Chama V Rwalinda

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In his petition filed in this Court on 16th August 2011 JULIUS CHAMA (herein referred
to as the Petitioner/Respondent in Cross Petition) sought orders of this Court for
dissolution of his marriage with SPECIOZA RWALINDA MBABAZI (herein referred
to as Respondent/Cross Petitioner). He also prayed for custody of the only child in the
marriage and costs of the petition.

The petition was based on the ground of cruelty as set out in the petition.

In reply to the petition, the Respondent/Cross Petitioner denied in toto the allegations and
cross petitioned on the grounds of cruelty, dissertation, and adultery. She prayed for
dissolution of the marriage, custody of the child in the marriage, maintenance and claim
in the matrimonial property.

After filing the reply to the petition and cross petition the Respondent/Cross Petitioner
was unable to serve them on the Petitioner/Respondent in cross petition and she
accordingly applied for an order for substituted service which was granted on the 20 th
February 2012. Court ordered for a copy of the reply to the petition and cross petition to
be affixed at the last known place of abode of the Petitioner/Respondent and a copy sent
by registered mail to the Petitioner’s/Respondent’s known address in Tanzania. In an
affidavit of service filed on the 12 th April 2012 one Fred Kamya a Clerk with M/s
Kakooza & Kawuma Advocates deponed that he sent a copy of the reply to the petition
and cross petition to the Petitioner/Respondent by DHL to his known address in Dar-es-
Salaam and affixed a copy of the documents on the door of his known residence in
Kampala. The case was fixed for hearing by the Respondent/Cross Petitioner on 17 th
April 2012. On the said date the matter was adjourned to 5th June 2012.

At the hearing on 5th June 2012, Ms Eva Luswata Kawuma (as she then was) Counsel for
the Respondent/Cross Petitioner prayed Court to dismiss the petition under O 9 r. 22 CPR
and proceed with the hearing of the cross petition under O 8 r.13 CPR. Court granted the
prayers and proceeded to hear the cross petition ex-perte. Learned Counsel, for the cross
petitioner thereafter filed witness statements on oath of the Respondent/Cross Petitioner
and a one Jeniventius Nsabinama her brother.

Learned Counsel for the Cross Petitioner filed written submissions. The issues for
determination were:-

a) Whether the marriage should be dissolved.

b) How the property acquired during the marriage should be distribute.

c) Who should be granted custody of the child of the marriage.

d) Quantum of maintenance for the child.

In her submission, Learned Counsel first brought out the current position on the law of
divorce in as far as the requirement to prove the grounds for divorce is concerned.
Counsel pointed out the land mark case of Uganda Association of Women Lawyers
(FIDA) and 5 others Vs Attorney General – Constitutional Petition No. 2 of 2003 where
the Constitutional Court nullified Sections 4 (1), (2), 5, 22, 23, 24 and 26 of the Divorce
Act Cap 249 Laws of Uganda 2000. Counsel urged, rightly so in my view, that the said
provisions are of no legal consequence and are no longer valid. This remains the positions
of the law since the legislature has not stepped in to ameliorate the situation (see Han
Herman Kock Vs Victoria Kayecha Divorce Cause No. 6 of 2011). What the Courts have
done to bridge the gap is to look at the totality of the facts before it and determine
whether the facts lead to the finding that the marriage has irretrievably broken down then
divorce is granted. (see Gershom Masiko Vs Florence Masiko Civil Appeal No. 8 of

In the Cross Petition sworn witness statement, of 6 th December 2012 she states at
paragraph 9 that during the subsistence of the marriage, the Petitioner/Respondent
committed acts of adultery with diverse women more particularly a one Victoria and a
one Margaret who according to the Cross Petitioner boosted about the relationship. At
paragraph 8, she catalogues acts of cruelty which include excessive verbal abuse,
physical violence characterized by beatings and boxing, addictive drinking which would
drive the Respondent into feats of anger and aggressiveness towards the Cross Petitioner.
At paragraph 8 (i) the Cross Petitioner states that since May 2008, the Respondent has
deserted her and their marriage. All these alleged acts are corroborated by Jeniventius
Nsabimana brother to the Cross Petitioner in his sworn witness statement of 6 th December

Since the acts of adultery, deserton and cruelty have according to the uncontroverted
evidence of the Cross Petition and her witness been established, the marriage between the
Petitioner/Respondent in Cross Petition and the Respondent/Cross Petitioner has in my
view irretrievebly broken down and should be dissolved.

After dissolution of the marriage the next issue for determination is how the property
acquired during the marriage should be distributed.

Under paragraph 18 of the reply and cross petition, the Cross Petitioner lays claim to the
matrimonial home and property in Kyetabwa and Akright estates. In her sworn witness
statement at paragraph 15, the Cross Petitioner depones that she, jointly with the
Petitioner, acquired real estate property in Akright estates and a matrimonial home in
Bukasa Kirinya Bweyogerere. Under paragraph 17 of the witness statement, mention is
made of Annexture “E 1” being certificate of title for property on Entebbe road Akright
estates and annexture “E 2” being proof of existence of matrimonial home at Kirinya but
the said annextures are no where on the Court file. I am not certain how this came about
whether it was inadvatence on the part of Counsel for the Cross Petitioner or whether the
annextures do not exist. Court cannot be seen to conjecture. In the circumstance, in
absence of proof of existence and ownership of the said properties, this issue fails as
Court has no property to distribute.

On custody of the only child in the marriage, Counsel for the Cross Petitioner relied on
both the Divorce Act and the Children Act to invoke the welfare principal and pray Court
to grant custody of the child to the Cross Petitioner. (see Veronica Habycrimona Vs
Perfect Habyarimana 1980HCB 139) Counsel further urged that where the issue of
custody of a child is concerned and the child is of tender age, custody must be granted to
the mother (see Kayongo Vs Sekiziyivu 1973 HCB 24)

The Cross Petitioner in her sworn witness statement at paragraph 13 states that the
Petitioner and father of the child, has for the last four and half years not seen nor
provided for the child- Carol Umamaria. She further states that she has defacto custody
of the child. The above can only lead to Court calculating that the Petitioner/ Respondent
in cross petition has no interest whatsoever in the load force of the child.

I agree that the welfare principal is the paramount consideration in deciding on the
custody of the child and since the Petitioner has been shown not to have much interest in
the child’s upbringing, the Cross Petitioner will retain the custody of the child. The
Petitioner/ father of the child will however have visitation rights which will be agreed on
by the parties.

In the Cross Petition under paragraph 16, the Cross Petitioner prays for maintenance of
the child in the marriage. The maintenance prayed for is in the following terms.
a) School fees and school related costs until the child completes undergraduate

b) Food and toiletries – shs 500,000/= per month.

c) Medical expenses – Medical Insurance

d) Contribution towards shelter – shs 250,000 per month.

The Cross Petitioner further makes a claim at paragraph 17 of the cross petition of a lamp
sum payment of shs 3,000,000/= being refund of money she spent towards the
maintenance of the child since May 2008. However in the witness statement at paragraph
14 the amount claimed is a total lump sum of shs 28,611,500/=. This is a departure from
the pleadings which cannot be sanctioned (so I will disagree this latter sum and grant the
lamp sum claim of Shs 3,000,000/= pleaded.

A close look at the itemized terms of maintenance reveals that the sums prayed for are
fair. In addition, the Cross Petitioner has testified that she is not employed while on the
other hand, the Petitioner/Respondent in cross petition is stated to be gainfully employed
in Dar-es-salaam Tanzania.

In the circumstances Court will make an order for maintenance in the terms prayed.

On costs, the Petitioner/Respondent will pay costs of the cross petition.

Accordingly Judgment is entered for the Cross Petitioner against the

Petitioner/Respondent in cross petition and the following orders are made:-

(1) A decree nisi dissolving the marriage between the Cross Petitioner and the
Petitioner/Respondent is granted.

(2) The Cross Petitioner is granted custody of the child Uwamaria Carol. The
Petitioner/Respondent will have full visitation rights.
(3) The maintenance of the child will be met by the Petitioner/Respondent in the terms
set out in this Judgment.

(4) The Petitioner/Respondent will meet the costs of this cross petition.

B. Kainaumra

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