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- prescription / pris'krip∫n / (n) toa thuoác
- specific /spə'sifik / (a) roõ raøng, cuï theå; rieâng bieät → specifically /spi'sifikəli / (adv)
- particular /pə'tikjulə(r)/(a) ñaëc bieät
- resource /ri'sɔ:s ; ri'zɔ:s / (n) nguoàn
- convey /kən'vei / (v) chuyeân chôû
- describe /dis'kraib/ (n) moâ taû → description /dis'krip∫n / (n)
- general /'dʒenərəl / (a) toaøn boä
- allergy /'ælədʒi / (n) dò öùng → allergic /ə'lə:dʒik/ (a)
- review / ri'vju:/ (v) xem laïi, xeùt laïi
- ensure / in'∫uə / (v) baûo ñaûm
- medication /,medi'kei∫n/ (n) thuoác chöõa beänh, döôïc phaåm
- trigger /'trigə / (v)gaây ra
- generic /dʒi'nerik / (a) name: teân chung >< brand name: teân thöông maïi, bieät döôïc
- dosage /'dousidʒ / (n) lieàu löôïng
- pharmacology /,fɑ:mə'kɑlədʒi / (n) döôïc lyù → pharmacological /,fɑ:məkə'lɔdʒikl / (a)
- therapeutics /,θerə'pju:tiks / (n) pheùp chöõa beänh→ therapeutic /,θerə'pju:tik / (a)
- analgesic /,ænæl'dʒesik / (n) thuoác giaûm ñau = pain killer, pain reliever
- antibiotic /,æntibai'ɔtik / (n) thuoác khaùng sinh
- chemical /'kemikl / (a)
- structure /'strʌkt∫ə / (n) caáu taïo → structural /'strʌkt∫ərəl / (a)
- formula /'fɔ:mjulə / (n) formulae, formulas [pl]: coâng thöùc
- clinic /'klinik / (n) phoøng khaùm → clinical /'klinikl / (a)
- clinical pharmacology: döôïc laâm saøng
- eliminate / i'limineit/ (v) baøi tieát
- indicate /'indikeit / (v) chæ ñònh → indication /,indi'kei∫n / (n)
- usage /'ju:zidʒ, 'ju:sidʒ / (n) caùch söû duïng
- condition /kən'di∫n / (n) beänh, caên beänh
- diagnosis /,daiəg'nousis / (n) pheùp chaån ñoaùn, söï chaån ñoaùn
- symptom /'simptəm / (n) trieäu chöùng
- declare /di'kleə / (v) trình baøy
- approve / ə'pru:v / (v) chaáp thuaän → approval /ə'pru:vəl / (n)
- obtain /əb'tein / (v)ñaït ñöôïc
- initial / i'ni∫əl / (a) ban ñaàu, luùc ñaàu → initially / i'ni∫əli / (adv)
- contraindication /,kɔntrəindi'kei∫n / (n)
- circumstance /'sə:kəmstəns / (n) hoaøn caûnh, tröôøng hôïp
- caution /'kɔ:∫n / (n) söï thaän troïng
- potential /pə'ten∫l / (a) tieàm naêng, tieàm taøng
- risk /risk / (n) söï ruûi ro, söï nguy hieåm
- outweigh /aut'wei / (v) naëng hôn
- benefit /'benifit / (n) coù lôïi → benefical /,beni'fi∫əl / (a)

- gender /'dʒendə / (n) giôùi tính
- pre-existing /pri:eg'zistiη/ (a) coù tröôùc, toàn taïi tröôùc
- serious /'siəriəs / (a) naëng
- urge /ə:dʒ / (v) thuyeát phuïc
- individual /,indi'vidjuəl / (n) caù nhaân, ngöôøi
- hypersensitivity /,haipə:sensi'tiviti / (n) quaù nhaïy caûm
- warning /'wɔ:niη / (n) caûnh baùo
- adverse /'ædvə:s / (a) baát lôïi, coù haïi
- possible /'pɔsəbl / (a) coù theå toàn taïi hoaëc coù theå xaûy ra >< impossible /im'pɔsəbl / (a)
- hazard /'hæzəd / (n) moái nguy hieåm
- precaution /pri'kɔ:∫n / (n)
- vital /'vaitl / (a) quan troïng
- display / dis'plei / (v) trình baøy
- special /'spe∫l / (a) ñaëc bieät
- adapt /ə'dæpt / (v) laøm thích öùng
- include / in'klu:d / (v) bao goàm, goàm coù
- instruction / in'strʌk∫n / (n) chæ daãn
- physician /fi'zi∫n / (n) baùc syõ
- alcohol /'ælkəhɔl / (n) → alcoholic /,ælkə'hɔlik / (a)
- laboratory /lə'bɔrətəri / (n) phoøng thí nghieäm
- reaction /ri:'æk∫n / (n) phaûn öùng
- side effect /'said i'fekt / (n) taùc duïng phuï
- error /'erə / (n) söï sai laàm
- overdosage /,ouvə'dousidʒ / (n) duøng quaù lieàu
- interaction /,intər'æk∫n / (n) söï töông taùc
- antihistamine /,ænti'histəmi:n / (n)
- bronchodilator /'brɔηkoudai'leitə / (n) thuoác giaõn pheá quaûn
- corticosteroid /,kɔ:tikou 'sterɔid / (n)
- abuse /ə'bju:s / (n) söï laïm duïng
- dependence /di'pendəns / (n) söï phuï thuoäc
- state / steit / (v) noùi roõ
- withdrawal /wiđ'drɔ:əl/ symptom /'simptəm / : trieäu chöùng ngöng thuoác
- sign /sain / (n) daáu hieäu
- confirm /kən'fə:m / (v) xaùc nhaän
- administer /əd'ministə / (v) → administration /əd,minis'trei∫n / (n)
- recommend /,rekə'mend / (v) khuyeân duøng
- usual /'ju:ʒl / (a) thöôøng duøng
- range /reindʒ / (n) phaïm vi
- beyond / bi'jɔnd / (prep) vöôït ra ngoaøi (giôùi haïn)
- effectiveness / i'fektivnis / (n)
- establish /is'tæbli∫ / (v) chöùng minh, xaùc minh
- interval /'intəvəl / (n) khoaûng caùch (thôùi gian)

- duration /djuə'rei∫n / (n) khoaûng thôøi gian
- available / ə'veiləbl / (a) saün coù, coù theå duøng ñöôïc
- appear /ə'piə / (v) → appearance /ə'piərəns / (n)
- handle /'hændl / (v) mua baùn
- store / stɔ:/ (v) chöùa, ñöïng → storage /'stɔ:ridʒ / (n) söï caát giöõ, baûo quaûn
- appropriate / ə'proupriət / (a) thích hôïp, thích ñaùng
- take the place of: thay theá
- detail /'di:teil / (n) chi tieát
- regarding /ri'gɑ:diη / (prep) veà (ai, caùi gì), ñoái vôùi (vaán ñeà)
- aware /ə'weə / (a) → awareness / ə'weənis/ (n) söï nhaän bieát

-ology: the study of
- pharmacology means the study of the nature, uses and effects of drugs for medical
- Clinical pharmacology: the medical field of medication effects on humans and animals
-ologist: specialist
- A physiologist is a scientist who studies physiology
- A pharmacist is a licensed specialist who formulates and dispenses prescribed
- A pharmacologist is a scientist who studies pharmacology

- ingredient /in'gri:djənt / (n) thaønh phaàn
- tablet /'tæblit / (n) vieân neùn
- antihistamine /,ænti'histəmi:n / (n)
- excipient /ik'sipiənt / (n) taù döôïc
- temporary /'temprəri / (a) taïm thôøi, nhaát thôøi → temporarily /'temprərili / (adv)
- relieve / ri'li:v / (v) laøm dòu ñi, laøm maát ñi
- symptom /'simptəm / (n) trieäu chöùng
- hay fever /'hei'fi:və / (n) beänh soát muøa heø
- upper respiratory / ri'spaiərətri, 'respirətri/ allery /'ælədʒi /: dò öùng ñöôøng hoâ haáp treân
- sneeze / sni:z / (v) haét hôi
- runny /'rʌni / nose: soå muõi
- watery /'wɔ:təri / eyes: maét ñaãm leä
- itch / it∫ / (v) ngöùa → itchy /'it∫i / (a)
- throat /θrout / (n) coå hoïng
- chill / t∫il / (n) ôùn laïnh, ruøng mình vì laïnh
- glaucoma /glɔ:'koumə/(n) beänh taêng nhaõn aùp → glaucomatous /glɔ:'koumətəs /(a)
- emphysema /,emfi'si:mə / (n) khí thuõng
- chronic /'krɔnik / (a) maõn tính >< acute /ə'kju:t / (a) caáp tính
- bronchitis / brɔη'kaitis /(n) vieâm pheá quaûn
- urinate /'juərineit / (v) ñi tieåu
- enlarged /in'la:dʒd / (a) phì ñaïi
- prostate gland /'prɔsteit'glænd / tuyeán tieàn lieät → prostatic / prɔs'tætik / (a)
- tranquilizer /'træηkwilaizə / (n) thuoác an thaàn
- sedative /'sedətiv / (n) thuoác giaûm ñau, thuoác an thaàn
- drowsy /'drauzi / (a) buoàn nguû → drowsiness /'drauzinis / (n) tình traïng buoàn nguû
- motor vehicle /'moutə 'viəkl / (n) xe ñoäng cô moâ toâ
- operate /'ɔpəreit / (v) vaän haønh; machinery / mə'∫i:nəri / (n) maùy moùc
- excitability / ik,saitə'biliti / (n) tính deã bò kích ñoäng
- excessive /ik'sesiv / (a) quaù ; moisture /'mɔist∫ə / (n)hôi aåm
- lactose /'læktous / (n)
- magnesium stearate / mæg'ni:ziəm 'stiəreit / (n)
- microcrystalline /,maikrou 'kristəlain /; cellulose /'seljulous / (n)
- pregelatinized / ,pri:dʒi'lætinaizd / (a)
- starch /'sta:t∫ /(n) tinh boät
- preservative / pri'zə:vətiv / (n) chaát baûo quaûn
- anxious /'æηk∫əs / (a) lo aâu, baên khoaên → anxiety /æη'zaiəti / (n)
- dizzy /’dizi /(a) choaùng vaùng → dizziness (n)
- mood /mu:d / (n) taâm traïng → moody /’mu:di / (a) buoàn raàu, uû ruõ
- sweat / swet / (v) toaùt moà hoâi
- shiver /’∫ivə / (v) run, ruøng mình do laïnh hoaëc sôï haõi ; (n) söï ruøng mình

- tablet /'tæblit / (n) vieân neùn
- solid /'sɔlid / (a) ñaëc
- pill /pil / (n) vieân thuoác
- create /kri:'eit / (v) taïo neân, taïo ra, taïo thaønh
- pack / pæk/ (v) ñoùng goùi
- ingredient /in'gri:djənt / (n) thaønh phaàn
- binding /'baindiη / (a) keát dính
- agent /'eidʒənt / (n) taùc nhaân, chaát
- capsule /'kæpsju:l / (n) vieân con nhoäng
- term /tə:m / (n) thuaät ngöõ
- hollow /'hɔlou / (a) roãng
- gelatin /'dʒeləti:n / (n)
- container / kən'teinə / (n) vaät chöùa
- powder /'paudə / (n) → powdered /'paudərd / (a) coù daïng boät
- medication /,medi'kei∫n/ (n) thuoác chöõa beänh, döôïc phaåm
- ordinary /'ɔ:rdənri / (a) thoâng thöôøng
- ultra /'ʌltrə / (a) coù tính cöïc
- fine /fain / (a) mòn
- particle /'pɑ:tikl / (n) phaàn töû
- specific /spə'sifik / (a) roõ raøng, cuï theå; rieâng bieät → specifically /spi'sifikəli / (adv)
- dissolve / di'zɔlv / (v) hoøa tan
- mix / miks / , mixed /mikst / (v) troän
- liquid /'likwid / (n) chaát loûng
- immediately / i'mi:djətli / (adv) ngay laäp töùc, töùc thì
- prepare /pri'peə / (v) pha (thuoác) → preparation /,prepə'rei∫n / (n) cheá phaåm
- drop /drɔp / (n) thuoác gioït → dropper / 'drɔpə / (n) oáng nhoû gioït
- syrup /'sirəp / (n) → syrupy /'sirəpi / (a)
- sterile /'sterail / (a) voâ truøng
- solution / sə'lu:∫n / (n) dung dòch
- suspend /sə'spend /(v) treo lô löûng→ suspension /sə'spen∫n/(n) dòch treo, huyeàn dòch
- administer /əd'ministə / (v) thöïc hieän
- canal /kə'næl / (n) oáng
- already / ɔ:l'redi / (adv) ñaõ … roài
- elixir / i'liksə / (n) coàn ngoït
- alcohol /'ælkəhɔl / (n) → alcoholic /,ælkə'hɔlik / (a)
- inject /in'dʒekt / (v) → injectable /in'dʒektəbl / (a)
- supply / sə'plai / (v) cung caáp
- ampule /'æmpu:l / (n) oáng thuoác
- vial /'vaiəl / (n) loï nhoû
- inhalant /in'heilənt / (n) thuoác daïng hít hoaëc xoâng

- spray /sprei / (n) thuoác daïng xòt
- formulate /'fɔ:mjuleit / (v) laøm thaønh coâng thöùc
- deliver / di'livə / (v) phaân phaùt
- fix /fiks / (v) coá ñònh
- at random /'rændəm / ngaãu nhieân, tình côø
- suppository /sə'pɔzitri / (n) toaï döôïc, thuoác ñaïn
- bullet /'bulit / (n) vieân ñaïn
- shaped /∫eipt / (a) coù hình daùng
- rectal /'rektəl / (a) → rectally /'rektəlli / (adv) ñöôøng haäu moân
- vaginal /və'dʒainl / (a)→ vaginally / və'dʒainlli / (adv) ñöôøng aâm ñaïo
- design / di'zain / (v) thieát keá
- melt /melt/ (v) tan ra
- come in forms: thaáy ôû daïng
- urethra /juə'ri:θrə / (n) nieäu ñaïo→ urethral / juə'ri:θrəl / (a)
- application /,æpli'kei∫n / (n)
- available / ə'veiləbl / (a) saün coù, coù theå duøng ñöôïc
- cream /kri:m / (n) kem thuoác
- grease / gri:s / (n) daàu môõ → greasy /'gri:si / (a) trôn, nhôøn
- ointment /'ɔintmənt / (n) thuoác môõ
- thick / θik / (a) ñaëc, seät
- texture /'tekst∫ə / (n) keát caáu
- lotion /'lou∫n / (n) thuoác röûa, thuoác xöùc
- sticky /'stiki / (a) dính
- scalp /skælp / (n) da ñaàu (tröø maët), da ñaàu coù toùc
- adhere /əd'hiə / (v) dính chaët vaøo
- paste / peist/ (n) hoãn hôïp nhaõo, boät nhaõo, hoà boät
- stiff /stif / (a) cöùng

- purpose /'pə:pəs / (n) muïc ñích
- classify /'klæsifai / (v) phaân loaïi → classification /,klæsifi'kei∫n / (n)
- anatomy /ə'nætəmi / (n) → anatomical /,ænə'tɔmikəl / (a)
- therapeutics /,θerə'pju:tiks / (n) pheùp chöõa beänh→ therapeutic /,θerə'pju:tik / (a)
- elaborate / i'læbərit / (a) tæ mæ, kyû löôûng, coâng phu
- control /kən'troul / (v)
- hierarchic /,haiə'rɑ:kik / (a) coù thöù baäc
- principal /'prinsəpl / (a) chính, chuû yeáu
- alphabet /'ælfəbit / (n) baûng chöõ caùi → alphabetical /,ælfə'betikəl / (a)
- gastrointestinal /,gæstrouin'testinəl / (a) thuoäc daï daøy - ruoät
- tract / trækt / (n) oáng
- cardiovascular /,kɑ:diəʊ'væskjʊlə / (a) tim maïch

- reproductive /,ri:prə'dʌktiv / (a) sinh saûn
- endocrine /'endoukrain / (a) noäi tieát >< exocrine /'eksəkrain / (a)
- anti-infective /'ænti in'fektiv / (a) choáng laây nhieãm
- malignant /mə'lignənt / (a) aùc tính >< benignant /bi'nignənt / (a) laønh tính
- immune / i'mju:n / (n)
- musculo-skeletal /'mʌskjul 'skelitl / (a) cô xöông
- nervous /'nə:vəs / (a)
- antiparasitic /,æntipærə'sitik / (a)
- insecticide / in'sektisaid / (n) thuoác tröø saâu
- repellent /ri'pelənt / (n) thuoác laøm giaûm söng taáy
- respiratory / ri'spaiərətri, 'respirətri / (a)
- sensory /'sensəri / (a)
- thyroid /'θairɔid / (n) tuyeán giaùp
- trachea / trə'kiə / (n)
- superior /su:'piəriə/ (a) >< inferior /in'fiəriə / (a)
- aorta /ei'ɔ:tə /(n) ñoäng maïch chuû → aortic /ei'ɔ:tik /(a)
- vena cava /,vinə 'ka:və/ (n) tónh maïch chuû
- appendix /ə'pendiks / (n) ruoät dö
- antagonist / æn'tægənist / (n) thuoác ñoái khaùng
- laxative /'læksətiv / (n) thuoác nhuaän traøng
- antidiarrhoeal /,æntidaiə'riəl / (n) thuoác chöõa beänh tieâu chaûy
- antihypertensive /,æntihaipə'tensiv / (n) thuoác choáng cao huyeát aùp
- diuretic /,daijuə'retik / (n) thuoác lôïi tieåu
- vasodilator /veizo dai'leitə / (n) thuoác giaõn maïch
- beta blocker /'bi:tə,blɔkə / (n) thuoác cheïp thuï theå beâta (giaûm hoaït ñoäng cuûa tim)
- anti-diabetic /,æntidaiə'betik / (n) thuoác choáng tieåu ñöôøng
- corticosteroid /,kɔ:tikou 'sterɔid / (n)
- antiviral /,ænti'vairəl / (n) thuoác choáng virus
- vaccine /'væksi:n / (n)
- antifungal /,ænti 'fʌηgəl / (a) choáng naám
- antiprozoal /,ænti ptoutə'zouəl / (n) choáng ÑV nguyeân sinh
- immunostimulator /,imju:nou'stimjuleitə / (n) thuoác kích thích mieãn dòch
- immunosuppressant /,imju:nou sə'presənt / (n) thuoác öùc cheá mieãn dòch
- anti-inflammatory /,æntiin'flæmətəri / (n) thuoác khaùng vieâm, thuoác choáng vieâm
- anti-rheumatic /,ænti ru:'mætik / (n) thuoác choáng thaáp khôùp
- anesthetic /,ænis'θetik / (n) thuoác gaây teâ, thuoác gaây meâ
- analgesic /,ænæl'dʒesik / (n) thuoác giaûm ñau = pain killer, pain reliever
- anxiolytic /,æηksiə 'litik / (n) thuoác giaûi öu
- sedative /'sedətiv / (n) thuoác an thaàn
- antidepressant /,ænti di'presənt / (n) choáng traàm caûm
- bronchodilator /'brɔηkou dai'leitə / (n) giaõn pheá quaûn
- decongestant /'di:kən'dʒestənt / (n) thuoác laøm thoâng muõi, choáng ngheït muõi

- range / reindʒ / (n) phaïm vi
- penicillin /,peni'siliη / (n)
- antibiotic /,æntibai'ɔtik / (n) thuoác khaùng sinh
- microbe /'maikroub /(n) vi khuaån → microbial /mai'kroubiəl/(a)= microbic /mai'kroubik/
- insulin /'insjulin / (n)
- advanced / əd'vɑ:nst / (a) cao
- diabetes /,daiə'bi:tiz / (n) ñaùi thaùo ñöôøng
- achieve / ə't∫i:v / (v) ñaït ñöôïc
- target /'tɑ:git / (n)muïc tieâu, ñích
- salmon /'sæmən / (n) caù hoài
- smallpox /'smɔ:lpɔks / (n) beänh ñaäu muøa
- poliomyelitis /,pouliou,maiə'laitis / (n) = polio /'pouliou / (n) beänh baïi lieät
- universally /,ju:ni'və:səli / (adv) phoå bieán
- dread /dred / (n) söï kinh sôï, khieáp ñaûm → dreadful /'dredful / (a)
- scourge /skə:dʒ / (n) tai hoïa
- human /'hju:mən / (a) → humanity / hju:'mæniti / (n) loaøi ngöôøi, nhaân loaïi
- bovine /'bouvain / (a) boø
- porcine /'pɔ:sain / (a) heo
- vaccinate /'væksineit / (v) tieâm chuûng → vaccination /,væksi'nei∫n / (n)
- vaccine /'væksi:n / (n)
- cowpox /'kəʊpɒks / (n) beänh ñaäu muøa ôû xuùc vaät
- wipe / waip / (v) xoùa saïch
- eliminate / i'limineit/ (v) loaïi tröø
- ether /'i:θə / (n)
- making /'meikiη / (n) söï tieán boä
- modern /'mɔdən / (a) hieän ñaïi
- surgery /'sə:dʒəri / (n) khoa phaãu thuaät
- anesthetic /,ænis'θetik / (n) thuoác gaây teâ, thuoác gaây meâ
- improve / im'pru:v / (v) caûi tieán, caûi thieän
- version /'və:∫n / (n) phieân baûn
- ban / bæn / (v) caám
- bane /bein / (n) tai öông, baû
- narcotic /nɑ:'kɔtik / (n)
- addict /'ædikt / (n) ngöôøi nghieän → addiction /ə'dik∫n / (n) (to sth) thoùi nghieän
- untold /,ʌn'tould / (a) voâ keå
- alleviate /ə'li:vieit / (v) laøm nheï bôùt, laøm giaûm bôùt
- suffering /'sʌfəriη / (n) söï ñau ñôùn
- forerunner / fɔ:'rʌnə/ (n) tieàn thaân
- generation /,dʒenə'rei∫n / (n) theá heä, ñôøi
- ironically / ai'rɔnikəli / (adv) mæa, mæa mai

- Heroin /'herouin / (n)
- aspirin /'æspərin / (n)
- analgesic /,ænæl'dʒesik / (n) thuoác giaûm ñau = pain killer, pain reliever
- peripheral /pə'rifərəl / (a) ngoaïi bieân
- arthritis / ɑ:'θraitis / (n) vieâm khôùp
- appropriate / ə'proupriət / (a) thích hôïp >< inappropriate /,inə'proupriət / (a)
- psychiatric /,saiki'ætrik / (a) = psychiatrical /saiki'ætrikl/ (a) beänh taâm thaàn
- insane asylum /in'sein ə'sailəm / (n) beänh vieän taâm thaàn
- psychosis /sai'kousis / (n) [sing] ; psychoses / sai'kousi:z / [pl]: chöùng roái loaïn taâm thaàn
- drastic /'dræstik / (a) maïnh meõ, quyeát lieät
- advent /'ædvənt / (a) söï tôùi, söï ñeán
- psychopharmacology /saikou,fɑ:mə'kɑlədʒi / (n) döôïc hoïc taâm lyù
- birth control pill = contraceptive /,kɔntrə'septiv / (n)
- far-reaching /'fɑ:'ri:t∫iη / (a) coù theå aùp duïng roäng raõi, coù aûnh höôûng saâu roäng
- impact /'impækt / (n) taùc ñoäng, aûnh höôûng
- owe /ou / (v) nhôø
- owing to /'ouiη tə / (prep) do vì, bôûi vì
- breakthrough /'breik'θru:/ (n) xuyeân suoát
- diuretic /,daijuə'retik / (n) thuoác lôïi tieåu
- hypertension /,haipə:'ten∫n / (n) >< hypotension /,haipou'ten∫n / (n)
- heart failure /'hɑ:t'feiljə / (n) chöùng suy tim
- masking /'mɑ:skiη / (a) taám che, taám chaén
- huge / hju:dʒ / (a) to lôùn
- inhibit / in'hibit / (v) haïn cheá, kieàm cheá, öùc cheá
- synthesis /'sinθəsis / (n) söï toång hôïp
- cholesterol /kə'lestərɒl / (n)
- LDL = Low-density lipoprotein: lipoprotein tæ troïng thaáp
- modest /'mɔdist / (a) vöøa phaûi
- HDL = High-density lipoprotein: lipoprotein tæ troïng cao
- circulate /'sə:kjuleit / (v) tuaàn hoaøn
- plasma /'plæzmə / (n) huyeát töông
- alleged / ə'ledʒd / (a) ñöôïc khaúng ñònh maø khoâng ñöôïc chöùng minh, bò cho laø
- thanks to /'θæηks tə / : nhôø coù ai/caùi gì
- glucose /'glu:kous / (n)
- energy /'enədʒi / (n)
- source / sɔ:s / (n) nguoàn

Low-density lipoprotein
Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is one of the five major groups of lipoproteins, which in
order of size, largest to smallest, are chylomicrons, VLDL, IDL, LDL and HDL, that enable
lipids like cholesterol and triglycerides to be transported within the water-based bloodstream.
Blood tests typically report LDL-C, the amount of cholesterol contained in LDL. In clinical
context, mathematically calculated estimates of LDL-C are commonly used to estimate how
much low density lipoproteins are driving progression of atherosclerosis /,æθirousklə'rousis/.
Direct LDL measurements are also available and better reveal individual issues but are less
often promoted or done due to slightly higher costs and being available from only a couple of
laboratories in the United States. In 28 March 2008, as part of a joint consensus /kən'sensəs /
statement by the ADA and ACC, direct LDL particle measurement by NMR was recognized
as superior for assessing individual risk of cardiovascular events. Since current theory holds
that higher levels of LDL particles promote health problems and cardiovascular disease, they
are often called the bad cholesterol particles, (as opposed to HDL particles, which are
frequently referred to as good cholesterol or healthy cholesterol particles).

High-density lipoprotein

High-density lipoprotein (HDL) is one of the five major groups of lipoproteins which, in
order of sizes, largest to smallest, are chylomicrons, VLDL, IDL, LDL and HDL, which
enable lipids like cholesterol and triglycerides to be transported within the water-based
bloodstream. In healthy individuals, about thirty percent of blood cholesterol is carried by

Blood tests typically report HDL-C level, i.e. the amount of cholesterol contained in HDL
particles. It is often contrasted with low density or LDL cholesterol or LDL-C. HDL particles
are able to remove cholesterol from within artery atheroma and transport it back to the liver
for excretion or re-utilization, which is the main reason why the cholesterol carried within
HDL particles (HDL-C) is sometimes called "good cholesterol". Those with higher levels of
HDL-C seem to have fewer problems with cardiovascular diseases, while those with low
HDL-C cholesterol levels (less than 40 mg/dL or about 1 mmol/L) have increased rates for
heart disease. However, see the clarifications below about estimating HDL particles via
cholesterol content versus directly measuring HDL particles and function. Additionally, those
few individuals producing an abnormal, apparently more efficient, HDL ApoA1 protein
variant called ApoA-1 Milano, have low measured HDL-C levels yet very low rates of
cardiovascular events even with high blood cholesterol values

- antibiotic /,æntibai'ɔtik / (n) thuoác khaùng sinh
- bacterium /bæk'tiəriəm / (n) [sing]; bacteria /bæk'tiəriə / [pl] vi khuaån ; virus /'vaiərəs / (n)
- offending / ə'fendiη / (n) ; bug /bʌg / (n) beänh
- immune / i'mju:n/ (a) mieãn dòch
- vast /vɑ:st / (a) roäng lôùn
- majority / mə'dʒɔriti / (n) ña soá >< minority /mai'nɔriti / (n)
- independently /,indi'pendəntli / (adv) ñoäc laäp
- host /houst / (n) vaät chuû
- influenza /,influ'enzə / (n) = flu / flu:/ (n) beänh cuùm ; cough / kɔf / (n)
- bronchitis / brɔη'kaitis / (n) vieâm pheá quaûn
- strep /strep/(n)=streptococcus /,streptə'kɔkəs/(n) khuaån lieân caàu
- streptococci /,streptə'kɔkai / [pl]
- selective /si'lektiv / (a) coù tuyeån choïn
- poison /'pɔizn / (n)
- effective / i'fektiv / (a) coù hieäu quaû, coù hieäu löïc
- infection /in'fek∫n / (n) beänh nhieãm truøng
- response / ri'spɔns / (n) → responsible /ri'spɔnsəbl / (a)
- predict /pri'dikt / (v) tieân ñoaùn
- predictable / pri'diktəbl / (a) → predictably /pri'diktəbli / (adv) coù theå ñoaùn tröôùc
- contrary /'kɔntrəri / (n) söï traùi laïi, ñieàu traùi ngöôïc
- specific /spə'sifik / (a)
- susceptibility / sə,septə'biləti / (n) tính nhaïy caûm
- sample /'sɑ:mpl / (n) maãu
- resistance /ri'zistəns / (n) söï khaùng thuoác
- environment /in'vaiərənmənt / (n) → environmental /in,vairən'mentl / (a)
- Staphylococcus aureus /,stæfilə'kɔkəs ˈɔri.əs / (n); khuaån tuï caàu vaøng
- strain / strein / (n) gioáng
- split / split / (v) laøm vôõ, taùch
- adapt / ə'dæpt / (v) laøm cho thích öùng; modify /'mɔdifai / (v) thay ñoåi
- upset /ʌp'set / (n) roái loaïn; stomach /'stʌmək / (n)noân nao ôû daï daøy
- diarrhea /,daiə'riə / (n)
- vagina /və'dʒainə /(n) aâm ñaïo → vaginal / və'dʒainl / (a); yeast / ji:st / (n) naám men
- disrupt / dis'rʌpt / (v) phaù vôõ
- marrow /'mærou / (n) tuûy
- colitis / kɔ'laitis / (n) vieâm keát traøng
- mild / maild / (a) nheï >< severe /si'viə/ (a) naëng
- wheezing /'wi:ziη / (n) thôû khoø kheø
- swell / swel / (v) söng leân
- experience /iks'piəriəns / (v) traûi qua
- tetracycline /ˌtɛtrəˈsaɪklaɪn -klɪn /

- hypertension /,haipə:'ten∫n / (n) >< hypotension /,haipou'ten∫n / (n)
- elevate /'eliveit / (v) naâng leân, ñöa leân
- beyond / bi'jɔnd / (prep) vöôït ra ngoaøi (giôùi haïn)
- diagnose /'daiəgnouz; ,daiəg'nous / (v) chaån ñoaùn
- damage /'dæmidʒ / (v) gaây thieät haïi
- cardiovascular /,kɑ:diəʊ'væskjʊlə / (a) tim maïch
- heart attack /'hɑ:tə'tæk / (n) côn ñau tim
- stroke /strouk/ (n) ñoät quî
- diabetes /,daiə'bi:tiz / (n) beänh tieåu ñöôøng
- affect /ə'fekt / (v)
- frustrate / frʌs'treit / (v) laøm maát taùc duïng → frustration /frʌs'trei∫n / (n)
- symptom /'simptəm / (n) trieäu chöùng
- to give up = to quit / kwit /
- antihypertensive /,æntihaipə'tensiv / (a), (n)
- effective / i'fektiv / (a) → effectiveness / i'fektivnis / (n)
- encourage /in'kʌridʒ / (v) khuyeán khích
- tighten /'taitn / (v) thaét chaët
- workload /'wə:k'loud / (n) khoái löôïng coâng vieäc
- diuretic /,daijuə'retik / (n) thuoác lôïi tieåu
- flush / flʌ∫ / (v)
- beta blocker /'bi:tə,blɔkə / (n) thuoác cheïp thuï theå beâta (giaûm hoaït ñoäng cuûa tim)
- vasodilator /veizo dai'leitə / (n) thuoác giaõn maïch
- convert / kən'və:t / (v) = change
- efficient /i'fi∫ənt / (a) coù hieäu löïc → efficiently /i'fi∫əntli / (adv)
- resistance / ri'zistəns / (n) söï caûn trôû
- myocardium /,maiou'kɑ:diəm / (n) cô tim
- signal /'signəl / (v) baùo hieäu ; variety / və'raiəti / (n)
- ideal / aɪˈdɪəl / (a) lyù töôûng ; choice / t∫ɔis / (n) söï löïa choïn
- settle /'setl / (v) oån ñònh
- especially / is'pe∫əli / (adv) ; clinical /'klinikl / (a) thuoäc laâm saøng
- trial /'traiəl / (n) thöû nghieäm
- roughly /'rʌfli / (adv) xaáp xæ ; conclude / kən'klu:d / (v) keát luaän
- individual /,indi'vidjuəl / (n) caù nhaân, ngöôøi
- antagonist / æn'tægənist / (n) chaát ñoái khaùng; machanism /'mekənizm / (n) cô cheá
- angiotensin /,ændʒɪəˈtɛnsɪn /Any of three polypeptide hormones, one of which is a powerful
vasoconstrictor, that function in the body in controlling arterial pressure
- adrenergic /ˌædrəˈnɜːdʒɪk / (n) Relating to a neuron or axon that is activated by or capable of
releasing epinephrine or an epinephrine-like substance when a nerve impulse passes. The
nerve endings of the sympathetic nervous system are adrenergic; (a) releasing or activated
by adrenaline or an adrenaline-like substance
- thiazide /'θ əz d /; potassium /pəˈtæsɪəm/

Further reading

A diuretic is any drug that elevates the rate of urination and thus provides a means of forced
diuresis. There are several categories of diuretics. All diuretics increase the excretion of water
from bodies, although each class does so in a distinct way.
High ceiling loop diuretic
High ceiling diuretics are diuretics that may cause a substantial diuresis – up to 20%[1] of the
filtered load of NaCl and water. This is huge when compared to normal renal sodium
reabsorption which leaves only ~0.4% of filtered sodium in the urine.
Loop diuretics have this ability, and are therefore often synonymous with high ceiling
diuretics. Loop diuretics, such as furosemide, inhibit the body's ability to reabsorb sodium at the
ascending loop in the nephron which leads to a retention of water in the urine as water normally
follows sodium back into the extracellular fluid (ECF). Other examples of high ceiling loop
diuretics include ethacrynic acid, torsemide and bumetanide.
Thiazide-type diuretics such as hydrochlorothiazide act on the distal convoluted tubule and
inhibit the sodium-chloride symporter leading to a retention of water in the urine, as water
normally follows penetrating solutes. Frequent urination is due to the increased loss of water that
has not been retained from the body as a result of a concomitant relationship with sodium loss
from the convoluted tubule. The short-term anti-hypertensive action is based on the fact that
thiazides decrease preload, decreasing blood pressure. On the other hand the long-term effect is
due to an unknown vasodilator effect that decreases blood pressure by decreasing resistance.
Potassium-sparing diuretics
These are diuretics which do not promote the secretion of potassium into the urine; thus,
potassium is spared and not lost as much as in other diuretics. The term "potassium-sparing"
refers to an effect rather than a mechanism or location; nonetheless, the term almost always refers
to two specific classes that have their effect at similar locations:
 Aldosterone antagonists: spironolactone, which is a competitive antagonist of aldosterone.
Aldosterone normally adds sodium channels in the principal cells of the collecting duct
and late distal tubule of the nephron. Spironolactone prevents aldosterone from entering
the principal cells, preventing sodium reabsorption. A similar agent is potassium
 Epithelial sodium channel blockers: amiloride and triamterene.

Unit 27
- leaflet /'li:flit / (n); pharmacist /'fɑ:məsist / (n) döôïc syõ
- tablet /'tæblit / (n) vieân neùn; ingredient /in'gri:djənt / (n) thaønh phaàn
- strength /'streηθ / (n) ; maize / meiz / (n) baép; starch /'sta:t∫/ (n) tinh boät
- iron /'aiən / (n,a) saét; oxide /'ɔksaid / (n)
- macrogol is the International Nonproprietary Name (INN) for polyethylene glycol
- antagonist / æn'tægənist / (n) chaát ñoái khaùng
- prescribe / pris'kraib / (v) keâ toa
- hypertension /,haipə:'ten∫n / (n) >< hypotension /,haipou'ten∫n / (n)
- heart failure /'hɑ:t'feiljə / (n) chöùng suy tim
- mmHg = millimetre /,mili'mi:tə / of mercury /'mə:kjuri / (n)
- tighten /'taitn / (v) thaét chaët
- measure /'meʒə / (v) → measurement /'məʒəmənt / (n)
- symptom /'simptəm / (n) trieäu chöùng
- damage /'dæmidʒ / (v) gaây toån thöông
- stroke /strouk/ (n) ñoät quî
- heart attack /'hɑ:tə'tæk / (n) côn ñau tim
- kidney failure /'kidni'feiljə / (n) chöùng suy thaän
- blind / blaind / (a) → blindness / blaindnis/ (n)
- adequate /'ædikwit / (a) >< inadequate / in'ædikwit / (a)
- overload / 'ouvəloud / (v) laøm quaù taûi ; efficiency / i'fi∫ənsi / (n) khaû naêng
- breathless /'breθlis / (a) breathlessness /'breθlisnis / (n)
- lie flat: naèm soùng soaøi, naèm thaúng
- swelling /'sweliη /(n) choã söng leân
- edema / i'di:mə/ (n) chöùng phuø
- recommend /,rekə'mend / (v) khuyeân duøng
- lifestyle /'laifstail/ (n) loái soáng
- lose weight /'weit / = to take off weight >< to put on(to gain) weight
- alcohol /'ælkəhɔl / (n) → alcoholic /,ælkə'hɔlik / (a)
- encourage /in'kʌridʒ / (v) khuyeán khích
- mild / maild / (a) nheï nhaøng; exercise /'eksəsaiz / (n)
- pregnant /'pregnənt / (a); pregnancy /'pregnənsi / (n)
- affect / ə'fekt / (v) aûnh höôûng
- whilst / wailst/ (conjunction) = while
- breast-feed /'brestfi:d / (v) >< bottle-feed /'bɔtlfi:d / (v)
- allergy /'ælədʒi / (n) dò öùng → allergic /ə'lə:dʒik/ (a)
- severe / si'viə / (a) naëng ; apply / ə'plai/ (v)
- candesartan cilexetil /ˌkændɨˈsɑrtən sɪˈleksəˌtɪl/
- carmellose calcium /ˈkælsɪəm /; hydroxypropyl cellulose /haɪˈdrɒksɪˈprəʊpɪl ˈsɛljʊˌləʊz -ˌləʊs/
- lactose monohydrate / ˈlæktəʊs -təʊz ˌmɒnəʊˈhaɪdreɪt /
- magnesium stearate /mægˈni:zɪəm ˈstɪəˌreɪt /

Unit 28
- transplant / træns'plɑ:nt / (n) söï caáy, gheùp
- lithium /'liθiəm / (n)
- potassium / pə'tæsiəm/ (n) ; sodium /'soudiəm / (n) ; heparin /'hepərin / (n)
- supplement /'sʌplimənt / (n) phaàn boå sung
- substitute /'sʌbstitju:t / (n) vaät thay theá
- sample /'sɑ:mpl / (n) maãu
- periodically /,piəri'ɔdikli / (adv) moät caùch ñònh kyø
- ACE inhibitor = angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor
- diuretic /,daijuə'retik / (n)
- particularly /pə,tikju'lærəli / (adv)
- steroid /'sterɔid, 'stiərɔid / (n) → steroidal /'sterɔidəl / (a) >< nonsteroidal /,nɔn'sterɔidəl / (a)
- anti-inflammatory /,æntiin'flæmətəri / (a) khaùng vieâm, choáng vieâm
- ibuprofen /ˈaɪbju:proʊfɛn/ or /aɪbju:ˈproʊfən/ (n)
- naproxen /nəˈprɒksən/ (n)
- celecoxib /sɛlɪˈkɒksɪb/ (n)
- aspirin /'æspərin / (n)
- prescription /pris'krip∫n / (n)
- anesthetic /,ænis'θetik / (n) thuoác gaây teâ, gaây meâ
- excessive / ik'sesiv / (a) quaù möùc, thöøa
- vomiting /'vɔmitiη / (n)
- diarrhea /,daiə'riə / (n)
- adjust / ə'dʒʌst / (v) ñieàu chænh
- heart failure /'hɑ:t'feiljə / (n) chöùng suy tim
- dizzy /’dizi /(a) choaùng vaùng → dizziness (n)
- operate /'ɔpəreit / (v) vaän haønh
- machine /mə'∫i:n / (n)
- desire / di'zaiə / (v) mong muoán, ao öôùc → desirable /di'zaiərəbl / (a)
- recommend /,rekə'mend / (v) khuyeân duøng
- preferably /'prefrəbli / (adv) toát nhaát laø
- occasionally / ə'keiʒnəli / (adv) ñoâi khi
- mild / maild / (a) nheï >< severe /si'viə/ (a) naëng
- hypotension /,haipou'ten∫n / (n) >< hypertension /,haipə:'ten∫n / (n)
- swell / swel / (v) söng leân
- rash /ræ∫/ (n) phaùt ban ;hives / haivz / (n) chöùng phaùt ban
- itch / it∫ / (v) ngöùa → itchy /'it∫i / (a)
- jaundice /'dʒɔ:ndis / (n) beänh vaøng da
- hepatitis /,hepə'taitis / (n)
- immediately / i'mi:djətli / (adv)
- expiry /iks'paiəri / (a) haïn söû duïng
- Centigrade /'sentigreid / (n) = Celsius /'selsiəs / (n); Fahrenheit /'færənhait / (n)

Unit 29
- depression /di'pre∫n / (n) traàm caûm
- antidepressant /,ænti di'presənt / (n) choáng traàm caûm
- nerve / nə:v / (n) → nervous /'nə:vəs / (a)
- communicate /kə'mju:nikeit / (v)
- neurone / n /(n) = neuron /'njuərɔn /(n)
- message /'mesidʒ / (n) thoâng tin
- chemical /'kemikl / (a)
- messenger /'mesindʒə / (n)
- neurotransmitter /,njuərou trænz'mitə / (n)
- synapse / si'næps/ (n) khôùp thaàn kinh
- receptor / ri'septə(r)/ (n) cô quan thuï caûm
- deliver / di'livə / (v) phaân phaùt, giao
- behavior / bi'heivjə / (n) tö caùch ñaïo ñöùc
- temperature /'temprət∫ə / (n)
- appetite /'æpitait / (n)
- activate /'æktiveit / (v) kích hoaït
- stimulate /'stimjuleit / (v) kích thích
- reuptake /,ri:'ʌpteik / (n) söï taùi haáp thu ;reuse /,ri:'ju:z / (v) duøng laïi
- epinephrine /,epi'nefrin / (n) ; norepinephrine /nɔ:,epi'nefrin / (n)
- increase / in'kri:s / (v); /'inkri:s / (n) >< decrease /di: 'kri:s / (v); /'di:kri:s / (n)
- available / ə'veiləbl / (a)
- tricyclic / trai'saiklik / (a) coù 3 voøng
- Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitor /'mɔnə'æmain 'ɔksideis in'hibitə /
- different /'difrənt / (a) → differently /'difrəntli / ( adv)
- typically /'tipikli / (adv) ñieån hình
- medication /,medi'kei∫n/ (n) thuoác chöõa beänh, döôïc phaåm
- initially / i'ni∫əli/ (adv) vaøo luùc ñaàu
- nausea /'nɔ:sjə / (n)
- drowsy /'drauzi / (a) buoàn nguû → drowsiness /'drauzinis / (n) tình traïng buoàn nguû
- particular / pə'tikjulə(r)/ (a)
- withdrawal /wiđ'drɔ:əl/ symptom /'simptəm / : trieäu chöùng ngöng thuoác
- insomnia / in'sɔmniə / (n) chöùng maát nguû
- generally /'dʒenərəli / (adv)
- refrain / ri'frein / (v) from doing sth: coá nhòn
- consume /kən'sju:m/ (v) söû duïng
- alcohol /'ælkəhɔl / (n) → alcoholic /,ælkə'hɔlik / (a)
- notify /'noutifai / (v) thoâng baùo, cho bieát
- psychoneurotic /,saikounjuə'rɔtik / (a) chöùng loaïn thaàn kinh chöùc naêng
- psychotic / sai'kɔtik / (a) chöùng loaïn thaàn kinh
- psychic /'saikik / (a) tinh thaàn

Unit 30
- complement /'kɔmplimənt / (n) → complementary /,kɔmpli'mentəri / (a) buø, boå sung
- alternative / ɔ:l'tə:nətiv / (a) coù theå choïn ñeå thay theá vaät khaùc
- healing /'hi:liη / (a)
- mainstream /'meinstri:m / (n) xu höôùng/xu theá chuû ñaïo
- realm /relm/ (n) lónh vöïc
- conventional / kən'ven∫ənl / (a) thoâng thöôøng
- boundary /'baundəri / (n) ñöôøng ranh giôùi
- request /ri'kwest / (v) yeâu caàu
- hypnosis / hip'nousis / (n) söï thoâi mieân
- dismiss / dis'mis / (v) boû ñi
- nonsense /'nɔnsəns / (n) chuyeän voâ lyù
- therapy /'θerəpi / (n) pheùp chöõa beänh → therapeutic /,θerə'pju:tik / (a)
- homeopathy /,houmi'ɔpəθi / (n) pheùp chöõa vi löôïng ñoàng caên
- naturopathy /,neit∫ə'rɔpəθi / (n) pheùp chöõa beänh döïa theo söï luyeän taäp cô theå (chöù khoâng
duøng thuoác), thieân nhieân lieäu phaùp
- chiropratic /,kaiərou'præktik / (n) söï chöõa beänh baèng phöông phaùp naén khôùp xöông
- acupuncture /'ækjupʌηkt∫ə / (n,v) chaâm cöùu
- herb /hə:b / (n) → herbal /'hə:bəl / (a) thaûo moäc
- dozens /'dʌznz / (n) nhieàu
- holistic /hou'listik / (a) chính theå
- integrative /'intigreitiv / (a) ñeå trôû thaønh moät theå thoáng nhaát
- certify /'sə:tifai / (v) caáp giaáy chöùng nhaän
- license / 'laisəns / (v) caáp ñaêng kyù
- potential / pə'ten∫l / (a) tieàm taøng
- meditate /'mediteit / (v) thieàn → meditation /,medi'tei∫n / (n)
- manipulate /mə'nipjuleit / (v) naén boùp → manipulative / mə'nipjuleitiv / (a)
- manipulation /mə,nipju'lei∫n / (n)
- massage /'mæsɑ:ʒ; mə'sɒ:ʒ / (n) söï soa boùp
- realign / ri:ə'lain / (v) toå chöùc laïi
- alleviate /ə'li:vieit/ (v) laøm nheï bôùt
- theory /'θiəri / (n) nguyeân lyù
- scientifically /,saiən'tifikli / (adv)
- surround /sə'raund / (v) bao quanh
- penetrate /'penitreit / (v) xuyeân qua
- bioelectromagnetic /,baiouilek'tromæg'netik / (n) coù tính ñieän töø sinh hoïc
- electrical / i'lektrikəl / (a) ; current /'kʌrənt / (n) doøng ñieän
- magnetic / mæg'netik / (a) töø tính
- extend / iks'tend / (v) keùo daøi; beyond / bi'jɔnd / (prep) ra khoûi
- phytotherapy /,faitə' θerəpi / (n) trò lieäu baèng döôïc lieäu
- osteopathy /,ɔsti'ɔpəθi / (n) thuaät naén xöông

Unit 31
- homeopathy /,houmi'ɔpəθi/(n) ; homeopathic /,houmiə'pæθik / (a)
- chiropratic /,kaiərou'præktik / (n) söï chöõa beänh baèng phöông phaùp naén khôùp xöông
- medicine /'medsn; 'medisn / (n) → medical /'medikl / (a)
- practitioner / præk'ti∫nə / (n)= practician /præk'ti∫n / (n) ngöôøi ñang haønh ngheà (veà Y teá)
- complement /'kɔmplimənt / (n) → complementary /,kɔmpli'mentəri / (a) buø, boå sung
- alternative / ɔ:l'tə:nətiv / (a) coù theå choïn ñeå thay theá vaät khaùc
- premise /'premis / (n) tieàn ñeà
- vital force /'vaitl fɔ:s / (a) söùc soáng
- disrupt /dis'rʌpt / (v) phaù vôõ
- imbalance /im'bæləns / (v) laøm maát caân baèng
- defense /di'fens / (n) söï phoøng thuû ; mechanism /'mekənizm / (n) cô cheá
- involve /in'vɔlv / (v) goàm
- extremely /iks'tri:mli / (adv); remedy /'remədi / (n) phöông thuoác chöõa beänh
- derive /di'raiv / (v) xuaát phaùt töø
- nature /'neit∫ə / (n) → natural /'næt∫rəl / (a) ; mineral /'minərəl / (n) khoaùng saûn
- dilute /dai'lju:t / (v) → dilution / dai'lu:∫n / (n)diluent /'diljuənt / (n) chaát laøm loaõng
- pellet /'pelit / (n) vieân thuoác nhoû
- individualize /,indi'vidjuəlaiz / (v) ñaëc thuø hoùa ; tailor /'teilə / (v) laøm ñaùp öùng nhu caàu
- propose / prə'pouz / (v) ñeà xuaát, ñöa ra
- scientific /,saiən'tifik / (a) → scientifically /,saiən'tifikli / (adv)
- verify /'verifai / (v) xaùc minh, xaùc nhaän
- analysis / ə'næləsis / (n) ; analyses / ə'næləs z / [pl] söï phaân tích
- conclude / kən'klu:d / (v) keát luaän
- evidence /'evidəns / (n) chöùng cöù, baèng chöùng
- legal /'li:gəl / (a) hôïp phaùp >< illegal / i'li:gəl / (a)
- status /'steitəs / (n) tình traïng
- vary /'veəri / (v) thay ñoå, bieán ñoåi → variable /'veəriəbl / (a)
- conventional / kən'ven∫ənl / (a) thoâng thöôøng
- approximately / ə'prɔksimitli / (adv) khoaûng chöøng
- association /ə,sousi'ei∫n / (n) hoäi, hoäi lieân hieäp; college /'kɔlidʒ / (n) ñoaøn
- perpective / pə'spektiv / (a) phoái hôïp
- fundamental /,fʌndə'mentl / (a) cô baûn; concept /'kɔnsept / (n) khaùi nieäm
- instrument /'instrumənt / (n) coâng cuï → instrumental /,instru'mentl / (a)
- align / ə'lain / (v) ñöùng thaúng haøng; assemble / ə'sembl / (v) taäp hôïp laïi
- coordination / kou,ɔ:di'nei∫n / (n) vertebra /'və:tibrə / (n) ñoát soáng
- philosophy / fi'lɔsəfi / (n) trieát lyù ;gravitate /'græviteit / (v) höôùng veà
- obedience / ə'bi:djəns (n) söï tuaân theo >< deviation ,di:vi'ei∫n / (n) söï xa rôøi
- tension /'ten∫n / (n) caêng thaúng; pilot /'pailət / (n) thí ñieåm
- cervical /'sə:vikəl / (a) thuoäc veà coå; manipulation /mə,nipju'lei∫n / (n) söï naén boùp
- beneficial /,beni'fi∫əl / (a) coù ích, coù lôïi

Unit 32
- herb /hə:b/ (n)→ herbal /'hə:bəl/(a)→ herbalism /'hə:bəlizəm/(n)
- herbology /hə: 'bɔlədʒi/ (n)
- tradition /trə'di∫n / (n) traditional / trə'di∫ənl / (a)
- medicine /'medsn; 'medisn / (n) → medicinal / mə'disinl / (a)
- folk / fouk / (n) daân gian
- botany /'bɔtəni / → botanical / bə'tænikəl / (a) = botanic / bə'tænik / (a)
- phytotherapy /,faitə' θerəpi / (n)
- synthesize /'sinθisaiz / (v) toång hôïp
- preserve / pri'zə:v / (v) baûo veä
- aromatic /,ærou'mætik / (a) thôm
- oxygen /'ɔksidʒən / (n)
- substitute /'sʌbstitju:t / (v) thay theá
- derivative / di'rivətiv / (n) chaát daãn xuaát
- tannin /'tænin / (n)
- defense / di'fens / (n) phoøng thuû
- mechanism /'mekənizm / (n) cô cheá
- predation / pri:'dei∫n / (n) söï aên thòt
- microorganism /,maikrou'ɔ:gənizm / (n) vi sinh vaät
- insect /'insekt / (n)
- herbivore / hə:'bivərə / (n) ñoäng vaät aên coû
- spice / spais / (n) gia vò
- season /'si:zn / (v) cho gia vò
- scope / skoup / (n) phaïm vi
- extended / iks'tendid / (a) môû roäng
- fungus /'fʌηgəs / (n) ; fungi /'fʌηg / /'fʌη /[pl] naám
- bee / bi:/ (n) con ong
- mineral /'minərəl / (n) chaát khoaùng
- shell /∫el / (n) voû soø
- universe /'ju:nivə:s / (n)→ universal /,ju:ni'və:sl / (a) phoå bieán
- non-industrialize /,nɔn in'dʌstriəlaiz / (v)
- major /'meidʒə /(a)→majority/mə'dʒɔrəti /(n)>< minority /mai'nɔrəti /(n);minor /'mainə / (a)
- component / kəm'pounənt / (n) thaønh phaàn
- element /'elimənt / (n) yeáu toá
- homeopathic /,houmjə'pæθik / (a) pheùp chöõa beänh baèng vi löôïng ñoàng caên
- naturopathic /,neit∫ərə'pæθik / (a) thieân nhieân lieäu phaùp
- remedy /'remədi / (n)
- digitalis /,didʒi'teilis / (n)
- quinine / kwi'ni:n / (n)
- ancient /'ein∫ənt / (a) coå xöa
- accelerate / ək'seləreit / (v) taêng nhanh

- metabolism / mə'tæbəlizm / (n); metabolic /,metə'bɔlik / (a)
- metabolite / mə'tæbəlait / (n) chaát chuyeån hoaù
- deter / di'tə:/ (v) ngaên caûn
- pollinate /'pɔləneit / (v) thuï phaán → pollination /,pɔlə'nei∫n / (n)
- pollinator /'pɔləneitə / (n)
- profile /'proufail / (n) moâ taû sô löôïc
- upregulate /,ʌp'regjuleit / (v) >< downregulate /,daun'regjuleit / (v)
- biochemical /,baiou'kemikəl / (a) hoùa sinh
- path / pɑ:θ / (n) ñöôøng loái
- bewildering / bi'wildəriη / (a) gaây boái roái
- vary /'veəri / (v) → varied /'veərid / (a) ; variety / və'raiəti / (n)
- phytochemical /,faitə'kemikl / (n) hoùa thuïc vaät
- alkaloid /'ælkəlɔid / (n)
- nitrogen /'naitrədʒən / (n)
- dramatic /drə'mætik/ (a) gaây aán töôïng saâu saéc
- lift / lift / (n) caûm giaùc haân hoan phaán chaán
- intoxication / in,tɔksi'kei∫n / (n) tình traïng say, söï nheãm ñoäc
- phenolic / fi'nɔlik / (n)
- phenol /'fi:nɔl / (n)
- anthocyanin /,ænθə'saiənin / (n) chaát saéc
- astringent / əs'trindʒənt / (a) laøm se → astringency / əs'trindʒənsi / (n)
- terpenoid /ˈtɜrpɪnɔɪd/ (n)
- terpene /ˈtɜrpi:n/ (n)
- sesquiterpene /'seskwiˈtɜrpi:n / n)
- isoprene /,aisoupri:n / (n)
- monoterpene /'mɔnouˈtɜrpi:n / (n)
- triterpene / traiˈtɜrpi:n / (n)
- fragrance /'freigrəns / (n) höông thôm
- lavender /'lævində / (n) caây oaûi höông
- carotenoid /'kærəti:nɔid/(n)
- pumpkin /'pʌmpkin /(n) quaû bí ngoâ
- glycoside /'glaikousaid / (n)
- carbohydrate /,kɑ:bəʊhaidreit / (n)>< noncarbohydrate /,nɔn,kɑ:bəʊ'haidreit / (n)
- portion /'pɔ:∫n / (n) phaàn
- molecule /'mɔlikju:l / (n) phaân töû
- glucose /'glu:kous / (n)
- methyl /'meθil /
- alcohol /'ælkəhɔl / (n)
- glycerol /'glisərɔl / (n)
- sterol /'sterɔl / (n)
- beneficial /,beni'fi∫əl / (a) coù lôïi >< toxic /'tɔksik / (a) ñoäc

Unit 33
- therapeutics /,θerə'pju:tiks / (n) pheùp chöõa beänh→ therapeutic /,θerə'pju:tik / (a)
- artichoke /'ɑ:tit∫ouk / (n)
- soy / sɔi / (n) töông, ñaäu töông
- osteoporosis /,ɒstiəʊpə'rəʊsis / (n) chöùng loaõng xöông
- alleviate / ə'li:vieit / (v) laøm dòu
- hot flash /'hɔt'flæ∫/ (n) = hot flush /'hɔt'flʌ∫/ (n) söï traøo huyeát
- menopause /'menəpɔ:z / (n) söï maõn kinh
- cholesterol / kə'lestərɒl / (n)
- feverfew /'fi:və fju: / (n) caây gaàn gioáng caây hoa cuùc
- migraine /'mi:grein; 'maigrein / (n) ñau nöûa ñaàu
- cumin /'kʌmin / (n) caây thìa laø Ai caäp
- oregano //ɒrɨˈgɑːnoʊ/, US: /əˈrɛgənoʊ// (n) – is a common species of Origanum, a genus of the
mint family (Lamiaceae)
- effective / i'fektiv / (a) → effectiveness / i'fektivnis / (n)
- papaya / pə'paiə / (n) ñu ñuû
- insect /'insekt / (n) → insecticidal / in,sekti'saidəl / (a) tröø saâu; insecticide / in'sektisaid / (n)
- valerian root / væ'liəriən ru:t / (n) reã caây nöõ lang
- tincture /'tiηkt∫ə / (n) coàn thuoác
- tisane / ti:'zæn / (n) thuoác saéc, thuoác haõm
- decoction / di'kɔk∫n / (n) nöôùc saéc
- macerate /'mæsəreit / (n) giaàm, ngaâm
- mucilage /'mju:silidʒ / (n) chaát nhaày
- content /'kɔntent / (n) haøm löôïng
- sage / seidʒ / (n) caây xoâ thôm, caây ngaûi ñaéng
- thyme / taim / (n) coû xaï höông
- lotion /'lou∫n / (n) thuoác hoaëc myõ phaåm loûng duøng ngoaøi da
- poultice /'poultis / (n) thuoác ñaép
- compress / kəm'pres / (n) gaïc
- antioxidant /,ænti'ɔksidənt / (n) chaát choáng oâ xy hoùa
- access /'ækses / (v) truy caäp
- steam inhalation: xoâng hôi nöôùc
- aromatherapy /'əroumə,θerəpi / (n) caùch chöõa baèng xoa boùp daàu thôm
- sinus /'sainəs / (n) xoang → sinusitis /,sainə'saitis / (n)
- cleanse / klenz / (v) laøm saïch seõ, taåy
- potassium / pə'tæsiəm / (n); depletion / di'pli:∫n / (n) giaûm ñi
- licorice /'likəris / (n) cam thaûo
- efficacy /'efikəsi / (n) hieäu quaû
- recommend /,rekə'mend / (v) khuyeân duøng
- scented /'sentid / (a) coù muøi thôm foliage /'fouliidʒ / (n) taùn laù
- in vitro /in'vitrou/ (a,adv) trong oáng nghieäm >< in vivo /in'vivou / (a, adv) trong cô theå soáng

- supplement /'sʌplimənt / (n) phaàn boå sung
- diet /'daiət / (n) → dietary /'daiətəri / (a)
- preparation /,prepə'rei∫n / (n)
- melatonin /ˌmɛləˈtoʊnɪn/ (n)
- category /'kætigəri / (n) loại
- ingredient /in'gri:djənt / (n) thaønh phaàn
- exclude / iks'klu:d / (v) loaïi tröø
- concentrate /'kɔnsntreit / (n) chaát coâ ñaëc
- metabolite / mə'tæbəlait / (n) chaát chuyeån hoaù
- constituent / kən'stitjuənt / (n) yeáu toá caáu thaønh
- extract /'ekstrækt / (n); / iks'trækt / (v)
- literature /'litrət∫ə / (n) taøi lieäu in (truyeàn ñôn, quaûng caùo .. )
- advertise /'ædvətaiz / (v)
- advertisement / əd'və:tismənt, ,ædvə'taizmənt / (n) = advert /'ædvə:t / (n)
- essential / i'sen∫əl / (a) caàn thieát, thieát yeáu
- notably /'noutəbli / (adv) ñaùng chuù yù
- consequently /'kɔnsikwəntli / (adv) do ñoù
- adverse /'ædvə:s / (a) coù haïi
- excessive / ik'sesiv / (a) quaù ñaùng
- micronutrient /,maikrou'nju:triənt / (n) vi boå döôõng
- oppose / ə'pouz / (v) choáng ñoái, phaûn ñoái
- petition / pə'ti∫n / (n) kieán nghò → petitioner / pə'ti∫ənə(r)/ (n)
- unjustified / ʌn'dʒʌstifaid / (a) phi lyù
- restriction / ri'strik∫n / (n) söï haïn cheá
- association / ə,sousi'ei∫n / (n) hoäi lieân hieäp
- alliance / ə'laiəns / (n) khoái lieân minh
- legal /'li:gəl / (a) hôïp phaùp >< illegal /i'li:gəl / (a)
- challenge /'t∫ælindʒ / (n) söï thaùch thöùc
- Advocate /'ædvəkit / (n) ngöôøi bieän hoä
- General /'dʒenərəl / (n)
- subsequently /'sʌbsikwəntli / (adv) roài sau ñoù
- scrapped /'skreipt / (a) bò loaïi boû
- eventually / i'vent∫uəli / (adv) roát cuïc, cuoái cuøng laø
- overrule /,ouvə'ru:/ (v) thaéng theá
- nevertheless /,nevəđə'les / (adv) tuy nhieân
- judge /'dʒʌdʒ / (n) thaåm phaùn
- acknowledge / ək'nɔlidʒ / (v) chaáp nhaän söï thaät, thöøa nhaän
- concern / kən'sə:n / (n) moái quan taâm
- procedure / prə'si:dʒə / (n) thuû tuïc
- evidence /'evidəns / (n) baèng chöùng


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