DOLE Issuances
DOLE Issuances
DOLE Issuances
This D.O. was issued to grant relief to bioethanol producers, utilizing molasses as
feedstock, who face difficulties in selling their excess bioethanol products due to the
steep competition in the local market, which have caused delays in the timely and regular
remittance of their monthly SAWP lien dues; and in support of the steady growth of the
local bioethanol industry.
This D.O. was issued to grant relief to bioethanol producers, utilizing molasses as
feedstock, who face difficulties in selling their excess bioethanol products due to the
steep competition in the local market, which have caused delays in the timely and regular
remittance of their monthly SAWP lien dues; and in support of the steady growth of the
local bioethanol industry.
DEPARTMENT ORDER NO. 201-19 – Guidelines on the Deployment of Workers to Japan under
the Status of Residence ”Specified Skilled Worker” (March 22, 2019)
This D.O. was issued pursuant to the Memorandum of Cooperation between the Ministry
of Justice, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare, and
the National Police Agency of Japan and the Department of Labor and Employment of the
Philippines; following the enactment and promulgation of the Law for Partial Amendment
to the Imigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act and the Act for Establishment of
the Ministry of Justice, Law No. 102 and the Revised POEA Rules and Regulations
Governing the Recruitment and Employment of Landbased Overseas Filipino Workers of
DEPARTMENT ORDER NO. 202-19 – Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act No.
11165 otherwise known as the ”Telecommuting Act” (April 1, 2019)
This D.O. was issued to ensure a cohesive and enabling policy that will foster participation
of employer and employees, through the exercise of management prerogative or
collective bargaining, in the adoption and implementation of telecommuting as a work
arrangement based on the voluntariness and mutual consent of the employer and
employee, taking into account the nature of the work to be done.
DEPARTMENT ADVISORY NO. 01-19 – Guidelines on the Computation of Salary Differential of
Female Workers during her Maternity Leave and its Criteria for Exemption Pursuant to Republic
Act No. 11210 and its Implementing Rules and Regulations (July 9, 2019)
This advisory was issued to guide all concerned on the computation of salary differential
of female workers during maternity leave and its criteria for exemption pursuant to
Republic Act No. 11210 otherwise known as the “105-Day Expanded Maternity Leave
Law” and its Implementing Rules and Regulations.
DEPARTMENT ORDER NO. 203-19 – Amending the Guidelines for Accessing the Funds of the
Workers Organization Development Program (WODP) (July 29, 2019)
This D.O. was issued in order to advance the worker’s empowerment through the
provision of accessible information facilities, training programs and educational and
technical assistance.
This circular was promulgated to set the guidelines on the issuance of DOLE certification
as a requirement for application for payment of unemployment insurance or involuntary
separation benefit in relation to SSS Circular No. 2009-11 (Guidelines on the Payment of
Unemployment Insurance or Involuntary Separation Benefit), and pursuant to Section 14-
B of Republic Act. No. 11199 otherwise known as the Social Security Act of 2018.
This D.O. was issued to set the standards and procedures for effective implementation of
the DOLE-Government Internship Program.
This D.O. is for adoption of the Philippine Overseas Labor Office (POLO) in Japan and was
issued pursuant to D.O. No. 201 Series of 2019 (22 March 2019) prescribing the Guidelines
on the Deployment of Workers to Japan under the Residence Status Specified Skilled
Worker (SSW).