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The Short term training programmes are of duration

To upgrade the Institute to a world class traning
ranging from one to two weeks. The courses offered
institute in the areas of Industrial Electronics &
are practical intensive in nature. Training is offered
Automation, Process Instrumentation, Information
using sophisticated machinery and equipment
Technology & Medical Electronics.
which are actually used in industry which helps
upgradation of skills of industrial work force. Private
MISSION candidates are also offered the seats in the above
 To ensure steady flow of skilled work force to courses subject to availability of seats
the industry in the fields of Industrial
Elecronics, Process Instrumentation, Tailor-made programmes can also be organized
Information Technology & Medical Electronics. with the available facilities to suit the requirements
 To bridge the gap between formal education of particular organization on request provided
and demand of the Industries by training fresh minimum 8 to 10 participants are sponsored by
ITI Diploma holders, Engineering graduates them. The duration & course content can be decided
etc. during discussion.
 To train Technical personnel in industries to
meet the technological changes. In-house training programs are also organized by
this institute provided a minimum 16 participants
 To conduct need based training programmes
are nominated for such courses.
in the form of tailor made courses.
 To train instructors of ITI’s in the trades of
Electronic mechanic (EM) Computer The courses are offered in the following areas :
Hardware and Networking maintanance
(CHNM). i) Industrial Electronics & Automation ii) Process
 To interact with industries for employment Instrumentation iii) Medical Electronics IV)
continuous professional development of their Consumer Electronics V) Courses under Technical
personnel and Entrepreneuship oriented Assistance Scheme.
training programs as per needs.
This institute possesses a State of Art Technology
with sophisticated equipments and machinery both
indigeneous and imported and imparts training by
the highly qualified and well experienced faculty using
latest teaching aids. Laboratories are equipped
with air conditioned class rooms.

Lectures, Practicals, Demonstration, Self Learning,
Guest Lectures, Evalution, Group Discussion,
Industrial Visits etc.

CITS 2016-17 Batch

PLC based Elevator Model

1. Degree/Diploma in engineering in the branch of Instrumentation
PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLER (PLC-SCADA) Engineering/Electronics and Instrumentation/Electronics and
Course coordinator: Sri B.Sharanappa, Training Officer
2. ITI in Instrument Mechanic/Instrument chemical/Electronic
ContactNo: 9441618326, Mechanic.
E-mail: [email protected] 3. B.Sc in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
Course Course Name Duration From To 4. Qualification will be relaxed for the candidates sponsored by
Code In(weeks) organizations and also candidates having relevant experience in
the related field.
PLC-101 Allen Bradley PLCs & 01 02-04-2018 06-04-2018
Ladder Programming 04-06-2018 08-06-2018 EMBEDDED SYSTEM & VLSI SECTION
23-07-2018 27-07-2018 Course coordinator: Sri T.Ragulan,Deputy Director of Training.
06-08-2018 10-08-2018 Mobile: 8121849346,
15-10-2018 19-10-2018
E-mail: [email protected]
17-12-2018 21-12-2018
04-03-2019 08-03-2019
PLC-102 Industrial Applications 01 09-04-2018 13-04-2018
using Allen BradleyPLCs 13-08-2018 17-08-2018 Course Course Name Duration From To
24-12-2018 28-12-2018 Code In(weeks)
11-03-2019 15-03-2019
MC-101 8051 Microcontrollers- 01 09-04-2018 13-04-2018
PLC-103 Allen Bradley SCADA & 01 02-07-2018 06-07-2018
Programming & 07-05-2018 11-05-2018
HMI Programming 03-09-2018 07-09-2018
Applications 02-07-2018 06-07-2018
12-11-2018 16-11-2018
03-09-2018 07-09-2018
13-01-2019 18-01-2019
01-10-2018 05-10-2018
PLC-104 Industrial Project 01 07-05-2018 11-05-2018
12-11-2018 16-11-2018
Development using 09-07-2018 13-07-2018
31-12-2018 04-01-2019
SIEMENS LOGO 10-09-2018 14-09-2018
18-02-2019 22-02-2019
19-11-2018 23-11-2018
MC-201 PIC Microcontrollers- 01 16-04-2018 20-04-2018
03-12-2018 07-12-2018
Programming & 14-05-2018 18-05-2018
20-01-2019 25-01-2019
Applications 09-07-2018 13-07-2018
PLC-105 SIEMENS (S7-300/400) 01 16-04-2018 20-04-2018
10-09-2018 14-09-2018
Programming 14-05-2018 18-05-2018
19-11-2018 23-11-2018
16-07-2018 20-07-2018
07-01-2019 11-01-2019
17-09-2018 21-09-2018
25-02-2019 01-03-2019
26-11-2018 30-11-2018
MC-301 ARM Microcontrollers- 01 23-04-2018 27-04-2018
04-02-2019 08-02-2019
Programming & 21-05-2018 25-05-2018
PLC-106 Applications usingS7- 01 21-05-2018 25-05-2018
Applications 16-07-2018 20-07-2018
300/400 SIEMENS PLC 01-10-2018 05-10-2018
17-09-2018 21-09-2018
11-02-2019 15-02-2019
26-11-2018 30-11-2018
MEC-01 Pneumatic And 01 23-07-2018 27-07-2018
14-01-2019 18-01-2019
Hydraulic 17-09-2018 21-09-2018
04-03-2019 08-03-2019
21-01-2019 25-01-2019
MEC-02 Mechatronics 01 21-05-2018 25-05-2018 B. ADVANCED EMBEDDED SYSTEM & NETWORKING
09-07-2018 13-07-2018 (AESN)
03-09-2018 07-09-2018 Course Course Name Duration From To
12-11-2018 16-11-2018 Code In(weeks)
MEC-03 Virtual Instrumentation 01 14-05-2018 18-05-2018 MC-401 Embedded 01 28-05-2018 01-06-2018
Using LAB VIEW 06-08-2018 10-08-2018 Networking 23-07-2018 27-07-2018
24-09-2018 28-09-2018 -Module 03-12-2018 17-12-2018
26-11-2018 30-11-2018 21-01-2019 25-01-2019
11-03-2019 15-03-2019
11-02-2019 15-02-2019
25-03-2019 29-03-2019 C. VLSI DESIGN
Course Course Name Duration From To
ELIGIBILITY: For courses PLC 101 to 107: NCVT/HNTC Certificate in Electronic Code In(weeks)
Mechanic or equivalent with experience in the relevant field or MC - 501 VLSI Design 01 11-06-2018 15-06-2018
Degree/Diploma in ECE/EEE/EIE/Computer Engineering or equivalent. (Front End) 27-08-2018 31-08-2018
For PLC 102 and PLC 103, PLC-101 is essential. 24-09-2018 28-09-2018
For PLC 106 PLC- 105 is essential. 17-12-2018 21-12-2018
ELIGIBILITY for MEC - 01, 02, and 03 28-01-2019 01-02-2019
18-03-2019 22-03-2019

D. IoT (Internet of Things) Eligibility: Degree/Diploma/NCVT/HNTC Certification in the relevant field
or industry Sponsored candidates.
Course Course Name Duration From To
Code In(weeks)
MC-601 IoT (Internet 01 06-08-2018 10-08-2018
of Things) 08-10-2018 12-10-2018
10-12-2018 14-12-2018
25-03-2019 29-03-2019
A. Optical Fiber Communications:
Course Course Name Duration From To
Code In(weeks)
MC-701 Optical Fiber 01 18-06-2018 22-06-2018
Communications 20-08-2018 24-08-2018
29-10-2018 02-11-2018
11-02-2019 15-02-2019 Electrical Lab
Note 1: For the course MC-301: Completion of MC-101 or MC-201 or
working knowledge in any Microcontroller is essential. GENERAL ELECTRONICS LAB
Note 2: Those who are completing the three modules MC -101, MC-201, Course coordinator: Smt V.V.Sailaja, Junior Technical Assistant.
and MC-301 will be eligible for award of the certificate on ADVANCED
Mobile: 9493106336,
the applicant has to register for each module separately. E-mail: [email protected]
Note 3: Those who are completing the modules MC-101, MC-201, MC-301
and MC-401 will be eligible for the award of the certificate on ADVANCED Course Course Name Duration From To
EMBEDDED SYSTEM & NETWORKING (AESN) and applicants has to register Code In(weeks)
for each module separately. GE-101 Basic Electronics 02 16-04-2018 27-04-2018
for Non-electronics 11-06-2018 22-06-2018
For MC-101 to MC-601: Degree-Diploma in ECE/EEE/EIE/Computer
Engineering/B. Sc (Electronics) or equivalent. people 20-08-2018 31-08-2018
For MC-701: Degree/Diploma in ECE/EEE/EIE/CSE/ B.Sc (Electronics)/NCVT/ 03-12-2018 14-12-2018
NTC/HNTC certificate in Electronic Mechanic, Instrument Mechanic with GE-102 Basic Electrical and 01 25-06-2018 29-06-2018
experience in the relevant field. Electronics 06-08-2018 10-08-2018
Course coordinator: Sri P.G.Rajendran, Assistant Director of Training. 18-02-2019 22-02-2019
Mobile: 9959179196, E-Mail: [email protected] GE-103 Digital electronics 01 30-04-2018 04-05-2018
and their 24-09-2018 28-09-2018
Course Course Name Duration From To
Code In(weeks) applications 05-11-2018 09-11-2018
EL-101 Industrial Motor 01 16-04-2018 20-04-2018 11-03-2019 15-03-2019
Control 04-06-2018 08-06-2018 GE-104 SMD soldering - 01 22-10-2018 26-10-2018
23-07-2018 27-07-2018
Desoldering 17-12-2018 21-12-2018
13-08-2018 17-08-2018
17-09-2018 21-09-2018 11-02-2019 15-02-2019
29-10-2018 02-11-2018 ELIGIBILITY:
24-12-2018 28-12-2018
28-01-2019 01-02-2019 For GE-101, NCVT/ITI/Diploma/Degree in any disciplines other than
18-03-2019 22-03-2019
EL-102 Electrical Mainte- 01 23-04-2018 27-04-2018 For GE-102 to GE-104, ITI in Electronic Mechanic/Diploma/Degree in ECE/
EEE/EIE or equivalent.
-nanceAnd Safety 11-06-2018 15-06-2018
30-07-2018 03-08-2018 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY
20-08-2018 24-08-2018 Course coordinator: Sri Bannibagi, Assistant Director of Training.
24-09-2018 28-09-2018 Mobile: 7337423615,
28-01-2019 01-02-2019 E-mail: [email protected]
18-03-2019 22-03-2019
04-02-2019 08-02-2019 Course Course Name Duration From To
PE-101 Power Electronic 01 30-04-2018 04-05-2018 Code In(weeks)
Devices And 02-07-2018 06-07-2018
Applications 27-08-2018 31-08-2018 IT-101 Windows Networking 01 07-05-2018 11-05-2018
08-10-2018 12-10-2018 and Security 06-08-2018 10-08-2018
03-12-2018 07-12-2018 12-11-2018 16-11-2018
07-01-2019 11-01-2019
07-01-2019 11-01-2019
11-02-2019 15-02-2019
25-03-2019 29-03-2019 04-03-2019 08-03-2019
PE-102 AC Motor drive 01 07-05-2018 11-05-2018 IT-201 Wireless Networking 01 14-05-2018 18-05-2018
configuration 09-07-2018 13-07-2018
and Security 13-08-2018 17-08-2018
(Siemens) 03-09-2018 07-09-2018
15-10-2018 19-10-2018 26-11-2018 30-11-2018
10-12-2018 14-12-2018 14-01-2019 18-01-2019
14-01-2019 19-01-2019 11-03-2019 15-03-2019
18-02-2019 22-02-2019

Course Coordinator: S.Satyanarayana, Vocational Instructor.
i) Diploma/Degree in CSE/IT/ECE/EEE/EIE or B.Sc/M.Sc (Electronics
Computers/BCA/MCA) or equivalent. Mobile: 9290445492.

ii) NCVT/NTC/HNTC/ITI in Electronic Mechanic, Computer operator and Course Course Name Duration From To
programming Assistant(COPA), IT&ESM, or equivalent. Basic Code In(weeks)
Knowledge of computer is essential. TH-101 Industrial Process 01 02-04-2018 06-04-2018
iii) Educational Qualification is relaxed if sponsored from organization- Sensors and 28-05-2018 01-06-2018
firm - industry.
Applications 23-07-2018 27-07-2018
24-09-2018 28-09-2018
2. PROCESS INSTRUMENTATION 19-11-2018 22-11-2018
04-02-2019 08-02-2019
PROCESS CONTROL LAB TH-102 Industrial Temperature 01 01-05-2018 04-05-2018
Course Coordinator: Sri A.M.Tupkar, Assistant Director of Training. Measurement And 25-06-2018 29-06-2018
Mobile: 9948150270, E-Mail: [email protected] Control 15-10-2018 18-10-2018
24-12-2018 28-12-2018
Course Course Name Duration From To
Code In(weeks) 04-03-2019 08-03-2019
PCL-01 Industrial Process 01 09-04-2018 13-04-2018 ELIGIBILITY :
Instrumentation 11-06-2018 15-06-2018
1. Degree/Diploma in engineering in the branch of Instrumentation
30-07-2018 03-08-2018
Engineering /Electronics and Instrumentation/Electronics and
26-11-2018 30-11-2018 communication/Chemical/Electrical/Mechanical.
14-01-2019 18-01-2019
11-03-2019 15-03-2019 2. ITI in Instrument Mechanic/Instrument chemical/Electronic
PCL-02 Automatic Process 01 16-04-2018 20-04-2018 Mechanic.
Control in Industry 18-06-2018 22-06-2018 3. B.Sc in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
06-08-2018 10-08-2018
4. Qualification will be relaxed for the candidates sponsored by
03-12-2018 07-12-2018
organisations and also candidates having relevant experience in the
21-01-2019 25-01-2019 related field.
18-03-2019 22-03-2019
PCL-03 Installation,Calibration 01 07-05-2018 11-05-2018 PROCESS PLANT LAB
and Maintenance of 02-07-2018 06-07-2018 Course coordinator: Sri B.Sharanappa, Training Officer.
Process instruments 12-11-2018 16-11-2018 Contact No: 9441618326
11-02-2019 15-02-2019 E-mail: [email protected]
PCL-04 Industrial Flow Level 01 14-05-2018 18-05-2018 Course Course Name Duration From To
Measurement and 07-01-2019 11-01-2019 Code In(weeks)
PPL-01 DCS Programming 01 23-04-2018 27-04-2018
PCL-05 Industrial Pressure 01 21-05-2018 25-05-2018
Measurement and 16-07-2018 20-07-2018 For ProcessControl 25-06-2018 29-06-2018
Control (HC900 Controller 20-08-2018 24-08-2018
PCL-06 Faculty Development 01 09-07-2018 13-07-2018 Honeywell) 10-12-2018 14-12-2018
Programme in Process 10-12-2018 14-12-2018 28-01-2019 01-02-2019
Instrumentation PPL-02 SCADA Programming 01 01-05-2018 04-05-2018
For DCS( Honeywell 02-07-2018 06-07-2018
PCL-07 Instruments Attendant 02 18-03-2019 01-04-2019
in Process Industry Experion) 27-08-2018 31-08-2018
17-12-2018 21-12-2018
04-02-2019 08-02-2019
Course Code: PCL-01 TO PCL-05
1. Degree/Diploma in engineering in the branch of ELIGIBILITY : -
InstrumentationEngineering/Electronics and Instrumentation
Electronics and communication/Chemical/Electrical/Mechanical. 1. Degree/Diploma in engineering in the branch of Instrumentation
Engineering/Electronics and Instrumentation/Electronics and
2. ITI in Instrument Mechanic/Instrument chemical/Electronic communication/Chemical/Electrical/Mechanical.
3. B.Sc in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. 2. ITI in Instrument Mechanic/Instrument chemical/Electronic
4. Qualification will be relaxed for the candidates sponsored by
organisations and also candidates having relevant experience in 3. B.Sc in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
the related field.
4. Qualification will be relaxed for the candidates sponsored by
PCL-06: Faculty and instructors Of ITI, Polytechnic and Engineering Colleges. organizations and also candidates having relevant experience in
PCL- 07: SSC/sponsored candidates by Organisations. the related field.

5. For the Course PPL-02, PPL-01 is essential.

Process Control Lab Medical Electronics Lab
3. MEDICAL ELECTRONICS: 1. Degree in Engineering in the branch of Electronics and Communication
Bio Medical/Medical Electronics/Electronics and Instrumentation.
Course Coordinator: Sri S.Srinivasu, Assistant Director of Training.
2. Diploma in Engineering in the branch of Electronics and
Communication Bio Medical/ Medical Electronics/Electronics and
E-mail: [email protected] Instrumentation.
3. ITI in the branch of Electronics/Medical Electronics.
Course Course Name Duration From To 4. B.Sc in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Nursing and related
Code In(weeks)
paramedical Courses.
ME-101 Operation and 01 23-04-2018 27-04-2018 5. Intermediate Vocational Paramedical Courses.
Maintenance of 11-06-2018 15-06-2018 6. Qualifications will be relaxed for the candidates sponsored by
X- Ray and Dark 20-08-2018 24-08-2018 organizations and also candidates having relevant experience in the
Room Systems 01-10-2018 05-10-2018 related fields.
19-11-2018 22-11-2018 O & M of BME (12 Week Course):
04-02-2019 08-02-2019
I) Diploma in Engineering (a) Bio Medical (b) Medical Electronics
ME-201 Operation and 01 30-05-2018 04-05-2018
II) B.Voc in Medical Equipment Technology,
Maintenance of 02-07-2018 06-07-2018
III) B.Sc in Paramedical courses,
Diagnostic Ultra 27-08-2018 31-08-2018
Sound Scanners 08-10-2018 12-10-2018 IV) B.Sc in Hospital Equipments Technology,
03-12-2018 07-12-2018 V) Intermediate Vocational Education with Electronics back ground,
11-02-2019 15-02-2019 VI) B.Sc Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry or Electronics.
ME-301 Operation and 01 09-04-2018 13-04-2018
Mainten ance of 28-05-2018 01-06-2018
ICU Equipments 06-08-2018 10-08-2018 Course coordinator: Sri Bannibagi, Assistant Director of Training,
11-03-2019 15-03-2019 Mobile: 7337423615,
ME-401 Operation and 01 16-04-2018 20-04-2018 E-mail: [email protected]
Maintenance of 04-06-2018 08-06-2018
Ventilators 13-08-2018 17-08-2018 Course Course Name Duration From To
18-03-2019 22-03-2019 Code In(weeks)

ME-501 Operation and 01 23-07-2018 27-07-2018 CE-101 Electronics 02 04-06-2018 15-06-2018

Maintenance of Instrumentation 10-09-2018 21-09-2018
ECG Recorders 21-01-2019 25-01-2019 for Technicians 03-12-2018 14-12-2018
ME-601 Operation and 01 14-05-2018 18-05-2018 04-02-2019 15-02-2019
Maintenance of 16-07-2018 20-07-2018 CE-201 Installation and 01 09-07-2018 13-07-2018
Physiotherapy 10-09-2018 14-09-2018 Maintenance of 08-10-2018 12-10-2018
Equipments 22-10-2018 26-10-2018 Solar panel and 17-12-2018 21-12-2018
07-01-2019 11-01-2019 LED lighting system 18-03-2019 22-03-2019
ME-701 Operation and 01 07-05-2018 11-05-2018 CE-301 Assembly & Mainte- 01 21-05-2018 25-05-2018
Maintenance of 09-07-2018 13-07-2018 -nance ofPersonal 16-07-2018 20-07-2018
Clinical Lab 04-09-2018 07-09-2018 Computers (PCs) 22-10-2018 26-10-2018
Equipments 15-10-2018 18-10-2018 24-12-2018 28-12-2018
10-12-2018 14-12-2018
18-02-2019 22-02-2019
ME-801 Electrical Safety 01 21-05-2018 25-05-2018 Diploma/Degree in ECE/EEE/EIE/Computer Engineering or B. Sc (Electronics)
or equivalent or NCVT/NTC/HNTC certificate in Electronic Mechanic,
Testing for Bio 24-09-2018 28-09-2018
Instrument Mechanic, ITESM, COPA, CHNM or equivalent with experience in
Medical Equipments 24-02-2019 01-03-2019 the relevant field. Educational Qualification is relaxed if sponsored from

Course Course Name Duration From To
Code In(weeks)

PLC_SCA Certificate Course 12 12-11-2018 01-02-2019


Automation using


PRO_CON Certificate Course 12 13-08-2018 02-11-2018

in Process Instrum- Embedded Syatems Lab

-entation and

control with DCS

ELE_MNT Certificate Course 12 08-10-2018 28-01-2019

in Electrical


O&M Operation and 12 07-01-2019 29-03-2019

of BME Maintenance of Bio

Medical Equipments

Basic Electronics Lab


Trades Courses Duration From To

Electronic Semester - I 6 Months Aug-2018 Jan-2019

Mechanic (EM) Semester – II 6 Months Feb-2019 July-2019
Computer Hardware Semester – I 6 Months Aug-2018 Jan-2019
& Networking Maintenance (CHNM) Semester – II 6 Months Feb-2019 July-2019

ELIGIBILITY: For Electronic Mechanic Trade

i) Possessing National Trade Certificate - National Apprenticeship Certificate in the Following trades
a) Electronic Mechanic
b) Mechanic Consumer Electronics Appliances
c) Technician Power Electronics System and
d) All the trades under Electronic group operated as on date.
ii) Possessing Diploma-Degree in Engineering in appropriate branch of Electronics Engineering.
ELIGIBILITY: For Computer Hardware & Networking Maintenance Trade
i) Possessing National Trade Certificate - National Apprenticeship Certificate in ITI-ICTSM-CHNM trades
ii) Possessing Diploma-Degree in Engineering in appropriate branch of Computer Science-ECE-IT-NIELT “B”.


Sector - MES Code Module Name - Title Date of ACE

Electrical - ELE701 Electrician Domestic 18-04-2018

Electronics - ELC701 Repair and Maintenance of 10-04-2018
Domestic Electronic Appliances 12-06-2018
14-08-2018 Process Plant
Electronics - ELC702 Repair and Maintenance of Office 11-04-2018
Electronic Equipments 13-06-2018
Electronics - ELC703 Repair and Maintenance of 12-04-2018
Personal Electronic Devices 14-06-2018
17-08-2018 Library
Process Installation, Repair & 19-04-2018
Instrumentation Maintenance of Temperature 21-06-2018
- PRO 101 Measuring Equipment 24-08-2018
Assessing Bodies may contact Shri.C.S. Murthy, JDT, In-Charge of ACE
IT Lab
Course Coordinator:- A.M.TUPKAR
Contact No:- 9948150270
Email:[email protected]

S.No. Course Code Course Name Duration From To

11-06-2018 15-06-2018
01 SSP-01 Soft skills and 01 Week 24-09-2018 28-09-2018
Presentation skills 10-12-2018 14-12-2018

S.No. Course Code Course Name Duration From To

Supervisory 02-07-2018 06-07-2018
01 SDP-02 Development 01 Week 08-10-2018 12-10-2018
Programme 07-01-2019 11-01-2019

S.No. Course Code Course Name Duration From To

06-08-2018 10-08-2018
01 HRD-03 HRD for Workers 01 Week 12-11-2018 16-11-2018
11-02-2019 15-02-2019



S.No Particulars General/OBC (Rs) SC/ST (Rs)
1. Registation Fee 50/- No fee
2. Admission fee 100/- 25/-
3. Tuition fee per semester 900/- 300/-
4. Library Deposit (Refundable) 500/- 500/-
5. Caution Money Deposit (Refundable) 250/- 250/-
6. Hostel Accommodation (if provided) 600/- 600/-
@ 100/- per month per candidates
7. Hostel caution Money 125/- 125/-
Deposit (Refundable)(if provided)
8. Medical check up charges 25/- 25/-
9. Hostel Service Charge 50/- 50/-
10. Gymkhana fee per semester 50/- No fee


S.No Regular short term courses per week Tailor-made courses per week
Particulars or part thereof per nominee or part there of per nominee
1. Registration & Application Fee 100/- 100/-

2. Small scale Industries & 1000/- ....

private candidates

3. Autonomous Bodies / Undertakings 2000/- 4000/-

large & medium Industries
(public/ private sector)

4. Government Departments such as 1250/- 2500/-

Railyway / Defence etc.

5. Staff Sponsored by Engneering/ 1000/- 2000/-

polytechnics colleges and other institutes

6. Gymkhana fee 10/- 15/-

Course fee has to be paid in advance or at the time of admission either in Cash/Demand Draft / Indian Postal Order in
favour of DRAWING AND DISBURSING OFFICER, ATI-EPI, HYDERABAD on any Nationalised Bank payable at Hyderabad.
However, course fee is exempeted for the nominees sponsored by our field institute of DGT and State Directorates of
Employment & Training.
Accommodation is available @ Rs.100/- per day per participant for short term courses.
All short term courses participants are awarded cetificates by the Institute on successful completion of the courses.
For placement candidates may please forward their Resumes to this institute mail ID [email protected],
further contact Mr. C.S Murthy, Joint Director of Training, Mobile No. 9849685355, placement Officer designated.
Specified application proforma may be dowloaded from the website:http// and the same may be
submitted preferably four weeks before the commencement of the particular course to the Director, ATI-EPI, Ramanthapur,
Hyderabad - 500 013, along with a passport size photograph and copies of proof of the academic and techinical Qualification
along with Registration fee. Separate application is to be submitted for each course.
Note : MSDE/Director may change or cancel any programme without assignung any reason.

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