OSDB Prechecks

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Created by: Nagarajan Email: nagarajanbasis@gmail.


Pre-export activities on source

1. Collecting complete source/target system details (Access/SAP details/Hardware/3rd party/interfaces).

2. Housekeeping tasks/jobs status in source system.
3. Run pre-checks and setup steps per migration guide
4. Any upgrade post processing must be complete (ex. ICNV)
5. SAP data dictionary and database data dictionary must be consistent
6. DB02 - Take snapshot of Missing tables and Indexes, Number of table, indexes, DB size.
7. Database statistics must be up to date Remove failed updates
8. Delete TEMPSE inconsistencies
9. Run selective business reports (Finance, inventory, etc)
10. Check PSAPUNDO and PSAPTEMP in size for no issues during Database export time.
11. SAP Note 902817 - Inconsistencies in cluster tables (log vs phys field name) check
12. SAP Note 1634681 to identify large tables that go into row store.
13. SAP Note 706478 for reducing the size of housekeeping tables which usually grow very quickly.
14. SAP Note 1909597 - SAP NetWeaver BW Migration Cockpit for SAP HANA
15. SAP Note 1729988 - SAP NetWeaver BW powered by SAP HANA - Checklist Tool and correct the issues
16. SAP Note 1783937 - SMIGR_CREATE_DDL enhancements for Suite On Hana
17. Check for Erroneous/ Old tRFC Queues (transaction SM58)
18. Check PSAPTEMP and PSAPUNDO tablespace. (it should be twice of largest index )
19. Check if canceled or pending update requests exist in the system sm13
20. Execute transaction SP12. Go to TemSe Data Storage. Run Consistency Check.
21. Run report RSPO0041 to delete old Spool requests
22. Write down the output of rz04, rz12,smlg,sm63,spad,stms,sm69
23. Check that no incremental conversion is in progress
25. Empty Delta Queues (transaction RSA7)
26. SAP NetWeaver 7.2: Execute report RS_SYSTEM_SHUTDOWN to stop process chains
27. executing report BTCTRNS1.
28. Delete Entries from TATGPC and TATGPCA
29. Delete QCM tables on the source system
30. If SID changes, all transports must be released!
31. Run delta queue(On Main <SID> system) 2 hrs ahead of start downtime.
32. List down all existing issues which has been raised.

After Downtime Starts on source

33. Stop all batch jobs before migration starts
34. Lock all dialog users
35. Unlock Migration, DDIC & Project users
36. Cancel user sessions using SM04 (including all apps servers)
37. Empty BI Delta Queues
38. Execute SM13 to check pending update and make sue that output is empty
39. Execute SMQ1 and process queues
40. Execute SMQ2 and process queues
41. Stop all cron job based on information
42. Perform Pre-Migration data validation test
43. Disable cluster for <SID> system
44. Run Report SAP_DROP_TMPTABLES (mark points 1,2,3,4,5)
45. Last Check for ICNV
46. Check for Pending Updates
47. Check for Lock-Entries
48. Check for Clean TATGPC/TATGPCA ( 0 Entries)
49. Check for TRFC pending updates
50. SE14 (extras->invalid Temp. tables)
51. Run Report SMIGR_CREATE_DDL (Run in productive BI client)
52. Update Kernel files if required
Created by: Nagarajan Email: [email protected]

2:- On Target system

Run an installation check (transaction SM28)

Delete all entries from the tables TPFET and TPFHT
Import the system profiles into the database
Other Post activities and Checks
Check the logon groups and the assignment of the application servers to the logon groups
Define or remove the SAP system users and revise the authorizations of the system users
Synchronize the buffers as described in SAP Note 36283 and adapt the client information for the logical system
Configure the spool server
Adapt RFC server groups
Check the ABAP Secure Store
Configure the Transport Management System (TMS)
Run the ABAP report RSDU_TABLE_CONSISTENCY to identify potential problems, such as with database indexes,
table partitioning, table distribution, and table classification. For more information about using
report RSDU_TABLE_CONSISTENCY, see SAP Note 1937062.
Start program RS_BW_POST_MIGRATION in the background
Maintain the security configuration
Delete all entries from the following tables: ALCONSEG, ALSYSTEMS, DBSNP, MONI, OSMON, PAHI, SDBAD,
Delete entries in the table DDLOG for buffer synchronization
Maintain the operation modes
Generate the ABAP load
Activate services on SICF
Step 3.3: Stop productive operation in the original BW system
SAP NetWeaver 7.2: Execute report RS_SYSTEM_SHUTDOWN to start process chains and real-time data acquisition.
Preparation for import on target server
Setup backup
Perform backup test
Secure access to target server
Confirm vendor support which includes OS , hardware support, tool support , during entire Import timeframe on
Target system should there be issues on Storage etc.
Generate license
Additional entry in new SAP Router
Save /sapmnt/<SID>/profile
Save backint and backfm link in /sapmnt/<SID>/exe
Save backup profile in /oracle/<SID>/112_64/dbs
Clean up target system installed as part of Dress Rehearsal
Start sapinst and create sap database and table spaces as per compressed size

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