Planificare Clasa 1 Engleza

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Unitatea școlară: Școala Profesională Lespezi Vizat director,

Aria curriculara: Limbă si comunicare

Disciplina: Comunicare în limba modernă 1 ( Limba engleză)
Manual: Comunicare în limba modern 1 – Engleză, Editura Didactică și Pedagogică
Profesor: Ungureanu Iulian
Clasa: I (L1) 1h/sapt
Planificare calendaristică
An şcolar 2019/ 2020

Unităţi de învăţare Competente specifice Conţinuturi Nr.ore Săptămâna Obs.
Revision 1 S1
2. Hello! 1.1 Greetings 4 S2
1.2 Vocabulary: good morning, good afternoon, good S3
1.3 evening, good night, hi, hello S4
2.3 Structures: How are you? I’m fine, thank you. S5
2.4 Colours
Vocabulary: green, white, yellow, green, red
4.1 Structures: What colour is this? It’s …
The alphabet
Introducing themselves and greet the others
3. My animals 2.1 Animals 4 S6 *S8-
2.3 Vocabulary: cat, cow, dog, sheep, etc. S7 Vacanta
4.1 Structure: The dog goes woof!, The cat goes S9 inv. primar
meow!, etc; Two yellow cows, three black cats. S10 29.10-
Learn about animals abilities: jump, climb, 4.11.2018
swim, fly, run.
4. Body parts 1.1 Parts of the body 4 S11
1.2 Vocabulary: nose, hair, mouth, tongue, etc. S12
1.3 Structure: Actions with body parts: I can ... with S13 *Sapt. 15
my ... S14 Merry
Describe your body and say the clothes that Christmas!
you wear. - cantece/
colinde si

5. Hobbies! 1.3 Hobbies and preferences 3 S1
2.3 Vocabulary: seasons, singing, cooking, painting, S2
2.4 etc. S3
3.1 Structure: Someone’s hobby is ...

Say what your hobby is and say where you

cand do it.
6. Sports 1.3 Sports and accesories 4 S4 *S8-
2.2 Vocabulary: football, volleyball, handball, etc., S5 Happy
2.4 clothes, accesories S6 Mother's
3.1 Structure: I like ...; I don’t like...; The boy/girl S7 Day!
4.1 wearing .... is ....
Talking about favourite sport player

7. Feelings 1.2 Feelings and the five senses 3 S9

2.3 Vocabulary: sad, happy, worried, etc., see, smell, S10 S12-Școala
2.4 hear, etc. S11 altfel
3.1 Structure: How are you when...?; I am...; Touch 06.04-
your...; I can see a ... 21.04.2020-
Vacanța de
8. My home! 1.3 Parts of a house and rooms of the house 4 S13
2.3 Vocabulary: Kitchen, living room, bathroom, bedroom, S14
2.4 House, window, door, roof, wall, floor S15
3.1 Structure: What’s this? It’s a ... S16
Vocabulary: table, chair, bed, cupboard, etc.
Structure: What’s this? It’s a ...
Talking about furniture in the classroom
9. My school! 2.1 School objects S17
2.3 Vocabulary: Schoolbag, pencil, book, rubber, pencil S18
2.4 case, etc. S19
3.1 Structure: What’s this? It’s a …
Numbers 1-5
Vocabulary: one, two, three, four, five
Structure: What number is this? This is …
Talking about what’s in student’s bags

10. Final Revision Revision

1 S20

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