An Analysis of Cost Estimation and Pricing
An Analysis of Cost Estimation and Pricing
An Analysis of Cost Estimation and Pricing
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This article describes an analysis model of estimated and actual cost data applied
to (MTO) Make-to-Order Companies. It also describes an analysis performed with data
collected from a MTO company. The work described in this article illustrates the analysis
proposed to be performed by a decision support system called CEPSS, developed by the
authors. The main objective of this analysis is to investigate the relation between cost
variance and the confidence of the estimators when preparing the estimates (time
estimates). The analysis uses estimated cost data recorded according to a model developed
by the authors, which consists in recording three factors in association with the time
estimate: confidence factor (how sure the cost estimator is about the time estimate),
experience factor (how much experience the cost estimator has with the specific job), and
similarity factor (how similar the piece of work being dealt with is with others already
dealt with by the cost estimator). It was also an objective of this analysis to investigate if
the experience and similarity factors would help the confidence factor in the understanding
of possible cost variances. The recording of these three factors at the time of preparing the
estimates was found to be a useful mean of analysing and controlling cost variances in
MTO Companies.
3. The Difficulties Related to Analysing the Variances Between Estimated and Actual
Due to the strategic importance of cost data to the companies it is very difficult to
convince a company to allow its cost data to be accessed by an outsider. Fortunately partial
access to cost data, enough to perform the analysis, has been gained in one company.
The Process of collecting the data was very difficult because the company does not
record them in an "appropriate" way. It was found that in the rush to complete one order
the chance to keep proper records of the costs (incurred to complete an order) is almost
always lost. Another reason for this lack of data, pointed out by the cost estimators, is the
effort by the shop floor managers to minimise overall costs spending as little time as
possible in recording the changes to the order and the actual times. Due to the lack of
integration between the different departments, they are not aware of the importance of
having the data properly recorded for future cost analysis.
One great difficulty in gathering adequate cost data was that the time the orders
take to be completed is quite long. The great majority of the orders take at least 6 months
to be completed from the time the enquiry is received. During this period the information
about the order passes through different departments, and by the time the order is
completed it is almost impossible to find the information required. To overcome this
problem it was necessary to contact and talk to people in the different departments. In spite
of having the support from the "bosses", it was very difficult to find people in the different
departments willing to help in collecting the data. After many interviews and broken
promises by many people it was possible to arrange with four cost estimators to obtain the
estimates and the actual costs.
Even with the co-operation of these four cost estimators and of three clerks, it was
possible to collect adequate cost data (estimated and actuals) for only four orders. It proved
to be a very difficult task. The estimates are recorded with one identification number for
each enquiry, and the actuals are recorded with another identification number (for the
contract). This makes relating the estimates with the actuals a very complex process.
The company does not record the actual costs in for each of the components, like
the estimates. Because of that it was not possible to make statistical analysis to find out
possible patterns of estimator's biases. None of the companies studied does record the
actual cost data in a proper way to make this type of analysis.
Customer Enquiry
Estimated Cost
Production Planning
Actual Cost
Figure 1 - From the Cost Estimation and Pricing Process to the Actual Cost
The preparation of the sample started with the design of a spreadsheet form to be
used by the estimators to record the estimates and the three factors: confidence factor,
similarity factor and experience factor (see De Souza & Kingsman, 1997 for details about
these factors). Figure 2 presents details about how the information about the three factors
are recorded in this spreadsheet form.
The design of the form was supervised by the chief cost estimator, and by the
director of the Mechanical Department, the latter being the departmental head responsible
for the estimates for the activities Assembly and Fabrication. The next step was to explain
the objectives of the analysis and of the data collection to some of the estimators, and then
explain the spreadsheet form to the two cost estimators who eventually agreed to co-
operating with the research. The estimates for the two activities started then to be recorded
by the two estimators directly in the spreadsheet.
The initial estimates for the activity Assembly were significantly reduced by the
Planning Department after getting the order, when they had time to evaluate in more detail
how the job should be done. The actual cost for assembling ended up being 27.17% less
than the amended estimates. It is possible to see from the initial estimates that the time
estimator had a low confidence when estimating the time required for a component that
accounted for 75.47% of the total time initially estimated for assembly.
It is also possible to see that the estimator was not very experienced with two (of a
total of 20) of the components, and that 4 of the components were not similar to previous
products in terms of "function" (see the legend for the similarity factors presented in Figure
2). This is also likely to have contributed to the big cost variance of 27.17% (from the
estimated 46 hours to the actual 33.5 hours) for the activity Assembly. Based on that
variance one can say from that the estimators overestimated in order to compensate for their
lack of confidence in estimating the cost of some components, and also for not having much
experience with other components.
The variance in the cost for the activity fabrication was very big, but was not
financially relevant because the number of hours was very small. The confidence of the
estimators was not high, and this is likely to be the reason for the variance. For one of the
two components that required fabrication the estimator did not have much experience, and
the component was not similar to previous ones in terms of function.
It was learned from the interviews that in cases when the time required for an
activity is very small and the estimator is not confident, that the estimator's general practice
is not to bother to overestimate because he/she knows that the variance is not going to be
relevant. This was the case with the activity Fabrication presented in Table 2.
5.2. Order Two
This order, numbered E22177, had its cost estimated normally, but the confidence
of the estimators was considerably low. The product ordered was very different, as a whole,
from any other manufactured before. This can be noted from the experience factors.
The cost variance (Table 3) was very big for activity Assembly (63.77%), and very
small (3%) for activity Fabrication. The confidence factors were not very good for either
activity. As a matter of fact, it was worse for Fabrication. The overestimation for Assembly
can easily be related to the low confidence of the estimator. Considering that it was the
same estimator who prepared both the estimates for Assembly and for Fabrication, one can
infer that the estimator is more accurate in estimating the times for fabrication.
Assembly Fabrication
1) Estimates-Initial 1420 1198
2) Estimates-Planning +84 -524
3) Estimates-Total 1504 674
4) Actuals 1045.75 477
Difference (3-1) -458.25 -197
Variance 30.47% 29.23%
Table 4 - Cost Summary for Order E22683
Assembly Fabrication
1) Estimates-Initial 1256.5 3075.25
2) Estimates-Additions 2243.5 0
3) Estimates-Total 3500 3075.25
4) Actuals 3914.75 3198
Difference (4-3) 414.75 122.75
Variance 11.85% 3.99%
Table 5 - Cost Summary for Order E22355
6. Conclusion
The analysis presented in this article made it possible to see the usefulness of the
factors recorded with the estimates. There is support for the hypothesis that the variance
between the estimated and actual costs is related to the lack of confidence by the estimators.
The results discussed in this article were presented to some cost estimators and
they found them very interesting. They said that this type of information would help them to
identify the activities for which estimates varied most, and then they could dedicate more
time to prepare the estimates for these activities. They also said that with this information
the estimators could identify their weakness (in terms of the activities that presented more
variances) and revise their estimation procedures. In other words, they said that with this
sort of information the estimators who presented significant variance could revise their
estimation procedures and then follow their progress with the information generated with
new analyses.
The analysis presented in this article, in spite of the difficulties with the collection
of cost data, was useful to show that a decision support system could be used to provide the
cost estimators with information that would allow them to perform the estimation more
7. Bibliography
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Estimation And Pricing In Make-To-Order Companies”, 21º ENANPAD, Rio de
Janeiro, Anais em CD-ROM.
NEEDLES, B. E., ANDERSON, H. R. & CALDWELL, J. C. (1994). Financial & Managerial
Accounting. Houghton Mifflin Company, USA.
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RICKETTS, D. & GRAY, J. (1988). Managerial Accounting. Boston, Houghton Mifflin.