <video> element is to start over again
when it finishes.
Valid attribute values (when used with <audio> and <video> elements) include:
Value Description
loop Media to start over again each time it finishes
The HTML low attribute indicates a range that is considered to constitute a low value for a <meter>
Value Description
number (Floating point) number defining number below which value is deemed
‘low’. Should be higher than the min attribute and lower than the high
The HTML manifest attribute specifies the address of the document’s cache manifest (for offli ne
browsing). It applies to <html> elements.
Value Description
URL URL of document’s cache manifest (facilitates offline browsing)
The HTML max attribute specifies the maximum value applicable to an <input>, <meter> or
<progress> element.
Valid attribute values (when used with <input>, <meter> elements) include:
Value Description
number Maximum (numerical) value for element
date Maximum (date) value for an <input> element
The HTML maxlength attribute specifies the maximum number of characters allowed in an
<input> or <textarea> element.
Valid attribute values (when used with <input> and <textarea> elements) include:
Value Description
integer Maximum number of characters allowed to be inputted using element
The HTML media attribute specifies the media or device that the linked document is optimised for.
It applies to <a>, <area>, <link>, <source> and <style> elements.
Valid attribute values (when used with <a>, <area>, <link>, <source> and <style> elements) include:
Value Description
media-query Indicates the media or device type the target URL is optimised for
The HTML method attribute specifies the HTTP method used when sending form-data. It applies to
<form> elements.
Value Description
HTTPmethod HTTP method (get or post). See here for more details
The HTML min attribute specifies the minimum value applicable to an <input> or <meter> element.
Valid attribute values (when used with <input>, <meter> elements) include:
Value Description
number Minimum (numerical) value for element
date Minimum (date) value for an <input> element
The HTML multiple attribute indicates that a user can enter more than one value into an <input>
or <select> element.
Valid attribute values (when used with <input> and <select> elements) include:
Value Description
multiple Indicates that more than one value can be entered into element
The HTML muted attribute indicates whether the audio output of an <audio> or <video> element
should be muted.
Valid attribute values (when used with <audio> and <video> elements) include:
Value Description
muted Audio output should be muted
The HTML name attribute generally specifies the name of an element. It applies to <button>,
<fieldset>, <form>, <iframe>, <input>, <keygen>, <map>, <meta>, <object>, <output>, <param>,
<select> and <textarea> elements.
Valid attribute values (when used with <button>, <fieldset>, <form>, <iframe>, <input>, <keygen>,
<object>, <output>, <select> and <textarea> elements) include:
Value Description
name Name for element or associated element
Value Description
name Name associated with the <img> element’s usemap attribute that creates
a relationship between the image and the map
Value Description
application- Name of web application to which page is associated
author Author of document
description Description of page (often picked up by search engines to show with
results of searches)
generator One or more software packages that have generated the document
keywords A comma-separated list of keywords relevant to the page (again helpful
for search engines). Specifying this piece of metadata helps with search
engine optimisation
viewport Information about the viewport, i.e. the window in which the user sees
the webpage. For example, it is common to include the following element
in webpages to improve their viewability across different devices:
The HTML novalidate attribute indicates whether a <form> element should not be validated
when submitted.
Value Description
novalidate Whether form-data (i.e. input) should not be validated when submitted
The HTML onabort attribute specifies the event that is triggered if the document is aborted. It
applies to <audio>, <embed>, <img>, <object> and <video> elements.
The HTML onafterprint attribute specifies the event that is triggered after a document is
printed. It applies to <body> elements.
The HTML onbeforeprint attribute specifies the event that is triggered before a document is
printed. It applies to <body> elements.
The HTML onbeforeunload attribute specifies the event that is triggered just before a document
is unloaded. It applies to <body> elements.
It can be used to return a message if the user is just about to leave the page.
The HTML onblur attribute specifies the event that is triggered when an element loses focus. It
applies to all visible elements.
The HTML oncanplay attribute specifies the event that is triggered when a file is ready to start
playing (i.e. when it has buffered enough to begin). It applies to <audio>, <embed>, <object> and
<video> elements.
The HTML oncanplaythrough attribute specifies the event that is triggered when a file is ready
to play all the way to its end without pausing for buffering. It applies to <audio> and <video>
The HTML onchange attribute specifies the event that is triggered when an element’s value
changes. It applies to all visible elements.
The HTML onclick attribute specifies the event that is triggered when an element is clicked
(mouse clicked). It applies to all visible elements.
The HTML oncontextmenu attribute specifies the event that is triggered when a context menu is
triggered. It applies to all visible elements.
The HTML oncopy attribute specifies the event that is triggered when the content of an element is
copied. It applies to all visible elements.
The HTML oncuechange attribute specifies the event that is triggered when the cue changes in a
<track> element. It applies to <track> elements.
The HTML oncut attribute specifies the event that is triggered when the content of an element is
cut. It applies to all visible elements.
The HTML ondblclick attribute specifies the event that is triggered when an element is double-
clicked (mouse double-clicked). It applies to all visible elements.
The HTML ondrag attribute specifies the event that is triggered when an element is dragged. It
applies to all visible elements.
The HTML ondragend attribute specifies the event that is triggered at the end of a drag operation.
It applies to all visible elements.
The HTML ondragenter attribute specifies the event that is triggered when an element has been
dragged to a valid drop target. It applies to all visible elements.
The HTML ondragleave attribute specifies the event that is triggered when an element is
dragged outside a valid drop target. It applies to all visible elements.
The HTML ondragover attribute specifies the event that is triggered when an element is being
dragged over a valid drop target. It applies to all visible elements.
The HTML ondragstart attribute specifies the event that is triggered at the start of a drag. It
applies to all visible elements.
The HTML ondrop attribute specifies the event that is triggered when a dragged element is
dropped. It applies to all visible elements.
The HTML ondurationchange attribute specifies the event that is triggered when the length of a
media changes. It applies to <audio> and <video> elements.
The HTML onemptied attribute specifies the event that is triggered when a media file unexpected
becomes unavailable. It applies to <audio> and <video> elements.
The HTML onended attribute specifies the event that is triggered when a media reaches its end. It
applies to <audio> and <video> elements.
The HTML onerror attribute specifies the event that is triggered when an error occurs. It applies
to <audio>, <body>, <embed>, <img>, <object>, <script>, <style> and <video> elements.
The HTML onfocus attribute specifies the event that is triggered when an element gets focus. It
applies to all visible elements.
The HTML onfocusin attribute specifies the event that is triggered when an element is about to
get focus. It is similar to the onfocus attribute except that it also ‘bubbles’.
The HTML onfocusout attribute specifies the event that is triggered when an element is about to
lose focus. It is similar to the onblur attribute except that it also ‘bubbles’.
The HTML onhashchange attribute specifies the event that is triggered when there is a change to
the anchor part of a URL (i.e. the part after a #). It applies to <body> elements.
The HTML oninput attribute specifies the event that is triggered when an element gets user input.
It applies to all visible elements.
The HTML oninvalid attribute specifies the event that is triggered when an element is invalid. It
applies to all visible elements.
The HTML onkeydown attribute specifies the event that is triggered when the user is pressing a
key. It applies to all visible elements.
The HTML onkeypress attribute specifies the event that is triggered when the user presses a key.
It applies to all visible elements.
The HTML onkeyup attribute specifies the event that is triggered when the user releases a key. It
applies to all visible elements.
The HTML onload attribute specifies the event that is triggered when an element finishes loading.
It applies to <body>, <iframe>, <img>, <input>, <link>, <script> and <style> elements.
The HTML onloadeddata attribute specifies the event that is triggered when data for the current
frame is loaded, but not enough data is yet loaded to play the next frame. It applies to <audio> and
<video> elements.
The HTML onloadedmetadata attribute specifies the event that is triggered when metadata
(dimensions, duration, …) is loaded. It applies to <audio> and <video> elements.
The HTML onloadstart attribute specifies the event that is triggered just before loading starts. It
applies to <audio> and <video> elements.
- onloadstart
- ondurationchange
- onloadedmetadata
- onloadeddata
- onprogress
- oncanplay
- oncanplaythrough
The HTML onmessage attribute specifies the event that is triggered when a message is received
through an event source.
The HTML onmousedown attribute specifies the event that is triggered when the mouse button is
pressed down on an element. It applies to all visible elements.
The HTML onmouseenter attribute specifies the event that is triggered when the mouse pointer
moves onto an element. It applies to all visible elements. It is often used in conjunction with the
onmouseleave event.
It is like the onmouseover event (or the onmousemove event), except that the onmouseenter
event only fires when the mouse first enters the element itself, whereas the onmouseover event
also fires in response to the mouse moving into the element from a child element that is located
within the original element.
The HTML onmouseleave attribute specifies the event that is triggered when the mouse pointer
moves onto an element. It applies to all visible elements. It is often used in conjunction with the
onmouseenter event.
It is like the onmouseout event (or the onmousemove event), except that the onmouseleave
event only fires when the mouse first leaves the element itself, whereas the onmouseout event also
fires in response to the mouse moving out of the element into a child element that is located within
the original element.
The HTML onmousemove attribute specifies the event that is triggered for as long as the mouse
pointer is moving over an element. It applies to all visible elements.
The HTML onmouseout attribute specifies the event that is triggered when the mouse pointer
moves outside an element. It applies to all visible elements.
The HTML onmouseover attribute specifies the event that is triggered when the mouse pointer
moves over an element. It applies to all visible elements.
The HTML onmouseup attribute specifies the event that is triggered when the mouse pointer is
released over an element. It applies to all visible elements.
The HTML onmousewheel attribute specifies the event that is triggered when the mouse pointer is
released over an element. It applies to all visible elements. Depreciated, use onwheel instead.
The HTML onoffline attribute specifies the event that is triggered when the browser starts to
work offline. It applies to <body> elements.
The HTML ononline attribute specifies the event that is triggered when the browser starts to
work online. It applies to <body> elements.
The HTML onopen attribute specifies the event that is triggered when a connection to an event
source is opened.
The HTML onpagehide attribute specifies the event that is triggered when the user navigates
away from a page. It applies to <body> elements.
The HTML onpageshow attribute specifies the event that is triggered when the user navigates to a
page. It applies to <body> elements.
The HTML onpaste attribute specifies the event that is triggered when the user pastes content in
an element. It applies to all visible elements.
The HTML onpause attribute specifies the event that is triggered when a media is paused. It
applies to <audio> and <video> elements.
The HTML onplay attribute specifies the event that is triggered when a media is ready to start
playing. It applies to <audio> and <video> elements.
The HTML onplaying attribute specifies the event that is triggered when a media has started
playing. It applies to <audio> and <video> elements.
The HTML onpopstate attribute specifies the event that is triggered when the window’s history
changes. It applies to <body> elements.
The HTML onprogress attribute specifies the event that is triggered when the browser is in the
process of getting media data. It applies to <audio> and <video> elements.
The HTML onratechange attribute specifies the event that is triggered when the playback rate of
a media changes (e.g. the user switches to fast forward). It applies to <audio> and <video> elements.
The HTML onreset attribute specifies the event that is triggered when the reset button in a form is
clicked. It applies to <form> elements.
The HTML onresize attribute specifies the event that is triggered when the browser window is
being resized. It applies to <body> elements.
The HTML onscroll attribute specifies the event that is triggered when the element’s scrollbar is
being scrolled. It applies to all visible elements.
The HTML onsearch attribute specifies the event that is triggered when user enters something in a
search field (for an <input> element of type = search). It applies to <input> elements.
The HTML onseeked attribute specifies the event that is triggered when the seeking attribute of a
media is set to false (i.e. the seeking has finished). It applies to <audio> and <video> elements.
The HTML onseeking attribute specifies the event that is triggered when the seeking attribute of
a media is set to true (i.e. the seeking is active). It applies to <audio> and <video> elements.
The HTML onselect attribute specifies the event that is triggered when an element gets selected.
It applies to all visible elements.
The HTML onshow attribute specifies the event that is triggered when a <menu> element is shown
as a context menu. It applies to <menu> elements.
The HTML onstalled attribute specifies the event that is triggered when the browser is unable to
fetch the media data (for whatever reason). It applies to <audio> and <video> elements.
The HTML onstorage attribute specifies the event that is triggered when the web storage area is
updated. It applies to <body> elements.
The HTML onsubmit attribute specifies the event that is triggered when a form is submitted. It
applies to <form> elements.
The HTML onsuspend attribute specifies the event that is triggered when the fetching of media
data is stopped before completely loaded (for whatever reason). It applies to <audio> and <video>
The HTML ontimeupdate attribute specifies the event that is triggered when the playing position
in a media has changed (e.g. user fast forwards to a new position in the media). It applies to <audio>
and <video> elements.
The HTML ontoggle attribute specifies the event that is triggered when the user opens or closes a
<details> element. It applies to <details> elements.
The HTML ontouchcancel attribute specifies the event that is triggered when touch is
interrupted. It applies to touch-sensitive elements.
The HTML ontouchend attribute specifies the event that is triggered when the touching device
(usually a finger) is removed from the touch screen. It applies to touch-sensitive elements.
The HTML ontouchmove attribute specifies the event that is triggered when the touching device
(usually a finger) is dragged across the touch screen. It applie s to touch-sensitive elements.
The HTML ontouchstart attribute specifies the event that is triggered when the touching device
(usually a finger) is placed on the touch screen. It applies to touch-sensitive elements.
The HTML onunload attribute specifies the event that is triggered when the page has unloaded (or
the browser window has closed). It applies to <body> elements.
The HTML onvolumechange attribute specifies the event that is triggered when the volume of a
media is changed (or muted). It applies to <audio> and <video> elements.
The HTML onwaiting attribute specifies the event that is triggered when the media has paused
but is expected to resume (e.g. the media has paused to buffer more data). It applies to <audio> and
<video> elements.
The HTML onwheel attribute specifies the event that is triggered when the mouse wheel rolls up or
down over an element. It applies to all visible elements. It currently is not supported by all major
The HTML open attribute indicates whether details in a <details> or <dialog> element should be
visible (i.e. open) to the user.
Value Description
open Specifies whether the details should be visible to user
Value Description
open Specifies whether the dialog element is active and hence whether the user
can interact with it
The HTML optimum attribute indicates the value that is deemed optimal for the gauge applicable to
a <meter> element.
Value Description
number (Floating point) number defining optimal value for gauge
The HTML pattern attribute indicates the format expression that the value of an <input> element
is checked against.
Value Description
regular-expression Regular expression against which input is compared
The HTML placeholder attribute indicates the short hint describing the expected value of an
<input> or <textarea> element.
Valid attribute values (when used with <input> and <textarea> elements) include:
Value Description
text A short hint that describes what is expected as input
The HTML poster attribute indicates the image to be shown while a <video> element is
downloading (or until user hits play).
Value Description
URL URL of file containing image to be shown whilst video is downloading or
until user hits play button
The HTML preload attribute indicates if / how the page author thinks <audio> or <video>
elements should be loaded when the page loads.
Valid attribute values (when used with <audio> and <video> elements) include:
Value Description
auto Browser to load entire video when page loads
metadata Browser should only load the video’s metadata
none Browser should not load video when page loads
The HTML radiogroup attribute specifies the commands that are toggled when a <menuitem>
element is toggled.
Value Description
groupname Name of group of commands toggled when the menu item is toggled.
Only applies if type = radio
The HTML readonly attribute indicates whether an <input> or <textarea> element is read-only.
Valid attribute values (when used with <input> and <textarea> elements) include:
Value Description
readonly Indicates that input box is read-only
The HTML rel attribute indicates the relationship between the current document and the
document to which it is linked. It applies to <a>, <area> and <link> elements.
Valid attribute values (when used with <a>, <area> and <link> elements) include:
Value Description
alternate An alternative representation of the document
author Link to resource describing author of document
bookmark URL used for bookmarking (for <a>and <area>)
dns-prefetch Browser should preemptively do a DNS on the origin of the target (for
external Referenced document is not part of same site as original (for <a>)
help Document providing help
icon Get icon representing document (for <link>)
license Copyright information on the document
next Next document in series
nofollow An unendorsed document (e.g. a paid link, search spiders may not then
follow that link)
noreferrer Browser should not send an HTTP referrer header if user follows hyperlink
noopener Browser context created by following hyperlink should not have an opener
browser context (for <a>)
pingback Address of pingback server handling pingbacks relating to origin of
document (for <link>)
preconnect Browser should pre-emptively connect to target (for <link>)
prefetch Browser should pre-emptively fetch and cache target (for <area>, <link>)
preload Browser should pre-emptively fetch and render target (for <link>)
prerender Same as preload for some browsers (for <link>)
prev Previous document in series
search A search tool covering the document
stylesheet Import a CSS stylesheet (for <link>)
tag A keyword relevant to the current document (for <a>and <area>)
The HTML required attribute indicates whether an <input>, <select> or <textarea> element needs
to be filled in before a form is submitted.
Valid attribute values (when used with <input>, <select> and <textarea> elements) include:
Value Description
required Indicates that input box or selection choice must be filled out be fore the
form can be submitted
The HTML reversed attribute indicates whether the list order of an <ol> element should be in
descending order (e.g. 3, 2, 1) rather than ascending order (1, 2, 3).
Value Description
reversed List order is descending
The HTML rows attribute indicates the visible number of lines in a <textarea> element.
Value Description
integer Visible number of rows (lines) in text area
The HTML rowspan attribute indicates the number of rows a table cell should span. It applies to
<td> and <th> elements.
Valid attribute values (when used with <td> and <th> elements) include:
Value Description
integer Number of rows a cell should span
The HTML sandbox attribute indicates extra restrictions applied to the content of an <iframe>
element. The sorts of additional restrictions that can be imposed include:
Valid attribute values (when used with <iframe> elements) include either sandbox (which results in
all restrictions being applied) or a space delimited list of values that exclude specific restrictions.
These values are:
Value Description
allow-forms Form submission enabled
allow-pointer- APIs allowed
allow-popups Popups allowed
allow-same- <iframe> content allowed to be treated as being from same origin as main
origin document
allow-scripts Scripts allowed
allow-top- <iframe> content allowed to navigate to its top-level browsing context
sandbox (i.e. no All restrictions applied
The HTML scope attribute indicates whether a table header cell (i.e. a <th> element) is a header for
a column, a row or for groups of either columns or rows. The scope attribute is no longer
supported in HTML 5.
Value Description
col Cell is header for a column
colgroup Cell is header for a group of columns
row Cell is header for a row
rowgroup Cell is header for a group of rows
The HTML scoped attribute indicates that styles in a <style> element only apply to the element’s
parent and that element’s child elements. The aim is to allow style declarations that apply only to
individual parts of a HTML document, but currently it does not always work with major browsers.
Value Description
scoped Styles only apply to element’s parent element and that element’s
child elements
The HTML selected attribute indicates that an <option> element should be pre-selected when
the page loads.
Value Description
selected Option should be pre-selected when page loads
The HTML shape attribute indicates shape of an <area> element. It, together with the coords
attribute specify the size, shape and position of the area.
Value Description
default Indicates the entire region
circle Indicates a circular region
poly Indicates a polygonal region
rect Indicates a rectangular region
The HTML size attribute indicates the width in characters for <input> elements or number of
visible options for <select> elements.
Value Description
integer Number of characters that identify the width of the element
Value Description
integer Number of visible options in drop-down menu
The HTML sizes attribute specifies the size of a linked resource. It applies to <img>, <link> and
<source> elements.
Value Description
heightxwidth Specifies one or more sizes for linked icon, in the form e.g.
sizes="16x16" or sizes="16x16 32x32". Is only relevant for
any Icon is scalable
Note: most browsers do not currently seem to support the sizes attribute (at the time of writing it
was an experimental attribute for <link> elements). For <source> elements it is only relevant when
the <source> element is a direct child of a picture element.
The HTML span attribute specifies the number of columns that a <col> or <colgroup> element
Value Description
integer Number of columns the element should span
The HTML spellcheck attribute indicates whether an element is to have its spelling and grammar
Value Description
false Element is not to be spellchecked
true Element is to be spellchecked and grammar-checked
The HTML src attribute indicates the URL of a resource. It applies to <audio>, <embed>, <iframe>,
<img>, <input>, <script>, <source>, <track> and <video> elements.
Valid attribute values (when used with <audio>, <embed>, <iframe>, <img>, <script>, <source>,
<track> and <video> elements) include:
Value Description
URL URL of source
Value Description
URL URL of image to use as a submit button (only for type = image)
The HTML srcdoc attribute indicates the HTML content of the page to be shown in an <iframe>
If a browser supports this attribute then it will override the content specified by the src attribute (if
present). If it does not support this attribute then it will show the file specified by the src attribute (if
The srcdoc attribute is usually used in conjunction with the sandbox attribute and the seamless
attribute (the seamless attribute is not currently supported by major browsers so is not covered
further here).
Value Description
HTML_content HTML content of the page to show in the element
The HTML srclang attribute indicates the language of text data of a <track> element if its kind =
Value Description
language-code Language of track text data (only for kind = subtitles)
The HTML srcset attribute indicates the URL of image to use in different situations for <img> and
<source> elements.
Valid attribute values (when used with <img> and <source> elements) include:
Value Description
URL URL of image to use in different situations
The HTML start attribute indicates the Start value to use for an ordered list (i.e. an <ol> element).
Value Description
integer Starting value of list
The HTML step attribute indicates the accepted number intervals for an <input> element. For
example, if step="4" then the accepted numbers could be -4, 0, 4, 8, ….
Value Description
integer Number of intervals
The HTML style attribute indicates an ‘inline’ CSS style for that element.
Value Description
CSSstyle A CSS style definition
The HTML tabindex attribute indicates the tab order of an element, i.e. the order in which the
user is taken between elements when pressing the tab key (1 is first element).
Value Description
integer Tab order
The HTML target attribute indicates where / how to open a linked document (or where to submit
a form). It applies to <a>, <area>, <base> and <form> elements.
Valid attribute values (for <a>, <area>, <base> and <form>) include:
Value Description
_blank Opens linked document in a new window or tab
_parent Opens linked document in parent frame
_self (default value). Opens linked document in the same window or tab
as was clicked
_top Opens linked document in full body of the window
framename Opens linked document in named frame (not applicable to <form>
The HTML title attribute specifies extra information about an element. Often, if you move the
mouse over an element with its title set then the title typically appears as tooltip text next to the
Value Description
text Tooltip text relating to element
The HTML transitionend attribute specifies the event that is triggered when a CSS transition
ends. It applies to any element with a CSS transition.
The HTML translate attribute specifies whether the content of an element should be translated.
Value Description
yes Element content should be translated
no Element content should not be translated
Note: at the time of writing this attribute was not supported by major browsers.
The HTML type attribute indicates the type of an element. It applies to <area>, <button>,
<embed>, <input>, <keygen>, <link>, <menu>, <menuitem>, <object>, <ol>, <script>, <source> and
<style> elements.
Valid attribute values (when used with <area>, <embed>, <link>, <object>, <script> elements)
Value Description
media_type The internet media type (previously known as MIME type) of the
target URL
Value Description
button Is a clickable button
reset Is a submit button (so submits form data)
submit Is a reset button (so resets form data to initial / default values)
Valid attribute values (when used with <input> and <keygen> elements) include:
Value Description
button A clickable button that (typically) activates some JavaScript when
checkbox Input field allowing selection of one or more options from a limited
list of options
color Input field for selecting a colour
date Input field for entering a date
datetime Input field for entering a date and time (including time zone) (N.B.
Is not currently supported by most browsers)
datetime-local Input field for entering a date and time (no specific time zone)
email E-mail address input field (automatically validated when submitted)
file Define a file selection (with browse) button (for file uploads)
hidden Hidden field (i.e. not visible to user). Is often used to store a default
value or may be used as a variable by JavaScript
image Define image as a submit button
month Input field for entering a month and year (no specific time zone)
number Input field for entering a number. The default value is the value
attribute. Minimum, maximum and legal number intervals are
defined by the min, max and step attributes
password Password field (characters are masked)
radio Buttons allowing user to select only one of a limited number of
range Slider control, i.e. a control whose exact values are not important.
Default range is 0 to 100 but restrictions can be placed, e.g. using
the min, max and step attributes.
reset Reset button (e.g. for resetting all form values to default values)
search A search field
submit Submit button
tel Input field for entering a telephone number
text Single-line input field for entering text
time Input field for entering a time (no specific time zone)
url Input field for entering a URL
week Input field for entering a week and year (no specific time zone)
Value Description
list A list menu
toolbar A toolbar menu
context A context menu
Value Description
checkbox Command can be toggled using a checkbox
command A normal command
Radio Command can be toggled using a radio button
Note: at the time of writing the type attribute for <menuitem> elements was not supported by
major browsers.
Value Description
1 List is of type 1, 2, 3, 4, …
A List is of type A, B, C, D, …
a List is of type a, b, c, d, …
I List is of type I, II, III, IV, …
i List is of type i, ii, iii, iv, …
Value Description
MIME-type MIME type of resource
Value Description
text/css Media type of the <style> element
The HTML usemap attribute indicates whether an <img> or <object> element should be used as a
client-side image-map.
Valid attribute values (when used with <img> or <object> elements) include:
Value Description
#mapname Name of client-side image-map, i.e. a hash character (#) plus the name of
the <map> element to which the usemap relates
The HTML value attribute indicates the value of an element. It applies to <button>, <data>,
<input>, <li>, <meter>, <option>, <progress> and <param> elements.
Valid attribute values (when used with <button>, <input> elements) include:
Value Description
text Initial value for button
Note: for some older browsers, if you use a <button> element inside a <form> element then the
browser may submit the text between the <button> and </button> tags rather than the value
of its value attribute.
Value Description
machine-readable format Machine-readable content
Value Description
integer Value of a list item (following list items will increment from that
number). Only applicable to <ol> lists
Value Description
number Value of gauge
Value Description
text Value to be sent to server
The HTML width attribute indicates the width of an element. It applies to <canvas>, <embed>,
<iframe>, <img>, <input>, <object> and <video> elements.
Valid attribute values (when used with <canvas>, <embed>, <iframe>, <img>, <input>, <object> and
<video> elements) include:
Value Description
number Width of element or embedded content in pixels, e.g. width="20"
percentage Width as a percentage of surrounding element, e.g. width="30%"
Note: for some browsers and for some (but not all) of the elements listed above it appears to be
necessary if the width is being set in JavaScript to set it using the CSS width property, e.g. in the form = "20px" rather than using the width attribute.
The HTML wrap attribute indicates how text in a <textarea> element is to be wrapped when
submitted in a form.
Value Description
hard Text is wrapped (contains newlines) when submitted. The cols attribute
must then be specified
soft (default value). Text is not wrapped when submitted
The HTML xmlns attribute indicates the XML namespace attribute applicable to the webpage (if it
needs to conform to XHTML). It applies to <html> elements.
Value Description The default XHTML specification
Many HTML attributes accept specific types of input, including the following:
Value Description
#mapname Name of client-side image-map, i.e. a hash character (#) plus the name of
a <map> element
character A single keyboard character (e.g. as per the accesskey attribute)
character_set A character encoding (i.e. way of representing characters that will be
recognised by a receiving computer), such as:
- UTF-8: Unicode
- ISO-8859-1: character encoding for Latin alphabet
CSSclass Name of a CSS class. These must begin with a letter A-Z or a-z, which can
be followed by letters (A-Z or a-z), digits (0-9), hypens (“-”) and
underscores (“_”). In HTML all such values are case-insensitive, i.e. class
names of “abc” and “ABC” are treated as synonymous.
CSSstyle A CSS style definition
datalist_id Id (identifier) of relevant <datalist> element
date A date
elementID The id (identifier) defining the associated element
file_extension A file extension starting with a full stop, e.g. .png, .jpg, .pdf, .doc
(e.g. used for the accept attribute)
filename File name of a resource
formID The id defining the associated form
framename A named frame (i.e. <iframe> element)
groupname Name of group of commands
header_id Id of a header cell
heightxwidth One or more sizes (in pixels), in the form e.g. sizes="16x16" or
sizes="16x16 32x32".
HTML_content HTML content
HTTPmethod Either get or post. These have the following characteristics:
- get. Use the HTTP ‘get’ method. This includes the form-data in
the URL in name/value pairs. The length of the URL is limited and
hence the values transmitted will be public (even if the website is
accessed using an https call), but users can bookmark the resulting
- post. Use the HTTP ‘post’ method. This includes the form-data in
the HTTP request, i.e. not in the URL, and is not subject to the
same size limitations as the ‘get’ method, but cannot then be
bookmarked by users
inputfieldname Name of an input field
integer An integer
language-code Language of text in linked document. The language code is either an ISO
639-1 two letter language code (e.g. “en”) or such a code followed by a
dash and then a two letter ISO country code (the latter can be used if
different countries recognise different versions of the same language, e.g.
“en-gb” versus “en-us”)
machine-readable Machine-readable content
media-query Media or device type
media_type A valid media type, see e.g.
types/media-types.xhtml (e.g. as per accept attribute)
MIME-type MIME type of resource
name Name of element, attribute or (for <meta> elements) metadata item
no value I.e. element should be left black, however see below regarding attribute
minimisation and XHTML.
number A number (sometimes only an integer is acceptable, e.g. for the cols
attribute, sometimes a floating-point value is also acceptable), usually in
the form of a string (enclosed in quotes) representing the number
percentage A percentage, e.g. 30%
regular-expression Regular expression (against which e.g. an input is compared)
text Text
URI Uniform Resource Identifier, see below.
URL i.e. Uniform Resource Locator. These can be:
- Absolute, pointing to a specific webpage, e.g., or
- Relative, pointing to a file relative to some base, usually the
directory or website within which the page accessing the URL is
position, e.g. example.htm
x1, y1, x2, y2 Typically involve coordinates as per the coords attribute
YYYY-MM- A date (in a specific machine and location independent format)
When a value the attribute can take is shown as the same as its own name then this is a Boolean -
style attribute, meaning that in HTML the attribute should either be mentioned (but assigned no
value), in which case the attribute applies, or be absent, in which case the attribute does not appl y.
In XHTML, such attribute minimisation is not allowed, and the attribute needs to be defined
explicitly, taking as its value its own name, e.g. <video …
Event attributes (which usually have the form on…) take values which are JavaScript functions.
‘URI’ stands for ‘Uniform Resource Identifier’. The possible set of parts a URI can contain are
illustrated by the following:
http://username:[email protected]:80/path/file.aspx?a=23&b=has+s
A URI encoded string has each instance of certain characters replaced by one, two, three or (rarely)
four escape sequences representing the UTF-8 encoding of the character. encodeURI escapes all
characters except for the following (so it does not encode characters needed to formulate a
complete URI as above, or a few additional ‘unreserved marks’ which do not have a reserved
purpose as such and are allowed in a URI ‘as is’):
There are four global JavaScript methods that convert strings into URIs and vice versa (six if
depreciated methods are included).
encodeURI() escapes all characters except for the following (so it does not encode characters
needed to formulate a complete URI as above, or a few additional ‘unreserved marks’ which do not
have a reserved purpose as such and are allows in a URI ‘as is’:
If you want to encode a string but avoid encoding square brackets (these are becoming reserved
characters for IPv6) then it is recommended that you use a JavaScript statement like:
Appendix C: CSS Properties
background- How background image repeated Here Background
background- Size of background image(s) Here Background
border A shorthand property combining (up to) 3 Here Border
border properties
border-bottom A shorthand property combining all main Here Border
bottom border properties
border-bottom- Colour of bottom border of element Here Border
border-bottom- Shape of the bottom-left corner of a Here Border
left-radius border
border-bottom- Shape of the bottom-right corner of a Here Border
right-radius border
border-bottom- Style of bottom border of element Here Border
border-bottom- Width of bottom border of element Here Border
border- Whether table borders are collapsed Here Table
border-color The colour of an element’s four borders Here Border
border-image A shorthand property combining (up to) 5 Here Border
border-image properties
border-image- Amount by which a border image area Here Border
outset extends beyond the border box
border-image- How border image should be repeated, Here Border
repeat rounded or stretched
border-image- How any border image should be sliced Here Border
border-image- Path of image to be used as a border Here Border
border-image- Width of border image Here Border
border-left A shorthand property combining all main Here Border
left border properties
border-left- Colour of left border of element Here Border
border-left- Style of left border of element Here Border
border-left- Width of left border of element Here Border
border-radius Adds rounded corners to element Here Border
border-right A shorthand property combining all main Here Border
right border properties
border-right- Colour of right border of element Here Border
border-right- Style of right border of element Here Border
border-right- Width of right border of element Here Border
border-spacing Distance between borders of adjacent cells Here Table
(if border-collapse property is separate )
border-style Style of an element’s four borders Here Border
border-top A shorthand property combining all main Here Border
top border properties
border-top- Colour of top border of element Here Border
border-top- Shape of the top -left corner of a border Here Border
border-top- Shape of the top -right corner of a border Here Border
border-top- Style of top border of element Here Border
border-top- Width of top border of element Here Border
border-width Width of an element’s four borders Here Border
bottom Bottom edge of element relative to the Here Box
corresponding edge of nearest positioned
box-shadow Applies one or more shadows to element Here Border
box-sizing What box sizing (height, width) should be Here User Interface
applied to
caption-side Where a table caption should be placed Here Table
clear Which sides a floating element is not Here Box
allowed to float
clip What to do with an image that is larger Here Box
than its containing element
color Colour of text within an element Here Colour
column-count Number of columns element should be Here Column Layout
divided into
column-fill How to fill columns Here Column Layout
column-gap What gap to place between columns Here Column Layout
column-rule A shorthand property combining (up to) 3 Here Column Layout
column-rule properties
column-rule- Colour of any rule between columns Here Column Layout
column-rule- Style of any rule between columns Here Column Layout
column-rule- Width of any rule between columns Here Column Layout
column-span How many columns an element should Here Column Layout
span across
column-width Suggested optimal width for columns Here Column Layout
columns A shorthand property for setting certain Here Column Layout
column properties
content Pseudo-property used with the :before Here User Interface
and :after pseudo-elements to insert
generated content
counter- Pseudo-property that increments one or Here Counters
increment more CSS counter values
counter-reset Pseudo-property that creates or resets one Here Counters
or more CSS counter values
cursor Type of cursor to be displayed Here User Interface
direction Text or writing direction Here Text
display Type of box to be used for element Here Box
empty-cells Whether to display borders and Here Table
background for empty table cells
filter Applies visual effects like grayscale, blur Here Images
and saturation
flex A shorthand property for setting certain Here Flexible
flex properties Container
flex-basis Initial length of a flexible element Here Flexible
flex-direction Direction of a flexible element Here Flexible
flex-flow A shorthand property for setting certain Here Flexible
flex properties Container
flex-grow How much an element will grow relative to Here Flexible
other flexible items in a container Container
flex-shrink How much an element will shrink relative Here Flexible
other flexible items in a container Container
flex-wrap Whether flexible items should wrap Here Flexible
float Whether element should float Here Box
font A shorthand property for setting font Here Font
@font-face A rule allowing designers to apply their Here Font, Rules
own font
font-family Font to be used Here Font
font-size Size of font to be used Here Font
font-size- Refined sizing of font to be used Here Font
font-stretch Makes text in an element narrower or Here Font
more stretched out than usual
font-style Font style to be used Here Font
font-variant Whether text should be in small-caps font Here Font
font-weight How thick or thin (i.e. bold or not) Here Font
characters should be
hanging- Whether a punctuation mark can be placed Here Text
punctuation outside box at start or end of full line of
height Height of an element (excluding padding, Here Box
borders and margins)
justify- How to align a flexible container’s items Here Flexible
content when the items do not use all available Container
space along the horizontal axis
@keyframes A rule allowing designers to specify Here Animation,
animations Rules
left Left edge of element relative to the Here Box
corresponding edge of nearest positioned
letter-spacing Amount of space between consecutive text Here Text
line-height Height of lines of text Here Text
list-style A shorthand property combining up to 3 Here List
list properties
list-style- image to use as the list-item marker Here List
list-style- Whether a list marker is inside or outside Here List
position the relevant content container
list-style- Type of list-item marker Here List
margin A shorthand property combining all four Here Margin
margin properties
margin-bottom Width of bottom margin of element Here Margin
margin-left Width of left margin of element Here Margin
margin-right Width of right margin of element Here Margin
margin-top Width of top margin of element Here Margin
max-height Maximum height element can become Here Box
max-width Maximum width element can become Here Box
@media A rule allowing designers to apply different Here Rule
styles for different devices and/or media
min-height Minimum height element can become Here Box
min-width Minimum width element can become Here Box
nav-down Where to navigate with down arrow key Here User Interface
nav-index The sequential navigation order (i.e. the Here User Interface
‘tabbing order’) for an element
nav-left Where to navigate with left arrow key Here User Interface
nav-right Where to navigate with right arrow key Here User Interface
nav-up Where to navigate with up arrow key Here User Interface
opacity Degree of opacity (transparency) Here Colour
order Order of a flexible item relative to other Here Flexible
flexible items inside the same container Container
orphans Minimum number of lines of a paragraph Here Paged media
in a paged media that can be left on an old
outline A shorthand property combining (up to) 3 Here User Interface
outline properties
outline-color Colour of outline Here User Interface
outline-offset amount of space between an element’s Here User Interface
outline and edge or border of element
outline-style Style to outline Here User Interface
outline-width Width to outline Here User Interface
overflow What happens when content overflows an Here Box
element’s box
overflow-x What to with left/right edges of content Here Box
overflowing an element’s box
overflow-y What to with top/bottom edges of content Here Box
overflowing an element’s box
padding A shorthand property combining the 4 Here Padding
padding sub-properties
padding-bottom Width of the bottom padding Here Padding
padding-left Width of the left padding Here Padding
padding-right Width of the right padding Here Padding
padding-top Width of the top padding Here Padding
page-break- Whether a page break should occur after Here Page Media
after element
page-break- Whether a page break should occur before Here Page Media
before element
page-break- Whether a page break allowed inside Here Page Media
inside element
perspective How far 3D element is notionally placed Here Transform
behind the screen
perspective- Where 3D element is notionally placed Here Transform
position How element should be positioned Here Box
quotes How quotation marks should be rendered Here Text
resize Whether element can be resized by user Here User Interface
right Right edge of element relative to the Here Box
corresponding edge of nearest positioned
tab-size Size of space used for tab character Here
table-layout Algorithm used to define table layout Here Table
text-align How text in element should be aligned Here Text
text-align- How last line of text in element should be Here Text
last aligned
text- The ‘decoration’ (e.g. underlining) added to Here Text Decoration
decoration text
text- Colour of text decoration added to text Here Text Decoration
text- Line type of text decoration added to text Here Text Decoration
text- Line style of text decoration added to text Here Text Decoration
text-indent Indentation applied to first line of text Here Text
text-justify Type of justification applied to first line of Here Text
text (if applicable)
text-overflow How text that has overflowed is to be Here Text, User
rendered by browser Interface
text-shadow What shadow should be added to text Here Text Decoration
text-transform Capitalisation to use for text Here Text
top Top edge of element relative to the Here Box
corresponding edge of nearest positioned
transform Applies 2D or 3D transformation Here Transform
transform- Origin used by the transform property Here Transform
transform- How nested elements are to be rendered Here Transform
style for 3D purposes when using the transform
transition A shorthand property combining the 4 Here Transitions
transition sub-properties
transition- When transition should start Here Transitions
transition- How long transition will take to complete Here Transitions
transition- Properties that change as part of a Here Transitions
property transition effect
transition- Speed curve used for a transition effect Here Transitions
unicode-bidi Whether text direction should be Here Text
overridden to support multiple languages
user-select Whether text of element can be selected Here Text
vertical-align Vertical alignment of element Here Box
visibility Whether element is visible Here Box
white-space How white-space inside element is handled Here Text
widows Minimum number of lines of a paragraph Here Paged media
in a paged media that can fall to a new
width Width of an element (excluding padding, Here Basic
borders and margins)
word-break Way in which words can be broken at line Here Text
ends for non-CJK scripts
word-spacing Amount of whitespace between words Here Text
word-wrap Whether long words can be broken at line Here Text
ends and wrap onto the next line
z-index Stack order of an element, i.e. whether it is Here Box
“in front of” other elements, and hence is
visible if several would otherwise appear in
the same place
At the time of writing there were also some other CSS properties and rules being developed by some
organisations including:
- box-decoration-break
- break-after
- break-before
- break-inside
- @font-feature-values
- font-feature-settings
- font-kerning
- font-language-override
- font synthesis
- font-variant-alternatives
- font-variant-caps
- font-variant-east-asian
- font-variant-ligatures
- font-variant-numeric
- font-variant-position
- hyphens
- icon (is not currently supported by many major browsers)
- image-orientation
- image-rendering
- image-resolution
- ime-mode
- line-break
- mark
- mark-after
- mark-before
- marks
- marquee-direction
- marquee-play-count
- marquee-speed
- marquee-style
- mask
- mask-type
- object-fit
- object-position
- orphans
- overflow-wrap
- phonemes
- rest
- rest-after
- rest-before
- text-combine-upright
- text-orientation
- text-underline-position
- voice-balance
- voice-duration
- voice-pitch
- voice-pitch-range
- voice-rate
- voice-stress
- voice-volume
- widows
- writing-mode
Individual CSS Properties:
The CSS (CSS3) align-content property modifies the behaviour of the flex-wrap property,
aligning flex lines. N.B. If you want to align items on the main x-axis then use the justify-content
Value Description
center Lines packed towards centre of flex container
flex-end Lines packed towards end of flex container
flex-start Lines packed towards start of flex container
space-between Lines distributed evenly in flex container
space-around Lines distributed evenly in flex container but with half-size spaces at
either end
stretch (default value). Lines stretch to take up remaining space
The CSS (CSS3) align-items property specifies the default alignment for items inside a flexible
container. Use the align-self property to override the property for any individual item.
Value Description
baseline Items positioned at baseline of container
center Items positioned at centre of container
flex-end Items positioned at end of container
flex-start Items positioned at start of container
stretch (default value). Items stretched to fit container
The CSS (CSS3) align-self property specifies the alignment for the selected item within a flexible
container. Use the align-items property to set the default that otherwise applies to the items in the
flexible container.
Value Description
auto (default value). Element inherits its parent container’s align-items
property, or "stretch" if it has no parent container
baseline Items positioned at baseline of container
center Items positioned at centre of container
flex-end Items positioned at end of container
flex-start Items positioned at start of container
stretch Items stretched to fit container
The CSS (CSS3) all property resets all properties, apart from unicode-bidi and direction, to their
initial or inherited values.
Value Description
unset Changes all properties applied to element or its parent to their
parent value if they are inheritable or to their initial value if not
The CSS (CSS3) animation property is a shorthand property combining (up to) 8 of the animation
properties. N.B. Always specify a non-zero animation-duration property as otherwise the duration
will be set to zero and the animation will in effect not play.
Valid property values (other than inherit and initial) are defined by the elements of the shorthand.
Shorthand elements (in the order in which they appear):
- animation-name
- animation-duration
- animation-timing-function
- animation-delay
- animation-iteration-count
- animation-direction
- animation-fill-mode
- animation-play-state
The CSS (CSS3) animation-delay property specifies the delay until the start of an animation.
Value Description
time Length of time (in CSS time units) to start of animation
Default Value: 0s
JavaScript syntax: e.g."2s"
Inherited: No
Animatable: No
The CSS (CSS3) animation-direction property defines whether an animation should play in
forward, reverse or alternating directions.
Value Description
alternate Will play in forward direction every odd time and reverse direction
every even time
alternate-reverse Will play in reverse direction every odd time and forward direction
every even time
normal (default value). Will play in forward direction
reverse Will play in reverse direction
The CSS (CSS3) animation-duration property indicates the length of time an animation takes
to play.
Value Description
time A CSS time
Default Value: 0s
JavaScript syntax: e.g. = "5s";
Inherited: No
Animatable: No
The CSS (CSS3) animation-fill-mode property specifies the style (for an element involved in
an animation) that the element takes when the animation is not playing (i.e. when it is finished, or
when it has a delay) defines how many seconds an animation should take to complete one cycle,
defined in seconds (s) or milliseconds (ms).
Value Description
backwards Before start (i.e. during any delay) will apply property values
applicable at the start of the time the animation is running
both Will follow both the forwards and backwards rules
forwards After animation is ended will apply property values applicable at the
end of the time the animation is running
none (default value). Will not apply any styles before or after animation is
Valid property values (other than inherit and initial) are:
Value Description
number (integer). Number of times an animation should be played
infinite Indicates animation should be played an infinite number of times
Default Value: 1
JavaScript syntax: e.g. =
Inherited: No
Animatable: No
The CSS (CSS3) animation-name property specifies the name of an animation used in a
@keyframes animation.
Value Description
keyframename Specifies name of the keyframe you want to bind to the selector
none (default value). Indicates no animation
@keyframes myanimation {
from { starting style }
to { ending style }
The CSS (CSS3) animation-play-state property specifies whether the animation is paused or
not. One of its uses is to pause an animation in the middle of a cycle using JavaScript.
Value Description
paused Specifies animation is paused
running (default value). Specifies animation is running
Inherited: No
Animatable: No
Value Description
cubic- As defined by cubic Bezier function with parameters x1, x2, x3, x4
bezier(x1,x2,x3,x4) (possible values of each are numerical values from 0 to 1)
ease (default value). Slow start, then fast, before ending slowly
ease-in Slow start
ease-out Slow end
ease-in-out Slow start and end
linear Animation has same speed throughout its life
step-start Equivalent to steps(1, start)
step-end Equivalent to steps(1, end)
steps(int, start|end) A stepping function with two parameters. The first parameter
specifies the number of intervals in the function (and must be a
positive integer, i.e. greater than zero). The second (optional)
parameter specifies when the change of values occurs and is eithe r
“start” or “end” (if omitted is given the value “end”)
The CSS (CSS3) backface-visibility property indicates whether an element should remain
visible when it is not facing the screen (i.e. what happens when an element is rotated to face away
from the viewer).
Value Description
hidden Backside is not visible
visible (default value). Backside is visible
Animatable: No
The CSS (CSS1 and CSS3) background property is a shorthand property combining (up to) 8 of the
background properties.
Valid property values (other than inherit and initial) are defined by the elements of the shorthand.
Shorthand elements (in the order in which they appear):
- background-color
- background-image
- background-position
- background-size
- background-repeat
- background-origin
- background-clip
- background-attachment
If one of the properties in the shorthand declaration is the background-size property then you need
to use a “/” to separate it from the background-position property (the background-size property was
added in CSS3), e.g.:
More than one background-image can be specified. However, if you are using multiple background-
image sources and also want a background-color then you need to put the background-color
parameter last in the list.
Value Description
fixed Background is fixed in relation to viewport
local Background scrolls along with the element’s contents
scroll (default value). Background scrolls along with the element
Default Value: scroll
JavaScript syntax: e.g."fixed"
Inherited: No
Animatable: No
The CSS (CSS3) background-blend-mode property defines the blending mode of each
background layer (i.e. colour and/or image).
Value Description
color Blending mode set to color
color-dodge Blending mode set to color-dodge
darken Blending mode set to darken
lighten Blending mode set to lighten
luminosity Blending mode set to luminosity
multiply Blending mode set to multiply
normal (default value). Blending mode set to normal
overlay Blending mode set to overlay
saturation Blending mode set to saturation
screen Blending mode set to screen
The CSS (CSS3) background-clip property specifies the painting area of the background.
Value Description
border-box (default value). Background is clipped to the border box
content-box Background is clipped to the content box
padding-box Background is clipped to the padding box
The CSS (CSS1) background-color property sets the background colour of an element. The
background of an element includes its padding and border but not its margin. Usually, a background
colour and text colour should be chosen in tandem to make the text easy to read.
Value Description
color Specified CSS colour
transparent (default value). Transparent
The CSS (CSS1) background-image property sets one or more background images for an
element. The background of an element includes its padding and border but not its margin. Usually,
you should set a background-color to be used if the image is unavailable and the background image
and text colour should be chosen in tandem to make the text easy to read.
By default, a background image is placed at the top-left corner of an element and is repeated both
vertically and horizontally. These features can be overridden using the background-position and
background-repeat properties.
Value Description
url(imagefile) The URL of the image. To specify more than one image, separate the
URLs with a comma
none (default value). No background image supplied
The CSS (CSS3) background-origin property specifies where the background image for an
element is positioned. If the background-attachment property is set to "fixed" then the background-
origin property has no effect.
Value Description
border-box Background image starts from the upper-left corner of the border
content-box Background image starts from the upper-left corner of the content
padding-box (default value). Background image starts from the upper-left corner
of the padding edge
The CSS (CSS1) background-position property sets the (starting) position of a background
image. By default, a background-image is placed at the top-left corner of an element and is repeated
both vertically and horizontally.
Value Description
value See below
x% y% Horizontal position and vertical position as fraction of size of
element. Top left is 0% 0%, bottom right is 100% 100%. If you only
specify one value then the other will be 50%.
xpos ypos (e.g. 0px 0px). Horizontal position and vertical position in any valid
CSS length. You can mix % and positions
Default Value: 0% 0%
JavaScript syntax: e.g."10% 20%"
Inherited: No
Animatable: Yes
Other acceptable values include combinations of left, center, right (for xpos) and top,
center, bottom (for ypos). If you only specify one keyword then the other value wi ll be center.
The CSS (CSS1) background-repeat property sets whether/how a background image will be
repeated. By default, a background-image is placed at the top-left corner of an element and is
repeated both vertically and horizontally.
Valid property values (other than inherit and initial) are:
Value Description
no-repeat Not repeated
repeat (default value). Repeated both vertically and horizontally
repeat-x Repeated only horizontally
repeat-y Repeated only vertically
The CSS (CSS3) background-size property specifies the size of the background image(s).
Value Description
auto (default value). Background-image contains its width and height
contain Scales the image to be as large as possible such that both width and
height fit inside the content area
cover Scales the image to be as large as possible to cover the background
area completely
length Sets width and height in that order using any valid CSS length. If only
one is given the second is set to auto
percentage Sets width and height in that order as percentages of the parent
element. If only one is given the second is set to auto
The CSS (CSS1) border property is a shorthand property combining (up to) 3 of the border
Valid property values (other than inherit and initial) are defined by the elements of the shorthand.
Shorthand elements (in the order in which they appear):
- border-width
- border-style
- border-color
The CSS (CSS1) border-bottom property is a shorthand property combining all the main bottom
border properties.
Valid property values (other than inherit or initial) are defined by the elements of the shorthand and
- border-bottom-width
- border-bottom-style
- border-bottom-color
The CSS (CSS1) border-bottom-color property sets the colour of the bottom border of an
element. You should always specify the border-style property before this property, as an element
must have a border before you can change its characteristics.
Value Description
color Specified CSS colour
transparent Transparent
The CSS (CSS3) border-bottom-left-radius property determines the shape of the bottom-
left corner of a border. It allows you to add rounded borders to elements.
The two length or percentage values define the radii of a quarter ellipse defining the shape of the
corner. The first is the horizontal radius, the second the vertical radius. If either is omitted then it is
copied from the other (so the corner is a quarter-circle). If either is zero then the corner becomes
square. Percentages for the horizontal radius refer to the width of the border box, those for the
vertical radius refer to the height of the border box.
Value Description
length1, length2 Specified CSS lengths
%, % See above
Default Value: 0
JavaScript syntax: e.g."5px 8px"
Inherited: No
Animatable: Yes
The CSS (CSS3) border-bottom-right-radius property determines the shape of the bottom-
right corner of a border. It allows you to add rounded borders to elements.
The two length or percentage values define the radii of a quarter ellipse defining the shape of the
corner. The first is the horizontal radius, the second the vertical radius. If either is omitted then it is
copied from the other (so the corner is a quarter-circle). If either is zero then the corner becomes
square. Percentages for the horizontal radius refer to the width of the border box, those for the
vertical radius refer to the height of the border box.
Value Description
length1, length2 Specified CSS lengths
%, % See above
Default Value: 0
JavaScript syntax: e.g."5px 8px"
Inherited: No
Animatable: Yes
The CSS (CSS1) border-bottom-style property sets the border style of the bottom border of
an element.
Valid property values (other than inherit and initial) are shown here.
The CSS (CSS1) border-bottom-width property sets the width of the bottom border of an
element. You should always specify the border-style property before this property, as an element
must have a border before you can change its characteristics.
Value Description
length Any specified thickness as a CSS length
medium (default value). Medium width
thick Thick width
thin Thin width
The CSS (CSS2) border-collapse property indicates whether table borders are collapsed into a
single border or detached as in standard HTML. Note if a !DOCTYPE is not specified then the border-
collapse property can produce unexpected results.
Value Description
collapse Borders are collapsed into a single border where possible (ignoring
border-spacing and empty-cells properties)
separate (default value). Borders are detached, and border-spacing and
empty-cells properties have some meaning
Inherited: Yes
Animatable: No
The CSS (CSS1) border-color property sets the colour of an element’s four borders. The
individual border colours can be set separately using border-bottom-color, border-left-color, border-
right-color and border-top-color. As with some other aggregate edge properties, up to four
parameter values can be supplied (and if more than one is supplied then the properties are applied
to individual borders as described here).
Value Description
color A CSS colour
transparent (default value). Transparent
The CSS (CSS1) border-image property is a shorthand property combining (up to) 5 of the
border-image properties. These allow you to specify that an image should be used instead of the
normal border around an element.
Valid property values (other than inherit and initial) are defined by the elements of the shorthand.
Shorthand elements (in the order in which they appear):
- border-image-source
- border-image-slice
- border-image-width
- border-image-outset
- border-image-repeat
The CSS (CSS3) border-image-outset property specifies the amount by which a border image
area extends beyond the border box.
Value Description
length A CSS length that specifies how far from the edges the border-image
will appear
number Multiples of the relevant border-width
Default Value: 0
JavaScript syntax: e.g."30px"
Inherited: No
Animatable: No
The CSS (CSS3) border-image-repeat property specifies whether and how the border image
should be repeated, rounded or stretched.
Value Description
repeat Image tiled (i.e. repeated) to fill area
round Image tiled (i.e. repeated) to fill area (with image rescaled so that it
exactly fits the area)
space Image tiled (i.e. repeated) to fill area (with extra space distributed
around tiles if the fit is not exact
stretch (default value). Image stretch to fill area
The CSS (CSS3) border-image-slice property specifies how any border image should be sliced.
The image is always sliced into nine sections (3 x 3, i.e. 4 corners, 4 edge non-corners and 1 middle).
The middle part is fully transparent unless the fill keyword is set.
The property takes up to four values. If the fourth is omitted then it is given the same value as the
second. If the third is omitted then it is given the same value as the first. If the second is also omitted
then it is given the same value as the first.
Valid property values (other than inherit and initial) are:
Value Description
number Number(s) of pixels for raster images or coordinates for vector
x% Percentages relative to height or width of image
fill Middle part of image is displayed
The CSS (CSS3) border-image-source property specifies path of image to be used as a border
(instead of a normal border around an element).
Value Description
none (default value). No image used
url(‘URL’) URL path to the border image
The CSS (CSS3) border-image-width property specifies the width of a border image.
The property takes up to four values. If the fourth is omitted then it is given the same value as the
second. If the third is omitted then it is given the same value as the first. If the second is also omitted
then it is given the same value as the first.
Value Description
length CSS length specifying size of border-width
number (default value). Multiples of corresponding border-width
% Relative to size of border image area
auto Intrinsic width or height of the corresponding image slice
Default Value: 1
JavaScript syntax: e.g."50px"
Inherited: No
Animatable: No
The CSS (CSS1) border-left property is a shorthand property combining all the main left border
Valid property values (other than inherit or initial) are defined by the elements of the shorthand and
- border-left-width
- border-left-style
- border-left-color
The CSS (CSS1) border-left-color property sets the colour of the left border of an element.
You should always specify the border-style property before this property, as an element must have a
border before you can change its characteristics.
Value Description
color Specified CSS colour
transparent Transparent
The CSS (CSS1) border-left-style property sets the border style of the left border of an
Valid property values (other than inherit and initial) are shown here.
The CSS (CSS1) border-left-width property sets the width of the left border of an element.
You should always specify the border-style property before this property, as an element must have a
border before you can change its characteristics.
Value Description
length Any specified thickness as a CSS length
medium (default value). Medium width
thick Thick width
thin Thin width
The CSS (CSS1) border-radius property is used to add rounded corners to an element. It is a
shorthand way of setting the four individual border radius properties, see:
- border-top-left-radius
- border-top-right-radius
- border-bottom-right-radius
- border-bottom-left-radius
Valid property values (other than inherit and initial) are (single-value versions) of the valid properties
for each of these individual elements.
Default Value: 0
JavaScript syntax: e.g."4px"
Inherited: No
Animatable: Yes
Depending on the number of values supplied:
The CSS (CSS1) border-right property is a shorthand property combining all the main right
border properties.
Valid property values (other than inherit or initial) are defined by the elements of the shorthand and
- border-right-width
- border-right-style
- border-right-color
The CSS (CSS1) border-right-color property sets the colour of the right border of an element.
You should always specify the border-style property before this property, as an element must have a
border before you can change its characteristics.
Value Description
color Specified CSS colour
transparent Transparent
The CSS (CSS1) border-right-style property sets the border style of the right border of an
Valid property values (other than inherit and initial) are shown here.
The CSS (CSS1) border-right-width property sets the width of the right border of an element.
You should always specify the border-style property before this property, as an element must have a
border before you can change its characteristics.
Value Description
length Any specified thickness as a CSS length
medium (default value). Medium width
thick Thick width
thin Thin width
The CSS (CSS2) border-spacing property sets the distance between borders of adjacent cells (if
the border-collapse property is separate (which is its default).
Value Description
length1 length2 Distance between borders of adjacent cells in CSS lengths. Must be
non-negative. If one value supplied then both horizontal and vertical
spacing. If two supplied then first relates to horizontal spacing and
second to vertical spacing
medium (default value). Medium width
thick Thick width
thin Thin width
Default Value: 0
JavaScript syntax: e.g."4px"
Inherited: No
Animatable: Yes
The CSS (CSS1) border-style property sets the border style of an element’s four borders. The
individual border styles can be set separately using border-bottom-style, border-left-style, border-
right-style and border-top-style. As with some other aggregate edge properties, up to four
parameter values can be supplied (and if more than one is supplied then the properties are applied
to individual borders as described here).
Valid property values (other than inherit and initial) are shown here.
The CSS (CSS1) border-top property is a shorthand property combining all the main top border
Valid property values (other than inherit or initial) are defined by the elements of the shorthand and
- border-top-width
- border-top-style
- border-top-color
Animatable: Yes
The CSS (CSS1) border-top-color property sets the colour of the top border of an element. You
should always specify the border-style property before this property, as an element must have a
border before you can change its characteristics.
Value Description
color Specified CSS colour
transparent Transparent
The CSS (CSS3) border-top-left-radius property determines the shape of the top-left
corner of a border. It allows you to add rounded borders to elements.
The two length or percentage values define the radii of a quarter ellipse defining the shape of the
corner. The first is the horizontal radius, the second the vertical radius. If either is omitted then it is
copied from the other (so the corner is a quarter-circle). If either is zero then the corner becomes
square. Percentages for the horizontal radius refer to the width of the border box, those for the
vertical radius refer to the height of the border box.
Value Description
length1, length2 Specified CSS lengths
%, % See above
Default Value: 0
JavaScript syntax: e.g."5px 8px"
Inherited: No
Animatable: Yes
The CSS (CSS3) border-top-right-radius property determines the shape of the top-right
corner of a border. It allows you to add rounded borders to elements.
The two length or percentage values define the radii of a quarter ellipse defining the shape of the
corner. The first is the horizontal radius, the second the vertical radius. If either is omitted then it is
copied from the other (so the corner is a quarter-circle). If either is zero then the corner becomes
square. Percentages for the horizontal radius refer to the width of the border box, those for the
vertical radius refer to the height of the border box.
Value Description
length1, length2 Specified CSS lengths
%, % See above
Default Value: 0
JavaScript syntax: e.g."5px 8px"
Inherited: No
Animatable: Yes
The CSS (CSS1) border-top-style property sets the border style of the top border of an
Valid property values (other than inherit and initial) are shown here.
The CSS (CSS1) border-top-width property sets the width of the top border of an element. You
should always specify the border-style property before this property, as an element must have a
border before you can change its characteristics.
Value Description
length Any specified thickness as a CSS length
medium (default value). Medium width
thick Thick width
thin Thin width
Default Value: medium
JavaScript syntax: e.g."4px"
Inherited: No
Animatable: Yes
The CSS (CSS1) border-width property sets the width of an element’s four borders. You should
always specify the border-style property before this property, as an element must have a border
before you can change its characteristics. The individual border widths can be set separately using
border-bottom-width, border-left-width, border-right-width and border-top-width. As with some
other aggregate edge properties, up to four parameter values can be supplied (and if more than one
is supplied then the properties are applied to individual borders as described here).
Value Description
length Any specified thickness as a CSS length
medium (default value). Medium width
thick Thick width
thin Thin width
The CSS (CSS2) bottom property sets, for absolutely positioned elements, the bottom edge of an
element relative to the corresponding edge of its nearest positioned ancestor. If such an element
has no positioned ancestors then it uses the document body and move s along with page scrolling. A
‘positioned’ element is one whose position is anything other than static.
Value Description
length Sets edge position in CSS length units. Can be negative
% Sets edge position in % of containing element. Can be negative
auto (default value). Browser calculates edge position
The CSS (CSS3) box-shadow property applies one or more shadows to an element. The property is
a comma-separated list of shadows, each specified by 2 to 4 length values, an optional colour and an
optional inset keyword. If a length is omitted then it is taken to be zero.
Value Description
box-shadow parameter See below
none (default value). No shadow is displayed
Value Description
h-shadow Position of horizontal shadow (can be negative)
v-shadow Position of vertical shadow (can be negative)
blur Optional. Blur distance
spread Optional. Size of shadow (can be negative)
color Optional (for most browsers). Shadow CSS colour. Default value is
inset Optional. Changes shadow from an outer shadow to an inner shadow
The CSS (CSS3) box-sizing property indicates what the sizing properties of a box (width and
height) should be applied to, i.e. just the content-box or some broader definition.
Value Description
border-box Height and width properties (and min-height / min-width / max-
height / max-width properties) include content, border and padding
(but not margin)
content-box (default value). Height and width properties (and min-height / min-
width / max-height / max-width properties) include only the content,
and do not include border, padding or margin
JavaScript syntax: e.g."border-box"
Inherited: No
Animatable: No
The CSS (CSS2) caption-side property indicates where a table caption should be placed.
Value Description
bottom Puts caption below table
top (default value). Puts caption above table
The CSS (CSS1) clear property indicates on which sides of an element a floating element is not
allowed to float.
Value Description
both Floating elements not allowed on either left or right side
left Floating elements not allowed on left side
none (default value). Allows floating elements on both sides
right Floating elements not allowed on right side
The CSS (CSS2) clip property indicates what to do with an image that is larger than its containing
element. The clip property allows you to specify a rectangle to clip an absolutely positioned element.
The rectangle is specified by four coordinates, all from the top-left corner of the element being
clipped. The clip property does not work if the overflow property is set to visible.
Valid property values (other than inherit and initial) are:
Value Description
auto (default value). No clipping is applied
shape Clips an element to within a given shape
At the time of writing, the only valid type of value for shape was rect(top, right, bottom, left)
where top, right, bottom and left are CSS lengths.
The CSS (CSS1) color property indicates the colour of text within an element. Usually you should
choose a combination of background colour and text colour that makes the text easy to read.
Value Description
color A CSS colour
The CSS (CSS3) column-count property specifies the number of columns an element (e.g. a
paragraph) should be divided into.
Value Description
auto (default value). Number of columns will be determined by other
properties such as column-width
number Optimum number of columns into which content of element will be
Value Description
auto Columns filled sequentially and therefore may have different lengths
balance (default value). Columns are balanced and browsers should minimise
variation in column length
The CSS (CSS3) column-gap property specifies what gap is placed between columns of an
element. Any column rule between columns will appear in the middle of the gap.
Value Description
length A CSS length
normal (default value). Specifies normal gap between columns (W3C
suggests 1em)
The CSS (CSS1) column-rule property is a shorthand property combining (up to) 3 of the column-
rule properties.
Valid property values (other than inherit and initial) are defined by the elements of the shorthand.
Shorthand elements (in the order in which they appear):
- column-rule-width
- column-rule-style
- column-rule-color
The CSS (CSS3) column-rule-color property specifies the colour of any rule between columns.
Value Description
color A CSS colour
The CSS (CSS3) column-rule-style property specifies the style of any rule between columns.
Value Description
dashed Dashed border
dotted Dotted border
double Double border
groove Effect depends on column-rule-width and column-rule-color values
hidden Hidden
inset Effect depends on column-rule-width and column-rule-color values
none (default value). No border
outset Effect depends on column-rule-width and column-rule-color values
ridge Effect depends on column-rule-width and column-rule-color values
solid Solid border
The CSS (CSS3) column-rule-width property specifies the width of any rule between columns.
Value Description
length Specified thickness as a CSS length
medium (default value). Medium width
thick Thick width
thin Thin width
The CSS (CSS1) columns property is a shorthand property for setting certain column properties for
an element.
Valid property values (other than inherit and initial) are defined by the elements of the shorthand.
Shorthand elements (in the order in which they appear):
- column-width
- column-count
The CSS (CSS3) column-span property specifies how many columns an element should span
Value Description
1 (default value). Element should span across one column
all Element should span across all columns
Default Value: 1
JavaScript syntax: e.g."all"
Inherited: No
Animatable: No
The CSS (CSS3) column-width property provides a suggested optimal width for columns.
Value Description
length A CSS length
auto (default value). Column width will be determined by browser
The CSS (CSS2) cursor property indicates the type of cursor to be displayed when pointing to an
element. Usually this property is set in a manner that conventionally indicates what is likely to
happen next (if the cursor is clicked).
Value Description
alias Indicates alias is to be created
all-scroll Indicates that something can be scrolled in any direction
auto (default value). Browser selects cursor format
cell Indicates a cell (or set of cells) can be selected
context-menu Indicates a context-menu is available
col-resize Indicates column can be resized horizontally
copy Indicates something to be copied
crosshair Cursor appears as a crosshair
default Cursor appears as the default cursor
e-resize Indicates edge of box can be moved right (i.e. ‘east’)
ew-resize Indicates a bidirectional resize cursor
grab Indicates something can be grabbed
grabbing Indicates something can be grabbed
help Indicates help is available
move Indicates can move something
n-resize Indicates edge of box can be moved up (i.e. ‘north’)
ne-resize Indicates edge of a box can be moved up and right (i.e. ‘north-east’)
nesw-resize Indicates a bidirectional resize cursor
ns-resize Indicates a bidirectional resize cursor
nw-resize Indicates edge of a box can be moved up and left (i.e. ‘north-west’)
nwse-resize Indicates a bidirectional resize cursor
no-drop Indicates can’t drop dragged item here
none No cursor shown
not-allowed Indicates requested action won’t be executed
pointer Indicates a link
progress Indicates program is busy
row-resize Indicates row can be resized vertically
s-resize Indicates edge of box can be moved down (i.e. ‘south’)
se-resize Indicates edge of a box can be moved down and right (i.e. ‘south-
sw-resize Indicates edge of a box can be moved down and left (i.e. ‘south-
text Indicates text may be selected
URL A comma separated list of URLs pointing to custom cursors. You
should ideally specify a generic cursor at the end of the list (in case
none of the URL-defined cursors can be used)
vertical-text Indicates vertical-text can be selected
w-resize Indicates edge of box can be moved left (i.e. ‘west’)
wait Indicates program is busy
zoom-in Indicates something can be zoomed in
zoom-out Indicates something can be zoomed out
The CSS (CSS2) direction property specifies the text or writing direction. It can be used with the
unicode-bidi property to set or indicate whether text should be overridden to support multiple
languages (that are formatted in different directions) in the same document.
Value Description
ltr (default value). Text direction is left-to-right
rtl Text direction is right-to-left
zoom-in Indicates something can be zoomed in
zoom-out Indicates something can be zoomed out
The CSS (CSS1 and some values that are new in CSS3) display property indicates the type of box
to be used for an element.
Value Description
block Displayed as a block element (like default <p> element)
flex Displayed as a block-level flex container
inline (default value). Displayed in-line (like default <span> element)
inline-block Displayed as an in-line block container (i.e. the inside is formatted
like a block-level box but element itself as an inline-level box)
inline-flex Displayed as an inline-level flex container
inline-table Displayed as an inline-level table
list-item Displayed like a default <li> element
none Not displayed
run-in Displayed as either block or inline depending on context
table Displayed like a default <table> element
table-caption Displayed like a default <caption> element
table-cell Displayed like a default <td> element
table-column Displayed like a default <col> element
table-column-group Displayed like a default <colgroup> element
table-footer-group Displayed like a default <tfoot> element
table-header-group Displayed like a default <thead> element
table-row Displayed like a default <tr> element
table-row-group Displayed like a default <tbody> element
The CSS (CSS2) empty-cells property indicates whether to display borders and background for
empty cells in a table (only applicable if border-collapse property is "separate").
Value Description
hide No background or borders shown on empty cells
show (default value). Background and borders shown on empty cells
Animatable: No
The CSS (CSS3) filter property applies visual effects like grayscale, blur and saturation to an
element (usually an <img> element).
Value Description
blur(length) Blur added. Length needs to be in px, e.g. 5px. Larger value creates
more blur. If no value is specified then 0 is used which leaves image
brightness(% or Brightness adjusted. 0% (or 0) makes completely black, 100% (or 1)
number) leaves image unaltered and is the default. Values over 100% will add
to brightness.
contrast(% or number) Contrast adjusted. 0% (or 0) makes completely black, 100% (or 1)
leaves image unaltered and is the default. Values over 100% will add
to contrast.
drop-shadow(h-shadow Drop shadow applied:
v-shadow blur spread color) h-shadow (required). Value (in px) for horizontal shadow (negative
values have shadow on left of image
v-shadow (required). Value (in px) for horizontal shadow (negative
values have shadow above image
blur (optional). Value (in px) adding blur effect to shadow, see above
spread (optional). Value (in px) which causes shadow to expand
(positive) or shrink (negative). Some browsers do not support this
color (optional). Adds CSS colour to the shadow, default depends on
browser but is usually black.
grayscale(% or Converts to grayscale. 0% (or 0) is default and leaves image
number) unaltered, 100% (or 1) makes image completely gray (i.e. black and
hue-rotate(angle) Applies a hue rotation to image (see CSS colours for more details of
hues). Angle needs to be in degrees, e.g. 20deg. Default is 0deg,
which leaves image unaltered
invert(% or number) Inverts colours/brightness in image. 0% (or 0) is default and leaves
image unaltered, 100% (or 1) completely inverts colouring.
none (default value). No effect applied
opacity(% or number) Sets opacity level (i.e. degree of transparency) for image. 0% (or 0) is
completely transparent. 100% (or 1) is default and leaves image
unaltered (no transparency). Is similar to opacity property.
saturate(% or number) Saturates image. 0% (or 0) makes image completely unsaturated.
100% (or 1) is default and leaves image unaltered. Values over 100%
(or 1) add saturation.
sepia(% or number) Converts image to sepia. 0% (or 0) is default and leaves image
unaltered, 100% (or 1) makes image completely sepia (i.e. old
photography style black and white).
url(filename) Takes the location of an XML file that specifies an SVG filter
(including potentially an anchor to a specific filter element, e.g.:
filter: url(svg-url#svg-element-id)
The CSS (CSS3) flex property is a shorthand property for setting certain flex properties for an
Valid property values (other than inherit and initial) are defined by the elements of the shorthand.
Shorthand elements (in the order in which they appear):
- flex-grow
- flex-shrink
- flex-basis
The CSS (CSS3) flex-basis property indicates the initial length of a flexible element. If an
element is not a flexible element then this property has no effect.
Value Description
number A length unit or percentage specifying initial length of flexible item
auto (default value). Length is equal to length of flexible item or if not
specified is set according to context
The CSS (CSS3) flex-direction property indicates the direction of a flexible element. If an
element is not a flexible element then this property has no effect.
Value Description
column Items are displayed vertically, as a column
column-reverse Items are displayed vertically, but in reverse order
row (default value). Items are displayed horizontally, as a row
row-reverse Items are displayed horizontally, but in reverse order
The CSS (CSS3) flex-flow property is a shorthand property for setting certain flex properties for a
flex element.
Valid property values (other than inherit and initial) are defined by the elements of the shorthand.
Shorthand elements (in the order in which they appear):
- flex-direction
- flex-wrap
The CSS (CSS3) flex-grow property indicates how much an element will grow relative to the rest
of the flexible items in a container. If an element is not a flexible element then this property has no
Value Description
number Specifies how much an item will grow relative to rest of flexible items
Default Value: 0
JavaScript syntax: e.g."4"
Inherited: No
Animatable: Yes
The CSS (CSS3) flex-shrink property indicates how much an element will shrink relative to the
rest of the flexible items in a container. If an element is not a flexible element then this property has
no effect. Note: for some browsers, the resulting sizes of elements can be less in tuitive than using
the apparently analogous fractional value for the flex-grow property.
Value Description
number Specifies how much an item will shrink relative to rest of flexible
Default Value: 1
JavaScript syntax: e.g."4"
Inherited: No
Animatable: Yes
The CSS (CSS3) flex-wrap property indicates whether flexible items should wrap. If an element is
not a flexible element then this property has no effect.
Value Description
nowrap (default value). Will not wrap
wrap Will wrap if necessary
wrap-reverse Will wrap if necessary, but in reverse order
The CSS (CSS1) float property indicates whether an element should float. If the element is
absolutely positioned then the float property is ignored.
Value Description
left Element floats to left
none (default value). Element not floated (i.e. displays exactly where it
occurs in text)
right Element floats to right
The CSS (CSS1) font property is a shorthand property for setting the font properties of an element.
Valid property values (other than inherit and initial) are defined by the elements of the shorthand.
Shorthand elements (in the order in which they appear):
- font-style
- font-variant
- font-weight
- font-size i.e. line height (required)
- font-family (required)
The CSS (CSS1) font-family property indicates the font to be used for an element. It can include
several values, separated by commas (typically starting from more specific fonts and ending with
more generic fonts). If the browser doesn’t support the first font in the list, it tries the next one etc.
Font family names can be:
Value Description
family-name / generic-family A prioritised list of specific or generic font family names. Note: if a
/ list font name contains a space then it must be enclosed in quotes
Default Value: Depends on browser
JavaScript syntax: e.g."Verdana,serif"
Inherited: Yes
Animatable: No
The CSS (CSS1) font-size property indicates the size of the font to be used for an element.
Value Description
length Fixed size as a CSS length (px, cm, …)
% Set as a percentage of parent element’s font size
large Large size
larger Larger size than parent element’s font size
medium (default value). Medium size
small Small size
smaller Smaller size than parent element’s font size
x-large X-large size
xx-large XX-large size
x-small X-small size
xx-small XX-small size
The CSS (CSS3) font-size-adjust property gives better control of the font size than is provided
by the font-size property alone, when the first font selected in the font-family property is not
available. All fonts have an “aspect value” which is the size-difference between the lowercase “x”
and the uppercase “X”. If the browser is told this value then it can figure out what font-size to use
when displaying text from the entry in the font-family property that is actually used.
Value Description
number A value indicating the aspect value to use
none (default value). No adjustment applied to font size
Animatable: Yes
The CSS (CSS3) font-stretch property makes text in an element narrower or more stretched out
than usual.
Value Description
condensed Narrower than semi-condensed
expanded Wider than semi-expanded
extra-condensed Narrower than condensed
extra-expanded Wider than expanded
normal (default value). No adjustment applied
semi-condensed Narrower than normal
semi-expanded Wider than normal
ultra-condensed Narrower than extra-condensed
ultra-expanded Wider than extra-expanded
The CSS (CSS1) font-style property indicates the font style to use for text in an element.
Value Description
italic Italic text
normal (default value). Normal text
oblique Oblique text
The CSS (CSS1) font-variant property indicates whether text should be in a small-caps font (in
which all lowercase letters are converted to slightly smaller uppercase letters).
Value Description
normal (default value). Normal text
small-caps Text is shown in a small-caps font
The CSS (CSS1) font-weight property indicates how thick or thin (i.e. bold or not) characters
should be in the text of an element.
Value Description
100, 200, 300, 400, 500, Number selects from very thin to very thick (400 is normal, 700 is
600, 700, 800, 900 bold)
bold Bold text
bolder Very bold text
lighter Lighter text
normal (default value). Normal text
The CSS (CSS3) hanging-punctuation property indicates whether a punctuation mark can be
placed outside the box at the start or end of a full line of text. At the time of writing many major
browsers did not support this property.
Value Description
allow-end Punctuation may hang outside end edge of all lines
first May hang outside start edge
force-end May hang outside end edge of all lines (and will be forced to do so if
justification applies to the line)
last May hang outside end edge
none (default value). Punctuation mark cannot be placed outside line box
The CSS (CSS1) height property indicates the height of an element (excluding padding, borders
and margins). It is overridden by the min-height or max-height properties, if either of them are
Value Description
length Height as a CSS length (px, cm, …)
% Height of element defined as a percentage of height of its containing
auto (default value). Browser determines height
The CSS (CSS3) justify-content property indicates how to align a flexible container’s items
when the items do not use all available space along the horizontal axis.
Value Description
center Items are centred
flex-start (default value). Items positioned at start of container
flex-end Items positioned at end of container
space-around Items positioned with space before, between and after lines
space-between Items positioned with space between lines
The CSS (CSS2) left property sets, for absolutely positioned elements, the left edge of an element
relative to the corresponding edge of its nearest positioned ancestor. If such an element has no
positioned ancestors then it uses the document body and moves along with the page scrolling. A
‘positioned’ element is one whose position is anything other than static.
Value Description
length Sets edge position as a CSS length. Can be negative
% Sets edge position in % of containing element. Can be negative
auto (default value). Browser calculates edge position
The CSS (CSS1) letter-spacing property identifies the amount of space between consecutive
text characters.
Value Description
length Amount of extra space as a CSS length between characters. Can be
normal (default value). No extra space between characters
The CSS (CSS1) line-height property identifies the height of lines of text.
Value Description
length Line height is a fixed height defined by this CSS length
number Line height set as a multiple of the current font size
% Line height set as a percentage of the current font size
normal (default value). Line height is normal (given the relevant font size)
The CSS (CSS1) list-style property is a shorthand property combining up to 3 list properties.
Valid property values (other than inherit and initial) are defined by the elements of the shorthand.
Shorthand elements (in the order in which they appear) are:
- list-style-type
- list-style-position
- list-style-image
The CSS (CSS1) list-style-image property identifies an image that should be used as the list-
item marker.
Value Description
none (default value). No image used. Instead, the type of list marker used
is defined by the list-style-type property
url URL path defining the image to be used as the list-item marker
The CSS (CSS1) list-style-position property identifies whether a list marker (e.g. a bullet
character or (a), (b), (c) etc.) is inside or outside the relevant content container.
Value Description
inside Marker and text are indented and appear inside the relevant content
outside (default value). Marker is kept outside the relevant content container
The CSS (CSS1) list-style-type property identifies the type of list-item marker used for a
specified list.
Value Description
armenian Armenian numbering
circle A circle
cjk-ideographic Plain ideographic numbers
decimal A number
decimal-leading- A number with leading zeros (i.e. 01, 02, … if reaches beyond 9 but
zero not beyond 99
disc (default value). A filled circle
georgian Georgian numbering
hebrew Hebrew numbering
hiragana Hiragana numbering
hiragana-iroha Hiragana iroha numbering
katakana Katakana numbering
katakana-iroha Katakana iroha numbering
lower-alpha I.e. a, b, c, …
lower-greek I.e. lower case greek, α, β, γ, …
lower-latin I.e. a, b, c, …
lower-roman I.e. i, ii, iii, …
none No marker
square Square marker
upper-alpha I.e. A, B, C, …
upper-latin I.e. A, B, C, …
upper-roman I.e. I, II, III, …
Default Value: disc
JavaScript syntax: e.g."decimal"
Inherited: Yes
Animatable: No
The CSS (CSS1) margin property is a shorthand property combining all four margin properties. The
individual margin widths can be set separately using margin-bottom, margin-left, margin-right and
margin-top. As with some other aggregate edge properties, up to four parameter values can be
supplied (and if more than one is supplied then the properties are applied to individual borders as
described here).
Valid property values (other than inherit and initial) are defined by the elements of the shorthand.
Shorthand elements included in the margin property are:
Value Description
length Any specified margin size as a CSS length
% Margin specified as percentage of width of container
auto Browser calculates margin
Default Value: 0
JavaScript syntax: e.g."25px 30px"
Inherited: No
Animatable: See individual properties
The CSS (CSS1) margin-bottom property sets the width of the bottom margin of an element.
Value Description
length Any specified margin size as a CSS length
% Margin specified as percentage of width of container
auto Browser calculates margin
Default Value: 0
JavaScript syntax: e.g."30px"
Inherited: No
Animatable: Yes
The CSS (CSS1) margin-left property sets the width of the left margin of an element.
Value Description
length Any specified margin size as a CSS length
% Margin specified as percentage of width of container
auto Browser calculates margin
Default Value: 0
JavaScript syntax: e.g."30px"
Inherited: No
Animatable: Yes
The CSS (CSS1) margin-right property sets the width of the right margin of an element.
Value Description
length Any specified margin size as a CSS length
% Margin specified as percentage of width of container
auto Browser calculates margin
Default Value: 0
JavaScript syntax: e.g."30px"
Inherited: No
Animatable: Yes
The CSS (CSS1) margin-top property sets the width of the top margin of an element.
Value Description
length Any specified margin size as a CSS length
% Margin specified as percentage of width of container
auto Browser calculates margin
Default Value: 0
JavaScript syntax: e.g."30px"
Inherited: No
Animatable: Yes
The CSS (CSS2) max-height property sets the maximum height an element can become. It
overrides the height property.
Value Description
length A CSS length
% Defined as a percentage of that of the containing block
none (default value). No limit
The CSS (CSS2) max-width property sets the maximum width an element can become. It overrides
the width property.
Value Description
length A CSS length
% Defined as a percentage of that of the containing block
none (default value). No limit
The CSS (CSS2) min-height property sets the minimum height an element can become. It
overrides the height property and the max-height property.
Value Description
length A CSS length
% Defined as a percentage of that of the containing block
none (default value). No limit
The CSS (CSS2) min-width property sets the minimum width an element can become. It overrides
the width property and the max-width property.
Value Description
length A CSS length
% Defined as a percentage of that of the containing block
none (default value). No limit
At the time of writing the CSS (CSS3) nav-down, nav-index, nav-left, nav-right and
nav-up properties appear to be supported by very few browsers, so are not explained further here.
They indicate where to navigate to when using the down arrow, left arrow, right arrow and up arrow
keys respectively.
The nav-index property specifies the sequential navigation order (i.e. the ‘tabbing order’) for an
The CSS (CSS3) opacity property sets the degree of opacity (transparency) of an element. 0 is
completely transparent, 1 is completely non-transparent. Note also sets the transparency of all
relevant child elements (if you don’t want this to happen then use RGBA colouring).
Value Description
number From 0.0 to 1.0
Default Value: 1
JavaScript syntax: e.g."0.6"
Inherited: No
Animatable: Yes
The CSS (CSS3) order property indicates the order of a flexible item relative to other flexible items
inside the same container.
Value Description
number Integer
Default Value: 0
JavaScript syntax: e.g."2"
Inherited: No
Animatable: Yes
The CSS (CSS3) orphans property indicates the minimum number of lines of a paragraph that can
be left on an old page. It works primarily with paged media, in which content is split into pages.
Value Description
number Integer
Default Value: 2
JavaScript syntax: e.g."3"
Inherited: No
Animatable: Yes
The CSS (CSS2) outline property is a shorthand property combining (up to) 3 of the outline
Valid property values (other than inherit and initial) are defined by the elements of the shorthand.
Shorthand elements (in the order in which they appear):
- outline-color
- outline-style
- outline-width
The CSS (CSS2) outline-color property sets the color of the outline of an element (i.e. a line
that is drawn around the element, outside its borders, usually to make the element stand out
relative to other elements.
Value Description
color A CSS colour
invert (default value). Inverts colour
The CSS (CSS2) outline-offset property sets the amount of space between an element’s
outline and the edge or border of the element.
Value Description
length A CSS length
Default Value: 0
JavaScript syntax: e.g."10px"
Inherited: No
Animatable: Yes
The CSS (CSS2) outline-style property specifies the style to be used for the outline of an
Value Description
dashed Dashed outline
dotted Dotted outline
double Double outline
groove Effect depends on outline-color value
hidden Hidden outline
inset Effect depends on outline-color value
none (default value). No outline
outset Effect depends on outline-color value
ridge Effect depends on outline-color value
solid Solid outline
The CSS (CSS2) outline-width property sets the width of an element’s outline (outside the edge
or border of the element). Note: an element needs to have an outline (so you need to set the
outline-style property to something other than none) before the width of the outline can be set.
Value Description
length A CSS length
Default Value: 0
JavaScript syntax: e.g."3px"
Inherited: No
Animatable: Yes
The CSS (CSS2) overflow property indicates what happens when content overflows an element’s
Value Description
auto Overflow is clipped and a scroll-bar should typically be added
hidden Overflow is clipped. No scroll-bar is added, so rest of content is
effectively invisible
scroll Overflow is clipped and a scroll-bar is added
visible (default value). Overflow is not clipped and is rendered outside the
element’s box
The CSS (CSS2) overflow-x property indicates what to with left/right edges of content
overflowing an element’s box.
Value Description
auto Overflow is clipped and a scroll-bar should typically be added
hidden Overflow is clipped. No scroll-bar is added, so rest of content is
effectively invisible
scroll Overflow is clipped and a scroll-bar is added
visible (default value). Overflow is not clipped and may be rendered outside
the element’s box
The CSS (CSS2) overflow-y property indicates what to with top/bottom edges of content
overflowing an element’s box.
Value Description
auto Overflow is clipped and a scroll-bar should typically be added
hidden Overflow is clipped. No scroll-bar is added, so rest of content is
effectively invisible
scroll Overflow is clipped and a scroll-bar is added
visible (default value). Overflow is not clipped and may be rendered outside
the element’s box
Default Value: visible
JavaScript syntax: e.g."scroll"
Inherited: No
Animatable: No
The CSS (CSS1) padding property is a shorthand property combining the 4 padding sub-properties.
The individual padding widths can be set separately using padding-bottom, padding-left, padding-
right and padding-top. As with some other aggregate edge properties, up to four parameter values
can be supplied (and if more than one is supplied then the properties are applied to individual
borders as described here).
Valid property values (other than inherit and initial) are defined by the elements of the shorthand.
Shorthand elements included in the margin property are:
Value Description
length Any specified padding size as a CSS length
% Padding size specified as percentage of width of container
Default Value: 0
JavaScript syntax: e.g."20px 30px"
Inherited: No
Animatable: See individual properties
The CSS (CSS1) padding-bottom property sets the width of the bottom padding (space) of an
Value Description
length Any specified thickness as a CSS length
% As percentage of width of containing element
Default Value: 0
JavaScript syntax: e.g."4px"
Inherited: No
Animatable: Yes
The CSS (CSS1) padding-left property sets the width of the left padding (space) of an element.
Value Description
length Any specified thickness as a CSS length
% As percentage of width of containing element
Default Value: 0
JavaScript syntax: e.g."4px"
Inherited: No
Animatable: Yes
The CSS (CSS1) padding-right property sets the width of the right padding (space) of an
Value Description
length Any specified thickness as a CSS length
% As percentage of width of containing element
Default Value: 0
JavaScript syntax: e.g."4px"
Inherited: No
Animatable: Yes
The CSS (CSS1) padding-top property sets the width of the top padding (space) of an element.
Value Description
length Any specified thickness as a CSS length
% As percentage of width of containing element
Default Value: 0
JavaScript syntax: e.g."4px"
Inherited: No
Animatable: Yes
The CSS (CSS2) page-break-after property specifies whether a page break should occur after
an element. It cannot be used on an empty <div> element or on absolutely positioned elements.
Value Description
auto (default value). Page breaking defined automatically
always Page break always inserted after element
avoid Where possible avoids a page break after the element
left Page break is inserted after element in a manner that results in the
next page being formatted as a left page
right Page break is inserted after element in a manner that results in the
next page being formatted as a right page
The CSS (CSS2) page-break-before property specifies whether a page break should occur
before an element. It cannot be used on an empty <div> element or on absolutely positioned
Value Description
auto (default value). Page breaking defined automatically
always Page break always inserted before element
avoid Where possible avoids a page break before the element
left Page break is inserted before element in a manner that results in the
next page being formatted as a left page
right Page break is inserted before element in a manner that results in the
next page being formatted as a right page
The CSS (CSS2) page-break-inside property specifies whether a page break is allowed inside
an element. It cannot be used on absolutely positioned elements.
Value Description
auto (default value). Page breaking defined automatically
avoid Where possible avoids a page break inside the element
The CSS (CSS3) perspective property indicates how far a 3D element is notionally placed behind
the screen. The property applies to the child elements not the original element itself to which t his
property is attached.
Value Description
length Page breaking defined automatically
none (default value). Same as 0, i.e. no perspective set
Value Description
x-axis y-axis x-axis defines where the view is placed on the x-axis, y-axis where it
is placed on the y-axis.
- center
- right
- length (a CSS length)
- % (of element size)
The CSS (CSS2) position property indicates how an element should be positioned.
Value Description
absolute The element is positioned relative to its first positioned (i.e. not
static) ancestor
fixed The element is positioned in a fixed position relative to the browser
relative The element is positioned relative to its normal position
static (default value). The element is positioned (relative to others) in the
order in which it appears in the document flow
The CSS (CSS2) quotes property indicates how quotation marks should be rendered in the text of
an element.
Value Description
none Open-quote and close-quote elements within an element (i.e. the
<q> and </q> of a <q> element) will not produce any quotation
string1 string2 string3 String1 and string2 define the first level of quotation embedding
string4 (opening and closing respectively), string3 and string4 (if present) the
next level of embedding etc.
The CSS (CSS3) resize property indicates whether an element can be resized by the user. Some
major browsers do not support this property.
Value Description
both User can resize height and width of element
horizontal User can resize width of element
none (default value). User cannot resize element
vertical User can resize height of element
The CSS (CSS2) right property sets, for absolutely positioned elements, the right edge of an
element relative to the corresponding edge of its nearest positioned ancestor. If such an element
has no positioned ancestors then it uses the document body and moves along with page scrolling. A
‘positioned’ element is one whose position is anything other than static.
Value Description
length Sets edge position as a CSS length. Can be negative
% Sets edge position in % of containing element. Can be negative
auto (default value). Browser calculates edge position
The CSS (CSS3) tab-size property indicates size (length) of space used for the tab character.
Value Description
number Number of space characters displayed for each tab character
length Length of tab character (not supported by major browsers)
none User cannot resize element
vertical User can resize height of element
Default Value: 8
JavaScript syntax: e.g."12"
Inherited: No
Animatable: No
The CSS (CSS2) table-layout property indicates the algorithm used to define the table layout.
Value Description
auto (default value). Layout set automatically, with column width set by
widest unbreakable content. This can render more slowly as it means
all content needs to be read before the layout can be determined)
fixed Layout set only by reference to table’s width and width of columns,
i.e. not by what is in each cell. This can render faster as the browser
can begin to display the table as soon as the first row has been
The CSS (CSS1) text-align property indicates how text in an element should be aligned.
Value Description
center Centres the text
justify Justifies text, i.e. stretches lines to encompass whole width. The
precise way justification then works is set by the text-justify
left Aligns text to left
right Aligns text to right
The CSS (CSS3) text-align-last property indicates how the last line of text in an element
should be aligned.
Value Description
auto (default value). Last line is aligned left
center Last line of text is centred
end Last line is aligned to end of line (right if direction is left-to-right, left
if direction is right-to-left)
justify Justifies last line of text, i.e. stretches lines to encompass whole
width (rarely how text is formatted in practice)
left Aligns last line of text to left
start Last line is aligned to start of line (left if direction is left-to-right, right
if direction is right-to-left)
right Aligns last line of text to right
The CSS (CSS1) text-decoration property indicates the ‘decoration’ (e.g. underlining) added to
text. Note in CSS3 the text-decoration property is supposed to be a shorthand property covering
text-decoration-line, text-decoration-color and text-decoration-style but at the time of writing this
interpretation was not supported by major browsers.
Value Description
line-through Last line is aligned left
none (default value). Normal text, without decoration
overline Add line above text
underline Add line below text
The CSS (CSS3) text-decoration-color property indicates the colour of the text decoration
added to a given piece of text. For this property to have an effect, a visible text-decoration needs to
have been applied to the text.
Value Description
color A CSS colour
The CSS (CSS3) text-decoration-line property indicates the type of line of the text
decoration added to a given piece of text. For this property to have an effect, a visible text-
decoration needs to have been applied to the text. Multiple values can be combined (e.g. underline
and overline)
Value Description
line-through Last line is aligned left
none (default value). Normal text, without decoration
overline Add line above text
underline Add line below text
The CSS (CSS3) text-decoration-style property indicates the style of any line in any visible
text decoration added to a given piece of text. For this property to have an effect, a visible text-
decoration needs to have been applied to the text.
Value Description
dashed Text decoration displays as a dashed line
dotted Text decoration displays as a dotted line
double Text decoration displays as a double line
solid (default value). Text decoration displays as a single line
wavy Text decoration displays as a wavy line
The CSS (CSS1) text-indent property determines the indentation applied to the first line of text
in an element. Negative values are allowed (making it possible in effect to indent all but the first line,
if the element is sized appropriately).
Value Description
length A CSS length
% Indentation defined in terms of % of width of the parent element
Default Value: 0
JavaScript syntax: e.g."20px"
Inherited: Yes
Animatable: Yes
The CSS (CSS3) text-justify property indicates how text is justified when the text-align
property has been set to justify.
Value Description
auto (default value). Browser determines justification
distribute Primarily changes spacing at word separators and at grapheme
boundaries in scripts other than connected and cursive scripts
inter-cluster Primarily changes spacing at word separators and at grapheme
boundaries in cursive scripts
inter-ideograph Primarily changes spacing at word separators and at grapheme
boundaries in connected scripts (i.e. ones that use no word spaces)
inter-word Primarily changes spacing at word separators
kashida Primarily stretches Arabic and related scripts through use of kashida
or other calligraphic elongation
The CSS (CSS3) text-overflow property indicates how text that has overflowed is rendered by
the browser.
Value Description
clip (default value). Text is clipped without further action
ellipsis Clipped text is rendered by an ellipsis, i.e. “…”
string Clipped text is rendered by the given string
Default Value: clip
JavaScript syntax: e.g."ellipsis"
Inherited: No
Animatable: No
The CSS (CSS3) text-shadow property indicates what shadow should be added to text. To add
more than one shadow, the property should be set to a comma-separated list of shadows.
Value Description
none (default value). No shadow
h-shadow v-shadow blur- 2 to 4 parameters:
radius color - h-shadow (required): position of horizontal shadow (can be
- v-shadow (required): position of vertical shadow (can be
- blur-radius (optional): how fuzzy (default is zero)
- color (optional): CSS colour of shadow (default is colour of
The CSS (CSS1) text-transform property specifies the capitalisation the browser should use for
Value Description
capitalize First character of each word is capitalised (i.e. transformed to
lowercase All characters transformed to lowercase
none (default value). No capitalisation
uppercase All characters transformed to uppercase
The CSS (CSS2) top property sets, for absolutely positioned elements, the top edge of an element
relative to the corresponding edge of its nearest positioned ancestor. If such an element has no
positioned ancestors then it uses the document body and moves along with the page scrolling. A
‘positioned’ element is one whose position is anything other than static.
Value Description
length Sets edge position as a CSS length. Can be negative
% Sets edge position in % of containing element. Can be negative
auto (default value). Browser calculates edge position
The CSS (CSS3) transform property applies a 2D or a 3D transformation to an element, e.g. rotate,
scale, skew transform or translate (move) an element.
Value Description
matrix(n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, 2D transformation characterised by 6 values, see below
matrix3d(n1, n2, n3, n4, 3D transformation characterised by 16 values, see below
n5, n6, n7, n8, n9, n10, n11,
n12, n13, n14, n15, n16)
none (default value). No transformation applied
perspective(n) A perspective view for a 3D transformed element
rotate(angle) 2D rotation (around origin), angle being a CSS angle
rotate3d(x, y, z, angle) 3D rotation (around line through origin), x, y and z being CSS lengths
and angle being a CSS angle
rotateX(angle) 3D rotation (around x-axis), angle being a CSS angle
rotateY(angle) 3D rotation (around y-axis), angle being a CSS angle
rotateZ(angle) 3D rotation (around z-axis), angle being a CSS angle
scale(x, y) 2D scaling transformation, applied to x and y-axes, x and y being
scale3d(x, y, z) 3D scaling transformation, applied to x, y and z-axes, x, y and z being
scaleX(x) Scaling transformation (stretching / squashing) applied to x-axis, x
being numbers
scaleY(y) Scaling transformation (stretching / squashing) applied to y-axis, y
being numbers
scaleZ(z) Scaling transformation (stretching / squashing) applied to z-axis, z
being numbers
skew(x-angle, y-angle) 2D skew transformation along x and y-axes, x-angle and y-angle
being CSS angles
skewX(angle) Skew transformation along x-axis, angle being a CSS angle
skewY(angle) Skew transformation along y-axis, angle being a CSS angle
translate(x, y) 2D translation, applied to x and y-axes, x and y being CSS lengths
translate3d(x, y, z) 3D translation, applied to x, y and z-axes, x, y and z being CSS lengths
translateX(x) Translation (movement) applied to x-axis, x being a CSS length
translateY(y) Translation (movement) applied to y-axis, y being a CSS length
translateZ(z) Translation (movement) applied to z-axis, z being a CSS length
2D transformations
- translate(): moves an element from its current position along the x and y-axes, but
doesn’t otherwise change its shape or size
- rotate(): rotates an element clockwise (positive) or counter-clockwise (negative), e.g.
- scale(): increases or decreases the size of an element (parameter is a ratio relative to the
original size), first parameter is width (i.e. x-axis) scaling, second is height (i.e. y-axis) scaling
- skewX(): introduces a skew along the x-axis, by a given angle (positive or negative)
- skewY(): introduces a skew along the y-axis, by a given angle (positive or negative)
- skew(x-angle, y-angle): combines skewX(x-angle) and skewY(y-angle)
- matrix(): combines all 2D transform methods into a single method, involving the
following parameters: matrix(scale-x, skew-y, skew-x, scale-y, translate-x, translate-y)
3D transformations
The CSS (CSS3) transform-origin property defines the origin used by the transform property.
Value Description
x-axis y-axis z-axis Origin defined by three values, where:
The CSS (CSS3) transform-style property indicates how nested elements are to be rendered
for 3D purposes when using the transform property.
Value Description
flat (default value). Child elements do not preserve their 3D position
preserve-3d Child elements preserve their own 3D position
The CSS (CSS3) transition property is a shorthand property combining the 4 transition sub-
Valid property values (other than inherit and initial) are defined by the elements of the shorthand.
Shorthand elements (in the order in which they appear):
- transition-property
- transition-duration
- transition-timing-function
- transition-delay
The CSS (CSS3) transition-delay property indicates when a transition will start.
Value Description
time The CSS time to wait before transition effect starts
Default Value: 0s
JavaScript syntax: e.g."5s"
Inherited: No
Animatable: No
The CSS (CSS3) transition-duration property indicates how long a transition will take to
Value Description
time The CSS time a transition will take to complete once started
Default Value: 0s
JavaScript syntax: e.g."4s"
Inherited: No
Animatable: No
The CSS (CSS3) transition-property property identifies the properties that change as part of
a transition effect. You should always specify the transition-duration property as well, as otherwise it
defaults to zero.
Value Description
property Comma separated list of CSS properties to which transition is applied
all (default value). Transition effect is applied to all CSS properties
none Transition effect is applied to no properties
The CSS (CSS3) transition-timing-function property identifies the speed curve used for a
transition effect.
Value Description
cubic-bezier(x1, x2, As defined by cubic Bezier function with parameters x1, x2, x3, x4
x3, x4) (possible values of each are numerical values from 0 to 1)
ease (default value). Slow start, then fast, before ending slowly, equivalent
to cubic-bezier(0.25,0.1,0.25,1)
ease-in Slow start, equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.42,0,1,1)
ease-out Slow end, equivalent to cubic-bezier(0,0,0.58,1)
ease-in-out Slow start and end, equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.42,0,0.58,1)
step-start Equivalent to steps(1, start)
step-end Equivalent to steps(1, end)
steps(int, start|end) A stepping function with two parameters. The first parameter
specifies the number of intervals in the function (and must be a
positive integer, i.e. greater than zero). The second (optional)
parameter specifies when the change of values occurs and is eithe r
start or end (if omitted is given the value end)
The CSS (CSS2) unicode-bidi property indicates whether text direction should be overridden to
support multiple languages in the same document. It is used in conjunction with the direction
Value Description
bidi-override Creates an additional level of embedding and reorders depending on
direction property
embed Creates an additional level of embedding
normal (default value). No additional level of embedding
The CSS (CSS3) user-select property indicates whether text of an element can be selected. If
you (double) click on some text it will typically be selected, and this property stops this happening.
Value Description
auto (default value). Text can be selected by user (if allowed by browser)
none Text can’t be selected by user
text Text can be selected by user
The CSS (CSS1) vertical-align property indicates the vertical alignment of an element.
Value Description
length Raises (positive) or lowers (negative) element by a CSS length
% Raises of lowers element by percentage of line-height property
baseline (default value). Baseline of element aligned with baseline of parent
bottom Bottom of element aligned with bottom of lowest element on line
middle Element is placed vertically in middle of parent
sub Aligns element as if it was a subscript
super Aligns element as if it was a superscript
text-bottom Bottom of element aligned with bottom of parent text
text-top Top of element aligned with top of parent text
top Top of element aligned with top of highest element on line
The CSS (CSS2) visibility property indicates whether an element is visible or not. Note: Invisible
(hidden) elements still take up some space on a page; if you want to avoid this then set the display
property to none.
Value Description
collapse Only applies to table elements. Row or column is removed, but table
layout is otherwise left unaltered. For non-table elements is
equivalent to "hidden"
hidden Element is hidden (but still takes up space)
visible (default value). Element is visible
The CSS (CSS1) white-space property indicates how white-space inside an element should be
Value Description
normal (default value). Sequences of whitespace collapsed into a single
whitespace and text will wrap when necessary
nowrap Sequences of whitespace collapsed into a single whitespace but text
will not wrap until a <br> tag occurs
pre Whitespace is preserved by browser and text will only wrap on line
breaks (i.e. akin to <pre> tag in HTML)
pre-line Sequences of whitespace collapsed into a single whitespace and text
will wrap when necessary and on line breaks
pre-wrap Whitespace is preserved by browser and text will wrap when
necessary and on line breaks
The CSS (CSS3) widows property indicates the minimum number of lines of a paragraph that can fall
to a new page. It works primarily with paged media, in which content is split into pages.
Value Description
number Integer
Default Value: 2
JavaScript syntax: e.g."3"
Inherited: No
Animatable: Yes
The CSS (CSS1) width property indicates the width of an element (excluding padding, borders and
margins). It is overridden by the min-width or max-width properties, if either of them are present.
Value Description
length Width as a CSS length
% Width of element defined as a percentage of width of its containing
auto (default value). Browser determines width
The CSS (CSS3) word-break property indicates the way in which words can be broken at line ends
for scripts that are not Chinese, Japanese or Korean (“CJK”).
Value Description
break-all Breaks can occur between any two letters
keep-all Breaks are prohibited between pairs of letters
normal (default value). Words break at line ends according to usual rules
The CSS (CSS1) word-spacing property indicates the amount of whitespace between words.
Value Description
length Additional space between words as a CSS length, can be negative
normal (default value). Normal space between words
The CSS (CSS3) word-wrap property allows long words to be broken at line ends and to wrap onto
the next line.
Value Description
break-word Otherwise unbreakable words can be broken
normal (default value). Words can only be broken at allowed break points
The CSS (CSS1) z-index property specifies the stack order of an element, i.e. which is “in front of”
other elements, and hence which is visible if several would otherwise appear in the same place.
Elements with higher stack order (z-index value) are shown in preference to ones with lower stack
order. It only works on positioned elements, i.e. with position:absolute,
position:relative or position:fixed.
Value Description
number Stack order set to a specified value (which can be negative)
auto (default value). Stack order of element set to the same as its parent’s
stack order
Appendix D: CSS Shorthand Properties
Some of the CSS properties are shorthand properties that combine several related properties, e.g.:
- animation
- background
- border
- border-bottom
- border-image
- border-left
- border-right
- border-top
- column-rule
- columns
- flex
- flex-flow
- font
- grid
- list-style
- margin
- outline
- padding
- transition
Appendix E: CSS Animatable Properties
Some CSS properties are animatable under CSS3. This means that they can be used in animations
and transitions. These properties can be changed gradually from one value to another. Properties
that are animatable are:
Appendix F: CSS Keywords (inherit and initial)
The CSS (CSS3) inherit keyword is used to specify that an element should inherit its value from its
parent element.
For example, the following means the color property for <span> elements should be red, except for
those which have class = "colorinherited", which would inherit theirs from their parent
The CSS (CSS3) initial keyword is used to set a CSS property to its default value. It can be used
for any CSS property and on any HTML element, e.g.:
Appendix G: CSS Pseudo-Properties (content, counter-increment and
The CSS (CSS2) content (pseudo-)property is used with the :before and :after pseudo-
elements to insert generated content.
For example, a selector taking the following form will add the relevant web address to the link
Property values (other than inherit and initial) that can be included in the pseudo-property include:
Value Description
string Some specified text
attr(attribute) A specified attribute
close-quote A closing quote
counter(id) A counter with id defined by id (see counter-increment and counter-reset
no-close-quote Removes closing quote of content, if present
no-open-quote Removes opening quote of content, if present
none Nothing
normal (Default). Sets content, if specified to normal, i.e. none
open-quote An opening quote
url(URL) URL specifying a media (image, sound, video etc.) to be included in the
The CSS (CSS2) counter-increment (pseudo-)property increments one or more CSS counter
values and is usually used in conjunction with the counter-reset and content pseudo-properties.
For example, a selector taking the following form will increment the counter named ctr by 2 each
time the relevant selector is selected (here each time the page load comes across an <h2> element)
h2 { counter-increment: ctr 2; }
Property values (other than inherit and initial) that can be included in the pseudo-property include:
Value Description
id value The id of the counter to be incremented and the value that the counter is
to be incremented by (can be negative or zero, default is 1)
none (default). No counters incremented
The CSS (CSS2) counter-reset (pseudo-)property creates or resets one or more CSS counters
and is usually used in conjunction with the counter-increment and content pseudo-properties.
For example, a selector taking the following form will reset the counter named ctr to 1 each time
the relevant selector is selected (here each time the page load comes across an <h1> element)
h1 { counter-reset: ctr; }
Property values (other than inherit and initial) that can be included in the pseudo-property include:
Value Description
id value The id of the counter to be reset (created) and the value that the counter is
to be reset to on each occurrence of the selector (default value is 0)
none (default). No counters reset
Appendix H: CSS Rules (@font-face, @keyframes, @media)
The CSS (CSS3) @font-face rule allows designers to apply their own font. Syntax is as follows:
@font-face {
The CSS (CSS3) @keyframes rule is the way in which designers specify animations that use CSS
animation properties. Syntax is as follows:
@keyframes name {
keyframes-selector {css-styles;}
The components are:
The CSS (CSS2 / CSS3) @media rule is used to apply different styles for different devices and/or
media types. Syntax is as follows:
Value Description
all All media types
print Printers
screen Computer screens, tablets, smartphones etc.
speech Screen readers that read out loud the page contents
Value Description
any-hover Does any available input mechanism allow user to hover over
any-pointer Does any available input mechanism allow user to point, and if so,
how accurate is it?
aspect-ratio All media types
color Number of bits per colour component handled by device
color-index Number of colours device displays
device-aspect-ratio Ratio between width and height of device (depreciated)
device-height Height of device (depreciated)
device-width Width of device (depreciated)
grid Identifies whether device is a grid or bitmap
height Display height
hover Does primary input mechanism allow user to hover over elements?
inverted-colors Does browser / underlying operating system support inverting of
light-level Current ambient light level
max-aspect-ratio Maximum ratio between width and height of device
max-color Maximum number of bits per colour component device can handle
max-color-index Maximum number of colours device can display
max-device-aspect- Maximum ratio between width and height of device
max-device-height Maximum height of device
max-device-width Maximum width of device
max-height Maximum display height
max-monochrome Maximum number of bits per colour on a monochrome device
max-resolution Maximum resolution of device (using dpi or dpcm)
max-width Maximum display width
min-aspect-ratio Minimum ratio between width and height of device
min-color Minimum number of bits per colour component device can handle
min-color-index Minimum number of colours device can display
min-device-aspect- Minimum ratio between width and height of device
min-device-height Minimum height of device
min-device-width Minimum width of device
min-height Minimum display height
min-monochrome Minimum number of bits per colour on a monochrome device
min-resolution Minimum resolution of device (using dpi or dpcm)
min-width Minimum display width
monochrome Number of bits per colour on a monochrome device
orientation Whether device is in landscape or portrait mode
overflow-block How device handles content that overflows along block axis
overflow-inline How device handles content that overflows along inline axis
pointer Does primary input mechanism allow user to point, and if so, how
accurate is it?
resolution Resolution of device (using dpi or dpcm)
scan Scanning process of device
scripting Is scripting (typically JavaScript) available?
update-frequency How quickly device can change appearance
width Display width
Appendix I: CSS Selectors
Commonly CSS is applied to all elements of a specific type. By using selectors, we can, however,
apply CSS to a wide range of sub-types, selected in a wide variety of ways. Some selectors (e.g. the
:hover selector) depend on mouse position or activity. The following are valid selector types:
element:first-child Selects all elements of type element that are the p:first-child
first children of their parent
element:first-of- Selects all elements of type element that are the p:first-of-
type first of that type of element within their parent type
element:focus Selects all elements of type element that has input:focus
element:hover Selects all elements of type element that are a:hover
currently being hovered over (i.e. where mouse
is positioned over it)
element:in-range Selects all elements of type element whose input:in-range
value is within any range specified by the
element:invalid Selects all elements of type element with an input:invalid
invalid value
element:lang(language) Selects all elements of type element with a p:lang(it)
lang value equal to language
element:last-child Selects all elements of type element that are the p:last-child
last children of their parent
element:last-of- Selects all elements of type element that are the p:last-of-type
type last of that type of element within their parent
element:link Selects all elements of type element that are a:link
:not(selector) Selects all elements that are not the given :not(p)
element:nth- Selects all elements of type element that are the a:nth-child(2)
child(n) n’th child of their parent
element:nth-last- Selects all elements of type element that are the a:nth-last-
child(n) n’th last child (i.e. counting backwards from the child(2)
last one) of their parent
element:nth-last- Selects all elements of type element that are the a:nth-last-of-
of-type(n) n’th last of their type (i.e. counting backwards type(2)
from last one) of their parent
element:nth-of- Selects all elements of type element that are the a:nth-of-
type(n) n’th of their type of their parent type(2)
element:only-child Selects all elements of type element that are the a:only-child
only child of their parent
element:only-of- Selects all elements of type element that are the a:only-of-type
type only one of their type of their parent
element:optional Selects all elements of type element that do not input:optional
have a required attribute specified
element:out-of- Selects all elements of type element whose input:out-of-
range value is outside any range specified by the range
element:read-only Selects all elements of type element which have input:read-
the readonly attribute specified only
element:read-write Selects all elements of type element which do input:read-
not have the readwrite attribute specified write
element:required Selects all elements of type element that have a input:required
required attribute specified
:root Selects the document's root element :root
element:target Selects the current active target element. A URL #para1:target
with an # followed by an anchor links to a
specific element within a document. The
element being linked to is the target element.
element:valid Selects all elements of type element that have a input:valid
valid value
element:visited Selects all visited elements a:visited
* If element is left out of the selector then the selector applies to all element types
** The element that has focus is the one that if you hit return will be assumed to be the element
into which input has just been placed.
Appendix J: CSS Units: Times, Lengths, Angles and Colours
CSS Times
Some CSS properties relate to periods of time. CSS time units are defined in seconds (s) or
milliseconds (ms), e.g. 2s or 600ms.
CSS Lengths
Often it is important to specify the size of an HTML element. The conventions used when doing this
in CSS are set out below.
A CSS length is a number followed by a length unit, such as 20px or 3cm. To be correctly understood,
the specification needs to avoid any whitespace between the number and the length unit (e.g. using
20 px will generally not be recognised as a length by browsers). If the value is zero ( 0) then the
unit can be omitted.
Absolute lengths
These are fixed in size, and material will should appear exactly that size (unless the user then zooms
in or out manually). As screen sizes vary considerably, best practice typically recommends using
relative lengths not absolute lengths.
Unit Description
cm centimetres
mm millimetres
in inches (1in = 2.54cm)
px pixels (1px = 1/96th of 1in, for high resolution screens, but for low resolution
screens then 1px is one device pixel, i.e. dot, of the display
pt points (1pt = 1/72 of 1in)
pc picas (1pc = 12pt)
Relative lengths
Relative lengths are specified relative to another length property. These types of lengths tend to
scale better across different screens or other rendering mediums.
Unit Description
ch Relative to width of a “0” (zero) character
em Relative to font-size of element (e.g. 2em means twice the relevant font size)
ex Relative to x-height of current font (this unit is rarely used)
rem Relative to font-size of root element
vw Relative to 1% of the width of the viewport (i.e. the browser window size)
vh Relative to 1% of the height of the viewport (i.e. the browser window size)
vmin Relative to 1% of the viewport’s smaller dimension (not recognised by all
vmax Relative to 1% of the viewport’s larger dimension (not recognised by all
CSS Angles
Some CSS property values are defined in terms of angles. It is used for example in rotate or skew
parameters used by the transform property.
Unit Description
deg Degrees. One full circle (360) is 360deg
grad Gradians. One full circle (360) is 400deg
rad Radians. One full circle (360) is 2 radians, i.e. approximately 6.28318rad
turn Number of full turns. One full circle (360) is 1turn. The turn unit is not at
the time of writing supported by all major browsers.
Positive angles represent clockwise turns, whilst negative angles represent counter-clockwise turns
Note: as with CSS lengths, no space should be left between the numerical value and unit. Unlike with
CSS lengths, you always need to include a unit, i.e. 0 is not in itself a valid angle, even though 0deg =
0grad = 0rad = 0turn.
CSS Colours
A common activity within CSS (and any associated HTML markup) is to set the colour of an element.
Colours can be specified in several ways:
1. Predefined names
Azure #F0FFFF
Beige #F5F5DC
Bisque #FFE4C4
Black #000000
BlanchedAlmond #FFEBCD
Blue #0000FF
BlueViolet #8A2BE2
Brown #A52A2A
BurlyWood #DEB887
CadetBlue #5F9EA0
Chartreuse #7FFF00
Chocolate #D2691E
Coral #FF7F50
CornflowerBlue #6495ED
Cornsilk #FFF8DC
Crimson #DC143C
Cyan #00FFFF
DarkBlue #00008B
DarkCyan #008B8B
DarkGoldenRod #B8860B
DarkGray #A9A9A9
DarkGrey #A9A9A9
DarkGreen #006400
DarkKhaki #BDB76B
DarkMagenta #8B008B
DarkOliveGreen #556B2F
DarkOrange #FF8C00
DarkOrchid #9932CC
DarkRed #8B0000
DarkSalmon #E9967A
DarkSeaGreen #8FBC8F
DarkSlateBlue #483D8B
DarkSlateGray #2F4F4F
DarkSlateGrey #2F4F4F
DarkTurquoise #00CED1
DarkViolet #9400D3
DeepPink #FF1493
DeepSkyBlue #00BFFF
DimGray #696969
DimGrey #696969
DodgerBlue #1E90FF
FireBrick #B22222
FloralWhite #FFFAF0
ForestGreen #228B22
Fuchsia #FF00FF
Gainsboro #DCDCDC
GhostWhite #F8F8FF
Gold #FFD700
GoldenRod #DAA520
Gray #808080
Grey #808080
Green #008000
GreenYellow #ADFF2F
HoneyDew #F0FFF0
HotPink #FF69B4
IndianRed #CD5C5C
Indigo #4B0082
Ivory #FFFFF0
Khaki #F0E68C
Lavender #E6E6FA
LavenderBlush #FFF0F5
LawnGreen #7CFC00
LemonChiffon #FFFACD
LightBlue #ADD8E6
LightCoral #F08080
LightCyan #E0FFFF
LightGoldenRodYellow #FAFAD2
LightGray #D3D3D3
LightGrey #D3D3D3
LightGreen #90EE90
LightPink #FFB6C1
LightSalmon #FFA07A
LightSeaGreen #20B2AA
LightSkyBlue #87CEFA
LightSlateGray #778899
LightSlateGrey #778899
LightSteelBlue #B0C4DE
LightYellow #FFFFE0
Lime #00FF00
LimeGreen #32CD32
Linen #FAF0E6
Magenta #FF00FF
Maroon #800000
MediumAquaMarine #66CDAA
MediumBlue #0000CD
MediumOrchid #BA55D3
MediumPurple #9370DB
MediumSeaGreen #3CB371
MediumSlateBlue #7B68EE
MediumSpringGreen #00FA9A
MediumTurquoise #48D1CC
MediumVioletRed #C71585
MidnightBlue #191970
MintCream #F5FFFA
MistyRose #FFE4E1
Moccasin #FFE4B5
NavajoWhite #FFDEAD
Navy #000080
OldLace #FDF5E6
Olive #808000
OliveDrab #6B8E23
Orange #FFA500
OrangeRed #FF4500
Orchid #DA70D6
PaleGoldenRod #EEE8AA
PaleGreen #98FB98
PaleTurquoise #AFEEEE
PaleVioletRed #DB7093
PapayaWhip #FFEFD5
PeachPuff #FFDAB9
Peru #CD853F
Pink #FFC0CB
Plum #DDA0DD
PowderBlue #B0E0E6
Purple #800080
RebeccaPurple #663399
Red #FF0000
RosyBrown #BC8F8F
RoyalBlue #4169E1
SaddleBrown #8B4513
Salmon #FA8072
SandyBrown #F4A460
SeaGreen #2E8B57
SeaShell #FFF5EE
Sienna #A0522D
Silver #C0C0C0
SkyBlue #87CEEB
SlateBlue #6A5ACD
SlateGray #708090
SlateGrey #708090
SpringGreen #00FF7F
SteelBlue #4682B4
Tan #D2B48C
Teal #008080
Thistle #D8BFD8
Tomato #FF6347
Turquoise #40E0D0
Violet #EE82EE
Wheat #F5DEB3
WhiteSmoke #F5F5F5
Yellow #FFFF00
YellowGreen #9ACD32
2. Hexadecimal format
All major browsers recognise hexadecimal format (‘hex’) colour values. These take the form
#RRGGBB where the RR, GG and BB indicate the red, green and blue components of the colour in
two-character hexadecimal format (i.e. ranging from 00 to FF, which in decimal correspond to 0 to
255 respectively. For example, #FF0000 is red, since the red component is given its maximum value
(FF, i.e. 255 in decimal format), whilst the green and blue components are given their minimum
values, i.e. do not appear in the end colour. The hexadecimal format codes for each of the
prespecified CSS colours are set out above.
RGB colour values are also recognised by all major browsers. They are specified in the form
rgb(r,g,b), where r, g and b are the red, green and blue components of the colour as above, but
specified either in decimal values (0 to 255) or in percentage values (0% to 100%)
RGBA colour values are recognised by many major browsers. They extend the RGB to include an
opacity (i.e. transparency) value. They are specified in the form rgba(r,g,b,a), where r, g and b are
as above, and a (the ‘alpha’ parameter) can take a value between 0.0 (fully transparent, so
invisible) and 1.0 (fully opaque, so will entirely block whatever is ‘behind’ the element assigned this
HSL colour values are recognised by many browsers. HSL stands for hue, saturation and lightness.
Such a colour is specified by hsl(h,s,l) where h refers to the hue, s the saturation and l the lightness
of the colour.
HSL can be thought of as a cylindrical-coordinate representation of a colour. Hue defines the primary
colour or mix (in degrees), between 0 and 360, with 0 (or 360) corresponding to red, 120
corresponding to green and 240 corresponding to blue (with intermediate values corresponding to
mixtures of these colours). Saturation corresponds to the extent to which the colour diverges from
grey, and is expressed in percentage terms, where 0% corresponds to grey and 100% to full colour.
Lightness is also expressed in percentage terms, where 0% corresponds to black and 100% to white.
HSLA is like RGBA in extending the colour format to include an opacity value. It is specified by
hsla(h,s,l,a), where a is the alpha parameter as above.
Appendix K: Miscellaneous CSS Property Values (Border Styles and Edge
Multi-Value Formats)
Value Description
dashed Dashed border
dotted Dotted border
double Double border
groove Effect depends on relevant border-color value (i.e. value of border-
color, border-bottom-color, border-left-color, border-right-color or
hidden Same as "none" except when there are border conflicts
inset Effect depends on relevant border-color value
none (default value). No border
outset Effect depends on relevant border-color value
ridge Effect depends on relevant border-color value
solid Solid border
Several aggregate CSS edge (border, margin, padding) properties can take multiple values.
Depending on the number of values supplied the rule for deciding which value is applied to which
edge is given below:
Appendix L: Default CSS Styles Applied to HTML Elements
The default CSS styles applied to different renderable HTML elements supported by HTML 5 are se t
out below.
For those that do have a default, occasionally this is browser specific, but usually it fol l ows ce rtai n
del <del> text-decoration: line-through;
details <details> display: block;
dfn <dfn> font-style: italic;
div <div> display: block;
dl <dl> display: block;
margin: 1em 0 1em 0;
dt <dt> display: block;
em <em> font-style: italic;
embed:focus <embed> outline: none;
fieldset <fieldset> display: block;
margin: 0 2px;
padding: 0.35em 0.75em 0.625em;
border: 2px groove (and internal value);
figcaption <figcaption> display: block;
figure <figure> display: block;
margin: 1em 40px;
footer <footer> display: block;
form <form> display: block;
margin-top: 0em;
h1 <h1> display: block;
font-size: 2em;
margin: 0.67em 0;
font-weight: bold;
h2 <h2> display: block;
font-size: 1.5em;
margin: 0.83em 0;
font-weight: bold;
h3 <h3> display: block;
font-size: 1.17em;
margin: 1em 0;
font-weight: bold;
h4 <h4> display: block;
margin: 1.33em 0;
font-weight: bold;
h5 <h5> display: block;
font-size: 0.83em;
margin-top: 1.67em 0;
font-weight: bold;
h6 <h6> display: block;
font-size: 0.67em;
margin-top: 2.33em 0;
font-weight: bold;
header <header> display: block;
hr <hr> display: block;
margin: 0.5em auto;
border-style: inset;
border-width: 1px;
html <html> display: block;
html:focus <html> outline: none;
i <i> font-style: italic;
iframe:focus <iframe> outline: none;
iframe[seamless] <iframe> display: block;
img <img> display: inline-block;
ins <ins> text-decoration: underline;
kbd <kbd> font-family: monospace;
label <label> cursor: default;
legend <legend> display: block;
padding: 0 2px;
border: none;
li <li> display: list-item;
link <link> display: none;
map <map> display: inline;
mark <mark> background-color: yellow;
color: black;
menu <menu> display: block;
list-style-type: disc;
margin: 1em 0;
padding-left: 40px;
nav <nav> display: block;
object:focus <object> outline: none;
ol <ol> display: block;
list-style-type: decimal;
margin: 1em 0;
padding-left: 40px;
output <output> display: inline;
p <p> display: block;
margin: 1em 0;
param <param> display: none;
pre <pre> display: block;
font-family: monospace;
white-space: pre;
margin: 1em 0;
q <q> display: inline;
q::before <q> content: open-quote;
q::after <q> content: close-quote;
rt <rt> line-height: normal;
s <s> text-decoration: line-through;
samp <samp> font-family: monospace;
script <script> display: none;
section <section> display: block;
small <small> font-size: smaller;
strong <strong> font-weight: bold;
style <style> display: none;
sub <sub> vertical-align: sub;
font-size: smaller;
summary <summary> display: block;
sup <sup> vertical-align: super;
font-size: smaller;
table <table> display: table;
border-collapse: separate;
border-spacing: 2px;
border-color: gray;
tbody <tbody> display: table-row-group;
vertical-align: middle;
border-color: inherit;
td <td> display: table-cell;
vertical-align: inherit;
tfoot <tfoot> display: table-footer-group;
vertical-align: middle;
border-color: inherit;
th <th> display: table-cell;
vertical-align: inherit;
font-weight: bold;
text-align: center;
thead <thead> display: table-header-group;
vertical-align: middle;
border-color: inherit;
title <title> display: none;
tr <tr> display: table-row;
vertical-align: inherit;
border-color: inherit;
u <u> text-decoration: underline;
ul <ul> display: block;
list-style-type: disc;
margin: 1em 0;
padding-left: 40px;
var <var> font-style: italic;
Appendix M: HTML Special Characters
HTML markup includes some for special characters. The most frequently used are characters that if
they appeared directly would be understood by HTML to relate to markup (see
HTMLTutorialSpecialCharacters for further details).
Each of these markups is preceded by an ampersand, i.e. "&", followed by the markup name,
followed by a semicolon, i.e. ";":
character name Unicode hex code (decimal)
amp & ampersand U+0026 (38)
quot " quotation mark U+0022 (34)
apos ' apostrophe U+0027 (39)
lt < less than sign U+003C (60)
gt > greater than sign U+003E (62)
nbsp non-breaking space U+00A0 (160)
iexcl ¡ inverted exclamation mark U+00A1 (161)
cent ¢ cent sign U+00A2 (162)
pound £ pound sign U+00A3 (163)
curren ¤ currency sign U+00A4 (164)
yen ¥ yen (yuan) sign U+00A5 (165)
brvbar ¦ broken vertical bar U+00A6 (166)
sect § section sign U+00A7 (167)
uml ¨ diaeresis(or umlaut) U+00A8 (168)
copy © copyright symbol U+00A9 (169)
ordf ª feminine ordinal indicator U+00AA (170)
laquo « left-pointing double angle quotation mark U+00AB (171)
not ¬ not sign U+00AC (172)
shy soft (discretionary) hyphen U+00AD (173)
reg ® registered trademark symbol U+00AE (174)
macr ¯ macron U+00AF (175)
deg ° degree symbol U+00B0 (176)
plusmn ± plus-minus sign U+00B1 (177)
sup2 ² superscript two U+00B2 (178)
sup3 ³ superscript three U+00B3 (179)
acute ´ acute accent U+00B4 (180)
micro µ micro sign U+00B5 (181)
para ¶ paragraph sign U+00B6 (182)
middot · middle dot U+00B7 (183)
cedil ¸ cedilla U+00B8 (184)
sup1 ¹ superscript one U+00B9 (185)
ordm º masculine ordinal indicator U+00BA (186)
raquo » right-pointing double angle quotation mark U+00BB (187)
frac14 ¼ fraction one quarter U+00BC (188)
frac12 ½ fraction one half U+00BD (189)
frac34 ¾ fraction three quarters U+00BE (190)
iquest ¿ inverted question mark U+00BF (191)
Agrave À Latin capital letter A with grave accent U+00C0 (192)
Aacute Á Latin capital letter A with acute accent U+00C1 (193)
Acirc  Latin capital letter A with circumflex U+00C2 (194)
Atilde à Latin capital letter A with tilde U+00C3 (195)
Auml Ä Latin capital letter A with diaeresis U+00C4 (196)
Aring Å Latin capital letter A with ring above U+00C5 (197)
AElig Æ Latin capital letter AE U+00C6 (198)
Ccedil Ç Latin capital letter C with cedilla U+00C7 (199)
Egrave È Latin capital letter E with grave accent U+00C8 (200)
Eacute É Latin capital letter E with acute accent U+00C9 (201)
Ecirc Ê Latin capital letter E with circumflex U+00CA (202)
Euml Ë Latin capital letter E with diaeresis U+00CB (203)
Igrave Ì Latin capital letter I with grave accent U+00CC (204)
Iacute Í Latin capital letter I with acute accent U+00CD (205)
Icirc Î Latin capital letter I with circumflex U+00CE (206)
Iuml Ï Latin capital letter I with diaeresis U+00CF (207)
ETH Ð Latin capital letter Eth U+00D0 (208)
Ntilde Ñ Latin capital letter N with tilde U+00D1 (209)
Ograve Ò Latin capital letter O with grave accent U+00D2 (210)
Oacute Ó Latin capital letter O with acute accent U+00D3 (211)
Ocirc Ó Latin capital letter O with circumflex U+00D4 (212)
Otilde Õ Latin capital letter O with tilde U+00D5 (213)
Ouml Ö Latin capital letter O with diaeresis U+00D6 (214)
times × multiplication sign U+00D7 (215)
Latin capital letter O with stroke (Latin
Oslash Ø U+00D8 (216)
capital letter O slash)
Ugrave Ù Latin capital letter U with grave accent U+00D9 (217)
Uacute Ú Latin capital letter U with acute accent U+00DA (218)
Ucirc Û Latin capital letter U with circumflex U+00DB (219)
Uuml Ü Latin capital letter U with diaeresis U+00DC (220)
Yacute Ý Latin capital letter Y with acute accent U+00DD (221)
THORN Þ Latin capital letter THORN U+00DE (222)
szlig ß Latin small letter sharp s, i.e. German Eszett U+00DF (223)
agrave à Latin small letter a with grave accent U+00E0 (224)
aacute á Latin small letter a with acute accent U+00E1 (225)
acirc â Latin small letter a with circumflex U+00E2 (226)
atilde ã Latin small letter a with tilde U+00E3 (227)
auml ã Latin small letter a with diaeresis U+00E4 (228)
aring å Latin small letter a with ring above U+00E5 (229)
aelig æ Latin small letter ae U+00E6 (230)
ccedil ç Latin small letter c with cedilla U+00E7 (231)
egrave è Latin small letter e with grave accent U+00E8 (232)
eacute é Latin small letter e with acute accent U+00E9 (233)
ecirc ê Latin small letter e with circumflex U+00EA (234)
euml ë Latin small letter e with diaeresis U+00EB (235)
igrave ì Latin small letter i with grave accent U+00EC (236)
iacute í Latin small letter i with acute accent U+00ED (237)
icirc î Latin small letter i with circumflex U+00EE (238)
iuml ï Latin small letter i with diaeresis U+00EF (239)
eth ð Latin small letter eth U+00F0 (240)
ntilde ñ Latin small letter n with tilde U+00F1 (241)
ograve ò Latin small letter o with grave accent U+00F2 (242)
oacute ó Latin small letter o with acute accent U+00F3 (243)
ocirc ô Latin small letter o with circumflex U+00F4 (244)
otilde õ Latin small letter o with tilde U+00F5 (245)
ouml ö Latin small letter o with diaeresis U+00F6 (246)
divide ÷ division sign (obelus) U+00F7 (247)
Latin small letter o with stroke (Latin small
oslash ø U+00F8 (248)
letter o slash)
ugrave ù Latin small letter u with grave accent U+00F9 (249)
uacute ú Latin small letter u with acute accent U+00FA (250)
ucirc û Latin small letter u with circumflex U+00FB (251)
uuml ü Latin small letter u with diaeresis U+00FC (252)
yacute ý Latin small letter y with acute accent U+00FD (253)
thorn þ Latin small letter thorn U+00FE (254)
yuml ÿ Latin small letter y with diaeresis U+00FF (255)
OElig Œ Latin capital ligature oe U+0152 (338)
oelig œ Latin small ligature oe U+0153 (339)
Scaron Š Latin capital letter s with caron U+0160 (352)
scaron š Latin small letter s with caron U+0161 (353)
Yuml Ÿ Latin capital letter y with diaeresis U+0178 (376)
Latin small letter f with hook (function,
fnof ƒ U+0192 (402)
circ ˆ modifier letter circumflex accent U+02C6 (710)
tilde ˜ small tilde U+02DC (732)
Alpha Α Greek capital letter Alpha U+0391 (913)
Beta Β Greek capital letter Beta U+0392 (914)
Gamma Γ Greek capital letter Gamma U+0393 (915)
Delta Δ Greek capital letter Delta U+0394 (916)
Epsilon Ε Greek capital letter Epsilon U+0395 (917)
Zeta Ζ Greek capital letter Zeta U+0396 (918)
Eta Η Greek capital letter Eta U+0397 (919)
Theta Θ Greek capital letter Theta U+0398 (920)
Iota Ι Greek capital letter Iota U+0399 (921)
Kappa Κ Greek capital letter Kappa U+039A (922)
Lambda Λ Greek capital letter Lambda U+039B (923)
Mu Μ Greek capital letter Mu U+039C (924)
Nu Ν Greek capital letter Nu U+039D (925)
Xi Ξ Greek capital letter Xi U+039E (926)
Omicron Ο Greek capital letter Omicron U+039F (927)
Pi Π Greek capital letter Pi U+03A0 (928)
Rho Ρ Greek capital letter Rho U+03A1 (929)
Sigma Σ Greek capital letter Sigma U+03A3 (931)
Tau Τ Greek capital letter Tau U+03A4 (932)
Upsilon Υ Greek capital letter Upsilon U+03A5 (933)
Phi Φ Greek capital letter Phi U+03A6 (934)
Chi Χ Greek capital letter Chi U+03A7 (935)
Psi Ψ Greek capital letter Psi U+03A8 (936)
Omega Ω Greek capital letter Omega U+03A9 (937)
alpha α Greek small letter alpha U+03B1 (945)
beta β Greek small letter beta U+03B2 (946)
gamma γ Greek small letter gamma U+03B3 (947)
delta δ Greek small letter delta U+03B4 (948)
epsilon ε Greek small letter epsilon U+03B5 (949)
zeta ζ Greek small letter zeta U+03B6 (950)
eta η Greek small letter eta U+03B7 (951)
theta θ Greek small letter theta U+03B8 (952)
iota ι Greek small letter iota U+03B9 (953)
kappa κ Greek small letter kappa U+03BA (954)
lambda λ Greek small letter lambda U+03BB (955)
mu μ Greek small letter mu U+03BC (956)
nu ν Greek small letter nu U+03BD (957)
xi ξ Greek small letter xi U+03BE (958)
omicron ο Greek small letter omicron U+03BF (959)
pi π Greek small letter pi U+03C0 (960)
rho ρ Greek small letter rho U+03C1 (961)
sigmaf ς Greek small letter final sigma U+03C2 (962)
sigma σ Greek small letter sigma U+03C3 (963)
tau τ Greek small letter tau U+03C4 (964)
upsilon υ Greek small letter upsilon U+03C5 (965)
phi φ Greek small letter phi U+03C6 (966)
chi χ Greek small letter chi U+03C7 (967)
psi ψ Greek small letter psi U+03C8 (968)
omega ω Greek small letter omega U+03C9 (969)
thetasym ϑ Greek theta symbol U+03D1 (977)
upsih ϒ Greek Upsilon with hook symbol U+03D2 (978)
piv ϖ Greek pi symbol U+03D6 (982)
ensp en space[d] U+2002 (8194)
emsp em space[d] U+2003 (8195)
thinsp thin space[d] U+2009 (8201)
zwnj zero-width non-joiner U+200C (8204)
zwj zero-width joiner U+200D (8205)
lrm left-to-right mark U+200E (8206)
rlm right-to-left mark U+200F (8207)
ndash – en dash U+2013 (8211)
mdash — em dash U+2014 (8212)
lsquo ‘ left single quotation mark U+2018 (8216)
rsquo ’ right single quotation mark U+2019 (8217)
sbquo ‚ single low-9 quotation mark U+201A (8218)
ldquo “ left double quotation mark U+201C (8220)
rdquo ” right double quotation mark U+201D (8221)
bdquo „ double low-9 quotation mark U+201E (8222)
dagger † dagger, obelisk U+2020 (8224)
Dagger ‡ double dagger, double obelisk U+2021 (8225)
bull • bullet (black small circle) U+2022 (8226)
hellip … horizontal ellipsis (three dot leader) U+2026 (8230)
permil ‰ per mille sign U+2030 (8240)
prime ′ prime (minutes, feet) U+2032 (8242)
Prime ″ double prime (seconds, inches) U+2033 (8243)
lsaquo ‹ single left-pointing angle quotation mark U+2039 (8249)
rsaquo › single right-pointing angle quotation mark U+203A (8250)
oline ‾ overline (spacing overscore) U+203E (8254)
frasl ⁄ fraction slash (solidus) U+2044 (8260)
euro € euro sign U+20AC (8364)
image ℑ black-letter capital I (imaginary part) U+2111 (8465)
weierp ℘ script capital P (power set, Weierstrass p) U+2118 (8472)
real ℜ black-letter capital R (real part symbol) U+211C (8476)
trade ™ trademark symbol U+2122 (8482)
alefsym ℵ alef symbol (first transfinite cardinal) U+2135 (8501)
larr ← leftwards arrow U+2190 (8592)
uarr ↑ upwards arrow U+2191 (8593)
rarr → rightwards arrow U+2192 (8594)
darr ↓ downwards arrow U+2193 (8595)
harr ↔ left right arrow U+2194 (8596)
downwards arrow with corner leftwards
crarr ↵ U+21B5 (8629)
(carriage return)
lArr ⇐ leftwards double arrow U+21D0 (8656)
uArr ⇑ upwards double arrow U+21D1 (8657)
rArr ⇒ rightwards double arrow U+21D2 (8658)
dArr ⇓ downwards double arrow U+21D3 (8659)
hArr ⇔ left right double arrow U+21D4 (8660)
forall ∀ for all U+2200 (8704)
part ∂ partial differential U+2202 (8706)
exist ∃ there exists U+2203 (8707)
empty ∅ empty set (null set) U+2205 (8709)
nabla ∇ del or nabla (vector differential operator) U+2207 (8711)
isin ∈ element of U+2208 (8712)
notin ∉ not an element of U+2209 (8713)
ni ∋ contains as member U+220B (8715)
prod ∏ n-ary product (product sign) U+220F (8719)
sum ∑ n-ary summation U+2211 (8721)
minus − minus sign U+2212 (8722)
lowast ∗ asterisk operator U+2217 (8727)
radic √ square root (radical sign) U+221A (8730)
prop ∝ proportional to U+221D (8733)
infin ∞ infinity U+221E (8734)
ang ∠ angle U+2220 (8736)
and ∧ logical and (wedge) U+2227 (8743)
or ∨ logical or (vee) U+2228 (8744)
cap ∩ intersection (cap) U+2229 (8745)
cup ∪ union (cup) U+222A (8746)
int ∫ integral U+222B (8747)
there4 ∴ therefore sign U+2234 (8756)
sim ∼ tilde operator (varies with, similar to) U+223C (8764)
cong ≅ congruent to U+2245 (8773)
asymp ≈ almost equal to (asymptotic to) U+2248 (8776)
ne ≠ not equal to U+2260 (8800)
equiv ≡ identical to or 'equivalent to' U+2261 (8801)
le ≤ less-than or equal to U+2264 (8804)
ge ≥ greater-than or equal to U+2265 (8805)
sub ⊂ subset of U+2282 (8834)
sup ⊃ superset of U+2283 (8835)
nsub ⊄ not a subset of U+2284 (8836)
sube ⊆ subset of or equal to U+2286 (8838)
supe ⊇ superset of or equal to U+2287 (8839)
oplus ⊕ circled plus (direct sum) U+2295 (8853)
otimes ⊗ circled times (vector product) U+2297 (8855)
perp ⊥ up tack (orthogonal to, perpendicular) U+22A5 (8869)
sdot ⋅ dot operator U+22C5 (8901)
lceil ⌈ left ceiling U+2308 (8968)
rceil ⌉ right ceiling U+2309 (8969)
lfloor ⌊ left floor U+230A (8970)
rfloor ⌋ right floor U+230B (8971)
lang ⟨ left-pointing angle bracket (bra) U+2329 (9001)
rang ⟩ right-pointing angle bracket (ket) U+232A (9002)
loz ◊ lozenge U+25CA (9674)
spades ♠ spade suit U+2660 (9824)
clubs ♣ club suit (shamrock) U+2663 (9827)
hearts ♥ heart suit (valentine) U+2665 (9829)
diams ♦ diamond suit U+2666 (9830)
Note: an ampersand "&" will usually display if it is not part of a special character, but it is better to
use HTML markup for it, i.e. &.
Appendix N: Markup Languages
[Nematrian website page: HTMLMarkupLanguages, © Nematrian 2017]
HTML is the main ‘markup’ language used for web pages and web applications. By a (digital) markup
language we mean a way of creating and interpreting a digital document in which the document
contains tags (and their attributes) that the software rendering the document interprets in a specific
way (but with the tags themselves and their attributes not typically directly appearing in the output
transmitted to the user). In what follows we will describe how this concept works with documents
concentrating on textual output, although the same concepts are also applicable to documents
containing other types of material (such as pictures or sounds).
There are many different mark-up languages used in different contexts. For example, LaTeX (and
TeX, the underlying mark-language on which LaTeX is based) is a tool for preparing mathematically
orientated documents. It uses the backslash character (“\”) and braces (“{” and “}”) to tell the
software rendering the document that relevant text needs to be interpreted in a specific manner.
Text of the form “E &= \frac{mc^2}{\sqrt{1-\frac{v^2}{c^2}}}” is rendered by a TeX viewer roughly
along the lines of the following:
𝑚𝑐 2
√1 − 𝑣 2
Here the “\frac{numerator}{denominator}” tells the software to render the text formed by the
numerator and the denominator as a fraction, and \sqrt{argument} tells the software to render the
text formed by the argument as a square root. Markup can be nested.
Certain features are shared by virtually all digital mark-up languages, including HTML. These are:
(a) The mark-up language needs to be specified and interpreted in a consistent fashion. This is
harder to arrange than it looks for languages that develop through time, since the equivalent
of different dialects can then be created.
At the time of writing, the latest formally adopted version of HTML is HTML 4.01 although
the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) issued HTML 5 as a formal recommendation in
October 2014 and has also developed a parallel XML based language, XHTML 5.1. XML
stands for “eXtensible Mark-up Language”. Most leading browsers will interpret an HTML
document using HTML 5 conventions, but some older browsers may not. Modern browsers
can be instructed to use older versions of the language if necessary by including a suitable
document-level tag. HTML 4 itself comes in three different versions, i.e. Strict, Transitional
and Frameset. These loosely-speaking correspond to how closely the document adheres to
the specific requirements of HTML 4.
(b) The language generally needs to be able to nest tags within other tags. This requi res the
language to have the concept of opening a tag and then closing it, with the text in-between
the opening and closing elements being interpreted in a specific manner. With TeX, the
nesting process makes use of open and close braces (“{” and “}” respe ctively). With HTML,
tags (more commonly called ‘elements’) generally take a form akin to <xxx> … </xxx>,
where the <xxx> opens the tag, the </xxx> closes the tag and the xxx represents the
type of tag involved. More sophisticated tags take the form:
<xxx yyy> … </xxx>
where the yyy defines the tag’s attributes, i.e. provides added information on (i.e.
attributes for) the element / tag.
For example, any text in a webpage between an opening <script> tag and the
corresponding closing </script> is generally interpreted as JavaScript code. Any text
between an opening <a> and a closing </a> is the text used when rendering a hyperlink.
The address of the document to which the hyperlink points is included as an element
attribute, e.g. the full tag might involve:
<a href=“”>
Introduction to Nematrian website </a>).
Some mark-up languages such as XML require all opened tags to be explicitly closed, e.g.
with any <x> ultimately closed by a </x> (or in XML it is possible to open and close a tag at
the same time, using a format such as <x />). Others, like HTML, do not require this
convention, if the tag never contains anything. For example, in HTML the tag <br> means
insert a carriage break, i.e. start a new line, and does not need to be followed by a </br>.
Appendix O: JavaScript Statements: Reserved Words
[Nematrian website page: JavaScriptStatements, © Nematrian 2017]
JavaScript statements identify instructions that are executed by the web browser. A summary of
JavaScript statements is given here.
Most JavaScript programs contain many statements, which are executed one by one in the order in
which they are written except when statement flow control is adjusted as above.
In JavaScript, the break statement breaks an iteration (in a loop) if a specific condition occurs,
moving to the next statement after the entire iteration (or when used inside a switch statement it
moves on to the next statement after then entire switch statement).
In JavaScript, the continue statement breaks an iteration (in a loop) if a specific condition occurs,
moving on to the next iteration.
do … while
In JavaScript, the do … while statement executes a block of statements, then repeats the block
while the condition remains true.
In JavaScript, the for statement identifies a block of statements that are to be executed whilst a
condition is true (and a break or to some extent a continue statement have not been triggered).
var sumi = 0;
var i;
for (i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {sumi = sumi + i}
will loop through from i=1 to i=5 and calculate the sum (i.e. 1+2+3+4+5 = 15)
for … in
In JavaScript, the for … in statement marks a block of statements to be executed for each
element of an object (or array, although with an array it is typically better to use the for statement
and to iterate over the indices of the array elements).
if … else if … else
(1) if (…) {…}
(2) if (…) {…} else {…}
(3) if (…) {…} else if (…) {…}
The expression within the (first) normal brackets, i.e. within matching “(“ and “)”, should evaluate to
a Boolean (i.e. be a condition). If this condition is true then the next code block (within curly
brackets) will be executed, whilst if this condition is false and there is an else statement then the
code in the second curly brackets in (2) would be executed. The else if variant in (3) allows
further (potentially several nested) conditions to be included and can include a final else block as
per (2).
There is one further type of conditional statement, the switch statement, which is (typically) used
when there are multiple cases each of which would trigger execution of different code blocks.
In JavaScript, the return statement stops execution of a function and returns a value from that
var x;
switch(expression) {
case 1:
x = 10;
case 3:
x = 20;
x = 5;
In the above the expression would be evaluated. If its value was 1 then the code following the case
1 statement would be executed, if it was 2 then the code following the case 3 statement would
be executed, and if it was neither then the code immediately after the (optional) default
statement would be executed.
The format of this statement differs from e.g. the select … case … case else statement in
Visual Basic. The VB select statement results in only the code immediately following the relevant
case or case else statement being executed. In contrast, with JavaScript, all the code from the
relevant case statement to the end of the switch expression block is executed, until a break
statement is reached. So, in the above, if the first break statement was commented out then x
would become 20 if expression was either 1 or 3 (if it was one then it would be set to 10 but then
subsequently set to 20).
If expression evaluates to a Boolean (i.e. true or false) then it is more common to use the if (or
variants such as if … else) statement.
In JavaScript, the throw statement (often used in conjunction with the try … catch statement)
implements error handling. It throws an exception (technically an Error object).
The exception can be specified as just some text (e.g. throw "Error") or a number (e.g. throw
100) or more generally an error object, e.g. throw new Error(100,"Error").
In JavaScript, the try … catch … finally statement (often used in conjunction with the
throw statement) implements error handling. The statement takes e.g. the following format:
try {
catch(e) {
finally {
In the above, JavaScript will first try to execute code1. If an error occurs, e.g. the code cannot be
understood or is misspelt and the (optional) catch statement is present then instead of just stopping
(which would be the usual response to an error in the absence of a try statement) it moves to
code2. Regardless of the try / catch result, if there is an (optional) finally statement it will then
execute code3. The type of error thrown (which can be system specified or specified by the
developer using the throw statement is available through e, which is the name used in the code to
specify the local Error object identifying the error.
Note: the catch and finally statement components are both optional, but you typically need to
include at least one of them when using a try statement.
Error objects have two intrinsic properties, the .message property which contains a description of
the error and the .number property which contains the error number of the error. Note, some
browser suppliers e.g. Microsoft have additional non-standard properties such as .description,
which seems otherwise to be the same as .message but will not be recognised by non-Microsoft
browsers (so should be avoided if users are likely to use other browsers to view the relevant
Other modern object-orientated programming languages such as Visual Basic also typically now
include structured error handling like the above, but potentially with different forms of error object
and with the error object potentially more simply handling errors triggered within function calls.
In JavaScript, the while statement identifies block of statements that is repeatedly executed while
a condition is true.
Appendix P: JavaScript String Variables
var x = "Cat";
A string technically consists of a series (an ‘array’, except that a JavaScript array is a specific type of
variable) of characters, which is zero-indexed. So, if we assigned x the value of "Cat" then x[0]
would be "C", x[1] would be "a", etc.
Strings support the following properties and methods. Some of these involve regular expressions.
replace() Searches for matches within a string versus a Here
specified value (or regular expression) and returns a
string in which these are replaced by another string
search() Searches for matches within a string versus a Here
specified value or regular expression and returns the
position of first occurrence of a match (or -1 if there
is no match)
slice() Returns a new string formed by a part of the original Here
split() Returns an array of substrings that are created by Here
splitting the original string using a given delimiter
startsWith() Returns true if the string starts with a specified Here
string, otherwise returns false
substr() Returns a substring defined by the start position and Here
number of characters
substring() Returns a substring defined by the start and end Here
position (not including the end position). If the start
position is after the end position then the two are
treated as reversed.
toLocaleLowerCase() Returns a string that is the original string converted Here
to lower case characters, bearing in mind the
language settings of the browser (so sometimes does
not return the same as toLowerCase)
toLocaleUpperCase() Returns a string that is the original string converted Here
to upper case characters, bearing in mind the
language settings of the browser (so sometimes does
not return the same as toUpperCase)
toLowerCase() Returns a string that is the original string converted Here
to lower case characters
toString() Returns the (string) value of a string Here
toUpperCase Returns a string that is the original string converted Here
to upper case characters
trim() Returns a string with whitespace (i.e. spaces) Here
removed from start and finish of string
valueOf() Returns the primitive value of an object. For a string, Here
this in effect just returns the string value of the string
To handle special characters, you ‘escape’ the character using an escape sequence starting with a
backslash character, typically followed by one of a handful of specially recognised characters (many
of which were originally designed to control typewriters, so do not make much sense in HTML), or by
a Unicode character of the form u followed by 4 hexadecimal characters. The following table lists a
few examples of such escape sequences.
\u000A \n Line feed (i.e. new line)
\u000D \r Carriage return
\u0009 \t Horizontal tab
\u000B \v Vertical tab
\u0027 \' Single quote, i.e. '
\u0022 \" Double quote, i.e. "
\u0020 Space
\u00A0 Non-breaking space
\u2028 Line separator
\u2029 Paragraph separator
Single quotation marks do not seem to need to be escaped in a string which is delimited by double
quotation marks and vice-versa, e.g. it is generally possible to define strings using e.g. the following,
without needing to escape the quotation mark contained in the string.
Some further quotation mark characters are included in the page on the CSS quotes property. Other
types of escaping that work in other HTML or CSS contexts (or even in JavaScript regular
expressions), e.g. using \005C rather than \u005C, do not necessarily work consistently or at all in
JavaScript. So, for cross-browser compatibility it is usually desirable to use either the short escape
sequence as above (if it exists) or a full Unicode escape sequence.
String properties:
The length property (for a JavaScript string) returns the length of the string. An empty string has
length 0.
String methods:
The charAt() method (when applied to a JavaScript string) returns the character at specified
index position (note: strings in JavaScript are zero index based, so the first character is at position
Parameter Required / Optional Description
indexvalue Required Integer indicating index (position) of character to
The charCodeAt() method (when applied to a JavaScript string) returns the Unicode character
code of the character at specified index position (note: strings in JavaScript are zero index based, so
the first character is at position zero).
The concat() method (when applied to a JavaScript string) returns the result of joining two or
more strings together.
string.concat(string1, string2, …)
The endsWith() method (when applied to a JavaScript string) returns true if the string ends with a
specified string, otherwise returns false.
string.endsWith(searchstring, length)
The fromCharCode() method (when applied to the JavaScript String object) converts Unicode
values into characters.
String.fromCharCode(n1, n2, …)
The includes() method (when applied to a JavaScript string) returns converts Unicode values
into characters.
string.includes(searchstring, start)
The indexOf() method (when applied to a JavaScript string) returns the position of the first
occurrence of a specified string in the string. It is case-sensitive. It returns -1 if the string being
searched for is not found.
string.indexOf(searchstring, start)
The lastIndexOf() method (when applied to a JavaScript String) returns the position of the last
occurrence of a specified string in the string. It is case-sensitive. It returns -1 if the string being
searched for is not found.
string.lastIndexOf(searchstring, start)
The localeCompare() method (when applied to a JavaScript string) number which is -1 if string
is before specified (compare) string in ascending sort order, 0 if they are the same and +1 if string is
after specified string in ascending sort order. It is case-sensitive.
The match() method (when applied to a JavaScript string) searches the string for regular
expression matches, and returns them as an array. If the regular expression does not include a g
modifier (corresponding to a global search), match only returns the first match. If no match is found
then the method returns null.
The repeat() method (when applied to a JavaScript string) returns a string that repeats a
specified string a specified number of times.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters:
The replace() method (when applied to a JavaScript string) returns a string that repeats a
specified string a specified number of times.
If searchvalue is a normal string then only the first occurrence is replaced, if it occurs more than
once in the string being searched. If you want to replace all occurrences then you need to use a
corresponding regular expression with a /g, i.e. global, modifier.
The search() method (when applied to a JavaScript string) returns the position of the first
occurrence of the search value (or -1, if no match is found).
The slice() method (when applied to a JavaScript string) returns a new string formed by a part of
the original string.
The split() method (when applied to a JavaScript string) returns an array of substrings that are
created by splitting the original string using a given delimiter.
The startsWith() method (when applied to a JavaScript string) returns true if the string starts
with a specified string, otherwise returns false.
The substr() method (when applied to a JavaScript string) returns a substring defined by the start
position and number of characters.
The substring() method (when applied to a JavaScript string) returns a substring defined by the
start position and number of characters.
string.substring(startposition, endposition)
The toLocaleLowerCase() method (when applied to a JavaScript string) returns a string that is
the original string converted to lower case characters, bearing in mind the language settings of the
browser (so sometimes does not return the same as toLowerCase).
The toLocaleUpperCase() method (when applied to a JavaScript string) returns a string that is
the original string converted to lower case characters, bearing i n mind the language settings of the
browser (so sometimes does not return the same as toUpperCase).
The toLowerCase() method (when applied to a JavaScript string) returns a string that is the
original string converted to lower case characters, bearing in mind the language settings of the
The toString() method (when applied to a JavaScript string) returns the string value of the string
(i.e. itself).
The toUpperCase() method (when applied to a JavaScript string) returns a string that is the
original string converted to lower case characters, bearing in mind the language settings of the
The trim() method (when applied to a JavaScript string) returns a string with whitespace (i.e.
spaces) removed from start and finish of string.
The valueOf() method (when applied to a JavaScript string) returns the string value of the string
(i.e. itself).
Appendix Q: JavaScript Regular Expressions
Some JavaScript string methods and properties involve ‘regular expressions’. These take the form:
var x = /nematrian/i;
Regular expressions can include brackets to accept (or reject) a range of characters:
\xhh Character specified by (Ascii) hexadecimal number hh, Here
where each h is a hexadecimal digit)
Regular expressions can also have quantifiers with the following meanings, where s is a specified
The compile() method is depreciated and it is therefore recommended that it is not used.
i modifier
g modifier
The g modifier indicates that JavaScript should do a global match (i.e. find all matches rather than
just first one).
m modifier
Regular expressions can also include brackets to accept (or reject) a range of characters. An
expression containing [xyz] means find any character within the bracket.
Regular expressions can also include brackets to accept (or reject) a range of characters. An
expression containing [^xyz] means find any character not within the bracket.
Regular expressions can also include brackets to accept (or reject) a range of characters. An
expression containing [0-9] means find any character within a given range, here any digit.
A JavaScript regular expression takes the form: /pattern/modifiers
Regular expressions can also include brackets to accept (or reject) a range of characters. An
expression containing [^0-9] means find any character not within a given range, here any digit.
Regular expressions can also include brackets to accept (or reject) a range of characters. An
expression containing [a|b|cd] means find any from a set of specific alternatives.
“.” character
The character “.” in a regular expression has a special meaning, namely a single character, other
than a new line or line terminator.
“\0” character
The character sequence \0 in a regular expression has a special meaning, namely a NUL character.
“\xxx” character
The character sequence \xxx in a regular expression (where each x is an octal digit) has a special
meaning, namely the character specified by a given octal number xxx.
“\b” character
The character sequence \b in a regular expression has a special meaning, namely to match at the
beginning/end of a word.
“\B” character
The character sequence \B in a regular expression has a special meaning, namely to match not at
the beginning/end of a word.
“\d” character
The character sequence \d in a regular expression has a special meaning, namely a digit.
“\D” character
The character sequence \D in a regular expression has a special meaning, namely a non-digit.
“\f” character
The character sequence \f in a regular expression has a special meaning, namely a form feed.
“\n” character
The character sequence \n in a regular expression has a special meaning, namely a new line.
“\r” character
The character sequence \r in a regular expression has a special meaning, namely a carriage return.
“\s” character
The character sequence \s in a regular expression has a special meaning, namely a whitespace.
“\S” character
The character sequence \S in a regular expression has a special meaning, namely a non-whitespace.
“\t” character
The character sequence \t in a regular expression has a special meaning, namely a (horizontal) tab.
“\uhhhh” character
The character sequence \uhhhh in a regular expression (where each h is a hexadecimal digit) has a
special meaning, namely the character specified by the (Unicode) hexadecimal number hhhh.
“\v” character
The character sequence \v in a regular expression has a special meaning, namely a vertical tab.
“\w” character
The character sequence \w in a regular expression has a special meaning, namely a word character.
“\W” character
The character sequence \W in a regular expression has a special meaning, namely a non-word
“\xhh” character
The character sequence \xhh in a regular expression (where each h is a hexadecimal digit) has a
special meaning, namely the character specified by a given hexadecimal number hh.
“+” quantifier
If a component of a regular expression has a “+” qualifier, i.e. takes the form s+, then this means
that it contains at least one s.
“*” quantifier
If a component of a regular expression has a “*” qualifier, i.e. takes the form s*, then this means
that it contains zero or more occurrences of s.
“?” quantifier
If a component of a regular expression has a “?” qualifier, i.e. takes the form s?, then this means
that it contains zero or one occurrences of s.
“s{n}” quantifier
If a component of a regular expression takes the form s{n} then this means that it contains a
sequence of n s’s.
“s{n1,n2}” quantifier
If a component of a regular expression takes the form s{n1,n2} then this means that i t contai ns a
sequence of n1 to n2 s’s.
“s{n,}” quantifier
If a component of a regular expression takes the form s{n,} then this means that it contains a
sequence of at least n s’s.
“s$” quantifier
If a component of a regular expression takes the form s$ then this means that it has s at the end.
“^s” quantifier
If a component of a regular expression takes the form ^s then this means that it has s at the start.
“?=s” quantifier
If a component of a regular expression takes the form ?=s then this means that it is a string followed
by s.
“?!s” quantifier
If a component of a regular expression takes the form ?!s then this means that it is a string not
followed by s.
The global property of a JavaScript regular expression indicates if the g modifier is set withi n the
regular expression.
The ignoreCase property of a JavaScript regular expression indicates if the i modifier is set
within the regular expression.
The lastIndex property of a JavaScript regular expression indicates the index value at which to
start the next match.
The multiline property of a JavaScript regular expression indicates if the m modifier is set wi thi n
the regular expression.
The source property of a JavaScript regular expression returns the text of the regul ar e xpression
The exec() method (when applied to a JavaScript regular expression) seeks a match in a string and
returns the first match.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It returns a string as above, or null if no
such string is found.
The test() method (when applied to a JavaScript regular expression) seeks a match in a string and
returns true if found, otherwise false.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It returns a Boolean as above.
The toString() method (when applied to a JavaScript regular expression) returns the string value
of the regular expression.
Appendix R: JavaScript Numbers and Mathematical Functions
JavaScript has only one type of number (in contrast to, e.g. Visual Basic, which differentiates
between e.g. integers, floating point numbers and double precision numbers). Numbers can be
written with or without decimal points and/or with or without (scientific) exponents, e.g.
fixed number of digits after the decimal point
toPrecision() Returns a string representing the number with a Here
fixed number of significant digits
toString() Returns a string corresponding to the number Here
valueOf() Returns the primitive value of an object. For a Here
number, this in effect just returns the number itself
Associated with numbers is the JavaScript Math object. This allows authors to carry out some
mathematical manipulations. It supports the following properties and methods:
Number properties:
The MAX_VALUE property (of the JavaScript Number object) returns the largest finite value
acceptable in JavaScript.
The MIN_VALUE property (of the JavaScript Number object) returns the smallest (positive) value
acceptable in JavaScript.
The NaN property (of the JavaScript Number object) returns NaN (i.e. ‘not a number’).
The NEGATIVE_INFINITY property (of the JavaScript Number object) returns negative infinity.
The POSITIVE_INFINITY property (of the JavaScript Number object) returns positive infinity.
It has the following syntax:
Number methods:
The isFinite() method (of the JavaScript Number object) returns true if value is a finite
number, otherwise returns false.
The Number.isFinite method is subtly different to the global isFinite function. The latter
coerces a value to a number before testing it, whilst the former does not. So,
Number.isFinite("4.3") returns false, whilst isFinite("4.3") returns true.
The isInteger() method (of the JavaScript Number object) returns true if value is of type
Number and is an integer (within range understood as integers by the browser), otherwise returns
The isNaN() method (of the JavaScript Number object) returns true if value is of type Number
and is an integer (within range understood as integers by the browser), otherwise returns false.
Parameter Required / Optional Description
x Required Input parameter
The Number.isNaN method is subtly different to the global isNaN function. The latter coerces a
value to a number before testing it, whilst the former does not. So, Number.isNaN("NaN")
returns false, whilst isNaN("NaN") returns true.
The isSafeInteger() method (of the JavaScript Number object) returns true if value is of type
Number and is a safe integer, otherwise false. A safe integer is one that can be exactly represented
as an IEEE-754 double precision number, i.e. is an integer in the range -(253 - 1) to (253 - 1).
The toFixed() method (when applied to JavaScript numbers) returns a string representing the
number with a fixed number of digits after the decimal point.
n Optional (default is 0), Integer indicating number of digits after
decimal point
The toPrecision() method (when applied to JavaScript numbers) returns a string representing
the number with a fixed number of significant digits.
The toString() method (when applied to JavaScript numbers) returns a string corresponding to
the number.
The valueOf() method (when applied to JavaScript numbers) returns the primitive value of the
number (i.e. itself).
The E property (of the Math object) returns (Euler’s) constant, 𝑒, i.e. the limit of (1 + 1⁄𝑛) 𝑛 as 𝑛
tends to plus infinity.
It has the following syntax:
The LN2 property (of the Math object) returns the natural logarithm of 2.
The LN10 property (of the Math object) returns the natural logarithm of 10.
The LOG2E property (of the Math object) returns the base-2 logarithm of 𝑒.
The LOG10E property (of the Math object) returns the base-10 logarithm of 𝑒.
The PI property (of the Math object) returns 𝜋 (the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter).
It has the following syntax:
The abs() method (of the Math object) returns the absolute value of a real number.
The acos() method (of the Math object) returns the (principal) arccosine of a real number.
x Required Input parameter
The asin() method (of the Math object) returns the (principal) arcsine of a real number.
The atan() method (of the Math object) returns the (principal) arctangent of a real number.
The atan2() method (of the Math object) returns the (principal) arctangent of a real number.
Note: many computer languages have an atan2 function, but the ordering of the parameters is not
the same across all languages
The ceil() method (of the Math object) rounds a real number towards positive infinity.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters:
The cos() method (of the Math object) returns the cosine of a real number.
The exp() method (of the Math object) returns the exponential of a real number (i.e. 𝑒 𝑥 ).
The floor() method (of the Math object) rounds a real number towards negative infinity.
The log() method (of the Math object) returns the natural logarithm of a positive real number.
The max() method (of the Math object) returns the maximum of a set of real numbers.
The min() method (of the Math object) returns the minimum of a set of real numbers.
The pow() method (of the Math object) returns x to the power y. Note, ^ has a different meaning in
Math.pow(x, y)
The random() method (of the Math object) returns x to the power y. Note, ^ has a different
meaning in JavaScript.
The round() method (of the Math object) rounds a real number to the nearest integer.
The sin() method (of the Math object) returns the sine of a real number.
The sqrt() method (of the Math object) returns the square root of a real (non-negative) number.
The tan() method (of the Math object) returns the tangent of a real number.
Appendix S: JavaScript Dates
JavaScript date variables are objects and contain dates and times. They can be instantiated in 4
Here milliseconds refers to the number of milliseconds since 1 January 1970 00:00:00. A dateString is
a textual representation of a date.
milliseconds since 1 January 1970 00:00:00
setDate() Sets day of month Here
setFullYear() Sets year (and optionally month and day) Here
setHours() Sets hours (and optionally minutes, seconds and Here
setMilliseconds() Sets miliseconds Here
setMinutes() Sets minutes (and optionally seconds and Here
setMonth() Sets month (and optionally day) Here
setSeconds() Sets seconds (and optionally milliseconds) Here
setTime() Sets a date given a specified number of milliseconds Here
since 1 January 1970 00:00:00
setUTCDate() Sets UTC day of month Here
setUTCFullYear() Sets UTC year (and optionally month and day) Here
setUTCHours() Sets UTC hours (and optionally minutes, seconds Here
and milliseconds)
setUTCMilliseconds() Sets UTC miliseconds Here
setUTCMinutes() Sets UTC minutes (and optionally seconds and Here
setUTCMonth() Sets UTC month (and optionally day) Here
setUTCSeconds() Sets UTC seconds (and optionally milliseconds) Here
setYear() Depreciated. Use setFullYear() instead
toDateString() Returns date portion as a string Here
toGMTString() Depreciated. Use toUTCString() instead
toISOString() Returns date as a string, using ISO notation Here
toJSON() Returns date as a string, using JSON notation Here
toLocaleDateString() Returns date portion as a string, using locale- Here
specified notation
toLocaleTimeString() Returns time portion as a string, using locale- Here
specified notation
toLocaleString() Returns date (and time) as a string, using locale- Here
specified notation
toString() Returns date (and time) as a string Here
toUTCString() Returns UTC date (and time) as a string Here
UTC() Returns number of UTC milliseconds since 1 January Here
1970 00:00:00
valueOf() Returns the primitive value of the object Here
Date methods
The getDate() method (when applied to a JavaScript date) returns the day of the month (1 to 31).
The getDay() method (when applied to a JavaScript date) returns the day of the week (0 to 6).
The getFullYear() method (when applied to a JavaScript date) returns the year.
The getHours() method (when applied to a JavaScript date) returns the hour (0 to 23).
The getMilliseconds() method (when applied to a JavaScript date) returns the milliseconds (0
to 999).
The getMinutes() method (when applied to a JavaScript date) returns the minutes (0 to 59).
The getMonth() method (when applied to a JavaScript date) returns the month (0 to 11).
The getSeconds() method (when applied to a JavaScript date) returns the seconds (0 to 59).
The getTime() method (when applied to a JavaScript date) returns the number of milliseconds
since 1 January 1970 00:00:00.
The getTimezoneOffset() method (when applied to a JavaScript date) returns the time
difference between UTC time and local time, in minutes.
The getUTCDate() method (when applied to a JavaScript date) returns the UTC day of the month
(1 to 31).
It has the following syntax (with no parameters):
The getUTCDay() method (when applied to a JavaScript date) returns the UTC day of the week (0
to 6).
The getUTCFullYears() method (when applied to a JavaScript date) returns the UTC year.
The getUTCHours() method (when applied to a JavaScript date) returns the UTC hour (0 to 23).
The getUTCMilliseconds() method (when applied to a JavaScript date) returns the UTC
milliseconds (0 to 999).
The getUTCMinutes() method (when applied to a JavaScript date) returns the UTC minutes (0 to
The getUTCMonth() method (when applied to a JavaScript date) returns the UTC month (0 to 11).
The getUTCSeconds() method (when applied to a JavaScript date) returns the UTC seconds (0 to
The now() method (when applied to the JavaScript Date object) returns the current date and time,
as number of milliseconds since 1 January 1970 00:00:00.
The parse() method (when applied to the JavaScript Date object) Parses a dateString and returns
the number of milliseconds since 1 January 1970 00:00:00.
The setDate() method (when applied to a JavaScript date) sets the date variable’s day of month.
The setFullYear() method (when applied to a JavaScript date) sets the date variable’s year
(and optionally its month and day).
previous month, -1 the day before that etc., and e.g.
32 for a 30-day month will be second day of following
The setHours() method (when applied to a JavaScript date) sets the date variable’s hour (and
optionally its minute, second and millisecond).
The setMilliseconds() method (when applied to a JavaScript date) sets the date variable’s
The setMinutes() method (when applied to a JavaScript date) sets the date variable’s minute
(and optionally its second and millisecond).
The setMonth() method (when applied to a JavaScript date) sets the date variable’s month (and
optionally its day)
date.setMonth(month, day)
The setSeconds() method (when applied to a JavaScript date) sets the date variable’s second
(and optionally its millisecond).
The setTime() method (when applied to a JavaScript date) sets the date given a specified number
of milliseconds since 1 January 1970 00:00:00.
The setUTCDate() method (when applied to a JavaScript date) sets the date variable’s UTC day
of month.
The setUTCFullYear() method (when applied a JavaScript date) sets the date variable’s UTC
year (and optionally its month and day).
The setUTCHours() method (when applied to a JavaScript date) sets the date variable’s UTC
hour (and optionally its minute, second and millisecond).
range 0 – 999. However, e.g. 0 will result in last
millisecond of previous second, 1000 will result in
first millisecond of next second, etc.
The setUTCMilliseconds() method (when applied to a JavaScript date) sets the date
variable’s UTC millisecond.
The setUTCMinutes() method (when applied to a JavaScript date) sets the date variable’s UTC
minute (and optionally its second and millisecond).
The setUTCMonth() method (when applied to a JavaScript date) sets the date variable’s UTC
month (and optionally its day)
date.setUTCMonth(month, day)
The setUTCSeconds() method (when applied to a JavaScript date) sets the date variable’s UTC
second (and optionally its millisecond).
The toDateString() method (when applied to a JavaScript date) returns the date portion as a
The toISOString() method (when applied to a JavaScript date) returns the date as a string,
using ISO notation.
The toJSON() method (when applied to a JavaScript date) returns the date as a string, using JSON
The toLocaleDateString() method (when applied to a JavaScript date) returns the date
portion as a string, using locale-specified notation.
The toLocaleString() method (when applied to a JavaScript date) returns the date (and time)
as a string, using locale-specified notation.
The toLocaleTimeString() method (when applied to a JavaScript date) returns the time
portion as a string, using locale-specified notation.
It has the following syntax (with no parameters):
The toString() method (when applied to a JavaScript date) returns the date (and time) as a
The toUTCString() method (when applied to a JavaScript date) returns the UTC date (and time)
as a string.
The UTC() method (when applied to the JavaScript Date object) returns number of UTC
milliseconds since 1 January 1970 00:00:00.
hour Optional Integer representing hour. Typically, will be in range 0
– 23. However, e.g. -1 will result in the last hour of
the previous day, 24 will result in the first hour of the
next day, etc.
minute Optional Integer representing minutes. Typically, will be in
range 0 – 59. However, e.g. -1 will result in last
minute of previous hour, 60 will result in first minute
of next hour, etc.
second Optional Integer representing seconds. Typically, will be in
range 0 – 59. However, e.g. 0 will result in last second
of previous minute, 60 will result in first second of
next minute, etc.
millisecond Optional Integer representing milliseconds. Typically, will be in
range 0 – 999. However, e.g. 0 will result in last
millisecond of previous second, 1000 will result in
first millisecond of next second, etc.
The valueOf() method (when applied to a JavaScript date) returns the primitive value of the
Appendix T: JavaScript Booleans
JavaScript Boolean variables take one of two values, true or false. They are instantiated by a
statement such as:
var b = true;
You can usually use the global Boolean() function to identify whether an expression is true or false,
although it is simpler just to use operators that return Boolean outputs, e.g. Boolean(2 > 1),
(2 > 1) or even 2 > 1 all return true. It is worth noting that the global Boolean() function
returns an object and this can in some circumstances behave counterintuitively relative to the
primitive Boolean values of true and false.
Boolean methods:
The toString() method (when applied to a JavaScript Boolean variable) returns a string
corresponding to the boolean.
The valueOf() method (when applied to a JavaScript Boolean variable) returns the primitive
value of the Boolean (i.e. itself).
It has the following syntax (with no parameters):
Appendix U: JavaScript Array Variables
JavaScript array variables contain multiple (indexed) values in a single variable. Array indices are
zero-based, i.e. the first element of the array has as its index 0, the second 1 etc. They are
instantiated by statements such as:
Copying an array is a little more difficult than it looks. This is because each element of an array can
itself be an array or an object. For example, the following two assignments don’t create two
separate arrays.
Instead, if we now set b[1] equal to "Denmark", then a[1] will also become equal to
"Denmark". For the sort of array involved here (e.g. an array of literals then the following will
create two separate arrays:
The method slice() (with no parameters passed to it) can typically be replaced by concat()
(also with no parameters passed to it). However, if a has some elements that are themselves arrays
then the corresponding elements of b would still only point to the same physical arrays as elements
of a, and changing these would also change the sub-elements in a. Also the use of slice() and
concat() may not work as intended if a is not an array or is undefined. An alternative that is more
robust to unusual forms of arrays involves recursively copying elements, and can be implemented
for all types of arrays by adding a method that the array possesses as follows:
object.prototype.clone = function() {
var a = (this instanceof array) ? [] : {};
for (i in this) {
if (i == "clone") continue;
if (this[i] && typeof this[i] == "object") {
a[i] = this[i].clone();
a[i] = this[i];
} return a;
Array properties:
The length property (for a JavaScript array) returns the length of the array. An empty array has
length 0.
Array methods:
The concat() method (when applied to a JavaScript array) joins arrays and returns a copy of the
joined array.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It returns an array.
array.concat(array1, array2, …)
The copyWithin() method (when applied to a JavaScript array) copies elements to and from
specified positions.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It returns an array (the changed array).
The every() method (when applied to a JavaScript array) returns true if every element passes a
specified test, otherwise returns false. It only executes until the function it uses returns a false
value and then returns false. It does not execute the function for array elements without values. It
does not change the original array
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It returns a Boolean as above.
The fill() method (when applied to a JavaScript array) sets elements of the array to a specified
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It returns an array (the changed array).
The filter() method (when applied to a JavaScript array) creates a new array consisting only of
elements that pass a specified test. Elements that fail the test are removed.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It returns an array as above.
The find() method (when applied to a JavaScript array) returns the value of first element of the
array that passes a specified test.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It returns an array element as above.
The findIndex() method (when applied to a JavaScript array) returns the index of the first
element of the array that passes a specified test.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It returns a number as above (or -1 if no
array element passes the test). It only checks values (i.e. applies the function) up to the first time the
test is passed.
The forEach() method (when applied to a JavaScript array) calls a function for each element of
an array that has a value.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. Its return value is undefined.
Index Optional The array index of the current element
arr Optional The array object which the current element belongs
The indexOf() method (when applied to a JavaScript array) returns the index of the first element
of an array found when an array is searched.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It returns a number as above (or -1 if no
array element passes the test).
array.indexOf(item, start)
The isArray() method (when applied to the JavaScript Array object) returns true if an object is
an array, otherwise false.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It returns a Boolean as above.
The join() method (when applied to a JavaScript array) joins all elements of an array into a string.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It returns a string as above.
delimiter Optional The delimiter (i.e. separator) inserted between
consecutive element strings. Default is a comma,
i.e. “,”
The lastIndexOf() method (when applied to a JavaScript array) returns the index of the first
element of an array found when an array is searched, backwards from the end.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It returns a number as above (or -1 if no
array element passes the test).
array.lastIndexOf(item, start)
The map() method (when applied to a JavaScript array) creates a new array consisting of elements
which are the result of calling a function on each element of the original array in turn.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It returns a new array. It does not execute
the function if array element does not have a value and it does not change the original array.
The pop() method (when applied to a JavaScript array) removes the last element of the array and
returns that element.
It has the following syntax with no parameters. It returns the relevant object or primitive that was at
the relevant place in the original array.
The push() method (when applied to a JavaScript array) joins arrays and returns a copy of the
joined array.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It returns a number representing the new
length of the array.
array.push(item1, item2, …)
The reduce() method (when applied to a JavaScript array) reduces the values of an array to a
single value (from left to right, i.e. from lowest to highest index).
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It returns the accumulated result from the
last call of the function. It does not execute the function if the array element does not have a value.
Parameter Required / Optional Description
total Required The initalValue or the previously returned value of
the function
currentValue Required The value of the current element
Index Optional The array index of the current element
arr Optional The array object which the current element belongs
The reduceRight() method (when applied to a JavaScript array) reduces the values of an array
to a single value (evaluating from right to left, i.e. from highest to lowest index).
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It returns the accumulated result from the
last call of the function. It does not execute the function if the array element does not have a value.
The reverse() method (when applied to a JavaScript array) removes the last element of the array
and returns that element.
The shift() method (when applied to a JavaScript array) removes the first element of the array
and returns that element.
It has the following syntax with no parameters. It returns the relevant object or primitive that was at
the relevant place in the original array.
The slice() method (when applied to a JavaScript array) selects a part of an array and returns
that part.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It returns a new array containing the
selected elements.
array.slice(start, end)
The some() method (when applied to a JavaScript array) returns true if at least one element
passes a specified test, otherwise returns false. It only executes until the function it uses returns a
true value and then returns true. It does not execute the function for array elements without
values. It does not change the original array
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It returns a Boolean as above.
thisValue Optional A value to be passed to the function to be used as
its ‘this’ value (if empty then thisValue will be
The sort() method (when applied to a JavaScript array) sorts elements of the array.
By default, it sorts values as alphabetical strings in ascending order. This does not work well for
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It returns a new array containing the
selected elements.
The splice() method (when applied to a JavaScript array) adds / removes elements to / from the
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It returns a new array containing the
removed items, if any.
from end of array
numberremoved Optional Number of items to be removed (if set to zero
then no items will be removed)
item1, item2, … Optional New item(s) to be added to the array
The toString() method (when applied to a JavaScript array) returns the string value of the array,
with the elements being delimited (separated) by commas.
The unshift() method (when applied to a JavaScript array) adds new elements to the beginning
of the array.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It returns a number, representing the new
length of the array.
array.unshift(item1, item2, …)
The valueOf() method (when applied to a JavaScript array) returns the primitive value of the
Appendix V: JavaScript Objects
JavaScript objects are containers that contain properties and methods. For example, a statement
such as:
creates an object that has three properties, i.e. name-value, pairs that in this instance characterise
(some of the features of) a person.
Object properties can be accessed in two ways, either here e.g. person.title or
person["title"] (both of which in this instance would return a value of "Mr"). An array is a
specific type of object with the property names indexed from 0 up to the length of the array less 1
(and hence elements of arrays can themselves be arrays (or other sorts of objects).
Object methods are technically also property-like in nature, i.e. again come in name-value pairs, but
with the ‘name’ being a function name and the ‘value’ being a JavaScript function. For example,
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html><head><title>JavaScript Objects</title></head>
<p>An example of a JavaScript object</p>
Full Name: <span id="Added"></span><br><br>
Contrast evaluating the function with the contents of the
corresponding property which is:<br>
<span id="Added2"></span>
window.addEventListener('load', addtext());
function addtext() {
var person = {
firstName: "John",
lastName: "Smith",
fullName: function()
{return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName}
creates an object with a method called fullName. The method is evaluated by calling it as a
function (in this case it has no parameters so this involves e.g. person.fullName()). In contrast
the property fullName (accessed by person.fullName, without the ending bracket pair) is the
function itself, rather than what the function evaluates to.
Objects have some generic properties, including their constructor, length and prototype properties.
Shared properties applicable to JavaScript objects:
The constructor property (when applied to JavaScript object) returns the constructor function
for an object (more precisely a reference to that function, rather than the name of the function.
Some common functions returned by this property are:
The length property (when applied to JavaScript object) returns the length of the object.
Many elements of JavaScript are objects and so can have this property applied to them. For
example, applying it to Boolean objects will return 1.
The prototype property (when applied to a JavaScript object class) allows the developer to add
new properties and methods to that class.
It is a global object constructor available for all JavaScript objects. For example,
Boolean.prototype does not refer to a single Boolean but to the Boolean() object itself. = value
Where value is typically a function definition and name is the new method or property to be
included in the object class.
Appendix W: JavaScript Error Objects
JavaScript error objects are used by the try … catch … finally and throw statements to implement
structured error handling.
Error objects support the following properties and methods. Note, some browser suppliers e.g.
Microsoft have additional non-standard properties such as .description, which seems
otherwise to be the same as .message but will not be recognised by non-Microsoft browsers (so
should be avoided if users are likely to use other browsers to view the relevant webpage).
Error properties:
The message property (of the JavaScript Error object) returns a string containing the error message
associated with the error. The exact result returns varies by browser.
The name property (of the JavaScript Error object) returns the name (i.e. exception type) of an error.
When a runtime error occurs then it is set to one of the following native exception types:
ConversionError (seems not to be recognised by all browsers). Attempt to convert
object into something failed
RangeError Function argument outside its allowable range
ReferenceError Invalid reference detected (e.g. if it is null)
RegExpError (seems not to be recognised by all browsers). Compilation error with
a regular expression
SyntaxError When parsed, source text does not follow correct syntax
TypeError Actual type of operand does not match that expected
URIError An illegal URI has been identified, e.g. an illegal character has
The number property (of the JavaScript Error object) returns a number characterising the error. This
is a 32-bit code, with the upper 16-bits being the facility code and the lower 16-bits being the error
The stack property (of the JavaScript Error object) returns a string that contains trace information
regarding the error. It is added to when an error is raised, and is updated repeatedly if the error is
raised multiple times.
The stackTraceLimit property (of the JavaScript Error object) sets / returns the stack trace
limit, i.e. the number of error frames to display when using the error.stack property.
Error methods:
The toString() method (when applied to a JavaScript Error object) returns a string
representation of the object.
The valueOf() method (when applied to a JavaScript Error object) returns the string value of the
Appendix X: JavaScript Operators
The main operators that JavaScript recognises are set out below:
Operator Description More
= Set equal to, e.g. if x is 5 then y = x results in x Here
remaining 5 and y being set to 5
+= Set equal to after addition, e.g. if x is 5 and y is 8 then y Here
+= x results in x remaining 5 and y = y + x, so y
becomes 13
-= Set equal to after subtraction, e.g. if x is 5 and y is 8 then Here
y -= x results in x remaining 5 and y = y - x, so y
becomes 3
*= Set equal to after multiplication, e.g. if x is 5 and y is 8 Here
then y *= x results in x remaining 5 and y = y * x,
so y becomes 40
/= Set equal to after division, e.g. if x is 5 and y is 8 then y Here
/= x results in x remaining 5 and y = y / x, so y
becomes 1.6
%= Set equal to after modulus (i.e. division remainder) e.g. if Here
x is 5 and y is 8 then y %= x results in x remaining 5
and y = y % x, so y becomes 3
**= Set equal to after exponentiation, e.g. if x is 5 and y is 8 Here
then y **= x results in x remaining 5 and y = y **
x, so y becomes 32768
Comparison operators
x!== "8" is true (as not of the same type), but x!==8 is false
> Greater than, e.g. if x is 8 then x>8 is false, but x>5 is true Here
< Less than, e.g. if x is 8 then x<8 is false, but x<11 is true Here
>= Greater than or equal to, e.g. if x is 8 then x>=8 is true, but Here
x>11 is false
<= Less than or equal to, e.g. if x is 8 then x<=8 is true, but Here
x<5 is false
Bitwise operators
In JavaScript, these operators apply to (signed) 32-bit numbers. They are particularly fast to
compute, because they have very simple analogues in how most computer central processing units
(CPUs) operate. However, they can be less easy to follow than using corresponding primitive
mathematical operators such as division and modulus remainder (as the latter are not base-2
specific). Application of the bitwise NOT and XOR operators can also be somewhat counter-intuitive
for small unsigned numbers because of their application to signed 32-bit numbers.
Operator Description More
delete Deletes a property from an object Here
in Returns true if the specified property is in the specified Here
object, otherwise false.
instanceof Returns true if a specified object is an instance of the Here
specified object type, otherwise returns false
typeof Returns the type of a variable, object, function or Here
void Evaluates an expression and then returns undefined Here
Operator precedence
When an expression includes more than one operator it becomes important to identify the
precedence given to different operators, i.e. which one is executed first. We set out here details of
operator precedence used in JavaScript, as well as some of the more unusual expression
components that are formally considered to be operators in the JavaScript (i.e. ECMAScript)
JavaScript adopts the following operator precedence (which is broadly in line with most other main-
stream object orientated programming languages). In this list earlier means higher precedence (i.e.
applied before later operators on the list), with operators with equal precedence grouped together:
argument list) operator
17 ++ N/A Postfix increment x++
-- N/A Postfix decrement x--
16 ++ Right-to-left Prefix increment ++y
-- Right-to-left Prefix decrement --y
+ (unary) Right-to-left Unary plus +y
- (unary) Right-to-left Unary minus -y
! Right-to-left Logical not !(x==20)
~ Right-to-left Bitwise not ~5
typeof Right-to-left typeof operator typeof x
void Right-to-left void operator void()
delete Right-to-left Delete operator delete x.value
15 ** Right-to-left Exponentiation (older 10 ** 2
browsers do not
necessarily support this
14 * Left-to-right Multiplication 4 * 3
/ Left-to-right Division 6 / 3
% Left-to-right Modulo division 7 / 5
13 + Left-to-right Addition (or 4 + 3
- Left-to-right Subtraction 4 – 8
12 << Left-to-right Bitwise shift left 10 << 2
>> Left-to-right Bitwise shift right 10 >> 2
>>> Left-to-right Bitwise unsigned shift -10 >> 2
11 < Left-to-right Less than x < y
<= Left-to-right Less than or equal x <= y
> Left-to-right Greater than x > y
>= Left-to-right Greater than or equal x >= y
in Left-to-right in operator x in y
instanceof Left-to-right instanceof operator x instance of
10 == Left-to-right Equal x == y
=== Left-to-right Strictly equal x === y
!= Left-to-right Unequal x != y
!== Left-to-right Strictly unequal x !== y
9 & Left-to-right Bitwise AND x & y
8 ^ Left-to-right Bitwise XOR x ^ y
7 | Left-to-right Bitwise OR x | y
6 && Left-to-right Logical AND x && y
5 || Left-to-right Logical OR x || y
4 ? : Right-to-left Conditional bool ? y : z
3 = Right-to-left Assignment x = y
+= Right-to-left Assignment with x += y
addition (or
-= Right-to-left Assignment with x *= y
**= Right-to-left Assignment with x **= y
*= Right-to-left Assignment with x *= y
/= Right-to-left Assignment with x /= y
%= Right-to-left Assignment with x %= y
<<= Right-to-left Assignment with left x <<= y
>>= Right-to-left Assignment with right x >>= y
>>>= Right-to-left Assignment with x >>>= y
unsigned right shift
&= Right-to-left Assignment with x &= y
bitwise AND
^= Right-to-left Assignment with x ^= y
bitwise XOR
|= Right-to-left Assignment with x |= y
bitwise XOR
2 yield Right-to-left yield x
yield* Right-to-left yield*
1 … N/A … x
0 , Left-to-right x, y, z
The associativity determines the order in which operators of the same precedence are processed.
Left-to-right means that a OP b OP c is processed as (a OP b) OP c. Right-to-left means that a OP b OP
c is processed as a OP (b OP c).
Assignment operators are right-associative (i.e. right-to-left) so that a = b = 4 will result in both
a and b being given the value of 4. This is because the assignment operator returns the value that is
assigned, i.e. (b=4) returns 4, which is then assigned to a.
Coercion and associated ‘typing’ concepts are some of the subtler aspects of JavaScript. They can
result in code that appears to exhibit counterintuitive behaviour. In this page, we summarise some
of the complexities involved and their implications for software development.
Variable types
Most programming languages include the concept of variables and types that such variables can
exhibit. For example, string variables (text) are usually differentiated from numerical variables
(numbers), since the sorts of manipulations that can typically be applied to strings differ from the
ones that can typically be applied to numbers.
JavaScript has 5 primitive data types as set out below, as well as some other types, such as objects:
Data type Purpose
number Numbers
string Strings
boolean True / False
null Empty values
undefined Variable declared but not yet assigned a value
Some (object orientated) programming languages require the software developer to specify what
type a variable can take and then the variable is required to stay of that type. These are called
‘strongly typed’ languages. JavaScript adopts a different approach; its variables are ‘weakly typed’.
Their type can change part way through software execution. For example, the following statements
could be included in JavaScript without throwing an error, and when executed would leave x equal
to “hello”.
Even languages that are mostly strongly typed may possess ‘variant’ types (e.g. VisualBasic) which
can in effect change their underlying type as execution progresses. In such languages, variables may
be defaulted to have these types if no other type is specified when they are declared. Such
programming languages often have means of forcing developers to specify the type that a variable
takes (even if just that it is a ‘variant’), e.g. the option explicit command in VisualBasic, since
doing so can lead to more robust code.
Some commentators view strong typing and weak typing as synonymous with compiled versus
interpreted computer language. Classically, a compiled language is one in which the software is
converted into a machine-code executable before running, whilst an interpreted language is one in
which the software statements are analysed and executed ‘on-the-fly’ as the program executes.
Machine code generally only functions on primitive data types so ultimately requires some form of
strong typing. However, nowadays the previous gulf between compiled and interpreted languages
has declined, with e.g. ‘just-in-time’ compilation and other clever compiling / interpreting
techniques. The concept of a ‘variant’ type, an object that includes as one of its properties the type
of data that it currently represents, also diminishes the difference between these two language
Type coercion
If you apply operators to variables (or values) that do not immediately make sense with such
operators, e.g. trying to add a string to a number, then JavaScript will typically try to make sense of
the expression by carrying out type coercions. These involve converting the type of one or more
expression components into new types that do make sense in the context of the operator.
The weak typing used in JavaScript can lead to potentially counterintuitive behaviours or errors,
since the type coercion carried out by JavaScript may not always be as the developer expects.
Conversely, it also sometimes makes for simpler code. This is because some expressions that might
otherwise not be expected to return meaningful answers do so in ways that can be helpful to
program logic.
Examples of potentially counterintuitive behaviours include ones where text can be interpreted as
numbers and vice versa. For example, if either of the parameters to which a + operator is applied is
a string then the other will where necessary be coerced to a string. The exact result of an expression
can then depend on the order in which the operations are applied. This depends on the precedence
given to different operators, see here. For example:
var x = 1 + 2 + "5";
var y = (1 + 2) + "5";
var z = 1 + (2 + "5");
For example, if x is 5 then y = x results in x remaining 5 and y being set to 5, or if x is "b" then y
= x results in y becoming "b" too.
bitwise AND
For example, 6 & 2 in binary notation is 110 & 010 so is 010, i.e. 2 in decimal notation.
For example, 6 << 2 in binary notation is 110 shifted 2 bits to the left so is 11000, i.e. 24 in
decimal notation.
bitwise NOT
bitwise OR
For example, 6 | 2 in binary notation is 110 | 010 so is 110, i.e. 6 in decimal notation.
For example, 6 >> 2 in binary notation is 110 shifted 2 bits to the right so is 1, i.e. 1 in decimal
bitwise XOR
For example, 6 ^ 2 in binary notation is 110 ^ 010 so is 100, i.e. 4 in decimal notation.
In JavaScript, the conditional operator is the (ternary) operator that selects between two possible
expressions to evaluate depending on whether an expression is true or false.
For example, var3 = (boolval) ? var1 : var2 results in var3 being set equal to var1 if
boolval is true, otherwise var3 is set equal to var2.
In JavaScript, the -- operator is the (unary) arithmetic operator for decrementing, i.e. subtracting
one from the variable.
There are technically two different decrement operators, the prefix one, and the postfix one. For
example, if x is 8 then the statement y = --x results in x being decremented to 7 and then y
assigned this value (i.e. is assigned 7). However, the statement y = x-- involves y being assigned
the value of x (i.e. 8) and x then being decremented to 7.
For code clarity, some commentators suggest using the statements x = x - 1; y = x; instead
of y = --x and y = x; x = x - 1; instead of y = x--.
In JavaScript, the delete operator deletes a property from an object. For example, suppose:
It is usually unwise to apply the delete operator to predefined JavaScript object properties, as
otherwise the application can crash.
divide assignment
x y x == y
8 8 true
8 5 false
Note: if x and y are of different type then some type coercion will typically occur, and values that
developers might not immediately recognise as ‘equal’ may be deemed equal by this operator. If you
want only variables that are of the same type to pass the equality test then you should use the
strictly equal to operator, i.e. ===.
Note: older browsers may not recognise this operator or the **= operator, in which case the
Math.pow() method would need to be used.
exponentiation assignment
Note: older browsers may not recognise this operator or the ** operator, in which case the
Math.pow() method would need to be used.
greater than
x y x>y
8 8 false
8 5 true
In JavaScript, the >= operator is the ‘greater than or equal’ operator, e.g.:
x y x >= y
8 8 true
8 11 false
In JavaScript, the in operator returns true if the specified property is in the specified object,
otherwise false. The results can be a little counterintuitive until the exact nature of the object is
taken into account:
For example, suppose we have an object such as:
y y in x Explanation
"name" true "name" is a valid property of the object
"val" true "val" is a valid property of the object
"length" true The object has a length (number of entries)
1 false An object is not indexed like an array, so there is no
entry indexed by 1
var x = ["a","b"];
y y in x Explanation
"a" false "a" is not a valid property, rather it is the value assigned
to the property (the property is the index number)
"length" true As arrays do generically have a length property
1 true As there is an entry with index number 1 (the entry is
"b"), although if y were 2 then it would be false (as
there is no entry with index number 2)
In JavaScript, the ++ operator is the (unary) arithmetic operator for incrementing, i.e. adding one to
the variable. There are technically two different increment operators, the prefix one, and the postfix
For example, if x is 8 then the statement y = ++x results in x being incremented to 9 and then y
assigned this value (i.e. is assigned 9). However, the statement y = x++ involves y being assigned
the value of x (i.e. 8) and x then being incremented to 9.
For code clarity, some commentators suggest using the statements x = x + 1; y = x; instead
of y = ++x and y = x; x = x + 1; instead of y = x++.
In JavaScript, the instanceof operator returns true if a specified object is an instance of the
specified object type, otherwise returns false.
For example, suppose we have an array:
var x = ["a","b"];
Then (x instanceof Array) and (x instanceof Object) both return true (because
x is an array and arrays are themselves objects, but (x instanceof String) returns false
less than
x y x<y
8 8 false
8 11 true
In JavaScript, the <= operator is the ‘less than or equal’ operator, e.g:
x y x <= y
8 8 true
8 5 false
logical AND
In JavaScript, the && operator is the logical (i.e. Boolean) AND operator:
x y x AND y
true true true
true false false
false true false
false false false
logical NOT
x !x
true false
false true
logical OR
x y x OR y
true true true
true false true
false true true
false false false
minus assignment
In JavaScript, the % operator is the (binary) arithmetic operator for modulus (i.e. division remainder).
modulus assignment
In JavaScript, the %= operator is the assignment operator with modulus (i.e. division remainder).
multiply assignment
not equal
x y x != y
8 8 false
8 5 true
Note: if x and y are of different type then some type coercion will typically occur, and values that
developers might not immediately recognise as ‘unequal’ may be deemed unequal by this operator.
If you want only variables that are of the same type to pass the equality test then you should use the
strictly unequal to operator, i.e. !==.
Further comments
If an expression involves ‘adding’ a string to a number then the number is coerced to a string and
string concatenation is applied.
plus assignment
In JavaScript, the += operator is the assignment operator with addition (if arithmetic) or
concatenation (if string).
Arithmetic operator
String operator
For example, if x is "a" and y is "b" then y += x results in x remaining "a" and y = y + x, so
y becomes "ba".
strictly equal
x y x == y
8 "8" false
8 8 true
Note: if x and y are of the same type then this operator should return the same as the ‘equal to’
operator, ==.
In JavaScript, the !== operator is the ‘strictly not equal to’ operator:
x Y x != y
8 8 false
8 5 true
Note: if x and y are of the same type then this operator should return the same as the ‘not equal to’
operator, !=.
In JavaScript, the typeof operator returns the type of a variable, object, function or expression,
x typeof x
false boolean
true boolean
0 number
1 number
"0" string
"1" string
NaN number
Infinity [???]
-Infinity [???]
"" string
"10" string
"ten" string
[ ] object
[10] object
[5,10] object
["ten"] object
["five","ten"] object
function(){} function
{ } object
null object
undefined undefined
The type of a date, array or null is an object, which means that you cannot directly use the typeof
operator to work out if a JavaScript object is an array rather than a date, say.
In JavaScript, the void operator evaluates an expression and then returns undefined. An
example of its use might be e.g.:
Appendix Y: The JavaScript Document Object Model (DOM)
The JavaScript DOM is summarised here. Details of individual parts of the DOM (and the associ ate d
BOM) are set out below:
The JavaScript DOM (document object) supports the following (own) properties and methods:
documentMode Returns mode used by browser to render document Here
domain Returns domain name of server Here
domConfig Obsolete. Returns DOM configuration Here
embeds Returns collection of all <embed> elements Here
forms Returns collection of all <form> elements Here
head Returns the <head> element Here
images Returns collection of all <img> elements Here
implementation Returns DOMImplementation object handling Here
inputEncoding Returns encoding (character set) used for document Here
lastModified Returns date and time document last modified Here
links Returns collection of all <a> and <area> elements Here
that have a href attribute
readyState Returns load status of the document Here
referrer Returns URL of the document that loaded the Here
current document
scripts Returns collection of all <script> elements Here
strictErrorChecking Sets / returns whether to enforce strict error Here
title Sets / returns document <title> Here
URL Returns full URL Here
querySelector() Returns first (child) element that matches Here
specified CSSSelector
querySelectorAll() Returns a NodeList (collection) containing all Here
(child) elements that match specified
removeEventListener() Detaches (removes) an event handler Here
renameNode() Renames specified node Here
write() Writes HTML (which can include JavaScript Here
code) to the document
writeln() As per write() except that it adds a new line Here
character after each statement
Further comments:
The document object also supports some generic properties and methods that can be used on all
HTML elements / nodes, even though several of them have no natural meaning when applied to the
document object.
The activeElement property of the JavaScript DOM returns the HTML element that currently
has focus.
The anchors property of the JavaScript DOM returns a collection of all <a> elements that have a
name attribute.
The applets property of the JavaScript DOM returns a collection of all <applet> elements that
have a name attribute.
The baseURI property of the JavaScript DOM returns the absolute base URI of the document.
The body property of the JavaScript DOM returns the <body> element of the document.
The characterSet property of the JavaScript DOM returns the character encoding of the
The charset property of the JavaScript DOM is depreciated. Use the characterSet property
instead. It returns the character encoding of the document.
The cookie property of the JavaScript DOM returns all name/value cookie pairs.
The doctype property of the JavaScript DOM returns a DocumentType object specifying the
doctype of the document. The DocumentType object in turn has a name property which returns the
name of the doctype.
The documentElement property of the JavaScript DOM returns the main document element of
the document (i.e. its <html> element).
The documentMode property of the JavaScript DOM returns the mode used by the browser to
render the document.
The domain property of the JavaScript DOM returns the domain name of the server.
The domConfig property of the JavaScript DOM is obsolete. It returns the DOM configuration.
The embeds property of the JavaScript DOM returns a collection of all the <embed> elements in the
The forms property of the JavaScript DOM returns a collection of all the <form> elements in the
The head property of the JavaScript DOM returns the <head> element of the document.
The images property of the JavaScript DOM returns a collection of all the <img> elements in the
The implementation property of the JavaScript DOM returns the DOMImplementation object
handling document.
The inputEncoding property of the JavaScript DOM returns the encoding (i.e. character set)
used for the document.
The lastModified property of the JavaScript DOM returns the date and time the docume nt was
last modified.
The links property of the JavaScript DOM returns a collection of all the <a> and <area> elements
in the document that have a href attribute.
The readyState property of the JavaScript DOM returns the load status of the document.
The referrer property of the JavaScript DOM returns the URL of the document that loaded the
current document.
The scripts property of the JavaScript DOM returns a collection of all the <script> elements in the
The strictErrorChecking property of the JavaScript DOM sets / returns whether to enforce
strict error checking of the document.
The title property of the JavaScript DOM sets / returns the document <title>.
The URL property of the JavaScript DOM returns the full URL of the document.
The addEventListener() method (when applied to the document object of the JavaScript
DOM) attaches an event handler to the document.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It does not return any value.
Some earlier versions of some major browsers do not support this method. For these browsers you
instead need to use the attachEvent() method.
The adoptNode() method (when applied to the document object of the JavaScript DOM) adopts a
node from another document.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It returns a node object, representing the
adopted node.
The close() method (when applied to the document object of the JavaScript DOM) closes the
output stream previously opened using
It has the following syntax. It takes no parameters and does not return a value.
The createAttribute() method (when applied to the document object of the JavaScript DOM)
creates an attribute node.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It returns a node object represents the
created attribute.
The createComment() method (when applied to the document object of the JavaScript DOM)
creates a comment node.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It returns a comment object.
It has the following syntax with no parameters. It returns an empty DocumentFragment node.
The createElement() method (when applied to the document object of the JavaScript DOM)
creates a HTML element node.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It returns an element object, representing
the created element.
The createTextNode() method (when applied to the document object of the JavaScript DOM)
creates a text node.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It returns an element object, representing
the created element.
The getElementById() method (when applied to the document object of the JavaScript DOM)
returns the element with the specified id attribute (if it exists).
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It returns an element object, representing
the element with the specified id as its id attribute or null if no such element exists.
The getElementsByClassName() method (when applied to the document object of the
JavaScript DOM) returns a NodeList containing all the elements with the specified class attribute.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It returns a NodeList representing a
collection of all relevant elements, ordered as they appear in the source code.
The getElementsByName() method (when applied to the document object of the JavaScript
DOM) returns a NodeList containing all the elements with the specified name attribute.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It returns a NodeList representing a
collection of all relevant elements, ordered as they appear in the source code.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It returns a NodeList representing a
collection of all relevant elements, ordered as they appear in the source code.
The hasFocus() method (when applied to the document object of the JavaScript DOM) returns
true if document has focus, otherwise returns false.
It has the following syntax with no parameters. It returns a Boolean value indicating whether the
document (or any element within it) has focus (loosely speaking where the cursor currently is).
The importNode() method (when applied to the document object of the JavaScript DOM)
imports node from another document (i.e. creates a copy of and inserts the copy into the current
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It returns a Node object representing the
imported node.
document.importNode(node, deepness)
Note: if you want to copy a node from the current document then use element.cloneNode()
and if you want to remove a node from one document an import it into another than use
The normalize() method (when applied to the document object of the JavaScript DOM) removes
empty text nodes and joins adjacent text nodes.
It has the following syntax with no parameters. It does not return a value.
It can also be applied to any node within the document using e.g. node.normalize().
In theory, the normalizeDocument() method (when applied to the document object of the
JavaScript DOM) removes empty text nodes and joins adjacent text nodes. It has the same effect
(when applied to the document as a whole) as normalize() (but the latter can also be applied at
lower node levels in isolation).
It has the following syntax with no parameters. It does not return a value.
The open() method (when applied to the document object of the JavaScript DOM) opens an HTML
output stream (into which output from write() or writeln() can go).
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It does not return any value., replace)
Once all writes to the document have taken place, the document.close() method causes any output
to be displayed. If a document already exists in the target then it will be cleared.
The querySelector() method (when applied to the document object of the JavaScript DOM)
returns first (child) element that matches specified CSSSelector.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It returns the object representing the first
element that matches the specified CSSSelector, or null if no matches are found. If the selector(s) is
invalid then it throws a SYNTAX_ERR exception.
The querySelectorAll() method (when applied to the document object of the JavaScript
DOM) returns first (child) element that matches specified CSSSelector.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It returns a NodeList object representing
the first element that matches the specified CSSSelector or if no such element exists it does not
return any value. If the selector(s) is invalid then it throws a SYNTAX_ERR exception. The number of
such elements can be identified from the length property of the NodeList object, and individual
elements can then be accessed using relevant index numbers applied to the NodeList object.
The removeEventListener() method (when applied to the document object of the JavaScript
DOM) removes (detaches) an event handler to the document.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It does not return any value.
Some earlier versions of some major browsers do not support this method. For these browsers you
instead need to use the detachEvent() method. If the event listener was attached two times,
once in the capturing and ones in the bubbling phase using the useCapture parameter then it needs
to be removed twice as well.
In theory, the renameNode() method (when applied to the document object of the JavaScript
DOM) renames the specified node.
In practice, renameNode() does not currently seem to be supported by major browsers, so it is
likely to be more robust to create the new node as desired, add it to the document in the
appropriate place and then delete the old node.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It returns a Node object.
The write() method (when applied to the document object of the JavaScript DOM) writes HTML
(which can include JavaScript code) to the document.
It is mostly used for testing, as if it is used after an HTML document is fully loaded it will delete the
existing HTML. Alternatively, it may be used to write to a bespoke output stream opened by the method.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It does not return any value.
The writeln() method (when applied to the document object of the JavaScript DOM) writes
HTML (which can include JavaScript code) to the document, writing a newline character after each
It is mostly used for testing, as if it is used after an HTML docume nt is fully loaded it will delete the
existing HTML. Alternatively, it may be used to write to a bespoke output stream opened by the method.
It is essentially the same as document.write() except that it adds a new line character after
each statement.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It does not return any value.
document.writeln(expr1, expr2, expr3, …)
HTML elements within the JavaScript DOM support the following properties and methods:
border and scroll bar
offsetLeft Returns horizontal offset position Here
offsetParent Returns offset container of element Here
offsetTop Returns vertical offset position Here
ownerDocument Returns root element (i.e. document object) Here
within which element resides
parentNode Returns parent node Here
previousElementSibling Returns previous element at same node tree Here
previousSibling Returns previous node at same node tree level Here
scrollHeight Returns entire height of element Here
scrollLeft Sets / returns number of pixels content is scrolled Here
scrollTop Sets / returns number of pixels content is scrolled Here
scrollWidth Returns entire width of element Here
style Sets / returns the style attribute Here
tabIndex Sets / returns the tabindex attribute Here
tagName Returns the tag name of element (i.e. its type of Here
textContent Sets / returns the text content of a node and its Here
title Sets / returns the title attribute Here
child node
isDefaultNamespace() Returns true if a specified namespace URI is Here
the default namespace, otherwise returns
isEqualNode() Returns true if two elements / nodes are Here
‘equal’ (but not necessarily exactly the same),
otherwise returns false
isSameNode() Returns true if two elements / nodes are Here
the same (i.e. equal but also computationally
refer to the same node), otherwise returns
isSupported() Returns true if specified feature is Here
supported, otherwise returns false
normalize() Removes empty text nodes and joins adjacent Here
querySelector() Returns first (child) element that matches Here
specified CSSSelector
querySelectorAll() Returns (NodeList) collection containing all Here
(child) elements that match specified
removeAttribute() Removes specified attribute Here
removeAttributeNode() Removes specified attribute node, and Here
returns the removed node
removeChild() Removes specified child node Here
removeEventListener() Detaches (removes)an event handler Here
replaceChild() Replaces specified child node Here
scrollIntoView() Scroll specified element into visible area of Here
browser window
setAttribute() Sets specified attribute Here
setAttributeNode() Sets specified attribute node Here
toString() Converts element to string Here
item() Returns node at specified index position in a Here
Further comments:
Collections of nodes form NodeLists, so there is always a NodeList associated with an element
(although it might be empty initially).
The accessKey property of HTML elements within the JavaScript DOM sets / returns its accesske y
The attributes property of HTML elements within the JavaScript DOM returns the
NamedNodeMap of its attributes.
The childElementCount property of HTML elements within the JavaScript DOM returns the
number of its child elements.
The childNodes property of HTML elements within the JavaScript DOM returns a collection of i ts
child elements (including text and comment nodes).
The children property of HTML elements within the JavaScript DOM returns a collection of its
child elements (excluding text and comment nodes).
The classList property of HTML elements within the JavaScript DOM returns the cl ass name (s)
of the element.
The className property of HTML elements within the JavaScript DOM sets / returns the class
attribute of the element.
The clientHeight property of HTML elements within the JavaScript DOM returns the height
(including padding) of the element.
The clientLeft property of HTML elements within the JavaScript DOM returns the width of l e ft
border of the element.
The clientTop property of HTML elements within the JavaScript DOM returns the width of top
border of the element.
The clientWidth property of HTML elements within the JavaScript DOM returns the width
(including padding) of the element.
The contentEditable property of HTML elements within the JavaScript DOM sets / returns
whether the content of the element is editable.
The dir property of HTML elements within the JavaScript DOM sets / returns the dir attribute of
the element.
The firstChild property of HTML elements within the JavaScript DOM returns the first child
node of the element.
The firstElementChild property of HTML elements within the JavaScript DOM returns the first
child element of the element.
The id property of HTML elements within the JavaScript DOM sets / returns the id attri bute of the
The innerHTML property of HTML elements within the JavaScript DOM sets / returns the
element’s content.
The isContentEditable property of HTML elements within the JavaScript DOM returns true if
the element’s contents are editable, otherwise returns false.
The lang property of HTML elements within the JavaScript DOM sets / returns the lang attribute of
the element.
[JavaScriptPropertyDomHtmlLastChild, © Nematrian 2017]
The lastChild property of HTML elements within the JavaScript DOM returns the last child node
of the element.
The lastElementChild property of HTML elements within the JavaScript DOM returns the l ast
child element of the element.
The namespaceURI property of HTML elements within the JavaScript DOM returns the namespace
URI of the element.
The nextElementSibling property of HTML elements within the JavaScript DOM returns the
next element at same node tree level of the element.
The nextSibling property of HTML elements within the JavaScript DOM returns the next node at
same node tree level of the element.
The nodeName property of HTML elements within the JavaScript DOM returns the node name of
the element.
The nodeType property of HTML elements within the JavaScript DOM returns the node type of the
element. It is a number:
The nodeValue property of HTML elements within the JavaScript DOM sets / returns the node
value of the element.
The offsetHeight property of HTML elements within the JavaScript DOM returns the element
height, including padding, border and scroll bar.
The offsetLeft property of HTML elements within the JavaScript DOM returns the horizontal
offset position of the element.
The offsetParent property of HTML elements within the JavaScript DOM returns the offset
container of the element.
The offsetTop property of HTML elements within the JavaScript DOM returns the vertical offse t
position of the element.
The offsetWidth property of HTML elements within the JavaScript DOM returns the element
width, including padding, border and scroll bar.
The ownerDocument property of HTML elements within the JavaScript DOM returns the root
element (i.e. the document object) within which element resides.
The parentNode property of HTML elements within the JavaScript DOM returns the pare nt node
of the element.
The previousElementSibling property of HTML elements within the JavaScript DOM returns
the previous element at same node tree level of the element.
The previousSibling property of HTML elements within the JavaScript DOM returns the
previous node at same node tree level of the element.
The scrollHeight property of HTML elements within the JavaScript DOM returns the entire
height of the element.
The scrollLeft property of HTML elements within the JavaScript DOM sets / returns numbe r of
pixels that the content of the element is scrolled horizontally.
The scrollTop property of HTML elements within the JavaScript DOM sets / returns number of
pixels that the content of the element is scrolled vertically.
The scrollWidth property of HTML elements within the JavaScript DOM returns the entire width
of the element.
The style property of HTML elements within the JavaScript DOM sets / returns the style attri bute
of the element.
[JavaScriptPropertyDomHtmlTabIndex, © Nematrian 2017]
The tabIndex property of HTML elements within the JavaScript DOM sets / returns the tabi nde x
attribute of the element.
The tagName property of HTML elements within the JavaScript DOM returns the tag name of the
element (i.e. the type of element that it is).
The textContent property of HTML elements within the JavaScript DOM returns the text content
of a node and its descendants.
The title property of HTML elements within the JavaScript DOM sets / returns the title attri bute
of the element.
The addEventListener() method (when applied to HTML elements in the JavaScript DOM)
attaches an event handler to the element.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It does not return any value.
Some earlier versions of some major browsers do not support this method. For these browsers you
instead need to use the attachEvent() method.
The appendChild() method (when applied to HTML elements in the JavaScript DOM) adds a new
child node after the last existing one of the element.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It returns a NodeList representing the
added node.
The blur() method (when applied to HTML elements in the JavaScript DOM) removes focus from
the element.
It has the following syntax with no parameters. It does not return a value.
The click() method (when applied to HTML elements in the JavaScript DOM) simulates a mouse
click on element.
It has the following syntax with no parameters. It does not return a value.
The cloneNode() method (when applied to HTML elements in the JavaScript DOM) Clones an
element (i.e. creates a copy and returns that copy).
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It returns a Node object representing the
cloned node.
The compareDocumentPosition() method (when applied to HTML elements in the JavaScript
DOM) compares the position in the document of two elements. It involves the sum of the following:
Contribution Meaning
1 No relationship: n1 and n2 don’t belong to same document
2 n1 after n2
4 n1 before n2
8 n1 inside n2
16 n2 inside n1
32 No relationship or the two nodes are attribute nodes of the same element
It has the following syntax with the following parameters (when applied to elements). It returns a
The contains() method (when applied to HTML elements in the JavaScript DOM) returns true if
one node is a descendant of another node, otherwise returns false.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters (when applied to elements). It returns a
Boolean which is true if node is a descendant of element.
The focus() method (when applied to HTML elements in the JavaScript DOM) gives focus to the
It has the following syntax with no parameters. It does not return a value.
The getAttribute() method (when applied to HTML elements in the JavaScript DOM) returns
the value of the specified attribute.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It returns a String representing the value
of the specified attribute. If the attribute does not exist then the return value will be null or an
empty string, i.e. "".
The getAttributeNode() method (when applied to HTML elements in the JavaScript DOM)
returns the specified attribute node.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It returns an Attr object representing the
specified attribute. If the attribute does not exist then the return value will be null or an empty
string, i.e. "".
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It returns a NodeList representing a
collection of all relevant elements, ordered as they appear in the source code.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It returns a NodeList representing a
collection of all relevant elements, ordered as they appear in the source code.
The hasAttribute() method (when applied to HTML elements in the JavaScript DOM) returns
true if the element has the specified attribute, otherwise it returns false.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It returns a Boolean as above.
The hasAttributes() method (when applied to HTML elements in the JavaScript DOM) returns
true if the element has an attributes, otherwise it returns false.
It has the following syntax with no parameters. It returns a Boolean as above. It can be applied to
any node, but if the node is not an element then it will always return false.
The hasChildNodes() method (when applied to HTML elements in the JavaScript DOM) returns
true if the element has any child nodes, otherwise it returns false. Note: whitespace inside a
node is deemed to form a (child) text node, and so will result in a true value being returned by this
It has the following syntax with no parameters. It returns a Boolean as above. It can be applied to
any node, but if the node is not an element then it will always return false.
The insertBefore() method (when applied to HTML elements in the JavaScript DOM) inserts a
new child node before an existing child node.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It returns a Node object representing the
new child node.
element.insertBefore(newnode, existingnode)
The isDefaultNamespace() method (when applied to HTML elements in the JavaScript DOM)
returns true if a specified namespace URI is the default namespace, otherwise returns false.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It returns a Boolean as above.
The isEqualNode() method (when applied to HTML elements in the JavaScript DOM) returns
true if two elements / nodes are ‘equal’, otherwise returns false. Two nodes are deemed ‘equal’
if all the following are true, namely that they have the same:
- Node type
- nodeName, nodeValue, localName, namespaceURI and prefix
- childNodes (including all descendants)
- same attributes and attribute values (although the attributes do not need to be in the same
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It returns a Boolean as above.
The isSameNode() method (when applied to HTML elements in the JavaScript DOM) returns
true if two elements / nodes are the same (i.e. not just equal but also computationally refer to the
same node), otherwise returns false.
Some major browsers no longer support this method, so it is more robust to use the identically equal
operator ===.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It returns a Boolean as above.
The isSupported() method (when applied to HTML elements in the JavaScript DOM) returns
true if specified feature is supported, otherwise returns false.
Some major browsers no longer support this method, and so it is desirable not to use it.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It returns a Boolean as above.
element.isSupported(feature, version)
The item() method (when applied to HTML elements in the JavaScript DOM) returns the node at
the specified index position in a NodeList.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It returns a node object representing the
node at the relevant index value, or null if the index is outside the applicable range.
nodelist.item(index) or nodelist[index]
The normalize() method (when applied to HTML elements in the JavaScript DOM) removes
empty text nodes and joins adjacent text nodes.
It has the following syntax with no parameters. It does not return a value.
The querySelector() method (when applied to HTML elements in the JavaScript DOM) returns
first (child) element that matches specified CSSSelector.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It returns the object representing the first
element that matches the specified CSSSelector, or null if no matches are found. If the selector(s) is
invalid then it throws a SYNTAX_ERR exception.
The querySelectorAll() method (when applied to HTML elements in the JavaScript DOM)
returns first (child) element that matches specified CSSSelector.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It returns a NodeList object representing
the first element that matches the specified CSSSelectoroes not return any value. If the selector(s) is
invalid then it throws a SYNTAX_ERR exception. The number of such elements can be identified from
the length property of the NodeList object, and individual elements can then be accessed using
relevant index numbers applied to the NodeList object.
The removeAttribute() method (when applied to HTML elements in the JavaScript DOM)
removes the specified attribute.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It does not return a value.
The removeAttributeNde() method (when applied to HTML elements in the JavaScript DOM)
removes the specified attribute.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It returns an Attr object representing the
attribute node that has been removed.
The removeChild() method (when applied to HTML elements in the JavaScript DOM) removes
the specified child node.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It returns the removed node (or null if
the node does not exist).
The removeEventListener() method (when applied to HTML elements in the JavaScript DOM)
removes (detaches) an event handler from the element.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It does not return any value.
Some earlier versions of some major browsers do not support this method. For these browsers you
instead need to use the detachEvent() method. If the event listener was attached two times,
once in the capturing and ones in the bubbling phase using the useCapture parameter then it needs
to be removed twice as well.
The replaceChild() method (when applied to HTML elements in the JavaScript DOM) replaces
the specified child node.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It returns the replaced node (or null if
the node does not exist).
element.replaceChild(newnode, oldnode)
The scrollIntoView() method (when applied to HTML elements in the JavaScript DOM) scrolls
specified element into visible area of browser window.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It does not return a value.
The setAttribute() method (when applied to HTML elements in the JavaScript DOM) sets the
specified attribute value.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It does not return a value.
element.setAttribute(attributename, attributevalue)
setAttributeNode ()
The setAttributeNode() method (when applied to HTML elements in the JavaScript DOM)
sets specified attribute node (i.e. adds it to the element if it didn’t previously exist, or replaces the
old one, if the element already had the attribute).
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It does not return a value.
The toString() method (when applied to HTML elements in the JavaScript DOM) converts the
element to string.
It has the following syntax with no parameters. It returns a String value as above.
HTML attributes (Attr objects) within the JavaScript DOM support the following generic properties:
Further comments:
In the W3C DOM Core, the Attr object inherits all properties and methods from the Node object.
However, many of these properties and methods aren’t meaningful for HTML attributes. Also, in
DOM 4 this inheritance will no longer apply, so it is desirable not to use node object properties and
methods on Attr objects.
The isId property of HTML attribute objects within the JavaScript DOM returns true if the
attribute is an ID attribute, otherwise returns false.
The name property of HTML attribute objects within the JavaScript DOM returns the name of the
The specified property of HTML attribute objects within the JavaScript DOM returns true if the
attribute has been specified, otherwise returns false.
The value property of HTML attribute objects within the JavaScript DOM sets / returns the value of
the attribute.
NamedNodeMap objects within the JavaScript DOM support the following properties and methods:
The length property of NamedNodeMap objects within the JavaScript DOM returns number of
nodes in the NamedNodeMap.
The getNamedItem() method (when applied to NamedNodeMap objects in the JavaScript DOM)
returns a specified node from a NamedNodeMap, specified by its name.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It returns a node object representing the
node at the relevant index value, or null if the index is outside the applicable range.
The item() method (when applied to NamedNodeMap objects in the JavaScript DOM) returns the
node at the specified index position in a NamedNodeMap.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It returns a node object representing the
node at the relevant index value, or null if the index is outside the applicable range.
namednodemap.item(index) or namednodemap[index]
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It returns a node object representing the
removed node.
The setNamedItem() method (when applied to NamedNodeMap objects in the JavaScript DOM)
adds / sets a specified node (specified by name). If the node already existed then the old node w ill
be replaced. If it didn’t previously exist then it will be addNote: if you are setting an element
attribute then you can use the element.setAttribute() instead.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It returns a node object representing the
replaced object (if any), or null if no replacement occurred.
Event objects within the JavaScript DOM support the following constants, properties and methods:
JavaScript DOM Event constants:
The AT_TARGET constant / property of Event objects within the JavaScript DOM indicates whether
the event is in the target phase, i.e. being evaluated at the event target.
The BUBBLING_PHASE constant / property of Event objects within the JavaScript DOM indicates
whether the event is in the bubbling phase.
The CAPTURING_PHASE constant / property of Event objects within the JavaScript DOM indicate s
whether the event is in the capture phase.
The bubbles property of Event objects within the JavaScript DOM returns true if the event is a
bubbling event, otherwise returns false.
The cancelable property of Event objects within the JavaScript DOM returns true i f e ve nt can
have its default action prevented (i.e. cancelled), otherwise returns false.
The currentTarget property of Event objects within the JavaScript DOM returns the element
whose event listener(s) triggered the event.
The defaultPrevented property of Event objects within the JavaScript DOM returns true if
the preventDefault() method was called for the event, otherwise returns false.
The eventPhase property of Event objects within the JavaScript DOM returns which phase of
event flow is currently being evaluated for the event.
The isTrusted property of Event objects within the JavaScript DOM returns true if the e ve nt i s
trusted, otherwise returns false.
The target property of Event objects within the JavaScript DOM returns the HTML element that
triggered event.
The timeStamp property of Event objects within the JavaScript DOM returns the time at which
event was created.
The type property of Event objects within the JavaScript DOM returns the name of the event.
The view property of Event objects within the JavaScript DOM returns a reference to the window
object where the event occurred.
The preventDefault() method (when applied to Event objects in the JavaScript DOM) cancels
an event if it is cancellable (i.e. it causes the default action belonging to the event not to occur).
For example, this could stop the browser from going to a new page when a link is clicked.
Note: Not all events are cancellable; the event.cancelable property will indicate whether it is
cancellable. Also, the preventDefault() method does not prevent further propagation through
the DOM; to limit this, use the event.stopImmediatePropagation() or event.stopPropagation()
It has the following syntax with no parameters. It does not return a value.
It has the following syntax with no parameters. It does not return a value.
The stopPropagation() method (when applied to Event objects in the JavaScript DOM)
prevents further propagation of the event in the capturing and bubbling phases of an event.
Note: ‘bubbling’ triggers additional event listeners (if appropriately defined) found by following the
event target’s parent chain upwards (up to and including the overall document), see W3C
specifications for more details.
It has the following syntax with no parameters. It does not return a value.
MouseEvent objects within the JavaScript DOM support the following properties:
Properties (when mouse event is triggered):
The altKey property of MouseEvent objects within the JavaScript DOM (i.e. events triggered by an
action with the mouse) returns true if the ‘ALT’ key was pressed, otherwise returns false.
The button property of MouseEvent objects within the JavaScript DOM (i.e. events triggered by an
action with the mouse) returns which mouse button was pressed.
The buttons property of MouseEvent objects within the JavaScript DOM (i.e. events tri gge red by
an action with the mouse) returns which mouse buttons were pressed.
The clientX property of MouseEvent objects within the JavaScript DOM (i.e. events tri gge red by
an action with the mouse) returns the horizontal coordinate of the mouse pointer (relative to the
current window).
The clientY property of MouseEvent objects within the JavaScript DOM (i.e. events tri gge red by
an action with the mouse) returns the vertical coordinate of the mouse pointer (relative to the
current window).
The ctrlKey property of MouseEvent objects within the JavaScript DOM (i.e. events tri gge red by
an action with the mouse) returns true if the ‘CTRL’ key was pressed, otherwise returns false.
The detail property of MouseEvent objects within the JavaScript DOM (i.e. events triggered by an
action with the mouse) returns the number of times the mouse was clicked.
The metaKey property of MouseEvent objects within the JavaScript DOM (i.e. events tri gge red by
an action with the mouse) returns true if the ‘META’ key was pressed, otherwise returns false.
The pageX property of MouseEvent objects within the JavaScript DOM (i.e. events triggere d by an
action with the mouse) returns the horizontal coordinate of the mouse pointer (relative to the page
/ document).
The pageY property of MouseEvent objects within the JavaScript DOM (i.e. events triggere d by an
action with the mouse) returns the vertical coordinate of the mouse pointer (relative to the page /
The relatedTarget property of MouseEvent objects within the JavaScript DOM (i.e. events
triggered by an action with the mouse) returns the element related to the element that triggered
the mouse event.
The screenX property of MouseEvent objects within the JavaScript DOM (i.e. events tri gge red by
an action with the mouse) returns the horizontal coordinate of the mouse pointer (relative to the
The screenY property of MouseEvent objects within the JavaScript DOM (i.e. events tri gge red by
an action with the mouse) returns the vertical coordinate of the mouse pointer (relative to the
The shiftKey property of MouseEvent objects within the JavaScript DOM (i.e. events triggered by
an action with the mouse) returns true if the ‘SHIFT’ key was pressed, otherwise returns false.
The which property of MouseEvent objects within the JavaScript DOM (i.e. events triggere d by an
action with the mouse) returns which mouse button was pressed (its output is more consistent
between browsers than the button property).
7. Properties and Methods for KeyboardEvent objects
KeyboardEvent objects within the JavaScript DOM support the following properties:
The altKey property of KeyboardEvent objects within the JavaScript DOM (i.e. events triggered by
an action with the keyboard) returns true if the ‘ALT’ key was pressed, otherwise returns false.
The charCode property of KeyboardEvent objects within the JavaScript DOM (i.e. events triggere d
by an action with the keyboard) returns the Unicode character code of the key triggering the
onkeypress event.
The ctrlKey property of KeyboardEvent objects within the JavaScript DOM (i.e. events tri gge red
by an action with the keyboard) returns true if the ‘CTRL’ key was pressed, otherwise returns
The key property of KeyboardEvent objects within the JavaScript DOM (i.e. events tri ggere d by an
action with the keyboard) returns the key value of the key represented by the event.
The keyCode property of KeyboardEvent objects within the JavaScript DOM (i.e. events tri gge red
by an action with the keyboard) returns the Unicode character code of the key pressed (for an
onkeypress event), or the Unicode key code of the key that triggered an onkeydown or an onke yup
event. It is included for compatibility only, as the latest specification recommends using the key
The location property of KeyboardEvent objects within the JavaScript DOM (i.e. events triggere d
by an action with the keyboard) returns the location of the key on the keyboard or device.
The metaKey property of KeyboardEvent objects within the JavaScript DOM (i.e. events tri gge red
by an action with the keyboard) returns true if the ‘META’ key was pressed, otherwise returns
The metaKey property of KeyboardEvent objects within the JavaScript DOM (i.e. events tri gge red
by an action with the keyboard) returns true if the ‘META’ key was pressed, otherwise returns
The which property of KeyboardEvent objects within the JavaScript DOM (i.e. events tri gge red by
an action with the keyboard) returns the Unicode character code of the key pressed (for an
onkeypress event), or the Unicode key code of the key that triggered an onkeydown or an onke yup
event. It is included for compatibility only, as the latest JavaScript specification re commends usi ng
the key property.
HashChangeEvent objects within the JavaScript DOM support the following properties:
The newURL property of HashChangeEvent objects within the JavaScript DOM returns the URL of
the document after the hash has been changed.
The oldURL property of HashChangeEvent objects within the JavaScript DOM returns the URL of
the document before the hash has been changed.
PageTransitionEvent objects within the JavaScript DOM support the following properties:
JavaScript DOM PageTransitionEvent properties:
The persisted property of PageTransitionEvent objects within the JavaScript DOM returns
whether the webpage was cached by browser.
FocusEvent objects within the JavaScript DOM support the following properties:
The relatedTarget property of FocusEvent objects within the JavaScript DOM returns e l e ment
related to the element triggering the event.
AnimationEvent objects within the JavaScript DOM support the following properties:
The animationName property of AnimationEvent objects within the JavaScript DOM re turns the
name of the animation.
The elapsedTime property of AnimationEvent objects within the JavaScript DOM returns the
number of seconds the animation has been running.
TransitionEvent objects within the JavaScript DOM support the following properties:
The elapsedTime property of TransitionEvent objects within the JavaScript DOM returns the
number of seconds the transition has been running.
The propertyName property of TransitionEvent objects within the JavaScript DOM returns the
name of CSS property associated with transition.
WheelEvent objects within the JavaScript DOM support the following properties:
deltaMode Returns a number indicating the unit of Here
measurement for delta values
deltaX Returns the horizontal (x-axis) scroll amount of a Here
mouse wheel
deltaY Returns the vertical (y-axis) scroll amount of a mouse Here
deltaZ Returns the z-axis scroll amount of a mouse wheel Here
The deltaMode property of WheelEvent objects within the JavaScript DOM returns a number
indicating the unit of measurement for delta values.
The deltaX property of WheelEvent objects within the JavaScript DOM returns the horizontal (x-
axis) scroll amount of a mouse wheel.
The deltaY property of WheelEvent objects within the JavaScript DOM returns the vertical (y-axis)
scroll amount of a mouse wheel.
The deltaZ property of WheelEvent objects within the JavaScript DOM returns the z-axis scroll
amount of a mouse wheel.
TouchEvent objects within the JavaScript DOM support the following properties:
changedTouches Returns a TouchList of all the Touch objects Here
representing those points of contact where state has
changed between previous touch event and this one
ctrlKey Returns true if ‘CTRL’ key was pressed, otherwise Here
returns false
metaKey Returns true if ‘META’ key was pressed, otherwise Here
returns false
shiftKey Returns true if ‘SHIFT’ key was pressed, otherwise Here
returns false
targetTouches Returns a TouchList of all the Touch objects that are Here
both currently in contact with touch surface and
were also started on same element as the event
touches Returns a TouchList of all the Touch objects that are Here
currently in contact with touch surface irrespective
of target or changed status
Some properties of TouchEvent objects within the JavaScript DOM involve TouchLists. These
represent a list of contact points with a touch surface. For example, if the user has four fingers
touching a screen or trackpad then the corresponding TouchList object would have 4 Touch entries,
one for each finger. It supports the following properties and methods:
Some properties of TouchEvent objects within the JavaScript DOM involve Touch objects. These
represent a single contact point on a touch-sensitive device. Touch objects support the following
properties and methods:
browser viewport
clientY y-coordinate of touch point relative to left edge of
browser viewport
identifier A unique identified assigned to a touch point, which
it will retain for the duration of its movement around
the surface
pageX x-coordinate of touch point relative to left edge of
page / document
pageY y-coordinate of touch point relative to top edge of
page / document
screenX x-coordinate of touch point relative to left edge of
screenY y-coordinate of touch point relative to top edge of
target Element on which the touch point started when first
placed on surface
There are also some (currently) experimental properties such as radiusX, radiusY,
rotationAngle (relate to ellipse that most closely describes area of contact between user and
surface) and force (amount of pressure being applied to surface by the user, between 0 and 1).
The altKey property of TouchEvent objects within the JavaScript DOM returns true if ‘ALT’ key
was pressed, otherwise returns false.
The changedTouches property of TouchEvent objects within the JavaScript DOM returns a
TouchList of all the Touch objects representing those points of contact where the state has changed
between previous touch event and this one.
The ctrlKey property of TouchEvent objects within the JavaScript DOM returns true if ‘CTRL’ key
was pressed, otherwise returns false.
The metaKey property of TouchEvent objects within the JavaScript DOM returns true if ‘META’
key was pressed, otherwise returns false.
The shiftKey property of TouchEvent objects within the JavaScript DOM returns true if ‘SHIFT’
key was pressed, otherwise returns false.
The targetTouches property of TouchEvent objects within the JavaScript DOM returns a
TouchList of all the Touch objects representing those points of contact that are both currently in
contact with touch surface and were also started on same element as the event target.
The touches property of TouchEvent objects within the JavaScript DOM returns a TouchList of all
the Touch objects that are currently in contact with the touch surface irrespective of target or
changed status.
The JavaScript DOM Style object represents an individual style statement. It can be accessed from
the head section of a document, using e.g. document.getElementsByTagName("STYLE"),
or for specific HTML elements, using e.g. document.getElementsById(ElementId).style.
The Style object has properties that largely align with corresponding CSS properties as follows:
animation- animationIterationCount Here
animation- animationName Here
animation- animationPlayState Here
animation- animationTimingFunction Here
backface- backfaceVisibility Here
background background Here
background- backgroundAttachment Here
background- Here
background- backgroundClip Here
background- backgroundColor Here
background- backgroundImage Here
background- backgroundOrigin Here
background- backgroundPosition Here
background- backgroundRepeat Here
background- backgroundSize Here
border border Here
border-bottom borderBottom Here
border- borderBottomColor Here
border- borderBottomLeftRadius Here
border- borderBottomRightRadius Here
border- borderBottomStyle Here
border- borderBottomWidth Here
border- borderCollapse Here
border-color borderColor Here
border-image borderImage Here
border-image- borderImageOutset Here
border-image- borderImageRepeat Here
border-image- borderImageSlice Here
border-image- borderImageSourse Here
border-image- borderImageWidth Here
border-left borderLeft Here
border-left- borderLeftColor Here
border-left- borderLeftStyle Here
border-left- borderLeftWidth Here
border-radius borderRadius Here
border-right borderRight Here
border-right- borderRightColor Here
border-right- borderRightStyle Here
border-right- borderRightWidth Here
border- borderSpacing Here
border-style borderStyle Here
border-top borderTop Here
border-top- borderTopColor Here
border-top- borderTopLeftRadius Here
border-top- borderTopRightRadius Here
border-top- borderTopStyle Here
border-top- borderTopWidth Here
border-width borderWidth Here
bottom bottom Here
box-shadow boxShadow Here
box-sizing boxSizing Here
caption-side captionSide Here
clear clear Here
clip clip Here
color color Here
column-count columnCount Here
column-fill columnFill Here
column-gap columnGap Here
column-rule columnRule Here
column-rule- columnRuleColor Here
column-rule- columnRuleStyle Here
column-rule- columnRuleWidth Here
column-span columnSpan Here
column-width columnWidth Here
columns columns Here
content content Here
counter- counterIncrement Here
counter-reset counterReset Here
cursor cursor Here
direction direction Here
display display Here
empty-cells emptyCells Here
filter filter Here
flex flex Here
flex-basis flexBasis Here
flex- flexDirection Here
flex-flow flexFlow Here
flex-grow flexGrow Here
flex-shrink flexShrink Here
flex-wrap flexWrap Here
float cssFloat Here
font font Here
@font-face Here
font-family fontFamily Here
font-size fontSize Here
font-size- fontSizeAdjust Here
font-stretch fontStretch Here
font-style fontStyle Here
font-variant fontVariant Here
font-weight fontWeight Here
hanging- hangingPunctuation Here
height height Here
justify- justifyContent Here
@keyframes Here
left left Here
letter- letterSpacing Here
line-height lineHeight Here
list-style listStyle Here
list-style- listStyleImage Here
list-style- listStylePosition Here
list-style- listStyleType Here
margin margin Here
margin-bottom marginBottom Here
margin-left marginLeft Here
margin-right marginRight Here
margin-top marginTop Here
max-height maxHeight Here
max-width maxWidth Here
@media Here
min-height minHeight Here
min-width minWidth Here
nav-down navDown Here
nav-index navIndex Here
nav-left navLeft Here
nav-right navRight Here
nav-up navUp Here
opacity opacity Here
order order Here
orphans orphans Here
outline outline Here
outline-color outlineColor Here
outline- outlineOffset Here
outline-style outlineStyle Here
outline-width outlineWidth Here
overflow overflow Here
overflow-x overflowX Here
overflow-y overflowY Here
padding padding Here
padding- paddingBottom Here
padding-left paddingLeft Here
padding-right paddingRight Here
padding-top paddingTop Here
page-break- pageBreakAfter Here
page-break- pageBreakBefore Here
page-break- pageBreakInside Here
perspective perspective Here
perspective- perspectiveOrigin Here
position position Here
quotes quotes Here
resize resize Here
right right Here
tab-size tabSize Here
table-layout tableLayout Here
text-align textAlign Here
text-align- textAlignLast Here
text- textDecoration Here
text- textDecorationColor Here
text- textDecorationLine Here
text- textDecorationStyle Here
text-indent textIndent Here
text-justify textJustify Here
text-overflow textOverflow Here
text-shadow textShadow Here
text- textTransform Here
top top Here
transform transform Here
transform- transformOrigin Here
transform- transformStyle Here
transition transition Here
transition- transitionDelay Here
transition- transitionDuration Here
transition- transitionProperty Here
transition- transitionTiming- Here
timing- function
unicode-bidi unicodeBidi Here
user-select userSelect Here
vertical- verticalAlign Here
visibility visibility Here
white-space whiteSpace Here
widows widows Here
width width Here
word-break wordBreak Here
word-spacing wordSpacing Here
word-wrap wordWrap Here
z-index zIndex Here
More advanced webpages typically use JavaScript to manipulate individual HTML elements on a
webpage. For example, HTML <a> (i.e. anchor) elements can be created or accessed using JavaScript
as follows:
Here the ElementId is the id attribute of the element. The A is the JavaScript DOM name for an
anchor element. Occasionally the most natural way to access an element does not involve its id
attribute in which case there are other possible approach, see detail on individual elements.
For some types of elements (e.g. because there will only typically be one of them in any given
document, or because they can be accessed via a specific document property) there may be other
simpler ways of accessing the element. For example. the following elements might more commonly
be accessed as follows:
Some types of element come in various types, and it is also in practice necessary to set their type
when they are created, e.g.:
To add elements that don’t reside within any single element inside the document body (such a
<datalist> element, you should first create it and then add it to the document.body object.
JavaScript DOM object names corresponding to different HTML elements supported by HTML 5
<canvas> CANVAS Here
<caption> CAPTION Here
<cite> CITE Here
<code> CODE Here
<col> COL Here
<colgroup> COLGROUP Here
<data> DATA Here
<datalist> DATALIST Here
<dd> DD Here
<del> DEL Here
<details> DETAILS Here
<dfn> DFN Here
<dialog> DIALOG Here
<div> DIV Here
<dl> DL Here
<dt> DT Here
<em> EM Here
<embed> EMBED Here
<fieldset> FIELDSET Here
<figcaption> FIGCAPTION Here
<figure> FIGURE Here
<footer> FOOTER Here
<form> FORM Here
<h1> H1 Here
<h2> H2 Here
<h3> H3 Here
<h4> H4 Here
<h5> H5 Here
<h6> H6 Here
<head> HEAD Here
<header> HEADER Here
<hr> HR Here
<html> HTML Here
<i> I Here
<iframe> IFRAME Here
<img> IMG Here
<input> INPUT Here
<ins> INS Here
<kbd> KBD Here
<keygen> KEYGEN Here
<label> LABEL Here
<legend> LEGEND Here
<li> LI Here
<link> LINK Here
<main> MAIN Here
<map> MAP Here
<mark> MARK Here
<menu> MENU Here
<menuitem> MENUITEM Here
<meta> META Here
<meter> METER Here
<nav> NAV Here
<noscript> NOSCRIPT Here
<object> OBJECT Here
<ol> OL Here
<optgroup> OPTGROUP Here
<option> OPTION Here
<output> OUTPUT Here
<p> P Here
<param> PARAM Here
<picture> PICTURE Here
<pre> PRE Here
<progress> PROGRESS Here
<q> Q Here
<rp> RP Here
<rt> RT Here
<ruby> RUBY Here
<s> S Here
<samp> SAMP Here
<script> SCRIPT Here
<section> SECTION Here
<select> SELECT Here
<small> SMALL Here
<source> SOURCE Here
<span> SPAN Here
<strong> STRONG Here
<style> STYLE Here
<sub> SUB Here
<summary> SUMMARY Here
<sup> SUP Here
<table> TABLE Here
<tbody> TBODY Here
<td> TD Here
<textarea> TEXTAREA Here
<tfoot> TFOOT Here
<th> TH Here
<thead> THEAD Here
<time> TIME Here
<title> TITLE Here
<tr> TR Here
<track> TRACK Here
<u> U Here
<ul> UL Here
<var> VAR Here
<video> VIDEO Here
<wbr> WBR Here
Applying a property or method to an HTML element involves a command along the lines of e.g.:
where element is the variable corresponding to the HTML element and click()is the property or
method applied to the element, here a method that simulates a mouse click of the element.
Properties and methods that can be applied to all HTML elements (and to some nodes that are not
elements) are set out here:
HTML DOM elements also support all relevant HTML DOM event attributes, properties and methods.
Some DOM properties correspond to HTML attributes that are only applicable to certain types of
HTML element. These include:
enctype enctype Here
for for Here
form form Here
formaction formaction Here
formenctype formenctype Here
formmethod formmethod Here
formnovalidate formnovalidate Here
formtarget formtarget Here
headers headers Here
height height Here
hidden hidden Here
high high Here
href href Here
hreflang hreflang Here
http-equiv httpEquiv Here
icon icon Here
id id Here
ismap ismap Here
keytype keytype Here
kind kind Here
label label Here
lang lang Here
list list Here
loop loop Here
low low Here
manifest manifest Here
max max Here
maxlength maxlength Here
media media Here
method method Here
min min Here
multiple multiple Here
muted muted Here
name name Here
novalidate novalidate Here
open open Here
optimum optimum Here
pattern pattern Here
placeholder placeholder Here
poster poster Here
preload preload Here
radiogroup radiogroup Here
readonly readonly Here
rel rel Here
required required Here
reversed reversed Here
rows rows Here
rowspan rowspan Here
sandbox sandbox Here
scope scope Here
scoped scoped Here
selected selected Here
shape shape Here
size size Here
sizes sizes Here
span span Here
spellcheck spellcheck Here
src src Here
srcdoc srcdoc Here
srclang srclang Here
srcset srcset Here
start start Here
step step Here
style style Here
tabindex tabindex Here
target target Here
title title Here
translate translate Here
type type Here
usemap usemap Here
value value Here
width width Here
wrap wrap Here
xmlns xmlns Here
(1) In a window
(2) On a screen
(3) From a specific URL
(4) By a specific browser
(5) Which may have opened this URL (and others from the same web domain) previously
Objects exposed by the browser within JavaScript can inform the JavaScript programmer about the
characteristics of (1) – (5), which can help to provide a more responsive user experience. These
objects are collectively known as the JavaScript BOM, i.e. Browser Object Model. There are no
agreed standards for these objects, but majr browsers typically implement them:
The window object represents the open window. If a page contains some <iframe> elements then
separate window objects are created by the browser for each <iframe> as well as one for the main
page. It typically supports the following properties and methods:
Property Description More
closed Returns true if the window has been closed, Here
false otherwise
defaultStatus Sets / returns default text in window statusbar Here
document Returns the document object currently associated Here
with the window
frameElement Returns the <iframe> object in which the current Here
window resides
frames Returns an array-like object of all <iframe> objects in Here
the current window object
history Returns the history object for the window Here
innerHeight Returns the height of the window’s content area Here
innerWidth Returns the width of the window’s content area Here
length Returns the number of <iframe> objects in the Here
current window
localStorage Returns a reference to the local storage object used Here
for the object
location Returns the location object for the window Here
name Sets / returns window name Here
navigator Returns navigator object for the window Here
opener Returns the window that created this window Here
outerHeight Returns the height of the window including toolbars, Here
scrollbars etc.
outerWidth Returns the width of the window including toolbars, Here
scrollbars etc.
pageXOffset Returns number of pixels current document has been Here
scrolled horizontally (from upper left corner of
pageYOffset Returns number of pixels current document has been Here
scrolled vertically (from upper left corner of window)
parent Returns parent window of the window Here
screen Returns screen object for window Here
screenLeft Returns horizontal coordinate of window relative to Here
screenTop Returns vertical coordinate of window relative to Here
screenX Returns horizontal coordinate of window relative to Here
screenY Returns vertical coordinate of window relative to Here
sessionStorage Stores data in a web browser (one session) in the Here
form of key/value pairs
scrollX Alias for pageXOffset Here
scrollY Alias for pageYOffset Here
self Returns the current window Here
status Sets / returns text in window statusbar Here
top Returns topmost browser window Here
Method Description More
alert() Displays an alert box Here
atob() Decodes a base-64 encoded string Here
blur() Removes focus from window Here
btoa() Encodes a string in base-64 Here
clearInterval() Clears timer set with setInterval() Here
clearTimeout() Clears timer set with setTimeout() Here
close() Closes current window Here
confirm() Displays a dialog box (with an OK and Cancel button) Here
focus() Sets focus to window Here
getComputedStyle() Gets current computed CSS styles applied to element Here
getSelection() Returns Selection object representing range of text Here
selected by user
matchMedia() Returns MediaQueryList object representing the Here
results of applying a specified CSS media query string
moveBy() Moves window relative to current position Here
moveTo() Moves window to a specified position Here
open() Opens new browser window Here
print() Prints contents of window Here
prompt() Displays dialog box prompting user for input Here
resizeBy() Resizes window by specified numbers of pixels Here
resizeTo() Resizes windows to specified width and height Here
scroll() Depreciated (replaced by scrollTo() method) Here
scrollBy() Scrolls document by specified number of pixels Here
scrollTo() Scrolls document to specified coordinates Here
setInterval() Calls function or evaluates expression at specified Here
intervals (in milliseconds)
setTimeout() Calls function or evaluates expression after a Here
specified interval (in milliseconds)
stop() Stops window from loading Here
The screen object provides information about the screen in which the browser window has
opened. It typically supports the following properties and methods:
The location object provides information about the URL populating the current window. It
typically supports the following properties and methods:
The navigator object provides information about the browser that has opened the window. It
typically supports the following properties and methods:
The history object provides information on the URLs visited by the user within the browser. It
typically supports the following properties and methods:
Window properties:
The closed property (of the JavaScript BOM window object) returns true if the window has been
closed or false if it has not been closed. If the window doesn’t exist (e.g. because it was never
opened) then this can be tested for by e.g. evaluating (!windowvar) as this will evaluate to false if
windowvar does not exist.
The defaultStatus property (of the JavaScript BOM window object) sets or returns the default
text in the window statusbar.
Setting the defaultStatus property typically does not work with many major browsers (as it
introduces scope for impersonation of sites). To allow scripts to change the status text, the user
must typically alter the configuration settings of the browser.
The document property (of the JavaScript BOM window object) returns the document object
currently associated with the window.
The frameElement property (of the JavaScript BOM window object) returns the <iframe> object
in which the current window resides. If the window is not within an <iframe> object then this
property will return null.
The frames property (of the JavaScript BOM window object) returns an array-like object of all
<iframe> objects in the current window object. The first element has an index entry of 0. The
number of <iframe> objects contained in the object can be identified from frames.length.
The history property (of the JavaScript BOM window object) returns the history object for the
The innerHeight property (of the JavaScript BOM window object) returns the height of the
window’s content area.
The innerWidth property (of the JavaScript BOM window object) returns the width of the
window’s content area.
The length property (of the JavaScript BOM window object) returns the number of <iframe>
objects in the current window.
The localStorage property (of the JavaScript BOM window object) returns a reference to the
local storage object in which it is possible to store data withi n a web browser (permanently) in the
form of key/value pairs.
The location property (of the JavaScript BOM window object) returns the location object for the
The name property (of the JavaScript BOM window object) sets / returns the window name.
The navigator property (of the JavaScript BOM window object) returns the navigator object for
the window.
The opener property (of the JavaScript BOM window object) returns the window that created this
The outerHeight property (of the JavaScript BOM window object) returns the height of the
window including toolbars, scrollbars etc.
The outerWidth property (of the JavaScript BOM window object) returns the width of the window
including toolbars, scrollbars etc.
The pageXOffset property (of the JavaScript BOM window object) returns the number of pixels
current document has been scrolled horizontally (from upper left corner of window).
The pageYOffset property (of the JavaScript BOM window object) returns the number of pixels
current document has been scrolled vertically (from upper left corner of window).
The parent property (of the JavaScript BOM window object) returns the parent window of the
The screen property (of the JavaScript BOM window object) returns the screen object for window.
The screenLeft property (of the JavaScript BOM window object) returns the horizontal
coordinate of window relative to screen.
The screenTop property (of the JavaScript BOM window object) returns the vertical coordinate of
window relative to screen.
The screenX property (of the JavaScript BOM window object) returns the horizontal coordinate of
window relative to screen.
The screenY property (of the JavaScript BOM window object) returns the vertical coordinate of
window relative to screen.
The scrollX property (of the JavaScript BOM window object) is an alias for the for pageXOffset
The scrollY property (of the JavaScript BOM window object) is an alias for the for pageYOffset
The self property (of the JavaScript BOM window object) returns the current window.
The sessionStorage property (of the JavaScript BOM window object) returns a reference to the
session storage object in which it is possible to store data within a web browser (temporarily, for a
single session) in the form of key/value pairs.
The status property (of the JavaScript BOM window object) sets / returns the text in the window
status bar.
Setting the status property typically does not work with many major browsers (as it introduces
scope for impersonation of sites). To allow scripts to change the status text, the user must typically
alter the configuration settings of the browser.
The top property (of the JavaScript BOM window object) returns the topmost browser window.
Window methods:
[website page: JavaScriptMethodWindowAlert]
The alert() method (when applied to Window objects in the JavaScript BOM) displays text in an
alert box.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It does not return a value.
The atob() method (when applied to Window objects in the JavaScript BOM) decodes a base-64
encoded string (encoded using the btoa() method.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It returns the decoded string.
The blur() method (when applied to Window objects in the JavaScript BOM) removes focus from
the window.
It has the following syntax with no parameters. It does not return a value.
The btoa() method (when applied to Window objects in the JavaScript BOM) encodes a string into
base-64, using A-Z, a-z, 0-9, “+”, “/” and “=” characters to encode the string. The string can be
decoded using the atob() method.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It returns the encoded string.
The clearInterval() method (when applied to Window objects in the JavaScript BOM) clears a
timer set using the setInterval() method.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It does not return a value.
The clearTimeout() method (when applied to Window objects in the JavaScript BOM) clears a
timer set using the setTimeout() method.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It does not return a value.
The close() method (when applied to Window objects in the JavaScript BOM) closes the current
It has the following syntax with no parameters. It does not return a value.
The confirm() method (when applied to Window objects in the JavaScript BOM) displays text in a
dialog box (with an OK and Cancel button).
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It returns true if the user clicks the OK
button, otherwise false.
The focus() method (when applied to Window objects in the JavaScript BOM) sets focus to the
window, which typically brings the window to the foreground (although this may not work as
expected in all browsers depending on what settings the user has adopted).
It has the following syntax with no parameters. It does not return a value.
The getComputedStyle() method (when applied to Window objects in the JavaScript BOM)
returns the current computed CSS styles applied to a specified element.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It returns a CSSStyleDeclaration object.
window.getComputedStyle(element, pseudoelement)
The getSelection() method (when applied to Window objects in the JavaScript BOM) returns
an object representing the range of text selected by user.
Note: one way of returning the text selected is to cast the result to a string (either by appending an
empty string or by applying the toString() method to the object).
The matchMedia() method (when applied to Window objects in the JavaScript BOM) returns a
MediaQueryList object representing the results of applying a specified CSS media query string.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It returns a MediaQueryList object.
The moveBy() method (when applied to Window objects in the JavaScript BOM) moves a window
by specified amounts (in the x and y directions) relative to its current position.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It does not return a value.
window.moveBy(x, y)
The moveTo() method (when applied to Window objects in the JavaScript BOM) moves a window
to a position specified by the x and y coordinates of its left top corner.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It does not return a value.
window.moveTo(x, y)
The open() method (when applied to Window objects in the JavaScript BOM) opens a new
browser window.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It does not return a value.
Values supported by the specifications parameter vary by browser but for some browsers include
location yes|no|1|0 Whether to display address field
menubar yes|no|1|0 Whether to display menubar
resizable yes|no|1|0 Whether window is resizable
scrollbars yes|no|1|0 Whether to display scrollbars
titlebar yes|no|1|0 Whether to display titlebar. Ignored unless calling
application is HTML Application or trusted dialog box
toolbar yes|no|1|0 Whether to display browser toolbar
top pixels top position of window (min 0)
width pixels Width of window (min 100)
The print() method (when applied to Window objects in the JavaScript BOM) prints the contents
of the window.
It has the following syntax with no parameters. It does not return a value.
The prompt() method (when applied to Window objects in the JavaScript BOM) displays text in a
dialog box prompting user for input (and with an OK and Cancel button).
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It returns a string if the user clicks OK,
being the input value (an empty string if the user didn’t input anything), or null if the user clicks
window.prompt(text, defaulttext)
The resizeBy() method (when applied to Window objects in the JavaScript BOM) resizes a
window by specified amounts (in the x and y directions) leaving the position of the top left corner
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It does not return a value.
window.resizeBy(x, y)
Parameter Required / Optional Description
x Required Positive or negative number specifying number of
pixels to change width by
y Required Positive or negative number specifying number of
pixels to change height by
The resizeTo() method (when applied to Window objects in the JavaScript BOM) resizes a
window to a specified size (in the x and y directions) leaving the position of the top left corner
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It does not return a value.
window.resizeTo(x, y)
The scroll() method (when applied to Window objects in the JavaScript BOM) scrolls the
document to specified coordinates. It is depreciated (replaced by the scrollTo() method)
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It does not return a value.
window.scroll(x, y)
The scrollBy() method (when applied to Window objects in the JavaScript BOM) scrolls the
document by specified number of pixels.
Note: the visible property of the window’s scrollbar needs to be set to true for this method to
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It does not return a value.
window.scrollBy(x, y)
Parameter Required / Optional Description
x Required Positive or negative number specifying number of
pixels to scroll by (positive causes scroll to right,
negative scroll to the left)
y Required Positive or negative number specifying number of
pixels to scroll by (positive causes scroll down,
negative scroll up)
The scrollTo() method (when applied to Window objects in the JavaScript BOM) scrolls the
document to specified coordinates.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It does not return a value.
window.scrollTo(x, y)
The setInterval() method (when applied to Window objects in the JavaScript BOM) calls a
function or evaluates an expression at specified intervals (in milliseconds). It will continue calling the
function until the clearInterval() method is called or until the window is closed.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It returns an id value (number) which is
then used as the parameter for the clearInterval() method.
Note: use the setTimeout() method to execute the function only once.
The setTimeout() method (when applied to Window objects in the JavaScript BOM) calls a
function or evaluates expression (once) after a specified interval (in milliseconds).
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It returns an id value (number) which is
then used as the parameter for the clearTimeout() method.
The stop() method (when applied to Window objects in the JavaScript BOM) stops the window
from loading.
It has the following syntax with no parameters. It does not return a value.
Screen properties:
The availHeight property (of the JavaScript BOM screen object) returns the screen height
(excluding the taskbar).
The availWidth property (of the JavaScript BOM screen object) returns the screen width
(excluding the taskbar).
The colorDepth property (of the JavaScript BOM screen object) returns the bit depth of the
colour palette.
The height property (of the JavaScript BOM screen object) returns the total height of the screen.
The pixelDepth property (of the JavaScript BOM screen object) returns the colour resolution (bits
per pixel) of the screen.
The width property (of the JavaScript BOM screen object) returns the total width of the screen.
Screen Methods:
Location properties:
The hash property (of the JavaScript BOM location object) returns the anchor part of the href
The host property (of the JavaScript BOM location object) returns the hostname and port part of
the href attribute.
The hostname property (of the JavaScript BOM location object) returns the hostname part of the
href attribute.
The href property (of the JavaScript BOM location object) sets / returns the entire URL.
The origin property (of the JavaScript BOM location object) returns the protocol, hostname and
port part of the href attribute.
The pathname property (of the JavaScript BOM location object) returns the pathname part of the
href attribute.
The port property (of the JavaScript BOM location object) returns the port part of the href
The protocol property (of the JavaScript BOM location object) returns the protocol part of the
href attribute.
The search property (of the JavaScript BOM location object) returns the query-string part of the
href attribute.
The status property (of the JavaScript BOM location object) sets / returns the text in the window
The top property (of the JavaScript BOM location object) returns the topmost browser window.
Location methods:
The assign() method (when applied to Location objects in the JavaScript BOM) loads new
document (but in a way that still allows the back button of the browser to go back to the original
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It does not return a value.
The reload() method (when applied to Location objects in the JavaScript BOM) reloads the
current document.
It generally does the same as the browser’s reload button. However, it is possible to specify where
the reload comes from, see below.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It does not return a value.
The replace() method (when applied to Location objects in the JavaScript BOM) replaces the
current document with a new document (in a way that removes the URL of the current document
from the document history, so stopping the back button of the browser going back to the original
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It does not return a value.
Navigator properties:
The appCodeName property (of the JavaScript BOM navigator object) returns the browser code
The appName property (of the JavaScript BOM navigator object) returns the browser name.
The appVersion property (of the JavaScript BOM navigator object) returns browser version
The cookieEnabled property (of the JavaScript BOM navigator object) indicates whether cookies
are enabled in the browser.
The geolocation property (of the JavaScript BOM navigator object) returns a Geolocation object
(which can be used to locate the user’s position).
The language property (of the JavaScript BOM navigator object) returns the browser language.
The online property (of the JavaScript BOM navigator object) returns whether the browser is
The platform property (of the JavaScript BOM navigator object) returns the platform the browser
is compiled for.
The product property (of the JavaScript BOM navigator object) returns the browser engine name.
The userAgent property (of the JavaScript BOM navigator object) returns the user agent header
sent by the browser to the server.
Navigator methods:
The javaEnabled() method (when applied to Navigator objects in the JavaScript BOM) indicates
whether the browser has Java enabled.
It has the following syntax with no parameters. It returns true if the browser has Java enabled,
otherwise false.
History properties:
The length property (of the JavaScript BOM history object) returns the number of URLs in the
history list.
History methods:
The back() method (when applied to History objects in the JavaScript BOM) loads the previous
URL in the history list. It is the same as clicking the back button in the browser or applying the
history.go(-1) method.
It has the following syntax with no parameters. It does not return a value.
The forward() method (when applied to History objects in the JavaScript BOM) loads the next
URL in the history list. It is the same as clicking the forward button in the browser or applying the
history.go(1) method.
It has the following syntax with no parameters. It does not return a value.
The go() method (when applied to History objects in the JavaScript BOM) loads a URL from the
history list.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It does not return a value.
The JavaScript DOM data structure has a form akin to an XML document, with a tree-like structure
that includes nodes at different branching points. This means that some additional methods and
properties are available to certain of its components.
Different NodeTypes in an XML DOM
Each NodeType has a specific name constant and number used for some purposes within the DOM:
Node objects
Nodes have the following properties and methods. In the two tables below, we generally illustrate
these properties by reference either to the document object or by reference to the DOM object
equivalents of HTML elements.
isDefaultNamespace() Returns true if a specified namespace URI is Here
the default namespace, otherwise returns
isEqualNode() Returns true if two elements / nodes are Here
‘equal’ (but not necessarily exactly the same),
otherwise returns false
isSameNode() Returns true if two elements / nodes are Here
the same (i.e. equal but also computationally
refer to the same node), otherwise returns
normalize() Removes empty text nodes and joins adjacent Here
removeChild() Removes specified child node Here
replaceChild() Replaces specified child node Here
NodeList objects
The NodeList object is the collection of child nodes within a node. It has the following properties and
NamedNodeMap objects
Many of the properties applicable to XML DOM objects are applicable to the DOM document object
more generally and are given here (or here, in relation to the document being itself a DOM
element). XML specific properties and methods are set out below.
DocumentType objects
Each Document has a DOCTYPE attribute, which is either null or a DocumentType object. It has the
following properties and methods:
DOMImplementation objects
The DOMImplementation object performs operations that are independent of any specific instance
of the DOM, i.e. it generally tells the code something about the system surrounding the specific
document. It has the following properties and methods:
The hasFeature() method ought in principle to be very useful for browser feature detection.
However, apparently it was inconsistently implemented in different browsers, so its use is no longer
ProcessingInstruction objects
The ProcessingInstruction object represents a processing instruction. This is a way of keep ing
processor-specific information in the text of the XML document. It has the following properties:
The Attr object representing DOM attributes has properties and methods shown here. However, it is
worth noting that an XML attribute does not have a parent node and is not considered to be a child
node of an element. As a result, it returns null for many Node properties.
Text objects represent textual nodes. They have the following properties and methods:
Property Description More
data Sets / returns text of element or attribute
isElementContentWhitespace Returns true if content is whitespace,
otherwise false
length Length of text of element or attribute
wholeText Returns all text of text nodes adjacent to
this node, concatenated together
CDATASection objects
The CDATASection object represents a CDATA section in a document. This contains text that will not
be parsed by the parser (i.e. is not treated as markup. The only delimiter recognised in such a section
is “]]>” which indicates the end of the section. CDATA sections cannot be nested. They have the
following properties and methods:
Comment objects
The Comment object represents the content of comment nodes. It has the following properties and
appendData() Appends data to node
deleteData() Deletes data from node
insertData() Inserts data into node
replaceData() Replaces data in node
splitText Splits node into two at specified offset, and returns
new node containing text after offset
substringData() Extracts data from node
XMLHttpRequest objects
The XMLHttpRequest object allows JavaScript to update parts of a web page without reloading the
whole page. It also allows the developer to arrange:
Appendix Z: Further JavaScript Properties and Methods
Global properties:
The JavaScript Global Infinity property returns Infinity (i.e. larger than the upper limit of
floating point numbers in the JavaScript language. Note: -Infinity arises if the number is
negative and exceeds the lower limit of floating point numbers.
The JavaScript Global NaN property returns NaN (i.e. ‘not a number’).
The JavaScript Global undefined property indicates that a variable has been created but has not
yet been defined a valu.
The JavaScript Global Boolean() method converts an object to a Boolean representing the value
of the object. If the parameter value is omitted or is 0, -0, false, NaN, undefined, an empty string or
the document.all DOM object then the method evaluates to false. All other parameter values
(including the string “false”!) evaluate to true.
Note: it is easy to confuse the primitive Boolean values true and false with the values of the Boolean
object. For example, any object whose value is not undefined or null evaluates to true when passed
to a conditional statement. So, the following statements will result in the code being evaluated:
var x = false;
if (x) { code }
The output of the global Boolean method can also be quite confusing at it involves a type coercion
that does not always behave intuitively.
The JavaScript Global decodeURI() method inverts the outcome of encoding a string using
encodeURI. It is depreciated, and decodeURI or decodeURIComponent should be used instead.
The JavaScript Global decodeURIcomponent() method inverts the outcome of encoding a string
using encodeURIComponent.
The JavaScript Global encodeURI() method encodes a string representing a URI by replacing
certain characters by one, two, three or (rarely) four escape sequences representing the UTF -8
encoding of the character.
The JavaScript Global escape() method encodes a string representing a URI by replacing certain
characters by one, two, three or (rarely) four escape sequences representing the UTF-8 encoding of
the character. It is depreciated, and encodeURI or encodeURIComponent should be used instead.
More details on URI encoding is given here.
The JavaScript Global eval() method evaluates or executes an expression or set of JavaScript
eval() should be called sparingly. For example, it executes codes passed to it with the privileges of
the calling algorithm, which can be exploited by a malicious party. It also invokes the JavaScript
interpreter, which can frustrate modern browsers’ ways of optimising code execution .
The JavaScript Global isFinite() method indicates whether a number is a finite legal number. It
returns true if the value is a finite number, otherwise returns false.
The Number.isFinite method is subtly different to the global isFinite function. The latter coerces
a value to a number before testing it, whilst the former does not. So,
Number.isFinite("4.3") returns false, whilst isFinite("4.3") returns true.
The JavaScript Global isNaN() method returns true if the value equates to NaN (after initial
conversion to a Number) otherwise returns false.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters:
The Number.isNaN method is subtly different to the global isNaN function. The latter coerces a
value to a number before testing it, whilst the former does not. So, Number.isNaN("NaN")
returns false, whilst isNaN("NaN") returns true.
The JavaScript Global Number() method converts an object to a number representing the value of
the object (if this is possible) or returns NaN if such a conversion is not possible. If the parameter is a
Date object then it returns the number of milliseconds since midnight 1 Jan 1970 (UTC).
The JavaScript Global parseFloat() method parses a string and returns a floating point number,
assuming that the string can be interpreted as such a number. It finds the first character after
leading spaces, works out if this is one that can appear in a number and then continues parsing the
string until it reaches the end of any part that is interpretable as a number, returning that number as
a number value, not a string. If the first available non-space character is not numerical then the
method returns NaN. Only the first of multiple numbers will be returned.
The JavaScript Global parseInt() method parses a string returns an integer where practical. If
the first available non-space character of x is not numerical then the method returns NaN. Only the
first of multiple numbers will be returned.
parseInt(x, radix)
Users are recommended to include a radix as the results can otherwise vary by browser. Usually, if
the radix is omitted and x begins with “0x” (maybe “Ox”) then the radix (number base) is taken to be
16. If it begins with “0” (maybe “O”) then the radix is base 8 (this option is depreciated), otherwise
usually the radix is defaulted to base 10 (i.e. decimal). The method finds the first character in x after
leading spaces, works out if this is one that can appear in a number and then continues parsing the
string until it reaches the end of any part that is interpretable as a number, returning that number as
a number value, not a string.
The JavaScript Global String() method converts an object to a string. It returns the same as the
toString() method of the object.
The JavaScript Global unescape() method inverts the outcome of encoding a string using
encodeURI. It is depreciated, and decodeURI or decodeURIComponent should be used instead.
More details on URI encoding is given here.
The DOM objects corresponding to the HTML media elements (i.e. <audio> and <video> elements)
both support a number of specific media-orientated properties and methods.
Media properties:
Media methods:
audio methods (other than media methods):
The fastSeek() method of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML <audio>
element seeks to a specified time in the audio.
The getStartDate() method of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML <audio>
element returns a Date object representing the current timeline offset.
canvas methods:
The getContext() method of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML <canvas>
element returns an object that can be used to elaborate (populate) the canvas.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It returns a canvas context (or null if the
context type is not recognised.
canvas.getContext(type, attributes)
The restore() method of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to a context applied to the
HTML <canvas> element returns the context’s previously saved drawing state and attributes.
Context states are stored on a stack every time the save() method is called, and returned whenever
the restore() method is called. The restore() method takes no parameters.
For contexts generated by getContext("2d"), the state characteristics that are saved or
restored appear to include:
The current path is not part of the drawing state (it can only be reset using the beginPath method).
Neither is the bitmap that has been drawn (it is a property of the canvas itself, not the context).
The save() method of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to a context applied to the HTML
<canvas> element saves the context’s drawing state and attributes. Context states are stored on a
stack every time the save() method is called, and returned whenever the restore() method is
called. The save() method takes no parameters.
For contexts generated by getContext("2d"), the state characteristics that are saved or
restored appear to include:
The current path is not part of the drawing state (it can only be reset using the beginPath method).
Neither is the bitmap that has been drawn (it is a property of the canvas itself, not the context).
canvas2d properties:
The data property of the JavaScript DOM object returned by the getContext("2d") method
applied to the HTML <canvas> element returns an object containing image data for a specific
ImageData object.
The fillStyle property of the JavaScript DOM object returned by the getContext("2d")
method applied to the HTML <canvas> element sets / returns the style (colour, gradient, pattern
etc.) used to fill the element.
The font property of the JavaScript DOM object returned by the getContext("2d") method
applied to the HTML <canvas> element sets / returns the CSS font property for the current text.
The globalAlpha property of the JavaScript DOM object returned by the getContext("2d")
method applied to the HTML <canvas> element sets / returns the current alpha, i.e. transparency
value, of the drawing.
Value Meaning
copy Source image only (destination image is ignored)
destination-atop As per source-atop but with source and destination flipped
destination-in As per source-in but with source and destination flipped
destination-out As per source-out but with source and destination flipped
destination-over As per source-over but with source and destination flipped
lighter Source image + destination image
source-atop Source image on top of destination image (part of source image outside
destination image is ignored)
source-in Source image into destination image (only part of source image inside
destination image is shown, destination image is transparent)
source-out Source image out of destination image (only part of source image
outside destination image is shown, destination image is transparent)
source-over (default). Source image over destination image
xor Source and destination images combined using XOR operation
The height property of the JavaScript DOM object returned by the getContext("2d")
method applied to the HTML <canvas> element returns the height of an ImageData object.
The lineCap property of the JavaScript DOM object returned by the getContext("2d")
method applied to the HTML <canvas> element sets / returns the style used for line ends.
It can take the following values: butt (default, a flat edge), round (rounded end cap) or square
(square end cap).
The lineJoin property of the JavaScript DOM object returned by the getContext("2d")
method applied to the HTML <canvas> element sets / returns the type of corner between two lines
where they join.
It can take the following values: bevel (creates a bevelled corner), round (creates a rounded
corner) or miter (default, creates a sharp corner, provided the distance between the inner and
outer corner of the join is not larger than the miterLimit).
The lineWidth property of the JavaScript DOM object returned by the getContext("2d")
method applied to the HTML <canvas> element sets / returns the line width.
The miterLimit property of the JavaScript DOM object returned by the getContext("2d")
method applied to the HTML <canvas> element sets / returns the maximum mitre limit.
The mitre is the distance between the inner and outer corner where two lines meet. The
miterLimit property is only relevant if the lineJoin property is miter. It will apply when the
angle between the two lines is small, when the corner will be displayed as if its lineJoin property is
The shadowBlur property of the JavaScript DOM object returned by the getContext("2d")
method applied to the HTML <canvas> element sets / returns the shadow blur level, see CSS text-
shadow property.
The shadowColor property of the JavaScript DOM object returned by the getContext("2d")
method applied to the HTML <canvas> element sets / returns the shadow colour, see CSS text-
shadow property.
The strokeStyle property of the JavaScript DOM object returned by the getContext("2d")
method applied to the HTML <canvas> element sets / returns the style used for strokes.
The textAlign property of the JavaScript DOM object returned by the getContext("2d")
method applied to the HTML <canvas> element sets / returns the CSS text-align property for the
current text.
It can take the following values: alphabetic (default), bottom, hanging, ideographic,
middle, top. These are not always interpreted in the same manner in all browsers.
The width property of the JavaScript DOM object returned by the getContext("2d") method
applied to the HTML <canvas> element returns the width of an ImageData object.
canvas2d methods:
gradient.addColorStop(stop, color)
The arc() method of the JavaScript DOM object returned by the getContext("2d") method
applied to the HTML <canvas> element creates a circular arc.
endAngle Required End angle of arc in radians from x-axis
counterclockwise Optional (default is false). Boolean, if true then draw arc
counterclockwise, otherwise clockwise
The arcTo() method of the JavaScript DOM object returned by the getContext("2d")
method applied to the HTML <canvas> element creates a circular arc between two tangents.
The beginPath() method of the JavaScript DOM object returned by the getContext("2d")
method applied to the HTML <canvas> element begins / resets a path. The stroke() method actually
draws the path on the canvas.
pt1y Required y-coordinate of first control point of curve
pt2x Required x-coordinate of second control point of curve
pt2y Required y-coordinate of second control point of curve
x Required x-coordinate of end point
y Required y-coordinate of end point
The clearRect() method of the JavaScript DOM object returned by the getContext("2d")
method applied to the HTML <canvas> element clears specified pixels within a rectangle.
The clip() method of the JavaScript DOM object returned by the getContext("2d") method
applied to the HTML <canvas> element clips a region from canvas. Once a region is clipped, all future
drawing is limited to the clipped region, although if you save the region before clipping it can then
be restored using the restore() method.
The closePath() method of the JavaScript DOM object returned by the getContext("2d")
method applied to the HTML <canvas> element completes a path back to its original starting point.
Each pixel in the ImageData has 4 values, i.e. its RGBA values (see CSS Colours). The data is held in an
array which is 4 times the size of the ImageData object, i.e. width x height x 4. This is stored in the
data property of the ImageDataObject.
There are two versions of the createImageData() method with the following formats and
context.createImageData(width, height)
context.createPattern(image, repeatspecification)
The drawImage() method of the JavaScript DOM object returned by the getContext("2d")
method applied to the HTML <canvas> element draws an image, canvas or video onto the canvas.
There are three versions of the createImageData() method with the following formats and
parameters (the ones with clip parameters involve pre-clipping of the image):
context.drawImage(image, x, y)
The fill() method of the JavaScript DOM object returned by the getContext("2d") method
applied to the HTML <canvas> element fills the current path. If the path is not closed then this
method will add a line from the last point to the start point of the path, like closePath().
The fillRect() method of the JavaScript DOM object returned by the getContext("2d")
method applied to the HTML <canvas> element draws a ‘filled’ rectangle.
Parameter Required / Description
x Required x-coordinate of upper-left corner
y Required y-coordinate of upper-left corner
width Required Width of rectangle, in pixels
height Required Height of rectangle, in pixels
The fillText() method of the JavaScript DOM object returned by the getContext("2d")
method applied to the HTML <canvas> element draws ‘filled’ text.
context.fillText(text, x, y, maxwidth)
Each pixel in the ImageData has 4 values, i.e. its RGBA values (see CSS Colours). The data is held in an
array which is 4 times the size of the ImageData object, i.e. width x height x 4. This is stored in the
data property of the ImageDataObject.
context.isPointInPath(x, y)
The lineTo() method of the JavaScript DOM object returned by the getContext("2d")
method applied to the HTML <canvas> element moves the path to a specified point in the canvas,
creating a line from the previous point.
context.lineTo(x, y)
The width can be found using the following syntax with the following parameters.
The moveTo() method of the JavaScript DOM object returned by the getContext("2d")
method applied to the HTML <canvas> element moves the path to a specified point in the canvas,
without creating a line from the previous point.
context.moveTo(x, y)
The quadraticCurveTo() method of the JavaScript DOM object returned by the
getContext("2d") method applied to the HTML <canvas> element creates a quadratic Bézier
curve. To create a cubic Bézier curve use the bezierCurveTo() method.
The rect() method of the JavaScript DOM object returned by the getContext("2d") method
applied to the HTML <canvas> element creates a rectangle. Use the stroke() or fill() methods to draw
the rectangle on the canvas.
The rotate() method of the JavaScript DOM object returned by the getContext("2d")
method applied to the HTML <canvas> element rotates the current drawing. It only affects drawings
made after the rotation is applied
The scale() method of the JavaScript DOM object returned by the getContext("2d")
method applied to the HTML <canvas> element scales the current drawing. It also scales future
drawings and the positioning is also scaled. The parameters are scal ing factors, so 1 means stay at
100% of previous size, 0.5 means adjust to 50% of previous size etc.
The stroke() method of the JavaScript DOM object returned by the getContext("2d")
method applied to the HTML <canvas> element draws a path in the canvas. The default colour is
black, but this can be overridden using the strokeStyle property.
The strokeRect() method of the JavaScript DOM object returned by the getContext("2d")
method applied to the HTML <canvas> element draws a rectangle that is not ‘filled’ (i.e. it only
draws the edge of the rectangle). The default colour is black, but can be overridden using the
strokeStyle property.
The strokeText() method of the JavaScript DOM object returned by the getContext("2d")
method applied to the HTML <canvas> element draws text that is not ‘filled’ (i.e. it only draws the
edges of the characters). The default colour is black, but can be overridden using the strokeStyle
context.strokeText(text, x, y, maxwidth)
The transform() method of the JavaScript DOM object returned by the getContext("2d")
method applied to the HTML <canvas> element applies a transformation to the current drawing.
context.transform(x1,x2,x3,x4, x5, x6)
The translate() method of the JavaScript DOM object returned by the getContext("2d")
method applied to the HTML <canvas> element applies a translation to current drawing, i.e. adjusts
the position of its origin, remapping the position of the coordinate (0,0) .
context.translate(x, y)
datalist properties:
The options property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML <datalist> element
returns a collection of all options included in the <datalist>.
fieldset properties:
The type property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML <fieldset> element
returns the type of the form element that the <fieldset> element belongs to.
form properties:
The encoding property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML <form> element
is an alias for its enctype property.
The length property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML <form> element
returns the number of elements in the <form>.
form methods:
The reset() method of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML <form> element
resets the <form>.
The submit() method of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML <form> element
submits the <form>.
iframe properties:
The contentDocument property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML
<iframe> element returns the document object generated by the <iframe>.
The contentWindow property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML <iframe>
element returns the window object generated by the <iframe>.
img properties:
The complete property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML <img> element
returns whether the browser has finished loading the image underlying the <img> element.
The naturalHeight property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML <img>
element returns the original height of the image underlying the <img> element.
The naturalWidth property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML <img>
element returns the original width of the image underlying the <img> element.
input properties:
The defaultChecked property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML <input>
element (of type checkbox or radio) returns the default value of the checked attribute of the
<input> element.
The defaultValue property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML <input>
element sets / returns the default value.
The files property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML <input> element (of
type file) returns a FileList object representing file(s) selected by upload button.
The form property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML <input> element
returns the form that contains the element.
The indeterminate property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML <input>
element (of type checkbox) sets / returns the value of its indeterminate status.
input methods:
The select() method of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML <input> element
selects the (text) content of the field.
The stepDown() method of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML <input>
element (of type datetime, datetime-local, month, number, range, time, week)
decrements the value of the relevant field by a specified amount.
The stepUp() method of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML <input> element
(of type datetime, datetime-local, month, number, range, time, week) increments the
value of the relevant field by a specified amount.
keygen properties:
The type property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML <keygen> element
returns the type of the form element in which the keygen field appears.
legend properties:
The form property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML <legend> element
returns the form that contains the element.
map properties:
The areas property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML <map> element
returns a collection of all <area> elements linked to the <map> element.
The images property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML <map> element
returns a collection of all <img> and <object> elements linked to the <map> element.
media properties:
The audioTracks property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to HTML media elements
(i.e. <audio> and <video> elements) returns an AudioTrackList object indicating available audio
The buffered property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to HTML media elements (i.e.
<audio> and <video> elements) returns a TimeRanges object representing the parts that are
The controller property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to HTML media elements
(i.e. <audio> and <video> elements) returns the current MediaController object for audio.
The crossOrigin property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to HTML media elements
(i.e. <audio> and <video> elements) sets / returns CORS settings of the element.
The currentSrc property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to HTML media elements
(i.e. <audio> and <video> elements) returns the media’s URL.
The currentTime property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to HTML media elements
(i.e. <audio> and <video> elements) sets / returns current playback position (in seconds).
The defaultMuted property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to HTML media
elements (i.e. <audio> and <video> elements) sets / returns if muted by default.
The defaultPlaybackRate property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding HTML media
elements (i.e. <audio> and <video> elements) sets / returns the default playback speed.
The duration property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to HTML media elements (i.e.
<audio> and <video> elements) returns the length of media (in seconds).
The ended property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to HTML media elements (i.e.
<audio> and <video> elements) returns whether playback has ended.
The ended property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to HTML media elements (i.e.
<audio> and <video> elements) returns whether playback has ended.
The mediaGroup property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to HTML media elements
(i.e. <audio> and <video> elements) sets / returns name of media group of which the media is a part.
The muted property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to HTML media elements (i.e.
<audio> and <video> elements) sets / returns whether sound muted.
The networkState property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to HTML media
elements (i.e. <audio> and <video> elements) returns the current network state of the media.
The paused property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to HTML media elements (i.e.
<audio> and <video> elements) sets / returns whether the media is paused.
The playbackRate property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to HTML media
elements (i.e. <audio> and <video> elements) sets / returns the media playback speed.
The played property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to HTML media elements (i.e.
<audio> and <video> elements) returns a TimeRanges object representing the parts played.
The readyState property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to HTML media elements
(i.e. <audio> and <video> elements) returns the current ready state.
The seekable property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to HTML media elements (i.e.
<audio> and <video> elements) returns a TimeRanges object representing the seekable parts of the
The seeking property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to HTML media elements (i.e.
<audio> and <video> elements) returns whether user is currently seeking in the media.
The textTracks property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to HTML media e l e ments
(i.e. <audio> and <video> elements) returns a TextTrackList object indicating available text tracks.
The volume property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to HTML media elements (i.e.
<audio> and <video> elements) sets / returns the audio volume.
media methods:
The addTextTrack() method of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to HTML media
elements (i.e. <audio> and <video> elements) adds a new text track to the media. It is not currently
supported by many major browsers.
The canPlayType() method of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to HTML media
elements (i.e. <audio> and <video> elements) indicates if browser can play the media type.
It has the following syntax with the following parameters. It returns a string indicating likely level of
support. Possible return values include: “probably” (most likely to support), “maybe” (might
support) or “” (empty string, no support)
type Required Type (and optional codecs) to test support for, e.g.
audio/mp4; codecs="mp4a40.5" or
The load() method of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to HTML media elements (i.e.
<audio> and <video> elements) loads / re-loads the media.
The pause() method of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to HTML media elements (i.e.
<audio> and <video> elements) pauses the media.
The play() method of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to HTML media elements (i.e.
<audio> and <video> elements) starts playing the media.
menuitem properties:
The command property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML <menuitem>
element sets/ returns the command property of the DOM object.
meter properties:
The labels property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML <meter> element
returns a collection of <label> elements corresponding to the labels used in the gauge (meter) .
option properties:
The defaultSelected property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML
<option> element returns the default value of the selected attribute.
The form property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML <option> element
returns a reference to form that contains the option.
The index property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML <option> element
sets / returns the index position of an option in a drop-down list.
The text property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML <option> element sets
/ returns the text of the option.
output properties:
The defaultValue property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML <output>
element sets / returns the default value.
The labels property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML <output> element
returns a collection of <label> elements associated with the <output> object.
The type property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML <output> element
returns the type of the HTML element represented by the <output> object.
The value property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML <output> element
returns the value of the element.
progress properties:
The labels property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML <progress> element
returns a list of the progress bar labels (if any).
The position property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML <progress>
element returns the current position of progress bar.
script properties:
The crossOrigin property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML <script>
element sets / returns the CORS settings for the script.
The text property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML <script> element sets /
returns the contents of all child text nodes of the script.
select properties:
The length property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML <select> element
returns the number of option elements within the drop-down list.
The options property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML <select> element
returns a collection of all options in drop-down list.
The selectedIndex property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML <select>
element sets / returns the index of the selected option.
The type property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML <select> element
returns the type of form the drop-down list is within.
The value property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML <select> element sets
/ returns the value of the selected option in the drop-down list.
select methods:
The add() method of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML <select> element adds
an option to a drop-down list.
object.add(option, index)
Parameter Required / Description
option Required Option to be added (needs to be an <option> or
an <optgroup> element)
index Optional (default is 0). Index position where new option
element is inserted
The remove() method of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML <select> element
removes an option from a drop-down list.
table properties:
The caption property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML <table> element
returns the <caption> element of the table.
The rows property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML <table> element
returns a collection of the <tr> elements of the table.
The tBodies property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML <table> element
returns a collection of <tbody> elements of the table. <tbody> DOM elements have row-orientated
JavaScript properties and methods like those of <table> elements.
The tFoot property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML <table> element
returns the <tfoot> element of the table. <tfoot> DOM elements have row-orientated JavaScript
properties and methods like those of <table> elements.
The tHead property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML <table> element
returns the <thead> element of the table. <thead> DOM elements have row-orientated JavaScript
properties and methods like those of <table> elements.
table methods:
The createCaption() method of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML <table>
element creates an empty <caption> element and adds it to the table. If a <caption> element
already exists in the table then it returns the existing one, without creating a new one.
The createTFoot() method of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML <table>
element creates an empty <tfoot> element and adds it to the table. If a <tfoot> element already
exists in the table then it returns the existing one, without creating a new one.
The createTHead() method of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML <table>
element creates an empty <thead> element and adds it to the table. If a <thead> element already
exists in the table then it returns the existing one, without creating a new one.
The deleteCaption() method of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML <table>
element removes the first <caption> element from the table.
The deleteRow() method of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML <table>
element removes a <tr> element from the table.
Note: the index parameter is required by some browsers but optional for others.
The deleteTFoot() method of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML <table>
element removes the first <tfoot> element from the table.
The deleteTHead() method of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML <table>
element removes the <thead> element from the table.
It has the following syntax with no parameters:
The insertRow() method of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML <table>
element creates an empty <tr> element and adds it to the table.
Note: the index parameter is required by some browsers but optional for others.
textarea properties:
The defaultValue property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML <textarea>
element sets / returns the default value of the element.
The type property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML <textarea> element
returns the type of form that contains the element.
The value property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML <textarea> element
sets / returns the contents of the element.
textarea methods:
The select() method of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML <textarea>
element selects the entire contents of the text area.
title properties:
The text property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML <title> element sets /
returns the text of the document title.
tr properties:
The cells property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML <tr> element sets /
returns a collection of all the <td> and <th> elements in a row.
The rowIndex property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML <tr> element
sets / returns the position of a row in the rows collection of a <table> element.
The sectionRowIndex property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML <tr>
element sets / returns the position of a row in the rows collection of a <tbody>, <tfoot> or a
tr methods:
The deleteCell() method of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML <tr>
element deletes a cell from a table row.
Note: the index parameter is required by some browsers but optional for others.
The insertCell() method of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML <tr>
element inserts a cell into a table row.
Note: the index parameter is required by some browsers but optional for others.
track properties:
The readyState property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML <track>
element returns the current state of a track resource.
The track property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML <track> element
returns a TextTrack object representing the text track data of the track element.
The videoTracks property of the JavaScript DOM object corresponding to the HTML <video>
element returns a VideoTrackList object indicating available video tracks.
Further Examples
Many examples that illustrate specific features of HTML, CSS and JavaScript are illustrated in the
Nematrian website’s HTML / CSS / JavaScript Tutorial on pages that explain the specific features.
Some other, typically more sophisticated, examples included in the Tutorial are set out below:
- Drawing complex 3d spinning shapes (the example combines a spinning tetrahedron, cube,
octahedron, dodecahedron and icosahedron
In this page we illustrate how an animation involving spinning polyhedra can be created using HTML,
CSS and JavaScript, and we explain the coding involved, which is set out below.
The first and last few lines involve HTML and create a canvas element, onto which the spinning
polyhedra will be drawn. The canvas element is itself contained in a hyperlink, as the spinning
polyhedra are mainly used in the Nematrian website to point to its HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Start of Script
The first part of the script, links the canvas element to a variable named x2, sets the canvas element
size and creates a context applicable the canvas. Although canvas contexts that render 3d images
directly do exist, we use here the more widely supported 2d context and include our own algorithms
for projecting 3d objects onto a 2d plane.
The next part of the script defines a series of opening parameters, such as which shapes we will
draw, in what order, their colouring, where they are positioned on the canvas, how big they are,
how fast each is rotating, around what axis and their initial angle through which they have been
rotated from the specimen layouts defined later in the code. In the colouring, the “rgba” define the
red / green / blue colours of the faces and edges and the extent to which they will be transparent.
We also set some shape independent parameters, e.g. the overall x and y axes of the plane onto
which we will project the resulting images and the frame rate specifying how frequently we redraw
the picture on the canvas.
The shapes used are the five regular polyhedra known from antiquity. Each shape is defined by the
cartesian coordinates of its vertices and by arrays that then indicate for each edge which two
vertices its joins and for each face which vertices form the perimeter of the face. The initial
orientation of the shape is set in a manner that simplifies the exact locations of the vertices relative
to the origin. The shapes are embedded in the functions named regularTetrahedron, …
The script then executes the function animate3dShapeOnCanvas, which contains all the
necessary elements to create the moving images.
Script functions
The function animate3dShapeOnCanvas identifies the number of shapes being drawn and
initialises (in dynamicRotAngles) the angles to which each shape has been rotated around its
axis when the animation starts. It draws the initial configuration of the shapes on the canvas by
calling the projectionIncrement function which itself clears the canvas, resets the line path
being drawn on the canvas and then projects each shape in turn onto the canvas, using a generic
project3dShapeOnCanvas function which is designed to handle any suitably specified shape. It
also updates the dynamicRotAngles so that the next time the shape is plotted it will be rotated
slightly. The animate3dShapeOnCanvas function then uses the setInterval method to set
the animation running. The setInterval tells JavaScript to repeatedly call a specified function
(here the same projectionIncrement function that was used to draw the shapes initially)
every set number of milliseconds (the number here being the frame rate defi ned earlier).
The remainder of the code is more mathematical in nature and is designed to support the
project3dShapeOnCanvas function. For example, it includes some generic vector and matrix
functions designed to facilitate rotating a shape and then proje cting it onto a plane.