Daily Mail

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Discuss the target audience for the Daily Mail and

describe some of the techniques that the paper uses to target
this audience. You should refer to recent news stories in your

The target audience for the Daily mail is 45+ year olds, with
the actual majority audience being 45-65 + age group, for both
men and female. However they will often focus on female
readers, as there is an odd amount of women reading
newspaper these days. There does actually happen to be
more female readers of the daily mail than male readers.

Their target audience is middle class and is mainly white; they

have mostly only white people on the covers and in the paper
as they want to attract people, who are more comfortable with
seeing a white person in their newspaper. They also promote
a luxurious lifestyle, that with designer fashion and expensive
cars, so this is clearly part of their target audience.

A few techniques that the Daily Mail will use to advertise to

their targeted audience is to advertise their newspaper on
television, radio, magazines and on social media platforms.

Alot of advertisers will not put their adverts in the daily mail
paper for many reasons nowadays. The main one being that
all these advertising companies don't want to be associated
with the daily mail as they are very publicly right wing, and
there is a history of racist accusations, homophobic
accusations and sexist accusations.

Q2.Discuss the political and ideological position of The Daily


Daily Mail take a stance in right-wing politics, they are a fan of

brexit, they like Boris Johnson and they definitely don't like
Jeremy Corbyn. The majority of the daily mail readers voted
for the Conservative party, with the next biggest minority of
the readers voting for Labour and the rest voting for Liberal
Democrats. In the past the newspaper's website "mailonline"
has been criticised by the newspaper's readers for pandering
to people with left-wing views.

The daily mail are very anti-immigration, and even believe that
all these nationalities coming into the UK will "pollute" the
British gene. They will often promote patriotism such as
violence and fighting for your country.

Other ideologies are that the believe heavily in patriarchy, are

generally against abortion, against same-sex marriage and
are in favour of monarchy, cutting tax, harsh penalties for
criminals and agree with hegemonic power.

Q3. How is the Daily Mail seeking to survive in a shrinking

market? (tip- you can discuss Mail Online)

The print newspaper is a shrinking market that has been

decreasing over the years. The Daily Mail was very successful
in the early 2000s with more than 2,000,000 copies sold
everyday. Nowadays its about half that, but still influential.

They have become digital in hopes to gain the audience they

lost and actually gain more. Another reason they have moved
to digital is to have a better chance of competing with their
competitors. Mail online, the daily mails online, which they
have created their own new logo for, maybe in hope to
become a proper online news platform that doesn't have much
recollection of the old print newspaper. This is another way
that the Daily Mail have been widening their audience.

Their market is not only shrinking but their loyal readers, those
who are over the age of 45, who like what the daily mail say
and the way in which they say it, are becoming older and
older. They need to attract a new audience. The majority of
internet users are 18-35, this is a huge audience that the Daily
Mail will try to capitalise on. They daily mail was a big paper
copy newspaper but now with technology everyone is online
and so are most newspapers. Them going online works very
well because it is a much more immediate news, so breaking
news really is breaking news.
The Daily Mail have also widened the paper's market by
launching an overseas version aswell as an Irish and Scottish
edition. Finally, they have also lowered the price of the print
version as they are aware that the demand for print
newspaper has decreased drastically.

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