CreatBot User Manual V7.3 DSeries en
CreatBot User Manual V7.3 DSeries en
CreatBot User Manual V7.3 DSeries en
User manual
English V7.3
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Notice ············································· 3 Model Mirror ·························· 27
Machine Diagram View Mode ······························ 27
Front ·········································· 4 Right Click on Model ··········· 28
Back/Hotend ·························· 5 Toolpath Structure ················ 28
New Feeder / Feeder ··· · · · ·· 6 Basic Setting ··························· 29
Hardware Installation/Operation Advanced Setting ················· 30
Unpacking ······························· 7 Expert Setting··········· · · · · ······ 31
Install Build Platform ··········· 8 Skirt/Brim/Raft······ · ····· ········ 32
Install Feeder ·························· 9 Plugins ····································· 32
Leveling Platform ················· 10 Start/End GCode ·················· 33
Load Filament ························ 11 Dual Head Printing ·············· 34
Change Filament ·················· 12 Align Dual Head Horizon ··· 34
Printer Operation Align Dual Head Vertical ···· 35
Main menu ····························· 13 Add Multi Type Printer ······· 35
Status page ···························· 14 Print Different Filament ····· 36
Detail page ······························ 15 Using skills
Printing page ··························· 16 Change Fuse ·························· 37
Axis operation ························ 17 Routine Maintenance ········· 37
Filament menu ························ 18 Installation section ·············· 38
SD Card/U-disk ······················ 19 Paving Kapton ······················· 39
Setting menu ··························· 20 Software ·································· 40
Info. menu ······························· 21 Adjust Z Limit ························ 40
Software Operation Frequently Asked Questions
CreatWare Setup ·················· 22 Hardware Troubleshoot ····· 41
Quick Print UI ······················· 23 Printing Troubleshoot ········ 42
Print Your First Model ········ 23 Specifications
Full Setting UI ······················· 24 Technical specs ···················· 43
Mouse Operation ················ 25 Technical specs ···················· 44
Model Rotate/Scale ············ 26
Icon conventions
Tip icon to remind users to have a good method or technique.
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Read First
Thank you for choosing CreatBot 3D printer!
This manual contains important information about the installation, use,
maintenance and common problems of CreatBot 3D printer. Please read this
manual carefully before using 3D printer. All losses caused by the breach of the
notes and the operation process of the operation process will be borne by the user.
Please use the filament provide by CreatBot, or high quality filament by third
manufacturers. Due to the use of third party inferior material caused by the failure
of the printer, the loss will be borne by the user.
Software running environment, 2G or above processors, at least 1G memory,
compatible with Windows, MAC, or Linux, please use memory as much as possible.
I wish you have fun with CreatBot 3d printer!
Danger Warning
Working Environment
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Machine Diagram
Front and Back
1. Power switch
2. U disk slot
3. Touch screen
4. Leveling nut
5. Leveling spring
6. Build platform
7. X stepper motor
8. New Printer head
9. Filament guide pipe
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Machine Diagram
Front and Back
20 19
Filament Feeder
1. Pressure arm
2. Pressure spring
5 3. Pressure nut
10 4. Wire socket
4 5. Geared motor
9 6. Filament inlet
3 7. Filament sensor
8. Feeder body
7 9. Feeding wheel
10. Fixed hole
1 6 11. Pipe joint
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Machine Diagram
New Printer Head
14 1. New Nozzle
2. New Heating tube
3. Thermostat tube
10 4. New Heating block
9 5. Fan duct
8 6. Heat Break
7 7. Heat Sink
8. Cooling fan
9. Head Al. frame
3 10. Adapter plate
2 11. Head adjust
1 12. Linear axis
13. Linear bearing
14. Head main block
Printer Head
13 1. Thermostat tube
12 2. Heating tube
11 3. Nozzle
4. Heating block
5. Fan duct
7 6. Insulation tube
6 7. Cooling fan
5 8. Head Al. frame
4 9. Adapter plate
10. Head adjust
11. Linear bearing
12. Linear axis
13. Head main block
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Hardware Installation
- 7-
Hardware Installation
Install Build Platform
- 8-
Hardware Installation
Install Feeder
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Printer Operation
Leveling Platform
1.Turn on machine
2.On touch screen, choose “Move axis” -> “All home”, make nozzle
close to platform.
3. Move the extruder by hand to 4 corners and focus on the distance between the
nozzle and platform. The distance 0.2mm (1 piece of name card distance )is
4. If not suitable, please rotate knob to make platform up or down a little to correct
5. All the leveling nut should uniform, nozzle can't too close to the platform.
6. All will be subject to the actual effect of print, please make more little adjust at
the beginning of printing.
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Printer Operation
Load Filament
Notice: Pressed filament too tight or too loose will affect normal wire feeding.
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Printer Operation
Unload/Change Filament
Head 1 Retract
Head 1 Retract
1. Enter "Filament" menu ->"Unload filament", and select the head you want
2. Wait for the nozzle heated to a suitable temperature.
3. After reching temperature, feeder will send a certain number of filament,
and then automatically withdraw filament.
4. To manually unload filament, same as above mentioned.
Tip: If filament stuck in the guide tube, continue printing several lengths and retry.
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Printer Operation
Main Menu
- 13 -
Printer Operation
Status Page
210℃ 45℃
200℃ 40℃
- 14 -
Printer Operation
Detail page
350C 100C
350C 100C
Flow:100% Flow
Z: 0.00mm Current Z position
Setting Back
- 15 -
Printer Operation
Printing page
Z Z up Z Z down
The display will get darken when no operation in ten seconds and
can be waken by clicking anywhere on the screen.
When the display shows the default print page, click anywhere except
the buttons to turn back to the print details page.
- 16 -
Printer Operation
Axis operation
X Home
+Y -Z 0.1mm
-X +X
-Y +Z 100mm
- 17 -
Printer Operation
Filament menu
Head 1
#2 extruder
Adjust value when Head 2
150 extrude/retract
Extrude Retract
filament filament
When you want to remove the filament, you need first to heat the extruder.
- 18 -
Printer Operation
SD Card/U-disk
- 19 -
Printer Operation
Setting menu
Preheat Save
Sink fan speed:
Filter fan speed :
Preheat setting.
Extruder temp. 210 ℃ Fan speed : 0% Hotend (range 0~400)
Bed t emp: . 45 ℃ Fan speed (range 0-100)
Bed temp.(range 0-120).
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Printer Operation
Info. page
Time used
3D Printer
Henan Suwei Elec. Tech. Co,. Ltd. 科瑞特3D打印机
Time used
Print time used V4.2 Screen version
Firmware version Back
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Software Operation
CreatWare Setup
- 22 -
Software Operation
Quick Print UI
- 23 -
Software Operation
Full Setting UI
Setting area
View area
As you can see from the complete UI, the left side of the software is
setting area, the right side is view area. The setting area contain "Basic",
"Advanced", "Plugins", "Start/End GCode" four tabs. The Basic tab is the
most common settings, usually the most frequently used parameters are
here. Each parameter has a mouse-over tips, you can set parameters
according the prompt. If you want to restore the default settings, please
click on the menu "Tools"->"Restore Default".
- 24 -
Software Operation
Mouse Operation
Shift Shift
Keyboard Shortcut
- 25 -
Software Operation
Model Rotate
Model Scale
- 26 -
Software Operation
Model Mirror
View Mode
From the overhang view, you By slice view can easily observe
can see the suspended part of the the generated path, you can easily
model which is shown in red color. observe the different layers of sliced
By changing the supporting angle by slicing altitude indicator, use Ctrl
can be seen suspended parts size is + arrow keys can also be observed
dynamically changing. layer-by-layer.
- 27 -
Software Operation
Right Click on Model
3 4
Toolpath Structure
- 28 -
Software Operation
Basic Setting
Support Type
- 29 -
Software Operation
Advanced Setting
Solid fill top: Refers to whether to print the top surface of the
model, uncheck will print it with infill method.
Solid fill bottom: Same as above, and so on.
Spiralis print: Refers to the method of spiral printing the outer
wall of the model (single layer), and this feature is very
suitable for print glass vase model.
Enable retraction: When the nozzle is moving over a none-
printed area, withdraw a certain length length filament to
prevent overflow.
Retract speed: The speed of retraction, too fast can lead
motor out of step, too slow increase printing time.
Retract distance: The length of the filament when enable
First layer thickness: Height of the first layer of printing,
generally greater than 0.15mm.
First layer flow: When the set of the first layer is too high, it
can be appropriate to increase the extrusion.
Cut off object bottom: This can be used for objects that do
not have a flat bottom.
Continue print: Being "power outages continued" be
Travel speed: The speed when moving over a non-printed
First layer speed: Slightly slow speed can enhance adhesion
model on the platform.
Solid layer speed: The speed is a percentage here, which reference to the global print speed, a
combination of different speeds, you can both get a good print quality and a faster print
Spiralise Printing
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Software Operation
Export Setting
- 31 -
Software Operation
Skirt · Brim · Raft
- 32 -
Software Operation
Start / End GCode
- 33 -
Software Operation
Align Dual Head Horizontal
There are alignment problem while printing dual color model, this is
because the small difference in multi-nozzle assembly, CreatWare built
fine-tuning features.
Click menu "Machine">"Machine settings", default X offset is: 20.0,
default Y offset is: 0.0, adjustment method as shown below:
Extruder 2 Extruder 2
Extr. 1 Extr. 1
Extr. 2 Extr. 2
- 34 -
Software Opertation
Align Dual Head Vertical
Step 1: Raised the right nozzle. Rotate left to raise the head, rotate right to
lower head, the full rotation adjustment range is 1mm per round.
Step 2: Leveling platform with the left nozzle. 。
Step 3: Lower right nozzle step by step align with the left nozzle.
(The new Printer Head also use this method to adjust machine)
Tip: You can rising right nozzle as long time not use.
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Software Opertation
Print Setting Of Different Filament
Nozzle temperature Hot bed Plantform adhesion type Fully enclose or not
* The data is only for reference, different environmental data will be different.
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Using skills
Change Fuse
Routine Maintenance
- 37 -
Using skills
Installation section
1 2
3 (1.75mm) 4
- 38 -
Using skills
1.If your machines are equipped with
1.75mm parts, you have to setting
Expert-open expert setting... Filament
diameter (1.75mm).
Expert-open expert setting... Minimal
extrusion before retracting (0.06mm)
Advance-Retraction-Distance to 1.5mm
2.If your machines are equipped with
different diameter nozzle (default
0.4mm). You have to setting:
Expert-open expert setting... Nozzle size (same to yours)
Basic-Quality-Extrusion width (same to yours)
3.Small objects need lower hotend temperature around 190~200°C.
Large objects better to use Support-Raft. Easy to stick when start
printing.Easy to remove when finish printing.
4.Machine-machine setting. You can customize your machine size.
Adjust Z Limit
If the nozzle can't touch the platform even loosen all the leveling nut, you
can move Z stop limit a little up, as you can see from figure.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Hardware Troubleshoot
1. Display "MINTEMP" ?
The environment is too low, or temperature control tube is damaged, please
keep the room temperature above 0 ℃ .
2. Display "MAXTEMP" ?
Temperature of nozzle or bed too high, or temperature control tube is
damaged, please keep their temperature in a suitable range.
3. USB connection problems ?
Please specify the correct port and baud rate (250000), or change a shorter
USB cable.
4. Nozzle heats up too slowly ?
Temperature in door is too low, or use a fan duct, or turn up output voltage
5. Print head stuck ?
Clean the guide rail and add lubricating oil.
6. Print head can not move ?
Stepper motor chipset burned, or belt damaged, or belt wheel screw loose.
7. Print head hit the framework ?
Corresponding axis stop limit or circuit fault.
8. Unable to power on ?
Power switch is damaged or fuse is burned, and please check whether the
power adapter is working properly.
Printing Troubleshoot
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Frequently Asked Questions
Printing Troubleshoot
not over 120℃, and you can close the bed above 100mm.
3. The model not stick on the platform ?
Please paste masking paper or Kapton on the platform, or the nozzle is too far
away from the platform, or the bottom of the model is not flat.
4. No or less silk coming on the first layer ?
The distance between nozzle and platform is too small, or the filament has not
been sent to the nozzle.
5. Why nozzle is not spit silk ?
The filament is not pressed or too tight, or print temperature is too low, or the
filament feeder not working.
6. How to prevent model become warped ?
Increase hot bed temperature or use Kapton, or change platform adhesion
type to Raft, or cover the baffle, or reduce indoor ventilation.
7. How far from nozzle to platform appropriate ?
Distance should be 0 in theory, but there is no absolute flat platform, so the
distance should +-0.1mm. Finally, with the actual printing effect as the
standard, too close will lead to a silk blocked, too far will cause the model not
stick on the platform.
8. How to determine whether the temperature is too high ?
PLA temperature is too high will appear liquefaction, ABS will be the carbide,
that will block the nozzle.
9. What reasons will causing nozzle blocked ?
Filament are impurities or print environment dust too much, bad of thermal
conductivity between the nozzle and the heating block.
10. Model surface is loose with crack ?
The layer is too high or the printing speed too fast, nozzle temperature too
low or filament press nut too loose, or filament is wrapped.
11. How to print a small model ?
Multiple the model, and print them at a time.
12. Dual color model not aligned ?
Adjust offset of second nozzle in machine settings.
13. Dual color model color interference ?
Align two nozzle in vertical direction
14. There is too much silk drag on the model ?
Please enable filament retraction, and specified proper retract speed, and
distance, the retract distance should not less than 4mm, and the speed not
less than 10mm/s.
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Nozzles Dual/Tris
Temperature 350 ℃
Print Speed 40-120mm/s (inner/outter, top/bottom, fill, first layer speed can be setting
Continue Play Yes (Power outage, lower plate and save data)
Fila. Check Yes (pause printing when filament finish, and lower platform)
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Print Speed 120mm/s (inner/outter, top/bottom, fill, first layer speed can be set separately)
Continue Play Yes (Power outage, lower plate and save data)
Fila. Check Yes (pause printing when filament finish, and lower platform)
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Quality · Experience · Ser vice
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