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S.No. Chapter Page

1. Electrostatics 3

2. Current Electricity 20

3. Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism 41

4. Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents 59

5. Electromagnetic Waves 77

6. Optics 82

7. Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation 98

8. Atoms and Nuclei 104

9. Electronic Devices 116

10. Communication Systems 130

Sample Papers 137

XII – Physics 2


Weightage – 8 Marks

Electric charges, Conversation of charges, Coulomb’s Law; Force between

two points charges, forces between multiple charges, Superposition Principle.
Continuous charge distribution.

Electric field, electric field due to a point charge electric field lines, electric
dipole, electric field due to dipole; torque on a dipole in uniform electric field.
Electric flux, statement of Gauss Theorem and its applications to find field
due to infinitely long straight wire, uniformly charged infinite plane sheet and
uniformly charged thin spherical shell (field inside and outside)

Electric Potential, Potential difference, electric potential due to a point charge,

a dipole and system of charges, equipotential surfaces, electrical potential
energy of a system of two point charges and of electric dipole in an
electrostatic field.
Conductors and Insulators, free charges and bound charges inside a
conductor, Dielectric and electric polarization, Capacitors and Capacitance,
combination of capacitances in series and parallel.

Capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor with or without dielectirc medium

between the plates energy stored in a capacitor, Van de Graff Generator.

3 XII – Physics
1. Draw schematically an equipotential surface of a uniform electrostatic field
along x-axis.
2. Sketch field lines due to (i) two equal positive charges near each other (ii)
a dipole.
3. Name the physical quantity whose SI unit is volt/meter. Is it a scalar or a
vector quantity?
4. Two point charges repel each other with a force F when placed in water
of dielectric constant 81. What will the force between them when placed
the same distance apart in air? Ans. : (81F)
5. Electric dipole moment of CuSO4 molecule is 3.2 × 10–32 Cm. Find the
separation between copper and sulphate ions. Ans. : (10–3m)
6. Net capacitance of three identical capacitors connected in parallel is 12
microfarad. What will be the net capacitance when two of them are
connected in (i) parallel (ii) series? Ans. : Cp = 8 f Cs = 2 f
7. A charge q is placed at the centre of an imaginary spherical surface. What
will be the electric flux due to this charge through any half of the sphere.
Ans : q/2 0
8. Draw the electric field vs distance (from the centre) graph for (i) a long
charged rod having linear charge density < 0 (ii) spherical shell of radius
R and charge Q > 0.
9. Diagrammatically represent the position of a dipole in (i) stable (ii) unstable
equilibrium when placed in a uniform electric field.
10. A charge Q is distributed over a metal sphere of radius R. What is the
electric field and electric potential at the centre? Ans. : E = 0, V = kQ/R
11. If a body contains n1 electrons and n2 protons then what is the total charge
on the body? Ans. : (n2 – n1)e
12. What is the total positive or negative charge present in 1 molecule of
water. Ans. : 10e.
13. How does the energy of dipole change when it in rotated from unstable
equilibrium to stable equilibrium in a uniform electric field.

Ans. : decreases

XII – Physics 8
14. Write the ratio of electric field intensity due to a dipole at apoint on the
equatorial line to the field at a point at a point on the axial line, when the
points are at the same distance from the centre of dipole.

15. Draw equipotential surface for a dipole.

16. An uncharged conductor A placed on an insulating stand is brought near
a charged insulated conductor B. What happens to the charge and potential
of B? Ans : charge same, p.d. decrease
17. A point charge Q is placed at point O shown in Fig. Is the potential
difference VA – VB positive, negative or zero, if Q is (i) positive (ii) negative
charge. Ans : When Q is + ive. VA–VB > 0

When Q is – ive, VA–VB < 0


18. An electron and proton are released from rest in a uniform electrostatic
field. Which of them will have larger acceleration? Ans : ae > ap
19. In an uniform electric field of strength E, a charged particle Q moves point
A to point B in the direction of the field and back from B to A. Calculate
the ratio of the work done by the electric field in taking the charge particle
from A to B and from B to A. Ans : 1 : 1
20. If a dipole of charge 2µC is placed inside a sphere of radius 2m, what is
the net flux linked with the sphere. Ans : Zero
21. Four charges + q, –q, +q, –q are placed as shown in the figure. What is
the work done in bringing a test charge from to point 0.

+q –q


–q +q

Ans : Zero

9 XII – Physics
23. If the metallic conductor shown in the figure is continuously charged from
which of the points A,B,C or D does the charge leak first. Justify.

Ans : ‘A’
24. What is dielectric strength? Write the value of dielectric strength of air.
Ans : 3x106 Vm–1
25. Two charge –q and +q are located at points A (0, 0, –a) and B(0, 0, +a).
How much work is done in moving a test charge from point (b, 0, 0) to Q
(–b, 0, 0)? Ans : Zero

26. If an electron is accelerated by a Potential difference of 1 Volt, Calculate

the gain in energy in Joul and electron volt. Ans. 1.6 ×10–19 J, 1eV

27. Draw schematically the equipotential surface corresponding to a field that

uniformly increases in magnitude but remains in a constant (say z) direction.

28. What is the work done in rotating a dipole from its unstable equilibrium to
stable equilibrium? Does the energy of the dipole increase or decrease?

1. An oil drop of mass m carrying charge –Q is to be held stationary in the

gravitational field of the earth. What is the magnitude and direction of the
electrostatic field required for this purpose? Ans : E = mg/Q, downward
2. Find the number of field lines originating from a point charge of q = 8.854
Ans : = 1012 NC–1 m2

3. If q is the positive charge on each molecule of water, what is the total

positive charge in (360g) a Mug of water.
Ans : q × 6.02×10 23 C

XII – Physics 10
4. Derive an expression for the work done in rotating an electric dipole from
its equilibrium position to an angle with the uniform electrostatic field.

5. Show that there is always a loss of energy when two capacitors charged
to different potentials share charge (connected with each other).

6. A thin long conductor has linear charge density of 20 µC/m. Calculate the
electric field intensity at a point 5 cm from it. Draw a graph to show
variation of electric field intensity with distance from the conductor.
Ans. : 72 x 105 N/C

7. What is the ratio of electric field intensity at a point on the equatorial line
to the field at a point on axial line when the points are at the same
distance from the centre of the dipole? Ans : 1:2
8. Show that the electric field intensity at a point can be given as negative
of potential gradient.

9. A charged metallic sphere A having charge qA is brought in contact with

an uncharged metallic sphere of same radius and then separated by a
distance d. What is the electrostatic force between them.
1 qA 2
Ans :
16 o d2
10. An electron and a proton fall through a distance in an uniform electric field
E. Compare the time of fall.

11. Two point charges –q and +q are placed 2l metre apart, as shown in fig.
Give the direction of electric field at points A,B,C and D.

B –q A +q C
12. The electric potential V at any point in space is given V = 20x 3 volt, where
x is in meter. Calculate the electric intensity at point P (1, 0, 2).
Ans : 60NC–1
13. Justify why two equipotential surfaces cannot intersect.

14. Find equivalent capacitance between A and B in the combination given

below : each capacitor is of 2 µF. Ans. : 6/7 µF

11 XII – Physics

15. What is the electric field at O in Figures (i), (ii) and (iii). ABCD is a square
of side r.
q q q


q q q q q
D r C D r C D r C
q 1 2q
Ans : (i) Zero, (ii) 4 (iii) 4
0 r2 0

16. What should be the charge on a sphere of radius 4 cm, so that when it
is brought in contact with another sphere of radius 2cm carrying charge
of 10 µC, there is no transfer of charge from one sphere to other?
Ans : Va = Vb, Q = 20 C
17. For an isolated parallel plate capacitor of capacitance C and potential
difference V, what will happen to (i) charge on the plates (ii) potential
difference across the plates (iii) field between the plates (iv) energy stored
in the capacitor, when the distance between the plates is increased?
Ans : (i) No change (ii) increases (iii) No change (iv) increases.
18. Does the maximum charge given to a metallic sphere of radius R depend
on whether it is hollow or solid? Give reason for your answer. Ans : No
charge resides on the surface of conductor.
19. Two charges Q1 and Q2 are separated by distance r. Under what conditions
will the electric field be zero on the line joining them (i) between the
charges (ii) outside the charge?
Ans : (i) Charge are alike (ii) Unlike charges of unequal magnitude.
20. Obtain an expression for the field due to electric dipole at any point on the
equatorial line.

XII – Physics 12
 
21. The electric field component in the figure are Ex 2x i , E y Ez 0, . Calculate
the flux through, (1,2,3) the square surfaces of side 5m.

1 2 3

1m 2m

22. Calculate the work required to separate two charges 4 c and –2 c placed
at (–3cm, 0, 0) and (+3cm, 0, 0) infinitely away from each other.

23. What is electric field between the plates with the separation of 2cm and
(i) with air (ii) dielectric medium of dielectric constant K. Electric potential
of each plate is marked in Fig.

___________150 V

4 1 10 1
(i) ___________–50 V Ans. : E 0 10 NC , E NC
24. A storage capacitor on a RAM (Random Access Memory) chip has a
capacity of 55pF. If the capacitor is charged to 5.3V, how may excess
electrons are on its negative plate? Ans. : 1.8 × 109
25. The figure shows the Q (charge) versus V (potential) graph for a combination
of two capacitors. Identify the graph representing the parallel combination.


Ans : A represents parallel combination

26. Calculate the work done in taking a charge of 1 µC in a uniform electric

field of 10 N/C from B to C given AB = 5 cm along the field and AC = 10
cm perpendicular to electric field.

13 XII – Physics

Ans : WAB = WBC = 50 x 10–8 J, WAC = 0J

27. Can two equi potential surfaces intersect each other? Give reasons. Two
charges –q and +q are located at points A (0, 0, –a) and B (0, 0, +a)
respectively. How much work is done in moving a test charge from point
P(7, 0, 0) to Q(–3, 0, 0)? (zero)

28. The potential at a point A is –500V and that at another point B is +500V.
What is the work done by external agent to take 2 units (S.I.) of negative
charge from B to A.

29. How does the Potential energy of (i) mutual interaction (ii) net electrostatic
P.E. of two charges change when they are placed in an external electric field.

30. With the help of an example, show that Farad is a very large unit of

31. What is meant by dielectric polarisation? Why does the electric field inside
a dielectric decrease when it in placed in an external field?

1. Define electrostatic potential and its unit. Obtain expression for electrostatic
potential at a point P in the field due to a point charge.

2. Calculate the electrostatic potential energy for a system of three point

charges placed at the corners of an equilateral triangle of side ‘a’.
3. What is polarization of charge? With the help of a diagram show why the
electric field between the plates of capacitor reduces on introducing a
dielectric slab. Define dielectric constant on the basis of these fields.

4. Using Gauss’s theorem in electrostatics, deduce an expression for electric

field intensity due to a charged spherical shell at a point (i) inside (ii) on
its surface (iii) outside it. Graphically show the variation of electric field
intensity with distance from the centre of shell.

5. Three capacitors are connected first in series and then in parallel. Find the
equivalent capacitance for each type of combination.

XII – Physics 14
6. A charge Q is distributed over two concentric hollow sphere of radii r and
R (R>r), such that their surface density of charges are equal. Find Potential
at the common centre.

7. Derive an expression for the energy density of a parallel plate capacitor.

8. You are given an air filled parallel plate capacitor. Two slabs of dielectric
constants K1 and K2 having been filled in between the two plates of the
capacitor as shown in Fig. What will be the capacitance of the capacitor
of initial area was A distance between plates d?

K1 K2

Fig. 1 Fig. 2

C1 = (K1 + K2)C0

K1 K 2 C0
K1 K 2
9. In the figure shown, calculate the total flux of the electrostatic field through
the sphere S1 and S2. The wire AB shown of length l has a liner charge
density given = kx where x is the distance measured along the wire
from end A.


Q S1 S2

l l
Ans. Total charge on wire AB = Q = dx k xdn = 1 K l2
o o 2

By Gauss’s theorem.

15 XII – Physics
Total flux through S1 =

1 2
Q kl
Total flun through S2 = 2

10. Explain why charge given to a hollow conductor is transferred immediately

to outer surface of the conductor.
(See Page 83. NCERT Vol I)

11. Derive an expression for total work done in rotating an electric dipole
through an angle in an uniform electric field. Hence calculate the potential
energy of the dipole.

12. Define electric flux. Write its SI unit. An electric flux of units passes
normally through a spherical Gaussian surface of radius r, due to point
charge placed at the centre.

(1) What is the charge enclosed by Gaussian surface?

(2) If radius of Gaussian surface is doubled, how much flux will pass
through it?

13. A conducting slab of thickness ‘t’ is introduced between the plates of a

parallel plate capacitor, separated by a distance d (t<d). Derive an
expression for the capacitance of the capacitor. What will be its capacitance
when t = d?

14. If a dielectric slab is introduced between the plates of a parallel plate

capacitor after the battery is disconnected, then how do the following
quantities change.

(i) Charge
(ii) Potential
(iii) Capacitance
(iv) Energy.

15. What is an equipotential surface? Write three properties Sketch

equipotential surfaces of

(i) Isolated point charge

XII – Physics 16
(ii) Uniform electric field

(iii) Dipole

1. State the principle of Van de Graaff generator. Explain its working with the
help of a neat labelled diagram.

2. Derive an expression for the strength of electric field intensity at a point

on the axis of a uniformly charged circular coil of radius R carrying charge

3. Derive an expression for potential at any point distant r from the centre O
of dipole making an angle with the dipole.
4. Suppose that three points are set at equal distance r = 90 cm from the
centre of a dipole, point A and B are on either side of the dipole on the
axis (A closer to +ve charge and B closer to B) point C which is on the
perpendicular bisector through the line joining the charges. What would be
the electric potential due to the dipole of dipole moment 3.6 × 10 –19 Cm
at points A, B and C?
5. Derive an expression for capacitance of parallel plate capacitor with dielectric
slab of thickness t(t<d) between the plates separated by distance d. How
would the following (i) energy (ii) charge, (iii) potential be affected if dielectric
slab is introduced with battery disconnected, (b) dielectric slab is introduced
after the battery is connected.
6. Derive an expression for torque experienced by dipole placed in uniform
electric field. Hence define electric dipole moment.
7. State Gauss’s theorem. Derive an expression for the electric field due to
a charged plane sheet. Find the potential difference between the plates of
a parallel plate capacitor having surface density of charge 5 × 10 –8
Cm–2 with the separation between plates being 4 mm.
8. Derive an expression for capacitance of parallel plate capacitor with dielectric
slab of thickness t (t<d) between the plates separated by distance d.
If the dielectric slab is introduced with the battery connected, then how do
the following quantities change (i) charge (ii) potential (iii) capacitance
(iv) energy.

17 XII – Physics
9. Using Gauss’s theorem obtain an expression for electric field intensity
due to a plane sheet of charge. Hence obtain expression for electric
field intensity in a parallel plate capacitor.

10. Write five to six important results regarding eloectro statics of conductors.
(See Page 68, NCERT Vol I).

1. What should be the position of charge q = 5µC for it to be in equilibrium

on the line joining two charges q1 = – 4 µC and q2 = 16 µC separated by
9 cm. Will the position change for any other value of charge q? (9 cm
from – 4 µC)
2. Two point charges 4e and e each, at a separation r in air, exert force of
magnitude F. They are immersed in a medium of dielectric constant 16.
What should be the separation between the charges so that the force
between them remains unchanged. (1/4 the original separation)
3. Two capacitors of capacitance 10 µF and 20 µF are connected in series
with a 6V battery. If E is the energy stored in 20 µF capacitor what will be
the total energy supplied by the battery in terms of E. (6E)

4. Two point charges 6 µC and 2 µC are separated by 3 cm in free space.

Calculate the work done in separating them to infinity. (3.6 joule)

5. ABC is an equilateral triangle of side 10 cm. D is the mid point of BC,

charge 100 µC, – 100 µC and 75 µC are placed at B, C and D respectively.
What is the force experienced by a 1 µC positive charge placed at A?
(90 2 × 103 N)

6. A point charge of 2 µC is kept fixed at the origin. Another point charge of

4 µC is brought from a far point to a distance of 50 cm from origin.
Calculate the electrostatic potential energy of the two charge system.
Another charge of 11 µC is brought to a point 100 cm from each of the
two charges. What is the work done? (3.2 × 10–3J)

7. A 5 MeV particle is projected towards a stationary nucleus of atomic

number 40. Calculate distance of closest approach. (1.1 × 10–4 m)

8. To what potential must a insulated sphere of radius 10 cm be charged so

that the surface density of charge is equal to 1 µC/m 2. (1.13 × 104V)

9. In the following fig. calculate the potential difference across capacitor C 2.

XII – Physics 18
Given potential at A is 90 V. C1 = 20 µF, C2 = 30 µF, and C3 = 15 µF.

C1 C2 C3

10. A point charge develops an electric field of 40 N/C and a potential difference
of 10 J/C at a point. Calculate the magnitude of the charge and the distance
from the point charge. (2.9 × 10–10 C, 25 cm)
11. Figure shows three circuits, each consisting of a switch and two capacitors
initially charged as indicated. After the switch has been closed, in which
circuit (if any) will the charges on the left hand capacitor (i) increase (ii)
decrease (iii) remain same?
s s s

6q 3q 6q 3q 6q 3q
2c c 3c c 2c 2c

1 2 3
(1 remains unchanged, 2 increases, 3 decreases).

12. For what value of C does the equivalent capacitance between A and B is
1µF in the given circuit.
C 3
3 3
4 2
3 3
A ll capa citance given in m icro farad
Ans. : 2 µF

1. Figure shows five charged lumps of plastic and an electrically neutral coin.
The cross­section of a Gaussian surface S is indicated. What is the net
electric flux through the surface?

19 XII – Physics
R s.1

+q1 –q2

+q3 –q6


2. Without referring to the formula C = 0A/d. Explain why the capacitance

of a parallel plate capacitor reduce on increasing the separation between
the plates?

3. Draw field lines to show the position of null point for two charges +Q 1 and
–Q2 when magnitude of Q1 > Q2 and mark the position of null point.

4. In charging a capacitor of capacitance C by a source of emf V, energy

supplied by the sources QV and the energy stored in the capacitor is ½QV.
Justify the difference.

5. An electric dipole of dipole moment p, is held perpendicular to an electric

field; (i) p = E0 i (ii) E = E0 × i. If the dipole is released does it have (a)
only rotational motion (b) only translatory motion (c) both translatory and
rotatory motion?

6. The net charge of a system is zero. Will the electric field intensity due to
this system also be zero.

7. A point charge Q is kept at the intersection of (i) face diagonals (ii) diagonals
of a cube of side a. What is the electric flux linked with the cube in (i) and (ii)?

8. There are two large parallel metallic plates S1 and S2 carrying surface
charge densities 1 and 2 respectively ( 1 > 2) placed at a distance d
apart in vacuum. Find the work done by the electric field in moving a point
charge q a distance a (a < d) from S1 and S2 along a line making an angle
/4 with the normal to the plates.

XII – Physics 20
9. If a charge Q is given to the parallel plates of a capacitor and E is the
electric field between the plates of the capacitor the force on each plate
is 1/2QE and if charge Q is placed between the plates experiences a force
equal to QE. Give reasons to explain the above.

10. Two metal spheres A and B of radius r and 2r whose centres are separated
by a distance of 6r are given charge Q, are at potential V 1 and V2. Find
the ratio of V1/V2. These spheres are connected to each other with the
help of a connecting wire keeping the separation unchanged, what is the
amount of charge that will flow through the wire?



11. A pendulum bob of mass 80 mg and carrying charge of 3 × 10–8 C is

placed in an horizontal electric field. It comes to equilibrium position at an
angle of 37° with the vertical. Calculate the intensity of electric field.
(g = 10m/s2) (2 × 104 N/C)

12. Eight charged water droplets each of radius 1 mm and charge 10 × 10–
10C coalesce to form a single drop. Calculate the potential of the bigger drop.

(3600 V)

13. What potential difference must be applied to produce an electric field that
can accelerate an electron to 1/10 of velocity of light. (2.6 × 103 V)

14. A 10 F capacitor can withstand a maximum voltage of 100 V across it,

whereas another 20 F capacitor can withstand a maximum voltage of
only 25 V. What is the maximum voltage that can be put across their series
combination? (75V)

15. Three concentric spherical metallic shells A < B < C of radii a, b, c (a <
b < c) have surface densities , – and respectively. Find the potential
of three shells A, B and (ii). If shells A and C are at the same potential
obtain relation between a, b, c.

21 XII – Physics
16. Four point charges are placed at the corners of the square of edge a as
shown in the figure. Find the work done in disassembling the system of
charges. 2 4 J
–q +q

17. Find the potential at A and C in the following circuit :


1m F 5m F

18. Two capacitors A and B with capacitances 3 F and 2 F are charged 100
V and 180 V respectively. The capacitors are connected as shown in the
diagram with the uncharged capacitor C. Calculate the (i) final charge on
the three capacitors (ii) amount of electrostatic energy stored in the system
before and after the completion of the circuit.

2 F
+ –
3 F 2 F
A 10 0V 18 0V B

XII – Physics 22
19. Two identical parallel plate capacitors connected to a battery with the
switch S closed. The switch is now opened and the free space between
the plates of the capacitors is filled with dielectric of dielectric constant 3.
Find the ratio of the total electrostatic energy stored in both capacitors
before and after the introduction of dielectric.


1. q1 q3 – q2 q6 0

3. |Q1| > |Q2|, N Neutral point

+ –
Q1 N

4. In the capacitor the voltage increases from O to V, hence energy stored

will correspond to average which will be ½ QV. While the source is at
constant emf V. So energy supplied will be QV. The difference between the
two goes as heat and em radiations.

23 XII – Physics
7. Construct a closed system such that charge is enclosed within it. For the
charge on one face, we need to have two cubes place such that charge
is on the common face. According to Gauss’s theorem total flux through
the gaussian surface (both cubes) is equal to . Therefore the flux
through one cube will be equal to 2 .

q 1 2 a
8. Work done = fd cos = qEd cos
0 2

9. If E´ be the electric field due to each plate (of large dimensions) then net
electric field between them

E E´ E´ E´ E 2

Force on change Q at some point between the plates F = QE

Force on one plate of the capacitor due to another plate F´ QE´ QE 2

kq kq 7kq
10. V1
r 6r 6r
kq kq 3kq kq 4kq
2r 6r 6r 6r
V1 7
V2 4

2q 2q
Vcommon V´
4 0 r 2r 12 0r

Charge transferred equal to

r kq r k 2q
q´ C1V1 C1V ´ . .
k r k 3r

2q q
q – .
3 3

XII – Physics 24
q1 q2 q3
15. VA k
a b c
= k 4 a – k 4 b + k 4 c
= 4 a (a – b + c)

a – b c

q1 q2 q3 4 a
VB k k – 4 kb 4 kc
b b c b
a 2 2
b c
0 b

2 2 2
VC a b c

When VA = VC

2 2 2
a b c a – b c
0 0C

ac – bc + c2 = a2 – b2 + c2

c (a – b) = (a – b) (a + b)

c = a + b.

17. Q = CV

Total charge Q = Total capacitance in series × voltage

5 –3 3
10 12 10 10 coulomb
Q 10 10
c1 1 10

25 XII – Physics
Q 10 10
2V .
c2 5 10
When B is earthed VB = 0, VA = 10V and VC = – 2V.
19. Before dielectric is introduced.

1 2 1 2
2 2
E = EA + EB = CV2
After disconnecting the battery and then introducing dielectric

1 2
E´ A 3C V
2 2
Q CV 1 1 2
E´ B CV , E´ E´ A E´ B
2C 2 3C 3 2

E´ 5
E 3

XII – Physics 26

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