Block-5 MS-28 Unit-3
Block-5 MS-28 Unit-3
Block-5 MS-28 Unit-3
27.1 Genesis of the Act
27.2 Object of the Act
27.3 Applicability of the Act
27.4 Definitions
27.5 The Employees' Provident Fund Scheme, 1952
27.6 The Employees' Pension Scheme, 1995
27.7 The Employees' Deposit-Linked Insurance Scheme, 1976
27.8 Damages and Penalties
27.9 Administration
27.10 Case Law
27.11 Self-Assessment Questions
27.12 Answers to Chech Your Progress
27.13 Further Readings
The Act provides for a scheme for the institution of provident fund for specified
classes of employees. Accordingly, the Employees' Provident Fund-Scheme was
framed under Section 5 of the Act, which came into force on 1st November 1952. On
a review of the working of the scheme over the years, it was found that provident
fund was no doubt an effective old age and survivorship benefit; but in. the event of
the premature death of an employee, the accumulations in the fund were not adequate
enough to render long-term financial protection to his family. This lacuna led to the
introduction of the Employees' Family Pension Scheme with effect from 1st March
1971. The Act was further amended in 1976 with a view to introducing Employees'
Deposit Linked Insurance Scheme, a measure to provide an insurance cover to the
members of the provident fund in covered establishments without the payment of any
premium by these members. Thus; three schemes have been framed under the
Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act.
"Employee" as defined in Section 2(f) of the Act means any person who is employed
for wages in any kind of work manual or otherwise, in or in connection with the work
of an establishment and who gets wages directly or indirectly from the employer and
includes any person employed by or through a contractor in or in connection with the
work of the establishment.
In relation to a factory establishment, as per Section 2(e) of the Act the employer
means the owner or occupier including the agent of such owner or occupier, the legal
representative of a deceased owner or occupier and where a person has been named
as a manager' of the factory and in relation to other establishment, the person who has
the ultimate control over the affairs of the establishment.
Employees drawing a pay not exceeding Rs. 5,000 per month are eligible for
membership of the fund. Every employee employed in or in connection with the
work of a factory or establishment shall be entitled and required to become a member
of the fund from the date of joining the factory or establishment.
Laws for Labour Welfare
and Social Security
The statutory rate of contribution to the provident fund by the employees and the
employers, as prescribed in the Act, is 10% of the pay of the employees. The term
"wages" includes basic wage, dearness allowance, including cash value of food
concession and retaining allowance, if any. The Act, however, provides that the
Central Government may, after making such enquiries as it deems fit, enhance the
statutory rate of contribution to 120k of wages in any industry or class of
The contributions received by the Provident Fund Organisation from unexempted
establishments as well as by the Board of Trustees from exempted establishments
shall be invested, after making payments on account of advances and final
withdrawals, according to the pattern laid down by the Government of India from
time to time. The exempted establishments are required to follow the same pattern of
investments as is , prescribed for the unexempted establishments. The provident fund
accumulations are invested in government securities, negotiable securities or. bonds,
7-year national saving certificates or post office time deposits schemes, if any. .
EPF Interest Rate
Under Para 60(1) of the Employees' Provident Fund Scheme, the Central
Government, on the recommendation of the Central Board of Trustees, declares the
rate of interest to be credited annually to the accounts of provident fund subscribers.
Under the scheme, a member may withdraw the full amount standing to his credit in
the fund in the event of
i) Retirement from service after attaining the age of 55;
ii) Retirement on account of permanent and total incapacity;
iii) Migration from India for permanent settlement abroad; and
iv) Termination of service in the course of mass retrenchment (involving 3 or more
persons). The membership for this purpose is reckoned from the time of joining
the covered establishment till the date of the settlement of the claim,
A member can withdraw up to 90 % of the amount of provident fund at credit after
attaining the age of 54 years or within one year before actual retirement on
superannuation whichever is later.
The Scheme provides for non-refundable partial withdrawals/ advances to meet
certain contingencies
1) Financing of life insurance policies;
2) House-building;
3) Purchasing shares of consumers co-operative credit housing societies;
4) During temporary closure of establishments;
5) Illness of member, family members;
6) Member's own marriage or for the marriage of his/her sister, brother or
daughter/ son and post-matriculation education of children;
7) Damages to movable and immovable property of members due to a calamity of
exceptional nature;
8) Unemployment relief to individual retrenchee members;
34 9) Cut in supply of electricity to the factory/establishment; and
The Employee’s Provident
10) Grant of advance to members who are physically handicapped for the .purchase Funds and Miscellaneous
of equipment. Provisions Act, 1952
If there is no nominee, the amount shall be paid to the members of the family in-
equal shares except:
a) Sons who have attained majority;
b) Sons of a deceased son who have attained majority;
c) Married daughters whose husbands are alive;
d) Married daughters of a deceased son whose husbands are alive.
The nomination form shall be filled in duplicate and one copy duly accepted by the
provident fund office will be. kept by members. Incase of change, a separate form for
a fresh nomination should be filled in duplicate.
When a member leaves service in one establishment and obtains re-employment in+
another establishment, whether exempted or unexempted, in the same region or in
another region, he is required to apply for the transfer of his provident fund account
to the Regional Provident Fund Commissioner in the prescribed form. The actual
transfer of the provident fund accumulations with interest thereon takes place in cases
i) Re-employment in an establishment, whether exempted or unexempted, in
another region/sub-region;
ii) Re-employment in an exempted establishment in the same region/sub-region;
iii) Leaving service in an exempted establishment and re-employment in an
unexempted establishment;
iv) Re-employment in an establishment not covered under the Act
A member of the fund is entitled to get full refund of both the shares of contributions
made by him as well as by his employer with interest thereon immediately after
leaving the service.
Account Slaps
As soon as possible after the completion of each accounting year, every member of
the fund shall be supplied with an account slip showing:
a) The opening balance;
b) The amount contributed during the year;
c) The amount of interest credited or debited during the year; and
d) Closing balance,
Errors, if any, should be brought to the notice of the Commissioner within six months.
The Employees' Provident Fund Organisation is in charge of all the three schemes.
These schemes are administered by the Central Board of Trustees, a tripartite body
consisting of the chairman, nominees of the central and state governments and -
employees' and employers' organizations The Central Provident Fund Commissioner
is the chief executive officer of the organisation and secretary to the Central Board of
Trustees. He is assisted by the Regional Provident Fund Commissioner, one in each
state and in Delhi. The regional cominittees advise the Central Board on matters
connected with the administration of the scheme in their respective States. Sub-
regional provident fund offices have been opened in some region's to render better
services to the subscribers of the fund. Provident fund inspectors are appointed to
carry out inspections and to-perform an advisory role vis-a-vis the employers and
workers in. different covered establishments. They conduct surveys to ensure that all
coverable establishment/factories are covered under the Act. They also recommend
38 and file prosecutions in the courts against defaulting employers and pursue these
cases till their final disposal.
The Employee’s Provident
27.10 CASE LAW Funds and Miscellaneous
Provisions Act, 1952
It was held in the case of Murarka Paint and Varnish Works Ltd. and Anr vs. Union
of India (1978 52 FJR 51) that.: (a) delay as per Section 14B of the Act covered not
only cases of failure to make payments in terms of the Act but also cases of delayed
payments. A default under this section is made whenever there is a default in the
stipulated payment of the contribution within the stipulated time; (b) the belated
payment of. contribution also amounted to a default and as such damages could be
unposed under Section 14B of the Act; (c) there is no dual authority under the
Section: one for the imposition of penalty and the other for the recovery of damages;
(d) the power to recover damages from the employer is not the same as the power to
impose penalties. Damages should have some correlation with the loss suffered as a
result of the delayed payments. The authority must apply its mind and pass a
speaking order. The discretion exercised by the Authority under the Act could be
interfered with by a writ when such discretion is not exercised properly in accordance
with law and the resultant order is not a speaking order indicating application of its
mind to the facts and circumstances of the pays.
In this writ petition Organo Chemical Industries vs. Union of India' (1979 II LLJ 416
SC), the scope and validity of Section 14B of the Act was examined. The court
upheld the validity of the Section and assigned a larger fulfilling meaning to the term
"damages". There is great social injury to the scheme when an employer defaults; so
that the lash of the law is delivered when its purpose is frustrated. Naturally, damages
will take an exemplary character and inflict a heavy blow on 'the shady defaulter..
Damages, as Imposed by Section 14B, includes a punitive sum quantified according
to the circumstances of the case. The discretion to award damages could be exercised
within the limits fixed by the statute. An order under Section 14B must-be a speaking
order containing the reasons in support of it. While fixing the amount of damages, the
Regional Provident Fund Commissioner usually takes into consideration various
factors, viz., the number of defaults, the period of delay, the-frequency of defaults,
and the amount involved.
Provident fund contributions are payable over arrears arising out of revision in wages
in the process_ of settlement (Prantiya V4dhyut Mandal Mazdoor Federation and
Ors. vs. Rajasthan State Electricity Board and Ors. 1993 I LLJ 222 SC).
Two factories constitute two independent establishments if they have separate
registration under the Factories Act, separate profit and loss accounts, separate works
managers and plant superintendents, and separate set-up of workmen or employees
(Dharamsi Morarji Chemicals Co. Ltd. vs. RPFC 1985 I LLJ 433).
Educational institutions are governed by the provisions of the Employees' Provident
Funds and Miscellaneous ProvisionsAct (D.A. V. College .& Anr v .RPFC & Ors.
1988 II LLJ 218 S.C.).
No nomination can be made under the P.F. Scheme in favour of a person who is not a
member of the family. Brother is not a member of the family within the meaning of
the word "family" as defined in the scheme and hence any such nomination made is
invalid (N.G. Commissarial vs. Central Bank of India and Ors. 199341 LLJ 98).
Provident fund,contributions are payable over arrears arisen -out of revision in wages
in the process of settlement (Prantiya Vtdhyut Mandal Mazdoor Federation & Ors. v
Rajasthan State Electricity Board & Ors. 19931 LLJ 222 S.C.).
Encashment of leave would-be covered by basic wages for calculating towards
provident fund (Hindustan Lever Employees' Union v RPFC & Anr. 1995 II LLJ
Under Section 14-B of the PF Act penalty has to be levied for delay in remittance of-,
provident fund dues. No damages can be levied without actual assessment or
determination of the laws sustained by the department or organisation (1996, Ii LLJ '
1202). 39
Laws for Labour Welfare
and Social Security
1. What is the object of the Employees’ provident Funds and Miscellaneous
provisions Act, 1952 ?
2. Which are the establishments covered by the Act?
3. What are the retiral benefits payable under the Act?
4. Are there any establishments to which the Act is not applicable at all ?
5. What are the various modes in which the Central Provident Fund Commissioner
can recover arrears of any amount due from any employer under section 8 of the
Act ?
6. Can the amount standing to the credit of any member in the Fund be assigned,
charged or attached?
7. What are the powers of the Inspectors appointed under the Act ?
8. If any establishment has departments or branches, are these departments or
branches, to be treated as separate establishments or parts of the same
establishments ?
9. What are the offences under the Act and what is the punishment for them?
10. Is any damage leviable on the-employer delaying any payment due from him
under the Act or the Schemes ?
11. Could the employer be punished under section 14-B in case the remittance of
contribution by him is delayed in a bank or post office?
12. Who is eligible to become a member of the Fund?
13. Are the persons employed by or through a contractor covered under the Scheme?
14. What is the contribution payable by the employer and the employee under the
15. Is it permissible for any member to contribute at a rate higher than the rate of 8
1/ 3 percent ?
16. Is any interest payable on the Provident Fund accumulations of a member?
17. What are the benefits provided under the Scheme?
18. Who is entitled to receive the accumulations in the Provident Fund account of a
deceased member
( ) 1. Once the Act is applied, it does not cease to be applicable even if the
number of employees falls below 20.
( ) 2. Employees drawing a pay not exceeding Rs. 3,500/- per month are eligible
for membership of the fund.
( ) 7. If for a period of one day in a year 20 or more persons were employed its
the establishment that will be sufficient to -attract the provisions of the Act.
( ) 12. A charitable trust founded for the uplift of women, supplies raw materials
to individual women in order to prepare eatables which are sold by the
trust. The women are paid on a piece the trust, The trust is not covered by
the EPF Act.
1. True 7. True
2. False 8. True
3. True 9. True
4. True 10. True
5. False 11 True
6. True 12. False
Kumar, H.L., What Everybody Should Know About Labour Laws, Universal Book
Traders, Delhi, 1995.
Samant, S.R., Employer's Guide to Labour Laws, Labour Law Agency, Mumbai, 1999.