Safety Manual PDF
Safety Manual PDF
Safety Manual PDF
Version No.: 01
Prepared by: NABH Coordinator
Approved by: CEO
Distribution List
Our Hospital is committed to safeguarding the health, safety and welfare at work of all its staff,
patients and visitors. We consider safety an essential component of all activities within the
hospital The Hospital safety committee is responsible for ratifying .and implementing policy on
safety matters. The policy will be continually reviewed and developed as we strive for
progressively higher standards of health and safety in the Hospital. .
Although we the hospital and safety committee is ultimately responsible for safety within the
Hospital, it is the responsibility of all staff, patients and visitors to play their own part in the
maintenance of our standards and to act in a responsible manner within the hospital. It is also
expected that anyone with a supervisory role takes on some of the responsibilities of employer
in relation to safety of those in their charge. All who work within the Hospital are encouraged to
have input into safety policy by raising issues with their supervisors or any of the Safety
Committee representative.
In the event of an emergency in the hospital, and when there is a need to make a public
announcement or raise an immediate alert, the staff will dial the telephone operator and
inform the nature of the emergency:
In the event of an emergency in the hospital, and when there is a need to make a public
announcement or raise an immediate alert, the staff will dial the telephone operator and
inform the nature of the emergency:
Name of
Situation To be Contacted Message
Safety officer, Disaster
management team, Deputy CODE RED - Fire detected at
Code Red Fire Medical Administration, "<Location>". Please activate
Manager Operation and Emergency Response Team
Staff on duty would announce "CODE BLUE", along with the location of the code (which floor)
to telephone operator by Dial 111.This should be announced three times in rapid succession
by telephonic operator & same shall be intimate to Code Blue team.
• No spontaneous respiration
• No carotid or femoral pulses
• Dilated pupils
• OPEN AIRWAY (tilt head with back), INFLATE LUNGS QUICKLY with two breaths
(mouth-to-mouth breathing or Ambu bag).
• Remove foreign bodies in the upper airway, if necessary.
• Insert airway.
• SOMEONE HELP (call out or send someone for help).
• Available member of emergency team will start with CPR steps
• "CODE BLUE" will be called over the intercom by the staff on duty.
• Place patient on flat surface.
• Kneel by the patient's chest and bare the chest.
• Place heel (not palm) of one hand on the lower half of the sternum, while applying
pressure with the other hand on top of the first hand.
• Use only one hand for children and two fingers for babies.
• With hands, thrust vertically downward, displacing the sternum 1 1/2 to 2 inches, at a
rate of 80 thrusts per minute.
• Massage faster and with less force for children and babies.
• Release pressure rapidly and completely between thrusts; however, DO NOT raise hand
off the sternum. Let your back and body weight do the work.
• Check effectiveness of carotid or femoral pulsation with cardiac massage by observing
less constricted pupils, improved body color, etc.
• Hyperextend neck, pinch patient’s nose, takes a deep breath and place your mouth over
the patient's mouth making a tight seal. Blow air into victim.
• For small children or babies, place your mouth over victim's mouth AND nose.
• Inflate lungs until chest expands. Proceed at a rate of once every 5 seconds or 12 per
• For infants, once every 3 seconds or 20 per minute.
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
• For adults utilize 30 chest compressions at a rate of 100per minute to 2 lung inflations
• For infants, use a 5:1 ratio with 100-120 compressions per minute.
Dual Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
• For adults, utilize 1: 5 ratios of compressions to inflations. One person administering the
chest massage while the other person inflate the lungs after each fifth compression.
Switching positions is recommended as personnel get tired.
The on duty staff of respective department has to (Dial: 222) to telephone operator.
Telephone Operator to announced code red on intercom by which the indication/information
of fire reaches.
Inform Safety officer, CEO, Deputy Medical Administration, Manager Operation, ANA.,
Security Staff has to reached with available fire extinguisher to location.
The individual discovering the fire will take the following actions:
Dial 222 to inform telephone operator and give his / her name, department, exact
location of fire.
Start immediate action to fight the fire (without panic) & with the assistance of colleagues in
The following procedures are observed to prevent / minimize the effects of Fire Accidents in the
• In the event of a fire, or smoke, quick action is imperative. The code word for the event
is “CODE RED”; the same is passed on mobile so that the safety officer, authorities and
security staff in the hospital can be informed about the fire without creating any panic
among patients etc.
ALARM: Break open Alarm system that are placed in different locations of the hospital which
can be activated at the time of fire by breaking the glass panel. The alarm will be indicated in
the fire indication panel placed in the in-house telephone exchange where the floor in which the
alarm has been activated will be indicated. In case any facilities is not available or not working
than immediately informed authority of department.
Contain the fire by closing doors and windows.
Extinguish fire if possible. Use correct extinguisher for the type of fire. Evacuate all persons to
a safe area, if necessary. Follow directions of Safety Officer or code red team
Fire plan is placed in every floor which indicates the exact location of the fire exits and fire
extinguishers hence in case of any fire accidents; the nearest fire exit in the floors can be
easily traced.
Fire extinguishers of the type ABC which can be used for controlling all types of fire are placed
in different parts of the hospital.
In case of small fire which cannot be extinguished with the help of fire extinguishers the
telephone operator immediately notifies the Fire Fighting Department for help. Incase of large
fire it should be immediately conveyed to fire brigade without waiting.
Fire Safety Training and Fire drills are held at periodic intervals .All employees are provided
adequate fire training, they are informed about the fire evacuation procedures including fire
exits located in their work places.
No obstructions may be placed in front of or upon any exit door. No exit access, or stairway
may be obstructed with furniture or other obstructions so as to reduce the required width of the
Dial telephone operator by No. 222 and gives his/her name, department, exact location
of fire & try to fight fire without panic with the assistance of colleagues in the close
Pick up fire extinguishers from the nearest fire point.
Safety Officer:
• Immediately inform fire brigade & rush to the location.
• As per instruction of safety officer informed the code red team
• . Inform CEO/Deputy Medical Administrator about the fire situation
Information Counter:
Keep visitors or attendants calm and answer queries.
Do not create panic.
Information regarding patients, staffs, visitors, security, fire brigade team, any morbidity
or mortality. Press conference or Talk with Media or Police Department will be done by
Deputy Medical Administrator
Issued By Reviewed By Approved by
NABH Coordinator NABH Coordinator Chief Executive Officer
Assist in the evacuation of patients.
Wake-up patients and attendants and ensure that the rooms are vacated. This has to be
done carefully.
Direct patients or attendants to the safe area.
Provide first aid to the staff, patients, attendants gathered in safe area if required.
Purpose -The Hospital provides a policy for disaster planning for external disaster and plan for
that. The Emergency Department of hospital will take care of the Disaster. External disasters
are like earthquake, flood, riots, and major accidents & like chemical disaster, major
The actual movement of the ground in an earthquake is seldom the direct cause of death or
injury. Most casualties result from falling objects and debris because the shocks can shake,
damage or demolish buildings and generate huge ocean waves (seismic sea waves), each of
which can cause great damage. Earthquakes usually strike without warning. In most cases
the shock occurs and ends in seconds, which precludes any personal protective action during
the tremor. If the seismic action is a prolonged shaking and rolling, it is sometimes prudent to
take protective measures. These might include taking cover in a doorway or under a table. In
any event, if you have time, cover your head and shoulders and try to protect yourself from
Falling objects or shattered glass. The scope of this procedure covers response to all types of
Be prepared for additional "aftershocks". Although most of these are smaller than the
main shock, some may be large enough to cause additional damage.
After receiving damage assessment reports from all departments, determine the
advisability of partial or complete evacuation of the facility.
If evacuation is deemed advisable, determine condition of exit areas and avoid those
that are obstructed or otherwise hazardous.
Conduct an immediate check of all communications systems including the telephones.
Direct implementation of evacuation procedures as per the instruction of safety officer.
Ensure that all local emergency service authorities are informed of the degree of
damage and extent of injuries sustained by the facility, its patients and personnel.
As soon as it is determined or suspected that a person with no official business or
medically-related reason for being in the facility is, in fact, circulating within the
premises, he/she shall be challenged, preferably by an official of the facility and
escorted out of the building as discreetly as possible, on the basis that he/she has no
reason for being in any part of the facility except the reception area, and that it is a
private institution. If he/she objects, the facility official shall notify the police department,
and the challenged individual shall be allowed to speak to the police department on the
telephone. In most cases, the person will not avail himself/herself of the opportunity, but
the facility will have protected itself from any charges of unfair treatment or
When it has been determined that a group of individuals are in the facility on other than
official or medically-related business, all entrances shall be secured and, where
possible, the group shall be isolated, by activating the fire doors, and prevented from
circulating through the rest of the facility. The police shall be summoned by the
Concerned HODs/ Supervisors or designee who shall brief the police over the
Maintain contact with the police and fire departments.
Familiarize personnel with the procedures used by the police department for handling
unrest, civil disorders or riots. Since security personnel are often the first contact with
participants in any type of civil disturbance, it is most important that they correctly
estimate the situation and avoid aggravation of the existing situation. These personnel
will be the first and most reliable sources of information needed by the police to properly
respond to a potentially violent situation. Information regarding the circumstances
surrounding the situation of unrest shall help facility officials in dealing with the group or
individual ringleader in the early stages of the controversy. In the case of an organized
group attempting to reach a patient or a member of the facility staff with intent to harm,
the Safety Officer's only recourse is to prevent entry to the area where the target
individual is located.
To make necessary arrangements in case of disrupted power supply
The hospital is having semi automated diesel operated generator set which is sufficient
to supply power to whole hospital working as soon as the commercial supply is
Generator operator will be informed immediately to start generator.
In case of failure of the generator set the staff on duty will shift to the alternative supply
of electricity (UPS).
The electrician will determine how long the service will be out.
Notify all departments and tell personnel that service will be out and approximately how
After electric service is restored, check for proper operation: (to be done by wireman
along with biomedical engineer)
• Ventilating Systems.
Issued By Reviewed By Approved by
NABH Coordinator NABH Coordinator Chief Executive Officer
To define the steps this shall be taken in the event of a medical gas system failure.
Hospital has medical gas supply in Wards, ICU & OT pipe line supplies Oxygen, Nitrous oxide
and Suction.
For Oxygen Supply failure:
Use Extreme Caution! The risk and severity of a fire are much greater in an oxygen rich
Absolutely no smoking or open flames. Try to avoid making sparks.
If the problem is a leak, shutoff supply to the affected zone using the appropriate shutoff
Notify the affected area first and receive permission from medical personnel before
shutting off supply.
If oxygen supply is not working and the problem cannot be corrected immediately, notify
the affected areas and deliver portable cylinders. If necessary, order emergency
delivery of additional cylinders until the system can be repaired.
Call and request emergency delivery of oxygen, as needed.
Make necessary repairs. Request outside assistance if necessary.
A central system for delivery of compressed air and vacuum to area of use through pipe
Call Bio Medical Engineer
The Bio Medical Engineer will respond to failures in the compressed air.
If there is a failure of a vacuum pump or air compressor: Shut off faulty pump or
To be advised for use of electrically operated suction if necessary
To define the responsibilities and actions to be taken during the failure of an elevator to
function properly
Electrician / wireman shall be responsible for responding to any call concerning elevator
malfunction, electrical department is to be informed for repairing.
Wireman shall place the malfunctioning elevator out of service on the ground floor and
identify it as out of service. Call for repairs as above. Notice is to be placed every floor
to use of another lift.
Security and Wireman shall be responsible for freeing trapped patients, passengers,
employee, liftman from stuck elevators.
Establish communication with lift mechanic/engineer if not already done.
Gain access, enter the elevator and attempt to clear the problem.
Operate elevator to the next lowest floor and allow passengers to exit.
Place elevator out of service and call appropriate service contractor.
Action to be taken in the event of failure of operating room air conditioning system
• If a unit fails for any reason, such as faulty motor, dirty filters, grounded compressor,
frozen unit, etc., the AC contractor is to be notified to determine the ability of the staff to
make appropriate.
• If AC fail in between operation then the operation is to be finished or with the help of
fans or otherwise postponed till repair has done.
To establish guidelines for clinical storage.
Hospital staff shall use the following procedures for the safe storage of equipment, supplies
and medications.
Specific Information:
• Store appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) such as, gloves, gowns,
eyewear, masks, goggles, gumboot, heavy duty gloves and face shields at the work site.
• Keep all corridors free and unobstructed by equipment, furniture, and storage.
• For temporary placement, items with wheels are permissible in corridors (e.g., crash
carts, wheelchairs). Items are all on one side of the corridor and cannot block fire
prevention equipment, electrical panels, and/or exit doors.
Sharps Container
Radiology Equipment/Supplies
Medical Records:
• Store medical records including medico legal case in a location not easily accessible to
• If the cylinder is in a designated gas storage room, do not enter the room. Many
compressed gases are simple asphyxiates. If a cylinder is leaking, the storage room
may have insufficient oxygen.
• Notify the Medical Stores & Biomedical Engineer as soon as possible.
Electrical Equipment
To establish guidelines concerning electrical equipment used within SAL
Electrical equipment used within BAPS YOGIJI MAHARAJ HOSPITAL for direct patient care
will be tested prior to initial use and at scheduled intervals as determined by the Biomedical
Engineer. Equipment not specifically addressed will be covered under the following Specific
Specific Instructions:
Authorized extension cords are in good repair. These devices are checked for signs of
deterioration and defect at an interval of not less than annually. It is the responsibility of the
department head or designee to perform these checks.
• All electric cords are properly grounded. No more than one extension cord may be used
per piece of equipment.
• Electrical outlets have safety plug covers or safety outlets in the pediatric areas or
waiting areas where children might visit.
• To promote compliance with this policy, the member of hospital safety committee checks
all areas for the unauthorized use of extension cords and adapters.
• There are anti skid shock proof mat used at all electrical panel box for safety of
Issued By Reviewed By Approved by
NABH Coordinator NABH Coordinator Chief Executive Officer
• All electrical panel boxes have closed with insulated wire & open only by authorized
• In general, staff’s personal electrical devices should be discouraged from use in BAPS
• If there is a question about the safe use of an item, contact electrician / biomedical
Specific Information:
The range and quantity of hazardous substances used in work areas require preplanning to
respond safely to spills
Blood and body fluid spills must be cleaned up immediately or as soon as possible &
disposed as per bio medical waste management rule.
Standard precautions must be used when cleaning up spills of blood or body fluids.
Gloves and other personal protective equipment appropriate for the task must be worn.
Hands must be washed properly after the spill has been cleaned up.
Take into account the following points when cleaning up body fluid spills:
Type of body fluid
Size of spill
Surface type area involved
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NABH Coordinator NABH Coordinator Chief Executive Officer
Impervious Surfaces
• Wipe the spill up using absorbent paper toweling.
• Wash the area with water and detergent.
• If there is a likelihood of bare skin contact with the surface, the area is disinfected with
sodium hypochlorite solution.
Microorganism Spill:
Biological spills outside biological safety cabinets will generate aerosols that can be dispersed
in the air throughout the laboratory. To reduce the risk of inhalation exposure from spill
occupants should:
1. Disposable gloves
2. Particulate mask with safety goggles.
Use of these equipment prevents contact with contaminated surfaces
and protects eyes and mucous membranes from exposure to splattered
* File an Adverse Event report for any hazardous material-related exposure or injury.
Radiology safety
(Refer to YMH/AAC/ Radiology Manual)
Laboratory safety
(Refer to YMH/AAC/ Laboratory Manual)
Patient Safety
All Patient Care Services staff shall use every reasonable precaution to provide a safe
Specific Information
The precautions listed herein should not be considered to be all inclusive, as safe practice
requires sound judgment in individual situations and constant awareness of the environment
Wheels of stretchers, wheelchairs, scales, and beds are locked when a patient is lifted
from or assisted onto them.
Side rails are raised on stretchers, when present. Where no side rails exist, safety belts
are fastened.
The nurse responsible for the patient determines the safest and most reasonable means
of transporting for tests/procedures or transfer to another room or unit.
Patients are encouraged to become an active, involved, and informed member of their health
care team. Listed below are ways that the patients are to be encouraged to promote their own
Patients are instructed to ask if they have questions about their health or safety.
If the patient is having an operation, the patient is asked to verify prior to the procedure,
the site/side of the body that is to be operated on.
If the patient's ID band is not checked before medications are given, blood/blood
products are administered; blood samples are obtained or prior to an invasive
procedure, the patient are asked to remind the staff.
The patient is taught to know what medications they take and why they take them.
Patients are instructed to adhere to the hospitals No Smoking Policy
Patients are instructed to follow the ‘patient’s rights & responsibilities.
Any restarin if required to be done as per policy.
Hospital safety committee: Hospital has constituted a safety committee to look after the
safety aspects of the hospital. The committee meets regularly at defined interval to discuss the
matter related to safety and take appropriate decisions to improve the level of safety within the
hospital. Following is the list of Hospital Committee member’s alongwith their scope of work:
Scope of Work:
Develop and issue policy on patient, staff and visitor safety and security.
Develop and issue policy on prevention, management and control of emergency
situations within hospital and outside hospital.
Develop plans for handling fire and non fire emergencies.
Conduct training on all aspects of safety to hospital employees and maintain a record of
the same.
Conduct mock drills and maintain record of the same.
Monitor occupational health and safety of employees.
Ensure safe water supply and maintain records of regular water checks carried out in
the hospital.
Safety officer: From within the committee a safety officer has been appointed to look after the
day to day safety aspects and .bring the safety issues in committee for deliberation and
decision. Roles and responsibilities of safety officer includes
1. Conduct periodic walkthrough inspection of the facility
2. Identify potential hazards and hazardous material in the hospital
3. Obtain MSDS and other information on potential hazards
4. Maintain a record of hazardous chemicals and materials that are used and stored in
5. Identify training needs of staff on safety aspects
6. Develop training schedule in coordination with HR dept. and begin a training program
for workers, based on respective department’s job responsibilities
7. Bring issues and agenda for discussion and decision to hospital safety committee.
Policy and procedure documents: All policies and procedural documents in the hospital have
safety practices included in it. The work practices has been laid down and standardized by
taking safety aspects as one of the important components. These standardized policies and
procedures are followed by all staff of the hospital and monitored by Departmental in charges /
Chairpersons of various committees, Quality Improvement Committee and hospital
The hospital safety programme is focused in to entire hospital, staff, patients and visitors in
general and in specific to .
1. Infection control
2. Emergency preparedness, safety aspects & Disaster Management.
3. Laboratory safety
4. Radiation safety
5. Occupational health and safety
6. Chemicals/hazardous materials
team, infection control manual and infection control program are the sub-component of
Infection control safety of the hospital. (Refer: Infection Control Manual – YMH/ICM/05
3. Laboratory Safety: laboratory safety is looked after by HOD laboratory. Laboratory safety
practices is documented and implemented to ensure safety of employees in laboratory.
Hospital safety committee alongwith Pathologist oversees the laboratory safety practices and
ensures its proper implementation. However, Laboratory Services are outsourced to NABL
Accreditated Lab.
(Refer: Laboratory Documents)
4. Radiation Safety: Radiation safety is looked after by Radiologist. The safety level as
described by AERB is followed. Hospital safety committee alongwith radiologist oversees the
radiation safety practices and ensures its proper implementation.
(Refer: Imaging Services)
5. Occupational health and safety: Hospital has identified Occupational risks within the
hospital and orients all the staff on precautions to be taken from occupational hazards. Hospital
safety committee ensures that occupational health and safety is properly addressed. These
occupational health risks are documented in this document.
Issued By Reviewed By Approved by
NABH Coordinator NABH Coordinator Chief Executive Officer
The staff working in hospital setting possesses risks of facing many kinds of hazards. It is
important for staff to determine which hazards can affect him/her and what can be done to
prevent illness and injuries.
Following Occupational health risks have been identified as general hazard applicable
throughout the organization. Staff shall keep him / her aware of these health hazards and
follow the recommendation given by hospital, to avoid the occurrence of these hazards.
4. Shift work Ask your doctor's advice before becoming
Changing shifts and working at night a shift worker if you have diabetes,
disrupts your body's natural rhythms. It asthma, epilepsy or mental health
can contribute to digestion problems, problems
heart disease, and sleep problems. It Improve your sleep by practicing a regular
also makes participation in social bedtime ritual and avoid caffeine,
activities and family life difficult. smoking and sleeping pills.
5. Violence Report incidents to your health and safety
Health care workers are at risk from representative and/or committee.
violence when dealing with angry and
stressed patients and their families.
Workplace violence can result in loss of
sleep, fear or depression, post traumatic
stress disorder, and sometimes even
death. It is, therefore, very important for.
workplaces to develop strategies to
prevent violence
6. Radiation Follow procedures and use PPE.
Radiation is used in diagnostic Use TLD badges appropriately and follow
procedures such as x-ray, fluoroscopy recommendation of AERB
and angiography. It is also used in Take all safety concerns to your health
treatments using radioactive material. and safety representative and/or
Other forms of radiation are used in committee.
Staff shall contact Hospital Safety Committee to seek further information, or recommendation
to include additional health risks in safety program .
Hospital has identified the potentially hazardous materials in the hospital. These materials are
analyzed for their potential risks and measures to minimize the risk and action to take in case
Issued By Reviewed By Approved by
NABH Coordinator NABH Coordinator Chief Executive Officer
of emergency has been documented in 'Material Safety Data Sheet' of the hazardous material.
This Material Safety Data Sheet contains vital information regarding safety from these
hazardous materials. The MSDS are pasted at the location where these hazardous materials
are kept.
List of Hazardous Materials
1. Asbestos
2. Acryl amide solution
3. Diesel
4. Propylene LPG
5. Ethylene Oxide
6. Formaldehyde
7. Gluteraldehyde.
8. Mercury
9. Phenol
10. Sodium Hypochlorite
11. Compressed gases
12. Laser
13. Radiation rays
14. Waste Anesthetic gases
15. Latex
16. Cytotoxic agents
The hazardous materials are continually identified and their risk is analyzed. If found to be of
substantial risk it is included in the above list of hazardous material and its Safety instruction is
Acryl Amide
Synonyms- Acrylic Amide, Ethylene Carboxamide, 2- Propenamide, Propenoic Acid Amide,
Vinyl amide, Propenamide, Acrylamide Monomer
Hazards Identification
Appearance: White crystalline chunks, Melting point: 84 - 86 C, Boiling point: 125C at
25 mm Hg, Specific gravity: 1.12
Toxicology and Hazard
Toxic: possible human carcinogen. Possible teratogen. May because heritable
genetic damage, readily absorbed through skin, Inhalation may be fatal, May cause
CNS damage, May cause damage the effects of which become apparent only after a
delay of several months or years, Skin, eye and respiratory irritant, OEL 0.3 mg/m3
Personal protection
Safety glasses and gloves, Effective ventilation. Handle as a carcinogen
Storage: Light Sensitive. Store in light-resistant containers, Keep container tightly closed.
Keep container in a cool, well-ventilated area. Do not store above 23°C (73.4°F). Preferably
store in a refrigerator
Formalin, paraform, methylene glycol, methyl aldehyde
Formula CH2O
Safe Wear safety glasses. Good ventilation is essential. Do not work in conditions
handling where you are exposed to high levels of vapor for prolonged periods.
Eye contact: Immediately flush the eye with water and continue for several
minutes. Call for medical help.
Skin contact: Wash off with soap and water. If there are signs of burns or the
skin reddens, seek medical help.
If swallowed: Wash out the mouth with water if the person is conscious. Call for
medical help.
Safety glasses, butyl or nitrile rubber gloves.
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NABH Coordinator NABH Coordinator Chief Executive Officer
Hazards Identification
Appearance: Silver Liquid.
Danger! Corrosive Harmful if inhaled. May be absorbed through intact skin Causes eye and
skin irritation and possible burns May cause severe respiratory tract irritation, GI irritation, liver
and kidney damage and CNS effect
Target Organs: Blood, kidneys, central nervous system, liver, brain
medical personnel. The use of Dimercaprol or BAL (British anti-lewisite) as a chelating agent
should be determined by qualified medical personnel.
Handling: Wash thoroughly after handling. Remove contaminated clothing and wash before
reuse. Minimize dust generation and accumulation. Keep container tightly closed. Do not get
on skin or in eyes. Do not ingest or inhale. Use only in a chemical fume hood. Discard
contaminated shoes. Do not breathe vapor.
Storage: Keep container closed when not in use. Store in a tightly closed container. Store in a
cool, dry, well-ventilated area away from incompatible substances. Keep away from metals.
Store protected from azides.
There is nowadays almost never a need for asbestos in the laboratory; good
Safe handling
alternatives exist for all the applications to which asbestos used to be put. If
Eye contact: Immediately flush the eye with water. If irritation persists, call
for medical help.
Skin contact: Wash off with soap and water.
If inhaled: Call for medical help.
Protective Protective equipment should not be necessary, since you should not be in
equipment contact with asbestos!
Glutaraldehyde Solutions
Hazards Identification
Appearance: clear, colorless liquid.
Danger! Causes eye and skin burns. Causes digestive and respiratory tract burns. May cause
allergic respiratory and skin reaction, Harmful if swallowed, inhaled, or absorbed through the
skin. Aspiration hazard if swallowed. Can enter lungs and cause damage. Dangerous for the
Target Organs: Central nervous system, lungs, respiratory system, eyes, skin
Handling: Wash thoroughly after handling. Remove contaminated clothing and wash before
reuse. Do not get in eyes, on skin, or on clothing. Use only with adequate ventilation. Avoid
breathing vapor.
Storage: Keep container closed when not in use. Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated area
away from incompatible substances, Refrigeration has been recommended.
Ethylene Oxide
Synonyms: amprolene, anprolene, anproline, dihydrooxirene, dimethylene oxide, ENT-26263,
EO, epoxyethane, 1,2-epoxyethane, ethene oxide, ethox, merpol, oxane, oxacyclopropane,
oxidoethane,oxiran, oxirane, oxirene, oxyfume, T-gas
Physical data
Appearance: colourless gas, Melting point: -111 C, Boiling point: 10.7 C,
Vapour density: 1.52 g/l, Specific gravity: 0.882, Flash point: -20 C
Explosion limits: no upper limit - burns in its own atmosphere
Autoignition temperature:
Stable when isolated, but reacts violently with water, bases, oxidizing metals, acids, alcohols,
alkali metals, ammonia, chemically active metals and their salts. Highly flammable. Forms
explosive mixtures with air which may be ignited by rapid compression
Carcinogen, mutagen, reproductive hazard, toxic. Severe irritant. Sensitizer Toxic by inhalation,
ingestion and through skin contact. Moderate levels (0.1% or less) may rapidly be fatal if
inhaled. Typical OEL 1-5 ppm.
Personal protection
Safety glasses, gloves, high quality ventilation. Avoid sparks and any form of ignition.
Hazard Identification
May be fatal if inhaled, swallowed or absorbed thru the skin Avoid all contact. Use with
adequate ventilation. Wash thoroughly after use. Keep container closed.
May be fatal if inhaled, swallowed or absorbed thru the skin Avoid all contact. Use with
adequate ventilation. Wash thoroughly after use. Keep container closed.
EYES: Wash eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes, lifting lids occasionally. Seek
Medical Aid. INHALATION: Remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If
breathing is difficult, give oxygen
INGESTION: Give several glasses of milk or water. Vomiting may occur spontaneously, but DO
NOT INDUCE! Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person.
Accidental Release Measures
Evacuate area. Wear self-contained breathing apparatus and protective clothing(rubber boots
and heavy rubber gloves). Cover with lime or soda. Keep in closed container and hold for
Handling and Storage
Store in a cool dry well ventilated area. Keep away from heat and flame. Do not get in eyes, on
skin, or on clothing.
Propylene LPG
Hazard Identification
PHYSICAL STATE: Flammable Liquid and Gas under pressure
ODOR: Natural Gas odor
EMERGENCY OVERVIEW: Flammable liquid and gas under pressure. Can form explosive
mixtures with air. May cause frostbite. Can cause rapid suffocation. May cause dizziness and
drowsiness. Self-contained breathing apparatus may be required by rescue workers.
from ends of storage tanks. Prevent runoff from fire control dilution from entering streams or
drinking water supplies. Extremely flammable. Will vaporize violently if depressured. Flame
contact with the storage vessel above the liquid level could result in a Boiling Liquid Expanding
Vapor Explosion
FIRE FIGHTING INSTRUCTIONS: stop flow of gas. For fires involving flammable gases, the
best procedure is to stop the flow of gas before attempting extinguishment of the fire. To
extinguish the fire, while allowing continued flow of gas, is extremely dangerous; an explosive
cloud of gas/air mixture may be created that, if ignited, may cause far more damage than the
original fire. Extinguishing the flame using carbon dioxide or dry chemical may be desirable to
allow immediate access to valves to shut off the flow of gas, but this must be done carefully. In
many cases, it will be preferable to allow continued burning, while protecting exposures with
water spray, until the flow of gas can be stopped.
Hazardous Decomposition Products: May produce carbon monoxide
Sodium Hypochlorite
Hazard Identification
PotentialHealthEffects: -
Inhalation: May cause irritation to the respiratory tract, (nose and throat); symptoms may
include coughing and sore throat. Ingestion: May cause nausea, vomiting.
Skin Contact: May irritate skin.
Eye Contact: Contact may cause severe irritation and damage, especially at higher
Chronic Exposure: A constant irritant to the eyes and throat. Low potential for sensitization
after exaggerated exposure to damaged skin.
Aggravation of Pre-existing Conditions: Persons with impaired respiratory function, or heart
disorders (or disease) may be more susceptible to the effects of the substance
First Aid Measures
Inhalation: Remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is
difficult, give oxygen. Get medical attention immediately.
Ingestion: If swallowed, DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. Give large quantities of water. Never
give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Get medical attention immediately.
Skin Contact: Immediately flush skin with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes while
removing contaminated clothing and shoes. Get medical attention immediately. Wash clothing
before reuse. Thoroughly clean shoes before reuse.
Eye Contact: Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes, lifting lower
and upper eyelids occasionally. Get medical attention immediately.
Note to Physician: Consider oral administration of sodium thiosulfate solutions if sodium
hypochlorite is ingested. Do not administer neutralizing substances since the resultant
exothermic reaction could further damage tissue. Endotracheal intubation could be needed if
glottic edema compromises the airway. For individuals with significant inhalation exposure,
monitor arterial blood gases and chest x-ray
Accidental Release Measures
Ventilate area of leak or spill. Wear appropriate personal protective equipment. Isolate hazard
area. Keep unnecessary and unprotected personnel from entering. Contain and recover liquid
when possible. Collect liquid in an appropriate container or absorb with an inert material (e. g.,
dry sand, earth), and place in a chemical waste container. Do not use combustible materials,
such as saw dust. Do not flush to sewer.
Handling and Storage
HANDLING / STORAGE: Keep in a tightly closed container, stored in a cool, dry, ventilated
area. Protect against physical damage. Isolate from incompatible substances. Containers of
this material may be hazardous when empty since they retain product residues (vapors, liquid);
observe all warnings and precautions listed for the product