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Drive Power and Torque in

Paper Machine Dryers

2nd Edition

Gregory L. Wedel
Kadant Johnson Inc.

Gerald L. Timm
Vice President, Research & Development
Kadant Johnson Inc.

Technical White Paper Series

© Kadant Johnson Inc 2008 Drive Power and Torque in Paper Machine Dryers, 2nd Ed.

A basic parameter in the design of a paper machine dryer drive system, whether it has an open
gear, enclosed gear, or felt drive, is the drive power requirement. Previous work on the drive
power for paper machine dryers covered a 1.5 meter diameter cylinder. This paper presents the
results for both 1.5 and 1.83 meter diameter cylinders with and without dryer bars.

Torque, as well as power, is an important aspect in designing and operating a modern dryer
section drive. The torque and power required to drive a dryer increase significantly as the
amount of condensate in the dryer increases. The torque is greatly reduced when the condensate
passes into the rimming condition. Dryer bars significantly reduce the speed at which the con-
densate rims and decrease the power and the torque required to make this transition.

These results are presented along with information on the observed behavior of the condensate
inside the dryer under a wide range of operating conditions. This information will help in pre-
dicting the drive power and drive torque that is required in the commercial operation of paper
machine dryers.


Introduction 3

Drive Power Tests 4

Dryer Drive Power 5

Dryer Torque 7

Analytical Models 14

Summary 19

Acknowledgements 19

© Kadant Johnson Inc 2008 Drive Power and Torque in Paper Machine Dryers, 2nd Ed. 2

The power required to drive a dryer section of a conventional paper

machine must overcome the following:

 Mechanical inertia, particularly of dryer and felt rolls

 Aerodynamic drag, particularly associated with dryer fabrics and
 Fabric flexing, which depends on fabric design and tension and roll
 Rotary joint friction, which depends on dryer speed, joint design,
number of joints, and steam pressure*
 Web tension, particularly following or preceding draw locations*
 Dryer doctor friction, which depends on speed, dryer surface
condition, blade load, and blade material*
 Threading rope drag, particularly if the ropes are stretched in
 Blow box and ventilator seals, particularly those that contact the
dryer fabrics*
 Ventilation roll seals, which depend on the seal material, seal load,
and dryer speed*
 Dryer drive gears and gear boxes (spur, helical, lubricated or dry)*
 Dryer and felt roll bearings, greased or continuous lubrication*
 Fabric guide rolls, particularly when there is fabric distortion*
 Dryer syphons, both rotating and stationary types
 Condensate behavior, which depends on the dryer speed, the
amount of condensate in the dryer, the speed history, and the use
of dryer bars

The drive power associated with the above items marked with an aster-
isk typically increases directly with dryer speed. For the others, the
drive power increases with the square of the dryer speed. As a result,
the drive power for a conventional dryer section increases with some
power of speed that is greater than 1 but less than 2.

This paper is focused on testing to quantify the dryer drive power asso-
ciated with the condensate behavior.

Condensate in a Condensate in a dryer cylinder has three stages of behavior that depend
dryer cylinder has on speed. At slow speeds, condensate forms a puddle at the bottom of
three stages of the cylinder. In this stage, the power consumption is low. As the speed
increases, the puddle moves in the direction of rotation and widens. As
behavior that
the speed is further increased, the second stage occurs as the trailing
depend on speed.
edge of the puddle extends over the horizontal centerline of the cylin-
der and condensate cascades back to the bottom of the cylinder. The
height to which the condensate rises before it cascades increases with
the cylinder speed, as does the flow rate of the condensate that cas-

© Kadant Johnson Inc 2008 Drive Power and Torque in Paper Machine Dryers, 2nd Ed. 3
The combination of the increasing elevation and increasing flow causes
a quadratic increase in the power required as speed increases. The final
stage occurs as speed is increased further, and the condensate forms a
rimming layer on the inner surface of the cylinder. Power consumption
in this stage is much lower. These three stages of condensate behavior
are shown in Figure 1.

Puddling Cascading Rimming

Figure 1. Three Stages of Condensate Behavior

As speed is decreased, the rimming condensate film will collapse and

the condensate will return to a cascade and eventually back to a pud-
dle. The speed at which the condensate rim collapses is less than the
speed at which the rim was established.


The dryer drive power and torque were determined using the Kadant
Johnson Joco 4000 and Joco 6000 pilot dryers at the W. R. Monroe Re-
search Center in Three Rivers, Michigan. The Joco 4000 and Joco 6000
dryers are commercial paper machine dryers, with nominal diameters
of 1.5 m (60”) and 1.8 m (72”), respectively. They each have commercial
face widths: 6.35 m (250”) and 8.81 m (347”) and are capable of operat-
ing at speeds up to 1520 mpm (5000 fpm) and 2000 mpm (6560 fpm),
respectively. Both dyers have condensate grooves near the heads allow-
ing for testing of both rotating and stationary siphons, located in and
outside siphon grooves. For these tests, the grooves were filled with
steel rings to simulate cylinders without siphon grooves. Testing with
the grooves unfilled was reported in a previous paper (5).

For each test condition, a measured amount of water was placed in the
dryer and the dryer speed was slowly increased to a maximum and
then slowly decreased back to a stop, measuring the drive torque con-
tinuously. Tests were conducted with and without dryer bars in the
dryers. The very slow acceleration and deceleration rates eliminated the
dryer inertial load and helped to give more definition to the resulting
drive load curves.

© Kadant Johnson Inc 2008 Drive Power and Torque in Paper Machine Dryers, 2nd Ed. 4
The data presented here covers the power and torque requirements for
a wide range of dryer speeds, with the water going from puddling,
through cascading, to rimming conditions. The speeds at which the
condensate rims and collapses from the rim were determined for each
of the various amounts of condensate in the dryer.


In the first series of tests, the dryers were operated without dryer bars.
The amount of condensate (water) in the dryers was varied from an
equivalent rim depth of 1.6 mm (0.063”) to 12.7 mm (0.5”). In the sec-
ond series of tests, dryer bars were installed in the cylinders. The dryer
bars used for these tests were Kadant Johnson Turbulator® Tube™ bars.
These bars are 15 mm in height and 25 mm in width. They are equally
spaced around the inside surface of the dryer, to generate resonant os-
cillation of the condensate layer. This oscillation increases the rate and
cross-machine uniformity of heat transfer.

The drive power is shown in Figure 2 for each of five different amounts
of condensate in the 1.5 m diameter dryer and in Figure 3 for the 1.8 m
diameter dryer. The drive power is listed in kW per meter of dryer face
width. The condensate amounts are listed as the “equivalent” rimming
film thickness, that is, the thickness calculated as if the condensate were
distributed in an even film on the dryer inside surface.

The power As the dryer speed increases, the condensate moves from puddling, to
cascading, then to rimming. The drive power increases quadratically
required to pass
until the condensate begins to rim. At that point, the drive power de-
creases substantially. Figures 2 and 3 show four important points. The
cascading into
power required to pass through cascading into rimming increases as
the amount of condensate in the dryer increases. Secondly, the speed at
increases as the
which the peak power consumption occurs increases as the amount of
amount of
condensate in the dryer increases. Thirdly, when the condensate is rim-
condensate in the ming, the power required to drive the dryer is not significantly influ-
dryer increases. enced by the amount of condensate, even when the rimming depth is as
large as 12.7 mm. Note that for a given condensate thickness, conden-
sate in the 1.8 meter diameter cylinder rims at a higher speed and re-
quires more power than condensate in the 1.5 meter diameter cylinder.

Figures 4 and 5 show similar data for the dryers with dryer bars. These
figures show that, for a dryer with bars, the power required to pass
through the cascading condition into the rimming condition also in-
creases as the amount of condensate in the dryer increases and that the
speed at which the peak power occurs increases as the amount of con-
densate in the dryer increases. The power required to drive a dryer
with dryer bars and rimming condensate is not significantly influenced
by the amount of condensate in the dryer.

© Kadant Johnson Inc 2008 Drive Power and Torque in Paper Machine Dryers, 2nd Ed. 5
3.0 3.0
12.7 mm rim layer 12.7 mm rim layer
2.5 9.5 mm rim layer 2.5 9.5 mm rim layer
6.4 mm rim layer 6.4 mm rim layer
2.0 2.0 3.2 mm rim layer
3.2 mm rim layer
Power, kW/m

Power, kW/m
1.6 mm rim layer 1.6 mm rim layer
1.5 1.5

1.0 1.0

0.5 0.5

0.0 0.0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 0 500 1000 1500 2000

Dryer Speed, m/min Dryer Speed, m/min

Figure 2. Dryer Drive Power versus Dryer Speed Figure 3. Dryer Drive Power versus Dryer Speed
1.5 meter diameter dryer, without dryer bars 1.8 meter diameter dryer, without dryer bars

3.0 3.0
12.7 mm rim layer 12.7 mm rim layer
2.5 9.5 mm rim layer 2.5 9.5 mm rim layer
6.4 mm rim layer 6.4 mm rim layer
2.0 3.2 mm rim layer 2.0 3.2 mm rim layer
Power, kW/m

Power, kW/m

1.6 mm rim layer 1.6 mm rim layer

1.5 1.5

1.0 1.0

0.5 0.5

0.0 0.0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 0 500 1000 1500 2000
Dryer Speed, m/min
Dryer Speed, m/min

Figure 4. Dryer Drive Power versus Dryer Speed Figure 5. Dryer Drive Power versus Dryer Speed
1.5 meter diameter dryer, with dryer bars 1.8 meter diameter dryer, with dryer bars

A comparison of Figure 2 to Figure 4, and Figure 3 to Figure 5, shows

that condensate in a dryer with dryer bars will rim at a much lower
speed than condensate in a dryer without dryer bars. Furthermore, the
drive power at which this transition occurs is much less in a dryer with
dryer bars than in a dryer without dryer bars.

© Kadant Johnson Inc 2008 Drive Power and Torque in Paper Machine Dryers, 2nd Ed. 6

Once the Figures 6 and 7 show the drive torque (in N-m per meter of dryer
condensate is width) for the 1.5 m and 1.8 m diameter dryers, respectively, without
bars in the dryers. These figures show that the drive torque required to
rimming, the drive
pass through the cascading condensate condition into the rimming con-
torque increases
densate condition increases as the amount of condensate in the dryer
only slightly with
increases, and the speed at which the peak torque occurs increases as
the amount of condensate in the dryer increases. Once the condensate is
rimming, the drive torque increases only slightly with speed.

12.7 mm rim layer

200 9.5 mm rim layer

6.4 mm rim layer
3.2 mm rim layer
Torque, N-m/m

1.6 mm rim layer



0 500 1000 1500 2000

Dryer Speed, m/min

Figure 6. Dryer Drive Torque versus Dryer Speed

1.5 meter diameter dryer, without dryer bars

12.7 mm rim layer
200 9.5 mm rim layer
6.4 mm rim layer
Torque, N-m/m

3.2 mm rim layer

1.6 mm rim layer



0 500 1000 1500 2000

Dryer Speed, m/min

Figure 7. Dryer Drive Torque versus Dryer Speed

1.8 meter diameter dryer, without dryer bars

© Kadant Johnson Inc 2008 Drive Power and Torque in Paper Machine Dryers, 2nd Ed. 7
Figures 8 and 9 show similar torque data for the dryers with dryer bars.
For a dryer with dryer bars, the drive torque required to pass through
the cascading condensate condition into the rimming condensate condi-
tion increases as the amount of condensate in the dryer increases. Fur-
thermore, the speed at which the peak torque occurs increases as the
amount of condensate in the dryer increases. With the dryer bars in the
dryer, the drive torque is only slightly affected by the amount of con-
densate in the dryer, once the condensate is rimming.

12.7 mm rim layer
200 9.5 mm rim layer
6.4 mm rim layer
Torque, N-m/m

3.2 mm rim layer

1.6 mm rim layer



0 500 1000 1500 2000

Dryer Speed, m/min

Figure 8. Dryer Drive Torque versus Dryer Speed

1.5 meter diameter dryer, with dryer bars

12.7 mm rim layer

200 9.5 mm rim layer

6.4 mm rim layer
3.2 mm rim layer
Torque, N-n/m

1.6 mm rim layer



0 500 1000 1500 2000

Dryer Speed, m/min

Figure 9. Dryer Drive Torque versus Dryer Speed

1.8 meter diameter dryer, with dryer bars

© Kadant Johnson Inc 2008 Drive Power and Torque in Paper Machine Dryers, 2nd Ed. 8
Data from the previous figures is presented in cross-plots for rimming
Collapsing speed speed, collapsing speed, and peak torque. In these cross-plots, rimming
is defined as the speed is defined as the lowest recorded speed (during the increasing
highest recorded speed test) at which the reduction in the dryer drive power and torque
speed at which was complete. Collapsing speed is defined as the highest recorded speed
the increase in the (during the decreasing speed test) at which the increase in the dryer
dryer drive power drive power and torque was complete. In between the rimming speed
and torque was and the collapsing speed, the condensate may be either rimming or cas-
complete. cading, depending on the speed history of the dryer cylinder, as shown
in Figures 10 and 11.

Peak Power Increasing speed
2.5 Decreasing speed

Power, kW/m

Collapsing Speed
Rimming Speed


0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400

Dryer Speed, m/min

Figure 10. Dryer Drive Power versus Dryer Speed

1.5 meter diameter dryer, 12.7 mm rim layer, without dryer bars


Increasing speed
Decreasing speed

Power, kW/m

Collapsing Speed
Peak Power

Rimming Speed


0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400

Dryer Speed, m/min

Figure 11. Dryer Drive Power versus Dryer Speed

1.5 meter diameter dryer, 12.7 mm rim layer, with dryer bars

© Kadant Johnson Inc 2008 Drive Power and Torque in Paper Machine Dryers, 2nd Ed. 9
For cylinders without bars, the difference between the rimming and
Without bars, the collapsing speeds increases with increasing condensate film thickness.
difference The speed at which the maximum torque was observed is about 90-95%
between rimming of the rimming speed. The torque load rapidly decreases at speeds be-
and cascading tween 90% and 100% of the rimming speed. Figures 12 and 13 show the
speeds increases cross plots for the 1.5 and 1.8 meter cylinders respectively.
with increasing
condensate film
thickness. 800


Dryer Speed, m/min


speed to rim - calculated speed to rim - observed
speed at peak torque - calculated speed at peak torque - observed
speed for rim collapse - calculated speed for rim collapse - observed
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Rim Layer Thickness - mm

Figure 12. Speed and Condensate Behavior

1.5 meter diameter dryer, without dryer bars


Dryer Speed, m/min




speed to rim - calculated speed to rim - observed
speed at peak torque - calculated speed at peak torque - observed
speed for rim collapse - calculated speed for rim collapse - observed
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Rim Layer Thickness - mm

Figure 13. Speed and Condensate Behavior

1.8 meter diameter dryer, without dryer bars

© Kadant Johnson Inc 2008 Drive Power and Torque in Paper Machine Dryers, 2nd Ed. 10
Figures 14 and 15 show the cross plots of rimming and cascading
With bars, the
speeds for cylinders with dryer bars. These speeds are lower than the
speeds for dryers without bars. The difference between rimming and
between rimming
cascading speeds decreases with increasing condensate film thickness.
and cascading
Further, the rimming speed for a cylinder with bars is much lower than
speeds decreases
for a cylinder without bars. The peak torque load with bars occurs at
with increasing about 50% to 80% of the rimming speed, depending on condensate film
condensate film thickness.



Dryer Speed, m/min

200 Transition

speed to rim - calculated speed to rim - observed
speed at peak torque - calculated speed at peak torque - observed
speed for rim collapse - calculated speed for rim collapse - observed
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Rim Layer Thicknes s - mm

Figure 14. Speed and Condensate Behavior

1.5 meter diameter dryer, with dryer bars



Dryer Speed, m/min



speed to rim - calculated speed to rim - observed
speed at peak torque - calculated speed at peak torque - observed
speed for rim collapse - calculated speed for rim collapse - observed
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Rim Layer Thicknes s - mm

Figure 15. Speed and Condensate Behavior

1.8 meter diameter dryer, with dryer bars

© Kadant Johnson Inc 2008 Drive Power and Torque in Paper Machine Dryers, 2nd Ed. 11
Figures 16 and 17 compare the rimming and collapsing speeds for the
1.5 and 1.8 meter diameter cylinders with and without bars. Again,
both rimming and collapsing speeds are significantly reduced with

No bars


Dryer Speed, m/min

Dryer bars

200 1.5 meter dryer, with bars - calculated 1.5 meter dryer, with bars - observed
1.8 meter dryer, with bars -calculated 1.8 meter dryer, with bars - observed
1.5 meter dryer, no bars - calculated 1.5 meter dryer, no bars - observed
1.8 meter dryer, no bars - calculated 1.8 meter dryer, no bars - observed
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Rim Layer Thickness - mm

Figure 16. Dryer Rimming Speed versus Rim Layer Thickness

1.5 meter dryer, with bars - calculated 1.5 meter dryer, with bars - observed
1.8 meter dryer, with bars -calculated 1.8 meter dryer, with bars - observed
1.5 meter dryer, no bars - calculated 1.5 meter dryer, no bars - observed
400 1.8 meter dryer, no bars - calculated 1.8 meter dryer, no bars - observed
Dryer Speed, m/min


No bars
Dryer bars


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Rim Layer Thicknes s - mm

Figure 17. Dryer Rim Collapsing Speed versus Rim Layer Thickness

The peak drive Figure 18 shows that the peak drive power is approximately 50% lower
power can be in dryers with dryer bars than in dryers without dryer bars. This can be
reduced by 50% very important, particularly in dryers with low drive capacity. The re-
by adding dryer duction in drive power is most significant with large rimming depths (a
bars. large amount of residual condensate).

© Kadant Johnson Inc 2008 Drive Power and Torque in Paper Machine Dryers, 2nd Ed. 12
1.5 meter diameter dryer, no bars observed 1.8 meter diameter dryer, no bars observed
1.5 meter diameter dryer, no bars calculated 1.8 meter diameter dryer, no bars calculated
1.5 meter diameter dryer, with bars observed 1.8 meter diameter dryer, with bars observed
1.5 meter diameter dryer, with bars calculated 1.8 meter diameter dryer, with bars calculated

Power, kW/m
No bars

Dryer bars
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Rim Layer Thickness, mm

Figure 18. Peak Power versus Film Thickness

Dryers with and without dryer bars

Figure 19 shows that the peak torque is also less with dryer bars than in
a cylinder without dryer bars, provided both of the dryers have the
same amount of condensate.

1.5 meter diameter dryer, no bars observed 1.8 meter diameter dryer, no bars observed
1.5 meter diameter dryer, no bars calculated 1.8 meter diameter dryer, no bars calculated
1.5 meter diameter dryer, with bars observed 1.8 meter diameter dryer, with bars observed
1.5 meter diameter dryer, with bars calculated 1.8 meter diameter dryer, with bars calculated
Torque, N-m/m

No bars



Dryer bars
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Rim Layer Thickness, mm

Figure 19. Peak Torque versus Film Thickness

Dryers with and without dryer bars

© Kadant Johnson Inc 2008 Drive Power and Torque in Paper Machine Dryers, 2nd Ed. 13

In 1958, White and Higgins (2) published a correlation for rimming

speed based on dimensional analysis and data from a 0.305 meter di-
ameter cylinder without bars. The rimming speeds observed in the 1.5
meter diameter and 1.8 meter diameter cylinder testing were somewhat
higher than predicted from their analysis. This is primarily because
White and Higgins defined “rimming speed” as the point of peak
power and torque, rather than the point at which the transition to rim-
ming was complete.

Following White and Higgins, a correlation was applied to the above

data resulting in the following equation; for a dryer without bars:

V  12.4 ( g ) 0.5 ( R /  ) 0.18 ( 3 g / 2 ) 0.013 (1)

where R is the dryer inside radius, δ is the rimming film thickness, ν is

the kinematic viscosity, g is the gravitational acceleration, and V is the
rimming speed of the inner surface. The exponent on the dimensionless
group with the fluid properties could not be established from these
tests, since the fluid properties did not vary. The exponent established
by White and Higgins (2) was used instead.

A similar correlation can be applied to the collapsing speed:

C  2.0 ( g ) 0.5 ( R /  ) 0.452 ( 3 g / 2 ) 0.013 (2)

where C is the speed at which the condensate rim collapses back into a

For a cylinder equipped with dryer bars, the equations are:

V  2.9 ( g ) 0.5 ( R /  ) 0.362 ( 3 g / 2 ) 0.013 (3)


C  7.1 ( g ) 0.5 ( R /  ) 0.107 ( 3 g / 2 ) 0.013 (4)

Note that all of the testing was performed at a constant water tempera-
ture (21°C) and therefore the second dimensionless group only varied
with the film thickness.

© Kadant Johnson Inc 2008 Drive Power and Torque in Paper Machine Dryers, 2nd Ed. 14
The data shown in Figures 12 through 17 include these correlation
curves for rimming and collapsing speed.

Just prior to rimming, condensate in the cylinder is, in effect, lifted from
the bottom of the dryer up to the top of the dryer where it cascades. If
the entire volume of condensate is lifted to the horizontal centerline of
the cylinder axis each revolution, the power required can be estimated
by the following equation:

Pp  4   R V p (5)

where γ is the weight density, δ is the film thickness, Vp is the dryer

speed at peak power, R is the cylinder radius, and Pp is the peak drive
power expressed per unit of dryer face width.

Condensate behavior in the dryer deviates from this simple model in

three ways: First, some of the condensate is lifted above the horizontal
centerline. Second, there is some portion of the condensate film which
does not cascade, but remains in a rim at higher speeds. And third,
some of the condensate does not fall all the way back to the bottom of
the cylinder, but impacts the opposite side above the cylinder floor. The
above equation, however, can be combined with Equation (1) for rim-
ming speed to provide the format for developing a correlation for the
peak power. The resulting equation for a dryer without dryer bars is
given below.

Pp    R ( g ) 0.5 ( R /  ) 0.41 ( 3 g / 2 ) 0.013 / 1098 (6)

From Figures 2 and 3, it is clear that the drive power for dryers without
bars is proportional to the square of the dryer speed, for dryers that are
operating below the condensate rimming speed. The drive power can
therefore be estimated at any speed up to rimming by the following

P = Pp (S / Vp)
where S is less than or equal to the rimming speed Vp.

© Kadant Johnson Inc 2008 Drive Power and Torque in Paper Machine Dryers, 2nd Ed. 15
At speeds above rimming, the power for a cylinder without bars can be
seen from Figures 2 and 3 to also be proportional to the square of the
dryer speed. The drive power for a dryer with rimming condensate can
therefore be estimated by the following correlation equation:

P  ( 0 .4  10 6 ) S 2 (8)

where the drive power is expressed in kW per meter of face width and
S is the dryer speed expressed in m/min.

This estimate for drive power is comparable to a Normal Running Load

(NRL) factor, in that it excludes dryer and felt roll inertia, web tension,
and dryer doctor drive loads. It does, however, also exclude the drive
load associated with felt rolls, dryer fabrics, rotary steam joints, thread-
ing ropes, and gearboxes.

Figures 20 and 21 show a comparison between the calculated values of

drive power and drive torque and the measured values for a 1.8 meter
diameter cylinder without bars and with a 6.4 mm condensate film.




Power, kW/m




0.4 Power - observed

0.2 Power - calculated

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500

Dryer Speed, m/min

Figure 20. Comparison of calculated power and observed data

1.8 meter diameter dryer, 6.4 mm rim layer, no dryer bars

© Kadant Johnson Inc 2008 Drive Power and Torque in Paper Machine Dryers, 2nd Ed. 16
Torque - observed
Torque - calculated


Torque, N-m/m





0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500

Dryer Speed, m/min

Figure 21. Comparison of calculated torque and observed data

1.8 meter diameter dryer, 6.4 mm rim layer, no dryer bars

For a cylinder equipped with dryer bars, the peak power can also be
correlated using the format of Equation (3) combined with Equation (5).
The resulting correlation equation for a dryer with dryer bars is given
Pp    R (g ) 0.5 ( R /  ) 0.463 ( 2 g / 2 ) 0.013 / 2780 (9)

When the dryer has bars, the drive power for dryers operating below
the rimming speed can also be approximated as proportional to the
square of the dryer speed, as seen in Figures 4 and 5. The drive power
can therefore be estimated at speeds up to rimming by Equation (7):

P = Pp (S / Vp) (10)

Note that the drive where S is less than or equal to the rimming speed Vp.
power for a dryer
with bars is At speeds above rimming, the power for a cylinder with dryer bars can
linearly related to be estimated by the following equation:
speed, whereas
P  ( 0 .5  10  3 ) S (11)
the drive power
for a dryer without
where the drive power is expressed in kW per meter of face width and
bars was related
S is the dryer speed expressed in m/min. Note that the drive power for
to the square of
a dryer with bars is linearly related to speed, whereas the drive power
the dryer speed.
for a dryer without bars was related to the square of the dryer speed.

© Kadant Johnson Inc 2008 Drive Power and Torque in Paper Machine Dryers, 2nd Ed. 17
Figures 22 and 23 show a comparison of the calculated and measured
values of power and torque using the above equations for a dryer with





Power, kW/m



0.2 Power - observed

0.1 Power - calculated

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600

Dryer Speed, m/min

Figure 22. Comparison of calculated power and observed data

1.5 meter diameter dryer, 9.5 mm rim layer, with dryer bars

Torque - observed
Torque - calculated
Torque, N-m/m





0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600

Dryer Speed, m/min

Figure 23. Comparison of calculated torque and observed data

1.5 meter diameter dryer, 9.5 mm rim layer, with dryer bars

Torque for a cylinder without bars at speeds above rimming increases

with speed while the torque for a cylinder with bars is nearly constant.

© Kadant Johnson Inc 2008 Drive Power and Torque in Paper Machine Dryers, 2nd Ed. 18
This paper highlights the difference in the condensate rimming speed
for paper dryers operating with and without Turbulator bars. The pa-
per also quantifies the difference between 1.5-meter and 1.8-meter di-
ameter dryers. The paper provides equations for estimating the rim-
ming speeds and collapsing speeds, using the same dimensionless
groups, and the associated drive power and torque.

The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of Kadant Johnson in
conducting these studies and the technical support of Jim Poulsen.

1. Concannon, M.D., “Condensate Effects on Torque and Horsepower
in Paper Dryers,” Tappi 63(9): 69-72 (1980)

2. White, R.E. and Higgins, T.W., “Effect of the Fluid Properties on

Condensate Behavior,” Tappi 41 (2): 71-76 (1958)

3. Calkins, D.L., “A Comparison of Rotary & Stationary Siphon Per-

formance in Paper Dryers,” Johnson Corporation 1973.

4. Derrick, R. P., "Drive Power Requirements for Pulp and Paper Ma-
chine Dryer Sections", 1978 Engineering Conference Proceedings,
Book II, Tappi Press, Atlanta, p. 381.

5. Wedel, G. L. and Timm, G. L., “Drive Power and Torque in Paper-

machine Dryers”, TAPPI Technology Summit 2002, Tappi Press,

© Kadant Johnson Inc 2008 Drive Power and Torque in Paper Machine Dryers, 2nd Ed. 19
Kadant Johnson is a global leader in the design, manufacture, and
service of dryer drainage systems, rotary joints, syphon systems,
and related equipment for the dryer section of the paper machine. For
more information about Kadant Johnson products and services, email
[email protected] or visit

 Steam and Condensate Systems

 Dryer Section Surveys

 Dryer Management System® control software

 Stationary Syphons

 Rotating Syphons

 Rotary Joints

 Turbulator® Bars

 Thermocompressors

 Desuperheaters

 Direct Injection Water Heaters

 Vortec™ Vacuum Generators

 Sight Flow Indicators

 Flexible Metal Hoses

 Installations Services

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